#killer robot show
crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
Why are all the Walten Files animatronics so THICC tho
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tmos-time · 4 months
hello hello hello!!! It has been. Quite a while! I hope your year is going well and that your pride month has had a wonderful start! Or at the very least hasn't been bad :D May I have a headcanon in these trying times :? Perhaps one pertaining to an au? Or whatever's been on your mind lately
aw hey!!! hope your year has been going well too!! i have decided to give you my erisol understuck au proof of concept thoughts LOL
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i have rotated this damn mini au in my head so many times. the comedy to be found in eridan being mettaton AND the royal scientist (and half-assedly pretending not to be) at the same time while sollux is stuck being an assistant/maintenance worker/public-facing royal scientist is so silly to me <3 anyways heres key notes on the au under a read more lol
eridan immediately shows off his walking around form to MSPA reader (who is obviously the best choice to be in the frisk role in an undertale au lets be real here) BEFORE the trivia show. sollux is also way more subtle about giving the right answers away, but still fucks up by pointing out a trick question, leading to the crush question
eridan's answers for "who does sol have a crush on" are aradia, feferi, karkat, and equius. this leads to bickering, mainly spurred by sollux being dumbfounded that eridan would put equius as an option out of all fourth options. MSPA reader, after listening to them yapping at each other for long enough, can get the option to pick eridan over the other options instead, leading to eridan flusteredly turning back to his little flying box form and comically floating away into the rafters. otherwise, the trivia battle ends on eridan trying to make fun of sollux and sollux complaining that everyone around him is stupid and cant read emotions lol
the rest of the hotland route is pretty unplanned; sollux probably minds his business, doesnt add you to his social media, and is blunt when having to direct you through the puzzles. he has no issues about being liked like alphys does hes is Just There he is Chilling. if you pick eridan in the trivia battle theres bonus dialogue sollux brings up about eridan + they probably get a "yeah i give a shit about you i guess, whatever, shut up" level of a confession scene after eridan's battle lol
not getting into all the ELABORATE thoughts i have on how the geno route would go but listen. look at the design i gave eridan. you know hes going down in one hit with a well placed shattering of the glass stomach as a homage to his canon death LOL
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girlmetalsonic · 10 months
thinking abt how one of the defining traits of metal sonic who's supposed to be this cold unfeeling machine is that they completely block out logical thinking to blindly attack sonic whenever they cross paths.. attacks him like an animal, not like a killing machine. attacks him in the way that only someone who feels an obsessive hatred could attack someone.. idk.. something something their most defining trait disproves what is allegedly their other most defining trait.. if that is the case then who are they at all?
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br1ghtestlight · 13 hours
inanimate insanity might have caused an entire generation of kids to confuse steve jobs (the actual real person) with steve cobs (the fictional character) cuz on twitter the other day i saw someone say that steve JOBS was a "genocidal colonizer" so ppl shouldn't feel bad for him and im like. i dont think that's true actually. like i didnt know him personally but im pretty sure steve jobs the Real person was not a genocidal fascist colonizer i think he was just a tech CEO 😭
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rusty-gloinks · 7 months
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My arm hurts
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maximusod · 1 year
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Think I'm done with the lines. I like to think he'd have a second season after all the bs settled.
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junkmailmusubi · 5 months
yeah i'm just as sad (and slightly in denial) as every other agent 4 fan, but i don't entirely mind the idea of parallel canon being a copy instead of directly being 4. i feel like there's still some good horror/angst potential there, y'know?
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handfulofmuses · 2 months
we are all so active again i love it
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artekai · 9 months
Guess what movie I watched
#i feel bad for saying this because it's so easy. it's too easy. what would i even add. the movie is there. it says everything. you can watch#but i'll say it anyways since we're here.#new headcanon that m//3gan was fross's comfort movie after his parents died and he watched it 80000 times back to back and learned nothing#nd that's why he's like this now#i don't care that this movie came out like 30 years before fross was born. idc idc. it's so easy. it's too easy#i just know he watched this movie so much it started blurring the lines between fantasy and reality and then he went up to lis and he went#well where's my killer robot? 🤨#and she was like. well we don't do that here. we only make green robots#and he was like#oh.... that's fine... no it's ok. i guess i will go become a roboticist. and get a job at FAS. so i can make a killer robot myself#since you clearly don't want me to be happy 💔🥺😩 *ant_with_bindle.png*#anyways yea i made this post just so i could share the TRUE and REAL SECRET story behind fross's decision to side with FAS 👌#also. remember how i mentioned fross would watch a//tla but skip z//uko's redemption arc bc self-recognition through the other (derogatory)#well. same applies here. he skips that one scene where g/emma says that m//3gan is just a distraction and those feelings won't go away etc#he's like GTFO WITH THAT MORALISTIC CRAP!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 SHOW ME THE YANDERE ROBOTS 🔥🔥🔥🔥#anyways i think you can tell i liked the movie. it had a bunch of the things i like 👍#oc: fross#oc tag#ramble
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mechahero · 10 months
@pzfr said- Rex VC: it's ok... you can watch Shin Getter Robo with me sometime
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"Yeah." A small sniffle. "Yeah, that sounds nice."
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crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
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scenekitteh · 2 years
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anyways its been a while!!! hi how r u all doing!!!!!! tell me in the tags how ur doing RIGHT NOW. or dont!!!!! either way its chill :p ive been busy with school and stuff but i drew this 2day cuz its the weekend and i had time and motivation!!! i hope u all like it :]
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octarineblues · 1 year
i guess sometimes you just have to take a risk and be slightly more radical. slightly more brave. weight the options and take the sensible one, but make it honest and strong. people might actually surprise you.
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achilles-left-ankle · 2 years
finished amphibia today w/ my younger sibling and. augh oof my heart
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mysticalskunk · 7 months
you ever have shows that you refuse to talk about with anybody else on this website or refuse to visit the tags because people on here can be so overly critical of things? thats me with ghost show and rabbit show
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter One
the sound of feet slammed against the floor. a yell tearing the air. the city lights flashed around their eyes as they held their head in their hands. the body lunging forward with as much force mustered.
his breaths were shaky as he fell to the ground. his body trying to compose itself as he rushed away from where the KDF were attacking the kaiju. the kaiju he could not defeat. this wasn't his first time running away from the fight.
he didn't even want to be there. he just wanted to play baseball, but this is what he gets for coming back to japan to help his father. his father that wasn't even there, that lectured him, that left him and his mother alone. he hated this.
he knew it was wrong of him to run from the scene but he couldn't avoid it. he held his left arm that now stung with pain, running to his motorbike that sat hidden in the dark. 
"ken, the KDF seem to be using excessive force. shall i plot a course back to the battle?" the voice of mina rang through his ears. his eyes following drones that flew by him. "you know what, imma punch out for the night. let the KDF handle it." his smirk that graced his sharp features quickly morphed into a frown as a call from his dad showed on the inside of his helmet.
"right on time, here comes the guilt trip." he sighed. "he's already left 10 messages." mina's robotic voices spoke out as calls of his dad flashed on his screen. "nope! no thanks, i've had my butt kicked enough tonight. please silence all calls, mina. i need some me time." he said focusing on the road ahead of him.
"after your interview with miss wakita, of course." mina briefly mentioned. his figure shot up quickly while still riding. "wait! with the same lady from the press conference?" "yes ken, the same lady from the press conference. and your an hour late." he could only shift down, but looked up and sped up his bike, zooming past cars as he switched lanes like nothing.
"i heard you're really good at avoiding hard questions." ami's voice spoke up in the dim lighted room, as kenji only slurped at the noodles in front of him. "mmm! these noodles are killer. want some?" the irony of the situation being him avoiding the statement. "i'm okay. thanks. mind if i record?" her soft voice spoke up as she lifted up phone in front of her.
"mm do your thing." he said, uncaring of the situation. "so you've had an impressive career." she started off. "gold glove. silver slugger. tea?" he spoke up picking up the kettle near him as she dismissed his offer with a wave of her hand. "and yet you've never won a championship." she responded back.
he could only put down the kettle and let out a breathy chuckle. "wow. right for the throat." "it's just an observation." she said calmly. "'just an observation.' sure. you know, there are lots of great players who never won titles." his voice laced with defense as her words. "yes. and some say you're better than all of them."
"some?" he could only chuckle while pulling his cup away from his lips. "you have seen me play, right?" he said leaning in tauntingly. it wasn't hard to deny the cockiness that came with his words. his pride was biggest feature besides the skills he boasted about.
"420 batting average. 624 stolen bases." ami responded sitting confidently, her hand lifting in the air, "but?" kenji inquired as he stretched out the word. "but personal stats don't win championships." "so my ego is holding me back?" he assumed as he poured rhetorical sauce from a cup into his noodles, all while aggravated.
"i didn't say that. and to be honest, i'm not here to discuss stats." her voice was loud, laced with confidence but slight annoyance at his behavior. "then why are we discussing stats?" "because players are more comfortable talking about stats then themselves." she remarked back.
"hey i'm happy to talk about me." "great! because i want to know why. why you avoid most interviews, why you keep your teammates at a distance, and why you left a city that loves you to..." her strong tone slowly went quiet as she saw what the man in front of her was doing.
"you know, your supposed to dip your noodles in the sauce." he could only look at her, his eyes peering out from his sunglasses. "i like doing things my way." he could only tauntingly pour the sauce into the noodles. "okay, let's remind. earlier, i asked about your mother."
the interview slowly passed by as he could only zone out from the questions being asked. he felt himself disassociate from the conversation, his whole body on autopilot till the moment he was back home. it was the one place he could relax and get away from those that pestered him.
he could only stand in the holographic life size park that mina loaded onto the room as his body moved forward, swinging his bat as it slammed against the ball. he could only watch as it shot back into the sky at his force. "yeah! that's what i'm talking about!" he yelled excited. it was short lived as pain erupted from his shoulder, reaching out to hold it from the pain.
the robotic sphere known as mina flew down, scanning his body. "ken, it appears that you have sprained your rotator cuff during the battle." the hologram of the park faded away, resulting back into the usual metal room. he walked away as she trailed behind him through the doors. "yup, that's what i get for saving lives."
"ken, it is your duty to save lives." mina said as she hovered behind him. "yeah well i prefer to save my arm and leave the kaijus to the KDF." he said as he walked towards a long couch. "you know what happens when you leave it to the KDF." he could only chuck mockingly as he sat down.
"yeah. i have a double-double, a chocolate shake, and a good nights sleep. now stop trying to be my mother." he said staring mina down. "i am as i was programmed." he only looked down after, tapping his foot against the bottom of his couch.
a cabinet popped out, almost a cooler, showing drinks inside that rolled around. he could only scoff in shock, looking up surprised. "coconut water?!? mina, did you throw my fancy fizzy drinks?" he interrogated.
"healthy choices, healthy body." he could only sigh as he opened a can of coconut water. he took a sip only to clear his throat in disgust. "mmm, taste just like a fart." he said annoyed. "ken, i wonder if you might consider taking a break."
"from drinking farts?" "from baseball." kenji could only look up at mina in shock. "give up the one thing that puts a smile on my face? sorry. no. tv please." mina listened to his command, the tv turning on in response.
the screen showcased the scene from where he had fought the kaiju from above. "more destruction today as the KDF and ultraman battles neronga. as one witness told us..." the news reporters voice quieted down as the news now showed an older lady.
"i love ultraman. always have. he's done so much good in the past." "thank you citizen." kenji told the tv as he rained the coconut water in a cheer. the older lady began to talk. "but he's been gone for months. and now that he's back, it's like he doesn't really care. i mean look at this."
kenji could only sit and stare. "i didn't even want this gig. and now everybody's coming at me." he said getting ready to turn off the tv. until something caught his ear. "but it wasn't all bad. i thought the situation was a lost cause when ultraman bolted from the scene. until someone else came in."
kenji could only stop in shock, confused at what she was referencing. "they came out of nowhere, helping to stop neronga. i don't know who it was but they were just as big as ultraman himself. thank you new hero, thank you."
he stared at the tv as it displayed scenes of someone fighting neronga. 'who was this? where were they this entire time?' another metal hero ran towards neronga, slamming into the kaijus body as they wrestled them down. grabbing its horn, they pushed it down, the kaiju roaring out as a laser shot from its mouth.
the new person summoned a shield as they jumped away from the attack. they could only crouch down in response, jumping into the air, only to land on its back. they grabbed their horn once again, small cracks showing from the force of the heroes grip.
wrapping their arms around its torso, they lifted neronga up. kenji could only watch as they flipped them over with intense strength, body slamming neronga to an already destroyed building, knocking them unconscious. the hero could only stand up proudly, only to jump away from the cameras.
the footage ended there as he stared in disbelief. "who is that? where the fuck did they come from mina?!" he yelled as he turned the tv off, his hands raking through his hair. as far as he knew, he was the only hero here. the only person that had this duty passed down to since his fathers injury. right?
mina could only stare at his face of shock, examining the situation. "ken, please calm down. letting your emotions react this way will cause you to undergo stress, affecting your strained shoulder."
he could only huff out intense breaths, slowly calming down as he moved to sit back down on his couch. 'what was that? why am i barely hearing about them now? why did they only show up after i left the scene? do they work for the KDF?' his head produced question after question, trying to think of what could have been happening.
soft footsteps walked up stairs till they stopped in front of a door. the source of the noise raised their hand, knocking on the door there times. the door opened slightly, leaving a small crack open. the person behind the door took notice of who knocked. quickly the door opened, shushing them inside the room. "good job on finishing your task (y/n), i am proud of the progress you have made."
they could only smile softly at the praise, giving them a bow as a sign of their gratitude. "thank you professor sato. i could not have come this far if it was not for your help." the pair sat down, slowly getting lost in new tactics that they could use for the next battle.
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