#king of simps we love him
tartarusknight · 2 years
King of the Freaks | Part 11
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Steve was exhausted from swimming… from everything. From the look of panic on Eddie’s face every time he flirted with Steve. It felt like a slap in the face every time Eddie backpedaled. He tried to tell himself that it was because it was not safe to be out and proud. But it never seemed to sink in. So, as he gets to his house and sees the light on, something they always did whenever he was getting there after them. He just sat in his car.
It was going to be the first time in a long time that he’s had a group of friends over. Spending the night… “Fuck,” he whispered to himself. Thinking of the nail bat under his bed. The machete he bought and secured under the couch in the basement. The fire pokers that he brought out of storage even though they never used the fireplace. The gun he got and hid in the kitchen. The hunting knives that are hidden all over the house. Or the ax and metal bat in the trunk of his car. He thinks about waking up screaming and knows it’s a mistake.
But he’s got a game plan. He cleaned and made sure everything was ready for them. He didn’t get a bunch of sleep but it would be worth it.
Then the door to his house swings open and it’s Jeff waving at him. He gives a little wave back and grabs his bag before getting out of the car. “Hey, thought I heard your car,” Jeff grinned and Steve smiled back. This was definitely a mistake but it didn’t mean he didn’t want them here.
“You mean you could hear anything over the noise they make?” He joked and as he got in, the house was loud. It wasn’t the overwhelming quiet that choked Steve but filled with laughter and yelling.
Jeff threw his arm around Steve and Steve tried not to show how much he loved it. “We were taking 15,” he explains and Steve looks to see them around his kitchen.
The door to the pool was right behind them and he was reminded of how much he wanted to board it up, never to be opened again. “Steve!” The other three cheer breaking him out of his thoughts. And it’s weird like they are actually happy to see him. It’s overwhelming and he glances away. He looks at Jeff but it only makes him realize Steve’s shorter than him. By a few inches even.
“Have you ever thought about playing basketball?” Comes out of his mouth before he can even think about it. Jeff’s brows furrow but Steve doesn’t give him a chance to be offended or anything, “Just because you're tall. I mean, taller than me. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed. But you are- uh tall.” Steve chokes out, feeling like an idiot.
Jeff laughs, “I’m more of a watcher than a player.”
“Kinky,” Gareth and Eddie chorus from their spots on Steve’s island.
Steve can’t help but laugh as Jeff says, “fuck off.”
Steve looks these people over and they seem so much more comfortable than they had all those times before. “Alright, alright, well I’m going to go shower. Which isn’t something you can watch,” he winks at Jeff and gets shoved away with a laugh in response. It makes his heart happy like he could be friends with these people. So, he heads up to the shower.
By the time he’s done with his shower, he’s ready to relax. The hot water made his muscles untense and he remembers his game plan. All he has to do is stay on a separate floor from the others and then everything should be fine. That way he hopefully won't wake anyone up by screaming. He’s more sure of himself as he heads into the kitchen. The boys are back downstairs and Steve opens up his fridge to see the different foods he got in preparation.
He sighs and shuts the door, leaning on the counter of the kitchen. Steve doesn’t understand why food has gotten so hard. Why, even when he’s hungry, he can't picture actually being able to eat anything. He hates how everything seems unappealing. Sure, Jeff’s suggestion for leaving meat out of his diet has helped, but it hasn’t fixed everything. He still doesn’t want to eat even when he knows he should. Especially when the swimming couch is telling him that he’s losing steam. Steve doesn’t want to admit that he’s had more dizzy spells because of the lack of food.
He pushes away from the counter and heads downstairs. Everyone’s listening as Eddie paints the picture. It makes Steve want to stay right there and watch until Eddie runs out of words. It makes him think of his Grandpa or Boppa, which is what Steve had called him. Because Boppa would tell all these stories of his late wife that died giving birth or stories of his time at war. He always wrapped Steve in words until Steve felt safe and Eddie does the same thing. He weaves his words into magic for those around him.
Steve blinks and shakes his head. “I’m going to cook up dinner. Are there any preferences?” He forces himself to say. If he tells them, they’ll rely on him and then he’ll have to make something.
They all look over at him with a smile but it’s Eddie who speaks, “whatever sounds good to you. We’ll eat just about anything.” He grins and Steve nods even if he doesn’t quite believe him.
Jeff sits up straighter, like he’s about to stand, “do you want any help?”
Steve chokes back a yes and shakes his head. “I’ve got it, you guys just keep on going.” He waves his hand dismissively and heads back up.
Then he’s back in front of the fridge. He doesn’t even open the door, just stands there wondering. He wants something to jump out at him, he wants to want food but he just doesn’t. “Hey,” Jeff says and Steve jumps from the fridge. “I know you said you didn’t need help but my character is almost dead and needs to rest.” Steve doesn’t know the game; he doesn’t know if it’s a lie. He just nods and lets Jeff open the fridge doors.
“Okay, does anything sound good?” Jeff questions and Steve shakes his head. He doesn’t feel like he needs to lie to Jeff which is a new feeling. He lies often, sometimes he doesn’t even need to lie, it just comes out anyways. “Okay, how about Chili? I know this good recipe for black bean and lentil chili. My sister loves it,” Jeff offers and Steve grimaces. “Or how about grilled sandwiches? I know this one with avocado, tomato, cheese, and spinach.”
Steve’s stomach doesn’t instantly rebel at the idea of it. “Yeah, okay.” He nods and goes to get out what they needed.
It’s quiet for a little while until Jeff hums, “so how was swimming?”
Steve glances over at him, the knife in his hand pausing. “Fine, nothing worth noting,” He shrugs. The last thing he wants to do is bore them with his hobbies. “Um, so, you guys have a band, right?” At Jeff’s nod, Steve continues, “so what kind of instrument do you play?”
“Bass,” Jeff does a little air guitar using the spatula like it’s the neck of the guitar. “You should come to watch us. We practice in Gareth’s garage.” He grins over at Steve and Steve nods easily. Pathetically clinging onto whatever they throw his way.
“Do you play any instruments?” Jeff asks and Steve thinks about his parents having him play the piano, and how he dropped it just to start a fight. How his parents had gotten him to play it before they started leaving him alone for months at a time. Before his dad was sleeping around so much that Steve's mom felt the need to go with him, to keep an eye on her husband. How at first, they had come to watch him. But eventually, they stopped coming. Steve worked hard to get so good that they’d want to come back, but it never helped. So, Steve stopped playing, he wanted the fight… His parents hadn’t even known he had still been playing.
“I noticed the piano in the main room, do you play?” Jeff asked and Steve gave a jerky nod.
He cleared his throat, “I used to. Not anymore,” He goes back to slicing up the tomato. It was quiet for a moment before Steve cleared his throat, “When do you guys prac-” He started to say.
But Jeff started to apologize at the same time. “Sorry if I-” They went back to silence and Jeff cleared his throat, “I’m sorry if it’s something you don’t want to talk about. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Steve finished up the tomatoes, “it’s fine. Uh, no one really knows, I guess. I played for a long- a really long time but-” I was too much of an attention whore to continue. Is what he didn’t say. He just shrugged, “no reason to continue.”
Jeff was quiet for a moment. “Well, I’d love to listen if you wanted to dust off those skills.” He grinned and it looked honest. Steve wanted to hug him he really wanted to hug him but he just smiled. 
He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the tears starting to well up. “Um, yeah it sounds like a plan. If I want to play, I’ll tell you.” Jeff’s smile is blinding and it makes Steve slump a little. They put the sandwiches together before heading down and giving them out.
Steve watched Eddie pick at the vegetables but once Eddie noticed Steve’s gaze, he quickly took a bite. Humming like it was the best thing he’s ever had. It made Steve grin and take a bite of his own. Steve was next to Gareth today, somehow always able to be on the couch with the hidden machete. Not that the guys knew it was there, they probably just noticed how often Steve tended to stick to this couch. They were like that, doing small things Steve normally wouldn’t notice if he wasn’t watching them so closely.
After they finished, they started back up the game. Jeff slipped back in easily. Too easy for his reason to leave, to be the truth. But Steve didn’t mind that Jeff had gone up to help him. Steve sat by Gareth, letting the younger boy show him a few things as they played until 9. At 9, he stood and headed up to his room. Grabbing the walkie and waiting for the first one to speak. One by one they checked in. All but Nancy and Jonathan, who weren’t home yet. Steve pushed back the nerves and said good night before heading back down.
The game was still going strong and Steve enjoyed watching. However, he still found himself falling asleep. Blinking in and out as they play around him. Eventually, Gareth shakes him awake from where he’s leaning against the younger boy. “Mm, sorry,” he mumbles and shifts away.
“It’s all good, it’s just- uh, we were wondering where we can sleep.” Gareth is soft but he sounds awkward. Steve nods and gets to his feet.
“Right,” he nods for them to follow him and they head up and up. The house has 3 guest rooms so with his room they’re covered. He passes his parents' room, leaving it closed like always. He opens each door as he passes and lastly opens the door to his room. “You guys can take a room,” he says and gestures at the opened doors.
“That’s your room,” Eddie points out and Steve straightens.
He raises one eyebrow, daring him to fight him on this. “And? Pick a room, gentlemen.” He states and heads back downstairs.
He gets to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of water as he hears them talking above him. If they refused to take his room, he still wouldn’t sleep up there. They needed at least a floor difference. “Steve,” Eddie hops the last few steps and stops in front of him. “We’re not going to sleep in your room.” He states and Steve huffs, swallowing a large gulp of water.
Then stares dead at Eddie, “Well then no one will. I never sleep in there, so I don’t get the problem.” His voice is slipping into the tone he used around Tommy and Carol but he can’t stop it.
Eddie looks at him, truly looks at him, “why?”
Steve doesn’t break eye contact. “Because I always sleep on the couch when my parents aren’t here.”
Steve’s stare is turning more into a glare, he can feel it. But he doesn’t stop it. “Why can’t I? I’m alone in this house, I can sleep where I want. Are you saying that I can’t sleep-”
“Steve, I’m just wondering why you don’t sleep on a bed. I don’t understand why you’d rather sleep on the couches that are really firm.” Eddie says and his tone says calm, patient.
Steve just shakes his head, “please drop it, Eddie.”
Eddie moves forwards like he’s going to hug Steve but he stops himself. “I will… but I really want you to- um, I hope one day we’ll be close enough you’ll tell me.” He says softly and Steve nods setting down his cup. “Do you want company on the couches?”
Steve blinks and Eddie goes beat red but Steve doesn’t let him get worked up. “Nah, I’m just gonna sleep. Why don’t you go take my bed?” Eddie gives a sharp nod and gives Steve’s shoulder a squeeze before he heads back upstairs. “Night, Eds.”
Eddie looks back and smiles softly, “night, Stevie.”
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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yore-donatsu · 2 years
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“Oh Handy ... Need a drink too ...?”
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Belos' scenes continuing to be actually fucking terrifying. Like- most of the things we learn about him are already known or speculated on but getting them confirmed in the most horrifying way possible just scares me and I love it. - The fact that he's been pocessing grim walkers of Caleb for centuries -He haunted by their spirits -He can poscess ANYONE given the circumstance -His hypocritical nature that I've been on about for months and will NEVER stop talking about because I love characters who are already dead. -THE FACT THAT HE STABBED HIS BROTHER LIKE THAT'S SUCH A PERSONAL WAY TO KILL AND ABSOLUTELY HEARTLESS
The Collector's little look of sadness when King mentions the Titan's being wiped out. He obviously knows what the others did to them, maybe if the giant Titan skull was related to King too. He feels bad about it, he even scratched it out of his book because he may be a powerful petulant child but the other collectors are probably far worse. Did they trap him? Did they lock him away? Was his disc just their form of time-out? Did he want to save the titans? The last titan. Did he want to be King's friend so bad he went against the other collectors to find him and inadvertently sped up the extinction process between Collectors and Titans? If that's the case no wonder he's so obsessive and nicer (debatable) to King, he's had this idea in his head of them being besties for so long and it'll make the betrayal hurt so much more. He's just a little kid who's clearly been used before and just wants to trust someone.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Thenamesh Ballerina/Boxer AU with Gil protecting Thena.
I love protective Gil so it would be really cool :)
"You sure you wanna do this?" Gil couldn't help but ask as they walked into the loud, crowded pub.
"Oh, come on," Thena smiled at him, pulling his hand to go find where Sersi and Ikaris were waiting for them. "I'm not so opposed to rambunctiousness. I do teach teenagers, if you recall."
"Oh, I recall," he chuckled. The teenagers were the class who loved to 'ooh' and 'aw' when Miss Thena's boyfriend came in to bring her coffee.
"Besides," Thena sighed, half for fun and half in genuine exasperation. "Sersi is quite taken with your old buddy, Ikaris."
"I don't know if I'd use the term 'buddy'."
"I want her to know that we can all spend time together."
Gil grinned, pulling Thena back to him by the hand and securing her there by wrapping his arm around her waist. He pressed his lips to her temple, "you're a good friend, Gorgeous."
Thena lavished in the small affection, even in the middle of the horrifically loud establishment.
"I do owe him a beer anyway," Gil added a little more sheepishly, "after last time."
"Last time?" Thena blinked.
"Well, the time before that," Gil shrugged, referring to a misunderstanding between them that had led to Gil pulverising Ikaris way too intensely for a practice match.
Thena blushed as Gil nipped at the shell of her ear.
"How could I forget last time?"
Thena squirmed in his embrace, pushing on his chest, "we're already late."
"Where the hell are these two?" Gil muttered, looking around the room. Even with its darkened corners, he assumed he would have seen them by now. "You see 'em?"
"No, I--hey!"
"Whoops, sorry 'bout--hello there," the offending stranger shifted from frustrated to smiling at Thena in the blink of an eye. He took her in, visibly, running his eyes over her and tipping up his hat. "Sorry, little lady, didn't mean to jostle you like that."
"It's fine."
"Let me get'cha a drink-"
"She said it's fine, man," Gil grumbled, pulling Thena closer to him again as the walking ball cap and blue jeans refused to stop dragging his eyes over her.
The man turned to Gil, as if noticing him for the first time. "Oh, sorry man, I didn't realise she was with you."
Thena had to wonder how he had missed her literally being held by Gil. But they were on their way again before she could ask. "Gil?"
"That's the other thing about dives like this," Gil muttered, keeping her close as he found them a standing table underneath a light. "The prettier you are, the more of an animal you'll attract."
"I'm not sure if that's so foreign a concept to me."
"Maybe not," Gil conceded, kissing her cheek gently as he parted from her reluctantly, "but the kind of animal might be. I'm gonna see if the bartender knows if they're here and where they might be."
Thena nodded, watching him go as she stayed standing at the table. She swayed absently to whatever tune was playing far too loudly through the speakers. She put her hands on the edge of the table, only to discover there was something on it. Whether it was water or something else she wiped her fingers off on her jeans--the only pair she owned, and wore specifically with this venue in mind.
Sersi got out more than she did. Sersi knew how not to stand out in a pub--a bar, rather. This was for Sersi--who deserved to be happy, even if Thena thought Ikaris was a bit of a meathead for her.
"Buy you a drink?"
Thena stared down at the table, wondering if refusing to engage them at all would be a better route.
"Buy you a drink?!!"
No, they just thought she couldn't hear them. She sighed, turning with a frown, "my boyfriend is at the bar now."
"Then he's not here."
"That wasn't an invitation," she scowled, as the man - and more than one behind him - shifted from their table to hers. She eyed them cautiously, "I'm not here alone."
"Really?--'cause," the front one ran his eyes over her, just like the one from the crowd, "you seem pretty lonesome."
Alone and lonesome did not mean the same thing.
"We can just keep you company," another one suggested, "'till your, uh, boyfriend?--comes back."
"I don't think you want to do that," Thena advised, not that the interloping animals deserved the courtesy of a warning. "He won't like arriving to a scene like this."
"What? We're just talking."
Thena shuffled back from the table, desperate for every centimetre of distance from them she could get. "A discussion to which I never agreed."
"Now what's a flower like you doin' in a place like this?"
"Yeah, you're far too sweet to be roamin' around alone."
"I bet your boyfriend's just some dickhead, anyway."
Thena glared at him.
"Dude, you made her mad," the others slapped his shoulder, laughing between themselves, although clearly her anger was the cause for their amusement. "She's cute when she's angry, though."
"Then you're gonna think I'm adorable."
Thena looked over their shoulders, although the one closest to the back was already getting flipped over Gil's shoulder. His shoes hit the ceiling light dangling above them with a loud clang. "I did tell you."
The one who called Gil a 'dickhead' was next. He tried to make his escape but Gil grabbed him by the wrist, giving it it a good twist until everyone around them could hear the pop! of it.
"Hey, man, we were just-"
"Harassing my girlfriend," Gil finished for the other two, cracking his knuckles loudly and giving his hands a shake, like he did when he was getting ready for the last round of a fight. "Yeah, I heard."
Everyone but Thena winced as Gil landed a punch to each of their faces that looked quite lethal in force. And certainly they went down like a sack of bricks, completely unconscious after a hit like that.
"What the hell's going on, here?!"
"Sorry, sorry," Gil apologised, holding up his hands as the bar staff came rushing over. "I'm going, I'm going."
Thena shuffled around the men on the ground, hopping over one of the bodies to trot out beside Gil. "Are you okay?"
Gil just shrugged, shaking out his fist again. Sure, he was used to gloves, but his knuckles had been conditioned long before now. "I'll be fine. Are you okay?"
Thena offered a shrug of her own as they headed back out into the night. "I've certainly heard worse."
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart," he offered sheepishly, taking her hand in his. "I didn't mean to leave you alone to them, or to get us kicked out like that."
Thena just shook her head, stepping in closer to kiss him again. "I'd hardly consider that your fault."
Gil returned the kiss gleefully. "And for the record, you are cute when you're mad, but only I get to say it."
"Gil," she scolded, slipping her hand under his sports coat to give his side a pinch.
"What?" he laughed, leaving his heavy arm around her delicate little shoulders. "It's super cute when your little goslings tease you for having a boyfriend and you get all flustered."
"Oi," Ikaris blinked as he arrived with his own arm slung over Sersi's shoulders, "what're you doin' out here?"
"What are we doing?" Gil snorted at his old friend, "you're late even by your standard."
"Yeah, well," Ikaris shrugged. That was the end of his excuse, it seemed. He took another step, "shall we?"
"Uh, we can't go in there," Gil caught Ikaris by the shoulder and turned him around.
Thena took Sersi's elbow and turned her as well, allowing them to link arms with the men on their outside shoulders. "Gil caved in a gentleman's nose, in there."
"Oh my," Sersi underreacted, perfectly able to imagine him doing so, apparently. "Well, there are other places to get a pint."
"Places that aren't crawling with assholes," Gil muttered, slipping off his jacket and putting it over Thena's shoulders.
Ikaris rushed to do the same for his own girlfriend.
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senbonzxkura · 2 years
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My little sunflower 🌻
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princessbellecerise · 2 months
Husband Jacaerys
Summary ✩ Headcanons about married life with Jace
Warnings ✩ Mentions of pregnancy, smut
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First of all, can we all just agree that Jace is absolutely obsessed with you?
You will never find another man in Westeros more loyal to you than your Lord husband, who practically kisses the ground you walk on
From the day you met to the day you said your vows, Jace is the most doting husband, always listening to you and showering you with affection
Especially with kisses, on your forehead specifically
One of his favorite night time routines is to pull you to his chest, placing a kiss to your forehead before you go to sleep
And speaking of sleep, Jace is SUCH a big cuddler
He loves being your big spoon, just holding you against his chest and keeping you warm. It makes him feel good knowing he’s there to protect you at any given moment
On the days that he has to attend meetings or engage in court, he misses you so much <3 He’s such a simp that literally everyone knows that he’s down bad for you
Daemon will often tease him every time he catches Jace blanking out in meetings, knowing he’s thinking of you
Luke will gag every time Jace kisses you in public, teasing his brother about being whipped for his wife
And every time Jace will go redder than Caraxes, but honestly he doesn’t mind. He’s never afraid to be seeing loving you
When you’re pregnant or when you have kids, he’s so protective over them and you
He loves kissing your belly, admiring how you’re swollen with his children
If needed, Jace will even rub your feet or your back if they’re hurting during your pregnancy. You always tell him that he doesn’t have to, but he insists on making you as comfortable as possible
If you need anything, your husband is quick to get it for you
Even if it’s the middle of the night and you’re craving something like goat cheese and olives then never fear, cause Jace will have it delivered before you can even finish the words
When your children are born, he’s in awe over how perfect they are and he’s literally the best Kepa ever
He’s adamant on teaching his children High Valaryion and how to become dragon riders. As soon as they’re old enough, he’ll take them on Vermax for their first flight and relish in the way they laugh as they cling to him
And of course, he loves riding with you as well
Even if you have your own dragon, Jace prefers going together, loving the way your face lights up as you soar though the clouds
Life as a prince/King can be extremely stressful, so Jace always looks forward to decompressing with you at the end of the day
Taking baths together and just sitting in the warm water talking to you is his favorite
He loves running his hands over your naked body, feeling every crevice as you sit on lap, back to his chest
With you, Jace never feels like he has to pretend and he’s always at his most relaxed
He’s also very vulnerable with you, and you are pretty much the only one that he’ll talk to about his worries and fears
Overall, he’s a very guarded person so the fact that he lets his walls down for you is a sign of just how much he loves you
No matter what, just know that you 100% lucked out and that with Jace, you will always have someone there to love and protect you
Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew how much Prince Jacaerys loved his wife. The Prince was soft and loving towards you in public, and in the bedroom…
Well, just ask an unlucky handmaiden or the guard stationed outside of your room and they’ll tell you: Prince Jacaerys is almost never not making love to you
One of his favorite feelings in the world is to have you wrapped around his cock, underneath him as he fucks you slow and passionately
Deep, messy kisses full of tongue and desperatation are his absolute favorite while he’s rutting into you
Your husband 100% whimpers every time he cums, needing so desperately to fill you with his seed that it’s almost primal
Missionary or mating press are his favorite positions for this very reason, because he loves getting you pregnant
There’s just something about knowing that you’re carrying his heir, his seed and his legacy that lights a fire inside of him
He often times find himself getting lost in the desire to breed you, and afterwards he stays sheathed inside to the hilt so not a single drop can go to waste
But don’t get mistaken; Jace, like any other man, also loves taking you from behind
And more than that, he loves eating your cunt from behind, face messy with slick while he eagerly sucks on your clit
Jace firmly believes that if his wife hasn’t had her fill of pleasure then he doesn’t get to cum
For that very reason, you’re always overstimulated by the time he finally slips inside of you, the pretty little ring of cum that appears around his cock like a badge of honor for Jace <3
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the-fiction-witch · 25 days
Little Knight
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader Reader - Visenya Hightower (Daughter of Rhaenyra and Wife of Gwayne) Rating - 15 Word Count - 1715
Requested -
Hello Miss Witch, me again! Can I request again in your “Boys Yet To Have Books” please? I really love the Oscar Tully I requested, how you write it is simply divine! But now I’d like to request a Gwayne Hightower story. Wherein he is married to Rhaenyra’s sister named “Visenya” (many years after Alicent’s marriage to Viserys) to have a stronger bond between Hightower and Targaryen. But the thing is that they both resided in Old Town. They both had their first child, a girl the same age as Daeron and now expecting another one. No spice please, just Gwayne being the best husband and father ever, being really clingy and touchy, showering sweet words and kisses to his wife exactly like a simp haha. I am a million times grateful if you do this request, thank you! <33
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Gwayne rides into the stables, pulling up and dismounting his horse bag slung over his shoulder. He tries to hurry his way inside fast and easy but finds the Maester pestering him as he walks
"Ser, Ser, A raven from your sister," The short man bobbles about following Gawyne around the yard,
Gwayne lets out a sigh, “What does my sister want?”
"She requests for you to take coach and begin the road to king's landing, Ser."
Gwayne grumbles, rubbing his forehead. “By the gods do I need to spell it out for her… no. I am not going to Kings Landing.”
"But Ser-" He began,
Gwayne held up his hand, stopping the man there. “What part of “no” are you unable to comprehend? I will not be going to that viper’s nest, I do not care for how much my sister begs and nags, nothing she can say will change my mind.” Gawyne sighed once more, "I will not risk such a movement, I will not do it. Visenya could begin her labours any day I will not risk taking her on the road in her condition much less to Kings Landing just to please my sister. Visenya will remain here, in our bed-chamber, with her maids and maesters while we wait for the baby. and I will be here. By her side."
The Maester began to argue more but at this,
“Do. Not. Push. Me.” Gwayne turned to face him, a growl upon his lips.
the Maester froze like a deer in the headlights at this, his legs going still and his lip quivering slightly as he nodded his head. The maester grumbled but relented, knowing he was not going to get any further than that, “Very well, ser, I shall inform your sister… again.”
Gwayne let out a scoff, running a hand through his hair in a bout of frustration. “I would not waste your birds on my sister… I’m certain she has a mind to flay you alive if you say “no” once more.” Gwayne heads inside the Hightower, heading up the many stairs to his chambers, already he felt a giddy smile as he opened the door.
The balcony doors open letting a soft breeze blow in from the sunset sea, the sweet canopy bed shaded by wooden screens. And there she lay Visenya his beloved wife. Long hair messy from her rest, wearing only her long white nightgown and her socks, her baby bump ripe and ready to pop any day. She hums softly as she slowly sews little baby clothes.
Gwayne stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her with a soft smile. He thanked the gods she was his, and questioned whatever luck he had been given for the brief time just to call her his own. He could have watched her forever, until Oldtown and the Hightower sank into the sea. But he moved further into the room, closing the doors behind him. He sets his bag down beside the bed, walking over and sitting on the edge. He looks at her sewing before his eyes move up to her face, his smile only growing. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, then her forehead, then her nose, then her lips, then her jaw, then her collar, then her chest, then her bump, where he finally stops. He reaches out, resting his hand on her belly, rubbing it softly with a gentle smile. “Are you working on the clothes again, my love?”
she nodded "Mhm, I made our little knight some little socks to warm his tiny toes,"
Gwayne chuckled softly, grinning at the thought of their child and their tiny little toes ripe for kisses and tickles, “How shall our little night shall be to have such tiny socks, why I could fit the whole knight in my sock,”
“And poison the poor lad,” she joked,
“You are cruel to me my love,” he teased giving her another kiss, “You know not yet if it is a boy or girl, love…”
"No, we shall have to be surprised."
Gwayne smiled softly, taking her hand in one of his and intertwining their fingers. “Indeed, though regardless, I’m certain they will be a gorgeous and strong child. They have us as parents, after all…”
she nodded with a giggle in agreement,
“And I spent the day in the Old Town gardens and I gathered you enough Moonblooms for a whole batch of soap.” He cooed glancing to his bag, “As soon as your hungry let me know and I will make it myself for you,”
“Thank you darling,” she cooed, "What did the maester want, he came looking for you earlier"
Gwayne let out a sigh, he laid down resting his head on her bump in such a way he could still look at her face, “Ummm have I ever told you how beautiful you are,”
“Yes you have,” she smiled, “Maseter… wanted… what?” She reminds,
“You know just staggeringly beautiful,”
“Gwayne!” she complained, “Don’t just avoid the topic,” She warns, “You are causing me distress,” She teased rubbing her belly,
“More ravens from my sister, demanding my presence in Kings’ Landing… I once again refused, I will not take you on the road with you in your current state. It is not fair to you, nor the babe.”
"You know she will not stop her asking until she feels the babe in her arms"
He let out another sigh, “I do not care how many ravens she sends, I will continue to refuse her. I will not risk you or our baby for my sister’s whims.” he explained, “It is three months ride to kings landing, swiftly and you are in no condition to travel for that long, let along be on any swift movements. Our babe will be born by the time we arrive and I will not risk you and our baby’s health to have your labours in the back of a coach. No. You will be here. With all the citadel’s maesters to aid you, all your handmaidens. And I by your side. In your own bed, with your own views, Visenya,” he took her hand in his holding it to his chest,
"But don't you want to take your beautiful wife, swollen heavy with your babe to court to show off?" she teased
Gwayne chuckled, bringing the back of her hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it.
“While seeing you in court would be wonderful, you are more important then any lords, ladies or my sister. You are my wife, my love, my Visenya.”
He shifted once more so he was lying partially on top of her, his body mostly on her side, his head now against her torso. He wrapped his arms around her waist, He listened to the sound of her breathing, the steady beat of her heart, and most importantly the sound of the little pitter-patter of their child’s own delicate little heartbeat. Everything was perfect, here in this moment in his mind, often he whispered sweet cooes to her and peppered her with kisses telling her and their baby how much he adores them,
Suddenly the door to the chamber flies open
"Did I miss it!" Lianna yelled in panic, standing at the door in her green gown, fresh from her library session with her cousin Daeron,
Gwayne nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden shout from the doorway, not expecting his daughter’s sudden appearance. The surprise was soon replaced with a sigh and a chuckled at the girl’s question. “Miss what, Lianna?”
"My baby brother!" She bolted over jumping onto their bed with excitement
Gwayne chuckled, shaking his head, his hands going to her little arms to prevent her from accidentally moving the bed too hard, knowing Visenya needed to be on her back most of the time these days. “Lianna, you’ve asked this every day for two months, and it’s always the same answer. Your brother has not arrived yet.”
"Why not?"
Gwayne sighed, smiling at his impatient, and at times, irritatingly stubborn daughter. “Because these things take time, sweetling. Give it another month or two, you’ll have your baby brother to dote on and bother all the time.”
lianna nodded, and pulled a bundle of flowers from her back "For you mama," She offered the flowers to Visenya,
"Awww thank you my sweet girl," she cooed taking the flowers from her, setting them in a vase beside the bed with the flowers’ Lianna brought her yesterday, but keeping one out to rub on her belly to soothe the little baby within,
Gwayne scooted over, The sight made him smile. Lianna was so sweet, though a handful at times. “Those are beautiful Lianna, you did well with them,”
“Lianna, would you like to feel your sibling move? I can feel our little knight right now…”
Lianna immediately came to rest her hands on Visenya's belly "I feel him! I feel him!"
Gwayne chuckled softly, watching Lianna rest her hands on her mother’s belly, a smile upon her face. He reached out, gently resting his own hand over Visenya’s stomach, smiling at the feeling of their child moving around in there. He could practically feel Lianna’s excitement, and he smiled softly at their daughter’s enthusiasm for the little one.
Visenya chuckled, placing her own hand over her Gwaynes, both of them now resting on her stomach.
“See? He’s a little knight indeed. He has been very active lately, moving around in there quite a lot.”
“Umm, I think he is almost ready to join us,” He smiled,
“I think so too,” 
459 notes · View notes
leclercloml · 3 months
Shameless | PG8
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x reader
Summary: where Pedri's girlfriend have 0 filter on and love saying freaky things on social media.
Genre: SMAU
Warnings: suggestive
Author's note; this is something...
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liked by yourinstagram, pablogavi and 7,784,628 others
pedri Noche muy feliz porque siempre es especial marcar, y más si son los primeros goles con @/sefutbol. Gracias Palma por tanto cariño. ❤️ Con más ganas que nunca de que la #Euro2024 empiece!! #VamosEspaña
view comments
yourinstagram such a kissable lips.
⤷pedri come kiss it then
⤷youruinstagram such a suckable dick 🤭
⤷pedri come ;)
⤷pablogavi DUDE WTF
⤷yourinstagram go away hater.
⤷username tears bro 😭
⤷username they've definitely makeout infront of him.
⤷pablogavi much worse
⤷username DUDEEE 😭😭
adidasfootball pedri potter 🪄
ferrantorres vamos hermano!
⤷username supportive besties 🥹
fcbarcelona ⚽⚽
⤷username buy wirtz!
⤷username who'll pay the money you?
yourinstagram waiting for you with open arms and open legs. 🛐🛐
⤷pedri I'm right beside you cariño
⤷yourinstagram let tie my hair real quick.
⤷username i understand her, if my man was pedri gonzález I would also be expressive like this.
⤷username fr like we can't even blame her.
yourinstagram "hey, can I take your ability to walk rq?" - the guy on 2nd slide.
⤷username what was your answer?
⤷yourinstagram can't even sit properly ffs.
⤷pedri 😘
⤷username damn ok girlie.
⤷ferrantorres gross. 🤮🤮
⤷alejandrobalde agree. 🤮
⤷username lmao 😭
pablogavi disgusting mfs 🙏🏻
⤷pedri jealous?
⤷pablogavi kill yourself lil bro
⤷yourinstagram hater.
⤷pablogavi biggest.
yourinstagram hey sexy.
⤷pedri hey cariño 💋
⤷username I don't if I want to be her or be with her.
username pedri really bagged a 10/10.
⤷pedri I'm surprised as you're brother.
username dude she's so pretty 😔
⤷yourinstagram all you bby<33
⤷username omg ilysm!!!
liked by yourinstagram
username they're my favourite couple.
pedri added to story 5m ago.
Tumblr media
seen by yourinstagram, pablogavi and 2,638,799 others
View replies
yourinstagram babbyyyy<3 now come and fuck me.
⤷pedri I'm literally down stairs cariño
⤷yourinstagram come upstairs then.
pablogavi simp.
alejandrobalde we get it bro
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by pedri, sophiaamelia and 856,739 others
yourinstagram summer te quiero mucho. 🍀
view comments
pedri mi niña hermosa ❤️❤️ (my beautiful girl)
⤷yourinstagram mi hermoso chico ❤️ (my beautiful boy)
⤷username I don't who I'm more jealous of.
ferrantorres the 2nd slide was not necessary thank you.
⤷pedri you should be glad I didn't let her post the pic she wanted.
⤷ferrantorres thank you saviour.
pedri you're so hot, have sex with me?
⤷yourinstagram you're on ban.
⤷username tears bro 😭
⤷username so they're crazy CRAZY
mikkykiemeny Mi precioso <33
⤷yourinstagram mi mikkyyy<33
⤷username my favourite wags
username @/pedri how did you bag her Lil bro?
⤷pedri idk mate.
⤷yourinstagram he have a big heart and a big dick.
⤷username oh ok pop off queen 😭
username she's soooooo pretty
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeny and 865,729 others
yourinstagram he can ruin my ability to walk.
view comments
pedri proudly.
⤷username okay king.
⤷username atleast he's winning off pitch
pedri mi bebe
⤷yourinstagram 🫶🏻
username girly calma 😭
username the caption??
pablogavi you all make me wanna kms.
⤷pedri shush.
username my favourite wag ever.
ferrantorres gross mfs.
⤷yourinstagram die.
username I love them sm
username REALEST WAG ever.
631 notes · View notes
sluttysnowangel666 · 1 month
Weeping Waters - cregan stark x reader
this story was inspired by this post!! i suggest you follow the op they were kind enough to let me write a story inspired by it❤️ @weirdiingwoman
summary: whilst on a trip for a tourney to celebrate queen rhaenyra’s succession to the throne, lord stark brings his child hood friend to keep him company. however a blistering hot day sends the northerner’s searching for relief from the sun. when they come across a hidden spot on the beach, cregan agrees to stand guard and keep watch so the lady can swim.
cw: au, no dance of dragons or war just cregan and his lady being secretly in love, smut as always, cregan is a SIMP for his lady just down historically bad for her , loss of virginity, fingering, friends to lovers, beach sex
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“Gods, when will it end?” You moan out, fanning yourself to no avail.
Cregan doesn’t acknowledge your relentless whining, only sighs in response. The heat was torture, that was for damn sure. He nearly begun to feel sick from the mix of the moist air and putrid smell of King’s Landing.
After living in Winterfell for so long, his nose had grown blind to the familiar scents of his home. But now, after being away for weeks to celebrate the first Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cregan had grown desperate to return to the smell of winter.
You groaned and whined and groaned some more, only adding to Cregan’s already heightened irritation.
“Cregannnn!” You whined, dragging your feet while your sweaty hands held up your dress so it wasn’t pummeled with whatever strange liquids manifested themselves on the ground.
“I don’t know what you wish me to do, my lady.” He responds, flatly, growing ever so annoyed with you. “Tis’ the last day of the tourney, and then we will be home shortly thereafter.”
“I am ill equipped for this place.” You say, looking at the long sleeves of your dress that were now damp with sweat.
You arrive to the tourney, walking through the red and black dragon decorated festival. Your arm is linked in Cregan’s as you both take the steps to the table of other high lords. Cregan had refused to participate in the tourney, but encouraged his men to. Today Cregan’s right hand man and your brother, Jon Manderly, would go up against the Lord Commander of the Queensguard, Criston Cole. Your proximity with Cregan made those around you assume you were the Lady of Winterfell, and did not realize you were there representing House Manderly.
“Let’s hope our brother does not die today.” You mumble. Cregan smirks, but your words sting him slightly. Our brother. As if the three of you were siblings. He dared never admit it, but he was in love with you. In love with you how a Targaryen man was oft in love with their sister. He would give anything if it meant he could actually make you Lady of Winterfell. But he knew you did not love him the same, and although your father was desperate for Cregan to ask your hand he would never jeopardize the friendship he shared with you and your brother.
He glanced down at your lap, your hands folded properly between your thighs. Gods, what he wouldn’t give.
The day would be long, and your brother’s fight was the last joust of the day. Only then could you finally go home to your cold bliss. But until that time came, you all had to suffer the blazing fury of the sun.
You sipped on the sweet wine that had been brought to you by servants, twisting your features at the fruity taste. The flavor was that of one you were not used to, given the ale in the North was oft bitter and strong.
“This wine is disgusting.” You say to Cregan. He picks up his own cup, taking a quick swig before doing the same thing you did.
“I told you.” You laugh, pushing his strong arm.
“You weren’t jesting, my lady. That is a very unpleasant wine.”
“Well, maybe I have a surprise for you later.” She whispered.
Despite the heat, he shivered at her words and his stomach swirled with anticipation.
The day seemed to drag on. Although the morning had been hot, it was nothing compared to the sun at midday. None of the southerner’s seemed fazed, but you and Cregan were drenched head to toe in sweat. It looked as if you had both bathed, that was how wet your hair was. Your sweat had seeped through your dress in every crevice. It was so hot in fact, you and Cregan were both panting like overworked dogs and now suddenly that sweet wine was a delicious and cool reprieve from the heat.
“Cregan, please can we sneak out of here?” She asks.
“And go where?”
“I don’t care! Just somewhere cool. There’s got to be some sort of water near here that isn’t filled with gods know what.”
He knew he should’ve stayed, but you had that pleading look in your eye and gods was it hot. He was growing so delirious from the heat that he would do anything you asked of him.
You both mumbled a quiet excuse to the other lords at the table, saying you were off to pray or something. The lords gave you both confused looks, but you were already off.
You ran holding your dress in your hands so you didn’t trip over the skirts, and you giggled as Cregan was close behind, also giggling at your escapade. The breeze from your running felt cool against your wet skin.
Cregan grabbed your arm and you laughed as you lost your balance and fell. You both screamed and laughed as you tripped over each other, rolling on the grass.
“You’ve stained my dress!” You yelled, laughing.
“Why don’t you take it off then?” Cregan says. The words come out before he can stop them, and his hand flies to his mouth in shock at his own words. His cheeks grow even more red than they were before.
You laugh, giving his arm a push. “Cheeky today, aren’t we?”
You both stand, walking now past the gardens. “Do you know where you’re going?” You ask.
“My father brought me to King’s Landing when I was younger. I got lost and found this beach beyond the gardens.” Cregan says.
You both walk down the stairs to a stone building, making your way through the dark, abandoned halls to reach the other side.
The sand on the ground felt grainy and satisfying under your boots, and you quickly pulled them off to sink your toes in the sand. The area Cregan had brought you to was slightly secluded, but could easily be found by accident by someone wandering by.
“I’ll keep watch.” He says, turning to face the direction you came as you shuffle out of your dress.
“Keep watch.” You mumble, displeased he won’t be joining you. Cregan doesn’t hear you leave initially, but he hears your groans of relief when you step foot in the cold ocean.
“The water is so lovely!” You yell to him. He looks down, shaking his head. He wanted to join you so badly, to cool off in the ocean while he held you close to him. The sun was beating down on his brown hair, soaking his head with sweat. He began to grow frustrated with the heat, and the thoughts of you naked in the ocean weren’t helping to cool him off.
But he’d rather face the heat of a thousand burning suns before he let someone see you bare. You were his, and he’d allow himself to pass out from the heat before he moved from his spot. He told himself that, swore it in fact. You would not tempt him with your siren song into that ocean.
“Careful you don’t burn, my lady.” Cregan yells.
“What was that?” You call. “I didn’t hear you. Perhaps you should join me.”
He smirks, tapping his foot impatiently against the sand. He breathes in the salty smell of the ocean, such a sweet reprieve from the foulness that lingered even in the Red Keep.
“Cregan!” You yell jokingly angry. “Come in right now before you melt!”
He laughs, and you walk towards him from the shore. He doesn’t hear you over the sound of the waves crashing.
He jumps a bit when he feels your hand touch his shoulder. You tug on it to try and turn him around, but he stands firm.
“Cregan.” You whisper.
He shakes his head.
“Cregannnn.” You sing. “Look at me.”
He doesn’t move, so you walk around his body to face him. He closes his eyes, his heart racing with fear.
“My lady.” Cregan says with caution, eyes still closed.
“I-“ Your sentence is cut off by loud, rambunctious yelling.
Cregan’s eyes snap open, immediately grabbing you to drag you back to the water. His gaze avoids your body as much as possible, but he still can see your curves in his peripheral.
He walks in with you, ignoring his now wet clothes and pushing you until the water is at your waist.
“Sit.” He says, pushing your shoulders down so you’re on your knees, the water stopping at your collar bone. “Do not move.”
He walks back to shore just as the men reach the beach.
“My lords, this area is off limits.” Cregan says to the group of three men.
“Says who?” A short and stocky man drunkenly yells.
“Me.” Cregan says, his voice stern. One of the taller men peaks a glance around him, locking his eyes onto yours. Cregan notices and immediately shifts so the man is face to face with Cregan instead.
“Are you men of salt and sea?” Cregan asks them.
“No… We represent House Clegane; We’ll be facing some Northern cunt.” The tall guy spits on the ground and his minions laugh. The men continue to avert their gaze to you, with nasty smirks filling their faces.
“I see. Then, my lords, let me tell you as Warden of the North I suggest… No… command you turn and go back to the tourney.”
“And if we don’t?” The tall one speaks again, challenging Cregan.
“Then since you wish to stay so badly I will drown you in the ocean… and make you men of salt and sea.”
The men shuffle uncomfortably, looking to their tall leader. He avoids Cregan’s eyes, looking around and deciding if a fight is worth it. Your heart beats unusually fast in your chest, afraid of what fight may come.
You had never seen Cregan so… dominate and protective. He was like a wolf defending its pups. You had seen him assertive in the training yard, frustrated, angry… but this was different. You could feel the vibrations radiating off him. He was ice normally, but right now he felt like fire… even from far away.
A shiver ran up your body, yet you felt… hot in your stomach. Your chest fluttered, and you were afraid at the beast in your vision right now. Yet, he was igniting his own kind of fire in you, a heat that burned between your legs. Your hands nervously clawed and gripped at your thighs. You licked the salty water off your lips, nearly drooling at Cregan.
The men finally backed down, turning and leaving the way they had came. Cregan turned and looked at you, shaking his head. He did that a lot.
The way he protected you was so hot. You wanted to make it up to him.
He walked to the shoreline, the remnants of waves splashing his boots. He didn’t take his eyes off yours once.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his voice gentle with you. You nodded.
“Cregan…” You said. “I need you in the most unimaginable way possible right now.”
“Fuck.” He whispered, too quiet for you to hear. Did he dare cross this line? If he did, there was surely no returning.
Right when he decided against it, not wanting to strain your life long friendship, you stood up.
All logic, at that moment ceased to exist,
and he immediately stripped off his clothes.
Before he could even fully undress, you pounced on him. You yanked him in the water with his small clothes still on and slammed your lips on his.
“Thank you for protecting me.” You whispered. He kissed you with even more force after that, no longer able to contain himself. He felt such a strong urge in him to protect you, love you, hold you, breed you. He was possessed by your beauty and grace, and found himself getting lost in your lusciously sweet lips.
He held you tight against him, his length poking into your thighs. You rubbed him through his small clothes, eliciting a groan from him. Although the water was cooling him off, he found himself sweating with nervousness.
“Make me yours.” You whisper. His fingers greedily dig into your hips as he kisses you more deeply, tongues and teeth clashing. He claims your mouth with his, fighting to prove himself strong enough for you.
He tried to hide it, but he was deeply afraid. Cregan had never been with a woman intimately, and he did not want to let down the girl he loved since he was a child.
“Marry me.” He whispers. “Give me your hand. Be the Lady of Winterfell.”
You pull away from him, staring at him to search his eyes for any sign of a jest. But all you see are his gray eyes, staring back at you with a mixture of lust and love and hope.
When he saw the look of shock in your eyes, he immediately regretted his words. He had pushed too far and turned you off. He was convinced you had gotten lost in the madness of lust, and were only now realizing the consequences of your actions.
“Are… Are you serious?” You ask.
He nods, sadly. He couldn’t back down, he needed to say he tried.
“But, I’m just a Manderly. You could marry a Targaryen or Hightower if you wanted… Why me?”
“Because I love you, endlessly.” He says, “All those moments, all those memories… You’ve made me who I am. I’m not me without you.” and it was true. Every glance he stole, every time you fought, hunted, played, argued… It all led him to here. He knew there was a purpose for you both. He always felt it in his soul, he just hadn’t known what it meant until now.
Now he knew it meant your fates were sealed long ago.
“Lady Stark,” You say, playing with Cregan’s chest. “rolls off the tongue quite nicely.”
He pulls you back onto his lips, a tear escaping his eye at the joy he felt. You were his, and you always would be.
Gods be damned, honor be damned. I want her now.
He picked you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. His hand supported your bottom as he carried you all the way back to the sand. You kissed his neck, cradling it between your hands.
Cregan set you down on his discarded clothes, flattening out the cloak so sand wouldn’t ruin your endeavor.
Cregan’s fingers smoothed over your cunt and you gasped. He pushed one inside and you found yourself gripping his bicep for support, the other hand resting on the back of his neck. You closed your eyes, moaning softly. He inserts another, stretching you to prepare you as best as possible. You moan his name, begging for the rest of him.
“Please, please, take me.” You pleaded. He was hesitant, as badly as he wanted it.
He decided he would be angry with himself later. For now, for the first time in Westeros history, a Stark forgot about honor.
He pulled his fingers out, rubbing himself with the lingering wetness from your cunt. He pushed off the last of his small clothes and positioned his length against you.
You finally felt slightly nervous when his length touched you. Cregan was a big man of course, surely you should have known that would’ve applied to other parts.
And yet it had slipped your mind, so now here you were mentally unprepared and growing nervous at his size about to take your maidenhead.
“Were other women you’ve been with intimidated by your size?” You ask, a tremble in your voice.
“What?” He asks.
“What?” You repeat.
“I’ve never been with other women.” He shakes his head.
“What?” You say again, surprise in your voice this time.
“You will be my first.” He says. “Am I yours?”
You nod.
“Then I will take care of you.” He says. You press your shaky lips to his, and his hand gently holds your cheek to comfort you.
He slides into you, slowly, holding you close to him to keep you from wiggling. You whine into his lips, a small sob parting you.
“You’re okay.” He whispers. “I’ve got you. We will go easy, my girl.”
You nestle your face into his neck, holding on to him with a death grip.
He makes love to you slow at first, waiting for your tight cunt to adjust to him.
“Gods, please move.” You beg,
He immediately does as you command, fucking you with lust in his hips but love in his heart. You stare at him, admiring every feature on his face as he fucks you. His lips are parted, gasping softly, and his piercing gray eyes are focused only on your face. His wet brown locks fall beside his face, and you push it back with your fingers so they don’t hinder his vision. Your other hand leaves trails of red scratches down his chest, which only fuels on his hunger to make you writhe and wiggle more beneath him.
“Right there, Cregan. Oh, fuck, please. Please, my lord.” You moan. Cregan nearly melts at your lascivious begging.
He continues his harsh thrusts on your cunt, blood drips down his chest from the ferocity of your nails. He hardly even notices the burning pain, he’s too busy drowning in the heat between your legs.
You pull his lips onto yours, whining and moaning into his mouth as you hit your peak. Cregan groans as you tighten around him, and he plants his hand into the sand beside your head.
He wanted to pull out, he really did. But the way your cunt tightened around him, the way you pulled him into you so you could moan into his lips, the way your body trembled as you peaked… it was too much to handle. He spilled his seed into you, and by how much he spilled surely you would be pregnant with an heir if he did not get you moon tea on the morrow.
For now, he just wanted you. He wanted to wed you the moment you arrived back home. Your father would definitely be doing cartwheels when he heard the news, your brother would likely be happy as well.
There was time in their future for an heir, but all he could think about right now was how hard it was gonna be to restrain himself with you as his betrothed now.
“Our little secret?” You asked, referring to your engagement on the beach.
“Our little secret.” He said, pecking a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.
You both rinsed off in the ocean, dressing back in your clothes and returning to the tourney just in time to see your brother win against House Clegane.
But unfortunately, he had celebrated too early following his win against House Clegane, because he had gotten too drunk and lost only an hour later to Criston Cole.
“50 gold dragons.” He drunkenly scoffed.
“Better than none, brother.” You said, trying to comfort his first place loss. You looked to Cregan for help, but he was lost in his own world thinking about the beach.
“Something trouble you, Cregan?” You ask.
“Quite the opposite, actually.” He says, discretely brushing his hand against yours.
You blush, and the three of you silently make your way back to the great hall inside the Red Keep for the final feast of the tourney.
“I offer my congratulations to the winners, including my sworn protector Criston Cole and the second place winner Jon Manderly. I also offer my thanks to all the lords and ladies who have travelled from as far as Dorne to Winterfell. This will be a tournament for the books.” Queen Rhaenyra announces, sitting beside her council members including Alicent, Rhaenys, her son Jacaerys, Criston Cole, and her husband Daemon. “I would also like to announce a new marriage betrothal, brought to me by Cregan Stark!”
You and your brother turn to Cregan, who avoids your eyes yet smirks. “Cregan Stark has announced he will wed Lady Manderly, sister of the second place winner Jon Manderly, to celebrate Winterfell’s second place victory!”
The hall erupts in noise as people flood around you with their congratulations. You look at your brother, whose jaw is hanging to the floor.
“I suppose this truly makes us brothers now, aye Cregan?” Your brother says when he finally speaks, his northern accent appearing thicker than usual.
“Aye.” Cregan nods.
Your brother’s shock dissipates, and he finally shares his joy with you. He punches your arms, just like when you had been younger.
“Ow, brother! You forget yourself!” You say, smacking his arms.
“Sorry, sister. This moment is so joyous. Father might have a heart attack when he hears.”
You give your brother a gentle, appreciative smile, grateful for his approval as he takes your hand in his.
“Lady Manderly and Lord Stark, while your marriage will not take place here we will celebrate in your absence. King’s Landing is forever indebted to the hospitality and strength continuously provided by the Starks.” The Queen says, raising her glass to you and Cregan.
Those around you celebrated and drank, relishing in the most joyous of occasions. Queen Rhaenyra successfully ascended the throne, the tournament had been historic, Winterfell had emerged near victorious, the Stark bloodline would soon carry on.
“It is unfortunate we cannot get drunk on this piss wine.” Cregan says, playing with his cup.
“Didn’t I tell you earlier I had a surprise for you, my betrothed?” You say, lifting your dress to reveal a little metallic flask tied to your leg. He looks at you, raising his eyebrow and smirking.
“Shall we retire for the night?” He asks.
You take his hand and the both of you slip out the door, in search of another place to “cool off.”
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afro-hispwriter · 3 months
My Dornish Love(2)
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Aemond Targaryen x Martell!reader
Summary- Aemond might be smart, but he has no idea what to do with women
Warnings- the reader is sort of like Margeary, sort of simp Aemond, injuries, protective! Aemond
wc- 2k+
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Aemond didn’t see you for the rest of the day after that moment in your chambers. His mother said you were just settling in and to leave you be for the day. But that did not stop the Queen from pestering her son the next day to take you around Kings Landing. 
Aemond stood in front of your door, just staring at it. He was nervous, too nervous. The encounter from the previous day was locked in his brain. There were voices on the other side, yours and two males who Aemond hopes are just your brothers.
 He held a bouquet of roses from the garden. He knocked three times and the voices stopped. Then there was a clatter and shuffling, the door was ripped open and Deziel leaned against the frame.
“Oh, Prince Aemond.” He looked down at the flowers in his hands and Deziel put a hand on his heart. “Oh I'm flattered my Prince but red isn’t really my color.” Aemond opened his mouth to say something but the man in front of him got shoved.
“Leave him alone you idiot. Aemond come in.” You opened the door for him. Aemond stepped through and held out the flowers. 
“For you.” You grabbed the flowers and gave him a bright smile.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” You walk over to your side table where an empty vase was and you put them in there. Then grabbed the pitcher of water that was given for breakfast and poured some into the vase.
“What are your intentions with my sister today Prince Aemond?” Ryon asked as he snacked on a biscuit. 
“If she accepts, I would like to take her into the city.” 
“I think that is an amazing idea.” You grabbed Aemonds arm and he tensed but you didn’t realize as you started dragging him to the door. “Let's go now.” 
“With a chaperone I assume?” Ryon asks and raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, my mother has arranged it all.” You slammed the door shut and you let Aemond go.
“Are we actually going into the city?” You asked with amusement.
“Yes, my lady.” He puts his hands behind his back and starts walking.
“And what are we going to do?” You start walking next to him.
“Anything you want, no matter the time or cost.” You smirked.
“No matter the cost? Be careful, it's only my second day here. Don’t put the crown in debt already.” Aemond gave a small nod to your joke. 
The smell of manure got stronger and stronger the farther you went in. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Aemomd says from the other side. The chaperone sat at the head of the carriage reading a book. Your face grimaced but you kept looking out the window. You could hear a baby crying over the noises from the carriage rolling and the hooves of the horses against the floor. You tried to look for the baby but all you could hear was the cries. 
“What is done with the less fortunate here?”
“Enough to keep them from rioting.” You nodded and sighed.
“Can we stop here?” 
“The market-.”
“Please.” You cut him off and he sighed.
“Stop here.” He calls out and the horses come to a stop. You opened the door and stepped out, Aemond following close by. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” 
“I want to see the people.” You stepped over a flipped bucket. Aemond grabbed your arms and pulled you back once you approached an alleyway. The guards had gotten off their horses and were building a perimeter. 
“It's not safe.” You grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your arm making him tense.
“You and the guards will be here to keep me safe.” His jaw tensed but nodded. He dropped his hand but you didn’t let it go. You pulled the man with you through the alleyway. 
The people stared at you two and the guards. They were clearly nervous. A small child let out a cry and your head whipped around to the source. 
A little boy sat against the wall whimpering holding his bleeding knee. You dropped Aemonds hands and slowly approached the boy. You crouched down with your hands on your thighs.
“What happened to your knee?” You ask softly and the boy sniffles and looks up.
“I fell.” He whimpered and removed his hand. There was a nasty cut on it.
“Oh I'm so sorry, let's make sure that doesn’t get infected.” You look up at Aemond who stands silently behind you. “Do you have a water canteen?” He shook his head. “Do any of you men have one?” You turn to the knights. None of them responded until one fumbled with a strap.
“Here you are, Princess.” He hands his canteen to you and you smile.
“Thank you, Ser?”
“Thank you Ser Arryk, I will be sure to have a new canteen brought to you.” 
“No need.” He says. 
“Nonsense.” You smile brightly at the man then turn to the boy. “What is your name?” 
“Kenton.” He says and you smile. 
“Hello Kenton, I'm Y/n and that's Aemond behind me.” You point your thumb at Aemond and the man kept a stern face. “Can I take a look at your knee?” He nodded and lowered his leg. You gently grabbed it and inspected it. “I'm going to wash it okay, you can hold my hand if you need to.” You held out your non-dominant hand, Kenton hesitated but took your hand and squeezed it. 
Aemond watched carefully, you were so gentle with the boy. Caring just like a mother. He’s only known you for two days and he already knew you would be the perfect mother to his children. 
You poured the water over Kenton's knee and he squeezed your hand.
“It's okay.” You whisper and watch the dirt fall away from the wound. It only took less than half to clean off the wound, now you just needed a cloth to cover it with. You looked around, Aemond most likely had nothing, and the knights couldn’t rip their cloaks so you settled on your dress. 
You grabbed the bottom of your dress and ripped it. Others who were watching close by gasped.
“Why did you do that?” Aemond asks but you don’t answer. The long strip went up to your hip, revealing the under of the dress. You ripped it off then saw the mud at the bottom of it and tore that part off with ease. 
“I'm going to wrap this around your knee, keep that on for a bit.” You say as you wrap it around his knee. Kenton now sported a deep yellow piece of fabric on his knee. 
Aemond spotted two men approaching, they had hardened faces on. Aemond bent over to your ear.
“Time to go.” You looked over and noticed the two men, by then Arryk and another guard had noticed them and blocked them off. You turn back to Kenton and hand him the canteen.
“Keep this, stay hydrated Kenton.” 
“Thank you, Princess.” Kenton gave you a big smile through the tears, it warmed your heart. You stood up and Aemond placed a hand on your lower back. His hand has found itself stuck to the hilt of his sword since the two men approached. They were blocking the way to get back to the carriage. 
“I'm going to have to ask you to stay back so the Prince and Princess can pass,” Arryk says.
“And you have not told me of your business here.” The man says.
“I was helping the boy.” You pointed at Kenton. “He was hurt.” The man peered over.
“It's true, father. Princess Y/n helped me.” Kenton says. “She even gave me water!” He held the canteen high to show the man who is his father. He shot a glare at you and his fists tightened. You smiled at him but you couldn’t deny he made you nervous, even with the protection you had. Aemond gently put an arm across your body and moved you behind him.
The man sighed then he and the other with him stepped to the side. The knights in front of you looked back and nodded at Aemond and he nodded back. 
“With us,” Arryk says and Aemonds arm is behind you again. He gently pushed you forward to start walking. Once you were in front of it, Aemond stopped you. 
“Your dress is ruined.” You both looked down. It was torn, and muddy, and your shoes were destroyed.
“Oh that's alright, I have others.”
The door to the carriage opened and just as you stepped up a loud meow came from above. You looked up and saw a beautiful cat. Large cat. It was brown but the tufts of white shown said the cat was white. 
“Hello there.” You reach up slowly to scratch its head. It purred instantly and closed its eyes. Aemond slammed his hand against the sides and the cat jumped up and scurried off. “Aemond!” You hit his arm.
“Now is not the time for the creature princess.” You pouted and Aemonds nose twitched.
“But it was cute.”
Aemond did eventually get you to the markets. On the way there he pointed out places as you passed them. At the markets, he followed close behind you as you went to each merchant.
“Look at this Aemond, isn’t it wonderful?” You showed him a painting of a herd of horses. 
“Hmm.” You huffed and set it down. You went through the other options until one with black bordering caught your eye. You looked back at Aemond to see if he was looking but he was standing at another shop just next to the painters.
The contents of the painting made you smile.
“This one.” You tell the painter and they grab it.
“Good choice, your grace.” They say and take it back. “4 gold.” 
“Aemond.” You grabbed his sleeve and he looked over. “4.” You smile brightly at him. He sighed and reached into his little pouch and took out 4 coins and placed them in the painter's hand.
“Have it brought to the Red Keep,” Aemond says and the painter nods. You grab Aemonds arm and he once again tenses.
“You don’t like me touching you, do you?” You pulled him away and let his arm go.
“I don’t care.” You sigh.
“I want you to be comfortable around me, I want this to work. I appreciate you taking me into the city, I appreciate you getting me these things I do. But we’re supposed to get to know each other and doing this doesn’t do that. I want you to know me, and I want to know you. The real you.”
Aemonds breath hitched and his jaw tensed. He didn’t know how to react to your words. He’s never had to do this with any woman, this is his first solid potential betrothal. All other women take one look at him and scurry off in fear or look at him in pure disgust. 
Not you though.
You’ve been nothing but kind to him. Maybe you could be a tad bit forward but in all honesty, Aemond enjoyed it. You could have fun, but you also understood the prospect of duty. 
“I'm not asking for a heart-to-heart, but like I said yesterday. Equality. And not just in duty, this relationship.” 
Aemond mouth quirked up to a wide smile. He held his hand out to you and you looked down at it. Your hand joined his and he squeezed it.
“Tomorrow you will break fast with me in the library after my training.” You nodded in acknowledgment. “I'm taking you back to the Keep before you drain me.” 
Nightfall came and now Aemond and Arryk were back in the streets.
“Are you sure it will still be in the area, my prince?” Arryk asks as he carries the cage usually meant for a bunch of rats and a wrapped fish on top.
“We will only know if we try,” Aemond says and they stood in the section where the cat from earlier was spotted. Arryk set the cage down and unwrapped the fish. Aemond grabbed the slimy aquatic animal and started walking around and shook the fish slightly.
“Maybe you should call for it,” Arryk suggests.
“How?” The knight then started clapping and snapping his fingers, and kissing noises? 
“Ser Arryk what-.”
The two men looked over to the large cat coming out from the shadows, already interested in the fish. Aemond tossed it into the cage and the cat stopped. But the poor thing was too hungry to care and dove right into the cage. Arryk shut it and the cat snarled but went back to the fish. 
“Now what?” Arryk asks.
“Another gift for the princess.”
Aemond and Arryk stood in front of the door and Aemond knocked. He heard nothing so he knocked again. This time he heard a groan and your voice slightly. Shuffling was heard and the door opened.
“Aemond? Ser Arryk? Is everything alright?” You asked and tightened the robe around you. 
“Sorry to disturb you, but one final gift.”
Arryk brought the cage into your view and you saw the cat from earlier.
“You went back for it?” You broke out into a smile. “Open the cage!” Arryk set the cage down so it opened towards your room and he lifted the door. The cat backed out and ran into the room with half the fish in its mouth. 
“So you don’t feel lonely,” Aemond says softly, making your heart flutter. 
“Thank you.” You reached up on your toes and kissed his cheek. “You’re nothing like they say you are.” You whisper into his ear and kiss the corner of his lips. 
Aemonds face turned pink and his eye closed.
“Have a good night my lady.” He says and starts walking away. Arryk simply bows and follows after Aemond.
If one thing was certain that Arryk noticed was that Aemond was smitten already.
A/n- I wanted to rewrite this part so many times, I hate this one. Butt anyways. Comments, reblogs, and likes are greatly appreciated!!! 
Comment or send what name the kitty should have!!!
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opbackgrounds · 4 months
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This scene with Sanji is one of his most important moments in the series, and in my opinion also one of the most difficult passages in the manga to interpret, because to completely understand it you have to look at the manga holistically rather than this scene by itself.
The big question that needs answered is why does Oda let Zoro "win" here by having him be the sacrifice instead of Sanji. Both are equally willing and both are identified much later on as the Wings of the Pirate King, implying that they have similar importance (although vastly different roles) within the Straw Hat crew.
If we go back to Sanji's introduction on the Baratie, his big flaw was that he lacked the "spear of spirit" to pursue his dream. Since he's been a boy he's wanted to find the All Blue, but even when he had the opportunity to go after that dream he chose to stay on the Baratie out of a feeling of obligation to Zeff. Sanji put the continued existence of the restaurant over his own life, something Luffy rightfully called him out for at the time, and even at the end of the arc had to be pushed away by Zeff and the other chefs before he finally set sail for good.
On Drum, Sanji once again almost died protecting Nami and Luffy during the avalanche, resulting in a broken back that required surgury from Dr. Kureha. Luffy again calls him out (note the English translation here isn't entirely accurate, see here for a breakdown), and with his power there's a good chance Luffy could have gotten them all out of trouble without all the dramatics by Sanji.
Something similar happens on Skypiea, when Sanji puts himself in the way of Enel so that Usopp and Nami can be saved. This case is perhaps more justifiable given the extreme situation they were in, but nonetheless he was still quick to throw his life away.
Then on Enies Lobby Nami--while not criticizing his chivalry--calls out Sanji for simply not running away from Kalifa, instead just accepting that he's going to get the shit beat out of him, and possibly die.
So there's a pattern of self-destructive behavior. Sanji repeatedly puts his life on the line when he doesn't need to in order to preserve the lives and dreams of the people he loves. Even him constantly simping over Nami and Robin falls a little into this category, because if either of them told him to take a long walk off a short pier I have no doubt he'd comply. It's that same extreme willingness to sacrifice anything and everything for the people he cares for that we see in Baby 5, except Sanji was fortunate enough to not be surrounded by people that encourage these worst impulses of self-destructive behavior. As he says here in Thriller Bark, he's just the cook. Luffy can always just find someone else.
(The glory of Whole Cake Island being Sanji realizing, no, Luffy can't, and he won't).
And it is finally on WCI that get to the heart of why Sanji is like this with yet another episode of putting his own dreams and happiness aside for the sake of others, and not until Wano that we finally see him take the first steps toward asking others for help instead of passionately throwing his life away when he doesn’t need to.
When Zoro first offered his head to Kuma, the prominence of his dream was first and foremost. Notice that Sanji never mentions the All Blue. One Piece is a series that places the pursuit of one's own ambition above all else, even if that ambition is selfish. Sanji hasn't yet learned to be selfish, so Zoro knocks him out and ends up being the one to accept Luffy's pain. Sacrifice isn't sacrifice if the person doesn't value what they're giving up, and right now Sanji clearly doesn't value his own life compared to the rest of the crew.
Next chapter Oda will speak through Brook to confirm that Sanji's willingness to give himself up wasn't foolish or stupid. It's just that he's missing a piece of the puzzle, and that's not something he'll have for a long time yet.
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Overprotective and Ready to Fight - The Dateables
Requested By: @number-1-obey-me-brother-simp
Read the Prologue on the Brothers' version!
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Diavolo had been a bit far from the scene when he first heard about a fight breaking out at RAD. Demons weren’t always the most level-headed so when he heard the gossip, he didn’t think much about it.
Then he heard one of the demons say your name and his heart skipped a beat. He was now racing towards the fight, hoping that he wasn’t too late and that you were okay.
When Diavolo finally reached you, he was surprised to see that you were the one winning the fight. Nonetheless, it had to be stopped so he moved to pull you off the student.
He was surprised at how much effort he had to put into getting you off them. Whatever that demon said - it made you seriously angry.
You stopped fighting immediately when you saw Diavolo and he had concern in his eyes as he was quickly looking over your body for any injuries.
“We don’t have to tell Lucifer about this, right?” you asked him. He wanted to laugh slightly at the question, but you both knew it was unavoidable.
For now, though, he wouldn’t involve the brothers until he made sure you were okay. He walked you to the infirmary and sat with you as the doctor looked over your injuries.
Diavolo was in shock when the doctor told him you only had a few scratches and bruises. The only part of you that looked injured were your knuckles which gave quite a beating to the other demon.
Diavolo stifled a laugh. How would it look if the Demon King laughed at a fight breaking out in school?
But you could see the joy in his eyes. He found it so amusing that you - a human - pummeled the other demon to the point where they were having trouble walking and yet you were fine.
“Well, that’s great news,” Diavolo told the doctor, giving you a small smile. “While I don’t condone fights breaking out in the middle of school, I have to ask - what made you so angry?” Diavolo questioned, the question burning in his mind.
He was dying to know what had turned his precious human exchange student from the normally calm and collected self you were into the raging creature who was able to win a fight against a demon using only your fists.
You let out a small sigh before telling him, “I was just trying to teach them a lesson…for talking bad about you.” 
Diavolo’s eyes widened slightly before his joyous laughter filled the room. He wasn’t holding a single laugh back this time.
“You fought the demon for me?” Diavolo asked, clarifying that he had heard you right. A small blush coated your cheeks as you nodded your head in response.
“Sorry if I embarrassed you. I know I’m supposed to be on my best behavior as one of the human exchange students,” you added, avoiding his gaze.
Diavolo’s expression turned from one of amusement to one of love as he looked over your gentle features. He could see the pure intentions you held in your heart.
Diavolo gently grabbed one of your hands and placed a kiss on the top of it, making sure to be careful so that he didn't hurt your knuckles any further.
“I would never be embarrassed by you. Thank you for fighting for me. Please, allow me to take you to dinner to show my gratitude,” he told you.
You smiled at him as you agreed and Diavolo left the room shortly after so that the doctor could finish tending to you.
When he reached the hallway, he was met with the demon brothers who were all worried in their own right and had questions to ask.
Diavolo made sure to do his best to explain what had happened without exposing your reasons why. That was a private matter between the two of you.
He will make sure that Lucifer doesn’t give you any sort of punishment, though. After all, you were only fighting the demon for him. He wouldn’t dream of punishing you for that.
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Barbatos had been doing his normal daily tasks when he sensed that something was amiss. He immediately moved to find Lord Diavolo to ensure everything was fine.
He found him walking down the hall, a slightly worried expression on his face. Barbatos went to ask Diavolo what was wrong when he overheard what the demons were saying. 
You had gotten in a fight? Barbatos was immediately concerned. Ultimately you were only a human and a demon’s strength overpowered yours.
He walked with Diavolo to the scene and hesitated for a brief moment when he saw the two of you on the ground. “Barbatos, please grab the other demon,” Diavolo asked him, moving to grab you.
Barbatos was slightly disappointed that he was the one who was asked to stop the attacking demon; but, he would never disobey an order from Diavolo.
So, he moved to grab the other demon, easily overpowering them. But, his eyes were on you, trying to scan your body for injuries from across the room. He felt a pressure lifting from his chest when he saw that you were mostly okay, despite your knuckles.
“Let’s go,” Barbatos told the other demon, leading them to an infirmary room. Barbatos had nothing but disdain for the demon next to him. The audacity of them to start a fight with you.
He had tortured others before and he had to admit he was tempted to inflict his own pain on the demon for any pain they caused you. But, looking at all the damage you did on your own, he believed it would be in bad taste to deliver any additional attacks.
Once the demon was in the infirmary, Barbatos immediately left. He found Lord Diavolo in the hall along with the demon brothers and he quietly stood next to Diavolo, doing his best to see inside the infirmary room that you were in.
Diavolo knew that this was going to be a long discussion so he asked Barbatos to stay with you until they were done to make sure you were okay.
Barbatos simply nodded his head in response, remaining expressionless. But, he was very thankful for the opportunity. He didn’t get many chances to be alone with you, and the opportunities he did get, he always appreciated. 
You were unlike any other human Barbatos had met and his curiosity about you grew more and more each occasion he had to talk to you.
He entered the room and saw that you were in relatively good spirits. He quietly approached the bed, doing his own reconnaissance of your injuries. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the doctor - he just wanted to be sure you were alright himself.
“It seems you can be quite the troublemaker,” Barbatos said, finally grabbing your attention. He wore a straight face but his eyes revealed the fact that he was only teasing you.
Barbatos sat down next to you and gave you an expecting look, letting you know that he was waiting for an explanation.
“I’ve just been studying really hard lately for the exams and that demon decided to say something incredibly rude,” you stated. “About you?” Barbatos questioned. You let out a small sigh, knowing you were about to put yourself on the line. “About you,” you replied.
To say Barbatos was shocked was an understatement. He hadn’t had nearly the same amount of time with you as the others had. And yet, you still jumped to defend him. He began to understand why everyone around him had started to fall for you.
Barbatos smiled at you, it was a small smile, but it was enough that you could see his genuine emotions. He was touched by your actions, and proud that you had done such a good job at it. The other demon looked like they had been used as a chew toy for Cerberus.
The conversation was cut short when the demon brothers entered the infirmary, but your words stuck in Barbato’s mind. 
From then on, he would catch himself watching you more often, sometimes smiling when he sees you laughing or having a good time. 
Needless to say, that fight changed his perspective of you and motivated him to further his connection with you.
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Solomon was an incredibly popular guy, and as such, he was one of the first people to find out about the fight. The only problem was that he was in the middle of cooking something in the lab and if he left too early it could cause severe consequences.
So, he quickly finished what he was doing, packing up the substance he created, before rushing towards the scene.
When he got there though, the crowd was dispersing and you were nowhere in sight. Solomon let out a small sigh of disappointment before carefully pushing past the crowd to reach the infirmary.
He got to the hallway and saw everyone standing around, talking about the fight. But no one seemed to come up with an answer as to what caused it.
Solomon didn’t stop to talk to anyone. You were at the forefront of his mind as he quickly entered the room they were all standing in front of.
A few of them noticed Solomon rushing past them, but no one said anything to stop him. Not that he would have listened to them anyway.
Solomon let out a deep breath of relief when he saw you. You were getting your hands wrapped by the doctor, and he noticed how dark-colored they were even after the doctor cleaned off the blood.
You must have used them quite a bit to incur bruises like that. Other than your hands though, Solomon could hardly see any other cuts or bruises.
You saw Solomon standing there with something in his hands moments later and you gave him a small smile.
“Hey,” you told him. Solomon couldn’t help but smirk when you looked at him so happily. You looked the opposite of someone who had just been in a fight.
“If you want to test your strength, there are easier ways than picking a fight with a demon,” Solomon said, walking closer.
“I wasn’t trying to test my strength. They decided to say some terrible things about you, and I was just defending you. Us humans got to stick together and all that,” you replied, a bit embarrassed after admitting your reason out loud.
Solomon was immediately taken aback. All of this - for him? Solomon’s smile grew as he held back whatever teasing remarks came to his mind.
You really were adorable. He was proud that you felt strongly enough about him to go to such lengths, but at the same time, he wanted to thank you for the gesture.
“In that case, I have a delicious meal I made that will make you all better. Let me serve you some,” Solomon replied, a boasting smile on his face.
Oh please no.
“Oh, thank you, that’s very kind of you. But, I’m not too hungry right now. Maybe later?” you responded, hoping to be polite while desperately trying to avoid whatever concoction was in his hands.
Solomon seemed unaffected by your words as he replied, “I’ll go pack up half of it for you right now so that you can have it later.”
Solomon left the room before you could protest and on his way back to the lab, he passed by the room where the other demon was. 
His eyes widened when he saw how terrible they looked compared to you. He made a mental note to never cross you. You were a lot more powerful than you looked.
The demon brothers made sure to either throw away the food or feed it to Beel before Solomon noticed that you didn’t eat it.
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Simeon typically avoided fights in the Devildom. After all, he and Luke were sent down to represent the Celestial Realm in the exchange program. Even if a demon was being particularly insufferable, starting a fight wouldn’t only reflect negatively on Simeon but on the rest of the Celestial Realm as well. So, he normally stayed calm and collected, giving a warm smile to every passerby.
But, when he found out that you had been in a fight, he lost any care he had to represent the Celestial Realm correctly, immediately rushing to the scene. Anger replaced the kindness in his features as he prayed that you were okay.
He would viciously fight any being if you were in harm without a second thought. And he felt sorry for the demon who decided to start a fight with you. He would make sure that the demon received proper justice for the transgression.
Simeon reached the infirmary shortly after the brothers arrived. “Is she in there?” Simeon asked Lord Diavolo, without waiting for him to explain what happened.
Diavolo nodded his head and Simeon entered the room, holding his breath as he prepared for the worst-case scenario. Images of you looking bloody and beaten flashed through his mind.
Simeon was frozen in place as he saw you, looking almost completely unscathed. Everyone made the fight out to be some big spectacle. As if it was a fight to the death. And yet you look as though you had merely taken a fall. 
His eyes trailed down to your hands and he saw the blood and bruises that coated them. It was clear they inflicted quite a bit of damage and Simeon couldn’t help but wonder what the other demon looked like.
After processing the initial shock, Simeon quickly approached the bed, worry in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw him. His presence illuminated any room he was in.
“Are you okay?” Simeon asked, taking another glance at your hands now that he was closer. You nodded your head before replying, “Just a few cuts and bruises.” Simeon relaxed slightly but his eyebrows were still knitted together.
“Your strength is incredible; but, fighting demons is dangerous,” Simeon told you. “I know, I just couldn’t stand the way they were talking about you,” you replied.
Simeon opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out when he heard your confession. “The way they were talking about me?” Simeon questioned, unable to trust what he had heard.
“You’re an angel, and you’re way better than that demon could ever hope to be,” you added and Simeon smiled as he looked at you with love, every inch of his body melting at your words.
He was ready to fight for you no matter the consequences only to come and find out that was exactly what you had done for him. Did that mean you shared the same feelings that he had?
Simeon stayed with you the rest of the night to ensure you were okay and so that he could express his gratitude over and over again. No matter what you wanted, he would get it for you. And if all you wanted was a hug or something along those lines, he was more than happy to oblige.
Fighting a demon for Simeon strengthened your relationship, and he was now even more willing to leave the image of a proper angel behind and do what he wanted when it came to you.
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deconstructthesoup · 3 months
I've been thinking a little bit about how the Cat King expresses his affection, and specifically, how the fandom interprets it.
There's some people who see how he interacts with Edwin and think "oh my god, he's such a simp, Edwin really has this sexy catboy wrapped around his little finger," and there's some people who see how he interacts with Edwin and think "yowza, learn to take a hint, he's not interested in you and your fuckboy fur coat," which, y'know, are both valid. I love the Cat King, but he's clearly not a fan of boundaries---outside of his own, of course.
Which... is the point, isn't it? Because here's the thing---we all like to analyze the Cat King as if he's human, but... he's not.
He's a cat. And that's how cats are.
Let's look back at his first interaction with Edwin. Our sassy Edwardian boy has used magic on one of his cats, and he's pissed, because cats are protective over what they consider "theirs---" and seeing as he's the Cat King, all of the cats in Port Townsend are his. He's bitchy and rude, cutting Edwin off when he tries to explain himself, and doesn't exactly seem like he's a merciful guy.
Then comes the moment where he whisks Edwin away, and he gets a closer look. The Cat King realizes that he's handsome, he's clearly queer, and that there is something fascinating about him. So he gets closer, he gets intimate, and it's working. Even in the throes of internalized homophobia, Edwin's getting into it, and... the Cat King self-sabotages, slapping a binding spell onto him.
A cat hisses at you when you attempt to reach out your hand and reason with it. It changes its mind, and it comes up to you, purring. And just when you're about to scratch it behind its ears, it freaks out, scratching you on the hand.
Sure, right after that, the Cat King lays out the terms---the binding spell (which, honestly, is actually a pretty fitting punishment given that Edwin used a binding spell on that cat) can be taken off, "and I'm sure we can work something out." That's a line that's probably worked before, and that's a line that probably could've worked, but the damage is done. So the Cat King gets irritated, sneering at Edwin's "old-fashioned sensibilities," and gives him your classic trickster seems-easy-but-is-a-lot-harder-than-it-looks deal. And we don't see him again for a couple episodes... at least, not until Edwin gets that little cat-scratch at the lighthouse.
When a cat scratches your hand, you give it a wide berth. Even if it immediately changes its mind and meows for attention, you don't trust it anymore. So it gets pissy, getting more and more annoyed the more you ignore it, until it gives up and bites you when you won't give it pets.
Now, the Cat King has realized that Edwin's getting close. He's counted almost all the cats, and it won't be long before he completes the task and books it out of town. So, the Cat King starts flirting even more, even going so far as to mimic Monty and Charles if that's what it'll take. When that fails, and when getting Edwin to open up fails, the Cat King lets out a nervous little laugh and tells Edwin that he's way off, when in fact he couldn't be closer.
Once a cat realizes that it likes you, it becomes incredibly needy. It trots along after you, it begs for attention and love, it sits on your laptop and jumps up on the kitchen counter and will attempt to insert itself into any and all activities you might be doing. And while that may be the cat's way of expressing love, there's no denying that it is ignoring all of your personal boundaries and generally getting in the way of you doing anything---other than, of course, paying attention to it.
And then comes the moment in the forest. The Cat King shows up with a fancy chandelier to blow Monty's cover---why now? Because Monty isn't just a romantic threat, he's trying to do something that'll take away Edwin for good. Once the cover's blown, and once Monty storms off, the Cat King uses this as an opportunity---I just saved his life, maybe he'll notice me now---and Edwin snaps, dropping one of the best lines in the whole series.
This is the first time, mind you, that Edwin has really pushed back. He's been resistant before, sure, but he's never said or done anything that indicates that he really wanted this dance to end. And I don't even think the Cat King realized that he was crossing a line, had been crossing a line since he slapped that bracelet on. But when Edwin says that he's not the Cat King's toy to yank around, that he's nothing more than an inconvenience, that's a big old wake-up call for our boy---and of course, he takes it horribly, snarling after Edwin that he'll be stuck in this town if he walks away, that he'll stop playing nice, just fucking NOTICE me already why don't you?
There always comes a time when you're fed up with how invasive your cat's being. Maybe you've just had a bad day, maybe it's genuinely messing up something important that you're doing, but you break out the spray bottle. And how does it respond? With a hiss, with a scamper away, and with a baleful glare over its shoulder. It knows it's done something wrong, but it doesn't fully understand, and it's mad at you.
Afterwards, Edwin gets dragged into hell, and that breaks the charm on the bracelet. And the Cat King's left to think.
There's some conflicting emotions there, of course. He's moodily playing with the bracelet when Esther shows up, showing that he probably does care, but there's still something to be said about how he immediately calls Edwin a "tease" and hates himself for being willing to wait for him if and when he ever returns from Hell (which is very noble of you, Thomas, totally way more of a meaningful gesture than actually going down there to get him back---which, as a self-described eternal being, would probably be easier for you to do than Charles. Just sayin'). But as much as I love to clown on that, the Cat King does die in that scene, and it's only after that that he spills to Esther.
This, I think, is where the Cat King stops acting like a cat, and starts acting human. Because he doesn't go and see Edwin when he gets back---he's realized that he kind of was in the wrong, and he's giving him space. And I'm sure it can't have been fun knowing that Edwin and Charles only got kidnapped by Esther because of information that he let slip.
But when the boys and Crystal (and maybe Jenny) are about to leave, the Cat King visits Edwin to pay his respects to Niko. He gives Edwin a lily, which several people have pointed out is fatal to cats. He's still flirty, sure, but he's more understated now. No more tricks, no more spells. Just him. And that's the version of him that gets that little cheek kiss goodbye.
Because even cats can learn that there's a better way to love.
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ham1lton · 5 months
fight for this love.
pairings: jude bellingham x f1 driver!reader
warnings: nothing!
faceclaim: bella hadid.
summary: jude meets you at a promotional event for a brand you both have a deal with. after the first meeting, he’s smitten, but there is a problem. he never got your number.
— part three of my 500 followers celebration ♡ —
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liked by gucci, judesgf and 1,028,728 others.
vogue: gucci’s newest ambassador, footballer jude bellingham, spills the beans (no pun intended) on his fav outfit combo, his ideal type and his favourite kebab place back home in birmingham.
view all 129,765 comments
user1: NEED HIM SO BAD 😍😍😍😩😩😩
user8: brb going to buy out gucci rn.
user7: WAIT…. his ideal type???
-> user9: it’s lowkey kind of boring. specific but not specific. he says he loves girls who are focused, smart and have good relationships with their friends and family.
-> user7: check, check and CHECK 😩 brb calling up my deadbeat dad rq just for u jude 😘😍
user6: gucci king we love him.
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liked by yourbffname, oscarpiastri and 1,237,665 others.
yourusername: gucci loves me and i love gucci ♥︎ thank u to the whole gucci team for having me alongside the other ambassadors at today’s event! it was so much fun!
view all 297,727 comments
oscarpiastri: you had the entire gucci catalogue to choose from and you still chose to dress like an ailing grandfather.
-> yourusername: drip or drown baby!
-> oscarpiastri: you’re the latter.
user1: i met you today at the gucci event!! you were so sweet. i was the one who gave u the bracelet! 🫶🏼
-> yourusername: yes!! thank u sm!! it was so cute and matched my outfit so well. i’m still wearing it!
logansargeant: when are you hooking me up with free gucci 🤨😒 we’ve been friends for more than a decade ms l/n….
-> yourusername: lemme work my magic 🙈✨
user78: she should have been a model instead of a formula one driver!! so pretty!! that bone structure 🤤
user7: did you see jude looking at her throughout the whole damn event? omg. he’s down bad.
-> user63: bro was simping 😭 i don’t blame him. i mean… it’s y/n.
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbffname and 1,237,765 others.
judebellingham: took these pics last night. whoever my midnight muse was, please message me.
view all 689,165 comments
oscarpiastri: i know her mate. it’s landonorris.
-> landonorris: yes ‘tis i, your gucci girl 🥰
logansargeant: it’s yourusername, man. thank you for this. now she’ll stop talking about you in the gc 🙄🙄
-> user7: american and british solidarity.
user8: need a man willing to do a worldwide search for me.
-> user26: commit a crime, flee and you’ll get a whole fleet of men doing that for you <3
user12: oh to be jude bellingham’s midnight muse.
user90: how does bro not know the current world champion and first female f1 driver to break many barriers in the sport?? like she’s a household name 😭
-> user25: chronically offline 😭
yourusername: hi!! it’s me! these photos are gorgeous! yes, please message me <3 also ignore oscar, logan and lando in your comments please. they have no home training.
-> logansargeant: you could have stopped me if you had given me the gucci u promised 🤨
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liked by judebellingham, ynswifey and 1,272,892 others.
yourusername: i felt like my paddock outfit just wasn’t appreciated enough today.
view all 348,728 comments
oscarpiastri: this is all you post after your win?
-> yourusername: i put a lot of effort into this outfit! only charles said something. 😔
-> oscarpiastri: wow! y/n! jeans and a t-shirt! revolutionary!
-> yourusername: i’m gonna pretend that wasn’t sarcastic 😝🥰
user728: oscar doesn’t see the vision. this is super cute!!
user267: her posting this after she just hard launched her relationship with jude?!
-> user128: like girlie straight up jumped and kissed him after her win and hasn’t even acknowledged it???
judebellingham: u look so good.
-> user682: you couldn’t have texted her this shit? lmaoooooo.
user516: i appreciated it!!
-> yourusername: i love u sm 🫶🏼😍
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liked by ynsgf, zendaya and 1,727,982 others.
yourusername: tried to find out if blondes do truly have more fun. answer tbd.
— 📸 creds - my bf.
view all 789,927 comments
judebellingham: that’s ME in the caption btw.
-> yourusername: we know babe 😁🥰😝
gucci: i guess we’re matchmakers now?
-> logansargeant: YASSS 😩 now can i get free gucci or no 🤨
-> oscarpiastri: crazy emoji use man 😭 is it ever that serious.
judebellingham: i love you so much.
-> yourusername: love u forever. glad to be urs. 💕🫶🏻
user1: she ate this down we love a bad bitch and her supportive bf!
user71: him flying her out after she wins the championship!!! we love this for her!!
user16: why can’t i have a hot gf, be sexy, be rich, one of the most promising young athletes currently and be lounging on a beach somewhere…
-> user72: why can’t i have a hot bf, be sexy, be rich, one of the most promising young athletes currently and be lounging on a beach somewhere…
user68: we love a blonde moment!
-> yourusername: halfway through our holiday, i saw zendaya, rihanna and beyoncé go blonde and got extreme fomo.
-> judebellingham: she made me dye it. i was terrified.
author’s note: reader here is heavily based off of what it would have been if nepo!sis reader was the driver instead of o/s but in that universe, she never would have dated lando. so… small blessings ig?
929 notes · View notes
sunrizef1 · 3 months
Heart Eyes
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader
Authors note: today i discovered that I can fully just screenshot Instagram posts so that was really helpful 🤦‍♀️ | another quick one | opening my Carlos Sainz list then 🌶️
Warnings: one curse word
Face Claim: Joanna Pincerato
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liked by carlossainz and 101,008 others
yourusername ❄️☀️
load comments…
user1 omg 🤩
user2 too hot to get cold
user3 my fav
user4 I love her so much
user5 Carlos Sainz in the likes again
user6 someone tell him to shoot his shot lmao
user7 it’s been months 😭
user8 ahhhhh she looks so pretty
user9 🫶
user10 lovely
user11 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user12 I need that swimsuit
user13 I could never 🥶
carlossainz 😍
liked by yourusername
user14 omg Carlos finally commented
user15 about time
user16 her hair is so nice
user17 ❄️❄️❄️
user18 y/n just liking Carlos’ comment is so funny to me
user19 prettyyyy
yourusername added to their story
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Beautiful querida 😍
Thank you Carlos 🤭 🫶
Of course ángel ❤️
yourusername loved a message
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liked by carlossainz and 105,001 others
yourusername museum day 🖼️
load comments…
user20 queen
user21 so pretty
user22 my fav
user23 🎨🎨🎨
user24 Carlos back in the likes
user25 lmao my man’s always lurking I can’t
user26 artsy vibes 👩‍🎨
carlossainz you’re the most beautiful art 😍
yourusername ahhh thank you carlito 🫶
user28 my man went from heart eye emojis to full sentences, they grow up so fast
user29 oh trust he still included the heart eyes
user28 can’t change him lmao
user30 and she replied!!! 🥹
user31 they’re already so cute I can’t
user32 ❤️❤️❤️
user33 the fit eats
user34 the prettiest painting is you 🫶
user35 Carlos already pulled that one
user35 good try though queen 🫶
yourusername added to their story
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Is that my bbg Carlos Sainz
That better be car boy or so help me god
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liked by yourusername charles_leclerc and 2,711,008 others
carlossainz mi sol ☀️😍
load comments…
user41 “my sun” 🥹
user42 Carlos don’t simp on main challenge: impossible
user43 IS THAT BBG Y/N!!!!???
user44 y/n? 🥹
user45 I hope that’s y/n
user46 wait yall know who that is???
user47 we think it’s this girl that Carlos has been interacting with for months now
user46 what’s her @
user47 @/yourusername
user46 omg I just checked and this man has been down bad for months hasn’t he?? 😭
user47 he has been 😭
user48 loml
user49 😍🤩
user50 heart eye emojis, my man is consistent fr
user51 stop with the woke soft launch madness
user52 show it to me Rachel
user53 just tag her bro 😩
user54 y/n liked!!! 😍😍😍😍
user55 ☀️☀️☀️
user56 my fav couple
user57 they’ve been together 3 seconds and he hasn’t even confirmed that that’s y/n
user56 idc I feel it in my nuggets
user58 BAE 🤭
user59 @/yourusername is this u queen???
yourusername added to their story
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liked by carlossainz landonorris and 420,690 others
yourusername my boy ❤️
load comments…
user60 Carlos crumbs
user61 I’m sure everyone will be completely normal and calm about this
user62 CARLOSSSSSSSSS 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
user64 that’s the smooth operator I know it is
user65 my down bad king Carlos Sainz
user67 that’s how we know it’s real, he’s involved his friends 🤭
user68 idc that buff ass arm is car number 55
user69 do we know that’s Carlos???
user70 it has to be
user71 if its not I might jump off a high building
user72 woah, bit dramatic
user71 🤷🏽‍♀️
user73 my two favs 🤩
user74 I think I’m in love with her not even kidding
user75 me too queen
user75 she’s genuinely so pretty 😭
user76 they’re such pretty people, I need couple photos NEOW
user77 hard-launch 🔜 pls
user78 why are they pretending like we don’t know who their launching 😭
carlossainz 😍
yourusername 🤭 ❤️
user79 alright so now we definitely know who that is 😭
yourusername added to their story
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mi amore
I sent you that in confidence 😩
Sorry baby
You just look so cute 🤭
Ah I cant be mad at you querida
But that definitely feels like a “hard-launch”
I guess it is 😅
at least I get to post you now 🫶
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liked by yourusername charles_leclerc and 5,001,009 others
carlossainz amor de me vida 😍
load comments…
user81 finally 😭
user82 love of my life 🥹
user83 my favorite couple
charles_leclerc ah congratulations!
carlossainz Gracias Charles!
user84 ❤️❤️❤️
user86 smooth operatorrrrr
user87 beautiful couple ❤️
user88 awwww 🥹
user89 HES DONE IT
user90 y/n posted that story and he was quick with the relationship post 😭😐
user91 he needed us to know lmao
user92 endgame fr
user93 they're so pretty together 🫶
user94 Carlos has been working for this for months, proud of him
user95 can't stop the grind
user96 smooth operator on and off the track
user97 🌶️🌶️🌶️
user98 wait they feel so real like they actually like eachother
user99 “like”? That man is in love with her idc
user100 lmao he definitely acts like it
landonorris smooth operatorrrr
liked by carlossainz
user101 lmao even Landos using the joke
user102 I can’t they’re so perfect 😭
yourusername love youuu 🥹🫶
carlossainz te amo mi sol ❤️
@casperlikej @evie-119
654 notes · View notes
twinkling-moonlillie · 6 months
Lucifer Morningstar Relationship Headcanons!
A/N: I haven't written for Lucifer before, but this man has my heart and soul so I am going to start! Also, feel free to DM or chat! I love talking and meeting new people, and I need more people to simp with over Lucifer.
Warnings: Minors do not interact, these headcanons include both SFW and NSFW
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✶ Lucifer is deeply sentimental, never one to shy away from his feelings. When he is in love, it is all consuming and a driving force for him. He would do anything for those he loves.
✶ He is a gentle lover, a tender lover; a foil to Adam, if you will. When he is in love, he takes it slow, gently drowning you in his affections.
✶ A gift giver? Absolutely! Whether it be handcrafted pieces of art that he made himself or buying you stuff that reminded him of you, he revels in the idea of lavishing you with gifts.
✶ If we are to assume that you are with him after Lilith, expect some slow burn. Not only does Lucifer have to live with the consequences of his decision to bestow free will upon humanity, but the woman he (presumably) loved left him. The guilt he fee is massive, so please just be patient with him. Let him open up to you. Don't make him feel like a burden.
✶ Once he does start to fall in love with you, the first thing he will do is take off his wedding ring. He is a little hesitant, but the way you make him feel...it's refreshing and invigorating.
✶ After years of being too afraid to dream, you rekindled his passion. How could he not fall in love with that?
✶ He loves kissing you - forehead kisses, hand kisses, cheek kisses - he will kiss you until his lips turn violet and melt off.
✶ Although he doesn't acknowledge it often, he has a tendency to be a bit possessive. Not that he is controlling, but more so that he wants to show you off. He wants everyone in hell to know that he pulled the most beautiful and kind person to ever grace the universe.
✶ Some days when he has to go to meetings early in the morning (he is the King after all), he will always make sure to wake you up softly so you know when he is leaving...only to kiss you back to sleep.
✶ Going along with his love of craftsmanship, you become his muse. There will be several different versions of you as a duck, an apple, whatever comes to his mind really.
✶ Lucifer as a whole is a bit eccentric and peculiar, but charming nonetheless. There is a reason why he was able to seduce Lilith and Eve.
✶ If you two pursue a relationship further, you must be able to get along with Charlie. Charlie is Lucifer's pride and joy, and if you can't get along...well Lucifer would choose his baby over you.
✶ But that's alright because Charlie is very easy to get along with!
✶ He frequently uses pet names such as sweetie and sweetheart, as well as angel and apple pie.
✶ He always calls you the apple of his eye.
✶ Take one look at that man and tell me he ISN'T a service top. You can't! It's impossible (/j).
✶ Lucifer is desperate to prove himself, to prove his worth, even if he knows you love him. That's why he loves servicing you; he will spend hours pulling you further and further into pleasure.
✶ We all have seen episode eight, we know that he will spend hours between your thighs until you are an overstimulated mess. He gets off on the idea of you relying on the pleasure he gives you and no one else.
✶ It's a pride thing.
✶ His favorite position to have you in is missionary. He just loves to hold you close as he slowly enters you, being able to see how you writhe and become a moaning mess for him.
✶ He also loves to hold you close from behind and pound you (spoon fucking). That's mostly reserved for morning sex though.
✶ Again, he is a deeply sentimental and loving man so he prefers to make love to you than fuck you. But he definitely could fuck you if he wanted to.
✶ His wings have a tendency to poof out right as he is on the verge of coming. Sometimes he wraps them around you, sheltering you in a heavenly cloud.
✶ He has a daddy kink and a breeding kink. No, I will not take any arguments against this.
✶ He just desperately wants to claim you fully, and what better way to do that if not through breeding your pretty pussy.
✶ But really, this man is desperately in love with you. Please let him love you <3
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