#king olly and queen fairy
starryqueen-18 · 4 months
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Here's the next costume power up, with a paint on the brush, Queen Fairy and Olly can color on colorless areas and draw to help them on this creative journey, time to unleash the creativity!
"Hey Olly do you think I can paint a picture of you?"
Olly: Maybe not.
I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii
Bye :3
Progress below
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nightcovefox · 9 days
…I just realized that in Empires AU there are SO MANY GOD DAMN KINGDOMS. Well..
In Kirby’s Dimension we got:
•King Dedede (King of Cappy’s and Waddle Dee’s)
•King Taranza (King of the sky people)
•Prince Fluff (Prince of all yarn)
•Fairy Queen (Queen of the Faries; I need to find a name for her..)
Over to Rayman’s world. There’s no King or Queens who ruled over them, well except for Grand Minimus King of the Teensies. That’s just one king who’s got his own land/kingdom to take care of. (I’m still designing the world, I like to think Betilla, Betilla sisters, Polokus, and Mr Dark are in charge of the glade.)
…Well kick Mr.Dark out of there since he wants to take over the glade.
While over in Mario’s World- Oh boy..
•Princess Peach (Ruler of Mushrooms)
•Princess Daisy (Ruler of the deserts/hybrid birds)
•King Bowser (King of Koopas)
•Princess Rosalina (Ruler of the Galaxy)
•Prince Mallow (Ruler of the cloud people/sky)
•King Boo (King of the ghost)
•King Pascal (King of the Ice Kingdom/Penguins)
•King Cranky (Ruler of Kongs)
•Count Bleck (Ruler of Dark Magic)
•Lady Tippi (Ruler of Light Magic)
•King K. Rool (Ruler of Crocs)
•Prince Florian (Ruler of The Flower Kingdom)
•King Olly & Princess Oliva (King Olly & Princess Oliva of Origami)
•King Hershey (Ruler of the Candy Kingdom) (Oc)
•Prince Peasley (Ruler of Beanbean Kingdom)
•Queen Bee (Ruler of Bees)
16 Kingdoms in the Super Mario Universe.. Sorry for my ramblings; I just wanted to tell you what kingdoms exist in 3 worlds.
Keep a look out for another post about Gods.. That will be an interesting topic to talk about..!
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kawaiifoxsblog · 1 year
Here's my information about my own kirby AU About Next of generation of kids
I did own kirby AU Next Generation of children
Here my own fanchilds of my kirby ships for my Kirby AU Called Kirby's Next Generations
Kirby x Ribbon (5 Kids)
Paula Tie Bow Dreamie and Zap
King dedede x queen ripple (2 kids)
Princess Drina and Prince Roy ( fairy penguin twins)
Meta knight x susie (6 kids)
Moonlight Sonia Izzy Burst willow and Kapi
Bandana waddle dee x elline (7 kids)
Meggy dee Minty Piper timber Emmett Ollie Teddy
Marx x Flamberge (3 kids)
ember flame and Sunny
Gooey x chuchu ( 2 daughters)
Ivy and echo
Magolor x Francisca (5 kids)
Melody Eclipse Aurora Dusk and dawn
Taranza x Zan partizanne ( 2 kids)
Bloom and spark
Prince Fluff x Vividria (2 Daughters)
Rosie and Kit
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oliversaluki · 5 months
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Write your RPer Resolutions for 2024! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
One of my goals is being more consistent, I have this habit of being all on and then falling off the earth and repeat. I’d like to get into a better routine which I think will really help my plotting and my character’s relationships.
I also want to get better at popping into people’s inboxes with a basic idea of hey! I’d like to do this. I’ve been plotting a lot more around the end of 2023 so I think I’ve got a really good base to lean on.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
Ollie: Plan a wedding! But also as a character who’s rounding out his story to give him his little ending
Elliot: I want more toddler things. Penny is one now, she’s gonna be getting into some things and I want to do things for that.
Edric: I want him to just keep being his pranking self. I like his light heartedness and how he’s always around drama without being it himself. So I’m quite happy with him while i make moves on some others
Dolores: I’ve been wanting to do this tutor plot where she teaches classes for different languages at the community center but I’ve never done it so maybe work on that.
Flynn: Date Holley. Omg. Please. He needs to get over himself.
Jenny: I need to find her a direction, she’s going throw the motions, she follows the wind but it makes her anxiety worse so I gotta figure that out.
King: Find out his past! Become someone who can use his powers. I got a high level demon because I want to play a high level demon.
James: I think I wanna address some of his commitment issues, I’d also want to play around more with what it means to be a fairy with a disability so more Hollow things.
Aurora: I want her to calm down, she’s out there experiencing life and is always on either extreme so I’m looking to get her to a happy medium
Randall: Make some friends, he’s coasting but I really need to figure out a friend group for him.
Vidia: So this is a bit of a spoiler though a few muns already know. But I want to kick off a big plot for Vidia, which is already plotted out but putting it into gear is gonna be a challenge I’m excited for.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Ollie: Plan a Wedding, find a new house & move!
Elliot: Be a good dad and not let his family keep slipping because lots of things feel like they are changing and not always for the good.
Edric: … Date someone? He won’t admit it but I think he wants it.
Dolores: Happily date her boyfriend, learn Korean and maybe tutor some more.
Flynn: Explore what it means to be {redacted} figure out the mystery of the necklace from his mom.
Jenny: Get a handle on her anxiety. It’s holding her back and then she freaks out more so she doesn’t like that.
King: Learn more about his past! Find his parents!
James: Honestly, James just wants to vibe, he doesn’t think he needs to change.
Aurora: Experience life!!!! Don’t stop moving.
Randall: Try to meet someone, get out there more and put himself out of his comfort zone.
Vidia: Keep being better than everyone.
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
Lusia - I have yet to interact with my cousin so I need to get on that
Dipper - You know I probably have but it’s been so long. Add the fact demon stuff and King I think that could be fun.
Haru - I think her and Lo should hang. Whatever chaos that brings or awkwardness or not?
Hera - Again I probably have but it’s been awhile and I wanna do more with sorcerers always
Moon - Randall and her are in dinner club!! I need to do something with this.
Clarion - I’ve yet to do anything with my Queen so that’s much needed
Remy - Remyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, this will soon change but I want to befriend the french gentleman.
Talk a bit about your plotting style – what plots are you most drawn to? Do you prefer to come with a fully-formed idea and plot off that, or throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks?
I like to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. I tend to go with the flow which means a lot of my plotting in the past as been reliant on others but I’m trying to venture out more and not only throw things at the wall but then figuring out what I need and throwing it at people and hoping that sticks.
I also tho falter trying to keep up because I’ve been getting over my head with the amount of plots which means some drag (looking at Flynn who I should have had something done in November for) but I’m working on the balance, who can vibe while others are intense.
Talk a bit about character relationships – what relationships are you most drawn to? How do you prefer to approach shipping (if at all!)? What, specifically, are you looking for right now for your character relationships? 
I love found family. I love having a best friend for my characters. It’s so important to me to have those relationships where my characters are loyal to a fault. I really do enjoy ships and romance but I’m so chemistry based I feel like I’ve been missing the short term ones that I am trying to get better with now. I’m looking to try out more plotted short terms ones and whatever happens after that happens there.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #3 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it.
FLYNN with approaches a SORCERER to look into the necklace after HOLLEY does research on it
FLYNN and the SORCERER determine there is a magic underlying the necklace
FLYNN & HOLLEY go on an adventure to unlock the secrets of the necklace heading back to the States
Secrets are revealed that bring in the RAS or any other HUNTERS/ THE MAFIA into play as the magic in it is dangerous.
FLYNN takes a step up to protect the magic and potentially hands it over to the RAS
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papcrhouses · 2 years
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+ information
i will be directing a live action adaptation of some of the iconic barbie movies. we will be starting from the beginning! some of the movies will obviously have some big changes, but we’ll stay true to the original work and keep the magic of these nostalgic, beautiful movies.
because i’ve been given free hands with this project, i’ve decided that there won’t be just one barbie. as you might know, in the original movies barbie plays the different heroines we’ve learned to love. but i want to give a fair chance to everyone and not make it repetitive, which is why there won’t be just one barbie. there’s a new actress for every movie.
that being said, here are the first six movies we will be making! the nutcracker will naturally be made first. you can start sending me audition tapes & informations starting today!
( first ) MOVIES
1. barbie in the nutcracker
- ballet, looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in dancing. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & make up / hair artists. roles: dancing required roles have a * next to the name: clara* / nutcracker* / the mouse king* / pimm the bat (voice role) / major mint* / captain candy* / aunt elizabeth
2. barbie as rapunzel
- this movie will not be a musical nor a ballet. looking for costume designers & make up / hair artists. roles: rapunzel / prince stefan / gothel / penelope (voice role) / hugo (voice role) / king wilhelm / king frederick
3. barbie of swan lake
- ballet, looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in dancing. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & make up / hair artists. roles: dancing required roles have a * next to the name: odette* / prince daniel* / the queen / the fairy queen* / rothbart / odile* / lila (voice role)
4. barbie princess and the pauper
- the first musical we will be doing. looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in musical theatre. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & makeup/hair artists. roles: singing & dancing required roles have a * next to the name: princess anneliese* / erika* / preminger* / julian* / king dominic* / queen genevieve / nick / nack
5. barbie: fairytopia
- same as rapunzel. looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in stunts and actions scenes. also looking for fighting choreographers, costume designers & makeup/hair artists. roles: elina / laverna / azura / fungus maximus / dandelion / enchantress / nalu / hugh / bibble (voice role)
6. barbie and the magic of pegasus
- same as fairytopia. roles: princess annika / princess brietta / aidan / wenlock / ollie the giant / ferris
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captain039 · 3 years
Don’t let me go
The huntsman x reader
(Snow White and the huntsman, Chris Hemsworth)
Warnings: Gore, ABO, light swearing, magic things, light angst, idk
You stared at the world around, the voices screeching in your ear, telling you what to do, who you should be. The ground was cold and wet under you, your back soaked in mud and the rain pouring down on you. You struggled the breath, struggled to move so they didn't catch you. Why’d she want you dead? The queen doesn’t know you, doesn’t know anything about you and suddenly it’s your death or nothing. You didn’t know you could run that fast, being mere miles away from the dark forest had its benefit of nobody venturing into your small town, yet the queen was so angry she sent her brother after you. Unsure of what you did you fled, trying to save your family and village.
You eyes had gone blurry, the trees moved to you with their pointy branches, the sky was so grey and groggy it made you sick.
You closed your eyes savoured the earth under you as it might be the last you ever feel it.
Your body jolted though, you were being moved you figured this was the end till warmth spread through you.
“Come on” you heard a voice, deep and soothing almost despite its grunting.
“Wake up!” You heard a more feminine voice this time and frowned seeing a figure to your left. You stumbled in the persons arms, gained your feet and ran with them.
You neared the edge of the forest, your mind still fuzzed, a huntsman by the looks and a young woman, you didn’t know who she was.
“We mean you no harm” the young woman spoke and you frowned lifting your head seeing women in boats, you hadn’t even noticed them.
“What’s wrong with her?” They asked and you frowned.
“She’s been exposed, it’ll pass” the man spoke by your side and you frowned at him.
“Exposed?” You said almost drunken like.
“Get in” the woman said as you were led into the boat.
You awoke, warm and dry on a bed with a sheet over you. You opened your eyes slowly it was dark out, the only light from the flames by the fire.
“Ah there you are” you groaned sitting up as a woman helped you.
“Easy now dear” she said her voice kind.
“What happened?” You mumbled mind rushing back.
“You passed out in the boat” she said and you nodded rubbing your eyes.
“Why- why did the queen want me?” You whispered shifting so your feet hit the floor. You stood and stumbled but the woman sat you back down hushing you gently.
“My mother’s dead! My brother- I” you shook eyes blurring with tears.
“It’s alright child” she pulled you close, she held you, her scent that of an aged beta, calming.
“You’re awake” you frowned looking to the huts door and seeing the young woman.
“Thank you for helping me” you said wiping your eyes quickly and pulling away from the woman.
“The queen wants you too” she walked in and stood by you.
“Why she want you?” You asked, she didn’t look like anything special, beautiful sure, but just an ordinary girl.
“I’m the kings daughter” you froze at her words.
“Princess?” You muttered and she nodded.
“Why did she want you?” She asked and you shrugged.
“I don’t know” you mumbled.
“You’re special” the woman beside you spoke and you looked to her.
“How?” You said confused.
“You’re an omega” you frowned at her words that wasn’t uncommon?
“There’s omegas everywhere” you sighed thinking she was just suddenly insane.
“No there’s not” you stared at her confused.
“The queen executed them, your homes by the dark forest yes?” She asked and you nodded.
“She won’t go near that place, she has no power there” you tried to process, you really did.
“I left the village to get a cow from the market, I disguised myself as my brother” you muttered. Your brother was ill, you’ve been acting like him from time to time when going out, safer to travel.
“Someone would’ve caught you” she whispered and you clenched your fist, nails digging into your palm.
“Damn it” you said eyes watering again as you realised the whole fate of your village laid on your shoulders, they were dead, you watched the flames as you ran, the slaughter.
“The huntsman was after me, he had a change of heart before he found you” the princess spoke.
“A change of heart?” You almost scoffed.
“He’s a huntsman” you said.
“They don’t have hearts” you stared at the fire, memories flooding back.
You laughed while your brother chased you around the village, the older ones laughing as you both caused a ruckus.
“Y/n! Oliver!” You turned to your mother’s call and laughed as you both ran over trying to trip each other.
“Ah goodness ya both a mess” she sighed as you heard a horse approaching. Your mother looked up her eyes wide with tears in it. You looked too your heart pounding at the sight of your father.
“Daddy!” Your brother called running to him as he dismounted and embraced your brother tightly.
“Little Olly” he said as you walked to them.
“My little princess” he whispered cupping your cheek.
“Come here” he said softly and you wrapped your little arms around his neck.
“I missed you both” he whispered as he let you down and embraced your mother.
“They’ve grown” he chuckled to your mother who nodded with tears in her eyes.
“Look at you!” He knelt back down cupping your cheeks.
“Bigger than your brother” he chuckled as Oliver pouted.
“You’ll be a big man one day son don’t you worry” your father pet his cheek with a big smile. Time froze though as he jolted, an arrow through his heart. Screams rang out and the slaughter began. You were carried, torn away as you watched your father die. You were hidden away before it all stopped. Your mother bloodied but alive as she held you both close.
“Never trust a huntsman” she whispered.
“Men like him have no heart nor will they” you said.
“You-“ the princess began to speak but the loud cry tore all your gazes outside.
“Quickly!” The woman grabbed you both and ran out the back, the huts ablaze with fire and the queens men tearing the village down.
“Come now!” The women herded you out the back, through the water and to the boats.
“Huntsman!” The princess said as you saw him coming through the tall grass.
“Go!” The woman cried pushing you towards him.
“Wait-“ you said as she shook her head.
“Go now!” You tan with them both through the tall grass.
You ran for ages it felt like, your small rest reminding you of how exhausted you truely are.
“I can’t-“ you collapsed legs aching, chest burning. You laid on the grass, took in deep gulps of air trying to sooth the burn.
The princess and the huntsman stopped, the princess panting the and huntsman by your side.
“Go away” you said flinching as he went to touch you. He frowned at your words his blue eyes saddened.
“We need to keep moving” he said as you felt your heart finally slow down.
“She’s exhausted” the princess said coming to your side.
“Give me a minute” you mumbled as she handed you a canteen. You sighed drinking the water in it. You sat up slowly before nodding.
You moved for till the morning came, you were tired, legs trembling at each step, you weren’t use to running away. You froze though when something went around your foot and you were all hoisted up. Your back hit the huntsman sand you grunted as you tried to gain awareness.
“Beith” the huntsman sighed as you frowned seeing dwarfs around you.
“Ah Huntsman!” A dwarf said.
“Fancy seeing you out here” he added as you looked around but not spotting the one who spoke.
“You got two pretty little things by your side now huh?” You glared at the dwarf in front of you despite him not being the one who spoke.
“I think she might kill us” the dwarf said as you grunted and squirmed.
“Stop moving omega it’s no use” the huntsman sighed as you struggled.
“Cut us down Beith” he added.
“Do it” you heard another dwarf.
“It’s the princess” he added and you glanced to the princess.
“I have seen it” he muttered.
“Argh cut them down” you assumed Beith said as you landed on the ground harshly, your neck cramping along the way.
“Piss off!” You snapped as a dwarf came over.
“Alright!” He said hands up. You scrambled with your ropes before standing on your feet.
“She’s the one” you frowned looking to the princess who knelt in front of a blind dwarf.
“The darkness will end” he added smiling.
You traveled with the dwarves to the sanctuary, a place you’d never seen, fairies and little critters running around the lush grass. You smiled at the little rabbits running about, fluffy coats and little tails.
Night fell and you finally had a chance to lie down, Snow danced with Gus while the others sang. You had your back to the fire, holding the blanket close as tears silently fell from your eyes. Caught up in this mess for being an omega, your brother was one too, though he grew ill. Thinking back to everything you realise you were the only two, your mother coated your scents every day and night, she always told you, you needed to be careful around everyone, be on you guard.
You flinched when someone covered you with something.
“I’m not going to hurt you” you stared at the huntsman as he held a fur up.
“You were shaking” he said softly lying the pelt down over you.
“What’s it to you” you snapped with a hush voice.
“I don’t know what you think I am, but it isn’t right” he said and you glared.
“You’re a heartless man with an axe” you snapped.
“Monsters” you mumbled as you watched the hurt flash again. He sighed and sat back down, you kept your back turned as you tried to ignore the feeling in your stomach.
You watched your father die again, slowly, the arrow through him then an axe in his head, tearing his soul away as he fell. The Huntsman tore through your village, tore everything up before they left with their small victory. You cried violently over your fathers dead body, blood tears running down his eyes.
“Wake up!” You frowned as somebody shook you a voice echoing.
“Wake up! You shot up your dagger close as you looked around panting.
“Easy” you held your knife towards the huntsman as he held his hands up.
“You were crying out in your sleep” he said and you gulped. You had a layer of sweat covering your body, tears in your eyes. You lifted yourself and headed to the first ignoring his calls.
You pushed past trees and darkness before you fell to your knees and cried. You didn’t hold it back, didn’t silence it, you cried and cried till tears became streams. You heard someone approaching, cursed them as you knew who it was.
“Go away!” You cried turning to him.
“Leave me alone” you whispered as you felt him wrap his arms around you. You sobbed softly hesitant and struggling before leaning back into the embrace.
“Just let it out” he whispered as you cried softly. You held the arm around your shoulders, gripping his flesh.
Your tears dried and he sat back and made you sit back with him. You laid back against his chest looking at his boots outstretched besides you. His arms rested around your waist so you couldn’t leave, you stared at the moon in numb exhaustion.
“My father came home from a merchant trade” you began softly.
“I was five, my brother was four, he came off his horse and told us how big we had grown, embraced us before an arrow went through his heart and an axe in his head” you felt him tense behind you and you swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Huntsman had come through to kill our village leader and claim it as their own for their queen, they slaughtered and burned my village before leaving after their message had been heard that the village was owned” his grip tightened a little as you stopped.
“The queen was clouded by grief, she raised an army of children into Huntsman, she had one rule, to never love” he said.
“I fell in love, it cost me her life and others, so I escaped” his voice croaked a little and you held one hand over his.
“We were reckless ready to escape, but she died and I was sent out with grief of my own” you kept looking at the moon as he spoke, he was warm against you, comforting in a way you didn’t want.
“She wasn’t mine though, maybe we were desperate to feel something, it wasn’t the same feeling as- as this” he spoke softly and your heart raced in your ears as he spoke, you felt it too.
“What is this? I don’t know you” you said broken.
“I don’t know what this is, but I won’t let it go” he said as you felt a single tear drop.
“I won’t let you go” he muttered.
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Consider: Kendra as the Tony Hawk of the magical world. I don’t mean Kendra doing sick ollies, I mean that most people have probably heard that the Fairy Queen has a handmaiden, some might know her name, but most don’t know her face. And most probably don’t expect someone so unassuming looking. So Kendra just having funny fan interactions.
Random magical citizen: Did you kill the demon king?
Kendra: I did
Them: No you didn’t
Kendra: Ok, I didn’t
Them: But did you, for real??
Kendra: yes
Them: I thought you’d be older
Kendra: ME TOO
Fairy: Ah, a mortal who was taken in by the fairies- just like the one who slew Gorgrog!
Kendra: Exactly
Fairy: I see. I wonder what she’s up to these days
Kendra: This
(At a fairy shrine, Kendra is talking with the dryads the guard the area)
Dryad: You are Kendra Sorenson?
Kendra: Yes
Dryad: Can I tell everyone?
Kendra: Uh, yeah
Dryad: yo, Kendra Sorenson is here!
Voice from the pond: Who?
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lilolilyr · 4 years
I've been tagged by @banashee thank you very much!
Rules: put your music library on shuffle and share the first 25 songs that come up.
So I tend to listen to whatever I have on telegram on shuffle and a while ago I deleted some particularly old/weird shit that id always skip anyways so this might actually be a good representation of what I listen to
Hayley Kiyoko - Wanna Be Missed
One Direction - Steal my girl
Little Mix - Move
Little Bit Town - Girlcrush
Hayley Kiyoko - Let it be
Elle King - Ex's and Oh's
Radioactive In The Dark Mashup
Michelle Khare - Tell Me I Can't
[Unidentifiable tumblr file that I can't listen to rn so idk what it is, imma add a 26. instead]
Chop Suey - System of a Down
Sia - Cheap Thrills
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Sia - Cheap Thrills
The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die
BriaAndChrissy - Arrest Me
Marteria - Lila Wolken
Sam Smith - Stay With Me
Janelle Monae - Django Jane
Alligatoah - Lass Liegen
Alligatoah - Willst Du
Die Ärzte - M&F
Elle King - Kocaine Carolina
Olly Murs- Troublemaker
Queen - Love of my Life
Black Sabbath - Fairys Wear Boots
Selena Gomez - Good For You
If some of those are on it seemingly every time I do a shuffle list that might be cause I have several versions on my phone xD also yes I listen to that entire genre mixup mess on shuffle I rly do
I tag: @midnight3452 @smittyjaws @its-the-tear-in-my-heart @tanzani-coil @jackwolfskid @asstraightasau-turn @schokosweety @hollsmemes @karavel9 @mithrel @carriefish-er @toboldlynerd @sixofroses @toomuchactionforme @gwydtheunusual @abirdonalilactree @clarissaseton @serentylwyth @amorxdreams @rawbens @thebravelittleowl @ultrawholockedunicorn @miraculous-stardust @mimi-mindless @incloudines
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carmecendants · 5 years
Who are your ocs and what are their parents?
This question made me so giddy lmao. I think this was asked around the time I had said I would be drawing three of my OCs and everyone could vote whom they wished to see, but then a bunch of stuff came up and it slipped my mind. I'll probably continue with it very, very soon, so send in a vote for who you'd like to see!
I've gotta start with my favorite, Cierra, the daughter of Queen Clarion. Her charecter has definitely gone through the most changes from when I first mentioned her. She's mature, preppy, and good-hearted, but she can also be pretty temperamental, especially when others don't take her seriously. With the arrival of the VKs, Cierra becomes more relaxed once she gains some new, bold and somewhat untamed friends who shake her world up and help her understand that she shouldn't always take herself so seriously.
Next up, Farron, son of Fifi from Beauty and the Beast. Since his mother is one of the Beast/King Adam's maids/good friends, Farron and his mother have a room in the castle. He's usually a bit more on the quieter side, but it's not because he's shy. In fact, he's actually pretty confident and can be quite flirty when he likes to be. Overall, he's incredibly kind and rarely, if ever, get's upset. Also, fun fact, he has a very slight hint of a French accent, mainly due to him and his mother speaking it so often as he grew up.
Trey is the son of Tinkerbell. He has a lot of issues with his temper and attitude, but he's a softy deep inside. He used to get picked on as a child due to his fairy heritage, which is why he's fairly mean and remains very touchy on the subject. It's not that he goes out of his way to be mean to people, but he's brutally honest, doesn't hold back when someone starts something with him, and struggles to convey emotions outside of annoyance.
Quinn has actually been my longest OC in this fandom. She's the daughter of the Queen of Hearts. Quinn is mischievous, sly, and tends to get into trouble everywhere she goes. She's also one of Evie's first friends, due to her mother's frenemy relationship with the Evil Queen. She's difficult to get close to, hiding a lot of her emotions behind her laid back, troublemaker persona.
Ollie, daughter of Oogie Boogie, is the total opposite of her father. She remains poker-faced 24/7, is very serious, and gives off an aura that is quite.. unsettling? Not in a gross way, but it's a challenge to find anyone on the Isle who isn't scared of her. One cold glare from Ollie is enough to send someone bolting in the opposite direction. In reality, she's actually not really mean at all, Ollie's just stern and has a hard time bonding with others.
Noelle, daughter of Snow White. She's a ball of anxiety, glitter, and I just adore her so much. She's incredibly bubbly and sweet, always looking to please others. Noelle is always trying to make everything perfect, which only fuels her OCD and anxiety. Worries about everyone and everything constantly.
I may be missing a few, but these are definitely my top favorites.
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pawsaustuff · 5 years
Shadowhunters AU
This is an AU that creates an alternative ending to the shadowhunters TV series combining my personal preferences and details from the books with stuff from the show.
Notable changes:
Jocelyn lives. She marries Luke and chooses to live as a mundane. She goes back to being an artist.
Jonathan gets sniffed out by Jocelyn after the first cabinet meeting. After being presented with non-toxic parental love, Jonathan goes good(ish) guy. The main cast is informed one by one.
Valentine is successfully transported to the Gaurd. Malachi helps him escape. Afterwards, Valentine asks the Seelie Queen for help.
Jace, Clary, and Jonathan make an off-the-books plan to kidnap the Queen. It goes exactly the same but with everyone cooperating. This time Clary portals Jace to the institute so he can inform Alec and Izzy of their plan. The Queen can't hand over Valentine's because of their deal, but reveals he's headed to Lake Lynn. Jonathan stays with the Queen, and once Clary and Jace stop Valentine, they'll call him and he'll return the Queen.
In the aftermath, Jonathan makes a deal with the Lightwoods and the Penhallows where the soul sword is returned, and Sebastian is released; in exchange, Jonathan is deruned instead of executed.
Imogen retires. Lydia becomes Inquisitor. She pushes for Alec to become Consul after Jia.
Izzy is recruited for the "heavenly fire project" because she's an expert pathologist and she gives it to people who want to become mundane instead of forced experimentation.
People cured: Simon, Jonathan, Jordan, Raphael, Jem.
People not cured: Maia, Bat, Luke, any and all of our favorite warlocks and fairies.
No Lilith. No Heidi. No Asmodeus. None of their bullshit. As a result, Luke and Ollie stay on the force and become cop buddys.
Ithuriel doesn't die. Also, Raziel doesn't get mad at Clary because the angels aren't racist pieces of shit.♡
The Seelie Queen lives.
Smaller Changes:
Lydia returns to Idris because she just wanted to transfer back.
Clary and Alec meet Iris because they're investigating all her warlock babies.
After Maryse is deruned, she reforges her friendship with Jocelyn. Jocelyn introduces her to Elaine. They form their own little mom club.
Rafe. Max. Enough said.
Tessa and Jem get their happy ending.
Jace meets Tessa.
Ash happens. The Seelie Queen has issues with the Unseelie King so Jonathan takes care of him mostly.
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starryqueen-18 · 4 months
King Olly and Queen Fairy: Giant Olly vs Stone Bot!
Ok here's another thing of this fan game idea in my head, so you know King Olly's origami Powers right? well in my fan game story, Olly was a bit afraid of his powers, fearing that it could cause some problems, but with a bit of help and faith in his ability I just know he can overcome his fear and help fight off the biggest baddies.Here's a drawing of Giant King Olly fighting off the Stone Bot, a robot made of stone. I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii.
this is inspired by Mario and Luigi Dream Team
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beabadoobiez · 7 years
so what is up rpc! below the cut you’ll find (392) male, female, + unisex names not commonly used in rp and are not your standard molly, alex, alyssa, or joesph! these are all a few of my faves and i’ll even include the origins + meanings! 
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aarav: (m): hindi: meaning: peaceful
aapeli: (m): finnish, hebrew: breathing
araceli: (f): latin: altar of heaven
abel: (m): hebrew: meaning: breath; vanity
aiko: (f): japanese: little loved one
alison: (f): german: meaning: noble; kind
alain: (m): german: precious
alayna: (f): german: precious; sun ray
aliza: (f): hebrew: joy
ambrosia: (f): greek: immortal
amir: (m): hebrew: meaning: prince
angie: (f): greek: meaning: angel
armando: (m): german: soldier
asad: (m): arabic: more fortunate
avery: (unisex): anglo-saxon: meaning: conselor 
axel: (m): hebrew: father is peace
bach: (m): german: beside a stream
bailey: (unisex): teutonic: meaning: able
bambi: (f): italian: little girl
bali: (f): hindi: soldier
bao: (f): chinese: precious treasure
barney: (m): hebrew: the son of encouragement 
basia: (f): czech: foreign woman, stranger, exotic
bahati: (f): african: lucky, fortunate (swahili)
bennet: (m): latin: little blessed on
benson: (m): british: son of ben
billi: (f): british: determined protector
bijoux: (f): native american: jewel
blanca: (f): italian: pure
bristol: (m): british: meeting place by the bridge
brahm: (m): hebrew: father of multitude
brody: (m): irish: ditch
bowie: (m): scottish: blond
cacie: (f): irish: thorny tree
caesar: (m): latin: head of hair
caidon: (m): arabic: companion
casimir: (m): slavic: famous destroyer
calantha: (f): greek: beautiful flower
cambria: (f): welsh: the people
capri: (f): italian: an italian island famous for its beauty
cedric: (m): british: kindly, loved
chandler: (unisex): english: candle maker
charlotte: (f): german: free man
christia: (f): latin: follower of christ
claus: (m): german: people of victory
cosmo: (m): italian: order, organization, beauty
cressentia: (f): french: increasing growing
cyrus: (m): persian: several king of persia 
daemon: (m): greek: guardian spirit
dai: (f): japanese: large; generation
dain(e): (m): american: variant of dane from denmark
dakoda: (unisex): native american: the allies
dario: (m): latin: rich, wealthy
darlene: (f): english: dearling; darling
danaca: (f): slavic: morning star; venus
dantae: (m): spanish: enduring
dalila: (f): african: desired; languishing
davian: (m): american: variant of david beloved
davita: (f): hebrew: beloved
declan: (m): irish: unknown meaning
deedra: (f): irish: melancholy
demetrius: (m): greek: follower of demeter (who was the greek goddess of corn and harvest)
destiny: (f): portuguese: fate
eachann: (m): scottish: brown horse
earnest: (m): german: serious minded
ebele: (f): african: compassion
edan: (m): gaelic: like a fire
eden: (unisex): hebrew: place of delight
edie: (f): english: fighting to be rich
edna: (f): gaelic: little seed, kernel
edmund: (m): english: rich guardian
eeva: (f): finnish/hebrew: living and breathing
eirik: (m): norwegian, old norse: king forever
elaine: (f): greek: torch of light
electra: (f): greek: shining, radiant
elias: (m): hebrew: yahweh is my God
elisa: (f): hebrew: promise of God
elton: (m): english: ella’s land
emmett: (m): german: universal man
fabiola: (f): french, italian, latin, + spanish: lovely bean
falcon: (m): english, french: falcon keeper
fallon: (f): irish: leader’s daughter 
farrell: (m): gaelic: son of the man of valor
fawn: (f): english: little young deer
federico: (m): germanic + spanish: calm monarch
 felicity: (f): latin: filled with happiness
fenton: (m): english: from a settlement near a marsh 
frenanda: (f): germanic: on a daring trip
finley: (unisex): gaelic: pure fighter
finnian: (m): gaelic + irish: white or fair 
fiona: (f): irish: fair woman
fisher: (m): english: fisherman
fitzgerald: (m): english + french: son of a powerful ruler
fleur: (f): latin: like a flower
gabby: (f): hebrew: God’s bravest woman 
gage: (m): english: in charge of weights and measures
gaia: (f): greek + italian: from the earth 
garnet: (unisex): french + latin: a person who makes door hinges 
gabriel: (m): hebrew: God’s bravest man
gary: (m): a spear
gennette: (f): Hebrew: God is merciful
genevieve: (f): germanic: leader of the tribe
geoffrey: (m): a peaceful ruler
georgina: (f): greek: farming woman
gerardo: (m): germanic + spanish: strong like a spear
gigi: (f): latin: virgin woman
gilbert: (m): germanic: bright young man
gilda: (f): germanic: woman of sacrifice
gilmore: (m): gaelic: servant of the virgin mary
hades: (m): greek: not being seen
hadley: (unisex): english: meadow of heathers
hai: (f): chinese: coming from the sea
hakim: (m): arabic: wise
halina: (m): greek + polish: woman of serenity
haneul: (m): korean: heavenly
hania: (f): hebrew + polish: gracious
hanson: (m): english + hebrew: son of john
harmony: (f): greek: harmony
hathai: (f): thai: heart
hattie: (f): germanic: ruler of the
hayes: (m): english: brushwood or undergrowth
hazel: (f): english: hazel tree
heath: (m): english: hailing from a region with heather
hera: (f): greek: heroine
iines: (f): finnish + greek: sacred, chaste
iman: (unisex): arabic: faith person
imani: (f): african: faithful person
india: (f): sanskrit: from river indus
ingram: (m): germanic: tribe from englanda in germany
iolana: (f): hawaiian: soaring bird
irene: (f): greek: woman of peace
irvin: (m): english + scottish: water of green
isaac: (m): hebrew: one who brings laughter
isa: (f): dutch + italian + latin + spanish: promise of God
ishmael: (m): hebrew: God hears
israel: (m): hebrew: a person who struggles with God
iverson: (m): english + welsh: son of ivor
ivy: (f): english: climbing plant
izumi: (m): japanese: spring
jabir: (m): arabic: one who comforts
jacinta: (f): greek: hyacinth flower
jacques: (m): hebrew: following after
jaden: (unisex): english: unclear
jairo: (m): hebrew: a person who enlightens
jakayla: (f): greek: chaste + pure
jaleesa: (f): hebrew: promise of God
jamal: (m): arabic: handsome or beautiful
jamila: (f): arabic: gorgeous woman
jari: (m): hebrew + old norse: helmeted soldier
jasmine: (f): persian: jasmine flower
jasper: (m): english + persian: king of the treasure
jaylee: (f): english: jay bird
jedaiah: (m): hebrew: knowing yahweh
jesenia: (f): spanish: like a flower
kachina: (f): native american: dancing spirit
kaden: (m): english + gaelic: son of cadan
kadri: (m): turkish: valuable
kaija: (f): finnish + greek: caste + pure
kaiya: (f): japanese: forgiving
kaiser: (m): latin: head full of hair
kakalina: (f): greek + hawaiian: chaste + pure
kaleb: (m): hebrew: to be faithful
kalem: (m): english + latin: a truthful man
kali: (f): sanskrit: woman of gloom
kaliko: (unisex): hawaiian: beautiful bud
kalino: (m): hawaiian: brilliant one
kalisha: (f): latin: fortunate woman
kamal: (m): arabic: excellence
kamaria: (f): arabic: the moon
lachina: (f): scottish: land filled with lakes
lachlan: (m): gaelic: land filled with lakes
lady: (f): english: woman of high manners
lagina: (f): latin: queen
lamar: (m): french + latin: from near a pool
lamont: (m): old norse: lawyer
lana: (f): germanic: valuable + precious
lance: (m): germanic: land or region
lanh: (unisex): vietnamese: happy person
lani: (f): hawaiian: heavenly woman
larkin: (m): latin: city of laurels
lassie: (f): english: little girl
latrell: (m): celtic: king’s property
leandra: (f): greek: lion woman
leighton: (m): english: leek farms
macario: (m): greek: to be blessed
mackenzie: (unisex): gaelic: pretty + good-looking
madden: (m): gaelic: puppy
maeve: (f): gaelic: intoxicating woman
mahealani: (f): hawaiian: divine mist
major: (m): germanic + latin: spear counsel
makaio: (m): hawaiian + hebrew: God has rewarded
makenna: (f): gaelic: fire born
malai: (f): thai: flower garland
malcolm: (m): gaelic: flower of saint columba
maleko: (m): hawaiian + latin: pledged to mars + warrior
malie: (f): hawaiian: serene
mallory: (f): french: unlucky
manila: (f): sanskrit: son’s jewel
mannis: (m): hebrew + latin: greatness
nave: (f): french: born at night
naria: (f): native american: woman with big eyes
nasir: (m): arabic: supporter
nava: (f): hebrew: gorgeous
navid: (m): persian: bringing good news
neelam: (unisex): sanskrit: blue sapphire
nehemiah: (m): hebrew: yahweh comforts
nenet: (f): egyptian: goddess of the depth
nerissa: (f): greek: nymph of the sea
nero: (m): italian + latin: the strong one
niccolo: (m): greek: people’s triumph
nigel: (m): gaelic: coming from clouds
nilda: (f): germanic: prepared for battle
nixie: (f): germanic: water spirit
noel: (m): french + latin: christmas
odin: (m): old norse: fury
odelia: (f): germanic: riches
olaf: (m): old norse: descendant of
olander: (m): swedish: sweden
ollie: (unisex): latin: olive
olympia: (f): greek: from mount olympus
omari: (m): arabic: to flourish or to thrive
ona: (f): hebrew: gracious + merciful
organa: (f): italian + latin: golden + sunrise
orpheus: (m): greek: darkness
ova: (f): latin: from a little egg
paavo: (m): finnish + latin: tiny + petite
palma: (f): spanish: palm tree
pan: (m): greek: god of nature
praisa: (f): persian: fairy-like
pascal: (m): latin: easter-related
patsy: (unisex): aramaic: lady of the house
penelope: (f): greek: weaver
percy: (m): french: pierce the valley
perla: (f): italian + latin + spanish: gemstone
perry: (m): germanic + latin: herry’s son
phaedra: (f): greek: bright + radiant
phineas: (m): english + hebrew: oracle or soothsayer
pierre: (m): greek: rock
pina: (f): hebrew: God raises
prema: (f): indian + sanskrit: loving
qadira: (f): arabic: full of power
quade: (m): latin: born fourth
quincy: (m): latin: born fifth
quinn: (unisex): irish: wise + reasonable
querida: (f): spanish: darling
qiana: (f): english: soft + silky
qiang: (m): chinese: strong man
ra: (m): egyptian: god of the sun
rada: (f): russian + slavic: filled with care
rafael: (m): hebrew: God heals
range: (f): danish + old norse + swedish: giving advice
rahim: (m): arabic + persian: to be kind or to show mercy
raider: (m): japanese: god of thunder
raine: (f): french: woman of lorraine
raisa: (f): greek + russian: easy-going
ramiro: (m): germanic + spanish: famous counsel
randi: (f): latin: admirable
raven: (unisex): english: dark bird
rayen: (f): native american: blossom
regis: (m): latin: king
rei: (f): japanese: darling
reuben: (m): hebrew: see my son
sabina: (f): czech + latin + polish + portuguese + russian: from the sabine tribe 
saber: (m): japanese: third male child
sachi: (f): japanese: blessed child
sahib: (m): indian: lord and master
salma: (f): arabic: safe + peaceful
salvador: (m): latin: one who saves
samara: (f): hebrew: watched over by God
samson: (m): hebrew: sun
sanaa: (f): african: piece of art
sancho: (m): latin + spanish: sacred or holy
sandy: (unisex): greek: protector of humanity
sanem: (f): turkish: perfection
sang: (m): vietnamese: bright one 
saniya: (f): hindi: dazzling + brilliant 
santos: (m): latin + spanish: saint
taavi: (m): finnish + hebrew: adored
tabitha: (f): aramic: like a gazelle
tadashi: (m): japanese: correct or accurate
tadita: (f): native american: the running one
talia: (f): hebrew: God’s dew
tamas: (m): aramaic + hungarian: twin
tamaya: (f): native american: in the middle
tamiko: (f): japanese: beautiful children 
tamir: (m): arabic: rich man
taner: (m): turkish: born with sunrise
tara: (f): gaelic: from the hill
tariq: (m): arabic: who knocks on the door at night
tasia: (f): greek: resurrection
tatsuya: (m): japanese: one who is well accomplished
tatum: (unisex): english: form the farmstead of tata
vadim: (m): russian + slavic: ruler
valda: (f): germanic: powerful ruler
valdemar: (m): germanic: famous ruler
valencia: (f): latin: strength + power
valentin: (m): latin: hale and healthy 
valentina: (f): italian + latin + russian + spanish: strong and sound
valerian: (m): latin: powerful + strong
valerio: (m): italian + latin + portuguese + spanish: powerful + strong
vana: (f): hebrew: God is merciful
vance: (m): english: from the moors
vanda: (f): czech + germanic: from the vandal tribe
varick: (m): germanic: a protective ruler or king
varya: (f): greek + russian: stranger + foreigner
vashti: (f): persian: excellent + beautiful
vinh: (unisex): vietnamese: glorious
wade: (m): english: from near a ford
waiola: (f): hawaiian + latin: violet flower
walden: (m): english: forest valley
wanda: (f): germanic: from the vandal tribe 
warden: (m): english + germanic: guardian or watchman
wednesday: (f): english: mercury day
wekesa: (m): african: harvest child
wendy: (f): german: family + wanderer
wentworth: (m): english: from a farm near the woods
wera: (f): latin + polish: victory bearer
wessel: (m): germanic: army guard
whitley: (f): english: from a white clearing 
wies: (m): germanic: famous warrior
wikolia: (f): hawaiian + latin: woman of victory
xander: (m): greek: defender of man
xandra: (f): greek: protector of humanity
xenia: (f): greek: woman of hospitality
xenon: (m): greek: foreign person or stranger
xiang: (unisex): chinese: good luck
ximena: (f): hebrew: one who has heard
xing: (m): chinese: successful or thriving 
xiomara: (f): germanic: glorious in war
xun: (m): chinese: very quick or fast
yadira: (f): arabic: unclear
yaegar: (m): germanic: hunter
yakira: (f): hebrew: dear + beloved
yakov: (m): hebrew: following after
yamato: (m): japanese: old japan
yasamin: (f): persian: jasmine flower
yashiv: (m): hebrew: God will answer
yelena: (f): greek: torch of light
yen: (f): vietnamese: woman of peace
yeriel: (m): hebrew: God has established
yermolai: (m): greek + russian: heap of stones
yeong: (unisex): korean: person with courage
yesenia: (f): spanish: like a flower
yesfir: (f): persian + russian: star-like
yilmaz: (m): turkish: unshaken
zaan: (m): dutch: from near the zaan river
zahara: (f): hebrew: radiance
zaina: (f): arabic: lovely + pretty
zaire: (m): african + arabic: river
zakai: (m): hebrew: pure, clear or blameless
zaklina: (f): hebrew + polish: one who supplants
zamir: (m): arabic: beautiful voice
zan: (unisex): chinese: providing support
sandra: (f): greek: protector of humanity
zane: (m): english: unclear
zara: (f): arabic: radiant 
zavier: (m): basque: new home
zeinab: (f): arabic: flower of the desert
zeki: (m): turkish: man of intelligence
zen: (f): greek: woman of hospitality
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Here is a list of all the Disney plus movies from A-Z. I will edit it as I watch them and put the watched ones in a new post! Also i might watch some out of order (might do some Christmas movies this month!). Might skip some that I have already seen. I’m making this list to see how many movies are on Disney plus! I would love for someone to make a list of the movies that are Disney but NOT on Disney plus so I can watch those after these. Here I go!!!
Big big friendly giant
Big business
Big cat games 2/21
The big green
Big hero 6 - love!!
Big shark rule
Big Sur wild California
The biscuit eater
Bizarre dinosaurs
Black beauty
The black cauldron
The black hole
Black is king
Black panther
Blackbeard’s ghost
Blank check
Born wild: the next generation
The boy who talked to badgers
The boys the Sherman brothers story
The brave little toaster to the rescue
The brave little toaster goes to mars
Breaking 2
Bride of bogeys
Brother bear
Brother bear 2
Buffalo dreams
Buried truth of the Maya
Cadet Kelly
Camp nowhere
Camp rock
Camp rock 2
Can of worms
Candles how
Captain America the first avenger
Captain America the winter soldier
Captain America civil war
Captain marvel
Cars 2
Cars 3
Case busters
The castaway cowboy
The cat from outer space
Chadwick Bozeman a tribute for a kindly
Halloween house party
Epic Holliday showdown
Chasing the equinox
The cheetah girls
The cheetah girls 2
The cheetah girls one world
Chicken little
The Christmas star
Christopher Robin
Narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe
Narnia prince caspian
Narnia the voyage of the down treader
Cinderella II
Cinderella III
cloud 9
Coco in spanish - sorry not going to watch
A celebration of the music from coco
College road trip
The color of friendship
The computer wore tennis shoes
Confessions of a teenage drama queen
Cool runnings
Country bears
Cow belles
Cradle of the gods
Dad napped
Darby o gill and the little people
Davy Crockett king of the wild fronteier
Davy Crockett and the river pirates
Decorating Disney holiday magic
Deep blue
Den brother
Descendants 2
Descendants 3
Diana in her own words
Diary of a wimpy kid
Diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules
Diary of a wimpy kid long haul
The Disney family singalong
The Disney family sing along volume 2
The Disney holiday singalong
Disneyland around the season
African cats
Disney nature bears
Disney nature born in China
Disney nature chimpanzee
Disney nature the crimson wing
Disney nature monkey kingdom
Disney nature oceans
Disney nature penguins
Disney nature wings of life
Disney nature diving with dolphins
Doctor Dolittle
Dr do little 2
Doctor do little 3
Doctor strang
Dolphin reef
Don’t look under the bed
Dori’s reef cam
Double teamed
Dougs 1st movie
Dr. Zeus’ Horton hears a who
Drain Alcatraz
Drain the Bermuda Triangle
Drain the Great Lakes
Drain the oceans: WWII
Drain the sunken pirate city
Drain the titanic
Duck tales the lovie
Dumbo (animated)
Dumbo (live action)
Earth live
Easter island unsolved
Eddie the eagle
Eddies million dollar cook off
Egypt’s treasure guardians
Eight below
Emil and the detectives
The emperors new groove - LOVE
Empire of dreams
Escape to witch mountain
The even Stephens movie
Ever after
Expedition Amelia
Expedition mars
Fairy tale weddings
Fairy tale weddings holiday magic
Fantasia 2000
Fantastic 4
Fantastic mr. fox
Far from home
Finding Nemo -2/21
Finding dori
Finest hours
First kid
Flight of the navigator
The flood
Taylor swift folklore
The fox and the hound
The fox and the hound 2
Frank and Ollie
Frankenweenie (animated)
Frankenweenie (live action)
Freaky Friday (1976)
Freaky Friday (2003)
Freaky Friday (2018)
Free solo
Frozen 2
Full-court miracle
Fun and fancy free
Fuzz bucket
G force
The game plan
Geek charming
Gender revolution
George of the jungle
George of the jungle 2
Get a clue
The ghosts of Huxley hall
Giant robber crab
Giants of the deep blue
Girl vs monster
Glory road
Go figure
Going to the mat
The good dinosaur
Good luck Charlie
Gotta kick it up
The great mouse detective
The great muppet caper
Great shark chow down
The greatest game ever played
Greatest showman
Greyfriars bobby
Guardians of the galaxy
Guardians of the galaxy vol 2
Halloween town
Halloween town 2
Halloweentwon high
Hamilton history has its eyes on you
Hannah Montana the movie
Hannah Montana and Miley city’s concert
Hatching Pete
The haunted mansion
Heavy weights
Hello dolly
Herbie goes bananas
Herbie goes to Monte Carlo
Herbie rides again
Hidden figures
Hidden kingdom of China
High school musical
High school musical 2
High school musical 3
High school musical the musical holiday special
High school musical the musical the series the special
Hocus locus- 10/20
Holiday majic quest
Home alone
Home alone 2
0 notes
beesintrees1-blog · 6 years
Heyyy @brionne-pop, I’ve been selected by @langblrsecretsanta to be your substitute santa so here goes, hope you enjoy!
If you don’t already know how to read, I recommend Ryan Estrada, he makes really good posts on korean reading, korean numbers, and more, as well as other, non-korean posts. I will be including the romanized version of the words but he really provides a great foundation to start from, so yea. :D
I like to read. 나는 소설을 읽는 걸 좋아해. /naneun soseol-eul ilgneun geol joh-ahae./
I write novels. 나는 소설을 쓴다. /naneun soseol-eul sseunda./
! Korean is a more situational language, meaning when in speech, it’s likely for people to drop the indicator (in this case, 나는 /naneun/ ) and build assumption of the subject based on context. So, when speaking, you could say, “소설을 쓴다 /soseol-eul sseunda./” if someone asked, 너는 자유 시간에 너는 무엇을하니? /neoneun jayu sigan-e neoneun mueos-eulhani?/ (what do you do in your free time?). Hope that made sense. :P !
VOCAB 어휘 /eohwi/
! as far as I’m aware, there is no actual difference between a plural and a singular word in korean, meaning “용 /yong/” would be the same when referring to ONE dragon as it would to TWO dragons. Which is actually pretty similar to Chinese !
Mythical creature 신화의 생물 /sinhwaui saengmul/
Unicorn 일각수 /ilgagsu/ or 유니콘 /yunikon/
Monster 괴물 /goemul/
Beauty 아름다움 /aleumdaum/ (as in, actual beauty) or 미녀와 /minyeowa/ (as in, a beautiful person)
Beast 짐승 /jimseung/
Rainbow 무지개 /mujigae/
Dragon 용 /yong/
Princess 공주님 /gongjunim/
Prince 왕자 /wangja/
King 왕 /wang/
Queen 퀸 /kwin/
Royalty 왕족 /wangjog/
Palace 궁전 /gungjeon/
Fantasy 공상 /gongsang/
Fairy tale 동화 /donghwa/
Books 책 /chaeg/ or 서적 /seojeong/ (I don’t really know the difference, sorry. I’ll get back to you when I get an answer from my korean friend if possible
Novels 소설 /soseol/
Stories 이야기 /iyagi/
Myths 신화 /sinhwa/
OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT 체크 아웃 할 다른 리소스 /chekeu aus hal daleun lisoseu/
Besides Ryan Estrada, you could also check out this, and this website, which basically talk about the basics of korean (such as “this, that, I, you”) and sentence construction and yea. They’re really in depth and can advance from “this, that, I, you” so I really recommend you give them a look.
Youtube-wise, because I love youtube, I highly recommend 영국남자 Korean Englishman, their second channel, Jolly, and just for the sake of it, Jaykeeout, and Korean Unnie.
I can’t really say much about Korean Englishman since, I don’t know, I just don’t watch them as much, but Jolly, if you haven’t already, you must check it out!!
Jolly has basically two types of videos, one being where they try out new, bizarre food and/or travel, and the other, is of Josh (the Korean Englishman) teaching his friend, Ollie, Korean. In both types of videos, they include subtitles captioned with both Korean and English at the same time, which I love!!! It’s just so good to practice reading and they speak in Korean too, quite a lot, depending on which video so that really helps and yea! Their videos are great, personalities even greater, and to be frank, Josh is quite the looker :P (though he already has a wife sooooo hahaha)
As for Jaykeeout, they basically film “social experiments” in and of Korea such as “Talking to Koreans as a Foreigner” and stuff like that. I don’t particularly like them but I think their videos are interesting to watch from time to time and gives me a grasp of how to communicate with strangers at the same time, LOL. But yea, they also include bilingual subtitles so that’s really great and worth checking out. I’m sure you’ve seen them at least once or twice on Facebook anyways, haha.
Moving on to Korean Unnie, I’m gonna be really frank, I don’t particularly like her personality or voice, idk. However, the content of her videos are worth watching and idk, they work for some people, some not as much, so yea.
There’s also another channel that’s sort of like a Korean version of Buzzfeed and I love their subtitles and content and everything about them but I can’t seem to find it!!! I’ll get back to you if I do find it though!
Here’s a link to some apps if you’d prefer that, though!
For a post more focused on French, you can check out my previous post here, lol. Self-branding for the win, HAHA.
All the best, wishing you a blessed 2018!
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papcrhouses · 3 years
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i will be directing a live action adaptation of some of the iconic barbie movies. we will be starting from the beginning, skipping barbie as the rapunzel (and some others later). some of the movies will obviously have some big changes, but we’ll stay true to the original work and keep the magic of these nostalgic, beautiful movies. 
because i’ve been given free hands with this project, i’ve decided that there won’t be just one barbie. as you might know, in the original movies barbie plays the different heroines we’ve learned to love. but i want to give a fair chance to everyone and not make it repetitive, which is why there won’t be just one barbie. there’s a new actress for every movie.
that being said, here are the first five movies we will be making! the nutcracker will naturally be made first, and it will be out near christmas, since it’s a christmas movie. you can start sending me audition tapes & informations starting today! 
( first ) MOVIES
1. barbie in the nutcracker 
- ballet, looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in dancing. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & make up / hair artists. roles: dancing required roles have a * next to the name: clara* / nutcracker* / the mouse king* / pimm the bat (voice role) / major mint* / captain candy* / aunt elizabeth
2. barbie of swan lake
- ballet, looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in dancing. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & make up / hair artists. roles: dancing required roles have a * next to the name: odette* / prince daniel* / the queen / the fairy queen* / rothbart / odile* / lila (voice role)
3. barbie princess and the pauper
- the first musical we will be doing. looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in musical theatre. also looking for choreographers, costume designers & makeup/hair artists. roles: singing required roles have a * next to the name: roles: dancing required roles have a * next to the name: princess anneliese* / erika* / preminger* / julian* / king dominic* / queen genevieve / nick / nack
4. barbie: fairytopia
- this movie will be a first one that won’t be a ballet nor a musical. looking for talents who have interest &/ experience in stunts and actions scenes. also looking for fighting choreographers, costume designers & makeup/hair artists. roles: elina / laverna / azura / fungus maximus / dandelion / enchantress / nalu / hugh / bibble (voice role)
5. barbie and the magic of pegasus
- same as fairytopia. roles: princess annika / princess brietta / aidan / wenlock / ollie the giant / ferris
message brielle castillo for more information & about the casting!  - brielle.
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eilidhlindsay24 · 3 years
Frank Thomas (Disney Animator)
He was born  Franklin Rosborough Thomas  was born on September 5th 1912 in Santa Monica , California. He died on September 8th 2004 in La Canada Flintridge California at age 92. His parents are Frank Thomas and Ina Gregg , his father is teacher.  He has two older brother called Lawrence and Welburne. Him and is brother grow up in Fresne  California. He studied at Stanford University , where he was a member of Theta Delta Fraternity and work on campus humor magazine called The Stanford Chaparral with Ollie Johnston. After he graduating from Stanford in 1933 then he studied Chouinard Art Institute , then joined the Walt  Disney Company in September 24 1934 as  employee number 224. Where he animated dozens of feature films and shorts and he also was a member of the Dixieland band Firehouse Five  Plus Two he played the piano. 
When  World War II he was happening he was assigned to the First Motion film. He animated scene and characters in feature films where the seven dwarfs crying over Snow White “dead” body , Pinocchio singing at the marionette theatre , Bambi and Tumper on ice, Lady and Tramp eating spaghetti, the three fairies in Sleep Beauty , Merlin and Arthur as squirrels and the wizard’s duel between Merlin and  Madam Mim in Sword in the Stone, King Louie in The Jungle Book in song called “I wan’na be like you” King Louie and Baloo the Bear re-teamed him with Kahl , the dancing penguins in Mary Poppins and Winnie the Pooh and Piglet in Winnie the Pooh Blustery Day and Winnie the Pooh and Tiger too. He was directing animator for several memorable villains including the evil stepmother Lady Tremaine in Cinderella , The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland , Captain James Hook in Peter Pen and story consultant  in Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland . On the 31st of January  1978 he retired from Disney. He was on the advisory board of The National Student Film Institute and often was presenter at the annual film festival’s award ceremonies in 1980s and 1990s.
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