#kind of sick pretending to be someone else but yeah hello
kr0hbar · 2 years
important note on my page:
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now thats taken care of, i will be changing my username soon to suit myself better instead of "kr0hbar" since im not exactly Krow anymore
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can I request a list of like green flags and red flags for each of the characters in voltron? btw I love your writing:)
Hello friendo, thank you sm! Thanks for the request, I adore this idea. Also…Sorry y’all, I was posting like every other day for two weeks and then I hopped off for like two months. Oof life is really life-ing rn. I honestly chose to write this prompt before a lot of other requests bc it seems like an easy and short thing to bust out quickly. I swear, I will get to the rest eventually 🩵 keep sending in requests if you’d like! And as always… ENJOY~
Red Flags 🚩
TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING. We all know Keith is stubborn and easily overwhelmed with a short temper. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people without getting angry. He feels that bc he has a hard time explaining exactly what he means, people never understand him and that makes him mad.
Bro isn’t scared of anything…and that low key scares everyone else. Like…who isn’t afraid of anything? The whole team has tried sooooo hard to figure out what will get Keith to jump out of his skin and scream like a child but to no avail… Boy just doesn’t flinch, doesn’t care, couldn’t care less about bugs and rodents and clowns and heights or anything like that.
Wears his gloves in the shower sometimes. Like wtf ???
Green Flags ✅
Also bc he is not afraid of anything, boy will protect his friends/family/partner SO HARD. He will verbally AND physically tear someone apart just for looking at you the wrong way. Very protective and caring but in a good way ya know?
Actually very selfless and not self-centered in the slightest. Keith is very giving and helpful, despite his tough exterior, he’s very caring, observant and considerate. He’ll give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He’s always down to help others. Ugh Sweet heart ❤️‍🔥
Has a sick ass space wolf that will also protect you like COSMO IS A MAJOR PLUS OKAY BIG GREEN FLAG DOGGO
Red Flags 🚩
Obvi his biggest red flag is how flirty he is. Boy will flirt with anything that breaths and that can get really annoying sometimes and affect the rest of the team.
Jealous AS FUCK. Like the petty jealous type. Lance is the kind of guy to pretend he has a partner back home just bc some alien girl he was flirting with said she had a partner already. He’s like “OH YEAH? Wow cool me too, same same, yeah….” But homie’s ego is a bit sore now…
Lies a lot. Lance just panics sometimes and tells a lie. He knows it’s wrong and he always feels guilty after lying to someone but it always just slips out. His mouth moves faster than his brain most the time.
Green Flags ✅
THE BEST HUGGER/CUDDLER OMFGGGGGG. Lance is the best hugger and cuddle buddy ever, period, end of story, try to change my mind. His long arms always stretch fully around the recipient’s torso and he squeezes tight enough to make you feel warm but not smothered. Usually will rest his chin on the other person’s head if they’re short enough (so Pidge obvi).
Very aware of other’s moods/body language/tone of voice. Everyone thinks Lance is “the dumb one” but he’s actually very in tune with what’s going on in the moment, what’s going on around him. I think he can tell how others feel the second he sees them. Good intuition kinda thing. An empath for sure.
Very considerate and often remembers the little things about people. Does he remember what he learned in class just a couple days ago? Pffft heck no! Does he remember everyone’s birthday, every year and get them a very thoughtful gift? HELL YEAHH I LOVE THIS SWEET BOY OMFG 🩵
Red Flags 🚩
Honestly…idfk Shiro is so perf. Perfect baby boy all the way
Maybe he could seem too nice at first…? Like when someone is nice but ur like “are you for real? Or are you fake and evil and you’re hiding something?” I think Shiro could be perceived as being fake nice at first.
Omg I feel like Shiro is one of those “ oh no, that looks delicious but I can’t. I’m watching my carbs.” YOU KNOW SHIRO IS A GYM DUDE WHO COUNTS HIS CALORIES PLZ
Green Flags ✅
ALSO AN A+ HUGGER. Imagine those big ass arms holding you so softly and so close to his big, warm body. Omg so comforting, so relaxing. Often gives a gently squeeze just before letting go and pulling away. Ugh 😩❤️‍🔥
Literally the most trustworthy man in the universe. Will defend his friends, loved ones, and planet until the end of time. Shiro would die before revealing any secrets you’ve asked him to keep. The best person to vent to bc he’ll never tell another soul about it. He’s like a personal diary
Shiro is sooooo patient. Definitely the most patient one on the team. He really does take his own advice…ya know, patience yields focus 😌 very sweet, calm man. We love Shiro
Red Flags 🚩
Lowkey kinda moody and can get snappy very easily. Pidge is a sweet heart and very smart and a good team player but she’s also stubborn and will yell to get her point across or make herself heard (she’s an Aries…what’d you expect?)
Sometimes very conceited and braggy about how smart she is. Like yeah Pidge, we know you’re a genius and you could code in your sleep. WE GET IT. UR SMART. GEEZ 😒
Green Flags ✅
Pidge is so baby. Yeah, she can get snappy and braggy sometimes but…SHES SO BABY PLZ FORGIVE HER. She’s just young and stressed okay? Give her a break. She’ll apologize eventually with puppy dog eyes and a soft voice and while she looks adorable, she is being sincere and really wants to resolve this.
Very loyal and determined. I mean look how hard she searched and fought for her dad and brother. She won’t stop for anything or anyone once she has her mind set. Pidge Will never leave you behind and will always turn back to help someone in need.
Androgynous royalty. Pidge is soooo chill about her gender and identity. We love a confident babe 🏳️‍🌈💚
Red Flags 🚩
Boy is too scared sometimes. I think Hunk has really bad anxiety and it’s not the anxiety that is the red flag, it’s how he copes with it…which he doesn’t. Hunk let’s his anxiety get the best if him sometimes…but he’s trying.
Honestly…does Hunk really have any other red flags??? Baby boy is so sweet idk 🤷🏻
Over eats to the point of getting sick sometimes…and never learns his lesson. (Me asf)
Green Flags ✅
Obvi his cooking skills!!! Can cook for any occasion, on any cooking surface, in any conditions. Can cook so many different dishes from so many rich cultures around the world! So talented. His food always hits.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST at cheering others up. Soooo funny and silly and kind and relatable. He tries so hard to brighten others’ days when they need it. Will stop what he’s doing just to go cheer up a friend or loved one and watch them smile again.
Red Flags 🚩
Interrupts A LOT. In any given conversation, he will interrupt and talk over someone else at least once every minute. Can get really annoying sometimes but in his defense, if he waits too long to speak up, he’ll just totally forget what he was gonna say.
Like Lance, I think Matt would be overly flirty and act like a Fuck boy sometimes. Like bro sit your nerd ass down, that person is SOOO out of your league plz chill.
Can not take anything seriously (unless it comes to his family or his or anyone else’s safety) but day to day, Matt makes so many dumb and inappropriate jokes at the worst times. Ugh 😒
Green Flags ✅
Very brotherly to everyone he considers a friend or family. Protective, constantly checking up on others, making sure they have eaten, asking if they need anything from him. He cares a lot. Bonus points bc he’s a very good brother to his actual sibling too. Aww Pidge and Matt are sibling goals. 🥹
HOT AS FUCK NO MATTER HIS HAIR STYLE/LENGTH. You can fight me on this. Matt is gorg and so is his hair at every single moment throughout the show.
Extremely accepting and open minded. Matt treats everyone he meets equally and never seems phased when he meets others so different from himself. He may ask some questions for the sake of his own curiosity, but would never pass judgment on another person.
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secrets-of-everwich · 2 months
011-1 Callie’s First Statement
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt recording on the 25th October 2021. I’m sorry I couldn’t take you along for the ride. But a lot of things happened, and I have a lot of statements to take. I promise, dear listener, that I will tell you everything.
First of all, my own statement.
My name is Callie Hewitt, and for the past month I’ve been investigating the secrets of Everwich. I’ve been recording my process on tape, trying to give as much information as possible. But I kept some vital information from you, listener. And I ignored the fact that my episodes kept being corrupted, with a second voice appearing. We’ll get to that later.
When I started this podcast, on the 29th September 2021, I simply stated that I wanted to uncover the secrets of Everwich. Namely, the Everwich Ghost. What I didn’t mention, was that I knew all along. I knew from the beginning who the Everwich Ghost was, and if I hadn’t been so- So stupid, I could have saved everyone.
Charles Florence kept a journal. Kind of- Kind of similar to this, I guess. With his ‘scientific research’ of a weird spider. It ended abruptly, with the last entry being:
‘I feel unwell, but not sick. I fear the end is near. I hear someone moving. I shall return to my thoughts presently.’
It does not, in fact, return to his thoughts. I don’t know exactly what happened to Charles, but I knew about the spider. I knew is was extremely likely Charles was the ghost. And yet, I pretended I didn’t.
[A pause]
I genuinely have no idea. I guess I wanted to ‘find’ it, and have it be a fun denouement to the podcast, a finale. But as I kept investigating, more and more bad stuff happened, and I kept wanting to go to more and more lengths to find out stuff. I didn’t need to know about the caves, they held absolutely no relevance to anything! But I did. And I went into the caves. Nearly at the cost of my life.
God, I’m so stupid. I didn’t care, pretended not to notice the creepy, glitchy voice at the end of my recordings whenever I listened back a few days later, because it frightened me so much. I could never hear it in real life while recording, which meant someone had tampered with my tapes. I genuinely don’t know why, and after what’s happened with Xavier, Emilia, Rin and Asher, I’m not going to find out.
On that note, these will be the last few episodes of Secrets of Everwich. I’m going to get a final statement from everyone, and that’s it. No more. No more Secrets of Everwich, none. It got me into so much trouble, and I didn’t even gain anything from it.
So, yeah. That’s it. Thanks for listening to this Secret of Everwich. Tune in next time for someone else’s statement, I don’t know who’s yet.
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Lenny lurking round the Gaslight, Tea Rooms & The Voice pretending not to look for Midge
Dinah narrows her eyes as she looks over at the counter at the Gaslight. She's supposed to be paying attention to the acts on stage, but instead, she's spotted something else.
Susie follows her gaze and groans. "Fuck's sake."
"Is that-?"
"Is he-?"
"That is a desperate man," Dinah shakes her head.
"No shit," Susie grumbles. "What's the opposite sex version of dickmatized?"
Dinah shrugs. "Pussy whipped, I guess."
"Yeah. That." Susie shakes her head. "He's the one who wanted to stay friends and not anything more, why is he lookin' around for her like a little lost puppy?"
Dinah gets to her feet. "I'll go talk to him."
"Yeah? Good luck," Susie mutters into her coffee. "Like having a conversation with a brick fucking wall."
Dinah puts on a smile and wanders over to the counter, ordering herself a coffee before turning to Lenny Bruce. "She's not here."
He looks at her, his eyebrows lifting.
"She was supposed to be, but one of the kids got sick, so she had to cancel," Dinah continues. "Better luck next time."
She collects her coffee and walks off.
The offices of the Village Voice are small, and busy, and Lenny slips in unnoticed, spotting Abe right away.
"Lenny!" Abe greets him pleasantly. "What are you doing here?"
"I uh...we haven't talked in a while, I thought we could get some lunch," he says. "You could yell about free speech some more."
The older man chuckles and steps past him, patting his shoulder on his way to his typewriter. "That's very kind, but I'm a little busy."
"Right. News waits for no man."
"Exactly. She's doing well, by the way. Working steadily again. She's even up for some television spot."
Lenny frowns. "Who?"
Abe shakes his head. "You're not fooling anyone, Lenny."
"I should go. Catch you later, Abe."
Rose lifts an eyebrow as she spots him wandering around, trying to look inconspicuous at her tea room, and watches for a long moment, sipping her tea, eating her rugelach.
When she catches his eye, she quirks an eyebrow at him, and he winds up wandering her way.
"Leonard. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I just...had some time to kill before a meeting with my lawyer," he says awkwardly.
"And tea sounded nice?" Rose asks, still amused but skeptical.
"I've been told eleven am is too early for whiskey," he volleys back.
"Sit," she says firmly.
He does as he's told, fidgeting with his fingers once he does, looking at the linen table cloth.
"You've been trying to catch up with Miriam," Rose says. "Even though you told her you wanted to remain friends."
"Friends can't look each other up?" Lenny asks, glancing at her.
"Friends use phones, or call at the house," Rose tells him. "It's only the lovelorn who wander around, trying to spend time with family members and mutual friends of the object of their affection in order to get close. Believe me, I'm a matchmaker. I've seen it plenty."
To her surprise, Lenny turns just slightly pink with embarrassment.
"You're in love with my daughter," she says.
Lenny turns a darker shade at that.
Rose smiles. "Why did you tell Miriam you wanted to just be friends?"
"Because I'm a mess," Lenny says quietly. "And I didn't want my mess to become her problem."
Rose sips her tea quietly for a moment before responding. "When you love someone, their problems become yours. That's the way it's supposed to work, Leonard."
"My problems are more complicated than most," he mutters.
Rose rolls her eyes and flags down her server. "Hello, dear, will you please get this gentleman some coffee and a slice of lemon cake?"
The server nods courteously and steps away, leaving Rose to look at Lenny again.
"Let's talk about you and Miriam," she says, grinning.
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making-dough · 2 years
So what if he has a pointed stick? (Open)
Are you stuck with glass bones and paper skin? Sick of just having pedestrian magic to your name? The professors are holding a special class for the squishiest of mages, clerics, and archers, where they may learn close-quarters self-defense if they’re ambushed by an enemy. [Grants Gauntlets +1]
♠  - It wasn’t often that Farina found herself standing in, especially on a class she wasn’t in charge of and especially not at the last minute. She usually had enough self-respect to not let herself be caught holding the hot potato, so to speak. But you know how things go with stuff like this: ‘Oh, I had an emergency that I didn’t see coming and can’t take the class’ and then one thing led to another and this time around, she was the one left holding the short straw, so to speak. 
Anyway, it’s not as if anything has actually changed for her, anyway. She’ll just waltz in and pretend she knows what she’s talking, like she always do. To be honest, her biggest complaint was that the substitution was so last-minute she hadn’t even managed to finish her lunch. Well, at least her lunch was mobile enough that it wasn’t that much of an issue but still, she should be allowed to at least finish eating before getting called in to cover someone else’s ass!
Well, nothing for it then. Ready or not, she’s got a class to teach. Striding confidently into the classroom, Farina greeted her students with a smile. “Hello, class! Your usual teacher can’t make it today so I’m standing in. The name’s Farina. You can call me...” She stopped for a moment before frowning. “Actually don’t. It still sounds weirdly old.” She might have gotten used to the ‘Professor’ title by now but damn, did it still sound wrong on her.
Mind, she wasn’t even really a fan of the intro bits. She’d much rather they got right down to the chase. Time was money, after all. There was just one little problem. The stand-in was so last-minute that she had very little idea what on earth she was meant to be teaching. So, in the end, she was basically stalling. From the sorts that were making up her students, her best guess was... some kind of magic seminar? (oh, boy, she’d be really out of her depth then), except that didn’t explain all the gym equipment lying around. 
Unless it really was that ‘self-defence for mages’ thing she’d hearing about. That would explain, well, a lot. Yeah, that might be it. Whatever, she’ll just pretend it is and wait for someone to correct her if she’s off. “Now, self-defence. Self De Fence. Serrf De fence.”, the mercenary babbled, pacing lightly on the spot. More stalling again. Hey, even if she knew the subject didn’t mean she knew the specifics. Then again, it wasn’t exactly a discipline in her line of work. Usually, it just came down to 1. Grab something. 2. Hit somebody with it. 3. ???? 4. Profit.
Supposed she could start from what she knew and figure it out. Her gaze dropped down to her half-eaten lunch, still swinging around in her hand. It could also really help if she had a prop of some kind too. “Now, I’ve got, uh, no clue what you’ve covered so far so let’s start with something you’re gonna find really handy. Improvised weaponry! Like, for example, what to do if you get attacked by an assailant armed with” Here, she paused for effect before revealing “A meat skewer!" Quickly pivoting to point into the crowd of students with her half-eaten-lunch-turned-makeshift-prop, the mercenary posed a question to the crowd. “Now, can anyone tell me what stands out most about this skewer?” Well, would you look at that? It was like she really can make a class out of this, after all.
0 notes
yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could we get some more Male Beldam plz, a crumb of spider boi affection 🥺💖
Hello dearest! Sorry for the long wait, I was having an awful time trying to make this last chapter work. Also btw:
I messed up the story and now this isn't the last final chapter of the series 🤡 I told y'all I get too invested and too complicated with this shit-
So YEAH we're having ANOTHER ONE later on- That will be the true final chapter (depending on how this one goes, I ain't too confident-).
This is going to be a lot different from my usual work (I think?) And a disclaimer:
I don't believe that the actions of the characters in my writing are valid or even morally correct, I write for yanderes because I'm extremely weird (I'm trying to accept that) but I don't support these actions in real life, I just like them in the media. BTW this is not an accurate representation of trauma/mental illness/or even anyone in general!
(Chp. 1) (Chp. 2) (Chp. 3)
TW/Tags: Following up from (Chp.2) // also if y'all want, there is this headcanon→ (🧵⚫🕷️) // manipulation // heavy angst // mentions of vomit // cursing // kinda edgy // characters death (I'm so sorry-) // mentions of death/gore (won't really detail it cause I'm horrible at it) // identity theft/pretending to be someone else // mental breakdown/guilty mindset
6,471 words!
Stitched Together (Chp.3) [Yandere!M!Beldam OC(?) x F!Reader - Fanfiction]:
A house filled with disfuncional people. Were they always like this, or did they become "this" when they first came here? Who knows.
People have their own struggles, we're always dealing with some kind of problem- Even the smaller ones. We all have different ways of dealing with them, of course. It's life, it's natural. Yet it's still pretty surprising how all these people got to know each other and form some kind of bond.
It's a weird friendship, but it's not necessarily a bad one, or -more accurately- it didn't used to be one.
Your roommates had a lot of issues, some of which you didn't even know off. It is very entertaining seeing how much they struggle with the most ridiculous problems with the easiest solutions.
Communication seems to be the heart of all their problems, and even he, a cold arachnid monster who eats the "love" of naive people, could see right through their flaws- And he hasn't talked with anyone in ages!
Other Dominick, or just "Dominick" now, has been enjoying this disfuncional group antics way too much, to the point he has actually developed some kind of- Feelings, towards you and your roommates. You're almost as pitiful as you are loveable, it's no secret why that other man couldn't stop obsessing over you for twelve long years, if only he could be a bit more honest though- Maybe he would have won your heart back, maybe you wouldn't be sleeping in a fabricated dimension with a hungry monster.
Cause that's all he is! A monster, that's all he'll ever be, he knows that now.
Still, this whole "he is my ex best friend" drama sure strikes a nerve, the truth is so obvious that it's honestly infuriating to hear you talk about that guy as a "friend". "Dominick" can't blame you though- Maybe you are just not accustomed to differentiating friends from lovers, especially considering how lonely you were.
The mice have told him so many juicy details about you and your roommates lives that he can basically read every single one of you like the palm of his hand. And seeing you four have such a hard time understanding each other was like a never ending soap opera drama.
Vivian was a nerdy girl "trying to break free" by acting like a complete airhead and believing that having fun is something only possible by partying and ignoring her anxious mind.
Richard is extremely dependent on Vivian, being his only friend for so long has made him believe he has more romantic than friendly feelings for her.
Dominick used to be a frail, easily sick boy who grew up without his "best friend" by his side to be able to protect his clingy self, and seeing how you never even talked to him in twelve years- he has fully believed he has done something wrong to make you despise him. He became a physically strong man, but his weak spot has always been you.
And you, oh, dearest you! You're so anxious and worried about building and maintaining relationships that you started to overthink their actions to the point it has led you to Other Dominick's arms! Dearest, it's true your friends have been neglecting you, but if only you knew how it wasn't their intention at all.
Even so, "Dominick" couldn't deny the fact he did fall for you in these last couple of weeks, this "feeling" has been growing on him like a parasite ever since you started wanting to be here more often, to see him more often and to top it all off: You asked him to let you sleep in his web, you asked him to not bring you back home.
What is normally a silent cold void of pure nothingness there was now the low sound of breathing and occasionally snoring. There was now warm, there was now something else aside from him and that little rodent he genuinely loves. It still takes him by surprise how you just invited yourself to this realm and doesn't seem to want to go back, it still surprises him that you left all those people in the Pink Palace just for him.
How absurd, right? You were so willing to escape your reality that you were now sleeping and cuddling with a monster. Granted that you don't seem to know how bad he truly is…. The other people he had preyed on were a lot more careful than you, yet they all still failed to survive in the end. You could say ignorance is a blessing if you have managed to survive so far by being naive.
You have stayed for the night in the Other World, having a wonderful sleep holding the person you seem to have fallen in love with. However, "Dominick" hasn't anticipated the amount of time you two would have spent sleeping together, due to the amount of energy he lost trying to create the perfect fantasy for you he has completely blacked out for what feels to be days.
He isn't sure what day it is, or what time it is, but he was sure both of you had slept for quite a while, maybe it had something to do with the nature of this realm that made you "hibernate" for as long as he did.
There was only one option if he wanted to make you live with him forever, to be able to indulge himself in this love for as long as you live- Yet he wasn't sure if you would agree with his terms for staying, that being never leaving, of course- And possibly having to see him carnage the body of others so he can feast on it.
And speaking of food, of course you would be starving after such a long sleep. He wasn't sure what time it was, breakfast? Dinner? Time almost doesn't matter when you're essentially immortal.
There isn't anything to eat here really, not while he is this exhausted, he can't make anything for you at the moment even if he really wanted to.
"- I hope you had a decent sleep, I bet that sleeping in a place like this may not be- The most comfortable of beds." He commented while looking around the web he called home. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he was able to sleep in a proper bed without feeling out of place. This web is just a lot more comforting to him.
"- … Well I think it was worth it. Though I'm not accustomed to sleeping in webs, or with someone else for that matter." Joking tiredly you responded to his almost self deprecating comment.
You have almost forgotten you slept holding him, and you almost have forgotten how his looks are still a little frightening- Waking up and looking at him sure is a fun way to get enough energy for the rest of the day, thankfully due to his own exhaustion he hasn't noticed your small expression of fear and surprise.
"- You're hungry." Was all he said. While you were still sleeping he could hear noises coming from your stomach, he isn't sure how he can fix this yet.
"- A bit- I assume you also haven't eaten yet? Sorry if it sounds harsh, but you look like you haven't eaten all night." Putting it bluntly like that could harm anyone's ego, but it was true that he hasn't eaten anything in years, waiting people to move in to the Pink Palace is both tedious and a almost unfruitful process, and as you can see he is too pathetic to kill every single one of his preys, despite how easy it would be to just do so right now.
But maybe, it doesn't have to be this way, maybe he could still work something out, you don't have to die to sustain him-
"- Can I help you this time? You have done so much during this time I've been here, I would like to do something for you for once." You were so sincere, and it was true that people have been cooking for you a lot these past days, mostly Other Dominick and…. Well, Dominick, once.
Just remembering yesterday makes you feel odd, as if you have left something behind- Wait, didn't you have plans to hangout with him and the others today?
"- Well- You can help me with something…" What would normally be a very easy thought process, was now taking him ages to complete- He hasn't completely finished his plan mentally, yet it was the only option left. In this state he is too soft, too dependent, he can't feed you or take care of you without first satisfying his own needs.
"- We don't have a kitchen anymore, I'm sorry if this is a selfish request- But could you please get us some food from your house?" He just needed an excuse, any excuse.
"- Hmm, sure! But- But why can't you just build a new one?" You questioned him, still not sure how his "powers" work or not work.
"- I can't, I can't right now- I'm starving." He wasn't lying really, but he did exaggerate it a bit to see if you could go faster.
"- I'm so sorry! I'll be back okay? Just hang in there." And being naive as you were, you made sure to crawl your way back to the little door you've come from, taking just another look at his bottom eyes and sending him a tender smile one last time.
You'll be back soon, he is sure you will.
You won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die, you won't have to die-
- But they will.
While crawling through the tunnel you realized how tight it felt, you knew you didn't fit exactly well here but this time it feels almost suffocatingly small. You don't know if this has anything to do with "Dominick" or not, but it was as if the whole tunnel was trying to squeeze you back to where you came from.
You're not sure what you should do in this scenario since he said there was no more kitchen back there, should you prepare something in your own kitchen and then bring it back? Or maybe you should just bring a snack to make him feel slightly more filled?
Whatever your plan was, you knew you would be able to fix something quick for him- And probably for yourself since you do feel awfully empty right now, and honestly your body hurts from sleeping in one position the whole entire time, especially on top of someone else.
You hope he was okay, it would be really embarrassing if he was also having body aches because of you, if you could give him something it would be a proper bed- Screw spiderwebs.
For some reason, you felt as if you took longer to crawl back to the Pink Palace than what you normally take- Maybe it was just your imagination, after all you did get to reach the end eventually. While still feeling your whole body weak and aching you got up from the tunnel feeling a bit dizzy, still your mind was focused on two things: Food and roommates.
It would be more appropriate for you to say "hi" or "good morning" right? It feels wrong cooking and then leaving them again without saying anything, maybe- No, no you couldn't, if you did…
Could you… Perhaps- Be able to tell them about the Other Pink Palace??
The idea sounds absolutely ridiculous, especially when you consider that they would probably not believe in you in the first place. Why did you even consider that option? What would you even tell them- "Hey I met like- A spider version of Dominick and a fake version of all of you and I hmmm kinda slept there over the night??" God, they would either think you're trying to prank them or that you went crazy!
Speaking of them- Where are they? It's still 6 am when you look at the clock in the living room. Normally Vivian and Richard would be awake by now, Dominick especially since he likes to exercise during the morning. Damn, you're the only one that wakes up late, huh?
Oh… Yeah… They're probably hanging out with one of their actual friends, how could you even forget that, right?
" They probably didn't even remember to warn me or something, not that it would matter since… I wasn't here in the first place." You thought, feeling a bit sad at the lack of your roommate's presence around the house. Maybe you should try talking with them whenever they come back, you can't keep leaving them and then expect them to call you to go out with them, right?
Maybe it's the loneliness creeping in, but you start to think that maybe you should apologize for your lack of presence around the house, and try to be open about how you really feel about them- Otherwise none of you would be able to survive at least an year together.
Yeah, you'll talk to them soon enough- You'll make something for "Dominick" and then tell him you'll be back soon, you'll send them a message saying you need to talk and then you'll open up to them and hopefully they'll still want to watch some movies together. Sounds like a good plan.
There is of course, only one problem:
"- W- What?! Why is everything spoiled already?? Who would even buy so many perishables and leave them on the counter? Goddamnit-" The smell of rotten food had invaded your nostrils like a punch to the face when you came back to the kitchen, after not finding anyone around the house.
They left the groceries on the counter and just- Ditched?? Who would do such a thing?? Why did no one put anything in the fridge and why was it all spoiled already?? Great, you have to buy more food now, unbelievable.
You would tell Other Dominick about this, but you're worried that if you take too long he'll keep starving- And besides, you're too disappointed with your roommates to think straight about this. You got ready, picked up your purse and stormed out of the house hoping you could buy something to make for "Dominick".
On the other side of this whole fiasco was Dominick, the real one, that is. He has been staying inside Sam's house with Vivian and Richard since you left, it's been the most long fourteen days of their lives.
Hmm? Why do you ask? Well- Maybe it's the fact you suddenly disappeared out of thin air like you were never there to begin with?! After that morning when he made you breakfast, he decided to have his own talk with the other two to see if they could all reach an agreement- They agreed with having the movie night like you suggested and they were willing to talk about the past few weeks when they neglected not only you and Dominick about also their own studies and responsibilities inside the Pink Palace.
You told him you wouldn't be there that day, which was fine, he was actually kinda glad to know you would be able to take some fresh air and not be stuck with only them for company, he thought it was just natural for you to want to do your own thing and didn't even question you where you were going. He thought you would come back later that day or maybe on the next day.
Oh but he was so wrong, so very wrong.
You didn't show up for two weeks straight. You didn't answer any calls or messages for two weeks straight. No one has seen you around, in two weeks straight. For some reason rats have been tearing up the house more frequently for two weeks straight.
At night time they could hear sounds coming from the living room and the kitchen. Every time someone would check it out, they would see nothing there except the small door on the wall being open. There was nothing behind it, only a brick unfinished wall. Someone would try to lock it up, but they couldn't find the key so they would just block it until they could find it.
For fourteen nights, that door would be back open again- Somehow the objects that were positioned to close it, would find themselves back in place.
And still, you weren't anywhere near them. No one has seen you around town, none of your neighbors could say they saw you when you left and which way you went and your family hasn't heard of you since then. They were starting to lose their minds.
Vivian, Richard and Dominick started to feel unsafe inside the Pink Palace after the tenth day. Richard was extremely superstitious, and the presence of the rats and that little creepy door were really obvious signs that something was wrong with that place, and in his mind, that something was related to you somehow.
Vivian, however, was now a nervous wreck, not only was she worried sick about you she also felt guilty in your disappearance. The confident girl has returned to her old anxious self, worrying that maybe the worst could have happened to you because of her neglect.
Dominick couldn't stand seeing them like this, so he suggested they spent the night somewhere else. One night became four, and still no sight of you, they told some town's folk to call them whenever they see you, and to warn you that they miss you dearly. Everyone misses you, especially him.
All options left for why you have suddenly disappeared ranged from bad to awful- From "maybe you got lost somewhere outside town" to "maybe you just didn't want to come back at all".
Or worse….
Maybe you were dead, and were now hunting the last place you've been through.
No! No, he couldn't think that way! None of them could… You were coming home soon, he knew that! He was sure of it…
He- He just couldn't bear the thought of you gone, of you actually really gone!
Both Richard and Vivian couldn't muster enough courage to be able to go back to the Pink Palace but Dominick knew he had to go back to see if maybe you have come back, if maybe there would be some hint to where you were, and how you were…
"- I'll be back soon, until then tell Sam I went to the Pink Palace to see if she comes back, okay? Stay safe you two." He told them goodbye before going out, after all both of them were still not accustomed with this sort of thing.
When he got home he saw that the door was open.
"- [Y/n]? [Y/N]!? ARE YOU THERE?" He came inside screaming his lungs out without considering the various possibilities as to why the door was open. I mean- Yes, the door could be open because of you.
"- [Y/N], IT'S ME, DOMINICK!" But what if it was a burglar that had entered inside to steal something...
"- PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" Or maybe they didn't lock the doors on their way out, maybe due to some animal or a strong wind, the door was now open…
"- [Y/n]..?" Or maybe… It was a trap.
"- How… How did-" He was speechless, not only because of the amount of screaming and running he did throughout the house, but also due to the scenery in front of him-
That little, pesky tiny door was open again. No surprises so far, but what really got him was the creepy, spider web filled, dark tunnel behind it.
" Since when was this here??" He thought, as he started to investigate the tiny door and the eerie air coming from the other side. Richard wasn't kidding when he said this place had some creepy shit going on, did- Did you have anything to do with this??
"- Do I… Fit in?" He wondered, the crazy man. No one would ever think about entering such an awfully tight place, with some more than suspicious vibes to it, when your friend has literally gone missing and was probably involved with some sort of occult-ish phenomenon.
But if this could actually help him find you, he was ready to do anything to be able to reach the truth, and he was desperate enough to go inside this hellhole if it meant this nightmare could end.
Again- He didn't consider the dangers of his uncalculated actions, despite the glaring red signs everywhere, he crawled down the creepy yet- Oddly magical tunnel, seeing light on the end of the darkness. Unfortunately, he probably couldn't have predicted what type of monster would be waiting for him.
"- Dominick?" Someone calls him from the other side, something about their voice is both familiar yet eerily different.
"- Are you there?" Was it you?? Was it really you calling for him on the other side?? It- It looked like you, despite how dark this place is and how far away you were.
"- What the Hell are you doing here??! I'm- I'm coming okay? Stay there-" Dominick was bewildered by the circumstances of actually seeing you at the end of the tunnel- This is almost so unreal that he wonders for a second if he is even fully awake. As wonderful as this moment is, he still feels like something isn't right, he still feels like something is missing out of this puzzle, he continues to crawl but now he is cautious of getting close to you.
Keeping you alive really did benefit him in the end, intentionally or not, these circumstances seem to be the most favorable. After a good rest, he found that maybe he had at least some amount of energy left, at least barely enough to keep one last charade.
" Perdón, love, but I must use your beautiful image, just this once." This is not exactly how he planned it, if anything, trying to look like you just to trick that guy seems a bit evasive- For the first time he isn't sure if he should really use someone else's appearance to trap another person.
He can transform himself to look like whoever he wants, but because of the current situation his appearance feels more like a mockery of your figure rather than an actual adaptation, like he did with Dominick.
However, now that he was here, Other Dominick would be able to eat from someone's "love", although- Ugh, this "love" sure doesn't sound appetizing, your Dominick's love is going to be the worst thing he ate in a long while, isn't it?
It's not as pure and sweet as yours, it is drenched in doubts and unresolved issues. Self loathe mixed with regret, he did yell at you recently, hasn't he? He sure smells like a coward, not to mention how awkward this situation is.
Think of it from his perspective: He is going to eat the love that is not directed towards him- Like all his other victims- But rather, love that is directed towards you. Other Dominick is planning on eating the heart of the one who wants your heart! It's a bit gross for him.
"- Dominick! Please help, I'm over here!" This is… Probably the first time he felt like vomiting while acting, but his stomach is empty so at least there won't be a mess anywhere.
Having to interpret you like this, especially without your knowledge feels so disgusting but he hopes you'll understand he did this out of necessity. He needs this man's heart, soul and mind, anything except hurting you, he is already too attached to you to see life fade away from your body. At least you won't be here to see him do it, that would be unpleasant.
"- [Y/n]! Why- What- What's going on?? Where were you?? What the Hell is this place-" Dominick was obviously holding a lot of questions in his mind, after all the fuck is he looking at? An empty void with only "you" here, you've been gone for so long yet somehow you were inside the house all this time??
Or more like "the empty hell-looking dimension inside the house".
It didn't take long to get to end of the tunnel, finally he got close enough-
"- I- I was so scared, Dominick-" Other Dominick tried securing Dominick on a deadly last embrace so he could do this whole process faster, but for a second, Dominick could catch the difference in voice tone, and pushed himself out of his grip.
"- W-Who- What are you? WHERE 'S [Y/N]?!" He trembled when he noticed it's eyes- The monster, whatever that thing was, the person trying to imitate you had button eyes. On closer inspection, it looked- Nothing like you, nothing at all like you! It was as if your face had been stretched out and redrawn by a horror cartoonist, whatever color your skin once had was too pale to resemble something living- And your hair- How could he forget how your hair looked??
Sure, it was the same hairstyle (barely-) but the texture, the color- Even if you did share similar traits, it just looks off! There was no other way to say it, this wasn't you at all!
"- ANSWER ME! WHERE IS SHE?!" Dominick shouted his lungs out despite his voice coming out a bit horse and mild if not completely pathetic due to his previous shouting inside the Pink Palace, this creature was threatening to come closer and he couldn't let his guard down-
He wasn't prepared at all, but he couldn't let this THING know that.
"- Oh. Well, I don't see the point in continuing this- Thank you for making it easier for me." Transforming and keeping a form is not only physically stressful, it takes a lot of mental power to not constantly have an identity crisis over these little "acting sessions".
Still, even if he could be himself, who would that be? Are they still inside of him or have they long been dead?
Whoever was left now was tall, moody, monstrous and skinnier than a toothpick. He's seen better days… maybe..?
"- Please refrain from screaming, that is absolutely the worst part and I have a headache." Headaches are the absolute worst, even to someone like him- Especially someone like him!
"- OH! REALLY?! I'm sorry, your HIGHNESS! I didn't know- u-GH!" Dominick tried to taunt the monster but all it did was earn him a slap from the creature's sharp claw hands and to be tripped over effortlessly.
"- You did that on purpose, I'm almost surprised." The man sat himself on top of the pathetic man on the ground, using his back as a support, completely humiliating the human who once thought he was now storing enough to handle this sort of confrontation.
Despite Other Dominick's appearance, his REAL appearance, that is, his way of dealing with rude "quests" was firm and elegant in a way, slapping the young man in an old fashioned way.
"- Fuck off me- You didn't even answer me-" Dominick tried to sound as tough as he could, and tried to struggled out of this position- But found his attempts to be fruitless.
"- I mean, why would I? You enter my house, you yell at me, you threaten me, I think I'm not in the wrong to do this." This was the way he would normally deal with- "Rude quests", try to mess with them. Poke, poke, and poke until they manage to fall off.
"- … You're kidding me? You LURED ME IN! You tricked me by looking like my friend, which by the way- WHERE IS SHE?!" Oh, how heroic of him! His heart beats faster whenever your name is mentioned, pumping determination down his veins, how cliche.
How… Annoying.
"- I gave you one condition and you choose to not listen, no wonder she left you- What made you think I would give you that answer?" He was being serious by the way, Other Dominick hates yelling.
"- L- What are you- What did you do to her?" Dominick whispered as if he was speaking with himself and wondering what could have happened to you in this- Fiend's hands!
"- … Hmm- Not treat her unfairly? Not pretend that me being weak was entirely her fault, not blaming twelve years of loneliness on her and only her and not taking a SMIDGEN of responsibility for my lack of social skills? Not tell her she is an awful friend because of something that happened so long ago-" Other Dominick kept teased, proud of how easily he could list off the things he DIDN'T do wrong with you, he would never have treated you this way.
"- How do you know all of this-" Dominick was shut down immediately- The monster was having fun poking him until he would fall and break.
"- Shhh, wait I got more- Be there for her when she needed, gave her comfort and care while you three were having a lot of fun without her- Leaving her to wonder to a trap like a naive little butterfly-"
"- YOU were the one to set the trap in the first place! I know what I did was unfair, I know I shouldn't treat her like that for something that happened when we were kids, but I didn't mean to hurt her- YOU DID! You tried to hurt her from the very beginning, didn't you?!" Ouch. The human managed to touch the monster's ego, a subtle yet extremely painful stab in the heart.
He was taken back by this, he stayed silent thinking about his moral ground on this petty competition.
"- You DID! You stalked us and preyed on our insecurities, you're the reason she is missing! Tell me where she is or I swear to God." The wounds didn't stop coming, Dominick was now the one pushing his buttons.
"- … Can you blame a spider for setting it's web? Longing for a prey to stick it's pretty little wings on its strings? I'm only doing what my nature tells me to do." Despite it being true, Other Dominick didn't feel proud of this notion, nor did he feel like he won this battle at all.
He tried to poke him, but ended up being the one left broken over their own guilty mind.
"- Y- You couldn't- You…" At least he still believed he would be capable of hurting you, and even if that was a lie…
"- Eat her?" It would still benefit in the end, right?
"- …" No words, only a shocked expression turning from fear and disgust to pure hatred. He expected him to say a bunch of things, horrible things, anything except that!
How could someone eat another person? Unless that someone was twisted or not human at all… In Dominick's mind, that guy was both.
Ya know, hate is not really the opposite of love, it affects us in almost the same ways love affects us- Love and hate are easy to get mixed up in this horrible world we live in, so even if he couldn't take Dominick's heart by love, he could still take it by hate.
Hatred towards him. A hateful heart would be a first for his taste, but hopefully it isn't as nasty as it sounds.
To the last breath, he fought, he did the best he could, blinded by rage, hate and love, your old childhood friend was now gone. He didn't go down without hurting his opponent, no, quite the contrary-
Dominick had made sure to rip his buttons out, making Other Dominick blind while also getting rid of the buttons so he wouldn't be able to find them later. Unfortunately, he died believing that somehow, he would see you again soon, as he didn't know you were actually alive and were just on your way back home- As a bunch of townsfolk managed to recognize you and warn you about not only the time you've spent missing, but how worried sick your roommates were.
In the end, the lonely spider did get to fill their stomach and still protect the one thing it cared about, but to what end? He was right, he was a monster, eating on the flesh of someone who you care a lot about, you would never be happy here knowing how dangerous he is for you, and for others around you.
Your silence seems to confirm his suspicion.
"- I know you're there. I heard you coming through the door, and I felt you standing there for a while now."
"- !…"
"- I can… Feel your hesitation. I didn't get enough time to get rid of the mess, I-I can't actually see now, thanks to your "friend", so I can only imagine how awful it must look to you."
"- …"
"- I'm sorry for making you see this, especially it being him… I tried- I tried to…. It looks awful doesn't it? His face is probably really messed up, I thought that maybe you wouldn't recognize him."
"- But you know it's him, don't you? Who else would- Come here and try to be your savior? Your knight in shining armor…"
"- …"
"- That makes me a villain, doesn't it?"
"- A-actually you don't need to… Answer that. I always knew I was one, I just liked to pretend I wasn't… I don't remember since when I've been doing this, but I've been doing it enough to forget who I used to be."
"- …?"
"- The truth is nothing makes me feel satisfied except- Well, this. This- Horrible thing, that I probably shouldn't be- showing it to you-"
"- …-"
"- Please don't- Feel pity for me, I wouldn't accept that. You knew something was wrong with me from the start but I kept lying to you pretending this wouldn't be… This wouldn't be your end."
"- I have told myself that this wouldn't be you"
"- !!"
"- W-WAIT! I-I know you're going away- Just- I-"
"- ….. She is gone…. That's… That was a great decision."
You decided to run away, you stayed still watching that awfully brutal scene for way too long, you were frozen in place before he said something along the lines of "this could have been you"- And that was all the motivation you needed to get out of there.
However, your mind couldn't stop coming back to the body of your old friend, the body that was-
You- You can't stop thinking about it! You want to scream but you just can't- You locked his door while crawling back to the Pink Palace, the tunnel seemed a lot more tight and nauseatingly longer than last time- You could feel the walls moving but you considered that maybe that was just your terrified mind.
Your body told you to escape as fast as you could, but your mind told you to go back and- And see your dead friend again, to try to get him back despite the fact that would not be possible.
The moment you got that, all you saw was red, Dominick and that monster with him- Even without the buttons you could tell he didn't have the guts to look you in the eyes.
How did this happen? Why didn't you see it coming sooner??
What- Why did you trust him?? A complete stranger from a POCKET DIMENSION INSIDE YOUR HOUSE??
" This is my fault, this is my fault, this is my fault-"
You kept replaying that scene inside your head, over and over and over again- Feeling guilty for everything you've done wrong in these past few weeks.
You trusted a monster, and now your friend is dead. You trusted a monster and now your roommates are worries as fuck about you and you can't even explain what the Hell happened to you in all of this time.
You fell for a monster that was planning on taking you out as well as Dominick.
You couldn't handle this- You can't handle this!!
You sat on the front porch crying your eyes out, not having enough strength to pull yourself out of this twisted place. A part of you was hoping that the heavy knocking from the inside meant that he was coming- And that it meant you would be gone along with your crimes.
The other part was terrified to the very soul of that possibility even happening, so when you saw the police car come by with your roommates wondering what happened and why was Dominick gone for so long- You were both relieved and worried as fuck as to how the Hell would you explain what just happened.
" The man on the other side of the door ate him?? " Was absolutely ridiculous and in no way in Hell would anyone believe you-
"- It's my fault! Pl- Please!! I did it!! TAKE ME AWAY PLEASE-" You pleaded to be taken away while crying your eyes out, despite no one's understanding of the situation you've sat there hoping they would take you far away from here.
The banging inside the house only got louder, and for once in all of these days you were worried if you actually did lock the door or not.
The policemen heard the loud banging and decided to investigate. You were being comforted by your roommates who were happy to see you but extremely worried about what happened to you and why you were mumbling nonsense. One of the policemen was trying to ask you questions but it was clear your mind wasn't in the right place at the moment, the other was investigating the sound.
All he found was blood coming from underneath a tiny door, and the key you left behind in a hurry. He thought it would be a good idea to unlock it.
There was nothing there. Just blood.
But hopefully it would be good enough for the investigation.
The local police department was already aware of the weird disappearances that happened every year in this very house, so they already had a suspicion that this wouldn't be the fault of some random young adults that decided to move here. Sure, it was scummy for them to use your group as bait, but they needed something to be able to resolve the mystery involving this house.
And you survived whatever happened here, and you clearly knew things they would love to know about- Of course, on a better time than this.
It's clear you're fragile at the moment and that you'll need sometime to recover, and besides-
There is this weird feeling of someone watching them as they take samples of the blood.
🦉Owl Tag Delivery to🧺:
// @radbarbariancupcake //
I want to personally apologize to everyone who has been enjoying these series because of spider boy softness, I made him a monster and I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean I can't make him soft on future Headcanons! I would very much appreciate it cause I made myself sad doing this 😭🤡
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froggywritesstuff · 3 years
Eye F*cking | Anthony Ramos
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pairings: Anthony Ramos x male!reader (he/they pronouns for reader) (he/him pronouns for Anthony)
warnings: swearing, gay panic, not proofread
A/N: I promise this isn’t NSFW or anything like that, sorry if the title is misleading
Y/N hastily dialed the number on their phone, anxiously waiting as it rang.
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” the familiar voice on the other end of the phone  greeted them.
“You’re sick?!” they asked in a disgusted tone, “What do you mean you’re sick?!”
“I mean, I’m sick,” Lin explained, as if he were talking to a toddler, “You have to go on tonight.”
“Wh-what... you can’t just be sick!” Y/N stuttered, stalling to avoid the inevitable outcome of having to perform as Alexander.
“Turns out I can.”
Y/N rolled his eyes, despite Lin not being able to see it, “Well, I can’t go on tonight.”
“You kind of have to...”
“What if I was sick, huh? What would happen then?”
“You’re the understudy, you can’t get sick. And I know you’re not sick.”
“Bullshit, what if I was dead? What would you do then?”
“I don’t know,” Lin sighed, “Look, I know it’s hard, but you gotta go on tonight. You’ve done it in rehearsals plenty of times, you’ll be fine.”
Y/N anxiously tapped the side of his phone. It wasn’t so much the rapping or performing that had them nervous, but the person they had to perform with.
Y/N had rehearsed all the romance scenes tons of times, and sharing a kiss with Pippa while pretending to be her husband and the father of her children, making out with Jasmine and standing dangerously close to Renee while pretending to be in love didn’t faze him too much. It was more the Intense Gay Stares™ he had to do with Anthony.
At every rehearsal, Y/N would end up a flustered mess the second he made eye contact with him, so they guessed that staring at him as if they were secretly lovers in the American Revolutionary War would result in him passing out due to a panic attack.
He had seen Lin and Anthony do it effortlessly every show, so why did it make Y/N so nervous?
Could it have been because they actually wanted to be secret lovers with Anthony Ramos? Who knows.
"So can you go on tonight?" Lin asked, his voice snapping Y/N out of his thoughts.
Squeezing their eyes shut, Y/N nodded, a pained look on his face, "Yeah... I can."
"Great," Lin said, sighing in relief, "You're a life saver, Y/N. Break a leg."
Sighing, Y/N hung up the phone, "I wish my leg was broken."
Y/N then begun pacing around their apartment. That had always been the best way to find solutions to problems that he had been overthinking.
Unfortunately, an hour wasn't enough time for a solution to magically appear, when Y/N got another phone call.
The caller ID was labeled Anthony R.
Y/N had thought about changing it to something else. A nickname he had thought of for him, and of course the random idea of adding an unnecessary heart emojis next to his name-because he definitely didn't like him like that. But he had shut down those ideas the minute they were thought of, wanting to dismiss the silly fantasy of actually forming a relationship with someone he could barely talk to. He didn't even remember how or why he got his number, considering they never texted if it wasn't for work.
Before he could stop himself, Y/N had answered the call, "He-hello?" Y/N rolled his eyes at his own stutter, thankful that Anthony couldn't see.
"Hey, Y/N/N, it's Anthony,"
Heat rushed to Y/N's cheeks at Anthony's nickname for him. He had no idea how he came up with it, considering the two barely talked, but Y/N wasn't complaining.
"Hey, wh-what's up?"
"I'm guessing you know that Lin's sick, and he can't go on, right?"
Y/N hummed 'yes' in response, the fear of stuttering and making a bigger fool of himself got the better of him.
"So, you'll have to go on tonight, right?"
"Uh-huh," Y/N spoke, the nervous tone becoming clearer.
"Great," Anthony sighed in relief, confusing Y/N slightly.
Was he really happy that he was performing tonight? Shaking his head, Y/N shook it off, he was probably just imagining things.
"Would you mind meeting me at the theatre soon? I wanna talk to you about something- before it gets crowded with other people."
Y/N felt his heart rate pick up, "Sure, how soon?"
Y/N mentally congratulated himself, 'no stuttering!'
"Half an hour maybe? So then we'll have about twenty minutes before everyone else gets there. If that works for you."
"Yea-yeah, that works. Ha-half an hour works."
'never mind.'
"Great! I'll see you there,"
"Yup." Y/N said, hanging up as soon as the word left his mouth.
'What could Anthony possibly want to talk to me about? And why does he not want anyone else there?' 
All Y/N knew was that they would have to magically get used to all the stares in a matter of minutes before they had to see Anthony.
”Hey Y/N/N,” 
Y/N whipped his head around, their heart pumping fast when they were met with Anthony’s warm smile. Everything about him made Y/N feel better. Sure, he was a flustered mess when Anthony used their nickname ever so casually, and he felt like his heart would burst out of his chest whenever he saw his smile, but it still made him feel better in a way.
”Hey,” they stammered out, mentally cursing himself for stuttering, “Wha- uh… what’s up?”
Y/N’s eyes shifted to Anthony’s fingers fiddling together. He had never seen him do that before, but he guessed that it was a nervous habit or something. Gosh, Y/N could never imagine Anthony seeming nervous. The guy always radiated confidence. Then again, Y/N was barely capable of keeping a long enough conversation with him to make assumptions like that.
"Lin mentioned that you were worried about one of the- well, a lot of the scenes that we have to do together as Laurens and Hamilton."
Y/N awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Anthony's gaze like he had grown so accustomed to doing so, "He-he mentioned that, did he?"
How would Lin have known about it? It's not like Y/N went around advertising their weird little problems. Then again, he wasn't known to be the most subtle guy in the world. 
Anthony gave a small nod, "Yeah, he did. A-and I was wondering if you'd wanna get in some practice? We haven't been the best at eye f*cking in rehearsals." 
If Y/N's heart wasn't racing before, it definitely was now, "Wh-what?"
Anthony's eyes widened, holding up a hand as if he were trying to gain a wounded animal's trust, "O-only if you want to. I don't wanna psych you out before you go on, I just thought you might want to practice."
"Huh? No, no, I'm fine with practicing, it's just..." Y/N paused, looking around suspiciously as if someone were listening in on their conversation, "What did you say?"
"Eye f*cking?" he suggested, as if it were a normal, everyday phrase.
"Yeah." Y/N nodded, eyes widening at how casual it shouldn't have sounded despite Anthony saying it so casually, "What's that?"
Anthony squinted at them, "Do you not remember?"
"I think I'd remember what eye f*cking means." Y/N muttered, growing worried with every second of not knowing what 'eye fu*king' meant.
Eyes furrowed together in confusion, Anthony paused, deep in thought, "Wait... Oh man, you mustn't have been there that day..."
"Wh-what day? What day did 'eye f*cking' become a normal phrase?!"
"Hey, it's nothing to worry about," he reassured, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder, as if that would calm him down, "It's just a joke we all came up with when we were talking about how gay John and Alex were. Like, how they stare for so long?" Y/N nodded hesitantly, letting Anthony continue, "That's eye f*cking."
Y/N's mouth fell open slightly in shock, "I'm... so mad at myself for not realizing that earlier."
A laugh escaped Anthony's lips, "Hey, don't worry about it. But, do you still wanna practice?"
"Uh..." Y/N paused, mentally debating the situation. It was either get used to the stares then, or on stage and in front of hundreds of people, "Su-sure. What song should we do first?"
"Well, 'Story of Tonight' probably has the most eye f*cking in it, so we should start there?" he suggested, though it came out as more of a question, as if he were asking permission from Y/N.
Y/N felt his heart pick up once again, "Yea-yeah. Good idea."
Sensing his worry, Anthony spoke up, "If you're nervous, just don't think about it too much. Try and think of it as just out characters."
'I can do that, right?' Y/N thought, nodding nervously as Anthony pulled out his phone, trying to find the backup track he practiced with.
Despite being nervous, Y/N loved performing as Alexander. He would always use theatre as an escape. A distraction. As a way to be someone else. And Alexander was a very good distraction from the nervous mess of a person Y/N had come to be. Yes, he was an asshole. (Y/N had mentioned it countless times before, if he could go back in time to meet any historical figure, he would meet Alexander, just to punch him in the face.) But that was apparently the someone Y/N loved to be instead of himself.
"Ready?" Anthony asked, the music ready on his phone.
Y/N nodded, taking deep breaths before beginning to sing, "I may not live to see our glory... but I will gladly join the fight... and when out children tell our story... they'll tell the story of tonight."
Anthony's eyes widened, his cheeks reddening slightly. It had been so long since they had rehearsed together, he had forgotten how much he loved the sound of Y/N's voice.
"Let's have another round tonight," Y/N sang, signaling for Anthony to sing next.
"Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you..." Y/N felt his cheeks heat up as Anthony placed his arm on his shoulder, staring deep into his eyes as he sang, "Raise a glass to the four of us. Tomorrow there'll be more of us. Telling the story of tonight."
"They'll tell the story of tonight," Y/N sang, feeling a pang of disappointment when he had to walk away from Anthony.
"Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away,"
"No matter what they tell you,"
"Raise a glass to the four of us," Y/N felt his cheeks heat up as Anthony sang, gazing deep into his eyes.
"Tomorrow there'll be more of us," they sang together, arms wrapped around his shoulders, "Telling the story of tonight."
"They'll tell the story of tonight." they finished singing, staring deep into each others eyes.
'It's John Laurens. It's John Laurens. It's not Anthony. It's John Laurens. God, John Laurens was probably hot though-' Y/N repeated in his head in an attempt to calm himself down.
Clearing his throat, Y/N pulled away as the music finished, their cheeks burning hot.
"That was great," Anthony exclaimed, sending Y/N a bright smile.
"Thanks," he whispered, "I understand the term eye f*cking now."
Anthony laughed, making butterflies swarm in Y/N's stomach, "Seriously, you did great. I-I forgot how good of a singer you were."
"Heh, thanks. Yo-you did great too."
The two stared at each other as a comfortable silence settled around them, small, content smiles on their faces. Y/N actually felt calm around him for once, as if his heart wasn't racing at the speed of light from just making eye contact with him before.
A moment passed, when Anthony's hands began fidgeting again. A slightly nervous look flashed on his face, when he opened his mouth to speak, "Y/N, I never got-"
Whatever Anthony could've said was quickly interrupted by the door bursting open. The pair looked up to see a very stressed looking man standing in the door frame, a small sigh of relief leaving his mouth when he saw Anthony.
"Ant, thank goodness," he sighed, walking through the door to come closer toward Anthony, "We have a problem."
"Can it wait, Ryan?" Anthony asked, trying to hide the annoyance in his tone, failing horribly.
Ryan huffed, "Unless you wanna go out on stage with a hole in your costume."
Sighing, Anthony faced Y/N, "I guess I'll talk to you later."
Y/N just nodded, trying not to let the disappointment show in his expression.
Walking toward the door with Ryan, Anthony turned back around to face Y/N, "You did great by the way," was all he could say before he was practically dragged the door, the loud slam preventing him from saying anything else.
Y/N sighed as he was left alone in the large, quiet room.
'Thanks, but it's not that hard to pretend that I like you.' Y/N thought, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, as if that would cure all of the stresses he was feeling.
Now wasn't exactly the best time to come to some sort of terms with his feelings.
"Sorry for interrupting you two, I-I had no idea you were rehearsing together."
Anthony sighed, before sending Ryan an apologetic smile, "Don't worry about it. We had pretty much finished up, and the only thing I would've done in there if I had been there any longer would be make a fool out of myself."
Ryan raised an eyebrow, somehow still keeping his focus on the tear he was fixing up in Anthony's costume, "So you two were just rehearsing in there?"
A confused look found it's way on Anthony's face, "Yeah?" he answered, though it came out as more of a question, "What else could we be doing?"
"Anthony, I grew up reading Wattpad fanfiction, I could make a list on what you two could've been doing." Ryan explained, a small smirk on his face.
"Gross," Anthony mumbled with a roll of his eyes, ignoring the way his heart rate sped up.
"I'm just saying that it seems like there's something more going on between you two."
Anthony sighed, "Y/N... No, I-I doubt he sees me that way. Plus, he probably doesn't want to get into a relationship with one of his coworkers."
Ryan huffed in frustration, "Whatever. Your costume's fixed."
"Oh, thanks man," Anthony said, stepping away as he offered a thankful smile toward Ryan.
"My pleasure. Also, my job." he added, pursing his lips, before his tone went slightly more serious, "But seriously, you should talk to him more."
"Ryan-" Anthony sighed, before getting cut off.
"I'm serious, Anthony. You don't have to marry them, just talk to him more."
Sighing, Anthony sent a sarcastic smile toward Ryan, "You're very annoying, you know that."
Ryan shrugged, "I'm persistent."
Y/N anxiously approached Anthony as he was waiting near the stage.
"Hey," he said, greeting him with a nervous smile.
"Hey, Y/N/N, what's up?" 
Y/N had no idea how such a simple nickname could give him so many butterflies, "Uh, I just wanted to see you before we started." Y/N instantly cringed at what he said.
'Just wanted to see you before we started? Who says that? Jeez, I can't have one conversation without being weird can I-'
"Oh, thanks Y/N. I actually wanted to see you too."
"Really?" Y/N asked, feeling their heart rate speed up.
"Yeah," he began, beginning to fidget with his hands again, "I know I said that we should just separate ourselves from our characters for the performance, but..."
"But what?" Y/N asked, waiting for Anthony to finish his sentence.
Anthony sighed, shaking his head quickly before forcing a smile, "Never mind, break a leg out there."
Y/N nodded, a rush of nervousness and excitement filling their body when the lights began to dim, "You too." he whispered, before turning around to leave.
Though the show ran just as usual, Y/N couldn't but feel like he had done the impossible. All the scenes he'd use to dread, all the eye contact he would use to somehow subtly avoid all the time, he had made it through like it was nothing. Was he having the biggest gay panic on the inside? Of course. But did anyone else know that? No. And that was good enough for Y/N.
Y/N quickly made his way back to the dressing room, not wanting to run into any of the cast members that would most definitely want to question him about the scenes he did with Anthony, and he somehow got through them so calmly, something they had never seen before.
With the door of the change room locked, Y/N finally undressed from their costume. They sighed peacefully, finally having a moment to breathe without being stressed out, or without being interrupted by someone-
Y/N's shoulders slumped in disappointment at the sound of the knock at the door. He hung the costume on the rack and walked over toward the hanger, placing it on the rack. While slipping into their pair of jeans, he finally asked: "Who is it?"
"Anthony." he answered back.
Y/N instantly felt heat rise to their cheeks, eyes widened. In a state of panic, they harshly gripped onto the metal clothes rack, which resulted in their hand slipping and falling to the ground, their head hitting the metal with a 'thud'.
"Shit," they hissed, groaning as they quickly tried standing up.
"Everything ok?" Anthony asked, the concern clear in his voice.
Y/N's eyes widened as they saw the handle shaking, looking down at their bare chest, "Yeah! Everything... everything's good. I, uh..." they squeezed their eyes shut, rubbing the back of their as they tried thinking up an answer, "Do you... do you mind coming back later?"
"Oh, sure. You sure you're all good though?"
"Uh-huh." Y/N uttered quickly, looking around the room for their shirt. With no response, Y/N sighed in relief when they figured Anthony had left.
When they found their shirt crinkled up on the floor, they picked it up with a frown, but wore it nonetheless. Fortunately, they had remembered their hoodie, which would thankfully cover the crinkled mess of a shirt they wore. With their things packed up in their duffle bag, Y/N proceeded to exit the change room, opening the door to be face to face with Jasmine, who had a bright smile on her face, despite most likely being exhausted, “Oh hey Jazzy, what’s up?”
”Just wanted to say that you did great out there!” she gushed, making Y/N smile even more.
"Thanks, Jazzy. You were too."
Jasmine chuckled, "Thanks, but I meant you did great with Anthony."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the mention of him, pretty much knowing what Jasmine was going to ask, "Wh-what?"
"You know, with all the intense, loving staring you guys had to do. To act that calm whilst your crush is staring at you like he's secretly in love with you is pure talent. I thought you would've fainted from the way he was looking at you." she explained, shrugging slightly.
"Wait, what? Y-you think I'm into him?" Y/N asked, stepping inside the door frame more.
Jasmine nodded slowly, squinting at the man in front of her, "You mean you're not?"
"No!" Y/N cried, the crack in their voice telling Jasmine everything she needed to know.
"Right..." she mumbled, before turning around to call Pippa and Renee who were chatting just down the hall, "You guys think that Y/N likes Anthony, right?"
"Think?" Pippa asked, a confused look on her face.
"Who doesn't?" Renee asked, her expression matching Pippa's.
"What?!" Y/N demanded, his voice raising eight octaves higher.
"Oh, come on, you're not exactly subtle about it," Jasmine explained, a small smile on her face.
"Ye-yes I am!" Y/N stammered, his grip on the bag strap tightening.
"You're always so flustered around him."
“No I’m not!”
”It’s ok Y/N,” Renee began, “I’m sure there’s tons of people who like him the same way.”
”Bu-but I don’t-“
Y/N jumped, poking their head through the door space to see Anthony standing in the hall.
”Hey,” they replied, ignoring how Jasmine, Renee and Pippa stared at them with wide smiles.
”Um, can I talk to you? I-if you guys are done…?”
The women in front of Y/N all nodded happily, before walking off, smirking at Y/N and Anthony, despite the hard glare Y/N sent them.
When they were out of Y/N’s sight, he walked fully through the door space, greeting Anthony with a smile, “What’s up?”
”Y/N, I have something to tell you." Anthony began. Y/N couldn't help but notice his hands fidgeting together again. It had to be a nervous thing.
"What's up?"
”Um…” he mumbled, looking around at all the people walking through the halls, bustling to get out of the building, “Do you mind if we go somewhere more private?”
Y/N’s cheeks instantly heated up, but instantly suppressed those thoughts and gave a small nod, letting Anthony lead the way outside and behind the building. It was dark, the only light provided was the fading light bulb in the street lamp. Though Y/N was still able to make out Anthony’s face and all the gorgeous, gorgeous freckles that covered it. Y/N would’ve felt unsafe if it weren’t for Anthony. Despite almost never talking to him, he had formed some sort of bond with him during the performance and rehearsal time.
”So,” Y/N began, rocking their heels on the ground, swaying slightly, “What do you need?”
Anthony felt his heart rate speed up. He couldn’t even describe how adorable that one simple thing was to him. But he knew he needed to tell Y/N before anything else happened. With a deep breath, he spoke, "Lin... never told me you were nervous about those scenes."
"What?" Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his feet stopped rocking.
"I... I kinda just wanted to do that scene with you, not in front of hundreds of people for once. Just with you."
Y/N just stared at him, his head tilted to the side in confusion.
‘Fuck he looks adorable like that,’ Anthony thought.
"Because, we never talk. We never hang out. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me."
"I just don’t understand… you could’ve just asked me. I would’ve said yes.”
Anthony sighed, “Well it’s not like you acted like you liked me.”
’Finally someone gets it!’
“You never talked to me. You always avoided me like you hated me.” Anthony explained, “I gave you my number hoping you would use it and talk to me more, but when you never did I just thought you didn’t like me.”
“Wha- I don’t hate you! I-I didn’t call you because I though you only gave me your number for work shit. I thought you only gave me your number cause you thought you had to. I didn’t talk to you because I thought you didn’t want to talk and I didn’t want to bother you! A-and I avoided you because…” Y/N trailed off, staring down at the ground, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Probably wouldn’t be the best idea to say ‘I avoided you cause I really like you and I’m afraid to be awkward and make a fool out of myself, also you’re really fucking hot and I get flustered really easily’.
”Why? Di-did I do something wrong? Why did you avoid me?”
Y/N was unable to make out Anthony's tone. He seemed frustrated, upset, and desperate at the same time somehow. Anthony's shoulders slumped in disappointment, a sad sigh leaving his mouth as he turned around to walk away. Y/N opened his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Instead, he just watched as Anthony walked about a meter away, before turning back around, meeting Y/N's eyes.
"I thought you were gonna stop me." he mumbled.
"Wait, what?"
Anthony sighed, walking toward Y/N, "I thought you were gonna stop me dramatically, like in those movies, you know?"
"Wha- what movies? What movies have you been watching?"
"You know," he began, a small smile forming on his lips, "The ones where they do this."
Y/N's heart beat so fast, he thought it would shoot out of his chest as Anthony cupped Y/N's face with his hands, gently pressing his lips onto his.
The kiss was short, barely lasting two seconds before they both pulled away, but it was still one of the best feelings either of them had ever experienced in their lives.
Y/N's cheeks flushed with heat as they met Anthony's face, "So those kinds of movies."
A/N: I swear I didn't mean to make this 4k words and 12 pages (that's a lie lol). the ending was kinda rushed, but I'm tired and it's good enough
buy me a coffee <3
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
hello!! May I request a Rei Batsubami one-shot where reader (she/her) gets insecure and jealous because Rei is so popular with girls? Thank you!
Nothing to Worry About
Rei Batsubami x She/ Her Reader
A/N: I wasn’t sure what pronouns Rei prefers. The wikis I looked at use some variation of he/they/she depending on what phase of the season they were in. Since this is taking place before Rei gets to write themself back into the family I decided on using they/them. Now that I think about it, they/she or she/they probably would be more accurate idk. Hope this is alright! Word Count: 964
“Rei-san, I’ve been looking for you!”
“Me too!”
(Y/n) watched from the sidelines, a displeased frown easily readable upon her lips. She knew that Rei was gathering votes for something big, but she didn’t like how easily all these other girls flocked to them looking for their attention. Neither did she like how soft and kind Rei was when dealing with them nor the gentle, consoling way Rei would smile and touch their shoulders and hands.
(Y/n)’s dagger like glare went unnoticed and the girls took their sweet time putting their votes into Rei’s box before finally parting ways. (Y/n) was so busy glaring at their backs that she failed to notice Rei come up to her until they were leaning against her.
“What’s wrong?” Rei asked, rubbing (Y/n)’s shoulders.
“Nothing.” (Y/n) grumbled unconvincingly.
“I find that hard to believe. You’re really tense. Talk to me.”
(Y/n) exhaled harshly through her nose, mulling over how to voice what they were feeling. Just as she found the courage to speak what had been on her mind and parted her lips, another group of giggling girls came up to surround Rei with votes and other little homemade gifts.
Rei treated the girls cordially, yet swiftly. When the last of the girls finally departed, Rei turned around to address (Y/n) again, only to find her gone. Worried, they immediately began their search for her. They knew something was wrong and they wouldn’t be a very good partner if they didn’t give her the support she needed. They walked through the halls giving the girls who wished for them to stop for a chat quick apologies and kind smiles as they kept up their search.
“Looking for someone?”
“Totobami-sama, Yumi-san, good afternoon,” Rei bowed, “Yes, I am looking for someone. Have you seen my girlfriend come through here by chance?”
“Oh! Yeah, I think I saw her!” Yumi nodded excitedly. “I think we passed her on our way inside.”
“Thank you. I’ll be going then.”
“Just a moment, Rei.” Terano said, causing Rei to pause.
“I’ve heard whispers that you are collecting votes. Have you decided to join in on Kirari’s little game after all?”
“I may or may not have something in mind. Nothing worthy of your attention I assure you.” Rei bowed again. “Good day to you.”
Terano lingered on Rei’s expression for a few more seconds before closing her eyes with indifference.
“Good day.” She said in return, dropping the subject. She motioned for Yumi to continue and they went about their day while Rei went outside to search the grounds.
Rei was worried that Terano was onto them, but they didn’t have time to dwell on that now. This whole stupid election could wait until after they found out what was going on with (Y/n).
“There you are,” Rei sighed audibly with relief when they found (Y/n) laying under a tree not far from the main walkway, “why did you disappear on me? Are you sick?”
“I’m fine,” (Y/n) huffed, “go back to whatever harem you’ve got going on in there. I don’t care.”
“Harem?” Rei chuckled, taking a seat beside (Y/n). “You mean the girls giving me their votes?”
“What else would I be referring to?” (Y/n) frowned, crossing her arms tightly. “And they give you way more than votes. Don’t pretend to be so surprised.”
“You don’t need to be jealous of them. You know you’re the only girl for me, right?” Rei snuck their hand underneath (Y/n)’s bicep and tugged her arm free. Then they caught (Y/n)’s hand and held it between both of theirs.
“Sometimes I just don’t know.” (Y/n) sniffled. “Part of me is glad all of these girls are as enraptured with you as I am. That they see you as I do, how you deserved to be seen, but then… there are so many of them and surely some of them would be better for you than me. I don’t know.” She said, her hand shaking in Rei’s hold.
“You’ve known me forever and no one knows the struggles the Bami Families have put me through like you do. You even transferred schools to support me here. None of them can hold a candle to you.” Rei pulled (Y/n) into their chest and kissed the top on her head. “I’ll be more firm against their advances from now on. Votes be damned. If you’re ever feeling insecure about my feelings for you, please tell me and I will tell you how much you mean to me every time.”
“You don’t have to do that, I’m being silly.”
“Your feelings aren’t silly—”
“Oh! There they are!”
“Rei-san, good afternoon!”
“Please accept our votes!”
“We made you a treat!”
The group of girls circled around and (Y/n) tried to sit up, only for Rei to hold firm.
“Thank you. This is all very nice. Especially these treats you all worked so hard on, my girlfriend loves these.”
“Oh… is that right?” Some the the girls looked downtrodden while others pouted and a couple even glared at (Y/n).
“Yes, we really appreciate your kindness, but I must ask you all to give us some space. We’re having an important discussion right now.”
A bunch of muddled affirmatives left the group and they all walked away, some nosy girls glancing behind their shoulders to try to catch a hint of what they could be talking about before continuing on.
“Now they’re mad at us.” (Y/n) sighed, idly munching on one of the treats that the mob left.
“They’ll get over it. It’s not as if they didn’t know you existed before.”
“I’m not so sure they did. It’s like I don’t exist when you’re around.”
“I’ll be sure to remind them from now on then.”
And remind them they did.
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nat-20s · 3 years
8 for jmart?
#8- constantly cheacking their messages for words from the other
what else was I gonna do? here's some classic ol' season 3 pining babey
Hello Martin. This is Jon. I have gotten a new phone after losing my last one, please put in the new number.
It's a simple message. Straightforward, factual, and utilitarian. There is no reason that pressing send should make his heart race. There's especially no reason that the second he sends it off, he's tempted to lie on the deeply uncomfortable, likely bedbug infested motel mattress staring at his screen until he gets a response. Sure, he's sick of being overseas, and he's sick of being so isolated, and he's sick of running, but he's not...desperate for what little companionship can even be provided by words on a screen.
He does miss Martin, though. He misses Tim as well, but in a manner that's significantly more complex and knotted than the simple desire to be around him.
God, when did he start wanting to just be around Martin? He started being aware of that want when he was at Georgie's, but he has no idea when the want itself actually started. That was probably something he should examine. Technically speaking, that is something that he has time to examine, but he doesn't want to examine right now. Right now, he wants the comfort of perhaps one of the only people out there that doesn't want to kill him, or use him, or both.
Martin, whether through somehow sensing Jon's discontent from nearly 4000 miles away or, more likely, through a general dutifulness inherent to his character, only takes a few minutes to reply. Oh good! it'd been a little bit since hearing from you, we were somewhat worried. putting you in my contacts as we speak :)!
Saying that "we" were worried is almost certainly generous on Martin's part, but Jon feels no need to point that out. Instead he turns on his side and stares at the phone. He particularly focuses on the smiley face, ridiculously charmed by the fact that, despite everything, Martin hasn't lost his predilection for emojis. Two years ago, he would've rolled his eyes, maybe thought something snide about professionalism. It wouldn't have been fair, as Tim used to do the same thing and he thought nothing of it, but he wasn't fair back then. Now, he simply wonders if he can get away with sending one back.
Before he can respond, Martin sends another message. Are you actually alright? I realized I was kind of assuming that losing your phone was the only reason you were MIA, but is anything else going on?
Damn. He tends to forget how perceptive Martin can be. What, exactly, Martin had perceived in that first message, Jon couldn't be sure, but apparently there was something that tipped him off to the..eventful last week he'd had. He really, really doesn't feel like getting into all of that right now, especially not over text, so instead he replies a mostly truthful I'm fine.
Then, squinting at the screen and realizing that might come across as a dismissal, he adds, Well, other than trying not to contemplate the general sanitation practices of a motel that clearly hasn't updated it's decor since the 70s. I'm suspecting the sheets are much the same.
He doesn't know how Martin will react to the message. He can't see the face he'll make, won't know the tone of his voice. However, he likes to imagine that Martin will at least smile. Maybe he'll even give that breath of a laugh, the one that sometimes happens when Jon's being lightly acerbic and it's not directed at him. He doesn't know, but he does hope for it. Martin texts back Oof. Maybe sleep on top of the covers tonight, yeah?, and Jon thinks that he might have guessed Martin's reaction correctly.
Christ, who knew all it took was a combination of jetlag and threats to turn him into a sap. He needs to sleep. He really needs a deep, proper, uninterrupted sleep, one lasting a minimum of eight hours and ideally closer to fifteen. Checking the time, it would be a fairly reasonable time to sleep, especially with the early start he has tomorrow. He considers sending off a quick good night message, but then has the realization that as reasonable as it is for him to be asleep right now, it's just as unreasonable for Martin to be awake. Are you alright? Good lord, Martin, it's almost 4am over there. Did I wake you?
Barely 30 seconds pass before he gets back no, you're good!
A beat, then a follow up message. I've had a irregular sleep schedule since I was like 16. A lot of evening and night shifts had a lasting impact u know? Working at the institute made it a bit more consistent but it's still p rare that i sleep the same eight hours night to night.
Jon's starts to text back something sympathetic; he's had his own struggles with both in- and hyper- somnia, but his phone buzzes in his hand before he can finish it.
Sorry! That was uh probably more information than you wanted.
Well, that just won't do. Even if there wasn't a part of his brain that had recently started collecting facts about Martin like they were precious jewels instead of mostly mundane stories, he doesn't want Martin to think he can't talk to him about things outside of the standard bounds of coworkers. Not at all. We're friends, Martin, I enjoy learning about you.
His brain wants to catastrophize the second he presses send. For the first minute that Martin doesn't reply, he doesn't let it. After the second minute, he allows the minor worry to become more severe. Had it been too much? Were they friends? Jon certainly thought so, but what if Martin wasn't in the same boat? Their interactions had been entirely friendly for months now, but what if that was just Martin being polite? God, what if Martin still thought of Jon as his boss, nothing more?
Ten minutes. It takes ten minutes for Martin to finally respond, and Jon has almost called him four times to explain himself. Ten minutes, and the first response is only Oh!
Then: Cool
Well, that's not a "piss off and die", but it's not exactly comforting. Jon doesn't know how to reply, staring at the words on his screen and not entirely sure if he's fucked up or not. Fortunately, Martin's not done responding, and the next message is much, much better.
Hey uh. Feel free to say no I know it's getting late over there but. Im not getting back to sleep for the rest of the day and itd be nice to actually hear you. Would you be okay with a call?
Without a moment's hesitation, he texts back Yes!, exclamation and all, because he's become someone he barely recognizes. The phone rings just as immediately, and he feels his entire body relax at Martin's first "Hello?"
Things are difficult right now. Things have been difficult ever since the promotion that was a curse in disguise. The world is filled with monsters he barely understands. He wishes he was home despite the fact that he barely recognizes it, as filled with tension and strife as it is. There's so much to discuss, so many things they should be hammering out. But right now, the threats are not pressing. Right now, he can hear about the bad true crime documentary Martin half-watched before he got Jon's texts, and Jon can bitch about the three different "pip pip cheerio" comments he's gotten since coming over seas. Right now, and for the hour before Jon drifts off, breathing slow and deep, he can pretend that this is an ordinary phone call, in an ordinary world, between two people who simply miss each other an extraordinary amount.
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The next night, Kisara and Ohma made their way towards the port, and they met with Kaede and Yamashita. There, Kiryu with his employer and her secretary came by to say hello - Same with Hatsumi and Nogi. Apparently those with the official invitation were allowed to go on the huge yacht that looked like the Titanic, while everyone else was forced to go on what looked like a beat down cargo ship that would sink the second people step on it. Awful.
Kisara felt absolutely sea-sick and she had to cling onto Ohma's arm - She loved going at sea, but not on a death trap ship! "Hatsumi Senpai, save meeeee~!" she wailed, getting dragged on that god-forsaken ship. "I think I feel more at place on this one" Ohma shrugged, patting her head simply. "But where are they gonna take us on this ship?" Yamashita asked, confused as he looked around. "No idea... I'm sure they'll make an announcement soon enough." Kaede sighed, trying to assess the situation as professionally as always. "Do you have any idea?" Ohma asked someone. "Uh, Ohma? Who are you talking to?" Yamashita asked, looking back with dread. "Huh? Who? I'm talking to her. Why?" Ohma pointed towards a girl shorter than even his partner. "Oh, hello! Nice to meet you!" she greeted the group cheerfully. "She's been following us around for a while now." the fighter spoke nonchalantly. "Oh, sorry - About that - Kind of missed my chance to introduce myself. Pleased to meet you! My name's Kushina Rin! I'm here on Mr. Nogi's orders to work as your secretary, Mr. Yamashita! So, Mr. Yamashita, I hope to serve you as best as I can!" she spoke very cheerfully. "S-S-Secretary?!" his jaw dropped to the ground, stunned out of his mind. "A secretary, eh? You've really made your way up in the world, Yamashita Kazuo." but before the poor man could protest, an announcer told the fighters to go through one of those doors, while everyone else was to go up the stairs. "Huh?! Does that mean that Ohma's parting ways with us now...?!" the old man was worried about his fighter. "Yeah, looks like it. Bye, Yamashita Kazuo. Hasashi Kisara, take care of them." with one last pat on her head, Ohma left through the door.
Up the stairs, there was a glass wall that remembered Kisara of the Louvre museum pyramid, and they could see the fighters from up there. Ohma looked pretty lonely out there, standing close to a corner - But he spotted them up there, and made a motion that he was thirsty. The manager realised that he forgot to return his drink, and wanted to hurry getting it back to him, but Kaede, with her dignified secretary look, said she'd do it. 
"Ohhh, so cool~ Hey, Mr. Yamashita, do you think they're... An item?" Rin got close to the old man and pretended to whisper. "Huh?! Miss Akiyama and Ohma? I really don't --" Yamashita blinked, looking in surprise at her. "You think so...? Well, I think they'd make a cute couple..." the smaller secretary spoke, making Kaede's eye twitch at how she was so shameless, speaking about her love life in front of her. "No, wait, you're right - It might actually be possible...!" the old man's eyes widened in surprise. "Will you two stop talking about things like that?" the blonde glared at the two.
Kisara bit her lip and nonchalantly took the bottle from the old man's hand, going on ahead without another word. She wasn't jealous, and she definitely didn't think any differently of Kaede or anyone else who felt attracted to Ohma, nor would she blame them, considering the two of them never came out and expressed their relationship directly. It didn't mean that she was happy hearing that someone else would look cute as her partner's girlfriend. It kinda stung, but at the same time, she really couldn't blame them. 
The door was pretty heavy, but Kisara had no huge trouble opening it and tossing the bottle to Ohma - He drank that drink in a blink, and he seemed pretty happy... And pumped up. "You're a life-saver." he smirked, crumbling up the bottle. "Ha, thank you, dear." she hummed in amusement. "Y'know - Rin and Yamashita Kazuo said that you and Kaede would look incredibly cute together. What do you think~ ♪?" she chuckled, teasing him. Ohma snorted, looking at her enigmatic smile. "Yeah, so? Let them think what they want." this typical him answer made her chuckle even more. "Well, darling, anything else I can do for you?" she asked, getting her hands in her pockets, swaying back and forth on her feet. "Nah, I'm good - But don't go yet. What do you think of this situation?" he asked, that cocky grin plastering on his face. "Well - Remember all those battle royale anime I've watched? That's what I'm thinking. You'll be fighting until there's only few of you left. So - You'll have lots of fun~ ♪!" she matched that grin of his, as hyped up as he was. "So you're thinking what I'm thinking. This is gonna be quite the show." that devilish look of his was making the red head feel heat on her cheeks - How handsome this man was, and he was all hers.
As they shared that mischievous look, the doors were slammed close, and the captain explained that they won't open until only 5 remain standing. Kisara slapped her forehead in disdain, and shrugged her shoulders - Nothing could be done about this tragic situation, so might as well enjoy the ride.
"Well, sweety, I guess, there is that! Protect thy fair maiden from the foes that threaten her life!" she laughed, stepping to lean back on a wall and watching her partner laugh at her words. "Ha, you've got a lot of nerve for someone who could easily beat these guys up in no time!" in that instant, two men jumped up, bashing Ohma for bringing 'a chick', and were ready to punch him - But he easily redirected them to punch each other. "Alright, then! Get ready to be protected, Your Majesty." he got protectively in front of her, while she merely smiled tenderly at him. "O, my knight in shining armor, purge this world of these puny weaklings that have deluded themselves into thinking they stand a chance against your might~♥️ !" she was having way too much fun with this. "More fancy words, and I'll throw you as bait." she simply pouted at his answer.
Still, as she watched Ohma get in a fighting stance, she heard his last name being yelled out rather passionately - Rihito has revealed himself, saying he's missed Ohma and all that - But that was irrelevant. He perfected his Razor's Edge... Not that he would ever be a threat or anything of the sort. 
"Hey, aren't you that chick I saw before at the fight?" Rihito's eyes widened greatly, as they trailed up and down Kisara's outfit, mostly, that black crop top of hers that looked so good with her 'neo-samurai girl' aesthetic of high-waisted black pants, boots and a black and red haori with spider lilies that was staying loosely around her form, and a fox mask next to her sword.  "Uh - Yeah, you did. I brought Ohma his drink, and - ... You're not even listening, are you" Kisara sighed, sweat dropping at the blond. "Are you single?" she wasn't even able to answer, she just hit hear head back on the wall. "No, she's not." she heard Ohma answering in her stead - It was the first time he ever said anything like that before. Frankly, it made her pretty happy. "Don't worry Miss Kisara! Rihito's here to protect you!" it's as if he didn't listen to anything either of them said. "No thanks, I'm fine." she replied immediately. "She says she's fine." he seemed as bored as she was about the obnoxious blond. Still Rihito was pretty hell-bent on 'protecting Miss Kisara' and getting Ohma to the main act, so they could have a match again. "Stand back, Miss Kisara! There's gonna be a bit of a blood rain tonight!" he was pretty hyped up, while Kisara could only hold her fist up in the air and say a monotonous 'yay'.
She's seen significantly better, granted, and she never thought Rihito was ever that great to begin with. Still, considering everything, for a preliminaries show, the most she can do is pick out any person with any above average skill that may get on to the main act of the tournament. Out of nowhere, the red head heard a bunch of really weird and completely non-sensical English curses, along with the sound of people getting knocked to the ground. From nowhere, a pretty tall guy with a huge grin was doing pelvic thrusts into the air. He was kinda creepy, and that mustache didn't help.
"Hasashi Kisara, is THAT a fighter too?" Ohma asked the girl. "Looks like it - But his curses kinda freak me out. Oh - He's looking our way. Great." she sighed, shaking her head in disdain. "He looks like he can entertain me a little." he smirked, confident that he could easily defeat him. "Oh! Are you my next target?!" thus, the American extended his arms forwards , fists closed, and propelled himself forwards, looking like a weird Superman, springing forwards towards Ohma. Kisara, just like Ohma, were looking with surprise at this man - His leaping was really weird and definitely something they've never seen before. He could pride himself for being very fast, like a missile... Though, this speed was nothing compared to theirs.
Ohma got his hands and fingers into position and waited until this man was close enough, so he completely changed the course of his phlight, with his Redirection Kata: Weeping Willow move - And he was thrown into the wall - Still, at that high speed, he was able to avoid collision and he redirected himself, as if he bounced or just like a diver in a swimming pool. "You're more fresh than mama's apple pie!" he cried out, triumphant with his technique. "Someone, please, knock him out already - I can't deal with those awful one-liners!" Kisara groaned, only for her eyes to widen, realising that he was charging in her direction. "When I said I wanted to die, I didn't mean in this fashion, and definitely not in this garbage bin of a ship." she sighed, crossing her eyes and waiting. The American tried to pull the breaks of his charge with his feet, but it was to no avail - He couldn't stop, nor stir in another direction other than Kisara's. He simply smiled in embarrassment and guilt. "I'm sorry, girl! This probably won't kill you, so please, forgive me for this!" The time she blinked, a flash of black found its way in front of her. "For God's sake, at least scream or something. You're not making yourself worth protecting. You could have knocked him out with a simple kick." he chuckled, looking past his shoulder and down at her. "O, my knight in shining armor, have you forgotten thy duty? Protect Thy Majesty, till death do us 'part? That and - I just like seeing you show off. You're very attractive when you do." she laughed nonchalantly, making his smirk widen. "Ha! You took at heart what I said four years ago. I really do have a thing for strong girl who're honest with their feelings."  saying that, he flexed a bit, getting in a fighting stance, something that was similar to the way he stood like a shield, before her - Kisara couldn't help but bring her hand up to her mouth, stifling an amused giggle. "Well then - Will you tell me what was that you just used? I never saw you using that technique before." she pointed out, stepping sideways to get a better look of his stance. "That's because it's fucking lame - And I can't control it. Guess I don't really have an option." his cocky smirk was ever present. "So confident with something you can't control - I aspire to get to that level of self-assurance." she grinned, leaning back on the wall. Ohma used his elbow to block and then hit the American's face, knocking him out immediately - But, unlike before, he complained about his arm and side hurting, because of the technique he can't control properly. Still, once this opponent was done for, Kisara counted the remaining fighter - Just five remained. The captain called out that the preliminaries were over, and thus, the doors were opened. Once the two met up with Yamashita and the two secretaries, the ship reached the great Titanic-esque yacht, and the winners were directed towards the S.S. Kengan.
The five members of the Yamashita Trading Company were assaulted by Rihito, mainly Kaede and Kisara, who couldn't stop his perverted comments, and how he tried to play off touching them by 'giving them a shoulder massage'. "Where do you live?" No. "Wanna go for dinner?" Don't touch me."At least give me your number?" Go kill yourself. "At least just let me get your pussy!" Okay, that's it -
Kisara was on the verge of turning around to sock him in the face, but much to that idiot's luck, Ohma grabbed her wrist and dragged her in front of him, his hand protectively on her shoulders. "Shouldn't you be with the people from your own company right now?" his voice was lower than usual, and annoyed as well. "It's just me. Ah, you wanna know? Fine, I'll tell ya! As a matter of fact - I AM the president of S.F. Cold Storage." thus, as he continued grabbing away at poor Kaede, Rihito proudly told everyone that, after working at Nogi's storage company, the CEO came over to him and made him a president, as long as he voted for him as a chairman. Although, a smart political move on Nogi's part, he didn't really choose this chess piece well... Rihito was the bottom of the bunch without a doubt, and he had no way of even coming close, when it came to Takeshi, Hatsumi, or even little Cosmo! Not to mention Ohma - Also, some of those preliminary fighters weren't half-bad either, especially that mysterious arabian guy, or the old man. Rihito had absolutely no chance.
Still, with this conversation going, Rin was able to explain that not only Rihito, but Yamashita was in the same situation, so basically, this tournament was a battle of wits between the puppeteers... And even so, the ones doing the fighting are equally important. Well - All Ohma and Rihito cared about was... All they gotta do is win. Easy as that, and honestly, not wrong either.
The Chairman was then presented before all of them, with a ton of bodyguards all around him, and rightfully so. At that moment, he might just be THE most powerful man in the world, without any exaggeration. The old man explained everything there was about the basics of the tournament, only for the mysterious fighter to get pissed off and step forward, complaining that the ones in the preliminations didn't deserve to be treated that way, and that they were in no way inferior to the 28 or so that received the special invitation and went straight to the main part of the tournament... And into the luxurious yacht.
The Prince stepped forward, ready to go up to the chairman, but he was easily defeated and thrown into the ocean... By a simple bodyguard - Not even one of the main, important ones, just one of those basic ones. Pathetic. Is this the level of competition that Ohma has? Because if so, his win is in the bag.
Thankfully, they were finally allowed to step inside the S.S. Kengan, and Kisara's eyes widened and she remained speechless. If she could describe this opulence with anything, she would think of Jay Gatsby's parties - She's been dreaming of being able to attend something like this ever since she was a little kid, watching Disney movies. She felt so out of place, dressed like this... At least she has a cute dress in her luggage and tomorrow, she won't be sticking out like a sore thumb anymore.  Hopefully, at least. She never had any reason to buy an elegant dress, considering she never had expensive events to attend, so... This was something else entirely.
Ohma immediately took off to find some food and he was nowhere to be seen, Rihito, thankfully, was lost in space, looking for girls, and Yamashita and the two secretaries were going towards a table. Kisara was alone, and freaking out internally. She was average height, but she couldn't see any of her friends from that spot, and she was afraid she might get herself lost in this huge place if she ventures too far away.
Oh, no, she was wrong. How could she not see Sekibayashi, even from the other end of the world? Kisara grinned and skipped towards the giant pro-wrestler, only to see, at the table, little Cosmo. Her smile grew ever larger. "Cos! Seki! Hi~ ♪ !" her whole mood changed to one much chirper and happy. "Ah! Kisara-nee-san! I should have known you'd be here too! Senpai and bro will be so happy when they see you!" the blond boy, still munching on food, jolted up from the table and hugged the girl tightly, swaying her a bit before allowing her to sit down next to him, pushing one of the plates towards her so that she would eat a bit too.  "Woaw, Cos, what a warm welcome. I'm so happy to see you two, and I can't wait to see them as well! I missed you, guys." she chuckled softly, making the smaller boy grin cheekily, yet his face was a tint pinker. "Ever the charmer, little princess. Glad to see that Tokita boy made it through. I hope to face him again and see if he's improved at all." the wrestler chuckled lowly. "As long as I don't see any back-breakers again, I'll be very happy. You really put on a great show, I can't wait to see you guys fighting. Actually... I don't think I've seen 'Tsuki-san fight before, have I? It's been four years and nothing. That's going to be exciting." she blinked, surprising herself with that realisation. "I've only seen him fight once or twice, but they're always very quick. Senpai's matches always end in less than five hits. He's a real pro, you'll love it!" Cosmo praised senpai.
It was already close to 2 or 3 in the morning, and Kisara was getting tired, but had no idea where she could go sleep or something... And she'd rather not do what kids do on a trip and use someone's shoulder, that would be embarrassing.  Her saving grace, however, came in the form of Ohma himself, who just swooped over, not greeting anyone - As always - And simply sweeping his partner to follow him. Apparently, after a filling dinner... And even more, in the plate he was holding, he asked a butler where the dormitories for the fighters would be, so he could crash. The Yacht will be arriving in about 27 hours, so it was enough time for a deep sleep... And even more food afterwards!
Getting inside the bedroom, Kisara quickly went to take a shower and dress in her nightgown so she could finally rest her exhausted body - She couldn't even imagine what the fighters would be feeling after that fight, and frankly, she didn't want to know either. Getting on the bed, she ate what remained from Ohma's dinner, dinner that he kept for her, and let out a deep sigh of content. Next to her, Ohma rolled to his side and extended his arms towards her, pulling her close to his body. Kisara smiled tenderly and hugged his head to her chest, playing with his hair. "You're gonna fuck them up, sweety~♥️ " she kissed his forehead softly. "It won't be easy, but you're gonna show them who's really the strongest man out there." Ohma let out a small hum of amusement and something that resembled a peaceful state that he rarely could achieve... Only in her arms, in that warm, loving embrace of hers, with those encouraging words and whatever woman-magic thingy she was doing to him. He never felt addicted to anything, nor attached to thing in general. He only needed his body and his wits alone to survive and finish any objective he wanted. Despite all this, he couldn't deny... The past four years have been the most 'emotionally happy', as she'd say.
He always remembers her rambling on the phone, when she'd comfort her dysfunctional friends about whatever relationship they had, he'd find himself agreeing with most of the things she'd tell them. He knew she liked him, but unlike what all her friends did, she never pressured him into anything - Hell, he never even called her 'girlfriend' or 'lover' or whatever other pet names normal people did. She was fine, as long as he was comfortable and at ease around her. She wanted him to trust and respect her, and that's what he did. Kisara is the only person alive that he trusts and cherishes. He won't name any word around the way he was feeling, but even if she doesn't ask him to, he will protect her.
She was so small and fit so well in his big arms, yet here she was, holding him like he was a little child seeking for comfort. She was cute back then, when she was more timid, but she's just as cute now, after gaining her confidence boost. Although until the kickboxer incident he's never seen her fight before, he was impressed that the girl who only survived on coffee and 2 hours of sleep was able to achieve, in such a short time, great speed and techniques. He was proud of his speed, but thanks to her petite frame and for weighting half of his kilograms, her great reflexes became unbelievable. He's never fought women before, and he had no idea what they're capable of, but her confident smirk and taunts were turning him off. Maybe that's why she always tells him to show off in front of her and gives him compliments. He knew he was declared universally 'attractive', but that mattered little to him. He wasn't like his stupid master, who told him to hit on any pretty girl he found. He couldn't care less about that.
And now, more than ever, in this tournament where only the strongest were present... He was going to show everyone that he was truly on top of the world. "That's right. And you're gonna be there to watch and cheer on me all the way to the top."
The next day, Kisara dressed in that cute blue summer dress of hers that flower around her ankles like the ocean waves, and her hair was falling down to her waist like a crimson cascade, and a cute bow was holding two small braids on the back. Most of the time of the day, she spent around Kaede and Rin, as Ohma was being pestered by Rihito and he wouldn't stop flirting around, but at night, she went by herself to get one of those really good cocktails, and on the way back to the dormitories...
She got lost.
I'm such a dumbass - Kisara thought to herself as she stepped forwards, hoping to find something to pin point her location. Lucky her, she heard the familiar voice of Cosmo. Smiling in relief, she walked a bit faster, hoping to still catch him. And he was with Wakatsuki too! "Hey, you two~ ♪ !" she called out cheerfully, lazily waving her arm around. "Ah, 'Nee-san!" Cosmo was the first to turn around, only to widen his eyes. "Behind you!" he cried out, but it was too late. Someone roughly slammed their hands on her shoulders. Kisara let out a small 'eep' sound, startled by the manhandling... But more, by the fact that whoever that was, made her spill some of that ice-cold drink on her hand, and it was going to get sticky. "Guess we've got our hands on a good bait, huh?" a dark voice called out from behind her. "Let go of her!" Cosmo stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "Yeah, you heard him! I'm wearing my pretty dress and you're dirtying it with your gross hands." Kisara called out, reaching out in her purse to get some tissues, but before she could, she got shaken. And she dropped the glass on the floor. "Well, now you've done it! And it was really good too! You guys are jerks!" she groaned, looking down at the spilled cocktail with disappointment. "This bitch has no idea who she's talking to. Maybe we should teach her a lesson before we get to that small fry, eh?" the same voice growled and spun Kisara around so she'd face them. They, however, weren't expecting that the perpetrator would be feeling the heel of her thick wedged sandal in his chin. "Don't make me fight, I'm in a dress! What are you, perverts? Don't you know - Girls like being pretty around handsome men." she mocked the two idiots, and this time, by her own accord, she spun, making her cute dress fly around her gracefully, and she grabbed the other lackey that was lunging at her, and flipped him down, slamming her shoe down on his face... Down on the glass shards. "If you were trying to take down those two, but got taken down by me in two moves... You're even worse than those guys at the preliminaries. How pathetic." she scoffed, stepping on their bodies so she wouldn't be getting in the drink, and she made her way towards the two fighters. "Tsuki-san, could you please fix my bow? It always moves." she chuckled, turning her back to him, and she felt his fingers clumsily working around her hair. "Haha, Nee-san was so cool! You know, I really wanted a good workout, I was getting pretty bored of this voyage - But I guess you had all the fun to yourself! Well, I wouldn't call that fun, but still." Cosmo laughed, giving her a thumbs up. "You can still have your workout, kid - Look, they got up. So, have fun~!" she grinned at the younger one. "To think that I got Cosmo here, hoping to stay away from those guys, but they found us here too... How annoying." Wakatsuki sighed, stepping in front of the girl. Whilst the guy with a beanie went over to fight with Cosmo, the silent one went directly to the older fighter.
Cos got hit with that guy's brass knuckles - How unfair. He must be an assassin. No, she was wrong. That guy said he just needs to get Cosmo's fighter spot. He's in it for the money, but considering they came in a group of two... It didn't seem like he was just some stranger. "Cosmo, be careful. These guys aren't just thugs, they were hired by some company. Remember the Chairman's words. The one who wins gets to NOMINATE the future chairman. They're definitely working for someone who's in the tournament." Kisara called out to the younger boy. "Yeah, I see. I got it now. I really don't want you becoming a fighter." and with a simple grapple move, Cosmo got behind that guy weilding another baton weapon, and got him in a python hold, knocking him unconscious. "Don't worry, Kisara. I'll finish this quick. This isn't a place for girls to be at. We'll escort you back to your room." just after saying that, Wakatsuki stepped in front of the silent attacker. Before the enemy could even move, Wakatsuki, without getting in a stance... Or even bothering to blink or move a muscle, extended his arm... Or, punched, rather said, the attacker. He was slammed into the wall behind him. At the deafening, sudden noise, both Cos and Kisara jumped in their skin, only to look, more or less surprised, at the disaster the senpai made. "I... Think you went a bit overboard, senpai..." Cosmo chuckled awkwardly. "Pathetic. He broke after just one punch." Takeshi's voice was low and bored, completely unimpressed. Considering his 306 win record, and how long he's been fighting in the association, this must have been one of those stupidly easy fights. Well, if even Kisara could destroy them, it was no wonder Wakatsuki could blink and pulverize them. "That. Was. Absolutely. AWESOME!" Kisara cheered on the man, stupefied at the destroyed concrete wall. "THIS LOOKS LIKE IN CARTOONS - THERE'S NO WAY -- YOU'RE FUCKING FANTASTIC! See, I told you! YOU are the real Superhuman!" she laughed, unable to take her eyes away from the wall. "It's no big deal. Come on, let's go sleep, it's getting late." with an amused exhale, Wakatsuki walked ahead, followed by the two younger ones. "Ah - Before that, I want to go get myself another drink, I hope you don't mind. You don't have to come, I don't want to bother you!" she spoke quickly, not wanting to burden the two. "You already got lost once, who knows where you'll end up next. It's fine, we're men, that's what we do." he reassured her, not looking back even once. "Yeah, Nee-san, he's right, you know! So relax and enjoy that drink of yours!" Cos put his arm around her, and together, they rushed ahead like silly children. "Those two... I swear..." Takeshi shook his head, the ghost of a smile on his face, watching them being so innocent and cheerful. It was good they didn't yet lose any of that positivity of theirs. Hopefully, they never do. Not Cosmo, for being a fighter and having to go through all the ups and downs, the harsh training and all that beating, nor Kisara, who worked so hard to get stronger, and can only watch from the sidelines as her lover and all her friends, that became akin to her family, get constantly beaten up, while she can do nothing but worry and pray for their victory.
However, as soon as they got back up on the deck, and Kisara got her drink, she noticed Ohma and Rihito kneeling before Kaede, who was scolding them... For whatever reason, as if she was an angry mother reprimanding her children. Chuckling in embarrassment, she said goodbye to her two friends and stepped in front of Ohma, extending her free hand for him to take and get up. He was a fighter, his spot wasn't on his knees in front of anyone.
Well, maybe in front of her and her alone, but that was something that no one else should know.
"I wasn't done with them yet, Kisara!" Kaede was thoroughly ticked off at the interference. "Although I'm not opposed to expressing your feelings and what has bothered you, I don't think that putting fighters at respect by making them behave like guilty, submissive and obedient dogs would be in their, or the company's benefit, considering they will be seen like doormats. So, I'd like to know, Kaede... What did Ohma and Rihito do to incur your wrath like that?" she asked, subtly pulling her brunet partner behind her. "Well! First of all - This idiot lost EVERYTHING he had at the casino! Imagine what would have happened if I weren't there to shoulder his debt! And him - He had all those w-women waiting on him at the casino! What were you thinking?!" she yelled, pointing angrily at the both of them. "Dunno. They just came up to me." Ohma shrugged unphased. "I see... Well, I don't see what's the problem here. If they had fun and nothing happened to them, then it's no big deal. Besides... Rihito is more or less a slave anyway, I don't think anyone cares what happens to him." the red head chuckled, but it only made the blond confused at her words. "Kisara, it's not alright! What if they'd been targeted? The future of the Nogi group is in their hands as much as that guy's!" the secretary pointed out, earning a nod of approval. "Yes, I know - In fact, I have been targeted myself." this made everyone let out various sounds of surprise. "Y-You?! But you're not a fighter or a CEO, so why --" she gasped, her eyes widening from fear. "Well, I suppose I was the victim of circumstances. I wanted to go sleep, but I got lost. I found two fighters with whom I am friends with, but they got attacked by two guys sent by some company. They wanted to take their fighter spot so that their CEO would name their boss as the future chairman. So, yes, in this aspect, Kaede is right in her worries. You can be targeted at all times - However... If I can knock them out... And if my friend can defeat them in a single punch... Ohma will have no problem with them. I can't vouch for the SuperDumbass, but whatever." she explained, seeing the concern on the blonde's face. "Are you sure you're alright? That must have been frightening." she muttered nervously. "Oh, yeah, of course - Though, I'm not a fan of playing around in a dress. Still, the greatest damage that I took was that I dropped my cocktail... Hence, why I'm here. For a new one!" she showed off her brand new and very delicious drink. Seeing the familiar colour of the liquid, Ohma leaned down and sipped from the straw. Yep, it was his favourite, the same one from back at Nogi's office. Nice.
He was glad that Kisara came when she did, he wasn't sure how long he could take Kaede's annoying nagging, and for what reason? Was he supposed to throw all those girls off and injure them for climbing on him like a tree? Sure, he could see why his partner would be upset, but why a secretary? Was he actually right whenever he made fun of her for having the hots for him? And did Kushida Rin's and Yamashita Kazuo's conversation make her think weird thoughts about him? Not that it mattered. He just really couldn't stand all this stupid scolding. He did nothing wrong, and just like Kisara said, if he were to get attacked, he'd crush that poor idiot.
As he absent-mindedly tuned out the conversation between everyone present, still leaning on Kisara's shoulder and twirling a soft strand of her hair and sipping from that delicious drink - Until, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a presence closing in at a remarkable speed. That small bastard lunged at the spot him and Kisara were. Unfortunately for this jerk, he was too fast and weathered by combat, so he jumped away with his partner in his arms, and the drink not having spilled even one drop, and they were away, at safety.
"Ohma, he's targeting you!" the red head called out, watching as the attacker easily jumped up and stomped his boot in Rihito's face. Once again, even some hand-me-down fighter like this assassin could beat Rihito. What a surprise.
As expected, once he was done with the blond dumbass, the dressed in that hooded winter jacket found his way attacking Ohma at great speed and easily evading all of his attacks. He even used Ohma's leg as a spring board and showed him the middle finger, sticking out his tongue, tauntingly. As Ohma launched one more attacked, the enemy dodged and grabbed a strong hold of Ohma's shirt, bending him down, one leg coiled behind the back of his knee, while the other was over his shoulder. "... I'd have killed you if I hadn't noticed... Brat." Ohma stopped attacking - Instead, he took off the hood of the attacker, revealing a beautiful young girl, yet her eyes were different from anyone else. Instead of the normal white sclera, it was jet black, and her pupils were light of colour. "Don't try to hide it, I can smell it on you. Now, what the hell do you want?" he asked, and in that instant, the girl grinned widely, and tightened the grip of her leg around his neck, bringing him dangerously close to her face.
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
happier | dream
summary: based off the song happier by olivia rodrigo!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: angst, break ups, this is just fucking sad lmao, real names are used (srry not srry)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i love olivia rodrigos new album i literally have not listened to anything else since it came out omfg😎 also i think i like this fic?? idk gimme some thoughts n feedback :)
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We broke up a month ago Your friends are mine, you know I know You've moved on, found someone new One more girl who brings out the better in you And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?
"Hey guys! I've missed you all so much." I hug Sapnap tightly and move on to the next person I was greeting.
A "reunion" we were calling it, it'd been a year since the SMP ended and everyone wanted to get into touch again. It was bittersweet seeing everyone , it seemed like we'd grown up so much since then. Hell, I know I have.
"Hey darling, " I turn and see Niki, I missed her so much. We were the first female streamers on the SMP, she'd been my best friend. "How are you?"
"I'm good, really." I could see the sympathy in her eyes. I pretended not to notice when everyone did a double take when I walked into the room, they really thought I wasn't going to come today.
"That's good, I've missed you." She had a tight smile on her face. "You know he's coming today, right?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, I knew someone was going to ask. It was fine, I had prepared myself for the questions and stares. It'd been 6 months, half a year, 6 damn full moons since we'd ended. We share the same friends, it was hard knowing they were going to pick sides, we both knew it wasn't going to be mine.
"Clay? Yeah, I know. Don't worry, we've both moved on. We're adults and I don't need to hide from him. We're friends!" I was lying through my fucking teeth. I saw his instagram posts, the subtweets, and everything else that had her named burned into it.
"Ok, I just wanted to check in. I know we all took the erm- break-up pretty hard." Her eyes avoided mine but I know she truly meant well by everything she was saying. "Anyway, I'm going to say hi to a few others. I really want us to talk more, ok?"
She squeezed my arm as she was walking off, I nodded my head even though I probably wouldn't be able to bring myself to message her after this.
I took a deep breath and eyed my other company. I was sticking out like a sore thumb, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Honestly, it'd probably be best to make a cowardly dash before he showed up.
Just as I'd made up my mind, I saw it. The main doors opened and there they were. Well. Too damn late for that.
He was as tall and gorgeous as he was 6 months ago and she was stunningly perched on his arm. The worst part wasn't how goddamn good they looked, it was how you could just tell they were right. You could simply glance in their direction and tell she was nice and kind and he was completely devoted to her.
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Just like that, all the air in the room had been sucked out. I was doomed.
As he made his way around the room, his eyes finally found mine. His smile faltered and I could tell he was taken aback. I averted my eyes quickly, this was so stupid.
“Y/n! Hi!” I jumped as I heard his voice, sneaky little bastard. I forced my best smile on my face as I turned to face them. She was standing next to him, still arm in arm but she stayed silent.
“Hey! How’s it going.” I pressed my lips together, he seemed so… ok? His eyes no longer had those dark circles and the cuts on his knuckles look healed.
“I’m good! How about you?” He tilts his head, curious.
“I’m doing good, too. Pretty busy, but you know.” I nodded along to what I said, it wasn’t a complete lie.
Abruptly, she clears her throat and side eyes Clay, obviously wanting something. “Oh, right! This is Grace.”
“Hi, I’ve heard great things about you.” She smiles so warmly, she seems so great. I could feel the jealously sinking into my skin, it was suffocating.
“Hello, it’s really nice to meet you.” This time I really was lying. But I couldn’t tell her the truth. How I couldn’t let her boyfriend go.
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean Remember when I believed You meant it when you said it first to me? And now I'm pickin' her apart Like cuttin' her down will make you miss my wretched heart But she's beautiful, she looks kind She probably gives you butterflies
She kept up the small talk with me. I learned she was an artist and slightly older than him. She taught art to kids on the weekends and her parents were still married. She even volunteered to help me move.
I noticed the rings she wore and thought about whether he gave them to her. If he gave her the same gifts he gave me. Maybe she knew too. Maybe she knew he took her to the same places we went. Did the same things, laughed at the same jokes. I hope she did.
But the conversation continued, and I kept searching for a flaw. Something to make him realize she wasn’t meant for him. Something I could point out and have my aha moment.
But she was perfect. And I had nothing that would make him pick me instead of her.
I wish you all the best, really Say you love her, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on her I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The music picked up again and they excused themselves to the dance floor. It was a sappy, corny love song. It fit them perfectly. I could see him whisper in her ear and rock her back forth to the beat. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
As they swayed, I was hoping he was thinking of me. I hoped he would drop her right then and there and grab my hand and lead me out of this mess. I hoped he would lock eyes with me and pretend none of this happened. I hoped they weren't as happy as they looked.
I hope you're happy Just not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
As I watched them, I swear every memory we shared came fleeting into my mind. Every smile, every laugh, every fight, everything. The way he’d let me wear his sunglasses in the car and the time we danced in the rain and we’re sick for days after.
As I watched them I wondered wether they were truly happy together. If he was in love, if he loved her more than he loved me. If he ever thought of me when he was with her.
I wonder if he watched me as I left.
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Apologies if this has been asked for a prompt, but how about one where they discover the real origins of the curse (like how they do in the last one) but in 1978 so they’re able to save Tommy? Can we also pretend it’s early on so he doesn’t end up killing anybody A very dramatic yet happy ending as Cindy ends up living but obvi the reader and Tommy are together and they get their own 70s version of “burgers and the pixies” :)
Hello :)) I love this prompt and this is also technically a semi-sequel to "are you in there?" where basically they tie him up and Cindy and Alice do what they need to in order to break the curse :)
Pizza and Aerosmith (Tommy Slater x Reader)
Warnings: major character death, blood mention/described, axe violence mentioned, devil shit mentioned, cursing, betrayal, attempted violence, minor angst, kissing, not proof read sorry
Word Count: 4.9k
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"Her body wasn't there!" Alice yelled, throwing down her trowel and her walkie talkie. They'd told you about ten minutes before that they were heading back to the cabin, and you'd expected them to be carrying a bag of bones in tow. You and Arnie's heads snapped to her and Cindy, and your mouth fell open for a minute as you tried to think of what to say. Of what to do.
That night, your boyfriend had been possessed. If it had been six hours ago, you wouldn't have believed it yourself. But, after the four of you had found his name carved into solid stone and he nearly went for an axe to chop up Arnie, it was hard to deny.
You'd dragged him to your cabin. You weren't supposed to be supervising color war, so there was no reason anyone should've come to get you. And, well, you couldn't exactly let your boyfriend near anyone. You'd had to tie him up and leave him on your bed, where he continuously squirmed and tried to harm pretty much anyone within a certain distance to him. That alone made you positive that this wasn't your Tommy.
"Well, what do you mean it wasn't there?" Arnie asked as he stood up. They were talking, explaining, too fast for you to catch up. The body was there. The body wasn't there.
"Maybe you dug in the wrong place." You said, trying to be hopeful, and Cindy proceeded to lift up a rock. Written on it was, The witch forever lives. Shit, alright. Maybe they didn't dig in the wrong place.
But, that left the four of you in a deep pile of shit. What were you supposed to do? How would you find Sarah Fiers body? It had been over three hundred years, and Nurse Lanes diary was about the only insight you had! You sat on the bed, ignoring Tommy's jerking and grunts. You reached out to place a hand on his arm as you stared at the wall across from you.
You'd promised him you'd get him free of this. That the four of you would do what you needed to in order to help him. Alice and Arnie had already suggested- You weren't even going to think about it. You didn't care if finding the body sounded impossible. You'd successfully found the hand, and not even Nurse Lane had been able to do that. You could all find her body too. You went over everything you knew of the curse in your mind, and interrupted whatever fight Alice and Cindy were having to say,
"The blood." And they both turned. You looked up, at the three of them. "The blood. Blood falls whenever Sarah Fier is near. We just have to walk around camp and wait-"
"Wait until one of us gets a nosebleed? Are you serious?" Alice interrupted, and Arnie was quick to join in.
"That could take all night!" Arnie said, and you gave each of them a look. It was better than their idea. And, even if Arnie and Alice did seem particularly cynical about everything, for a second- Just for a second you'd seen how much they wanted to end this. For Tommy, for Shadyside. And there was really only one way to make this go faster.
"It wouldn't if you had more help."
At first, they'd thought just you and Arnie, but your plan stretched farther than that. It was why Joan, Gary, Ziggy, and, to all of your surprise, Nick Goode, stood in your cabin, staring at the tied up form of your boyfriend.
"Y'know, when Joan and I were talking about the curse earlier, we were just messing with you guys." Gary said, and part of your stomach sank when Joan agreed with,
"Yeah, this is way trippy." You knew it was going to be hard to convince them. You knew it was a long shot in total darkness but what else could you do?
"We know this sounds crazy," Cindy started, and you were happy she was the one taking over. Out of all of you, she was the one that would never play a prank like this. And if she believed it- Well. "We can even show you what we found, but we have to do it quick. Tommy- From what we know, he doesn't have a lot of time and-"
"I believe you." Nick interrupted, and you watched as Ziggy was quick to turn to him.
"What?" She quickly asked, an incredulous look on her face. And, while the sisters were as different as could be, you could see the resemblance between them when it came to their skepticism. Nick looked at her, even reached out to place a hand on her arm.
"Look at him, Ziggy. That's- That's Tommy Slater. He couldn't even kill the rat they found in the kitchen earlier in the month and now he's-" He glanced over at him just as Tommy let out a particularly hard thrash, and you tried to calm him. You shushed him, pushing his hair out of his face. His forehead was sweaty from all his exertion, his arms straining against the rope. Having more people in the room seemed to aggravate him more, and you watched as his teeth bit the gag in his mouth. "And Nurse Lane attacking him? Really, is it so hard to believe that it's all connected? That it's all..." He didn't need to finish for you to know where he was going, but he did anyways. "Sarah Fier?" For a moment, you nearly swore that you wanted to hug the kid. You glanced back over, watching as Ziggy looked between you and Tommy.
You'd never been close to her. Sure, you were friends with her sister, but, from what you'd heard from Cindy, they were hardly close either. But, you gave her a tilt of your head and you watched as she let out a small sigh and a roll of her eyes.
"What do you even need us to do?"
Cindy and Alice were going to take them to see what they'd found, to convince those that still needed an extra push, and then go find the body of Sarah Fier. You'd explained to them that at least two people needed to watch Tommy at all times, and that's when Nick Goode surprised you again.
"I can stay with him." He offered, and you'd given him a confused look. You and Arnie quickly shared a glance. The two of you had been watching Tommy all night, had an unspoken bond, a similar one to the one Cindy and Alice were building, already. "Arnie can go with his girlfriend and I can stay here." And you didn't miss the glance he sent towards Cindy. She'd been glaring at him the second he seemed just a little too familiar with her sister. You supposed he didn't want to spend the rest of the night caught in her group, and, well, part of you couldn't blame him. Especially when she quickly agreed. While the groups got ready to part ways, Arnie quietly asked you,
"You okay with this?" And you bit your lip for a moment. You should be. The Nick kid, while you didn't know him well, was always the nicest out of the Sunnyvale counselors. And, well, he was the only one that actually believed you. Completely believed you. And you knew that if you were in Arnie's shoes, you'd want to tag along with Alice. Really, you couldn't think of a reason to say no. So, why did you have a pit in your stomach?
"Yeah, sure. Just- Get this over with quick, okay?" You asked him, and he gave you a nod and a smile. He held out his hand for a fist bump, and you gave him one. Last second, you handed him the second walkie talkie that you'd given to Alice before, and quietly told him, "Keep it on, okay?" And, while his eyes had been confused, he'd given you a nod.
You'd been trying to conserve the batteries all night, but, with the pit in your stomach, you didn't want to take any chances.
Cindy, Alice, and Arnie took the others to see the room they'd found. That alone was enough proof the show that they weren't fucking around. That this wasn't some sort of sick prank. Though, as they walked out of the room, Ziggy still had questions,
"Well, yeah- I get this being a curse and all, but who lit the candle? Who wrote his name?" And Joan was quick to add,
"Yeah, like, you guys were with Tommy all day so it's not like he wrote himself." And the three of them paused. They'd been so caught up in trying to break the curse, in trying to save Tommy, that they hadn't really thought about who'd doomed him in the first place.
"This is so weird. And why Tommy? Tommys- Tommy. Why would someone choose him?" Gary asked, and the three of them were stumped. Tommy wasn't a jerk that made enemies with a lot of people. He was nice to everyone, even those that weren't nice to him. And why would they choose a camp counselor? Didn't they know that he'd be surrounded by children?
"I- We don't know." Cindy said, and the six of them walked through the little storage room. Cindy shined her flashlight in front of her as she thought, wondering just who would choose Tommy Slater to be the next Shadyside Killer. Cindy couldn't stop thinking about it even as they broke off in pairs and started looking for the body.
As she walked with her sister, she glanced over at Arnie and Alice, who were heading a different direction. She watched as he played with the walkie talkie in his hands, and, for a moment, she had a small sinking feeling in her chest before she pushed on.
At least with Arnie, you kind of knew what to talk to him about. You were at least sort of friends, since both of you were Shadyside counselors. You could talk about how stupid color war was, about the places back in town. Arnie had even asked you a few questions about Tommy, which you'd been happy to answer.
But Nick? You'd thanked him for staying, and then the pair of you sat in silence as you tried to keep Tommy calm. Gently, you pat him with a wet washcloth to try to cool down his fever. You tried not to think about what Nurse Lane had said as you did. One way or another, you're gonna die tonight. You wondered what would happen if he continued to resist the curse, and your heart tightened at the idea. You shook your head. You weren't going to let that happen. The others had been gone for awhile, almost two hours, so they were due to check back sooner rather than later. Hopefully, one of the groups would have good news. You ran the wash cloth over his cheeks as you said,
"After this, we're gonna get pizza and listen to Aerosmith all night. Watch a few movies, maybe. You like the sound of that?" You asked, even if he couldn't respond. Even if the only thing he sent you was a nasty glare. With a sigh, you wished for the moments where he'd look at you like you put the sun in the sky.
You turned around when you heard something fall, and you stared in confusion as you watched Nick reach for Tommy's bat. He'd left it here once, and you'd put the axe he'd gotten from that room right besides it. You stood when you watched him grip it.
"Nick?" You asked, and you watched as he turned around. He had a smile on his face, the same charming smile he'd given Ziggy, but the pit in your stomach returned. You glanced down at the bat, just as he started to explain,
"Oh, y'know- In case, he gets free." He said, and you glanced down at the way he was holding it again. The way his hands changed grip. You didn't like what he was implying, first of all. You didn't want to hurt Tommy, you wanted to help him. That was the point of all this. You'd lived in Shadyside all your life, and maybe that gave you a better bullshit detector than most. Or, maybe, part of you had become so used to things going to shit that now you could smell it. Quietly, you said,
"He won't get free." And you shuffled your feet. You stood in front of him almost defensively, but, part of you didn't think it was Tommy you needed to protect. He gave you a smile and a shrug, and then you glanced over at the walkie talkie you'd put on your desk. The second you did, the second your eyes left him, Nick moved. You didn't know what was happening, not truly, but you knew that it was bad. You snatched the walkie talkie and ducked out of the way of his swing. You turned it on as you hauled ass to the bathroom, side-stepping him as he tried to grab you, and slammed your back against the bathroom door to keep it shut as you fumbled with the lock. You heard him banging on the door, heard the knob moving as he tried to get it open, and then he stopped. It sent a chill up your spine to hear silence on the other side. Finally, you pulled up the antenna, pressed the button, and yelled into the walkie talkie,
"Code red! Code red!" Came screaming out in your voice from the walkie talkie so loud that Arnie swore he almost jumped a mile. He was quick to answer with a shout of your name, and a,
"What's going on? What's wrong?" And Alice backtracked from where she walked in front. They could hear the panic in your voice as you yelled back,
"Arnie! Thank god! Come back to the cabin right now it's-" And the line went dead. You must've taken your hand off of the button, and the silence sent a chill up both of their backs. The only thing they could hear was the sound of crickets and wind. They hadn't even stumbled across a camper yet, and the woods felt empty and ready to swallow the pair of them.
Alice and Arnie stared at eachother for a moment. They'd been walking aimlessly, the maps Cindy had made up in their hands. A second of unspoken words passed between them, and then they were both sprinting back towards your cabin.
When Ziggy stepped on the red moss, she made a noise of disgust and lifted her foot. It has stained her shoes, and she quickly asked,
"Ugh, what is this stuff?" And Cindy looked up from her map. She'd carefully given each pair a third of the camp to search over. With two people to comb through each section, they should've been able to find it at least within the night. They were supposed to check back She looked around at the red moss, recognizing it as the same moss from the outhouse. From the caves under the outhouse. She glanced around, looking where it grew.
"Holy shit." She said, and quickly walked towards the rock. She looked around, and her sister arched a brow at her. In disbelief, she asked,
"Did you just swear?" And Cindy quickly waved her off. She was spinning around, quickly stepping through the moss with a big smile on her face. She probably looked insane, but Cindy didn't care. They'd needed another sign, another thing to look for. She felt stupid for not thinking of it sooner.
"The moss!" But Ziggy gave a small shake of her head. She didn't understand. Cindy pulled the hand out of her bag and held it up. She pointed at it as she said, "We found this in the red moss. This," She said pointing around. "Might be apart of the curse!" And Ziggy's eyes widened in understanding. Quickly, she echoed,
"Holy shit!" And the pair of them were quick to start looking. It only took a second for them to each get on their knees and start searching through the moss. It only took a few minutes for Ziggy to feel warmth dripping down out of her nose, and she swore she'd never been so happy to get a nosebleed ever in her life. Quickly, she called, "Over here!" And Cindy scrambled over. They started searching through the spot, and when they finally dusted the dirt off to find a ribcage, they were both so happy they could nearly scream. They cleaned it off further, completely unearthing the body of Sarah Fier. And, finally, Cindy held the hand in both of hers and gave Ziggy a look. This was it. Ziggy reached out, and together they out the hand back with the rest of Sarah Fier.
Arnie practically ripped your screen door off it's hinges as they ran into your cabin. He wasn't thinking clearly, wasn't thinking about what he was doing. All he knew was that you sounded like you were in trouble and now-
He ran into Nick. The brunette grabbed him by the arms, and looked scared out of his wits. The words were leaving his lips so fast that Arnie almost didn't have time to process.
"I thought I heard something outside so I went- I went to see if it was one of you and then I heard screaming and now-" And Arnie cut him off.
"Where's Tommy? Where's y/n?" He demanded, and Alice was right behind him now. She gasped when she saw the mess of the bathroom door. It had been axed nearly in half, before being pushed open. She was quick to run towards it, and Arnie pushed Nick away from him to the same. There was a mess of wood over the floor, but there was no blood. And, when they spotted the open window, a glimmer of hope went through both of them.
You were resourceful and smart. Of course you'd gone through the window. It dimmed a bit however when they saw the broken walkie talkie. Alice picked it up. The antenna was barely hanging off of it and the body looked crushed, stomped on. Getting in contact with you was now near impossible, but they had hope that you were still out there. Arnie turned back to watch as Nick paced, seeming to lose his mind over what had happened. He looked like a ball of nerves, and Arnie could understand why. He'd been gone for one minute and everything had gone to shit. Though, as Arnie looked back at Alice, he saw something there. She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, and Arnie wasn't surprised when she asked,
"Did you look for them? Do you know what direction they went?" And, when Nick shook his head, his story started to make a little less sense. The pair of them shared a look, and they had a brief moment of silent communication. How did Nick come back when he heard screaming and not see where Tommy went? Axing down a door didn't take a matter of seconds, it took minutes. And you sure as hell wouldn't have started screaming just before Tommy got the door open. So, the real question was, how did Nick miss you? The couple glanced over at Nick, but didn't say a word. Instead, Arnie asked him,
"So what do we do?" And they were relieved that at least his first idea was to get all the campers out of there.
Your thighs burned as you hid. Outrunning Tommy simply wasn't an option, but your mind was on hyperdrive as you tried to process the last five minutes of your life. Nick Goode was a dick. Whatever he'd been trying to achieve, it had ended up with Tommy getting loose. You thought maybe he was going to do what Alice had suggested at the very beginning of the night. Take care of Tommy to make sure no one else got hurt. Instead, now, you were trying to keep yourself from getting axed by your very own boyfriend. Not to mention, you were trying to keep him away from the direction of the kids. Sure, yes, you were hiding and running from him. But, you were also making sure that you were the one he stayed in pursuit of. It was a fragile balance, and you glanced around before you stood up to find a new hiding place.
You nearly screamed when you ran into someone, but you quickly ripped Ziggy and Cindy down behind a bush. The words left your mouth in a quick whisper as you started,
"Guys, I have so much to tell you. Nick Goode-" But Ziggy was finishing your sentence.
"Is a total douche." Her voice was laced with venom, and she sounded pissed. Betrayed, even. And you gave them each a confused look. You looked between them and asked,
"You know?" Your surprise was laced in your voice. How did they know? How could they know? But, Cindy was quick to explain.
"When we put the hand back with her body, we saw the truth."
"We saw everything." Ziggy added, and you looked back to Cindy when she continued,
"The Goode family is the reason for the curse. They made a deal with the devil, so Sunnyvale could prosper and they've been feeding him Shadyside blood!" And you stared at them. Really, hours ago, you would've thought they were both on drugs. But now? After watching your boyfriend get possessed, finding a creepy bone hand, and getting almost fed to your possessed boyfriend by the Sheriff's son? You'd believe Santa was real.
"Nick Goode just completely fucked everything up, and now Tommy's loose." You whispered, and their eyes widened. The three of you looked between eachother, and then around. You couldn't see anything in the dark, but you felt like an ant trapped under a magnifying glass as Ziggy whispered what you were all thinking,
"Shit." And you gave her a nod. Now that you were thinking about it, you had no idea if Nick even knew. He'd tried to kill your boyfriend to save everyone, and it turns out his family was the reason for the curse? God, how the hell were you going to explain that? You gripped each of them as Cindy continued again,
"But that's not the worst of it." She said, and you gave her a confused look. What could be worse than all of this? Nothing could've prepared you for the words she said. "Nick Goode picked Tommy. He's the reason Tommy's possessed." And you felt white hot anger replace every ounce of your fear.
When Arnie and Alice watched Ruby Lane climb out of the grate in the middle of the kitchen, more of a black sludge becoming the figure of the dead serial killer, they thought tonight couldn't have gotten any weirder. The only way to make it worse was that Nick had run out of the room, and Arnie had to knock his shoulder against the door to stop him from locking it behind him. They had already guessed that he was a back-stabbing little bitch, especially when they had to force him to stay to wait for the rest of you instead of getting on the bus with the campers, but this? Oh, they were going to kill him if they got out of this alive.
When she started to walk towards them, they were quick to head towards the door, only to watch as you, Cindy, and Ziggy ran inside. And guess who was only a few feet behind you? Tommy.
"Shit!" Alice said as they slammed the door closed, and they quickly did their best to stop him from pushing it open and getting inside. But, to their surprise, they watched as you practically snarled,
"You." At the brunette. You ran, tackling him to the ground before he could try to escape. Even if the crazy bitch from the sixties was quick to come out of the kitchen and you had to roll off of him before she slashed you with a razor. You dodged the milkman as Nick tried to run, as the killers quickly turned on Ziggy and Cindy. You knew, to some degree, you were the best person, one of the only people, that could go after him. You'd seen it when you ran from Tommy. He'd specifically tried to go after them, completely ignoring a prime opportunity to swing at you when you tripped on the way over. Because of whatever the Berman's had seen, it was like they had a target on their back. And you had a pretty good idea as to how you were supposed to end all of it.
"Watch out!" Ziggy yelled as you tried to get away from who you quickly realized was Ruby Lane, and as a man in a jumpsuit with a knife tried to slash Cindy. Cindy threw you her shovel, even as she dodged and ran from the man. She yelled,
"Don't let him get away!" And you knew what you had to do. You ran after him, seeing that he was climbing down into the hole below. He looked up just as you went to swing, and, you watched him panic. You watched as he lost whatever grip he had, as he fell into the hole rather than climbed down. You were about to climb down after him, about to make sure this was finished. Instead, you heard- a laugh?
You and the rest of your friends stood above the hole in the kitchen, staring down at it. The killers had disappeared, gone in a poof. The kids were safe on the bus, already heading back to town. And Nick Goode was dead. When he fell, he must've hit his head. Broken his neck. It was a quick death, one that could've happened to anyone. If anything, it could be labelled an accident.
"Should we check?" Alice asked, and the five of you looked between eachother, and then down at the hole. It was tempting. To see the body of the man that had done something so evil lay lifeless. It was Cindy that answered her.
"Nah, just let him rot down there." And, ultimately, you agreed. Arnie reached to close the grate, sliding it in place. The five of you nearly jumped out of your skin when Gary and Joan barged in the kitchen door, and paused when they saw you all standing around it.
"Why's Tommy knocked out outside?" Gary said, pointing with his thumb, and you gave him a smile as the others started to laugh out of relief.
You and Tommy sat on the rock in the middle of the woods. It was the one Cindy had labelled on your map. You'd gotten a large pie of pizza, and his little radio was blasting Aerosmith as you enjoyed the summer afternoon.
The camp had closed, and the News ran with the story. An axe murderer had wandered onto the camp grounds of Camp Nightwing, but, due to the heroism of it's counselors, not a single camper had been hurt. Tommy Slater, in particular, was famed for having distracted and fought the killer long enough to let the campers escape, to the point where certain counselors had at first thought he was to blame. And, when the police asked the only eye-witnesses to the crime, all of them had said one name.
Nick Goode.
It wasn't until a week later that anyone had found the body of Nick Goode in the caves, and the police hadn't known what to make of the discovery. With eight eye-witnesses and a cave full of occult shit, it was hard to cover up or deny. So, now, the News circled with the story of Nick Goode, the first Sunnyvale Killer.
Tommy handed you a bag of fries as the pair of you ate, and you smiled as you looked over at him. In the sunlight, the copper in his hair shined and his eyes practically glowed. The look in his eyes had returned, the one that he gave you. The one where he looked at you like you put the sun in the sky.
"So, this is her, huh?" Tommy said, pointing with his foot at the red moss. You nodded, taking another bite.
"Yeah, she saved us." You said, a small smile on your face. You wanted to visit for that exact reason. To silently tell her thanks, and to meet the girl that saved your lives. Tommy knocked his shoulder against yours, and you looked up at him.
"No," He said with a small shake of his head. "You saved me. You never gave up on me." He said, and your eyes softened. You looked at him, leaning in as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I heard you, y'know. Fighting for me. And I'm sorry I-"
"No, don't apologize." You told him quickly, reaching out to hold his hand. "That wasn't you." You told him, and you watched how the words made him tilt his head. How they soothed whatever ache he still had in him. Whatever regrets. You knew he was hard on himself, that part of him probably blamed himself for giving in. For what he could've done. Softly, you added, "Did you hear all the times I told you I loved you?" And you watched how he smiled, how the clouds of his regret seemed to fade. He gave you a small nod, and you smiled back. He leaned in to kiss you, and you met him halfway.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 5
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: arguing with parents, stereotyping?, reader's parents just being generally horrible people, angst
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous → Part 4
Next → Part 6
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"This is a horrible idea," you whispered to yourself as you got ready in your bedroom mirror, unable to concentrate for more than five minutes without a small panic attack taking over.
Your eyes flicked over to your clock every few seconds. Keishin was due to arrive at your family house for dinner in about thirty minutes and with every minute that passed, you asked yourself over and over again why you ever agreed to this.
Originally, when your parents had insisted on meeting your 'boyfriend' over a family dinner, your heart had dropped into the pit of your stomach; it was the worst feeling you had ever experienced . . . until you told Keishin about it jokingly and he actually agreed. Never before had you felt so sick to your stomach. Dinner was the last thing you wanted, and to make it worse, it was going to be dinner with your parents and fake boyfriend.
More than once you had contemplated pretending to be sick or throwing yourself down the stairs, but you just couldn't go through with it. Every time you got close to backing out, a small part of your brain reminded you that this dinner might be the thing that changed your parents mind, and even though the odds of that actually happening were close to none, you couldn't give up without even trying.
So, with knots in your stomach and your palms sweating like never before, you continued getting ready for the evening and prayed that everything went as smoothly as possible.
If only you had known then that it would take much more than a prayer to save this evening.
When you heard the doorbell ring approximately thirty minutes later, your whole body froze and the thought of jumping out your second story window was starting to sound really appealing. But then, you remembered that it would be way worse if your mom or dad answered the door before you could so you rushed out of your room and down the stairs.
"I've got the door!" you shouted throughout the house, almost as if you were marking the front door as your territory and trying to scare anyone else away from it.
Standing in front of the door, you drew in a few deep, calming breaths before plastering a forced smile across your face and pulling the door open. Let the night of hell begin.
As soon as your eyes settled on Keishin, your smile faltered and you gasped. His dyed blonde hair was slicked back like usual, but instead of a headband, it was clear he had used gel. He had every hole in his ear stuffed with a black earring, and to top things off, he had showed up in jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather jacket.
"What?" Keishin took a step back and examined his outfit. "You said to go all out. I did."
"I know, I know . . . I just . . ." You took a moment to compose yourself. "I didn't even know you owned a leather jacket."
"Yeah, well, you don't know everything about me," Keishin smirked devilishly, proud that he still had a few secrets to himself. "Well, are you going to let me in? I kind of want to get this dinner over with."
Opening the door wider, you stepped to the side and let Keishin inside your house. "You and me both," you agreed. "You sure you want to do this? We could both make a run for it right now if we act fast."
Shrugging the jacket off of his shoulders, Keishin shook his head. "Come on, at least give your parents a chance to change their minds."
Just then, your father's heavy footsteps could be heard exiting the kitchen and approaching the front door where you and Keishin stood together. Swallowing hard, you wiped the sweat from your palms on your clothes and sent one last pleading thought up to the heavens above, hoping that if there was a great being up there, they could be on your side tonight.
This was it. No turning back now.
"If your boyfriend has arrived, Y/N, please don't keep your mother and I waiting. Introduce us." Your father rounded the corner, stopping in his tracks when he set eyes on Keishin. Sure, you had told your parents all about your 'boyfriend', which was why they had insisted on this dinner in the first place, but Keishin was a man that words couldn't quite capture. "Oh. Hello." Your father reluctantly held out his hand to greet Keishin.
"Hello, sir." Keishin shook your father's hand without hesitation. "I'm Ukai Keishin. Keishin is fine though."
Seconds later, your mother joined the three of you. She had a similar reaction as your father had and was not subtle about it in the least. "So this is the man you've been seeing?" Your mother gave you an almost pleading look, like she was silently begging you to come clean and admit that you were joking.
Right off of the bat, things were not going well.
"Well, let me take your jacket and hang it up in the closet." Your mother stepped toward Keishin with the fakest smile you had ever seen on her face.
"Oh, there's no need." Keishin hung his jacket on the banister of the stairs. "I'll just end up taking it out in a little while anyway when I go out for a smoke. It's easier this way, but thank you."
You watched your mother's eye twitch and the smile she had forced threaten to crack. "You smoke?" You could tell that both of your parents were on the brink of snapping right then and there, but they had promised to actually get to know Keishin, and despite all the horrible things your parents did, breaking promises was not one of them.
"I do." Keishin grinned. "I know, I know, it's not good for me. Y/N tells me to quit all the time so I'm trying."
You let out a nervous chuckle as both your parents turned to face you. "Shall we head into the living room?" You started ushering everyone into the other room, hoping to change the subject as quickly as possible.
"Yes, let's have a seat." Your father nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Keishin, watching him like a hawk. "Can I get you anything to drink, Keishin?"
"Just a water is fine, thanks." Keishin had obviously decided not to push his luck too hard because you had been fully expecting him to ask for a beer.
With that, both your mother and father disappeared into the kitchen; your mother to finish dinner and your father to collect the drinks.
Taking the brief moment of reprieve to breathe, you looked up at Keishin. "I've never seen my parents struggle between their flawless hospitality and kicking someone out of their house so much in my life," you chuckled lightly.
"I'm a bit of a shock." Keishin placed his hand on your lower back and led you toward the couch. "I brought out all the stops in the beginning so they could have the whole night to get used to me."
"How kind of you." You sat down, slightly caught off guard when Keishin sat down right next to you and slung his arm over your shoulders. You were about to ask him what he was doing, but then you remembered that the two of you were supposed to be an actual couple and this is what couples did.
As soon as you felt his touch on you, however, your mind flashed back to that night in the park a few weeks ago. Since then, neither one of you had spoken about what had happened on that bench; a wordless agreement between the two of you that you would just move on and pretend it didn't happen.
But as much as you pretended to forget, you never actually could. The feeling of Keishin's hands on your sides and his warm breath on your lips kept you up at night. As much as you tried not to think of him like that, you just couldn't help yourself.
"You seem really nervous," Keishin leaned closer to you a whispered. "You okay?"
Snapping out of your thoughts, you nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying not to freak out is all."
"Hey." Keishin tilted your head toward him so he could look you in your eyes. "You're their daughter. No matter what happens, they will always love you. Remember that."
You flashed a smile. Somehow, Keishin knew exactly what to say to help you relax. "Yeah . . . thanks."
Just then, your father returned with two glasses of water in hand. Handing one each to you and Keishin, you didn't miss the way his gaze settled on the sight of Keishin's arm around you.
"Thank you." Keishin grabbed his glass right away and took a sip. You, on the other hand, let your glass sit on the coaster on the table. Despite how dry your mouth was, you didn't trust your shaky hands to pick up the glass.
"Dinner should be ready soon," your father said as he sat down in his armchair across from you and Keishin. "So, Keishin, tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?"
"Well, currently, I spend most of my time coaching the boys' volleyball team at Karasuno high school," Keishin answered, his eyes lighting up a little when he spoke about the team he coached; you could tell he really enjoyed it. "And my family owns Sakanoshita Market and I work there sometimes."
"Sakanoshita Market," your father repeated. "That sounds familiar."
You rolled your eyes, not surprised in the slightest that your father had forgotten the name of the place you had been working at for the past few months. "That's where I work, Dad," you told him. "That's how Keishin and I met."
"I see." Your father eyed Keishin and you were surprised that Keishin didn't shrink under the cold, hard gaze like you usually did. "So do you go after all the young women who work at your family store or just my daughter?"
"Dad!" you gasped, unsure whether to tell him off or apologize to Keishin on behalf of your father.
"It's okay," Keishin told you calmly before answering your father's question. "Actually, the store hasn't seen a new employee in years. For the longest time, it was just my mother and me. We are both very grateful for all the hard work Y/N puts in to help us with the store. She is a wonderful employee."
You couldn't help the blush that tinted your cheeks at the compliment. "Thanks."
"No need to thank me. It's the truth," Keishin said before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "And good thing you took the job too, or else we would have never met."
Keishin then shot a sparkling grin your father's way, completely blinding him and distracting him from the shocked expression on your face. You knew you told Keishin to act like the two of you were really a couple, but you never expected him to play the part so thoroughly.
Your father opened his mouth to no doubt interrogate Keishin some more, but before he could, your mother began setting the table and announced that dinner was ready.
Moving over to the table, you took a seat across from Keishin while your parents sat at the ends of the table. As your mother brought the dishes of food over, you took the chance to drink some water and parch your dry throat.
The thought of having to keep this awkward conversation up gave you a headache, but thankfully, Keishin seemed to be handling everything quite well. Just as you had expected, he took everything with a grain of salt and refused to let your parents get under his skin.
You wished you were able to do that.
After the four of you bowed your heads and said thank you for the food, you dug in. At first, everyone was too busy eating to say anything. Somehow, the silence was worse than when your dad had been firing off questions rapid fire.
"This is delicious," Keishin was the first to speak. "Thank you again for inviting me for dinner."
"Yes, o-of course," your mother wavered a little but somehow managed to voice her fake pleasure nonetheless. "Y/N has never dated anyone before so we were curious as to what kind of . . . person . . . had caught her eye."
Keishin nodded, letting the not-so-subtle rude comment roll right off his back. "Well, here I am."
"Yes, here you are indeed," your father muttered under his breath. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Keishin had heard it, but you certainly had. "So, you said you coach high school volleyball. Is this a long-term thing or?"
Keishin thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'm not sure, honestly. I do enjoy it but I've never given much thought as to if I want to do it long-term. I started coaching because of special circumstances and just haven't stopped yet."
"Well, plenty of people coach and teach," your mother said. "You seem to enjoy working with kids, so have you ever considered becoming a teacher?"
"That doesn't sound like the worst job, but that would require me to have a teaching degree, which I don't have," Keishin responded.
"What degree did you get in university?"
Keishin chuckled. "I didn't go to university."
Oh God. Your jaw dropped and you wished that a black hole could just open up underneath you and suck you in. Out of all the things your parents hated most, people who didn't go to university were at the top of the list. They always told you that 'people who didn't go to university had no interest in investing in their future.'
Hence why they always pushed so hard for you to go the university they wanted so you could study what they thought would be best for you.
You watched your mother's face go red as she reached for her glass of wine a take a particularly large sip. "Community college, then?" she squeaked out.
"Nope, afraid not," Keishin answered, completely unashamed and even proud. "I started working for the family store right after high school."
The looks on your parents' faces that they didn't even try to hide filled you with a deep sense of shame. You didn't know how they could be so blatantly rude to someone they barely knew . . . well, actually, you did know, and that was the worst part. As much as you wished you could deny it, you had thought the same things about Keishin when you had first met him.
Hanging your head in shame, you let the suffocating silence of the dining room take over.
Feeling something brush against your leg, you looked up to see Keishin smiling at you from across the table. 'It's okay' he mouthed to you. You thought back to the time Keishin had told you he was a big boy who could take a little verbal ribbing and exhaled through your nose sharply, your mood lifting ever-so-slightly.
Keishin brushed his foot against your leg a few more times to remind you that you weren't alone at this dinner before he attempted to restart the conversation. "So what do you two do for a living?" he asked, looking to your parents.
"We are both lawyers," your father said.
You nodded and sighed. "Hence why they want me to go to law school."
"Oh, honestly, Y/N, you say that like paying for you to go to law school is abuse." Your mother shook her head disapprovingly. "Do you know how many children would kill for the opportunities you have been given and yet you want to throw them away just like that? You should be grateful."
You were about to retort but stopped yourself before you did, knowing that it would only serve to start the same argument that you had lost over and over again. No matter what you said on the matter, your parents refused to try and see things from your perspective.
It never once occurred to them that you might actually not want to be a lawyer.
"Tell me, Keishin, if you had a child who you could pay for to go to law school and they told you they wanted to pursue their dream of playing soccer, what would you do?" Your father turned to Keishin, suddenly interested in what he had to say on the issue.
"Dad, let's not talk about that now," you spoke softly, hoping to get him to change the subject.
"No, no, let's hear what Keishin has to say." Your father insisted.
Keishin thought for a moment before answering. "Well, I think I would just want my child to be happy," he said, his eyes leaving your father to look at you. "I made the mistake of not following my dreams after high school and I regret it every day, so I would tell my child to follow their dreams and try my hardest to be there to support them."
You smiled wide, surprised by how emotional Keishin's words made you feel. For a moment, it was just you and him, and he was saying everything you had ever wanted to hear. All you ever wanted for was someone to be in your corner . . . someone to support you whether your choice was a mistake or not.
"Congratulations, Y/N, you've found a dreamer just like yourself," your father scoffed, breaking you out of your happy trance. "Too bad dreams don't pay the bills."
"Well, when your future is working at a family-run corner store, dreams are all you have," your mother cackled, not even trying to be quiet about it.
Your father laughed as well. "Too true, honey."
"Mom!" you shouted at her, your anger taking over before you even had the chance to think about your actions.
"It's okay," Keishin told you again, reaching across the table for your hand.
You shook your head and tugged your hand out of his reach. "No, it's not okay!" You rose to your feet, finally having had enough. "This dinner was a terrible idea. I cannot believe you!"
"If you've finally come to your senses, darling, we can send Keishin on his way and-" your mother reached for you as well but you shrugged her off.
"I'm not talking about Keishin! I'm talking about the two of you!" You slammed your hands down onto the table, shaking the dishes of food. "The whole night you have been making offhanded remarks and rude comments about Keishin while he has been nothing but the perfect guest. I'm sorry, Keishin, but I can't sit here and let you take their abuse anymore. I've dealt with it my whole life and I won't let them do the same thing to you. You don't deserve that."
"Y/N, you're being a bit dramatic, don't you think?" your father asked, sipping his wine as if nothing was happening, which only made you angrier.
"No, father, I don't think so," you snapped back. "I think that you and Mom are being horrible and I cannot believe that this is how you're acting when meeting someone for the first time. What makes you think that you have the right to treat someone so poorly just because they don't live the same life or have the same ideals as you? You think you know what is best for me but you don't even know me, so how could you?! I would rather work at the corner store for the rest of my life if it meant being genuinely happy over being a snobby, emotionless lawyer any day."
While you vented in front of your parents, Keishin just stared at you wide-eyed, completely floored by how quickly your demeanor had changed from shy and uncomfortable to enraged and animated in mere seconds. The last time he had seen you like this was when you were going off on him and he was grateful your rage wasn't directed at him this time.
Aside from relieved, Keishin felt proud; proud of you for standing your ground.
An embarrassed look flashed across your mother's face. "Y/N, please-"
"No, just don't," you lowered your voice and took a few deep breaths. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending that I'm going to put up with your plans for me just so I can have a roof over my head. Mom, Dad, I'm not going to law school. I'm not letting you dictate my life anymore. I'm done."
Stepping away from the table, completely emotionally drained, you looked over your shoulder at Keishin. "Come on, let's go." You waved for him to follow.
Without a word, Keishin stood from the table and followed you to the front door where the two of you grabbed your jackets and got ready to leave.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back!" You heard your father call after you as you left the house, but his threat didn't phase you in the least. If anything, never having to return to that house sounded like bliss right then.
Wrapping your jacket tight around your body to fight the cool evening wind, you sighed. "I'm sorry about that," you told Keishin as he walked silently beside you. "I should never have dragged you into my mess. You don't deserve to be treated the way my parents treated you."
"You don't need to apologize." He wrapped his arm around you once more and held you close, both to comfort you and to keep you warm. "I'm just worried about you. Are you okay?"
You felt tears begin to well in your eyes and frantically wiped them away. "I . . . I don't know," you answered truthfully. "I suppose I should just worry about one thing at a time, and since I've apparently got nowhere to spend the night now . . ."
"You'll spend the night at my place," Keishin stated plainly, not even bothering to ask if you wanted to or not. It was more like an order, but right then, you had nothing against him making decisions for you. As long as the choices weren't made by your parents, you didn't care who they came from.
"Okay," you exhaled. "Thank you."
As the two of you walked through the quiet night in the direction of the store, Keishin pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. Without thinking, you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned into him, the warmth he radiated bringing you some semblance of peace.
"I'm sorry tonight went so shit," Keishin spoke as he exhaled, smoke spilling from his lips.
"It's not your fault," you told him. "In fact . . . I don't think tonight could have gone any better. In the end, this is how it was always going to turn out. It's better I realize that sooner rather than later."
Keishin stopped and looked down at you. "That's not-"
"It's okay," you said those two magic words this time. "You remember when you told me that no matter what happened they would always love me because I'm their daughter?"
Keishin nodded.
"I wish you could have been right."
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
It’s Complicated (c.d.)
Prompt inspired by anon request: Cedric wanted a relationship, you wanted something casual. This made for a complicated dynamic between the two of you to say the least, but Cedric was determined to make things less complicated simply and plainly.
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ sexual content (rough sex, male receiving oral, FILTHY TALK), language, but also fluff? Idk I tried to do it all with this one LMAOOO
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Bro lowkey after i wrote this I was like.....yo do i wanna fuck cedric????? 
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Rising from the bed quickly, you started pulling your clothes back on, preventing Cedric from pulling you back onto the bed and into his arms. You heard him groan in disappointment, “Why can’t you stay?” You laugh and shake your head, sliding your jeans on. He always wanted you to stay after one of your encounters. “For five minutes?” he tries to bargain with you.
You take a look at yourself in the mirror and wipe away the smudged eyeliner under your eyes. Without turning back to him, you speak, “As tempting as you offer is, I’m still going to go.” Cedric sighs. “Besides, I don’t think friends with benefits snuggle with each other,” you joke around as Cedric just rolls his eyes before a small smile tugs at his lips.
This friends with benefits relationship started last year between you and Cedric. The two of you had undeniably chemistry and after one night of sitting in the common room together, you had shared your first kiss which eventually developed into something more that night. The thing about this relationship was that you didn’t expect it to go on for this long. You had been sleeping with Cedric on and off for about a year which was never your intention. You thought that it would maybe last three months, but instead you found yourself knocking on his door for longer than that.
You couldn’t help it. There was something about Cedric Diggory that made you want more. He was charming, smart, and handsome. What was not to like? The only thing that stood in your way of a casual hook up with him was Cedric’s blossoming feelings for you. You made it very clear to Cedric that you didn’t want a boyfriend; you would rather be in a situation-ship rather than a relationship. In a relationship, you had the capability of being hurt. It was best for you to be on your own and sleep with whoever you wanted rather than be tied down to one person.
Cedric on the other hand was mad about you. He originally had the same intentions as you when starting this arrangement. Sex and sex only. No dates. No labels. No PDA. No nicknames. No exclusivity. Just sex. But he started having second thoughts about four months into your agreement. The thought of you flirting or sleeping with other guys made his stomach churn. The more time you spent together, Cedric realized how intelligent, kind, and passionate you were. Cedric was falling for you and he was falling quickly.
Was it still wrong to be sleeping with the boy who had feelings for you when you didn’t want a relationship? Sure. But you justified it every time. The sex was great, Cedric was a good guy, he wouldn’t be a dick and tell the school about your affairs, and at this point, it would be too late to stop. You were in the thick of it, there was no escape now. 
Cedric sits up and pulls his boxers back up. “(Y/N), you know how I feel about you,” he justifies, but you hold up a finger and stop him from going any further. You didn’t need a declaration of love right now. What you needed to do was get out of his room and go to the library and meet up with Luna for your study session. Cedric doesn’t stop though, he rises from his bed and walks towards you as you lean against his desk. When he reaches you, he places his hands on your hips, pulling you close to him. “Why not give us a shot?”
“Because we agreed that this is just a casual thing,” you retort, pushing his hands off of you gently as Cedric sighs in defeat. “No labels remember?” Cedric sadly nods and you have to look away from him or else you’ll get sad too. A relationship with Cedric wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He was a great guy and you knew he would be the perfect boyfriend. But you weren’t going to get a head of yourself. You brushed the thought aside and simply kissed his cheek. “I have to run, but I’ll catch you later. Alright?”
The boy in front of you just smiles gently, knowing that he’ll just be disappointed again when you come over and leave. His yearning to be more than just sex to you grew every day. But he didn’t tell you that. He kept seeing you rather than losing you altogether. “Yeah,” he nods as you give him a smile. 
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, thinking of how messy this arrangement was. Cedric, hopelessly crushing on you, while you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t want a relationship. Before you register what you’re doing, you press a gentle kiss to Cedric’s lips, him immediately kissing you back with no hesitation. The kiss is gentle, sweet, and short. You don't know why you did it. You never kissed him goodbye. But today you felt like you wanted to. Almost needed to. Cedric looks like he’s about to say something, but you just speak before he can, “Alright then, bye, Cedric.”
You walk to the door, leaving quickly. “Bye,” he calls after you as you shut the door. 
As you walk down the steps of the boy’s dormitories, you can’t help but mentally beat yourself up. This friends with benefits thing was going too far; it should stop. But the thought of not being with Cedric made your stomach twist. It was good for you to set a boundary, right? 
You evade the thoughts from your mind as you enter the library, spotting Luna waiting for you at a circle table. “Sorry that I’m a little late,” you huff while sitting across from her. “I got caught up with something.” Luna looks at you and blushes before looking back at the book on the table. “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” you touch your cheeks.
She shakes her head. “Um, no, dear,” she giggles. “You, erm, you’ve got something...right here,” she points to her own neck for reference. Your face heats up with embarrassment as you slap your neck, realizing that Cedric had given you a massive hickey. “No judgement here. Do what you have to do.” You groan and close your eyes. You hated when Cedric gave you hickeys; they always lasted forever and you got teased relentlessly on them by your friends. Luna notices your frustration and takes the light blue scarf from around her neck off and hands it to you. “Here you go.”
“You’re the best,” you thank her as you wrap the scarf around your neck. “Fucking Diggory...” you huff as Luna giggles, looking at you a little concerned. You were never this disheveled after seeing Cedric. In fact, you were always in a pleasant mood after being with Cedric. You notice Luna’s gaze and speak with a sigh, “It’s complicated...alright, enough of that, what are you working on?” ----------
The next day, you sat in the grass with a few of your friends, all chatting and munching on small snacks. It was a gorgeous spring day, the sun was shining, flowers blooming, and the smell of fresh grass danced in the air. The day was seemingly perfect.
As mild chatter was exchanged between a few classmates, you scanned your surroundings. That’s when you spotted Cedric. He sat on a bench, eyes focused on the book in his hands. You smiled to yourself as you watched the way his eyes maintained a soft focus on the words, him running one hand though his hair pushing it back. He looked other worldly in the moment, like a Grecian god. Your heart fluttered, but you prevented a blush from coming onto your cheeks by taking a deep breath in. 
However, you thoughts came to a screeching halt when Cedric’s gaze lifted from his book and landed on something, rather someone, else. His mouth moved to greet the person who sat on the bench next to him. Cho took a seat next to him as he draped an arm around her shoulders, her giggling. Your stomach became sick at the sight and jealously flooded your chest. What was he doing? The pair start talking as Cho laughs at something he whispers in her ear. Your blood is boiling at this point. 
“You alright, (Y/N)?” one of your friends asks you.
“I’m bloody brilliant,” you speak, your eyes not moving from Cedric. “One moment.”
You ignore the calls of your friends as you rise from the grass, grabbing your bag, leaving the circle. You weren’t going to do anything to Cho Chang. She did nothing wrong. In fact, you weren’t going to do anything to Cedric either. But you were going to make sure he knew that you saw what he was doing. 
Making yourself looking as unbothered as possible, you shake your head, snapping yourself out of your funk. You let yourself relax, a soft smile relaxing on your face. You walk in their general direction, not stopping to say hi to them, just passing the bench the pair was sat on. However, Cho looks up and speaks. “Oh, hi, (Y/N)!” she beams. 
Matching her energy, you speak, “Hi, Cho!” You smile at her and send her a wave. Looking at Cedric, you say nothing and continue to walk, ignoring his whole presence. As you walked away, you felt his eyes on you the whole time, a smirk playing out on your lips. “Prick,” you huff under your breath.
You walk into the castle, leaving the garden area. But that’s when you hear footsteps behind you, quickly approaching. “So you’re going to ignore me now? Is that what we’re doing?” Cedric’s voice calls after you as you smirk, knowing you’ve won. “Hello?”
Sarcastically, you turn around and pretend to just notice him. “Oh, hi, Cedric. I didn’t see you there. Anyway, I need to get going now,” you tell him. “You shouldn’t leave Cho alone. It’s rude to do that.”
Cedric laughs, “You’re joking, right?” You just shrug and turn around, walking away. “Merlin, (Y/N), you should be one to talk! You leave me alone constantly after you’ve had your way!” he exclaims. His words make passerbys oooh as your face flares up with embarrassment. “What? You’re gonna play all shy now? ‘Cause last night you were anything, but shy,” he continues as people’s interests peak.
You look around at multiple pairs of eyes on you as you grab his hand and pull him into a vacant classroom. You push Cedric in first, you shortly following, locking the door behind you. “What the fuck was that?” you yell at him, pushing his chest back, completely enraged. Even though there were a handful of people who knew about you and Cedric, you weren’t keen on the whole school knowing about it. 
“Well, now that I have your attention,” Cedric starts as you slap his arm. “What? You’re mad because I’m talking to another girl. Merlin, (Y/N), it’s not like I kissed her!” You roll your eyes. “So, it’s okay for you to talk to other guys and flirt with them, but when I do it, it’s wrong? You’re mental!”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes. You hadn’t flirt with anyone else; maybe cheeky banter with George Weasley once, but nothing that should have had him sweating. You retort, “That’s a load of rubbish, Ced, and you know it! You wanna know what else is? You tell me how much you like me and then you go ahead and do shit that says otherwise!” Cedric pulls at his hair, unable to comprehend the situation. It’s not until a tear hits your lips that you notice that you are crying. This game was driving you crazy. “Cedric, I don’t know what we’re doing!”
“No, (Y/N)! You don’t know what you want!” Cedric yells back as you stop, shocked at his accusation. “I’ve been very clear with you this whole time. I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long and it’s only you who I want. You make me happy. I want to call you mine and all mine. I don’t wanna worry about someone asking you to be theirs. I want you to be my girlfriend. But it seems like that’s something you don’t want!” he throws his hands over his head, in full surrender. Cedric is crying now too, but he angrily wipes his tears away. 
Gulping, you decide to confess to him why you’ve been so persistent on not being his girlfriend. “It’s because I don’t wanna get hurt, Cedric!” you yell, throwing your hands up. His face changes from frustration and softens into concern. “I’ve been how relationships can affect people. I’ve comforted too many friends before. Heartbreak seems too painful and I don’t need anymore pain in my life. Because I know if I lost you, it would be the greatest pain of all,” you cry out.
After you spill out your feelings to Cedric, you bury your face in your hands and sob. It isn’t long before Cedric runs over to you and holds you in his arms, you burying your face in his chest, sobbing into his robes. His one hand rubs your back and the other cradles your head rest on his chest. He lets you cry into him and doesn’t say a word. Cedric lets you cry and cry and cry into his chest for as long as you need. The only words he speaks are, “I’m not going anywhere.” His strong hands comb through your hair, relaxing you as you sniffle into his robe, calming down. He places a soft kiss to the top of your head. His embrace brings you comfort and peace, his grasp feels familiar. Like home. 
You pull away from his chest and look up at him and he takes your face in his hands, wiping away any leftover tears. “I’m not going anywhere. I swear on my family name that I will never hurt you. I am going to protect you with every cell in my body. I promise I am going to make you the happiest girl in the world if it’s the last thing I do. And if I fail to do that, then I’ll be damned. But I am going to be the best man for you,” he swears to you, looking deep into your eyes. His eyes swelled with honesty and compassion, something you had always admired about him. In his moment, you couldn’t admire him more. 
“I want to be yours,” you tell Cedric. “All yours.”
Your words make Cedric’s lips turn upward into a childish grin and he chuckles, “You mean it?” You nod as he laughs before pressing his lips firmly onto yours as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close to you. You sighed into the kiss, relaxing your whole body. Finally. It felt so right. Standing beside Cedric, kissing him, but this time as boyfriend and girlfriend. “Say it again,” Cedric whispers against your lips before reattaching them, not wanting to stop this moment.
You smile into his kiss and mumble against his lips, “I’m all yours, Cedric Diggory.” He quietly moans into your kiss as you feel him pressing his hips into yours. “All yours,” you repeat as his hands trail down your cheeks, neck, to your chest to grab your breasts through your robes. You moan and push against his hands as you can feel him smile. 
Cedric breaks your kiss and looks at the door, making sure it was locked before drawing his wand and casting the Muffliato spell. You look at him baffled that he would want to have sex in a classroom. You thought since he was a prefect that he would want to play things safely. But your mind was quickly persuaded otherwise as both of your robes hit the floor, uniforms shortly following, Cedric pushing your blouse open so he could kiss the exposed flesh on your chest. You tangle your fingers in his hair as he leaves dark purple hickeys on your breasts, marking his territory. “I wanna hear you moan my name,” he demands, roughly ripping your bra off as you gasp, the cold air hitting your nipples. Cedric takes one of your nipples in his mouth, kissing and sucking on it before making his way to the other.
You roll your head back and let his name fall from your lips with a moan. The sound of you saying his name made Cedric moan as he sucked on your breasts, sending vibrations through you, the wetness between your legs growing. “Ced, baby,” you pant as he kisses up your neck before taking your bottom lip in between his teeth with a smirk, pulling on your lip gently.
“What, baby?” he asks, voice deep, making you weak in the knees for him. Which gives you an idea.
With a small smirk, you drop to your knees and yank down his boxer as Cedric stares at you with wide eyes. You watch as his hard dick hits his stomach before you take it in your hands, slowly pumping. Cedric sucks in a breath through gritted teeth. “You want me to suck you off, baby?” you look up at him through your eyelashes before licking up his shaft from his balls to the tip.
Cedric groans, “Bloody fucking hell, yes.” With that, you take his length into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip, letting your saliva and his precum wet his erection before you take anymore of him. Cedric thrust his hips, forcing you to take all of him as once, making you gag a little. “Fuck,” he pants as you start to suck his dick, hollowing out your cheeks, bobbing your up and down him. “I love your pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock,” he breathes out as you suck on his tip, hands massaging his balls. “Fucking shit, (Y/N),” he moans out as you take his whole length in your mouth, his dick pushing your gag reflex. “Let me come inside of you. I wanna cum inside that tight little pussy,” he pulls out of you with a pop. 
He pulls you up from your knees before grabbing a condom from his back pant’s pocket. “Naughty,” you laugh at him, surprised, but not that he’d carry around a condom with him during school. 
Cedric rolls the condom on his hard length and then pulls you close to him. “Get over here,” he smirks. Cedric grabs your thighs as you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist. He pushes you against the wall, so he can fuck you against it. “You’re mine. You got it?” he growls which only makes your need for him grow, your pulsating vagina begging for him. 
“Fuck me, Ced, please,” you dig your nails into his back, aching for him.
“Only good girls get fucked. Now say who you belong to, slut,” he demands.
His sudden change in demeanor makes your heart race. “You, Cedric, you. I belong to you. I’m all yours, baby. No one else. Just you,” you whine as he teases you, dragging his tip in between your wet folds. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me like I’m your little slut.”
With that, Cedric pushes his whole length into you as you sigh out in pleasure. Cedric groans before starting to thrust in and out of you, not letting you adjust to his size. You wince a little bit at his size. He notices and says, “Take it like a good girl.” His words make you wetter for him as he pounds in and out of you, hips crashing down onto you. “You like that? You like the way I fuck you, baby? Who else fucks you like this?”
You dig your nails into Cedric’s back and dig your heels into his lower back, pushing him deeper inside of you. “No one else. Only you fuck me like this,” you pant with each thrust, making your breasts bounce with each thrust. 
“Good girl. That’s my baby,” he praises you, grabbing your chin, forcing your gaze onto him. “Let me hear you moan my name, baby. I love hearing it coming out of you.”
You smile, lips slightly parted as you stare into Cedric’s eyes that are dark with lust. “Cedric, fuck,” you moan out. “You fuck my pussy so good. I love feeling your hard dick inside of me.”
Cedric grabs onto your thighs tightly, leaving small bruises as he groans. “Mmm, yeah,” he moans before pressing his lips on yours, sloppily snogging you, tongue massaging yours. “I want you to come all over my dick, baby. I want you to scream my name as you come.”
Obeying his demand, you roll your head back, focusing on the feeling of his dick rocking in and out of you, your walls tightening around him. You feel his thumb roll sloppy circles onto your clit and that’s what sends you over the edge. Waves of pleasure wash over you as your mouth falls open. “Shit, Cedric, I’m gonna fucking come,” you moan out, eyes screwed shut.
“Come, baby, come all over my dick. I wanna watch you come all over me. Scream my name,” he whispers in your ear.
With a few more thrusts and sloppy circles, you curl your toes and dig your nails deeper into his skin. “Fucking hell, Cedric!” you cry out with pleasure, releasing all over his hard cock as he moans shortly after you, shuddering inside of you, telling you that he had finished. He continues to thrust in and out of you, riding out both of your highs. 
Beads of sweat fall down both of your faces as your chests rise and fall rapidly. You both catch your breaths as Cedric gently puts you down. You hold onto his biceps, needing a little help standing, your legs feeling like jelly. “Bloody hell,” Cedric pants with a light laugh. You join in his light laughter, both still in euphoria about how great the sex was. Maybe the best you’ve ever had. 
The two of you get changed back into your uniforms and robes, cleaning yourselves up after your little quickie. As you fix your hair, Cedric grabs your hips with a large smile on his face. “So, you’re my girlfriend now?” he asks as you roll your eyes.
“I guess so. You’re stuck with me now, Diggory. Happy now?” you tease him, pecking his lips gently. Your heart fluttered at the sight of the happy boy in front of you. It may have taken you a while to come to terms with it, but this was right. Cedric was right. 
Cedric squeezes your hips. “Happy is an understatement,” he confesses with a kiss to your forehead. This was so right.
571 notes · View notes
binniesthighs · 4 years
hello stranger | reader x changbin |
this drabble was inspired by binnie’s outfit from the hello stranger vid and oh also! we are finally getting changbin’s thighs on this acct dedicated to them teehee
Part 1
Pairing: self insert, female reader x seo changbin, past reader x han jisung  
Genre: smut n’ a lil fluff 
Tags: (for this part) softdom!changbin, sub!reader, undergroundrapper!changbin, chan, felix and jisung side characters, hook-up, scraping knees & mentions of blood, thigh riding, oral (m receiving), gagging, protected sex, praise kink, slight breeding kink, orgasm denial and edging (f receiving), begging, fingering (f receiving), squirting, use of handcuffs, cockwarming at the end
Word count: 4.9k 
PART 1 | PART 2 
gif creds to @iconicspearb​ ♡
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2am, and you felt euphoric. Like a fucking cloud. Even though it was typical, there really were no other words that could describe it. Music was blasting on several speaks mounted to the walls and the ceiling. The bass was booming at such a low frequency you felt it reverberating in your chest--or maybe that was your heart. 
You had been shoved up against sweaty bodies for nearly four hours now, and your friends Chan and Felix hadn’t told you if they planned on leaving at any time soon. Not like you minded. Nothing felt better than a feeling like this. In a place like this, you could forget the rest of the world for a little bit; who you were and what you needed to do. The buzz in the room was infectious. Everyone in the room threw their bodies together, clashing in one big, beautiful mess. 
After four hours, you still wouldn’t get tired of it. Next to you, Chan and Felix were bouncing up and down with you, thrashing their heads to the rapid fire syllables spat by the rappers. Your ears would ring during every tiny moment of silence.  
“How much longer do you wanna stay for?!” Your scratched voice called to your friends. 
“SpearB hasn’t come on yet!! We have to see him!” 
The widest grin attacked Chan’s face, flashing his dimples. “Yeah! I heard that he’s insane!” 
Felix threw his arm over your shoulder to dance with him and the two of you fell into a rhythm, shouting over the lyrics of the rapper on stage: you had seen him dozens of times, Chan and him were even on a first name basis. 
You new his name too, but that was because you had plenty experience screaming it out for him...both at concerts and in private. Jisung was his name. He was the one that turned you on to fuck buddies. God, he was way too cocky for you to ever to consider anything else. 
He dished out out of his signature winks while he buried his teeth into his lip. 
You wondered if you would be going home with him again tonight. Not like you minded. The way that he would suck on your clit was unreal. 
“--THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT!” Jisung bellowed into the mic, leaping off some structure and launching himself into the air. 
You and your two friends cheered for him and clapped for him until your hands turned red. He was cocky...but he was sure as hell talented. 
“SpearB is coming next!!!” Felix shook your shoulders in his excitement. 
A couple stage hands changed around the stage a little bit by moving around a couple speakers, adding a smoke machine, setting out a new computer at the little table in center stage. 
“He-he’s gonna LIVE MIX ON THE STAGE” Chan’s eyes widened.
“He’s gonna what!?” There was almost nothing left of your voice. 
The lights dimmed and Felix and Chan clung to your arms, nearly squeezing the life out of them.
If he was this of a big deal to them, he must be something special. 
He stepped out a black shadow, swirls of smoke at his feet. He hadn’t even said anything yet, but his aura was massive. The lights rose slightly so you could see his face better: smoky brown eyes, light brown hair that was nearly silver. He wore a thick silver chain around his neck, contrasting with the rest of his darkly colored clothes. Most of all, your eyes were drawn to his thighs, perfectly shaped and curved under his pants, toned and thick. On his fingers he wore bands of sliver rings. 
As soon as his fingers touched the keyboard, Chan and Felix lost their minds clawing at your arms. You had never seen the two of them so giddy. 
He didn’t even look at the audience at first, like they weren’t even there. With the tap of his fingers he started making a beat; it was piercing and catchy with snares and 808′s vibrating the room. He had a small keyboard next to him that he used, the silver glimmer from his rings reflected off the stage lights--they were nearly blinding. 
The crowd started moving to his beat which he sped up gradually creating a type of tension that you could only really describe like the mere seconds before a climax. 
He rose the mic to his mouth after licking his lips tantalizingly slow. He finally let himself look at the crowd. With the mic to his mouth, his eyes met yours, striking you with electricity. Even though his backing music was ridiculously fast, he sauntered to the front of the stage, not breaking with your gaze. This time you definitely knew it was your heart that was throbbing in your chest—not the music.
Chan and Felix were clawing onto you even harder, but you couldn’t feel a thing. 
He was fucking mesmerizing. 
He hadn’t even said a word. 
He crouched down to be eye level with you with his gaze still deathly fierce. Every single inch of him oozed with confidence and unbridled mystery. 
Almost like he was teasing you, he shot up and away, turning into his mic, his gruff voice growling over the start of his lyrics. 
He never looked at you again for the rest of the performance. You found yourself aching for his eyes on your body again, but he never gave it to you. 
No one had ever made you as soaked as he made you. 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Aren’t you glad that we stayed, Y/n?” Chan nudged you hard once the three of you had left the club. 
The chill of the winter stung at the back of your sweaty neck wonderfully. It felt amazing compared to how stuffy it had been in there for the past several hours. 
“--how he looked at you?? Y/n, that was...” Felix laughed out a little in disbelief. 
You dig your hands further into your coat pockets. Just above you, tiny flakes of snow started to fall. You huffed out, your breath was wispy floating in the air. You were still getting over it all. How could he have looked at you like that and then pretended that you didn’t even exist? What kind of sick shit was that? 
Chan ran in front of you to skid on a patch of ice with child-like giggles. 
“You okay?” Felix asked, linking his arm through yours. He was always the best at reading you. 
“--yeah, it was just strange. There was something about him that...” 
“--I mean, he’s really hot. I’ll give him that.” 
You chuckled a little. “You think so too?” 
“I’d be blind if I didn’t think so.” 
“I don’t even know him...but why did he look at me like that...like he did?” 
“I dunno.” Felix shrugged. “We should catch up with Chan before he actually slips.” 
“Heh, you’re probably right.” 
“You just gonna head back home? It’s really late.” 
“Yeah, I’m super tired after all of that.” 
“Want one of us to walk you home?” 
You pondered for a minute, eyes cast up a little to the sky. The night had turned perfectly quiet during the early hours of the morning. Maybe a walk by yourself could do you some good. 
“I’m fine. Thanks for offering though.” 
“Text us when you get back?” Your friend gave your arm a little squeeze with a little worry dancing across his freckled cheeks. 
“Of course.” 
“Okay...don’t forget!” 
“I won’t!” You waved your friends away just as you reached the intersection separating your path from theirs. 
You sucked in a deep inhale, letting the cold air burn a little in your lungs. The sensation snapped you out of your yawn perfectly. It was just a few more blocks away and you knew the way well. Two rights, one left, two straight ahead. 
A blur started to cover your eyes and one more yawn escaped your lips. 
Or was it one right and two lefts? 
The street lights blurred into green and white lines. 
I should be there shouldn’t I? 
Behind you the horn honked, loud and shrill. 
You thought to yourself, what is someone doing honking so loud at night? 
“Watch out!!” A hand grabbed at your arm and jerked you back hard. 
You were definitely awake when your body crashed to the cement sidewalk knees first. A burning pain seethed at the skin of your knees. 
“Fuck! Sorry, I didn’t mean to pull that hard--” 
At first you saw your scraped knees, then you saw him...finally looking at you again. 
“What the hell are you doing walking into the middle of the street, didn’t you see the light?” 
“Are you fucking stalking me?” Was the first thing your brilliant brain could think to ask. 
He scoffed. “You’re welcome for saving your life? You were stumbling around... are you okay? Did you take something?” 
Before you knew it you were surrounded by him and his friends: inspecting you for any signs. 
“No, I am not on anything.” You hissed. “I just...I think that I’m tired an--wait...where are we?” 
“That tired huh?” He helped you to your feet, making you wince. “Shit, you’re bleeding.” His hand lingered on yours. 
“Oh. Yeah, it’s fine. Honestly it’s my own fault.” Your tone dropped. “I should have had one of them walk me home.” 
“--You need someone to walk you home?” 
“No, I got it, thanks. I’m just over that way.” You took two shaky steps forward, your knees immediately buckling in pain. 
“No-listen, my place is over there, I can help you get cleaned up--you’re not gonna find any taxis back to your place at this time of night.” 
“Are you luring me right now?” 
“What?! No!” 
You chuckled a little. It was a bit funny how different he was off stage compared to on. You almost forgot how embarrassingly soaked he had made you before. 
“Trust me.” He nodded to his friends and they split, leaving the two of you alone under the flurrying snow. “You coming?” 
You tentatively took his hand. Funny. This was kind of how it started with Jisung too. All of them were the fucking same. You pitied yourself for thinking that he would be any different. 
╚ ——————————————— ╝
Changbin, as he introduced himself, lived in a modest apartment with three roommates in a place with creaky floorboards and walls of painted over brick. He swore up and down that there was heating in there, but it didn’t feel like it. He kept very few things in his room save for some things that looked like synthesizers and a TV. The two of you had to tip-toe to his room. He warned you that nothing could be kept secret in that apartment. 
“Here, you should clean it first to get anything out of it. Then put this on it, you don’t wanna get infected or anything.” 
“oh. Thank you--” You reached out, but instead he knelt at the edge of the bed at your knees. He tore the whole in your tights even wider to start dabbing at your scratches. 
“Hey! What the--” 
“--They’re already torn. What’s the use in them now?” 
He got to work, being as careful as he could tending to you. His hands gently held your leg still. You watched as he did everything. Being this close again, you remembered. Those little silvery and wavy trellises of his hair...he really was gorgeous. 
Changbin’s hand smoothed down your calf once he was done, tickling you slightly. 
“All done. Better?” 
“Yeah...thank you.” You shied away. After seeing this other side of him you didn’t quite know what to think. 
“I’d love for you to stay but, seeing as you thought that I was luring you before--” 
“--Have I met you before?” 
“Me?” Changbin unclipped his earrings. “I don’t think so. But...that’s interesting. I was thinking the same thing earlier. There’s something about you that I recognize.” 
“--That’s why you looked at me like that?” 
“I looked at you like that, because I thought that you looked sexy.” 
You felt a heat rise in your cheeks. There was something especially hard to ignore about how gentle he had been with you before and how his eyes seemed to devour you now recalling the memory. It was...different. Maybe he wasn’t like all the rest of them. 
“I guess you must not think I still am if you’re trying to send me home.” You edged him on. It was undeniable how good it felt to have him give you his undivided attention. 
“I’m sending you home because it’s the respectful thing to do.” 
“That’s honorable.” 
“You rather me do something else?” 
“You rather me do something else?” 
“You want me to continue being respectful?” 
“Do you want to be?” 
Changbin paced the length of his room, cradling his neck up. “Stop playing fucking games and tell me what it is you want.” 
You thought that him performing was enough to send you over. Seeing him mad was something entirely different. You knew exactly what you wanted; what your body wanted.  
You narrowed your eyes. “Obviously. I want you.” 
You saw it in his eyes first. It was like the first spark of a flame right before he was set ablaze. All you had to do was say it. 
He tore his jacket off and launched himself on top of you, crashing his lips needily into yours. His mouth was addictive, perfectly soft, but running over yours roughly over and over. He kissed you, starving, breathing exhales into your mouth. He wasted no time meeting his tongue with yours, twisting around it slowly, forcing you to slow your pace. He gave you everything at once, then slowly started taking it away again. Changbin sucked on your bottom lip slightly, then pulled. He returned, kissing you again agonizingly slow. He let his hands cascade down your sides, sliding them up your shirt. Further down, he wedged his thigh between your legs, pressing in and issuing a little whimper from you. 
“I like to take things slowly...I hope you don’t mind.” He kissed down your jaw to your neck, taking care of the skin he craved here. He pressed harder with his leg. 
You cried out before grinding your hips into his thigh hopelessly seeking some kind of pleasure. When you did so, the friction of your clit was just enough. 
“So fucking needy.” His warm breath spilled into your ear. “You just can’t wait to have me, can you? Can’t wait to have me filling you up, fucking you deep inside, stretching you out...just like you want to?” He painted more kisses into your neck. “You’re not getting it yet. Not until I say so.” 
“Please...” You felt pathetic grinding on him so hard, but you couldn’t stop, not when it felt so good. 
“Awww.” He tutted. “Feels good doesn’t it?” 
“Mmmm...” You dug your fingers into his arms to pull yourself even closer to him.
He scoffed out a laugh and moved himself off of you. “Quit doing my job for me.” He smirked, then reached down to your legs where he coursed his hands up your inner thighs right where you were most delicate. His fingers reached your throbbing and drenched pussy properly wet through your panties from grinding on him. He ghosted over your clit, letting his fingers fall up and down just slightly, never giving you the satisfaction. Your whole body jerked just for him. Wordlessly, he tore a hole again with one continuous rip. 
“fuck. You’re so wet for me.” He wondered at your body. There he was, looking at you as he had done before. His thumb permitted you a couple soft circles to your clit as you helplessly grinded into his hand. His hands looked beautiful teasing your pussy with his silver rings.
“I’ve got something special I wanna use on you.” Changbin rubbed down harder with one hand and drew a pair of shiny metal handcuffs from his beside with the other. “Pretty right?” He twisted them around.
Seeing them instantly made your whole core cry out in desire for him even more. 
“Can I?”
You nodded quickly and even provided for him your wrists. As expected they bit with a cold, but how they made you feel...so helpless and usable was euphoric. Changbin rose your arms above your head, then removed the remains of your tights, skirt and underwear. By contrast, he was still completely clothed, but you could see his dick, hard and swelling with girth, pressing up against his pants. 
His hands explored all over your legs while you squirmed. The touch of his skin on yours was hypnotic. You had already felt his fingers, so you figured he wouldn’t let you feel them again soon. He drew little scribbles into your skin, sometimes pressing hard, grabbing at you in greedy handfuls. 
“You’re so gorgeous Y/n, so pretty for me, so pretty tied up and squirming. You’re such a good girl...I’m gonna make you cum harder than you can even imagine.”
Your little whimpers came out along with a string of explicatives while he teased at you relentlessly, still not going to touch your clit again. Your hands trashed together a little in the cuffs, the cold digging into you. You couldn’t do anything about it. Your hips writhed when his fingers traced up to your belly, then up to your nipples to pinch at them until they were painfully hard. Your whole body craved him so badly everywhere. 
“fuck--please stop, please--” you panted out, “touch me.” 
Back down again went his hands, and you watched as he devilishly smiled at his work. “I said, not until I say so.” Suddenly his fingers slid right into your pussy with ease. He had tricked you. You nearly screamed at the feeling if he had not slapped his hand over your mouth. “be fucking quiet.”
Changbin pumped in and out at his favored slow pace, curling his fingers up perfectly to rub at your g-spot. Your hands were still useless, so you bit down hard on your lip to keep your moans from escaping. 
“You like it this way don’t you? You’re taking my fingers so good, beautiful. Keep being a good girl and I’ll let you cum okay?”
“Mmm-yes, please.” Your words were breathy.
He moved on to fucking you with his fingers relentlessly. He would switch between pumping you full to then pulling out and robbing you of all feeling. As soon as he could sense your walls tightening, he would pull out, eyes greedily watching as you would fall apart from his edging. 
Your body betrayed you while you were being cruelly teased and your mind went blank as he brought you back and fourth each time. A tension deep down inside you built every time he would curl his fingers--any moment you knew that you could explode if he could only just let you. You even considered letting your hands fall to rub your needy clit yourself, but you had more than enough of punishing. 
“You’re doing so well.” Changbin soothed you at last. “Do you wanna cum for me?” 
“Yes.” You sighed out with utter exhaustion. 
“Alright. You deserve it.” He kissed into the skin right under your bellybutton where your shirt had tucked up a little. 
Finally he rammed his thumb against your clit to give it simulation as he continued fucking into you with his fingers, giving careful attention to your sensitive bud as he wiggled his fingers with speed. The metal on his fingers grazed you too inside, and you felt yourself tightening around him once again. That same tension gathered low and it was so intense and unfamiliar that it scared you. Your back arched as you felt it getting closer..closer...
You cried out, “Changbin, I--” 
“Just let it all go, babygirl.” He spread out your legs farther. 
You came with such ferocity that you felt lightheaded: you squirted hard with your release. It took every ounce of your will not to make a sound, only letting shallow gasps escape. Changbin removed his fingers as you came, rubbing your clit as you did, giving it a couple slaps where it was swollen. Tears fell down the sides of your face as your whole body shook with each release and your hips buckled together. 
Changbin laughed out in awe at the shaking mess in front of him. You felt your whole body flush with heat, and you couldn’t bear to look at him--you had never done anything like that before in your whole life. In fact you didn’t really know what it was. You hid your flustered face under your arms. 
“Fuck, that was so fucking hot.” You heard him chuckle. “Why are you hiding? Hey, come back--” 
He jingled with the keys and let your wrists free, which were also throbbing with a bit of pain. He kissed both of them one after the other. 
“Are you okay?” 
You let yourself look at him and you noticed that his shirt was splattered wet from droplets of your liquids. 
“Fuck--I’m sorry, I don’t know what that was--” 
He laughed softly then crawled over you again. His hands ran up and down your body still in aftershocks. “You don’t have to apologize.” He pressed his lips into yours. “I’m guessing that was your first time squirting, huh?” 
“I-I think so.” 
“Did it feel good?” 
“It felt...so good.” 
“I fulfilled my promise then didn’t I?” He caressed the sides of your face to give you even more careful kisses; they weren’t needy anymore, but this time more caring and passionate. Hell, he didn’t even know you but he kissed you like he loved you. 
“You want me to do you now?” 
“Not yet, you’re still coming down, I don’t wanna ruin this for you.” 
“ ‘Kay.” This time you were the one to lean in to keep kissing him. His lips curled into a smile against yours. 
Changbin unbuttoned your cropped shirt, then took off his all of his clothes after. He laid down next to you, both of you completely bare and the warmth of his mouth found yours once again. Maybe it was just because you had just cum because of him, but the sense of closeness that you felt to him made you feel impossibly safe. You could have kissed him like this forever. 
“You’re perfect.” He whispered onto your lips between kisses. 
You slung one of your legs over his hips and his member twitched on your stomach. You had come down enough. 
“My turn now?” 
“I wouldn’t object to that.” He grinned. 
The bed sheets crinkled a little as you descended farther down the bed and he sat his back against the wall. You got your first proper chance to look at his full length: veiny and perfectly thick, dripping just a little with pre-cum. You could only imagine what it would feel like inside you. Changbin’s eyes followed as you wrapped your hand around him and teased the tip with your pointer finger. You licked fat strokes up and down the sides, feeling him hardening even more. The saliva gathered in your mouth seeing the head grow redder and redder. His chest shook with a broken sigh. You gave him one teasing squeeze that made him wince beautifully. 
“Keep going.” He commanded, raking his fingers through your hair and gripping there. 
“I don't need you to tell me that.” You hushed and flicked the tip of your tongue over his tip. 
After he got to do all of his teasing, how come you didn’t get to do some too? 
“Don’t make me make you.” He growled. 
“Ooo scary.” 
Your hand began to pump him and he relaxed, exhaling out with the trailing of his voice hiding his soft moans. Your free hand dug into the skin of his thigh, letting the sharp of your nails pepper little pink crescents. They were so perfect, you rewarded them with kisses and little bites while your hand kept pumping. Changbin’s fingers dug into your scalp needily. 
He hissed out, “Give me your mouth.” 
A surge of confidence swelled within you knowing he was completely in your control. “You aren’t even going to say please?” 
“I don’t say please.” 
“Then maybe I won’t suck you off then?” 
A flash of betrayal ran across his smoky eyes. “What?!” 
“Fine. I won’t make you say it.” You smirked and took him in generously, deeply, pushing down your tongue and taking him down your throat. You were just a little too ambitious: his length made you gag, but you swallowed down the reflex. Changbin’s head fell back and hit the wall. 
“fuck yes.” The words escaped his tongue. 
You grabbed at him and squeezed, hard, twisting him and flicking your wrist with each turn. He was delightfully hard in your mouth, and with each step closer he gasped out faster and faster. Your head bopped in your rhythm, still taking him in deeper with each move, chasing gags away just as fast as you got a new one. You would stop for a few seconds to let him quiver in your hand and he would groan out once your warmth disappeared. 
“Not-not yet,” He gasped out and squirmed, then pushed you lightly off of him. He scrambled over to the beside again, throwing the drawer open and finding a condom which he tore open with his teeth, then impatiently rolled it over his pink length. He threw his body off the bed, grabbing at your hips to align you with the edge of the bed and situating himself between your legs. He was just as impatient when he took some lube into his hand to rub over his dick curled against his stomach. Changbin coaxed his dick into your opening, leaning down over your body with forearms resting on both sides of your head. Once the two of you were connected, you both let out sighs with the feeling consuming you. He filled you up so wholly, so deeply, it even hurt just a little bit, kind of like the first time. 
“Baby you’re so tight.” He thrust in slow at first, exactly how he liked it. It felt fucking amazing when he stretched you out grinding his hips even in little to let your clit feel the sensation as well. He attached his lips with yours to lend them his warmth. Your arms latched around his neck and your legs around his waist as you pulled him in even closer. The heat from his sweating chest emanated on you. He started to pick up his pace, giving your g-spot attention again as he angled himself above you. 
The two of you sucked in each other’s air as it lasted between your lips for only a few seconds. You moaned directly into his mouth hoping that it was enough to muffle the sound and he returned back with his own arousal spilling all over you and sticking on your tongue. 
Changbin pulled away to shove your legs together and press against his torso, making you even tighter. He shut his eyes upon feeling it, focusing on nothing else but his thrusts. His forehead gathered with little beads of sweat and one fell down his brow. 
His name flew off of your mouth naturally as he fucked into you, and your second orgasm pooled. His toned arms flexed from where he grabbed onto the bed and he choked out little airy gasps before announcing that he was about to cum. 
“Cum inside me baby, fill me up...I’m all yours.” 
Upon hearing your words, he set himself loose, pounding into you with astonishing speed doubling over you as he came, leaving himself inside to throb against your walls. There was something so primal inside of you that craved to feel his cum inside of you knowing that he wanted you, that he desired you and that you could unscrew him until he was vulnerable like this, all for you. 
“Can we...stay like this for a little while?” 
He chuckled a bit, and swept a few strands of your hair off of your face. 
“You like how it feels like this then?” 
“Okay beautiful. Anything that you like, can I come back up first? Kinda hard to do it like this.” 
You nodded and let himself get situated sitting on the bed, resting himself against the wall once more. Your bodies shivered as you sat back down on his softening dick, but it was the feeling of being connected to him that you craved. He traced his fingers up and down your back, his eyes full of admiration. 
“You’re perfect.” He echoed. 
“You hardly even know me.” Your fingers twirled his curly hair. 
“You’re perfect.” 
“Thank you...and...thank you for making me feel so good.” 
“My pleasure,” He laughed out the words, “And yours too I guess.” 
“Very funny.” 
There he was, looking at you again like that. Like he loved you. He didn’t even know you. He didn’t know that things you had done; who you were. 
“I’d like to get to know you though. If you’ll let me.” 
╚ ——————————————— ╝ 
AHHHH so writing this I kinda fell in love with the potential for this plot, esp with the stuff with the readers history with Jisung???? SHould I make this a series???? Softdom!bin romancing us?? Let me knowwwww
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A Bourbon Street Wedding
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Enzo St. John x Mikaelson! Reader
Part 4 of 4: ( Part One, Part Two, Part Three)
Words: 3859
Summary: The big day has finally arrived.  You couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect. 
Notes: I can’t believe it’s been around 3ish years since I started this series. To anyone out there who is still reading, thank you! This is the final part in my Enzo and the Originals Series and I really hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you so much for reading! Warning: So much fluff ahead. Lovey dovey fluff, family fluff, just all kinds of fluff. 
The New Orleans’ sound did not wake you up. It was the feeling of someone looming over you as you slept that crept deep into your slumbering mind and forced you awake. Your eyes fluttered open and you screamed. Caroline stood over you, hands on her hips and rage in her eyes. 
“How are you still sleeping?” She shrieked yanking the covers off of you. You groaned and turned your head to look at the alarm clock. “The wedding is only seven hours away! We need to get ready!” Enzo rolled over, covering his ears with his pillow. Caroline grabbed your hand and Enzo’s arm and dragged you out of the bed.  
“Caroline, I appreciate how much you’ve done to help, but-” Enzo started groggily. Caroline shoved a bag of hair product at him and pushed him out into the hall. 
“Damon got here earlier, he’s waiting downstairs for you.” 
“No, buts, we are already way behind schedule.” Caroline huffed. Her planner-face calmed and she smiled at both of you, stepping to the side so you could look at each other. “Alright, you two. This is it.” The last time you would see each other before the ceremony. You just stared at Enzo, speechless. Neither of you could even begin to know what to say, so you just laughed nervously. Caroline slammed the door. “Okay, let’s do this.” 
Bonnie, Rebekah, and Hayley all burst into the room. Hayley pushed play on the stereo and music blasted, mostly cheesy romance songs that Caroline had insisted upon. Bonnie popped a bottle of champagne and Rebekah toyed with your hair while Hayley and Caroline talked about their daughters. 
“Hope is staying with her grandmother this morning. Mary is bringing her later.” Hayley explained. 
“Ric’s staying with the girls. He sends his best.” Caroline announced. You nodded and smiled. Alaric was your friend, despite his complicated relationship with the rest of your family. Then again, most of your friends had a complicated relationship with your family. Caroline scowled. “Stefan has elected himself as the selfless martyr who will not be attending so he doesn’t ‘cause a scene’.” She rolled her eyes. You took her hand swinging it back and forth playfully. 
“You deserve better.” You noted. Bonnie raised a glass.
“Amen to that.” She handed out the drinks and the morning passed by with many giggles and indecisive arguments over what color lipstick you should wear. When all was settled, you were cast into a frenzy of makeup and hair curlers until Caroline declared your look to be ‘just right’. 
Meanwhile, downstairs, a reluctant vampire stood outside the gate, tempted to turn around and run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Of course, the first person to greet him didn’t exactly put his mind at ease. 
“Damon Salvatore…” Klaus chuckled darkly. “What a pleasure to see you again.” 
“Niklaus.” Elijah called from inside. “Do stop frightening the best man.” The oldest living Mikaelson came out and stood by his brother. “Hello Damon.” Damon gave the pair a reluctant wave. The magic witchy Mikaelson- one that Damon didn’t even know existed until now- invited him in and the three lead him to the room where Enzo was getting ready. Damon death-glared him as Freya went upstairs and the brothers stood on either side of him, like minions of death. 
“Please tell me you’ve got bourbon.” He grumbled, side-glancing the two originals, waiting for one to pounce. Enzo watched in irritation as Damon threw his stupid, trademarked leather jacket onto the chair. Kol glared from his spot on the sofa. 
“I thought we’d already gone over the guest list.” He sneered. “I would’ve made sure that this-”
“Behave yourself Kol.” Elijah warned. 
“It’s nice to know none of you have changed.” Damon snarked, snatching up the bottle of bourbon on the side-table. He poured himself a drink and downed it quickly. “And neither has your taste in liquor.” Enzo growled.
“You’re here for a reason, Damon.” He groaned. “You already missed the bachelor party, now please, do something helpful.” 
“You missed one hell of a night, Damon.” Kol smirked, licking his lips. 
“Yeah, I heard about those call girls going missing.” Damon noted. “I’m surprised at you, Elijah. I never took you for one of us miscreants.” Elijah kept up his stoic expression, his tone betraying his slight annoyance.
“I refrained from last night's activities.” 
“He was absolutely no fun.” Klaus whined. “Lovesick fool. Hayley’s practically got him on a leash.” Kol and Klaus both snickered. Elijah shook his head, but couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He really was a lovesick fool, not that he was ashamed to admit it. And with Davina and Cami both gone, he didn’t reprimand his brothers for their partying. 
“I believe that I was not the only so-called ‘buzzkill’ at the party.” He pointed out, his eyes on the groom. Damon’s jaw dropped. 
“Enzo?” He fake-gasped. “Has our blood-thirsty party man finally turned into a hopeless romantic?” Enzo rolled his eyes and shrugged. 
“Just because I’m not a brute, doesn’t mean I’m a hopeless romantic.” He smirked. “Undeniably in love, yes. But not hopeless.” 
“I think I’m going to be sick.” Kol pretended to gag. “You remember you’re speaking of my twin? I know a couple secrets about her you would not find so romantic.” 
“Kol.” Elijah scolded. “We wouldn’t want Lorenzo getting cold feet now would we?”
“Yes because then I would have to remove them.” Klaus threatened, casting a dark look to the groom. Enzo gulped and began to tie his tie over his pristine white shirt. Elijah had picked it out, which meant that it was the best money could buy. 
You both looked perfect. After all, this was the biggest moment in all your centuries of living. The girls gathered around you and let out a collective sigh of awe. This was it. 
The guests were beginning to arrive and you felt your heart pounding, wishing that you could be with him to calm your nerves. But of course, it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony and with your shared history of weddings, you needed all the luck you could get.  And so you waited, tapping your foot at an alarming speed and trying to take deep breaths. 
“Everything alright dear sister?” Kol wondered with a smirk, leaning against your doorway. Caroline, Rebekah, Bonnie and Hayley were all getting ready to be the perfect bridesmaids and Freya was preparing to officiate the wedding. She had been so excited when you asked her and you couldn’t think of anyone else you wanted to say the words ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’. 
“What could go wrong?” You looked at your twin and smiled nervously. Kol’s face suddenly darkened. 
“Well I can think of something.” He growled. You turned to see who he was looking at and gasped. Kol stepped towards Marcel.  “I don’t recall sending your invitation.” 
“I just came to tell Y/N congratulations.” He held up his hands a sign of peace. “I don’t want to cause any problems. Not today.” Kol continued to loom ferociously over Marcel until you stepped in between them. 
“Kol, why don’t you go make sure that Klaus hasn’t killed any of the guests? I don’t want a single speck of blood on him when he and Elijah walk me down the aisle.” You were able to shoo him away before he could object, turning back to Marcel with fiery eyes. “Of all the days you decide to make amends…”
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness for not telling you I was alive all those years.” He started. “I’m asking you not to hate me. All I want is for things to go back to the way they were before everything happened. We were pretty close friends, you and me.” 
Thick as thieves, more like it. While Marcel was like a son to your older brother and a lover to Rebekah, he was always one of your dearest friends. You were devastated when you believed your father had killed him. When you discovered he was really alive, you were both relieved and furious. All those years and never once had he reached out to find you. Seeing him stand before you now erased all of your anger. 
“You say it like I’ve forgotten.” You cried, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you for coming, Marcel. You don’t know how much it means to me.” You pushed away with a small smile on your face and tears in your eyes. 
“Hey,” He comforted, placing a hand on your cheek. “We can’t have you crying before the wedding.” 
“Would you stay?” You pleaded. “Please, Marcel. It would make this day even more perfect.” He gave you a look. 
“Can you promise none of your siblings are going to try to kill me?”
“You know I can’t.” You both laughed and he agreed to stay, sneaking down into the courtyard where the ceremony was taking place. With him gone, you were alone again and the unstoppable nerves returned. “Come on, Y/N. You have faced centuries of trials and vicious enemies. You’re just-”
“Pledging to spend the rest of eternity with someone with probably as much emotional baggage as yourself?” Klaus finished, stepping into the room. Elijah had managed to get him into a suit and he completed it with his famous mischievous grin. 
“Shouldn’t you be downstairs with Elijah?” You put your hands on your hips. 
“Oh come now, don’t be so cross. It is, after all, the happiest day of your life.” He replied smugly. “I simply wanted a word with you before the festivities begin.” He led you to sit on one of the sofas, taking your hand in his own. 
“What’s this about, Nik?”
“I know that I have been… difficult these past centuries.” He smirked and you couldn’t help but laugh in agreement. “The truth is, Y/N, that I am completely afraid of losing your love to someone else. But I have seen the way you are with Enzo and I simply cannot bring myself to take it away from you. I may be a selfish bastard, but even I do not wish to see you unhappy. I wish you the most joyous life, Y/N.” 
“Klaus,” You placed a kiss on your brother’s shoulder. “My love for you will never falter or diminish, no matter how much of a thorn in my side you are.” He gave you the loving smile that you often wished to see more of. Klaus was troubled and all you hoped for was that one day he would find the kind of happiness you had found with Enzo. 
“You look stunning.” Elijah noted from the doorway. He held out his arm. “Shall we?” Klaus and you stood and the three of you walked down to where you would be entering. Caroline and Bonnie would be first, then Rebekah with Damon, and Kol insisted on announcing you like some kind of queen. You were pretty sure he just wanted to get a laugh out of the crowd before you walked down the aisle. Of course, it was just nice to have your twin want to take part. 
You could feel yourself trembling as Caroline and Bonnie started walking. Rebekah and Damon were bickering even as they began down the aisle. You took shaky breaths and felt Elijah chuckle. 
“Everything is going to be fine.” He assured you. 
“You know, it’s never too late for me to kill him.” Klaus whispered and you elbowed his side. Kol gave you one final smirk before heading out to the front of the space. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” He greeted. “You are all here to celebrate the union between Enzo St. John and my beautiful sister, Y/N Mikaelson. Us being twins, I could share a great deal of stories about Y/N…” He looked back towards you and you glared at him. “But that will have to wait until the reception. Now, without further adieu,” He had an exceptionally smug smile on his face now and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his final words. “Here comes the bride.” 
Enzo finally was allowed to turn around as the music began to play. His heart leapt and his breath hitched. You were the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. In fact, gorgeous wasn’t even the right word for it. Nothing could describe how you looked as you walked towards him.  As if his eyes alone had calmed you, you felt your nerves wash away and the brightest smile spread across your face as you took the first step down the aisle. The faces of your closest friends turned towards you and with each step, you felt emotions bubbling up inside. As you reached the end, Klaus gave you a wink before taking his place beside Damon, removing a stake for his pocket. 
“Klaus!” You hissed. He gave you a mischievous grin.
“Couldn’t resist.” He said, Damon taking the stake from him.  Elijah lifted your veil and you felt a tear roll down your cheek. He smiled and wiped it away, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Freya beamed at you as she greeted the crowd and thanked them for coming to witness your union. Enzo couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The ceremony itself was simple and you and Enzo stared into each other’s eyes the entire time.
“May I have the rings?” Your oldest sister asked. Damon handed Enzo your ring and Rebekah handed you his. “The couple has prepared their own vows.” Freya nodded for you to begin and you took a deep breath, taking both of his hands in yours.
“The first day we met, you were trying to kill my best friend. However, just a few years previous so had I.” You laughed through the tears now freely falling down your face. “I thought that the only promise I would make was to my family. Our code of always being there for each other, and although it has been tested- multiple times-” You shot Klaus a look. “I want to extend that to you. I promise to love you and to protect you and cherish you. Always and forever.” You slid the ring onto his finger and laughed to yourself, wiping away the tears. You looked into his eyes to see that he was crying too.
“I didn’t know what it was like to be loved.” He began and for a moment you thought he’d blubber more than you had. He always was a romantic. But he composed himself as best he could. “Until I met you. You saw past all of the bloodshed in my past. All of my pain and anger. You had had your fair share of hurt over the years and you decided to take a broken soul and mend it. You saved me.” He took a deep breath, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. “And I plan to spend the rest of our lives trying to repay you for the love that you’ve shown me. Always and forever.” He put the ring on your finger and you both laughed at how emotional you both were. Freya smiled. 
“What are you waiting for? Kiss her.” The crowd erupted in applause as Enzo dramatically pulled you into his arms and lowered you into a dip before kissing you for the first time as your husband. 
The reception was held at Rousseau’s, which was heavily decorated with roses and lights to the point that it no longer looked like a bar, but something from a fairy tale. Again, the handy work of Caroline. Klaus watched Caroline from his seat at the head table as everyone waited for you and Enzo to arrive. 
“Now that Lorenzo is officially family, I recommend you don’t give him the same treatment that you gave us for the past few centuries.” Elijah straightened his cufflinks with a smile, giving Klaus a side glance. 
“Of course not, Elijah. The daggers don't work on him.” Klaus grinned mischievously. “Although, there’s always the crypt in the basement.” 
“Don’t even think about it.” Rebecca chimed in. Elijah looked across the table to Hayley, feeling a deep desire to one day have this with her. To have the happiness that his sister was now experiencing. Hayley saw him and smiled, her eyes lighting up his soul, or whatever was left of it. Perhaps one day...
The doors opened and the newlyweds entered. You still couldn’t quite believe it. In all your years of living, you couldn’t think of a moment when you were half as happy as you were now. Enzo’s fingers were laced with yours as you walked towards the main table, seeing the smiles on your friends and family’s faces. The guests cheered as you took your seats. Dinner was quickly served and it wasn’t long before Rebecca stood, tapping her glass with her spoon to get the room’s attention. 
“Ah yes, it is time for the dreaded speeches.” She announced with a smile. “Being the maid of honor, I am obligated to speak for my dear older sister. And since I have over a thousand years of stories, it was difficult to pick just one. I succeeded however, in finding a memory that I believe best describes my sister.
“She and Elijah were the only two to escape Klaus without being daggered and shoved into a box.” She gave Klaus a brief glare before continuing. “In the late 1800’s, when I awoke, many things had changed. People I loved turned their back on me.” Her eyes came across Marcel, but didn’t linger for long. “Elijah reintroduced me back into society, but it was Y/N who helped me nurse a broken heart. She made me believe in my own strength again. Y/N showed me the love that only an older sister could. I am beyond delighted that her heart has finally found its equal.” She looked at Enzo happily and feigned a scowl. “But know that should anything happen to her, you will not only have my brothers to worry about.” 
“Duly noted.” Enzo nodded, his hand having never left yours. All eyes were now on the best man. Damon took a long drink from his glass and stood reluctantly. 
“There isn’t a lot I can say about Enzo before him and Y/N met. When Enzo and I first knew each other we were prisoners. We were trapped together, tortured together, and experimented on.” You felt Enzo’s grip on your hand tighten at the memory. “When I got my chance to escape, I took it. I betrayed him. Decades later, he swore revenge on me and tried to kill my girlfriend.” Reading the confusion in the crowd, he smirked. “Don’t worry, this bromance has a happy ending.” 
“Of sorts.” Enzo whispered to you and you both laughed quietly. 
“My point is that Enzo hated my guts until Y/N got him to forgive me. I believe her words were ‘There are better ways to spend an eternity than seeking revenge. Especially against an old friend.’ Anyway, here I am and here they are, so I guess we all know the end of that story.” Damon glanced at you and despite his usual smirk, you could see the sincerity in his eyes. “Elena was always rooting for the two of you to end up together, so that meant I have to too.” The crowd chuckled at his last comment, but you stood up from your chair and pulled the snarky vampire into a hug. 
“Thank you, Damon.” You whispered. “I miss her too.” You felt him return the embrace and smile sadly against your cheek. 
“She would have loved this, you know. All the gushy romance and twinkling lights.” He said, fixing a hair that had fallen out of place and tucking it behind your ear. You nodded.
“You’ll have this with her someday, Damon. And when you do, I will be the one giving the speech.” 
“Over my dead body, Mikaelson.” He snarked. “But I guess is Mikaelson St. John now. Jeez, that’s a mouthful.”
“Sit down, Salvatore.” You shook your head in amusement. As you went back to your seat beside your husband, you noticed a member of the wedding party’s chair was empty. A rush of panic shot through you. “Elijah, where’s Klaus?” 
All of your siblings turned to the vacant seat and their eyes widened. Everyone started to split up to go find him before he could cause any trouble. 
“I’ll go get Caroline, she went to the bathroom.” Bonnie said, taking off in the direction of the restrooms. You and Enzo decided to check the kitchen but were not at all prepared for what you would find. Sure enough, there was Klaus. And Caroline. On the counter. You quickly shut the door, trying to contain your laughter. You took Enzo’s hand and headed back to the table, grinning like an idiot.
“Well it’s about time.”
As the night slowly died down, Enzo clinked his glass to acquire the crowd’s attention. Everyone focused on him as he stood, shooting you a bright smile. 
“May I have everyone’s attention? First and foremost I would like to thank each of you for coming out to celebrate this wondrous occasion. Some of you are from this beautiful city, and some came all the way from a small town called Mystic Falls.” He turned to Damon and smirked before returning his loving gaze to you. “But to end the night, I wanted to say a few words to my new wife, Y/N.”  You felt the blush rise to your cheeks and the warmth rush over you. 
“A few months ago, I discovered who my family was. As it turns out, after a century of searching and hoping, they turned out to be a bunch of thieves and betrayers. No resemblance to me, I’m sure.” The room laughed. “I’ll admit that I was crushed. But now, the Mikaelsons have accepted me into their family, some more willing than others.” Klaus shrugged with a smirk, still flushed from his little rondevu earlier. 
“I almost had you.” He teased. Enzo continued, holding his hand out for you, lifting you to stand beside him.
“None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for the brilliant, caring, incredibly sexy-” he winked and you giggled, “most wonderful girl that came into my life when I thought I had no reason left to live.” You laid a hand on his shoulder, feeling tears start to well up in your eyes as they started to in his. “She made me see that maybe there was a slight shred of hope in this eternity we were both stuck with. Y/N became my world. A world I would do anything to protect.” His hand slipped into yours. “Now we may have our disagreements, and I’m sure we have a long road of bickering and evading certain doom.” He held up his glass in one last toast for the night. “So here’s to one hell of a forever.”
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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