kankuroplease · 2 years
I’m late I think but I’m the one who likes Iruka x Kisame. If your still taking requests, I would love to see them. I imagine they are the mutual pining type of couple, but that Iruka would probably be bolder with his advances because he’s less socially awkward than Kisame. I also think they both enjoy cuddling with each other, having lacked in that department as kids. I can imagine a particular instance where they feel particularly loving, where Iruka is in Kisame’s lap and/or arms and is kissing Kisame’s nose. Making the big blue blush a pretty lilac-ish color.
If your not up for this that’s cool👍, I’m just trying to find content for my rarepair.
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Not late 🖤
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sloaners · 4 years
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under the sea under the sea a kisairuzabu mer sandwich take it from me
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kisames-corner · 3 years
📣 We interrupt Kisame Week for a brief announcement…
Kisame’s Corner Discord 🦈
For those who are new around here and may not know, we have two Kisame centric discords!
Both have a place for general chit chat, art/fic sharing, a place to talk other fandoms as well as a spot for content creating help and more. Both are an open minded, friendly space and best of all they’re not pairing locked, so all pairings are welcome!
For Kisame’s Corner all we ask is that you be respectful of others and are over the age of 18.
As for our new space Kisame’s Corner 2.0 we still ask you be respectful of others but there is no age requirement. It’s a SFW space for all Kisame content for everyone to join.
We have a few fun things planned for server members so if you’d like to get involved then jump on in and join the party 🥳
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magnustesla · 6 years
Iruka/Kisame/Zabuza fic by the wonderful @sparkswithyou ❤ I saw beautiful artwork by @mistawolfie and planted the seed of Iruka and Kisame in a fic, to the lovely sparkswithyou (Aryagraceling on ao3). Fic is linked, if you fancy a read 🙌
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mistawolfie · 7 years
You have no idea how I tried not to die to KisaIru comic 😂 that got me weak!!
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I still can’t get over them either
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raendown · 7 years
Pairing: KisameIruka Soulmate au: The one where soulmates can communicate telepathically using only images
Follow the link or read under the cut!
Sometimes Kisame couldn’t help but wonder if his soulmate might be a little stupid. Alright, that was slightly unfair. Maybe not stupid but certainly sometimes he thought whoever it was must be confused. He enjoyed their strange conversations, conducted entirely in the form of disjointed images, and he liked that they were so in tune that he could usually tell the intent behind each image.
The only problem that ever cropped up was when he tried to tell his partner about himself. It wasn’t really safe to say anything about his life but he could certainly describe his looks. He usually used an image of a shark. His clan was unique in their strangely shark-like appearances and one wouldn’t be wrong to say that he shared a number of traits with the aquatic predators. Yet, every time he would receive in return the image of a dolphin. And behind that image he could sense the intent of “name”, and he couldn’t fathom what message they were trying to send. He was a shark, not a dolphin.
He had tried to send an image of his own face once when they were both younger. It had appeared warped and strange. He had asked his mother, only a year before she died, why he couldn’t send his soulmate a picture of himself. She had laughed.
“Because you don’t see yourself as a picture,” she told him, poking thick fingers in to the deep blue locks on his head. “You see yourself as a concept, as an emotion, as a feeling. Who you are could never be conveyed in just one image. You can only send the things that you see, not the things that you feel.”
Young Kisame had huffed and swatted her hand away, annoyed at the flowery words from someone not usually given to embellishments.
Many years later, closing in on his thirtieth year, and Kisame had long since given up trying to tell his soulmate what he looked like. It was an exercise in frustration and he was in too good of a mood to ruin it doing something he knew to be pointless. He was standing on the border of his fellow Akatsuki member’s home village, looking down at the houses below. Surely the nine-tails jinchūriki was here and their task would be completed soon. Kisame was eager to move their plans forward, to see this new perfect world that they were building. He was certain he would be able to find his soulmate in a perfect world.
Normally Kisame tried not to give away his location to anyone – and that included the person who was linked to him mentally. He led a dangerous life and there was no telling who could get hurt in the crossfire or who would betray him unexpectedly. Today he felt close enough to his goal to be daring, to let a little information slip. He looked over to the gates standing tall and proud in the wall he and his partner were currently perched upon, sending an image of the leaf symbol carved therein.
He was startled to receive the same image back with such a strong feeling of love that he gently swayed on the spot. There was such an intent of deep, abiding loyalty in that response and right away the possibility occurred to him with a muted sort of horror that his soulmate might very well live here.
Next to him, Itachi was silent as he scanned his red eyes over the place he had once called home. Kisame used that silence to send an image of Konoha as he saw it right then, infusing the message with curiosity, with a question. In return, his soulmate sent him an image of a schoolyard, of children playing underneath a window that led to an empty classroom. There was a tree in the yard with a swing tied to one branch and Kisame could almost picture the shadow of someone sitting on that swing as he read the intent behind the image: a beckoning, come to me.
“Where’s your Academy?” he rumbled. Breaking from his reverie, Itachi gave him a questioning look but Kisame only gestured at the village before them impatiently.
“It’s there,” his partner replied, lifting a hand to point. “Not far from the Hokage Tower.”
“Right. We’re going there.”
Kisame didn’t wait for an answer. He kicked off the border wall in one powerful leap, sending him sailing over the outer rim of buildings. After a minute he sensed Itachi following, likely curious to see why he wanted to go somewhere so unlikely to house their target. The thought of the boy they were meant to be finding was so far from Kisame’s mind at that point he might have nearly forgotten he was even on a mission at all. He was focused entirely on the prospect of finally meeting his soulmate.
His cloak, he knew, was a giant neon sign hanging off his shoulders. He kept to the shadows as he dropped down beside the main building of the Academy and crept along the wall. Children dashed to and fro in the yard, playing at games and screeching with abandon the way children do. Adults dotted the yard here and there keeping an eye on their charges.
Small, sunken eyes scanned the yard until Kisame’s gaze fell upon a certain tree, one which had a swing tied to its thickest branch. Upon the swing sat a young man with his brown hair pulled up in to a ponytail and an old scar punctuating the skin across his nose. His face was turned up for the sunlight to filter down through the leaves and fall upon his tanned skin as his eyes seemed to dart here and there. He was incredibly handsome, Kisame noticed with a strangely warm sensation gathering in his chest. Not even the puffy vest of the Konoha uniform could hide his broad shoulders or his muscled torso.
Hesitantly, Kisame sent an image of the man on the swing across his mental connection. He was pleased beyond words when that same man stiffened and his head jerked down, turning immediately to look in the direction of where Kisame was peering out from the shadows. He sent the image a second time, infusing it with the same intent of beckoning as the other had before.
He was barely aware of Itachi grumbling behind him and slinking away as the tanned stranger rose from the swing and hurried in his direction. Kisame stepped back, anxious and eager all at once and trying not to show it. He was concentrating on standing still when the man who he was certain was his soulmate slipped in to the shadows with him, stopping only a few feet away. They stared at each other in absolute bewilderment, each wondering what to say.
“Um, hello,” the other man began in a voice worn by years of yelling at fledgling ninjas. “We should…introduce ourselves? My name is Iruka.”
“Iruka!” Kisame tossed his head back and laughed without thinking. “So that’s why you kept sending me an image of a dolphin!” Iruka blinked at him, then smiled bashfully.
“Yes. That would be why. And your name?” he asked.
“Kisame. My name is Kisame.”
“Kisame.” Iruka chewed his lips for a moment before suddenly breaking in to a brilliant smile. “Hello there, Kisame! It’s nice to finally meet you!”
He stared at that smile, the ball of warmth in his chest growing larger and larger until it encroached upon the knot of guilt in his gut. Iruka; he seemed like a nice guy. He was handsome, instantly friendly, and he was the first person who had been genuinely happy to see Kisame since his own mother had passed away. He hated to think what this man would do when he found out his soulmate was a member of what was technically known as a terrorist organization.
“Your cloak…”
He stiffened, giving Iruka a startled look for having nearly read his thoughts.
“What about it?” he hedged.
“I’ve heard about that pattern on it. That’s an Akatsuki cloak.” His eyes were filling up with an incredible sadness and Kisame drew in a slow breath, unable to describe what that expression was doing to him. He suddenly felt the need to do something he had never done before: repent.
“It is,” he murmured quietly in response.
Iruka simply stood still and looked at him, held his gaze for a long, silent minute. In that minute Kisame felt as though he were being judged and was surprised to discover he was nervous about the final verdict. Finally the other man sighed.
“I am glad to meet you Kisame. But I am loyal to Konoha.” He looked torn and it ripped in to Kisame in an unfamiliar way. Iruka rocked back on his heels and, thinking he was preparing to leave, Kisame panicked and blurted out the first thought that crossed his mind.
“Wait, uh, I could be.”
“Could be…what?” Iruka paused, shifting his weight back again. Kisame scrunched his nose.
“Alright I don’t think I could be loyal to Konoha per se but…I could be loyal to you.”
Even more surprising was to find that he meant it. He realized suddenly that he really could be, that he was, somewhere inside himself, considering leaving his cloak behind and surrendering himself to a village not his own all for the sake of a man he had only just met.
But had they really only just met? He had known Iruka’s presence inside his mind for his entire life; even if he hadn’t had a name or a face until today he still knew him. Iruka was the single constant in his life, the one person that had never let him down and the one dream that had never died. He had joined the Akatsuki when he became disillusioned with the world around him, attracted by the idea of a perfect world and the perfect happiness he would find therein.
Now here before him stood another opportunity for perfect happiness and he was smart enough to recognize that he had a choice, that this was a turning point. And as the smile slowly bloomed on Iruka’s face again he knew that the decision had already been made – because he knew he would do anything to keep seeing that smile.
“Could you now?” Iruka asked in a low voice. Kisame stepped closer, his lips pulling up in to a smirk.
“I could. I could be very loyal to you.”
“Well I certainly won’t discourage you.”
His hands were tugging at the clasps of his cloak before he even registered that they had moved. The black and red material slid from his shoulders to gather in a puddle upon the dusty ground behind him and Kisame took another step forward – a step away from the Akatsuki, a step towards Iruka.
His soulmate welcome him with a smile and soft embrace that made him feel as if he were the smaller of them even though he stood well over a head taller. His soulmate could fit tucked under his chin yet for all his shorter stature he did not give the impression of weakness or helplessness.
Kisame smiled and it felt like he was relearning the expression entirely. It certainly wasn’t going to be so easy, he knew that. He was a criminal, a wanted S-rank missing-nin. There would certainly be a trial, jail time, something. He spared a fleeting thought for Itachi and wondered if he would report Kisame’s defection to the Leader.
Whatever the recompense, he was ready to face it. Truly the wild tales he had never believed about soulmates were truer than he could ever have imagined. He had only just met his and already he knew he would spend the rest of his life fighting to stay by Iruka’s side. He already knew that this was where he was meant to be. If only he hadn’t wasted so much time by trying to avoid telling the other more about his life.
As it turned out, Iruka had been the smart one all along.
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blackkatmagic · 5 years
Yo It's Stardew. I was thinking of a KisaIru mob au, with Kisame as Mob Boss and Iruka as a Teacher. Just----imagine the Big Bad Mob Boss head over heels for the elementary school teacher. Bonus points if Kisame's kid (adoptive? From a previous marriage?) is in Iruka's class.
I managed to misremember your prompt and i apologize for that, but hopefully it's entertaining anyway. 😂
oh diamond deeds (a man of notoriety)
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soxbows · 7 years
:3 What do you think of KISAIRU (Kisame x Iruka) ?
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beesandboswells · 2 years
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My submission for @the-umino-hours January 2023 90 min to gift for  @queenpinkireellylikethisname 
Enjoy! Had a lot of fun drawing this!
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shizuos · 12 years
Heya! Can I request KisaIru with the theme yakuza?
Kisame liked bloodshed. He liked violence, gore, action. As a prominent member of one of Tokyo's most infamous yakuzas, the Akatsuki, he got all the violence he needed. They usually worked in two man teams but his partner, Itachi, had something else he had to attend to. So Kisame was left by himself but he didn't mind that much. Itachi always restrained him from being too violent which got terribly annoying.
Smirking, the blue haired man crouched down to be eye level with the last remaining victim, bodies sprawled out elsewhere. He hadn't even had to use his gun; a quick twist of the neck and they were goners. But this one was different; Kisame liked this one.
Gently, he used the gun to force the victim to look at him and he smirked at the bruised eye and bleeding lip. He really wasn't in bad shape but after getting tossed around quite a bit, Kisame didn't blame him for looking so worn out. His brown hair had come out of its ponytail some point during the struggle and a hand was on his shoulder; Kisame thought he had heard a crack earlier. "Hey, what's your name anyway?"
"Wh-what's it matter to you? You're going to kill me anyway, aren't you?" he spat back and Kisame smirked, picking up his nearby wallet and flipping it open.
"Umino Iruka," he raised an eyebrow, nodding, "You teach elementary school, right? Ever had Uchiha Sasuke as a student? Yeah, he's the little brother of my partner. Itachi absolutely dotes on Sasuke. Well, as much as a Uchiha could, anyway." He was talking so casually like they were sitting across from each other at a cafe, not in a dark alleyway with blood everywhere and dead bodies.
"Just kill me," Iruka rasped, coughing and Kisame smirked in amusement, seeing blood come up, "Make it fast."
"...Nah," Kisame shook his head and picked up Iruka's cell phone and flipped it open, pressing three numbers before holding it to his ear, "Three dead bodies and one injured. Alleyway on Kohano. Hurry."
Iruka's eyes widened and he stared at Kisame as he stood up, still smirking. "I like you so I won't kill you. Maybe we'll see each other again someday, huh?" he gave a two finger salute and disappeared into the darkness, leaving a stunned Iruka as the sound of sirens grew louder and louder.
(I read yakuza as yakisoba at first... yeah not quite the same...)
Send me a pairing and a theme and I’ll write something :)
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sloaners · 5 years
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sharkman in the bathtub? more common than you think
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sloaners · 5 years
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irukisa - embrace
ko-fi request from @magnustesla
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sloaners · 5 years
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who you looking at, iruka?
preview on patreon
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kankuroplease · 3 years
Ok so I had a thought, KisaIru (Kisame x Iruka) I know that’s odd and they’d probably never meet in real life, but I thought Iruka was exactly the kind of sweetheart to look past Kisame’s big blueness and gills. I also think Kisame would find Iruka adorable in a dorky way. I figured their first meeting would be something like that animatic meme where someone walks into a chest and immediately panics.
They would be a cute ship 🖤🖤😭
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Hello I’m the KisaIru shipper again, and I have to let you know that I fell in love with the ship. Ugggh, but there’s no content for them😭. I just can’t stop thinking about how cute they’d be??? 💕💖
Bruh. I fell down the Naruto obsession hole up to 6-8 years ago and it’s still going strong for me.🫶 This is officially the first time I’ve fallen down a rabbit tunnel for an unpopular ship tho.😖
(P.s. I’m not asking for content from you specifically, just needed to vent a little if you don’t mind.🤗)
I get that
Rarepair shipping isn’t for the faint of heart, our ships almost never get content and we either have to wait or make it ourselves 😩
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sloaners · 6 years
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for @blackkatmagick
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