#kim soekjin imagine
lovelycupid47 · 5 months
BTS Incorrect quotes #8
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Y/N: I am darkness. I am a power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Jimin: A doll. Taehyung: A cinnamon roll. Jungkook: A sweetheart. Y/N: Y/N: …stop it.
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 2 months
So I had this idea for a story... it would be bangtan related, but would anyone be interested?
(Story Idea: Your best friend is sleeping with your brother - so for revenge, you sleep with her brother and his friends)
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missbangtangirl · 2 years
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Visiting our Hyung 🥺🥹🥹
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hvnnibvni · 2 years
Now I know how some writers feel bruh cuz I’m still not done writing this fic. Every time I get on my computer or iPad it’s always some shit that makes me turn it off and not get back on it for weeks at a time (it’s the same with my phone) but yeah I swear y’all will get this fic. Just give me some time to reconnect bc the internet is getting to be too much.
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hobis-hope94 · 2 years
i love how we all thought bighit weren’t doing anything about tae’s situation then they were like “BAM! that hacker is going to jail”. and then jin protecting tae on weverse?? 😭
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seventeensarmy · 4 years
(1) Stuck With You (OT7!Hybrid Au)
Pairing: OT7xReader, Jungkook x Reader, rest will come in the course of the story
Warnings: Toxic parents that lead to toxic relationship to food, reader isn´t eating good, character death (But not in detail), angst, fluff, some technical ballet words (but i explained them and they aren´t that important), tell me if i missed something!
Words: 4.750
Summary: In your society, hybrids are seen as pets, nothing more, not having many rights. You meet the bunny hybrid Jungkook, deciding not to follow the norms of society you befriend him and fall in love. On your journey to a happy life, you meet six other hybrids, who tag along in your journey. (The summary will get better as soon as i know where to go with the story, i promise xx)
Hybrids: New Zealand red rabbit!Jungkook, Black panther!Yoongi, Birman cat!Jimin, Tundra wolf!Namjoon, Red fox!Hoseok, gerberian shepsky!Taehyung, sugar glider!Jin, human!reader
Chapter one
“I´m Jungkook, but I don´t mind you calling me Kookie”    
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15 years ago (Reader is 6, JK is 7)
How is a child supposed to know what right and what’s wrong? You would expect the parents to teach their child basic human decency, but sometimes it´s the parents who teach their child the exact opposite. You see, hybrids were weren´t a rare sight in your society, a lot of wealthy people owned some. While children loved to play with them, it wasn´t really a secret that adults, who could afford breaking the laws, had other plans with them. It is highly frowned upon, using hybrids, who still didn´t have the same rights as humans, to one’s gain, but at the same time, no one really did something against it. There still are a lot of people that believe that hybrids are just abominations and don´t deserve to be even alive, let alone have rights. Those are the people who want nothing to do with hybrids, who look away when a hybrid is being abused. Those are the people you´ve come to hate.
Those people are your parents.
“But Mother”, you whine, following her through the house, “I wanna go play with Hei Ryung, not with her hybrid. I won´t even look at her, I promise.”  Your mother shakes her head before she turns around, making you almost run into her, but you manage to catch yourself. Her gaze almost makes you flinch backwards, but you stand your ground, though you´re not looking up to her. “If you want to play with your friend, you´re going to have to wait till you see her at school, that way I know for sure no animal will come near you.”, you bite back the urge to correct her, saying that hybrids aren´t animals, like she makes it appear. You´ve met Hei Ryung´s hybrid before, a cute Pomeranian girl, just a bit older than you, but your parents could never find that out, the risk of you and the staff at home being punished was far too high. The last time you got punished you were not only grounded for two weeks, but you also weren´t allowed to attend your ballet classes, which was the only thing, other than school work, you got to do in your spare time.
Sensing that you aren´t going to argue back, your mother puts a smile on, “See, waiting till school isn´t that bad. Also, you need to train more, you´ve got a competition coming and I´ve seen you dance, you still need a lot of practice if you even want to attempt to win a medal.”
Ouch, you swallow. Your mother has always been your strongest critic, always finding something you could´ve done better. Still, you nod, knowing that with her last words the conversation was over and you should go practice.
Practice always ended with your muscles hurting, you weren´t dancing on pointe, your teacher saying you are still too young to dance like that, much to your mothers dismay. If it were up to her you would probably have started wearing pointe shoes as soon as you could walk and you were thankful, that none of your past teachers let her have any say in your training. You were training every day, four times a week with your teacher, the rest of the week alone, sometimes the staff came to watch, but now you think they might have been a bit worried about a six year old girl spending most of her time either in school or the practice room.
You were alone again, both of your parents not being at home wasn´t something new. In fact, you hadn´t seen your father in almost three weeks, some business trip to Europe, though he promised to come to your competition in a week. You weren´t sure what your father was doing to earn as much money as he did, you just knew it had something to do with a lot of deals and signed papers, that made him swear in his study upstairs.                                                                                   
As for your mother, you really weren´t sure what she was doing, other than spending your fathers money, though she always said “our money”, but you weren´t asking, you learned fast that, if you are a child, people don´t really care about your opinion (or you in general) and therefore don´t feel the need to talk to you. You overheard her talking to kitchen staff, explaining that she was going on an important trip to Bali for a few weeks (as you grew older you learned that her trips to Bali weren´t really of important nature, more of needy and lying nature, but that´s a different story).
It was always the same; your parents leaving you alone with the staff at home, you´ve come to see them more as your family than your actual family.
Your nanny always took pity on you, when you were training the whole day, letting you watch some TV in the evening, something your parents never allowed you, telling you it´s a distraction, though you found yourself more at ease the next morning as when you would have gone straight to bed or studied some more instead. The kitchen staff also had a soft spot for you, always receiving a strict diet for you from your mother, which left the cook speechless. You never really knew if your diet plan was different than your usual plan, seeing as the chef never made it when your parents were gone. You overheard him talking to you nanny once, complaining how you would become too skinny and weak if he were to actually cook what your mother planned for you.                                 “Sometimes I think she´s crazy”, you once heard them whisper, “That´s not a diet for a child, not that a child should ever be on a diet. The portion size she wants me make is ridiculous, if I would make one dish and give everyone this portion I bet you I could feed half the street!”, the chef raged, he had been your cook since you could think and you sometimes think of him as your father or uncle by the way he cared for you. Your nanny agreed quietly, it wasn´t a secret how the staff thought about your parents, but the chef wasn´t done, you heard paper rustling and figured he was showing her the plan your mother made for you. “Two dishes per day. That woman has no clue how to feed a child. She wants her to eat only two times a day and then compete at a competitive sports competition.”
Needless to say, the staff took better care of you than your parents ever could. Which is why you were now sitting in the far back of the garden, with a box of cookies and a bottle of soda on your side. Today had been your dance competition, you won, but neither your mother, nor your father were there to witness, only your nanny, who gave you a tight hug after you came down. Your nanny was always there for you, always praising you and giving you little rewards for your good work. She and the kitchen staff saw, that though you won, you were still upset over your absent parents, so they told you to go enjoy yourself in the garden and they would bring snacks for you.
After they arrived with the cookies and the soda, you went off to your secret hiding spot in the garden.  You knew no one could see you there, leaving you alone to your upset thoughts and snacks that you still didn´t touch.
You remember thinking, that maybe your parents were upset with you and decided not to come as a punishment, or maybe some important business hindered them from coming and they would call in a bit. Your six year old brain couldn´t accept the possibility of your parents simply not caring, it had to be something you did. Your thoughts were interrupted by a rustling coming from the bushes, you sit up straight, “Hello?” you call out. The rustling stops and a figure starts to rise, the first thing you see are... bunny ears? Then a head and in front of you stands a boy, not much older than you. A hybrid. In your garden? You quickly turn around, looking back to the house and let out a relieved breath when you see no one.
“What are you doing here?” you ask the boy as you turn around. He looks at you with big eyes; he looked scared, ready to run if danger should approach. “I was walking around” he explains and you raise your eyebrows, “In my garden?” The boy turned red, “I didn´t know that was your garden, I´m sorry, please don´t call the police”, he begs, suddenly in full on panic mode. Your eyes widen and you take him in, he was skinny, his clothes were dirty and he looked like he hadn´t had a good night’s rest in a long time. He´s a stray.
You raise your hands in surrender, letting him know, that you didn´t plan on calling the police or anyone on him. “Don´t worry”, you promise, “I´m not calling anyone. Are you hungry?” You offer him your unopened box of cookies. His eyes grew even wider and he surprises you by sitting down across from you. “You don´t mind?” he asked and you shake your head, opening the box and putting it down in front of him. “I´m y/n” you grin at the boy, who already had one cookie stuffed in his mouth. He replied, but you didn´t understand a single word, causing you to giggle, “I´m sorry, I don´t speak cookie or is your name cookie?” you giggle again, causing the boy in front of you to turn red, he swallows and speaks again, “I´m Jungkook, but I don´t mind you calling me Kookie”, he grins.
The following days were probably some of the best in your life so far, thanks to your new friend. Whenever you could, you would sneak out loads of food and drinks, concerned by Jungkooks small figure. But he always insisted on you joining him eat, to which you only replied with a small smile, saying you already ate. You couldn’t risk your mother finding out that you ate something other than what´s on her diet plan for you or even worse, her seeing that you gained weight. The training she would then put you under is one you never want to repeat.
You saw that Jungkook didn´t believe you when you said you ate, he could probably smell if you ate or not, he once told you, that your house never really smelled of food, you only shrugged, not really knowing what to say. But he never said anything, not till the day he saw you almost faint on your way to your secret hideout in the back of the garden, where he was already waiting for you. As you arrived you let yourself fall back against the tree. “y/n”, Jungkook´s voice asked worried. You looked at your friend and smiled, “I´m alright Kookie, just a bit tired from practice. Don´t worry.” Your friend looked unconvinced and he got proven right, as he heard your stomach rumble. “You should eat   y/n-ah. When did you even eat the last time?”  You wave your hand, “You worry too much. I ate this morning and my mother comes home tonight, so I´ll eat with her this evening.” The bunny hybrid looked confused in your direction. “But what about lunch, didn´t you eat something now? You can´t just eat two times a day” he exclaimed.
The concept of you eating lunch is so strange in your mind that it´s your turn to look confused. You later realised, that even when your mother was gone, the staff gave you only two dishes a day, so you wouldn´t get used to eating three times a day. If your mother were to find out you would eat more times a day than she liked, the staff and you would be in big trouble. But your six year old you didn´t understand that at this time, eating three times a day was something you never did. Why eat lunch, when you could´ve also practised at that time?
“My mother says I don´t need to eat three times a day, I would get fat and then the judges won’t like my dances at the competitions anymore” you explain with a shrug, missing the way Jungkook tensed, he decided in that moment, that he doesn´t like your mother. How would you get fat? You first had to stop being underweight and from what he gathered, the only things you do are study, dance and meet up with him.
The sun started to go down and you knew you had to leave your friend soon. “Listen Jungkook”, you started and his ears straightened up, as you addressed him by his name, not the nickname you called him since your first day, “My mother will arrive today, my father probably too.   They are pretty strict-” “Are they gonna lock you away for talking to me? Are they gonna lock me away?!” You quickly took his hands in yours, calming him almost instantly. “No no no, nothing’s going to happen to you”, you promised, “My parents, they, they can never know about you, okay Kookie. They are not nice”, Jungkook frowned, not liking the idea to leave you alone with the mean people who don´t feed you and apparently don´t like hybrids, he remembered his first question. “y/n. Are they going to look you away?” You shrug, “Maybe, I don´t know if I did something yet.” You don´t look at him, you can imagine what he looked like, probably mad, he was the scariest seven year old you had ever seen. “What do you mean, you don´t know yet, wouldn´t you know if you did something?” You give him a wary smile, “Sometimes I don´t know what I did until they tell me, Kookie. Maybe I gained weight; maybe my dance is not good enough. They would want me to fix my mistakes. That´s why you maybe won´t see me for a while. I just wanted to tell you, so you don´t worry even more” you giggle a bit and poke his cheek, “If you keep frowning like this, you´ll have wrinkles as soon as you turn ten.”
If it were up to Jungkook, he would grab you and bring you as far away from those people as he possibly could. He didn´t have a family, never had, the streets are all he ever had and remembered, but even with no knowledge about family and love Jungkook knew, that what you had in this house, was neither. Before you left, you told him, he should keep the snacks and eat them, he shouldn´t wait for you and Jungkook didn´t understand how you could be so concerned about him eating enough, but still neglected your own needs so much. He wanted to help you so bad, but he was only seven.
And your worries came true, you didn´t see Jungkook for two weeks. The next time you were allowed to go out, he noticed that you were skinnier, but he didn´t say anything as you koala-hugged him.
Five years ago (Reader 16/ JK 17)
It was a bit past midday when your parents left, leaving you alone once again. The only difference, this time, not even the staff stayed with you, this was a first, but it left you buzzing with excitement. It meant that you had could have Jungkook staying over for two weeks. Over the years your friendship with the bunny blossomed into one of the best things you could´ve ever asked for.
Your parents never noticed the teenager living in the small shed in the back of the garden. You both quickly realised, that it would be way too risky sneaking Jungkook into the house with your parents present. Their distaste for hybrids only grew over the years, since the government gave them more rights, giving the hybrids at least a bit of independence, though they were still nowhere near having the same rights as humans.
This wasn´t the first time Jungkook stayed over, over the years you tried to let him stay over as often as possible. It did help a lot that the staff in your home found out and decided to help, no longer questioning why to took so much food with you whenever you went to the garden.
Though, this was the first time they ever left you completely alone, you didn´t know why, but you didn´t question it, relieved to be able to spent time with your best friend, without having to worry about him. Your mother had given you a detailed plan of your diet, which you couldn´t help but follow, not having realised yet, that all those diets weren´t really as healthy as your mother claimed.
You were eating an apple, a snack you allowed yourself to enjoy, seeing as your next real meal would still have to wait a few hours, though you weren´t even that hungry yet. You just needed something to focus on while waiting for Jungkook and you knew it made him happy to see you eat.
You sat down on one of the garden chairs, waiting for the bunny to show up, though you didn´t need to wait long, as you saw his tall figure already approaching. “Hello little dancer”, he grinned, pulling you into a bone crashing hug, he eyed the apple in your hand with a satisfied smile. Over the years Jungkook grew up quite well, he was now towering over you and you couldn´t deny, that he was getting more and more handsome.
You smiled and pulled him into the dining room, “I figured you´d be pretty hungry by now, so I prepared some food for you, then we can relax for the rest of the day.” You had prepared some steamed vegetables and chicken, knowing that Jungkook loved your cooking. He frowned as he saw that you wouldn´t be eating with him, but he choose not to say anything, it was your first day and he wouldn´t want to argue with you immediately. He started to dig in, almost scoffing at how much you prepared for one person.  “You don´t need to practice today?” he asked confused, normally you would be training every day, especially seeing as you had a show in a few days. You smiled a bit sheepishly, “I got up earlier today and did my hours”, already knowing how Jungkooks face would look like you chose to study the picture on the wall in front of you. Your training hours were absolutely ridiculous in Jungkook´s opinion. Sometimes practicing up to ten hours if you didn´t have to study for school, he dreaded thinking about the hours you spent training today.
He finished eating and you started to clean the table, while Jungkook went and took a quick shower. You also started to look for movies on Netlix that he would like, both of you loved movies, but Jungkook never had the opportunity to watch them and you never had the time.
Jungkook came back, letting himself fall down next to you, arm around you shoulder, pulling you close. His was hair slightly wet and he had changed into new clothes, which you had bought for him. You stared at him, he really was handsome. You blushed at your own thoughts, but you couldn´t help but feel attracted to him. He noticed you staring at him, seeing as he was also busy staring at you, the chosen movie in the back forgotten.
“Kookie?” you asked quietly and he looked at you waiting for you to continue. “Do you want to come with me on Tuesday? To my show?” A smile broke out on his face, his ears straightening up, eyes wide. “Are you for real? Yes I´d love to”, but his smile fell as quickly as it came. “Do they allow hybrids there? How could I get in?” You frowned, you hadn´t thought about that. Then an idea plopped in your head and you took all your courage to speak it out loud. “We´ll just say you´re my boyfriend. They won´t question you if you cover your ears and you´ll be backstage with me.” The bunny thought about that idea and his smile returned, though there was mischief sparkling in his eyes. “Only if I get to give you a well done kiss after you´re done. Like a good boyfriend would.” Never has the usually shy bunny been so forward about anything and your breath stocked, but you found yourself nodding. No matter how shy you were, you couldn´t let the chance to kiss your crush and best friend fly away. He grinned and pulled you closer, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, causing you to hide yourself in his chest. “Watch out mister” you warned, poking his chest. The bunny only laughed at your flustered state.
Nervous. That´s the word that would describe you the best right now. You had already thrown up in the morning, leaving Jungkook worried, asking if you were really in the condition to perform. You had waved it off, telling him that´s how you are before every show, which didn´t seem to comfort him at all. Though your best friend and maybe boyfriend or fake boyfriend (who knows) stayed with you for the last couple of days, you didn´t really find any more time to relax, spending most of our days practicing. Jungkook didn´t seem to mind though, he started using the gym next to your dance room. Your parents never seem to use it anyway, so it wasn´t really a problem and Jungkook came to love having an outlet for all his energy. In the evenings both of you were too tired to cook, meaning empty take out containers were piling up in the kitchen.
“You got this” Jungkook murmured, warm hand lying comforting on your lower back. You were backstage already, wearing your plush bathrobe to keep you from freezing in your dance outfit. It wasn´t as hard as expected to take Jungkook with, a beanie covering his ears, his tail comfortable tucked away in his pants covered by a nice dress shirt you had bought him a while ago. You stood on your pointe shoes, still not being on eye level with the bunny but close, and hugged him.
“What if my mother finds out? Oh I shouldn´t have done this, maybe I can-“ you were interrupted by a pair of lips on yours, you felt yourself sinking into his strong hold. Jungkook smiled at you with the softest smile you had ever seen. He knew you were worried about your piece.
It was contemporary ballet, a form of ballet your mother despised. She was all for classical ballet, often making you train with the Cecchetti method, which Jungkook found out to be really hard on the body, no longer surprised why you were so drained after your lessons. But you had told him one day, that though you do love this form of ballet, you had started to fall in love with neoclassical and contemporary ballet. It was more modern, allowing you to bring more of yourself in your dance, Jungkook didn´t really know anything about ballet, so he had just nodded, but after seeing you dance in both, a classical and modern way, he understood why you liked the modern form so much.
“Hey, calm down, little dancer” he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up to him with big eyes, he had just kissed you. Jungkook kissed you, and you found yourself craving his kiss again. “You worry too much, stop thinking about if something is a mistake. Maybe this kiss was a mistake, who knows, but it didn´t feel like it, I liked it and I know you did too. You like dancing contemporary, so do it, your mother isn´t here to support you or critic you. I´m here and I´ll support anything you do.” Touched by his words you found yourself hugging him closer than before. “Oh, what would I do without you?” you asked, playing with his hair that wasn´t covered by the beanie.
“y/n y/l/n! Ready to perform in ten, please move to the curtains!” came the loud voice of the director. Slowly Jungkook let you go, “You´ll do great, alright? Just have fun” the bunny smiled at you. You decided to collect all the courage you had and looked into Jungkook´s eyes, “Don´t I get a good luck kiss?” The male’s eyes twinkle and he can hardly contain a smile, “You get a well done kiss when you´re done, little dancer” You pout, but you know arguing with bunny won´t work, so you just sigh in defeat. Jungkook chuckled as he realised that there will be no arguing, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Go on little dancer, show me what you got. I´ll be right here when you get back.”
With those last words you moved towards the stage, ready to dance your heart out, but you felt oddly calm. With no doubt thanks to the bunny who was cheering you on from the side. The music started and you have never felt so free dancing.
And as promised was Jungkook waiting for you after your performance, you jumped into his waiting arms, “You did so well, you are amazing” he pressed little kisses all over your face, till he finally reached your lips. Needless to say, today was a good day and something told you, that it could only get better with Jungkook next to you, holding you close.
The past one and a half weeks had to be the best you’ve ever had. Life with Jungkook couldn´t have been easier and dread filled your chest, as you thought about how your parents would be arriving today and some part of you wished they wouldn´t.                                                                            Jungkook noticed your mood change too and tried everything he could to make you feel better, not even complaining about how you skipped breakfast this morning, which you knew took a lot for him. You were stood in the kitchen; the bunny had his arms wrapped around you, hugging you from behind, watching as you were gathering the ingredients to make you guys a shake. Occasionally he would sneak a kiss to your neck or cheek.
But all that froze, as you both watched a police car park in your driveway. “Hide”, was the only thing you said, as the doorbell rang and Jungkook didn´t have to be told twice, as he hid in the guest bathroom next to the front door. He was a bit confused, seeing as normally hybrid control would come to collect stray animals and these cops didn´t even have dogs with them, but he didn´t want to risk it, almost holding his breath as you opened the door.
“Good evening”, you greeted politly, though Jungkook could hear the slight tremble and smell your panic. He wanted to jump out of the bathroom and hold you close, never wanting you to feel scared if he could prevent it.
“Good evening, Miss y/l/n, can we come in, we have some bad news for you?    It´s about your parents.”
Time slowed down as you received the news. Your parents died. The blood in your ears rushed, you had trouble making out what they said. You heard that they were asking if they should call someone, but there wasn´t anyone you could call. You had no family here; the only person you wanted was hiding in your guest bathroom down the hall, probably hearing every word.
The police told you, that in the next days a lawyer would stop by to explain to you what would be happening next, you were still underage with no family. They were asking you, if you would want to sleep in a supervised home today, but you shook your head, explaining with shaky voice that the staff would be arriving tomorrow morning and you wouldn´t be alone. After the police left you sank to the floor, “Kookie”, you croaked, vision blurred with tears. You felt strong hands pulling you into a hug, “I´m here y/n. I´m here.”
Taglist: Open, just ask! 
Hope you enjoyed!
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fightmechimchim · 6 years
BTS Scenarios- You Spend the Winter Together
Kim Namjoon:
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‘’C’mon, up you get. We are going out.’’ You said walking into Namjoon’s studio.
‘’Where? I have to finish this.’’ He said. The familiar clicking of the mouse made your head hurt, it’s all you’ve been hearing lately. You wound your arms around him propping your chin on his shoulder, his computer screen glared at you as if to shoo you away.
‘’I think you could use a break.’’ You said pressing a soft kiss to his neck. Namjoon sighed and leaned back to rest his head on you.
‘’I have a lot of work to do and it’s snowing.’’ He reasoned. You could see yourself wishing him good luck and walking out the door but you’ve done that too many times this month.
‘’You’re tired, and your table is covered in more coffee cups than creative ideas. You need a break and you know it. Come.’’ You looked into his tired eyes. You didn’t want to boss him around and tell him how to do his job but you were worried and you hoped he’d see that.
He took your hands and toyed with your fingers while a debate struggled on in his head. In the end he heaved himself from his chair and pulled you in for a hug.
‘’Let’s go.’’ He gave in.
‘’Let’s go.’’ You said pulling away with a smile.
As the cold air sunk into your lungs you felt yourself wake up, looking over Namjoon you noticed the tension seep away the longer you stayed out. Positioning yourselves on a park bench you looked over the white landscape. It was vacant besides you two.
‘’Tell me, what’s up?’’ You nudged his side. He smiled shaking his head.
‘’Nothing really, just stress.’’ He said. He was smiling but his eyes frowned at the coffee cup occupying his hands. You took it away from him and threw it in the bin near the end of the table.
‘’Tell me.’’ You tried again. He looked at you, wondering.
‘’There’s just so much of everything, I feel like there’s no space for me, not Namjoon, not RM.’’ He looked away. It was silent for a bit before you spoke up.
‘’You don’t have to separate yourself into different people, they’re all you. They’re all a part of you, they make you the amazing person that you are. RM couldn’t do the work he does if he didn’t have Namjoon and Namjoon couldn’t be Namjoon without RM. It’s all you, you’re Namjoon and RM not Namjoon one day and RM the next. We’re made of many different things, not just one. It may be hard to learn to live with them but time can be kind.’’ You didn’t know how to help him, didn’t know if it was up to you to help him but if you could say anything at all that would bring him closer to at least a moment of peace you’d say it.
‘’Thank you.’’ He said. He was grateful, even if you couldn’t solve the troubles in his heart and mind, you presence alone would give him the strength to help himself.
‘’I love you, no matter who you are.’’ You brushed away the strands of his hair masking his eyes.
‘’I love you too.’’ He smiled catching your hand in his. He let his head fall on your shoulder as you moved closer to him.
‘’Today I am no one in particular, I work in a coffee shop in a town that’s just like any other town and you are a writer writing a philosophical crime novel, it’s crap and you hate it but it’s okay.’’ You spoke laughing to yourself. Namjoon lifted his head to look at you. A light in his eyes waking up.
‘’Your coffee is very bad and I have no chances of publishing my novel, but that’s okay.’’ Namjoon added laughing along.
‘’Exactly, we can choose who we want to be.’’
‘’You are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend, no one in particular,’’ Namjoon whispered. ‘’Thank you for… everything.’’ You turned to look at him. He smiled and it was real.
Kim Seokjin:
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‘’That’s not a word.’’
‘’Yes it is.’’
‘’No it isn’t.’’
‘’How is it not a word?’’
‘’How is it a word?’’
‘’Because it is?’’
‘’It’s not.’’
‘’Well I say it is.’’
‘’You’re just a sore loser,’’ You set your arms crossed against your chest as you glared at your boyfriend. Seokjin on the other hand was amusing himself by poking at your nerves.
‘’Google it, it’s a word.’’ You snapped. Seokjin rolled his eyes as he fished his phone out of his pocket. You revised the board tucked in between you. Who thought scrabble could make you question your relationship?
‘’Google says it’s not a word.’’ Seokjin smirked shaking his phone in your face.
‘’I don’t care I say it’s a word.’’ You said reaching to add your points on the crumpled piece of paper that was decorated with numbers and tally charts from your previous games.
‘’Hey that’s cheating.’’ Seokjin yelled.
‘’Yeah, what are you going to do about it?’’ You laughed adding up your score.
‘’I will not date a cheater.’’ Seokjin exclaimed standing up on the bed you were occupying.
‘’Fine then break up with me.’’ You rolled your eyes looking up at your boyfriend.
‘’Y/N Y/L/N we are over.’’ Seokjin said shaking his finger at you.
‘’Yay.’’ You clapped happily, your boyfriend on the other hand dropped back down and pushed the board off the bed making the small pieces scatter all over the floor.
‘’Oh c’mon-’’ You began to complain but Seokjin stopped you by pressing his lips to yours. All words and coherent thoughts abandoned your head as your hands slid around his back pressing him closer to you. Seokjin pulled back smiling lazily at you.
‘’I changed my mind, we’re back together.’’ He mused pecking your lips.
‘’Why, can’t you live without me even for a minute?’’ You laughed. Seokjin scrunched his eyes in mock pain.
‘’Not a minute not even a second.’’ He fell on top of you fitting his head comfortably on your chest. You ran your fingertips down the nape of his neck as he hummed in pleasure.
Your boyfriend and you were trapped inside a villa you rented in the countryside for a week. Going out for a walk or a tour of the area was useless due to the snowstorm raging outside.
‘’I love you, you know.’’ Seokjin yawned sleepily. You smiled twirling his hair between your fingers.
‘’I love you too.’’ You replied kissing the top of his head. You laid in silence, nothing but the howling of the wind outside the frosted windows could be heard. You revelled in the warmth of your boyfriend.
‘’I love this.’’ Seokjin mumbled.
‘’What?’’ You asked.
‘’This, us, the quiet. It’s nice. I needed it.’’ He breathed out heavily letting the stress and troubles of his work leak out of his body. You ran your hands down his shoulders and back trying to relax the tension built up there.
‘’We should do this more often then.’’ You offered and your boyfriend tightened his arms around you in agreement.
‘’You know I won the game though right?’’ You teased poking his sides.
‘’Slimper is not a word.’’ He scoffed.
‘’If Shakespeare can create his own words then so can I.’’ You laughed.
‘’You’re such a slimper.’’ He said lifting his head to look at you.
‘’That’s an incorrect use of the word.’’ You laughed poking his cheeks.
‘’Educate me.’’ He winked.
‘’My pleasure.’’ You smirked leaning up to capture his lips with your own. There will definitely be a repeat of this.
Min Yoongi:
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Waking up on Christmas morning with the person you loved the most in the world was ultimately the best Christmas present you could ask for. Rolling onto your side you watched Yoongi sleep. A single slant of light sneaking from the curtains angled itself on Yoongi’s face making him frown and wipe at it as if he could sweep away the irritable light.
You lifted yourself from your shared bed and tiptoed silently to close the curtains. Yoongi mumbled something incoherent as you walked out of the bedroom. You and Yoongi were vacationing in his hometown for Christmas, it was a perfect opportunity for you two to spend time together doing absolutely nothing.
Upon exiting the room you located your luggage and out of it you pulled a somewhat nicely wrapped gift you prepared for your boyfriend. Brushing your hands over the dented packaging you made your way back to the bedroom. Sitting yourself down on the bed you reached to run your hands through Yoongi’s hair, he leaned into the touch, a smile pulled at the corner of his lips.
‘’Wake up sleepy head,’’ You whispered mindful of the fact that the entire house was still fast asleep. Yoongi shuffled and pulled the covers tighter around him.
You leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips urging him to wake up.
‘’Wake up, please,’’ You smiled as Yoongi grumbled in protest but gradually opened his eyes to peer at you.
‘’Merry Christmas.’’ You smiled. Yoongi rubbed at his eyes before sitting up slowly.
‘’Seriously?’’ He threw you a dirty look after checking the time on his phone.
‘’Yes, I have a present for you.’’ You piped up placing the packaging onto his lap. Slowly he pulled apart the paper to reveal a beautiful gold rimmed picture frame, and while the frame was beautiful the picture inside, even though nothing special, was the best part.
It was a picture you and Yoongi took last autumn; you, him and Min Holly laying on the ground in heaps of coloured leaves smiling at the camera like you lived your entire lives with no troubles whatsoever.
Yoongi looked up at you with a warm smile, his hand reached to brush the side of your cheek.
‘’Thank you, it’s very sweet.’’ He said as his eyes ran over the image cherishing the moment imprinted on the paper. Your entire your body tingled with affection for your little family.
‘’Let’s get back to sleep?’’ You laughed lightly tangling your arms around Yoongi slowly bringing him down to lay on the bed. Yoongi gently shoved the papers off the bed and placed the picture frame on the bedside table.
He rested his head on the pillow and slid his arm around your waist to pull you closer.
‘’I love you and Merry Christmas to you too.’’ He said moving his face to rest against yours. You fell asleep in the warmth circling around you wishing it would always be like this.
Jung Hoseok:
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The store lights above your head reflected onto Hoseok’s hair as you tried to brush away the sprinkles of glitter stuck in between the strands.
‘’Hobi I’m telling you we bought enough decorations, we don’t need anymore.’’ You said looking apologetically at the staff of the shop who were busy collecting the scattered Christmas tree decorations that your boyfriend very ungracefully dropped on the floor after trying to lift a whole box of them from a shelve that was unfortunately too high up even for him.
Hoseok flushed a vivid red as he leaned away from your hands. He glanced at the staff apologising for the fiftieth time.
‘’I was just checking them out, I wasn’t going to buy them.’’ He tried to reason while shaking his head ridding himself of the last few bits of glitter. Rolling your eyes you grabbed his hand and exited the shop.
Hoseok and you were touring the nearest mall fetching everything you needed to decorate your apartment. You didn’t really feel the spirit of Christmas this year, however, your boyfriend insisted that you make this Christmas special, at least for him. What were you supposed to say, no?
‘’I still need to get Jimin something,’’ Hoseok pouted staring at the bags busying your hands. You looked around, a lot of the shops were closing considering how late it was getting.
‘’Maybe some clothes would do?’’ Hoseok wondered out loud.
‘’The clothing stores are closing, but I know a book store that should be open, want to check it out?’’ You suggested as Hoseok’s eyes widened as if he just realised that his best friend liked to read.
‘’Hoseok how long have you been his roommate?’’ Your boyfriend threw you a dirty look before slithering his hand around your waist urging you to walk.
After a good half an hour of Hoseok debating what book he should get Jimin the two of you made your way towards the food court.
‘’Are you sure he will like it?’’ Hoseok asked staring at the covers of the two books he picked up, he bought both of his choices thinking there’d be a fifty/fifty chance of him liking at least one of them. You shrugged your shoulders stealing a sip of his drink.
‘’Hey hey hey that’s mine,’’ He laughed pressing a single finger to your forehead pushing you away from his drink.
‘’What if he doesn’t like it? Does he like these kind of books?’’ Hoseok looked at you as if you had all the answers about Jimin’s preferences.
‘’I don’t know Hobi, he’s not my boyfriend after all.’’ You said taking one of the books to read the back.
‘’Right never mind.’’ Hoseok said snatching the book back from you. The word Jimin and boyfriend in one sentence was not something he wanted to hear from his girlfriend’s mouth.
‘’I said he’s not my boyfriend.’’ You laughed squeezing Hoseok’s cheeks before he took your hand and pulled you up from your seat opposite him so you could sit next to him.
‘’I know, I am your boyfriend, soon to be husband.’’ He said proudly wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
‘’Don’t you dare propose to me in a food court.’’ You smacked his chest lightly and Hoseok began to fake cry attracting the attention of the few people around him. You pressed your hands to his mouth to shush him. Hoseok pulled away pressing his finger to his dimple asking for a kiss.
Taking his chin between your fingers you turned his head and gave him a sloppy hard kiss on the lips. Hoseok even if slightly displeased about the insincere kiss smiled broadly, at least he got his kiss.
‘’Don’t worry Jimin will love the books and if he won’t at least he’ll appreciate the thought.’’ You said giving him a gentler kiss on the nose. Hoseok sighed dropping his head on your shoulder.
‘’What would I do without you?’’ He said resting his hand on your thigh. You smiled taking his hand in yours.
‘’You’d have to find me again.’’
Park Jimin:
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Jimin loved the winter season. It was cold and annoying and the flu was all around but there was also snow and warm clothes and the finest satisfaction of waking up snuggled up in bed when the outside world grew ice on every rooftop.
And as much as Jimin loved the comfort of his own bed at the very moment there was a small gap somewhere in between his ribs that related to the lone moon in the sky.
Lonely. He was lonely.
Ditching the warmth of his room Jimin ventured outside into the cold.
The snow was beautiful, glittering like jewels, like army bombs he thought bashfully. He stopped in the middle of the road and looked up. He watched the moon, watched it till the dark clouds took it into their embrace.
‘’Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time?’’ A voice sounded from beside him. There you were, bundled up in a huge winter coat with chapped lips stretching into an uncertain smile as you watched Jimin watch you.
‘’I’m Y/N I work with the Hope is Paws Animal Shelter, we’re raising money to help rescue homeless animals in the time of winter, any chance you could donate?’’ You spoke willing your voice to stop shaking.
Jimin nodded smiling kindly as he ran his hands down the sides of his jacket looking for his wallet.
‘’Of course, I’d love to help.’’ He said pulling out some money. You stretched out the charity bucket allowing Jimin to slip in the notes.
‘’Thank you so much.’’ You cheered shaking the bucket. Jimin frowned at the empty sound.
‘’Not many donations?’’ He asked. You looked down, embarrassed.
‘’Unfortunately no, people don’t want to stand around in the cold while fishing for some change, everyone is rushing to get warm.’’ You shrugged explaining. Jimin smiled sympathetically before his gaze sharpened.
‘’How long have you been out in the cold?’’ He asked looking you up and down for no other reason than to make sure you didn’t freeze into an icicle over time.
‘’An hour or so.’’ You sounded dubious, you yourself didn’t notice really. Jimin opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself before turning his head side to side in search for something.
‘’Can I treat you to a hot drink? I’d feel responsible if you got sick.’’ He offered and you froze not sure what to think of his request. You didn’t want to cause him trouble.
‘’I have to collect more money but thank you.’’ You said and cast your eyes down. Jimin felt a pang of disappointment but he understood.
‘’Then how about I join you?’’ Jimin asked somewhat hesitant not wanting to seem creepy.
‘’I couldn’t make you stand in the cold.’’ You tried to argue, genuinely worried for the condition of the kind hearted man.
‘’It must be lonely for you, here by yourself.’’ He said and you couldn’t help but feel hurt by those words. The only reason why you were the one collecting money for the shelter was because everyone else was with their loved ones, except you.
‘’Okay, I’d like that.’’ You agreed smiling. Jimin’s own face split into a bright smile, it fitted the beautiful scenery around you. Jimin shuffled next to your side chuckling as he did so.
‘’I could use some company myself.’’ He mused. You looked over at him just as he glanced at you.
‘’Thank you.’’ You smiled.
‘’No thank you.’’ Jimin winked before looking up and running off.
‘’Excuse me would you be willing to spare some donations to help homeless animals in winter?’’ You watched Jimin retrieve some donations from a flustered couple he stopped in the middle of the road. He peeked at you giving you a thumbs up as the couple hurried away.
‘’We’re a good team.’’ He exclaimed depositing the money in your bucket and high-fiving you.
‘’We certainly are.’’ You laughed together and neither of you felt so lonely anymore.
Kim Taehyung:
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‘’Y/N why did you invite us? Not that we mind but don’t you and Taehyung want to be alone?’’ Yoongi spoke up coming out of his room. You smiled wrapping your arm around Taehyung’s waist.
‘’Christmas is for family and that’s what you are to me.’’ You said looking at the boys around you whom you invited to celebrate Christmas with, you couldn’t detect a single space in your heart that didn’t love them.
‘’It’s nice, without the cameras and all, thank you for this.’’ Taehyung squeezed you to his side planting a soft kiss on your head.
You rented a house in the countryside hoping you’d give the boys a chance to rest from the eyes of the world. Initially it was supposed to be just you and Taehyung but you knew how much Taehyung adored his brothers, it wouldn’t have been the same without all the people he loved the most.
‘’Alright, we should all unpack and get some dinner.’’ Hoseok clapped his hands turning in circles to search for his room.
‘’How will we decide the rooms?’’ Jimin asked leaning on the edge of the sofa.
‘’I don’t mind sharing with Y/N.’’ Jungkook said barely dodging a kick from Taehyung.
‘’I don’t think so ass, Y/N chose the rooms for everyone.’’ Taehyung glared at Jungkook fishing for the piece of paper tucked inside your jacket.
After everything got settled and organized the boys and you ventured outside to sit by the lake. It was considerably warm for winter so none of you complained about the chilly air. You sat by Taehyung’s side watching the other boys run around preparing the food. The steaming food made everyone drool and hurry to eat it.
It was nice, it was peaceful. Talking and playing around with the boys felt natural and exactly how things should be. No stress or priding eyes just the lot of you before the setting sun.
After dinner everyone separated to go to their individual rooms. The exhaustion of the drive and setting up was catching up with everyone, the food itself was putting everyone to sleep at the table. Taehyung and you went to your own room, washing up and sinking under the covers was probably the best feeling you’ve felt in a while.
Taehyung immediately wrapped his arms around you pulling you in to rest against his chest. You tangled your legs together fitting yourself to his body.
‘’It was wonderful, today, you know.’’ Taehyung murmured lips pressed to your head. You leaned back to look at him.
‘’You deserve it.’’ You said reaching your fingers to brush his hair back. You let your hand rest on the back of his neck rubbing circles against his skin to soothe the tightness built there. Taehyung closed his eyes in comfort, a small smile grew on his face relaxing his features. A wave of adoration filled your chest. You’d give everything to make him happy.
‘’I love you.’’ He breathed out as the hands of sleep pulled him into unconscious.
‘’I love you too.’’ You said pressing a kiss to his lips, the last one for the night, there’ll be more in the morning of course.
Jeon Jungkook:
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‘’Hey, take this.’’ Jungkook smiled handing you your hot drink. You took it in your hands and sighed at the pleasant warmth that spread to your palms. You brought your face closer letting the steam shower your face with warmth while you inhaled familiar scent.
‘’Thank you, where do you want to go?’’ You asked looking around.
It was nearing dusk and the lights of the city roads created a warm glow onto the snow layered streets. People walked drowned in their winter coats, kids giggled as they beamed at the snowflakes stuck to their gloves, teenagers walked hand in hand squealing as they slipped. The animated atmosphere made you glad you left the house.
Jungkook took your spare hand in his and pulled you away from the café you’ve just visited.
‘’Where are we going?’’ You asked following his steps trying not to slip on the glossy pathway.
‘’Not sure, let’s just walk.’’ He quipped. You started to swing your hands together laughing as you watched the people around you, the beautiful scenery.
After random stops to take pictures you stalled next to a crowd of people who occupied a small square of space. There was a small stage set up and someone stood there singing to the watchful crowd. You and Jungkook stood to the side watching from afar. After the song finished everyone clapped, and then another soloist came on stage to sing.
A slow beautiful melody drifted over the square and you leaned your head on Jungkook’s shoulder enjoying the performance. You glanced at your boyfriend who was caught in a trance watching the performance, his cheeks were pink from the cold and his eyes shone bright underneath his ball cap, you could see how engaged he was with the music, the way he nodded and lip synced the words. It made you appreciate the moment so much more.
You could probably go out every day and watch street performances but Jungkook couldn’t. This was special; walking, drinking hot drinks and listening to music. A small but certain happiness that you were happy to be a part of with him.
When the song ended Jungkook clapped, he looked at you with eyes that spoke about how great the performance was, you smiled and clapped along to show your agreement.
After a few more songs you decided to go home, you wanted to stay just so that Jungkook could enjoy himself a bit more before diving into work and endless schedules, but he fought against you noticing how you clinged to his side for warmth.
‘’You knew the song? That that girl sung?’’ You asked as you walked home. Jungkook nodded, smiling he hummed the melody.
‘’Will you sing it when we get home?’’ You asked pleadingly tugging at his arm. Jungkook laughed pulling your hat over your eyes and running away.
‘’Only if you race me.’’ He laughed as you struggled through the blanket of slushed snow.
You lost but he still sung the song. You listened with pride hoping you could give him more days like the one you had.
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Seokjin Scenario: Celebrity Crush.
Request: Scenario where y/n is jin's romantic interest in his drama and he actually has had a crush on her (she's a popular actress) since before that. He tries to be all cool and chill in front of her but is actually a nervous mess ^^ fans of the drama starts shipping them and all that and he tries to ask her to go on a date with him thanks!   
Genre: Fluff       
Seokjin took a deep breath, this was a piece of cake, he just needed to get through this scene with you and not fail in the process, which was more likely going to happen if he kept thinking how nervous he was, how much he admired you, how beautifully stunning you were and how he was supposed to act like he wanted to date you when in reality he’d thought about that a million and one time before because he was already infatuated with you.
It never crossed his mind the fact that he would ever have the chance to act in the same drama with you because you were way too popular, had been doing this for longer than him even if young and he admired your work and how you could portray so many characters perfectly.
He heard the director calling his name and went to meet you, this scene was a quiet one, you were supposed to stroll around a park talking about your dreams and how the the job you currently had wasn’t what you wanted for your life, so Jin was supposed to be there supporting you.
You were wearing a deep blue dress with a flowy white cardigan and flats, simple but pretty and when your eyes met his you smiled, making Jin’s heart jump. He really needed to control himself around you for god’s sake, he was a grown up man, strong and professional. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, because he just felt like a little love struck fan in front of you whatever he did.
-Are you alright?- you asked him softly when you were getting ready to film. He nodded effusively and felt his face getting hotter by the second which he knew was going to make him look all red and completely not alright, dear god.
The director asked him if it was too hot for him, if he needed a bit more time before starting to film and Seokjin knew the whole cast might have been presentiating his state and he very increasingly wanted to be swollen by the ground.
-Actually I think I might want a minute or two before starting, this heat is no joke- you said softly and then everybody agreed on having a little break.
Jin knew you had said so because of him because you looked at him with an accomplice and reassuring smile.
You were so kind, so attentive, so caring and sweet; so everything that Jin wanted for him and he muttered a soft thank you. Was it possible to fall more and more for you with each new day you saw each other? Absolutely yes.
The recording for that day had finally ended and one of Jin’s fansites had prepared a truck that served smoothies and frappuccinos for the whole cast, everybody was thankful for it because it was the middle of summer. You smiled at the big picture of him next to the truck, you could understand why he was so loved by his fans, Seokjin was fun and talented, and something you couldn’t stop thinking about was how much of a gentleman he was and how his good looks made you feel a little nervous inside.
It was hard to ignore all the good point son his favor, how much of a nice boyfriend material he was.
You saw Jin coming to the few tables in front of the truck and you waved at him so he could sit with you, he smiled and went to you.
He was carrying a smoothie with him and when he was about to sit with you spilled the whole thing on himself.
-Oh I’m sorry!- he said and you rushed to help him, grabbing a few napkins to help him dry dow his now stained shirt.
You giggled and frowned at him. -Why are you apologizing to me? You threw it all on you-
He laughed under his breath and then shrugged, letting you help him out.
-I don’t know… for being so clumsy around you Y/N I guess-
His eyes fixed on yours and you lowered your face, you were as close as you had been in every other scene but this wasn’t a recording and Jin’s eyes made you feel some kind of way.
You finished drying the most you could out of his shirt and then laughed softly, shaking your head.
-What?- he asked and you kept on smiling.
-I’m just thinking… If the fans could see us in this moment, they would go crazy-
-Why?- he asked softly and you looked at him again, he honestly didn’t seem to know which was surprising.
-Haven’t you seen the news lately? They ship us so much, say we should be a really couple, some already think we are… they say we have some type of chemistry, that we look good together…-
You stopped talking because you felt flustered now, after you read those comments you started to believe so yourself, to see Jin with different eyes and it was unavoidable.
Had you ruined it all up with your comment? Maybe he thought it was out of place, maybe he would never think of you that way. He fell silent and so did you, retreating to your seat and wondering the best way to patch up everything you had said and dismiss it until Jin spoke again.
-And what about you?- he asked softly and you stared at him, he noticed you weren’t getting his question because he asked differently again. -What are your own thoughts on that?-
Did he suspect you had been thinking about the same things your fans were saying? It wasn’t possible but at the moment you feared that and then you felt too flustered to talk, you weren’t about to tell him that you found him really attractive and that if you were to be together you also thought you’d make a good couple.
-I…- you stumbled with your words and then two others from the cast approached your table so the topic was dismissed for the time being.
Seokjin kept thinking about what you’d said over and over, so much he even made his own research and came across all the comments of the fans of the drama, there was even a fan page created with a couple name and it honestly made him feel a little more courageous. Maybe they were right, maybe they had been able to see something he didn’t in your interactions.
He saw all the photos and little messages written about you two, most likely you had seen those already too and when you had told him about this you didn’t sound disgusted by it or treating it as a joke.
He closed his laptop with a new resolution in his head, now he was more than ready for tomorrow’s recording, he was going to make use of all the confidence he knew he had to make this word or fail in the attempt.
That day you were looking extra pretty, and foe this particular scene he was going to confess his feelings for you. Seokjin laughed to the irony of all this. The director had told him that he had done a great job, that his acting was so realistic he was really please and Jin laughed because it couldn’t get more real than confessing his true feelings for you in television.
But now he had to do it again, he was decided so he searched for you in the set.
-Y/N!- you turned around the the sound of his voice and Seokjin felt his stomach funny when your eyes settled on him. -Are you busy right now?-
-No, why?- you observed him with curious eyes and a little smile and Jin took a deep breath.
He didn’t want to keep wondering the what if with you, he could go the rest of his life being shamelessly caught in a crush for you without doing anything or he could find out for once and for all if his feelings were corresponded.
-I… you look great today- he blurted out and wanted to facepalm himself because of course you looked great, you were beautiful everyday but that hadn’t been exactly what he was going to say.
You giggled, covering your lips with a hand. -Thanks Jin, you don’t look bad yourself- you looked at him in a way that made him grin.
-Yeah, of course- you nodded and then laughed nervously.
-Look Y/N I…- he took a step closer and you mirrored him.
He smiled, he’d never been this eager in his life, but there he was, about to confess for the second time to you and it actually made him feel more nervous than the first.
-Would you like to go out with me?- he said all at once. - in a date? I really want to go on a date with you-
You were looking at him with big eyes and so he went out rambling, his nerves kicking in.
-It’s alright if you don't want to, I’ll understand but I mean if you do, it would be so good and I…-
You laughed cutely and interrupted him.
-I’d love to-
-Huh?-  he was so nervous he missed out entirely what you said, his ears were ringing, his heart was going wild.
-I said I would love to go out with you- you said again and he smiled so he finally laughed at ease, because you had been his celebrity crush for so long but now you were going to be more than that, you were going to be his date and he couldn’t be happier.
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baozibunz · 3 years
RM: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are.
Jin: It’s not a joke.
Jin: *sniffles*
Jin: I’m a legit snack.
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lovelycupid47 · 5 months
BTS Incorrect quotes #6
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Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is because you’re not going to like it Jimin: Just rip the bandage off. Y/N: It’s Taehyung. Jimin: Put the bandage back on.
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BTS when you wear their clothes:
"Do you have a comfortable hoodie you can lend me for the flight?"
He hands you one of his hoodies and you immediately change into it
Then he hugs you from behind sniffing in deeply
"This is great now I can smell my own scent all the time."
"No but for real I like it that you wear my hoodie. It feel like it's smth that connects us."
The first thing Yoongi does when he comes home is go to the living room to check on you because you have a cold
"Hey, how are you doing?"
"It's alright but I can't sleep cause of my headache."
"Do you want some tea or do you need - wait....are you waring my hoodie?"
"Uhm yeah...are you mad?...."
"No not at all. It's fine. Anyways I'm gonna make you some tea."
He tries to not show any reaction to you wearing his hoodie
But as he comes back with your tea he stares at you, grinning brightly
"What's going on? Why are you smiling like that?"
"Nothing, it's nothing."
"Comon Yoongi tell me."
Then he whispers almost a little shy:
"Nothing...just that you look really cute with my hoodie on."
"Wow that jacket looks fire. I wish I would have such designing talent."
"You really like it? Actually I wasn't too happy with it."
"Nonsense it's perfect."
"You can have it if you like it so much."
"Really?! I would be so happy for real."
The next time you see each other you wear the jacket
He doesn't even let you talk
"I love the way you look in my jacket. It's so adorable how baggy it looks on you."
Then he pulls you in a hug and pecks your cheek
After you're finally done with throwing up after all the alcohol you drank Namjoon carries you to your bed to get you to sleep
But when he's about to cover you up he sees that you're shirt is dirty
You don't have any clothes at his place so he gets a one of his t-shirt's and exchanges it
It's really baggy on you and as he thinks it's cute he takes a picture of you
The next morning when you notice you wear his shirt you say at breakfast:
"I like wearing your shirt. It smells a lot like you."
He just grins at you
"I like you wearing my shirt too."
"Y/n I know you want it to be summer but you're gonna freeze if you just wear that top."
"Yeah well we're at your apartment so obviously I don't have my jackets here."
"Come here for a second."
He gives you one of his hoodies to wear and you put it on
He smiles at you
"You know what, next time forget your jacket again. I think I like you wearing my clothes. Let's go."
He takes your hand in his and pulls you with him
You two come home from a walk as you hear your parents talking and apperantly waiting in front of your house
You panic because you wear a crop top and your parents are extremely strict and conservative
Taehyung immediately understands the situation and gives you his hoodie as he wears a tshirt under it
Later after your parents left you thank him for his fast reaction
"You know what next time you can just wear my clothes for no reason at all."
Then he winks at you
"Ah it's so cold today. I should've brought a jacket."
Without a comment but with a big grin in his face he gives you his jacket
"Why do you look so excited?"
"It's the first time you wear smth from me. I've waited for this moment for so long."
You just laugh at him and then put the jacket on
"Come here, we have to mark this day in our relationship."
He pulls you next to him to take some dorky pictures
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Lost in You (Namjoon x Reader)
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Genre: Fluffy and then Angst
Word Count: About 2.7k
Warnings: Major character death, some drinking    
     A drink, that’s how it all started. A simple trip to a club with his members left him broken-hearted today. You went to that club on that very day, clothes so tight, and back oh so bare. A holy being. An angel. That’s what he thought you were. After that day, Namjoon found out that the sexy allure to you was a mere wave, not the real you, but still part of you.
    Namjoon had found you after that night in the library near the dorms, a place he frequented. Apparently, you too had often come there, for “peace and quiet” as he quoted. Namjoon finds himself attracted to you, unable to take his eyes off you. Whenever he got the chance, Namjoon would try his luck at the library, hoping to catch you.
    It has been weeks now. He always saw you in his free time, to the point, he had all of you memorized. The way you laugh, your shy smile, and your gentle voice burns into his mind, leaving its mark. His days now are surrounded by you. Everything he does, it revolves around you.
    Love. Love for someone he never knew the name of. Love for someone who potentially didn’t know he exists. Namjoon had you on his mind 24/7. You were his sun, as you were his stars. You were his burning passion, as you were his calming peace. You were his muse, the many songs written just for you.
    Pining, that all Namjoon thought it would be. His love would be unrequited until he moved on. How is it possible to fall so deep for someone, without ever talking to them? All of that changed when you had bumped into him. The way you profusely apologize to him while picking up your fallen books, yet not once making eye contact with him. Namjoon found it endearing and helps you pick up your books. A brush of hands is enough to send him into overload. Carefully, Namjoon helps you carry your books towards your table and set them down. 
    You thanked him and asked if he wanted anything in return. He waved it off but, when he was about to return to his seat, a book in your stash had caught his eyes. It was a book he had read before. To Namjoon, the book gave him thoughts he could never imagine. To see you reading it, he felt happy that you somewhat share the same book tastes as him. Namjoon asked you about the book, only to see you bursting with happiness to see that someone else enjoyed it too.
    Both of you talked about it for hours. From your separate theories in the book to challenging the other’s theory. And before Namjoon knew it, it was past time for him to go back to the dorms. Namjoon used this chance to ask for your number, claiming that he wanted to discuss other books and theories with you. And doing so, he came back to the dorms with a smile on his face, dimples proudly showing.
    You two talked with each other over the phone when one was free and often scheduled library meet-ups. Books after books went to be discussed yet they weren’t the only topic you talked about.  Little by little, Namjoon found out more and more about you. You were shy in your nature but fierce when it comes to certain things. You had more than one time impressed Namjoon with your confidence in books but also in other things.
    Namjoon kept to himself about seeing you at the club. He thought it wasn’t necessary for you to know, but always wondered, “Why are you different?” He came to know that you are an acting major at a rather prestigious university. Though you were an ace on stage, in costume, you aren’t quite a bold nut usually. 
    Time passed on and you both couldn’t help your feelings. Love was always in Namjoon, even before he had interacted with you. You, on the other hand, hid all of your feelings in your heart.
    When you became confident enough, you invited Namjoon to one of your plays. He was ecstatic to come. Carefully, he snuck out of the dorms and stayed quiet to avoid any media attraction. Namjoon sat in the seat you had prepared for him. A front row view of the play that was about to start. 
    You came out as a dashing knight, no longer the shy person he knew. The suit of armor on you looked fantastic, but not as much as he preferred the usual hoodies on you. With your acting, Namjoon felt as if he is a spectator to something other worldly. The beautiful display of sword fighting and the grandeur of horse riding leads him right into a fantasy world. With each of your strategically placed steps, Namjoon couldn’t help but in awe of the amazing performance.  
    Once the play ended, he couldn’t help but showered you with compliments. Though you denied it, he still believes that you are the most talented person he had ever come to know of. You and him took a stroll around the area after you were out of your costume. The conversation flowed smoothly between you two, leaving no moment of silence. This was what Namjoon wanted. A friend, a crush or a partner that could be like him. A person that cared for him so much, without knowing who he actually is. 
    Then, it slipped from him. A simple “I love you” served as a confession to a relationship that he wished to last. After hearing those three words, you flushed red from what he said. Namjoon was worried that you would reject him, ending what he and you had now. But barely audible, an “I love you too” came from you. Namjoon excitedly captured your lips in a chaste kiss. That was the beginning of your story together.
    After confessing and getting to date you, Namjoon had one major thing to figure out. How was he going to tell you that he was an idol? You too had loved music but, because you were from America originally, with Taylor Swift and other American artists being the only ones on your playlist. After a while of thinking, he decided to come clean to his members about what has been going on these few months and ask for their help.
    When telling them, some were shocked but others had suspected it. They were more than happy for their leader and agreed to help. Eventually, they came up with a plan to tell you the news once you become familiar with the rest of the BTS members. They knew they couldn’t let you find out first, because if you did, it might end up a little bit too messy for their liking.
    The next day that they were free, Namjoon had asked you to meet and familiarize his friends. He snuck you to the dorms and had you meet the rest. Each of the members introduce themselves to you as you shyly bow in a respectful manner. Though the air was stuffy at first, a few of Jin’s dad jokes and Yoongi’s savage comments got you melted in with the bunch.
    After the successful visit, Namjoon brought this up to Bang PD-nim. He knew that he was going to be scolded but PD-nim was rather understanding. He wished Namjoon good luck with his relationship and asked him to be aware of the media. Now, with everything out of the way, Namjoon invited you out to one of his concerts, as a date. He texted you that he was going to be late on that day but will be showing up. 
    When you arrived at the concert, you couldn’t believe how big it was. There were probably over ten thousand people present and you couldn’t imagine how big these artists are. You get a text from Namjoon that he was going to be late and that you should go ahead. 
    Going into the stadium however, you were escorted by a staff member to go backstage. Although confused, you followed and waited in the artist’s room as asked. Only a few moments later, the door once again opens, this time revealing Namjoon. You ran up to him and hugged him. He told you to sit down while he explained some things. You find out that he is actually the idol performing today.
    Namjoon was nervous. He didn’t know how you would react to this news. After all, you were still only human. Maybe this news would be the end of your relationship together or the beginning of a stronger one. He really hoped it was the latter.
    Namjoon’s wish came true as you accepted him for who he is. From that day on, you guys were each other's biggest supporters. He was there when you got your first acting job. You were there when BTS got nominated for a Grammy. Together, you guys made the ultimate power couple.
    However, your happiness was a story without the proper ending. During an outdoor shoot for a K-Drama starring you, a major accident happens. The streets were supposed to be closed for the shoot but a wild car pushed in. The driver was drunk and couldn’t see you in front of the car. You ran, trying to get out of danger. The driver turned the steering wheel and headed straight into you.
    Mid-way through the photoshoot, Namjoon got an urgent call from your manager. He was informed about your condition and headed for the hospital. This was bad, a direct hit. The driver had died on the spot and you were knocked unconscious immediately. Even though you are still alive, there are various internal injuries along with external ones too.
    Namjoon headed straight into the OR and got there just in time to see you get pushed into the surgery room. He stands there, looking at the neon sign “Operating”. All he could do was pray. The only thing he wants is for you to come back, unharmed.
    The rest of BTS came into the hospital a few moments later. All of them were just as nervous as Namjoon. You were their precious friend, a sister to them. They’ve seen how happy Namjoon has been with you, and from the bottom of their heart, they don’t want to see you two apart. The last thing they want is to lose a close friend, and the bright smile of their leader.
    The time ticked through slowly as each sound of the clock in the hospital drove Namjoon more and more off the edge. What seemed like an hour, lasted a minute. What seemed like an eternity, lasted an hour.
     After a long surgery, you were finally rolled out of the operating room. Still unconscious, but looking just as he remembered. You were transferred into your private room and were hooked up to many devices. He could see the rhythm of your heart beating. The doctors approached him, to tell him the news. 
    The news was long, a complete update on your health. Due to crashing directly, being crashed by a car, and being thrown into a nearby pole, your brain had suffered the damages. The doctors had tried their best to revive you but you could only be kept alive physically, not mentally. 
    That was when Namjoon had lost it. He wanted to thrash out, yell at the doctor for not saving you. But all he could do was to drop to his knees, facing away from the rest of his members, and weep. That’s all he did for the next several days. He had lost what he loved most and learned what true pain felt like.
    Namjoon stayed in your hospital room for almost a month, taking a break from his idol’s duties. He never once went through social media, and with every fiber of his being, stayed with you. He would feed you through the tube, look at your heartbeat, and touch you, as if you weren’t dead. His hyungs and dongsaengs often came for him, to check up on him. They knew this pain was something that should be lived out, not something you should hide.
    After the month, Namjoon had to do the most difficult thing of his life, cut off your oxygen supply. This was the only way to move on, to let you leave in peace. With all of his members by his side, giving him all of the support he needed, he brought his fingers up to your oxygen path. All he had to do was to hold the passageway shut for a few minutes, and the task was done.
    He held the tube but couldn’t bring himself to squeeze it shut. He collapsed, not knowing what to do anymore. Namjoon felt a hand placed on him. He looked up to see Yoongi, looking at him with painful eyes. Yoongi’s hand comforted him and gave him strength. He looked to the rest of his members, all there to help him. Hoseok initiated the group hug, putting Namjoon in the middle of it. Jin held Namjoon’s other hand as the three maknae gathered behind him. 
    Yoongi said to Namjoon, “Just do it, the more you drag it out, the more that it’s going to hurt. We love her too Namjoon, but never will it be as much as you. End it, please, before any pain is added, to you, and to us.”
    Namjoon nodded, understanding. With all of his strength, he squeezed the passageway shut, whispering “goodbye” to you. He watched as your heart monitor went crazy before it flatlined. It was over, everything had come to its end.
   Namjoon returned to his task as the leader of a worldwide group. His smiles are no longer as bright as before. For the first few months, he threw himself into work, composing song after song, and spoke with fake enthusiasm. He wanted to put his best for ARMY, but he couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing. 
   One day, he fell asleep while composing and dreamt of you. You had come back to him after the shoot, everything normal and fine. But that blissful dream broke as you spoke to him. You had been watching him from where you were, disappointed by his action.
    Softly you spoke to him, “Namjoon, I can see you. Although you can’t see me, I am always by your side. Please, perform for your fans as if you are performing for me. I’ll be at every concert, every interview, and every event to cheer for you. Live on for me, do the things I couldn’t, okay?”
     Namjoon held you, “If that is your wish, I’ll do so. But I want you to know, I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for being by me.”
     And with that, Namjoon woke up with more determination than ever. He decided to fulfill your wish. He went to Bang PD-nim to ask about publicizing his relationship. Although PD-nim was against it at first, he understood why this had to happen. Later that day, an official statement was released by Big Hit regarding the relationship. Even though ARMY was shocked, they now know why Namjoon was so down. 
    With the knowledge being public, he organized your funeral and invited your close friends. Everyone could see that Namjoon was better now, but the pain never left him. He continued on, talking about you with such fondness that everyone could tell how much he loved you. It pained ARMY to see him like this, but were very glad that Namjoon could now talk about it. 
    As a special present for you, on your birthday, he released a song about you. It covered how happy he felt with you, and his journey with thoughts on being without you. He sang it with all of his emotions, giving his best just like you had asked.
   Now, every time an anniversary rolled around, he would visit the library you two first interacted at, and the club you two first met. A drink for you, to celebrate your anniversary, first date, first interaction. It felt like a way to remember you, to show you that you are still in his heart. Maybe one day, he would join you and you both would drink while reading, together.
“If I knew what will happen,
I would have prevented it.
Maybe like that,
I would live without regretting it.”
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: You Getting Shot
Summary: you get shot and the boys handle the situation differently than expected.
Request: Anonymous said:
Mafia bts reaction to their s/o accidently or on purpose getting shot?
Warnings: angsttt, mafia!au, mentions of being shot. Taehyung is a dick in this im sorry, mentions of the boys wanting to murder the person who shot you, fluff, yoongi bloodlust,
W.C.: 2-300 for each member (1.7k)
Notes: Friday I am getting my puppy!!!!
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“Oh fuck.” Seokjin sighed as he watched you play with the guns that he has laid out on the table in the weapon room.
“What?” You laughed, confused on why your boyfriend is acting as if you are about to hurt yourself or someone. “I know what I am doing.”
Seokjin let out a nervous laugh at your words, cautiously walking up to you. The most feared mafia leader in the world is nervous of his own fiancée that is holding a gun for the first time. Not knowing what a certain switch does, you flicked it, and not knowing that the switch turns off the safety, you pulled back the trigger and a loud, ricocheting sound sounded in the room followed by a loud cry of pain coming from you.
Realizing what just has happened, Seokjin let out a loud curse, rushing towards.
“Oh, fuck!” You screeched, holding onto your thigh, trying to not pass out from the blood that is now covering your hands.
“You’re such an idiot, Jagi!” Seokjin scolded, picking you up bridal style, carrying you out of the room in a hurry to the headquarters doctors’ room.
“Did Noona just shoot herself?” Jungkook asked as Seokjin jogged passed him.
“Possibly,” you answered, doing the best as you could to not break down crying.
Yoongi was already having a bad day. Having to deal with the new rookies he brought in, getting threats from a gang in the east, and having little to none sleep. It was as if he was ticking time bomb ready to explode at any second.
The last thing he needed was getting a call from the hospital, saying that you were a victim of a crossfire shooting.
So, here he was, sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in the room where you were attached to tubes and wires, the agonizingly beat from the heart monitor mocking him. Tears were streaking down his face, face red and expression heartbroken.
“Hyung,” Namjoon spoke out, knocking on the door softly.
Looking up, Yoongi gave him a death glare, not in the mood to deal with anything. “What do you want, Namjoon?” Yoongi growled out, voice croaky.
“The gang from the east, the one who has been making threats… they’re the ones who shot Y/N.”
To say that Namjoon was scared would be an understatement – from all of the years of knowing Yoongi, Namjoon has never seen the look that Yoongi is showing, which is bloodlust.
“You’re so stupid!” Hoseok growled out at you, an angry look on his face. “You’re so Goddamn stupid! Why would you do that?” He clutched you closer to him, right hand adding pressure to your shoulder where you got shot at.
A laugh escaped your lips, which earned a glare from Hoseok. “What? You’d think I’d let you get shot by a crazy psychopath named Richie?” wincing at the pain that came from your shoulder, the action did not go unnoticed by your husband who then lessen the pressure he has on the wound.
“Yes! I am supposed to be the one who protects you, not the other way around.”
“You’re such a child,” you grumbled, shaking your head disappointedly.
“How am I the child?”
“Because you’re acting like one, Hope. In this relationship, we protect each other, no matter the consequences.”
“You could have gotten killed!”
“Yeah, and? I’d do it again just to make sure you are safe, because I love you dammit.”
Pulling you up closer to him, Hoseok pressed a kiss to your forehead, eyes closed to keep the tears from falling. Pulling away, he rested his chin on the top of your head, keeping you close to him as possible, body crouched over you in a protective manner. “I love you too, idiot.”
To say Namjoon was not surprised by the phone call that he got from the maknae would be an understatement. Namjoon knew that once you got into the car with Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung to go to the gun range to practice on your aim, he knew something bad would come out of it – and being right all the time can be exhausting.
“What do you mean she shot herself in the leg?” Namjoon sighed into the phone, pinching his nose from irritation.
“I don’t know, Hyung! We only had our backs turned for five seconds, and then we heard a bang! and next thing we know, Noona was crying and there was blood!”
“You allowed Y/N to hold a gun without any supervision?! You know how clumsy she is! She is worse than me, Jungkook!”
“That is factual, Hyung. But this isn’t our fault!”
“How is this not your fault? You were the ones with her! And my stupid ass allowed her to go with you three.”
“Can you please stop yelling? You’re stressing me out and I am the one driving!”
“You’re the one driving?!”
The sound of the call being disconnected told Namjoon everything.
“I’m going to kill all four of them.” Namjoon swore as he grabbed his coat and keys so he can meet you four at the hospital. “They’re so dead.”
You woke up to the sound of your boyfriend moving around the bedroom, failing at trying to be quiet for your sake. Sitting up, groaning at the pain the shot up your lower body, your movements caught your boyfriends’ attention.
“Jagia, why are up?” Jimin asked concern, sitting down beside you on the bed.
“Because I heard you, why are you up at 3:17 a.m.?” You asked, doing a one over on him. Jimin was wearing all black, his gun tucked into his pants and knife tucked into its holster on his calf. It was now silent confirmation that Jimin was going to kill the gunman who shot you at the drug store just a few days ago. “You’re going to kill him…” you trailed off.
“I am, he deserves it. He shot you, he deserves the consequences.” Jimin spoke harshly, the whole incident making him angrier by the second.
“Why can’t you let the cops handle it? they’ve already tracked him down, you don’t need to do anything else.”
Sighing, Jimin ran his hands over his face. Taking your hand into his, he brought your hand up to his face, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “I know you don’t want me too, but I am still going to do it. I do not agree with our justice system, and I believe that they’ll let him walk and he’ll do it again. This will give me a sense of peace and knowing that he is gone will give me some sort of justice.”
Knowing that you cannot do anything else, and Jimin with his mind already set, it is a losing battle for you. Nodding your head reluctantly, you squeezed his hand. “I love you, be safe okay? Don’t be back too late, Jiminie.”
“I love you too, Jagi.”
Ever since you got shot, your boyfriend Taehyung has been distant from you. His actions have been bringing you more pain than the actual wound you got. Instead of taking care of you, the maids that he has have been the ones taking care of you. What makes you feel even more shitty is that he has not even came to check up on you once, and it has been a week since your accident.
Deciding that enough is enough when he decided to ignore your fifth call of the day, you ignored the protests from the maids and got up. Realizing that they cannot stop you, they decided to help you get dressed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie and shoes. Helping you down the stairs, Jungkook carried you out to the car, listening to your demands about taking you to the headquarters where Taehyung is at. Once you got to the headquarters, Jungkook helped you to your boyfriend’s office, giving you an encouraging smile before you knocked on the double doors. Hearing footsteps come your way; you began to feel nervous about the meeting with your boyfriend. When Taehyung opened the door, he held an irritated look.
“What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn’t be moving, doctors’ orders.” Your boyfriend scolded you, making you feel smaller than him.
“I wanted to see you,” you stated strongly.
“I’m busy right now, have Jungkook take you home.”
“Why are you acting like this?” You asked irritated, feeling hurt by your boyfriends’ words. “You haven’t even seen me this whole time, not once checking up on me. Do you not care?” Your voice shook at the end, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Please, Y/N, go home and stay in bed. It is not good for you to be out and about. I’ll see you when I get home.” And at that, he closed the door, leaving you all alone once again.
“Jungkook, I don’t need all of these blankets.” You explained to your boyfriend who is wrapping you up in five blankets.
“Yes, you do. Doctor said that you need to be on bed rest for two weeks due to your wound, so I am going to make sure you are comfortable because you will be here for a while.” Jungkook spoke out, ignoring your words.
“I will be just fine in our bed where there is a TV and comfy bed. I don’t want to be on the couch for the next 14 days. I want to be in our bed.”
Looking up at you, bewildered at your statement, he stomped his foot like a child. “Why didn’t you just say that fifteen minutes ago?” He shouted exasperatedly; hands thrown up in the air.
“Well, if you would’ve just listened to me the first time, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“I thought I was being a good boyfriend, but now it looks like I’ve failed once again.”
“Stop being a baby and take me up to our room so we can cuddle before you go and hunt down that man who shot me, okay? Please?”
Not needing to say anymore, Jungkook picked you up bridal style, running down the hall like a mad man, excited at the thought of cuddles.
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jizemderler · 4 years
Sasaeng {Kim Taehyung}
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A/N: In which he thinks you´re a sasaeng fan and it leads to a bad outcome. Or does it? sjcjsdb It´s a little jumpy written sorry ´bout that 
You were running towards the elevator because you saw the door open and wanted to reach it before it closed again. Getting the elevator in this hotel was a pain in the ass since it had 35 floors. As soon as you reached the elevator you stuck your hand out and stopped the doors from closing. You were breathing heavily when you stepped in and apologized immediatly. “Sorry everyone.” you said out of breath and when your eyes met the ones from man standing inside the elevator you swallowed hard. It was Kim Taehyung. You turned away immediatly and stared at the closed doors the whole time not looking at him on purpose. You glanced at the numbers and thanked god as you saw the 24 already glowing. Being a celebrity must suck, you thought while keeping your gaze glued to the door. Everybody always approaching you and the lack of privacy...gruesome. The elevator climed all the floors until it reached 24. A loud ping echoed through the tiny room and the heavy doors opened to a well lit hallway. The artist stepped out first since he was standing in front and you followed him. When he turned the same corner as you things got a little awkward because it looked like you were following him. Until he reached his door and you walked past him. Your room was at the end of the hallway and as soon as you reached your door you went inside. You let go your breath you didn’t even know you were holding. That was extremely nervewracking. To be honest though: He was a really handsome man. Even more handsome in person.
This elevator crap happened four times the following week and things got weirder everytime. You two did not greet each other and he kind of seemed annoyed all the time which was understandable considering his hectic lifestyle. It was a thursday afternoon and you went back to your hotel after you set last things in your gallery. You still had a few things to do to be prepared for your art exhibition tommorow. But you had all evening to do them. You walked to the elevator and pressed the button. As soon as the doors opened you stepped in and stood in the back. When you noticed that no one was coming you stepped forward to press 24 when the man himself walked in. You almost bumped into his chest but both of you froze in place. “Sorry.” you mumbled but he ignored it and stood in the back of the elevator. You moved along to press the button and the doors closed. Through the reflection of the metallic doors you saw him take out his phone and text something. You relaxed a little thinking that he forgot all about you when he spoke up.
“Hey, you.” his deep voice cut through the air like a sword. Your whole body tensed up when you heard his icy voice. “Pardon?” you said and turned around not believing that he just called you with “Hey you.”.
“What are you doing here?” he asked again as if he was entitled to something and your nervousness turned into something else. “Excuse me?!”
“There is no excuse for what you are doing no matter how much you like us. If you think that we’ll be flattered you’re wrong..”
“What are you...?” you tried to interrupt him but he just went over you like it was nothing.
“I tried to ignore you. But whenever I get into this elevator you’re here and you follow me to my floor. I guess I shouldn’t have gone to my floor the first time we met.”
“Are you out of..” you tried again but he wasn’t listening at all.
“Look nobody likes sasaeng fans. Nobody. You’re invading our privacy and that’s annoying. “
If the elevator wasn’t reaching your floor anytime soon you would jump this idiot and rip him to pieces. You glanced at the numbers and thankfully you were already at 23.
“Excuse me but..”
“No! There is nothing to excuse. I texted my manager and he called the cops.” he said and turned away from you and stepped forward.
“Wait what are you...?”
Ping! The doors opened and two men in black suits escorted him out while two police officers grabbed you by your arms and held you back from stepping outside.
“Excuse me! Let me go! I didn’t do anything!” you yelled now but there were looking unfazed. “Yeah yeah, they never do.”
“Sir please let me go. I have an exhibtion tommorrow and there are things I need to finish before I can open up my gallery. Please.” you tried to explain yourself at the station while the police officer was checking your data.
“I have a room on the same floor. I never followed him anywhere. I’m not even a fan I just know that they make good music. Please I have to go.” you practically begged and as time passed you stopped talking because there was no chance you would make it in time.
After they checked everything and found out that you were telling the truth it was 4am in the morning. You were mad, you were exhausted and you were angry as fuck. “We’re so sorry.” a higher ranking police officer, you assumed by his stars on his shoulders, stopped by and apologized in everyones name. “You just did your job sir. I won’t be able to hold my exhibtion tomorrow. I’ll send you an invitation if I ever get the chance again.” you said and faught back the tears.
It was 6am when you reached your hotel room and everthing in you told you to step down his door and punch him in the face. You told everyone in charge that you were not able to hold the exhibtion tomorrow and that you’d meet up with everyone to clear things up. You found a card on your desk with the logo of the hotel.
“We are very sorry for everything that happened. Please try to understand and forgive us. -BigHit Managemet.” was written on it. The card was attached to a bouqet of flowers and a basket of fruits. The miserable apology wasn’t even from him. They were fucking with the wrong woman.
You grabbed the phone and dialled the number of the reception.
“I have a message for room 2425. It’s really urgent and I advise you to tell them immediatly. If I don’t have an apology by tomorrow afternoon by the resident of the room himself, I will press charges and go to a newspaper. Have a nice morning.” you said and hung up.
You didn’t sleep at all. You cried the whole time thinking about your destroyed work and dreams to hold an exhibtion at the most famous galery in Korea. You must’ve cried yourself to sleep because when someone knocked on your door you jumped up from your bed. The clock beside your bed showed 1pm. You were totally disoriented and walked over to the door to open it. There he was with a bouqet of flowers in his hands nervously stepoing from one foot to the other.
“Hi.” he said with a tiny voice, all arrogance vanished. You didn’t answer him and walked back inside leaving the door open for him to walk in. You opened up the curtains and one window to let in a little fresh air. “Sorry for the mess. I came home at 6am.” you said while sitting down in the chair. He had walked in and closed the front door and now he looked like a lost puppy infront of you. “Take a seat.” you said while pointing at the couch infront of you.
Tae felt awfull. He could see how exhausted you were and you must’ve cried because your eyes looked puffy. He sat down and fumbled with the flowers he bought. “Look, I’m really sorry for what happened yesterday. I thought you were a Sasaeng-Fan. I got creeped out and overreacted. I’ll pay for another week in the hotel.” he offered thinking that he was doing something good.
“I was going to hold my first ever art exhibtion today t the most valued venue in Korea. But I couldn’t finish up because you got me arrested so I had to cancel everything. There is no way I’ll get that venue ever again.” you explained very calmly and looked into his eyes. His eyes went wide and horror went over his features as he realized what he did.
“I don’t need to stay another week, thanks for the offer though. I was very angry yesterday. If I had seen you, you would’ve had a reason to get me arrested believe me but there is no point in that. I just wanted you to know what you did. You might be famous and have good connections. Next time just talk to people before doing something so dramatic.” you said and got up from your chair. He did the same and put the flowers on the table because he was afraid that you would turn them down. “I’m really sorry.” he added and wiped his hands on his pants. “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked but you shook your head.
“Greet your mates for me. Y’all are doing a great job.” you said and put on a polite smile while bringing him to the door.
Taehyung went back to his room and he could punch himself in his face. His bandmates were waiting for him in his room and when he explained everything he could see the disappointed faces. “Damn you fucked her over big time.” Hoseok said and Tae pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know.”
“I don’t think an apology does the trick here.” Namjoon said and Tae rolled his eyes. “I offered help but she refused and practically kicked me out.” “You can be happy that she didn’t push you out the window.” Jin said and Taehyung groaned. “I think I have an Idea.” Yoongi said and everyone looked at him. “Do we have plans for tomorrow?”
It was 8pm and you were standing behind the curtains at the venue to host your own exhibition. The manager called around 3pm to tell you that he had a free evening tomorrow night because someone cancelled last minute. Of course you took the chance and jumped at it. Now you were here, standing in black silky gown that brushed over the floor, with your heart pounding in your chest.
When you stepped out into the light you heared a round if applause and put on a very genuine smile. „Thank you for coming everyone!“ you started and prepared to give your speech.
„Damn she is beautiful.“ Yoongi whispered and Tae watched you from afar, how you talked to your clients with a sweet smile on your face. The dress was hugging your body in all the right places and your face was glowing from happiness. His heart ached at the picture of you in your hotel room that he caused. The boys entered the venue around half past ten so the main event could be over. They didn‘t want to draw all the attention and when they arrived everybody was already a little tipsy and admiring her art with their champagne glasses in their hands talking to each other in hushed voices.
Nevertheless when some people started recognizing the boys the conversations of your clients caught your attention. „Wow! What are they doing here?“ „Do they know the artist?“ You excused yourself from the people at your table and went to greet the newcomers. When you saw who it was you stopped in your tracks and watched them come towards you. All seven men were dressed in nice tuxedos and it was a celebration for your eyes. The tallest one reached out his hand as soon as they were close enough. „Nice to meet the artist behind all of this great work. I‘m Kim Namjoon.“ he inteoduced himself and gathered yourself together quickly because everyone was looking at you. As soon as you grabbed his hand to shake his hand a flash of light filled the room and a hundred photos were taken. You thanked god that you kept the reporters to a minimum. „It‘s an honour to habe you here.“ you answered with a polite smile and Taehyung immediatly saw that your smile didn‘t reach your eyes. „I hope you‘ll enjoy our evening. You can always approach me if you have questions about the pieces.“ you said and bowed your head before excusing yourself and leaving towards your table again.
„Oh man, she seems pissed.“ Hobi said as soon as you were far away enough and Jungkook nodded. „She‘s a clever woman. She added one and one together.“ Namjoon said and watched you explain one of your pieces to a tall man in an south african gown.
You were standing in the corner and tried looking relaxed when your asisstend rushed over to you and leaned in to whisper something into your ear. „The biggest piece is sold.“ „The name and phone number for the delivery.“ she added and gave you a card.
3 years later you were not only a succefull artist in Korea but your fame started spreading around the globe. You had fix art galleries in seven different countries. The venue you started at had your first art piece hanging in their lobby to greet their new clients.
You shuffled in bed as you slowly woke up and stretched your limbs. „Good morning.“ you heared a deep voice greet you from the other side of the bed and you turned your head around. There he was, hair tousled from sleep, eyes a little puffy from the late working hours but the happiest smile on his lips. „Morning.“ you said and leaned forward to place quick kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed your body against his and rest his forhead against the crook of your neck. „When did you come in?“ you asked while brushing your fingers through his messy hair. „Around 4am.“ he yawned and you placed a kiss onto his hair while chuckling at how clingy he was. Your eyes scanned the room and you saw his stuff scattered around the room since he must‘ve changed in the dark to prevent you from waking up. When your eyes met the stupid painting at the wall the old feelings bubbled up inside of you and you pushed him away gently. He groaned and tried to pull you back but you didn‘t let him. „I told you a million times to get rid of that painting.“
„It‘s worth millions of dollars.“ he said without any emotion but you didn‘t care. „It‘s stupid and I hate it. I hate what it reminds me of.“ you said and he looked up at you. „It reminds me of our beginning.“ he pouted and you glared at him thinking of what happened. „Every newspaper talked about you guys going to an art gallery. You stole my show.“ you growled and he coughed into his fist and looked away. He wasn‘t getting out of this one. „You‘re art sold like crazy.“ he offered but that only made you cross your arms infront of your chest. „They said I took advantage of you and disregarded my hard work.“ you said and were getting more annoyed by the minute. „You didn‘t talk to me for a year. Even though I shot my shot several times.“ he with a raised brow. „I waited for the media to forget about our connection. I was not becoming the gold digger artist just because of you.“ you said and glared at the art piece.
„I hate it.“ you said and caressed you arm gently and placed a soft kiss against your skin. „If you hadn‘t gotten me arrested I would‘ve never had to try so hard to be recognized as an artist and not just „The artist BTS has visited“.“ you pouted and he smiled sheepishly.
„Yes but that would‘ve also meant that we would‘ve never met.“ he said and you rolled your eyes. „We had nothing to do with your success babe. It‘s all because of your talent. We just organized the venue.“ he let it slip and as soon as he said it he bit his tongue. „You did what?!“
You were putting the side dishes on the dinner table but for the boys it felt like you were throwing them at them. „Did we do something?“ Yoongi whispered towards Jin but he just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tae. „Did you fuck something up?“ Jin asked him and he kept staring into his bowl until you came back from the kitchen. „If you ever mess with my life ever again, I‘ll make sure y‘all regret it.“ you said as you sat down and grabbed your chopsticks. „Now eat.“ you said and the discussion was over before it could start.
„Ugh..where are we going?“ you whined for a millionth time now and Taehyung smiled at your impatience. „You‘ll see.“
He parked the car in front of a big house and as you walked up the stairs you could see „Orphanage“ written on a sign. „What are we doing here?“ you whispered to Tae as you climbed the last stares. „Just wait and see.“ he said and led you inside of a room full of kids. They were all applauding as you came in and Tae lead you towards the stage where an old lady was smiling at you. Right behind you there was this big art piece of yours which had been hanging in your bedroom for the past two years. „I donated the painting to this orphanage. They can either keep it or sell it for however much they want.“ he whispered into your ear as you walked on stage and you looked up at him in disbelief. Your heart swelled with love as you watched this man infront of you. You spent the evening with the kids and they were totally oblivious to your fame. They were just happy to meet people who helped them.
You were watching him the whole ride back home and when he parked the car infront of the house you grabbed his hand and stopped him from getting out.
„I love you.“ you blurted out and his eyes widened at you confession. He already said it a few times but you were always were too scared to say it. But right now felt like the best time. „What?“ he said totally baffled and you smiled.
„I love you Kim Taehyung.“ you said it again and a devilish smiled appeared on his face.
„I can‘t believe I had to donate the most expensive thing in our home for you to say that. Is your love buyable?“ he joked and you let go of him immediatly.
„You‘re a fucking asshole.“ you cursed at him and opened the door to leave.
„Oh come on! It was a joke.“ he yelled after you but you slammed the door into his face.
„I love you more than I love that painting! You‘re my number one!“ he yelled after you while dangling out of the window of the car.
He was a stupid asshole. But he was your stupid asshole.
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straylightdream · 4 years
Tumblr media
Status: complete
social media au
pairing: Jungkook x reader
updates: every other day
It’s just sex they say over and over again. He’s terrible at relationships and she doesn’t know what she wants.
warnings: angst, and lots of smut.
one: not your boyfriend
two: sex is not always included
three: is it weird?
four: the great escape
five: we’re just friends
six: we’re running in circles
seven: be careful babe
eight: seasons change
nine: all the emotional baggage
ten: a story to tell your friends
eleven: for the better
twelve: a major fuck up
thirteen: things have changed
fourteen: can we just talk?
fifteen: love sick Romeo
340 notes · View notes
seventeensarmy · 4 years
Hii people,
Looks like I'm skipping school today, so there might be a new chapter of stuck with you coming.
Maybe if some of you could sent me some plot ideas or phrases to use, since I'm not really sure where to go with that story yet.
Like I know how I'm going to introduce the remaining members, I also have some ideas for their background, but like, I'm not sure about a general plot.
So hit me up if you think you got something 💓💓
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