#klance singer au
fayt30l0v3 · 2 years
Lance McClain as a lead singer for a band, lance McClain as Vic Fuentes, lance McClain in an emo band, lance and Keith are in emo band, lance McClain gets too caught up in the music and makes out with his bassist, Keith kogane is a bassist, Keith kogane is thinking about it too much and lance McClain is trying not to make it awkward, the vld band au has been born.
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hollowgl0w · 24 days
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quantifiableme · 1 year
As much as I dont wanna write Klance fanfic in 2023, there is a lack of Rock Band Aus in fandom.
Like Lance and Keith are both guitarists in separate bands.
Keith is the youngest member in The Blade of Mamora, which is an older rock band that’s reviving itself and they added Keith as their new guy (because the old guitarist was a perv or smth idk)
And Lance is the lead singer/guitarist/front runner for his pop-punk band he started from his garage with Hunk and Pidge. They have reasonable success, but are no where near as prolific as The Blade. (They’re like 1975. Def famous, but they aren’t doing area tours.) They call themselves Voltron.
Lance is a competitive idiot, and got into guitars because he saw an article about Music Prodigy Keith when he was a kid. He started his band when Keith was asked to join the Blade at like 17.
Now that Voltron is becoming more popular, they’re doing small interviews with like Buzzfeed, and Lance has this big speech about how Keith is his mortal enemy despite never havjng met him. Keith doesn’t watch these or have social media, but he hears about the rivarly through Shiro (his big bro and manager) but ultimately doesn’t care.
Shiro, though, sees how unhappy Keith is with the Blade. He’s like 19 now and spending all this time with 40-50 year old men, who are nice and offer guidence, but like they can’t be besties. They also all treat Keith like a nephew, so Keith is super behind in social skills.
So Voltron is getting signed by the same Blade of Mamora record company, and Shiro overhears a meeting where they are discussing strategy. (The pop division is run by Allura (daughter of CEO) and she is eager to prove herself.) Allura sees Lance’s ability to really loose himself with the crowd and in his singing, and wants to push him to sing more WITHOUT the guitar.
Shiro hears this and meets with Allura later to offer Keith as the new lead guitar.
*chaos ensues*
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
wip wednesday the 21st
links for ur convenience <3:
the loneliest series: 1 2 3 4
the hana universe: 1 2
flower crown au: 1 2
the applebees universe: 1 2 3
lost at sea au: 1 2
and the red on my face (matches you) [ao3]: 1 2 3
orphan au: 1 2 3
the neighbour au: 1 2
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crowning-art · 4 years
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My piece for the @coloraturazine peeps! My genre was kpop, of course, so here’s Keith and Lance performing some cool Kpop choreography
Anyways, the zine is opening up for leftover sales so go check it out!
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klanceficatalogue · 4 years
You guys are amazing! Thanks for all you do!
Can I recommend my fic “I Can Hear the Bells”?
Klance can always use more theater kid aus!
100%!! theatre kid fics are where its at - karri
I Can Hear the Bells by KatelFireDemon (1/1 | 606 | General)
Lance is goofy and they're in love
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ezrazzle · 6 years
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Singer / Bodyguard AU I made for the This and Every Other Universe zine Klance edition that was unfortunately dissolved.
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baovyoi · 6 years
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day 17 - celebrities
(don’t repost)
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klancepinefest · 5 years
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Title: Love and All That Jazz
Author: lollipop1141
Artist: hoodie3525
Rating: teen
Warnings: None
Summary:  “You can’t kick me out!” Grumbling about how he didn’t have to go that far and so what if it’s unhealthy to practice 12 hours a day? I still eat and have bathroom breaks and 'go enjoy the city,’ he said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ he said.' “Welcome to Voltron café! What can I get you?” The first thing he noticed was the white upright piano on the other side of the shop. His fingers itched for the keys, but he dragged his eyes away to face the cashier. And a good thing too, because he had never seen anything as beautiful as the boy in front of him. Keith is a classical music prodigy who wants nothing more than to be left alone so he can practice. But after getting kicked out of the house to "Go enjoy the great outdoors", he stumbles upon Lance who's literally all razzle and dazzle. With Lance came a life outside his small bubble of safety and into a world that was as unpredictable as love and all that jazz
link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18597157/chapters/44088562
link to art: https://hoodie3525.tumblr.com/post/184452331002/ahhhhhh-its-here-im-so-excited-for-everyone-to
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angstalottle · 6 years
Blue Star
Lance had grown up with one constant about himself.
He was average in every possible way. It wasn't a fact that upset him, it was just a fact about himself that he accepted long ago.
He was fine with being mediocre with a simple life with as many good days as bad.
He was also fine that the only thing about him that wasn't average was his friends.
Lance grew up in a small town next door to Allura.
Allura who along with his friends Hunk and Pidge went on to form the most popular band in the entire world and become famous overnight.
Lance was honestly happy for them, he wasn't jealous he was proud of his friends and glad to be able to hang out with them.
Like tonight, for example, they were at a private karaoke room just messing around and not really taking anything seriously.
“Oh come on Lance lets do a duet!” Allura smiled as she pulled him to his feet.
“Alright but remember your considered the best singer ever so no judging.” Lance rolled his eyes as he pointed accusingly at Pidge and Hunk who held up their hands as if to show they meant no harm.
Allura fiddled with the machine before tossing a mic to Lance “noted, now come on your Elphaba I know she's your favourite”
Of course, when Allura sang Lance felt his heart twist.
She was incredible, her voice powerful and hauntingly beautiful, it was why whenever they were younger and they would sing together Lance often only mouthed along just so he could listen to her in awe.
He was so enchanted by her that he didn't realise it was his turn to sing until she elbowed him, in the ribs.
“Oh, right erm… Like a ship pulled for its mooring” Lance began to sing.
He closed his eyes and just sang for the hell of it, why bother looking at his friends as they stared at Allura, he would just be happy being her backing.
However, as the song went on getting to the duet part Allura didn't join in.
Curious Lance opened an eye to see his three friends wide-eyed stares. “Was it that bad?” he asked blushing as he set down his mic.
Hunk was the first to speak “no...no Lance… god no it was…”
“Incredible” Podge finished for him “I had no idea you could sing like that.’
“Like what?” Lance asked looking around for some kind of answer. He looked to Allura and saw her with tears in her eyes.
“Lance… you… you drown me out.”
“Oh man Allura I'm so sorry please don't cry I promise I'll never do it again”
Lance was cut off when Allura placed a single finger against his lips “no Lance it's not a bad thing it's… it's amazing. In all my career no one has even been able to match em let alone blow me away like you have.”
Lance’s brow creased in confusion “ I don't understand…”
“Lance…” Allura placed her hands on his shoulders “your the greatest singer I've ever heard, why have you ever performed before? I know for a fact you aren't shy.”
Lance blushed looking down “ I always just wanted to listen to you… I… I didn't think I was anything special so why bother.”
She pulled him into a hug so quickly that Lance nearly tripped over.
“Lance you are so incredibly special.not just because of who you are but you have this talent, this wonderful gift that makes you uncomparable.” Allura pulled away and smiled down at him “I want you to open for us tomorrow night”.
“What” Lance stepped back “ I can't, your fans paid for you.”
Pidge snorted “their not gonna complain once you start, besides it will only be one song so I'm sure they will live.”
“Their Lance you have to do this, it's not fair that you felt like you don't deserve the spotlight.” Hunk smiled softly. “Their gonna love you, buddy.”
Lance looked at his friends in silence for a long tense moment before he finally nodded “ok… one song and if they start booing I'm out of there… in fact, I'm going to wear a mask so they don't know who I am… deal?”
The three nodded and yelled in unison “deal.”
The performance went better than they ever could have hoped.
All Lance had to do was stand on the stage in a blue wig and simple white mask and sing for the crowds to lose their minds.
The next day the media exploded all focused on the performer that left Allura and her band in the dust.
In barely a week Lance went from an average life to being signed by a record label and working on his first album.
He also sealed his doom when he was introduced to his manager.
The man with the beautiful purple eyes named Keith.
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rose-animations · 5 years
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Totally forgot to post this here, my boys! Well, I don’t own them but still-
If Keith and Lance were singers, Lance would have an album called Guilty as Sin ft Keith. Ft the “draw your otp in these shirts” thing.
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enlacinglineswrites · 6 years
Klance AU month day 26 fic
Today’s prompt is artists/performers. New story up now! 
Come to judge my music taste, and stay for cute boys being cute.
Thanks for reading! 
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brittysaucefanfic · 5 years
Acting is Easy, Loving is Harder
Part 5
I’m late, I’m late, mierda I’m so late! 
Lance rushes out the door of his hotel room half dressed, if that. His shirt, a simple blue tank top with Cuba immortalized in swirling font over his chest, is on wrong. He isn’t sure how he managed to get his left arm and his head through his left arm hole in the rush, but he did. And his jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped. He runs with one hand trying to keep them from falling down. 
God, the paparazzi would have a field day with that one. 
He also has his green jacket, the one all patched up with random pieces of cloth and patches. A Nasa patch, a U.S. Air Force patch, a hello kitty embroidery and a giant rose patch on the back all adorn his hand me down jacket in random spaces. His right arm, the hand keeping his pants up, are through the sleeve but that’s as far as he had gotten with it. 
In his mouth hangs a half eaten bagel, and his hair is uncombed. Great, now he’s gonna have a frizzy nest on top of his head. Very classy Lance. In his left hand is a generous handful of things just one minor slip away from scattering behind him as he rushes to his rental. Included among these things are his keys, his keycard to the hotel room, phone, wallet, his right shoe, and for some reason a small jelly container. 
Maybe for his bagel?
Who cares, Lance yells in his mind, I slept in! Lance mumbles out an apology through his bagel as he nearly crashes into an old couple, who stare at him in shock. He just barely manages to turn in time to avoid the windows and hit the doors at full speed instead. 
That’ll leave a bruise for sure. Oh well, at least it might fit in with the next few scenes. 
Lance almost faceplants his rental trying to open the door, not realizing he had locked it. Just great. He fumbles with his left hand to try and get the key in the door without dropping everything and almost succeeds. Alas, it is not his lucky day. He practically slams the car in drive after picking his things off the ground and peels out into traffic. 
His bagel still hangs from his mouth. 
As he drives he manages to work his pants closed, and slip on his shoe and fix his shirt. His hair is hopeless at this point, and he managed to pin his jacket underneath his butt so that’s out of the question for the moment. He peels into the parking lot the set uses, and is out of the car before he even kills the engine. 
“Sorry!” Lance yells, finally unlatching his jaw around the bagel. Weird, where did this bagel come from? He doesn’t even like bagels. He misses the look of shock on the valet that’s sure to be there. 
Lance skids around a corner so hard he nearly eats dirt, and he runs full speed towards the main set. People and employees scatter out of his way, and he’s too breathless to apologize anymore. 
Got to get to set, got to get to set, got to get to set, Lance chants.
He rounds the final corner, kind of surprised he remembered the way so easily, and barrels straight for the main set. He has mere moments to realize that everyone is ready and already done with hair and makeup. 
Shiro now has a wicked scar across his nose, and darker eyes, and his prosthetic has even been trussed up to look far more futuristic looking. Allura’s got sharp elfin ears and loads of jewelry layered on top of her almost medieval looking dress. She’s also taller. 
Pidge is dressed just like she was yesterday. With her short locks teased and sprayed to stand up like she’s been electrocuted, but that’s it’s been a minute since it happened and her hair is starting to fall back into place. Her eyes nearly glow red, and she’s wearing tight fitted but boyish clothes, all in green shades. 
Hunk looks just like yesterday as well, the yellow of his clothes making him soft in the face, but his giant war hammer, which is what Suyo uses in the first few episodes as a weapon, makes him look deadly. A small, almost unnoticeable scar now splits his left eyebrow. 
The effects team surely outdid themselves.
Oh, but his eyes land on Keith last, and his breath is blown away even more than the running had. Shocking white hair, like Allura’s usual, falling into his face. Sharp violet gaze piercing his soul as they lock eyes. 
Woah, super hot asshole.
Those violet eyes widen, and Lance tries to put on the breaks. He’s moving too fast, his momentum is too much to stop now. Lance crashes headlong into Keith, and they hit the ground in a tangle of limbs. He feels the breath that’s knocked out of Keith hit his cheek, and Lance collapses in gasping breaths on top of him. 
They lay there for a moment, both dazed and out of breath, when Keith, of all of people, says a lame pick up line.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” Keith says into his ear. It’s so quiet that Lance is positive he’s the only one who heard it. It shocks him so hard, his dazed, oxygen and sleep deprived mind finds it hilarious and he bursts into uncontrollable giggles.
Keith stares at him, then his lips wobble, and suddenly they’re both a mass of tangled limbs just laughing until their stomachs hurt and their eyes are watering. Lance manages to roll off of Keith and onto his back beside him as he heaves in breaths between laughter.
“Good morning to you too Lance?” Shiro says, confused and staring down at him from above. His face pinches and that scar crinkles with his nose. Lance tries to breath but with the laughter and the running and the sheer hotness of the guy laughing beside him, he’s helpless. 
“You’re late my boy!” Coran says, and it’s in the most cheerful tone Lance has ever heard. And that includes Veronica’s ‘I didn’t do it’ voice. The entirety of the main cast stare down at him from above, making a circle around the edges of his vision. He struggles to sit up, and gives up when his body refuses to cooperate.
“Good morning to you guys as well.” Lance says with a tiny smile. “And yeah, I was jet lagged so much I slept through all five of my alarm clocks.”
Allura makes a face like she’s choking.
“Five?” She says incredulously. Lance laughs again, and it’s so breathless it’s soundless. 
“Used to be seven, but I thought I was getting better at it. Guess not.” Lance replies. Keith stands up beside him and dusts himself off. Lance stays on the ground with a new face staring down at him from above. 
“Getting better at what?” Pidge teases. “Waking up?”
Lance scoffs at her.
“I like my beauty rest.” He says with a pout.
“I mean, you kind of need it.” Hunk butts in and Lance gasps in outrage.
“Betrayal! You too Hunkalicious?” 
Allura starts giggling, covering her mouth with a hand. Which is a crying shame, because her smile is so pretty. Pidge snorts in the most unladylike of fashions. Shiro and Keith just look amused. Hunk though? Oh that pretty face of his turns bright red, darkening his already pretty dark skin. He pouts and Lance smiles innocently. Hunk always hates it when he uses pet names in public because he says it’s ‘embarrassing’. 
Not sure how being called Hunk, as an actual name, is any different.
“Are you going to get up anytime soon?” Keith asks, a small and unsure smile on his face. Okay, maybe Lance judged him too quickly. Maybe. He’ll wait and see about that. Lance tries to scowl, though it comes out in more of a disgruntled pout.
“My body is paralyzed.” Lance says, and he visibly sees Pidge roll her eyes, even though she turned her head away from him in that moment. Hunk laughs and a thick, rough looking hand is shoved in his face. 
“Come on then, you need to get hair and makeup done so we can start shooting.” Hunk says. Lance whines at the thought of having to walk all the way to the special effects studio. He widens his eyes like Marco taught him years and years ago, summons tears by sheer force of will, and starts making his bottom lip tremble. 
The perfect puppy dog face, gets ‘em every time.
Hunk slowly crumbles before him, starting with his eyes. Twitch by twitch, Hunk’s face eases into an earnest expression usually used for hurt baby animals. Lance nailed Hunk’s soft spot right on the head. Boo yah. 
“Okay,” Hunk says, his voice cracking with held back tears. “I’ll give you a piggyback ride, just stop looking at me like that.” 
Lance breaks his puppy eyes with a face cracking grin and reaches his arms up in the air like a child. He goes as far as to make grabby hands. He’s still laying down, but that isn’t a problem for a man like Hunk. He scoops Lance up like a sack of feathers, and situates him on his back. Lance looks to a very impressed Keith.
Lance is only slightly ashamed to admit that impressing Keith was a win on Lance’s part.
Guess he isn’t such a burro after all.
Hunk carries him all the way to the hair and makeup trailer and plops him on the floor without warning. Lance makes a very undignified squeak and glares at Hunk as he walks away laughing. The special effects people all stare at him in shock. Yesterday everyone was in a rush to get him ready, so he didn't get to know everybody like he wanted to.
"Hey guys! Sorry about that, I'm Lance!" Lance says and pauses. He looks at the ground in a shyness he usually doesn't experience. One finger itches at his chin. "Though you probably already know that from yesterday."
One of the female artists-because the magic they pulled off yesterday in transforming Lance into Leandro so quickly deserves to be called art- starts giggling. She's an older woman, with waist length brown curls, greying slightly at the roots. Lance can remember his first impression of her being that she looks just like his mom. Even now the sight of the woman sends him into a strong bout of homesickness.
"Well then, Lance, I'm Layla. Now, get up so we can start getting you ready. You're late enough as it is." Layla says, scolding him gently. Lance flushes with embarrassment but complies to her demands.
He stands and stretches out his sore muscles. Sleeping in his suit last night really did a number on him. He was so overheated that he kept slipping in and out of consciousness, which is another reason why he slept in.
Around four this morning he finally got up and stripped down to his boxers.
"Right then miss Layla, what first?" Lance says with a smile. He's ushered into the changing room with his clothes shoved into his arms. He really does not want to wear the suffocating material again, but he has no choice. Stupid Leandro with his cool but suffocating sense of style. 
Lance changes quickly, already dreading how much he’ll be sweating after today.
Layla sits him down in front of a mirror and Lance sees himself grimace. His hair looks awful, frizzy and sticking up all over the place. Some of his curls stayed tamed through his fitful sleep, but the rest of them just represent what a combed afro might look like. He’s just glad Layla and the others gave him a nice and breezy undercut. 
“My word, what have you done to your hair cher garçon?” Says the hairstylist, a man Lance was introduced to yesterday as Freddy. Freddy is a flamboyant, talkative, fashionably dressed, bald black man who speaks French, usually peppering his English with a swirling lilt of French words. In other words, Lance’s kind of guy. Despite the short amount of time they had yesterday to get ready, he learned a lot about Monsieur Freddy.
Freddy is gay, he likes American pasta over traditional Italian for the simple fact that it’s easier to make, and he hates chocolate unless it’s in its purest, bittersweet flavor. He grew up as a hairstylist’s son, moved to the states when he was five, and has done the hair for every major celebrity Lance has ever heard of. 
In no time the rat’s nest on Lance’s head is transformed into perfectly styled curls. His bangs don’t defy gravity like Shiro’s, so they hang delicately over his eyes. When his head is low, his bangs completely block his eyes from view, which is a total plus in Lance’s mind. Now he can perfect his anime quality acting just by hanging his head at a slightly lowered angle. 
Freddy and Lance chat until the very last moment when the makeup artists swoop in to take over. 
They mark his barely freckled nose with far more freckles than he naturally has, and darken his eyebrows, adding on a thin layer of concealer to hide any blemishes and bam. Leandro is ready to go. They hand him his sniper rifle prop and then Layla practically kicks him out the door. 
A blast of heat smacks him in the face and he prays to any god that’s listening that he doesn’t sweat off his makeup. That would suck. Lance trudges his way back to set glumly wishing they were in an air conditioned building.
Hopefully filming will go a lot smoother this time around.
Spanish translation:
Mierda- fuck
Burro- jackass
French translation:
Cher garçon- dear boy
Monsieur- Mister
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
wip wednesday 20‼️‼️‼️
poll is the same as last week, but there have been some updates!
lost at sea au: 1 2
and the red on my face (matches you) [ao3]: 1 2 3
orphan au: 1 2 3
the neighbour au: 1 2
flower crown au: 1 2
alien au: 1 2 3
the hana universe: 1 2
the applebees universe: 1 2 3
the loneliest series: 1 2 3 4
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spacecadetlovesyou · 6 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
A stellar collision is the coming together of two stars caused by gravity, gravitational radiation, or other mechanisms not well understood.
Any stars in the universe can collide.
Keith and Lance do.
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kh-80 · 7 years
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I wonder what he’s singing
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