#mr dooter
peachillykeen · 22 days
Search in the Magic Ruins! (RTDL Part 3) Pupupu Hero - Volume 4, Chapter 3 English Translation
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While searching for the Lor's right wing in the scorching hot desert, Kirby and friends are invited by Mr. Dooter into Raisin Ruins for a magic show! Hopefully, they're in for a treat and not a trick!
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Chapter 2 was translated by tip like 5-6 years ago, so onwards to chapter 3!
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asleep-kat · 1 year
Random art dump
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guinreds · 1 year
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I don’t know what possesed me i’m so sorry
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joshthemaker913 · 8 months
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Kirbyvania: Dededracula's Castle
This spooky day calls for a spooky crossover! And in this case, we give Kirby a little Castlevania flare with various with a Belmont inspired Whip Kirby and several Kirby bosses as the iconic original Castlevania bosses.
Bosses in order of the original Castlevania bosses:
Wild Batafire (Batafire + Giant Bat)
Drawdusa (Drawcia + Medusa)
Mummy Dooter (Mr. Dooter + Mummy)
Waddlestein's Lobster (Heavy Lobster and Bandana Waddle Dee + Frankenstein's Monster/The Creature and Igor)
Death Knight (Meta Knight + Death)
Count Dededracula (King Dedede + Dracula)
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dark-mega · 1 year
Remember that post of Kirby game meets anime ideas? Well here comes the sequel!!! Ideas for Anime x Game Kirby crossovers 2!
1-the history is how grand doomer goes to the anime dimension after he’s defeat on Magolor’s hands in “Magolor’s epilogue”, and ends up trying to chase down Magolor when he jumps into the portal to the clash universe but since he’s too weak he falls unconscious mid travel and ends up in the anime dimension, he finds how this universe despise lacking strong sources of energy they still have artifacts strong Enough to give him power, specially from nightmare enterprises leftovers which he uses to power hes doomer army, he quickly goes to dreamland to get revenge on Kirby now that he has he’s power and army once again he goes on a full on attack on pop star. He absorbs Galaxia meanwhile the Doomers shatter the warp star to absorb its power, kirby tries to stop Grand doomer but the villain sends the puffball,tiff,tuff,meta knight,king dedede and escargoon into “another dimension” in which they are aided by not only the elemental bosses (Electriky Dooter, Fiery puffer and Hydriat) which now don’t work for grand doomer since he has lost the power of the master crown, but they also meet the parallels (Susie,meta knight,dedede,kracko,Landia and wispy) and now the heroes (and anime!dedede) aided by the three elemental monster have to collect the fragments of the apple which are being held hostage by the parallels (which are on a war for “another dimension” since the doomers left to conquer the anime dimension) and unlock their own elemental powers (tiff & tuff:fire/rock, meta knight:Ice/water and Dedede & Escargoon:thunder/air meanwhile Kirby learns to handle the super ability’s) after they get the apples they go back to dreamland and see how grand doomer has basically destroyed the entire place and turned dedede’s castle into he’s floating nest meanwhile the GSA has basically been running from the beings beyond their retconing, however now our heroes defeat all the Doomers and fix the Warp Star so they can get into dededes castle and Kirby can defeat Grand doomer once again. Now Kirby has learned to fight for himself, meta knight learns there’s much to learn from the universe, tiff and tuff now have magic and so does dedede and Escargoon which will try harder than ever to be a annoyance to Kirby even without nightmare
2-starts with galacta knight which was defeated by yet another Kirby and another meta knight of the multiverse, so he’s banished to yet another universe but this time he finds himself on the middle of a battle field with no pink puffball or blue knight anywhere. He sees knuckle joe being attacked by a bunch of monsters (including masher 2) and he easily kills the demon beasts with a single attack, he prepares to fight knuckle joe but the kid instead thanks him calls him star warrior, galacta knight is confused by this and sees how other knights appear, he prepares to fight but they call him “partner” which confuses him even more, galacta hasn’t been treated has a ally since he and he’s partners sealed void termina, he decides to tag along and sees he’s in a war once again and to the same guy he killed a week ago (a week for him since time stopped existing for him since dimensional travel also involves some time travel), the leaders of the GSA (whoever you use, Arthur or anyone else) then discover galacta isn’t a registered member and interrogate him, galacta think they are going to attack him so he prepares to kill then all but they instead offer him to join for he’s massive power, he accepts. Galacta quickly becomes a very beloved and well known warrior, he’s usually followed by knuckle joe which speaks to him while galacta constant duels with other Star warriors, everything is normal till joe mentions Kirby and meta knight, galacta quickly asks where is pop star and then he goes to beat the ever living Stars of the two. Meta knight is confused by who is this and why he’s attacking them but realizes this Kirby and meta knight are weak and can’t even face a 1% of he’s power like the other meta knights and Kirby’s, he decides to train Kirby to unlock the power he remembers, galacta quickly shows he’s not good at talking, or teaching or interacting which makes him have a bad relationship with everyone but Kirby which treats him like any Kirby would (with hugs and friendship) and knuckle joe (who constantly visits him) has time goes Galacta starts liking more this life still thinking he can get he’s old life style before he was betrayed, but this dream suddenly crashes when the GSA members are ordered to arrest him, he goes on a rampage thinking he was betrayed once again but kirby and knuckle joe get hurt making galacta even more furious and miserable, he flies to the edge of the galaxy and has nightmare enterprises attacks dreamland like in “fright to the finish” knuckle joe and Kirby decide to go for Galacta knight meanwhile Meta and the rest try to attack nightmare with the rest of the GSA but they are bombarded by A FAKE galacta knight which framed the real knight. Kirby and knuckle joe get to galacta which try’s to push them away using a small fraction of he’s power but the kids tell him despite everything they think he’s innocent and beg for he’s help, galacta decides to help and the three go to save the gang. Galacta sees he’s copy and has a small fight since he really wanted one but stops playing once he sees the kids are getting near nightmare, Galacta turns into Aeon hero Light and one shots he’s doppelgänger and goes to save the kids, tiff tells galacta he can’t kill eNeMe since he’s connected to Kirby’s dreams and they don’t know what will happen if nightmare dies while connected to kirby, so galacta rages because of this which causes a hole in the fabric of reality, kirby quickly defeats eNeMe on he’s dreams and wakes up which allowed Galacta to destroy nightmare with all of he’s power which let yet another hole in the fabric of reality, all of them escape while Galacta now with he’s name cleaned is treated has a hero once again, the story ends with him sleeping on a hill on dreamland with Kirby while several butterfly rest on them as well
3-Kirby is fighting a monster able to create portals which makes Kirby gets the Spark ability, the two fight but Kirby accidentally makes the monsters powers go south turning one of the portals into a kind of vacuum which absorbs tiff and tuff. The two end up in Halcandra, Tiff and tuff walk around trying to find anyone who could help them but tuff accidentally gets trapped into the main factory, Tiff goes to save him has the robots and various other hazards try to kill them, they survive and run into a elevator which brings them to the boss of the place “metal general” which isn’t holding he’s punches with this two and before the kids are killed by the robot, landia appears and calms the general telling them they are kids, the robot after noticing this goes back to sleep, tuff is amazed by the cool dragon while tuff is scared of the giant dragon, however landia is very kind has they separate in four and two of them invite tiff and tuff to ride them, the kids get on the dragons and fly to the top of Dangerous Dinner. Tuff talks about how cool this all is meanwhile Tiff is scared about this place, soon they arrive to landias lair, Tiff and Tuff rest for a bit while tiff try’s to talk with the dragon which seems to ignore her, the next morning they are guided to a star shaped portal which goes to popstar (results landia was hearing but just wanted to have some company that night), the kids and the dragon jump into the portal, the kids are now amazed by this fantastic place which seems so familiar yet so different, like a dream! They arrive to magolorland and are weird out by the several demon beasts acting like normal people, a younger looking wispy, a genie, a monkey, a puffer fish and a giant ship all around the park while thousands of waddle dees and other habitants of dreamland the kids have never seen wear masks of many strangers and some familiar faces, landia asks Magolor to call Kirby meanwhile the kids play the games with the other habitants of dreamland. When Kirby and the rest arrive there’s a small shock by the Friendly dedede,the waddle dee with a bandana on escargoon a place, meta knight wings and Kirby not knowing them (or actually everyone) Magolor and meta knight quickly figure out what’s happening and help the kids go back to their dimension, but not before one last game through all of Magolor land, Has they return to their dreamland they are welcomed by a kirby and parents that are almost in tears, a dedede with a black eye (Kirby’s doing) and a very surprised meta knight (not because they lived but for the giant flying ship and the dragon) after a small presentation of their alternates the heroes of dreamland, the dimensional magician and the ex-guardian of the master crown retire back to their world meanwhile the kids tell their parents about their adventure (note landia doesn’t talk but Magolor and Metal general can just speak dragon-ish)
The end, so how was it? Did you like it? Please tell me and give me some feedback
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spidey-555 · 1 year
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spoopy-chipster · 1 year
t posing Mr Dooter
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samthecookielord · 1 year
Love associating mundane things with blorbos
when you see a leaf and are like wow you know what this reminds me of? This very specific heartwrenching scene from flippy mcdeederdoo from flippys floppy adventures
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carldoonan · 1 month
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This Dazzling Li’l Dooter says: "Gather round, folks! Watch the fantabulous Mr. Dooter’s magical feats of wonder! Pulling snakes out of his hat! Juggling bombs and skulls! …p-please do not inquire about the skulls." 🧞‍♂️💀🤹‍♂️
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soymilkspiders · 2 years
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Happy Birthday RtDL and Magolor (and Lor and everyone that debuted in RtDL except Mr Dooter)
don't have any artwork fitting to share unfortunately so you'll have to deal with this
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arogoldpika123 · 3 months
doot doot
Guys, I got dooted!
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incorrect-star-allies · 6 months
Sand Kirby: I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand!
Dedede: Mr. Dooter quivers before them!
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asleep-kat · 1 year
Random art dump
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desultory-novice · 6 months
I just found your stuff and gotta say, its amazing! I was reading the Magoland AU and Apologies and they've given me so many ideas!! With the Magoland one especially, it gave me a lot to think about since we haven't seen much of an "afterlife" in Kirby.
I do wonder, if they tried going deeper into this "afterlife" state, do you think they'd find the other antagonist, like Drawcia or Nightmare?
Hope you have a happy New Year!
Ahhhh! Thank you so much for saying that! I'm glad people are still enjoying Magoland Branch AU despite it being more rushed than the more formal storytelling of Apologies AU!
Death and the afterlife is such an interesting concept in Kirby you'd almost have to assume there'd have to be something unusual or unexpected going on there! I mean, we have the very necromancer/death god-like Necrodeus and the Skull Gang just hanging out, traveling about like any old group of baddies.
And Morpho Knight. Where do they send people to? Oblivion...? But is that really the case when Chaos Elfilis was able to overturn Morpho's "benediction" and come back? That WOULD suggest Morpho's touch is not just :lights go out, everything is silence: 
(That Knight of Hades spinoff novel would suggest this as well, but I'm not ready to call that one canon quite yet, just because HAL has sometimes decided to do something different from Takase-sensei's novels after the fact. Mostly with RtDL versus the remake.)
At the same time, some people in Kirby go to places they just don't come back from. But when Kirby eats a critter, they pop back up elsewhere soon as he spits them out! So, well, why not have the afterlife be...conditional? Back to the Knight of Hades novel, Papi was trapped in hell like some combination of Persephone and Eurydice but only because they'd tasted the nectar of the underworld...?
What about the place Magolor goes to after his defeat? It's very Underworld-coded but there are lots of other enemies there. Other hell-bound souls or dimensional wanderers? There's a lot of Doomer-kin there so it's probably not a regular place. But it has distinct regions. And bosses yet not the same bosses as the ones you defeated in the main campaign. You're not fighting the vengeful ghost of Mr. Dooter but a similar creature from Another Dimension.
Anyway, if it's that "casual" a place, why not build a theme park in hell? And if Noir Dark Matter Swordsman can visit, I see no reason Zero couldn't! Nightmare too, probably! (He probably saw Magolor's business and decided to open up his own haunted house/hotel. That seems like the kind of thing he'd do, right?)
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All PPPH Magolor and Chilly Moments Part 1
So, It’s pretty well known by this point that in the RTDL adaptation in the Pupupu Hero Manga, Magolor and Chilly stay in the Lor together and Magolor develops a massive crush on Chilly. So I’ve summarized all Magolor and Chilly moments, split into parts because this was long (and volume 5 wasn’t out yet at the time of this post). This will also not cover anything in the sequel manga, Utlra Super, as most of that is lost media and I've only found bits and pieces.
The RTDL adaptation makes up all of volume 4 and the first 5 chapters of volume 5. This part will cover the first 9 chapters of volume 4. Also when I say “the gang”, “Kirby and co.”, etc., I do not include Chilly or Magolor as they are in the Lor the entire time.
Part 1 (you are here)
Part 2
Part 3
V4, Ch1 (Introduction to Magolor)
Magolor crashlands the Lor in the middle of a gourmet race. Kirby and Dedede run inside thinking the ship is part of the race.
Chilly is the first to notice Magolor as Kirby and DDD are absorbed in the race.
Magolor then explains that his ship broke and he needs to gather the ship parts in order to return to his “homeland”  and makes a show of getting up, saying he needs to look for them, wobbling, and falling over.
Kirby and Chilly exchange a look and offer to search for the ship parts for him, causing Magolor to cry.
After a battle with Super Blade knight where Kirby discovers the Ultra Sword for the first time, Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Dedede, and Meta Knight depart on the warpstar to look for the parts…only for them to fall off because Kirby gets hungry. 
Kirby whines about being hungry to Chilly. In response, Chilly says that he knew he should have gone with them (though he continues to stay in the ship with Magolor throughout the entire manga.)
V4, Ch2 (Cookie Country, Whispy Battle)
The gang spots the Lor’s oars in Whispy Wood’s leaves.
Magolor reiterates to Chilly that he needs the ship parts in order to return to his “homeland”, causing Chilly to prompt Kirby to load the oars on the warpstar…although the warpstar is full of apples lol
Kirby and co. fumble around for a bit on account of Kirby and DDD getting distracted by eating apples, causing Magolor to turn his back and call them useless.
Chilly overhears this and calls Magolor out on it, causing Magolor to make a show of bursting into crocodile tears and saying that the gang shouldn’t push themselves too much on his behalf and that they’ve already done enough for him.
Magolor then makes a show of being depressed about not being able to return to his “homeland” and calls out to his “mother”. Chilly and Kirby watch this with sweatdrops dripping down the back of their heads. However, this still causes the gang to get up with newfound determination.
Magolor then, touched by this (or pretending to be), cries more.
After Kirby and co. defeat Whispy, Magolor is shown facing the camera and saying that he can use these four people. Chilly is in the background with a sweatdrop going down his face.
V4, Ch3 (Raisin Ruins, Mr. Dooter Battle)
Magolor pranks Kirby by telling him that there is a ton of buried food in the desert and gave him a note with more information. The note says “Just kidding! That was a joke! Tee Hee!”.
As the gang is struggling in the hot sun, Mr. Dooter invites them into his castle where they see the right wing. 
Magolor tells the gang to beat up Dooter (who so far has been hospitable) and steal the wing. This earns a glare from Chilly, causing Magolor to append his request to asking Dooter to return it.
Dooter then charges Kirby and co. for food and a magic show for all their money and then chases the gang down, causing Kirby to call Magolor for help.
The first thing Magolor does upon receiving the call is ask if Kirby managed to steal the wing, earning a glare from Chilly.
As Kirby is getting beat on by whippies, Chilly tells him to put on a show of his own, which gives Kirby the idea to inhale them, become Whip Kirby, and combat Dooter’s magic tricks with whip tricks.
When Dooter does the spinning jumping move, Chilly tells Kirby to spin in his rotation, which sends Dooter flying and gives Kirby the win. The gang obtains the wing.
Magolor is shown in the Lor lying on his side looking ungrateful saying that it’s about time they got the parts and asking when they’re coming back.
V4, Ch4 (Onion Ocean, Fatty Puffer Battle)
The gang spots the left wing on a pirate ship owned by Fatty Puffer. Chilly goes to tell Magolor about this, but finds him asleep (he floats in his sleep) with a sign telling him to wake him up when the gang obtains the part. This greatly annoys Chilly.
After the gang defeats Fatty Puffer, Magolor is still asleep and Chilly has thrown a stone on him. Magolor is still floating in his sleep despite the weight of the stone and is having a dream about being crushed by a monster.
V4, Ch5-6 (White Wafers, Goriath Battle)
Magolor is legit just asleep the entire time. At the end of Ch6, we see Chilly in a futon next to him asking if they’re forgetting something. Magolor (still floating) is asking about the parts in his sleep. The gang, meanwhile, obtains the emblem.
V4, Ch7 (Nutty Noon Part 1)
Magolor tells the gang that the mast is above the clouds in Nutty Noon.
While they’re climbing a beanstalk, the gang gets attacked, which worries Chilly, causing him to ask Magolor if there’s anything that they can do to help.
Magolor then attempts to incentivize Kirby by telling him that once they assemble all the parts, he will take them to his “home planet”. 
This doesn’t work, which causes Magolor to get angry and take out a Kirby punching bag and call Kirby a useless glutton, which gives Chilly an idea.
Chilly then proceeds to lie on Magolor’s behalf and say that Magolor’s planet is full of delicious food, which motivates Kirby and DDD.
After Kirby defeats the enemies with Miracle Beam, Chilly asks Magolor if there is delicious food on his planet. Which Magolor says there isn’t.
V4, Ch8 (Nutty Noon Part 2, Grand Doomer Battle Part 1)
Grand Doomer takes the mast before the gang can obtain it and Magolor explains to Chilly that the Doomer is Bad News and that it came because it was attracted by the spaceship’s trans-dimensional energy.
At one point, Bandana Waddle Dee seemingly runs away from the fight which causes Magolor to get out a BWD punching bag and call him lazy. Chilly, meanwhile is confused by BWD’s actions. (Turns out BWD was just getting food for Kirby).
V4, Ch9 (Nutty Noon Part 3, Grand Doomer Battle Part 2)
The Grand Doomer transforms into its final form (a giant ball). Magolor trembles and explains to Chilly that their chances of winning are slim like this.
Magolor then hides in his futon and tells Chilly to tell him once he knows the result of the battle, which angers Chilly.
After the gang defeats GD and gets the mast, we see that Chilly has nailed Magolor’s futon shut. Magolor asks Chilly to tell him what happened, and Chilly says he won’t.
That's it for now. Trust me, you've seen nothing yet. Magolor's feelings for Chilly become apparent once they go to Halcandra. This post was just getting kinda long already.
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theautismarcana · 1 year
raisin ruins is closed forever because mr dooter threw up
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