#kinnporsche ep. 14
misspoetree · 10 months
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: a quick Ep. 14 Rewatch Edition [Ep. 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13]
[Bonus: It will never be the way it was ]
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lexbtskp · 2 years
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forursmiles · 2 years
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the sheer panic on kinn’s face when vegas pointed the gun at porsche 
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fromperdition4 · 10 months
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You know, looking at this scene again, what stands out to me is how… uneven it is.
Vegas has his gun drawn on Kinn, ready to shoot, and yet I can’t help but feel sorry for Vegas.
How long he’s dreamt of this moment…
How much time and energy has Vegas spent - wasted - hating Kinn? How much of Vegas’s mind has been occupied by this constant loathing for someone who… spends far less time thinking about him?
Like, Kinn does hate Vegas, but we only see him take defensive moves against him. He doesn’t seek Vegas out to annoy him, or send assassins after him. Kinn has a life outside of Vegas, but Vegas…
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And I think, in this moment, Kinn realizes that too.
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wildelydawn · 2 years
Kim Prefers Using His Hands.
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What’s really crazy about Kim is that in this moment, he could’ve picked up the gun and shot this man dead, but instead, he chooses to savagely beat him with his own fists and then, when faced with another goon, decides to take a bottle to his head and then cleans his hands before starting up again. Like he’s taking care of his greatest weapon: himself.
Kim doesn’t always need a gun, as the start of the fight scene shows us this, but he chooses not to use a gun here because he wants to physically beat these guys down, and his face after he kicks the gun away definitely depicts a man who enjoys hands on violence.
At the very end, when Porchay is mere inches from danger and he’s surrounded, only then does he get a gun and expertly kills four people via gunshot. And when the last guy gets up, Kim’s body language appears almost passive, uninterested while shooting him down. 
Dare I say that Kim finds gun violence boring. Dare I say he finds it too easy to shoot people. He rather tear people apart with his bare hands. And that’s terrifying.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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ep. 1 x ep. 14 | kinnporsche
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Come here. Don't be shy.
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startlinestarlight · 2 years
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Kinnporsche episode 14 + text posts part 1
More Kinnporsche + text posts
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iamfujoshiwe · 13 days
Pete, after watching Vegas got shot : You’re dead. You are very dead. When you are a corpse I will hack away at your flesh and eat you raw. Vegas : Pete, I’m not dead yet. Pete : Let me have my moment of rage to avenge you. Vegas, bleeding on the floor : I’d prefer if you call an ambulance right now
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freensrcha · 2 years
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-> Favourite Episode: Ep 14
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peachym00 · 1 year
It takes Macau a long time to get used to seeing his brother care so deeply for someone else.
It doesn’t hit Macau until after Vegas is discharged from the hospital. When he’s been home for a few months, and everything is strange, scary and new. It takes some getting used to, being in a new house and being in this new life, being away from the constant volatility and unpredictability that Pa brought them up with. He keeps waiting for the ball to drop. For someone to bang down the door and laugh in his face and tell him that he’s dreaming, tell him that his dad is not dead and his brother is dying, and Pete does not belong with them.
It doesn’t hit him until he watches Vegas struggle to recover from the physical injuries as well as the mental wounds that threaten to consume them all. It’s as he watches each bad day, each excruciating night, each smile slowly becoming a more permanent fixture on his brother’s face. It’s as he watches Pete, this man that he’s known for years but only known for a matter of months, be such an integral part of Vegas’s recovery that Macau doesn’t know what they’d do without him.
Then, something clicks into place, slots into a gap so unfamiliar in his mind that he doesn’t even know how to explain because, oh.
Something ugly threatens to rear its head, and Macau does not know how to deal with it. Because seeing as Vegas smiles, bright and unrestrained, because of something Pete said only touches the surface.
It’s on a Friday evening when he gets home and catches them cooking together; well, Vegas is cooking; Pete is sitting on the counter and tasting every spoonful that Vegas brings to his mouth. They’re smiling and look happy, and Macau knows that if he were to join them, their smiles would stay intact, but something dark inside him panics about it anyway.
And then, one day, Pete returns from doing a job with Porsche, and he’s injured. Not seriously, but enough to leave him with a bloodstain on his white t-shirt that probably won’t come out in the wash. Macau sits outside, watching his brother pace back and forth in agitation as they wait for Pete to get his stitches. It reminds him of when he fell into Tankhun’s pond because Porsche is a jerk who has to insert himself into everything and how Vegas treated him afterwards. Angrily ordering the doctor to see him immediately, his rough manner and violent words were no match for the gentle way Vegas held his hand as his wound was cleaned.
And that night, as he comes downstairs to stay goodnight, his socked feet making virtually no noise as he slinks down the corridor, he watches as Vegas strokes his hand through Pete’s hair where they’re lying on the sofa. Pete is asleep, laid against Vegas’s shoulder, and Vegas looks down at him with tenderness, with a sheer and utter reverence, that Macau has never seen before.
The ugly thing threatens to escape, but he chokes it down and goes to bed without saying goodnight.
He starts to find it hard, after that, to ignore the voice in his head that tells him Vegas has Pete now; he has Pete to care about and to lean on, so why would he need Macau? The voice screams that Pete might be important to Vegas, but Macau is his brother; they’re family; why should Pete have all his attention when he is the one that needs it more.
And he knows, he knows it’s stupid and childish, but he can’t help it.
He doesn’t know how.
And it’s mortifying, feeling so needy when he’s never had to share Vegas before, never had to worry that he would get left behind because there was no one else.
He should be overjoyed that Vegas has finally found someone to love him in the way he deserves, wholeheartedly, and in exchange for nothing but love in return. And he is. Not a single thing makes him happier than to see Vegas look so content. But that does nothing to quell the beast inside of him.
And what makes it worse is that he likes Pete. He likes that Pete talks to him as an equal, that he knocks on his bedroom door and asks to come in. He likes that he doesn’t look at Vegas like a monster when he’s in one of his moods and doesn’t take any shit from either of them. It makes it worse because liking Pete makes him feel so guilty whenever the ugly thing wakes up inside him.
And it’s dumb; he knows it’s dumb, so he doesn’t let it out. He says nothing even when Vegas asks if he’s okay because he’s been quiet lately. He doesn’t say a word when Vegas reminds him that he’s there if he needs anything, and he doesn’t say anything when Pete tells him that he knows he’s not Vegas, but if Macau ever needs to talk, he’s always there to listen.
And then the voice inside him tells him that they know. They know about the ugly thing hiding deep inside his chest and how childish and needy he is for feeling this way. 
And eventually, it gets too much, something lets loose, and the ugly thing inside him breaks out of its poorly-built cage before he can stop it. 
It lashes out, and it’s mean, and he aims it all at Pete because Vegas isn’t home. Words that bear no truth pour out of his mouth, and the flicker of hurt that sweeps across Pete’s face before it hardens into something else makes him feel a hundred times worse. And then, like a coward, he storms away, locking himself into his room like a naughty child that had been sent there.
And it’s not until hours later, tears dried sticky on his face and he’s near convinced the voice in his head is telling the truth, that his door creeps open and light footsteps cross the room. He does not turn around. Just stubbornly faces the wall from where he’s curled on the sheets. The bed dips behind him, and a deep and heavy sigh is forced out of his brother’s chest. 
And then the voice tells him, see? See what you’ve done? He’s tired of your behaviour; he’s tired of your existence-
But a warm hand on his back and a calm voice in his ear stop it in its tracks. Because Vegas is sorry, he’s sorry that Macau has been struggling, and he’s sorry if he’s been neglecting him, but yelling at Pete won’t solve anything. 
And he knows, of course, he knows he hurt Pete, and he knows that nothing that came out of his mouth made sense because nothing in his head makes sense, either. And he cries, again, like a baby, but the warm hand doesn’t leave, and Vegas doesn’t leave, and telling him everything the nasty voice inside his head has been saying is so liberating, he feels like a weight has been wrenched from his body. Because he’s not dumb, and he’s not stupid and if that’s what you think needy is, then I’m so much worse than you, Mac-
And later on, when he forces himself to face Pete, cheeks red hot with shame, apologies tumbling out so fast he’s not even sure they’re eligible, he feels even lighter still. 
And when they pay him extra attention, he makes sure to complain like a typical teenager would, but inside, he glows with tender joy. Because even though the voice is still there, this time, he knows it’s lying, and this time, he doesn’t listen, and it makes it significantly quieter. 
And for all the gross and sappy moments that Vegas and Pete force him to witness, he doesn’t need to worry that he’s being forgotten or left behind because they always find a way to include him too. 
And although he would never say it out loud, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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misspoetree · 10 months
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lexbtskp · 2 years
So hyped
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forursmiles · 2 years
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Kim took don’t disturb my man or I’ll end you very seriously
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fromperdition4 · 1 month
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So, quick question:
See, I'm asking because I don't know how Korn could come back after everything that's happened...
We saw in the meeting Kinn held with their 'business' associates that the news of Korn's death wasn't just kept within their family, to lure Gun to act. Everyone thinks Korn's dead and that Kinn now has full control of the main family.
In this same meeting, Kinn kills two of their associates, who questioned his authority:
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Now that could have been part of Korn's plans, to let his ruthless son take care of disloyal allies - fun fact: this whole argument started over the main family not being fast enough to sign a Russian dealer, Mr. Vadim, who Kinn was supposed to meet in the last episode before Korn very kindly rescheduled it.
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But, even still - how would it look for Korn if he came back to life after both this meeting and the coup? What would all of the other gangs think of Korn's deception leading to the deaths of three leaders (the two here, as well as Gun's)?
I think that would be a step too far away from the 'fair and reasonable’ image Korn projects of himself. It would cause too much unrest among the underworld, and threaten the very power he's spent so long cultivating.
No - I think Korn is stuck here. Whether he intended to or not, he's now locked himself permanently in his compound.
Like he did to Nampheung.
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kinnspocketporsche · 2 years
Rewrite: Starting over
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Don't think about the parallels, don't think about Pete having an actual answer this time around, don't think about how "I can't run off to anywhere" isn't just Pete choosing Vegas, it's Pete deciding to give himself no other choice. He's not just refusing to run off, he's not allowing it to be an option. Handing the rope to Vegas, all over again.
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If you run now, I'm alright with that.
Don't think about Vegas being unconditionally selfless for the first time and giving Pete a way out anyway. Don't think about how this is better than all of the apologies because they're literally rewriting their lowest moment, going back and correcting all the wrongs of the past in order to move foward.
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I got nothing left.
For sure don't think about this fucking line getting reused. Reframed. Don't think about the way it was originally Pete who was split open, hurt and empty, the fight drained out of him. How this was Pete with nothing left to give. Don't think about how now the fight is out of Vegas. How his will to keep taking is gone.
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I don't want to be your burden. I just want to follow my heart.
Don't think about this confirmation that staying isn't just what Pete needs, what Vegas needs, it's what they both want.
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From now on, you're no longer my pet. You're the most important person in my life.
Don't think about how it's so important for to them that they have this conversation in full before they even consider touching each other. Don't think about the way healing is important to them. Don't think about how KP said "Can we start all over?" and VP went ahead and did this.
Are y'all fucking??? Okay??????? Because I'm not.
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