#giant king olly
starryqueen-18 · 7 months
King Olly and Queen Fairy: Giant Olly vs Stone Bot!
Ok here's another thing of this fan game idea in my head, so you know King Olly's origami Powers right? well in my fan game story, Olly was a bit afraid of his powers, fearing that it could cause some problems, but with a bit of help and faith in his ability I just know he can overcome his fear and help fight off the biggest baddies.Here's a drawing of Giant King Olly fighting off the Stone Bot, a robot made of stone. I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii.
this is inspired by Mario and Luigi Dream Team
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
The Legend Lore Database
This is another use of the Legend Lore spell. All information herein is only that of legendary importance.
[a more complete database. i took some artistic liberties. see here for the updating document]
Legendary Individuals
Deities / Deific Entities
Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage and Conquest
Formerly the Giant Deity of Summer, Justice and the Harvest, Patron of the Giantkin of the Mountains of Chaos
Sister to Ruvina, Giant Deity of Winter and Sorrow
Spouse of Cassandra, Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night
Cassandra / Nightmare King
Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night, Patron of the Tribes of Sylvaire
Formerly the Nightmare King, the King of the Dark Dreaming, Rí Aisling Olc
Raised from their Undead form by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees
Sibling of Galicaea, Elven Goddess of the Moon, and Sol, Human God of the Sun
Spouse of Ankarna, Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage and Conquest
Stark Father of Baron from the Baronies
Seven Sisters, Elemental Spirits of the Universe and Hands of the Gods
From Eldest to Youngest
Chronoa, Eidolon of Time, of the Astral and Ethereal Planes
Terra, Eidolon of Earth, of the Elemental Plane of Earth
Pyrria, Eidolon of Fire, of the Elemental Plane of Fire
Nera, Eidolon of Water, of the Elemental Plane of Water
Zefira, Eidolon of Air, of the Elemental Plane of Air
Anima, Eidolon of Life, the Beginning of All Things
Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things
Trapped in Enchanted Mirrors created by Logran Soulforger, of which the only way out was Infinity
Galicaea / Lida
Elven Deity of the Moon, Patron of the Elves of Fallinel
Patron of Lycanthropes in her aspect as Lida
Sister of Sol, Human God of the Sun, and Cassandra, Sylvan Deity of Mystery, Magic, and the Night
Struck her Sister from memory by way of the Sylvarian Heresy
Human God of Corn
Son of Sol, Human God of the Sun, and a mortal woman
Followed by the Cult of the Harvestmen, who sought the Apocalypse through perditional contradoxy
Jane Wren
Pirate Goddess of New Horizons, Freedom, and Adventure
She who stands atop the Ramble, overlooking the City of Leviathan
The Storm King, the Wrathful Primordial of Storms
Perpetually in search of his lost Daughter
Logran Soulforger
Dwarven God of the Forge, He who Makes the World
Created the Enchanted Mirrors to capture the Eidolons in Finite Form, While Leaving Escape in Infinity
Did not Commune with his Followers after the Capture of the Eidolons, until Ostentatia Wallace, Prophet of the Forge, Joined him in his Workshop
Night Yorb
Speak Not of the Night Yorb
The Manta Ray of Darkness, they who would herald an age of darkness through a slow apocalypse
Currently Sealed by the Solar Lasso in the Hangvan
Rad Dwarven God of Shredding, Patron of Skateboarders
Giant Deity of Winter and Sorrow, Patron of the Giantkin of the Mountains of Chaos
Sister of Ankarna, Infernal Deity of Fire, Rage, and Conquest
Human God of the Sun, Patron of the Humans of Highcourt and Solace
Father of Helio, Human God of Corn
Once ousted from his position by Arthur Aguefort, who proceeded to never leave his office and shit in a corner
Goddess of the Deep Sea, Patron of that which lies in the briny depths
Punisher of Sinners who Enter Her Waters
Prohibits artifacts which control the weather
Aelwyn Abernant
She who assassinated the first Elven Oracle, Eleminthindriel
She who sank the Harpy, Flagship of the Fleet of Kalvaxus
She who determined the second Elven Oracle, Adaine Abernant
Caused the initiation of war between the nations of Solace and Fallinel
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Plague of the Shadow Cat
Acting Mistress of the Compass Points Library, in lieu of Ayda Aguefort
Arthur Aguefort
Founder and Principal of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
He who caused the Sun to Fall
Paramour of the Last Phoenix
Former Paramour of the previous Elven Oracle, Eleminthindriel
Founder of the School of Chronomancy
Father of Ayda Aguefort
Asha Hammerheart
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Ayda Aguefort
The Mistress of the Compass Points LIbrary, Quartermaster of the Knowledge of Leviathan
Paramour of Figueroth the Infaethable, the Archdevil of Rebellion, the Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Creator of Adaine’s Furious Fist
Bakur / Athenriel
Infernal Servant of Ankarna, the Deity of Fire, Rage, and Conquest
Formerly Athenriel of the Faeth Lineage
Former Owner of the Armor of Pride
Cathilda “The Black” Ceili
Legendary Pirate, the Widow in Black, whose daggers flash with death and destruction
Crewmember aboard the Hangman
Elder of the Ramble, who defended Leviathan amidst the wrath of the Storm King
Chungledown Bim
Legendary Mouth-Shitter
Archnemesis of Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Survivor of Captain James Whitclaw's attack on the Cult of Bill Seacaster
Braved the Forest of the Nightmare King alone and escaped unscathed
Highest-level Warlock of the Cult of Bill Seacaster
Court of Elders
Leaders of the Tribes of Sylvaire and the Great Unicorn
Destroyed the Name of the Goddess of Mystery in the Sylvarian Heresy, in league with clerics of Galicaea
The First Elven Oracle, succeeded by Adaine Abernant
Member of the First Council of Chosen
She who prophesied the second rise and fall of Kalvaxus
Garthy O’Brien
Prodigious Descendant of Zajiri Celestials
Impresario of the Gold Gardens, Leviathan’s hub for pleasure and sanctuary 
The Curse Breaker who fought the effects of the King of the Dark Dreaming
Child of Ayda Aguefort
Guardian of Ayda Aguefort
Name contains an anagram for the Night Yorb
Gilear Faeth
The Chosen One
Current eldest male descendant of the lineage of Athenriel
Penultimate Inheritor of the Curse of the Armor of Pride
He who stopped three Apocalypses with wishes from a Puppy
Gorthalax the Insatiable
Prince of the Nine Hells and former ruler of the Bottomless Pit
Formerly Gorthiel, the Seraph of Eating the Right Amount of Food / Temperance
Father of Figueroth the Infaethable, Archdevil of Rebellion and Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Grafmy Rootdrinker
The Druidic Leader who pushed back the Curse of the Nightmare King on the Forest of Sylvaire
Hallariel Seacaster née Lomenelda 
The Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Daughter of Telemaine Lomenelda, Heir to Kei Lumennura
Widow of William “Old Bill” Seacaster, the Scourge of the Nine Hells
Jamina Joy
The Bosun of Leviathan
She who keeps the City afloat
She who contains a Wish for the Welfare of Leviathan
The Shadow Cat
Right Hand of the Nightmare King
Familiar of Cassandra
The Cursed Plague of the King of the Dark Dreaming
Former Emperor of the Red Waste
Allied with the Nightmare King and the Undead of the Necronomikron
Prophesied to rise once more at the word of Elven Oracle Eleminthindriel
When Kalvaxus once again beholds his glittering treasure And seven maidens once more are chained at the mouth of his lair When war befalls the realm And a king and queen are crowned anew in Solace Then will the Emperor of the Red Waste be released from bondage His destruction will know no bounds The sun shall fall from the Heavens And the world as we know it shall perish forever
Former Vice Principal of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Currently the Goldenrod, the Infernal Vessel of William “Old Bill” Seacaster
Karl Cleaver
Legendary Adventurer and Member of the Pact of Kyburus
Of the Cleaver lineage of Adventurers
Kora Ironbrow
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Lydia Barkrock
She who sealed Bakur in her body with rage and rage alone
The Curse of the Armor of Pride was used to excise Bakur from her body
The Awakened Familiar of Grafmy Rootdrinker
Leader of the Town of Arborly and Protector of the Border of Sylvaire
Octavio Costello Gainglynn
He who sailed off the edge of the World and into the Heavens
Paramour of the Solar Zarael
Pok Gukgak
Premier Agent of the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force of the Plane of Bytopia
He who brought the Plague of the Shadow Cat to the nation of Solace
The first Solesian to be slayed by Kalvaxus personally in centuries
Father of Riz Gukgak, Slayer of Kalvaxus
Telemaine Lomenelda
The Greatest Elven Swordsmith, who forged Fandrangor and the Sword of Sight
Lord of Kei Lumennura, the Guardian of Elven Teens
Tectonya Karkovnya
Superintendent of the Larger Solesian School District
Legendary Wizard and Scholar of the Eidolons
She who stole the Legendarium Extrordia
Tracker O’Shaughnessy
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Curse on Sylvaire, the Forest of the Nightmare King
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Tree
Reformer of the Faith of Galicaea, Leader of Wolfsong, the Lupine Cleric of Lida
The Vulture King
Father to all Vultures, King of the Vulture Dimension
He whose body became the Royal Artifacts of the Vulture Dimension
William “Old Bill” Seacaster
He who struck down the Pirate King and Hung his Head in Gibbety Square
Captain of the Hangman
Married to Hallariel Lomenelda, the Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Current Captain of the Infernal Wastes, Scourge of the Nine Hells
Captain of the Goldenrod, the Infernal Vessel carved from the body of Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
Yvonna of the Sundering Hills
Saint and Cleric of Logran Soulforger
One of the Three Pilgrims to the Temple to the Earth Defiant
Spirit of Endless Sky Towards Late Afternoon on a Day at the Beach with Your Feet in the Warm Sand, Just Being Chill as Hell
The Possessing Spirit of the Hangvan
Adaine Abernant:
The Second Elven Oracle, preceded by Eleminthindriel
Established the right of the Elven Oracle to be paid, via dance battle
Patron of the Oracle of Dance Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Current wielder of the Sword of Sight, Sword of the Elven Oracle
She who invoked the name of Ankarna and broke Obliviati Mori
She who sealed Bakur with the power of the Curse of the Armor of Pride
Creator of Ayda’s Comprehend Subtext
Kristen Applebees:
The Chosen of Helio, God of Corn
The Creator of Yes!/Yes?
She who Resurrected Herself
She who dispelled the Nightmare King’s Coin
She who destroyed the Crown of the Nightmare King
The Blessed Saint of Cassandra, Deity of Mystery, Night and Magic
Figueroth Faeth:
Mortal daughter of Gorthalax the Insatiable, Prince of the Nine Hells and former ruler of the Bottomless Pit
Current Archdevil of Rebellion, Figueroth the Infaethable, the Dark Mistress of the Bottomless Pit
Paramour of Ayda Aguefort, the Mistress of the Compass Points Library
Last of the Faeth Lineage to bear the Curse of the Armor of Pride
Currently holds dominion over the infernal domain of Ankarna, Goddess of Fire, Rage, and Conquest, due to the creation of Dawn of Justice, a song so metal it could claim an infernal domain
Riz Gukgak:
Fifth of the World of Spyre to summon the Night Yorb to the Material Plane
He who slayed the Dragon Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
First living member of the Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force
The Investigator who Found the Prophesied Seven Maidens
Fabian Aramais Seacaster:
Mortal son of William "Old Bill" Seacaster, Legendary Pirate and the Current Captain of the Infernal Wastes, Scourge of the Nine Hells and Hallariel Lomenelda, the Greatest Fencer to Ever Live
Grandson of Telemaine Lomenelda, Swordsmith of the Elven Kings
He who killed William "Old Bill" Seacaster
Current wielder of Fandrangor, Sword of the North Star
Dance Champion of the Elven Oracle, the Oracle of Dance
Maximum Legend at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Gorgug Thistlespring:
He who discovered the Plague of the Shadow Cat
Creator of the Solar Lasso used to seal the Night Yorb into his personal vehicle, the Hangvan
Creator of the Barbificer Specialty, the first in the World of Spyre to combine barbarian rage and artificer spellcasting
The Greatest Wizard of Our Age, as titled by Ayda Aguefort, Mistress of the Compass Points Library
Danielle Barkstock:
Blessed of Anima, Eidolon of Life
She who assumed the form and gave voice to the Empress Anima, Eidolon of Life
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Katja Cleaver
Blessed of Terra, Eidolon of Earth
Daughter of Karl Cleaver, of the Cleaver lineage of adventurers
Friend to Horses, Rider of Cinnamon
Slayer of Jana Cleaver
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Zelda Donovan
Blessed of Zefira, Eidolon of Air
Battle Dancer of the Donovan Lineage, who was possessed by the god of wine and ecstasy in bacchanal
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Antiope Jones
Blessed of Chronoa, Eidolon of Time
She who killed Charity Blythe
Daughter of Athena and Hector Jones, of the Jones lineage of adventurers
Leader of the Reform of the Ministry of Adventure
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Penny Luckstone
Blessed of Nera, Eidolon of Water
She who revealed the Society of Shadows one of
Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Sam Nightingale:
Blessed of Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things
She who released Talura upon Spyre for the first time in millennia
She who guided Talura to infinite form
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Ostentatia Wallace:
The first forge cleric to Commune with Logran Soulforger in millennia
Prophet of Logran Soulforger
Designer for the Gods
Blessed of Pyrria, Eidolon of Fire
One of Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Barbarella Sasparilla Gainglynn
The Goddess of the Gold Gardens
Daughter of Octavio Costello Gainglynn and Zarael
She who struck down the Storm-Druid Alamaria
Myrtle (the Bitch)
The Priestess of Storms, Devout of Umberlee, the Sinker of Ships and Collector of the Treasures of the Deep
Jack Brakkow
Unlucky Jack, he who escaped the Bilge only to sink in the depths of betrayal
The Captain of the Late Bloomer, whose crew haunts the mast kept at his side always
Legendary Adventuring Parties
The Bad Kids (Adventuring Party):
Members: Adaine Abernant, Kristen Applebees, Figueroth Faeth, Riz Gukgak, Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring
Slayed Daybreak, leader of the Harvestmen, and averted the apocalypse of perditional contradoxy
Defeated Kalvaxus, Emperor of the Red Waste
Defeated Occularia, Queen of Sight
Defeated Captain James Whitclaw, the archnemesis of William “Old Bill” Seacaster and prevented the crowning of a new Pirate King
Demolished the Elven prison, Calethriel Tower
Defeated the Nightmare King, the King of the Dark Dreaming
Defeated the Cult of the Night Yorb
Defeated the Night Yorb
The Sole Survivors of the Sundering of the Synod of Spyre
The first adventuring party in living memory to survive the Last Stand-ard Exam
The Buccaneer Buddies (Adventuring Party)
Members: Sunny Biscotto, Jack Brakkow, Barbarella Sasparilla Gainglynn, Cheese Stormcrank, Marcid the Typhoon, Myrtle the Bitch
Prevented the Summoning of William Seacaster for the destruction of Leviathan
Saved Leviathan from Destruction at the hands of Langley Sheffield-Harrington, Clive Mardres, the Storm-Druid Alamaria, and the Crescent Moon Trading Company
Averted the Wrath of the Storm King by disrupting the ritual of Alamaria and returning the Daughter of Storms to the briny depths
The Seven / The Maidens (Adventuring Party)
Members: Danielle Barkstock, Katja Cleaver, Zelda Donovan, Antiope Jones, Penny Luckstone, Sam Nightingale, Ostentatia Wallace
The Seven Maidens Chained at the Mouth of the Lair of Kalvaxus, the Emperor of the Red Waste
Eliminated the Cult of Kalvaxus as vengeance for their capture
Cleansed the Temple of the Earth Defiant of the mutated monstrosities
Commandeered the Rombosa, the Pleasure Barge of Talcidimir Tallbreeze and kidnapped hundreds of nobles from the Baronies
Averted Project Reset, an effort by the Ministry of Adventure to cause world-ending disasters
Defeated Talura, Eidolon of Death, the Ending of All Things, by channeling the spirits of the Eidolons
Legendary Items
Sword of Sight
The Sword of the Elven Oracle, forged by the legendary swordsmith Telemaine Lomenelda
Currently owned by the Elven Oracle Adaine Abernant
The Sword of the North Star, forged by the legendary swordsmith Telemaine Lomenelda and gifted to the Elven King Thristwin Eversong
Currently owned by Fabian Aramais Seacaster
The Armors of Sin
Seven Suits of Infernal Armor, each forged by a different Infernal Being and associated with the Sins assigned to them by name
Armor of Gluttony - Armor Carved of White Bone, armed with a massive spiked net. Chosen Armor of Gorthalax the Insatiable. 
Armor of Pride - Armor of Gleaming gold, armed with a Golden Halberd
Armor gifted from Ankarna to her follower Athenriel. After Athenriel took on the form of Bakur, the armor passed through his lineage patrilineally until it was gifted to Gorthalax the Insatiable. 
The curse of the armor transferred to the eldest male descendants of the lineage with the death of each previous holder of the curse. The most recent of these was Gilear Faeth. Upon reunification with the line of Athenriel, the curse was left in a flux state, until it was taken on by the Dark Mistress and Archdevil of the Bottomless Pit, Figueroth the Infaethable. 
The Curse was broken and sealed in the Sword of Sight, and later used to remove the containment of Bakur from the body of Lydia Barkrock
Armor of Lust - Armor of Jet Black Leather, stitched together with a zipper over the mouth.
Armor of Envy - Armor formed of Pure Mirror
Armor of Wrath - Armor of Bleeding Iron, armed with two double-sided flails/scourges.
Armor of Greed
Armor of Sloth
Owned by Gorthalax the Insatiable and kept in the Bottomless Pit until stolen by the Scourge of the Nine Hells, Bill Seacaster.
The Transubstantiations of the Nightmare King
Four symbols of the Unnamed Goddess’ power, converted into four curses which spread the power of the King of the Dark Dreaming
The Coin, a curse placed on the hoard of Kalvaxus that allowed the Nightmare King to possess those who had knowledge of their wealth’s origin (Dragon Madness). This curse came from the trans-substantiation of the spellbook of the Unnamed Goddess, now known as Cassandra. DIspelled by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees.
The Plague, a curse placed on the familiar of the Unnamed Goddess, Kalina the Shadow Cat. This curse converted Kalina into a plague that manifested as various illusionary powers, with additional strength within the borders of Sylvaire. Dispelled by Aelwyn Abernant.
The Curse, a curse that bound celestials who attempted to enter the Nightmare King’s Forest and utilized their energies to power the mycelium web of trans-substantiations. This curse originated from the cottage of the Unnamed Goddess. Dispelled by Tracker O’Shaughnessy.
The Tree, a curse on the arcane focus of the Unnamed Goddess, a broomstick which became the Tree at the center of Sylvaire. This curse altered the shape of the Forest to suit the fears of those who entered–the more confident a traveler was in their path, the further they traveled from the center of the Forest. Dispelled by Tracker O’Shaughnessy.
The Crown of the Nightmare King
The last remnant of the Nightmare King after the Fall of Kalvaxus
A talisman capable of anchoring an extraplanar being to a world as if they were native to that plane
The Source of a great deal of power for the other trans-substantiations
Powerfully Cursed for mortal beings. Singular Curse broken by Garthy O’Brien
Dispelled by the Blessed Saint Kristen Applebees, through her Honest Worship of Doubt and her Resurrection of the Goddess Cassandra
The Daughter of Storms
Marble Relief that contains the soul of the daughter of Kahaerin, the Storm King, who calls the wrath of storms when it is brought above the surface of the deep sea
The Legendarium Extrordia
Divinatory Artifact that tracks the classification and progression of quests in the world of Spyre
Watches and Wards
Protective Ward created by the Elven Oracle Eleminthindriel, that prevents harmful summonings and conjurations on the grounds of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Only removable from the Aguefort Adventuring Academy Library by Arthur Aguefort and the Elven Oracle. Removed by Elven Oracle Adaine Abernant
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Darryl and neurodivergency
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Darryl is the younger brother of Molly Mcgee, who is often characterized as mischievous and a troublemaker. Some episodes have subplots that involve him making deals with other people or getting into some shenanigans, like ¨A Period Piece¨ or ¨I Wanna Dance With Some-Ollie¨. However, it is clear that not all his behaviour is considered totally intentional, as he wants to be good but he struggles understanding how. This struggle with understanding social norms is heavily implied to come from his own neurodivergency
In this post i'm going to discuss how Darryl is written as a neurodivergent character mainly using the episode 2-B from Season 2 ¨Double, Double, Darryl & Trouble¨ and how it explores the relationship he has with his family and how he views himself.
First, what is neurodivergency?
From dictionary.cambridge.org defines neurodivergency as: ¨having or related to a type of brain that is often considered as different from what is usual¨.
So, from my perspective, this means people who have their brains wired in way that is considered ¨different¨ from the norm. This doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the person, it just means that they may operate or think in a unique way or they have a different way of learning new things. A person who is neurodivergent can carry out their daily lives just like a person who isn't neurodivergent does.
Now, why do i describe Darryl as neurodivergent?
Well, it has been mentioned by some people in the crew how Darryl's brain is wired in a different way from the rest of the Mcgee family. Bob Roth, one of the creators of the show, described Darryl on his twitter as ¨Darryl isn't evil or sadistic. He wants to do good. He thinks he's doing good. But his ways of getting their are really are just... off.¨
Sam King, the person who directed the episode ¨Double, Double, Darryl & Trouble¨ talked about how the plot of the episode is based on how she and her sister had neurodivergences that affected how both of them did at school. She talked about how Darryl struggles with what is expected of him or how he shouldn't change completely who he is to be ¨good¨.
Having this in mind, it is clear that Darryl written as a neurodivergent was intentional from the crew and the writers' part. This means that Darryl is intended to be read as this and it is an aspect that should be considered when it comes to analysing his character.
How does the episode ¨Double, Double, Darryl & Trouble¨ tackles this theme?
The episode starts with Darryl getting caught for making a giant graffiti mocking the school principal Connor. Connor talks to Sharon and Pete about this, both who are disappointed at Darryl's behaviour. As a punishment, Darryl has to clean up the wall and miss the recess.
However, once Pete and Sharon get on their car, they start laughing of their son's pranks. They praise his artist talent and believe that his humor is hilarious. This goes to show that while they both try to be firm with Darryl, they still like him for who he is and enjoy his pranks even though it puts him on trouble with school.
Back to Darryl, he gets the idea of becoming a wraith and letting his shell (body) to clean up the graffiti on the wall while he has fun flying around as a ghost. He later persuades Molly into letting him be a wraith for the rest of the day while his shell body goes to class, with the argument of how he (his shell) is behaving good like his family and the principal want him to be.
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During these scenes you can see Darryl getting frustrated with the idea of how almost everyone around him wants him to be a well behaved and model student. He doesn't fully understand how to be that and why his behaviour is wrong because his own morality works differently from other kids. When he tries to be good he often can get things wrong and do things that weren't expected of him. Darryl has some struggle understanding social norms and being able to differentiate between what is good and bad.
I think this is a feeling plenty of neurodivergent people can relate to. The idea of not getting what things were wrong and how growing up adults around us wouldn't explain why those things wrong. Or saying things that were inappropriate without meaning to because we thought we were just being honest. And we could get angry with people around us for not explaining things well or us just not understading the situation. At least it is something i can personally relate in my experience as teenager.
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Another thing that is worth of analyzing is the role the Scratch plays in this episode. Scratch always had this sort of uncle relationship with Darryl and you can see that they were already getting along in early episodes from Season 1 such as ¨Getting the (Band)Shell Back Together¨ and ¨No Good Deed¨. Both have similar personalities that involve getting in trouble and being mischevious. Because of this, Darryl feels like he can be more himself around Scratch than he is with the rest of the Mcgees. Scratch seems to accept him more for who he is or put less pressure in him to be ¨good¨. It's not surprising to see why they are usually seen hanging out together. However, Scratch can be a bad influence to Darryl and encourage bad behaviour and habits from him. So, this is the downside of them hanging out together since while Darryl feels like he can be himself around Scratch, the blue ghost isn't the best role model for him.
And in ¨Double, Double, Darryl & Trouble¨ Scratch is the one that encourages the most for Darryl to stay as a wraith. In the song sequence Darryl and Scratch play all kind of pranks to the teachers and students in school while Darryl's shell behaves like a model student, which becomes important for Darryl's conflict later in the episode.
When Molly, Scratch and Darryl go back home, Molly notices that Darryl is still a wraith and orders him to return to his human body. Darryl refuses to go back to normal since he says that ¨he feels more alive as a ghost¨. He doesn't have those social pressures he gets all the time and he is hanging out with someone who he feels like he can be himself freely.
In that moment Sharon and Pete call Darryl about how the school principal called them. Darryl's shell goes to Pete and Sharon while Darryl listens to the conversation. It turns out that the principal called because ¨Darryl¨ has been behaving well all day. Both Pete and Sharon tell ¨Darryl¨ how proud they are of him, making Darryl feel insecure about his relationship with his family.
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He later talks to Scratch about he feels like his family likes more his shell than they like the real him. Scratch ties to convince Darryl that this isn't the case, only for them to hear Molly complementing the shell's behaviour. In response Darryl gets really angry and decides to stay ghost ¨foverer¨ if their family ¨loves the shell more than they love him¨.
Before Darryl decides to run away from home and stay as a ghost, he listens to Pete and Sharon being worried about him. They talk about how ¨Darryl lost his spark¨ and think they did something wrong as parents. Darryl then realizes that his parents like him for who he is and that he misunderstood the whole situation.
I think this conflict that Darryl has about feeling misunderstood and unwanted by his family it is something a lot of neurodivergent people experienced growing up. About not feeling good enough for your family and that you are letting them down. That there is something wrong with oneself and that your family secretly hates you for that. This is something that Darryl probably has felt multiple times before this episode. He feels different from the rest of his family. He believes that they don't accept him for who he is and mainly see him as a troublemaker. It isn't suprising to see why he lashed out when he saw his shell being praised by his parents and Molly, despite that wasn't the real him.
After some shenanigans involving Darryl rescuing his body from a garbage truck and almost falling into an incinerator, Darryl goes back to his human body and returns to his home. He has a conversation with Pete and Sharon about how he can't be this perfectly well behaved son, how sometimes he is going to get into trouble and they have to accept that. Both of them tell Darryl that they love him as he is, even with the problems he usually gets into.
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In the end Darryl understands that his family accept him as who he is and they only want what the best for him. They want him to grow into a good person and not fall into the wrong path. Although he may struggle with understanding certain social norms, that doesn't mean that he should completely change who he is as a person.
In conclusion, the point of the episode is that if someone is neurodivergent or has way of behaving that is different from what it is expected, that person shouldn't have to become another person and leave behind who they are to be accepted. They can still be themselves while looking for a way to become better people. Because a person shouldn't have to completely change their personality to please others.
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💖 Sapphic Books Coming Out May 2024
🩷 There's something especially sweet about a sapphic romance. Here are only a few of the amazing sapphic books hitting shelves in May 2024. Which ones are you adding to your ever-growing TBR?
Contemporary 💖 Here For the Wrong Reasons - Annabel Paulsen & Lydia Wang 💖 Perfume & Pain - Anna Dorn 💖 Cheryl - Jillian Fleck 💖 A Little Kissing Between Friends - Chencia C. Higgins 💖 Lavash At First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💖 The Game of Giants - Marion Douglas 💖 We Were the Universe - Kimberly King Parsons 💖 Oye - Melissa Mogollon 💖 The Summer Love Strategy - Ray Stoeve 💖 Noah Frye Gets Crushed - Maggie Horne 💖 Halfway to Harbor - Nicole Melleby 💖 Sunhead - Alex Assan
💖 The 7-10 Split - Karmen Lee 💖 Trust & Safety - Laura Blackett & Eve Gleichman 💖 Second Night Stand - Karelia Stetz-Waters & Fay Stetz-Waters 💖 How It Works Out - Myriam Lacroix 💖 April May June July - Alison B. Hart 💖 The Ride of Her Life - Jennifer Dugan 💖 One Night With the CEO - Emily Hayes 💖 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt 💖 A Girl Can Dream - Emily Barr 💖 I Want You More - Swan Huntley 💖 Exhibit - R. O. Kwon 💖 Only a Bridesmaid - Haley Donnell
💖 Thirsty - Jas Hammonds 💖 Housemates - Emma Copley Eisenberg 💖 Don’t Be a Drag - Skye Quinlan 💖 True Love and Other Impossible Odds - Christina Li 💖 Murray Out of Water - Taylor Tracy 💖 The Redemption of Daya Keane - Gia Gordon 💖 Blame My Virgo Moon - Freja Nicole Woolf 💖 From Where We Are - Nicole Zelniker 💖 Cabin Fever - Tagan Shepard 💖 Channel Surfing in the Sea of Happiness - Guy Babineau 💖 Meet Me in Berlin - Samantha L. Valentine 💖 Behind You - Catherine Hernandez
Paranormal/Horror 💖 Primal Hunt - L.L. Raand 💖 Blood on the Tide - Katee Robert 💖 We Mostly Come Out at Night - (ed) Rob Costello 💖 Flowers from the Void - Gianni Washington 💖 My Darling Dreadful Thing - Johanna van Veen 💖 When the Devil - Emma E. Murray 💖 Honeybites - I. S. Belle 💖 My Favorite Thing Is Monsters - Emil Ferris 💖 The Worst Perfect Moment -Shivaun Plozza
Fantasy 💖 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields 💖 The Fireborne Blade - Charlotte Bond 💖 Chained Destinies - D. Jordan Redhawk 💖 Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne 💖 Grand Slam Romance: Major League Hotties - Ollie Hicks & Emma Oosterhous 💖 Snake Charming - Genevieve McCluer 💖 The Witches of Silverlake - Simon Curtis 💖 Death’s Country - R. M. Romero 💖 Snowblooded - Emma Sterner-Radleygh 💖 Bird Suit - Sydney Hegele 💖 Farzana's Spite - Felix Graves
Historical 💖 The Good Women of Fudi - Liu Hong 💖 Spitting Gold - Carmella Lowkis 💖 Adrift - Sam Ledel 💖 A Heart Divided - Angie Williams 💖 A Liaison with Her Leading Lady - Lotte R. James
Mystery/Thriller 💖 The Deadly Spark - Roxie Key 💖 The Advice Columnist - Cade Haddock Strong 💖 The Lilies - Quinn Diacon-Furtado 💖 Loyalty - E. J. Noyes 💖 Clean Kill - Anne Laughlin 💖 Have You Seen This Girl - Nita Tyndall 💖 The Last to Pie - Misha Popp
Sci-Fi 💖 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💖 Road to Ruin - Hana Lee 💖 Exile in Guyville - Amy Lee Lillard 💖 The Lily of Enarah - Arden Brax 💖 The Z Word - Lindsay King-Miller
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Redacted Incorrect Quotes Pt. ?
Haha you really thought my lazy ass was gonna work on WIPs? Nah. Have some redacted incorrect quotes based on tweets I saw, either on the app or screenshots of.
No I don’t care if the dashes are uneven.
Redacted Masterlist
Angel: *Flirting poorly with Davey at the grocery store* Hey so do you eat food often?
Sweetheart: Curious George is not a monkey because he has no tail. He is an ape. He will grow into a silverback gorilla and kill the man with the yellow hat in a display of dominance.
Milo: I’m literally just trying to read to Aggro.
Milo: I love when kittens yell, but their heads are too big so they squint.
Guy: Roommate broke up with boyfriend that cooks for us. Excuse me while I go die.
Angel: In 1920 we took children out of the coal mine. In 2020 the most popular game on the market is minecraft. 
Baabe: Children yearn for mines.
*3 AM*
No one:
Asher, in wolf form: I wonder if I can break the record with how loud I can lick my paw.
Darlin: If civilization crumbles, I have a little flashlight in a drawer somewhere.
Sweetheart: Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is about friends practicing magic but when someone walks in they have to play it cool.
Milo: No. It isn’t.
Sweetheart: *starts singing* The moon is bright, the spirits up. We’re here tonight, and that’s enough. *whispers* This is the part where someone comes in. *Continues pointedly* Simply having a wonderful christmastime!
Angel: My husband gives people a thumbs down instead of flicking them off when driving. He reports that a thumbs down makes them a lot more angry.
Adam: I would be such a good “dead wife”. Like, can you imagine how good I would look in a dead wife flashback sequence? Someone make me their “dead wife.
David: As a kid I thought Simba was crazy for running away after the death of Mufasa. But now watching it as an adult, I get it. It did look pretty incriminating of him leading Mufasa to that gorge. Witnesses saw him singing “I just can’t wait to be king.” A persecutor could do some real damage with that conviction.
Honey: I don’t like the saying “don’t speak ill of the dead”. It always struck me as disingenuous. People are multi-layered. Yes, I did light up a room. But I also stole my roommate’s milk to make mac and cheese blackout hammered. Let’s acknowledge both sides.
David, giving a pep talk to the pack: For anyone feeling down, just remember Velveeta cheese has been on the market since 1918. If trash cheese can succeed, so can you. And for anyone who likes Velveeta cheese, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you like trash cheese.
Angel: Lying awake thinking about the time I ordered a giant magikarp plush from Japan but then got refunded because the plushie got crushed under a shipping container.
Asher, and maybe Guy too: I’m here if you need moron support. It’s like moral support but I’m stupid.
David: If I have to throw a party for my pack, it will be breakfast. Not lunch. Not dinner. It will start at 8:30 am so there is a valid reason for no one to come and I can kick them out before noon because I only promised breakfast, not lunch. The introverts will win even if it kills me.
Milo and Ollie: My cat has no responsibilities, but all day he walks from around the house, from room to room, with this sense of purpose, as if he has a long to-do list of tasks no one asked for. Just a weird small furry dude going about his little cat errands.
Freelancer: Aww my microbiome fancies some high quality fermented foods, does it? A little kombucha perhaps? I don’t give a shit. I’m a megabiome, I do what I want. I’m having a fanta lemon. I’ll swallow coins.
Lovely: I would be an awesome drug dealer. Like, can you imagine? *giggles* We don’t have coke, is pepsi okay?
Freelancer: Math professors be wildin like “a man tossed a coin, find the probability of him getting a head?” BRO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU GOT A H-
Huxley: I wanna reply back same to my data analytics professor so badly!!
David, at the pack solstice parties: I, myself, am understaffed at this time.
Milo with Marie watching Aggro for him:
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Asher: Fuck your zodiac sign, what button do you press when it says “press any button to start”
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hello, i would like to hear about the titans fantasy au O.O
Oh man, you really shouldn't enable me like this... but if you insist!!
Alright, here's the setting: We're in some weird Lord of Rings/DnD fantasy setting with various magical creatures and inconsistent technological developments. Were tunics worn at the same time as ball gowns? Were carriages used at the same time as broad swords? I don't know! And I'm not doing any historical research! It's just haphazardly medieval!
Donna, for the most part, is relatively unchanged. She fits into this setting rather well. She is the demigod daughter of Zues, warrior in training, third in line to be Queen of the Amazons. At 13 years old she is a new arrival from her island nation and she is hoping to learn monster hunting (she's hoping to learn by doing). The one condition of her joining Diana was that she was supposed to stay with Diana at all times. Both of them nodded and smiled in agreement when their mother, the Queen, said this. Both immediately parted ways once their boat hit the shores of this new and exciting world.
Speaking of new and exciting, the King of Atlantis' ward is tagging along for the first time to see the surface world. Garth is fascinated (and a little terrified) and he's hoping to learn new types of magic! The Crown Prince (his older brother) Koryak says that he will make a fearsome mage one day and he really doesn't want to let him down. Garth imagines that one day his brother will rule as King and Garth will be there at his side as the Head Mage. He really has to work on his skills to get to that point though! Hence studying abroad. He's also... maybe... looking to meet some friends. Or any friends, really. He doesn't have any and he's heard good things.
Lord Richard of Gotham is so tired of politics. His... 'father' is the Crown Prince, next in line for the throne of Gotham. Not that anyone, including Bruce, is happy about it. The Kane family has had the crown for centuries and now, because the King only had daughters and Bruce's mom had the audacity to marry a Wayne (their rival house), they stand to lose it all. Thankfully, Bruce's status as Crown Prince is only temporary. As soon as Princess Kate Kane is married off, her husband will automatically be next in line. (Although they've sure been taking their time with that. What's the hold up?) So Bruce doesn't have to ever worry about being King and Dick (as Bruce's totally legitimate love child that Bruce didn't make up to make sure Dick could inherit everything if he ever died, don't do the math on their ages) doesn't ever have to worry about the throne at all. Sure, he's technically second in line but it's as far away from reality as a nightmare and just as scary. For right now all Dick has to worry about is being a squire, going on adventures and learning how to be a great knight! What could go wrong!?
Crown Prince Elroy is fucked. Seriously fucked. The old Crown Prince Oliver saw Roy at an archery competition and decided 'Yeah, that one.' Ollie offered him a room, food and all the arrows he could ever want. When Roy found out that Ollie was taking a page out of Robin Hood's book, Roy was overjoyed. The two of them had a blast stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It was great! And then Ollie's father, the King, found out. He disowned Ollie, not that Ollie cared, and life went on as normal with one major giant exception. The King didn't have any other children (legitimate children anyway) and Ollie was now disowned. So the King legitimized Roy as Oliver's bastard child and heir. Or, sorry, Elroy because apparently 'Roy' wasn't fancy enough. Now Elroy is the Crown Prince. Elroy is under lock and key so that Ollie can't influence him. Elroy is being forced to study. (The King promised him that this was just to make Ollie see reason but Roy isn't so sure... the King is putting a lot of effort into his training...) The only saving grace is that Roy is being sent away this summer to learn sword fighting. Archery is 'a cowards sport' apparently and Roy 'needs to expand his horizons'. Well.. they certainly agree on that last one. Roy is making a break for it and he's not coming back.
Wally is a young apprentice working for his Uncle Barry. He's learning how to make medicine and treat wounds and find useful herbs. At least, he's learning that sometimes. A lot of his time is spent being a delivery boy. Uncle Barry says that's an important part of any medical treatment, actually delivering the medicine. Wally thinks that he just wants him to burn off energy. Regardless, Wally spends most of his time delivering medicine and he does it well. It helps that he can cross the continent before most people can blink their eyes. He can't tell anyone that though. Barry has made that part extremely clear. As far as their patients are concerned, Barry is a local doctor who just lives outside of whichever town they're in. There's a lot of things Wally can't tell people. Like how his eyes glow and magic lights up on his fingertips when he's excited. Or how he doesn't really like hats, he just has to wear them to hide his slightly too pointy ears. He gets it. He does. He's heard the whispered stories of fae, the hushed talk of changelings, he's read the old cracked tomes on the Elven Folk. He knows what people will think he is. But he isn't. He really isn't. He's just... Wally. And sure, he might be a little bit odd but he's just as human as the next guy, he swears!
Donna finds herself left on the doorstep of the greatest monster hunters in this new world. Garth is accepted to shadow some of the best defense mages ever. Dick finds himself stopping in with some fellow Knights (he is soon to be one after all) on his way home after a particularly hard mission. Roy finds himself shipped off to learn sword fighting from some 'trusted experts'. Wally is on a routine delivery run to drop off some supplies for his Uncle's good friends. Whether it's fate or something far more sinister, they all find themselves at the temple of the Knights of the Emerald Flame. Sir Hal Jordan, who was not ready for the sudden onslaught of children, panics and gives them a mission to get them out of his hair.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Red Hood and the Outlaws #4 (2011)
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Back on Lobdell's bullshit!
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There had been vague references to Roy being a "screwup" in the first three issues of the book, but this issue confirms that he is, as he was pre-Flashpoint, an addict in recovery. There are two major differences, though: one, his sobriety seems a lot shakier than it was pre-Flashpoint (at least, before Lian's death), and two, he is now an alcoholic, rather than a narcotics addict. Pre-Flashpoint, Roy was regularly shown drinking casually and sometimes even actively drunk (Ollie's bachelor party), and it was never depicted as a problem for him, though Kyle at one point gently teases him about staying away from booze. (Interestingly, Ollie is occasionally depicted as having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol himself, but no line is ever drawn between his potential addiction and Roy's, in any continuity.)
I'm of two minds about the change. On the one hand, though I have a strong attachment to the original "Snowbirds Don't Fly," it was very much commenting on a specific cultural moment, as well as being very deliberately designed to open up conversation about drugs and drug addiction in comic books (prior to "Snowbirds," the depiction of drug use was banned by the Comics Code Authority). There's no reason to stick specifically to heroin, other than tradition. I hate to praise Tom King, and I have quibbles with him giving Roy an addiction to prescription drugs in Heroes in Crisis (if injuries in the field led to Roy's reliance on and then addiction to prescription painkillers, why is he the only superhero to develop an addiction? it should be like a third of them!), but it's a choice that feels very current, the way that heroin felt very current in 1971. (People obviously still do heroin, but you know what I mean.)
Making Roy an alcoholic instead of a heroin addict provides an interesting opportunity to compare the two addictions. Alcoholism is much more culturally accepted (and, you know, legal), easier to hide, and carries far less stigma, both when using and when in recovery. And yet RHATO depicts a Roy who appears to be in greater disgrace with the superhero community than pre-Flashpoint Roy ever was. It would have been interesting to explore the difference in how the two addictions are received, in getting and staying sober, in the dangers of using any substance to excess, even legal and widely accepted ones. A thoughtful writer could have told a really moving story with this change.
Of course, we're talking about Lobdell here, so the change feels completely arbitrary and downright lazy, especially since Lobdell (and King) has a habit of doing zero research and changing things at random. Both the alcoholism and the prescription drug addiction wind up coming across like all addictions are interchangeable, which is...shitty.
But, you know. It could have been good.
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On the other hand, here we have the debut of the single best thing about all of RHATO: the Jaybird nickname. Drink it in, friends.
Meanwhile, Kori gets attacked by this guy, Crux:
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She's TAMARANEAN. In fact, the word "Tamaranean" is used later on the same page. What a shitshow.
Crux is a human whose parents were killed when a random Tamaranean spaceship hit their car (why were Tamaraneans just cruising by Earth? no idea), so he devoted his life to destroying aliens in general and Tamaraneans in particular, including using alien DNA so he can turn himself into a giant bat-lizard at will.
Meanwhile, the hot lady sheriff turns out to be an Untitled, and she and Jason frisk each other sexily before she turns into a monster and attacks. It's boring.
The issue ends with Roy going to help Kori, who is losing her fight, and Jason facing off against the Untitled. So to sum of the events of the issue, two fights start and Roy calls Jason "Jaybird" for the first time. It's amazing how little story you can tell in when you average like two panels per page!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 7 months
I made a cuphead au where every character's different in some way called Mughead au.
Cuphead and Mugman personalities swap and they wear the opposite colors of what they normally wear.(Cupman wears green and Mughead wears orange)
Elder Kettle and MS.Chalice switch roles.(Elder Chalice and Mr.Kettle)
The Devil and King Dice also switch roles. King Dice is now King Demon and Devil is now Dice's right hand goat named Darrell.
Isle 1
The Root Pack is now The Fruit pack with Sal being a pear, Ollie being an apple, and Chauncey being a banana.
Goopy Le Grande is now Rolly Le Rock and is a rock that does a lot of rolling instead of bouncing as his name suggests.
Ribby and Croaks are now toads who fight using magic instead of muscle.
Cagney Carnation is now Cagney Cactus.
Hilda Berg is a mermaid instead of Cala Maria.
Isle 2
Esther is the princess of the ungulate(hooved animal) kingdom.
Djimmi the great is a strongman who fights with muscle rather than magic.
Beppi is a mime who is depressed.
Wally Warbles is now a bat living in a bat house named Eddie Echoes.
Grim Matchstick is an alicorn named Gleam Magic.
Isle 3
Sally Stageplay and her husband switch roles.
The Phantom Express is now The Festive Express and goes from being Halloween themed to being Christmas themed.
Rumor Honeybottoms is now the termite queen, Rumor Woodenbottom.
Captain Brineybeard is now an astronaut instead of a pirate.
Calamity Maria is now an alien instead of a mermaid.
Dr.Kahl and Werner Werman switch species.
Isle 4
Chef Saltbaker is now Chef Pepperbaker.
Glumstone is a small troll, he has giant gnome friends, and The Ulcer is now The Booger as you end up in the gnome's nose instead.
The Howling Aces are a bunch of cats called The Meowing Aces.
The Moonshine Mob are the cops and the ant cops are the mobsters now, and the mob ants have a giant chameleon instead.
Bonbon is a candy outlaw turned sheriff.
Mortimer Freeze is now a fire wizard named Mortimer Burn.
King's leap are know just checker pieces.
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cc-plays-mario · 11 months
Paper Mario Origami King is a horror game
If you think about the game from Mario's pov then it swiftly becomes a horror. This list contains spoilers for the game.
You (Mario) and your brother turn up to a festival only to find the town creepily abandoned.
You see the Princess but she's weird, fleshy, strangely mutated.
You end up in the Dungeon with others who are dragged off to be mutilated, flesh crafted and brainwashed.
You find your enemy, Bowser, who is strong, has been mutilated and is now disabled.
You meet the Origami King (Olly) and his good sister (Olivia), who takes your side and goes with you. Olivia has the power to fleshcraft your arms. Yes, it helps with the adventure, but its weird.
You discover that the creatures fleshcrafted by Olly can never be undone and you have to kill them.
The fleshcrafted abominations are traveling the countryside mutilating the local Toads.
You have to fight giant hollow abominations that eat everyone they find.
You are joined by an amnesic Bob-omb who you have fun adventures with. He egains his memory only to discover his friends all died fightng a sea monster and then he sacrifices himself for Olivia. This leads to her crying and being depressed. Him briefly appearing to you as a ghost to give advice. And later, when you use the photo booth his ghost appears in the picture.
You go into a place where all the toads have become mindless zombies with no face. Literal holes all the way through their heads.
You discover that a book of forbidden magic techniques was used to give Olly life, like some magical Frankenstein
You watch as Bowser Jr gets dismembered.
You have to walk over the dismembered body parts of various friends and creatures to get to the bad guy. Literally walking through a hallway of corpses.
You fight a flesh golem made of the stuck together, still aware, faces of your friends and creatures.
Princess Peach has been turned into a flesh sculpture wall mural all spread out above the Origami King's throne. (Think the Annihilation film)
The King is ultimately killed by his sister who doesn't want to but has too. He realises he was wrong at the very last moment.
Olivia, your companion for the whole journey, undoes her brother's evil but sacrifices herself as well. She doesn't have to, but having just killed her brother she isn't very happy.
So yeah. That was a wild and emotional ride...
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it-happened-one-fic · 9 months
500 Followers Playlist Starter Pack: The Genshin Impact Version!
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Thank you so much!!! As I said in the Twisted Wonderland version of this post, I'm afraid I don't have time to do a full event (Christmas and all that jazz) but I did want to say thank you to everyone. Since I have a habit of listening to music while writing, I used few songs (I aimed for four each but didn't always make it) from my playlists to form sort of a starter pack under the cut! Again, thank you so much!!!
(NOTE: The links go to Youtube. Songs only for characters I have written [though the fic may not yet be posted]!)
Twisted Wonderland Playlist Starter Pack
Tubthumping - Chumbawamba (cursing)
Fly Away - TheFatRat & Anjulie
Scalliwag - Gaelic Storm
Run - Jasmine Thompson
Honey Whiskey - Nothing But Thieves
Skeletons - Dihaj
Night Moves - Lissie
Break The Ice - Britney Spears
Going Crazy - Goo Goo Dolls (cursing)
Natural - Imagine Dragons
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
Life After You - Daughtry
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
House of Memories - Panic At the Disco
Pompeii - Bastille
Yours Forever (Reprise) - Phillipa Soo & Conrad Ricamora (From Over The Moon film)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams (From Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron film)
All The King’s Horses - Karmina
My Demons - Starset
Icarus - Bastille
Cure For Me - AURORA
Die For You - The Weeknd
Kamisato Ayato:
Feeling Good - Michael Buble
Million Dollar Baby - Ava Max
The Greatest - Sia
Arataki Itto:
All Star - Smash Mouth
I Like it, I Love it - Tim McGraw
Let’s Get it Started - Black Eyed Peas
Good Time - Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Our Song - Taylor Swift
Fallin For You - Colbie Caillat
I’m Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
North Star - Tyler Shaw
Butterfly - SMiLE.dk
Mind Over Matter - Young the Giant
Sherlock (CLUE + NOTE) - SHINee
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany 
Troublemaker - Olly Murs (feat. Flo Rida) 
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
(This Ain’t) No Thinkin Thing - Trace Adkins
DJ Gimi-O Habibi Albanian Remix (Slowed and Reverb) - Ricky Rich 
4 Minutes - Madonna, Justin Timberlake, & Timbaland
Treat Her Like a Lady - The Temptations
There Was Sun - Nothing But Thieves
Let’s Stay Together - Al Green
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
Never Give Up - Sia
Arabian Nights - Will Smith (Disney Aladdin 2019)
Desert Rose - Sting & Cheb Mami
Whenever, Wherever  - Shakira
How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
17 Crimes - AFI
Please, Don’t Leave me - P!nk
Don’t You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
Love Story - Indila
Don’t Turn Around - Ace of Base
Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Bones - Imagine Dragons 
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Daydream - The Aces
Animal - Neon Trees
Il Dottore;
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
The Wolf - SIAMES
Everything Black - UNLIKE PLUTO & Mike Taylor
One Hell of a Team - AmaLee & Divide Music
Rasputin - Boney M.
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift
Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy
You and I - PVRIS
Never Really Over - Katy Perry
Die For You - Starset
Willow - Jasmine Thompson
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snickerzanddoodlez · 11 months
Please check out my passion project over on #my-silly-little-guys !
Want to support my work or commission me? Check out my Ko-Fi!
I’m the director of the unofficial Wordgirl Reboot, Wordgirl: Rewired, and applications for the project are always, ALWAYS open! (And so is my inbox!)
If I reblog your art that means I’m begging you to join wordgirl rewired
(Check out Wordgirl Armageddon, an effort to help all of us Wordgirlies make some new friends and have some fun :))
2024: I GUARANTEE REVENGES ON ARTFIGHT! ATTACK ME IF YOU DARE :3 https://artfight.net/~SnickerzandDoodlez
NAME: SnickerDoodlez / SnickerzandDoodlez / Snickernova Doodlez
Nickname: Any variation of this! Snicky, Snicker, Doodlez, Snickerz, SnickyD…
Main Social: https://youtube.com/@snickerdoodlez9210?si=ZXtyZJl8kPCLS8iB
And as for Tumblr, you’ll see me more on @crown-of-roses-thsc !
She/Her; Straight; Minor
Hobbies/Skills: Drawing, Animating, Coding (learning), Writing
Language: English, American Sign Language (learning)
Neurodivergencies: OCD, ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, maybe Autistic
Random Facts:
-I’m a theatre kid!
-I love horror / disturbing things, maybe a little too much
-I grew up on the Warriors fandom, and that’s an angsty angsty burden I’ll carry into every fandom I join
-I’m the director of Wordgirl Rewired!
-I’m a Christian, but don’t let that scare you off- I’m just here to have fun & spread positive vibes! *sticks a golden star sticker to your forehead* And I’m a huge horror fan…and fantasy fan….and I draw a lot of gore….Christians stop gatekeeping creativity (impossible? Not clickbait? Don’t try at 3:AM???)
Oh, and Friendly reminder to my fellow Christians that if you’re cursing someone out for doing or believing or BEING something you don’t agree with, you’re literally doing the opposite of what Jesus did….and I think you’ve got a might big plank in your eye that ya need to take out ;)
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The Henry Stickmin Collection
Don’t Starve / Don’t Starve Together
Wings of Fire
Warrior Cats
A Hat in Time
Wild Kratts
UnderTale / UnderTale Yellow
Favorite Movies:
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Live-Action Beauty and the Beast
Princess and The Frog
Secondhand Lions
Lilo and Stitch
Stranger Than Fiction
Into The Woods
Isle of Dogs
The Greatest Showman
Les Miserablés
The Rise of Miss Power
School of Rock
Favorite Musicals:
Phantom of the Opera
Into The Woods
Les Miserablés
Guys and Dolls
Favorite Color:
Favorite Show:
Spy x Family
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Camp Camp
Bojack Horseman
Parks and Recreation
Favorite Song:
House of Memories (Panic! At the Disco)
As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
Please Never Fall in Love Again (Ollie MN)
Karma (AJR)
Red Flags (Tom Cardy)
Lost One’s Weeping (Neru)
Cupid (Jack Stauber)
Goodbye to a World (Porter Robinson)
Sweet Rosalie (American Murder Songs)
No Children (The Mountain Goats)
The Haunted Phonograph (ThouShaltNot)
Puff The Magic Dragon (Peter, Paul & Mary)
The Ballad of Billy The Kid (Billy Joel)
Stranded Lullaby (Miracle Musical)
Business Man (Tom Cardy)
Favorite Song Artist:
The Stupendium
They Might Be Giants
The Mountain Goats
Jack Stauber
Lemon Demon
Evelyn Evelyn
Tally Hall
American Murder Songs
Mother Mother
Kaden McKay
Favorite Book:
Crookedstar’s Promise
School for Good and Evil
Warrior Cats (Arc 1)
The Bunker Diaries
Prisoner of Azkaban
Survivor Dogs
Favorite Food:
French Fries
Favorite Game:
A Hat in Time
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Wolf Quest: Anniversary Addition
Don’t Starve Together
King’s Quest
The Witch’s House
Super Paper Mario
Favorite Animal:
Tasmanian Devils
Kangaroos / Wallabies
Komodo Dragons
(Note: I am not defending any of these characters Mineta is a horrible person I just like skrunkly little fictional simps and gravitate towards the characters everyone hates)
Felix White (Henry Stickmin)
Tobey (Wordgirl)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Whisper (Survivors)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Spike (Friendship Is Witchcraft)
Minetta (My Hero Acedamia)
Hort (School For Good and Evil)
Sheldon (Splatoon)
Lefou (Beauty and The Beast)
Tammy (Tammy)
Plankton (Spongebob)
Zach (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
One-Eyed Wally (Amphibia)
Emmet (Legally Blonde)
Dr. Hare (Poptropica)
Todd (Bojack Horseman)
Muck (Bob the Builder)
Octavio (Splatoon)
Pokétwo (Discord)
Tom (Parks and Recreation)
Rumplestiltskin (Shrek 4)
Squid (Wings of Fire)
Darkheart (Care Bears II: The Next Generation)
Zach Varmitech (Wild Kratts)
Garry (Ib)
Bartok (Anastasia)
David (Camp Camp)
Varian (Tangled the Series)
Frankie (Spy x Family)
Mayor Humdinger (Paw Patrol: Movies)
Mortimer Freeze (Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course)
Wally Warbles (Cuphead)
The Peas (VeggieTales)
Chameleon (Wings of Fire)
Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Wilson (Don’t Starve)
Mad Dummy (Undertale)
Napstablook (UnderTale)
Toad (Mario)
Flick (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Ares (Percy Jackson)
Louie (DuckTales)
Gyro Gearloose (DuckTales)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Hawt Sauce (Chikn Nuggit)
Swiftpaw (Warrior Cats)
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starryqueen-18 · 7 months
Giant King Olly in a nutshell
(I wrote this short story on paper Mario Amino)
Olly's hand emerges and whacks Bowser*
Olly: *climbs back on the stage* I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS I WILL CRUSH YOU, ALL OF YOU!!!! *clears throat* sorry I think that turtle hit my throat.
Bowser: *manages to climb back up* HEY I HEARD THAT!!!
Olly: SHUT UP! *le slaps Bowser back off*
Bowser: *screams like a girl*
Olivia: *summons the magic circle*
Olly: another magic circle pfah! pathetic! what do you hope to do? slap my wrist with those feeble arms of yours?!
Mario: .....*slaps Olly*
Olly: ....*cries so loudly before the scene goes white*
Olly: *spins the circle but then gets a bit dizzy* too dizzy *falls*
Olivia and Mario: *gets dizzy also*
Olly: maybe that's a bad idea.
Olivia: yeah let's not do that again!
Olivia: aw come on! he jumbled our magic circle! could he fight fair for like TWO seconds?!
Olly: My anger my rage, it's turned into a deadly poison rising up from below, you better act fast, if that gas reaches to this platform, it'll be the end of you! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *coughing*
Olivia and Mario: ......
Olivia: ..uh, Olly?
Olly: *coughing* give me- *coughing* one mo- *coughing* plea- *coughing still*
Olivia: you need water?
Olly: yes *coughing*
*when the gas hits the platform*
Olivia: oh no!
Olly: *evil laugh* 
Mario: AHEM!
Olly: ?
Olivia and Mario: *wearing gas masks*
Olivai: brother, you're the one who turned into a giant, tried to murder us with your hands and scrumbled our circle!
Olly: ......well..
Olivia: *turns into a hammer* brother please come to your senses!
Mario: *ready to hit*
Olly: *starts to cry* please don't hurt me, I'll be a good boy I promise!
Olivia: I'm sorry brother...but you leave me no choice.
Mario: *bonks Olly with a hammer*
Olly: *falls off* AAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Olivia: *does some random anime transformation*
Olly: will you hurry up, you've been doing this for hours!
Olly: *slams Mario with his hand*
Mario: *all squashed like a puddle in Olly's hand*
Olly: *squealing while shaking his hand* EWEWEWEWEWWWW GROSS!!!! no one told me this would happened!!!
Olly: *shoots air planes* Oooh airplanes, *giggles while shooting more air planes*
Olivia: *sighs*
Olly: *slams Mario with his hammer hands*
Mario: *dodges*
Olly: *begans to sob while blowing his hands after he slammed his hammer hands too hard* OW! OW OW OW OW OW!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!!! IT HURTS!!!!!
Olly: *uses scissors attack*
Mario: *slams Olly with hammer*
Olivia: oh geez now I feel bad.
*the end*
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wolfgabe · 11 months
Now I want to see Nintendo do their own Once Upon A Studio style short.
Some day I would love to see Nintendo do their own little short film similar to Once Upon A Studio with all the different Nintendo characters gathered together with a giant group photo at the end.
My ideas for who could appear.
The Super Mario Series
Toad/Captain Toad
Bowser Jr
Petey Piranha
Count Bleck
King Olly
Foreman Spike
Broque Monsieur
King Boo
The Legend of Zelda
The Skull Kid
Prince Sidon
Master Kohga
King Daphnes
King Rhoam
Chancelor Cole
The Happy Mask Salesman
Lord Girahim
Raven Beak
Mother Brain
Space Pirates
Dark Samus
Adam Malkovich
Fire Emblem
King Garrin
Black Night
Captain Falcon
Samurai Goro
Dr Stewart
Blood Falcon
Black Shadow
The Skull
Jody Summer
Buzz Buzz
Mr. Saturn
Flying Man
Dungeon Man
Master Belch
Kid Icarus
Eggplant Wizard
The Reaper
Dark Pit
Wario Land/WarioWare
Captain Syrup
Rudy the Clown
The Shake King
Queen Meralda
The Black Jewel
Princess Shokora
Jimmy T
Young Cricket
Master Mantis
Dr Crygor
The President
The Ancient Sirehound
Various Pikmin
Emperor Bulblax
Animal Crossing
Tom Nook
Mr Resetti
Tommy and Timmy Nook
Crazy Redd
Dr Shrunk
Zipper T
K.K. Slider
Daisy Mae
Don Resetti
Capn Cuttlefish
Dj Octavio
Callie and Marie
Big Man
Mr. Grizz
Commander Tartar
Crusty Sean
Annie and Moe
Lil Judd
Aunt Flow and Craymond
Mr Coco
Gnarly Eddie
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong
Candy Kong
Kiddie Kong
Swanky Kong
King K Rool
Tiki Tong
Lord Fredrick
Party Monkeys
Dread Kong
Ninja Kong
Karate Kong
Sumo Kong
Cactus King
Donkey Kong Jr
Spring Man
Ribbon Girl
Min Min
Master Mummy
Kid Cobra
Byte & Barq
Max Brass
Lola Pop
Dr Coyle
Yoshi Series
Burt the Bashful
Roger the Potted Ghost
Naval Piranha
Hookbill the Koopa
Raphael the Raven
Baby Mario
Kirby Series
King Dedede
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
Whispy Woods
Mr Shine and Mr Bright
Dark Matter
Dark Mind
Queen Sectonia
President Haltmann
The Three Mage Sisters
Punch Out!!
Little Mac
Doc Louis
Glass Joe
King Hippo
Von Kaiser
Soda Popinski
Bald Bull
Don Flamenco
Great Tiger
Piston Hondo
Bear Hugger
Mr. Sandman
Super Macho Man
Xenoblade Chronicles Series
Metal Face
Riku and Manana
Star Fox
Peppy Hare
Slippy Toad
General Pepper
Wolf O Donnell
Prince Tricky
General Scales
Early Nintendo/NES Era
Mr Game & Watch
Professor Hector
Dr Mario Viruses
Mach Rider
Ice Climbers
The Condor
The Polar Bear
ExciteBike Racers
Duck Hunt Dog and Ducks
Wild Gunman Outlaws
Sable Prince
Eggplant Man
Balloon Fighter
Wii Fit Trainers
Ring Fit Trainees
Dillion and Russ
Rusty Slugger
Ryota from Wave Race
Sebastian Tute from Wii Music
Chibi Robo
The Arcade Bunny from Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nikki from Swapnote
The Flipnote Studio Frog
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gaymormonmike · 5 months
I am reading Terkel's book Coming of Age. It is a chronicle of interviews he had with people who shaped the 20th Century. These aren't the people you would be familiar with. Stud's hung out with and was friends to the marginalized . He fought against any prejudice aligning himself with Blacks such as Mahalia Jackson, gay and lesbians, downtrodden workers, unionists, and was comfortable with anyone that was open, honest and willing to speak out. He had a Chicago radio program that interviewed people (we would call them podcasts today) from 1952 to 1997. He wrote oral histories of his famous people and of the everyday person. His oral history of people on the home front during WWII won a Pulitzer prize and made me love the way he wrote and spoke and how much he wanted to record the unspoken stories of everyone. He understood that everyone had a story to tell. I am sharing this because if you never heard of Studs Terkel, you are missing an American treasure. Check him out. Here is part of his story from Wikpedia:
A political leftist, Terkel joined the Works Progress Administration's Federal Writers' Project, working in radio, doing work that varied from voicing soap opera productions and announcing news and sports to presenting shows of recorded music and writing radio scripts and advertisements. In the late 1940's he voiced characters in WMAQ's Destination Freedom series, written by Richard Durham.[5] His own well-known radio program, titled The Studs Terkel Program, aired on 98.7 WFMT Chicago between 1952 and 1997.[6] The one-hour program was broadcast each weekday during those 45 years. On this program, he interviewed guests as diverse as Martin Luther King Jr., Leonard Bernstein, Mort Sahl, Bob Dylan, Alexander Frey, Dorothy Parker, Tennessee Williams, Jean Shepherd, Frank Zappa, and Big Bill Broonzy.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Terkel was also the central character of Studs' Place, an unscripted television drama about the owner of a greasy-spoon diner in Chicago through which many famous people and interesting characters passed. This show, Marlin Perkins's Zoo Parade, Garroway at Large, and the children's show Kukla, Fran, and Ollie are widely considered canonical examples of the Chicago School of Television.
Terkel published his first book, Giants of Jazz, in 1956. He followed it in 1967 with his first collection of oral histories, Division Street: America, with 70 people talking about the effect on the human spirit of living in an American metropolis.[7][8][9]
He also served as a distinguished scholar-in-residence at the Chicago History Museum. He appeared in the film Eight Men Out, based on the Black Sox Scandal, in which he played newspaper reporter Hugh Fullerton, who tries to uncover the White Sox players' plans to throw the 1919 World Series. Terkel found it particularly amusing to play this role, as he was a big fan of the Chicago White Sox (as well as a vocal critic of major league baseball during the 1994 baseball strike), and gave a moving congratulatory speech to the White Sox organization after their 2005 World Series championship during a television interview.
Terkel received his nickname while he was acting in a play with another person named Louis. To keep the two straight, the director of the production gave Terkel the nickname Studs after the fictional character about whom Terkel was reading at the time—Studs Lonigan, of James T. Farrell's trilogy.
Terkel was acclaimed for his efforts to preserve American oral history. His 1985 book "The Good War": An Oral History of World War Two, which detailed ordinary peoples' accounts of the country's involvement in World War II, won the Pulitzer Prize. For Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression, Terkel assembled recollections of the Great Depression that spanned the socioeconomic spectrum, from Okies, through prison inmates, to the wealthy. His 1974 book, Working, in which (as reflected by its subtitle) People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do, also was highly acclaimed. Working was made into a short-lived Broadway show of the same title in 1978 and was telecast on PBS in 1982. In 1995, he received the Chicago History Museum "Making History Award" for Distinction in Journalism and Communications. In 1997, Terkel was elected a member of The American Academy of Arts and Letters. Two years later, he received the George Polk Career Award in 1999.
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💖 Sapphic Books Coming Out May 2024
🩷 There's something especially sweet about a sapphic romance. Here are only a few of the amazing sapphic books hitting shelves in May 2024. Which ones are you adding to your ever-growing TBR?
Contemporary 💖 Here For the Wrong Reasons - Annabel Paulsen & Lydia Wang 💖 Perfume & Pain - Anna Dorn 💖 Cheryl - Jillian Fleck 💖 A Little Kissing Between Friends - Chencia C. Higgins 💖 Lavash At First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💖 The Game of Giants - Marion Douglas 💖 We Were the Universe - Kimberly King Parsons 💖 Oye - Melissa Mogollon 💖 The Summer Love Strategy - Ray Stoeve 💖 Noah Frye Gets Crushed - Maggie Horne 💖 Halfway to Harbor - Nicole Melleby 💖 Sunhead - Alex Assan
💖 The 7-10 Split - Karmen Lee 💖 Trust & Safety - Laura Blackett & Eve Gleichman 💖 Second Night Stand - Karelia Stetz-Waters & Fay Stetz-Waters 💖 How It Works Out - Myriam Lacroix 💖 April May June July - Alison B. Hart 💖 The Ride of Her Life - Jennifer Dugan 💖 One Night With the CEO - Emily Hayes 💖 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt 💖 A Girl Can Dream - Emily Barr 💖 I Want You More - Swan Huntley 💖 Exhibit - R. O. Kwon 💖 Only a Bridesmaid - Haley Donnell
💖 Thirsty - Jas Hammonds 💖 Housemates - Emma Copley Eisenberg 💖 Don’t Be a Drag - Skye Quinlan 💖 True Love and Other Impossible Odds - Christina Li 💖 Murray Out of Water - Taylor Tracy 💖 The Redemption of Daya Keane - Gia Gordon 💖 Blame My Virgo Moon - Freja Nicole Woolf 💖 From Where We Are - Nicole Zelniker 💖 Cabin Fever - Tagan Shepard 💖 Channel Surfing in the Sea of Happiness - Guy Babineau 💖 Meet Me in Berlin - Samantha L. Valentine 💖 Behind You - Catherine Hernandez
Paranormal/Horror 💖 Primal Hunt - L.L. Raand 💖 Blood on the Tide - Katee Robert 💖 We Mostly Come Out at Night - (ed) Rob Costello 💖 Flowers from the Void - Gianni Washington 💖 My Darling Dreadful Thing - Johanna van Veen 💖 When the Devil - Emma E. Murray 💖 Honeybites - I. S. Belle 💖 My Favorite Thing Is Monsters - Emil Ferris 💖 The Worst Perfect Moment -Shivaun Plozza
Fantasy 💖 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields 💖 The Fireborne Blade - Charlotte Bond 💖 Chained Destinies - D. Jordan Redhawk 💖 Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne 💖 Grand Slam Romance: Major League Hotties - Ollie Hicks & Emma Oosterhous 💖 Snake Charming - Genevieve McCluer 💖 The Witches of Silverlake - Simon Curtis 💖 Death’s Country - R. M. Romero 💖 Snowblooded - Emma Sterner-Radleygh 💖 Bird Suit - Sydney Hegele 💖 Farzana's Spite - Felix Graves
Historical 💖 The Good Women of Fudi - Liu Hong 💖 Spitting Gold - Carmella Lowkis 💖 Adrift - Sam Ledel 💖 A Heart Divided - Angie Williams 💖 A Liaison with Her Leading Lady - Lotte R. James
Mystery/Thriller 💖 The Deadly Spark - Roxie Key 💖 The Advice Columnist - Cade Haddock Strong 💖 The Lilies - Quinn Diacon-Furtado 💖 Loyalty - E. J. Noyes 💖 Clean Kill - Anne Laughlin 💖 Have You Seen This Girl - Nita Tyndall 💖 The Last to Pie - Misha Popp
Sci-Fi 💖 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💖 Road to Ruin - Hana Lee 💖 Exile in Guyville - Amy Lee Lillard 💖 The Lily of Enarah - Arden Brax 💖 The Z Word - Lindsay King-Miller
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OCs as Animals Tag
Rules: Choose any Oc/s and pick an animal that relates to them and why. You can also include images or drawings of your own but don't have to.
Tagged by @autumnalwalker!
Tagging @vacantgodling @jezifster @late-to-the-fandom @authoralexharvey @korblez @andromedaexists @blind-the-winds @magic-is-something-we-create @tragicbackstoryenjoyer
Here we go:
Isaac: Llama/Alpaca. Smart, quick learner, and can carry more than his fair share of weight through tough terrain. Usually gentle and calm, but when mishandled he'll kick, bite, spit, and refuse to move another inch (just ask Renato). Llamas are braver and more solitary than their alpaca relatives, but will live among other creatures and serve as their guardians. Isaac's curly hair could be compared to the luxurious fleece of an alpaca (again, ask Renato).
Dorian: Pangolin. Rightly described as one of the most endearing creatures on Earth; 110% deserves a global holiday. Also one of the most hunted by unscrupulous people. Curious, great at solving problems, has a good memory, nocturnal, and friendly. Favors defense over offense. No one is immune to the urge to rub their tummy. Never goes anywhere without the protection of a coat.
Renato: Transient Orca. Divided from his own kind not by genes or appearance but hunting habits. Beautiful and deadly as the sea he was born on. An apex predator infamous for playing with his prey before consuming it. But also intelligent, creative, charming, and social, capable of adapting and learning to cooperate with humans and other creatures.
Kinslayer: King Cobra. A devourer of other, lesser serpents, paralyzing them before consuming the victim whole. Swift and powerful, to trifle with Kinslayer is to tempt death. And yet...despite their fearsome reputation they would much prefer to be left in peace, often only striking after extreme provocation or in defense. Cobra venom has also led to breakthroughs in pain medication. On the spiritual side, Sheshnaag, the giant cobra, is said by some to carry the planets on his many heads, and to shade gods as they lounge on his body. To others, cobras symbolize rebirth/reincarnation and creation itself, their coils moving time forward as they stretch, then slowing it to a standstill as they curl up once more.
Elfy: Siamese Cat. Elegant, highly energetic, talkative, playful, loyal and affectionate describes Elfy precisely. (It's true Siamese cats aren't often born deaf despite their blue eyes, but ignore that--it's also definitely part of who she is.) Also loves attention and takes harsh words to heart. Often becomes deeply attached to someone she's decided is her human (see: Isaac).
Ben: Neighborhood Stray Mutt. Part Polish hound maybe, part big shepherd, part who-even-knows-what. A bit uncouth and can be a troublemaker, yet everyone greets him by name when they see him strolling along the streets. Very protective of his territory and his people. Will attack anyone out to harm those viciously. Wary of strangers, but once he gets to know someone, he's affectionate and surprisingly gentle at times. Knows the simple things are best in life: eating, sleeping in a big pile, sex, and the occasional fight (real or friendly--especially if it also leads to sex).
Tilda: Escaped Captive Wolf. Maybe a bit too on the nose, but if it ain't broke, why fix it? Tilda is a (were)wolf with no idea how to wolf properly. Abused and caged from birth, she's only just learning how to handle her instincts, not react with violence due to fear, and be part of the pack. Having Dorian and Ben at her side has gone a long way toward helping. Still hates direct eye contact and probably always will.
Oleander: Honey Badger. Honey Badger dgaf and neither does Ollie. Nocturnal, mostly solitary, tenacious, and has few predators due to her tough hide and ferocious nature. Of course, honey badgers have been known to work with humans and other creatures in the interest of a common goal. Just don't try to screw her out of her share if you want to keep your windpipe intact.
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