#kerri quinn
dirtyriver · 2 years
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"In hindsight, I might have gone a little dark on that last one."
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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low-budget sitcom spin-off with these three only. WHEN??!
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joseph-munson · 2 years
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when Eddie wakes up and catches Steve touching himself
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irlplasticlamb · 1 year
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i love you since this morning, not just for aesthetic. i wanna touch your body, so fucking electric.
prints + merch + commission info
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Good Neighbors Part 1 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: I did it :). Ok as previously stated I have never written this dynamic before so I open to all critiques and suggestions! I also set this in todays timeframe. I hope y'all enjoy.
Warnings: Reader is a soon to be divorcee and a single mom. Cute Steddie going on here with her kiddo. Definitely smut of the threesome variety and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) Steve is slightly rougher during sex but I decided to go against the Daddy Steve/Master Eddie dynamic. I don't think I'm there yet! Lol.
Word Count: 4583
“Wow!” Your son’s eyes light up as he takes a look at the outside of the apartment complex you’re moving into. “It’s so big.” 
“Yeah, it is.” To a six-year-old child you image it would seem that way but for you, coming from an actual home, this would be a substantial downgrade. As long as he was happy though, you were happy. 
“Here, weirdo. Take this.” You hand him his little suitcase so he feels useful. While you were packing his things, he would throw a tantrum if you wouldn’t let him help. 
“Mooooom! I’m strong. I can help!”
You slung a few bags over your shoulder and you both headed up the stairs to your new place. The apartment across the way was blaring loud heavy metal music causing you to huff under your breath. Your son marched in front of you and banged on your new neighbor’s door.
“Dylan! No! You know better than to knock on a stranger’s door.”
The door flung open and a tall young man about your age stood in the doorframe. He was extremely good looking with even better-looking hair. He was either about to head to work or just got back. He had on some jeans and a polo shirt with a green vest covering it. You squinted as you read the name tag; “Family Video- Steve”. 
“Excuse me, Mister. Can you turn your music down? It’s a little loud.” Dylan shook his small index finger at the man. 
He stared at him for a few seconds before a beautiful smile stretched across his face. “You know what, little man? You are absolutely right. It is loud. I tell my friend that all the time but he never listens.”
“Who the hell are you…oh.” Another boy comes into the doorway about the same age if not a little older. He had a guitar slung across his bare chest and torn up jeans that were sagging around his waist so you could slightly see the blue boxers underneath. “Who’s this?”
Dylan looks at you for approval and you nod your head, smiling down at him. “I’m Dylan and this is my mommy. We live here now.” He points at the apartment and you give them a tiny wave. 
“Well, Dylan, I’m Steve.” He points to his name tag. “And this is my friend Eddie.”
Your son grabs your hand and pulls you forward. “You have to say hi.”, he whispers. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot.” You whisper back to him, giving him a little wink. “Hi. I’m Y/N. I’m really sorry. Normally he doesn’t initiate conversations with people he doesn’t know but…”
“It’s not a problem at all. Sorry about the music. It’s his day off so when he relaxes--“
“Is the music too loud? Shit. I’m sorry.” Eddie interrupts Steve and runs back into the apartment. Steve rolls his eyes after him as Dylan covers his mouth, giggling at the curse word. 
“Can we help you guys move?”
“Oh, no it’s ok. The movers are on their way but I appreciate you asking.”
“Hey anything to help a beautiful woman and her little gentleman.” Steve flashes you a confident smile that makes you blush. “Well, if you change your mind or if you need anything, we’re here.” 
“Bye Steve!” Dylan waves at him as you pick him up, enter the apartment, and close the door. 
After the movers dropped everything off, the unpacking was under way. You wanted things to feel as homey as possible so Dylan would be comfortable. After his father left, you didn’t want more things to change for him. Something like that is already traumatic enough for a child. It only got worse when your soon to be ex-husband decided he no longer wanted to help you make payments on the house you guys had shared. 
“Where are we going to go, Charlie? He needs a roof. He needs normalcy.”
“Maybe he should come live with me then.”
“Why? So he can sit at home alone? You barely saw him when we were married but at least he had me there.”
“Oh, get off your high horse, Y/N. You better find something or I’ll be seeing you in court to take him. I’m not going to spend any extra money I do have for you to live in my house!”
The sound of the bass thumping against the walls made your eyes roll as you scrunched your nose in annoyance. Your son giggled and you responded by sticking out your tongue. 
“What are you laughing at?” Dylan mimics your face causing him to erupt in a fit of laughter again. Your phone on the counter vibrates. “Go grab that for me, you little butthead.”
Without telling you who it is he immediately puts the phone to his ear. “Hi daddy!”
“Hey, buddy! How are you doing?”
You watch him cautiously as they talk. “I’m good. I like it here.”
“You do? You’ve been there a couple of weeks now.  Met any kids your age yet?”
“Not yet but Mommy and I met Steve and Eddie. They like music really loud!”
“Oh? Well, that’s interesting. Listen, Dil, can you give the phone to mommy?”
“Ok. I love you, Daddy!” Dylan passes the phone and you stand up to take it outside. 
“Hey, Butthead. Why don’t you go get ready for bed and after I talk with your dad, I’ll read you book?” He claps his hands excited as he runs into his room. You reluctantly put the phone to your ear as you exit the front door. “How can I help you, Charlie?”
“Who’s Steve and Eddie?” He asks sternly.
“Jesus, Y/N. I can hear the music through the phone!”
You walk halfway down the stairs and sit on the middle step, your fingers pinching the bridge of your nose. “Again, something you NEED, Charles?”
“Look, I may not be able to take him this weekend.”
The smell of cigarette smoke fills the air and you wish you had one between your fingers right now. “Why didn’t you tell him that?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt him. I know how much he was looking forward to—”
“Oh? But it’s ok for me to break his heart?”
“I didn’t say that. You’re twisting my words again.” He responds to your accusation through gritted teeth. 
“So, what is it this time, huh? Work? A date? Flying to the moon to save the planet?”
“See, this why I left. Why do you have to be a bitch all the time? I’m just trying to have a conversation!”
“No, you left because of the whore I found you fucking in our bed. Good night, Charlie.” You press End and slam your phone on the step next to you. 
“He seems like an asshole.” The sound of a male voice behind you makes you jump. Turning around, you see Eddie sitting a couple of stair steps above you, a half-finished cigarette dangling from his fingers. “Sorry, Sweetheart! I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you heard me come out.”
You slide up the couple of steps to sit closer to him. His long wavy hair is nestled behind a black bandana. He’s wearing his usual jeans with a black hole riddled Metallica shirt. Eddie’s fingers reach in your direction offering you a puff from his cigarette which you eagerly accept. You can taste him on the end of it causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
“How much of that did you hear?” You ask passing it back to him. 
He makes an adorable thinking face. “Um, I came out around ‘Why didn’t you tell him?’ but stayed for the sarcasm after.” 
You smile up at him as you let out a soft sigh. “I just hate seeing that look on Dylan’s face when I have to tell him his dad can’t see him.”
Eddie nods to himself as he squishes out the cigarette on the concrete and leans back on his elbows. “Yeah, Steve and I know that feeling. From the kid’s perspective I mean. I don’t think either of our mother’s really cared about us like you do with your son.”
You reach out placing your hand gently on his knee. “I’m sorry you guys had to go through that.” His substantially bigger, calloused palm comes down to cover yours as his thumb rubs against your skin. You bring your legs up to your chest trying to hide the movement of you rubbing your thighs together. It had been such a long time since anyone had touched you let alone in a tender manner like this and the fact that the man doing the touching was incredibly good looking didn’t hurt either. 
“Eddie, oh my god, again with the music?” Steve’s voice radiated exhaustion as he climbed the stairs and leaned against the railing across from you. 
“Yeah, sorry Stevie. That was my bad. I have a couple of people from work over tonight.” He leans toward the outside wall of their apartment and bangs his fist loudly against it. His chest is inches from your face and you close your eyes and inhale the scent of him. He smells like cigarettes, of course, but there’s also touches of gasoline and an undertone of cologne he most likely sprayed on himself before work that morning. 
The door to their apartment opened and the sound of girl made your eyes fly open. Your look was met with Steve’s watchful one. Eddie swiveled his neck to face his friend. “Hey, can you turn the music down? There’s a little one trying to sleep.” He gestures towards your door.
She nods her head and closes the door again. Suddenly, you feel extremely stupid. Of course, there were girls in their apartment. Why wouldn’t there be? They were two single, attractive men. You had no reason to be jealous of the beautiful young lady who poked her head out. 
It takes you a while to notice that they are both staring at you intently. 
“Um, I should go back inside.” You quickly rise, avoiding their gaze, and climb the stairs. “Thank you for the cigarette and turning down the sound.” 
After you close the front door, you lean against it, peaking out of the peephole. Steve stomps up the stairs. 
“Really, Eddie? Good job, man.”
“What did I do? Some friends wanted to buy and they stayed over for a bit.”
Steve gives him an annoyed look. “Oh yeah, because girls in tight skirts and loud blaring metal just scream ‘Hey beautiful girl, we like you. Come spend time with us.’”
You jump and let out a little shriek as your son pulls on the back of your shirt. “Dylan! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
He giggles, shaking a book at you. “You said you would read to me.”
“I did, didn’t I? Ok, get back in bed. I’ll be right there.”
Before you turn to follow him, you take one last look out into the entrance way. Steve and Eddie were smiling at your apartment door. Eddie made an “I told you so” face at his roommate as they both entered their domain and closed the door.
Saturday night you and Dylan are lying on the couch watching a movie when there’s a subtle knock at your door. You open it to see your two handsome neighbors standing there with enormous grins plastered on their face. 
“Why, hello ma’am.” Eddie says in comical announcer style voice. Steve follows his lead. 
“We heard there might be a little boy who got stood up so we brought pizza and video games.” They each hold up the items in their hands. Eddie had the more adult beverages and some ice cream. You smile at them as you turn your head towards the inside of your apartment.
“Dylan! It’s for you.” You feel small hands hug your leg as he cautiously looks around you.
“Hey, little man.” Steve beams down at him and Dylan gasps with excitement. 
You reach over and take the pizza from his hands. “Now this here. This is for mommy.”
“No! That’s not fair!” You son chases after you into the kitchen as the boys come in and close the door.  Eddie heads for the tv and starts hooking up his gaming system. Dylan sits next to him, asking him questions. Steve joins you and helps pull plates from cabinets, serving food. He turns to look at you as you reach out and gently touch his arm. 
“Thank you, guys. For this.”, you whisper. “He was really upset when I told him his dad couldn’t see him.”
“Well, I know what it feels like to have your dad bail on you.” He leans against the counter and folds his arms across his chest. 
“Yeah, Eddie told me you guys didn’t have…great parents.” You try and tread the topic carefully not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
Steve shrugs. “It is what it is, right?” He scoots over till his side grazes your stomach, his arms dropping to hold the structure behind him. “How are you doing?”
You look up and meet his eyes, your breath catching in your throat. “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” His index finger rises from its place and lifts the lower part of your tank top, tracing the pad of his digit against your skin. You exhale shakily as his eyes never leave yours. 
“My pleasure.”
“Mom!” Dylan shouts as he rounds the corner. You jump back from Steve quickly and face your child. “Eddie and I hungry!”
“Starving.” You glance over the banister into the living room, catching Eddies smirk. There was something knowing behind it. You clear your throat, regaining your composure. 
“I’m sorry! Blame Steve, here. He moves too slow.”
“Oh, I can move as fast as you want, you just have to let me know.” He winks in your direction as Eddie lets out a chuckle. 
You grab a beer from the table where Eddie left them and handed a plate to your son. He thanks you as he runs back towards the floor. Steve hands you a plate and you playfully punch his chest. On your way to the couch, you make sure to kick Eddie lightly in the back. 
“Ow. Aggressive!” He shouts before stuffing a whole slice into his mouth making Dylan laugh. 
After many rounds of battling and button mashing on Tekken, Dylan passes out on the floor. You gently pick him up and carry him to his room, tucking him into bed. 
“That kid is so much fun.” Eddie says as you close the door and head back into the living room. 
“Thank you. Yeah, he’s a good kid. Good heart.”, you smile. 
Steve rises to his feet, extending his hand out to Eddie to help him off the ground. “So, we were thinking… would you like to come across to our place and relax for a bit? We could smoke some weed, listen to music, not at full volume of course.”
“Uh…” You take a cursory glance towards Dylan’s room.
“He’ll be ok. I mean you’re right there.” Eddie points in the direction of their apartment. 
You finally nod your head as you follow behind them through their front door. It was definitely a man’s place. It smelled musky with a mixture of their own separate scents. There were posters for bands and action movies all over the wall. The living room was a mess with a combination of take-out containers, clothes, and a couple of overflowing ashtrays spread about. 
“Sorry for the way it looks. We’ve been kind of busy.” Steve runs around grabbing trash and throwing it in a nearby bin as Eddie disappears and reappears with a little black tin box. 
“Don’t even worry about it. I have a six-year-old, remember?” Eddie chuckles as he starts rolling a joint on the coffee table in front of him. “What have you guys been busy with?”
“Work mostly.” Steve answers as comes back from the kitchen with a beer in his hand. “I’m at Family Video and Eddie works at a mechanic shop a few blocks down the way.”
You throw your body down next to Eddie’s on the couch. “Ah. That explains the gasoline smell.”
He looks at you, smirking. “You sniffing me, Princess?” You giggle as you rub your hand on his back. 
“It’s kind of hard not to. It’s strong.” He gives you an apologetic glance. “No, it’s ok. I like it. Reminds me of my dad. He used to fix up cars when I was growing up.” 
Steve takes a seat next to you. “Does he not anymore?”
“No. He passed away before Dylan was born.”
Eddie lights the joint, taking a hit before passing it to you. “I’m sorry. That must have been rough.”
The three of you sit there, casually making conversation, while you smoked. They told you about work, certain relationships, and how they came to live where they are now. You told them about your ex-husband and how he basically kicked you guys out of the house. You were extremely comfortable just sitting there talking with them. Something about them made you feel safe which is something you hadn’t felt in a very long time. Their dynamic was also something that completely fascinated you. They talked to and about each other like they weren’t just friends but like they were an old married couple. Sometimes they would exchange glances like they both had a secret you weren’t allowed to be privy to. Not yet anyway. 
“So, what do you do again?” Eddie offers you the joint but this time you decline. 
“I’m a guidance counselor at Hawkins High school. I help kids apply for college, figure out what they want to do, things like that.”
Steve chokes as he inhales. “Are you serious? That’s where we went to school!”
“For real. It took me like 30 years to graduate. Probably could have used some guidance from someone like you.” Eddie laughs as he pats your bare thigh. You notice his hand lingers before it slides up finding a home just below your shorts. Steve lifts his arm, resting it behind your head on the back of the couch. 
“Ok, what’s up with you guys?” You’re not sure if it’s the drugs or the alcohol that makes you ask the question but you feel suddenly desperate to get an answer. 
Eddie and Steve exchange a look. “You’ll have to be more specific.” Eddie leans in tossing the burned out joint in the nearest ashtray. He adjusts his body so it’s facing more toward you.
Your eyes narrow in on his before you let out a frustrated sigh. “Whatever. Nevermind.” As you start to lean forward, Steve’s fingers grab your shoulder pulling you back. 
“Let me rephrase. We WANT you to be more specific.” Steve’s tone was gentle but commanding. With his other hand, he reaches out caress your cheek. 
“Steve, she did just get out of a shitty relationship. Maybe we should go a little easy on her.” 
Your breathing stutters when you feel Eddie’s palm rub the inside of your thigh, just barely hovering near your core. Your eyes have yet to break from Steve’s slightly intimidating stare.
“Yeah? Do you think we should go easier on you?”
Your head tilts up, aggressively pressing your lips to his. You hummed at the taste of him as he slid his tongue in to meet yours. His arm came off the couch to wrap around the back of your neck, pulling you tighter to him. On instinct, your hips pivot towards him but Eddie’s strong hand held them in place. 
You turn to look in his direction as Steve continues to kiss your jawline down to your neck. You watch with lust filled eyes as Eddie reaches for the waistband of your shorts and slides them down your legs. As you lift your hips off the couch to help, Steve’s hand comes to rest behind your back trying to pull you closer.
“Steve!” Eddie laughs in amusement. “Come on, man.” Instantly his hands drop from your body and without hesitation you flip over towards the other man planting your mouth on his. Eddie tasted different but still delicious. His lips moved differently than Steves as well. Steve’s kisses felt more determined whereas Eddie’s felt more passionate. It was almost euphoric to feel the contrast at once. 
Steve reached down and lifted your legs so you were laying horizontally on the sofa. You disconnected from Eddie’s mouth long enough to turn your body so your back was against his chest; his hand immediately grabbing your face to turn your lips back to his. 
You whimpered against him when you felt Steve move the piece of cotton blocking your center as his nose grazed your clit. He slowly ran his tongue along the inside of your folds, a moan vibrating from his throat. 
“Fuck, Munson. She tastes so good.” He dives his head further into your cunt, his tongue flicking in and out of your entrance. As you turn away from Eddie to watch him, the boy behind you whispers devilishly in your ear. 
“Yeah? You like watching him eat your pussy. He says you taste fucking amazing.” Eddie’s arm reaches over you as his long fingers slide across your swollen nub. You head falls back on his shoulders as you listen to the sound of Eddie lick and suck them clean before placing them back between your legs. “He’s right. Fucking hell. Your ex-husband was a fucking moron for letting you go.”
You grind your hips against them, turning to suck on Eddie’s neck. Your left-hand clings to Steve’s hair while you right loops around Eddie’s forearm. You feel that feeling in your belly as your pussy starts to clench around his tongue. He pumps into you fast as Eddie matches his pace. You cry out a moan as the rubber band snaps and you cum against them. Both boys help ride you through it as your body twitches with pleasure. 
Eddie feels your tiny hand reaching behind you fumbling his belt. He helps you and when he lifts his hips to slide his pants below his knees you feel his hard cock slid against the outside of your puffy lips. “Fuck.”, youmoan as your glide yourself against him, your leaking juices wetting him.
He pumps himself a few times before slowly sliding into your entrance. You continue grinding your hips as you ride him. “Fuck, Eddie. So big…so deep.”, groan out as he grunts behind you. A hand softly touches your face and you open your eyes to Steve on his knees in front you, pants pushed to his ankles, pumping his own cock with his hand. 
“Does he feel good, baby?” You nod but Steve’s other hand grips your chin making you face him. “Tell me how good he feels.”
The overwhelming feeling of Eddie stretching you out makes it hard to form words and it doesn’t help when he grips your waist, thrusting up into you roughly. You lean your forehead on Steves. “He feels…so good. I’m…fuuuck…” Steve nods his head encouraging you to continue. “I’m going to cum.”
“Did you hear that, Eds?”
Eddie swallows a moan. “Yeah, I heard her. Fucking Christ, I can feel her to. Harrington, she’s so fucking tight. Y/N, can I cum inside you?” Steve’s pupils dilate as he to waits for your answer. 
Your eyes don’t leave his. “Yes. Yes, I’m on the pill.” Steve licks his lips hungrily as he pulls you by the back of the neck to kiss him. You hand grips his wrists as you breathe out silent moans. You cum around Eddie’s cock as he thrusts into you sharply before you feel his arms wrap around your front and his sweaty forehead lean down on your back as releases deep inside on you. 
You three sit there silently as you and Eddie try to catch your breath. Eddie’s soft lips run along your spine and Steve delicately pushes some hair out of your face. “You did so well, baby. Taking Eddie’s dick like that. Such an amazing, beautiful woman.” He grabs your hand and wraps your fingers around his now seemingly aching hard cock. “Do you think you can take me to?”
Eddie groans behind you as your pussy flutters at Steve’s request. You lift yourself off of him and cry at the empty feeling as you straddle Steve’s waist. He lifts you up with him as makes himself more comfortable sitting back against the couch with his feet on the floor. Steve watches you with blown out eyes as a line of spit drips from your mouth onto the tip of length. He growls as you spread it around him with your hand before guiding his cock to your center.
Both yours and Steve’s head lean back in ecstasy. You clung to his shoulders as you bounce on his dick feeling him hit that spongey spot deep inside of you making you whine. 
“Just like that, Steve. Please.” His large hands grab your neck pulling you towards him. 
“Please what? I want to hear you.”
“Please. Don’t stop. Fuck.”
He pushes your head roughly to his shoulder as he locks his arms behind your back pounding into you at a rapid pace. Another hand comes up to pet your hair and you open your eyes to see Eddie sitting back on the sofa, shoulder to shoulder with Steve. 
“You look so beautiful like this, Sweetheart.” He places a soft kiss on your lips, sliding his finger between you and Steve as he reaches for your sensitive clit, trying to match the other boy’s rhythm.
Steve releases his hold to bring you to his face. His hands firmly grip the sides of your face holding you in place. “Cum again, Y/N. I can feel it. Your close. Cum for me. I want to feel your pussy fuckin’ gripping me, babe.” As he whispered his filthy words, you panted against his lips. 
As the coil snaps for the third time, Steve brings your head back to his shoulder, holding you to him as thrusts his warm seed into your quivering body. They both murmur praises to you that you can barely hear. Eddie lifts your hair and touches your face, asking if you’re alright. 
With hooded eyes you nod, curling up closer into Steve’s neck. He picks you up slightly, sliding himself out of your entrance and turns you so both your legs are over his. Eddie gets up, grabbing your shorts from the floor, and Steve lifts you so he can get them up your waist.
The feeling of you being moved around brings you back to reality for a moment. “Hey, it’s ok. We’re just taking you home.” Eddie slings your arm around his neck as he carries you across to your apartment. Once he enters your room, he gently places you down on the bed, pulling the covers over your frame. “Good night, Sweetheart.” Eddie kisses your forehead before moving out of the way for Steve.
“Hey, I know you’re half asleep but I just wanted you to know that I checked on Dylan and he’s completely knocked out.”
You lazily smile as you fully closed your eyes again. You felt him kiss your cheek and shuffle out of the room, following Eddie back to their apartment. 
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idkevenknowwhattoput · 4 months
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So I couldn’t decide and just ended up with doing both idk how I feel about the outcome
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redroses07 · 2 years
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Stranger Things / / Scooby Doo AU
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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21 - Deep in my Heart, There’s a Trembling Question
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr / lazyjunebug on twitter
cw: bullying, name calling, misgendering/incorrect use of pronouns
Year: 1995
“Papa, daddy, can I help you garden?” Bobby asked.
“Of course, sweetie, why don’t you help me pick some weeds,” Eddie said.
He explained to her what the weeds looked like and how to properly pull them up from the ground. He sent her over to the edge of the fence to pick up some where there were no flowers, so she wouldn’t accidentally pull up any of Steve’s perennials. 
Steve went back to watering the lawn as Eddie laid some mulch near the deck. Bobby was singing and humming to herself as she pulled up the weeds and its surrounding grass. As she worked her way down the fence, the neighbor’s kids, and their friends, stormed into the backyard. Bobby politely waved hello before returning to the yard work.
As she continued plucking up blades of grass, she heard the kids taunting her. She pouted and tried ignoring them the best she could, but their torments only got louder and louder as they approached the fence.
“What’re you doing?” The neighbor boy asked.
“Gardening,” Bobby smiled.
“No, you’re just pulling grass.”
“No, my daddy and papa said I’m pulling weeds.”
“Dad and papa? You mean dad and mama?”
“No… daddy and papa…” She pointed to her fathers by the deck.
“Where’s your mom?”
“Mom? I don’t have a mom.”
“Everyone has a mom.”
“I don’t…”
“Freak!” One laughed.
“I’m not a freak,” she teared up.
“Cry baby!” Another taunted.
“Go cry to your mommy, weirdo!”
“I don’t have a mommy,” Bobby sniffed. “I have a daddy and a papa…”
“So you have two homos as parents,” one laughed. “Go cry to your homos.”
Not knowing what the boy’s words meant, Bobby wiped her runny nose on her mustard yellow sweater, and ran over to Eddie. She tapped him on the shoulder to pull his attention away from the flower beds.
“Hey, bug, what’s up? You all done with the weeds?”
“Papa,” she sniffed.
“Oh, my goodness, you’re crying.” He brushed the excess dirt off his hands before pulling Bobby into a tight hug. “What’s wrong? What happened? You bump your knee again?”
“No…” She wiped a tear off her cheek as Eddie pinched her nose go collect all the excess snot (wiping it into the lawn).
“Then what happened?” He looked at his sad daughter, pushing her hair behind her ears as she cried.
“Mrs. Smith’s son–”
“Mhmm, Eric was calling me names and told me to go cry to my mommy, but I told him I didn’t have a mommy, then he called you and daddy something, and he said I wasn’t doing the weeds right, and–” She ran on in one breath.
“Whoa, Bobbs, slow down,” Eddie said. “First of all, you don’t need a mommy, okay? You have two loving daddies and that’s what matters, okay? Second, ignore them when they call daddy and I names, okay? It’s not important and it doesn’t hurt us, so it shouldn’t hurt you. They’re just being mean.”
“Yeah, but–”
“Papa!” she interrupted. “They called you names!”
“Alright, I tried being nice about this. You want revenge? Full blown horror movie style?” She eagerly nodded. “Let’s go. Don’t tell dad.”
The two snuck into the house as Steve continued to work his way throughout the lawn. Eddie dug through their stowed away Halloween decorations for something to scare the neighborhood kids.
“Clean your face off, bug,” Eddie muttered as he grabbed a damp washcloth. He properly cleaned her face before sliding on a Jason Voorhies mask. “Give ‘em hell, kiddo.”
Eddie made his way to the backyard and watched Bobby chase after Eric and his friends. Steve’s attention was finally torn from the yard work when he heard all the children screaming. He saw his little one chasing several boys with a fake machete and a serial killer mask.
“Edward!” Steve yelled as he stormed the deck.
“Yes, Steven?”
“Are you responsible for that?”
“Christ,” he sighed.
“I’m not stopping it.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
They two let Bobby run around a bit longer before Mrs. Smith scolded Eddie and Steve for letting their child do such a thing. The two snickered to each other before calling Bobby back over to the yard.
“Are you two really laughing? She traumatized my son!” Mrs. Smith yelled.
“Oh, shut it, your son started it,” Eddie scoffed. “Next time, raise your son to not call our daughter names. Alright?”
“Eric, is that true? Were you calling Bobby names?”
“No,” he lied.
“My daughter is a tough girl who doesn’t cry at much. Whatever your son said really upset her,” Eddie said.
“And you called my daddies names!” Bobby added.
“And you called us names,” Eddie reiterated.
“Eric, in the house, now!” Her son cowered before dragging his feet inside. “Sorry for disturbing you all. Just, next time, Bobby, please don’t charge my son with a fake knife, okay?” She nodded in response. “Thank you, dear.”
A couple weeks went by and Eric hadn’t bothered Bobby since—or so the boys had thought. One afternoon, as the two were getting ready to head out and pick her up from school, the home phone rang. Eddie, being in the middle of writing a song, didn’t even hear it, so Steve wandered off to the kitchen to answer it.
“Hello?” Steve answered.
“Hi, may I speak with either Steve or Eddie Harrington?”
“This is Steve, how can I help you?”
“I’m principal Gibbons, I’m calling to inform you of an incident that occurred earlier today.”
“An incident? Is Bobby okay?”
“Yes, Bobby is fine, Mr. Harrington. It’s just…” Principal Gibbons sighed. “Bobby has been displaying some violent behaviors lately.”
“I’m sorry, what? That doesn’t sound like my little girl.” Steve shook his head in disbelief.
“Mr. Harrington–”
“Please, call me Steve—Mr. Harrington is my father, and I’m trying very hard to be nothing like him.”
“Apologies, Steve. Anyways, she got into a fight earlier today.”
“She what‽” he yelled.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie called.
“Bobby just got in a fight at school.”
“Did she win?”
“Did she win? It’s a simple question, Steve.”
“I’m not asking if she won! Christ, forgive my spouse.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’ll be right down.” Steve hung up the phone and threw his jacket on. “Ed, come on.”
“We’re going now?”
“Yes, Edward, we are. Our daughter got into a fight, lord knows if she’s hurt! We need to go, now!”
Steve dragged Eddie to the car and sped off to Bobby’s school. They swung into the parking lot and ran in to meet with the principal. They found Bobby sitting outside the office, glancing at the floor, kicking her feet back and forth.
“Bobbs, what happened?” Steve asked, kneeling to meet her gaze.
“Did you win?” Eddie asked.
“Not the time!” Steve grit his teeth. “Bobby, I thought we raised you better than this. What happened?”
“Eric…” she whimpered. “He called me names again, then called you guys names, and then he said that papa is actually my mommy and I got mad and hit him…” She rushed out in a single breath, as she often did when she was anxious. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
Steve sighed in defeat as he pulled his daughter in for a hug. He gently rubbed her back as he heard Bobby holding in tears, sniffing back her emotions.
“You can cry, Bobbs, it’s okay,” Steve whispered. “Are you okay?”
“He didn’t hit you back or pull your hair or anything, right?”
“No, daddy.”
“So you won!” Eddie threw his arms up in celebration.
“Yeah,” She giggled, wiping her eyes.
“We’ll talk to Mrs. Smith—Eric can’t keep doing this to you.”
“Harringtons,” Principal Gibbons called.
“Come on.”
Steve extended his hand to Bobby as the family walked into the office. Everyone got settled in the office as the principal prepped the paperwork.
“So, Mrs. Smith is threatening to press charges.”
“Whoa, what? No, absolutely not. Eric was the instigator here. Bobby was only standing up for herself and her family.”
“That’s not what Mrs. Smith and her son said.”
“I trust my daughter first and foremost. It wouldn’t be the first time Eric has started something like this, either. The Smith’s are our neighbors and Eric has a history of taunting Bobby. I can’t say I blame her for finally snapping.”
“Okay, Bobby, what did Eric say that started the fight?”
“He called me a ‘freak of nature’, said I have ‘homos for parents’, and that my papa is actually my mommy…”
“Eddie, Steve… we brought this concern up to you two when you were enrolling her.”
“But why should our lives have to impact hers? Yes, I’m a trans man and yeah, we’re two guys that are married, but that shouldn’t affect Bobby’s life. Especially her education. This is supposed to be a place of acceptance and learning, but instead you’re turning it into a place where people can openly bully her and then have her get punished for sticking up for herself. It’s not fair, Gibbons,” Eddie sneered. “People can call my husband and I all the names they want, but the second they bring Bobby into it, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”
“Mrs. Harrington–”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Eddie, please,” Steve urged.
“Stay out of this, Steve. Gibbons, we love our daughter and we value her safety and well being more than anything in the world. Her mental health falls into that, understand? She is a good, sweet kid who doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. I will be damned if she stays at a school where the staff openly allow her to be bullied, and one where I’m openly misgendered.”
“Eddie, it was an honest mistake,” Gibbons backtracked.
“Save it, alright? Let’s go.”
Eddie swung Bobby’s backpack over his shoulder and led her out of the room. By the time he was out the front door, Steve stood up and leaned over Principal Gibbon’s desk.
“With all due respect, Miranda, you don’t get to treat my family like this. Understand? Bobby is the sweetest child I have ever met—Eddie and I work hard to be sure of it. She would never hurt someone else without good reason. Hell, this is the first time she’s ever hurt anyone at all. She’s just a little girl who loves her family, especially her papa. She would follow him to the ends of the earth, and I couldn’t be more proud. I love my family and I’m proud of who we all are. How dare you think you can treat us like this.” Steve straightened himself out before heading to the door. “Bobby will be withdrawn as soon as we find a replacement school. One that accepts us, Gibbons. And if you even think about disciplining my daughter and not Carol’s hellion, then you’re going to have a much bigger problem on your hands. Understood?” She nodded and gulped back any response. “Good.”
Steve slammed the door and joined his family at their car. He ran his hand up and down Eddie’s back as he buckled Bobby into her car seat. He leaned over, resting his head on Eddie’s shoulder.
“We’re proud of you, bug,” he smiled.
“Yeah, really proud,” Eddie added. “What you did was super brave. I know I couldn’t’ve done what you did. Hell, I couldn’t even tell people I was a man until I was nineteen.”
“Wait, what?” Bobby asked.
“What’s up?” Eddie straightened out her jacket and rested against the door.
“You had to tell people you were a man? Do I have to tell people I’m a girl?”
“What do you mean, honey?”
“Do we have to tell people what we are?”
“Oh… I think I know what she’s getting at,” Steve said. “Bug… okay, I’ll… we’ll… let’s talk when we get home.”
Steve rushed the family home and ushered Bobby into the living room, where he sat her between himself and Eddie.
“So, bug,” Steve started. “Papa is your papa, but, at one point in his life, he wasn’t.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Bobby, I wasn’t always a papa,” Eddie said. He looked to Steve and took a deep sigh. “I used to, technically, be a mommy.”
“How? You’re a boy.”
“You’re right, I am, but I was born a girl, and legally, I still technically am—it’s how daddy and I were able to get married. My name wasn’t always Eddie, sweetheart. I was born as Eden… not Eddie.”
“So, does that mean I’ll become a boy too?”
“Not necessarily,” Eddie chuckled. “I was always a boy, but I was stuck in a girl’s body. Now, through the help of some very nice doctors, and daddy’s support, I’m a boy in a boy’s body.”
“Oh… okay.”
“I’m still papa, and I always will be, but the whole reason you got here was because I was born as a mommy. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, papa, I do.”
“Okay… just know, there’s nothing wrong with who I am, and there’s nothing wrong with daddy and I loving each other. We’re all born as who we are and we can’t change that.”
“And at the end of the day,” Steve added, “we will always love each other, and we’ll always love you. Okay? We’re a little different than most families, but we’re happy and love one another… and that’s all that matters.”
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i-me-mine · 1 year
I woke up thinking about them
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#Me every day
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
Series Masterlist
Eddie Munson/ FemReader Steve Harrington/FemReader 18+ Minors get the hose.
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Can you have two great loves in a lifetime?
You've had the ideal childhood in Hawkins with your best friend & protector Steve Harrington. When it's ripped away, can you pick up the pieces? Eddie Munson may be able to help.
A story about the pain of growing up, unrequited love, and loss. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 13/13
Read at Ao3
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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"You're the real criminal. You've stolen my heart."
Batman Funnies by Kerry Callen in Mad #9
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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shhh! this is a very important gifset #henderfam 💛
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archivequinn · 1 year
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Eddie. Why are you looking at me like that?
If you RB and/or comment, you can help me reach more people. <3
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radical-ghostface · 2 years
Steve, looking through his clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Robin: Eddie's in the kitchen.
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joseph-munson · 2 years
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Steve angry Eddie started without him.
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steveseve · 1 year
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