#kirstie speaks
the-al-chemist · 6 months
Can I please get 6 for Saffron, 3 for Ethel, 4 for Kirsty (young, adult or both, you choose) and 9 for Steph? 💛
Ooh, Kirsty AND Steph? You’re spoiling me with the niche OCs!
6 - What clothing item could they not live without?
Saffron’s favourite item is jewellery rather than clothing, and it’s a crystal cage necklace. Why pick one favourite crystal to wear when you can interchange the crystals depending on your mood that day? Today, she’s got a light blue aquamarine to celebrate her birthday!
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3 - Does this character wear jewellery?
Jewellery-wise, Ethel wears her engagement ring, wedding ring, and a friendship bracelet, and nothing else.
4 - How does this character wear their hair?
Kirsty has light honey-brown waves/curls. In her youth she tends to wear them loose with a centre parting (think young Donna in Mamma Mia 2, or any woman in any pre-Raphaelite painting ever). As a professional mother of two, she has a shorter, layered cut, which makes her hair look more curly! She tends to clip it back with a crocodile clip for practicality.
9 - What aesthetic do they fall into?
I went down such a rabbit hole looking at these! Steph would love to be dark academia, but she’s not committed enough to the *vibe* to really fit it…
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melongraph56 · 1 year
i think ur art is pretty epic swag fire emoji 🔥 good content!! i am going to start watching kirbycraft now as i draw rythian now bc scrolling through ur blog made me Feel About Him !! fire emoji fire emoji 🔥🔥 jellyfish emoji also because rythian and jellyfish are cool in the same flavor to me 🪼
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wait no, no wait. your art is pretty epic swag fire too fdasgd. but seriously thank you so much!! I'm ecstatic that I got someone roped into watching kirbycraft, its a very good chill wholesome series very good on my brain
don't forget to show some love to Kirsty and Briony as well! it's not KiRBycraft without the k and b :)
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 year
discord surprise starter for orpheus & kirsty cotton // @withinthem
"I'm looking for the best dog toy," Orpheus says, looking across the counter at the other with earnest hope. If anyone can help him navigate the far-too-many-aisles of this pet store, surely it's someone who works here. "Whatever toy will make a dog most happy. Or-- two dogs, since, they'll have to share," he adds, musingly. "Or should I get them each a new toy? I've never had dogs before."
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dykexenomorph · 2 years
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just finished it and goddamn is hellraiser sure a movie that u can watch.
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emilybluntt · 2 years
kirstie alley died and that is upsetting.
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raynertodd · 9 months
Life update: I bought a house!
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1ightcap · 1 year
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Opened up my dcwt bookclub notes while dealing with canada post customer service line and this passage is intensely relevant to me rn
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ashley-slashley · 2 years
So you're telling me that Kirstie Alley died but not Shatner? Why does god keep taking away the beloved Star Trek actors and not Shatner?
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yorktaylor · 2 years
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g-xix · 1 year
20 vs 1 | Tobi Brown
Now TRY tell me Tobi blessed Brown isn't absolutely fine... Exactly! We don't lie here, and you can't say Tobi isn't 100% gorgeous. That's why we get a Tobi oneshot today 😎 Quick pose for the camera? Go on girl:
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Killin it babe. Extra bit of media for what the character looks like + wore (bc i love seeing those things on ff's):
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Anyways, go on and enjoy the story lovelies
"Hey, how you doing?" I asked the guy as I walked into shot.
I had been invited by my friends, Kon, Kirsty and Charlie, to join in on one of a YouTube video by a group group whom they was friends with. The only information I had been issued was that I had to walk into shot, say hi, have a short conversation, be accepted of declined to a date and then if I was accepted I would get the opportunity to decline, before going on a date.
Now, I was in the shot talking with the said person who I might have to date.
My heart beat a little faster as I walked into the plain white set, containing nothing but a vast array of cameras and mics all wired and facing myself... and a man stood in the middle.
As I approached him, his eyes met mine with a simper from myself as I felt my heart flutter. He had dark eyes, though they were warmed by the smile he wore on his face. I broke eye contact to look at his outfit- mentally commending the matching silver rings and necklace he wore, also appreciating the way his clothes complemented him- his white shirt highlighting the muscle definition in his arms. I looked back up to see his eyebrow quirk with a grin, clearly having spotted me checking him out.
"Hey, I'm Erin and I'm 23." I spoke quietly, his eyes drawing me in more than the cameras- soothing me and telling me I didn't need to worry about all the eyes on us.
"Lovely to meet you, Erin." He grinned as learnt forwards, offering a hand. I slipped mine into his, expecting a simple hand shake, though I was surprised as he leant down to press a kiss to my hand, maintaining eye contact as he pressed his lips to my hand before taking a step closer to me as he came back up.
I felt a blush rising to my cheeks as I looked away, not wanting him to see the effect he had on me. "Erin- it just has to be a yes." He let my hand fall as he accepted, giving a nod before I walked off.
As I walked off I turned around to look at the guy once more, seeing that he too had turned around to glance at me. I giggled as my eyes made contact with his own, before speeding my walk into the changing room to find Zara with a squeal.
"How did it go?" Zara asked, linking hands with me and smiling as I jumped in excitement.
"It went really amazing! The guy... I didn't actually get his name, but he was... he was fit as hell, Zara." I smiled at the thought of our interaction.
"Really?" Zara asked. "All he said to me was a 'hi' and 'sure'."
"Oh, I mean, we didn't speak much more, he just said hi and a yeah too, but he was just so... I can't even explain it, attractive."
"Damn, I didn't even get a second glance after he accepted." Zara grumbled. I blushed, thinking back to the look we shared as I exited the set.
"Alright, everyone been accepted or passed?" Kirsty (one of the camera crew) popped her head around the door and questioned. Everyone nodded or replied a yes.
We then walked out depending on whether we liked Tobi or not, before sitting back-set once more and waiting for our date with him.
"Erin?" My head jolted upwards as I heard Kirsty say my name, beckoning me out for my date with Tobi.
"Do I look alright, Kirsty?" I questioned, straightening my clothes in an attempt to look good. I'd gone simple, with an oversized tee-shirt which covered most of my ripped black shorts, leaving my fishnets and chunky boots on my lower half- though I now began underestimating my outfit, the pressure of seeing him again causing me to overthink every minute detail.
"Shut up Erin, you look fit- and anyways- he's already accepted you for how you look so you can't look that bad." Kirsty rolled her eyes jokingly, her humour loosening my nerves slightly. "Alright, step through there and take a seat on the left. Tobi will be with you in a sec."
I took one of the two desolate seats in the middle of the room before I sat, staring at the large mirror on one of the walls. There had to be people behind that. Kon had told me before the shoot that the boys would be watching the date, hence I assumed they'd be behind there.
Kon had also issued a warning previously not to expect a normal date, which slightly worried me as I fidgeted with my fingers and sat in the chair, waiting for my date.
The sound of shoes hitting the floor woke me form my trance, causing my head to jolt upwards a smile to grace my face as I saw the familiar Tobi walk towards me, a grin slapped onto his face and his arms outstretched for a hug.
Dear God I was nervous for this date...
I picked myself up from my seat and beamed at Tobi, responding with a little 'hi!' as I reached up to sling my arms around his neck, whilst he hugged around my waist.
I sat down on my seat and began the date, making small talk and finding myself blushing every so often as he complemented me or started planning out our "next date", but also became slightly confused when he took off his bandana every few minutes claiming he was getting a bit of a headache- only for there to be another one underneath.
It was like a clown car- just when you think that the last bandana is off- there's another yet to come off.
A few bandanas down, he offered the black and white one to me, saying it 'matched my outfit', before I took upon his offer and allowed him to gently pull my hair back and knot it as an accessory behind my head. He didn't hesitate to call it cute from behind, before he turned to face me in front, Kon cutting off our date by saying it had been more than ten minutes- to which Tobi let out a groan in disappointment, bidding farewell before kissing me on the cheek and exiting- leaving me covering my face to hide the bright red blush that bloomed across my face as I sat in the chair, waiting for the final interview.
"How'd that date go then?" Kon interviewed.
"I thought it went really well- Tobi's really cute and I think he's really funny ... I thought it was a pretty fun date and with a nice guy too." I replied, trying not to gush over him. That was what I would do when I found Zara behind the set.
"Would you go on a date with him again?" Kon asked, smirking from behind the camera and giving me a knowing look which left me wondering whether he'd invited me onto the shoot to try and set me up with Tobi, today...
"Easily a yes." I giggled. "I mean- we already talked about what we'd do on other dates we have, and I've got his bandana which I think I'll have to return on another date." Looking down the lens of one of the cameras I smiled and mouthed 'call me', shaking my hand in the shape of a phone.
No sooner had I made that gesture, did I hear muffled screams from behind the mirror, causing me to laugh lightly before beginning to leave the set as Kon had gestured- though I was stopped as Tobi burst out of one of the doors behind the set, jogging up to me before smiling and grabbing my hand.
"Another date?" He questioned, panting slightly- seemingly having ran to get to the studio.
"Mhm, for sure!" I responded, unable to wipe the grin off my face.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, tapping on it for a few moments before holding the phone out for me, gesturing for me to type my phone number out, under the contact name Erin 💗🫠
"I'll see you again soon, Erin." Tobi smirked, enjoying a short hug before walking away- myself blowing a kiss at him before laughing as he did the infamous Garfield heel-click as he walked off.
Who knew that the Sidemen studio would be a place to find love...
Hope you enjoyed and to anyone that got this far into the story Thank you!!
I know this is unrelated and not something any readers are really obligated to care about, but my guinea pig passed away earlier today. Really gutted tbh and it feels like the end of a really great era, as I've had guinea pigs for the last 4 years but from today, I don't have any guineas. Praying and hoping Jordie passed away in peace and is happy in a better place now. Can't make anyone pray the same, but if you could just think of Jordie with some love for a moment I'd really appreciate that. God bless little Jordie and thank you to anyone that's shown some love🤍
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the-al-chemist · 4 months
Get ready for
Give me your character's one positive trait, one profound wound, and one glaring flaw. Are they connected? Where do they come from?
I’m not doing a story for this one (for a change). And I’m not answering for Artemis either (for a change).
Kirsty is a hard-worker, and she thinks of others before herself. She lost her mother at the age of 13, had a near-death experience at 18, and became a mother herself at 19. Her biggest flaw is that she is conflict-avoidant to the point that she will not stand up for herself or others, and will evade truths for the sake of keeping the peace.
Are these things all connected? Sort of. A lot of her work ethic comes from wanting to do something that would make her mum proud, and partly to prove that she has made something of her own life, that she hasn’t let herself or any of her loved ones down. Her conflict avoidance comes from a place of people pleasing. It’s always been a part of her, but definitely became a habit after seeing her widowed father grieve, and a harder habit to break once she had to balance out her own dysfunctional family situation.
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melongraph56 · 11 months
Rythian singing "Gilbert the Snowman"
my genuine reaction
(spoilers below <;3)
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classic rythian gilbert
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hangon-silvergirl · 11 months
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The HellCheer Holiday Mixtape
OH HEY. I'm a sucker for a festive fandom, so behold my seasonal challenge TO YOU: The Hellcheer Holiday Mixtape!
For 12 days starting December 13th, express your Freak and Cheerleader affections as inspired by holiday music prompts (if one so titillates you), and in whatever medium you please!
There are no constraints on your level of participation; do it all, do some, do none, doesn't matter; JUST HAVE FUN
Same goes for themes and subject matter; just please respect the rules of content curation and slap on appropriate tags. We observe DLDR in this house
Except, uh, whatever you post should be, you know, festive. And tie back to the prompt at least tenuously
Late posts count!!!
Tag your contributions with #hellcheerholidaymixtape (so I can see them and share them)
Share on any platform you like, but x-post here bc I'm only tumblin'
Don't be shitty (for this quest in particular, but also generally speaking)
All songs are on the Spotify playlist:
If you have thoughts, concerns, or questions, my ask box is open!
Prompts below!
13 December
"Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)" - The Ramones
"Jingle Bell Rock" - Hall & Oates
"Run, Run, Rudolph" - Bryan Adams
14 December
"Hard Candy Christmas" - Dolly Parton
"Another Lonely Christmas" - Prince
"It Must Have Been the Mistletoe (Our First Christmas)" - Barbara Mandrell
15 December
"Do They Know It's Christmas?" - Band Aid
"Christmas in Dixie" - Alabama
"Let's Party" - Jive Bunny & the Master Mixers
16th December
"Christmas In My Heart" - The Jets
"Thank God It's Christmas" - Queen
"Silent Night" - The Hooters
17th December
"Wonderful Christmastime" - Paul McCartney
"Santa's Beard" - They Might Be Giants
"Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" - U2
18th December
"Funky, Funky Xmas" - New Kids On The Block
"Hazy Shade of Winter" - The Bangles
"Merry Christmas, Everyone" - Shakin' Stevens
19th December
"Christmas Wrapping" - The Waitresses
"It's Christmas All Over the World" - Sheena Easton
"2000 Miles" - The Pretenders
20th December
"Fairytale of New York" - The Porgues (ft. Kirsty MacColl)
"Sleigh Ride" - Air Supply
"Put a Little Love in Your Heart" - Al Green & Annie Lennox
21st December
"Christmas in Hollis" - RUN DMC
"Mistletoe & Wine" - Cliff Richard
"Father Christmas" - The Kinks
22nd December
"Driving Home for Christmas" - Chris Rea
"She Won't Be Home" - Erasure
"The Power of Love" - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
23rd December
"Christmas With The Devil" - Spinal Tap
"Things Fall Apart" - Christina
"Peace In Our Time" - Eddie Money
24th December
"Last Christmas" - Wham!
"Merry Christmas, Baby" - Bruce Springsteen
"Santa, Baby" - Madonna
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dragon650 · 6 months
Uber gone wrong
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Mac is a fake Uber driver and farmer. Sophia and Jasmine called a Uber. Sophia wearing a green dress and Jasmine in a pink skirt. Mac is heading to the address. The drinks in the backseat have sleeping pills in the bottles. Mac arrived at the house. Sophia said “Uber is here”. Jasmine said “got the address to give to the driver”. Sophia said “ok”. They are heading to the car. Mac said “welcome to some water”. They are drinking the water. Jasmine said “I don’t feel so good”. Sophia fell asleep. Jasmine fell asleep. Mac is heading to his farm. They were still out. Mac arrived at his farm. He pick up the sluts and taking them to his barn. Sophia and Jasmine were chain down in the barn. Sophia and Jasmine waked up and found her girlfriend gagged and chain down.
Mac going into his house. Sophia is trying to speak. Mac is getting drink before he checks on the sluts. Sophia found out he is no Uber driver. Mac went back to the barn. Sophia hear footsteps. Mac ripped off Sophia green dress. Sophia and Jasmine were naked. Mac raping them. Jasmine finally waking up. Mac said “welcome to your new life and your next slut”. Jasmine is trying to scream. Mac said “no one can hear you”. Jasmine stop screaming. Mac finished Sophia for now and rapping Jasmine. Sophia can feel cum in her. Jasmine said “why are you doing this to us”. Mac said “you both will be mine breeding cow and your babies will be going to family’s”. Jasmine said “we are no cow”. Mac said “shut up slave.
Jasmine and Sophia stop talking. Mac is cuming Jasmine. Sophia feels bad for her girlfriend. Mac left the slaves chain down. The phone is ringing. Mac said “hey and what’s up”. Kirsty said “when will I have a son or daughter”. Mac said “they are not pregnant yet. Kirsty said “let me know when they are pregnant”. Mac said “ I will let you know”. Kirsty said “ok”. Mac said “ the baby’s mother stay with me do you understand”. Kirsty said “yes sir”. Mac said “don’t make me upset”. Kirsty said “I will not get you upset”. Mac hang up the phone. Sophia and Jasmine are trying to escape. Mac went back to the barn. Sophia and Jasmine stop moving. Mac said “you can’t escape from the chains. Sophia and Jasmine life is over. Mac is relaxing. Sophia and Jasmine was pregnant and became the farmer slaves. Mac keep them in the barn for their whole life. Sophia and Jasmine were never seen again.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Scottish Rugby Player Doddie Weir was born on July 4th in Edinburgh.
Born George Wilson Weir, Doddie was educated at Daniel Stewart’s and Melville College and given the school’s heritage with the sport, and Doddie’s size, it was only natural he would take up the rugby.
After his education finished he played for Stewart’s Melville FP, the FP stands for former pupil, he then went on to play for Melrose in the Scottish Borders, and was part of the team that won six Scottish club championships.
He was brought uup on Cortleferry Farm, near the village of Stow in the Scottish Borders. horses were a big part of his early life and he competed at local gymkhanas along with his sister Kirsty. Later he went on to represent Scotland at national equestrian events. Once, at the Scottish Horse Trials, he competed against Princess Anne.
As his rugby career progressed he moved to England in 1995 to join the Newcastle Falcons, helping them win the Premiership in 1998.
Lock Weir was capped 61 times by Scotland, and was part of the victorious Lions tour to South Africa in 1997.
He moved back to Scotland to join the newly reformed Borders team in 2002 where he remained until his retirement from professional rugby. He finished his playing career together with Gary Armstrong at Borders Reivers in 2004.
In 2016 Doddie was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) in 2016 and made his diagnosis public the following summer. Although the average life expectancy is between one and three years, he has defied the odds to keep battling and his charity, the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, has raised more than £4million for research into a cure. Doddie was also told that a year later he would not be able to walk, he defied what the doctors said still walked in up to the final months of his life a testament to the determination and fighting spirit of this remarkable man.
A big favourite with the Murrayfield crowd, the 6ft 6in lock was famously described by the late commentator Bill McLaren as as being “on the charge like a mad giraffe”.
Doddie spoke of his MND
“As a bloke you just think ‘I’m fine’, but with this that’s not quite the case. Basically it’s a muscle wasting disease and that’s how in the later life of MND it’s horrific because you need help everywhere.
"Basically your muscles in your legs disappear so you can’t walk; you can’t really eat, and then your muscles within your speech disappear so you can’t speak; you can’t swallow and can’t breath so it’s horrific what happens.
”….“But it’s such a debilitating condition and there’s nothing out there that can help any patient with MND.
He has signed a “Do not resuscitate” (DNR) IN 2020.
In February 2020 Doddie said his decision to refuse potentially lifesaving CPR came after a tough chat with his sons Hamish, Angus, and Ben, "I’ve had to talk to them about DNR. We’ve just signed a document for that at the moment, which isn’t easy.”
He added: “You just have to be honest and open and they took it really well.”
Weir set up a charity called My Name's Doddie Foundation to help fund treatments for motor neurone disease.
In 2018 The Doddie Weir Cup was inaugurated, a perputual Rugby Union trophy to be played between Scotland and Wales, the first match in Cardiff in November that year was won by Wales, Scotland are the current holders.
Neither the Welsh Rugby Union nor the Scottish Rugby Union originally intended to contribute any of the gate receipts from the inaugural match to the charity, but pressure from fans and in the media resulted in them eventually donating a six-figure sum
On the evening of 26 November 2022, his family announced that he had died of motor neuron disease, aged 52. A memorial service was held at Melrose Parish Church on 19 December, with audio from the service relayed to Melrose RFC's ground The Greenyards.
Clinical trials into motor neurone disease (MND) have received a £500,000 boost from the My Name's Doddie Foundation to mark what would have been his 54th birthday.
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perplexingluciddreams · 5 months
Today was orthotics appointment. It is at hospital I don't like, Dad not like too because bad parking. When we get there, it was very full loud waiting room. So we wait outside the room in the corridor.
The orthotist Kirsty is very nice! With nice accent. It was loud bad place at first with other patients talking loud - even with noise cancelling headphones I struggle and get very anxious but also feel stuck could not stim like I need. I could not hear what Kirsty or Dad said because the other voices noises were louder even with noise cancelling headphones ☹️.
They could see I didn't cope, so she very kindly, look in other quiet room to see if it is empty. (Usually I go to that room). Yes, it is! So we go in there.
Then talk a lot about old AFOs. And Dad show my list of what is not-good about them. She look at my walking with shoes AND without shoes, and examine look at my legs and feet and move about and feel how hypermobile I am. And where my calf muscles is a bit tight.
She agree that my current AFOs don't work. So we try something different new. Dad showed my pictures of what I think might be better for me. So, she say they can do a similar style of rigid plastic AFO on the outside, with an inner "anklet" that is thinner more flexible plastic going around my ankle and over the top of my foot. Then that part will go inside the bigger rigid AFOs. And, I can have better straps that isn't so bulky and too tough to undo by myself. (They will just go once over, instead of through a ring and double back).
Then, she do a SCAN!! Instead of casts this time :D. I have to hold very very still it takes a LOT of concentration and effort. But I did very well. Dad said the shape of my leg showed up slowly on the screen when she did the light scanner in stripes. I didn't see that because I had to concentrate very much to stay still.
They had to stick a wire to the front of my leg for the scanner. And the tape stuck to my leg hair! And ripped some off when I took it off, ouch! But it was okay, not too sore, just mostly funny. Dad joked about is his genetics for the leg hair.
Overall, very successful appointment and it went much better than I expected! I am still very anxious about it all, because we have several attempts already that didn't work. But, Dad says we will keep on trying until we get exactly what works for me.
I always feel overwhelmed and exhausted after appointment. And always feel like I didn't communicate everything I want to - even with prepare with other people and they say things for me, even if I try try try so hard to do words, it just doesn't happen at the time. And I have automatic response to just nod head "yes" at almost everything, even if I didn't process or understand. So I worry that I seem to say "yes" or agree to things that I don't mean. Especially when I know that there was a lot of talking at the appointment that I didn't process at all. I feel so utterly lost all the time - and there is no way to really express how that affects me my whole entire life.
I hate my inability to communicate ☹️☹️. It goes WAY beyond just not able to speak. Even with all the tools and aids and help from other people... majority of the time it is simply near-impossible for me to interact with another person. It is everything about how I interact with everyone, my whole life long. And then I feel like anything that goes wrong or doesn't work is my fault for not able to communicate or explain something.
Anyway. I am knackered now, so time for rest and Celtic Woman DVD 😄. I try not to think about it anymore, just distract. And try to keep hope, but not too much, so I don't get too disappointed.
I have lemonade (Dad quickly go to shop and buy so I can have my usual fizzy drink treat after appointment 😄, thanks Dad!). And I have snack. And DVD. 😊
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