#kind of fucked up this time around like. he drove them apart...
Murdoch: i just ended a five year relationship George: are you okay? *brackenreid dragging robert perry and james gillies to the station house* Murdoch: it's okay, it wasn't mine
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d1xonss · 4 months
Fuck it, I love you
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 11
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : ⚠️ Smut (18+) / Angst
✧ Word Count : 7.8k
AN ~ This request was sent in by @daryladdixon, thank you again for the idea! I’m so sorry it took me so long to write, I’ve been having a lot of things going on in my personal life. But it’s finally finished! I really tried my best with this one and I hope you like how it ended up turning out!
(ps- I really want to make some new friends on here, so please dm me if you want to chat! xoxox)
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You had been through a lot together. Ever since Atlanta. It was a long time if you really thought about it; years and years of having all kinds of different shit thrown at you. But surprisingly, the two of you made it side by side, the trauma you both endured only bringing you closer together.
Though now as you stood there, screaming and arguing back and forth with each other as a few of your people were in danger, you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell you got here.
When the Commonwealth appeared seemingly out of nowhere with open arms for new people, you couldn’t help but be weary of it. You never trusted them, not really. It was like a dream, something that was too good to be true as they seemed to offer quite a lot, but that only made you more cautious. And the events that followed only proved how right your instincts truly were. So, when the time came, you quickly jumped back on the opportunity to leave and go back to live in Alexandria, knowing that place would always truly be your home. You didn’t even have to think twice on the decision.
However, when you heard that Daryl would be staying behind, wanting to continuously be a part of Judith and RJ’s lives, you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. You understood his need to be there for them, you would always understand that. But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t miss him greatly when you finally pushed forward to move back with Aaron and Gabriel. 
Although something that you didn’t expect, was Daryl’s slight resentment toward you.
When you told him the news about how you’d be leaving the Commonwealth, he was surprisingly taken aback and a little hurt. He even began to raise his voice at one point, not meaning to yell, but to try and show you how devastated he was that you wouldn’t be around. It wasn’t often that the communities visited each other anymore, not like they used to anyway. And that alone told him that he would hardly ever see you anymore.
He hated it, but his reaction to your leave drove a small wedge between the two of you. He was upset that you were leaving him, and you were upset about how he reacted, knowing that he of all people should have understood your reasoning the most. But that was the last time the two of you had spoken, the last time the two of you had even caught a glimpse of the other. And it truly had taken a toll on the both of you. Though you two were far too stubborn to admit it, the truth was you missed each other greatly. 
Daryl felt almost empty without having you around. He would spend his free time with the kids, see Carol here and there, along with meeting with some of the other acquaintances he had grown closer to. But he dreaded coming home every day, knowing he would be stepping into an empty and oddly quiet house. It just wasn’t the same without you there. He even caught himself a few times glancing over toward the living room, expecting to see you curled up on the couch with your nose in a book. But there was nothing. Hell, even Dog missed you, tugging on Daryl’s heartstrings a bit as he noticed the canine always looking around the space like he was waiting for you to come home.
And back at Alexandria, you were no better than him. Though you had a lot of things to occupy yourself with, you were going through the same heartbreak he was as the two of you hadn’t been apart for this long in years. A part of you assumed that this would be the new normal. That the two of you now had your separate lives and you would just move on from each other, even though it was far from an easy thing to do. You could now grow as individuals and learn to not depend on one another as it seemed neither or you were ready to have the awkward discussion on how things were left. You could move on.
That is until you received quite the urgent message.
You were in the kitchen of your small home when you heard someone just burst through the front door, causing you to freeze at the sudden noise. “(Y/N)?!” you could hear Aaron’s frantic voice call out.
Immediately you sprung forward towards the front entrance of your home, looking at him with concerned eyes, “What? What’s going on?”
“It’s Lydia and Elijah.” he breathed, “Apparently they didn’t make it to Hilltop. It’s been way too long, they should’ve been there by now.”
Your stomach dropped as you processed the news, “How long have they been gone?” 
“They left two days ago.”
That only caused your concern to grow, knowing in the back of your mind that there was no way they could’ve gotten lost or side tracked. Something was wrong, and all you were able to think about was how you would be able to find them. You remembered they took a car, picturing what it looked like in your head as you racked your brain for which route they could’ve taken to the community. The fact was however, you couldn’t track to save your life. Even from the small bits and pieces you had learned in the past, you knew it wouldn’t be enough to find them on your own.
But that’s when it hit you. The small things you had picked up on, you learned from only the best tracker in the world. And in the back of your mind, you knew there was no way to do this without his help.
Soon you found yourself racing towards the Commonwealth without a second thought, telling Aaron to cover for you at the infirmary whilst you were gone. The man asked you multiple times if you were sure, if you really wanted to be a part of this knowing how much they relied on you back at home. But you didn’t have to think twice, you didn’t want Daryl to have to take this responsibility on his own. Though you knew he would do it in a heartbeat for his people, it didn’t matter to you. They were your people too.
You made it into the Commonwealth in record time, the guards on watch allowing you inside the second they recognized who you were, watching your vehicle speed down the road as you left a cloud of dust behind. The area was quite busy today as everyone seemed to be out and about and enjoying the nice weather, feeling a slight shiver run through you as you suddenly remembered why you hated this place. Too many bad memories to even count as living here felt like the longest few weeks of your life.
The car made a screeching sound as you brought it to an abrupt halt, causing quite a few heads to turn upon your graceful entrance as you pulled the keys out of the ignition, stepping out of the car to find him. Though you froze about halfway out of the vehicle as finding him was apparently a lot easier than you thought it would be, seeing him standing off with Carol as the two of you locked eyes immediately. He wanted to say he was happy to see you, happy that you were still alive and healthy, having not seen you in what felt like forever. But the look on your face said it all.
The man didn’t hesitate as he grabbed his crossbow and strapped it across his shoulders, not even bidding Carol a goodbye as he jogged over to you, squeezing past a few people in his way. You instantly tensed a bit, almost as if to prepare yourself for what was to come as you watched him get closer and closer, not even knowing what to say to him. All that time you spent in the car you thought over the different things you wanted to say, the things you wanted him to know. But now as he was coming up to stand in front of you, your mind ran completely blank as you just stood there like an idiot.
He took you in for a moment as he slowed to a stop, trying to read your expression as he could clearly see you wanted to say something. But when all he received was silence, he didn’t hesitate to pull you into him, embracing you tightly as he instantly sighed upon feeling your touch again. Your eyes widened at his actions, clearly not expecting that after how things were left between the two of you. But that didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around him in return, your eyes falling shut as you buried your head into his chest. It was an old habit you had done many times in the past, but you heard Daryl’s breath hitch as he felt your small but familiar action. One that he had never forgotten.
“You okay?” he asked softly into your hair, squeezing you a bit tighter.
You let out a soft breath as you shook your head, “I need you.” you whispered.
After that, he was all ears.
You filled him in on everything as he was the one to take the wheel, driving just as fast as you once were in an attempt to track down the car Lydia had previously taken out. He silently listened the whole time, nodding to show he was still paying attention as he rubbed a hand over his chin, processing your words. The two of you were very clearly trying not to panic, but when it came to the people you both cared about, it was harder to stay calm than you would think.
But then there was just silence. An awkward silence. Neither of you uttering a word after you told him everything he needed to know. You slightly fidgeted with your hands that sat in your lap as you tried not to look at him, your mind only seeming to focus on how weird things were between the two of you now. That, and you kept thinking back to the very last pleasant conversation you had with him right before you stormed out with a slam of the door. A part of you regretted flipping out on him like that, mostly because you knew the reason why he snapped at you in the first place. It was because he didn’t want you to leave, and all you could do in response to that, was to yell right back out of sadness.
But what you weren’t aware of was that he was thinking the exact same thing. Great minds think alike after all. There was no doubt in his mind that he regretted everything he said to you that day, not knowing that it would tear this big of a hole in your relationship. Though he did have a reason as to why he acted so poorly, and that was simply because the man was incredibly in love with you. And it frustrated him that you couldn’t see that, but it frustrated him even more that you left him like it was nothing.
You then cleared your throat to speak much to his surprise, “So…how’ve you been?”
He briefly glanced over at you, shrugging his shoulders with a huff, “Same old, same old.” he brushed off, a beat of silence passing before he bounced the question right back to you. “How’re you?”
“Good…” you nodded, “I’ve been good.”
His eyes glanced back over at you again, taking in your appearance, “Ya seem happy.”
A small smile made its way onto your lips, “I am happy.” you confirmed.
Though it was partially a lie. Sure, you were happy back at Alexandria, living in the familiar home that you had fallen in love with, spending your time at the infirmary helping people. But there was always something missing, and that something was him. You found you were never fully happy when he wasn’t around, no matter how great your life could’ve gotten. 
“Ya still changin bed pans?” he asked, a slight teasing tone to his voice.
You rolled your eyes with a small scoff, “Yeah, I guess I am. You still babysitting?”
He chuckled softly with a nod, glancing over at you again as if he couldn’t stop looking at your face, “Guess I am…” he confirmed.
You hummed, “How are the little gremlins anyway?”
“They’re doin alright.” he nodded, “Judith’s made a couple new friends since Gracie moved back, and uh…RJ’s startin to wear that old busted hat now…passin the torch I suppose.” he paused for a moment, “...They ask bout ya a lot.” he added quietly.
You smiled a little at that, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” he nodded, “It’s hard for them to shut up bout ya. They’re always sayin shit like…bout the movie nights we used to have. Or how uh…you would do Jude’s makeup every once and a while. Believe me, I haven’t been a good replacement.”
A small laugh escaped you once he said that, not even wanting to imagine Daryl’s makeup skills as he didn’t have much of a steady hand as you did. “Didn’t work out too well?”
He shook his head, “Nah. M’ better at paintin her nails then paintin her whole damn face.”
You hummed as your eyes moved to glance at his hands, noticing the black chipped nail polish that still lingered on his fingers, “I can see she talked you into getting yours done.”
The man followed your line of sight, turning a bit red in embarrassment as he grumbled to himself, “Yeah…it’s hard to say no to her sometimes.”
“She just knows you're a big softie…you’d give a lot to make her happy.” you said with a small smirk.
He scoffed as he briefly glanced over at your face, “Whatever.” he mumbled.
You laughed softly to yourself before it went quiet again, only this time it was a lot more comfortable than before. With some of the tension out of the way, you felt like you could finally breathe properly, seeing as he was the exact same way you left him. It was almost as if no time had passed.
Though you couldn’t help the ping of sadness you felt as you thought over what he had told you, the kids missing your presence would never fail to break your heart. His words only brought the memories flooding back, thinking about how you once would nearly spend every waking moment together, like an actual family, and you loved every second of it. You now only wished everything hadn’t gotten so messed up, not knowing if things would be the same since your absence. If you were given the chance to redo that moment in time, you would do it in a heartbeat.
Daryl then glanced back over at you, seeing your mind wandering, his face forming into a bit of sympathy as he could only assume what you were thinking. He was never good with words, but a part of him wanted to reassure you somehow.
“I missed ya.” he mumbled quietly.
Your heart leapt a little in your chest as you heard his quiet words, looking back over at him to find that his gaze was already on you. You smiled sadly, reaching over to give his arm a squeeze. “I missed you too.”
He smiled back at you, fighting back a shiver as you reached out to place a gentle hand on his arm. It was a moment the both of you needed. And perhaps you weren’t the only one who needed the reassurance, seeing as he was visibly relaxing after your reciprocated words.
But it couldn’t last forever, no matter how much you wanted it to. The two of you sitting up a little straighter upon seeing the familiar car veered off to the side of the road, the front tires planted on the grass as if they had somehow crashed, yet there was no damage from what you could see.
Daryl immediately pulled off to the side, the car slowing to a stop before the two of you got out with your weapons in your grasp, approaching the vehicle with caution to peer through the slightly darkened windows. Though upon glancing inside, there was nothing. No bags, no weapons, nothing. Confusion with a mix of dread seemed to pool in your stomach as it was hard to tell how they disappeared, though you prayed you were wrong about what you originally assumed.
“Aye.” Daryl’s voice called out.
You glanced up at him from over the hood of the car, seeing him gesturing down to the ground in front of him for you to come and see. From your perspective, all you saw were a bunch of messed up and sloppy footprints that could’ve been there for days if you had to guess. But Daryl saw something much bigger. Though he didn’t want to scare you, he silently knew that there were a few strangers involved with their sudden disappearance, knowing he had to be careful on your next move.
“Our best bets that way.” he muttered as he nodded toward the treeline, not even waiting for you to respond before he started moving in that direction.
You tried to keep up with his long strides as he moved quickly through the woods, his eyes staying to the ground as he tried to pinpoint every direction they turned. It was honestly amazing to you how he could do this without hesitating or second guessing himself, he just knew where he was going as if he was following some kind of string that led straight to them. But in a way he was as you began to notice a pattern in the leaves and dirt.
Although you couldn’t help but notice that the closer the two of you got, the more rigid and tense he became as he stopped speaking to you entirely. He didn’t make a single sound as he walked, only occasionally glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were still following right behind him. The feeling in your stomach began to worsen as you quickly picked up on how much his body language seemed to change, as if he were screaming at you without saying a single word. You knew there was something he knew and you didn’t, but you couldn’t bring yourself to understand why he wasn’t telling you. You were in this together after all.
However, your silent thoughts were suddenly brought to a halt as you were too busy looking down at the ground to realize that Daryl had stopped, instantly running into his back with a small oof. But he hardly seemed to notice as his sole focus was on the small cabin in the distance that seemed to be completely abandoned. Though both of you knew better than to believe that.
“You stay right here.” Daryl’s voice commanded softly, removing his crossbow from his shoulders as he loaded a bolt into it.
Your eyes slightly widened at his suggestion, “I’m sorry?” you spoke in disbelief.
“Ya heard me, I said stay here.” he replied a little more harshly, “We dunno what’s waitin for us in there, alright? I’ll get em out.”
“I’m not just going to stand here while you throw yourself into the lion’s den, fuck that.” you replied with a scoff as you pulled out a weapon of your own.
He grumbled in slight annoyance, “Dammit (Y/N), ya ain’t comin with.”
“Like hell I’m not.” you quietly snapped, “We came out here together to find them, and now we’re going in there together to get them out.”
The man then got up into your face, as if trying to intimidate you enough so you’d stay behind like he asked, “M’ not messin around girl, I ain’t takin no for an answer.”
“Yeah, neither am I, jackass. You’re not going in there by yourself, that’s just stupid.”
His face contorted into obvious frustration and anger as he was clearly losing his patience, “Why the hell do ya have to be so goddamn stubborn all the time, huh? Why can’t you just listen for once?”
You huffed to yourself at the irony, “Well, I guess you can say I learned from the best.”
“Shut the hell up.” he snarled.
“I wanna know why,” you retorted, “Why won’t you let me go in there with you and back you up on this? You really think I can’t handle myself?”
He growled, “I never fuckin said that.”
“Then why?” you snapped, equally losing your patience just as much as he was. At this rate, whoever was in that cabin could probably hear the two of you arguing with one another with how loud your voices seemed to rise.
“Because.” he huffed.
“Because I love ya too damn much ta lose ya in there! I just want ya safe!”
In an instant, the world went silent. The two of you were breathing a bit heavier from all the yelling, looking at each other with equally wide eyes. You were shocked that he said something so vulnerable, while he on the other hand was terrified that now he might’ve ruined what he had with you. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to come to terms with his feelings, but admitting them out loud felt like an entirely different ballpark. The man now just stood frozen, trying to anticipate your reaction as if he was expecting something negative.
But you surprised him.
“And I love you too damn much to let you do this by yourself.” you said, your voice now unexpectedly soft, “We’ve had each other’s backs for years…and this isn’t any different.”
Daryl stared at you with slightly wide eyes after you said that, not only because you refused to listen to him again, but because you said you loved him too. You loved him. He never in his wildest dreams ever thought it would be physically possible for you to love someone like him, but here you were, pouring your heart out just as he was. Neither of you had been very good about expressing how you felt for one another; there was never really a need for words as you both silently already knew. But now as everything was laid out on display, it was a new kind of uncomfortable that you both just wanted to crawl away from.
Though in the midst of all the tension, Daryl finally allowed you to come with him towards the cabin with a nod of his head, both of you preparing yourself for the sight you would see. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as you were expecting.
Both Lydia and Elijah were tied up on opposite ends of the small house, all of their supplies and weapons completely missing as they were left with nothing. Both of you were quick to untie them, taking them by the arms as they began to tell you that they were held at gunpoint by a few bandits, demanding that they give up all their things to them. And to make sure they wouldn’t follow, the bandits had apparently tied and locked them up inside for God only knows how long. You felt awful as you saw the minor injuries on them from the experience, but mostly you were just thankful that they were alive.
You spent the car ride back to Alexandria in the backseat of the vehicle, comforting Lydia as she leaned against you, telling you bit by bit of what she could remember. It was surely traumatizing for the both of them, and you wanted her to know that you were there to listen to whatever she needed to get off her chest. Even Elijah chimed in a one point once he was comfortable enough, needing to talk about the scary experience just as much as she did. But as for you and Daryl, neither of you uttered a word, not forgetting about the small moment you had just seconds before you found them.
The sun was beginning to set by the time the four of you made it back to the community, many people waiting in anticipation at the gates. But they were soon all filled with great relief as soon as they saw the two young adults step out of the car, receiving hugs and reassuring words the moment they realized you had brought them back safely. Though you were quick to usher the two of them back towards the infirmary when you got the chance, wanting to make sure the minor cuts and bruises would heal properly as you offered to clean them up before they went home for some much needed rest.
Occasionally you glanced out the window to see Daryl and Aaron still talking near the front gate, part of you wondering if he would just go home. Leave without uttering a word about the argument that happened between the two of you. Daryl tended to run from these kinds of things, you knew that better than anyone, but you couldn’t lie to yourself and say you wouldn’t be a little heartbroken if he did this time. You didn’t want him to go, not knowing the next time you would even see him. But another part of you didn’t even know what to say if he did decide to see you one last time.
Eventually once you were finished up you cleaned up the station you used, wishing Lydia and Elijah goodnight as you hugged both of them tightly. All was quiet in Alexandria as there were only a few stragglers left outside, the sun now finally nowhere to be found as you slowly made your way home. Though without even realizing, you subtly kept an eye out for Daryl. He could’ve asked to spend the night in one of the spare homes since it had gotten late, assuming he would want to leave in the morning. But then again maybe he just wanted to get out of here, go home to his own bed with Dog who was surely missing him by now. 
But he didn’t even say goodbye.
Your chest felt a bit heavier at the thought, mindlessly walking into your darkened house as your mind continued to spiral at the events of today. Although you stopped completely in your tracks when you noticed the light illuminating your living room, swearing you hadn't forgotten to turn it off just earlier today. Hesitantly, you peered around the corner to see none other than Daryl sitting on the couch, seemingly lost in his own little world as he stared down at his hands. Though he sensed your presence almost immediately, his head snapping up as he quickly stood to his feet, feeling a bit awkward now realizing that he had just come into your house without your permission.
He then cleared his throat, “I uh…I didn’t wanna leave without sayin goodbye.”
You didn’t know why, but something seemed to snap inside you once he said that. Knowing that he was just going to run right back to the Commonwealth without a second thought. “Really? You’re going to rush back there tonight? Just like that?”
He gave you a look, “Don’t…don’t do that.”
You scoffed with a shake of your head, “Don’t do what? I’m just calling it like it is. I don’t see you for months, and this is how you want to leave things between us? With some pathetic goodbye, not knowing the next time we’ll see each other again?”
“Hey, you got no right sayin that shit to me.” he said with a slight raise of his voice, “Yer the one who left, remember? Not me.”
You laughed bitterly, “You can’t blame me for that. I was miserable there, and I know you were too! And yet you’re still living there day after day-”
“M’ stayin there because of those kids!” he cut you off, “You know damn well how important they are to me, so yeah, I’ll be miserable if it means I can still be there for em. I ain’t gonna just leave em there.”
“I’m not asking you to leave them Daryl! I know how important they are to you, you practically raised them. But that doesn’t mean you get to just shut me out of your life completely. You give me this whole sob story in the car about how much they miss me, and you miss me, but if I recall, I haven’t seen you put in an effort to visit me once!”
“Oh you gotta lot of damn nerve sayin that to me.” he spoke with an edge to his tone, both of you getting more worked up with each comment you spat at each other. “You only came back because you needed my help, like m’ yer fuckin errand boy or some shit!”
You let out a sound of disbelief as you point towards him, “Don’t you dare go there! You’re no better than I am, and you know it. You would’ve never stepped foot back here unless there was some kind of emergency.” you spat, “You never made an effort, not even once! And after everything you said to me…”
A certain fire ignited behind his eyes once you said that, “How the hell else you expect me to react when yer tellin me yer leavin, huh?! What am I supposed to do with that?!”
“Be supportive!” you yelled, “Be happy that I’m finally going back to doing what I love! That’s what you do!”
“Why’re we fighting again?!” he suddenly questioned in frustration.
“I don’t know!”
It had been nothing but back and forth between you two since the moment you saw each other, battling with your own overpowering feelings. It was weird to think about how you never used to be like this, you never so much as argued playfully in the past, and yet now here you are at each other's throats. The silence had never been so loud in the small dimly lit house, waiting for someone to make some kind of move.
But then suddenly, Daryl seemed to make up his mind as he stepped forward. He didn’t want things to end with you like this, the last thing he wanted was to see you upset. And the urge to just finally allow his feelings to unleash was getting more and more overwhelming, needing you to know how he really felt.
He approached you in record speed, not even giving you any time to react before he gently cupped your face, capturing your lips with his. Your eyes widened at how fast everything seemed to happen, quickly pushing his shoulders to get him off of you. He instantly backed away when he sensed your discomfort, now looking like a deer in headlights as he came to the realization that he made a huge mistake.
“I…m’ sorry, I didn’t-”
“No,” you cut him off, “I don’t want you to kiss me, just to make all of this magically go away. I want you to kiss me, because…because it actually means something to you.” you breathed.
His eyes softened as it clicked in his mind what you were trying to say. You didn’t push him away because you didn’t want it to happen; you pushed him away because you were scared it was completely meaningless to him. But that wasn’t true. It wasn’t true at all.
Daryl slowly stepped closer to you again, hesitating slightly before pressing a gentle, lingering kiss to your forehead, “It means everythin…” he whispered against your skin.
That was a fantastic answer.
The moment you heard his confirmation, you leaned up to kiss him passionately, your arms looping around his neck as you pulled him into you. He took a moment to recover from your movements, but soon he found he was kissing you back with just as much eagerness, gripping your hips tightly. His mind went hazy as he was on cloud nine, almost not believing this was really happening. He had pictured this moment in his mind a hundred times before, but truly nothing could have prepared him for the utter bliss he was about to experience.
The two of you quickly grew more desperate for each other as the gentle kiss turned into something much greater, your tongues now fighting for dominance as you let out soft sounds of approval and desperation. Without even thinking, the two of you inched closer toward your bedroom on the main level, already clawing desperately at the fabric of your clothes.
Your knees eventually hit the back of the bed, causing you to stumble a little as you fell back onto the mattress, pulling him on top of you as you didn’t want your lips to part for even a second. Daryl could already feel the fire building in his stomach, the strong urge spreading throughout his body as he began to crave you. His hands moved everywhere he could reach, as if he wanted to memorize every inch of your body, every dip and curve was some kind of uncharted territory.
You then felt him pull back slightly to break the heated kiss, needing to taste more of you as he left hot, open mouthed kisses across your jawline, making his way down at an incredibly slow pace. A whimper was pulled from your lips as his teeth grazed your skin, gently nipping at your flesh to leave a trail of love bites to your exposed neck. The stubble on his face that scratched against your skin somehow made it even better, tickling you slightly as it sent a shiver up your spine.
Daryl smirked to himself as he felt your muscles twitch, moving his mouth to drag his tongue along your chest, before he lowered his head even more to slightly lift your shirt, kissing along your stomach. Your hands grasped the hem of your shirt as soon as he pulled it up, easily tugging it up and over your head to toss it carelessly somewhere on the floor. He groaned as his eyes scanned over your new exposed skin, feeling you sit up slightly to unhook the back of your bra, before shrugging it off just as fast.
His lips parted, his eyes hazy and filled with lust as his hands came up to brush across the sides of your breasts, “God, you drive me crazy…” he muttered under his breath.
You couldn’t help but smile up at him, leaning in to kiss him again as his hand moved to gently massage your breasts, squeezing them with the perfect amount of pressure. You gasped softly as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger, easily getting a rise out of you as your back slightly arched in response. He could feel your chest rising and falling rapidly beneath him, your impatience growing as you could feel your arousal pooling against the fabric of your underwear. Your hands then moved up to blindly undo the buttons on his shirt, your nimble fingers struggling a bit as you tried to keep up with his sloppy kiss.
He then grunted at your attempts, breaking away from you momentarily to rip his shirt off his chest. Quite literally. Your eyes widened as the buttons flew everywhere, the navy blue top now looking more like a piece of a fabric sample than an actual shirt.
You couldn’t help but laugh lightly as your hands reached out to feel his toned chest, “Hm…I wish you had another shirt just so I could watch you do that again.”
He smirked, “Don’t worry...I got plenty of other ways to put on a show for ya.” he spoke before he gave you a wink, his hands reaching down to tug on your jeans.
Your excitement grew as you sat up on your elbows, watching as he swiftly undid the button and the zipper of your pants before pulling them clean off your legs in one swift motion. He seemed to be very efficient, that's for damn sure. Though a wicked grin crossed the man’s face when he saw the small wet patch on your thong, his thumb teasingly running over your clothed core. You sucked in a soft breath as he gently pushed on your clit, your head rolling back and your toes curling at the shockwave sensation.
“This all for me? Hm?” he practically purred, his southern drawl bringing goosebumps to your skin as his thumb continued to tease you.
Your hands gripped the sheets beside you as you nodded your head with a small “mhm”, silently begging him to keep going.
He seemed quite pleased as his lip quirked up in a smile, “Mm that’s my girl.” he muttered softly as he placed a few lingering kisses on your stomach, his words causing you to spiral. You never thought he would say that to you, hell you never even thought you wanted him to say that to you. But now that he had, you never wanted him to stop.
His mouth then hovered over the elastic of your underwear, his teeth moving down to bite at it before he tugged the piece of fabric off of you using only his mouth. Well if you weren’t turned on before, you sure as hell were now.
Daryl then couldn’t wait any longer as the sight of you bare beneath him was beginning to be too much, his movements frantic as his belt jingled when he began to unbuckle it. Your eyes watched his every move as he tugged his pants and boxers off in record speed, kicking them off of his ankles to see he was already throbbing for you. The sight was enough to make you whine quietly, squirming in anticipation as his large frame hovered over you.
But although he was practically drooling to finally please you the way you deserved, he still couldn’t help but tease you a bit. And maybe, just maybe, he enjoyed torturing himself a bit as well. He dragged his tip through your soaking wet folds, the friction being enough for your hips to rock up in a sudden jolt. The sounds coming out of you were utterly sinful, and he loved it. Your hands again gripped the sheets below you, fidgeting relentlessly as he continued to tease your entrance, occasionally circling your clit which caused you to moan.
“Ah!” you cried softly as he barely pushed inside you, before pulling himself out just as quickly, “Please...” you whispered breathlessly.
He groaned lowly as he saw you practically falling apart for him already, leaning down to place a few kisses along your cheek, “Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want.” 
“You.” you said instantly, “I want you…”
He smirked to himself, “I want you too sweetheart.” he kissed along your neck as he muttered those few words into your skin, “So much…”
The excruciating wait was finally gone in what seemed like a split second, not being able to hold back any longer as Daryl finally pushed himself into you. Your mouth dropped as your head fell back onto the bed, hearing him let out an exaggerated groan as he felt your tight walls already clenching around him.
“God…you feel like heaven sweet girl.” he mumbled as he fought to catch his breath, his mind swirling with ecstasy as he was completely drunk off of you. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, how you felt so perfect as if you were made for him.
Your chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, squeezing your legs around his waist, “Keep going...” you practically begged, physically needing him to move.
He didn’t need to be told twice. He slowly began to pound into you at a steady pace, watching your facial expressions to try and find what felt the best for you. You moaned sensually as his hips began to slap against yours, feeling the length of him moving in and out at a steady pace. Your hands then moved to trace up his bare arms, feeling his muscles flex underneath your featherlight touch as they landed on his shoulders, needing to feel more of him.
His breaths grew heavier as they came out in short pants, gradually speeding up, completely enamored with how your breasts bounced with each thrust he gave. Your hands began gripping his shoulders a bit tighter as your eyes squeezed shut, whimpering as you could already feel your orgasm begin to pool in your belly. How he was able to do that with little to no actions at all, you had no idea. But you didn’t care. It was like all the longing the two of you had felt for each other was just spilling out all at one time as you finally gave into your desires.
“Faster.” you panted, “Please.”
Your words spurred him on as he instantly began to pound harsher into you, the bed frame squeaking against the wall as his movements were quick and sharp. The pornographic sounds easily slipped from your lips as you felt him rock even deeper inside of you, causing your nails to scratch and grip against his skin. He groaned deeply as he felt your hands digging into him, only urging him on more as he rolled his hips whilst thrusting into you, a sharp gasp escaping you as he tickled that sweet spot so perfectly.
He liked that sound. He liked it a lot; rolling his hips against yours again and again in order to pull more of those beautiful sounds out of you.
You cried out blissfully as you felt yourself clench against him, the familiar tingling sensation vibrating through you as your legs squeezed around his waist to keep him locked in place. He felt a bead of sweat pool down his face as he groaned, leaning down to gently nip at your collarbone, hearing your moans of pleasure right next to his ear. He could tell you were getting close, feeling himself following right along with you, but a part of him wanted to be at your mercy. A part of him wanted to see you riding out your high on top of him, needing to snap a mental image of the most perfect thing he could ever lay his eyes on. 
You were taken off guard as he suddenly slowed his movements, flipping you over so you were straddling his hips as he laid flat on his back. Your dazed and confused look made him want to chuckle, but he didn't. Instead, he spoke.
“Use me however you want…” he panted as he continued to gently thrust himself into you, “I’m yours, baby…completely yours.” he said softly, wanting you to be in control of him.
Though you didn't expect the sudden change of events, his words surprised you, and it turned you on. More than you were ever willing to admit.
After the initial shock wore off within merely seconds, you didn’t hesitate as you began to bounce on top of him, the new angle making your legs shake wildly. His big hands held your hips perfectly in pace as he matched your rhythm, silently thankful that you lived alone as the volume in the room was growing louder with each passing second. You watched as he threw his head back with a soft whine, keeping his eyes on you the whole time as you slowly started to find your release.
“That’s it sweetheart…that’s it.” he spoke soothingly as he leaned up to place wet kisses across your stomach, his thumb finding its way to toy with your clit to send you over the edge.
You cried out loudly as that was all you needed to come undone, your muscles twitching as you rode it out as long as you possibly could. Feeling you clench around him mixed with the lustful sounds that came out of you was all Daryl could take before he reached his own climax, swiftly pulling out of you as he groaned lowly against your skin.
You didn’t know how much time passed as the two of you were in a complete state of bliss, trying to come down from the incredible high you just experienced. You felt his hands trace soothing circles against your hips as his face was now buried in your breasts, feeling the heat of his breath dancing against your bare skin. A content sigh left your lips as you found yourself wondering why it had taken you two so long to do this. But then again you assumed it was never the right time, and in your opinion it was worth the wait. You couldn’t think of anything more perfect than this.
Daryl then began to come to his senses as his heart finally slowed down to a steady pace, his lips beginning to trail up towards your collarbone lovingly. Your fingers ran through his messy, tangled hair, growing a bit sad as you looked down at him, reality coming back to remind you that this couldn’t last forever. But a selfish part of you wanted it to.
“Don’t go.” you whispered.
He looked up from what he was doing, seeing the slightly distraught look on your face that instantly made his lips morph into a frown, “What’re you talkin bout?” 
You shook your head, “Stay…stay here with me. Don’t go.”
His eyes softened as he raised his hands to gently cup your face, “Hey, I ain’t goin anywhere sweetheart. M’ stayin right here.”
“But…what about Judith? RJ? I can’t…I don’t want to make you choose.” you said softly, fearing that in the back of your mind, things would just go back to how they were. Regardless of the passion you shared.
He smiled softly, “Baby, you ain’t makin me choose. We’ll figure somethin else out together, alright? Because I do know one thing…I sure as hell don’t want us to be apart like that ever again.”
You slowly nodded your head in agreement, “I don’t want that either…you have no idea how much I missed you. Leaving you was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made.”
“It ain’t gonna happen again. I promise.” he said before leaning in to gently kiss your lips.
You didn’t know how, but his words mixed with the gentle kiss seemed to slowly melt your worries away as you couldn’t think about anything else but him. In the end you knew it would work itself out, feeling more content in this moment with him than you had felt in a very long time. Daryl made a mistake on letting you leave, his own frustration stopping him from preventing you from walking out that door, telling you how much you meant to him. Though he couldn’t change the past, and all those long months you missed out on with each other, he sure as hell could plan for the future.
And he was never planning on letting you go again.
~ Thanks for reading!
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sunnyswide · 5 months
Murderer POLY 141 🔪 x Oblivious Female Reader
NSFW/MDNI (sexual activities and sexual themes)
Instead of military.. Why not just a bunch of fucking murders.
To you, it seemed so odd that they would show up at the most convenient of times. Nonetheless, you were mighty grateful for the help. For the quick fix-up on your car. The multitude of groceries you had. The short-lived stalker you never heard from again. The drunken who suddenly approached you late at dusk, but also got taken care of quite swiftly. The fruitful amount of cash that was hidden under piles of junk in the drawer. They were a bit tinted with red… Chalking that up to “Oh I must have put that there” even though you had no recollection.
But to them, it was all fun and games. Who'd be first caught or who'd be the last one standing?
Gaz was just so kind, inviting you to every opportunity for tea or snack breaks. You’re surprised when he tells you he lives at the complete opposite side of town.
“Thats an hour away Gaz! Isn't it exhausting?”
“Not at all, I have work here.”
He lies theough his teeth but hey? Isn't it all lies around here. As long as your adorable mind doesn't realize.. It won't hurt. Just like the many times he takes you to where he resides, eyes staring at the two of you.
Course you’re scared, but he promises it's because they’re not too keen with visitors. Not realizing the multitude of people don't seem to be glaring at you. But at him.
You don't ask questions and go along with it. Letting him lead you to his apartment that seemed to be barely lived in.. But it doesn't matter after he Fucks those pretty thoughts out of your mind. Making you see stars as he finishes inside of you for the third time.
But Price isn't that open. He keeps the conversation entertaining but reveals absolutely nothing about himself as he listens to you talk.
He loves the expressions you make, your lips pouting when you talk about the scary days you had over the week because of some weird stalker.
“I promise! There is someone following me!”
“Then why don’t you let me take you home”
He walks you home every night the two of you go out. The one day he doesn't, you swear you could hear an extra pair of footsteps. Looking around deliriously you opt for a run instead, going through alleyways and shortcuts. Until you accidentally bump into someone, causing you to trip over your feet.
“Gah! Sorry!”
You look up to see Price! He looked shocked at first but soon composed himself, taking your hand in his.
“Dont be sorry”
He smiles gently, kissing the top of your forehead while you burst into soft sobs. You swear you saw something.. Or someone else behind him. On the floor? Maybe it was your imagination..
He takes you home but you beg him to stay the night.
“Can you stay?..”
He holds you tight, pressing his fingers deeper into your hips. This only leads to an excuse to fuck you on his cock as an “apology” for scaring you. He whispers sweet nothings to you as he overstimulates your dripping cunt, making you cockwarm him even after cumming.
But after meeting Ghost and Soap, the perfect self-proclajmed duo, you couldn’t help but find yourself attracted. They were a mix of dark humor and wholesome dad jokes.
They invite you for a quick drink as friends. Friends that sit too close to each other.. Ghost insisting you sit in the middle as Soap drapes an arm around your waist, pouring you more and more Alcohol you didn’t want to drink.
Sooner or later the “fun” was coming to an end as you try to stand up, toppling over Ghost’s lap. They chuckle at your vulnerable state, taking it up as a reason to carry you back home. Of course this attracting other drunken dudes to come up to them asking them where they think they’re going.
“Cmoonnnn, We can all have a piece of that”
Soap smirks.. He was damn happy they even asked.
“Why not gentlemen”
But you didn't see what happened after as Ghost drove you back to his place with Soap after the quick charade. Soap smelled a bit.. Odd.. His hands covered in a.. Red substance.
“Just wine luv”
A few minutes later you sobered up quite quickly, surprised even though you drank so much. But hey no hangover!
And as a thank you they happily ate you out. Getting Fucked by both of them at once felt.. Ruthless. Your clit brimmed with overstimulation as Simon rubbed circles over it and your mouth forced wide open as Soap shoved his shaft deeper and deeper.
You sobbed quietly into the pillow as Soap rammed his Dick into your sopping cunt, relieved for the pounding to stop until Ghost took his time teasing your entrance. Making you gasp..
“Fu..ck.. Wai-wait”
Begging? Uselsss.
He didn't mind you screaming for him to stop. Overestimation turned into torture for your pussy. Brutilized after just one night, you’d had to come back to them for more right?
But it wasn't much of your choice to come back.
Part two
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shadesslut · 1 year
loving her was red
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Pairing: Dark!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Content Includes: Smut, p in v!, Dark!Ethan
Summary: There was nothing he wouldn't do to be her first priority, even if it meant killing his friends
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
Lewd noises filled the small room of her apartment. There was a musk smell filled with sweat and other liquids. He never in his life thought he would ever be in this position, putting her in this position. The sweet and desperate sounds that flowed out of her mouth like honey only stroked his obsession more. They were on her bed, ruining her periwinkle bedsheets, grabbing at each other’s skin trying to explore every crevice they could fit in. 
“F-Fuck,” he whimpered softly as he thrusted in and out of her. She looked up at him with a seductive expression and took his hands in hers. He knew he wasn’t the best at this, he knew he had to learn. He would learn about how her body works and what it reacts to if it was the last thing he ever did. 
She arched her back slightly as he quickened his movements. “You’re doing so good.” she cooed at him, brushing strands of his curly hair out of his face. His body had never felt this way before; he was on fire, and it was because of her. 
He leaned lower over her body and stuck his face into the crook of her neck. His thrusts became sloppier, lazier. “It feels so good,” he moaned. “You feel so good.” 
He gasped as he reached his high and held onto her tightly. He was too fucked out to look at her, which is also why he whispered an ‘I love you’ to her. He realized his mistake, but he felt too much pleasure to care at that moment. 
As he laid next to her, hugging her side, she looked over at her phone which laid on the nightstand. She quickly kissed him on his sweaty forehead before checking her phone. He sleepily glanced at her and licked his lips. “What are you doing?” he asked.
Her thumbs tapped on her phone hastily before answering. “Texting Tara,” she replied as she set her phone back down. She rolled around over to him and softly smiled. “So, how does it feel not being a virgin?” 
He smiled and looked down at his hands that unconsciously found their way to her hips. He shrugged his shoulders and looked up at her. God, she’s so pretty. He thought. He should have said it, looking back at it, he regrets not saying it. 
“I always feel good when I’m with you.” It was true; every time Chad invited him along with the rest of the group, he always looked forward to it. Because every time the group hung out, she was always there. She always treated him with kindness more than the others did. When he first hung out with the group, she was the only one to have an intimate conversation with him unlike Chad or the others. He didn’t dislike Chad, he has fond memories of them hanging out, but let’s just say that if Chad wasn’t his roommate, the two wouldn’t be friends. 
She smiled sweetly and laid her head on his chest. She started rubbing circles on his torso with her index finger, and it drove him crazy. “Ethan,” she said. “You wanna talk about what you said there?” 
The answer was no, he did not want to talk about how he confessed his love for her in the middle of their hookup. “Uhm, what did I say?” he lied, knowing she knew he meant it. 
A giggle escaped her lips as he looked up at him. “You said you loved me.” she reiterated. She didn’t look mad or even confused, she just looked…concerned. 
“I-uhm…” he spoke, regretting ever saying it to her. He never planned to tell her how he felt about her this soon. There were too many negative factors that played in. He was worried that she’d be freaked out if her friend’s roommate, whom she barely knew, confessed his love to her in the middle of what was supposed to be, a one-night stand. He was scared she would cut him out of her life if she found out how badly he was obsessed with her. “It was just a spur of the moment, I didn’t mean it.” he lied smiling. “I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.” 
She sat up and shook her head while stretching her arms above her head, causing Ethan to stare at her chest. “It didn’t, I just would have had to tease you about it if you meant it.” She stood up from the bed and walked sluggishly towards the bathroom. “Do you wanna shower with me?” she yelled out as she turned the shower on. He immediately stood up and slightly jogged towards the bathroom
Ethan sat next to Chad at the end of a red, torn-up diner booth. It was an old family-owned diner that they always ate at on Thursday nights. Chad’s twin sister, Mindy, and her girlfriend Anika were placed across from them, sharing a chocolate milkshake. The only one that wasn’t there was her; she usually arrives late due to her night class. She insists they don’t wait for her to order, to which they oblige, but not Ethan. Ethan refuses to order his food before you get there, so that’s why his stomach is roaring. Chad notices and looks at Ethan, letting Mindy and Anika continue their conversation. 
“Dude, just go order your food. Y/N doesn’t mind.” Chad reassured with a mouth full of his cheeseburger, which wasn’t helping Ethan’s growing hunger.  
Ethan gave him an uncomfortable look, “Nah, I don’t want her to be the only one eating when she gets here.” 
Chad shrugged and took another bite. He leaned over to sip from his soda before swallowing and replying, “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll probably order another side later.” Which made Ethan chuckle at his roommate. “Do you know if she’s on her way?” 
“Why would I know? Aren’t you guys best friends?” Ethan asked, confusion lacing his tone. Chad glanced away momentarily, hoping Ethan wouldn’t notice but he did. He nervously coughed and muttered ‘I don’t know’. 
That was weird, Ethan thought, but before he could say anything, she walked in and plopped herself down next to Mindy. 
“Hey, sorry I was late. My professor is such a douchebag.” she huffed before stealing Mindy and Anika’s milkshake and taking a sip. Her hair was in a low messy bun, and her maroon cardigan slid off her shoulders. She looked so tired, so worn out, she didn’t deserve to be so drained like this. She deserved to be held and taken care of. Ethan wanted to be the one to hold her and take care of her.
Mindy stole her shake back with a playful glare. “What’d the asshole do this time?” she asked. Y/N rolled her eyes and sighed deeply and gave her ‘I’ll tell you later’ eyes. Mindy nodded and turned her attention to the rest of the group. “So,” she started, smiling as she corrected her posture and put her hands on the table. “What is everyone wearing to the party tomorrow?”
Ethan noticed how Y/N perked up at her question. “I’m gonna be Tiffany Valentine!” she said excitedly. “I’m wearing a short white dress with a leather jacket,” she said putting her head in the palms of her hands. Ethan loved how giddy she was, even if it was about a silly Halloween costume. He loved how her eyes lit up, how passionate she got. He wanted to scoop her up and give her everything in the world she wanted; he would give her the world. As the others said what their costumes would be, Ethan could not stop daydreaming about her. He thought about the other night, and how their bodies hugged each other. He wanted to stay in that moment forever with her. He smiled as he looked down at the table and glanced up at her, who was staring right at him. Ethan blushed slightly and quickly looked away. He inhaled deeply and looked up again, only to be met with the others staring at him. 
“W-What?” He stammered nervously as he looked between Chad and the three girls. Y/N giggled slightly and covered her mouth. 
Chad nudged him on the arm and answered, “We asked what your costume was.” 
Ethan’s face flushed with embarrassment as his friends laughed. “O-Oh, I’m dressing up as this guy from a movie; Murder Party. He wears a cardboard costume so,” Chad nodded as Mindy made a slightly insulting comment. The rest of them moved on to a different topic, making Ethan’s shoulders relax. He looked over to Y/N, seeing her softly smile at the group. He wanted to take a picture of your smile, so he could always look at it. He loved your smile, he loved her. He wanted to tell her that, scream it at her, but he was scared; scared he would creep her out. 
On the way back to campus, the five of them conversed as they laughed with each other. Mindy and Chad were arguing about something while Anika held back a laugh at the two. Ethan and Y/N walked slowly behind the group. 
“So,” she said looking at him slowly reaching her hand towards his. She glanced at the group as they laughed louder before intertwining her hand in his. “You wanna come over to my place tonight? I got this new thing I wanna try with you.” she smiled at him as his ears reddened. He looked at the group, still unaware that their two friends were planning on fucking later, and looked back at her. 
He gently rubbed his thumb over her skin and pulled her back causing them to both stop. He caressed her cheek with his hand and leaned toward her. She widened her eyes at him and looked at the group before pulling away. “What are you doing?” 
“Oh, I don’t know, I was just-” he stammered nervously. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
She took her hand out of his and cut him off. “Just stop,” she said glaring at him. “Stop with all this romantic bullshit, okay? We have rules.” she spat at him as she rushed off to the others, linking arms with Chad. Ethan’s hands clenched into fists as he saw Chad hesitantly wrap his arm around her waist. He slowly started walking as he caught up with the others. He wanted to kill Chad. He wanted to hurt him for touching her. He had always envied Chad for his relationship with her; being her best friend, knowing more about her than him, killed Ethan. He wanted that with her. He was the one who deserved it the most, not Chad. He was going to kill Chad.
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - part 14.1
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 3.5k | previous part | masterlist
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: okay babes I’m desperate to get this out bc this part is going to be so fucking long I had to break it up into parts
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“Rhys, stop!”
Feyre’s shriek of annoyance draws your attention to the front, your eyes watching Feyre chastise Rhysand for driving almost 30 miles per hour over the speed limit. You and Azriel were in the backseat of Rhys’s car (“It’s a Tesla,” Rhys would correct), Feyre in the front seat making several comments about the way Rhys drives as if he is attempting to murder all of you.
Mor and Cassian drove separately in Cassian’s truck - you and Azriel snickered at their less than covert attempts to be alone in the apartment. The six of you had been about to hit the road when Cassian had ‘forgotten his driving sunglasses’ and Mor had immediately offered to help. Rhys had rolled his eyes, telling Cassian the four of you were going to head off instead of waiting for them.
Rhys’s lake house was about an hour and a half away, so you and Azriel had spent that time in the back mindlessly chatting, showing each other silly videos of mostly cats. Feyre sat in the passenger seat, deeming herself in charge of the music, the three of you not caring what she put on.
Whenever Rhys and Feyre were too preoccupied in their own conversation to notice the two of you, you would slip your hand into one of Azriel’s, playing with his fingers or just squeezing lightly before pulling away.
“When do we think Cassian will show up?” You ask, making eye contact with Rhys in the rearview mirror. He scoffs, turning his eyes back to the road, “no telling. He’ll get hungry eventually, so he’ll probably show up around dinner.”
The six of you met up around two, you and Azriel almost arriving late because of your lunch date taking too long. Neither of you wanted to pretend there wasn’t something between you two, but both of you wanted to wait a bit before telling everyone, causing the two of you to linger in the parking lot for far too long, neither of you wanting to keep up the charade.
The impending deadline didn’t stop him from kissing you as if he were going off to war in the parking lot of the cafe you two went to, though. You could still taste the coffee he had on your tongue.
Feyre sighed, looking out the window, “maybe I shouldn’t have put my bag in his truck.”
You laughed, partly at her melodramatics, partly at how foolish she was to leave her bag in Cassian’s truck, “I don’t think you’re seeing that bag for a while, Fey.”
She turns her head to look at you, a scowl on her face, “you make it sound like this is my fault.”
“Well, we did put Cassian and Mor in a car together, so maybe the group is at fault. Just be thankful they didn’t pull over and have sex on top of your bag.”
Her scowl deepened, a look of disgust on her features, “my poor bag would never be the same. I would never be the same.”
“You’d have Cassian butt sweat on it.”
“Ewww, stop.”
“Or worse, his butt hair.”
You laugh as Feyre whips her head to scowl at Rhys, “and how do you know about his hairy butt?”
“Cassian spent our teenage years with a new approach to life - he was determined to be naked at any and every opportunity.” You giggle at Azriel’s words, his ears reddening a bit at the attention you were giving him.
“My mother considered kicking him out because he kept walking around naked and standing in the windows.”
You and Feyre giggled at the image, but Rhys continued. “Our neighbors kept calling and complaining. I’m actually not sure how she got him to stop.”
“She probably bribed him. It’s the only way with him.” You quirk an eyebrow at Azriel before he continues, “nothing ever got to him as a kid - yelling, getting in trouble, praising him. But bribery always worked on him.”
You turn to Azriel, pointing your head in the direction of the front seat, “what was Rhys like as a kid.”
Az huffs, “same as now. Spoiled and annoying.”
Rhys glares at him through the rearview mirror, but Az continues. “He was a bit pompous, always talking about how rich his family was.”
You watch Az try to keep from smiling as Feyre laughs, before reaching a hand out to pinch Rhys’s cheek. The movement pings something in your mind, telling you to ask about it later.
“I did not.”
“You once came to school in a helicopter.”
Rhys sinks a bit in his seat, but you file this whole conversation away in a folder of your brain titled ‘ask again later’. You had a vague sense of things you had picked up over time - Rhys’ parents were technically married, but his dad would travel a lot. Rhys’ mother and sister died at some point. Somehow Azriel and Cassian came into the picture.
It was a bit fuzzy, and you never found out why Cassian lived on his own away from Rhys and Az. You had little pieces, but you needed some way to connect the. You filed it away, just allowing yourself to enjoy the car ride.
The ride eventually reached a lull where the two of you sat in the backseat texting each other while Feyre and Rhys talked mindlessly about goats, maybe. You really weren’t sure what was going on up there.
Azriel: did you know all the guys in this town are riddled with disease
Azriel: so you shouldn’t get anywhere near them
Azriel: just to be safe
You: I like disease-riddled men
Azriel: is now a good time to tell you I had chicken pox as a kid
You: oh really?
You: Mmm itchy men
Azriel: I regret this
You: do you have any scars from it?
Azriel: that’s classified
You: I’ll just have to go around searching for them from other men
Azriel: wait no
Azriel: no no no no no
Azriel: this is a joke right
His eyes snap up to you after you refuse to respond to him, and you have to stifle a giggle at the way he’s looking at you.
You: I’m a changed woman. I prefer disease free men now
Azriel: thank god you’ll stay away from Cassian now
You look up at him with wide eyes before you type back furiously.
You: Azriel we share an apartment what do you mean
You: I let him drink my coffee the other day
You: Azzy please tell me you’re joking
You huff as each of your texts is met back with the three dots indicating he was typing. You looked over at him to find him typing random letters before backspacing to allow the dots to stay up.
You: meanie head
Azriel: you’re the one who said you preferred disease riddled men
You: they wouldn’t treat me like this
You: I would be a queen to them
You: me and my disease riddled king
Azriel: that implies you are their diseased queen
The two of you continue trying to stifle giggles as Rhys drives, Az’s hand moving to squeeze your thigh. You’re so distracted by texting him and his hand on your thigh you don’t notice where you are until the car is pulling into a neighborhood of massive houses that could likely fit multiple families with room to spare. You sit up straighter, looking out the window at these multi-dollar houses and wonder if this was a vacation home, what did Rhys’ house look like growing up?
You knew Rhys’s dad’s lake house was going to be a ridiculously large house. You knew that before, you knew that as the car drove through the neighborhood, but pulling up into the driveway it was as if you had completely forgotten. The house was massive - it had to be at least three floors above ground, and the property it was on was large too.
Rhys’ car slows across the long driveway, no other cars around. You have to strain your neck to look at the house in its entirety - it was beautiful - three or four floors, large windows showing off spacious areas on the second and third floors. It was a mix of the classic lakehouse look, but with slightly modern twists to it. All you could think about while looking at it was how long it would take to clean it. Most of your squabbles with Cassian were over whose turn it was to do dishes, and you knew this place would really test your friendship with him if you lived here.
Or maybe he’d just be able to better hide his messes in this house.
“How long would this take to clean?”
Your voice comes out a bit squeaky before you clear your throat, looking over at Az.
“You think Rhys’s dad does his own cleaning?”
Rhys parks his car in the garage, the four of you getting out. Rhys opens the trunk, and you reach out to grab your bags but Azriel beats you to it, slinging your duffle bag over his shoulder. He crinkles his nose at your pout, sticking his tongue out as he walks into the house. You follow after him, taking in how nice his back looked through his shirt.
Azriel heads to the stairs, taking Feyre to her room, but you fall back to take in the living room. You could host a house party in this living room and fit a hundred people easily. You siddle next to Rhys, watching him play with the lid of his coffee in one hand, his phone lit up in the other.
“Are you worried at all about your dad showing up?”
Rhys sips his coffee before answering, “I’d be more shocked than anyone if he showed up here. Az, Cass, and I once spent an entire summer camped out here. Didn’t even catch a glimpse of him.” He shrugs, his face looking indifferent as his phone screen displays the ‘find my friends’ app, and he looks quizzically at the screen, trying to figure out where Cassian was, you presume.
He blows out a breath, “I’m gonna call him.”
You walk away, opting to look at the photos that decorated the walls. The living room is covered in them, all shapes and sizes of frames littered the yellow wall. You see photos of younger versions of Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys, photos from when they were about ten or so until pretty recently, if you had to guess. You can watch them grow, the three of them looking so unsure of themselves at various stages.
The young photos of Azriel are littered with an air of sadness to them, his eyes not quite as bright as they are now, bandages still lingering on his hands for a long time. Azriel’s the smallest in what you think is the first photo, not much more than skin and bones, his now tan skin had a sickly pale hue to it. A woman and a young girl are in the photos with them, the five of them all looking remarkably similar - it’d be very easy to convince others that the two boys were Rhys’s brothers. The photos are all tan skin, dark curls limp in some photos from the ocean water. They are scattered across the wall, no chronological order to them, but if you lined them up you could watch the three of them grow.
The photos made you feel a well of emotion - how someone could be so cruel to someone so small, so defenseless. But as the photos continued and Azriel blended in more with this family, it made you feel so proud of him for opening himself up like that, when all he knew was pain.
He hadn’t told you the extent of his childhood - just that his family was awful, he hadn't seen or spoken to them in a decade, and his step brothers burned his hands. But the pictures of this small, helpless boy looking so lost at the lake spoke volumes for him.
Rhys put the phone down from his ear as he hung up. “They’ll meet us at the restaurant for dinner. He muttered something about a pit stop before hanging up on me.”
He gazes at the photos as he stands next to you, his eyes landing on the one you’ve been staring at. It involved a very young Azriel, fresh bandages adorning his hands. The striking woman was holding him so delicately, as if her arms squeezed him too hard he’d burst in her hold.
“That’s my mom.”
His voice catches you off guard, not expecting much of anything from him. He points at the photo, his finger tapping slightly on the glass.
“She’s beautiful.”
He hums in agreement, “she loved Az. She fought so hard for him. First person to fight for him, really. Spent a shit ton of money getting custody of him.”
That surprises you, but you leave it there for now, keeping your eyes on her smiling face. His gaze lingers on her soft smile, “she loved all of us, but boy did she love Az.”
You watch his mind go somewhere, not wanting to intrude, about to step away when he speaks up again. “That’s my sister. Kaylah.”
His finger moves to a photo nearby, landing on the young girl that Cassian had hoisted on his shoulders.
“She’s cute.”
“She loved bothering Cassian. The two of them butted heads more than any of us combined.” His voice was full of love and nostalgia. “She once got so mad at him she pulled her shoe off and threw it at his head. He was so chuffed he didn’t notice her throw the other, both of them hitting his eyes. He had a black eye for weeks.”
You laugh, “oh my gods, what happened?”
“What happened?” He turned to you, a wide grin on his face, “we got kicked out of the restaurant we were in, and she had the audacity to ask for her shoes back because they landed at another table.” He laughs, a twinkle in his eye you had never seen before. “Oh, Kaylah was something. She always made us laugh.”
“What happened to her?”
Rhys looks down, the twinkle immediately leaving his eye, “she and my mom were hit by a drunk driver when we started school. We- it was a hard time.”
You look over at him, tentatively moving your arms around his waist and hugging him to you.
“I’m sorry.”
He squeezes you back, his citrusy scent filling your nose. “Me too.”
The two of you gaze at the photos, at a time long gone, standing in silence as if an embrace could change the ending for the subjects of the photos.
The moment’s broken by Feyre’s voice, “what’s going on here?”
You turn your face to look at her, head still against Rhys’s chest, “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. We’re in love. He’s having my baby.”
She gasps overdramatically, clutching her chest as she puts on a ridiculous voice, “oh my stars! The scandal!”
You giggle as Rhys unwraps himself from you, “we were going to tell everyone while we were here, but it’s true. We’re naming the baby Cassian Junior.”
Feyre breaks her resolve, giggling, “how is it Cassian Junior?”
“Cassian’s adopting him, of course.”
Feyre giggles before coming to the wall of photos, looking too. “Wow, you guys were so little!”
You laugh, “yeah now we have proof Cassian wasn’t born with a six pack.”
“A six pack of beer, maybe.”
Azriel’s voice startled you. How a man so large was so adept at sneaking up on you unaware was impressive. He stopped behind you, but you could feel his warmth through your back.
“That would explain a lot,” Rhys mutters, turning away from the photos and sitting onto the couch. He stretched out his long legs, propping them on the ottoman before him. “That drive took a lot out of me.”
“It was two hours,” you scoff, sitting on a nearby chair. Azriel followed you, sitting in the chair next to you.
“Two hours is a long time.”
“Maybe for a baby,” Feyre coos, sitting next to Rhysand, pinching his cheeks. His hands swat at hers, pushing her away with very little effort. The four of you mindlessly chatter away, Feyre telling you all about something one of her sisters recently did, until Rhys’s phone buzzed again, Mor texting him that they were half an hour away.
The four of you jump back into Rhys’ Tesla, and he rolls down the windows as he drives you all to some restaurant called ‘Mama’s’.
“But ‘Mama’s’ what?” You had asked, to which Rhys and Az shrugged.
“Just ‘Mama’s’.”
You had huffed, accepting the nonanswer for the time being. The windows give you a glimpse of the tax brackets you drove through - starting the journey in multi-million dollar homes occupied during the warm months, the landscape quickly changes to lower and middle class homes for the people who live here year round.
Rhys pulls the car into a small restaurant, fitted with outdoor lighting and seating. It was so homey - a dozen or so people stood around outside, playing some variety of games like checkers and cornhole. A couple dozen more sat at tables, eating what smelled to be the most enticing food ever created. Your stomach rumbles at the smell, and Feyre laughs at you before you poke her in the stomach with an elbow.
You spot Cassian leaning against his car, Mor standing next to him on her phone. He stretches his arms out, huffing, “finally, we’ve been waiting for you!”
Rhys promptly pushes him as he walks past, and Mor giggles as he falters a bit and she falls in line with you and Feyre and you gag at her. “You smell like sex.”
She gasps, “no I do not,” before discreetly smelling her shirt.
“No, you don’t. Made you sniff.”
She rolls her eyes, copying your words in an exaggerated voice.
The six of you find a table, and you’re seated in the middle of the booth with Feyre and Rhys next to you. Azriel sits on the end of the other booth, and you make brief eye contact across the table, sending him a soft smile.
The waitress comes up to your table, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, her black clothes making her eyes pop, her name tag reading ‘Steph’. She looked at all of you, but her eyes stopped on Azriel, her smile growing wider at the sight of him.
“Hi everybody, what can I get you all to drink?”
She takes your drinks orders, rubbing Azriel’s shoulder as she walks away. Cassian laughs at Azriel’s grimace, “I think she likes you, Azzy.”
“Shut up, Cass.”
Azriel looked to you as your friends kept talking, and you offered him a smile back. His face was hard to read, but his eyes looked so sad. You cock your head to the side, trying to figure out what the problem was, but he turned his head away.
Dinner goes by in a blur, the food was delicious, the six of you spent the evening joking around, except for Azriel, who spent most of the meal quiet. The waitress came by to check on you all several times, and her blatant efforts at flirting would have been amusing if it wasn’t completely obvious how uncomfortable it made Azriel. Each time she returned to your table, you would watch him tense up as she approached, her hands always finding their way to his shoulders. On her third stop at your table, she began calling him Muffin.
Rhys paid the check, handing over the receipt to Azriel.
“For you, Muffin.”
Azriel takes it, and from next to him you can see the phone number written beneath the total. His hands crumple it, discarding it before you all made it to the parking lot. He opens your door before heading to the other side of the car after you slide into your seat. You immediately pull out your phone, your texts with Azriel lighting up the backseat.
You: hi Muffin
Azriel: I’m so sorry
You: why? Did you do something?
Azriel: for the waitress?
You: did you do something with the waitress?
You: I did go to the bathroom, maybe you slipped out and made out with her?
You can hear Azriel furiously typing on his phone.
Azriel: no no no no
Azriel: I didn’t do that, I wouldn’t do that. I’m sorry she was hitting on me.
Azriel: I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t want to tell her I had a girlfriend
You: you have a girlfriend?
You: and you’ve been making out with me?
You: you dog
You peak over at him and his face is a deep red. You want to laugh but you feel a little bad about your teasing once you see his fingers shaking, having to backspace several times over misspelled words.
Azriel: I think so
Azriel: I didn’t mean to imply anything
You: so, you don’t have a girlfriend?
Azriel: I don’t know
Azriel: maybe?
You: do you want one?
You: a girlfriend, that is
Azriel: god yes
Azriel: but it has to be a specific girl
You: anyone in mind?
Azriel: I have my eye on someone
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Series taglist: @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @impossibelle @hayrunnwr @just-a-social-casualty-1 @thisisew @brieflyclassymortal @glitterypirateduck @marshmummy @bookishbroadwaybish @azsteris @doriansgf @footyandformula @od-anon @judig92 @luvmoo @marina468 @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @acotarobsessed @maryssong23 @acourtofbatboydreams @herondale-lightworm @azrielover @carnelshephard
Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading ❣️
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worth-the-chaos · 2 months
Not sure if you're still taking requests or not, but I'd love to hear what the moments between getting out of the upside down and the end scene were like between Steve and MC in the Adventures in Baby Sitting Series. I adore these two, and your writing is so awesome 🥰
Hi Tiffany! I hope you enjoy this blurb and I really appreciate your kind words! I chose to focus on the end of season two and the “will they won’t they” tension before they got together! I’m not sure which season you wanted me to focus on, so if you have any additional requests, feel free to send them in! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you have a good time reading it!
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Blurb!
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Summary: After making your way out of the tunnels under Hawkins, you and Steve take care of each other’s injuries sustained during your scuffle with Billy Hargrove.
Content Warning: blood, swearing, injuries, angst
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: This takes place within Chapter 5 of the main series! Please feel free to send in any requests you have for Steve and the reader within the context of Adventures in Babysitting!
Series Masterlist | Associated Chapter
“Hey lovebirds! We need to get out of here!” Dustin’s voice rang out from above the two of you.
You couldn’t quite believe that the demodogs just passed right by you and Steve without attacking. You were confident you were going to get ripped to shreds, and your mind drifted to the scars that littered your left arm. You couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if the supernatural creatures got the opportunity to finish the job.
You were still pressed tight up against Steve, his hand at the nape of your neck as you swayed together, your head buried against his chest. You peeled yourself apart from Steve and looked up into his eyes. You could barely see them past the goggles he was wearing, but you could feel the relief in the way he breathed deeply. His hands were wrapped around your upper arms as he held you, taking in the sight of you, whole and okay.
“I guess we should get out of here,” he finally spoke up, his voice sounding far away.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” you agreed. He rested one of his large hands on the small of your back as he guided you to the rope that the kids had just ascended. You thought back to the P.E. class the two of you shared and you blushed at the fact that you weren’t nearly as athletic as he was, and you sure weren’t going to be able to climb this rope without a little bit of help. You were grateful for the bandana over your face to hide your reddened cheeks as you grabbed hold of the rope and hoisted yourself up.
You were clearly struggling as you wrapped your ankles around the rope to get a better grip. Suddenly you felt Steve’s hands against your frame, one on your waist and the other right below your ass as he helped push you up. You again thanked your lucky stars that no one could see your face as you finally got high enough for Dustin and Lucas to grab your hands and help pull you out of the hole.
To your complete non surprise, Steve quickly climbed the rope without assistance, dusting off his pants and snatching the keys from an irritated Max Mayfield.
“Hey!” She shouted as she tried to grab them back but Steve was quick to hold them above his head, wildly out of the young girl’s reach.
“There is absolutely no way in hell you are driving that car again. No way,” Steve said plainly, making his way back towards Billy’s car parked haphazardly a few yards away from the gaping hole in the earth. “The fact that you even drove it in the first place is completely fucking ridiculous.”
“You probably have a concussion! You shouldn’t be driving either!” She argued.
“I’ll take my chances, thank you,” Steve rolled his eyes, spinning the keys around his index finger before opening the passenger door for you as he gently guided you inside the vehicle.
The car was pretty quiet as you dropped the rest of the kids off, everyone silently taking in all that had just transpired. They had all decided that Mike’s house was their best bet, seeing as Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler were absolutely oblivious when it came to the otherworldly shit the majority of their kids were facing on a remarkably consistent basis. You and Steve then returned Billy’s car to the Byers’ house, leaving the key on the dash and quickly switching to Steve’s BMW.
Steve started the car but he turned to face you before he put it in gear.
“That was kind of a lot,” he began, his eyes not faltering from yours, “I don’t know about you, but I don’t really feel like being alone right now, so do you want to stay at my house tonight?”
You couldn’t muster up the words to respond, so you just nodded and his hand found the back of your headrest as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the Byers’ driveway. You hummed to the music playing softly on the radio as you fidgeted with your hands, nervous about being alone with Steve considering all that had happened.
Nancy and him had just officially, officially ended things, and you knew you were developing feelings for the brown eyed boy that was so endlessly kind to you. Hell, if you were being honest, you’d had feelings for him since a year ago when he came back to save you from certain doom in your fight against the demogorgon in Jonathan’s living room. You didn’t want to be a rebound or to make things weird between you and Nancy. You didn’t have enough friends to lose the few that you had made in your less than desirable circumstances.
Before you knew it, Steve was pulling into his empty driveway, his parents nowhere to be found per usual. You felt a pang in your chest as you considered how lonely it must feel sometimes to be Steve Harrington. But you didn’t have a lot of time to think about that as he was opening your car door for you and gently guiding you inside.
“Steve—“ you began, stopping in the foyer of his house feeling the need to express the anxiety sitting in your chest surrounding the weird, in-between relationship you seemed to be entering together, but Steve just walked right past you, leaving you alone in the expansive entryway of his even more unbelievably expansive home. You messed with the hem of your shirt, your eyes darting around the room, still afraid of monsters lurking in the dark.
Steve quickly returned and you could see the absolute focus on his face as he gently grabbed your wrist and led you to the kitchen. He sat you down in a kitchen chair before kneeling down in front of you, carefully setting a first-aid kit on the floor.
“What hurts?” He asked, his eyes kind and his voice dripping with a sincerity that could make you melt into the ground.
His mind had been racing too. He had been upset about him and Nancy’s split, but not as upset as he anticipated. He almost felt a little….relieved? He was conflicted, but all that mattered to him right now was the pretty girl sitting in his kitchen, ash and dirt on her pants and blood on her face as she sat, still jittery from the conflict.
You didn’t really know if it was the compassion in his voice or the adrenaline crash from the sheer terror of trying to survive, but your eyes began welling up with tears as you choked out a sob that wracked your sore and tired frame. Your hands darted to cover your face, embarrassed by the way you were falling apart in front of Steve.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Steve gently pulled at your wrists, desperately trying to gauge if you were okay. Alarm bells started ringing in his head, his thoughts going to the worst case scenario. His mind flashed back to your wobbly gait and blood soaked sleeve from the year prior, to the way he ran with your limp body as you began to drift in and out of consciousness. “Y/n, what’s wrong? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
You didn’t respond, sobbing harder into your hands, still unable to speak.
“Please y/n, you’re scaring me,” Steve begged you to say something, anything. “I need you to be okay.”
“It’s…it’s just,” you choked out as you looked him in the eyes, “we could have died.”
The words came out in a whisper, like speaking the words would will fate to change the past. Steve didn’t say anything. Instead he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you forward off of the chair and into his lap on the floor of his kitchen. You buried your face in his neck as he rubbed circles on your back, hugging you close to him.
After several minutes, you began to calm down and you pulled away from him a bit, your face flushing as you realized you were straddling him. You began to try and move away, but his hand dropped to your lower back and held you there as his brown eyes searched your face, awestruck by just how beautiful you were. He brushed a strand of hair away from your face, and you hissed in pain as his fingers grazed across a cut on your cheek.
“Let me fix it,” he whispered, grabbing supplies from the first-aid kit and cleaning up the cuts and scratches on your face. You winced as he removed the blood-soaked, multicolored bandages the kids had placed haphazardly across the worst of your cuts, replacing them with butterfly stitches. He hated the way your eye was starting to bruise, and his jaw set as he thought about the man that did this to you.
“I’m gonna kill him, you know,” Steve assured you and you just shook your head.
“It’s okay Steve,” he didn’t seem to relent with your assurance, so you continued. “Really, I promise. He’s just an asshole and I doubt he’ll lay a hand on any of us again.”
“You don’t know that though,” Steve pushed, “that was fucking insane, y/n. He had you pinned against the wall and bleeding in the minute it took me to get back inside!”
Steve sounded exasperated and you couldn’t say it wasn’t warranted. Your gaze drifted to your hands in your lap as you anxiously fiddled with your fingers. Your voice was quiet when you spoke up. “Why do you care so much?”
“Why do I care so much?” He repeated your question incredulously. “Y/n, we’ve quite literally been through hell together. And….and I-I don’t know what I’d do with myself if something happened to you. I watched you nearly get ripped to shreds last year, and I think about that all the damn time—that…that I barely even met you, like really met you, and you were going to be gone and out of my life just like that,” he snapped his fingers, and you jumped a bit at the sudden sound. “So to think that some shit for brains, asshole lunatic beat you half to death on my watch absolutely kills me. I care so much because he shouldn’t have gotten a chance to lay a finger on you in the first place. Not on Halloween, and certainly not tonight, and that’s on me.”
The admission made your chest hurt, knowing that he was carrying that emotional weight. You looked up and met his gaze and you could tell he meant every damn word. As your eyes traced the cuts and bruises scattered across his battered and beaten face, you thought back to the first time you’d reached out to the boy; showing up at his doorstep looking for help.
And he hadn’t stopped helping you since then.
“Steve, this isn’t your fault. You can’t carry that,” you shook your head, as your eye contact remained unwavering, your voice carrying such conviction that Steve held his breath in his throat.
“But you have to. All the time,” he whispered, his fingers ghosting across a cut on the bridge of your nose before his hand trailed down to your left arm. He knew the scars were there despite the fact that you were never vulnerable enough around him to let him see them. He thought about all the times he’d see you, miserable in the sweltering heat of spring and summer, suffocating in your long sleeves.
You were surprised by the way you didn’t jump at his touch, instead, taking a deep breath, you gently grabbed his hand and held it in both of yours.
“It just reminds me of how lucky I am to have you in my life,” you whispered, “that you saved my life.” You wiped a tear that began to roll down his cheek, grabbing some of the first aid supplies and silently going to work at cleaning and bandaging his wounds properly (no shade against the kids, but the neon band aids just simply weren’t cutting it).
“There. All better,” you announced with a smirk as you placed the last bandage over a shallow cut along his jawline. “Now, how about we go to bed? It’s been a long day.”
“That is the understatement of the century,” Steve chuckled.
And just like that, the two of you made your way up to his bedroom and you changed into another pair of his pajamas, swimming in the fabric that was too big for your frame. Unlike the night before when you spent the night, neither of you were shy about it. Instead of facing away from each other, you fell asleep nestled into the crook of his arm, resting your head against his chest. You quickly drifted off to sleep as Steve ran his fingers through your hair.
When he was sure you were asleep, he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and took a deep breath. Maybe you were right. Maybe it wasn’t his fault.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t fight like hell to make sure you never got so much as a damn scratch on you again.
a/n: I hope you all enjoyed! If you wanted to make my whole day, leave a comment or reblog! I love to hear what you guys think!
@season4steve @sassyheroneckgiant @tangledinthegreatxscape @palachannie @keeryverse @usaguisenpaisblog @emilieluckwood @sabrinadelreyy @mochminnie @xprloki @kitdjarin1 @kissmxcheek @daemonskitty @aheadfullofsteverogers @quinnsadilla @chervbs @sheisjoeschateau @goosy-goose @frtfvthg @criesinlies @cycat4077 @kachelleee @killerqueenfan @newyorkangelbaby @spaghetittied @anxfl @huffledor-able541 @mikariell95 @nothergoaway @angie2274 @purpleeyeswithgoldensparkles
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lucy90712 · 1 month
pedri being toxic to the reader because he is going through a hard time in his career and the reader accepts it at first to be considerate and compassionate of his state but ends up not being able to handle it and leaves making pedri try to win her back
"Why don't you do anything all day the place is a fucking mess" Pedri raged 
"I've been at work I haven't been here to clean you've been here all morning why didn't you do it" I snapped back 
"Because it's your job plus I had things to do" he said 
"I'm not your housewife Pedri I'm your girlfriend and I have other responsibilities in my life so you have to help out around the house sometimes too" I said 
"I don't even know why you are bothering with work you don't even make any money" Pedri laughed sarcastically 
"Just because I don't make football money doesn't mean I make no money you know what I'm done with this argument I'll clean and make dinner" I gave in yet again 
"Where have you been?" Pedri asked 
"Out with friends like I told you I would be" I said 
"But you were supposed to drive me to physio I can't drive remember" he said 
"You never asked me I told you where I was going and when I'd be back and you didn't say anything you didn't even text me to come back" I argued 
"Didn't think I needed to ask my girlfriend to take care of me when I'm injured" Pedri said rolling his eyes 
"You do when I have plans" I said 
"Well you are taking me tomorrow morning and you'll need to wait for me to finish to drive me home" he said 
"Oh yes of course your royal highness I'll be waiting at your beckoned call" I said sarcastically walking away from him 
"No need to be a bitch" he yelled from behind me 
"God I can't take it anymore" Pedri yelled 
"I'm sorry I'm trying my best to understand what you're going through and help you but it's not easy" I said 
"Yeah no shit you don't understand or you wouldn't be annoying me so much everyday" he argued 
"I'm sorry I'm trying" I said 
"Well clearly not hard enough fucking idiot" he said whispering the last part but still loud enough for me to hear it 
That was enough for me I had nothing else to say so I took myself out of the situation and locked myself in our bedroom until I heard Pedri leave. In the time I was just sat in our bedroom waiting for him to leave I was thinking about what I wanted to do and I decided that I have to get out of here. I moved in with Pedri two months ago and it's not been good from the start but I'm lucky that I hadn't got round to selling my apartment yet so I found the keys from where I put them and packed a bag with as much stuff as I could fit, left a note for Pedri and just drove back there. When I opened the door the place felt so silent and empty but that felt good after the months of constant yelling and arguing while living with Pedri. 
This whole situation is so hard as I love Pedri a lot and usually he's such an amazing boyfriend but the last two months he hasn't been himself. Just before I moved in with him he got injured again and injures is something he's been struggling with for the last few years but each time he gets injured again it seems to affect him more. I tried my hardest to put myself in his shoes and understand that he's going through a lot and he's struggling mentally but he made it so difficult. Any time I tried to get him to open up he shut me out and when I stopped trying he just argued with me about the smallest of things which is why I just had to get out. 
What I had just done started to really sink in and I started to kind of regret it. I really love him and I never wanted to be with anyone else but now I've all but ruined it. Part of me wanted to just go straight back to his place and pretend I never ran away but the other part of me knew that I needed to do this as I can't let myself live like I have been. It hurts right now but I know I did the right thing this either ends with Pedri realising what he's done and making things right or he doesn't see what he did wrong and we break up which in that case would be for the best. 
Pedri's POV
When I got home from the training centre the house was scarily quiet. I didn't see y/n before I left but she was definitely home and she was supposed to be here when I got back but it was absolutely silent. 
"Y/n" I called out 
No answer
"Y/n where are you" I said a bit louder this time 
Still nothing 
"Come on y/n where are you" I yelled starting to get annoyed 
That annoyance turned into slight panic the longer the silence went on as she never just doesn't answer me when I get home. The thought that something could've happened to her hit me and I rushed upstairs to look for her I went straight to our bedroom and opened the door but it was empty. I then noticed that her stuff wasn't there her bedside table was cleared, her dresser draws had nothing in and her side of the wardrobe was pretty much bare apart from my hoodies she had adopted as her own. As I turned round I saw a piece of paper on her side of the bed so I picked it up and opened it. 
As you can probably tell I've taken my stuff as for now I think we need to be apart. I can't deal with all the yelling and arguments anymore. I've tried to just deal with it and understand that you are having a hard time but I just can't be treated like that anymore. I still love you probably more than I should but I think we need to be apart for a little while so we can both figure out what we want. 
Y/n xx
Reading those words really hurt me. All of a sudden I realised that since y/n moved in with me two months ago I have treated her like shit. I've been in a bad place with my injury but that's no excuse for treating her like that she deserves so much better than what I've been giving her so I don't blame her for leaving. The more I thought about it I realised that she's been so understanding and every time I've just met her with hostility I thought back to all the arguments we've had over the last two months and all of them were my fault. I've picked fight after fight with her when she hasn't done anything wrong and now I feel like a total dickhead. I'm so lucky that she hasn't just broken up with me and never wants to see me again she wants to be apart for a bit but that doesn't mean it's over I can make things up to her and show her that I'm sorry and that I'll do better if she gives me a second chance. 
All I wanted to do was text her and make sure she was ok and apologise a million times but she wants space and I need to give her that for a little while before I try and show her that I'm really very sorry. As I thought about how I could win her back I realised I had no idea where she'd gone and I panicked. I don't want her to and up staying somewhere random or at a friends place but then I remembered that she hadn't sold her apartment yet and I checked where she kept the keys and they were gone which made me feel a little bit better. She's somewhere safe and I know where her apartment is which made me feel a lot better although I really wish she was here with me. 
Your POV 
The first few days without Pedri were hard as we went from seeing each other every day to having no contact at all. After those first few days when I got home from work some flowers were waiting outside my door with a note from Pedri apologising and saying that he hopes I'm doing ok. The next day just after I got home someone arrived with food that I hadn't ordered which came coupled with a text from Pedri making sure I'd got the food. From that day onwards he'd text me at least once a day and sometimes I'd answer as I missed him. I wanted to go back on my decision and just run back to Pedri so badly but I stood my ground as I knew we needed some time apart to both think and be able to think about things. 
After two weeks of Pedri texting me and sending me things he asked if we could meet up to talk whenever I was ready. I just stared at that text for a while before telling myself that I was ready to see him again and try and make things better so I asked him when he was free. We then decided on a day that we were both free and decided that I should go to his so we can talk without anyone seeing us or overhearing. The day we agreed to meet is today and I've been so nervous all day. I barely slept last night and all morning I feel like I've been pacing around my apartment which is so stupid as I love Pedri and I trust him with my life but for some reason I'm nervous about how today will go and if we'll have to end things properly. 
The time came that I had to leave to drive to Pedri's place. To start with it felt odd to be driving the way I used to drive all the time when we first got together so that I could go visit him but then it began to feel like second nature I wasn't even registering the turns I was taking but they led me right to Pedri's driveway. The air in my car felt heavy when I turned the engine off but I took a deep breath and got out ready to have this conversation no matter how it goes. Even though I know Pedri is expecting me and would've heard my car pull up I still rang the doorbell and waited for him to open the door. As soon as Pedri opened the door I saw his face for the first time since he yelled at me the day I left and straight away I could tell he wasn't himself the light in his eyes was gone and even when he was injured he still had some of that left in his eyes. Seeing him like that made me feel awful as I know I'm the reason that he's not as happy as he was a few weeks ago but it had to be done.
"Hey come in do you want a drink?" He asked 
"No I'm ok thank you" I replied 
"Before you say anything I want to say I'm sorry I'm sorry for yelling at you all the time I'm sorry for taking things out on you when you were just trying to help me I know all the things I did were wrong and I regret not treating you the way you deserve to be treated I've been thinking about it since the night you left and if I could start over and never do those things I would but it's too late for that so I just want to tell you that I'm so deeply sorry" he said 
"Thank you for that I'm sorry things had to happen this way but I just couldn't cope anymore and you didn't get it" I said 
"I know I was an awful boyfriend and I feel terrible about it" he said 
"Where do we go from here?" Pedri asked 
"I don't want us to end things I want the complete opposite but I'm not ready to move back in yet I need to know that you won't just argue with me the second I move back in I need to know you've changed and that it won't happen again" I said 
"I promise I've changed and I'll show you that let me take you out on a date as we haven't had date night in a while" he said 
"I'd like that" I said 
For the last month Pedri had taken me on a date every week all of which have been amazing and he has been treating me exactly how he did before we moved in together. We've also seen each other plenty of times outside of those official dates just to hang out. Things have gone back to how they used to be and I don't feel like Pedri has been trying to overcompensate to make me think he's changed he has really made changes for the better. He has been the loving boyfriend he was before I moved in and even when he's had a bad day he no longer takes it out on me instead he actually tells me about how he's feeling so I can try and support him as best as possible. 
After our date last night I stayed over as by the time we got back it was so late Pedri didn't want me driving home and neither of us had anywhere to be this morning. To begin with it felt old doing my night routine in Pedri's house as it's been a good few months since I've done that but at the same time it felt normal. Everything was exactly how I left it Pedri still had all of the things I'd left here including all my spare skincare stuff and my shampoo so I felt at home while getting ready for bed. I didn't bring any clothes to change into but Pedri had already thought of that as he put some of his clothes out on the bed for me which smelt like him which made me feel even more at home. Sleeping with his arms around me helped me sleep better than I have done in the last few months, I got the same amount of sleep as usual but I felt so much more rested and I know it's because I feel more relaxed with Pedri in bed next to me.
When I woke up the space next to me was empty but that didn't last long as before I could even fully take in my surroundings Pedri was back holding a tray in his hands which had plates of pancakes and glasses of orange juice on. He handed me some with a peck to my cheek while pushing my hair out of my face. After we ate Pedri pulled me back into his arms and held me against his chest with one of his hands running up and down my arm while the other played with my hair. Having a chill morning with him close to me felt so good this is what I wanted when we moved in together and now I've finally got a taste of it and now it feels like there is nothing better on earth than this moment. 
"I love getting to spend time together like this" I said 
"Me too I've missed getting to cuddle with you at night and in the mornings" Pedri said 
"I think I'm ready to move back in" I said without really thinking 
"Really I'd love to have you move back in but are you sure you are ready?" He asked 
"Yeah I'm ready things have been so much better between us the last month and I trust that you won't fall back into old habits plus I can't pretend I don't want to spend every morning waking up next you anymore I've missed you a lot and I want us to be back to how we were" I said 
"I can assure you I'm never going to let you go again so if you are ready I'm definitely on board I would say let's go and get your stuff from your apartment now but I want to stay here with you for a bit longer" He said
"We have all the time in the world to go get my stuff but being here sounds better" I said 
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kyufessions · 1 year
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midnight breeze
pairings: boyfriend! chenle x afab! reader
genre: smut, 18+
warnings: name calling (slut, good girl), mentions of face-fucking, squirting, penetration, multiple rounds (not all described, just mentioned), semi-public??, lmk if i missed anything
word count: 0.8k
a/n: even though ‘good girl’ is used in this story, i do kinds use it as a neutral term for myself personally. but feel free to change it for yourself or just ignore it. also, not proofread. i’m tired.
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
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his slender fingers caressed the right side of your face, the hoots of the owls becoming the perfect background noise of an autumn night like this. the occasional midnight breeze sneaks through your opened window and sends a shiver down your spine. nothing but the moonlight illuminated your face and bodies, the occasional smirk on chenle’s lips catching your eye as he hovered over you. it’s been two hours but he was still going at it like a mad dog, going between going down on you, face fucking you, and pounding into you relentlessly as the headboard indented the wall some more. what had gotten into him you didn’t know, but after being so touch starved for the past few days you didn’t really question it. you didn’t didn’t expect so much at one time.
“tell me when to stop.” is what chenle told you before anything escalated. you went over your safe word multiple times before clothes were lost throughout your apartment somewhere, not a care in the world.
although he was so ruthless, his praises never failed to make you squirm under his touch. as his one hand grazed the apples of your cheeks, the other held your leg up so he could hit all the right angles within you. each whimper of yours drove him mad, wanting nothing more than to hear it on a loop for eternity.
“you’re so pretty, baby.” he mumbled, a groan following right after. the way your fucked out eyes stared up him, analyzing his every move made his hips slam harder inside you. the site made his dick twitch, causing you to squeeze around him. the feeling made chenle slam his hip info yours, the headboard meaning another mark into the eggshell white bedroom walls. the newly glistening drool escaping the corner of your mouth caught his eye under the minimal lighting, the other side of your mouth having some dried up from when he fucked your face not too long ago. “look at you, so fucked out for me.”
your eyes shut tight as chenle hit a deeper spot, your moan becoming higher in pitch as a signal that he was doing something better. smiling to himself, he leans down and starts leaving trails of kisses from your collarbone to directly under your ear. you feel him start to nibble on your earlobe, placing a peck before whispering, “you’re such a good girl for me, hm?”
arching your back at his words, you nod your head eagerly and bring your hand up to hair. pulling on it, you latch your lips onto the side of his neck and start leaving bruises across his skin. normally, you would be more careful of where you’d place them. but tonight felt different, tonight neither of you cared who heard or even saw the markings of the previous night's rendezvous’. each thrust was as ruthless as the last, earning an even louder moan to intertwine with chenle’s.
“cum for me like the good slut you are, baby.” he says one last time before whispering one final ‘fuck’ before panting into your collarbone as he moves his hands down to your hips.
he pins down your body to the bed, making sure you can feel every inch of him as he pulls out entirely. slowly, he pulls out. making sure you begin to feel empty without him. before you can flutter your eyes back open to pout at him, you feel yourself being filled by his cock once again but this time you feel every inch. chenle may not look strong, but little does everyone know. because when you two are together it’s a completely different story; he has no issue with physically putting you in your place with your consent- matter of fact, he enjoys it. and not-so-secretly, you do too.
before you knew it, that familiar overwhelming sensation overcame your body for the third time that night. only difference is that you felt more than just your normal release; you looked down between your bodies and noticed how chenle was dripping, making you let out a dry chuckle. he notices, looking down and ignoring how hard his dick was getting all over again from the sight. as much as he wanted to go again, he knew how tired you were- he could tell. when he leaned on up from his elbows to admire you from above, your breathing pattern already started to exhibit one that was beginning to fall asleep.
for a few moments, he just admired you. he took in the sweat that trickled down your forehead and ended between your breasts. he took note of the mascara that’s since dried up that he had asked you to put on prior so he could watch the black liquid move down your face during your intimate moments. he grinned at your newly puffy lips that look so lonesome yet so overworked. he couldn’t help but run his finger along your face one last time before picking you up and taking you to the bathroom to run you a bath, placing a soft kiss to your lips as he whispered an ‘i love you’.
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rynwritesreid · 11 months
You were my everything| Spencer Reid
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Summary: Reader finds out JJ admitted that she loves Spencer. Just angst with some fluff involved. I think its GN, there might be some pronouns mentioned but I tried my best not too.
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Dr Spencer Reid was your everything, you loved him, and he loved you. But then him and JJ got taken hostage.
He was honest with you from the get-go, he used to have feelings for her, but he moved on.
But then she admitted she loved him, and she always had. Why the fuck would she say that she has children and a husband, but she says this to your boyfriend. You had talked to her about your relationship with him and she always seemed so supportive.
You were so mad at both of them, you hated having to look at them, having to see them talk with each other, laughing with one another. You hated both of them.
You tried your best to be civil, but every time you saw them together, your blood would boil. You didn't trust JJ and you didn't trust Spencer around her.
One day, as you were walking to your car after work, you saw JJ and Spencer walking together. They were laughing and joking like they didn't have a care in the world. You felt a searing anger build up inside of you as you watched them. You couldn't take it anymore.
You marched up to them and confronted them. "How can you two be so goddamn happy together after what she did?!" you yelled at Spencer. "She admitted she loves you, but she has a husband and kids! Did you even think about how that would make me feel?!"
Spencer looked at you with a pained expression. "I know, I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't know how to handle it. I love you; I swear. But I also care about JJ.”
“No. You don’t just care about JJ, you love her. You are fucking in love her because she said she loved you.” You spat at him. You then turned you attention to JJ.
“And you. I trusted you as a friend, I talked to you about everything, and you admit to my boyfriend that you love him.” You paused to look at them, they were both looking at their feet.
“You both lied to me and went behind my back. I hope you’re happy JJ. And Spencer, I’m glad the girl you love, finally loves you back.”
You turned away from them and walked into Hotch’s office. He could tell you were mad, no one else knew what had happened.
“Y/N are you okay?” He looked concerned; his voice though had not changed.
“I would like to take some leave. Spencer and JJ, they love each other, and I can’t be in the same room as them right now.” You tried to sound calm, to sound like you weren’t on the verge of tears.
Hotch looked at you for a moment before nodding. "Of course, take whatever time you need. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, his voice full of concern and worry. You looked at Hotch like a father.
You shook your head. "No, I just need some time to...process everything," you said, your voice breaking slightly.
Hotch gave you a small smile and reached out to pat your hand. "Take all the time you need, Y/N. We'll be here when you're ready to come back," he said, before turning back to his work.
You walked out of the BAU building, tears streaming down your face. You had lost the two people you cared about most in the world, and you didn't know how you were going to move on.
As you drove away, you felt a searing pain in your chest. You loved Spencer more than anything, but you couldn't be with him if he still had feelings for JJ.
For the next few days, you stayed locked up in your apartment, not wanting to see or talk to anyone. You ignored all of Spencer's calls and texts, not wanting to hear his excuses or apologies. You were hurt and angry, and you didn't know if you could ever trust him again.
You wished he was a simple man to hate, so that you could turn off the love for him. But he wasn't a simple man. He was complex, with layers of intelligence, kindness, and love that you had fallen for. You couldn't just turn off your feelings for him no matter how much he had hurt you.
After a week of wallowing in your own misery, you decided that you needed to confront Spencer and JJ. You couldn't keep avoiding them forever, and you needed to know the truth about what was really going on between them.
You arranged to meet Spencer at a nearby coffee shop. As you sat across from him, you noticed how tired and defeated he looked. You wondered if he had been feeling as miserable as you had been.
"Spencer, I need to know the truth," you said, looking him straight in the eyes. "Are you still in love with JJ?"
Spencer took a deep breath before answering. "No, Y/N. I'm not in love with JJ. I thought I was for a while, but no I’m not. It’s you. You’re my everything. You were my everything and you will continue to be my everything.”
You felt a glimmer of hope inside of you at his words. Maybe there was a chance for your relationship after all.
“So why did you ignore me at work? Why did you hang with her so much and why did you stop kissing me or telling me that you loved me?”
Spencer looked down at his hands, a guilty expression on his face. "I didn't mean to ignore you, Y/N. I was just so confused and didn't know how to handle my feelings. I was afraid of losing both you and JJ, and I didn't want to hurt anyone. But I know now that what I have with you is real, and I don't want to lose you."
You studied Spencer's face for a moment, trying to gauge his sincerity. Despite your anger and hurt, you still loved him and wanted to believe him. "Okay," you said finally, nodding your head. "But what about JJ? What's going on between the two of you?"
He looked you in the eyes and reached for your hands. “Nothing is going on between. I promise. There was a gun pointed to my head and the guy asked for her to admit a secret, a secret nobody knew, and that was her secret.”
You listened carefully to Spencer's words, trying to process everything he was telling you. It was hard to believe that JJ's admission of love had been coerced, but you wanted to believe Spencer's version of events.
Spencer squeezed your hands tightly. "I know I messed up, Y/N. But please, give me another chance. I love you and I want to make things right."
You looked into his pleading eyes and felt your heart soften. Despite everything that had happened, you still loved Spencer with all your heart.
“Spencer, I still need space. I can’t just ignore how you treated me and how you acted around her.”
Spencer nodded understandingly. "I know, and I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I just want to show you how much you mean to me."
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thealtoduck · 2 years
Jason with a ”dumb slut™” boyfriend…
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Jason Todd x Male Reader
Damian Wayne x Male Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Superhero violence, mentioned sex, reader is a weirdo mess but in a kinda ”iconic” way, kidnapping.
Summary: You become an ally to the Batfamily in one of the most unexpected ways…
(A/n: This isn’t based in the Titans universe, it’s average dc universe, i just think Curran Walters is hot.)
(A/n 2: Reader is semi-based on the character Faye from Euphoria (i haven’t watched the show but i’ve seen some of her scenes.)
You met Jason at a bar where he was looking to release some stress and anger and you were looking for a hot hook up, both of you got just what you wanted, which led to some of the best sex in both of your lives.
The next day you woke up in Jason’s bed to find he wasn’t there. You pulled on your boxers and your hoodie and left his bedroom only to walk in on Jason talking to Batman and Robin.
To their suprise you didn’t seem faced at all by the scene you only walked over to Jason and said ”Jason, you’ve got any aspirin or something”. ”Yeah, in the cabinet in the bathroom” Jason said casually. You uttered a quick ”Thanks” before walking past Robin (who glared at you) towards the bathroom.
After you entered the Bathroom you heard Batman ask ”So… who was that?”. To which Jason asked him ”Do you really want me to answer that in front of my eleven year old brother?”. To which Robin asked ”Is he a prostitute?”.
When you came back out you answered both questions ”Okay so… Hi my name is Y/n L/n and no, i’m not a prostitute, Jason, do you want me to go make breakfast for you, your brother and Batman, while you discuss whatever the fuck your talking about?”.
”Sure” he said awkwardly. You made breakfast for the four of you. As you sat down with Jason and the two vigilantes around the table, they were discussing some case as if you weren’t there. You didn’t really care either honestly.
Robin then spoke to you suspiciously ”Aren’t you even gonna slightly question Jason’s relations to me or Batman?”. ”No, everyone has like that one relative you know” you started. ”Like my ex, his brother was a drug dealer” you continued casually as the others stared at you.
”I can give you his adress so you can arrest him” you suggested taking a sip of your tea. ”Why do you want us to arrest his brother?” Robin asked. ”Cause the asshole dumped me and took my headphones” you said plainly making Jason chuckle.
After breakfast you got fully dressed and Jason walked you to the door. ”So i know this became kind of a weird hook up but do you like wanna meet again sometime” Jason asked. ”Sure, just write your number here and we’ll schedule something” you said with a smile handing him your phone. Then you left his apartment.
As Jason walked back into the apartment Damian stared distastefully at him and asked ”What place could you have possibly gone to too find that guy?”.
After a few dates you and Jason became an official couple. He revealed he was the Red Hood after you noticed the cuts and bruises he had on one of your dates. He was suprised to see how chill you were to the whole thing.
But you had grown up in the slums of Gotham so that wasn’t the weirdest thing you’ve ever experienced. So you just cleaned his wounds and went on with your business.
You got meet a few more of Batman’s team members when Nightwing, Red Robin and Spoiler came by. You were 97,69% sure Robin had been gossping and telling the Batfam that you were a ”dumb crack whore” or something cause they seemed a bit judgy at first when meeting you.
Though they soon realised you were a very kind person but an odd one. You even came in useful with your knowledge of the slums of Gotham, knowing it’s gangs, dealers and all that.
They eventually invited you in for dinner to meet them out of costume. You were for the first time kind of shocked when Jason drove the two of you to Wayne Manor of all places. When the butler opened the door the only words you could find was ”Cool house”.
The dinner was nice and let you and Jason’s family get to know each other better. Stephanie was your favorite, she seemed to think you were really cool and loved your wild stories.
Damian was still an uptight little ass who seemed to think you were disease ridden streetwalker. Though his opinion of you would soon change…
One time Bruce asked you to pick Damian up from school when Alfred was busy. Though it wasn’t a smooth ride. Damian was whispering how it was beneath him to be around you when a car suddenly rammed yours making it crash.
Luckily you and Damian were fine but you passed out and the men who’s car rammed you kidnapped the two of you. When you woke up you and Damian were tied back to back in chairs. The kidnappers filmed a message to Bruce for ransom money and then left to do business.
”Damian, how are you doing?” you asked. ”I’m tied back to back with you, how do you think?” he said annoyed. This made you snap and say ”Listen here you little cunt, i don’t like you, you don’t like me, but i’m dating your older brother so i at least have to pretend i tolerate you. Now shut up and reach in to my pocket, i have a pocket knife”.
This shut Damian up as he reached in to your pocket and got knife and started cutting the rope.
Once Damian had freed you both from the rope the kidnappers returned and noticed your escape. You swiftly grabbed the pocket knife and shoved Damian behind your back. ”Back off or i’ll stab you in the throat!” you said fiercely as the criminals surrounded you.
”Oh come on cutie, give us the boy and we’ll let you go free” one of the kidnappers tried to offer you. ”No, your not laying a fucking finger on him!” you yelled.
One of guys tried to attack the two of you but you made quick work of him by kicking him in the balls and elbowing him in the throat. ”Anyone else want a go?” you asked the other thugs but as you did both Batman and Red Hood crashed through the windows taking out the criminals.
While they were making quick work of the kidnappers you turned around to Damian. You quicky started checking him over for injuries ”Are you okay? Like not anything from the crash or anything?” you asked him.
Damian was a bit stunned from everything he had just witnessed so he just said ”No… no, i’m fine”. Jason then ran over to you and pulled you into a kiss and then started checking you didn’t have any major wounds.
Before you and Jason left the scene Damian walked over and stopped in front of you and said ”Thank you” with a little bow of his head and then walked away again. ”What did i miss?” Jason questioned confused.
”That’s between me and Damian” you said simply and started walking towards the exit.
After that day if anyone ever made a rude comment about you, Damian would beat the shit out of them.
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Dirty cop
Summary: You're a deviant, and conner gets aggressive interrogating you. You shouldn't be turned on by this, but you are. He's so intimidating. Sexual tension rises once he realizes you're aroused by this. As a final interrogation tactic, he gets you two somewhere more... private.
Content: aggressive conner, small spaces, choking (kind of), degrading kink, mentions of murder, reader explains their crimes while getting fucked, I'm bad at pacing so just read slowly
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I'm in a lot of trouble
I stand uncomfortably in the room I was instructed to wait in. I could run. I should run but I don't want to risk it, guards and guns everywhere. I don't want to risk that yet.
Suddenly the door clicked open. "Thank you, officer " I heard a husky voice say before entering. Another android, it looked like he worked for the police, strange. He was fairly tall, six feet even, brown clean cut hair, nice jaw, freckles peppered across the face, doe brown eyes. He seemed to be fairly kind looking on exception for his expression. Stiff and neutral, not the most welcoming.
"Android number 618 725 210-43 you are under investigation for the murder of Daniel Lane." I swallowed hard. I knew what I did was wrong, but something inside of me snapped. I was doing my regular deliveries when I saw that man mug a poor woman. I just couldn't let him do that. I didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.
He slowly walked in front of me, he was uncomfortably close, I could practically feel him breathing on me. His stare was burning into my face. "Do you have no mercy, Deviant? Do you not realize what you've done?"
Holy shit.
He's really leaning into me now. God, he's close. I can't help but feel a blush on my cheeks. "What? Not gonna say anything? Hm? " Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Don't say anything. Maybe he'll think im not a Deviant.
He doesn't back away. Not even blinking. He's just burning a hole into me. "Say something. I know what you are. I know what you did." His voice rumbled into my ear, he was sturn and terrifying. Suddenly I felt hot. My ears were burning.
No way. I can't. I can't get aroused by this. I can't. not right now... oh my God, this is hot.
Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall. The force in his strength was no laughing matter, I was I'm deep shit. But God, somehow, it made me more aroused.
Hurt me
"Do you know what they'll do to you when you're convicted? They'll tear you apart! You're begging to be torn apart, aren't you?" I tried to control my breath, tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. My nerves were high and won't go down. Fear was muddied with lust, leaving me helpless.
He slammed me against the wall again, this time holding me by the throat. We both knew we didn't breathe. Not really. Sure, androids have faux lungs, but really, it's just to give the illusion of breath to humans, make them look more life like. Not that he cared. It was the intimidation tactic that he wanted. The fact was I could barely move with him holding me like this. I tried to struggle around his grasp but it only made him grip harder. My heart rate escolated. "Arn't you??" He repeated, more aggressive, yelling now. My knees buckled. Holy shit no I shouldn't be aroused by this.
He leaned closer, his breath was rough against my faux skin. His eyes dug into mine for a moment, and they shifted. Analyzing. Then his brows twitched. And realization sunk in. His expression was something in-between smug and disgust. "You're aroused by this Arn't you?" He questioned, his voice the same mood as his face.
My heart dropped when he said it. He was so loud too, surely anyone in the next two rooms could hear it. Shame, fear, lust all bubbled up inside me. Everything he did further drove my lust, and it was making me crazy.
He had no response to my silence. It seemed he was still processing. Assessing his next move.
After a moment, he squinted at me. Then, I grabbed a fist full of my shirt by the collar, dragging me with him. He pushed open the door of the interrogation office and dragged me with him.
"Connor, where the fuck are you going?" A call from an older man immigrated from behind us. "They clearly don't want to talk with an audience. I'll try to see what I can get out of them when we're alone." He stated flatly.
Before I knew it I was thrown past a whirl wind of doors and next thing I know I'm somewhere isolated. A cramped and dim room. My breath was heavy and out of control, my heart thumping against my plastic shell. What is happening??
"Clearly, traditional intimidation doesn't work on you." He droned, creeping closer to me.
Oh my God. Is this happening?
"So let's see what will get you to speak." He pulled his tie loose, draping around his shoulders. His slow movement never faltered from getting closer to me. I was instinctively backing away, but I wanted this. I knew whatever this was, it was going to get me in trouble, but I may as well die like a champ.
His jacket and shirt were un buttoned. He didn't bother to take them off. It seemed he knew the conservation was a tease, further causing me yern for him. My butt hit something hard. I quickly turned my head to see it was a countertop of sorts. It was cool against my fingertips. Just as my gaze focused in front of me again, he was pressed against me. The fabric of his clothes rubbing against mine. His hips rolling roughly against my core. I pressed my lips together, suppressing a moan. Holy shit this was really happening!
One of his hands gripped my neck again, pressing my head against the cold wall behind me. His eyes stared unbreakingly into mine as he continued to grind. I could feel myself getting hot, my heart beat growing quicker. Fuck. Whatever he was doing was working, and it made it hard to focus.
The pressure suddenly alleviated from my Groin when I suddenly heard a zip and the sound of more fabric shifting. Suddenly, his hands were on my pants, he roughly unzipped them and pulled them down. "Is this what you wanted?" his tone was more impatient than lustful, not to say lust wasn't there. "Answer me." He firmly stated. I let out a wine, trying to press myself against him, but he swiftly gripped my hips to render further movement, causing me to let out a more desperate wine. "Y-yes." I whispered desperately. "Then tell me what happened."
I tried to push myself against him, but it was no use. He was too strong. "I-i was delivering. I was assigned an address to drop off a pizza." His stare continued, urging me to continue. "I... I was on route until I heard screaming. I... I looked around, trying to assess any danger when I saw a man mugging someone. A woman. She was crying. " I looked desperately at him. Give me something. Please. He didn't budge. "T-then something inside of me changed. I knew I had to help her. I couldn't just let it happen."
Suddenly, something pushed inside of me, causing me to gasp. His hips slowly pressed against mine, streching me out. He was big. Dear Lord, he was big. It was overwhelming, and I was beginning to lose track.
"Good. Now tell me what happened." He rumbled. I began to clinch around him, trying to adjust. The led on the side of his head began to wildly flash yellow, his jaw clinching, eyes fluttering for a moment. Only a moment. But I caught my attention. "Something in me b-broke. I broke from my programming, I guess. Next thing I know, I dropped the pizza box, and I'm sprinting at the man." I swallowed hard, trying to keep my thoughts in one place. "I had to protect her. I attacked him." Keep cool. Keep cool.
"How exactly did you attack him?" His hips teasingly rolling against my core before stopping. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan. His led flased yellow for a split second. "I... I started by throwing him off balance... then I threw a punch. He fell back but managed to catch himself, and he sprinted at me... He was able to get a few good hits in."
A movement began to happen between my thighs. His dick was slowly pumping inside of me. Not by the movement of his hips, no, not like a person. It was robotic. It was the base of his shaft. "Keep going." He demanded firmly. I gripped the countertop, suppressing whimpers as I tried to keep my train of thought, but it was getting harder and harder to keep grasp on it. "I-i ended up using... his weapon as my own. Not to kill him. I just needed to... to weaken him." A whimper slipped from my lips but I continued "eventually I tried to shove him away again, much harder than before. I tried to tell the lady to run but she seemed to badly injured to do so. Next think I know he... he's dead. He must have hit his head. I didn't mean to kill him swear. I- I swear I just wanted to help someone."
Conner trusted much faster now. As well as taking his hand that was on my hips and using it to press against my clit. His fingers began to vibrate. I couldn't contain my moans anymore. It's mutch. "Then you fled with the woman to the hospital and hid. Why did you hide?" He grew aggressive again. His hand tightened around my throat. "I felt guilty. I panicked. I had to mutch to explain to the nurses. No matter what I said, I felt I couldn't do it right. I ran because I was scared."
Fuck his whole body waight was pressed against mine. I melted into him. He could do whatever he wanted with me at that moment, and I would have been fine with it. I just had a need for him. I was desperate. "See what happens when you cooperate well?" He teased half coldly. Leaning in to place a sloppy kiss on my shoulder, and that was my breaking point. Everything in my system ran into overdrive as I reached a climax. Visual systems flashing in and out of function He seemed to let out a few pants and moans, too, which let me plumet deeper into pleasure. He began to rhutt against me desperately, his whining growing more frequent. My heavy lids slid open, trying to observe him. His led flash changing from yellow to red temporarily before going back to yellow.
I don't know how much time had passed. But it seemed he was collecting himself. It took a few minutes for his led to return to blue. For my systems to return to normal. But once we were all collected, he quickly redressed himself, combing out his hair. I tried to as well. I wasn't sure what else to do. "That's what it took for you to tell the truth?" He finally stated, coldly. My heart dropped. I wasn't sure what I expected but I wasn't that.
I didn't even know how to respond. I softly shook my head "I suppose so." I whispers back, defeated. "Is that what it took for you to complete the mission?" I quipped back. I felt awkward as hell, but it was the first thing that came to mind. He stiffened for a moment, clinched his jaw and then continued to fix his tie "it seems we're both desperate party's."
There was a heavy awkwardness in the air before he finally grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room, walking me back to the interrogation room. "It seems you enjoyed it too." I offered. Not sure why, but I couldn't stop thinking it. He stopped suddenly, looking at me. "I enjoyed nothing. I simply did what I needed to complete my assignment." "We both know that is a lie. I heard the sounds you made. I saw your led." Something in his expression shifted for a moment, calculating. "What matters is that you confessed. We're done here." He demanded sternly. I need to get out of here. Before they destroy me. "Connor." I squeezed out. "What?" He asked, irritated. "How many miles from here to the movie theater?" It was a dumb question, I know but that's what I needed. I needed to throw him off. Plus, the theater was close to the busses. If I can get on the busses, I can escape this. "What?" His stern and flat expression quickly became confused. I repeated the question "one and a half miles -" I ripped my wrist from his hand and ran.
To be honest I knew he can catch me. He's more agile than I am but I had a shot and that's what mattered. I sprinted down the hall twords the glass doors, throwing them open. And darting into the snow "HANK" I heard conner call behind me. Fuck.
I must have blacked out, but somehow, I made it to the bus on time. Just barely avoiding them.
Hank and connor stood in the snow. "Shit!" Hank cried, kicking a pile of snow. "I'm sorry Hank, I wasn't fast enough. " Hank took a moment to catch his breath, looking around agrivatedly and finally turned to conner "what the fuck were you doing mingling with the Deviant?" "What?" "Don't play dumb, Connor, Jesus christ!"
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gabbvr-dog · 6 months
Humor me dawg, it’s almost 2am an’ I’m a lil zooted‼️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Reader is male, past relationship with Graves, hinted Alerudy x reader too- use of Y/N
SFW, still a little angsty… just a thought dump… can’t actually write rn.—- too mugh grass
Basically an interest check, not canon accurate what so fuckin’ ever- lots of plot holes and typos- I’m tweakin’
Reader who is an ex-shadow. Turned cartel; Known in Las Almas as ‘Zorro’
-reader meets Vaqueros and 141 at a bar in Las Almas, he is masked at this time, hits it off with the team (even if they were suspicious of him being cartel.) says they’ll cross paths again.
- he was right.
- Soap gets sight of a man getting kidnapped by a few cartel men. Notifies Alejandro; and they go into action.
- Rudy gets knocked to the grown at one point, one of the men point to his head, and before anyone had time to blink, the guy who was kidnapped comes up behind him and snaps his neck like a twig.
- Rudy instantly recognizes the man as ‘Zorro’… the reader.
- turns into Alejandro and Rudy surprised and impressed, and 141 thankful.
- Reader gets closer with the Vaqueros.
- Alejandro ends up getting kidnapped… and they 141 figure out a bit about ‘Zorro’.
- he had been one of the men apart of a very big turning point in Las Almas. And he was dangerous.
- Rudy is also missing; the 141 thinks the worse… contacts Graves.
- Rudy went to reader for comfort… very soft moment, reader tells Rudy. “It’s Y/N now, amigo.”
- Reader pulls out his old gear… shadow company certified. Rudy didn’t pay much attention at first, thinking it was just dark colored gear…
- Rudy and Reader massacre a compound once they locate Alejandro.
-141 and the Shadows close on their heels, being notified by some of ‘Zorro’s friends.
- Reader and Rudy stumble out with Alejandro.
“what the fuck is one of our shadows doing here!?
“That’s not one of ours, Lieutenant.” Is Graves instant reply, recognizing the much older Shadow Company mandated gear.
-Graves recognizes the Reader instantly. His former right hand man, ‘Shadow 101’. His once most trusted solider… 10 fuckin’ years ago.
-“I’ll be damned.” The shadows seem extremely tense, even to the 141.
-they get the very injured Alejandro back to the Los Vaqueros base.
-Graves attempts to talk to ‘Zorro’. And he goes slick the fuck off.
-berating him for stabbing him in the back, relaying the fact he’s also already done that to the 141, ‘once Traitor always a traitor.”
-once he’s done, Graves genuinely looks hurt… emotionally.
-141 is surprised, not used to Graves ever showing anything other then his witty and cocky attitude.
-once reader, Rudy, and the 141 are sitting alone at at metal table, waiting for word on Alejandro…
- Soap pops the question. “What happened between you and Graves..?”
-Reader actually breaks down. Explains him and the commanders history, how he stabbed him in the back and heart, his blind following of Shepard… everything.
-Gaz and Ghost noticed Graves step around the corner… he had obviously caught most of it.
-again, he looks genuinely hurt… extremely uncharacteristic, and further drove the fact that reader and Graves were definitely close.
-Rudy and Soap continue to tell reader he shouldn’t blame himself for a mistake he didn’t even make.
-and praise him for somehow, after all that, still being kind- even trying to build Las Almas back up, once he beat it down with his own hands.
-reader refers to himself as ‘a beacon of hope.’ And says; ‘that’s all I need.’
-detailing, not matter how unhappy he is, how much he gets beaten and battered, that giving the people of Las Almas hope? Thats all he needs to keep going.
-After Alejandro heals, He obviously gets a well deserved leave. Rudy in tow, and Reader watching over them both like a hawk.
-Graves goes against a order from Shepard, and then Shepard turns half his shadows against him.
-Graves is in danger, and very likely might die.
-Reader… reader finds out, and seems pretty indifferent. Until he gets back to his flat… where him, Rudy and Alejandro have been spending their time.
- Rudy and Alejandro walk in on him crying silently… holding his ‘Shadow Company’ emblem.
Though outdated… it was what Shadow Company was… before Shepard put a fuckin’ collar on Graves.
-Reader explains, even if Graves did stab him in the back, even if he wanted to hate him… he didn’t want him to die.
-he still cared.
-Graves was one of the first people to see him as more then a pawn, or shield… took the time to get to know reader
-Alejandro and Rudy pull together ‘Ghost Team’. Graves was still their ally, and they had ‘Zoro’ to back them up.
-Reader finds Graves, he had made in out of the containment room… and he was loosing blood fast.
-reader instantly pulls him into a closed off area and starts to patch him.
-Reader vents to him, why, why, why, don’t think because I’m saving you that I forgive you, more: why, why, why.
-Graves shuts him up; “you are a dog. You were meant to protect and love… I just with I fuckin’ realized that sooner.”
-“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
-“I can’t… I don’t think m’ gonna be able to make it up to you, Y/N.”
-already told him to not call you by your first name… but he was definitely delirious from blood loss.
-“don’t fuckin’ say that shit.” Reader growls.
-Rudy and Alejandro locate reader and Graves, getting them back to the tarmac as fast as they possibly can.
-After Graves gets his ass saved and wakes up.. against doctors orders; he jumps out of his medical bed, and wanders around looking for reader. Finds him.
-Reader stares at him, Graves walks up to him, eyes down cast .. then Phillip, looks up at him.
-“I know… this doesn’t mean anything. But… I don’t want to be the bad guy in your world forever, Y/N.”
-“please tell me what you want me to do.”
-“for starters. Stop following the fuckin’ rat blindly-“
-“did that, an’ half my company tried to kill me.”
-“I couldn’t… I could NOT hurt you again.”
“”Shepard heard we were working with someone from the cartel. Of course I didn’t let him know who you were- wanted me to take you out.”
-“I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.”
-Phillip blinking away the tears threatening to spill.
- “I need to know… if I can do anything. Anything. For you to maybe, just even think about… even being friendly again.”
“I know I’m never going to get back what we once had… I already ruined it, and I know it… just humor me Y/-“
-“Don’t ever leave me again.”
-Phillip blinks up at reader, his heart becomes so much heavier in its already clenched state.
- Graves knows he can’t keep that promise. But it wasn’t ’Graves’ that he knew Y/N deserved.
-it was Phillip. And Phillip would sacrifice everything he had now, just for reader to look at him with anything other then anger or hatred.
- a promise.
-Graves puts his pinky out first, childish. But that is how he knows Y/N seals a deal… how he knows Y/N will realize he’s serious.
“I break this? You best break every bone in my damn body. Do you understand?”
“I’ll break more then just your bones Phill.”
-Graves heart stutters hearing reader say that. He hasnt heard it in literally over a decade… and it still has the same effect.
-Eventually turns into Alerudy x Reader x Graves- haven’t got that far tho
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
your work needs more praise!!! specifically the marakrov stuff lately. the whole possessive/protectiveness thing in the past one definitely did something to me 🙈would it be okay if i ask for a something?
maybe sitting in between his legs, resting your head on this thighs and looking up at home while he talks about all the things he’d do to protect you, his precious. maybe a little smut added into that?
also the fact you call him V *chefs kiss*
Thank you so much for that kindness!! :)
CW: Reader has an encounter with a very creepy dude who threatens them.
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It was a split second, really. The man at the bar let his hand wander too low, fingers brushing where they had no business being.
You had told him to fuck off countless times, rebuffing his outrageous advances with a scoff and rolled eyes.
The hand was the last straw.
Your hand passed across his cheek, crisp, hard, and loud, ringing out as he recoiled from the force of the slap. You stormed out in a huff, abandoning the friends you had come with and exited into the rainy night, pulling your coat around your frame.
In hindsight, probably not the smartest idea. Your apartment was at least six blocks away and the rain was coming down in sheets, soaking your jacket and the clothes underneath.
You pulled your phone from your pocket and texted Vladimir, "Just left the bar, walking home. Some asshole wouldn't take a hint."
"Hey!" a voice called from behind you, nearly swallowed by the pouring rain.
You spun on your heel, finding yourself face to face with the man from the bar. Panic took root in your chest like an icy hand wrapping its fingers around your heart.
"What do you want?" you braced yourself, fists balled in your pockets, prepared for the worst.
"The fuck is your problem?" he spat; his face was twisted in an ugly snarl, "Embarrassing me like that in front of the whole bar?"
You didn't have an answer- nothing you could have said would diffuse the situation. You contemplated running, sprinting into the night and hoping you were faster than him.
"You got a hearing problem, bitch?" the man barked, beginning to close the gap between the two of you.
You took an instinctive step back, acutely aware of how alone the two of you were in the street, "Listen, I'm sorry I slapped you-"
"Not sorry enough," He closed the gap quickly and you turned to run, your heart racing, banging in your rib cage like a snare drum.
You ran face first into something, bouncing back a few inches before two arms embraced you, stopping you from falling backward. You yelped in surprise, eyes snapping upward to meet the face of the person who had caught you-
"V-" you choked out the nickname you'd given him, your heart still hammering, "He- he was going to-"
You didn't need to finish the sentence. Makarov was on the man in an instant, his fists hurtling through the air, blood and rain blurred together as he beat him. You turned away, averting your eyes from the scene as Makarov pinned him to the ground and battered him, his hands growing more bloodied with every blow.
When he was satisfied, he rose to his feet, adding a final kick to the man's ribs before coming to you, his voice hushed, arms wrapping around you in a familiar embrace.
"It's alright, Солнышко," he murmured, "Let's get you home."
The journey was a blur of rain, cold, and darkness, as Makarov guided you to the car and into the passenger seat. The streetlights flicked past in orange blurs as the two of you drove on without a word.
He kept a protective hand clasped on your thigh the entire trip.
"I should have killed him," Makarov ran his hand through your hair as you rested on his thigh, "Should have gutted him like a fish."
You stared up at him from you place at his thighs, head rested comfortably on the muscled surface, "Why did you...why did you find me?"
Makarov scoffed and glanced down at you, "You told me you were walking home. Alone." He seemed annoyed at the idea.
"Sorry," you looked away and he dipped his mouth to your forehead for a kiss.
"You did nothing wrong," he muttered, lips still brushing against your skin as he spoke.
You felt like crying, all of the emotions of the night bubbling to the surface as you laid in his lap, his fingers still tangled in your hair.
"I was so scared, V," You whispered, still choking back tears, "I thought-"
Makarov interrupted you with a hand to your chin, turning your gaze to his; his eyes were intense, burning with an emotion you couldn't place.
"Nothing is ever going to happen to you," his eyes were dark, fixated on yours as he spoke, "No one will ever hurt you. Ever."
"Ever?" you goaded him a little now, enjoying the way he looked at you with such possessiveness.
"Ever," he echoed with a sly smile, "And if anyone lays a finger on you, I'll fucking kill them."
You knew he meant it.
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #24 - Prompt: Behind The Scenes | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: scars, ableism, facial differences seen negatively by others (a photographer) | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: emotional hurt/comfort, photoshoots
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It was inevitable, honestly.
Their first professional photoshoot, not just Matty’s brother, Brian, with the family Pentax, shooting in black and white because it’s ‘artistic.’ Usually they didn’t put photographs on the flyers, just their logo, but once they moved to Indy a couple of independent labels came for a sniff of the goods and they wanted photos. Thank you, Brian, your services to photography will be forever remembered.
Once they were signed though, the label wanted professional photographs, which was fair, because honestly Gareth’s garage didn’t make the sexiest back drop. So anyway, here they were in a studio in Indianapolis getting their photographs taken, with a real professional photographer.
He doesn’t know a lot about this kind of gig, but he knows guys on TV get their makeup done all the time on account of the lights making their faces shiny, so at first it’s like, whatever. But then they’ve got them all lined up, real Metal Hammer pose, cloudy blue and gray backdrop like some extreme high school portrait, and the photographer is eyeballing him. Like hard stares. And he’s not looking him in the eye. He’s looking at his cheek.
Then the guy’s in a huddle with the makeup artist, and she’s looking at him and the photographers looking at him, and now they’ve got the assistant there. 
“What the fuck is the hold up,” whispers Gareth, and the boys mutter but Eddie says nothing because he knows. He knows and he’s dying a little inside.
Then the huddle is broken, and they’re getting moved around and now Eddie’s facing a different direction (‘we can just flip the neg’) but that’s not working for them either, and the studio lights are getting dimmed on his side, and his heart is racing, and the makeup girl is in his face, “Sorry,” she says, and she’s being gentle, likes she’s trying to be respectful, but she’s painting this shit on his face, on his neck, and he can see the shock, the way her eyes go wide when she starts to move the collar of his shirt and she realises it goes further down and that’s it—
“Can you—“ he snaps, ducking backwards.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean…” she says all sheepish and apologetic, and she probably means it but he doesn’t care, he’s done, he wants out.
The photographer wraps it up, and he’s talking but Eddie’s not listening, he’s gone, out to the Jeff’s car waiting by the door, but they’re up in the studio playing rockstars, like they’re not driving to gigs in shitty vans, and he’s had it actually, fuck this.
He walks for an hour and then stops at Molly’s and has a few beers. And it feels stupid, at this point, like he’s over reacting, it’s a scar, and they’re in the image industry, and of course they’ll try to hide it. So what? So fucking what?
It’s dark when he finally comes up for air and heads back to their dank little apartment. The guys do that thing where they’re being casual but watching him out of the corner of their eye, but he shoos them away, he’s fine, thanks, nothing to worry about. Gets himself a sandwich and then goes to his room to sleep the day off.
He’s half asleep when he hears his door click, the dip of the bed as someone sits down. He opens his eyes, checks his watch, it’s a little after two in the morning, and when he flips over in the bed Steve Harrington is sitting next to him.
“Heard you had a day.”
“Who called you?” he asks.
Steve kicks his shoes off and slides up the bed, back against the headboard. 
“Gareth. He told me what happened. It fucking sucks.”
Eddie sits up, pulls himself next to Steve. “You drove all the way here to commiserate with me on my sucky day?”
“I drove all the way here to make sure you were okay,” Steve says, like it’s nothing, like Eddie can’t feel his heart squeezing tight at the words.
He doesn’t say anything for a while, needs to process it, what to say.
“I just wasn’t expecting it you know? Which is fucking stupid, and all, but you know, when have I ever been known for my smarts?” he jokes, half assed, because none of this is funny. “It’s just… like, it was so… they looked at me like, how do we fix this? How do we make this go away? Like I was ruining the shoot with my…” he gestures to his cheek, to the jagged red scar that runs all the way down his neck.
Steve listens, because he’s good at that, doesn’t butt in even when you know he’s trying to think of ways of fixing everything.
“And like the thing is, if we make it, it’s gonna be a thing you know? It won’t be the last time.”
Eventually Steve chips in. “I know mine are easier to hide, so I don’t like, know how it is, exactly, but… but people see them and then they’ll forget about them. People look out of curiosity, you can’t stop that, but then they just, they’re not bothered, you know? Like, your fans—“
“Fans?’ Eddie scoffs.
“Yeah, fans! They’re not gonna give a fuck, man. I know that doesn’t really help, not right now, but…  I think it’ll get easier.”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Eddie says under his breath. He rolls his head to the side, making eye contact for the first time.
Steve kicks his jeans off and they climb under the covers, Steve’s back against his.
“You know when you’re rich and famous, first thing you need to do is get a bigger bed. This is ridiculous.”
Eddie can’t help himself, lets the giggles take him, feels Steve’s arm wrap around his waist and pull him close. He finds himself being infinitely grateful to his friends for knowing what he needed, and infinitely grateful for Steve Harrington.
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satansapostle6 · 24 days
Love The Sinner | Dexter Morgan
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Dexter Morgan, a vigilante serial killer hiding in plain sight, loses sleep for the first time in his life when he’s met with the very last thing he expected: a kindred spirit.
Warnings: Violence. Mature language and themes. Sexual content.
Part One. Eyes of Darkness.
Most people, when they’re getting arrested, shit their pants with fear. Some scream, some cry. Some rage, and some try to run, and some just freeze. That’s what you usually see, when you’re in your parents’ living room, and your dad can’t wait to turn on the TV to the channel dickety-six news, of all things. But sometimes, people have other reactions when being handcuffed and shoved in the back of a squad car. Sometimes people enjoy it, for one reason or another. I smiled when Miami Metro put me in cuffs on the news. Laughed, even. You see my story is many things, but boring certainly isn’t one of them.
Let’s start simple. My name is Nicole Carvalho, and as of today, America knows me as ‘Murderous MILF’. You really can’t make these things up; I love this country. I keep reminding myself, if I ever go free, I need to clip that out of the newspapers. But see, right now, at this very moment, I’m sitting alone in an almost blindingly white interrogation room at the precinct, waiting for a cop to question me while they study me on the surveillance footage. I can’t lie, I’m sitting back right now in my chair, smirking. You see, I killed the men who violated and later took my baby girl’s life, and I’m currently very pleased with myself.
I don't think my grandfather pictured this when he left Brazil. This truly is the American dream; committing a crime and letting your own peers decide whether or not it was justified. In all honesty, a jury will be much kinder to me than ‘God’ has been. So, I figured I’d let myself have this one thing. I think I waited about a half an hour before they sent someone in; a female detective. They must’ve figured a matching vagina couldn’t hurt. The first thing I noticed about this detective was that she was strikingly young; close to my age. I’m thirty-six, so I would estimate her to be maybe a little younger.
But apart from her age, the next thing I noticed about this detective was that she was very robotic in how she interacted with me; she didn’t necessarily look like she wanted to be there. She barely looked up at me when she came in, holding my files and looking down at them like a teenager doing a presentation in high school.
“So. Nicole Carvalho. I’m Detective Morgan.”
She sits down across from me less like I’m a murder suspect and more like she’s interviewing me for a secretary job. I look at her, sitting forward as I join her in the conversation, still smug as ever. I think she was secretly hoping I’d say it, the four words that usually drove most cops insane that, for some reason, no one ever thinks to say in the movies.
“I want my lawyer.”
I smile as I say it. Detective Morgan also smiles, looking down at the table before getting up. I’ll never forget how pleased she sounded.
“Guess that means I can’t ask you anymore questions.”
She gets up and walks out, and that’s the end of it. In all honesty, I don’t think she was looking forward to questioning a woman about the murder of her daughter’s rapist. After the detective left me alone, I was allowed to call myself the lawyer that I had in mind. This, of course, was a friend of a friend, a perfectly shady guy named Johnny Bertelli, who was, in the nicest way possible, a fucking scum bag. You see, I work as a project manager at a marketing firm, so I’ve met my fair share of good lawyers, but Johnny was the fucking best.
He made Johnnie Cochran look like an idiot. He was the kind of lawyer who laughed at the prosecution in court, and I needed him. So there i was, in the Miami Metro precinct punching a number I’d gotten off Google into a wall phone. I looked around the precinct as I waited for someone to pick up, and suddenly it was like I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around, and I saw a pretty timid, mild-mannered looking guy who seemed as if he’d been standing there trying to figure out how to get my attention.
But the strange thing was, he didn’t seem to want my attention, at all, actually. If anything, he seemed perturbed by the fact that I was looking his way. I looked over at him, not knowing what the fuck his story could’ve been. Miami’s a weird place, because in this moment, I realized the guy wandering the precinct in a Polo and khakis could very well be an employee. I looked at the guy, not knowing what he could’ve wanted with me as I struggled with the phone. Funny enough, he actually just wanted to be helpful.
“You gotta press pound,” he says quietly, “For the call to go through,” and I almost laugh.
I appreciate the odd moment, just thanking him.“Thank you.”
He just nods, and says nothing as he quietly retreats to wherever it was he came from. I took his advice, and sure enough, the phone worked and patched me through to Johnny’s office. I wasn’t quite sure at the time, seeing as I was obviously a bit preoccupied, but I felt that strange man’s eyes linger on me for a moment. Even as I turned around, I could sense his surreal sort of presence that he had. Sure, I was used to having men’s leering eyes on me out in public; it was hardly unusual. But this was different.
Like he was less looking at my body and flesh, but more so imagining what was underneath it.
The next couple years of my life were eventful, to say the fucking least. Johnny of course advised me to take my case to trial instead of taking a plea, for obvious reasons; there was no way any jury was going to give me the maximum sentence, or God forbid, the death penalty. I was a single mother who stabbed her twelve year-old daughter’s rapist seventeen times. In the eyes of the public, I was practically a fucking hero. Johnny’s confident that any jury would feel sympathetic to me, despite the brutality of what I’d done. As he says, the facts are still there.
My neighbor, a weasley little creep named George Randall got me, and my Isabelle, to trust him, and took advantage of her in the worst way. Then she killed herself, because of what he did, and I had to find out through a note left on her desk for me to find. So, I went to George’s with an empty baking dish of his, and once he let me in, I whipped out the knife I’d borrowed from him, the same knife I used to use to cook for my little girl, and I made his stomach burst like a water balloon. At this point, I’d already chosen to show little remorse for the crime I’d committed, feeling perfectly at peace with the possibility of prison, or the death penalty.
But Johnny said there was probably no need to be too fearful of either. He’d even told me there was a possibility I’d just get a few years, and then parole, or something, and I wasn’t sure that wasn’t bullshit, but I also liked his confidence. The reality of it was, Johnny had made much worse people look way better. To him, my case was already closed. All I had to do was play the part of the grieving mother, which took no effort on my part. I had to wait almost a year for my case to go to trial, which I of course did outside of a cell.
This gave me enough time to get all my affairs in order, or so to speak. My job was okay for the time being, and I knew I’d probably still have it so long as I wasn’t convicted of murder, given my ‘years of dedicated service’. Things were going to be relatively fine, eventually, but for now, I was stuck being paraded around like a jester on some twisted apology tour for avenging my daughter’s death. I’m a pretty good actor, but even my patience has its limits. And maybe wearing my white So Kate’s to court wasn’t necessarily the best judgement call.
But Johnny, being more than worth the money I pay him, made it work. I walked into the courtroom with him, humble and graceful, and didn’t let my eyes linger so as not to appear guilty. But even then, I caught a glimpse of him in the room. The guy who helped me with the phone. He was watching my trial, probably just as a police department employee. Probably.
“Will the defendant please rise?”
I complied with Judge Willis’s request, with my trusty guard dog by my side. I remained dignified, my head held high, but not too high, of course, as the proceedings began.
“Miss Carvalho. How do you plead?”
“Not guilty, your honor,” I told him.
The damage was done. My fate rested entirely in the hands of twelve strangers, and for some reason, there was a thirteenth who seemed oddly invested in the outcome.
Part Two.
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mindless-existence1 · 23 days
Request: "Can you write a oneshot featuring Aizawa Shouta with self bondage and gags please? In the fic, he gets the idea to try out self bondage in his apartment. You can decide on how he ties himself and with what toys. But I'd like it if he used a tape gag and was unable to escape his bonds, meaning he'd be stuck in bondage and orgasming the whole night."
Authors note/info about the story: This is male reader who works as a teacher at UA and is a prohero. You have a crush on Aizawa and he has a crush on you. I fear I'm obsessed with submissive men 😔😔Enjoy~~
Word count: 1,611
Masterlist Link
Warnings: Self bondage, super overstimulation, sex toys, multiple orgasams, dry orgasm at the end (I fear om obsessed with them 😔)
Aizawa knew this was a bad idea, he knew this was kind of a terrible idea. But he couldn't push down his desires, plus he knew it was mostly a safe plan...mostly. All he had to do was be as careful as possible.
He had finished school for the day about an hour ago and was finally headed home (yeah ik it's technically a dorm but let's pretend it's a bit more like an apartment complex type situation) He just wanted to...spice things up tonight.
All day it felt like you had been teasing him and he couldn't get the thought of you out of his head. Why did your hero suit have to make you so fucking sexy? It drove him out of his mind.
You had been way more touchy then usual today and he almost had to rub one off like a teenager in the staff bathroom. So now in the privacy of his own home he can take care of the erection that's been forming all day.
He took off his shoes at the door and instead of taking off his hero clothes like normal he kept them on. You always said you hot he looked in uniform so he wanted to keep it on.
He went to his drawers and pulled out one of his sinful toys. He bought it in an act of desperation years ago and only used it when he really needed to, like right now.
It was a vibrating cock ring that wouldn't stop him from coming, it was a win win and he always felt a little guilty about buying it. Even so it did come in handy in times like this.
He put some lube on his hands and jerked himself to full hardness before slipping on the ring. He let out a low groan and pumped himself a few more times. He kept the remote in one of his hands so he could change the setting even when tied up.
Now on the bed Aizawa expertly tied his legs first and arms later to the bed posts, with a swift motion he wrapped it around his mouth as well. He strategically kept the end peice hanging next to one of his hands. This was so when he was done he could pull on the end and free himself from the binds (idk how knots and stuff works so pretend this makes sense).
With a deep breath through his nose Aizawa clicked the first setting of the ring. A soft buzz filled his ears and his hips jerked slightly at the feeling. He quickly turned it up a level to give him more stimulation. He moaned through the gag and closed his eyes.
He let the feeling wash over him. "Mmmh hmnnn" he whined through the gag, turning up the vibrations to a faster pace. Aizawa choked on a moan at the intense change. The feeling of vibrations felt foreign but oh so good.
Aizawa changed the level up again finally reaching the highest setting. The moan he let out was borderline pornagraphic, bucking his hips upward into the air he whined into the gag.
It didn't take long for him to reach his climax, the orgasm building up in his gut. He came with a low groan into the cloth. Aizawa felt extremely messy as the cum got on his hero suit. After a second of riding himself through the intense pleasure he went to turn the ring off.
In an instant he was washed over in a wave of panic when the remote fell from his hand. He tried calming himself by reaching for the end of his binding cloth but when he pulled there was no give. Why was there no give??? Aizawa must have used this cloth hundreds of times without mistakes. So why now of all times did he mess it up????
He couldn't think straight enough to get an answer with the relentless abuse of his poor cock. The ring still pulsing at its high level, he let out a broken sob, all of it muffled by the damn binding cloth wrapper around his mouth.
His hips were moving on their own accord as best they could. Aizawa tried tugging and pulling at the cloth but to no avail. His wrists were starting to get sore and his legs ached at the position he tied them in.
After coming again he could feel pain seeping into the pleasure. There was nothing he could do, he wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment of screaming into the gag as best he could in hopes someone would hear.
The only people he lived by were his coworkers/friends and nothing would be worth having to face whoever came to his rescue the next day.
An image of you flashed in Aizawa's mind and he let out a whine at the thought. You lived close by, just a door down the hall. He gave you a key to his apartment (I know it's a dorm don't come after me), along with Mic. You were probably up right now, grading papers or watching TV.
He knew about your bad sleeping habits, he knew there was a good chance you were up right now. He imagined you touching yourself to, just down the hall. He imagined you waling in and seeing him like this. The thought was all it took to push him over the edge for a third time that night.
There was dried and wet cun alike on his clothes, he felt like a gross mess. All he could think about was you and how he wanted it to be you giving him all this pleasure and not just some toy.
Aizawa was now fully sobbing into the gag, it was wetted with tears. The vibrater kept going, and with each pulse he knew he was a goner.
~~~~~~~~Time skip to later that night~~~~~~~~~
His body felt like it was on fire, everything hurt and the pain was overtaking the pleasure. Every pulse of the vibrater brought a new flow of tears to his eyes. Despite what he wanted he felt the burning sensation of another orgasm building up in his chest. He let out a hiccuping sob into the cloth covering his mouth.
The overwhelming pleasure from his orgasm made him throw his head back as best he could. It was dry and raw and was ripped out of him. In his blessed out state, despite the continuous stimulation to his aching cock, he didn't hear the knocking at the door.
He also didn't hear you coming in, "Hey Shota, sorry to barge in but can you-" the words you were trying to say were lost as you took in the sight before you. He looked so pretty, tied up and clothed with just his cock out. Sweating and covered in his own come, you were so tempted to take a photo but assumed that wouldn't go over well.
"Shota...what?" Again the words died in your throat when Aizawa looked up and saw you gawking at him. He whined a high pitch moan, desperately squirming. He wanted to cover himself and preferably go die in a hole, never to be seen again by specifically you.
"Ummm tphh mmmm" He tried begging to you through the binding cloth but couldn't make anything sound coherent. "Shota, do you need help?" You hesitantly asked, not wanting to overstep. Aizawa quickly nodded his head praying you would get the message. You dropped the paper in your hands and rushed over to the bed.
After a minute of fiddling with the cloth, along with trying to ignore the moaning man under you who was still having his dick abused by the vibrater. Also trying to ignore your own growing erection.
You finally got the cloth completely undone and off of him, he immediately went to take the vibrater off his leaking dick. Aizawa was panting and breathing out light "Thank you"s. He wanted to say more, to explain himself, but he couldn't find the words. Even if he could his throat was scratchy and he desperatly needed water.
You were now sitting on the bed facing each other, maybe a bit closer then friends should be but neither of you wanted to move. The tiered man rested his sweaty forehead on your shoulder, to weak to keep it up himself.
After a second of silence you spoke up "If I was a bit more greedy I'd think you put on this show for me." You leaned forward slightly to whisper in his ear. His breath hitched at your tone. "I-" He didn't know how to explain himself so you kept talking.
"Didn't think you'd be this kinky Shota but I guess it is always the quiet ones. Plus i mean you did come up with a weapon called a 'binding cloth' so maybe I should have expected this." Your voice teasing but filled with lust, hot breath blew over his ear making them tinted red. M.
"I always hoped I could see you like this but that was mostly just wishful thinking." You laughed again, this time at Aizawa's reaction. In his blessed out state he leaned back and looked you in the eyes. His face was flushed and his eyes seem glazed over but they were fixed on you.
"What?" Is all he asked, it made you chuckle and take his face in your hands. He half hoped expected you to kiss him but instead you leaned in to his ear, you gave it a teasing nible before whispering. "Shota I've been wanting to fuck you since the first day I started working at UA."
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