#kid or not; words mean things. and i hope that now we're on a similar page that you can be a little better with others.
gothiccat69 · 5 months
Sorry mate, misunderstood.
I'm glad I could explain clearly enough for you to understand.
I don't want another very long post, so I'm putting everything else I have to say in the tags.
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magoapple · 3 months
Telling the kids they're going to be a big sibling
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Pairing: hyung line x reader / maknae line
Genre: marriage au
Warnings: some suggestive but mostly heart clenching fluff
Summary: You two decide to tell your older kid(s) that they're going to be a big brother/sister.
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You found out you were pregnant again almost three months ago. Chan came up with the good idea of waiting until things were in the safe zone to tell your son Jesse, he was going to be a big brother. While Jesse was in school, you and Chan decided to go shopping and get a few things. Once you made your way back home, you got everything set up. “Channie, do you think he'll be happy? Like actually thrilled?”
Chan came to your side and wrapped his arms around your waist. “He's going to love it. I grew up with a younger brother and sister, and it was wonderful! I'm positive that Jesse will be thrilled.” You smiled and finished up what you were doing and set it aside until your son came home. Now you just had to occupy your thoughts and calm down.
When Chan went to get Jesse, you set up the house. You finished putting up the last decoration as they walked through the door. “W-wait, close your eyes!” Both boys quickly covered their eyes, making you laugh. “Okay now you can open them.” Chan opened his before Jesse and stood by your side. On the count of three, the both of you popped confetti cannons. “Surprise!”
“Woah what's all this for, it's not my birthday and I didn't pass a test, so I'm confused.” Chan ruffled his kids' hair and handed him a card. “It's something different but good, you see your mom is pregnant, which means you're going to be a big brother.” Once the words big brother left his mouth, Jesse's eyes shot towards you. “Is it true! Wait, really!” He ran, hugged you both while jumping up and down. “Oh I wished this would happen, and it did, I have to tell Minji!” The boy ran off in fits of giggles, leaving just Chan by your side. “I told you he'd be thrilled.”
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Ever since Minji heard that Jesse was going to be a big brother, she's been bugging you and Lee know about a sibling. That was well over a month ago, and you're here now staring at a positive pregnancy test. Lee know was off to pick up your daughter, and you didn't know how to react. Of course, it's been talked about, but you couldn't just flat out say it. This needed to be special for the both of them.
You grabbed your purse and headed to the store as fast as you could. You grabbed a card and a baby onesie hoping you'd make it before them, but that wasn't the case. Lee know had his phone and was about to call you as you walked through the door. “Mommy!” Minji ran and hugged you, grabbing at the bag you had. “Oh this uh Min wait-” Lee know grabbed the bag and looked inside confused.
“Well I have you both here so, well, I found out today you're going to be a big sister, Minji!” The little girl squealed and hugged you tightly and her father. “This is the best. I can't wait to tell everyone at school tomorrow!" Lee know pulled you into his arms and kissed you. “We're pregnant again? This is the best day”
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Getting pregnant the first time was very hard for Changbin and you. You had complications during the birth and were honestly a bit frightened to go through it all again. Changbin understood your fears and you both were content with your twins. However, similar to any kid they would ask about siblings, and you didn't know how to break it to them, neither did your husband.
You spent countless nights awake thinking of what to do, and it finally hit you.
It was around 1am and you shook Changbin awake. “Mmm baby what is everything okay?” You laughed a bit and moved his bangs from his eyes. “Yes, just, you know how Cho and Areum have been wanting a little sister.” Changbin sat up, nodding at your words. “Well we can get them a puppy, it's not like a sibling but in a way it is, and you used to want a dog so bad when we first got together.” You really hoped he liked the idea.
He did, and you found yourself adopting a little chocolate lab. The twins were over the moon and named him Max. As luck would have it, the following year you got pregnant and weren't as scared any more you were actually quite excited. When it came time to tell the girls, you and Changbin went all out and had a party and gave both girls baby dolls. It took some understanding, but once you told them you were having their baby sister they couldn't be happier and Max was delighted as well.
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It's been 5 months since you had your son Jin young when you found out you were pregnant again. Of course, you weren't surprised, as you and Hyunjin were inseparable. It was still shocking. You put Jin young down for a nap and thought of cute ways to break the news to your husband. You were positive he'd be thrilled, but had slight doubts.
You phoned Lee know's wife and talked to her about it. She congratulated you and talked about how she told Lee know and Minji. She gave you cute tips, and you were off to the store with your son. You didn't want to be cheesy or cliché but Hyunjin loved all that, so you went to the bakery and had a little cake be made. You got a few things for supper and headed back home, where Hyunjin was waiting for you.
“Ah ha there's my beautiful wife and handsome little boy” he took Jin young and kissed all over his face. You always knew he'd be a great dad. “Well I actually have a surprise, and we get to have dessert before dinner.” You took out the cake and told him to cover his eyes which he did but confusingly.
“Baby what is… You're pregnant?” The cake was his favorite flavor and written on it was 'Dad of 2' his face lit up and looked at Jin young. “You hear that little man you're going to be a big brother” The scene that played you wanted it to last forever.
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
a little rant while im on break at my job
okay i know we're supposed to like ghostflower ships but i... i have some thoughts.
i see the love and lust between those two in into the spiderverse, miles is so giggly around gwen and gwen is slightly less unhinged (you ALL know what im getting at, love her but our good sis gwen is.... *hand motion*) etc. allat good stuff.
but i can't see that happening especially w the events of atsv, like there's definitely room for patching up the relationship but anything romantic between the two would feel forced as fuck i feel like. and maybe that's just me being an intensely passionate empath who likes to act like a nonchalant lil asshole, but still. i LOVE gwen, sony set her up beautifully for an amazing character arc that i'm so excited to see in the next one. HOWEVER, also this could just be me being an annoying little afro latina shit, she's not coming back from opening the collectible, going through miles' sketchbook w/o permission, and the shoes on the bed. that doesn't mean i HATE her i just can't look at her the same.
now a bitch is biased because black love is forever 🔛🔝, but also in the comics and video game miles has a black love interest. there was definitely also THE connection w/ miles and margo (however i'm also kinda in favor of prowlerbyte anyway--), and lil old me in the theatre was loosing it. i think that staying true to the aspect of black love interests is also going to be so important for the community, both comic/video game fans and black fans alike, mainly because of how black men interact with black women. speaking from experience i can't even count how many times i wanted to be the short lil white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair instead of the tall and awkward black girl with the wide nose and corkscrew curls. now here's where i think my personal bias kind of skews my opinion on this, but this franchise has been so important to SO many people. again speaking from experience, when i saw miles in atsv with the EXACT same hair texture as me i almost cried because no one in the history of ever has animated my kind of hair right and miles' hair was right. on top of this i saw so many little black boys practically tripping and falling in anticipation to see this movie in theatres. so i think i favor miles having a relationship with a black girl because this will reach such a new audience and possibly open doors for black men and boys to start treating black somebody and girls with respect. because if these little boys in the theatre see their like, idol for lack of a better word, treating black women and girls with respect i think then there's gonna be an aspect of healing within that.
i'm not really sure how well i'm communicating this, but i don't really think i can fully get behind the ghostflower ship. to me it feels really fucking forced in a way that kinda icks me out, however this is not to say i won't absolutely love the shit out of these two if it happens. in a way, this franchise feels like something the black community needs in several ways. like yeah this shit is pro black but FULLY pro black, not pro-black but anti gay, trans, or whatever the fuck. it shows blackness in a new way, artsy and nerdy but also really fucking cool at the same time and i never fucking got that as a little kid. like i kid you not the other black kids in school would call me a wanna be white girl. and to see someone with similar interests as me just sort of opens the world up??? like i visited my older sister at school in the dmv while wearing a spiderverse hoodie, and people actually wanted to talk to me about it!!! like not ina "oh i like ur sweatshirt ma" type thing like a "omg you like this movie too??" type thing and i just--
yeah i def strayed from the topic, but i hope our baby does get his lil black girl (or his lil gwen, from a big sisters perspective i don't hate her as a prospective partner i just think that there would need to be a clear breakdown in the difference of cultures. for example i was taught that anytime you meet anyone formally (like a parent or something) you shake their hand and or go in for a hug and kiss BOTH cheeks and talk about their home their clothes or whatever) but for like the sake of authenticity (sorry to be that asshole but come ON) but like.... flowerbyte 🥰🥰
did this make sense i feel like i word vomited like a bitch, idk maybe i'm projecting my personal shit into a franchise i really like
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Doctor's Note
Prompt fill for both 3000 words and medical staff. This is a… very different kind of thing. Not my usual perspective, not my usual style of writing, but hey, this here is to try new things, and I had fun writing this. I hope you enjoy :)
on ao3
What's it like being a Doctor for Medical at MI6? Well, it goes a bit like this…
Hi. You must be the new Doctor working here, right?
I'm Hermine Dalton, pleasure to meet you. I've been with Six for longer than I'd like to admit to, and I'll be showing you the ropes the next few days and weeks. So, if you've got any questions, fire away. Should I at any point not be around, the nurses know more about the way of things than I do. All right, let's not dawdle. And welcome to the team.
Right, so we have a couple of divisions that you're not really used to from a normal hospital, and obviously, we're completely lacking others. No paediatrics, no oncology, stuff like that. A lot more forensic medicine and maybe in ways you're not entirely used to. And we have an intersection with Q-branch, if you're interested in that, namely with R&D where we have some guys who work on toxins and antitoxins and some creative biological weapons. That sounds a lot more malicious than it is, the creative part is mostly about how to target it and prevent the agents from accidentally injecting themselves with it or something similar. Should you wind up there at some point I have one advice for you: Trust the Q-branchers there. If they say "we can't do it like that, the agents will totally do this and that with it", no matter how outlandish it sounds, trust them. They know what they're talking about. All safety regulations are written in blood, and all that.
So this is where you'll start out. I know it's not the most exciting, but it'll give you a bit of time and peace to ease into things. So, most of this is from some sort of ongoing investigation. We have a colour coding system for prioritising those things, there's a list on the server. Take your time familiarising yourself with everything, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it fast enough. Tomorrow you can join me for my round with the current patients.
Good morning, so glad you'll join me. So, we don't have a whole lot of patients at any time, usually not more than five who are supposed to stay here. When I left last night, we had six patients, let's see how it looks this morning.
Why? Oh, let's just say there is a certain type of patient who is less than inclined to stay put.
Stop them? Oh, no, love. We... it's a recent thing, admittedly, one I've managed to painstakingly build up. It's... Let me explain this to you over a cup of tea after. Let's see the patients first, yeah?
So, that's them. Only four patients left, admittedly, but I would have made that bet. Let me show you what we do now.
Of course we'll have a coffee over it. What else is there to do? And we'll take a look at this nice little document there. Okay, so the people who were here last night and aren't anymore, that's Agent Booth, and 004. So, Booth wasn't hurt too badly, he was supposed to stay because we suspected he might have a concussion. He has a wife here in Six, she works in accounting, and they have two kids. So him not being here just means that he wants home to go and see them, and I sent his wife an email when he was admitted. She knows about his medical status, I'm not worried about him, so we'll let it go. Prep the paperwork for him to sign as soon as he's back at work, backdating it all, so that the bureaucracy monster working on the fourth floor is fed and satisfied.
Now, 004, that's a different thing. She had a... Sorry. Sometimes the job still gets to me, too. But she had a... fucked up mission. I don't want her to be alone for even a second, and she's in no good condition healthwise, either. What I do now is, I pull up the Double Oh roster, and check where 003 and 007 are. Three is out in the field, so that road's blocked. Seven is in London. Great. Let me just text him real quick.
Okay. That's done. And now we can only hope and pray.
How I know what? Oh, the mission. Yeah, no, we're not supposed to - hm. Hm. See, that's... It's easier to do than you might think. And not all agents take it too seriously. I know you've only been here for two days, and you already picked up on the reputation of Double Ohs, but...
Yes, they are the worst patients you could wish for. Horrible. Rude. Don't keep to any of your orders. But... They're our patients. I care for them. And with most of them, I've managed to build a rapport. They trust me with details of their missions, so I happen to know more than I'm supposed to. Sometimes, you find out things because you treat them. You'll get practised at it eventually, recognise certain types of injuries, all that. And other times, you have to ask, because maybe they've ingested something, or you need to know what happened to be able to judge how deep the injuries might be, how likely a concussion is, questions are important.
What that third column is? It's their handlers. Let's go through the list real quick. You will not be needing it for a good long while. Treating Double Ohs takes a bit of time until you're at a point where you can make decisions for them without them raising hell on you. But I hope the insight will help you a bit. So the first two columns are the agents and their designations. The next two are their usual handlers. They might change in between missions, but those are the two they trust the most.
If an agent comes in and they are in a really bad shape, you contact their handler as soon as they're stable and look human again. Q-branch needs to know that their charge is home safe and sound. If an agent acts up while they have a bed here, just being a little bitch, pardon my French here, you can also call their handler, and they usually get the agents in line. Do it surreptitiously, though. The agents have not yet caught on to me strategically ordering Q up when I need to get them in line, and I'd rather keep it like that for as long as possible.
Next column is significant others or people that the agents themselves have cleared for me divulging medical information and all. It's empty for a lot of them, but that's usually not as much of an issue as it sounds.
Next columns are people to send after them if they pull a runner. That one I know by heart. The trick is finding out who's available. Scarlett's first contact is, and always will be, Tanner from admin upstairs. Don't know why, I don't ask, don't care. But Tanner's busy, and I have the feeling that she would appreciate someone who knows what it's like to come back from... that. So one of the other Double Oh, then you pull up the roster, check whether they're in, and Bob's your uncle.
Okay, I know that was a lot, but you're a quick study. I know you've heard all the horror stories about our most notorious patients but... Well, I'm sure you'll figure them out. Just don't -- Don't listen too much to others.
Oi, come over here, I need another pair of hands! Don't just stand there, it's only blood and there will be more if you don't put your hands right here!
Thank you! Fuck! Fuck!
007, get out of the way now, you did your part, we'll take over from here. We've got her, she's safe.
Fuck, I need more coffee. Thanks for that. Sorry for just jumping that on you and barking orders but -- Oh. Yeah, thanks. That doesn't usually happen, mind. By the time we take care of the patients, they're usually not in any immediate danger anymore. We do surgeries, but they're stable, not bleeding out anymore. At least when they get a medevac. 007 has a horrible track record of dragging his sorry arse all the way to London by himself, no matter his physical state. But still... This is not a regular occurrence. Hold on --
Bill? Yeah, she's in room two. She's not awake yet but I don't think she should be alone. Yeah, I sent James after -- Oh hush, you know better than that. She badly pulled those stitches of hers and -- Yeah, I think so. I mean she had wet hair and was scarcely dressed, so... Go see her. Can she stay with you, if she doesn't want to hang around? I'll make sure no one's watching. Thanks.
Now, how was your first week? Eventful enough? Exactly what you expected from working at Six?
Yeah I bet. Hope we haven't scared you off. Have a nice weekend, and see you on Monday.
Oh, hello. Had a nice weekend? What can I help you with?
What was that? Oh, yes, that's... Yes. I see. Of course. Let's... I'll be right with you. What did you say that they did in Q-branch that caused this?
Right. Of course. Just a regular Monday morning, right?
I'd like you to assist me this afternoon, if you don't mind. We've got 007 coming in from his latest mission and he's being transported back in with a medevac. It's not too bad, nothing you haven't seen before in clinic.
So, how was that for your first foray into Double Oh field medicine?
Oh no, I dare say he was perfectly pleasant, actually. Oh you sweet summer child. No. That was him being kind.
All right, now, what do you know about the mission?
No no, not the things that Bond told us, however begrudgingly. The rest.
Like what? The wound on his shoulder, for example.
Oh no, that's... older. That shoulder is just banged up. If you want a case study in "how is that human body still moving?", I recommend the files of 004, 007, and the previous 006. He retired, so he, too, is still moving around, just not in active service anymore. No, what I mean is the cuts that we tended to. What happened there?
It's all right, there's no shame in not knowing. I've spent years here learning to read between the lines, and you can do your job without ever questioning the pattern of injuries. Now, what I gather from those wounds is an explosion. The way those scratches were scattered, the kind of shrapnel we got out of the wounds, it all looks like an explosion inside of a building.
Then there's the bruising. It's on the opposite side, so that suggests - exactly, the blast probably flung him into a wall. There were marks on his thighs and arms that suggest close combat. The marks on his neck were the thing prompting me to ask whether wants to get tested.
Why I offer? Most agents are really conscientious about that part. Not 001, but then, I never have to treat him, either. He's sexist like that.
Thanks for your help, by the way. Don't count on Bond hanging around for the night, though. He's mobile enough, he might make a run for it.
Oh, hi. Sure I have a moment, what's up?
Whether what--? Oh. Oh!
Right. Sometimes I forget you've not been here for ages with how well you've managed to settle in. No, no, take the compliment.
So Q snuck up here with dinner for Bond yesterday evening? That's kind of him.
Did he? Well, usually I'd say, do with that what you will, but remember one thing, in this very specific case: There is such a thing as plausible deniability. Should two people who work together as closely as an agent and their handler be in a relationship, that might end their working relationship here. There are precautions to be met and everything. Unless that's inconvenient, because they clearly work well together and who would disrupt that. So sometimes, there's nothing where there's something, and everybody knows unless someone comes asking, you see?
Yes, they are. It was the most exciting thing I've seen happen here. They're actually good for each other, if you can believe it. A lid for every pot, as my gran used to say.
004 and Tanner? Oh Lord, no. She's the godmother to his daughters, though. I think they served together. Oh, yes, Tanner's a military man. Doesn't look like it, does he? No, from what I know, they were in some deep shit together and have been inseparable ever since.
Other gossip? I mean, someone probably warned you about the Double Ohs being prone to sexual advances, especially if they think they can wheedle some special treatment out of you. Everything else, I won't tell. I'm sure you've caught plenty on your own.
Now tell me, how's your first month been? Ready to take on your own patients?
Hey, could you fetch me a rape kit real quick? I don't want to leave her alone.
She's an agent, she says she's fine, all part of the job, but... She's only human, too, you know?
Thank you.
My goodness, I've got to tell you what just happened. So, you know how Nomi's currently here? Well, she just woke up, incredibly high on pain meds, and I went through the usual questions, who are you, do you know where you are, what day is it, and she answered it in absolute Double Oh fashion, and then we got to the current events question and i asked her who the current prime minister is, and she just groaned and mumbled "Don't make me say it'' and I think that counts, too, doesn't it?
Anyway, Miss Moneypenny showed up shortly after, awfully chipper for a Friday afternoon, and spent over an hour in there for the debrief. A bit long for a person who can't string two coherent thoughts together, don't you think?
Hey, can you take over Trevelyan's check up for me? My sister's in town and I'd love to meet up with her if you -- Oh thank you so much, you're a lifesaver.
Have you ever had the pleasure? No? Oh, well, it's rather easy, though he might try to get under your skin. Don't let him, he's all bark and no bite. Terry will be here, too -- yeah, PT, that's him, and Camilla from Q-branch -- I know, I know it sounds like a big thing, but it really isn't. Just routine check up, we just all pool together because it's more convenient. Trevelyan is Q-branch's test bunny for their new prosthesis that they're trying to link to his neural pathways and muscle impulses to use a robotic prosthetic that can react to those impulses. Mostly it's Camilla and Trevelyan talking and you and Terry looking pretty until your expertise is called upon.
Yeah, they're actually on to something there. Last time Alec started asking whether they could weaponise the thing, and I'm living in fear ever since.
Oh, right, that was before you. Trevelyan was 006, not too long ago, and he has a propensity for arson and explosions.
Still has, I meant what I said. He occasionally helps out in Q-branch. Those are usually the days when the fire alert goes off somewhere in the building.
I have a note with my standard questions and procedures for this meeting so I don't forget anything, I'll forward that to you. Alec will answer the questions before you can ask them, he knows them by heart.
Thank you so much, I owe you one. No, really. If I can jump in for you at some point, please let me know. All right. Thanks. See you!
Yeah, I heard. How... Well, stupid question, but how bad is it?
It's crazy, isn't it? When it's agents, that's no big deal, but Q? I ran into James -- Yeah, probably why he didn't kick up a fuss. You're welcome, but it really only was a coincidence. That man looked murderous, and I would know.
Yeah, he's in there with Q now. And I don't think he'll leave his side. I think M officially assigned him as Q's security detail now. We'll have to take care of the visitors. Not too many and all that. Not a problem we usually seem to have, but there's a first time for everything, huh?
Anything broken?
Cracked ribs are a bitch. I bet he's glad it's not his fingers. God, that's morbid. Okay, I gotta get going. I've got a meeting with the Head of Department.
Don't call him that! You're insulting those old and cranky dragons with that comparison.
Yeah, I also shudder to think what this is about. I'll let you know as soon as I'm done. Take care of the head boffin for me, will you?
I know, I can't believe it either! Head of Medical! Look at me, having even less time for my patients from here on out.
No, it's... Wow. Still can't believe it. Then you've got a new old and cranky dragon to complain about.
Thank you so much.
Hey, what would you say to a promotion?
I can't anymore. Just shoot me, please. Or let me take a good, deep breath from one of the funny gases we have around. Chloroform, nitrous oxide, I'm not picky.
I mean, I knew that the budget meeting had the potential to be my Waterloo, but this... It's so disgusting to argue for a budget that's supposed to keep people alive. No, we can't cut back on our expenses for the blood bank, we actually need that considering the state of our agents. Goodness.
Come on, hon. Go home. You did what you could, and nobody will feel better if you run yourself ragged. You did well. Good night.
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skzoologist · 1 year
Hi hi, so I wanted to say I absolutely love your account. I was the anon who sent the very first two requests, I just didn't have the courage to send a non-anon ask. Could you maybe do something on Bae at the VMAs as Skz are performing. I think it would be really cute. It's ok if not though. Again love your account it makes me so happy
Thanks, Bye-Bye 😊
word count: ~615
warnings: none, Bae just got lost, as usual
a/n: Hey-ho! So it was you who sent those absolutely adorable and fitting first asks! Thank you so much, they still mean so much to me 😭 And congrats on sending this on non-anon, but don't ever feel pressured to do so! I accept anons and non-anons equally, so feel free to choose whichever one you feel more comfortable with. Really, thank you so much for loving this really niche and small account, it means a lot to me, especially because you are one of my regulars. I do notice you guys, don't think otherwise. I had to rush this if I wanted to post it today, since I live in Europe so everything happens when I sleep, and I also had an appointment to make today so. Yeah. Anyway, I hope you like this little drabble, I can always write more if you'd like 😊
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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Chan was befuddled.
His tallest kid was missing somehow, even though they were next to each other just 5 minutes ago.
Bae always did this, somehow disappearing unintentionally in the blink of an eye, leaving his band members in blind panic, trying to find him. Especially their leader, Chan. He swore he had white hair at this rate.
"Guys, guys, have you seen Bae? We're supposed to be on stage in like 20 minutes." - Chan asked, slight panic settling into his voice. "Where is he... ah, there. Hyung, look up." - Felix instructed immediately, the elder's eyes following.
"See that faint, moving dot on the ceiling? Somewhere under that is Bae hyung." "Wh... Is that a pointer? Why's there a pointer on him??" "Minho hyung had enough of searching for Bae hyung, so I put it into his bun, since I helped with his hair today. It's subtle enough that only we will notice it." - Hyunjin replied this time instead, amusedly looking at the moving dot of light on the ceiling. "How the... Nevermind, this is genius. Now let's go and get him." - Chan murmured out, his leader persona taking over.
The group swiftly made their way through the sea of people, careful not to bump into anyone. It was hard, but they were used to it, having been in similar situations before.
"Is that...is that Taylor Swift? Is he talking to her?" - Jisung murmured out, disbelief dripping from his voice.
And sure enough, he was right, their tallest member was standing in front of the celebrity, casually talking and... even slightly smiling? This shocked everyone, not used to their shy member doing such things. He usually just stood there silently, whenever they had to talk with strangers or acquaintances. Or even when they had to make a speech. Bae was basically a living decoration in those times.
"Bae?" - Chan asked, gaining the attention of the lost lamb. "Oh, the others are here too. Pleasure to meet you." - she introduced herself, causing everyone to immediately greet her back with a bow.
"Our time is up it seems. Take care of him boys, if everyone learns that he is this cute, even though he looks scary, everyone will be all over him. Oh, and good luck!" - and with that, she left with a smile and a wave, leaving everyone gaping at her leaving form.
"Okay dude, you gotta tell us what happened." - Jisung said as he gripped Bae's shoulders, the latter taken aback and embarrassed. "Yeah, you never do this with people! What did you do to our hyung??" - Jeongin added in, looking for the apparently lost, true Bae.
But Bae didn't really answer, he just looked away, lips pursed and cheeks dusted with a faint red colour.
"Did you get lost and she helped you?" - Seungmin said this time smugly, causing Bae to cover his face with his hand, basically confirming the puppy's statement.
This only caused everyone to burst out into laughter, gathering nearby people's attention.
"Can't believe you did it again! And S-STAY's gonna clip it, once again! They're gonna make entire compilations of you getting lost at this rate, I can't believe this!" - Felix forced out between bouts of silent laughter, trying hard not to laugh out too loudly. "Y-you mean, make more compilations? He already has several, dude!" - Jisung added salt to injury, both earning a little hit on the head from Bae. "He does, he does! Ah, don't hit me, I think it's cute." - Changbin defended himself, but it was fruitless.
"Okay, okay, I'm glad we're all happy and having fun, but we really need to go now and get ready. Especially you, our lost little otter, because you're our opening act. Now go, go go go." - Chan ushered everyone out, like a mother leading his little chicks.
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voidwritesstuff · 10 months
Nightwatch and Nightmares
Summary: war has to take the first half of the night watch on the maker tree,and finds himself with a human companion that leaves him wondering about just how far away in nature nephilim were from humans.
Cw: nightmares, unnamed human female character. (I dont really write x reader)
A/n: this was a gift for @moodymisty, also I have to clarify that I use dashes for dialogue!(my mother tongue is spanish, we use dashes for dialogue,thats just my writing style!). Misty I hope you like it!
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He knew strife was going to get him tangled up in something,its strife we're talking about.
Which is how he finds himself keeping watch over the maker tree where all the humans were. He sits the at the edge of the entrance with his sword driven into the bark of the oversized Flora, the night Sky above twinkles with stars as its clear of any clouds.
He doesnt like this- being still and having to wait.
War has done it time and time again for missions,but this? This was different. He could do it- he would do it but he hated it.
Its the middle of the night, he hopes to at least crush a demon head. Instead,what he gets makes itself know with soft steps.
Walking behind him is a human girl,young, she holds on to her clothes as the air is a little chilly. Her eyes seem lost and she seems shaken.
The human sits close to the rider,perhaps because he meant safety and she needed some of that.
War- he didnt understand humans. He understands why he protects them Yes,but the intricacies of the human condition absolutely baffle Him.
--Tis late-- he says under his breath to not startle the girl-- what are you doing awake,human?
His companion pulls her knees to her chest, resting her hands on her lap.-- nightmare.
Light from the moon filters through the massive leaves of the tree,its a mesmerizing sight to behold. Theres Beauty in this destroyed world, a glimmer of hope for the humans.
After a moment of contemplation,war asks-- perhaps you'd like a listening ear? --She shook her head and a harsh wind blows, she shivers and her body shakes-- come closer, lest you freeze to death.
Reluctantly,the girl shuffles closer,enough that his radiating body heat subsides the effects of tbe chilly air on her skin.
--Theyre very vivid-My nightmares I mean-- she murmurs-- I dont want to talk about what it was about- I just want to go back to sleep but I cant shake off that lingering fear- do you guys even get nightmares?
Usually,he'd avoid being seen as weak or vulnerable. But the human was really shaken up and he didnt know what to say-- sometimes, yes.
--I didnt know that- WOW. We're similar in more ways than I thought-- she says absentmindedly, rubbing her palm with her thumb.
Well,that takes him off guard-- similar? Nephilim and human?
The girl shrugged-- well- you can develop bonds with people, your siblings I mean and the makers, too! Thats something important for us humans--she explains-- you can feel things like a sense of duty, or Curiosity. You can create things! Ive seen strife grab pieces of the maker tree and turn them into rustic toys for the kids! We also make stuff!
--Seems you have a point, little one-- he agrees, hes never seen it from that perspective. Now its glaringly obvious to him- how didnt he see it earlier?.
--You guys have a sense of humor too! I mean strifes the best example but ive seen you and fury laugh a little. You guys have troubles and worries like we do- i mean I could Keep going
Without noticing, the human had leaned on the rider for more warmth. Not that War minded,he didnt even feel her weight.
--As interesting as your ideas are human- I rather you save your strength--he states-- perhaps soon sleep Will find you-- then he makes a pause,trying to think the best words-- youre free to stay until you feel better
Yawning,the girl nodds and rubs her eyes-- cool--she wiggles a bit to find a comfortable space to lay on and she folds her arms over her chest. Her eyes feel heavy with sleep-- awesome- yknow? You guys are really good people- I mean yeah you hide behind snarky sarcastic comments but you care about us- so thank you.
He chuckles-- theres a lot you humans dont know about us.
--Yeah but we can tell when someone is good-- she added,a few words slurred-- and you guys are really good
Before he can say anything else,the girl falls asleep quietly. Body relaxing and leaning her whole dead weight on him,he barely even noticed it. But his gauntlet does lay its hand on the human to Keep tjem warm.
--Rest human,ill Keep you safe-- he murmurs before thinking "including from nightmares"
When strife comes by to switch with his youngest brother, War carries the human to a spare bed, not sure where her room was. He makes sure the covers are well laid on her and he takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him. Humans always looked so heavenly when they rested.
He decides he could get some rest of his own,so the red rider goes to find a quiet,dark corner of the tree to sit on and rest for a few hours. In his mind linger the words of the girl,War wonders just how much humans and nephilim were similar to eachother.
Humans,they really are an interesting thing.
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yallemagne · 4 months
Every so often, the same fucking post roles up on my dash. And since it's Pride Month? You know what it's about.
Now, I will be frank, any time I see someone crying "you can't use queer for yourself because I don't want to be called a slur!!!" I do roll my eyes, though that doesn't mean I don't understand the concept.
When I didn't even know who I was, I had plenty of terms thrown at me that didn't fit. People didn't know what to call me so usually they just called me gay. I didn't like being called gay because it wasn't who I was. Gay implied something about both my gender and my sexuality that wasn't true... but I didn't know the truth yet. I could hardly correct people.
Eventually, I figured out that my ambivalence to either gender didn't mean I was bi without a preference but that I was asexual. I explained this to people who would try to categorize me as gay, "No, actually, I'm asexual.", and I would then explain the concept of asexuality. This led to sexual harassment. Getting dressed in the locker room and being told what sexual positions people imagined me in and with whom. Being made to feel like I was the pervert in those situations.
And now saying I'm ace still gets a similar response just from what I hope is a more well-meaning crowd.
"Well, ace people can have sex/want to have sex. Are you sure you're not demi/greyace? You've never even tried sex, so you don't know." Congrats for vaguely understanding the concept of a spectrum. I personally use the dictionary definition of asexual, so I do not partake in sex nor desire to.
"Well, ace people can date/want to date. You have to say ace/aro or I'll just assume you're heteroromantic." No, because for me, unless explicitly stated otherwise, asexual and aromantic are a package deal. You wouldn't demand this same clarification from someone of any other sexuality.
It's a frustrating situation where even when I am clear and using a community-approved label for myself, I am still sexualized and pressured into seeking a relationship, and it puts me back into the mind of the kid who was bullied in the locker room. That doesn't mean that ace people on the opposite side of the spectrum or with different romantic attractions are my enemy. It just means we're different, and it's lovely that we're different, and the people who attempt to weaponize the speculative chance that an ace person might be down to fuck in order to pressure that person into sex are the real assholes.
I didn't know I was trans for the longest time because gender-nonconforming trans people were paraded around as freaks and the gender-conforming ones were just barely safe from scrutiny so long as they weren't associating with those people. But I eventually figured out that I'm genderqueer. I tend to say trans-masc nonbinary, but a more encompassing label might be genderqueer, and I drop the "gender" part and say queer because it embodies my gender identity and sexuality paired together, not separated into neat little boxes.
From my own queer perspective, the frustration with being told not to use the word queer is that we either have to pick from the four most recognizable labels (lesbian, gay, bi, and trans), dip into the bargain bin of obscure and often unaccepted labels, or make up something new. We're often told that we don't fit into the big four categories, that we are a disgrace to those. Obscure labels constantly have to be explained, and people turn their noses up upon hearing them. And making up a new label always has the risk of it being swept from under us and us being told by our more "acceptable" counterparts: "Your identity offends. Change it."
People saw my gender presentation and lack of interest in dating and picked words they already knew to describe me, and since those words didn't fit me, I felt even more isolated in a time when I needed support. I got my hair cut in middle school, and it was like I was finally moving in the right direction. My friend saw and the first thing she did was laugh at me, calling me a dyke. That does not give me the right to tell dykes "Hey! That word hurt me! You have to use the softer word "lesbian" instead." Besides, it wasn't the word, it was the intent of the person who threw it at me.
No one reclaiming the word queer is using it as a slur, but we are villified and told "That word hurt me! Use a softer word!" And I have to ask: is it really any one of you non-queer-identifying individuals' business? You see someone in the process of loving themselves and finding themselves in a diverse community, and you want to shatter that because you were hurt before? That's villain origin story shit. You want to poison the well because if people are allowed to call themselves queer more people will know the word queer and think it's okay to say and randos will think that you are queer and use queer to describe you when you're actually lesbian, gay, bi, trans, whatever label you prefer. But just because someone might misidentify you doesn't mean other identities need to be pushed back into the closet.
And of course, some are upset because people say Queer Community and it's called Queer History rather than being separated out into Gay History, Lesbian History, Bisexual History, Trans History--- but dude? You can still say LGBT or LGBTQ or LGBTQIA+ (though, if you hate the word queer, I guess you'd only accept the first acronym?) when referring to the community, and people will NEVER stop using the acronym. You aren't being run out by us scary queer people with our nasty labels, YOURS STILL EXIST AND YOU ARE STILL FREE TO LABEL YOURSELF AS YOU PLEASE. Does that mean no one will ever unknowingly group you in as queer when you're not comfortable with it? No. But... I'm sorry... but fucking suck it up.
You aren't queer? Okay, yeah, I accept that. I am queer. That doesn't make you a good person and me a bad person or vice versa.
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musewrangler · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @wendingways I'm FINALLY getting around to it. :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
2, 962, 169
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, Hornblower, Narnia [just one]
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
He Who Sheds His Blood With Me
Forging Ahead
I Felt You In My Bones
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do as much as possible. I appreciate my readers making time to say something. It takes effort on their part and I want them to know I am grateful. Equally, I get lots of fun thoughts from my readers and it's delightful to interact with people. :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely the fic I could never write. ;D By which I mean---there was a prompt somewhere that said 'the aftermath of a scene you'll never write'. So I knew immediately what that was and ripped my own heart out to write "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night". Literally, I was ugly crying the whole time. And it convinced me that nope, I can never do this in my 'real' fics if you will. xD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm. I am a girl who likes a happy ending. Granted, it's after kark tons of pain and suffering usually xD, but...
I think I'll land on the Dragon Speaker. I could name quite a few others, but I spent more time developing the happy aftermath so that's why I choose it.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've said it before---I have some of the BEST readers. And I've had folks who've disagreed with some of my takes on character or plot, but they are welcome to do so if they are respectful and they are. It produces good conversation and perspective. I can think of one time I had someone actively unpleasant, but let's hear it for delete and block! :D
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. It's just not my cup of tea.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I hope not. Obviously, a lot of us have similar ideas----writing is just like that. But I don't think anyone has taken my work directly. That kind of thing does get me riled up because I know the work all of us creators have done to make these stories. Don't do it, kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes I have and it's very fun! I have a very industrious and delightful reader who has translated a lot of my work into Russian. :D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have a few times. :D
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Depends on context here. I don't read or write fics for just romance. I need purpose beyond the couple if you will. If we're talking within Star Wars then canonically it's Han and Leia. If we're going with my own fanfics it's a toss up between Mara and Max Veers and Firmus Piett and Sola Naberrie. ;D If we're talking broad literary ship Benedick and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
WIP I will never finish? What are you talking about?
Genuinely, I hate the idea of abandoning my fics. Just can't. Some of them are taking longer than I had thought, but that's ok. Life happens. I will finish. ;D
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I think I develop character fairly well. I like to have a plot mapped out before I start writing, so I think I do all right with story cohesion and flow. I am a firm believe that you need to care about the characters more than anything else. World building and correct editing are good things, but if no one cares about your characters, it can get boring and readers lose interest.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
A good balance of action, description, and dialogue. Dialogue is easy for me and I like the characters interacting. But action and description are very important as well to SEE the scene and I need to work on my descriptive choices. I'm also ridiculously impatient. I want to publish NOW. And this means that perhaps some needed editing or more polish/depth is overlooked. I'm working on that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Absolutely. I've used mando'a a lot now in Star Wars. In history AUs I've dabbled a smidge in French and Latin to set the tone a bit. Definitely do your homework whether using a real or fictional language. People notice!! :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Haha. So in terms of more serious writing like I'm doing now, it's Star Wars.
I wrote by hand in notebooks during high school for the original Star Trek. Had all kinds of crush on Pavel Chekov. xD We watched the re runs of it and I liked the movies as a kid so....
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh goodness. Can that really be answered? I like them all for vastly different reasons. If we're going for world building then likely Dragon Speaker. If we're going for in depth history fun, then The War in the Shadows. If we're going for fic I saw most clearly in my brain as I wrote and LIVED it, then Showdown at Alliance Ranch. Within the ER verse, quite possibly Fidelity because writing all that courtroom drama and the intense brotherhood of Firmus and Max going through that was just so satisfying.
But over all story? Honestly can't pick just one. Sorry!
Gently tagging @hollers-and-holmes @winterinhimring @kraytwriter @kanerallels
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dreampurpledreams · 1 year
"That's Crazy", chapter 2
A/N: I had to rush to get this out. So if there are any mistakes, tell me.
warning: Spanish may be wrong, Cursing
2.2k words below the cut.
Italics are in Miles head
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Miles was watching you.
Not like Stalking you or anything. But he was just…,watching.
It had been about 3 weeks since the two of you had met. Waking up that next morning, recalling the night before, the sense of dread Miles felt was overpowering. Strong enough to make him ignore the soreness on his head, where he had fallen on it the night before. More important than the physics assignment he was supposed to complete that Morning. No, he had bigger things I worry about.
In a hurry to talk with you, Miles rushed his morning routine. Shoving things in his bag without looking, putting his buttons in the wrong holes, not tying his shoelaces (as if he would have done that anyway🙄). He didn't even pick his hair out.
"Why are you rushing?".
Damn, all of this was too much. Miles was so focused on himself, he forgot Ganke even existed.
"I have to go get this girl-"
"Yeah I know, you were supposed to get her yesterday."
"Well now-"
"Here." Ganke slid over from his desk to Miles and handed him a folder. "It's got all her schedule, her room number and all that other jazz."
Oh. "Thanks bro."
"No problem"
Miles still didn't know what to do, Maybe…?
"I'm not going to cover for you again, which I did yesterday by the way. You should have been here yesterday to get her yourself."
"It's not that. And telling everybody I had chronic diarrhea is exactly the best cover up."
"I think you should be thanking me instead of complaining."
"I'm not thanking you for telling everybody I had bubble guts."
"Bro, Don't say it like that," his friend said, laughing, making Miles laugh too. "Anyway, how did you know I said that??"
Right, Miles had forgotten again. What is wrong with him? Why can't he focus?
"Yeah, she told me. Last night. When I came in."
"Oh you mean..??"
"Yeah, and she saw me In my suit."
……. Silence. Again with this.
"That's crazy. Well, hope you figure it out." And with that the beanie wearing boy turned to his desktop.
"Bro I'm just kidding, but to be honest, I really don't know how to help you"
"Well that helps." Miles said, sighing in exasperation.
"Dude just chill, you'll figure something out. In the meantime, you should probably brush your teeth, class starts in 10 min and you still have to go get [Name].
"What!? No we're gonna be late". Grabbing his bag Miles ran out the door.
"It's really a wonder he hasn't broken his ankles by now", Ganke said, noting that His friend's shoes still weren't tied.
Right now, he's sitting in the library, trying to study. End of the year exams were coming up, and he really needed to buckle down. He had already missed a couple lessons, and was currently trying to learn the difference between longitudinal, and transverse waves. The theory itself wasn't hard to grasp, at least not if it's taught by a teacher. But he was trying to learn it by himself. And all the vocabulary was so similar, it was hard to differentiate between them. Waves, Amplitude, nodes, harmonics, constructive interference, destructive interference. It was all the same to him.
And adding to his stresses, was a little brownskinned nymph was following him around everywhere. And not that he was complaining. He truly enjoyed your company, and even had to stop himself from inviting you to join him. And he wasn't going to pretend he didn't get excited every time he saw you. Just right now, he had other stuff to worry about. But you were the only thing that he could think about when you were around. Even when you weren't there he was thinking about you, but at least then he could regroup himself and get to work. Which was something he couldn't do when you were around. And that so happened to be one of the current problems . Wherever he was, you were there. No matter where he escaped to, you appeared. It was like you had a tracker on him somewhere.
To be honest,his first problem wasn't really much of a problem. But it made his second one all the more present.
Knocking on your door Miles could barely hold back his anxiety. What am I gonna do? How could I be so dumb? Jeez. What if she tells everyone? What if she's a bad guy? No my Spidey sense would go off then. Right? It didn't alert me about Doc Ock Caray. What am I gonna do? Maybe now I should just… Try and convince her she was dreaming or something. I'll just pretend I don't know her. Yeah I'll do that. No you can't gaslight her Miles. That's wrong. Man but I don't have a choice. Right? Maybe I can trust her….. …right? Miles didn't really have time to make a choice. You had opened the door already. Not that he was still thinking about it when the door opened. How was he supposed to think when you were looking like this? Natural face, excluding your glossed up lips. Looking into his eyes with those pretty ones, that had kept him up all night. Blinking at him, lashes mascara free, but perfectly curled somehow, making those eyes even more mesmerizing. "Mornin' laces. Here's my schedule." Laces? Since when was I laces? When did I get a nickname? No wait, I don't know her. "Umm, good Morning. My name's Miles. I'm going to be your student ambassador. Don't worry the office already gave me your schedule and stuff-" "We don't have time for your games Miles, classes start in 5 minutes. Just take mine and let's go". So you still remembered him. Looks like he has to try something else. I mean, Miles could have tried harder to convince you, but honestly….he didn't want to. He would just have to trust you. Or maybe he could tell you it was a costume or something. "So about last night-" "I'm do believe, I have physics 3 right now, but I'm not sure" "I know that but I wanted to tell you-" "Maybe you should check the paper." you said swiftly. Now looking at you, Miles realized you seemed kind of annoyed. Dios Mío. What was so important about this paper? Looking at it Miles could not understand. It had your classes, the classroom number, and the Teachers name. The only thing out of the ordinary on this paper was the note that was written on the bottom. Oh.
[Miles. Thank you for walking me around this week. I know it's your job but I really appreciate it. I hope we can continue to be friends after this. Even though we met in a weird way, and I learned more things about you than I should've, I won't tell anybody about your secret. Sincerely, Your new friend. ]
"Oh". Miles said, talking to you. Or he thought he was talking to you, but you were already up the hall. Looking back at him, you smiled. "Come on lace's, we have 3 minutes left. You need to hurry. But don't trip, we really don't have time for that." Haha. Honestly, Miles forgot you two even had to go to class. He was kinda starstruck by you. I mean you were so pretty, and so obviously smart. You were here, and in Physics 3. Students were only required to take physics 1 in their freshman year. Yet you decided to take one of the hardest highschool classes 2 more times. You even managed to talk to him about being spiderman in a way that was intelligently inconspicuous. Even if someone else found that paper, they wouldn't be able to decode its hidden meaning. It was so enticing. Miles wanted to learn everything about you. And he would seemingly get the chance, considering how you wanted to actually be his friend. Smiling Back Miles followed you to class. Followed… you?? How do you know where the classroom is? He never showed you around. That was… weird. The alarm bells sounded in his head. Against his will. The boy wanted to believe the best, he really did. But it was ingrained in him. All of this was too weird. You show up in his room. Being seemingly unsurprised at the fact he was spiderman. And just readily agreed to keep his secret. It was abnormally perfect. I mean, you were his dream girl. But this, this was beginning to be too much. "Miles!"The boy heard his name. Simultaneous with his 'LOOK OUT!' Message he was receiving from his Spidey sense. Looking up Miles had almost ran into the door of the Physics 3 classroom. They arrived. And you didn't get lost. There was that feeling, eating him up again. "Wake up city slicker. We're here on time, no thanks to you", you told the boy, smiling and lightly pushing his shoulder. "Hahaha. You knew the way…all by yourself." "Yee-ep. Administration brought me here yesterday on the search for you. I tried my best to remember everything while you were blowin' it up". Smirking slyly at Miles with explosion hands, he started to ease a bit. That was a valid explanation. Right?? "T- minus 30 seconds." Doing this weird, robotic voice and.. dance?? (He thinks). Laughing at Miles' awkward smile, you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room. "Miles" you said. Looking back at him. Making eye contact. Mi corazón. Lord this girl, it seemed like you knew what you were doing. You were doing everything in your power to draw him in. "Yeah?" "Your Zipper is down."
Soy un idiota. Zipping himself up and then walking into class The bell rang. Miles was.. Scared It was all the same questions he had the previous night, but with all different feelings behind it. Who were you? Why were you here? Why were you at this school? Are you there to hurt him? But the thing that scared him the most, Was the way he forgot about all these things, Whenever he looked into that pretty face of yours.
Miles was back to the present. Remembering where he was and what he was doing. Or supposed to be doing.
Looking around for you, Miles realized you had disappeared.
Where did you go? Did you leave?? No, he felt eyes on him. Turning his head he watched you slink through the shelves.
There was that feeling again. That constant feeling of mistrust he felt whenever you did something questionable.
He tried. He really did. But under all the joking quips, followed by your boisterous laugh. Sweet smiles that made his heart melt. The study sessions turned into video game marathons.
Miles was still suspicious. The premise of friendships, was actually a way to keep an eye on you.
He can't deny the friendship you two have.
He just… What if he's wrong about you?
The way he had gotten attached to you the past couple weeks, it was terrifying. Between all his conflicting thoughts. The way you had seemingly felt the same was even more surprising. Being spiderman was already hard enough. The insecurities Miles felt.
He couldn't measure up. Sure he was way more confident. But your friendship with him. The way you had find out about his secret. He just felt so…
But really he couldn't think about that now.
Currently you were behind him. Attempting to sneak up on him?
He hoped that's not what you were doing. You were terrible at it. Miles could feel the humor bubble up inside him. Did you really think you could sneak up on him?
Why were you sneaking up on him anyway?
What did you have planned?
The teen superhero prepared his body for…something.
Secretly keeping his eyes on you. Miles pretended to be into his book. When you finally got close to Miles, you stopped.
Moving your hands towards his… neck??
Quickly reacting, Miles wrapped his hands around yours, and looked up at you.
You started, Laughing?
"Dadgummit, I thought I was gonna get you."
Letting go of your hands, Miles felt, sheepish. What was he thinking?
Miles needed to get himself together.
Playing it off with as a joke, he laughed.
"Did you really think you could get me??"
"Well you had your headphones on so…"
Grabbing his things Miles started to walk towards the door. With you immediately following behind him.
"Nah. I gotta stay ready, you never know when danger's around the corner." The boy said all mysteriously. Looking down at his friend as the two of you exited the library.
"Or maybe, you're just paranoid". The girl told him, looking back, up at him.
You don't say, Miles thought to himself. Pushing away the thoughts of what could have happened.
I mean it was fine. He just…
Yeah. It was just him.
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Taglist @mintkookiess @ladeeznutz
Dividers @/saradika
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I have so many things running through my head right now (all about Barbatos 🫶) but I feel weird sending multiple asks so I hope you don't mind if I put them all in one!
Firstly, owl Barbatos has been flying around my thoughts for DAYS. As a long-time bird lover, I can wholeheartedly say that he's very owl like in general! But this is less about him being a cutie patootie little bird and more about his onesie thing. I NEED TO HUG HIM. He looks so soft and comfy and squeezable EEEEE! I just need to spot him from across the room and then rush up to him and envelope him in the biggest embrace ever! Place several little kisses all over his beautiful face before he's had enough and just kisses me... 🙏 He actually looks like a dream to cuddle with in his onesie I cannot stand it.
Next, I am terrified of butterflies. This current even had me thinking all about how Barbayos would deal with this. Like, I am so scared of them that when I was a child, I was kicked out of the butterfly sanctuary for screaming and crying and scaring the other kids. Anyways, LMAO, I think he'd think I'm silly (I am) but still never make fun of me. That's what's so wonderful about him, he'll never judge!
I just realized these are all completely self-indulgent, and I apologize for that, but I have one more djmsjdwnwkow. So, I had left over chain from a previous DIY project, so I made Barbatos' collar chain that he has in his demon form!! I think it's super cool, and I think he'd think it is, too. I wouldn't even tell him about it, I'd just wear it one random day and see if he notices. (He will. He notices everything. More evidence towards owl Barbatos propaganda.) But, yeah, we'd match. I was wondering if you had any silly things you'd like to match Barbatos with! Personally, matching pajamas and keychains are SO cute.
Final thought, Barbatos would make you his home screen. Anyone can see a lockscreen if you look at their phone, but only he gets to see your face on his home screen <3
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Listen, I always have Barbatos brain so I totally understand. You're free to send in one long ask or several smaller asks, it's whatever you're most comfortable with! I don't mind either way 💕
Ahh, owl!Barb is truly excellent. Like I definitely think that's a good choice for him. Owls have a reputation for being wise, right? And while I think in reality they're probably just as dumb as any other animal, I still like the association of wisdom for Barb, you know?
I actually have an owl that lives behind my house. I've never seen it because it gets dark here at night, but I've heard it hooting. It's actually pretty loud lol. But wouldn't it be cute if that was something Barbatos could do to like check in on MC in the human world? I think something similar whenever I see the crow gang that lives across the street from me, except I imagine it's Mammon. That's probably pretty silly, but I can't help but think about them, you know?
I think there are a lot of bird associations with the characters, I mean we also got peacocks for Luci. Though I have never seen or heard a peacock around my house lol. If I ever see a cow in the street, I'll blame Belphie.
Anyway, getting off topic here, which is that Barbatos in his onesie is absolutely adorable and I love him. He would be a delight to cuddle with.
OH suffering from lepidopterophobia?? LOL yes okay I looked that up because I was curious. I was like there has be a word for being afraid of butterflies. Anyway, I don't think Barbatos would judge you at all. The fact is, most phobias like this are irrational, it doesn't matter if they don't make sense. For you the fear is real and Barb cares a lot more about your comfort than anything else. He wouldn't want you to be scared or anxious about it!
Yo, no worries about self indulgence. I have so many self indulgent fics it's not even funny, this is what we're here for. I think Barbatos would be flattered that you would want to match with him. I especially like that it's something from his demon form, which he isn't in all the time, so it's like you're matching with him in a subtle sort of way. As for me, I don't know if I'd want something that's exactly matching, but I like the idea of something that's like clearly about him, you know? Like wearing a ring with a teal stone or something like that. I initially thought about wearing a teal septum ring, but then I realized I would like to be able to see it without a mirror so a regular ring would probably be my choice. I do like matching pajamas, though, that sounds adorable!
Oh yes, I like him being possessive. He's like, only I get to see this picture of MC, so it must be home screen. We'd kinda match that, too because this man is already on both my lock screen and my home screen yes I have a problem.
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naavispider · 2 years
If you playing me that mean my home aint home - chapter 10
Featuring more awkward ikran rides, Spider teaching Quaritch Na'vi (aka my favourite thing), and pLentY of father/son feels 🥺
They took off into the cool Pandoran breeze. Mercifully, the new harness gave Spider a much better grip on the ikran and he didn't need Quaritch's arm to hold him in place anymore. He was filled with a new sense of optimism as the wind blew through his hair, knowing that he was headed back to the forest - back home. Out here, his hopes of rescue were much higher. He knew Jake wouldn't have forgotten about him. Hopefully scouts would catch wind of their presence and send an attack team, and he'd finally come home.
Whatever would come, he'd deal with it.
"So how do you call an ikran, kid?" Quaritch asked from behind, breaking Spider's reverie.
"Oh. Um, I can't do it, I've never had an ikran." He turned around. "Do you not sort of, instinctively feel it?"
Quaritch looked down at the boy. This was the first time he'd asked a question that he seemed genuinely interested in the answer to.
"I guess not, huh?" Spider turned back around. "<Too much a human.>"
"What was that kid?"
"I said, I'm not surprised. You may have an avatar but you'll never be Na'vi."
Behind him, Quaritch pondered what Spider had said, a frown on his face. Kid was talkative today. Almost too talkative. Spider clearly didn't respect him for his disregard for Na'vi culture, but as he'd seen in the forest two nights ago, Spider loved talking about the 'blue ways'. He could work with that.
"How do you say hello in Na'vi?"
Quaritch was taken aback by the completely different pronunciation. "Karl - tay"
Spider snorted. "Oh my God," he said, laughing. "<That is the most tragic pronunciation ever!>"
At that, Spider received a rap on the back of his head. "Do you want to actually be helpful?"
"Say it slower... Kal."
Quaritch watched Spider shake his head, and he knew the boy was probably smirking his face off.
"You have to stop the sound in the back of your throat. Txi." Spider said it slower.
Quaritch copied the sound, happy it came out much more identical.
"Better. Now say the whole word." Spider turned around to face him again. "Kaltxì."
A smile spread across Spider's face. Well I'll be damned, thought Quaritch.
Perhaps the boy realised his moment of vulnerability, for he turned around again quickly.
"You're getting there," he replied.
"Teach me goodbye."
And Spider did. By the time Hometree came into view, Quaritch had five words under his belt, and Spider's positive attitude had infected Quaritch in a way he found terrifying. He should not be in such a good mood after just one decent conversation with the kid. He thought no more about it as he urged Cupcake to descend lower, eventually through the canopy to land in the undergrowth at the base of the ginormous tree. The squad soon landed behind him and he waited for Spider to get off first before disconnecting his queue and following suit.
"Hell yeah," Savine rallied, to which the other guys let out similar chants. Although not as big as the first Hometree, this second one was still imposing.
"Now, our mission here is the explore Sully's last known location. The tree was raided a year ago when our guys got back here from Earth, but we're looking for any signs of Na'vi returning, or potential nearby clan activity. Heads swivelling. Let's move."
Spider leapt his way in front. He didn't know if Quaritch had clicked it, but this used to be part of Spider's home. Weird was not a good enough word to describe how it felt being back here, seeing it deserted after the People had fled, and turned over by the RDA raids. He ran to the wide entrance of the tree, where the remains of the communal living areas of the Omaticaya were scattered over the floor. He took in the sight before him as the recoms caught up, guns raised.
Fike jumped and everyone turned their guns upwards as a sleeping ikran screeched in annoyance at being disturbed. The ikran took off. "You can put your guns down assholes!" Spider called. The difference in their attitude compared to his was crazy. Spider felt at home here, he knew the tree inside out, had spent years playing, learning and laughing here. He couldn't imagine anyone being afraid of imaginary dangers lurking behind every corner.
The squad fanned out, beginning to look through possessions long since left behind, trying to decipher the clues of the People. Spider started to climb the inner column. He knew where he was headed. Since Jake was Olo'eyktan, the Sullys had had a slightly more private living space higher up. That was the place that held the most memories for him, the place he longed to see again. As he climbed the coil, he could almost hear the ghost of Kiri's laugh trailing behind him.
He reached the upper level of the tree and walked across a suspended vine acting as a bridge. He could still see the recoms exploring below.
"Hey Spider! Don't go too far!" Quaritch called up.
Spider ignored him, and made his way to the room where he had fallen asleep with the Sully kids too many times to count. It was an enclosed area that offered privacy from other clan members, and it felt like home. He looked around at the walls of the tree, the empty baskets he'd helped weave, the little table Neytiri's mother had made. Against the left wall had been the sleeping area, against the right was the eating space. A cry caught in his throat.
On the wall, still pinned up, was the drawing he'd done years ago of the Sully family, with little Spider standing next to them as a Na'vi. He couldn't believe it was still here - he'd forgotten all about it. He reached out and touched the faded outline, gently reassuring himself it was real.
The drawing gave him an idea. There was a root-like vine in the corner of the room, where Spider used to hide things behind if he needed to. Only Kiri had known about it. Heart hammering, he crouched down and dislodged the vine in the wall. It put up a fair amount of resistance after a year of being untouched, but as it came loose he found what he didn't know he was looking for. He pulled out the knife and examined it in his hands. He had made this knife when he was just 12 years old. Jake had helped him, shown him how to sharpen the blade, chisel the handle and sew the casing. It had been Kiri's tenth birthday and the pair had just decided that they were going to be friends for life. He'd wanted to give her something. He'd hidden it behind the root until her birthday. The humans had arrived soon after.
He held it close to his heart, closing his eyes. "<Kiri, where are you?>"
He jumped as he heard heavy footsteps behind him. "Spider?" Quaritch called. He hadn't heard the man approach. He exhaled, turning around slowly. "What's that you got there?" Quaritch's eyes flickered to the knife held to Spider's chest.
Quaritch grabbed the knife out of his hands, examining it. "Not planning on using this toothpick were we?"
Spider grabbed it back, and the Colonel held his hands up in mock defeat. Spider turned wordlessly and replaced the knife back behind the root. He knew Quaritch wouldn't let him keep it but he'd be damned if he was going to let Quaritch have it.
"Come on," Quaritch beckoned him to leave, and he reluctantly traipsed back across the bridge. "Wait down by the entrance."
Spider was left to entertain himself while the recoms scoured the rest of the tree. He took the opportunity to rest, uninterested anymore in the ghosts of his past. After a while Quaritch called over the communicator for the squad to meet back at the entrance. They moved out to the forest, pausing to divide up water and sachets of food. His stomach growled embarrassingly loudly and Quaritch passed him a bunch of the protein bars from earlier, and a bottle of water. He removed his mask and gratefully gulped the water, before shoving half the bar into his mouth to chew while he put the mask back on. Now seemed to be a good moment while the recoms were resting, so he wandered off in search of some Yovo berries. Thankfully, he found a patch not too far from the camp, and straight away tore one open to get to the blue liquid inside. Normally, he'd mix it with sap to make it stain longer, but he was working with what he had. The berry was about the size of a football, so one was plenty. He started with his arms, reinforcing the almost completely faded stripes until they were bright again. Next he moved on to his legs and torso, and finally his face. It was difficult holding his breath long enough for the juice to dry, but he thought he did a fairly decent job. The only think missing was Kiri to do his back.
"Spider, get your ass back here now," he heard over the communicator. He sighed, knowing Quaritch was going to be mad.
He found the button on the collar that he knew would transmit his voice, and pressed. "Yeah," he said, "don't freak."
He made his way reluctantly back to camp.
Quaritch hadn't found anything immediately useful at the tree, but that was no surprise. It was hard to imagine the huge structure filled with people, going about their day to day lives inside a tree, yet their remains had been scattered everywhere. Baskets strewn across the floor spilling supplies the People had been too rushed to bring with them, spears and bows and arrows scattered on the floor. He almost felt bad for them.
Then he'd found Spider on an upper level, clutching a knife - a small one at that, presumably it was a child's. But after he'd made Spider leave, he'd caught sight of something that made him pause. A child's drawing was pinned to the wall of the tree, showing... damn. Jake Sully, his crazy wife, and five children. Under each image were their names, messily scrawled in blue crayon. Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri and... Spider. Holy shit. The kid had drawn himself as a Sully. A blue one at that.
What was that feeling rising in his chest? He couldn't name it, he couldn't even recognise it. He tried to pass it off as pity. It was definitely sad as hell. It had to be Spider that had drawn that picture. No one else would have drawn him blue. Jesus, the kid was even more messed up than he thought.
Then, while they were loading up with calories he'd realised Spider was missing, again. He called for him over the radio, thankful he'd even had the foresight to give one to him. Spider emerged from the forest, but he looked different. His fingers were stained blue, and Quaritch realised his tiger stripes were a much brighter shade of Na'vi. He forgot his anger as Spider shyly walked over, stopping just short of where he could reach for him. Quaritch huffed in acknowledgement.
He didn't know what this was. But it wasn't pity.
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the2purpleidiots · 2 years
jasonnie lives in my head rent free now 😔 /pos. i was also wondering abt your thoughts on autistic donnie? as an autistic person i love me some good rep so im constantly brain thoughts on how jase would handle donnies meltdowns or overstimulation. the idea of them having parallel play time with each other owns my whole heart ❤ but yeah just curious on what you guys think of it. love the fics btw! I've read all of it so far and i really like them 🤠
Hello, Fox here! Sorry it took so long to answer this ask! I've been busy as hell, LMAO. But, hey! I'm glad you could join the bandwagon of Jasonnie enjoyers and enablers! There are a lot more of us than I realized, haha! Also, thank you for enjoying our fics! Even though we're not on the Jasonnie fixation as of late, it's always really fun to hear everyone else enjoying these dorks!
As for your question: Personally, I adore the Autistic!Donnie Headcanon and write him autistic in all my stories, intentional or not! Parallel play is definitely something they both just clicked on without having to say a word throughout the entirety of their relationship.
In our fics, Jason grew up in a household that disregarded his existence in nearly every sense of the word. So, after they get along and spend most of their time together? Jason enjoys it when they're doing their own things, sharing space since it's so similar to what he's used to while also being everything he's never given freely. Jason's used to blending into the background and not disturbing those around him. But with Donnie, he actually gets to share the space, to co-exist with him without fear that he's being too much or doing too little. There's no need to overanalyze and second-guess things.
Donnie's family has definitely existed in spaces together, especially when Donnie is working. But there's a significant difference between your siblings trying to help out, asking what you're doing, and getting you to build something for them, and when a kid simply blends into the space like nothing has changed. It's not like his family is constantly obnoxious, but brothers can sometimes be like that. Plus, Jason's smart, he shares the same level of knowledge with Donnie even if it isn't in the same subjects or skills, but he still blends in with Donnie's world instead of sticking out against it like his family does, if that makes sense?
It's like a mix of comforts and mutual unsaid understandings between them. They know how this shared space goes, and they both enjoy how the other exists naturally, so it's like a safe little bubble that they can get wrapped up in sometimes.
I would probably have more Jason and Autistic!Donnie Headcanons to share, but honestly, most of my Autistic!Donnie Headcanons are for my other fic series, and I have yet to think about these boys through that lens in a hot minute! (Any Autistic!Donnie-related Jasonnie ideas that are floating in my head are from the amazing people on the Jasonnie Discord Server and not my own.)
But a scene I think about a lot is Donnie and Jason cooking together. The two of them bond over their Asian Cultures, sharing their foods with each other, especially modified ones, to ensure the taste and texture doesn't disturb or overstimulate Donnie.
Also! Jason knowing his meltdown routine after a year of them being together is definitely something that delights me to no end. Knowing that when you're in that place and know you have someone you can trust to know exactly what you need and always try and follow that for you no matter how worried or hurt they may be in that moment? Because your health comes first, and they understand that? That everything that may have happened before can always be dealt with later? Fucking masterful; it means everything to me.
I do have to apologize, dear anon, for the more vague Headcanons, though? As I said before, it's been a moment since I truly obsessed over these two, but I hope I answered your question? If you have more, I'm more than happy to ramble about them and talk about them! <3
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Danganronpa 3 Despair arc episode 7
Oh so we're just gonna jump immediately into last time, which was Junko running into Ryota.
And interrogating him now.
Never thought I'd here Junko Enoshima utter the word weeb and yet here we are.
Rude, animators deserve more recognition and stuff.
The irony of an anime character going on a rant about how important anime is.
To another anime character who doesn't like anime.
The fourth wall is taking some hits this episode.
Wasn't expecting him to than show her his project.
And than for to cry.
I love how they had to include a *This is her personal opinion* note as Junko wacks down a bunch of manga with a bat.
Mukuro crying face was legitimately terrifying tho.
Oh no, don't tell Junko how to influence anyone's brains with subliminal messaging.
... Or with anything.
I thought this was just a bit but nope... This is bad... Oh no.
I'm gonna be saying that a lot aren't I.
This is what I get for wondering what Ryota was doing during all of this, because while apart of the 77th class, he's not apart of the killing game or the Remnants.
But he's part of the Future Foundation.
I am concerned about the casual conversation about using media to brainwash people and than Ryota ends it with making the world a better place.
And her smile, oh he is so gonna be a tool for destruction.
Aaannnd Gundam is doing poses with a bear.
Love to see it.
Nagito's still suspended... And was in a plane crash and ended up a deserted island.
Typical Nagito things.
.... Didn't need to see him showering in a waterfall...
And of course straight after that is Teruteru putting a banana through a donut.
I gotta hand it to these guys they really embodied high schoolers.
Gundam saying silence you perverts as a bear chomps on their hands, the best response.
And Ryota's been missing for a week.
I'm sure Junko had nothing to do with that.
Ugh Juzo's here.
Just when I had my hopes up I wouldn't have to deal with him for a while.
But fine, what you gotta say.
... Oh 20 staff members have gone missing... Nevermind that is important.
Juzo, you are the dangerous people. Maybe not specifically these dangerous people, but you do be dangerous.
.... Chisa why would you wanna lay your life down for Munakata?
Literally.... Why?
"Don't let emotions infer with the job you're here to do."
Those are bold words for you of all people to utter, Mr I damn near beat Hajime into a coma.
Get off you're high horse.
Ryota I get what you mean by the new equipment is great but you're always alone, how are you more alone here?
What cos Twogami ain't here to make sure your still alive?
Mukuro casually kidnapping Mikan.
Typical day for both of them.
Given how Mikan... Talks about Junko... I am not looking forward to this.
Junko's analyse face is disturbing.
So she was able to, on the second watch figure out how the brainwashing works... Wow.
No yeah, ultimate analyst makes sense.
Oh look it's Izuru.
And she asked him out.
I don't ship it.
OH! I should've seen that coming but nope.
Just bodies hitting the ground, and the bloods pink again.
I guess that would be her version of a date, and Junko's the one doing the killing.
Which is somehow more terrifying
She's usually the woman in the chair, but seeing Junko be the one actively killing and torturing people is creepy.
I dunno if I've mentioned it before but I like Izuru's voice because it very much sounds like if someone had their soul drained out.
And it sounds similar to Hajime's but also not.
... Oh... Oh no...
There's kids in the classroom....and she wants to show Izuru despair on a bigger scale.
The student council too... Not just some random students.
I had heard there were other killing games, or at the very least the 78th class wasn't the first.
So this is the first killing game... Ohh that is good.
Man the guy telling everyone to calm sounds so much like Ishimaru in both the sound of his voice and his words.
This is so much scarier than any killing game shown in the games... Holyshit Mukuro just shot a student and went you don't fall in line and do the same you'll end up like her.
No crazy executions.
No class trial.
No Monokuma.
This is terrifying.
Well at least we still have the motive videos.
Mukuro singing while this goes on is just yeah sure.
And it just keeps going... Fuck.
Also it can't be a coincidence that some of these kids loosely resemble the 78th class
I love that the chainsaw says Jason Freddy.
And the fact the last one manager to graze Izuru's cheek.
Typical hopes peak wanting to cover it up, even though Jin does want to say something.
Huh I wonder if that guy stuck with Kirigiri in the present because her father asked him to keep an eye on her if something happened to him.
Junko exposing the whole Kamakura project and the student council massacre.
And using Izuru as the scapegoat.
So now the reserve course is coming for the main school.
"Where did you go Hinata?"
Oh erm... You don't wanna know Chiaki.
Trust me on that.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
"Oh gosh yeah, I mean my father was a huge fan of David Lean's 'Lawrence of Arabia' and in the 80s, they released a director's cut. They had allowed Lean to go in and restore certain scenes, they found footage, he put a lot of care and attention into that in the mid-80s; I think it was actually Spielberg and Scorsese who'd enabled that. So he took me to the movie theater in Chicago, McClurg's it was called, it was the big screen there, to watch it on 70mm, and so I got to have sort of, have the experience that he had had as a, as a young man watching it and no, it was, it was a very special experience and I think movies can do that - they can bring people together in the most extraordinary ways."
"Yeah I think there's a very strong relationship. What I learned on that film was that it's a very helpful, milepost for the audience; it's a helpful signifier of where they're going on the journey and I wanted to use that again. It's technically and aesthetically, it's an enjoyable way to work because the color is reinvigorated every time we come back to it, the black and white is special every time you cut to it. But more than that, it's a very important narrative technique for just trying to orient the audience; Memento was a very complex film, you know, we'll talk backwards and all that - it really helped guide the audience through some feeling of orientation with a complex story. And with Oppenheimer it's a differently complex story but I really want people to feel the difference between when they're watching the color sequences they're in his head; they're seeing just what he saw and experiencing the world the way he saw it. Black and white, we're more in Robert Downey Jr.'s character, Lewis Strauss; we're more in his point of view. We're looking at Oppenheimer from across the room rather than right over his shoulder, and black and white color is a nice sort of subliminal way of, of doing that."
"...a similar approach to the practical, to trying to photograph real world things, to give, you know that first detonation of the atomic bomb was one of the most, must have been one of the most hypnotic and terrifying things; beautiful, terrifying in equal measure, and so we really needed to find a way in this film to represent that in a way that the audience could feel some of that, that extraordinary sense of witnessing that first unleashing of the power of the atom."
"I mean yes, nothing is as positive as catharsis. I mean the thing with Oppenheimer's story uniquely from my other films, and thank you for your kind comments about them, but the reality is that this story uniquely doesn't leave you with anything too comfortable, so yes, it stays with me in, in ways that, in ways that I almost wish it wouldn't - but that's the nature of the story, that's the story we're telling. It's a troubling story and I hope that we've told it in a way that's engaging and it's a strange word, entertainment, it's a strange word to use in relation to this kind of experience but you know that's, that's the point of its engagement and excitement of watching the story, but it leaves you with resonant and troubling questions yes; that's why I wanted to tell the story."
"Well I'm having that experience with my kids at the moment because they're now teenage boys, they're sixteen and nearly eighteen. So I'm having that connection all the time where, you know, I have, I have lists of movies that I very pretentiously think are the best, you know, the best movies ever made, and we sit down and watch them together. Recently, what did we watch? We watched Apocalypse Now recently, like the, the, the you know, the Redux, you know, director's cut, and then what else did we watch? Oh, The Big Lebowski, you know, some of these films that are like, for me, up there, and, and it's great to see them through the eyes of my kids and, and then we have discussions and talk about it, so yeah, movies do that don't they?"
"The - yeah - really good question. The, the, the, the, the pipe and the hat were sort of himself self-mythologizing, you know, they're very conscious decisions. So the hat we, we, we were looking for the hat really, really early, early on in the camera tests. I remember we found one really quickly and both myself and Chris kind of knew instantly that that was the hat. And then, the, with the hands on his sides - I saw a lot of photographs because there's not that much foot- candid footage of him; there's lots of footage of him like giving lectures and talking but it's quite performative, but there's lots of footage - and he seemed to stand with one hand on the hip, one or the other hand on the hip, and there's a lot of pictures of him with Groves doing that, and I thought: 'That's very interesting, that's his sort of default pos -sort of physical stance' so I just used it. You know, these little things can be very helpful; sometimes a character's - sometimes the superficial stuff can really help with the interior stuff, exterior stuff."
"Yeah, that's a really good question. I, I, I, I've always found that in my career like, you can intellectualize and, and go really, really deep into work and it can become very heady and academic but ultimately, when you get in the room with an actor and a director, then it becomes about emotion and heart and instinct, and I think that applies in my game. I've always found if, if you think too much, you can kind of lose it."
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
The Gifted Graduation ep 13
Last one. Last one. Last one!
I just can't see how this is their plan. It seems too similar to all their endeavours before. It's too simple... 'postpone the exam, resign, destroy the virus or we'll release the audio' -> Supot is not going to want to relinquish his power so easily, he's shown to have not done in the past, so what's different now? It has to be that this isn't their real ploy, it has to be a cover for something bigger.
Well, there we go. They've been scuppered again 🤦🏽‍♀️ But hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they foresaw this...no?
Okay, okay, I don't really see how those two goons were swayed by Grace's words but she's back and hopefully this will tip the ball back in their court.
Okay, okay, okej, okej...things are happening! Grace, beautiful, amazing Grace switched the virus vials, thank fuck, as I'd hoped had happened from the start (although I had hoped it was Pom who had done it). And brilliant, wonderful Pang has waited patiently, biding his time pretending to be with Supot. Fucking fantastic.
So that's it, right? They've won, Supot's lost? Because Pang has never wanted to use his ability on people but he finally did, on Supot when the circumstance allowed, and so it should all be over now, right?
What now?! So we're back to the same threat/choice but just with different people on each side? How can Grace be seriously saying she will use the virus and cure to control people with abilities when that's exactly what they fought Supot over?!
Chanon bringing in the truth (what I just said) and then Pom actually says 'let the school kids decide the fate of everyone in the country' 😂
Oh my god, I just had a crazy thought. What if this all is/has been some elaborate Gifted Programme end of year test or something 😂 which is why Pom is leaving it up to the group to decide. Haha that would be so funny.
Anyway... Something something just because you don't do well in 'traditional' school subjects doesn't mean you're not intelligent or have a high iq - Pang was literally in the lowest class and he still heard the sound wave which was meant for only the 'brightest' students. And in the end he became the one who everyone looked up to and to make the decisions. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 What a great message to casually hide in there.
What a moral decision to make, though. And for such young people.
And that's a surprise, to see Grace get rid of her ability. I guess she wanted to be in control of her present and to make her own future, not be controlled by her future-self. (but, hello? grandfather paradox?).
So, in the end, it's a message of hope. Of options. Of having control of one's life. And that's pretty neat. Yes, this has been a FANTASTIC series but I'm glad I can put it to bed now.
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xxkittycass-meowmeow · 3 months
life stuff that is complicated but there's some good things 2 prob boring 2 read it's yapping tiem
dear diary,
boy I sure am happy now that I have drugs and alcohol in my system
(supposed 2 b funny not concerning, just at a birfday party (blows the little birthday thing that makes noise*
it's past situationship past best friend idevenk's (I've decided her name's cherry 4 now) lil bro's 21
I haven't seen that kid in forever I got really emotional seeing him, especially because he'd asked for me to b there TT^TT he was always like a little brother 2 me when we were younger, I really hadn't spent time with him in a long time, I brought up going 2 pride, he really wants to, he's never been and he said we should go together, it just tugged at my heartstrings bcuz I didn't realize how much her family still cares about me like I care about them
my youngest brother is turning 21 soon 2, idthink he's interested in alcohol at all tho, I got 2 think of smth 2 do for him 2 celebrate tho
u kno idk if it was a bad idea or not 2 start hanging out with cherry again, I thought she'd changed a lot and she has but not w certain things and I'm worried wat if she's hasn't with certain others
like I thought she'd gotten over the talking about ppl behind their back in such a mean way thing
the last time I hung out w her before this last time
she'd brought up an old friend of mine. a lot of my friends did nottt like ach other, but she at the time was v possessive and was constantly trying 2 get me 2 leave others or even try 2 get them 2 leave me, and now she kinda did the same things again, but I guess just 2 genuinely shit talk?
but she brought up my friend miss silly, she asked "do u still like miss silly?" and I said "well I haven't seen her in forever, but I love her and I'm sure I would, I think about her all the time"
"well she's so embarrassing and she used 2 wear these crazy costumes 2 school and she used 2 do this and she used 2 do that and insult insult insult, it gave me extreme secondhand embarrassment"
I responded "those were some of my favorite things about her."
"well she made me feel so embarrassed laugh hehehaha"
(summarized convo btw not word 4 word)
and I told her that her secondhand embarrassment isn't because of miss silly but because of her
I'm irritated that she kept on insulting her knowing I had just said I still really care for her and would love 2 hang out w her agian"
wait she also did this about another friend of mine
pretty tall elf
so pretty tall elf was like she would bark at ppl, she'd bark at bullys or mean/rude ppl a lot and idk I thought it was fun personally LOL
she was so good at art omg I miss her so much i hope she's good
cherry talked about how werid and fucked up she is 2
and I'm like..... u r also fucked up?? me 2?? that's part of the reason we became sucho close in the first place
when we were attached at the hip we had a v unhealthy complicated fkd up weird 2 the eye relationship
like ppl would walk up 2 us and would b like "wow I'm so surprised the 2 of u r friends, ure jist so different from 1 another"
opposites attract fool
but also we had so so many similarities
anywho, ppl would do this 2 us constantly, even when were we're apart from 1 another
but it was harsh, towards her more tha me
ppl would basically like allude 2 me being this angel and her being the opposite of that
it drove me crazy being put in a label I can't live up 2, but I know it really hurt her 2 a greater extent ppl comparing us
those people didn't kno me, they didn't kno her, it was all just assumptions
but she started to do this "well u're my sweet little angelic friend" recently and I h8 it and I'm just gonna call it out next time
I'm not an angel and I don't want 2 be. we were just 2 humans together leaning on each other 4 support and filling each other's void with affection and hurt and fun
me and her had a v fkd up dynamic, we were both untreated ptsd'd so yoiks(yikes) but we we're also v 1 for the other and I felt so connected bcuz she didn't want 2 let go of my hand as much as I didn't want 2 let go of hers
but things changed and r still messy i guess jsut different and I am actally so tired here's my lil yap sesh good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite I love that 1
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