#kp ep 12
freensrcha · 2 years
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'But a guy like you, it's no fun when you don't give in.'
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chainedupgirlsblog · 2 years
losing my shit over VegasPete scene again… I’m never gonna be over those two
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surajmukhis · 2 years
any time i need to activate an instant rage mode i think about how vegaspete's first fuck soundtrack was a laminated sheet wobbling while kinnporsche got some oscar-winning mfs for the pool scene
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
oh ok yeah i am here. vegaspete is. yeah. that post about not consuming media but media consuming you and all that.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 9 months
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kinnporsche the series as faceless gifsets: ep 11 / 14
“The main family has put you on a blacklist. Go to the safehouse. When it gets quiet, we'll decide what to do next.”
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"I don't want to go to the safehouse alone. Guess I'll bring a pet to keep me company."
Are you surprised? Really, are you surprised?? This won't be a full series, I just wanted to do something for the kprewatch event and set maps are what I do best 🤷‍♀️ Especially because it involves watching the same episodes again and again very, very closely and going insane, which seems appropriate for all the brainrot VegasPete have caused me. The complete design:
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Silly little observations below the cut, but also have this diagram that illustrates where all the scenes take place relative to the aerial shot from episode 11:
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If you'd be interested in prints, let me know! I may end up having a crack at a more substantial safehouse piece. A front elevation view would be so interesting to put together.
Reblogs are encouraged, reposts are not. This piece is now crossposted to my instagram account here. Check out my cdrama set maps and other art at the links/socials below: The Untamed (ongoing): The Jingshi | The Hanshi | Lotus Pier Word of Honor: Four Seasons Manor (in progress) instagram | kofi | inprnt
A small note on my design choices/silly little observations: 1) The room where Pete is kept appears to be smaller and squarer than it is in the aerial shot. I'm guessing it's to accommodate the mood lighting and to give the room a more claustrophobic/cage-like feel. I've attempted to depict that empty space above relative to the dimensions of the birdseye view.
2) I'm not entirely sure there actually is a bit of a bump-out for the unseen room that makes up part of the main living space, but the apparent interior corner in the far right of this shot makes me think there might be:
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3) There's fresh herbs growing in a planter by the fridge and I think we should all think about Vegas planting them and watering them and cooking with them:
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4) There is one single shot of the bedroom where there might (a big might) be an armchair next to the bed at one point and I ran with it for personal headcanon reasons:
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5) What is in this mystery room at the back of this shot?? There seems to be a welcome mat or something put down? Is that the true entryway?? A bathroom? A utility room? I don't know nearly enough about vernacular Thai architecture to make an accurate guess:
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Anddd that's it, that's about all I've got for this blorbo house! As always, thank you for your support 🙏Feel free to yell about this location in the tags, I'd love to hear your thoughts and maybe improve my design.
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sunnythings · 2 years
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˚  ⏇  🎥   ⊕  ﹒ ( ◞‸◟)
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answermywearyquery · 2 years
It was on his second step on the warm wood of the elevated terrace, his mind whirling from the adrenaline, when he realized that there was no way Vegas just left the key on the bed by accident.
Upon realizing this, his first thought was, this motherfucker.
(Or: Episode 12 from Pete's perspective, but his inner monologue is a filthy mouthed litany.)
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howdaretrashships · 1 year
This is a few days late, but to celebrate the one year anniversary of getting re-inspired to write here's the fic that wouldn't leave me alone until it was written.
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biblesbuild · 2 years
wishing it was may again and i was watching episode 7 of kp again in a hotel in chicago with 7 more episodes to look forward to
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dummerjan · 2 years
i'm amazed how people can write enlightening analysis 30 minutes after an episode aired meanwhile here i am 2 months later still wondering why did vegas say this and why did he do that?
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megomyeggo · 2 years
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Vegas Theerapanyakul + outfits (part 3) | Part 1 | Part 2 | part 4
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - Lesbians WIN & I'm excited about a Thai BL again!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
April 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 12 eps - Adaptation of Chinese novel Professional Body Double by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of KP was the clashing directing styles). The MDL description made it sound complicated af but actually it's not so bad. In fact it's GOOD.
Stuntman Joe dies on the job and wakes up in the body of another Joe who has an entirely different life. But our Joe just gets his new body right back into his old existence, full of friends, enemies, and one troublesome ex. Poom is absolutely killing it in the lead. Mek is perfectly cast as the Actor du Jerk. I’m not sold on Up’s bratty brokenhearted rich kid... yet. The show though, I like it. I like a one (two) night stand starting things off and I like a lot of morally gray characters. Fun fun!
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 8fin - The lesbian moms are the cutest thing in the world and my favorite thing this week. Bar none.
It's about a host club and all the gay boys in it and some stuff that's not important because... PEOPLE OF EARTH WE HAVE A HONEST REP OF POLY IN A BL. Stand up and raise your hands in prayer to the Thai BL gods because sure as shit no one else was ever going to give this to us. For that alone this show gets 8/10 from me. Bonus Lesbian moms and great kisses.
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Two Worlds (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 10 - Say what you want about MaxNat all these years that they've been paired makes them great onscreen boyfriends. And you know me, I'm a total sucker for linguistic negotiation. Makes my heart go all mushy. That said, now that the leads are together, I’m really uninterested in all the drama around the ex-boyfriend/triangle. I'm glad this is only 10 eps.
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1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - They gave me the tiniest teaser for the kinky vampire BL that I have wanted my whole life. And now I'm just fucking annoyed with the rest of the show. 
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 3-4 of 16 - Q & Toey are the only interesting thing going on. I actually didn’t like this pair in My School President, but I’m enjoying them here. The others are all fine but these two have my heart. I have questions like: did Phum ever get his shopping bags back? And why is Phum driving a different colored car half way through the ep?
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Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - The quality is good (it’s GMMTV) but the acting is... not. Still I loved that Moo just made the confession for both of them. Very in character. Does this plot remind anyone else of Footloose? Just me? Side couple was cute but now a bit too stalker for me. 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 10 of 12 - It’s fantastic. Such a great show. We are so lucky. This is basically Taiwan’s The Eights Sense. I didn’t know they had it in them, but I’m really glad that they did.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - As JBL’s go this is way more my speed (than Alaska). It’s just so sweet and awkward but charming about it. The confession was so earnest. 
Blue Boys (Korea YouTube) 2 of ? No MDL link - It’s very sexy this one. Not sure what Korea thinks it's doing, but I’m not mad about it. 
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Gray Shelter (Korea Thurs iQIYI) ep 5fin - summation: About a slacker nursing a crush on the (brief) older stepbrother who abandoned him. Upon finding him again he moves in with him, upends the mans lost suffering life. A dark gritty piece with confusing subs making it too chewy to really grok. It's trying to do too much for its length. The tension is real and the acting is good, it's just everything else stymied clean execution of the core concept. Frankly I spent this show expecting (and wanting them) to just fall into bed together - in a kind of desperate fight sex. It didn’t happen, and I’m disappointed by the non-ending we got. (Whether it’s going to have more in the series or not.) 7/10 I'm open to changing the rank if a part two fixes this one's flaws.
Boys Be Brave AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 1-2 of 8 - Oh dear. Terrible hair. Jock nerd pairing. OCD baby cakes. Cohabitation trope. Killer side couple. Def unhinged. 
At 25:00 in Alaska AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I’m still genuinely not sure about this one. It’s just a little too awkward for me in the wrong way. I expect all Japanese BL to have a certain aura of awkwardness so I don’t know what it is about this one turnign me off. I do enjoy that we’re getting both stories, the one between the actors, and a little bit of the roles that they’re playing on screen but... yeah
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 7-8 of 12 - The leads finally had a moment but there is negative chemistry. Why am I watching this? 
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It's airing but...
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - 6 eps, when it's done, tell me if I should bother?
In case you missed it
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) 6 eps - finished its run but I won't be finishing it. Stays dropped.
GMMTV announced the second half of their 2024 line up. I got excited and picked my favorites, details + trailers here. Basically my ranking is:
The Heart Killers
Sweet Tooth
Perfect 10 Liners
The Ex-Morning
Ossan’s Love Thailand
Next Week Looks Like This:
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What happened?
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous pairing) and Best, news here. But will it actually air this month?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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I have adopted him. He is MINE. I love him, your honor. (The Stand In)
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I love them SO MUCH. (Deep Night)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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thisautistic · 4 months
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Welcome to the chillest re-watch event there's ever been! Over the next 14 weeks we are going to re-watch KinnPorsche the Series!
This event is for people who just don't have the time or inclination to participate in shorter, higher intensity events!
You can participate in as much or as little of this event as you want. Even the dates are more a guideline than an actual rule!
April 2-8: Ep 1. April 9-15: Ep 2 April 16-22: Ep 3 April 23-29: Ep 4 April 30-May 6: Ep 5 May 7-13: Ep 6 May 14-20: Ep 7 May 21-27: Ep 8 May 28-June 3: Ep 9 June 4-June 10: Ep 10 June 11-17: Ep 11 June 18-24: Ep 12 June 25-July 1: Ep 13 July 2-8: Ep 14
The original run was two weeks longer than this but I figured we should just stick with weekly!
the tag i'm using is #kpann2k24 and I will continue to use that. PLEASE feel free to also use it as you go through the show so that I can see all of your posts! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 you all and happy watching.
(if you have any questions my dms and ask box is open)
Also: If you are looking for a more structured, bigger event (that's actually an event) dreamy has @2-years-of-kp starting april 9 which is the official event for the fandom!
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adanima · 1 year
Yeah, so another thing about VegasMacau as *the* brothers in KP
The thing that will never stop getting me is how visible Vegas’s care for Macau is. Like from an audience perspective, what evidence do we have that makes us so certain Vegas genuinely cares about Macau?
Vegas fussing over Macau's head injury in ep 2.
Vegas taking the time to just casually hang out with Macau in ep 6, seemingly with no plotting or other intentions than just spending time with his brother (the second biggest evidence imo).
Vegas asking about Macau's day when they sit to eat in ep 7.
Pete bringing up Macau as someone who Vegas loves that hasn't left him in ep 12 (and what has Pete seen, who we know is very perceptive, prior to this that makes him so sure in saying this).
Macau being so sure/comfortable in demanding a hug from Vegas in ep 14 post-credits scene, meaning Vegas has shown him easy affection in the past. And Vegas so quick to fold Macau into his arms and kiss him (the biggest evidence for me)
And what's crazy about this is how open Vegas is about his genuine affection towards Macau, despite his status as someone who will backstab others and gain enemies. If this is how Vegas acts around Macau in public, and we the audience can infer that he greatly cares about Macau, I'm certain any of Vegas's rivals/enemies would be able to infer the same. Vegas's love for his little brother is a very obvious emotional weakness that he just has on display for others to pick up on. If someone wanted to hurt Vegas, going after Macau must seem like an obvious pain point.
And this is probably why Tankhun/Kinn/Kim seem so disconnected to each other. Korn would not have allowed such open emotional weakness from his sons. At best, such emotion gives people a weakness to exploit. At worst, his sons might care about each other more than the family business, or even him. Korn would have spotted any open display of brotherly affection from any of them and manipulated/forced them to close that down. Notice that none of the 3 main family bros are shown to casually enjoy or seek out each other's company with no one else around them. Contrast that with VegasMacau shopping trip in ep 6 or even PorscheChay bonding in ep 5.
So, Korn was able to successfully strip his sons from showing brotherly affection. Why couldn't Kan? Because I'm sure Kan would have tried to snuff it out of Vegas, either through verbal scolding or physical beating. Kan would not be happy with having an obvious weakness on display. (In fact, you could argue that part of what feeds into Kan's disdain towards his sons is his idea of love=weakness, but that's a completely separate discussion.) And not just Kan. Vegas definitely knows his love for Macau is a weakness that enemies can exploit and it's probably better that he hide it. The fact that he doesn’t??
I would say it's partly for himself, but it's mostly for Macau. Vegas refuses to deprive Macau of yet another source of love and care. So even though it'd probably be safer for both Vegas and Macau if Vegas didn't show he cared so much, Vegas still continues to do so.
And this would piss Kan off so much. First of all, because Vegas doesn't bow to his demands and stop caring about Macau. But secondly, and perhaps more infuriating for Kan, is that Vegas cares about his little brother, where Korn doesn't. Vegas is willing to shoulder the dirty work to prevent Macau from doing so himself. And Korn? Deliberately sends the minor family (and thus Kan) to do the dirty work.
I bet this eats at Kan so much. He's never beaten Korn. Vegas's never really beaten Kinn, either. But you know what Vegas has beaten Korn (and Kinn) at? Caring about his younger brother. And just like Pete's father kept hitting him when he won a fight, Kan keeps hitting Vegas for this.
And despite all this, through all the beatings and shouts, Vegas still cares about Macau. One of the only things he doesn't let his father dictate is maintaining his love for Macau and showing it. Showing it so much that we can pick it up so easily, even before the safehouse episodes, when Vegas is only presented as sly asshole. The one thing that Vegas doesn't hide through all his scheming and his masks, is his love for his little brother.
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Aaaa I just- I love this gesture. 
It’s so quick, considering the pace of the scene and the focus of it - Porsche and Korn - but it’s so telling.
Honestly, the first few times I watched this moment, I didn’t get the significance. I thought Kinn’s careful movement, the rigidity of his hand here, was a continuation of his hesitance in the previous scene: remembering Porsche’s rejection of his touch, the way he didn’t hug back although he allowed it (and isn’t that a lovely contrast - the way Kinn is so respectful and careful of Porsche’s boundaries now, when in the beginning he “crossed the line” without consideration). 
But watch Chan in the background: he ducks his head at Porsche’s immediate exclamation, readying himself (perhaps against his personal feelings) to subdue Porsche the second he is shows aggravation towards Chan’s boss. Kinn attempts to place this placating hand on Porsche’s waist at the exact same moment.
So I can’t help but think that this gesture is actually a signal - Kinn, the family heir, immediately acknowledging the escalating threat in Porsche as he shrugs Kinn off, but signalling to the head bodyguard to wait. 
 To that end, consider how it’s not just a finger lifted in silent gesture by Kinn: it’s the finger that holds the Theerapanyakul ring, and the camera lingers. 
It’s a silent command. A silent signal that this is a family dispute - Porsche is family, not a security threat. 
Even though the focus in this scene is Porsche and Korn, and there is so much context to distract us, there is still this little moment reminding us of the power dynamics between the bodyguards and the family they protect. And it serves to remind us, too, that Porsche has transcended that boundary. 
And just as Kinn trusts, Porsche defers to Korn’s power, even as he rejects everything he now sees has been bestowed upon him at Korn’s whim. (Even- Kinn? Porsche may think- but no, that’s whump for another day.) 
Wait, is what this gesture says. I know Porsche - I know him. There is no true danger here.
And then that same arm grabs for Porsche as he suddenly rejects everything Korn has offered him (does that- include-?) Yet Kinn, despite the frown on his face, waits for his father’s nod to follow.
The subtext. 
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