#kinda funny drawing all three of them together cause of the key thing
alangdorf · 9 months
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Yayyyyy Mitori my beloved!! Also Takane’s theme has been the sleeper hit of Unconnected Marketeers for me. And also Nitori’s there. Due to there being Three of Them and just personal motivation weirdness this took like a whole week and I didn’t have the energy to do much personal interpretation of their outfits & hair like ppl often do when drawing Touhou characters; followed the reference too closely on that as usual. But fun fact about turtles! I had trouble finding much documentation on this, but [some?] turtles have a dark line across their eyes that helps them see better horizontally and their eyes turn so that the line is always parallel to the horizon
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : just drive
— word count : 1.6k words
— pairing : rick grimes x reader
— summary : never had the inability to drive been a reason to divulge, nor had it been a problem. until a horde of walkers are trailing behind you, that is.
— warnings : swearing, implication of anxiety, mentions of death / potential car accidents, mentions of blood and gore
note: two imagines in two days i can’t believe my productivity, i thought it would be funny that being unable to drive in a zombie apocalypse would be funny because it would be such a useful ability to have ( ahem ahem my non driving ass ) this was meant to be like 500 words but it got away from me, anyways enjoy three hours of my nonsense!
                               ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   requests are open ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Burning. The sensation is fierce as you fight your own body to force more oxygen into your airways, to power you along to escape the deathly growls that follow behind you. Paranoia stokes its own fire, the feeling that walkers are much closer than they actually are push you to lighter steps in the barren dirt, the only tracks laid into its path are the ones you are currently forming with every inch you put between you.
Exactly how you’d gotten into this situation is not something you mind wants to visit currently, more concerned with your current predicament.
“ We’ll turn left up ahead, we passed a few cars a while back. “
“ That's as good a plan as any. “ You rush out in one breath, the words with a ghostly tone while you try to find your voice. Everything hurts, the idea of more running is not something you find appealing.
You wonder if the walkers are able to run, any thought to distract yourself from the aching your muscles feel at the physical exertion you’re being put through. For a fraction of a fleeting second, you turn your gaze backwards, your eyes running across the line of walkers that want to make the sky above you rain with your blood across the greenery as you flee. They do a very good job of speed walking, the amount of energy they have for being dead is something that unnerves you. Even after you have caffeine in your bloodstream, you have never had this much energy. What is their secret?
Tears blur your sight as you set your eyes on a graveyard of cars, dust that covers every inch of the metal machines show their age.
“ Rick! “ You exclaim, a new flower of hope blooming in your voice as your finger shakily raises to point in the direction of the car park. “ Over there! “
Both of you split instantly as you reach the space, your hands tugging at the handles of the vehicles, wishing with every fibre of your beings that one is unlocked — or at the very least, there is a key to unlock them nearby. Extremely nearby.
“ This one! “ Your voice carries over the distance resoundingly, the door opens with a click that blesses your hearing.
“ Yeah.. We’re lucky today. “ Rick mumbles to himself, flinging the bags that had been weighing on his shoulders into the back.
In the suddenness of the situation, your heart plummets below with a steep drop that you swore will not end. I can’t fucking drive. You gasp at the realisation of it, desperation twisting and contorting around the entirety of your body.
“ Rick.. “ Turning towards Rick swiftly, you pause in your confession. An uncomfortable heat warms your cheeks as you study him, unsure of how he would react during the worst possible moment for the disclosure. “ We need to switch places! “
“ What? “ His brows knit together as he asks you, confusing misting him completely. “ Why? Start the car! “
“ I do — I can’t drive! “
The confession leads Rick to momentarily splutter in response, his words cowering under the veil that is his tongue. Colour drains from his features, a continuous slap against the back of the car’s window from a lone walker ahead of the horde pushes him into a brisk movement. The action is awkward, the lack of space threatening to cause harm in the form of bruises from knocking limbs against various parts of its interior.
“ Just drive! “
With a haggard start, you examine the way your surroundings appear to move, realising that the vehicle is awake and increasing with speed as it puts space between you and the dead. You lean your head against the window, one of your hands moves towards the temple of your head to message some of the tension of almost being eaten away. That had been too close for comfort.
“ Uh, y’know I gotta ask — “
“ How I can’t drive, right? “ You finish, your eyes roll in response, you know he’s going to  find too much amusement in making fun of you.
“ And how you made it this far. “ He drawls, humour embedded in his response as his eyes continue to survey the road ahead.
Your teeth bite the side of your cheek, with strength that almost is able to draw the crimson liquid that lays beneath your flesh. Lips purse at the enjoyment you can feel radiating off of his body, as it wishes itself into existence.
“ I don’t know! “ You grumble loudly, your shoulders lift temporarily in response. “ I’m just always with someone who knows how to operate one of these things. “
“ You never learnt before? “
“ I mean.. I always had a fear of driving. No reason, just the thought that one wrong move and.. “ a shudder rips through your body with a blinding pace, your fingers lay tapping at your thigh. “ I could cause an accident, or even be in one would scare me to death! “
“ That’s understandable. “ Rick nods, glancing in your direction before breaking out in a grin. “ Kinda. “
A heavy groan vibrates inside of the car, you throw your hands up in the air as you realise he’s one of the worst people to divulge this information to. Your addition to the group hadn’t occurred as earlier as most of them, they’d been kind enough to accept you into their family after escaping Terminus. On a rare night, nightmares of that cursed location shatters the mirror of a dreamy slumber into a thousand shards that scar your mind for the nights that follow. Echoes of screams from those captured, treated no more than a prize cow that awaits its slaughter to service those with the butcher’s knife.
Truthfully, you’d gravitated towards the man. With the amount of trauma you’d been through, the way that when he speaks, you craved the comfort his words never lost. Certainty and confidence are still with him today, often leading you to believe everything will be alright. Even if the road between Georgia and Alexandria had been filled with gore and tears, everything has turned out fine. So far.
“ You are being so annoying right now. “ Cursing the man, you show him your middle finger.
Rick says nothing, he merely chuckles in response. You almost allow your mind to tread into the murky waters of the man you used to know and the transformation into the man he is now.
“ I just.. “ shaking his head, the cheeky glint in his eyes only sparkles more as it grows in size. “ How d’you not run into this problem earlier? “
“ I don’t know! “
“ It’s nothin’ short of amazin’. “ a gust of air is released from his lips, only now does he realise they’re dehydrating from the amount of running done that afternoon.
Trees and bushes blend into one another, creating a vivid merging of shades, providing a soothing palette to paint the most tranquil of artworks. You envy the way life has flourished under the lack of human traffic, trampling the environment without a care, you wish you could undergo the same change the way it has. The human mind has a way of making obstacles difficult for itself.
“ I just.. Can’t help but find it funny. Drivin’s.. It’s a way of survivin’ when you got more than one of them on your ass. “
“ Well I guess I am an outlier to that rule. “ your brows move with the motions your head makes as you try to muster an air of superiority over the notion.
You find yourself wishing you hadn’t succumbed to your fears, that you’d bit the bullet and studied and practiced as much as humanly possible. The fear of driving hadn’t been the only thing that stopped you from pursuing the ability, but the idea of having to take a written exam and an actual driving test? The two often colliding in an infinite clash of wills that left your insides in a constant, battered wreck every time you thought about the idea.
All you want is to be able to do that one thing, after all, so many had done so before. You’re sure that everyone, minus the children, are able to drive. Such a simple thing, you’d never thought would prove to be such a thorn in your side when you’d take the train to work. Life has a way of stitching together a set of circumstances only to treat them like dominos, destroying the work with little regard as it watches them fall one by one. The carefully nursed structure is a shell of what it used to be, the resting place of what could have been.
“ You didn’t give up, y’kept fightin’. I’ve seen people able to hotwire these things taken down. It ain’t the car that keeps a person alive, it’s them. “ He assures you warmly, as much as he wants to continue to find amusement in lacking what is now deemed as a life skill, it doesn’t take a genius to realise you’re becoming annoyed by the poking and the prodding his humour brings.
“ That’s oddly.. Uplifting. “
“ I do say these things from time to time, no need to sound so surprised. “
“ They’re so rare I forget. “ A smirk lifts the corner of your lips as you eye the man from the side. It is your turn to laugh now.
Light hearted chatter fills the limited space, conversation flowing just that little bit more freely now that danger no longer pursues you in earnest. You’re thankful for a drop of normalcy in a sea of skeletons that surround the world now, you can pretend that — even for a little, it’s a normal day.
“ What d’you say to havin’ some drivin’ lessons? “
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samwrights · 4 years
Baby Fever
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I’ve said it once, I’ll say it 600 times. I need Hanamaki Takahiro to put a baby in me. Y’all are going to be so tired of me after this one. Fluff and slight NSFW. @dreamyjaems not totally daddy related, but pretty darn close ;)
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The first time he notices it is when you’re both out with another pair of couple friends.
They’d been married for six years, while the two of you were entering three years together, and they’d just had their first baby less than a year ago.
Despite never mentioning a future desire for them, Makki watched the way you interacted with that little girl and he knew straight away.
Haha, I’m in danger.
The way your eyes soften when you hold her or the way you’ve created a new, soft persona that only spoke in high pitched gibberish
The way you were constantly buying the baby’s clothes for no reason. At all.
It becomes more apparent when the two of you are out shopping and you somehow end up in the kids clothing section.
Baby vans is where Makki draws the line. Do y’all know expensive baby vans are? I’d draw the line too.
“Sweetie...sweetheart...love of my life...” Makki has a grin on his face, his eyes aren’t open, and he’s holding your guys’ statement for your joint bank account. “Mind telling me why the fuck you spent $138 at the vans store when you didn’t buy any new vans?”
“How do you know that I didn’t?”
“Because you would have shown me them.” His grin drops into an entirely unamused look. “What did you do?”
Sighing in defeat, you walked over to a nearby shoe closet, pulling out three boxes of baby vans in varying colors and sizes. “They were just so cute 🥺”
Makki takes a seat beside you on the couch, hunching over his knees while covering his face with one hand. “I wish you’d just talk to me about this first before you went splurging on a kid we don’t even have yet.”
Yet?? Y E T??
“I was under the impression you didn’t want any.” And that wasn’t necessarily wrong, per se. The two of you were still young, trying to work through college debt, and weren’t as stable as you could be. But Makki was in this for the long haul, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t want you to be the mother of his future children.
“I mean I’m not opposed to the idea of trying.”
“...wanna start trying right now?”
“You son of a bitch, I’m in.”
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Iwaizumi was going to tear his hair out if he heard you coo at a baby one more time.
At first, it was fine. Yeah, the baby you spotted while the two of you were in line at Starbucks was cute. Even cuter when the baby waved to you, he wasn’t denying that.
But nearly every chance you got when the two of you were out in public, you’d smack him on the arm when you’d see a baby.
Legit, it was like you had a fucking radar on you.
“Haji, Haji, look! Look at how cute the wittle baby is!”
It was endearing, really, because he’d see the pout form on your lips as you tried to catch the infants attention. But again, that damned radar you had was driving him wild because it seemed to happen everywhere you went.
If there were toddler siblings or, heaven forbid, twins, you absolutely lost your shit. You fawning over one was bad enough but two? Or more? Good god.
Iwaizumi has banished all walks to the park. Walking your dog together? He made a new route away from the nearest children gathering place.
He couldn’t even bring you to McDonald’s anymore because you’d just stare at the fucking play place.
“D-do you really just not want kids, Hajime?” You’d asked him one time after seeing how red he turned with near anger? Maybe anger wasn’t the right word.
“That’s not it...”
He groans out of embarrassment cause he really doesn’t wanna admit this out loud. “Every time you talk about kids, I literally just wanna go home and fuck a baby into you.”
“Okay, so what the fuck are we waiting for?”
“College graduation???” Damn him and his logical rationalizations.
“We’re almost done with school—if we start now we’ll have already graduated before the baby’s even born.”
“You’re gonna be the death of me.”
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Oikawa actually entertains your baby fever—which is no help at all.
I see him totally being the dude that indulges watching 16&Pregnant, Teen Mom, etc. with you.
Half the time, you guys make bets over which couple’s going to break up, who loses custody of their child, so on and so forth.
But one thing remains consistent with the two of you—who the cutest babies are.
A constant topic of conversation between the two of you during these times is how idiotic some of the parents were. Have y’all ever seen Unexpected? Diego was the worst, and both of you had a unanimous opinion on that.
Unfortunately for you, these shows really start piquing your curiosity as to how yours and Oikawa’s little one would actually be.
And how the two of you would be as parents. It does upset you a little bit, considering he’s heavily focused on his pro career.
Oikawa notices the lack of desire to watch any of the aforementioned shows, despite that being a typical Friday night thing for the two of you. Friday night (baby) Fever.
“Alright, what’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing? I just feel like we should do something else.”
“Uh, no. I know you’re dying to see what the hell Max was doing while Chloe was giving birth.” 💀💀💀 he’s not wrong.
You gnaw on your lip while you make dinner—as per usual for your Friday nights. You always made something that required a bit more love while Tooru kept you up to date with his career.
“Do you think we would be better parents?”
“Duh,” he responds without skipping a beat. “both of us know how to make a bottle and change diapers.” He adds, referencing to the multitude of times you’d babysat friends’ kids or his newly born niece.
“Tooru, I’m serious.” A dry yet light laugh leaves his lips before he’s standing behind you, wrapping his arms just under your breasts and resting his chin on your head.
“I am too. I’ve just been waiting for you to give me permission.”
Oya? Wait, shit wrong person sorry
Needless to say, y’all don’t need to watch anymore pregnancy shows after this—too occupied with your own journey into parenthood.
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Oh Mattsun, my clueless bunny.
He probably wouldn’t even notice, tbh, that you literally are in near tears when you see a cute baby.
Cause I imagine his s/o would be one that cries over all the cute things. Puppies? Cry. Kittens? Cry. Otter pups? Double cry.
But he seems to be missing the key theme here—b a b i e s, Issei.
He kinda dense.
You’ve always been good with kids without really trying, he learned, when you started watching your best friend’s five year old son once a week.
The little bean was your best friend, besides his mom and Issei of course. Every Thursday, you got up early so you could welcome the boy, make him breakfast, and hang out with him all day.
At first, it did funny things to Mattsun to see the way you’d glow while making slime or watching your favorite kid’s movies with him.
He learned quickly you could quote the entirety of Hercules and Mulan, and often acted out the singing parts with great theatrics.
When your best friend would come for her son, you’d get a little sad, enough for Mattsun to notice. He’s not that dense.
But dense enough not to notice the way you longingly stare at mothers holding the hands of their toddlers or carrying their babies while the two of you are out grocery shopping.
You’ve never wanted anything more than to have a kid with Issei. Even if he is kinda 💀💀
He’s so good to you, and it kinda hurts your heart the way he brushes off hanging out with you and the kiddo. Like he doesn’t want children period.
So, like any other healthy relationship, you actually decide to sit down and have a talk with him about this. Low key, it kinda scared him cause he thought you were about to dump him. “Do you see yourself having kids in the future?”
“Babe, I physically cannot.”
“I fucking hate you, Issei. I’m being serious.” Despite your words, you try not to laugh. You failed.
“What brought this on?”
“You just never seem to want to hang out with me and the rugrat when he’s over.”
“Not gonna lie, it’s just really hot watching you play mom.”
“You know, I don’t have to play mom.”
“Bedroom. Now.”
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witchy-mel · 3 years
The Note
[A/N: This is a Russell x Petey "one-shot" fanfic. I put one-shot in quotes because I low-key kinda ship them and this is basically just my interpretation of how their relationship would... begin(if that makes sense lol). I won't be necessarily adding on to this, but if my school work doesn't take over me, I might make different situations of this ship(or just draw it idk). FYI: I'm going to be using Petey's full first name when he's not being referred to in quotes just in case you're wondering why he's referred to so formally lol(idk why i did it this way, but it's just better for me than to just use 'Petey' all the time).]
It was 3:30 pm on a Thursday. Classes were over for the day. Kids were racing out of classroom doors, hurrying to meet with friends to talk about weekend plans and whatnot. Something Peter wished he was doing right now. Unfortunately for him, he was walking down the halls with Derby Harrington. They were talking about their part of the class project they got assigned to in English. Luckily, they got the easiest part. All they had to do was a six-slide PowerPoint report summary of the current novel the class was reading, Romeo and Juliet. Every one else was assigned a skit or some sort of visual representation, and Peter was glad he wouldn't have to experience another episode of 5th grade. But his luck didn't last long because he got paired up with Derby. If he had a list of Preps that he couldn't stand, Derby would be at the very top. His snobbish behavior irritated him and he was going to have to deal with it for two weeks. He couldn't switch partners either because Mr. Galloway had already picked these groups in advance so he was just going to have to deal with it. Hopefully, he won't drive him crazy before the end of the week.
They had stopped by Peter's locker so that he could put away his stuff and grab his book. "So, we'll do three slides each, then, " Peter said while neatly stacking his things into his locker. The golden-haired boy leaned on a locker next to Peters, examining his manicured nails with one leg crossed over the other. "Let's keep this simple, okay. Harringtons are very busy people, y'know." Derby said, who was now examining the nails on his right hand. 'Yeah, because buying yachts and spending daddy's money is soooo time-consuming,' Peter thought while rolling his eyes. Ignoring Derby's statement, they proceeded to talk about how they would set-up the project. While they were discussing their plans, the hallway next to them was emptying faster than when one of the bullies would chuck a stink bomb in the cafeteria, making the already horrid smell of the lunchroom even more unbearable.
Kids were darting left and right, frantically trying to avoid the person that was coming their way. Cheerful conversations were replaced with gasps and footsteps tapping against the floor. It was Russell and he was heading straight towards Peter's locker. His head hung low, his face dull and ominous. His power-walk made him look even more threatening. It wouldn't take him long to get there. "... and make sure to be prepared the day before the due date. We don't-" Derby was cut short after he took a glance up from his hand, seeing Russell storming towards them. He quickly fled into the bathroom that was close to the lockers.
Peter, on the other hand, was still rummaging through his locker. He was looking for his book for the project. He could have sworn he had put it on the top shelf. He had already toned out Derby earlier, which was for him, but it was a little too quiet. "Sorry, what were you saying?" Peter asked as he closed his locker, pretending as if he was listening. He'd imagined Derby would be standing there with his arms crossed with an impatient look on his face. Strange enough, he had completely disappeared. "Derby...?" Peter called out while he looking around, but no response. He just shrugged it off; more time to work then. He decided to use a copy online until he can find his.
He turned from his locker and was greeted by Russell looming over him. His tan skin slowly faded into a sickly white as he locked eyes with the taller and significantly larger pupil. His face was red, and his eyebrows were burrowed. Was he mad? But why at him? He greeted him nervously, "Uh...h-hey Russell," his voice small and shaky. Russell suddenly slammed his giant hand against Peter's locker, trapping the petite boy in between himself and it. The noise of the metal clashing together made Peter jolt and hiccup a gasp. There were so many thoughts were racing through his head. 'What is happening?' 'Did I do something wrong?' ‘Is he going to shove me in the locker?' ‘What does he want from me?’ Russell had begun to raise his tightly balled fist. Peter just flinched beneath him and waited for whatever was to come. A minute passed before he realized that he was still in one piece and wasn't smooshed into someone's messy locker. Peter slowly opened his right eye to see if it was just some prank to scare him. Well, that's what he hoped. To his surprise, he saw a little, white, wrinkled envelope resting in Russell's large palm. "For...Petey," Russell said, who was now looking away from the smaller boy, his face slightly flushed. Peter carefully took the envelope out of his hand. "Ah- t-thank you," he said, with a fearful grin. Russell removed his hand from the rusty green locker and shoved them into his dirty, jean pockets then walked away from Peter, leaving him lost for words.
Peter watched as Russell walked away until he disappeared behind the hallway walls. After grasping what had just happened, he slammed his body into the locker and slid down to the tiled floor. A sigh of relief escaping his lungs. He looked at the envelope in his hand He turned it around in his hand. 'What could be in this?' he thought as he studied the envelope. Knowing Russell, surprises from him either left you injured or eternally traumatized. "Is he gone?" asked a voice coming from the right of him. He turned his head towards the bathroom to discover the once obnoxious and over-confident prep cowering behind the boys' restroom wall. It was kind of funny. He couldn't blame him, but still. "Yeah," Peter answered back. He was trying to hold back laughter. "Good. Speak of this to anyone, and I'll have daddy sue you." Derby threatened while he brushed off his Aquaberry vest and recomposed himself. Peter quickly cleared his throat and put on a straight face. “Well, now that that's over, I'll be seeing you tomorrow in English, so be prepared.” He then proceeded to walk down the hall towards the main doors. Peter decided it was his time to leave as well and because he was getting sore from sitting on the hard floor for so long. He pushed himself up and headed for the boys' dorm.
When Peter entered the dorm, it was quieter than usual. It was practically empty. Well, it would be if Gary and Jimmy weren't sitting on the couch watching some cartoon on the tv that he didn't care to recognize. ‘Just great…’, he thought. If they spotted or heard him, especially Gary, they'd probably hassle him about the letter. He had to figure out a way to get past them quietly. Then it came to him. As ridiculous, and probably unsanitary, as it was, he got down on all fours and started crawling to his room. Since he was small enough, it would be easier for him to sneak past. Successfully making it past the entrance to the living area, he now had to make the final stretch. As soon as he was far enough from the doors, he tiptoed the rest of the way to his room. When he got to the door, he slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door wide enough so that he could quickly slip in. He slid through and gently closed the door.
The duo continued watching tv in the living room, but Peter's plan didn't necessarily go as planned. Unfortunately, the main doors weren't as quiet as he was. "He does know that we heard him come through the front door, right?" Gary asked before taking another sip of Beam Cola. "Just let him have his fun," Jimmy replied, still focused on the tv. There was a moment of silence until Gary placed the can on the floor next to him and leaped over their couch, "I'm gonna see what he's doing," Gary said. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and headed towards Peter's room. Jimmy sighed, then t switched off the tv.
Safe and sound he hoped. Peter plopped straight onto his bed. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the envelope. He examined it a bit closer than when he was in the school halls. It was sealed with a barely sticky, small, pink heart sticker, and on the back was a note that read 'For Peter' written in three different shades of red in colored pencils. He lifted the sticker from the paper and pulled out the neatly folded piece of notebook paper stored inside. But before he could even read it, it was snatched out of his hands. "What'cha got here, femme boy? A love letter? Let me guess... it's for Beatrice, isn't it?" Gary teased, "Or wait, maybe it's for one of the jocks. I know how much you love to watch them during football practice in those tight pants." Gary pestered, causing Peter's face to go red. He didn't even hear him come in. He knew he should've locked the door! He had to get that letter back before he read it. "Hey, give that back!" he cried, stretching his arms up to grab the piece of paper Gary was taunting him with but was failing to reach it. "And it's not mine; someone gave it to me," Peter explained, still stretching for the paper. He knew he shouldn't have said that, knowing it would only make this worst. "Ooh~, a secret admirer, huh~?" asked Gary, seeming even more interested, "It can't be any of the girls. Hm...maybe one of the nerds or, better yet, one of those idiotic bullies! That seems right up your alley." Gary insulted. A sly, toothy smirk painting his face. Peter had stopped reaching for the paper bowed his head, tightly balling his fists up in his lap, almost digging his nails into his palms. His vision became blurry, and his face was hot.
"Cut it out already, would ya? Geez." Jimmy instructed while propped up on the door frame, his arms folded. "What? I was just playing around," Gary shrugged. Peter quickly snatched the paper out of Gary's hand, secretly wishing it would have given him a paper cut. "You're such a jerk, you know that?" Peter snapped back, clearing his watery eyes. "Aw~ did I hwurt da baby's feewlings? Here let me kiss it better." He extended his arms, attempting to hug the smaller boy but was restricted by a hand pushing on his chest. "Shut up..." Peter responded irritated, dodging eye contact.
"Well, when you two are done making out, I would like to know what's going on here," Jimmy said impatiently. "Little Petey here got a love letter," Gary said, pushing himself away from Peter. Jimmy raised an eyebrow, "A love letter? From who?" This was the part that Peter didn't want to happen. He knew if they found out, they'd probably, no DEFINITELY, laugh at him. Especially Gary. That's why he wanted to get to his room unnoticed. But he couldn't just sit there in silence, wishing he could turn back the time. He took a deep breath and spoke, "...it's…from Russell..." the boy softly answered.
"Russell?!" the duo exclaimed, jaws practically dropping to the ground. "So I was right! Haha, that's hilarious!" Gary laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. Jimmy elbowed him in the arm, almost causing Gary to fall. The taller boy glared back at Jimmy while rubbing his arm. "What does the letter say?" Jimmy asked. Peter uncrumpled the paper from when he snatched it out of Gary's hands so that he could read it. The handwriting was really neat, but the grammar was close to illegible. He tried his best to decode the message. "Meet Russell at...Old Bullworth Vale Garden tomorrow... at 4:00 pm." ‘4:00?’ 'What does he want to meet up for?' Peter thought about the incident that went down at the lockers and it sent shivers down his spine thinking about it.
"Ooo~ little Petey's going on his first date." "Would you cut it out already?" Petey shot back. He was growing tired of Gary's little comments. That combined with the thoughts of Russell potentially trapping him a port-a-potty only gave him a headache, and Gary wasn't making it any better. "Could you guys just go…please?" He said while rubbing his forehead. This was stressing him out. The two said their goodbyes and left Peter to drown in his thoughts. He could hear them arguing outside his door, but he wasn't paying much attention. He was still thinking about the note. He laid down on his bed and stared up at the broken ceiling fan. He thought to himself, 'Why did I read it?' 'What if I just threw it away? Then what?'. Peter didn't have time to worry about the ‘what-ifs’. He had a project to do. He groaned and rolled out of his bed. Sitting at his desk, he opened up his laptop and began working. Hoping that this would keep his mind off of it.
It was the next day at school. The day was nearly over, and Peter felt as though he had made no progress at all. All his day his mind was fogged up with recurring thoughts. His thoughts had shortly came to a stop because a faint voice was coming into tune through his right ear "…ey. Hey! Snap out of it!" It was Derby who was snapping his fingers, trying to pull the dazed boy out of his trance. "Hm? Oh, sorry, I got a little distracted..." Peter explained. "A little?! You've been "distracted" almost during the entire class! This is the third time I had to wake you back up!" Derby responded sharply. "I said I was sorry, alright? I just have a lot on my mind right now..." Peter explained. “Ha! What exactly could poor people even think about? Now is not the time for jokes, Kowalski.” Peter stared him down, now even more annoyed. He wished he was daydreaming again. Derby rolled his eyes and sighed. "Whatever, let's just get back to work," Derby instructed. They continued to work on their separate slides, Peter trying his best to keep his head out of the clouds.
*RING* The sound of the last school bell. To Peter, it sounded like the final gong before disaster struck. He stopped by his locker to put his stuff away before heading to the dorm. When he got to the dorm he headed straight to his room. He entered his room and sat on his bed. He sat there for a while. He scanned the wall in front of him until his eyes landed on the clock. A couple more minutes until it was time to meet up with Russell. He stood up and walked to the mirror behind the bed. He stared at his reflection. He looked drowsy. He hardly got any sleep last night. It was because of the note. That stupid note kept him in and out of sleep. Even when he was doing his work, that couldn't take his mind off of it either. And this was all because of a piece of paper. More so the person who wrote on that flimsy piece of paper. He slapped his face a bit to wake him up a bit and bring the color back to it. He contemplated whether he should change his clothes or not, but he decided that was unnecessary. It's not like he was going on a date or anything, despite what Gary said, so he just took off his vest and fixed up his shirt collar. He looked back at the clock. It was about time. He looked in the mirror and gave himself a reassuring nod. He headed out his room and straight to Old Bullworth Vale Garden. At least he would've been if he didn't have an unexpected visitor.
Gary was standing in front of him, his hand raised to knock on the door. Great, another person he didn't want to see today. They stared at each other for a while. “Look. I have somewhere to be, so if you have something important to say, hurry up.” the smaller boy explained. “Rushing to see your new boyfriend, huh?” Gary teased. Unsurprisingly, he only came to annoy him. Peter tried to walk past him, but Gary quickly blocked his path again. Peter sighed, “What?” he asked impatiently. “Look, I'm sorry, ok. For yesterday.” “You really think I'd fall for that? I know Jimmy told you to do this.” “Well, yeah. But if I didn't, then you'd ignore me for the rest of the week. Then teasing you won't be as fun. So…apology accepted?” Gary asked with a crooked smile. Peter shook his head. “I'll think about it.” He responded firmly. He pushed past Gary and continued on his way.
Well, here he was. No turning back now. He scanned the park looking for Russell, but he couldn't see him anywhere. Fortunately, he brought the note with him. Peter pulled the note out of his back pocket and unfolded it. He re-read it to see if there were any directions. Nothing on the front. He flipped it over to the backside. In blue-colored pencil was a message in the middle of the paper that read: 'Meet by soda machine' He stuffed the paper back into his pocket and treaded up the long stone path. When he reached the stone wall before the picnic area, he paused for a bit. There he was. He was sitting on the far left of the stone bench, staring out into the distance. He puffed out his chest then walked over to him. "Hey, Russell!" Peter greeted with a tiny wave, trying not to sound scared. Russell spun his head around and directed his vision to the smiling boy. Hi, Petey..." the red-head replied meekly, his cheeks a little flushed. "Mind if I sit here?" Peter asked, pointing at the vacant spot on the bench. Russell shook his head which allowed Peter to pop-a-squat right next to him.
"Sooo, what did you want to talk about?" Peter asked. Russell was nervously twiddling his thumbs, avoiding eye contact with the smaller boy. He never felt this anxious about someone, especially someone who he deemed as weaker than him. And that was nearly everyone! But for some reason, Peter was different. "Well...," he started, slowly, "Russell has been feeling weird. Towards you…" "Weird? What do you mean?" Peter asked curiously. "Whenever I see you...Russell get a weird feeling in my stomach, and heart goes fast," he answered. He could feel his cheeks getting hotter. It took Peter a while to realize what he meant. When he did, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Wait, are you saying that you like me?" Russell nodded, his cheeks becoming darker by the second. "For how long?" "A while," Russell responded shyly. Peter was still shocked about the unexpected confession. He didn't know whether to feel relieved that Russell wasn't going to make him walk home smelling like the boys' gym locker room or surprised that Russell had admired him.
He never considered Russell to be his type, not that he had one, but he's pretty sure not many people's types are destructive bullies. But he had to admit when Russell wasn't threatening other students for their lunch money, he was kind of… cute, when he was like this, in one way or another. That's one thing he never thought he would think about Russell."It's okay if you don't like-" Russell began before being cut off by Peter, "N-no, it's fine. I don't mind..." he said while rubbing the back of his neck. A little splash of maroon now tinting his cheeks. Russell was surprised by the response a bit, but it shortly turned into a soft smile.
It was starting to get late, and Peter didn't want one of the prefects reporting him for being out after curfew to Dr. Crabblesnitch. "Well, if that's all you wanted to talk about, I should be getting back to the dorms." He explained. "Russell give you ride back," Russell offered. Thinking about it now, Peter didn't have any way to get back to the dorms, and he didn't like walking around at night. "Oh, okay. Thanks." Peter followed behind Russell towards the entrance gates to retrieve his bike. He stepped onto the spokes and tightly wrapped his arms around the bigger boy's waist. "Ready?" Russell asked. "Yeah," Peter replied. Russell raised his foot off the ground and started pedaling.
Russell was biking slowly just in case he went over any bumps, Peter wouldn't go flying off. The smaller boy was resting his head on his back and his arms wrapped around him gave his butterflies in his stomach, but the good kind. Peter was able to take in the scenery from the beach. The sunset made the town look so peaceful, especially the beach. With little speckles of the sunlight bouncing off the water, it was as if the sea were a peach that contained all of outer space. The scent of Russell's cologne and the view made Peter feel calm. He involuntarily nestled himself closer into his back which caused the redhead's heart to beat faster it could nearly pop out of his chest. He smiled to himself as he continued pedaling towards the school purposely going a bit slower so that the moment would last longer.
They arrived back at the school not long after. Russell parked his bike near the first step of the boys' dorm. Walking up the stairs, Peter stopped at the highest step and Russell two steps behind him so that they were at eye level. Or at least where Peter wasn't bending his neck to see not even half of his face. “Thanks for giving me a ride back.” the tiny boy praised with a gentle smile. “You're welcome," Russell replied sheepishly, blushing. There was small silence between them. The whooshing of the lukewarm early autumn wind filling in for some of the white noise. Before anyone could say anything to break it, Russell planted a little peck on Peter's forehead before walking back down the stairs to his bike. Russell waved back at Peter before getting on his bike and hitching it back home. Peter watched as Russell rode out to the courtyard as they waved at each other. When he was completely out of sight, he slightly touched his forehead and smiled to himself before entering the boys' dorm.
As soon as he got to his room, he fell onto his bed. He took one of his pillows and covered his blushed face in case someone walked in him. Little giggles passing through the pillowcase. He rolled around joyfully, completely messing up his bedsheets. The excitement letting loose throughout his body. He finally had calmed down after a session of frolicking all over his bed. He had almost forgotten to finish the rest of his slides. Now that his mind wasn't as cluttered as before, it would be easier for him to work. But considering what had just happened, he'd probably be distracted thinking about that now. He headed to his desk so he could get started, but before he even sat down, he noticed a book on top of his laptop. There was a piece of paper attached to it with clear tape. He picked it up and sat at his desk chair. Pulling the paper off revealed the cover of the book. Romeo and Juliet. He took a look at the note the was stuck to it. It read:
['Hey femme boy. I stole your girly book. I realized that I didn't want any of your girliness or any of you rubbing off on me, so I decided to return it. Be grateful.'
You're BFF Gary Smith ;) ]
'So that's where it was huh?' Peter thought. He tongued the inside of his cheek before releasing a slightly annoyed laugh. At least he got his book back. That's all that really mattered. He'll get him back later, but for now, he had work to do. He flipped open his laptop and continued his previous work.
That's the end! I'm not really good at writing(even tho my strong suit is English/Literature 👀), so I hope that this was at least a little bit enjoyable/entertaining and not too cringy😅
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bts-trash-blog · 5 years
Rainy Day- Jungkook
Summary: You had a bad habit that you just couldn’t break and it only happened on rainy days like this.
Parings: Jungkook X Reader
Warning: Nothing really, just a whole lot of fuff and a slice of life. 
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It started at a young age, where you would crawl back into bed after your mother called out of school as 'sick' and just honesty slept the rest of the day away. The days where dark grey, sometimes black clouds would loom over the sky creating a melancholy beauty. The day where the pitter-patter and drips of the raindrops falling against your rooftops sang the sadder songs that helped you sleep.
You truly blame your mother for this, for the need to sleep the rainy days away, to enjoy them in a cocoon of blankets on top of your bed as you listen to the rain hitting the earth around you. You blame her for the tendency to ignore the world, including your phone for once, and just enjoy the cold feeling of the walls, and the softness of your blankets.
So in hindsight, it was your mother's fault for your boyfriend's panic.
You see Jungkook and you had only started dating three months ago, the relationship still new and fresh. Still, so many things to learn about one another, so many flaws and tendencies undiscovered, pet peeves and habits unknown or have yet to be spoken.
So when he reached out to you today on one of his rare days off, his hope's of cuddling on your couch while you show him your favorite childhood movies as he watched your eyes light up as you recite every line. Oh, how he wanted to see that spark in you like the time he had randomly put on Mulan and you just belted out your heart during every song. He wanted to see your nose scrunch up when you got excited, or how you would mindlessly play with his hands or the hair on the nape of his neck.
He honestly just wanted to be in your presence.
Yet you still hadn't answered and it was nearing two in the afternoon. So he called you.
And you didn't answer.
So he called you again.
Still no answer.
Jungkook grew slightly agitated, primarily worried, but still agitated, and just wanted to give up and ignore you back. He wanted to make you feel the way he was at that very moment, but he knew, oh how he knew, that you would just send a picture of yourself and make his heart melt in a second. So he stood up from his bed, grabbed one of his hoodies and stormed out of his room and dorm and drove to yours.
Once he arrived at your door, hoddie slightly damp and hair slowly fluffing up from the humidity he looked for your spare key on his keychain. He had been gifted it when he had agreed to watch your place a month ago when you went to Japan for a work trip and he had yet to give it back, though you had yet to even ask for it back.
Once inside, he noticed how cold it was inside, and how dark. As if it was still shut down from the night before, kicking off his slightly muddy shoes he walks further in, no lingering smell of your morning coffee or afternoon lunch. No buzz of a freshly turned of T.V, not even the sound of the heater running.
Turning to your doorway, a smile being fought off as he saw one of his drawings he had gifted you had been taped up onto it next to a few of your own. When he froze as he heard the slight creak of your bed and the shuffling of covers with a slight huff of breath from your lips, making his head tilt to the side.
Where you still asleep?
He slowly opened your bedroom door, there he saw a pile of blankets on top of your bed, bunched up against a wall. He saw the wild strains of your hair waving out from the top of the blankets onto a pillow, your phone still charging on your desk, and when he touched it to unplug it was cold to the touch. Almost like ice.
You really have been asleep this whole time.
He smiled at the thought as he grew closer to the bed, the sound of his shuffling into your room must've woken you up. Cause as he was about to climb onto the bed and slowly cuddle you awake you yawned and peak out from the cocoon on blankets you had built around yourself.
"Who...kook?" Your question, your eyebrows squinting together as you smack your cotton dry mouth. Jungkook takes a note on your raspy voice, the way it was much deeper then he thought it would be, and how your voice even cracked towards the end of his name. God, I would love to wake up to that voice every morning. His ears started to burn at that thought, as he chuckled rubbing a hand behind his head as you motioned for him to join you into the bed. The creaking of his weight made you flip around the best you could to face where he would end up laying, making sure to cover your mouth, knowing damn well how bad your morning breath would be.
"Yeah...have you been sleeping all day? Do you not feel good baby?" He asked, concern filtering through his voice as he laid next to you, a hand placing itself on your forehead making a chuckle escape you.
"I'm fine..just a rainy day." You mumbled making him look you, lips parted as his eyebrows slowly scrunch up.
"What? Why would that take into account of you being asleep till almost three?" He asks with confusion laced in his voice, making your eyes widen as you fight your way out of your blankets. He couldn't help but laugh as you fall splat onto his chest, legs on either side of his thighs as you look up at him. Wide eyes and mouth slightly parted, a loose-fitting shirt and shorts as your attire and your hair was the definition of an absolute mess.
"My streaks!" You squeal pushing yourself off of him and thrown yourself somewhat into your desk. Phone in hand as you point it to the ceiling and take a picture, and in seconds his phone was buzzing from a Snapchat notification making him let out a laugh as he sees it was from you.
"Really?" He chuckles as you shrug and swipe through notification, smiling brightly when you opened the snap he had sent you that morning. He was still half asleep, shirtless in bed, hair falling in his face as he gave the camera a tight-lipped smile. The caption, 'Morning baby💕', making your hands move faster than your brain as you screenshotted it. Another notification ding. "Y/n!" Looking up you see him sitting up with a small playful glare making you giggle as you quickly rush out of your room to the bathroom. "Bush your teeth while you're in there."
"Hey!" You gasped making him laugh as you grumble under your breath, grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste and getting to work. Once you were done, hair as fixed as it could be, teeth cleaned and your bathroom needs had been attended to you left the small dimly lit room and back into your bedroom to see Jungkook had ditched his sweater and was sitting in your bed in a loose tank top and joggers.
"Teeth cleaned?" He asked looking up from his phone as you walked over to him with a nod of your head. Pushing your way between his legs you smile at him, showing your teeth making him smile as you started to make faces, him slowly mimicking you back.
"Kiss?" You mumble making his cheek turn slightly pink as he nodded, pushing forward to the two of you met, with a soft, warm kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to make him, and you, almost grasping for air. His hands wrapped around your shoulders as yours went to his waist as he stared down at you.
"Back to rainy day..why do you sleep?"
"I honestly don't know, and sometimes I'm not even asleep just drifting in and out of daydreams while I listen to the storm outside. When I'm not off of work, I'll just start randomly daydreaming, and thinking what it would feel like to be wrapped in my blankets half asleep half awake." Your words, spoken softly, and slightly full of embarrassment, make his heart flutter. His eyes stare at the top of your head, as you had nuzzled your way into his chest, with nothing but fondness. "I know it's a bit weird...may be seen as lazy...but my mom told me that a rainy day is a perfect day off. A perfect day to relax, and kinda..reboot..it a bad habit I know. But I don't think I'll ever be able to break it."
"No..no it's not a bad habit baby. It's actually...pretty dang adorable if you ask me." He said with a shake of his head, you push yourself back slightly, making you look up at him. Your cheeks were flushed as your teeth grip your slightly dry lower lip. "So it's okay if you don't ever break it..just..I just got worried that you were ignoring me that's all." His words made you frown as you shake your head and move one hand to cup his cheek.
"Trust me, if I was ignoring you I would opening all of your messages and stuff and not reply. I'd make sure you'd know I'm ignoring you." Your words made him toss his head back in laughter, but it broke when the rumble of your stomach caught his attention. "Please tell me that in this habit, you at least eat and drink something."
"Well, you see..funny story."
"Baby you gotta take care of yourself."
"I legit just brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom for the first time all day just five minutes ago. So what makes you think I would make myself food." Your words made him scoff as he pushed you away from him, his warm hand grabbing your arms as he dragged you to your small kitchen. “All I have is ramen.”
“Then we’re eating ramen.” He stated bluntly making you hold your hands out with a small smirk on your face at his dramatic tone. He sighs as he pecks you on the lips and gets to work. “After we eat, we can lay back down and enjoy the rainy day how you like to.”
“So..are you sleeping over then?” Your question made his movements freeze, as he looks at you over his shoulder and gulps. “Cause if you do, I hope you know I am a total blanket hog, you can have as much space as you want on the bed, I sleep against the wall, but you will not have any blanket by the time you wake up.”
“We’ll see about that, baby.” He teases making you huff with a sarcastic laugh biting at him.
“You’re on.” 
Let's just say Jungkook had woke up with a shiver.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Fifty Five
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
March 10th, 1994
Remy sighed as the kids around him snickered as he walked past. He was pretty much used to it by now, and high school was right around the corner, he just had to hold out hope that everyone would mellow out once they got to freshman year. Until then, he’d suffer the last few months of middle school, and keep his mouth shut around Mom when she asked him how school was. No one wanted to hear about the kids calling him “Dumbo,” and she definitely wouldn’t want to hear about the meaner bullies calling him “rat face.”
Just a few more months, he reminded himself as one of the other kids tripped him up in the hallways and they laughed with their friends. A few more months and he’d be off for the summer, where he didn’t have to interact with any of his bullies. He’d be able to play video games with Toby all day, or at least until Mom made them go outside. And, if he was really lucky, maybe he’d get a little less ugly over the summer, so he couldn’t be picked on for his looks anymore.
  January 26th, 2002
It was just supposed to be a normal date night, and Remy had no idea how they had gotten this far off the beaten path. They had a little extra money this month, enough to go to a local art museum that had just opened. Emile had gotten a small sketchbook recently and Remy thought it might be nice to give him something to sketch on a Saturday night. What Remy hadn’t taken into account was that Emile had worked three night shifts in a row restocking shelves and taking classes during the day, so he was incredibly sleep deprived and now giggling like he was tipsy.
Remy was looking at one of the paintings, featuring a child chasing after a bluejay. Emile was behind him, on one of the benches, giggling like a mad man as he sketched. Emile had told Remy to stay in the same room as he was while he sketched, but Remy could be doing anything he wanted in the room. Emile just didn’t want to look up and find Remy gone. Which Remy respected. Emile was sleep deprived and he had seen the man burst into tears when he couldn’t find a cartoon he was looking for with just one more night shift in a row than what he had agreed to this week. And losing sight of Remy, for some weird reason, was more traumatic to Emile than losing his cartoons, and Remy would do just about anything to avoid Emile crying. So in this room he stayed.
As Remy moved to another painting, he ran a hand through his hair and stuck one of his hands into his pants pocket, and Emile went eerily quiet. Remy paused, turned to make sure that Emile was still there. He was, but he was staring intently at his sketchbook, like he had been staring at Remy for a second too long and wanted to avoid being caught.
Right. Remy forgot that Emile found him attractive sometimes. Remy walked over to Emile and tried to sneak a peek at Emile’s sketches but Emile snapped the book shut. “No peeking!” he said, holding the book defensively.
“All right, all right,” Remy said, “I was just wondering if you were having a good time.”
Emile nodded, covering his mouth as he yawned. “Best exhausted date ever.”
“Do you want to go home? You’ve been giggling for the past half an hour and I’m pretty sure at least two of the security guards are convinced you’re drunk.”
“Well, I finished my...fourth? Sketch, right before you moved, and I think it’s pretty good, looking it over. I haven’t drawn in a little while, so I’m a little rusty, but I like it well enough. And four sketches isn’t bad considering that I’m...”
“So punchy people are convinced you’re drunk when they take one look at you?” Remy filled in. Emile burst into a giggle fit and Remy grinned. “Oh, yeah, honey, you’re exhausted, let me take you home.”
“Careful, Rem, people might think we’re dating if you say that,” Emile teased.
“We are dating, you goofball. Up,” Remy said, helping Emile to his feet and walking out of the museum, smiling and waving at the guards who wished them a good night.
Emile was swaying where he stood as Remy fished in his pockets for the car keys. “Hey, Rem,” Emile said.
“Hey, yeah?” Remy responded, pulling out the keys and unlocking the car.
“I’m really gay for you, I hope you know that,” Emile said.
Remy laughed and got in the car, and Emile followed suit. “Yeah, I kinda had that figured when we started going out,” he said lightly.
“No. Like...” Emile frowned, staring at the book in his lap. “Like, I really love you, Rem. A lot. Way more than I’ve loved any of my other girlfriends or boyfriends. I love you. Like, to infinity and beyond.”
Despite the cartoon reference at the end of that declaration, Remy still dropped the keys in shock. “Ah,” he said leaning down and nearly banging his head against the steering wheel as he grabbed them. “I’m...I’m flattered, Emile, thank you. I don’t really know how to respond to that.”
Emile stared at his book more and frowned. “You could say you like me back?” Emile said.
Remy swallowed. “Look, Emile, I’m not going to lie. Commitment terrifies me. But...but with you, it’s less scary. Did I ever tell you what I felt the day we got back together? I can’t remember.”
Emile shook his head.
Remy laughed. “I thought...that we worked well together. And that our bond was stronger after our fight. Like it would last through future fights, or troubles, or anything like that. I thought...I thought it’s what soulmates should have felt like. And I...I still believe that. I think that’s what soulmates are like, and that’s what we are. To me, anyway. You’re my first boyfriend, so I don’t really have any other baseline to go off of, but...yeah, I love you too, Emile. To infinity and beyond.”
“Really?” Emile’s voice was small.
Remy gave Emile a soft smile and a nod. “Really, mio amore. I’m with you until the end of the line, you understand?”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation, but I can’t understand why you would want to be with me.”
“Oh, no, I get that too. All the time,” Remy laughed. “You’re so impossibly out of my league. You could have any guy or girl you wanted and you wanted me? That’s like...I don’t even have the words to describe how weird that is.”
As Remy started to drive, Emile stared out his window. “I think you’re out of my league, Rem. Not in like, personality, maybe, but definitely in terms of looks.”
Remy laughed. “Why do you keep calling me attractive?” he asked.
Emile blinked at Remy, uncomprehending. “You’re...you’re kidding me, right?”
“No,” Remy said, looking over. “I genuinely don’t understand why you find me attractive.”
“Has...has no one seriously told you that you’re gorgeous? ‘Cause you are.”
Remy laughed. “Please. The kids at school never hesitated to mock me about my appearance, and my mother always said that I couldn’t fault them for it, because I dressed like a weirdo. I say I’m drop-dead gorgeous as a joke, Emile.”
“Well that’s just not right,” Emile said, frowning deeply. “You’re beautiful, Rem. You deserve to know.”
“Gee, what every guy loves to hear,” Remy said sarcastically.
“Beautiful is used for men, too, get off your high horse,” Emile said, rolling his eyes. “I won’t use it again if you don’t want me to, but seriously. I’m trying to compliment you.”
Remy couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, okay, funny joke, Emile, you can stop now. I know you find me attractive, but you don’t have to play it up like that.”
They pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex and Emile grabbed Remy’s arm before Remy could leave the car. “Rem. I’m not playing it up.”
Remy looked Emile over. Everything from the set of his jaw to the look in his eyes told Remy he was serious. Remy blinked. “Okay, maybe you find me beautiful. Doesn’t mean anyone else will.”
“You do realize how many girls have flirted with you, over the past two years alone because they want to get a piece of you?” Emile asked. “Remy, you’re easily a nine. I would say a ten, in all honesty, but I want you to believe me when I say this. You’re easily a nine. I’m a six. Maybe a seven if I wear those jeans you like.”
Remy blinked uncomprehendingly at Emile.
Emile sighed. “Right. Inside. We can talk more once we’re inside. And I’ll prove to you that you’re attractive.”
“I doubt you’d be able to prove something that subjective,” Remy said, shaking his head, but getting out of the car and following Emile inside all the same.
After a moment of silence, Emile seemed to decide what he was going to say. “Listen, blondie,” Emile said, turning to look at Remy from where he was opening their front door. “I don’t even have a thing for blonds and yet here you are, a solid ten who’s willing to stay with a six like me.”
“You’re not a six,” Remy scoffed. Emile walked into their apartment and Remy followed, closing the door with his body as he slumped against it. “Okay. I’ve got platinum blond hair and blue eyes, both of which I suppose are attractive in most people’s books. What else could I possibly have going for me?”
Silently, Emile walked over to Remy and opened the sketchbook he had been drawing in on their date. Remy blinked. On the first two pages Emile was showing him, there were two drawings of the same guy. In the first one, he was laughing, using a hand to cover most of the smile but you could tell by his eyes that he was happy. In the second, it was a full-body shot, and the guy didn’t look ripped, but he definitely wasn’t a beanpole either. In this one he looked thoughtful, staring at something that Emile hadn’t drawn on the page. “I don’t remember any paintings like this in the museum,” Remy said, frowning.
“Well, duh, Rem. They’re drawings of you. I spent most of the time drawing you and your reactions to things. The paintings were nice but I wanted to draw the prettiest thing in each room. That pretty thing just happened to be my date.”
“But? I don’t? Look like that?” Remy asked, confused. “That guy is actually cute. I’m...not.”
“Look, Rem, my artistic skills are not the best, but I spent, like, half an hour on the second drawing alone. I captured your likeness pretty well,” Emile said, starting to grow defensive. “Don’t trash-talk my boyfriend.”
Remy looked at the drawings closer. He could see some resemblance in the eyes and the nose, he guessed, and the mouth was similar too, but... “Where’s the acne? The too-big ears? The nose is supposed to look more like a rodent’s. The eyes are supposed to look...more predatory. That’s not what I look like!”
Emile closed the book and put it on the side table, grabbing Remy’s face in both his hands and pressing their foreheads together. “Remy, none of those things are a part of you. Like, the closest thing might be the acne, and you barely have any at all. Your ears are normal sized. No part of you should be compared to an animal. And your eyes are never predatory. They hold happiness, and sometimes pain, and sometimes there’s a fire that could never be put out by mortals. But never do they hold any ill-intent. Ever. Understand?”
“No,” Remy said. “I don’t understand. How could I...could I look like that guy you drew? I’m just...me.”
“Remy, there is nothing just about you,” Emile said, taking a step back and grabbing the book. “You look absolutely stunning, and anyone who ever said otherwise either needs to get their eyes or their jealousy checked. Possibly both. Puberty was brutal to go through, but you came out the other end looking like the hero in an action movie who women throw themselves at. If there was anyone who isn’t cute in this relationship, it would be me. And I have just enough self-confidence left to say that while I might have a little baby fat on me, I am by no means unattractive, nor does that take away from my attractiveness, really.”
“You’re not ugly, Emile, you’re soft and cuddly,” Remy said, crossing his arms.
“Just like you aren’t ugly,” Emile said. “But clearly, this is going to be an argument that could go on for a little while. I’m going to spare us some heated moments and get some sleep before we continue this conversation. Besides, you probably don’t want me to show you the drawings of how I imagine seeing you naked just yet, if you’re so convinced of your stance.”
Emile walked away but Remy just stared after him. “I’m sorry, did you just admit that you drew me naked?!”
“Why do you think I was laughing so much at the last exhibit?” Emile asked over his shoulder, before closing his bedroom door to leave Remy completely stunned at the front door.
“I’m going to need an answer to that, Emile!” Remy called. Getting no response, he grumbled and went to his own room for the night.
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modestlyabsurd · 4 years
An Old Memory (Loki x Reader)
A quaint, modest home nearly a century old with a faint aura of history. Curtains still flowing across windows, pinned back to allow yellow sunlight into the kitchen. Upon looking, one could feel the hustle and bustle of happy company, smell the coffee steeping in the old pot that shouldn't possibly still work, and see a young woman preparing Thanksgiving dinner for her small family. Huddled around the stove, watching her movements as well as the pumpkin pie she mixed, were young and old children alike. The woman let the youngest of the three lick the spoon before shooing them from the heated oven.
He opened his eyes from the distant memory.
Now, the home smelt simply of cleanliness and very light perfume that had not been misted in some time. The stovetop and surrounding countertops had a thin layer of dust upon them. The floors were clean, the air was a medium temperature due to proper cooling of the home. He looked around, walked quietly, into the living room. It left a lingering touch; forgotten, almost. Furniture arranged for plenty of guests (of all ages, by the large chest of toys in the corner) a television, a computer.
All was there, except any life.
He went over to the wall and studied the framed faces hanging proudly. He recognized her in many of them. In one she donned a blue dress, gazing lovingly into a man's eyes. Her hand on his face, their foreheads touching. The man was much larger than her, holding her closely in a field of grass.
The next was her in mid-laughter, hugging a smiling baby to her face. Radiant, alive. The following photographs displayed somewhat of a timeline, as she is pictured with two growing children, one boy and one girl, as well as grandchildren.
He looked into each room, there being only three. Two were empty, used as storage space with boxes stacked in every corner. Before he reached the back bedroom, a key turned in the front door. It opened. He quickly made himself invisible.
A woman entered. She carried market bags, visibly filled with food, and set them heavily on the counter. He nearly mistakes her for her mother, before he can clearly see their small differences.
This girl had swimming blue eyes, light hair, and was of course clothed up to date. But her body language so eerily resembled ... alas. With beads of stress over her face, she emptied the bags, which contained enough prepared meals for days. She then went into a cabinet above her head, pulled down a transparent shallow box, and emptied something from it as well; all in a habitual motion.
"Mama?" She called out, filling a glass with water. "I brought you some lunch!" Her accent was so easily recognized, he no longer questioned the roles here.
The lively woman of roughly twenty or thirty Midgardian years of age bounced past him unknowingly, to the bedroom he had yet to see. He watched from a distance as she knocked on the open door before entering, going to the middle of the room where a bed sat and a person lay motionless.
"Wakey wakey Mama, you don't wanna miss the sunshine."
The ancient lady opened her small, heavy eyes. They looked around the room, before settling on the young lady beside her. "Hey Lillie," she said.
"Hey there!" Lillie smiled down at her aged mother. "It's lunch time, you know that?You asked for something soupy earlier, so I made you some homemade chicken noodle. I hope it's half as good as yours was," said Lillie, showing the bowl of soup. Then, she began to spoon feed her mother's lunch to her.
This, is what finally caused Loki's throat to become hard and dry.
Every spoonful, every bit, every sip of water. For nearly thirty minutes, making mundane conversation in between. He started to wonder where Lillie acquired the strength of heart and mind to complete these grievous tasks. In his own mind, he could never do such things for even those closest to him.
Little by little, Lillie fed her mother until she began eating slower and slower. Eventually, she wouldn't open her mouth to the food. "You full now? Must've liked it, heck, there's hardly any left!" Lillie laughed.
"It was scrump-dilly-umptious. Thank you baby," she responded, taking the cloth laid under her chin and blotting her lips.
Lillie smiled, "You don't have to thank me Mama. I'm just happy to hear it was worth eating. Now we gotta take your medicine, okay?" Lillie took the tablets she'd placed on the bedside table along with the remaining water in her glass. "Alright, I'm gonna put 'em in there, then you swallow 'em with the water, okay? Ready?" And she did.
For another hour the two generations spoke of nature, current Midgardian events and random pieces of life's perspectives. Loki remained invisible to them for the duration, keeping his pained emotions inside until Lillie left.
After that, with caution, he uncloaked himself and stood in the doorway, watching the circle of human life taking its course. This was a cruel curse, he deemed, certainly cast upon the wrong person. She fell in and out of sleep, small sounds escaping her throat occasionally. Loki didn't know how long he had left.
With some uncertainty, he calls out her name.
She opened her eyes, and scanned around the room once more. Her gaze fell upon the strange man clothed in green armor. "Who's there?" her delicate voice asked.
Loki cleared his throat. "Loki," he paused, "of Asgard."
Her brow furrowed, as the name and vocals didn't register. "Loki? I, I don't know a Loki."
He entered slowly, careful with his steps, and careful not to startle the frail woman he once knew quite well. He sat in the chair that Lillie sat in before, by Y/N's bedside. Her confused eyes followed him intently; guarded. He recalled those eyes. Bright, squinting ever so slightly when she smiled or laughed. Now overshadowed by soft, wrinkled skin; the captivating brightness somehow remained in her irises.
Loki gently took her hand from her side, feeling it tremble. "You don't remember me, darling?" a smile ghosted his lips as they locked gazes. "I don't believe my appearance has changed drastically. Yours certainly hasn't either."
"Loki," she paused, trailing off into deep thought. She nodded, "It rings a bell. And I suppose you look a little familiar."
"Think back to when you were eighteen. You once had a dream that you'd left Midg- er, Earth, and ascended into another world. Do you remember that?"
Staring straight ahead - confused, worried, but beginning to recall - she nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do. There was people there, and... and it wasn't much different than Earth. They talked funny, kinda like you are right now."
"Yes," Loki breathed, holding her hand closer to him. "And on the journey back to Earth, the BiFrost began to crumble. Someone caught you before you fell to the abyss. Do you remember?"
"Yeah," she exclaimed as the emotions of this event washed over her once again. "The one everybody told me to be scared of, and I was. I was scared of him from the things I'd heard. He'd apparently killed a whole lot of people, and hurt twice as many. He was some kind of royalty there." She swallowed, "but a fight broke out on the bridge to Earth, and it started to break and I fell. But somebody grabbed my wrists before I was too far. I, I saw him. I screamed for my life, 'cause it was him. The one they'd told me about. Loki, that was his name. After that, I  stayed with him there for a little while longer and got to know him and, and," she trailed off. Her eyes darted back to the dark man beside of her. "It was you!"
Loki laughed and kissed her small knuckles. "Indeed. Though it was not a dream, my darling."
She glanced at her hand, Loki drawing over her protruding veins with his ghostly pale thumbs. To make sure this wasn't a dream either, she raised it, pressed her palm to his cheek. It was cold. Just as it used to be.
Everything began pouring back to Y/N as her medication took effect. She remembered accidentally winding up in another planet, another realm, though she didn't quite remember how she got there. That of course didn't matter at the moment as joy flooded her mind and body upon seeing Loki once again; sixty-something years later.
"Well I'll be. You're just as handsome as I remember you, Loki."
"And you are still the most beautiful, charming, most notably intriguing Midgardian I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."
She was at a loss for words, the same effect he used to create upon her.
"I saw your daughter. Beautiful, full of life and strength of character. Like her mother."
"Lillie?" Y/N said, "Oh boy, she's something else. I, I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing kids. Taking all that time to come out here and take care of me every day. My son'll be out here by dinner time. Said he's gonna bring my granddaughter with him."
"You're a grandmother," Loki whispered to himself, in awe. "So many things have happened since our short time together. I think of it quite often now."
"Yeah," Y/N sighed, "I did too. Before my mind started leaving me. You know I'd have married you if the laws of physics allowed it."
Shaking his head, he thought back to those times, his actions. "I wanted nothing more than to marry you, my dear. But, as can be seen now," he laughs shortly, "it was not meant to be that way. You were still given a family, just as you always wanted and very well deserved." Loki looked off into the air, a smile painted on his face. "We used to discuss our futures back then. My wishes proved to be far more complicated than your own. I always wanted authority, or, equality, while you simply wished for happiness."
They locked eyes once again. Y/N could listen to Loki speak for hours on end. It was the few times like this that they shared, that she recalled so fondly after they separated. Him talking about anything and everything, in a proper soft spoken tone, unlike what she grew up around.
"Did your dreams come true, darling?"
"They did. After I came back home, I met my husband. For a while, though, all I could think about was you. How I couldn't be with you and all. I missed you real bad. But then he came along a couple years later. Stocky little blond-headed blue-eyed devil. But not at all like your brother. I think you'd have liked him."
"If I may ask, where is he now?" Loki asked, with the idea that he was treading on thin ice.
"Oh, he's been gone for years now. He was a good decade older than me, I think he was eighty-four? Eighty-five when he died? Died of cancer."
"My apologies."
"Oh, it was time. He was ready, and the family was too. He died a happy man." Loki couldn't help but think of the eighty-one-year-old white haired, fragile woman before him now, laying in her bed with little mobility. He shuddered it away for the moment, until her frail, aged voice interrupted such thoughts. "Did your hopes and dreams come true, Loki? I prayed they would."
Her small grip seemed to tighten a bit upon his hesitation to answer. Quite frankly, no. None of his dreams had come true. He was preparing for the war of his life and didn't see much of a happy ending in sight. But he found a source of sad, awful gratitude, in that his friend likely wouldn't suffer the consequences of said war. Not at this rate.
He refused to let her know the complete truth about this. Much like he'd always done, about everything. "No. Not yet, at least." He licks his lips, "But I was never the luckiest chap."
"Give yourself a break," says Y/N, looking straight into his eyes with the same bright sweetness he recalled so fondly. "You never know what's in store. You might think one thing's gonna happen, and then something totally different happens, but it turns out to be better than what you expected to begin with. Don't you have another thousand years or so left on you?"
Loki smiles sadly. A ray of sunshine pours through the window above Y/N's bed. "I suppose theoretically, yes. Nowadays I'm not so sure what my dreams are any more. To rule? To inherit? To love? To leave something behind besides a bad memory?Whenever I get to thinking about it too much it just ... smudges into a blur in my mind. Like a spilled pot of ink." He remembers exchanging letters with her years ago, after opening a passageway for them to do so. He remembers stopping as well. Allowing her letters to pile up on his desk within his prison cell, untouched. Unloved. Detached. How selfish he'd been to leave her without another word, reasonlessly.
The loosening of fingers around his cold hand jerks him back to reality, where the elderly woman's eyes fall closed and her hold slips away. Panicked, a cold sweat coating his neck, he grabs her wrist to feel for signs of life. A faint but steady pulse beats within her veins. He leans over her to listen for her breath, and it's there, in deep low snores. She's only fallen asleep.
Loki takes this to mean his time to reunite with Y/N has expired. Gently above creaking floorboards, he swallows down a wave of cries and stands; he notices the lines of concern on her forehead and kisses them, before silently bidding her farewell for the last time.
And on his way through the BiFrost back to Asgard, he allows himself to feel. The waves of light sweep away the tears, the whirring of speed muffles the cries. A series of realizations wash over him, but the most important being that something is about to give in the universe - and he's going to be part of it.
When he arrives at the base of the Asgardian palace, guards are lined up along the bridge's barriers. They bow. The gatekeeper Heimdall addresses him.
"Welcome back, Allfather Odin. I take it your journey was pleasant."
"Only as pleasant as a journey to Midgard can be."
hi hello thanks for reading this sad thing that's been hidden in my notes for years
tag list: @sydneyss-worlddd @afinedilemma @fire-in-her-veinz @belladonnabarnes @drakesfiance @internetgremlin @dragon-chica @sadwaywardkid @tarynkauai @triggeredpossum
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anninhiliation · 5 years
60 Follower Writing Challenge @you-kinda-smell-like-christmas
Congratulations on the 60 followers!😍🥰😈 I bet you have so many more by now (Since this started like a month ago sdhfjksfhskj)😈👀🥵
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Masterlist     Going Under
Wordcount: 2.6k+
We couldn't turn around
'Til we were upside down
I'll be the bad guy now
“Why am I mad?” I huffed as I angrily tossed my purse on the kitchen counter “Oh I don’t know, maybe because I caught my boyfriend staring at another girl’s chest practically drooling then had the audacity to walk over to her to flirt as if I was nothing as if we were nothing! I swear to god every time you leave for tour you probably bring some whore into bed with you!” I fumed as I walked away from him
I noticed his body language stiffen, as my last words burned his ears. Chris tried to remain calm, as he placed his keys on the small metal hook. He took a deep breath before turning to face me.
“Nena are you jealous?” Chris questioned in an accusing tone as he followed close behind me into the family room "that girl was a fan and I was just saying hi” he explained trying to lessen the tension as I continued to walk away, towards the foyer.
“Yea just saying hi with all those arm touches, looking her up and down, kissing her cheek- I swear to god Chris if I wasn’t there you would have probably let her come to bed with you!” I shouted as I took off my heels placing them in the small closet and rubbed my feet.
“Mi Amor I'm sorry, I promise it was all harmless” Chris sighed as he placed his hands on my shoulders, going in to massage them "Vos sabes que yo te amo y nunca quiero hacer algo para lastimarte"
I flinched away, moving his hands away from me and walked up the stairs. 
"Stop lying to me, and to you because we both know none of that is true” I mumbled from halfway up the stairs
But no, I ain't too proud
I couldn't be there
Even when I try
You don't believe it
I had locked myself in our shared bedroom and proceeded with my night routine. Before getting into bed I heard a soft knock on the door. 
“Chris” I whined “I’m done with this for the night”
“Nena, can we please talk about this?” He pleaded as I rolled to my side facing away from the door
“Chris I’m done for the night” I sighed
“Can you at least open the door...por favor nena” Chris implored
“Can’t you just sleep on the couch tonight  I don’t want to deal with this anymore” I groaned
I heard Chris mumble something from outside the door before turning away and going back downstairs. 
We do this every time
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I tossed and turned all night unable to fall asleep with the fight with Chris still beating through my thoughts. I huffed as I tore the covers off of me, slipping on one of Chris’s sweatshirts and opened the door. Guilt pooled my body as I saw a now cold tea mug on the ground. I sighed, picking it up and making my way downstairs. Chris laid sound asleep on the white couch in the living room. I placed the cup on the coffee table and snuggled in next to him. His arm instinctively wrapped around my lower waist and held me close. I melted under his touch, as I heard him let out a content sigh. 
“Chris?” I almost inaudibly whispered
“¿Si?” He mumbled 
I wiggled around under his arm, turning to face him. His sleepy big brown eyes met mine as he waited for me to continue. My hand intertwined with his high lighted locks as I gently played with his hair. 
“I’m sorry mi amor” I sighed “I overreacted”
One thing lead to another, and our lips came crashing onto each other. My leg wrapped around his waist as Chris moved making me fall onto my back as he hovered his body over mine. He kissed my neck hitting my sweet spot making a soft whimper escape my lips. Chris tugged my sweatshirt off, as I yanked off his shirt. He kissed my collar bone and down my body. Heat flooded down to my core as I tugged on his locks begging for more. 
“Papi...I need you” I moaned as fingers grabbed the hem of my panties
“Fuck Nena” He groaned as he pulled the fabric down exposing my soaked entrance slipping a finger in drowning it in my arousal. 
He nipped my inner thighs before kitten licking my wet folds sending me on a cloud of pleasure. 
“Chris” I whimpered as I tugged on his soft locks 
He tugged on my bundle of nerves before drawing stars on it. My headshot back as my toes curled as he did all the right things to my core. Slipping two fingers in and curling them at the right angle. 
“Papi” I whimpered 
Chris changed the pattern to figure eights as he pumped harder. Two fingers stretched me out nicely enough to please me, but not enough to fulfill me tonight. 
“Papi I need more...I need you inside me” I begged as I grew desperate
He let out a groan as he pulled his mouth away from me. Chris lowered his boxers and wasted no time inserting himself inside me. I let out a fulfilled moan and scratched down his back as his first thrust threw me into the stars. We kissed desperately letting out all of our unspoken emotions. His tip pounded into my inner sweet spot as he moved his lips to my lower neck. A knot formed in my lower stomach as he nipped my warm skin. 
“Papi...I’m close” I whimpered as my hands found their way back into his hair
“Cum for me nena” He grunted as his thrusts lost their tempo
I let the knot to snap, as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My thighs shook and toes curled as Chris rode me out. His name escaped my lips as I hit my highest point. I felt a warm liquid shoot inside me as Chris let go of his own orgasm. He slowly pulled out of me and laid back down next to me. His arm grabbed my lower ribcage and pulled me closer. My head snuggled on to his other bicep as he kissed the top of my head.
“Te amo nena” He whispered before the two of us drifted off to sleep
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
We went three consecutive days after that without fighting, arguing, or bickering at each other. Tonight, we decided to celebrate how well their promos were going and hit the club. As soon as the door opened, the Latin music enveloped everyone's ears. Chris ordered us a drink, which turned into two, then three. I grinded on him, as the music possessed my body and the alcohol pumped through my veins. I barely noticed he left my side when a warm pair of hands wrapped around my waist making my hips sway onto his. 
“I've been watching you all night and damn ma you got some moves” an unfamiliar voice growled in my ear
“Chris your voice sounds funny” I giggled 
But before I could piece together that the man standing behind me wasn't Chris, my arm was yanked and I was pulled off the dance floor. 
“Nena I leave you alone for one second and you already find yourself someone new? Yet, I am the one who is always accused of bringing someone back to the hotel with me, and that I am the cheater!” Chris huffed as we walked outside of the club “I swear to god, nena I have never even kissed a fan on the cheek and I take your hurtful words and never say anything! But I am tired of this double standard you set up.” By the end of his rant, Chris was left panting and red. 
His words felt like someone had shoved a knife through me and twisted it. His facial expression, the darkness in his eyes petrified me to the point where  I ran off. I hid in the crowds of people hearing him scream my name. 
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
I stopped running when I reached my favorite diner. The warm familiar smell and faces soothed my nerves. As a hostess who always took the night shifts walked me to my usual table. 
“I’m surprised you and your boyfriend didn’t come in here together tonight. He’s been waiting for you ya’know” She cheered with a friendly smile as she walked me to my booth
My breathing hitched as I saw Chris look up at me from the booth. He was less tense than before, as he watched me slide into the opposite end of the booth.
“What are you doing?” I questioned 
“Nena, I've been thinking for a while and we need to talk” He sighed as his hand rubbed his face and dragged it down, a thing he only did was he was nervous and stressed.
Let go
I got a feeling that it's time to let go
I say so
I knew that this was doomed from the get-go
I bit my bottom lip and bounced my leg quietly as I felt bad news headed my way.
“What is it?” I finally questioned as I toyed with the menu trying to distract myself from what was yet to come
“Lo Siento cariño” He sighed dodging my eye contact “but we need to break up.” he finally choked out as he looked out the window
“What? Why?” I gasped, thinking back to all the times we broke up in the past.
 But this time he sounded and acted differently, sending a pit to my stomach. 
“Nena...all we do is fight.” He explained making me quirk an eyebrow “We are always arguing, pissing the other one-off, estoy cansado nena.”
“We always make up  at the end of every fight” I quietly protested
You thought that it was special, special
But it was just the sex though, the sex though
And I still hear the echoes (the echoes)
“Nena we never made up we just fuck” Chris pointed out locking eyes with me
I broke eye contact looking down at my hands, fidgeting one of my rings. He was right after every argument one of us would come crawling back to the other apologizing and the apology would always end in us cumming. The sex was always intense, as the two of us would let out all of our pent up anger, and other bottled emotions. 
“You’re acting different this time” I blurted out “Is this...the last time?”
“I’m afraid so nena...we are no good for each other and it has to end” He stated grimly
I got a feeling that it's time to let it go
Let it go
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
After that night, I took all of my things and moved out staying in with a friend until I found my new apartment in the middle of the city. We never texted or called after our agreement to stay away from each other for our own health. He even blocked me on all social media platforms canceling out any temptations we might have had. Three months had gone by since I last saw Chris and even started moving on. My life was going great until I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and my heart sunk to the ground. Chris awkwardly stood in my doorway, taking in the new environment and subtle changes I did to my appearance.  
“Hey nena” he finally spoke as I moved away letting him in.
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
“What are you doing here Chris?” I puzzled as I closed the door crossing my hands over my chest
“I missed you nena” He started once again, we picked up where we left off. He slammed me against the wall, in a pang of desperate hunger. 
“Fuck nena” He groaned as he lifted my hair and nipped my neck remembering where my sweet spot was.
I melted under his touch, feeling a pool forming between my legs. We quickly ripped off each other’s clothes throwing them aimlessly around the apartment slowly making it to the bedroom. Chris pushed me to the bed as he slammed himself inside me. It had been months since I’ve had him and his full size inside me, making me wince a little. Chris noticed as he kept himself slow letting me adjust before going at our old pace. The sex was rough and quick, as we desperately chased our relief wanting to see the familiar galaxy the two of us sent each other to.
Maybe you don't understand what I'm going through
It's only me, what you got to lose?
Make up your mind, tell me, what are you gonna do?
It's only me, let it go
I laid on his chest, tracing his tattoo as I listened to his heartbeat calm down. 
“Chris...can I ask you something?” I started trying to muster up some courage to find the truth
“Whats up nena?” He responded as his hand softly rubbed my lower back
“Did you come back for sex or for me?” I blurted out as I looked him in the eye “I hate to ask like that because its been three months and I need to know” I cut myself off not wanting to mention I had gone on a few dates with someone and it seemed like he would want to take things to the next level and officially start dating.
“Nena I came back for you...it was hard to find you” Chris whispered as he kissed the top of my head “I missed you so much nena”
Seasons change and our love went cold
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away
I woke up to the sun gently piercing through the shades and a missing body that was supposed to be next to me. 
“Chris?” I called out 
No response, making me jump out of the bed taking the bed sheet with me. 
“Chris?” I called out again, as I searched around the apartment. 
I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed he was nowhere to be found and not a single text or scribbled note was left. Feeling like a complete idiot I decided to reach out to him. 
What the hell I thought when my text didn’t go through
I hit his number and decided to call instead but was sent straight to voice mail. Confused, I checked his Instagram and he still had me blocked. Tears flooded my eyes when I pieced everything together. He did not come back to build a new relationship. He came back because he caught the scent of me starting something new with someone new. I had been moving on from him and he couldn’t handle that, so he came back into my life just to leave again.
I dare you to do something
I'm waiting on you again
So I don't take the blame
Run away, but we're running in circles
Run away, run away, run away
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ♥
Hiya, hon! ♥ I love your match-ups and honestly, I’ve been meaning to request one for a loooong time, but I haven’t had the chance to do so till now cause I’ve been drowning in lots and lots of homework TwT
I’m female, 25 years old, dark chocolate, shoulder-length hair, brown eyes. I’m a small potato 157 cm (5'1 ft) and I’m curvy.
I’m a Gemini, INFP-A. I love and need my alone time, though I enjoy spending time with my friends and loved ones. I use my free time to write fics, read books (Though I haven’t read a book out of sheer pleasure in a long while thanks to college lol,) draw my stickemen and play League of Legends.
Being surrounded by too many people is draining af and it can quickly become overwhelming tbh. I prefer to be surrounded by a couple of calm people and be my yahoo self with them. Even though I’m a mature person, I can be very childish and stubborn at times. I’m the Mom Friend™, a worrywart cause I care, I have a strong personality.  I’m caring, kind, friendly, funny, assertive, strong-willed. I’m usually the one people goes to when they need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. I will stand for my friends without giving it a second thought. I definitely won’t tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. And due to the way I express myself, people who don’t know me at all tend to find me intimidating which is kinda funny! 😂
When I’m with my friends, I try to come up with jokes or puns to make them laugh. I don’t take myself too seriously…I laugh at my own dumb-ass 😂😂 cause it’s okay to make mistakes, nobody’s perfect after all. And this is probably why it pisses me off when people make fun of my friends. Binch, fite me! So I just go and stand for them as politely and civilized as I possibly can. I’m usually talkative but every once in a while I just feel like isolating for a bit and be there exclusively for myself.
Hmm… I’m corny af and a hopeless romantic, I’m weak for smooth flirts and I like being teased cause I LOVE teasing back. I have a sweet tooth, I love tea. I love eating…in general.
I’m afraid I’m rambling at this point so Imma stop it here 😂
Thank you so much for doing these awesome match ups! ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi, there love! Thanx so much for the kind words, and can I just say I absolutely love your writing!  ♥ ♥ ♥ Hehehe also I feel you with the school work! I hope you enjoy it love, and I hope you have a good day! @venulus
So I match you with………………………. Hideyoshi
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So for me honestly it was between Hideyoshi and Mitsunari lol
Classic Hideyoshi did not trust you one bit. The moment you arrived, he saw you as a threat to his lord and was watching you like a hawk. You were quiet, stubborn and assertive and to him, that meant just one thing…. SPY. 
You worked super hard and quickly started adapted to the castle life. Everyone that has worked with you absolutely adored you. Although Hideyoshi was still not buying it. He legit thought that sweet kind friendliness was all an act, to get the people around you to trust you. You kept mostly to yourself in any case, as you found loud people to be overbearing and exhausting, and unfortunately for you that would be most of the castle residents. Although in saying that you had started to form some good friendships among the Oda forces.
One day Nobunaga announced that they were going to war and that you and Mitsunari were to stay behind and guard the castle. You were super happy about that- well not happy that your new friends could die, but happy to get some alone time and not have Hideyoshi continually looking over your shoulder. Plus Mitsunari was one of your close friends so you were super happy he was staying behind with you! 
You honestly never realized just how bad Mitsunari’s habits were until he passed out in front of you one day, while informing you of the state of the war. You knew the warlords cared for him, but you never realized to what extent. Your mama bear instincts instantly kicked in. You semi moved into Hideyoshi manor while he was away, so that it would be easier for you to take care of the resident angel. You made sure he was well-fed, room was clean and he got a decent amount of sleep. Hell, you even helped him work out an eating, training and sleeping schedule which you stuck on his wall to remind him to eat and sleep. After a while Mitsunari fell into a good routine with the schedule and was now almost capable of caring for himself
Mitsunari had one day informed you that the Oda forces had won the war and were now on their way back. The two of you cuties excitingly waited at the gate for your friends to return only for your faces to go from joyful to concerned in 0,2 seconds flat. Hideyoshi was passed out and heavily bandaged. Seem like the idiot went a bit over the top with protecting Nobunaga.
That night as you and Mitsunari gave your reports regarding the castle affairs in his absence, Nobunaga couldn’t help but noticed how healthy and good Mitsunari looked. You told him that you helped him organize his time and made sure that he all the basics were taken care of, i.e. sleeping, training and eating. Nobunaga thought for a moment and then broke out into the biggest grin “I commend you for your work with the castle and Mitusnari fireball, and I now assign you to care for my right-hand man”. You had no complaints, even though Hideyoshi hated you, the inner mom friend in you could never refuse someone in need of assistance.
You moved into Hideyoshi’s manor full time now. While you were there, you cared for both men. You changed Hide’s dressing, cleaned his wounds and made sure that he got plenty of food. Most nights, you would actually sleep in Hideyoshi’s room, caring for his high fevers and low key doing some of the easy paperwork just so that the man wouldn’t be overloaded with work when he was healed. Hideyoshi would shift in and out of consciousness, and boy was he confused to see you sleeping at his writing desk one night. Sometimes when he opened his eyes, he would see you place a cool soothing cloth on his head, other times he would listen to you talk about anything and everything. He would smile a little thinking that your presence in his room was a fever-induced dream.
After a week, his fever finally broke, and the wounds were now slowly, starting to close up and heal. He woke up that morning to you passed out at his writing desk. He had to do a double-take. He thought you caring for him had all been a big dream. He watched your beautiful sleeping face for a moment or two, draped his blankie over your shoulders and went to Nobunaga to receive work. His mind couldn’t help but wander back to you sleeping in his room, how many nights had he woken up to see you there by his side, and then the thoughts got dark, how many time had he accused you of being a spy of calling your kindness an act. HE felt his stomach drop, he honestly needed to make it up to you. But first he needed to check in with Nobunaga.
Nobunaga basically chased him away, saying he would only receive work once you reported that he was completely healthy and ready to come back to work. He walked back to his manor deflated, only to be met with you at the front door “where have you been young man, last time I check you just barely escaped death and are in no state to be walking about”. Hideyshi’s eyes widened he had never been scolded before. You stood there hands on your hips with the biggest frown, eyes filled with worry and concern. It made Hideyoshi’s heart melt that even though he had treated you like an enemy you still cared for him and spent countless days and nights by his side. You led him back to his futon and tucked him in. You brought him lunch and filled him in on everything that had happened since his been unconscious. 
TBH as the days went by Hideyoshi was falling more and more in love with you, he could kick himself for treating you so horribly. And spending countless days with you, gently and sweetly caring for him, makes him realizes more and more what a gigantic fool he was. Yes, you were stubborn and assertive, but you were also the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, friendliest girl in the whole world. 
He made a vow to himself, to make it up to you once he was all better. It took two months, but finally, this boy was back to his full health and absolutely smitten with you and you with him. 
You had come to realize during your time with him what a naturally flirty charmer he truly was, and the mountain of letters he received from women no longer surprised you. Honestly his smooth flirting even had your knees going weak. You had come to enjoy the light teasing and banter the two of you engaged in as you cared for him. He loved that you weren’t afraid to give him the hard solid facts and be a friendly shoulder for him to cry on, especially during times when he felt so weak and worthless for being injured and unable to serve his lord. You would tell him what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. 
The time had finally come that you had to move out of his manor and back into the palace, and TBH Hideyoshi was actually a little sad. He was definitely going to miss your vibrant energy, and hours and hours spent together, talking each other’s ears off. 
Now that he was healed it was time to make up for the ill way he treated you in the past, and low key thank you for taking such good care of him. He would take you out for tea every moment he could get. He knew you had a sweet tooth like Nobunaga, so he would ensure that there was always something delicious to eat at the little tea date the two of you went on. You of course never complained cause the three things you loved most in the world would be right infornt of you, tea, sweet and Hideyoshi. 
You discovered that Hideyoshi actually had a hilarious sense of humour. The two of you would laugh and tease each other all throughout the dates. Ooh boy, did he love your puns and honestly you couldn’t help but laugh at his hilariously unfunny dad jokes.
Hideyoshi is very much like you, a hopeless romantic, so during his free time, he is always planning some or other fun activity for the two of you to do. Whether it’s holding your hand as the two of you, stroll on the beach or taking you up a mountain to watch the sunset together. He has always got something cute up his sleeve 
Your favourite moment was one day when the two of you were out for tea, the sky started getting dark. The two of you were having such a good time you didn’t even notice it was about to rain. As the two of you were walking back to the castle the cloud burst and the light drizzle turned into a full-blown downpour. Even though you were super mature, you did have your childish moments. You looked up at Hideyoshi with the biggest grin on your face and started dancing in the rain, while he took cover at a nearby shop. With outstretched arms, you started twirling in the rain and splashing in the puddle “Hey you’re going to catch a cold”, at that you simply took Hideyoshi’s hand in yours and dragged him into the rain to dance with you. He shook his head at you, but couldn’t help but dance along with you. 
You stared up into his amber eyes, and this was when Hideyoshi decided to make his feeling for you known. He cupped your wet cheeks in his warm hands and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. 
After he pulled away and saw your sunshine smile, he picked you up and twired you around in the rain. He was so happy. The two of you played in the rain together without a care in the world until sunset.
Hideyoshi staying true to his doting self, of course, ran the two of you a warm bubble bath to fight off the chill from spending the afternoon in the rain. He pampered you from the moment you walked into his manor door. After your relaxing bath, he dried your hair and gave you a foot massage followed by a cheesy candlelit dinner for the two of you. He had been waiting so long to confess his feeling for you that he couldn’t help but want to pamper the shit out of his love
This man definitely respected your alone time and knew that everyone needed some time to themselves every now and then. 
He loved it when you worked in his room and kept him company as he worked. Hideyoshi is definitely the type to drop a few kisses on your forehead, cheek and lips whenever the two of you bump into each other in the hallway. 
He loves to spoil you any chance he can get. The two of you honestly turn into the castle mom and dad caring for everyone in the castle. Often the two of you cuties can be found nestled in each other’s arms or sharing sweets at your favourite tea house.
Other potential matches……… Mitsunari 
 I hope you liked it, dear! <3<3
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nyxdelanuit · 5 years
A Dream In Red Ch15
Monday morning came upon you softly, the sun lazily streaming through your windows. You laid awake in your bed, enjoying the clarity sleep had brought you. Your mind was truly empty this morning- something that was welcome compared to the tempest of feelings you had been battling with.
With a stretch, you urged yourself from your bed. You quickly freshened up in your bathroom, deciding Mondays were going to be your lazy days in terms of getting ready. An oversized hoodie and some shorts were good enough.
You double-checked your belongings before locking your door. You wouldn’t be caught unaware two weeks in a row and forget your wallet or keys. You stifled a yawn as you stumbled into the common area. The smell of breakfast was already wafting from the kitchen, so you decided to take a page from Kaminari’s book.
Speaking of the blond seemed to will him into existence. You watched as he shuffled to a chair and slid himself in. His head hit the table shortly after. You slipped into the seat next to him, crossing your arms across his back and laying your head in them.
“Morning, ‘Minari,” you mumbled into your arm. He grumbled a response and the two of you laid there contentedly. The clattering of plates in front of you compelled you to open your heavy eyes. Kirishima stood in front of you, placing a simple breakfast in front of you and Kaminari. The usually bubbly feeling he gave off was missing. A stormy look crossed his face instead. He looked at Kaminari intensely, his face growing more somber as you watched. You tried to tap into his head, just to get an idea of why. You didn’t remember anything going wrong between the boys, and you were sure you were the last person to see Kaminari last night.
The salt of Kirishima’s sadness sat on your tongue. You pushed a bit deeper, trying to get a glimpse of his thoughts.
Of course, his thoughts floated to you softly, he’s everything that I’m not. He’s funny and flashy, he’s forward. He’s not afraid to take a chance.
The hurt in your friend’s thoughts seemed to cut you, and you wanted to push all those thoughts from his head.
“He’s also not afraid to make a fool of himself.” Kirishima’s face flushed as you answered his thoughts. “He may have a bunch of good traits, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have them too. I think you’re quite funny. I also think you’re kind and thoughtful. You think of how things will affect people besides yourself. It’s a noble trait to have.” You slipped your arm out from under your head and reached across the table to take Kirishima’s hand. He nodded softly but wouldn’t meet your eyes.
Before you could feel hurt about that slight, Kaminari spoke from underneath you. You felt his gravelly morning voice rumble through his back.
“If we’re sharing what we like about each other, do me next.” He didn’t even lift his head. A smirk crossed your face.
“I like how you’re the butt of endless jokes, ‘Minari.” You giggled as he tried to shake you off of his back. Sitting up in your chair, you thanked Kirishima for the food and slowly ate. It seemed like it was just the three of you this morning.
“So how was your trip, princess?” Kirishima asked, a shadow of his usual smile on his face. You were going to have to figure out what was up with him once the two of you had some time alone. For now, you smiled at him.
“It was great. I miss my parents. That’s kind of a lame thing to say at our age, huh?” You felt a bit meek at this confession. Kirishima shook his head.
“I think it’s nice. It shows that you’re family-oriented. A lot of people forget about their parents once they start a life of their own.”
“Well… thanks. I even talked with my mom about Inasa. I’m not ready yet, but I think we could be friends again someday. And guess who I found on the train back home? Our little ‘Minari, on his walk of shame home.” You nudged Kaminari with your elbow, who groaned in response. “They grow up so fast.” You wiped a fake tear from your face, drawing a more genuine laugh from Kirishima.
You quickly cleaned up the mess from breakfast. Kaminari had left ahead of you and Kirishima, which you thanked. With Kaminari gone, you could finally talk to Kirishima. You grabbed his arm as he turned to walk out of the dorms.
“Kiri… what’s wrong?” You felt a flash apprehension from the redhead. You dipped into his thoughts, trying to send him reassuring thoughts. Unbeknownst to you, he was trying to find a way to explain without scaring you off.
“I just… everyone just seems so much better than me. I know I can be a good hero, but… I hesitate. I don’t have anything that stands out. I’m not the top student or the class clown, I’m just middle-of-the-road, that guy everyone kinda knows. Average.” You wrapped your arms around him softly.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’re so much more than you think. I don’t know what I would have done this past week without you. I don’t know what I’d do without you now. You hesitate? Good. We have enough people who rush in. Who cares if you’re on the honor roll or if you goof off? You’re not compromising yourself to fit into a role that’s already laid out for you. You are unabashedly yourself, and you help me do the same.” You untangled your arms from around him and took his hand. “Wanna play hooky?”
To your surprise, he nodded. The two of you abandoned your homework on a table and headed out of the dorm, hand in hand.
Two figures huddled in the shadow of the dorm doors, pressed together from their sudden need of a hiding place.
“Is that what we were like?” The first eavesdropper whispered to the second. The second took advantage of their position to suck a deep purple into the first’s neck.
“I don’t know, but it’s painful to watch. We should do something about it.” The second’s voice was laden with mischief. “But first, we should do something about you.” The second’s hand dipped in between them, causing the first’s breath to catch in their throat.
The two of you walked hand in hand through the early morning streets. The town seemed almost barren, both business and school hours drawing the bulk of the city away from the streets. The good weather that had graced your first week was waning, clouds blew in quickly, bringing the famous spring showers. The parched asphalt swallowed the first drops from the sky and those that hit you brought a bracing cold. Kirishima quickly pulled you closer, ducking under awnings as you searched for a place that you could spend some time hiding from the sudden rain.
You ducked into a door, pulling Kirishima behind you. The arcade you had found was nearly empty, a few other patrons near the door waiting out the spring rains. Unlike them, you were happy to gravitate to the many multicolored machines.
“Seems like we found a place to waste some time?” You cocked your eyebrow at Kirishima. He met your gaze with a stunning smile. It was one of the many mysteries you wanted to solve about this boy- how he could both make you freeze up yet feel so warm inside.
The two of you spent hours going head to head on the games you found. From old school action games to ski ball, to crane machines. A friendly rivalry coursed between the two of you. One of the few games you had yet to play was the basketball hoop. You weren’t very sports inclined, and you could already picture the gloating face once Kirishima decimated you on one of the last games.
He went first, scoring nearly every time. You watched apprehensively as his score racked up. Too soon, it was your turn. You stepped up to the game and threw the first ball… which seemed like it was possessed. It bounced off the walls, nearly hitting you in the face as it ricocheted. Kirishima’s hand shot in front of your face, snatching the ball out of the air.
Instead of the gloating and mockery you expected, you were once again reminded of Kirishima’s soft personality. He softly moved you into a better position, telling you how to stand and how to bend your knees. His breath fluttered softly against your neck as he instructed you on how to hold your arms and let go of the ball. The words seemed to slip through your consciousness, your body was only concerned with his proximity and how right it felt with his hands on your hips.
You felt the ball fall from your hands as you drug Kirishima to the photo booth in the corner. You quickly slipped money in the slot and pushed him inside. He laughed at you then.
“Trying to get out of the game?” You shushed him and crawled into the booth, placing yourself closer than needed. The prompts started to countdown on the screen. You couldn’t help yourself, you felt like a woman possessed. You clambered into his lap, throwing your arms around his neck as the first flash went off.
He met your eyes with confusion. So many emotions seemed to swirl in his eyes, and you wondered if his eyes were just reflecting your own. Another flash. You felt your body move without your command. Your head was angling closer to his. His lips were just a few moments away.
But you couldn’t. There was no excuse this time, no drinking or games or peer pressure. Just you and your feelings. You weren’t ready to confront your feelings. You quickly detoured, planting your lips delicately on Kirishima’s cheek, just in time for the last flash.
The two of you took a beat to calm down, and you busied yourself with looking through the decorating options. These pictures were embarrassing, but you wanted them so badly. Looking at the way Kirishima stared at you in the pictures, maybe one day you could convince yourself that he might like you too.
Kirishima watched as you bypassed all of the hearts and ‘I love you’s on the decorating options, more confused than he’d ever been. It was becoming harder for him to differentiate your usual affections for more. He watched as you settled on a simple border with the date. This morning, he could barely look you in the eye for fear that he’d see your feelings for another person. Now, he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
He wasn’t sure how he’d ever survive if you didn’t like him too.
You and Kirishima walked slowly from the arcade. The street seemed flooded with puddles, and you went out of your way to splash in each one that seemed clean enough. Soon enough Kirishima joined you, splashing back and forth. You would have to change before going to your afternoon classes. Tucked inside the pocket of your hoodie was half of the pictures taken earlier. Nestled safely in his wallet, Kirishima carried his own.
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ibitchytimemachine · 5 years
Chapters: 53/? Fandom: Dragon Ball Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Summary:
With Earth destroyed, Bulma and the Z gang find themselves in an outer space guerilla war against a tyrant. The mysterious Vengeance seems to be the only hope to win the war against Frieza, but teaming up with him brings its own set of problems.
 AU, ensemble cast but with focus on BV. Several other pairings (m/F and m/m) and non-romantic relationships get significant screen time.
While Vengeance often appears to be a light-hearted, funny story, there are darker elements running through several storylines. Warnings of non-con are for isolated incidents and don't reflect the story as a whole, but explicit descriptions of sex, violence, and general depravity are contained within these chapters.
Of all the Vegebul fics I have read, this one is easily my favorite. It has nuance, gives (almost) every character full and rich motivations and story lines. You find yourself rooting for the oddest pairs and weirdest people. I can not recommend this story enough, and if you wanna read my thoughts on it, lets dive into spoilers below the cut! 
So this story has something for everyone. You want thick well thought out and executed plot? DONE! Humor? DONE! Large cast of characters, both canon and OC who are all pretty well flushed out? DONE! Smut? Name your poison, chances are, its in here. There is so much about this story that I love that I am struggling with exactly the best way to organize my thoughts. So instead of agonizing over it, instead I am just gonna throw away all my careful notes that I have taken during my read and just freaking ramble! 
I think the first thing that people are a little put off on is the rare pair of RaditzXPuar. I will tell you that I 5,000 percent ship these two and it is all because of reading this fic. I love it so much that I MAY have even taken some time to draw my own fan art for the pair, but lets just leave THAT in the vaults xD When Raditz first encounters Puar, he is NOT a cat. Puar is in a Human form and is shifted to be Bulma. Raditz immediately is attracted to Puar’s scent and when they later encounter each other in a bar and end up ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) Ray is still just enamored by Puar’s scent. Whenever we see Rays POV in-between the time that Ray has fucked Human Puar, and the time that Puar is discovered, Ray keeps catching scents of the cat. And it drives him fucking wild. He later says that he is so crazy for Puar that he was about to fuck a houseplant cause it reminded him of Puar. Beyond that we get the backstory on Bonding and that basically Saiyans bond to a mate kinda at random so Ray has basically taken Puar as his husband. Raditz is really a great lover, there is a relationship imbalance between the two, but Ray doesnt take advantage of it. Its really a pretty healthy relationship. Puar gets jealous of some stuff, Ray gets WAY jealous of stuff but they always seem to talk it over. Shit at one point Ray dreams of having kids with Puar, and he is swiftly reminded that Puar is a MAN and will never be and never wants to be a WOMAN. 
A huge part of me feels like this Puarditz pairing is commentary on identity, self acceptance and love. Ray is constantly telling Puar that he doesnt care what his body looks like (except that he is excited to see Puar has a tail), only that it is Puar that he is in love with. It is only Puar Ray wants, no matter if he is a human, cat, plant, screwdriver or anything else. Puar talks about how he feels weird in his cat body, but it is his natural form and he wants to change and be bigger, more menacing, or just different. And I think we can all appreciate that sentiment at some point in our lives, but I can also see this as a low key message about trans acceptance and its fucking beautiful. Hell even Bulma tells Puar that he should take whatever form he is most comfortable in and basically fuck everyone who disagrees. I love that message and I love this pair - fight me. 
I really want to talk about another pretty complex character in this fic, Zarbon. He struggles with so much shame and negativity in this story. He hides behind his good looks and his hair, and when that shit gets cut off, Zarbon is a completely different man, it is shedding his old evil skin and literally growing into his own as a new man, a better person, and you start to care about him. His time with Frieza has basically ruined his ability to have any sort of healthy relationship - friend or other, because he resorts to sex for just about any close relationship he has. The FIRST person he meets after being rescued from Frieza, he starts bedding. Hell he promises a pity fuck to Burter for rescuing him, and come on.. I have never wanted a Burger sex scene more than when I was reading this fic. No really... Catgirl has a way of making you root for just about everyone... I think  that besides the slavers, the only character I HATE is Frieza, and thats pretty cool. AND Speaking of Frieza, shit hes a bad dude in this story. There aren't many POVs of him, and we see a lot of Frieza through Zarbon, Vegeta and Burter, but the POVs after Zarbon escapes and Frieza is trying to replace him is she fucked up shit. You really see his madness when he is sitting in the bloody tub stroking the hair of the dead attendant wishing it was Zarbons. He repeatedly states how much he gave to Zarbon, and how he basically loved him, but then you see him torture the poor man, sexually assault him, and generally just be a complete tyrannical asshole to him. 
The way the Nameks are handled is really cool. I love the nod to canon with them living with the Briefs on Red Station, I love watching Dende figure out how to lead, and struggle with his followers. I love how he makes the decision to room with Gohan as a way of bridging the gap between the Namekians and the Saiyans. The decisions Dende makes shows that he is dedicated to moving forward and not being stuck in the past. But you see him still struggling with things in the past, Zarbon for example. it is hella tense for a while when he first comes aboard because Dende feels Zarbon is responsible for the demise of his people, and Dende seeks out others help and advice on how to manage his feelings. He gets several peoples views and chooses what he thinks is the best, just like a good leader would. He even attempts to make Piccolo feel more welcome in the Namekian contingent of beings on Red Station.
Nappa is a super important character for the beginning of the story. He is the voice of Saiyan past and he advises Vegeta, wether he takes the advice or not. Overall he is the Father figure Vegeta needs (a common role for him) but he tells Vegeta and Raditz about bonding and Gohan comments that it sounds like LOVE. Nappa has some really shitty moments with Bulma, but overall I really like the sweet peeks into his head, when he thinks about his dead wife and babies, or when he tears up about the thought of Bulma and Vegeta having “little princes” of their own, is just heartwarming. And the attraction to Momma Briefs is cute and funny and provides so much ammunition for Bulma to hate Nappa (and boy do they hate each other)
I kinda hate how K18 gets treated in this story, and part of that is how long it takes for 18 to come about, and another part of that is the fact that the story isn't finished. I feel like 18′s android qualities are REALLY played up, which isn't a bad thing - great characterization in fact... but poor Krillin deserves so much better than being mounted with no foreplay and then immediately being engaged... Now I will say that I really like both of these characters in this fic, just wish things were finished cause their relationship has so much more to explore. 
I have both love and hate the Vegebul relationship dynamics in this story. They obviously care for one another, but the relationship seems super unhealthy... there is really no talking, relationship building going on in story. a LOT of fucking sure, but it almost feels like these two banter, fuck but don't really know one another.. and thats kinda sad.. I like that part of a Vegebul fic. Bulma is legit scared of Vegeta on multiple occasions and even in the last published chapter Vegeta looks at her and thinks that she is a monster just like him. And hell with her improvements to the Ki Circlet, she probably is. I will say that their smut is A++ fantastic, it is real, sometimes it is awkward (when they fuck in her lab it is both hot and funny) and there is always a mention of safe sex. 
With all the time spent on, pretty much everyone, including 2 OCs, it is sad that 17, Dr. Briefs and Tien don't get a little more love. They have very very brief scenes peppered throughout the story, and they just seem like after thoughts.. Shit Roshi and Oolong have more impact on the story than any of these three do and thats just a bummer. I am gonna say that maybe they have parts in the unwritten bots of the fic, but who knows if it will ever be updated, much less finished at this point. 
This story is fantastic. I can not recommend it enough. The relationship dynamics alone are fantastic, never mind the fact that Catgirl is FUCKING FANTASTIC at showing not telling, but even when she tells it is impactful. She has a wonderful grasp of character voice and each POV feels like it is actually that characters POV, told through them, not through the lens of a narrator. There are some amazing quotes in this story, some are just funny, 
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Others.. Not so much.... 
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These are a bunch of misfits thrown together, fighting to survive, and ultimately building a home. Hell Zarbon sees it and is shocked by it.. He says he is amazed by Vegeta “Floating around this country cottage of a ship, lord and master of an assortment of weaklings.” And Zarbon is right. Vegeta is the lord and master of this rag tag crew, and Bulma is their Queen. Their relationship is the glue that holds this little family together. This story is a tale of their struggle to defeat Frieza, but thats not what this story is ABOUT. This story is about, family, friends, love, home and ultimately all the wholesome things humanity has to offer. Sometimes we fuck up, and fight and create drama, but we persevere through those trials and (hopefully) become stronger, more well rounded and more human. And that is a really nice message. 
As a bonus, @rutbisbe drew this amazing Puar/Raditz fan art for this fic and I love it (AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH)
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If you liked this review, after you check this fic out, head over to my A03 and read some of my stuff!
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fuckress · 5 years
I dare you to answer every single question in the "weird asks that say a lot" (tho you can decline the dare, or just answer one you really wanna answer)
me? declining a dare?? HELL NO! So buckle up, this is a long one!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?–> coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?–> hmmmmm… chocolate bars.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?–> neither really… there aren’t many stores where I can buy cotton candy just like that. So I guess bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?–> quiet, reserved, smart. I think that’s about it.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?–> actually cans. But I’ll settle for bottles if I can’t get cans
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?–> hm… a mix between tomboy, sportswear and formal.
7. earbuds or headphones?–> both. earbuds while on my phone and headphones while on my computer.
8. movies or tv shows?–> tv shows. Keeps me occupied for longer and I don’t have to pay attention too much.
9. favorite smell in the summer?–> that fresh breeze when at sea or ocean. Or, the smell before a thunder storm.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?–> dodgeball, along with basketball and volleyball. which doesn’t mean I’m any good at either, those were just the ones I didn’t suck as much lol
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?–> usually, I skip breakfast and have lunch. But if I want something, it’s usually a sandwich with either avocado, fish or something else.
12. name of your favorite playlist?–> uhh.. don’t really have one.
13. lanyard or key ring?–> both ^^ key ring to keep all keys i need together and a lanyard to lock them to my pants or something.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?–> popcorn. I’m not entirely sure tbh, I’m simply eating popcorn now so that’s why it came to my mind lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?–> ooh, good question. hm… catcher in the rye is up there… life of pie too… killing mr griffin…. hm. most books from my english classes it seems. the german ones sucked.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?–> sitting on one leg with the other angled. it’s kinda hard to explain, I guess.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?–> gray sneakers
18. ideal weather?–> sunshine, not too warm (maybe around 25°C), with a little breeze.
19. sleeping position?–> any position and every position
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?–> either computer or mobile phone
21. obsession from childhood?–> hm. I guess drawing might be one. Other than that, I don’t think I have an obsession from back then. Maybe anime and cartoons in general, but nothing specific.
22. role model?–> don’t have one
23. strange habits?–> can’t think of anything right now..
24. favorite crystal?–> opal
25. first song you remember hearing?–> I don’t know the song titles of those, sadly. I do remember the ketchup song
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?–> either taking a walk or sleeping in the sunshine. Not really much interested in activities.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?–> sleeping..
28. five songs to describe you?–> Alone in the room by asking alexandria, haze by tessa violet, choke by i don’t know how but they found me (the vibe of the song, not much of the lyrics), bones by emily finchum, dreamin by the score
29. best way to bond with you?–> oh, there are many ways tbh. either ask me about my obsessions and if they are similar to yours, let’s talk about those for hours. or just show up and talk bullshit, I’m always up for bullshit. or let’s rant about stuff that we both hate. just. yeah. I’m really not that hard to please, if you don’t treat me like shit, we’re good.
30. places that you find sacred?–> nothing comes to mind tbh. that doesn’t mean i don’t think places shouldn’t be treated without respect.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?–> jeans, sneakers, black tanktop and a blazer. or hoodie. things I’d usually wear as well. best to kick ass and take names while wearing what you like most, right?
32. top five favorite vines?–> “two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay.”“Say Colorado!” “I’M A GIRAFFE”“THIS BITCH EMPTY! YEET!”“Shit, duck!” “Oh, cause of the duck is it?” *gets hit by a flying duck*“Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage. LETTUCE, LETTUCE, LETTUCE!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?–> yaaaaaaf, yaaaaaaaas, rip, mood, aaaaaaaaaaargh, wtf, eyyyyyyyyyyyyy, oooh, fuck, ehehehehehehe (usually after a dirty joke), yay~, yehi wasn’t able to just pick one
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?–> none. thank goodness
35. average time you fall asleep?–> maybe.. 30min?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?–> oooh boy, I don’t remember.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?–> suitcase. They’re easier to handle
38. lemonade or tea?–> tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?–> neither.. I don’t really like cakes or pies
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?–> there was a warning of a school shooting due to some internet posts. Nothing happened at our school, but people were scared. Other than that, constant firealarms due to bullshit reasons like cooking or dust. And being late for school due to flooding and casually walking in to class with zero fucks left to give.
41. last person you texted?–> a friend who sent me a cute pic.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?–> BOTH AND BIG ENOUGH TO FIT MY PHONE IN PLEASE
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?–> Hoodie and leather jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap?–> something fresh like lemon grass or so. Or some herbs. Nothing too sweet and no nuts
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?–> I like a lot of superhero stuff, but fantasy is up there too.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?–> I’ll sleep in literally anything, depending on how tired and lazy I am to change.
47. favorite type of cheese?–> none
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?–> a pomegranate i think
49. what saying or quote do you live by?–> none really. More like a motto. Be the best you can be and enjoy yourself as much as possible.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?–> pfft. tons of things. i can’t possibly pinpoint one
51. current stresses?–> New job starting soon where I’m not really sure how well I’ll be able to handle it, sleep scedule is fucked, being on my own entirely with no friends nearby.. ah well.
52. favorite font?–> don’t have one
53. what is the current state of your hands?–> slight lingering pain, a bit cold, no injuries
54. what did you learn from your first job?–> my first ever job was as a waitress/barkeeper at age 14 or something. What I learned there… some people expect too much of you without helping you. And it’s ok to go away from a bad envirenment. Your own well being is most important.
55. favorite fairy tale?–> It’s either the tale of Icarus or the tale of Kunegunda. Those are actually the first ones I ever heard.
56. favorite tradition?–> hm.. don’t have one
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?–> School, College, emotional breakdowns
58. four talents you’re proud of having?–> drawing, being able to view at problems rationally and finding solutions, reading people I know, my bullshit kind of humor
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?–> Let’s get this fucking party started!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?–> slice of life. They’re the most wholesome with weird and funny friendship moments
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?–> The risk I took was calculated, but damn, am I bad at math.
62. seven characters you relate to?–> I’m too lazy to think of seven, so have one: Killua from Hunter x Hunter
63. five songs that would play in your club?–> see number 28.
64. favorite website from your childhood?–> YouTube. Well, not really childhood, but early teenage years.
65. any permanent scars?–> I have one on my forhead from an accident when I was a kid. Don’t know if other scars are permanent.
66. favorite flower(s)?–> forget-me-nots
67. good luck charms?–> a d20 dice
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?–> hm… I think I surpressed any bad memory like that. Can’t remember
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?–> brown eyes can be changed permanently blue due to some genes and pigments being linked together
70. left or right handed?–> I’m right handed
71. least favorite pattern?–> anything with huge contrasts and tons of messy lines. hurts my eyes and brain
72. worst subject?–> history. Never was good at remembering dates and years and that shit.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?–> I… don’t have any..
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?–> a 6, usually. Except if i need to do stuff or I’m trying to sleep. then a 4.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?–> I think, around the age of 9..
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?–> chips
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?–> a succulent always grew really well with me. Or cacti.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?–> Never had coffee at a gas station. I did have sushi from the grocery story, but they were never any good.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?–> driver’s licence photo
80. earth tones or jewel tones?–> jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?–> wait… wat
82. pc or console?–> PC. Never had a console
83. writing or drawing?–> drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio?–> podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket?–> I had both growing up. As a kid, barbie. later on, polly pocket.
85. fairy tales or mythology?–> why not both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?–> cookies
87. your greatest fear?–> complete darkness
88. your greatest wish?–> to manage well enough not to have to worry about anything
89. who would you put before everyone else?–> parents i guess
90. luckiest mistake?–> I bet there were so fucking many but I can’t remember right now
91. boxes or bags?–> depends. boxes for organizing stuff at home, bags for shopping and gathering things like bottles or clothes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?–> lamps and overhead lights
93. nicknames?–> Chan
94. favorite season?–> fall
95. favorite app on your phone?–> telegram, messaging my friends and all
96. desktop background?–> a picture I made a while ago I called galaxy marbles
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?–> around 4 or so
98. favorite historical era?–> don’t have one, the all sucked
there. I did it. holy shit that was a lot.
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validark · 8 years
Chapter 2
(Note this was finished on the 24th and was kinda meant to be a Christmas present for @kalosstarters)
Alain leaned back in the grass under the tree, Charizard's Pokeball resting over his heart with his hand over it. "So, you got a tutor for History huh?" Ash asked, flopping down beside him, his girlfriend, Misty, sitting down slowly. The rest of the group followed suite, all of them forming a circle. "I'm still waiting for them to get me an English tutor." "Ash! I said I could help you with English!" Misty exclaimed, drawing a laugh from the group. Alain began to zone them out when he felt hunger gnaw at his stomach. He hadn't had anything to eat since Tuesday morning.
Alain sat up straighter. "I don't need a tutor." He snapped, shoving his hands into his pockets, his hand closing around Charizard's Pokeball. "I'm doing just fine." Professor Oak just raised an eyebrow at him until Alain looked away and slunk back into his seat. The only classes he was fine in were Science, P.E and Math... "Sorry, Alain. But the school and your father ha-" Professor Oak began only to be cut off. "He's not my dad." Alain snarled, leaning forward. "He's my care-giver and a shit one at that." He could see Manon watching him from the corner of his eye. "Fine, I don't care." He snapped and stood, grabbing his bag and throwing a strap over one of his shoulders before walking out.
"So, Alain! Who is your tutor?" Alain jerked out of his daze to Serena's question. He could feel their eyes on him and he had to think back, had he heard her last name? "It's Manon something, didn't really stick around to hear her last name... She's short and has red hair though." Someone clapped their hands together. "Manon Arbre! She's in my English class!" He heard Dawn call from across the circle. "I haven't seen her talk to anyone other then the Professors..." Alain sat up, resting his hands on his knees. He didn't say anything, just thought for a second. Before he /could/ say anything his phone began to vibrate in his pocket and he groaned, knowing it was Lysandre. The group was quiet as he walked away, his phone at his ear. "Yes?" He answered the call when he was further away from the group, none of them knew about how controlling Lysandre was... No one did... "I heard you got a tutor today, Alain." Lysandre's voice was cold and harsh. "I expect you to not waste my money with paying hi-" "Her." Alain corrected automatically before flinching. He just interrupted Lysandre... Lysandre was quiet for what felt like forever, a light sheen of sweat beginning to break out across Alain's shoulders."Her?" He asked, slight amusement in his voice. Alain had to cough to stop his voice from creaking, moving the phone away from his face as he did. "Ahh, yeah... Her name's Manon..." "All ready on first name bases, Alain?" Lysandre joked, causing a chill to run down Alain's spine. "You should be calling her Miss Manon." "She's younger then me." Alain turned around when he heard Ash call out, waving to him to come back. "I gotta go." He didn't waste for Lysandre to reply, just ended the call and shoved his phone into his pocket, trying his best to ignore it when it began to vibrate again.
Manon leaned her head into her hands and sighed deeply. After the boy, Alain had left Professor Oak had gone over the details with her, explained that Alain's care-giver would be paying her directly, showing her his time-table and comparing it with hers. She'd been meaning to get out of the Cooking class she'd been placed in and this was the perfect opportunity. Now, she sat in the library, her art project and her English project finished and folded neatly into her bag. Both were about an old King in the Kalos Region known as AZ, which she found to be rather funny, seeing as they were looking into AZ and his involvement with the 'Ultimate Weapon' in History. Speaking of History... She pulled out her phone and checked the time, gathering her things up. There was five minutes until last Period and she preferred to get to class early. Professor Elm was fumbling with his keys and class plans when she rounded the corner. He looked up and smiled at her. "Oh, Manon! This is just perfect, mind holding these for me?" He asked, not waiting for her to answer before dumping his class plans into her arms, causing her to give a small 'oomf' at the weight. As he set up the class Manon took her seat, close to the door and settled, laughing when Professor Elm began to freak out about his glasses, not noticing they were on-top of his head. Once the bell ran the class room filled up quickly. Manon leaned down and began to pull her books out of her bag, jumping when someone dropped their books on the table next to her. Looking up she saw Alain and two boys, one blond with glasses and another with black hair and a red cap on his head. All three sat down and began to chat while they waited for Professor Elm to begin. Confused, Manon chose to ignore them, instead focusing on the small notes Professor Elm was writing on the bored and stopping her hand from shaking. Class began and everyone drew quiet, some taking down notes and others making snide comments about the subject. Professor Elm began to walk around the room, passing out text books and explaining what pages to look at and what he expected to see at the end of the class. Once Manon had hers she flipped to the pages and began to read them over, trying to ignore the fact that Alain was ignoring his book and trying to read from hers. "You know I've heard you speak once." Alain stated, leaning in close to her as he tried to read the book. Manon only hummed her response, taking down notes as she read. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Alain's hand copying her movements, writing down the same note she'd just taken. "You do know you won't be able to understand that note." She mumbled, re-reading the first paragraph to make sure she hadn't glossed over anything. "And what makes you say that?" He asked, a smirk crossing his face. "Because it relates to my Art homework." She answered flatly. "I'm meant to be tutoring you, not just letting you copy down my answers and notes." "So, tutor me."
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myopinioniswrong · 7 years
Anime Review - Regalia: The Tree Sacred Stars
 Warning: The following Review may contain spoilers.
 This is a re-post of a review originally posted January 29th 2017
 Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars was surprising in a good way, however that doesn’t really change it from what it is, although it does make it more tolerable.
 Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars which I will henceforth refer to as just Regalia is an original anime series backed by studio Actas, which sounds exciting cause ‘Girls und Panzer’ but unfortunately the result isn’t nearly as good as 'GuP’ was. It first aired on the 7th of July 2016 and didn’t end till November 24th of the same year lasting for 13 episodes.
 Regalia is a show about aliens who come to earth but they look exactly like humans and then some of these aliens can transform into mechas and be piloted by another alien that they are paired with except for the protagonists which are a pair of an alien mecha and a human pilot.
 Now Regelia sounds like a generic mecha anime, it even takes place in a monarchy like a lot of mechs tend to. However the aliens and pilots are all girls and they’re also all moe which makes for a rather interesting combo of genres here.
 Now the story goes that currently a new empire is ruling but there use to be an old empire, the remains of the old empire are its old queen, the queens little sister, the butler of the house and a mysterious young person, I say person because even now I have no idea what gender this person is, I’ll just go with boy for simplicity sake but note that I can not confirm ‘his’ gender.
 Now early on we learn that member of the old empire like the mysterious boy named Johann and the butler like dude Jonathan Marshall use a small sphere object in order to summon a mecha for them to pilot without the need of an alien to do it for them.
 The old empire starts its attack on the new empire with the goal of reclaiming what they lost and so the queen finds out that her big sister has actually been an alien this whole time and can turn into a mecha and the two fight back against the old empire.
 We also meet other aliens who are there to help and support our protagonist and also those aliens that are there to work against them.
 The story is about as generic as you can get for a mecha but the cute girls do help it a lot in terms of enjoyment, it’s easy to just look at all the cute girls and be happy with that.
 Which brings me to a common criticism I see towards Regalia which is that the fights in it aren’t very good, now first of all most of the people I saw with this complaint were not very far in and I’d say the last few fights are actually really solid but even without that it all has to do with expectations.
 Most people who watch mecha anime are expected there to be some cool fight scenes, because mecha. However I feel like while this is an anime with mechs in it and a generic mech like story set up it it doesn’t do very many mecha things aside from the set up and of course having fights.
 It’s main draw is the cute girls and at times I feel like I’m watching a more generic moe show, it’s very rare that it actually goes full slice of life nothing happens kinda stuff, but it defiantly has a weird blend of that with mecha that causes it to just kinda be cute girls doing cute things and for some reason mechas are there.
 Overall though I like this, this was able to make me actually enjoy a mech anime since more often than not I dislike them with this and Evangelion being the exceptions to that.
 (Note: I’m not comparing this to Evangelion, those two are so far apart from each other in so many ways, it’s just that both are different enough for normal mechas to make me enjoy them, but for very different reasons)
 The shows animation is nothing special, it’s about what I expected and doesn’t really do anything neat or cool looking, the transformations into mechs happen within a sphere so you don’t actually see it happen they just go from alien loli to alien mech in an instant. Oh yer all the ones who can become mechs are Lolis minus one who’s a dude and even then his stuck in his mech state and also can’t move, so he’s basically dead but not really. 
 The voice acting is actually really good and that’s cause this shows got a lot of talent behind it with people like Sakura Ayane, Touyama Nao, and Yurika Kubo. The others are also great but I’m just giving you an example of what kinda talent we got here and also my super bias comes into play because Yurika Kubo. But despite the great voice acting it’s not exactly memorable or special, none of the characters have voice tweaks or anything super interesting to say, I don’t remember how anyone sounded and that’s at no vault of the voice actors it’s just how it is. Which is a flaw of the show as a whole though. 
 The opening and ending theme are also super forgettable so I can’t even talk about them since I don’t remember them at all. The background music is also a mess of stuff I don’t really remember. 
Yui & Rena
 Yuinshiel Astoria, or just Yui is the protagonist and queen of the new empire despite still being a school girl. Also despite being a schoolgirl someone ask for her measurements while she’s giving a briefing to the nations and guess what, she actually says them, however we as the audience don’t get to hear what they are. 
 Yui is a human girl and she has one of the loli aliens living with her, she however thinks that Rena, the loli alien, is her older sister. 
 Older sister because Rena being the alien that she is was born looking like a loli and thus stays that way for her entire life. It seems to be that the aliens are just born at whatever age and keep that body appearance and size for there entire lives. 
 So when Rena come down to earth and Yui’s mum took her in and made the two sisters she didn’t know that Rena would not physically grow in any way and she died before finding this out.
 This leads to the classic Rena is the older sister but she’s small and Yui is the older looking and much more mature and dependable but younger sister that a lot of anime likes to do since K-On did it and that was popular. 
 I have no gripes with K-On but seriously guys it’s over done now and it doesn’t even change anything, like in this its just a throw away thing they do once and then it never really matters again if she’s younger or older. 
 In K-On it had reason and purpose and actually affected events and how things played out, okay, enough ranting. 
 Overall I actually like Yui enough, she’s nothing special really. She looks nice but her voice acting isn’t anything special and overall she doesn’t do much, at multiple points in the show she fails to be able to do anything without Rena.
 At one point when Rena has to go away she basically is forced to do nothing but hide and whenever Rena loses control (because she’s bonding with a human and not another alien) Yui is never able to regain control of the mecha or stop herself from the danger she’s in from being stuck inside, instead Rena will either wake back up or the alternate Rena with red hair will come in and deus ex it. Funny thing she’s actually called deus ex, or was it just deus, either way it’s funny. 
Tia & Sara
 Tia and Sara Kleis are two aliens that are bonded, Tia is the loli who becomes a mech and Sara is the pilot. Sara is also the best because Yurika Kubo. 
 I really enjoy Sara and Tia for one very obvious reason, they’re freaking adorable. The two work off each other very well which makes sense since they’re actually sisters and look very similar, they do have a third I sister however she was captured and put under the control of Johann. Tia and Sara came to earth in search of Rena and Kei (the other loli alien) they find Rena rather early and once they meet up then Tia/Sara and Rena/Yui always fight together as a team.
 Pretty obvious at this point that the three loli aliens are the three sacred stars mentioned in the title of the show, for a majority of the show Rena and Tia have no idea about this power and even if they did they wouldn’t be able to activate it without Kei.
 Tia and Sara are a little bit of comedic value, they of course have there importance and when they need to they can fight just as well as the others but they have the most silly moments, some slapstick and are just off in the background messing around sometimes.
 Like when everyone finds the alien dude who is stuck as a mech and can’t move, Yui and Rena are off talking to his wife who is explaining how he ended up like that and then as we hear her explain we get a shot of Tia and Sara playing around on the mech and Tia sliding down one of the arms. 
 Either way these two are cute and when they need to they can defiantly fight along with the rest of them, I like them a lot. 
Kei & Ingrid
 So who is this Kei, well she’s the third alien loli that’s also a mech. She’s actually under control of Johann but in a different way to Tia and Sara’s sister, Kei is under his control without having to be chained into her mech form without a pilot. It’s not fully explained what it is that caused this we just know that Kei is hooked up to a machine and Johann runs an experiment on her in order to gain control of her, he goes directly against what anyone thought he was going to do in order to do this and as a result Kei’s older sister (who I think is also a human pilot) Ingrid is forced to follow Johanns orders. For a majority of the first half of the show Kei doesn’t say much as she’s actually just a lifeless shell of her former self, during this time Ingrid also doesn’t say much but she definitely does more talking then Kei who might as well not be there for how little she does in some episodes. However after a battle of Johann and Kei/Ingrid vs. Tia/Sara and Yui/Rena which is one of the best fights in the series spanning quite a few episodes, Ingrid is able to get Tia and Rena to enter some kind of separate realm and then due to there connection to Kei. Them being the three sacred stars and all, allows them to break her out of the mind control right before she’s about to shoot Ingrid. Which by the way was actually an extremely powerful moment, I almost cried during it because Kei hold the gun at Ingrid and before she’s about to do it a tear rolls down her check because the real Kei trapped inside doesn’t want to do this, a very powerful moment. I will say it would of been more powerful if she had actually done it and then had to spend the rest of the series dealing with that fact but I digress. Once broken out of Johann’s control and it coming to light that he was the real mastermind the whole time and despite Ingrid being the queen of the old empire she never actually wanted to overthrow Yui and was fine to just find a new role in society as it was. Ingrid is actually a really deep and a cool character, she has so much guilt and responsibility on her shoulders and with the help from the others and the real Kei she finally starts to try and be happy again. Also this is a good to mention that a side character named Retsu has her very faith in a god restored at the sight of Kei. It’s a really weird but funny scene and I like the idea of Kei being so adorable that Retsu goes from being an atheist to a believer in some god. Either way Ingrid looks way older than Sara or Yui so she actually almost looks like a mum to Kei, these two are really cute together regardless and have some of the most powerful moments together, plus with the three alien Lolis assembled they get to all form together like the power rangers and form a mega mech which they use to win the final battle, but that also involved some confusing BS with deus. PLACEHOLDER
Then we have Johann, who at the start doesn’t seem like the main villain. Marshall clearly seems to be in a higher position and we know Ingrid is the queen of the old republic, it’s really not right until Kei is freed that we fully learn what has been going on this whole time. It’s actually a pretty good twist and later on there’s like multiple Johann that show up, like one dies and then another shows up and he jumps off and a cliff but then there are like 10 of him. Me and my friend who I watched this with has a series “ahhhhh” twist reaction and I liked that it was able to that, as I said this show was really surprising it’s defiantly exceeded my reputation. So at first we think the enemy is the old republic but it’s really just a cover up that Johann is using in order to be able to act out his schemes in the background without seeming like the main leader and also hide behind the idea that it’s just the old empire wanting its power back. I gotta say I do feel bad for Marshal, he died pretty early on being killed in his fight with Rena/Yui however he made it clear that he died happy cause he was helping Ingrid and the old empire with its ultimate goal however in the end he was only following Johann’s orders just though Ingrid since he had absolute control of her. He died fighting for what he believed in which was whatever Ingrid wanted, however he just needed up being a pawn in Johann’s game and overall didn’t really do anything for either side. Although I will note that Johann has a weird mech, in the final battle when he enters his final form the mech has a very long and phallic object in a very specific place and it’s also what the girls hit and destroy in order to defeat, just gonna say… It’s weird. PLACEHOLDER
Overall despite Regalia being a mess in its genre and kinda shooting itself in the foot by being a mecha anime that panders to a very different kind of audience I actually enjoyed it a lot. The story is extremely generic and the presentation is nothing special outside of the voice acting but the characters are fun and I enjoyed my time with the show. When it comes down to it, if I’m able to enjoy a show and have a good time watching it despite it flaws then that’s pretty good. After all I sat through the whole show and for the most part had a good time, I watched it with a friend which may of made it more fun and thus is adding some extra bias but overall I don’t think it’s affecting the score too much since I did actually enjoy watching it and not just the events surrounding the watching of it. Plus my real bias comes from Yurika Kubo being in the cast and I did have a hella good time watching it since I was with a friend.
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