#kingoh fanfic
meganechan05 · 9 months
Nobody asked for it but I know many would appreciate it:
Love Spell but Rita learns nothing changed and gets Queer Panic щ(゜▽゜щ)
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choco-bloop · 6 months
I was thikning about the HimeRita swap from a long time before the timeskip but i never really finished it. But since 28 happened I went 'what if himerita swap' because that would also be a gold mine of fun :D
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mofffun · 5 months
I do hope that the fanfic scene explodes post show. There's just so much to the kingoh world to explore
Also will the manga cover the entire series or just the first few episodes?
Agreed! Kingoh feels like it created a whole universe and there's much to explore even outside the main cast. Just the timeskip is enough for years of materials lol.
It is still unkown how far along the manga will cover. I guess at the very least it'll run until the halfway point and wrap up the Bugnarok chapter. As usual, it'll probably go further if it sells.
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meandmyechoes · 6 months
King-Ohger ep42
on a trip and my stream is jumpy so just jotting down as we go
"Gira, don't think anything now. Stand up and defeat him" He's a leader our king
AHH I forgot to revise with the spinoff!! ah parallel lovers out there beware
Oh Lil Racles…
🤔 that confirmed him coronating at 17. Anything more from Prev!Red (and Blue?)
(why did he suddenly started narration like the slide show before death???
wait it IS time for a recap ep at the end of the year 🤣
But the Kings' Theme will make me cry
He did everything for Gira… 😭😭😭
He only knew AFTER the wedding??
So he DOES know something is off during the movie!!
Suzume Dybowski!!
WAHah suzu racles!!
Leave it to kingoh to do a recap ep and still have us on the edge of our seats
Only 9 eps left can you give is a nijichou ep instead of a recap 😭😭😭😭
Woah I… I feel like I'm watching fanfic on screen…
Oh the 'miss your vital points' is recovered here!
They are even recovering THAT clue?? Scorpi's poison from episode 8? So he got the anesthetic from Kagu/knew it's not the real poison
Oh my god Suzuracles!!
"Second thoughts? If you do this, you will be a traitor to humanity too."
"I just want to take another look if I'm not going to see you for a while."
"Meeting you is the luckiest thing that happened to me."
they are not divorcing after the show
And he took the POISON HIMSELF
So… Gira is immortal? But there's still room for why
takamina wrote his snippet into the show
I like how you can't hear Suzume's fake cry until it cuts to the throne room
ZERO helped!!
wait no i actually want to cry even though I heard "Racles's brother" so many times in the preview
Oh that flash of the creature it's FAR from over
So my guess is Minnogan is the nest of new generation of Dugs and there's just a bunch of Dug embryos inside him and why Dug lets him off easy
Promise now. You will save the people!
I promise you, as King of Shugoddom, to (inherit your determination.)
😭😭 The confidence, the resolve, the understanding that his brother is on the good side after all!!
Ah you're not gonna call him a ototou back?!!
Gira didn't even expect them to help (Racles)… It's okay baby… you're not alone anymore…
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curewimdy · 10 months
i keep walking past the book "Assistant to the Villain" at work and being tempted to buy it even though it's not the kind of thing i usually read because kingoh has really turned me on to "girlhenchman to a cold/grouchy boss" as a character type. but i know that it's only going to disappoint me by not really being Rita/Morphonia fanfic
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meganechan05 · 6 months
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Pulled Through the Cracks
Where two hearts thaw another.
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meganechan05 · 10 days
Bread&Butterflies -Epilogue- 💛💜
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Happy to announce that the final chapter and epilogue of my KingOhger Cinderella AU has been uploaded which means the story is finished! ( ´;゚;∀;゚;)
Not one to always post multi-chapter projects since I can never find a way to finish them, so I'm glad this is one of my firsts for KingOh!
Thank you all for reading!
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meganechan05 · 6 months
They couldn't stop them in time. Now the Kings have to pay the price and Himeno is forced to make a decision:
Save her friend or Join the enemy.
The tweet that sparked the idea:
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meganechan05 · 9 months
Brb suffering and my brain decides to make it even worse... I'm so sorry... 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
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meganechan05 · 8 months
Gonna write a full outline (or synopsis) of my Evil KingOhger. Not sure how it would play out as a fic, but I do like writing out my ideas in full if I can't turn it into an actual fic like I did for the Beauty and the Beast AU.
This one isn't concrete yet as I need to follow more stricter guidelines than I did for the HimeRita Idea but I'll keep everyone interested posted (  ̄▽ ̄)
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meganechan05 · 9 months
Rita/Morf Angst post-Episode 28
Because my writer brain likes angst for some fcking reason!
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choco-bloop · 9 months
I was supposed to finish this yesterday but I got caught up watching a Jdrama instead.
anyway, *aggressively throws you fluff* take this OT3 fic because DAMMIT RITA AND HIMENO DESERVE THE WORLD AFTER TODAYS EPISODE
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choco-bloop · 1 year
Finally. After 2 and a half months. I finished this.
In short: Kingohger but its Lupat. And everyone is gay.
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meandmyechoes · 10 months
Kingohger ch2 ep1 ep27
I kept expecting Ch2 to be 26 episodes long too but worst case we may only get 24 or less
I'm more and more pessimistic each day if we'll get more of their past, by math and Ch1 pace each member has 2 individual ep left
ah so Kami no Ikari IS because of the Galacticinsects
oh god… it's the first shot?? oh god… the mountains of corpse
(snow spider beautiful as always)
yeah when no one mentioned any new op visual/second verse should've expected OP no show this week
the offshots Erica posted with everyone seems to be real-time if they did the pre-ep PR vid there too, unlike for OP as I thought 🤔
how many times are they gonna remake ep1 🤣
Gira's voice is so gentle compared to Racules
"The Six-Country Peace Conference, will it go smoothly?" "Probably not" 😂
the aides really became regent 😭😭🤣
Why?? Why does Moffun has FOUR swords?
I NEED to know if the aides ever henshined (probably not because it's been "peace")
Kogane! Boon! *hugs close*
their attitudes are completely reversed with their kings haha
Sebas saying it's important to show the people their king vs Himeno upset about being made to walk
new bgm for Kami no Ikari 2!
Shiokara still having that awareness the throne/chair is only for Yanma-kun huh
WAKARU you're so cute gira
what kind of fanfic scenario is this. THEY WERE ROOMAMATES FOR TWO YEARS.
N'kosopa - Ninja
I was comparing it to "it's poetry it rhymes" last night on rewatch and it's going to space 🥹 it's just turning into my favourite things How can I not love Kingoh
my audio…? OH~
Looooove it when films mute the sound for outer space scened
The new Boss is a playful (sadistic) kid type which, to be expected given his mannerisms in the pv last week. But I'm really enjoying his VA and his CG throne room so far
Ishabana - Female
Toufu - Power type
Gokkan - Kamejim
Gosh so many new BGM today
This time Gira is no longer alone 😭
Kaguragi is SO BEAUTIFUL
*gasp* ah *gasp* rita sama…
odd eye!!!
closing this early to prep for IG live
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Kingohger ep17
[shoots through cam] that' so cool
ooh Racles's little forehead marking
Deathnarok can just revive any bug?? (Jeramie mom theory)
sigh BABY jeramie da ne… still too naive in front of Racles
ahhh moffun! do they carry the premium version now 👀 (nah no real ota would bring along something so valuable, and like, i'm sure the prop is just the usual one)
look forward to yanhime understanding
Gira shot cool! been waiting for your turn!
the boys are at the bottom end in terms of fighting skills huh
Yanma is so on edge because he considers Gira nakama desho
living for my otp standing next to each other
ahh miniscule yanma rita co-op!
ooh geojim is convenient for the plot
sudden bug lore?? so bugnarok was busy in-fighting 1000 years ago than to deal with humans? I wonder if that's when Jeramie's mom died....
(i know Papa Brasieri is human but i somehow can't shake the feeling he is more than that/behind God's Fury)
Jeramie is panicking isn't he, spilling all to Racles. In his eyes Racles is no different than the main cast so he'd give his trust to earn his huh
Shugoddom has BUG REVIVING TECH????!??!!!? For how long?!?? (what about PEOPLE reviving tech?)
You see i don't think Racles is a "good" person/moral character but he truly believes his dictatorship is the only thing that can save Chikyuu (and that may not be wrong in terms of holding enough firepower to hold Bugnarok at bay, but that is certainly not a "peaceful" solution). His ambition and his attitude towards Gira are two separate things.
Yanma alone in the plaza can be much more of a mood if this is a real set. think backlit tunnels at night. (and the scene can be just a little longer, but considering all that's happening next, i understand)
Rita turning the 'depend on others' lesson on Jeramie 😭😭
They smiled!!!!!!!! They smiled!!!!
Gokkan family unit!! fam!!!
託孤…か… 😭
awww HIMERITA HOLDING HANDS (hey takamina why is their reaction so damn fanfic sugary 😏 you know everyone can see your twitter likes huh)
the night/day swtich here and all that's happening next makes me feel like i started another 22-minute episode
[yanma reaching for the calibur all beat up] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (high pitch)
[Gira catching Yanma] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (high pitch) x2
I'm crying i'm crying
the orphanage kids learn Gira is alive too yokkata 😭
the Husty brothers with their inferno references...
I'm surprised too Racles's evil laugh doesn't start immediately and you can clearly see him shaking...
our first two-parter!!
Power-up?? eh? EH? it's only episode 18????
Kingoh is a Rider season in disguise
Flashback = Racles is DEAD
…so the coronation IS real…? 🤔
huh the editor knows their stuff putting that one second of rita screaming on the floor in the movie trailer. sensory overload rita
so much is happening i feel ep9/10 again
Kingohger GOAT
i didn't jot down much the last bit 'cause i'm overwhelmed. last week sapphic this week gay what can kinohger NOT do
but like, all the plot threads are gathered so neatly thought, Yanma vs. Racles, with Himeno, with Shiokara from ep10, with his people; Jeramie and Gerojim; Kaguragi once again safe like ep4, HimeRita from last week; Gira coming back from the dead. Yanma has screentime with EVERYONE even Kaguragi. What a redemption for ep13.
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