#kof fanfiction
illyrilex · 4 months
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Some bathtub angst. (After the events of MLS King would take baths in the dark so she wouldn't have to look at herself too much while she scrubbed her skin raw) (credit to @adorkastock for the pose ref!)
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zwritestuff · 1 year
she would've made such a lovely bride.
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“I think your brother has truly lost his mind this time,” King says, still staring at the invitation in her hands.
“Why? Because he’s marrying Kasumi or because he’s inviting you to the wedding?” Yuri asks, sipping on her piña colada.
King inspects the envelope once, twice, until she's sure the words aren't deceiving her. She looks up at Yuri, who's watching her expectantly, and predictably declares she's not coming.
“C'mon, Yuri, what's more awkward than going to your ex's wedding?” She argues, and Yuri has to admit it's a fair point.
“I'm not telling you what to do,” Yuri says, “but you've been friends for, like, years—with both of them. It would be weird if you didn't come. I dunno, it would look as if you had a problem with them getting married.” She shrugs, and King groans because goddamn. That makes more sense than it should.
read on ao3.
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issacballsac · 5 months
Joint Livelihood
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Fem Reader
No lie it’s a MIRACLE you pulled this mf
He’s stated to have one girlfriend before but that’s the extent of his love life
He wouldn’t actively be searching for a partner so you’d have to be sort of ‘friends’
I say ‘friends’ bc let’s be real he has none💀
It takes a while—A LONG TIME—for the relationship to progress past the talking phase but TRUST it’ll be worth it
Chances are pretty high that you’ll move in together early on
So your lives are pretty interwoven
Iori is a minimalist at heart and has close to nothing in his apartment if you exclude his clothes and accessories
So you’re free to design however you see fit
I can imagine him leaving a window open for the cats he feeds to come in and out of the apartment
The place is never truly quiet as he frequently practices and plays little segments of songs on his guitar(bass)
If you also play an instrument it’ll be a common occurrence to play together
Despite his MANY MANY threats on Kyo’s life he’s actually not a very volatile person
He’ll go anywhere with you if you ask he’ll just look hella annoyed but he’s rlly not
Naturally very petty
But! This can be a good thing
Like if you mention small things in passing of how you like certain things or dislike something he’ll take note of it
Has never forgotten your birthday and will never forget it
He’d be surprised if you celebrated his birthday though
As much as we know he doesn’t interact much with his family(dead/alive)
So he usually spends his birthdays alone but not anymore!
He can sew because I said so.
Very clean and orderly
Off topic but he gives DEATH stares to people who litter
Reuse reduce recycle🤝
You guys go out to eat most of the time unless you can cook
He can make certain things but bros not cooking unless he ABSOLUTELY has to
No lie out of everyone of the KOF roster he’s up there in top 5 at least maybe even 3
Used to have nightmares with Orochi but it’s not as dire anymore
He’ll tell you about them if you pester him enough
Sleeps like a dead person 🧍‍♂️
Arms stiff to the side and head facing upwards
Over time will gravitate towards hugging you in his sleep
Forgot who requested this
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thelexhex · 11 months
KOFtober: Halloween
King and Yuri in their Donnie Darko and Perfect Blue threads, done with my fic titled Scarborough Fair in mind!
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My Doggy (Werewolf! Terry Bogard X Reader)
Trigger Warning: Cannibalism and mention of blood!
You and Terry were at McDonald's. He was touching your hair and kissing your cheeks. "I love you, Y/N.", he said. Both of you were kissing, his soft lips touching your lips. The sky was dark and cold, but his hot lips made you feel soft. The clouds were white and as shiny as the full moon. Suddenly, Terry wanted to tell you something. "Y/N, I have something to tell you.", he said. Your left ear got closer to his mouth. He quietly said: "I have a secret. Can you keep it?"
"What secret?", you said. You were curious about his secret. Terry was excited and you could see that on his face. First, he touched your soft ass, then he took a deep breath. His breath was as deep as a tornado. He then said: "I'm a werewolf. I know this sounds like a lie, but I swear it's not a lie." He then touched his own blonde hair. His face changed from excited to nervous. You couldn't believe it! Your boyfriend was a werewolf! "What's your werewolf nickname?", you asked him. He said: "Werewolf Fur. Please don't tell anyone about it."
He wasn't nervous anymore, but he was blushing. All of a sudden, the full moon appeared. Terry looked at the full moon and stopped blushing. He grew fangs out of nowhere. You got scared and asked him what in the world was going on! He started to cry, tears dropping from his eyes. "I'm sorry, my love!", he screamed in pain. You couldn't help but watch as he was going through a painful transformation. He was barking, growling and screaming. The only thing you could do was to comfort him. "Terry, don't cry. I will always be here for you, even if the whole world turns against you. I love you, my doggy!", you said, touching his long and soft werewolf tail. You comforted him for 22 minutes before his werewolf transformation was done. He was a soft, furry creature now. His eyes were still blue, but his eyeballs were black. He barked at you in happiness, his voice being the same as always. "Y/N, you gave me comfort while I was suffering. You were touching my fluffy tail while I was broken in despair. Thank you!", he said. He was now happy and wanted to eat some random fast food workers at McDonald's. You gave him a silver necklace and said that you want to eat something else at McDonald's. "Okay, my love.", he said. A few minutes later, you both entered McDonald's. There were only a few people in McDonald's, including some workers there. The only customers were you and Terry. Terry attacked all the workers there, while you destroyed all the security cameras there, including the hidden ones! The workers were now dead meat and the cameras were useless and worthless. Terry ate the workers while you were preparing burgers for yourself and your boyfriend. You asked him if he wanted a coke, but he said that the blood of the workers was enough to put an end to his thirst, so you made a coke for yourself and no one else. Terry already ate the workers and drank their blood when you suddenly said that his dinner was ready. "I already had my dinner, but having a second dinner sounds good!", he said. He barked, growled and howled in happiness while you were smiling. Then you both sat at a table. Terry ate his burgers quickly while you ate your burgers slowly and gently. After 55 minutes, both you and Terry ate enough. You and your werewolf boyfriend didn't feel hunger or thirst anymore. You both left McDonald's and got inside of a red car. This car was Terry's car. You both slept inside of it.
The next day, the full moon was gone and so Terry turned back to his human form. His eyeballs were white now. You kissed Terry's lips once again before getting out of his car. You said goodbye to him and went home all by yourself. After you went home, Terry drove his car and talked to himself. He said: "Y/N is such a cute and fearless human being. I wanna have children with Y/N someday."
The end!
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Title: I'll Come During the Silent Night
Fandom: King of Fighters
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami
Summary: Tonight, one redhead is unable to find a peace of mind during such a serene night. However, will be there anyone to comfort him? Read and find out.
AO3 Link
Somewhere in an unknown place and time. Soon, one redhead slowly regains his consciousness while groaning.
Despite the terrible headache, he places his hand on his forehead while his chest bloats.
Right now, Iori feels numb pain over his body as he was beaten by the sandbag.
Upon opening his eyes, Iori uses his elbows to get up unsteadily.
Is it finally over? What the hell happened this time? He didn’t simply pass out when the curse had worn out, did he? Iori wonders as he stares at the bloody ground with his dull, empty gaze.
Suddenly, the redhead widens his eyes and whispers while leaning on his elbow. “Kyo…”
After turning his head, he freezes in the same spot and stares at Kusanagi lying next to him on his stomach without facing him.
More so, there are scratches across the brunette’s entire back, as if a feral beast attacked him earlier.
When Iori kneels next to Kyo, he repeats his rival’s name while shaking his shoulders. “Kyo!”
Unfortunately, he receives no response or reaction from the fallen Kusanagi.
As his fingers sink into the brunette’s shoulders, he lowers his head and grinds his teeth. “Shit…”
Lastly, Yagami addresses his partner in a desperate voice. “Just stop joking around and wake up already! Hey…”
After he rolls Kyo on his back and notices his pale, lifeless face and bloody torn t-shirt, along with the damage on his chest alone, his heart instantly drops to his heels.
There is not a single healthy spot left on Kyo’s upper body or even the flesh.
More so, the beast’s claws dug deep until they had torn the muscle tissue and exposed the rib cage dyed in red.
At that moment, the longer Iori stares at him, he breathes deeply while his palms twitch.
That lingering sensation of grasping someone’s life at his fingertips and hearing a loud heartbeat inside his head makes the redhead shiver and swallow the saliva.
Despite hating the after-feel of the once warm blood dripping from his fingertips, the redhead senses that someone deep inside him was smiling with their satisfied snake eyes and praising him.
Even if he refuses to check on his hands, Yagami understands who is the monster that assaulted his partner.
It doesn’t matter if that overgrown, vengeful snake took control over his body and used him as a mere tool, because it won’t change the fact that he was the one who cut Kyo’s life thread.
Suddenly, the redhead clenches his palms into fists until his nails sink into his skin and lowers his head.
When Iori grabs the brunette by his jacket, he yells at him without facing him. “HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? WHY YOU HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU FOOL?”
After receiving no answers from Kyo, who lowers his head to the side like a rag doll, Iori pitifully whimpers. “Why?…”
For now, the redhead bites his lower lip until the dark crimson liquid runs down and carefully lowers his partner.
Lastly, he pulls the brunette into a tight hug while barely holding back from sobbing. “Kyo…”
As Iori puts his hand behind Kyo’s head and sinks his fingers into his scalp, he closes his eyes and rests his head on his shoulder.
A few minutes have passed, and he immediately opens his eyes and lifts his head upon hearing a weak sigh.
While tears gather in his eyes, Iori whispers in disbelief. “Kyo?”
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have enough time to comprehend what is happening or to react to the new threat.
Thus, as Yagami’s back harshly hits the ground, he grunts.
But for now, he only observes Kusanagi moving like being attached to the invisible strings and sitting on top of Iori.
“What are you-?” the redhead addresses his partner before his voice is cut off by Kyo, who puts his ice-cold hands on his neck and crushing his throat.
While his face twists in pain, he desperately catches for air.
After Iori manages to grasp his partner’s wrists, he stares at him with a stubborn gaze.
As the crushing pressure against his throat increases, he can feel that his eyeballs may pop out at any moment and his strength slowly leaving his body.
Meanwhile, Kyo only looks down on him with dead, expressionless eyes, with showing no emotion - no anger, no joy, no hatred, no nothing.
Finally, the brunette speaks up in a robotic voice. “You… I have no use of you anymore. Why don’t you join him if you like him so badly?”
Suddenly, Yagami gets alerted upon realizing who is pulling the strings. While his palms tremble, he frowns and groans. “The hell?... Leave... Leave Kyo out of this... Leave him alone, you... you bastard…”
Unfortunately for him, his vision starts blacking out, and he releases the brunette’s wrists.
However, just before Iori lets out his final breath, a pair of enormous yellow snake eyes appear in the sky and narrow their irises while fixating on him.
Suddenly, Iori opens his eyes and sits while gasping and grasping his throat.
But for now, while he breathes deeply, he removes his palm from his neck and lowers his gaze.
“Was just a dream?” the redhead murmurs while staring at his clean palms.
After looking around and noticing the familiar brunette curled under the blanket, he closes his eyes and exhales while lowering his shoulders.
Certainly, seeing the peacefully slumbering Kyo makes him feel as if a heavy boulder was pushed from his chest and, perhaps, secretly happy that he won’t need to deal with him.
After all, this Kusanagi can be nosy and worry too much where he shouldn’t. So, it is for the better if he knows less. Either way, it may take a while to go back to sleep. Besides, taking some fresh air outside may help him to distract himself. Or so Yagami reminds himself when he gets up and makes sure he won’t wake up his partner.
Lastly, before leaving the bedroom, Iori turns his head and checks on the sleeping brunette, who is completely unaffected by his surroundings.
Several minutes have passed. It is a serene night that not a single living soul dares to disturb the silence.
Only gray smoke reaching for the moon and disappearing into the starry sky reveals that someone is restless during such a night.
A second later, a mild breeze blows and carries away the smoke of the lit cigarette that rests between Yagami’s pale fingers.
While Iori leans on the balcony’s parapet, he lifts his head and stares at the moon with tired eyes, unaware of his surroundings.
Suddenly, Iori is nearly startled by someone gently placing their hand on his shoulder and a familiar voice from behind. “There you are, Yagami.”
As soon as he recognizes to whom it belongs, the redhead closes his eyes and sighs. “What are you doing here?”
After getting close to his partner, Kyo faces him. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking this?”
A second later, the brunette asks without hiding his concerned gaze. “Did anything happen? You were even calling my name during your sleep.”
For sure, it makes Yagami turn his head away.
But for now, he responds in an irritated voice. “Tsk. You worry too much, you idiot. I just needed to get some fresh air. That’s it. So, go back to bed, or else you’ll catch a cold.”
After Kyo smiles and shakes his head, he hangs his head down and comments. “In the middle of the night? You know, I’ve never seen you so eager just to get up and go for a smoke.”
“There is a first time for everything.” Iori immediately backfires.
When the redhead takes the cigarette and inhales until it burns and reaches the filter, he deeply exhales while listening to his partner’s voice. “Is it? Then, can you say it again right in my face?”
Suddenly, Iori drops the cigarette and widens his eyes as Kyo presses his palms on his cheeks, making him turn his head.
At that moment, he remains speechless and stares into Kusanagi’s serious face.
As the brunette softens his gaze, he confesses. “You are a terrible liar. So, I’m not letting you go until you say what is bothering you.”
Instead of showing that he is cornered by a demanding feline like Kyo, Iori takes his hand and lowers it.
But for now, he replies while keeping a straight face. “As if that was any issue to begin with… It’s fine already because since you are standing here.”
Such an unexpected answer catches Kusanagi off guard, and as the heat rushes to his cheeks, he covers his mouth with his elbow. “Wha-? What is it with you using corny lines?”
When Kyo lowers his elbow, he complains in a shy voice. “You only want to get away and keep your problems to yourself, aren’t you?”
Yet, the redhead adds. “But you are warm and breathing. More so, you still behaving like this. So, it’s more than enough to know that you are still alive and not killed by anyone else or…”
Unfortunately, he doesn’t finish the sentence as if the words are stuck inside his throat.
After Iori covers his mouth and steps back, he turns his head away and looks at the empty street.
When the redhead realizes he almost told too much, he frowns and grinds his teeth.
Meanwhile, Kyo only gently calls his partner’s name. “Yagami?”
Just before the brunette takes a step forward, Yagami pushes himself from the balcony wall and rushes to leave without facing his partner. “Forget it! It was nothing more than a dream.”
Fortunately, Kyo’s reflexes are faster, and he wraps his arms around his partner from behind. As he rests his head on his shoulder, he closes his eyes and sighs. “I see… So, that’s what bothers you.”
After a brief pause, the brunette opens his eyes and speaks up in a softer voice. “However, I know you long enough that you would never do this. You’re simply not that kind of person. You know, even if you wanted, you had way too many chances. But somehow I’m still here with you.”
However, instead of listening to him, Iori places his palm on his partner’s head and tries to push him away.
Unfortunately for him, the brunette is too stubborn, and not only he doesn’t move a bit, but he also rubs his cheek against his neck.
In the end, Yagami understands that his effort to get rid of too nosy Kusanagi is useless, and he accepts his fate of ending up in this large feline’s embrace.
But for now, Kyo continues reassuring him. “Even the other you… Well, just because you sent me and Shingo to the hospital ONCE that one time, we both survived.”
When the redhead lowers his eyes, he objects. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you could have died, you fool.”
Yet, Kyo only calmly explains. “The other you only managed to assault me because I got distracted by Shingo’s sudden panicking. Otherwise, I would have knocked you out as any other time your blood boiled. Either way, I’ve only ended up walking with having a black eye and torn lip for a while. So, it wasn’t any big deal or something. You know, I was more relieved learning that you passed out without being harmed or hurting anyone.”
As his hug tightens, the brunette lowers his blushing gaze and adds in a nearly purring voice. “Besides, the other you recently become fond of me and because of that, it’s easier to approach him. Even last time when you went on Blood Riot, I even managed to ride him, but he decided to push me on my fours and fucked me like an animal for a while ‘til he passed out, you know.”
Meanwhile, Iori starts silently growling and frowns. Yet, he tries to remain patient and replies while his fingers dig into his partner’s arm. “You are asking so badly to sleep on the couch for a week, aren’t you? If so, you should say so and I’m not stopping you! As if I care about your antics and affairs, you stupid perverted idiot! So, let me go.”
Eventually, the redhead escapes from his partner’s embrace and is about to leave the balcony.
However, Kyo catches his hand and refuses to let him go. For sure, it makes Yagami stop and turn back.
But for now, the brunette addresses him in a strict tone. “Not until you’ll hear what I have to say.”
When he closes his eyes and sighs, he opens his amber eyes and continues. “Listen, ‘cos you are completely missing my point. Then, you can do as you please.”
After a brief pause, Kyo gets close to Iori and rests his hands on his chest while fixating his loving eyes on him. “First, I have no interest in taking advantage of you when you are taken over by that curse. However, this is the best way I can make sure that I can make sure that you won’t get harmed.”
But for now, he lowers his gaze and grasps his chest. “I don’t like how that stupid snake dares to screw with your body. I just hope it rolls and twists from anger while watching every single moment when you go Blood Riot and how I handle you until you return to me. So, if I was afraid that you’d kill me or do anything I would hate, don’t you think I would be fine with letting you or the other you do what you want with me? Hell, I would -”
Suddenly, Kyo widens his eyes as a couple of arms wrap around him until their bodies touch.
Finally, as the loving hand strokes his hair, the brunette only closes his eyes and gently whispers his partner’s name.
Lastly, the redhead closes his eyes and sighs. “What am I supposed to do with you?”
Thus, neither of them says a word and enjoys this peaceful moment while being illuminated by the platinum moonlight.
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e-adlirez · 1 year
Hiiii bestieeesss
Is anyone down for some angst? Yes? No? Well then TOO BAD
Here's a little thingy I made over the course of like a day fueled by pure brainrot, I hope you enjoy :3
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My curiosity made me want to explore Iori more and more, my absurd shyness don't let me to get sucess on that mission, when I had a chance to got his gaze eyes turned to me I looked the other way with shame, I failed at the connection between us so much times, well, introvert with introvert they couldn't really beat each other, what do I do? Iori interpreted the behavior as if I disapproved of him, like other people he had known, he had no interest in asking anything about me even if deep down he was very curious to know my answer, Iori fed on doubt and felt that his body had a strange need to approach me like a magnet, "Would it just be obvious male needs? Like attention and feeling special through a woman's words?", Iori found this idea of giving himself emotionally to someone so childish and unnecessary, he had enough logical argument, "forgetting" the sound of his own heart. 
• Oliver [OC] •
• Iori Yagami [The King of Fighters] •
• The King of Fighters • SNK •
• Art by Me •
I drew this one randomly, Oliver with her ballet outfit even though she is amateur, their relationship started with a lot of deductions and imaginations because both are introverts. 😂
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ninthfeather · 1 year
In which Kaeya contemplates the future and dragons are fought
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sand-worms · 2 years
🔥 one piece sorry and/or ummm kof :)
If people are going to write fanfiction or whatever with Law they should be legally required to spend five fucking minutes googling the way his -ya suffix is used to understand the context of why he uses it or just don’t use it at all. Also people need to stop acting like Kiku and Yamato are good trans rep when they really aren’t.
KOF ummm god I don’t know. Yuri should break up with Robert and get with a real man like me I guess.
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maninthemiroh · 1 month
About my Criminal Minds DR
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Full name: Gagak (Yes, that's it. I was born in Java, Indonesia, in this DR)
My nicknames: Corvid/ae/ (most of the team), Raden Mas (most of the world), Bird boy (Luke), The Crow (film fans)
My faceclaim: LØREN
Gender identity: Cis-male
Orientation: Demi-romantic/sexual
Age upon first shift: 20
More about me and changes I made below the cut <3
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My style:
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I wasn't going to have this kind of style, as evidenced by my previous post about this DR, but I read through one (1!) fanfiction series about cowboy!reader x Criminal Minds yesterday and… Also, for some reason, black, red, and white were thee colors when I was making the wardrobe section on this Pinterest board? I blame my top #6 video game characters: Ash (King of Fighters), Iori (KOF), Rock (also, KOF), Shadow (Sonic), Skarlet (MK), and Vice (KOF, again). Ahaha, guess what my favorite video game is 🤔 Anyway, RDR2 outfit pic creds to user @/kaddishaun on Pinterest!
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Fun facts about me and my life:
Youngest FBI informant a month after moving to the US (subsequently also a month after I turned 10), I'm sort of replacing White Boy Rick in a sense, but without the bad ending and horrible father figure.
Officially joined the FBI at age 11 once I got dual citizenship for the US and Indonesia (yes, I know that's not possible in this reality).
IQ of 304 because I'm an attention whore 😀.
Tallest person ever, as per usual, "only" 9'3 this time, though.
Youngest person to graduate high school, age five at SMA Taruna Nusantara
Youngest person to ever graduate college, age six, via an accelerated course thanks to a 127-page dissertation on serial killers that earned me my first PhD, one in Criminal Justice, at the University of Indonesia.
Besides my first PhD, I have twelve others, one in Chemistry, another in Computer and Information Sciences, then Cybersecurity, Engineering, Mathematics, Pharmacology, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Statistics.
Took the CTY entry exam, after it was mailed to me, and aced it, but they originally said I would have to move to Maryland, which I simply refused to do, so I almost turned it down before my parents mailed them a letter back asking if I could do dual enrollment and they'd, as rich people, pay for the transport of my schoolwork to and from our estate in Java, and it was not a surprise when the school board agreed.
When I first opened my eyes in the emergency room, my dad was holding me, and he was wearing a jade necklace, one long enough for me to reach out and grab—I did so, though, my grip wasn't very strong. As such, my mother suggested I be named after the jewel, but my grandfather, who recently visited Banggai, suggested the name Gagak, meaning crow, and my parents liked that better.
I spoke for the first time at 4 weeks and four days, simply said the word "shiny," and grabbed at my great aunt's pearl earring. This further reinforced for my family that my name was meant to be.
It's rude to call an Indonesian person by their full first name, so most have nicknames, and, my first name being what it is, my nickname wasn't hard for Spencer the team to think up.
Unit chief of the BAU since Hotch and Jack went into Witness Protection
I can speak, write, and comprehend all 700+ languages used in Indonesia.
I can read 30,000 words per minute and write 15,000.
Autodidact with an eidetic memory.
I played Eric Draven in the 1994 action fantasy film, The Crow (I will go on to play the same role in the 2024 remake)
From ages 14-19, I was the lead singer and backup guitarist in a faceless V-Kei trio called Birds Dig Us under the stage name, Rook, and we were actually the number one boy band at the time 😭. We haven't released music since 2001, but we didn't break up either [Insider info: things are cooking].
My other bandmates were Miyavi (Dué le Quartz, Skin, The Last Rockstars) on guitar and backup vocals, stage name Tsubasa, and Kai (the GazettE) on drums, stage name Torrio, by the way.
Also, Birds Dig Us made all the songs for The Crow's soundtrack.
I have a southern accent because, after moving to the US and before joining the BAU, I lived in Texas.
Reid's autism and mine feed off of one another, if you couldn't tell…
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Some other things I changed:
I scripted that Austin the Bartender, Beth Clemmons, Elle Greenaway, Jason Gideon, Jordan Todd, Kevin Lynch, Maeve Donovan, Maxine Brenner, Stephen Walker, and Tyler Green don't exist, as well as that Aaron Hotchner, Alex Blake, Derek Morgan, and Kate Callahan never leave the BAU (for good, at least).
After Scratch dies, Hotch comes back to the BAU, but I keep my new position as unit chief, and Hotch just becomes a regular member of the team.
Reid and I both get actual diagnoses 😓
It takes longer for the team to go through the motions of Rossi's past because it felt far too quickly done in canon for me. Rearranged a bunch of episodes in the timeline for this and other reasons.
Morgan has lessened trust issues.
JJ didn't emotionally cheat on Will, her fucking baby daddy, because what the fuck was that??
Also, Haley and Hotch were less toxic because WOAH and Strauss and Rossi aren't hunching.
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To sum things up: As of now, the BAU consists of its legal expert and former Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner; Alex Blake, a linguist who assists with nuances in communication; David Rossi, one of the first BAU agents and a specialist in hostage negotiation; Derek Morgan, an ex-Chicago policeman with proficiency in obsessional crimes and explosives; Emily Prentiss, a master at child advocacy and counter-terrorism; Jennifer Jareau, the communications liaison and a standard profiler; John Blackwolf, a standard profiler; Kate Callahan, an experienced undercover agent; Luke Alvez, an adept fugitive tracker; Matt Simmons, a skilled profiler from the FBI International Response Team; Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst; Spencer Reid, an elite geographic profiler and chirography analyst; Tara Lewis, a forensic psychologist; and myself, the squad's current Unit Chief and sex crime expert.
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PS: My voice claim is Corpse Husband because when given the choice to become my ideal self, why wouldn't I? Before anyone comes at me, I did use to have GERD! I didn't script myself having any disorders I don't or didn't have in this reality.
Taglist: @amiivrse @the-badass-penguin
Divider credits: @/i-mmaculatus and @/v6quE
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illyrilex · 6 months
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Inspired by the photo below, I spun a little scenario in which King and Mary are at an event having a candid convo (as besties do), but get interrupted by a photographer, so King decides to troll said photographer with what she later says is her best impression of Benimaru.
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zwritestuff · 2 years
Something they can't take away.
Angel not always had white hair.
There’s a faint memory of her in front of a mirror, a woman with a nice voice standing behind her while she combs Angel’s long, dark black hair and braids it meticulously. The reflection in the mirror shows Angel with chubby cheeks, a missing tooth and blue eyes like a clear morning sky, looking at the woman through the mirror with utmost devotion.
That’s as far as her memory goes; before that, there’s a void she’s not able to fill even if she tries. She supposes that woman is her mother, but the scientists always say she has no mother in the world but a NESTS incubator.
read on ff.net | ao3.
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issacballsac · 9 months
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Gender Neutral Reader
Iori is a relatively quiet person excluding when he is causing CHAOS in the KOF tournament
He wouldn’t IN THEORY love the idea of relying on someone else
But bfr if someone was willing to fund your life while you did whatever you wanted wouldn’t you accept?
Now, down to the good stuff
He’s a decent cook
Nothing spectacular but you won’t be starving🤒
EX. He has definitely tried cooking with his flames once jus bc of curiousity(the place almost burnt down)
RIP if ur vegan/vegetarian though(he loves meat-based foods)
Will help with anything you need
May or may not seem annoyed by it but he’s really not it’s just his face💀
Absolutely adores cats so you’ll have at least one roaming your halls
Dw though he’ll primarily take care of it
When he finishes with house-care and cat-care he’ll relax by a window playing his bass
He’ll totally teach you too if you’re interested
If not he’ll play for you when you’re off from work
Idc what anyone says Iori is a FASHION GOD
Every outfit EATS.
Will (If asked) plan out your outfit
No children.
It’s not that he’s bad with kids
Biological or adopted doesn’t matter
He just doesn’t trust himself to properly raise a kid
Reserved for just a “fur-baby/babies”
He’s grateful for your support and everything but is still pretty standoffish
Very sparse with affection at first
He’ll adjust it’s just that he doesn’t have many people close to him
Sticks to hand holding or small pecks on the cheek
If you were to legally get married
He’d switch to your surname without any complaints
He might not say it everyday but he truly does share a strong and passionate love for you and will do his best to make sure you don’t forget it to a certain extent
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sarky-the-wolf1 · 4 months
Update since my whole declaration to start trying to bring more fanfiction and headcanons to the KOF fandom,I have ran into a few snags. The first problem is I don't know how to write fanfiction, I have already tried starting on it and so far I can't seem to figure out how to get to read out right if that makes sense. Another snag I found with this whole kof thing is that I can't seem to find a lot of information on certain people from the game you know like the characters, specifically the American sports team which they vaguely explain the characters there and that's makes it a whole lot harder than it needs to be. So if you are reading this and you understand the issue and you're possibly a writer, please help I so badly want to make this real where we have more commonly seen kof Fanfictions and head cannons and all that fun stuff for the fandom, because it's harder to do on my own than I thought for it to be and I clearly need more than one person so if you can help 🥲
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Werewolf Terry Bogard (Art doesn't belong to me)
Trigger Warnings: Breaking bones, blood, gore, angst, vomit and cannibalism! Read it at your own risk! Don't say I didn't warn you!
Terry was walking around the streets of Ohio. It was 3 a.m. and everything was quiet. Suddenly Terry had a strange feeling on his chest. He could not explain what was going on. The full moon was on the sky. It was as shiny as always. Out of nowhere, Terry's bones started to break. Terry could not understand the reason why, he just felt hairy and angry for no known reason whatsoever. He told himself that it might be just his imagination. But he was wrong! Just before the blink of his eyes, Terry's chest became hairy! "What the hell is going on?", he said. No one was walking around the streets except him. Another few seconds later, his ears became hairy. They looked like werewolf ears. Then he developed fangs. He looked at himself in an old mirror. He could not believe his eyes! He had werewolf ears, a werewolf tail that was way longer than his hair, some werewolf fangs and an incredibly hairy chest! He also became tall for no known reason! "What the hell is wrong with me?!", Terry screamed the moment he saw himself. That wasn't him. He was becoming someone else. Someone who was hairy, someone with unusual bones, someone who......SOMEONE WHO WAS A WEREWOLF!!!! Terry's bones just started to break only to change, but the bones were werewolf bones. Terry watched his reflection as he was suffering in pain! He told his bones to stop breaking all by themselves, he told the full moon to go away and he told himself that he ain't no werewolf. But did his words change anything? No! His pain only started to get worse! He had 42 werewolf fangs, his eyes became red and he watched as his nails turned to claws! Then Terry got hungry. His saliva landed on his left hand, now a werewolf paw, and he wanted to eat human flesh. He wanted to eat children. He wanted to eat anyone he sees. He could not stop himself from being hungry. He was crawling for the search of blood! The pain of his werewolf transformation lasted for 22 minutes and he lost his mind. Terry Bogard wasn't Terry Bogard anymore, he was a werewolf named Werewolf Fur! After those awful 22 minutes, Terry was a werewolf. He howled and ate his own shoes, his own socks and even his own hat! He did wear his pants and his t-shirt, but he ruined them with his werewolf paws and werewolf claws. He was ready to bring suffering and pain in Ohio! He went to a park. Some kids were playing there. The kids were happy and laughing. They attracted Terry's lust for human flesh. Just before the kids could scream, terror would make them shiver. Terry put these kids in his werewolf mouth! He was chewing on them. First he drank their blood, then he ate their flesh and he broke their bones! The only thing remaining of these kids, now reduced to skeletons, were their clothes. Their clothes were inside of this monster's stomach. He then howled again and left Ohio, never to be seen again.
The next day, Terry turned back to his human form. People around the USA saw him in his werewolf form. Terry, now known as a werewolf called Werewolf Fur, was on the news. Terry washed himself. The blood and saliva on his hands were gone for good! He wondered where his shoes, socks and hat were. He then started to vomit. He felt something. He realized that the werewolf everyone in the USA talked about was him! He felt guilt. He felt guilt for not running away from the full moon. He felt guilt for not controlling his werewolf instincts. He wanted to stop himself from going nuts, but it was already too late. Terry cried even though he just stopped vomiting. "What have I done? I am a monster.", Terry said to himself. He then cried in sadness.
The end.
Thanks for reading this fanfiction, guys and girls! I hope you really liked it! Please reblog it and heart it! Now bye!
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