#knight boru
atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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art by Ciruelo Cabral
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I have this sudden headcanon about Naruto and Hinata's conversation in the other dimension. Since Kawaki sealed them away, and we won't know about them until the end of the show, I want to put my imagination on this tumblr space. On the side note, the recent information spoiler informed us that Kawaki told Boruto that both Naruto and Hinata won't get old and he won't be able see them 🥹. Meaning that, time is frozen there but what happen if they can do whatever they want inside that space and that dimension is a world created by Kawaki because he made a promise to a certain powerful otsusuki that he'll protect that family in exchange of his life? He acted as if he wanted to kill Boruto and have his own plan to save him. What if?
Hinata opens her eyes. There is a painful throb in her head. She grimaces, trying to stir out the dizzying sensation Next to her is Naruto; sitting on a sofa. He is staring at the vacant wall and somehow, Hinata is able to correctly guess his deep thoughts.
She surveys around. It doesn't look like their beloved home. It's a different place; but the one they're situated in is more spacious. Aghast, Hinata casts a skeptical look at Naruto. A moment ago, they were pulled in by a dark and strong whirlwind and now they are in a different place.
Which means one thing.
They are in another different world.
"Na.. Naruto-kun.. I don't want to believe this but Boru.. Boruto.. Him.. Himawari.. they're!" She is fighting back tears. The lump formed in her throat makes it harder for her to suppress the overwhelming emotion.
I can't cry now. Not now. Not when Naruto is trying to act tough in front of me. If he sees me cry, he'll try to calm me down by saying that everything will be fine. He'll put up a valiant knight in shining armour's face and throw that mask away when he's convinced that I'm asleep. Soon, he'll make the pillow wet because of the leaked acid rain running down on his cheeks.
Hinata takes a deep breath and observes her husband . They're 32 now and had been married for 14 years. She knows him too much. From the way his obvious, keen eyes shined when she cooked a special flavoured ramen for him to the way a soft crease formed on his forehead whenever he's worried or anxious about something.
Hinata tries to utter something; anything that can break down the silence but Naruto is quick to address the situation. He turns to her, closes the small distance between them and reaches out to her; his hands wrapped around her back and nose burrowed into the thick cloth which covers her body.
Naruto have that habit whenever he's dejected or needs her attention. To Hinata, he acts like an innocent puppy sometimes. She likes it though. She's a woman with a heart full of love and those feelings are born from seeds of hope and joy whenever she saw Naruto during their childhood days. The seeds grow, becoming a land full of blooming roses that makes her strong and brave. Those feelings are her strength and will only be imparted for her precious ones.
She does not have any fear towards Otsutsuki or villains who hold grudges. The only important thing for her is her family. Their safety and well-being. Only her family, not other people. She cares about them a lot. She'll do whatever she can to protect her family even if it involves risking her life.
"Hi.. Hinata! I am sorry. I am so, so, sorry..." Naruto apologizes.
She caresses his head. For the umpteenth time, she refrains from letting her cheeks get wet. She bites her tongue from whimpering. The pain in her throat exacerbates every second but she won't let it win by making her a crying mess. She had enough of being someone who sinks in Naruto's light. This time, she HAS to be the one who protects his light.
"This is all my fault. I don't know what went wrong. Kawaki, he... he was just getting used to our company. I was convinced that he changed, but... what went wrong? I'm useless. I didn't know what to do. Funny, isn't it? When I was 16, I refuse to give up. Everyone told me that he's a criminal and he should be punished severely. Now that I finally have my own family, I didn't know what to do. It's hard. I want to be the perfect Hokage for the villagers. I want equal rights for everyone yet... when things didn't go just like how I planned it, I questioned myself a lot. My real family was suffering. It's difficult to accomplish my goals as a Hokage. I am worried about Boruto and Himawari. Will they be okay? I believe Boruto will manage to handle the situation but he's in pain. He's going through a lot. Himawari just started to attend the academy. Haha.. I'm a failure as a parent and Hokage, right? I couldn't even do my job properly. I couldn't save my kids. I was so determined not to repeat the same cycle again. I don't want both of them to suffer in loneliness just like how I went through during my childhood days. Children... they should be loved and cherished not abandoned. I.. I just..." Naruto bewailed over the situation and about his current life.
Hinata bites her tounge harder but in vain. Grief devours her as a flood of tears gushes down her ashen cheeks. Upon listening to her husband, broken and bruised by life-altering decisions, unfulfilled dreams and crushed visions, she lets the blue feeling eats her ego.
Without even disengaging himself from embracing and burrying his head on top of her chest, he could sense that Hinata was trying very hard not to cry earlier.
"Hinata, it's okay. Ou.. our kids are not... not here. You can cry with.. with me. I.. I know you.. you too.. too much, you.. you can't hide. It's okay. I have you.. you and.. and you have me. We.. we are not.. not alone anymore. It's ok.. okay to be vulne.. vulne.. vulnerable wh.. when it's just.. just the two.. two of us." Naruto's voice is wracked with onslaught sobs and tears. He could barely speak.
"It.. it seems like we are in another world. We are not in a dangerous place. This living room we're placed in is more spacious than ours. There is a chandelier and the design of this room is aesthetic. I haven't survey this whole house yet but I have a feeling that Kawaki built this though I'm not sure how."
"I don't.. know what he's thinking anymore. I am so, so.. sorry for making you witness all this mess."
"Naruto-kun, I just want you to know. Remember when I fought so hard with Pain just to release you from the rods that made your chakra drained? I did that knowing full well that I'll die. I love you so much, I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll do the same with Boruto and Himawari. I won't forgive those who hurt them. They're my babies.. and they need us. I am worried like you too, Naruto-kun but don't ever think that your effort is in vain. You did so much back then. Without you, we won't be able to live in peace. Remember how you changed the Hyuga clan? How you forged ties with Konohagakure? How you lead the entire Shinobi to defeat those who attacked innocent victims? How you persistently tracked on Momoshiki's traces so that they won't harm our kids? You're still the Naruto I love. Not all parents are perfect. You did your best as a father. You have your own way of protecting them and I'm sure they understand it. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember when you said that to me?" Hinata closes her eyes, reminiscing her past life. Somehow, those memories are her only luxury now and it succeeds in vanishing her involuntary whimpers and tears.
Naruto taps Hinata's back lightly, indicating the sudden shift emotion in him. Hinata's words always makes him calm. He knows he shouldn't rely on his wife too much due to the stress she had to witness yet he enjoys her company every second.
"I know. Love is always your strongest weapon. That's what I love about you. Your name means white lily, a flower that symbolises strength and support other than purity. That's so you. How I wish I can at least break down the wall of this dimension but I can't. It's not just a simple one. I.. I wish Kurama is with me now but I lost him too."
Hinata twirls the yellow strands on his head. "You have me, remember? You're not alone. Ah.. I can't relax. Right now, my mind keeps on wandering at our home. Himawari. Boruto. They're not safe. What if another war will break down and we're not there to protect them? What if Boruto keeps on eating burgers? He'll suffer from having a serious stomach disease! Himawari isn't a well-experienced shinobi yet. She's too innocent sometimes. She doesn't know how dangerous the life of shinobi is. She cries hard when Jaggy dies. I don't think she can recover from the ill feeling of witnessing death. My poor babies."
Finally, with eyes full of hope, Naruto focuses his sight on Hinata's elegant and beautiful face. He straightes up and traces her cheekbones that sculpted her face.
Naruto rubs the tears on his face. He is still worried about his beloved children's safety, but his wife needs her at the moment. "Your father is there. Hanabi. Kakashi sensei. Iruka sensei. Shikamaru will find ways to solve the issue. Ino and Sai are there to evacuate everyone and I'm sure they won't neglect our kids. Sakura-chan and Sasuke are there. Boruto is strong. After all he's our child. He will protect Himawari and Himawari will soon learn how to be strong like you. I also.. have something to tell you."
"What is it?" With curious eyes, Hinata watches the way Naruto's eyes wrinkles when he smiles. Her cheeks are still stained with tears. Naruto wipes them away with the sleeves of his shirt.
"Once this is all over, I am going to quit my job. I think I had enough. I've restored peace and developed our village. I'll still have my penchant money and we can use that to travel around the world. You said you wanted to open a restaurant right? You should just do it. You've created a recipe and it's too good to just be served for me and our children. I'll support you."
Hinata chuckles. "You're a bad cook. I can't let you barge into my kitchen. You'll become the manager, then. You're a social butterfly and everyone knows you. I'm sure our new restaurant will attract more customers. Oh and.. we have to save up and fulfill Boruto and Himawari's dream too!"
"We'll save up to hire new sensei for them. If Himawari wants to open a clinic or a research center I'll build one. If Boruto wants to become a chief policeman, I'll give my full support."
"Naruto-kun.. did you always thought of this?" Hinata couldn't stop her lingering curious thoughts from being silent.
Naruto kisses her forehead. He kisses her cheeks, mouth and nose.
"Ah.. Naruto-kun, stop it. Answer me!"
"Sorry. You and your wide curious eyes never fails to amuse me. They're too cute."
"Okay, okay. Yes. I've always thought of it but then this village becomes messed up and one by one challenge came. When everything is resolved, I'll quit. You know that I never go back on my Ninja way, right? I never break my promises. I'll do it. I'm so tired. I'm tired with all these bloodshed and noise. I want tranquillity and peace. I can only achieve that with you."
It feels like yesterday was just the day Hinata met Naruto in front of the academy's gate. Time flies too fast. She wants to scream and cry because she couldn't do anything but it'll just exhaust her more so she puts her hands on both of Naruto's cheeks and let her forehead touches his.
"Promise. Promise me we'll go through this together."
"I never broke that promise. I'll promise to fulfill your dream instead. Just wait. I'll make your dream comes true."
"My dream is just for Boruto and Himawari to be safe."
"Sorry. I'm a weak man right now. I can't afford to do that. Kawaki caught me off guard but I will fulfill their dream too. I don't care what methods I'll be using. I don't know what's his plans or secret but I'll solve this as soon as I get there. After that, I'll send my resignation letter."
"Oh, Naruto-kun. Whatever you do, I'll always be by your side always. Do whatever that makes you happy. We'll go through this together."
"Forever." Naruto holds her hand. Their foreheads are still in contact but he doesn't want to break their intimate moment.
"Forever and always."
Tears still roll down on both of their cheeks but this time, they know that they are not alone. Nothing could be done; only hopes and flashbacks become the root of their strength at the moment.
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theink-stainedfolk · 4 months
The Tale of The King & His Knight 
Many have heard the tale
Many have not.
The tale where the ruthless king
Bows before his Knight
Who saved the him, by sacrificing his body
To hide the King behind.
Many have heard the tale
Many have not.
The King wasn't Ruthless at all.
Chapter 1
"Good morning your Highness" Minister Farnak spoke as he came into my office. That familiar annoying smile on his lips made my blood boil, but there was nothing I, the King of Calmaria could do about it.
"Time to make decisions on Daekrahm Village. We must seal it and stop further interactions with the Bryxton Kingdom. The Kingdom is dangerous and might be planning an assassination, cutting of the trading would be best."
'Why do you even ask,' I think 'when you are going to do as you desire?'  I sighed, "Do what you want Farnak. I'll be taking my leave then." 
"A moment, Your Majesty," 
"What now?" 
"Since Your Highness' Personal Knight was 'unexpectedly executed', I request you to choose another one. Your Highness is a very important pillar of the Kingdom, so your safety must be the priority. I have personally selected some young men fit to fight assassins, and loyal enough to sacrifice their own life for you. It is your choice to choose anyone you want, but I request Borus Gontas. He is very trained."
"I'll see for myself" I said and walked to the training ground. 
"Assemble Everyone!! His Highness has arrived!!" The General, Jangar Derald shouted. 
I regarded each and every knight with the Minister giving a brief introduction about everyone, the one i found interesting was My father's favorite knight's son, Lorus and Borus Gontas. Because only they were the one who dared to look straight into my eyes, one with confidence of being chosen, and the other with the reason I don't know. Others were scared. They should be. 16 Knights have been killed this month, they have no chance of survival. But anyways, after tomorrow, they won't be afraid any more. 
"I have made my decision." I announced. "Very well, Your Highness. Who is the fortunate young man?" Farnak whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. I raised my finger and pointed at him, my father's favorite knight's son. Borus was stupefied. Beside me, Farnak trembled. "Your Highness, this boy, he isn't s-" 
"Come forward, Famien Hywell Lorcus." The boy sighed and came forward. I glanced down at him from the podium. The boy is strong and sturdy, he will be able to keep me safe, but to no avail, since I plan to die. He will be blessed with his freedom soon. I hope he bears the burden for a little while. 
"Famien Lorcus, you have been chosen to be my personal knight."
"Your Highness! This boy is not suitable-" 
"I don't see that" I said through my gritted teeth. I am going to die, will you still not let me do as I desire? Will you still confine me?. Farnak shut his mouth quickly. As I turned to Famien, he was already bowing down to me. 
"Your wish is my command, Your Highness. Thank you for blessing me with the duty to protect the sun of the Kingdom." how fake. 
"This might be your last chance to deny it. After this you are bound to me." I said. 
"I shall not do so, your Highness. I shall obey your command and only yours in the future, I am beyond happy to be bound to you for eternity your Highness." I scoffed and pulled out my sword and placed it on his shoulder. "Then You Shall Be." my sword, my shadow and mine for eternity, as you say.
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mikia87 · 1 year
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I think the story of the 6 mighty knights of Zexen (in Suikoden 3) would be a perfect otome game.
The 5 knights are the love interests of the main female character : Percival, Borus, Salome, Roland & Leo
The main female character (and their love interest : they’re actually in love with her in the real game) is their captain : Lady Chris Lightfellow
I would play this game so bad!👌😆🥰
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cookiekurimu · 5 years
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Zexen knights
art by idestia19
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atmo-draws · 4 years
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i wanted to do more for this like draw a bit of a background or make an accompanying Percy piece, but now i don’t and i probably won’t so i figured i should just post it as is lol (i felt like drawing a Zexen Knight, and Borus has the best hair—after Chris, of course)
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miatosuaritma · 3 years
Dünyanın En Büyük 5 Su Arıtma Tesisi
New Post has been published on https://www.miato.com.tr/su-aritma-tesisleri/
Dünyanın En Büyük 5 Su Arıtma Tesisi
Küresel olarak su kalitesini iyileştirmek için çok fazla yatırım gerekir. İklim değişikliği, kuraklık, suların daha çok kirlendiğine dair oluşan sosyal algı bireylerde endişeye yol açmaktadır. Bu çerçevede su arıtma tesisleri, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde temiz suya ulaşımı kolaylaştırır.
Önemli Su Arıtma Tesisleri ve Arıtım Süreçleri
Araştırmalara göre içme suyu arıtma tesislerinin elde ettiği gelir, tesislerin yenileme maliyetlerini ancak karşılamaktadır. Finansal anlamdaki zorluklar ve yüksek maliyet, firmaları yeni arıtma teknolojileri üzerinde çalışmaya yöneltir.
Dijital otomasyon ile teknolojik olarak güncelleştirilen tesislerde istasyonların uzaktan çalışması gibi işlemler uygulanır. Deniz sularından ya da içilebilir tatlı su kaynaklarından alınan suyun arıtılması ayrı maliyet getiren proseslerdir.
Tüm bu olumsuz şartlara rağmen çalışmaya devam eden dünyanın en büyük 5 su arıtma tesisi şu şekilde sıralanabilir:
1. James W. Jardine Su Arıtma Tesisi, Amerika
*Görseller temsilidir.
Kapasite: 1.4 milyon galon su/Gün
Şikago, Illionis’da, Navy Pier’in kuzey kısmında bulunan tesis, Şikago Mühendisler Birliği tarafından inşa edilmiştir. Tesisin 1964 yılında başlayan yapımı 1968’de tamamlanmıştır. James W. Jardine su arıtma tesisi, Şikago’nun üçte ikisine su sağlar.
Tesis, Michigan Gölü’ne doğru uzanan 61 dönümlük insan yapımı bir yarımada üzerine kuruludur. Orijinal yapı yaklaşık 335 metre uzunluğunda ve 55 metre genişliğindedir. Su yüzeyinden aşağı doğru yaklaşık 11 metre, yukarı doğru da 7 metre boyundadır.
Su arıtma tesisi, Michigan Gölü’nün açıklarında bulunan iki büyük su yatağından ham su çeker. Su iki mil (yaklaşık 3 bin 220 metre) açık denizde ve gölün neredeyse 61 metre altında bulunan, çapı 3 ila 6 metre arasında değişen tünellerden taşınır.
Tesisin içindeki ızgaralar, balık ve diğer parçaları yakalar. Dev pompalarla yaklaşık 8 metre kaldırılan su; mikropların öldürülmesi için klor, hoş olmayan tat ve kokuların uzaklaştırılması için de aktif karbon geçirilerek temizlenir. Kalan mikroskobik katıların yapışkanlığı artırılır ve bu katılar da birbirine yapışır.
Boruların iç yapısının korunması için eklenen kimyasallarla birlikte su, atıkların dibe çökeceği büyük tanklara alınır ve dinlendirilir. Bu aşama, partiküllerin %90’a yakın kısmının sudan ayrıştırılmasını sağlar. Son olarak su 96 yüzme havuzu büyüklüğündeki tanklardan birinde kum ve daha büyük taşlar yardımı ile filtrelenir.
2. Guandu Arıtma Tesisi, Brezilya
*Görseller temsilidir.
Kapasite: 981 milyon galon su/Gün
Dünyanın en büyük su arıtma tesisi olarak bilinen Guandu, güneydoğu Brezilya’nın tepelerinde yer alır. Rio de Janeiro metropolünün içme suyunun yüzde 92’si Guandu’dan gelir.
1955 yılında kurulan tesisin ham su kaynağı, şehrin kuzeyindeki Paraiba do Sul nehrinin havzasıdır. Bu tesiste deniz suyunun arıtılması prosesi de uygulanır. 50 metrelik yokuştan yukarı pompalanan su, önce yokuş aşağı akarken hidroelektrik enerji üretmek için kullanılır, daha sonra insan yapımı Guandu Nehri’ne ve arıtma tesisine akar.
Kimyasal pıhtılaşma, flokülasyon, çökeltme, filtrasyon ve dezenfeksiyonun yanı sıra pH düzeltmesi kullanan geleneksel bir tesistir. İnşaatın ilk aşaması Empresa Brasileira de Aguas (EBA) tarafından, ikinci aşaması ise Yamagata Engenharia tarafından yapılmıştır. Dokuz çökeltme havuzuna sahiptir.
Companhia Estadual de Aguas e Esgotos (CEDAE) tarafından sahip olunan ve işletilen tesis 9 milyon insana hizmet verir.
3. General San Martin Su Arıtma Tesisi, Arjantin
*Görseller temsilidir.
Kapasite: 894 milyon galon su/Gün
General San Martin Su Arıtma Tesisi, Buenos Aires’te bulunur. Tesis, Ulusal Temizlik İşleri Komisyonu Teknik Ofisi tarafından tasarlanmıştır.
Yedek filtreler ve yeni giriş kulesi Roversi, del Bono & Cia firması tarafından, çökeltme havzaları Fernandes Poblet ve Ortuzar tarafından; çarklı pervane binaları ve su kaldırma istasyonları ise Broggi Hermanos tarafından üretilmiştir. Subfluvial tünel gibi daha zorlu işler Societe des Grands Travaux de Marseille tarafından inşa edilmiştir.
Arjantin’de henüz üretilmeyen tünel, makine, boru hatları ve diğer malzemelerin metalik kaplaması Legacion Argentina en Londres tarafından özel bir ihale yoluyla sağlanmıştır. Tesisin 20 çökeltme havuzu bulunur. Bunlardan 12 tanesi statik yatay akış teknolojisine ve 8 tanesi ise yukarı akış dinamiğine sahiptir.
1913’te açılan tesis, Buenos Aires şehrinin %32’sine su sağlar. Tesisin sahibi Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos SA’dır.
4. Prospect Su Arıtma Tesisi, Avustralya
*Görseller temsilidir.
Kapasite: 972 milyon galon su/Gün
Tesiste yüksek hızlı temaslı filtrasyon tesisi olduğu için çökeltme tankı bulunmaz. Bu tesis için daha önce hiç denenmemiş ölçekte bir hidrolik flaş karıştırma sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Mevcut miktarın sınırlı olması nedeniyle radyal ve eksenel karıştırıcılar yoluyla karıştırma tercih edilmemiştir.
Bir kimyasal bileşik, safsızlıkları su içinde dağıtarak uzaklaştırma prosesini gerçekleştirmek için su jeti yoluyla suya pompalanır. Prospect’in yapımından önce bu teknoloji yalnızca daha küçük ölçekli tesislerde uygulanmaktaydı. Büyük tesislerde uygulanmasına Prospect ile başlanmış oldu.
Prospect, Greater Sidney’in içme suyunun %85’ini sağlar. Sidney’in şu anda toplam nüfusu 5 milyonun biraz altındadır, bu nedenle Prospect her gün yaklaşık 4 milyon kişiye içme suyu sağlamaktadır.
Avustralyalı danışman CMPS & F ve Sinclair Knight Mertz’in ortak girişimi olan Prospect Water Group, tesisin ana tasarımcısıdır. Lyonnaise des Eaux (şimdi Suez), Ondeo ve Unisuper’den oluşan bir konsorsiyum olan Sydney Water Partnership arasındaki 25 yıllık inşa; yap-işlet-devret modeliyle inşa edilmiştir.
Maliyeti 240 milyon doları bulan tesisin işletmecisi, Suez’in bir yan kuruluşu olan Degremont’tur. Tesis, 1996 yılında hizmete başlamıştır.
5. Bhandup Su Arıtma Tesisi, Hindistan
*Görseller temsilidir.
Kapasite: 739 milyon galon / gün
Mumbai’de bulunan tesis aynı zamanda geyik, kirpi, leopar, antilop, maymun, timsah ve birçok yılan ve kuş türüne ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. 40 millik geniş ormanlık tepeleri olan Sanjay Gandhi Ulusal Parkı’nın kenarında 365 dönümlük bir alanı kaplar.
Park, tesisin rezervuarları olarak hizmet veren Vihar Gölü ve Tulsi Gölü olmak üzere iki gölü kapsar. 2016 yılında, Mumbai’nin kuzeydoğusundaki dört rezervuardan tesise su getiren yer üstü boru hatlarının aşamalı olarak kaldırılması için 15 kilometre uzunluğunda ve 5,5 metre çaplı bir tünel tamamlanmıştır.
Ekipler şu anda Bhandup’ta santrali işletmek için gereken enerjinin üçte birini sağlayacak 12,5 MW’lık bir güneş enerjisi santrali kurmak için çalışmaktadırlar. Brihanmumbai Municipal Corp., 450 işçinin çalıştığı tesisin sahibi ve işletmecisidir.
Sağlıklı İçme Suyuna Ulaşmanın En Kolay Yolu: Miato
Dünyanın en büyük su arıtma tesisleri, suları temizleyerek musluklarınıza ulaştırsa da sularda çeşitli kimyasallar ve borulardan gelen tortular ile safsızlık seviyesi artar. Büyük tesislerin en büyük problemi, sürekli olarak deforme olan boru ve tesisat sistemleridir.
Tesisin tamamen temizlenerek musluklardan içilebilir su akmasını sağlaması neredeyse imkansızdır. Sağlık için en önemli maddelerden olan su, temiz ve içilebilir olmalıdır. İçinde herhangi bir tortu ya da kimyasal bulunmamalıdır. Asitlik değeri, dengeli şekilde ayarlanmalıdır.
Yapılan arıtma işlemleri, musluk sularının içme suyu olarak kullanılmasını engelleyen çeşitli bilinmezleri de beraberinde taşır. Bu nedenle evlerde, yemek ve içme sularında ekstra arıtma cihazları kullanılması önemlidir.
Miato akıllı su arıtma tankları ile evlerinizde sağlıklı içme suyuna kavuşmak hem çok kolay hem de sağlıklıdır. Siz de pratik bir şekilde arıtılmış içme suyuna ulaşmak için Miato ile hemen tanışın!
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
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ARES PAST LIVES  (an incomplete list)
[this is an rp account. please do not reblog]
Marcus Cassius Scaeva 
“One of those men was a motherfucker named Marcus Cassius Scaeva, and his story is so nuts that it needs its own wing of the Bellvue Psychiatric Facility.”
Marcus Cassius Scaeva was known as one of the toughest Roman warriors. He fought on the front lines of Caesar’s battles in Gaul and Germany, supposedly took down an entire tribe on his own, and once during battle pulled an arrow out of his eye and kept fighting.
Lu Bu (died 199 CE)
“He switched allegiances erratically and freely betrayed his allies, and was noted for his poor planning and management skills.”
Lu Bu was one of the most feared and powerful warriors throughout history. He was well known during his time for his strength, mastery of archery and horsemanship, and his hand to hand combat skills. He was adopted into a noble family, but was bribed by Dong Zhou into killing his foster father. Lu Bu began an affair with Dong Zhou’s beloved mistress, Diaochan.
Sir Lancelot Du Lac (circa 501-600 CE)
“Lancelot and Guinevere – they looked like two flowers, bright enough to turn to each other for sunlight.”
Lancelot was the first night of the roundtable and known as the greatest fighter and swordsmen of the knights. His famous affair with King Arthur’s wife, Guinevere, notoriously led to the civil war that destroyed the kingdom. 
Ulf (Wolf) the Quarrelsome (circa 1000 CE)
“Wolf the Quarrelsome turned then to meet him, and thrust at him thrice so hard that Brodir fell before him at each thrust,and was well-nigh not getting on his feet again; but as soon as ever he found his feet, he fled away into the wood at once.“
Ulf was a well known 11th Century Irish Warrior. His brother was the legendary Irish High King Brian Boru. He harbored a great deal of hatred toward Vikings after his mother was killed by them. After his brother was murdered, Ulf avenged his death by taking down the very man who did it. It was extremely gruesome. 
Edward Low (1690-1724 CE)
“He was described as illiterate, having a "quarrelsome nature", and always ready to cheat, running "wild in the streets of his native parish".”
Low was born poor and became a thief at a young age. Two years after his wife died in childbirth, he became a pirate. He worked as a ship rigger, but eventually had a falling out with his commanding officer. Low and the 12 others who had tried to stage a mutiny were put in a sailboat and sent to die. Low rallied the men and they became successful pirates and Low became greatly feared across the Atlantic because he was basically insane. It was rumored that he was greatly impacted by the death of his wife and would let women and married men go when they were captured. 
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891 CE)
“Young men think war is all glory. It is Hell.”
William Sherman was born in Ohio and was raised by a family friend after his father died when he was still a  young boy.  He joined the military academy at sixteen. He is most well known for “Sherman’s March to the Sea”, which was the brutal and unforgiving act he led. His troops destroyed much of Georgia before moving on to the Carolinas. It is rumored that he had an affair with his chief of staff’s wife less than six weeks after he’d passed.
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Silverlock (1949)
Silverlock is a novel by John Myers Myers published in 1949. The novel's settings and characters, aside from the protagonist, are all drawn from history, mythology, and other works of literature.
Plot summary While on a sea voyage, a ship named Naglfar founders. One anhedonic passenger, A. Clarence Shandon (M.B.A., Wisconsin), is washed ashore in a fictional land known as "The Commonwealth of Letters". He is befriended by Golias, who nicknames him "Silverlock" and who becomes his guide. Silverlock and Golias encounter figures from history, literature and mythology.
Characters This is a partial listing of the characters, settings, and events that are drawn from history, and from works of literature and mythology. Some of the characters go by names other than those given below, thus the reader is expected to identify them from their contexts.
* Golias. His name is that of a mythical patron saint of wandering bards.[1] He is also identified as Orpheus, Taliesin, Amergin, Virgil, and other wandering poets. * Lucius Gil Jones, a composite of Lucius in The Golden Ass by Apuleius, Gil Blas in Gil Blas by Alain-René Lesage, and Tom Jones in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding * Robin Hood, legendary figure * Job, character from the Bible * Faust, from Goethe's play * Pathfinder from The Last of the Mohicans * Don Quixote and his squire, Sancho Panza * Daniel Boone, American explorer * Puck, character from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream * Beowulf, mythical hero * Manon Lescaut, from the novel L'Histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut and the opera Manon Lescaut. * Becky Sharp (Becky Crawley) from Thackeray's Vanity Fair * Emma Watson, from the novel fragment The Watsons, by Jane Austen * Izaak Walton, English novelist, as "Piscator" * The Mad Hatter, The March Hare, and The Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland * The Green Knight from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight * Ship of fools, a medieval European cultural phenomenon * Hamlet, from Shakespeare's play of the same name * Oedipus, the mythological Greek hero * Brian Boru, High King of Ireland
Source: Wikipedia
(image via Black Gate)
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hpnames · 7 years
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Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is Harry’s mentor throughout his journey. He knew the Dark Lord personally during his youth, so he is able to guide Harry through the way to defeat him.
Albus means “white” in Latin. As Rowling has explained, the process of creation of the Philosoper’s Stone (known as “the Great Work of Alchemy”) is composed of 4 stages represented by colours: Nigredo (blackening), Albedo (whitening), Citrinitas (yellowing), and Rubedo (reddening). Rowling assigned Dumbledore “the white” for asceticism, a "spiritual theoretician, brilliant, idealised, and somewhat detached". (source) She also claimed that his name means “wisdom” in Latin (source) Furthermore, “Alba” is an old name for Scotland, which lead some to believe his given names represent the different regions of the United Kingdom, as follows:
Percival, other than the name of his father Percival Dumbledore, was the name of a literary knight from Wales, known for pursuing the Holy Grail.
Saint Wulfric was a miracle worker from England.
Brian is a name of Irish origin; Brian Boru was a king of Ireland.
As for Dumbledore, Rowling explained that it’s “an old English word meaning bumblebee. Because Albus Dumbledore is very fond of music, I always imagined him as sort of humming to himself a lot.” (source)
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pistachiozombie · 1 year
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(Repost to fix timeline problem) More info and sheets for my Satyr AU called Satyr Glades ♥
Anyone is welcome to use the guide provided below to make their own Satyr to be a member of Amoura - which is only a section of the dome of 3 other biomes.
More info on this world including inspiration boards and guides
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theink-stainedfolk · 1 year
(An excerpt from my novel)
The Tale of The King & His Knight 
Many have heard the tale
Many have not.
The tale where the ruthless king
Bows before his Knight
Who saved the him, by sacrificing his body
To hide the King behind.
Many have heard the tale
Many have not.
The King wasn't Ruthless at all.
Chapter 1
"Good morning your Highness" Minister Farnak spoke as he came into my office. That familiar annoying smile on his lips made my blood boil, but there was nothing I, the King of Calmaria could do about it.
"Time to make decisions on Daekrahm Village. We must seal it and stop further interactions with the Bryxton Kingdom. The Kingdom is dangerous and might be planning an assassination, cutting of the trading would be best."
'Why do you even ask,' I think 'when you are going to do as you desire?'  I sighed, "Do what you want Farnak. I'll be taking my leave then." 
"A moment, Your Majesty," 
"What now?" 
"Since Your Highness' Personal Knight was 'unexpectedly executed', I request you to choose another one. Your Highness is a very important pillar of the Kingdom, so your safety must be the priority. I have personally selected some young men fit to fight assassins, and loyal enough to sacrifice their own life for you. It is your choice to choose anyone you want, but I request Borus Gontas. He is very trained."
"I'll see for myself" I said and walked to the training ground. 
"Assemble Everyone!! His Highness has arrived!!" The General, Jangar Derald shouted. 
I regarded each and every knight with the Minister giving a brief introduction about everyone, the one i found interesting was My father's favorite knight's son, Lorus and Borus Gontas. Because only they were the one who dared to look straight into my eyes, one with confidence of being chosen, and the other with the reason I don't know. Others were scared. They should be. 16 Knights have been killed this month, they have no chance of survival. But anyways, after tomorrow, they won't be afraid any more. 
"I have made my decision." I announced. "Very well, Your Highness. Who is the fortunate young man?" Farnak whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. I raised my finger and pointed at him, my father's favorite knight's son. Borus was stupefied. Beside me, Farnak trembled. "Your Highness, this boy, he isn't s-" 
"Come forward, Famien Hywell Lorcus." The boy sighed and came forward. I glanced down at him from the podium. The boy is strong and sturdy, he will be able to keep me safe, but to no avail, since I plan to die. He will be blessed with his freedom soon. I hope he bears the burden for a little while. 
"Famien Lorcus, you have been chosen to be my personal knight."
"Your Highness! This boy is not suitable-" 
"I don't see that" I said through my gritted teeth. I am going to die, will you still not let me do as I desire? Will you still confine me?. Farnak shut his mouth quickly. As I turned to Famien, he was already bowing down to me. 
"Your wish is my command, Your Highness. Thank you for blessing me with the duty to protect the sun of the Kingdom." how fake. 
"This might be your last chance to deny it. After this you are bound to me." I said. 
"I shall not do so, your Highness. I shall obey your command and only yours in the future, I am beyond happy to be bound to you for eternity your Highness." I scoffed and pulled out my sword and placed it on his shoulder. "Then You Shall Be." my sword, my shadow and mine for eternity, as you say.
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judegant75486-blog · 7 years
Holding A Professional New Year's Eve Celebration
I took care of to catch a fast supper along with Robert Mueller as he passed through San Francisco on some bureau organisation which he couldn't disclose. Dating back to the time from the Pilgrims and also the very first thanksgiving this is no surprise that numerous will definitely count on to see this on the dinner table. I am a mom of pair of children my attractive daughter 5 years of ages as well as my delightful boy 19 months aged. They recognized dinner opportunity was much more than merely an opportunity to eat, but it was actually an opportunity influence the family. Mark Galen Miller and his loved ones have actually capably made the Arabian Nights Supper Program considering that its beginning Twenty Years ago and also is recognized as the greatest program of its kind worldwide. The dinner was ideal, nevertheless I'll caution you, you'll would like to prepare this up beforehand depending upon the menu you are actually planning; generally I attempt to make a reservation for these at least 2 - 3 weeks earlier. Dinner: 200 g Classical tossed salad (tomato, lettuce, cucumber, feta cheese poured a little bit of olive oil), 2 slices from rye crispbread. Our market allotment has increased by 15 points over the last 7 years, consisting of practically two factors of development in 2015. If your breakfast is actually basic as an Egg club sandwich along with whole-grain bagels, spinach and also new extract then make a stylish supper like Rice noodles with garlic shellfishes and fragrant corn soup. I will certainly certainly not be actually participating in the White Residence Correspondents' Association Supper this year. The turn over appears high for the supper rush thus absolutely nothing was resting on the heavy steam desks for a long period of time. In Medieval literary works, the white colored knight normally embodied quality, the dark knight something sinister and unexplainable. I've seen some wonderful ones, total with outdated gas pumps, workbenches and also takeaway counters. This can be adhered to through all the black connect event, alongside this scenario that normally asks for a good dark tux although the official wearing within the hat is actually typically eliminated. You do not have to opt for calorie or fatty tissue Youndsport2017.Info loaded foods for your Sunday dinner cooking food. It was shut throughout the Reign of terror however re-opened under Napoleon I The Habsburg Realm and Dutch Republic had identical dark chambers. You are going to most definitely experience a complete enchanting feeling with Dubai supper cruise lines. African-american, or even various other strong colour, barathea jacket along with silver switches-- Rule Doublet, Royal prince Charlie (coatee), Brian Boru, Braemar, and also dark clutter coats appropriate. Tomato marinaded herring: this quandary in a thick dressing: 4 Tablespoons tomato paste, 3 Tablespoons sweets, and also 3 Tbsps white vinegar are mixed and also thinned along with about 4 Tbsps water, tasted with black pepper and also bay fallen leave. I assume that initially as well as at the core from our connection with our bistros, our experts're aiding restaurants take advantage of exactly what is an extremely, incredibly lively dinner community that's seeing the OpenTable platform to earn dining establishment bookings and also apart from the perks that bistros obtain merely through running their company on our ERB item in regards to their late things and after that table management item in the restaurant as well as benefiting from suppers that come with OpenTable.
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cookiekurimu · 4 years
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tagged by @zmieciony to list five of my favorite creations from the past year! thank you for tagging me <3
It’s hard to choose between many works I’ve done this year, but these made it to my top 10!
1. Future knights and their idols - Suikoden 3
I love to imagine Borus and Percival interacting with the kids, the future knights of Zexen ^^
2. Powerfully attractive magicians - The Dragon Prince
Boi, I love Claudia and Aaravos. Imagine them combining their power to wreck havoc!
3. Eleanor - Tales of Berseria
Eleanor is my Berseria’s favorite character. She is gentle, kind, but very determined. She’s strong as well!
4. Exceeding love - Suikoden 3
I drew this based on the beautiful opening of Suikoden 3 <33
5. Pose for the camera! - Suikoden 3
Just Aila and Jacques having some fun in modern outfits haha XDD
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pistachiozombie · 5 months
is Boru pronounced ‘boh-roo’ or ‘bore-oo’?
I pronounce it "Bore-roo" or "Boh-roo", But I don't mind if it's pronounced the other way as well :D ~
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pistachiozombie · 3 years
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[#Satyr AU] Leanna and Bofur's Nest~ lil' baby included🦌🦌 He protects her with his body which he also uses as an anxiety relief for Leanna. She lost her first baby to a careless mate leaving it vulnerable and alone, but now she has a new one that is much more protective~
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