#kirby game meets anime
das-a-kirby-blog · 1 year
Can we have more Game meets Anime please
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aarrggh anon, alas I be tired and my mimirs have yet to meet my snorks, thus this batch be very small. Apologies in advance ye good matey.
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mrwhoisthis · 6 months
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I just did the wacky
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dark-mega · 1 year
Remember that post of Kirby game meets anime ideas? Well here comes the sequel!!! Ideas for Anime x Game Kirby crossovers 2!
1-the history is how grand doomer goes to the anime dimension after he’s defeat on Magolor’s hands in “Magolor’s epilogue”, and ends up trying to chase down Magolor when he jumps into the portal to the clash universe but since he’s too weak he falls unconscious mid travel and ends up in the anime dimension, he finds how this universe despise lacking strong sources of energy they still have artifacts strong Enough to give him power, specially from nightmare enterprises leftovers which he uses to power hes doomer army, he quickly goes to dreamland to get revenge on Kirby now that he has he’s power and army once again he goes on a full on attack on pop star. He absorbs Galaxia meanwhile the Doomers shatter the warp star to absorb its power, kirby tries to stop Grand doomer but the villain sends the puffball,tiff,tuff,meta knight,king dedede and escargoon into “another dimension” in which they are aided by not only the elemental bosses (Electriky Dooter, Fiery puffer and Hydriat) which now don’t work for grand doomer since he has lost the power of the master crown, but they also meet the parallels (Susie,meta knight,dedede,kracko,Landia and wispy) and now the heroes (and anime!dedede) aided by the three elemental monster have to collect the fragments of the apple which are being held hostage by the parallels (which are on a war for “another dimension” since the doomers left to conquer the anime dimension) and unlock their own elemental powers (tiff & tuff:fire/rock, meta knight:Ice/water and Dedede & Escargoon:thunder/air meanwhile Kirby learns to handle the super ability’s) after they get the apples they go back to dreamland and see how grand doomer has basically destroyed the entire place and turned dedede’s castle into he’s floating nest meanwhile the GSA has basically been running from the beings beyond their retconing, however now our heroes defeat all the Doomers and fix the Warp Star so they can get into dededes castle and Kirby can defeat Grand doomer once again. Now Kirby has learned to fight for himself, meta knight learns there’s much to learn from the universe, tiff and tuff now have magic and so does dedede and Escargoon which will try harder than ever to be a annoyance to Kirby even without nightmare
2-starts with galacta knight which was defeated by yet another Kirby and another meta knight of the multiverse, so he’s banished to yet another universe but this time he finds himself on the middle of a battle field with no pink puffball or blue knight anywhere. He sees knuckle joe being attacked by a bunch of monsters (including masher 2) and he easily kills the demon beasts with a single attack, he prepares to fight knuckle joe but the kid instead thanks him calls him star warrior, galacta knight is confused by this and sees how other knights appear, he prepares to fight but they call him “partner” which confuses him even more, galacta hasn’t been treated has a ally since he and he’s partners sealed void termina, he decides to tag along and sees he’s in a war once again and to the same guy he killed a week ago (a week for him since time stopped existing for him since dimensional travel also involves some time travel), the leaders of the GSA (whoever you use, Arthur or anyone else) then discover galacta isn’t a registered member and interrogate him, galacta think they are going to attack him so he prepares to kill then all but they instead offer him to join for he’s massive power, he accepts. Galacta quickly becomes a very beloved and well known warrior, he’s usually followed by knuckle joe which speaks to him while galacta constant duels with other Star warriors, everything is normal till joe mentions Kirby and meta knight, galacta quickly asks where is pop star and then he goes to beat the ever living Stars of the two. Meta knight is confused by who is this and why he’s attacking them but realizes this Kirby and meta knight are weak and can’t even face a 1% of he’s power like the other meta knights and Kirby’s, he decides to train Kirby to unlock the power he remembers, galacta quickly shows he’s not good at talking, or teaching or interacting which makes him have a bad relationship with everyone but Kirby which treats him like any Kirby would (with hugs and friendship) and knuckle joe (who constantly visits him) has time goes Galacta starts liking more this life still thinking he can get he’s old life style before he was betrayed, but this dream suddenly crashes when the GSA members are ordered to arrest him, he goes on a rampage thinking he was betrayed once again but kirby and knuckle joe get hurt making galacta even more furious and miserable, he flies to the edge of the galaxy and has nightmare enterprises attacks dreamland like in “fright to the finish” knuckle joe and Kirby decide to go for Galacta knight meanwhile Meta and the rest try to attack nightmare with the rest of the GSA but they are bombarded by A FAKE galacta knight which framed the real knight. Kirby and knuckle joe get to galacta which try’s to push them away using a small fraction of he’s power but the kids tell him despite everything they think he’s innocent and beg for he’s help, galacta decides to help and the three go to save the gang. Galacta sees he’s copy and has a small fight since he really wanted one but stops playing once he sees the kids are getting near nightmare, Galacta turns into Aeon hero Light and one shots he’s doppelgänger and goes to save the kids, tiff tells galacta he can’t kill eNeMe since he’s connected to Kirby’s dreams and they don’t know what will happen if nightmare dies while connected to kirby, so galacta rages because of this which causes a hole in the fabric of reality, kirby quickly defeats eNeMe on he’s dreams and wakes up which allowed Galacta to destroy nightmare with all of he’s power which let yet another hole in the fabric of reality, all of them escape while Galacta now with he’s name cleaned is treated has a hero once again, the story ends with him sleeping on a hill on dreamland with Kirby while several butterfly rest on them as well
3-Kirby is fighting a monster able to create portals which makes Kirby gets the Spark ability, the two fight but Kirby accidentally makes the monsters powers go south turning one of the portals into a kind of vacuum which absorbs tiff and tuff. The two end up in Halcandra, Tiff and tuff walk around trying to find anyone who could help them but tuff accidentally gets trapped into the main factory, Tiff goes to save him has the robots and various other hazards try to kill them, they survive and run into a elevator which brings them to the boss of the place “metal general�� which isn’t holding he’s punches with this two and before the kids are killed by the robot, landia appears and calms the general telling them they are kids, the robot after noticing this goes back to sleep, tuff is amazed by the cool dragon while tuff is scared of the giant dragon, however landia is very kind has they separate in four and two of them invite tiff and tuff to ride them, the kids get on the dragons and fly to the top of Dangerous Dinner. Tuff talks about how cool this all is meanwhile Tiff is scared about this place, soon they arrive to landias lair, Tiff and Tuff rest for a bit while tiff try’s to talk with the dragon which seems to ignore her, the next morning they are guided to a star shaped portal which goes to popstar (results landia was hearing but just wanted to have some company that night), the kids and the dragon jump into the portal, the kids are now amazed by this fantastic place which seems so familiar yet so different, like a dream! They arrive to magolorland and are weird out by the several demon beasts acting like normal people, a younger looking wispy, a genie, a monkey, a puffer fish and a giant ship all around the park while thousands of waddle dees and other habitants of dreamland the kids have never seen wear masks of many strangers and some familiar faces, landia asks Magolor to call Kirby meanwhile the kids play the games with the other habitants of dreamland. When Kirby and the rest arrive there’s a small shock by the Friendly dedede,the waddle dee with a bandana on escargoon a place, meta knight wings and Kirby not knowing them (or actually everyone) Magolor and meta knight quickly figure out what’s happening and help the kids go back to their dimension, but not before one last game through all of Magolor land, Has they return to their dreamland they are welcomed by a kirby and parents that are almost in tears, a dedede with a black eye (Kirby’s doing) and a very surprised meta knight (not because they lived but for the giant flying ship and the dragon) after a small presentation of their alternates the heroes of dreamland, the dimensional magician and the ex-guardian of the master crown retire back to their world meanwhile the kids tell their parents about their adventure (note landia doesn’t talk but Magolor and Metal general can just speak dragon-ish)
The end, so how was it? Did you like it? Please tell me and give me some feedback
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tidepod-chomper · 13 days
explodes and dies because I need anime and game kirby crossovers right now
pspspspspsspsspsps come here writers and artists I need your content I am scraping the bottom of the bucket for anything
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sweetandglovelyart · 5 months
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I recently learned how to make video clips into gifs. This is what I’ve chosen to do with that knowledge.
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Brain full of Kirby so here is another AU/fic prompt with Anime/forgotten land crossover.
AU where not just game dreamland but Anime dreamland both get sucked into the forgotten land.
Tiff, Tuff, anime Dedede, and Kirby, meet Game Kirby and Bandana waddle dee when they find Elfin.
Everyone is very confused, and all the anime characters are pretty fucking terrified of Gamer Kirby as he just tears through levels with Bandana Dee, especially when fighting the boos, Tiff is holding Tuff and baby Kirby back, Dedede is hiding while claiming he could take them all on.
They’re not just rescuing Waddle Dees but also residents of Cappy town
Everyone’s pretty confused and all meet up in Waddle Dee town there Dedede tries to take charge as he’s the king… all the waddle dees are unimpressed, not their king. He is very quickly overruled by Game Meta knight who arrived there and has been protecting the waddle Dees and cappy town residents. Anime Meta Knight also arrived and he and Game Meta knight have just been trying to make sense of each other. Anime Meta knight is shocked by how open Game Meta Knight is with everyone.
Anime MK: Clearly your backstory is not as tragic as mine
Game MK:…
Dedede of course challenges Game Meta knight… but is quickly overruled because 1)This Meta knight is very powerful clearly and 2) He claims he can cause he is married to his Dedede…
All the anime characters freak the fuck out, Anime Dedede and Meta basically bluescreen because ‘WHAT?’.
Anime Dedede and Metaend up going with Kirby and co because with Dedede he doesn’t want to stick around where he’s not in charge and Meta because he doesn’t want to deal with alternate him who is married to DEDEDE?  Things are super awkward between them.
Tuff has stars in eyes with Bandana Dee and Tiff real likes Wise waddle dee and learning the power ups. Plus she will protect Elfin with her life.
As things get more dangerous Meta ends up having Anime Kirby stay back because he knows what their Villains are like and let’s not traumatize the toddler. He tries to talk to Tiff and Tuff but they will not be talked out of going along. So, Meta’s just protecting the town and everyone walking around with toddler Kirby clinging onto his back. All the waddle dees adore baby Kirby also.
When they meet possessed Dedede Anime Dedede is instantly like ‘Please I can handle him I’ll show whose the better m-‘ and then gets knocked though multiple walls by Game Dedede who is WAY stronger. Tiff, Tuff and MK are suddenly very scared… though Tiff is ready to try and take him on herself when he steals Elfin.
The Anime characters aren’t fully convinced of their Dedede being as good as they say only believing it when he stays behind in the elevator.
When the Elfin stuff happens near the end… it’s a lot Game characters are all like ‘Yep as per usual’ while the others are all slightly traumatized. Game Meta knight just pats their shoulders when they get back hands them hot chocolate while the anime characters try to process all of that.
When Game Dedede is back and reunites with Game MK they are ridiculously mushy and Game them are just so awkward.
Game Dedede is in charge by unanimous vote, Cappy town residents are trying to arrange a  time share so he can be their king to.
When Kirby goes to deal with Leons soul and post-game Anime characters decide to stay back… because FUCK any more of that. Which means Anime Dedede and Meta have to stay alternate versions of them.
After watching them flirt… the pair start thinking if another eldritch entity would be less awful definitely be less embarrassing. Especially cause they bonded over the whole journey and now they sort of maybe like each other and neither WANT TO DEAL WITH THAT.
Game Dedede and Meta also 110% adopt Anime Kirby and Dedede probably  trried to adopt Tiff and Tuff.
Game MK: Dedede they already have parents put the adoption papers down
Game Dedede:...
Game Dedede: You already tried didn’t you?
Game MK:Yep
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please clic for larger images, tumblr compression made these look all blurry. id below the cut
here i am still making mp100 comics in april of 2024. its just such comfort food. im highly normal about mob and tomes friendship
ID: three pages of black and white comics about Mob and Tome from the anime Mob Psycho 100.
panel 1: a leg and an arm extend from out of panel so that the hand on the arm can tie the shoe on the leg. lying on the ground is the other shoe, a cell phone, a keyring, and a polka dot carrying case. on the carrying case rests a sphere with a strange pattern on it. in the top right it says "January."
panel 2: a figure (its tome) pulls on a jacket. visible in front of her are a cabinet and a wall-mounted rack, all messy.
panel 3: with a door in the background, a closeup of tomes hand on her flipphone. the screen says "dialing."
panel 4: tome shrugs on her jacket and, holding her phone against her ear with her shoulder, smiles and says, "Oy, Mob! It's Saturday! Let's go telepath-hunting!"
panel 5: ritsu and mob sit on a blanket on the floor in front of a bookshelf. a little "pause" label extends from off-panel. both of them are holding controllers. ritsu leans against his hand, looking bored, as mob holds his cellphone to say "Hi Tome. Didn't we already find a telepath?" tome responds, "Oh, right."
panel 6: tome and mob dont really know what to say next. they both look cartoony and stupid. "..."
panel 7: tome, looking pained, curls a hand in the air in front of her and says, "Do you want to... walk around the city? Pointlessly?" mob says, "Sure, I guess that's what we normally do."
panel 8: tome looks mad. "No! We walk pointedly! In the direction of telepaths!" she points, pointedly. mobs eyebrows go a little down as he scratches at his face. "It's pretty funny that you were looking for so long when Takenaka was right next to you. For months. And then he left because you were too weird."
panel 9: tome, opening her front door, says, "Y'know what, Mob, maybe I'll invite him instead." Mob says "That's a good idea. Let's see if he can come with us."
panel 10: now exiting onto the walkway in front of her apartment, tome says, looking excited, "Actually I have been investigating something new. We should look for a haunted house!" mob thinks to himself, "Sounds like work..."
panel 11: mob looks skeptical and asks, "In the city?" tome responds, "Yep." behind mob, ritsu unpauses the game (ssb brawl) and starts thrashing mob (ritsu mains lucas, mob mains kirby)
panel 12: tome walks down the stairs of her apartment building to a concrete sidewalk with a row of trashcans nearby. she says, "My first guess is that new shaved ice place on 5th street." mob responds, "Oh." tome says "It's an old building! I think it's haunted!"
panel 13: mob, contented, says, "Okay. I'll meet you at the train station." pleased, tome responds, "Excellent!" ritsu looks back at mob with a mean smile on. the tv screen says "GAME!"
panel 14: mob yells, "Ritsu! What the heck!" tome, at a stoplight, replies, "Sure, he can come too." she presses the walk signal button. "BIP."
End ID.
making this comic i learned that you cant just put masking tape over your mistakes and re-ink on top of it bc the masking tape looks too dark when its scanned in. i guess ill just have to warm up more and be more deliberate when i ink like some kinda loser. or i could become truly insane and start gluing on little pieces of bristol
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beannary · 1 year
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what if i made a rottmnt oc haha just kidding!!!...unless
more information on kirby under the read more!
His name is Kirby King! He's based off the character that appears in Mirage comics Donatello #1 and the character from the 2003 tmnt series that appears in season 1 episode 16
Kirby is Indian and bisexual!
Kirby is 19 when he and Donnie meet (they meet after the events of the movie) and he is studying at university to be a scientific illustrator
One day when Kirby is walking to class, he happens to find this weird crystal that he picks up because he thinks it looks cool
On a whim he attaches the crystal to a pencil that he uses for drawing and boom! after that everything that he draws with that pencil starts actually coming to life
This obviously starts giving off major mystic energy which Donnie picks up and goes to investigate which is how Donnie and Kirby meet!
A bit more info on Kirby
He's very awkward and clumsy, he's not super confident in his like intelligence but he loves biology! Science was never his strength in school and so he never did well in biology but he always found it so interesting and so he ended up gravitating towards doing scientific illustrations since he also loves art and drawing
He's also a very big nerd, very into fantasy and video games, Kirby and Donnie definitely bond over their love of video games
When Kirby's not like drawing for school, he tends to draw like fantasy creatures that he dreams up, he loves designing and coming up with cool fantasy animals he just finds it so much fun
Kirby is very silly very goofy, he's super trusting and is like majorly fascinated by Donnie's whole turtle situation, he loves drawing the turtle boys since they're such a cool combination of human and turtle features
Kirby would also get along with Mikey since they're both artists, but they do have like completely different artistic styles
Kirby's not super mechanically minded, but he likes listening to Donnie talk about his inventions :) he thinks Donnie has a nice voice
He and Donnie like to play games together, not sure what games since I dont play a whole lot of multiplayer stuff askldjhf but they also just like to hang out with each other and doing their own things like Donnie will be working on his inventions while Kirby is working on his art, your honor they are friends!!!!
please ask me more about kirby so i can figure out more of his whole situation, on my hands and knees begging for asks about him
also here is some bad art of me trying to figure out his face + some more info on him if you can figure out my chicken scratch
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dragonitepaw · 2 months
Hi! I love your super paper Mario AU, could you tell us more about it?
Waaaah Im glad you like it 🥹 i havent got too much on it as of right now but I have plans to develop it more once ive finished my uni project !!
as right now though here are some of the details/character roles:
Mario - Kirby Luigi - Bandee Bowser - Dedede Peach - either Tiff/Fumu (from the anime) or potentially Adeleine I haven't decided on that yet, originally i went straight for Fumu but i got a comment saying Adeleine would be a great fit too !! it all depends on whether i wanna include anime characters or not
Count Bleck - Meta Knight Tippi/Timpani - Galacta Knight (its their love story bc metagala forever 🫶) Nastasia - Sailor Dee O'chunks - Mace Knight Mimi - Javelin (the other meta-knights would be present too but have less of a role in the story as those 3)
Dimentio - Marx ^^^ originally i was gonna have vul as dimentio as i wanted all of count bleck's minions to be the meta-knights, but it also makes sense for the one non meta-knight character to be the one to betray them and marx just fits perfectly thematically >:)
as a little extra Merlon would be Morpho Knight which is my explanation for why Galacta Knight appears as a pixl butterfly, Morpho having the butterfly motif is my justification for the sense around galacta being their own butterfly that isnt just the morpho butterfly :)
okay now with characters done with,, the general narrative is the same destroying the world after galacta/tippi is "gone" but more fit around the ancients and heroes of yore lore being the driving point for meta and galacta meeting and forming a bond which then leads to the events of the game:
Meta's family (the tribe of darkness) were responsible for trying to end the world before using the dark prophecy (to make their own world and have the power to govern it) - meta being younger at this time had no say in what happened, Nightmare is the head of the family and the one who attempting to end the world (but thats not too important as nightmare plays no role in the main story anyways its just context).
The heroes of Yore (which includes Galacta as the hero of heart going off of my own personal hcs) were the ones to stop the family and strike some sort of deal that prevented them from using the dark prognosticus, saying if they were to try such a thing again then the heroes would be less merciful and banish the entire tribe away, knowing the heroes were more than powerful enough to live up to their threat the nightmare gave in, and the dark prognosticus was hidden away by the heroes to prevent the dark prophecy from being initiated once again.
Years down the line (much like in the original story) meta ends up getting injured and galacta comes across him, nursing him back to health. Meta didnt know about the heroes of yore and their threat to the family so wasnt aware of who galacta was, vice verca with galacta they werent aware meta was part of the tribe of darkness at the time. the two bond and eventually fall in love <3
Eventually nightmare finds out about and becomes enraged about his son and the enemy in such a relationship. He scolds meta and tells him not to go near Galacta again as the heroes 'ruined everything for them' and 'befriending them will only ever bring trouble to their family' in attempt to protect his son from them. however, meta doesn't listen as he's head over heels in love with Galacta at this point. In retaliation, Nightmare uses all of his magic to produce a strong spell to seal Galacta away in a crystal, in a far off dimension so Galacta and meta cannot meet again, as a way of protecting Meta and stopping any trouble from coming to their family.
Like in the original, Meta becomes devastated but enraged by the loss of Galacta, thinking they're dead and not seeing worth in a world without them. finding minions through the meta-knights and tracking down the dark prognosticus, Meta decides to bring about the dark prophecy and spawn the void, starting the beginning of the end.
Morpho comes across the crystal with galacta sealed within it. The amount of power needed to unseal them is a lot, and so Morpho not being powerful enough by themself, inwardly uses galactas life force alongside their own magical ability to unseal them, though this results in galacta becoming very weak and in order to save them, Morpho turns them into a pixl, and like tippi in the original story galacta loses all memory of who they were before being a pixl.
thats the main stuff i have for now which when looking over it,, is quite a bit 😅 there are still some aspects i need to adjust/change, the main one being the formation of the chaos heart bc if i have tiff/adeleine in peach's role i am not having them get forcefully married to king dedede 💀 for obvious reasons
^^ my initial thoughts are just having the chaos heart form from meta's pain and emotions, we will see i will be developing and thinking about it more once i have the free time :)
Thank you for the ask and I hope this was interesting to read :00
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"Fools! Don't you see? I have the power of god and anime on my side! You have no hope in defeating me!" ✨
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Hello, people of the surface! I'm Donatello, but you may call me Don. I am a fifteen-year-old mutant turtle who likes anime and vocaloid. I'm the youngest of my brothers, wielder of... a wooden... stick... (at least it's fun to swing around), and the reason why New York is still intact! And dad said anime was useless! Hah!
Meet the artist!
My playlist
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Closing these for a while. I have quite a few stocked up and I want to go through them before I get any more. (Mutuals can still request things tho)
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- MM Donnie (Me)
- MM Mikey ( @no1-pizza-lover )
- MM Leo ( @blue-masked-simp )
- MM Raph ( @aggraphsive )
- MM Splinter ( @dojoratdad )
- MM April ( @aprilthejournalistt )
- 2k12 Donnie ( @dotbot2012 )
- 2k12 Raph ( @red-rage-machine )
- 2k12 Leo ( @hestheleaderinblue )
- 2k12 Mikey ( @mikeyeatsyou5000 )
- 2k12 Ice Cream Kitty ( @thechillestcat )
- 2k12 Casey ( @thatslikesupergnarly )
- 2k12 Karai ( @lesbiansnakeswithknives )
- 2k12 Mona ( @rokkawaii )
- 2k12 April ( @apriloneildoesart )
RISE of theeee-!
- Rise Raph ( @wrecking-it-raphie )
- Rise Mikey ( @magicmike5000 )
- Rise Donnie ( @thefunniestturtlepurple )
- Rise Leo ( @neon-leonardo )
- Rise April ( @april-o-nimbus )
- Rise Casey Jr. ( @thatfutureboy44 )
- Rise Draxum ( @maddaddraxum )
- 2003 Mikey ( @i-like-goldfish )
- Sensei! AKA Adult Rise!Donnie ( @bbgtech-9000 )
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INTERESTS Feel free to talk to me about these things!
Splatoon and the Splatoon Manga (aka coroika). It's my favorite video game EVER and I am more than ready to gush about it.
Pokemon. I'm not as well versed in the later games, but I do know quite a bit of it!
Legend of Zelda. Specifically BoTW, TotK, TP, and SS.
Kirby. I am I HUGE fan of the eldritch horrors in this game.
Haikyuu, SpyxFamily, Kuroko no Basket, Dungeon Meshi, and Kusuriya no Hitorigoto.
Vocaloid. It's all I listen to, actually.
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BOUNDARIES (taken from my main account)
Tcest, incest, and proshippers DNI
I make suggestive jokes (I'm a teen. What dost thou expect of me), but I won't be drawing NFSW, nor will I accept me or other minors being sexualized. We are not child molesters.
Please be nice! I'm not exactly the best at wording things (tone indicators save my life), but I will never, EVER be mean to someone on purpose (unless they deserve it. Then I'll go ham). While interacting on my blog, please refrain from being toxic. Some thoughts are better left to yourself
NO STEALING MY ART!! I don't know why you'd want to steal it in the first place (it sucks ass), but don't do it anyways. You can use it as long as you give credit.
I don't do commissions, but I take requests! If I see something in my ask box I like, I'll draw it. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to share them! I like having motivation boosters.
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That's all! Like I said, remember to be nice! We're all here to have fun, and I'm more than willing to make some friends.
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das-a-kirby-blog · 2 years
Very curious as to the anime gang's reaction to Kirby Knowing how to speak! (Don't worry abt doing this super fast I don't mind 👉👈)
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Curious about this: What’ll happen to Tiff?
Also I love the AU!! Keep up the good work!
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Guys I strongly suggest you read the first few chapters of The Knightmare's End for context... (it won't make sense).
I also want to take this chance to say:
The story is not only about Kirby becoming a Star Warrior, it's him growing up wanting to be one as well.
I guess you could consider this a continuation of these two previous posts: Post 1 & Post 2
Also wanted to do a Dame Morgan updated mask reveal (and being a little troll)~ Still don't know who I'm gonna put in the Kirby OC Tournament.
And spoilers ahead if you choose to keep reading.
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When I first wrote the story (a few years ago), I struggled to make Tiff a part of the story...
When mixing anime & game lore (of the Kirby series), it was difficult to find a purpose for Tiff & Tuff... especially after MK's reveal. I didn't want to just regulate them as support y' know. The role of Kirby's love & supporting guardian is no longer Tiff's.
What's the point if they're just going to stand around and make commentary? How do I make them in this story meaningful?
And when I came back to the story I realized something "Why don't I make that the conflict!" (Something to conflict with Kirby... the emotional conflict of the story.. let's make it meaningful."
Tiff & Tuff, in a sense, represents Kirby's "childhood" period in the series; Kirby grows in the series, and slowly, he realizes more of what he wants in life. I didn't set up the conflict with the cappies for nothing. The events of anime & the Knightmare's end carry.
It makes him realize how much of an outsider he is from the cappies. (and wanting to kick him out at the end of the series along with all the times they bullied Kirby too...)
They (the cappies) know it... and Tiff (being the problem solver she is) tries to fix it... which goes terribly! (And the whole: Kirby overhearing Tiff admitting she never wanted to be Kirby's guardian doesn't help the situation at all...)
This comes across as dismissive of Kirby's feelings... ouch! There are no more monsters to fight & Nightmare's gone... why are the problems still here. Making Kirby feel more isolated from everyone in town... (was it just him...)
This is why he opts to be with Meta Knight & his crew... more avoiding the (problem)... This is where basically Meta Knight reveals his (MK) past to Kirby. (Him being the cursed star & finding Jecra, Garlude & Team Halberd- the OG crew)
MK: Thought I was going to be an outcast forever... But I found my people you'll... find your people one day too.
Kirby: Poyo- Ka-bi's people?
Kirby re-establishing and growing a stronger bond with MK. And, of course, the new threat arrives... Dark Matter!
Throughout the series, Kirby does meet (his) people who seem to understand him better & know what he's going through. Through the madness, gaining a set of friends who know how to support him:
Kirby's People: The Star Allies - Highkey, the Star Allies (unintentionally) become Kirby's emotional support group.
Tiff & Tuff don't really trust Kirby's other set of new friends (the former baddies that tried to take over Dreamland... namely King Dedede, and Marx...). But this is what (sadly starts the drift (which I have hinted at in Marx's arch).
But by the time they're kinda let back into the loop and they forgive each other but it's never the same as it was. (Fall out during Marx's story& they make up before Planet Robot). (And have completely forgiven the former villains... KD & Marx)
They feel so out of place with Kirby's new fantastical friends who seem to fit in & understand him better... where does that leave them (Tiff & Tuff)? The group seems to have their own dynamic, with their little set of inside jokes... and Kirby's changed tremendously... It's almost as if Kirby's outgrown them...
And it's this unlikely rag-tag of reformed villains to friends that make him realize, "Hey, I really do want to be a star warrior... travel around the world, see distant lands, learn about other places, meet new people & make new friends, and help the lost become the better versions of themselves but..." He doesn't want to be Dreamland's hero...
One day Kirby has a big announcement! Inviting everyone to Dreamland & Star Allies, to share the news. Kirby is excited to share the news.
(After Kirby & the Forgotten Land... I made Star Allies the finale.)
Kirby: Guys, the galaxy council recognized Star Allies as an official group and we've been given a planet to make our own base!
Knuckle Joe: ALL OURS!?
MK: That's right *pats Kirby's head* "Brehmuhm" (the planet that was given to Kirby), and all Star Allies it's be considered almost another branch to the GSA. That's lead under Kirby!
Kirby:* shows the set of plans to everyone* It can be our own personal quarters that you guys can visit & stay whenever you want.
Adeline: Wait, we can live there too?
Kirby: Yup, it's set up in the part of the galaxy where everyone can access it, and it's right next door to the GSA base... Of course, I'll be overseeing the plans with Meta Knight there-
Tiff: Wait Kirby I-
Magolor: Hey, I thought you were gonna stay with us in Halcandara for a month?
Kirby: I still am I just have to check in with MK at the GSA HQ at the end of each week.
Tiff: Hold on-
Bandee: Me & Kirby plan to tour around for about a year before uh-oh
Tiff: Before what?
Kirby & Bandee had planned to take a tour around the galaxy. And the first place he's planning to stay is HALCANDRA BABY (Marx & Magalor)! Then next month Ripple Star (Adeline & Ribbon), then Floralia (Taranza), and ending the tour with Patchland (Prince Fluff) and dropping Bandee home. (Basically where all the Star Allies live... I did not want to list all places but you get the idea.)
This tour was to help establish diplomatic ties throughout the galaxies for the GSA (but lowkey, it was just an excuse to buy Kirby a year-long vacation).
Then Kirby formerly planning to move into the Star Ally base with Meta Knight and the rest of his crew and start his formal training with the Star Warrior in the GSA headquarters. (Becoming a cadet.)
(This was before Meta Knight became leader... and they didn't know that he was going to become the leader of the GSA, so yeah they were gonna have to move there any way either way~)
Kirby does pass the baton down to King Dedede (who has grown to be a true king and defender of Dreamland). Which I did hint at here: (sorry for my second blog that doesn't get much attention due to the spoiler nature of it due to it being a prelude of the future....)
So Kirby was planning to officially step down as their hero and hand it over to King Dedede, announcing his departure from Dreamland in two months, and then go on tour with Bandee the week after.
Needless to say yeah they're not happy about Kirby suddenly announcing his departure... But what specifically happens to Tiff well... it's Morgan-related but that's for later~
This is basically a water-down version of events, so if it doesn't seem like it makes sense, it does (there are just a few things in the middle I wanna keep a surprise...) but, it all makes sense in the end, I promise.
(I may want to change up how happens, but yup this is the gist of it!)
Brehmuhm is actually a reference to the fairy tale: The Town Musicians of Bremen by the Brothers Grimm. It's just the pronunciation of "Bremen" spelled out for~ (If you know the fairy tale you know why I chose to name it Bremen :3)
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thestorygenerater · 11 months
I don’t get why people don’t talk more about crossovers with different versions of the same series/world.
Does no one think about how cool it would be if game sonic met movie sonic and the complex dynamics that can play out? Imagine how Tom would see a sonic that isn’t lonely and more experienced, or have a different sonic appear, there is a lot!
Does no one think Kirby meeting his anime self would work because game Kirby is way stronger? He’s copy ability’s work different then anime Kirby’s does, you can work of that!
Does no one want to imagine having the persona protagonist’s meet because time travel is complicated? Head cannon your own rules so no paradox’s happening so you can focus on exploring the differences in the protagonist’s ideology!
I can’t be the only person who likes this type of content right? It’s so full of potential but nobody takes it! Just imagine any of the Links and Zelda’s meeting, or characters meeting their future selves like with Luz, Ann, or Steven, and even if it has been touched on before that doesn’t mean everything has been explored like with paper Mario and Mario!
I haven’t even started with CROSS SERIES CROSSOVERS! Imagine crypt of the necrodancer and Hi-Fi Rush, THE CHARACTERS ALL MOVE TO THE BEAT BUT IN DIFFERENT WAYS!!!
Anyway here’s a funny clip of the second coming firing a orbital math ray
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
I just wanna know, what other fandoms do you like other then Kirby?
Oh thanks for asking!! In terms of fandoms I’m really just active here in the Kirby world right now. And it’s been just lovely. But in terms of other things I like, I have lots :D
Is this a good excuse to show off my figure and pin collection and talk about the other stuff I like? I’m going to take it. If that’s something interesting to you I’ll throw it under the cut here. :D
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(I’ve redacted some pins from my personal life that are not fandom relevant) but here’s my little pin tapestry! It’s a work in progress but I love collecting pins!! It’s not the best photo but if anyone genuinely wants to see an individual pin or charm up close just ask :P
So just from this tapestry, I’ve got Kirby of course. And Kingdom Hearts as I’ve mentioned before. But I also play Genshin (as a Childe main hehe), love me some Star Wars (I need to watch the second season of Bad Batch I am just nervous for these characters lol), Jojo, Animal Crossing (Stitches is my favorite villager! Who’s yours?), SpongeBob (I am capable of an entire conversation made up of old SpongeBob quotes), Game Grumps/Starbomb, and up there near the top right is an Ava’s Demon pin from its first Kickstarter, and uhhh -coughing- a Homestuck pin from like 2013 -cough- I took the classpect quiz back then and I was a Mage of Breath plus John is my favorite character
Oh- and along the bottom it’s hard to see but I also really like Steven Universe, Undertale, Our Flag Means Death, Good Omens (not pictured but I hope to own some merch soon), and Breath of the Wild (haven’t gotten to the rest of the series yet but I’m interested in it!)
Here’s some more Kingdom Hearts and also Monsters Inc which I LOVE SO MUCH! Monsters University is my favorite Pixar movie, it’s very sentimental to me. Can’t believe I get to live in a world where Sora meets Mike and Sulley <3
Also my prized Keyblade Conductor Batons that I got at the KH Orchestra tours and are among my most cherished possessions of my life :’)
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Finally just another little display. I’ve collected Sorcerer Mickey stuff for a long time. Fantasia had a big impact on me when I watched it as a kid. And also a little lone Mami Tomoe figure who is my favorite from Madoka Magica , and was the first anime I ever watched. (One heck of an intro to the anime scene right??? Lol)
And finally there’s other stuff I’m really into that aren’t pictured like Pokémon and Fnaf and probably lots of others. I do love me some Pokémon tho. Dragonite is my favorite!!!!!! :D
Anyway there’s a little peek into the other stuff I like hehehe. There’s plenty more I’m not thinking of- I just enjoy a lot of media and stories!!
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plucky-belmondo · 2 months
*wakes up* you guys are doing promos?
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⭐Hi, the name's Plucky and I go by they/them pronouns! I'm a sleepy AF self-shipper who has a lotta faves, mainly from video games (one tiny percent is from anime)!
⭐I like rambling about random things, mostly my faves, the Kirby series, vidja games, and stuff I'm currently doodling!
⭐My current obsessions rn are J/ujutsu K/aisen and Stardew Valley!
⭐My carrd is here! I would love to meet even more people!
(have a potato for your troubles!)
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
More random half-asleep Kirby ideas mostly just dad Meta and dad Dedede
Kirby getting wings but unlike Meta Knights’ bat wings they get feathery wings and just Kirby with tiny little bird wings running up to Dedede and declaring happily that they match cause they both have feathers now and how now he looks like both Dedede and Meta. Dedede just curled over dying of cuteness.
Kirby’s wings puffing up and getting extra fluffy when they are annoyed same things happening with Dedede’s feathers so just the two of them all dramatically puffed up when they are angry.
Kirby’s hammer and sword powerups keep the appearance of Dedede and Meta’s versions even when they get upgrades.
Dedede walking around with Kirby on one shoulder and Bandanna on the other.
Meta Knight and Kirby having insane level sword fights that would destroy towns and for them it’s just like playing catch… on lookers are like ‘THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER’ and the waddle dee’s watching are like oh no they do this all the time it’s fun for them…
A group comes to attack Waddle Dee town takes one look at that from the distance and just turn around and walk the other way.
The royal family eventually getting a portrait done, so Dedede, Meta, Kirby and Bandanna dee. Even though it’s Dedede’s idea he gets super bored, so do Kirby and Bandanna. Meta spends the entire time make sure the other 3 stay put.
It gets worse because after the portraits done Dedede decides to get another done with everyone in Waddle Dee town… it’s chaotic (Mostly cause Meta keeps losing Kirby and Bandanna in between the rest of the Waddle dee’s so it’s even harder to keep them still)
Still not as chaotic as the pictures from their wedding.
With the idea of game/anime crossover just anime verse characters seeing the royal family portrait and freaking the fuck out.
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