#kokichi ouma fluff
k0yaz · 1 year
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Pairing(s): Kokichi Ouma x gn!reader
CW: SFW, platonic fluff, overworked reader, implied lack of sleep, kokichi being a little shit, au outside of the killing game
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“Come on Y/N! Just come with us to the movies, it’ll be fun!” Kokichi urged you, nudging your shoulder slightly while you were situated in your chair with your head buried between your arms, which were resting atop your notes, which you had been studying for hours now.
Your hand twitched at the sight of your notes, realizing you were supposed to be studying for finals. “No thanks, Kichi, I have to keep studying, yknow?”
You shook your head at Kokichi and smiled, switching your attention back to your tattered notes which you had been flipping through for hours now. Kokichi frowned at the sight of you overworking yourself like this, sighing and placing his hand onto your your shoulder, making your head shoot up for a moment and let out a light yelp.
“Y/N…we should atleast enjoy the time before finals and just hang out right…?” He muttered, not liking seeing his close friend overwork themself like this. You shook your head once more and turned to look at your best friend’s worried expression, his hand slightly quivering from worry.
You smiled and positioned your hand onto his hand, which was comfortably planted onto your shoulder. “Kokichi…it’s alright okay? I know you always had that expression when you were scared or worried…it’s been a habit of yours ever since you were a little kid.” You laughed, making Kokichi redden from the embarrassment of one of his old habits being brought up.
Suddenly, Kokichi lowered his head down onto your shoulder and tilted it slightly, so that he could get a better view of your notes. He slid his hand underneath your notebook and lifted it up into your face, squeezing his fingertips in and folding his palm so that the notebook slammed shut directly in your face. You flinched as the air hit your face, your eyes squeezing shut for a moment and your head jerking backwards as Kokichi laughed at your reaction.
You grumbled and slapped the short, purple haired male on the shoulder, grabbing your notebook as fake tears welled up in his eyes, and he grabbed his shoulder in supposed “pain”
“Owww! Y/N! That really hurtttt!” He whined as he made a crying noise and tears spilled down from his eyes. You simply crossed your arms, staring at him with an eyebrow raised until he stopped his bullshit.
“Kokichi, that’s not gonna work on your childhood friend. I’ve seen you do this way too much already.” You replied bluntly as Kokichi opened one eye to check your expression and groaned, a pout forming on his face from the lack of reaction from you.
“You’re no fun! Lying about being hurt usually gets someone to feel bad, which is fun as hell!” He said as his expression shifted to a grin, his arms stretching backwards, and his hands resting on the back of his head.
For a moment, Kokichi looked like he had a lightbulb appear above his head, and he swung his checkered backpack around from his back onto your desk, unzipping it and scrambling through it to find something.
You tilted your head sideways, peeking over slightly as his small frame dug through his backpack. “Aha! There it was!” He proudly announced as he pulled a can of your favorite soda out of his bag and slammed it onto the corner of your desk, smiling proudly at you.
“See! I came prepared! I knew you would refuse to come with us and I know soda always bribes you!” Kokichi blurted out excitedly, his eyes brimming with a mischievous light. You rolled your eyes and smiled, slipping your index finger underneath the tab of your soda can and cracking it open, taking a sip of the cool, fizzy drink. You forgot that Kokichi was right, you could be bribed out of your work with soda.
You shot a glance up at him for a moment, the can to your lips again, and covering your mouth. He was on his phone, still excited from being able to get you out of studying. You smiled with the cool drink still against your lips, you found it quite adorable how Kokichi cared for you so much as his best friend, despite being an annoying tease and a liar.
You sighed and put the can back down, sliding your notebook into your backpack and zipping it closed. You slid your arm through the armholes and held onto the strap of your bag, picking up your soda in your other hand.
“I’ll come to the movies, okay?” You affirmed as you patted his back gently. Kokichi beamed with a smile and hooked his arm with yours, running out of the classroom at full speed, while texting your class groupchat with his other hand. “Kokichi-! Slow down or it’s gonna spill!” You exclaimed as he dragged you through the hallway, and outside the school.
“Come on, we can walk to the movies, it’s not too far from here actually! Now come on we’re gonna miss the grape Panta ads!”
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A/N: wait stop this was actually adorable what BUT YAY DANGANRONPA REQUEST FULFILLED <33
this one was short because when I wanna write but I don’t have it in me to write a long ass one shot. But either way I kinda prefer the shorter ones bc the longer ones are for when I’m feeling productive
Also yes, yes I am bribed with soda or any other snack or drink I like.
one more thing, is that I’m posting this cause it’s my most recent work, and I will be posting two others from 2 days ago 💀
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turbo-tsundere · 4 months
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*superglues them together*
Aka, eeeeh fok it. Here's some ougoku stuff I've been sitting on. Happy THOSE GUYS day.
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lampochkaart · 22 days
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Oumota my beloved💜💫
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frickingnerd · 1 year
dating kokichi ouma
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pairing: kokichi ouma x gn!reader
a/n: i really grew to love kokichi recently and he somehow sneaked his way up into my fav danganronpa characters <3
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kokichi has never been in a relationship until he started dating you, yet he lies about it and pretends like he has been with countless people before you
though just based on how clumsy he is when it comes to being intimate and how quickly he gets flustered, you can guess that he was just lying about that
kokichi tries not to lie to you too much once you two start dating, since he believes you deserve honesty in a relationship, yet sometimes he falls back into his old habits
he especially starts to pick up bad habits again when he's jealous! 
he gets jealous very easily, yet always lies and pretends like he isn't upset about seeing you talk to another guy
however, those guys he claims not to be jealous about end up getting teased and pranked by kokichi quite a lot for "no particular reason"
kokichi is just really protective of you, but since he can't physically do something against people he doesn't like, he has to result to using his wits and pranks to get rid of them
he can even be downright possessive! he was hesitant to fall in love but once he started dating you, he became scared of losing you again, leading to his clingy and possessive behavior
speaking of clingy, kokichi loves to cuddle with you, even if he always plays it off as a joke
out of all the ways to show affection, cuddling is his favorite one
there's nothing more intimate to him than laying on the couch with you, arms wrapped around each other and feeling so safe and comfortable that you two just end up falling asleep…
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meiiuka · 2 years
danganronpa v3— how they’d react to you giving them flowers as your s/o:
category: short read, reaction, lighthearted
Shuichi Saihara:
• "aww, those flowers are beautiful, i'm glad you could get something nice for yourself! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE ARE FOR ME?-" his cheeks flush a deep magenta as he lunges to embrace you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder
Kaede Akamatsu:
• "ah..! these are my favorite!! with how well you know me, you have me fully convinced that we're soulmates" (all flowers are her "favorite") but she's SO bubbly and excited, she pulls you towards her for the kind of kisses you can feel giggles between
Maki Harukawa:
• "how sweet.. uh, i actually have a gift for you.. too..." she has flowers for you too, somehow??? did she pull these from outside or did she buy them from a professional florist? who knows, but she won't take them unless you take hers
Rantaro Amami:
• "wow, where did you get these?? they're gorgeous flowers, but never as gorgeous as you darling" he looks down at the flowers, smiling coyly with closed lips, then looks up at you with the same enamored eyes
Kokichi Ouma:
• "ooh pretty things..! i mean, they smell nice, but can i eat them? pfff what do i even do with these!" he fiddles with the bouquet with a puzzled look, then hands it back to you as a "gift" from him
Kaito Momota:
• "i didn't know i'd love flowers so much until i got them from you, this is sick! i have the best s/o to exist" he bear hugs you tightly, holding you close to his chest with one arm; the other carrying the bouquet
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• "lovely roses... why thank you, dear. i'll keep these safe and guarded." he brings them close to his chest, before planting a kiss atop your head
Angie Yonaga:
• "thank you atua, for the beautiful flowers you placed in the arms of my sweetheart!!" you tell her you just bought them from the store but she walks away, humming happily to set them down
Miu Iruma:
• "woah, wait, these are the roses i've been wanting for so long... thanks, i guess? ... don't look at me right now!" despite her annoyed tone, there's a massive smile plastered on her face as she tries to avoid eye contact with you
Kirumi Tojo:
• "i... i'm speechless. i'm thankful that you love me so much as to grace me with something so beautiful" she smiles from her eyes and immediately gets to placing it in a glass vase, ensuring its well taken care of
Ryoma Hoshi:
• "huh.. i'm not the 'flowery' type. go return these for some cash and buy yourself something nice instead. you want me to keep these? because you love me.. man. i don't deserve you..." you hold him as he melts in your arms. the expression on his face tells you that he really needs it
Gonta Gokuhara:
• "PRETTY FLOWERS.. for gonta? to keep???" he grabs them with such excitement that one falls from the bundle, plucking one out to give it a strong sniff
• "i'm not sure if i know what to do with these, but since you're giving them to me, they're special nonetheless. i... appreciate it!" he holds them out in front of him with a solid foot of distance and examines the petals with care
Tenko Chabashira:
• "no way!! this is the nicest thing that's happened to me..." she gasps in awe and holds the flowers with both hands, blushing profusely at the ground to avoid your gaze
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evercelle · 2 years
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love across the universe!
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rocksama24 · 2 years
Amami: Since Saihara isn't picking up on your cues, why not try something more forward?
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Amami: ... When I said forward, I didn't mean in that way.
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starfishnerdz · 2 months
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lowcosmic · 9 months
btw since requests are open now... can i request headcanons for kokichi x reader who looks at kokichi with admiration whenever he speaks? like, reader is just silent while listening to kokichi's dramatic rants and then he notices this, goes silent *blank* for a moment and then gets flustered? 💫 i dont expect a bunch of headcanons, just afew fluffy headcanons are good enough!
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—— admire .
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— 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : headcannons of kokichi with a reader who always admires his words.
— 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 : fluff
— 𝙘𝙬 : none
— 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 : so pure
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↳ kokichi was rambling on and on about how a certain drink compared to another and so forth , when he noticed , again , your silent figure and lidded staring.
→ it’d been like this for awhile , where he’d begin talking and you’d just … listen. not interrupt his crazy theories or add in some opinions of your own , but you’d just … agree and continue.
→ kokichi liked it at first , but then he realized that maybe you were waiting for him to stop talking so that you could talk. so for a few days , he sort of just … limited his talking. then , trying to hint more , he said to you : “ you can talk too , y’know. ”
→ you smiled softly. “ ah … yeah. but … i like it better listening to you talk. ” from there on , you had captured his heart.
→ kokichi had always found you to be nice. someone he could talk to with days on end , someone who was there for him and wouldn’t push him away. but he didn’t predict the feelings that would come from it , from him to you. soon enough , he began spending all of his free time with you ; encouraging you to speak more since he wanted to return the favor , something that others would see as uncharacteristic and would assume the worst.
→ he always felt a tad bit guilty when physically pranking you , so he’d do more verbal pranks. of course , all in good natured fun.
→ he always gets a bit hot in the face when you say that you like hearing him talk. no one really listens to him fully on a daily basis , so this change of pace was different. he always gives you opportunities to talk , though. he still values your rights especially since you value his.
→ while he continued liking you , he’d notice that every time you complimented his words and such , it’d be harder to hide his growing blush on his face. he ( barely ) managed to hide it , but it didn’t change the fact that he got flustered by your words.
→ when you got together in a relationship , kokichi would start hugging and kissing you every time you were sweet to him while he was talking. he especially loved talking while cuddling.
→ now , one day , he lost his voice. it was pretty quiet , until he kept gesturing for you to talk , forcing you to give him what he wanted. and it turns out — he loved your voice. he loved listening to you too while he hugged you , and so , a talkative couple awakened.
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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m-y-fandoms · 9 months
Commission: DRV3 Boys x Female Reader - Seven Minutes in Heaven
Details: Takes place during the killing game, timeline switched around, creative license taken to imply everyone is alive and has known each other for at least a few weeks and has had time to get to know each other a bit. The threat of the killing game is still there though. Monokuma has announced it, just nobody has been killed yet. It’s also implied that the reader has a crush on the boy in each section however whether or not the boy is oblivious to that fact or feels the same varies.
Word Count: 5K Words
Warnings: SFW - fluff, maybe mild angst, possible V3 spoilers
Everyone needed something to divert their attention and obsessive thoughts away from the killing game. Though nothing had happened yet, the group of Ultimates got more and more antsy by the day. Every dark corner or empty stairwell seemed like a threat, and mistrust grew and loomed over them all like a black mold growing on the walls.
No one seemed to feel safe, though it had been weeks since the menacing-looking monochrome bear informed them that they were to kill each other for sport so they could return home to their regular school life and families. There was no concrete proof that this wasn't an extensive, well-planned practical joke or social experiment, some prank that would result in cameramen and producers springing out of the woodwork once all was said and done, and that was the only thing holding them together mentally. This could all be fake.
Nevertheless, something needed to change. They all had their little subgroups, individual trusted cliques or closest allies, but there was no denying the entire group needed to come together, to get to know each other a bit better and let off some steam. Unity meant potential lasting peace and no fatalities.
Someone suggested they play a frivolous little game that could keep everyone's attention for a while. Even though most of the group hadn't played it since middle school and some never at all, the rules were straightforward and simple enough. In addition to passing the time, it might even spark a little drama or romance. Any emotion was preferable to the fear of death and the sense of impending disaster.
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a game where two people go into a small room or cramped closet alone and have seven minutes to do anything they want to each other. Usually, the goal was the get handsy, to kiss or hug, to confess to someone, to make each other nervous, or to engage in casual romantic activities. It was supposed to be steamy and awkward, to put pressure on the two people. They would all randomly pick straws, and the two people who got the shortest straws would have to go in together while everyone else sat outside and timed their seven minutes. Knowing your peers were mere feet away outside the door only added to the tension.
The location was set: a small, cramped closet on the first floor next to the spare classroom and just before the steps down to the basement. It was dimly lit by an ancient overhead lightbulb hanging on by a thread and had just enough room for two people once the abandoned supplies, tools, and cobwebs were scooted to the edges. The Hotel Kumasutra was suggested first, but was shot down for being perhaps a little too intense, dramatic, and high-pressure for such a simple game. Nobody felt comfortable enough to enter the daunting building as of yet, despite its proximity to the popular casino.
And so, the game began.
Rantarou Amami
Waiting anxiously to see who you'll be paired up with, you pace the meager few steps you can manage in the tiny closet - back and forth, back and forth - working up a sweat that's more nerves than physical exertion. When the door swings casually open and you immediately see a fluffy full head of green hair, a shiver runs down your spine. It's a shiver that is half excitement and half humiliation. Of all fifteen other classmates, of course your crush, Rantarou Amami, was the one destined to draw the other straw and be trapped in here with you for seven excruciating minutes. Anyone else, literally anyone else, and you could've stalled, talked your way through those seven minutes, felt indifferent, and at most a little awkward. Rantarou made your heart flutter, froze you in place nearly every time he interacted with you. You stuttered, felt like you never said the right thing. He was just so handsome, with a smooth voice and a mysterious yet kind personality. You were quite sure, even with the memory loss you'd all suffered, that you hadn't had a crush this intense in quite a while. Certainly not one that turned you into a foolish mess.
Rantarou entered with his head bowed, shoulders shrugged forward. You'd never seen him - a dude who was usually quite confident and smooth - looking so uncomfortable. When he spun to look at you, the door now shutting you two in alone, he was almost wincing, facial expression squeezed into wrinkles and furrowed brows. It was as if his face was trying to say: "I'm sorry about this..."
"Heeeeey, (Y/N)," Rantarou spoke in a sing-songy voice that, again, was out of character for him, yet you felt your body stiffen up all the same. You hugged your body instinctively, feeling vulnerable as your heart beat wildly in your chest. You took a step back to create more space between you and the object of your infatuation and nearly tripped over a cardboard box on the ground behind you. "Yeah, this is about what I expected," he chuckled, his eyes wrinkling closed into kind little lines. He held his hands out in a sign of passive surrender. "So sorry about this, (Y/N). I swear, there was nothing I could do! It was all random." He rubbed the back of his neck, a small dust of pink over his cheeks. You felt your stomach drop. Did he think you disliked him? Was he perceiving your involuntary reaction as disgust rather than flustered? You suddenly felt super guilty. You were just now realizing he probably had taken note of this same adverse reaction every single time you were in the room with him. The logical thought process would probably be that your body language showed disdain.
"Oh, oh no, I hope you don't think I'm upset about being paired with you! I didn't realize my-" you tried to relax your shoulders, not wanting to let your own feelings affect him negatively.
"No, I don't think that at all, actually..." he cut you off, not wanting to let you get too far into this incorrect notion. He paused, thinking over how to word things delicately. "It's quite the opposite. I'm not as dense as you might think, actually. I pick up on things pretty well," he chuckled again, trying to ease the tense atmosphere, "and I... I kinda know you like me. You always get like this... when I talk to you. I'm... a bit more perceptive and empathetic than people think. I just wanted you to know, it's okay! You don't have to feel that way! I was worried about your reaction when I stepped in here. I knew you'd freak out." So subtly - almost seeming practiced and experienced - he gently clasped his rough hands into yours. They felt calloused, perhaps from the travels and adventures he'd vaguely mentioned when you sat there like a statue listening to him talk around the academy. The many bracelets settling on his wrists shook you back to reality, and your face heated up at the skin-to-skin contact. "I mean, I'm not trying to boast because I really don't think I'm such a catch, but I see the way you look at me, I've heard Miu talking about you having a crush as well..."
"I... I don't know what to say," you release a breath you didn't know you'd been holding, "This is a bit embarrassing..." you grumble, looking at the ground.
"You don't need to feel embarrassed. Honestly, I think you're a really cool person as well. I would love to get to know you more, but you always seem to run away after we talk for a little. The others are always around. It would be cool to spend some time hanging out alone, now that... I'm kinda confessing that I'm interested in you too?" He gives you a crooked smile. "Woah... your hands are like shaking."
Was this a dream? Was Monokuma replacing your classmates with clones to prank and humiliate you? There's no way Rantarou, the most attractive and fascinating guy here, was into you...
"I... I would really like that. Yeah, I'm sorry about my... less than pleasant reaction. I really didn't mean to come off as weird or make you uncomfortable."
"Hey, no worries. Well, you know, I played this game a ton in middle school. It was always silly, and stupid, but I have no issue playing it again, especially with you. What do you say? After all, I've played games way worse than this."
Ryoma Hoshi
The athlete strolled leisurely into the closet, hands in his pockets and the stick of a lollipop hanging carelessly out of his mouth. He always had something hanging out his lip, be it a candy cigarette, a toothpick, or something in between. You wondered if it soothed him. You'd gathered from conversations with him that his life had been pretty traumatic, at least in your opinion. His eyes were half-lidded as always, lazy and donning dark bags underneath. He sighed, stepping into the dim lighting provided by the single, dingy bulb above.
"Yeah, so I didn't really have anything better to do. Everyone else was sayin' they'd play and I was in the room at the time so I got roped in. Can't be much worse than anything else I've been through. Figured it might be good for morale, for these people to loosen up and play a game or two together. Lotta mistrust brewing." He looked around, seemingly disinterested and boasting an incredibly calm demeanor. You were wondering how someone could feel not even a little bit nervous playing a game with a premise like this.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to!" You smiled softly, offering him an out. You liked Ryoma a lot. His chill attitude, mysterious and interesting past, deep voice, and cute face intrigued you enough to even form a little crush, but you didn't want him here out of coercion or peer pressure.
“It’s whatever. I’m down to play. It’s fine. However, I’m sure I wasn’t who you expected or were hoping for.” He shrugs, less self-deprecating and more as if stating a plain fact. It didn’t seem to bother him either way if you did in fact wish it was someone else who was chosen to be with you for this dumb little game.
“Nah, I’m not disappointed,” you smirk a bit deviously, trying to hide the excitement you truly felt. You see his eyebrows raise a tad, which is more expression than you usually get from him. “Someone like you is kind of an interesting partner for this game. I’m betting you have more life experience overall than me. In fact, I know you do, after listening to some of your stories. You probably have more experience in everything: street smarts, common sense, even romance.”
“Uh, let me stop you right there.” He lets out a tiny, brief, dry chuckle, something skeptical in his tone. “Actually, not true at all, that last part. Not much romance in my life. Funny, you and I actually talk more often than I do with the others… I thought you would’ve picked up on that.”
“Oh?” You challenge him playfully, trying to flirt him into a more open mood.
"Yeah, I'd think that would be obvious. Who wants to take a chance on a no-good criminal with a clouded, ominous past? I don't really tell people all the details, and I'm not going to, but then I can't be surprised if people don't want to get to know me or trust me. Also, I'm aware I'm not the ideal, looks-wise. Never bothered me, but-" Once again, you can tell he's not looking for sympathy, but just honestly sharing his thoughts about himself. Before he can talk himself down further, however, you cut him off.
Stopping his words in their tracks, you leaned down to his height, bending at the waist sensually. Without skipping a beat, you casually took the lollipop from his mouth, coaxing it out without much resistance on his part. Smiling impishly, you popped it into your own mouth.
You'd never seen Ryoma Hoshi blush before this moment. It seemed like something he was incapable of.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
The lean, dangerously mysterious anthropologist stood across from you, tall enough and so close that he blotted out the dim light from the single bulb above in the cramped closet. He appeared like a silhouette, like some spooky demon or spirit from the cultural legends he often told you about. He seemed to be giggling behind his mask, amused at your flustered reaction to his closeness before he began to speak in that mystifying voice of his that was like smoke hissing past your ear and tickling the outer shell:
"You know, (Y/N), I almost said no to playing... This seems like such a childish little game, maybe even a waste of my precious time when I could be studying up on literally any other topic. But... then I thought: I've done far more promiscuous things than this before, games and rituals alike, so what's the harm in some little kid’s game? Why not? After all, there's something to be learned from every experience, and this game seemed integral to the middle school lives of our classmates, therefore making it culturally significant... if I... broaden my definitions a little." He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, making you sweat as he moved even closer during his little monologue.
"I see you're being v-very open-minded," you chuckled nervously, trying to hide the loud pumping of your heart. "Yes, I would've thought you were far too mature for this game!" You were now flat against the wall, nearly caged in by his lithe form hovering over you.
"I thought it might even be exciting," his tone adopted a more predatory note, "to see who I get and explore the essence of who they are, find their inner beauty for myself, one-on-one and in private. When nobody else can hear or see, they might let down some walls, and expose a side of themselves in this killing game that nobody has seen yet. It could be a fascinating study of human behavior. I didn't really care who I got matched with, as everyone here - with such varied personalities and talents - could be an extremely interesting subject!"
"Subject?" Now he was starting to worry you. You had to admit, though, the way he was passionately speaking, the way he pinned you into the corner of this enclosed space... it was rather exciting.
"You seem nervous..." he tilts his head innocently. "There's nothing to be afraid of, little (Y/N). This game, as I take it from the rules, is to start a romantic or flirty interaction, to cause feelings to bubble up in each other - excitement, arousal. These emotions are so wonderfully and beautifully human. Is that what you want, to try this in earnest?" You see one of his hands reach over to its opposite and begin to unravel the layers of gauze bandaging. You nod enthusiastically, almost entranced by his words. He takes this consent as his opportunity to take control, and something in his golden eyes turns animalistic. 
"Good." He purrs.
Gonta Gokuhara
Almost comically shoved into this tiny closet and leaving little to no room for you was your chosen-at-random partner: Gonta Gokuhara, the gentle giant. He was desperately trying not to hit his head on the ceiling while also trying to remember to be considerate of you and your personal space. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, after all.
"Gonta wanted to play, because all of his friends were playing too! This game... sounds fun, but Gonta never played it before. Gonta a bit confused. Gonta love everyone here as a good friend, swear to protect them all, so why we not all play game together, in bigger, more comfortable place?" He asked genuine, thoughtful questions, and it appeared to you that he in fact did not know what he was getting himself into. You'd make sure he understood clearly before playing, as someone had obviously shoved him in here without a clear description of the rules or goals.
"Well, Gonta, this is a game where you're supposed to come in with one other person only and do flirty, cute, romantic stuff. Why did you agree to play without knowing what's going on?" You shook your head, snickering under your breath. You'd always found Gonta's endless positivity and determination to make others feel happy and protected adorable. He probably just wanted to be included, to make sure everyone had fun. And you had no doubt he was intelligent enough to understand the simple rules of this game, it was just very likely someone more mischievous - like Kokichi or Miu - purposely kept him out of the loop.
"Oh! O-okay!" He begins to blush, his mouth pressing into an uncomfortable, pursed line. "Gonta never done anything like that!" He was beginning to perspire on his brow.
"Well, do you want to try? You don't have to, keep that in mind! It's your choice, Gonta." You smiled in encouragement, making sure your body language wasn't applying any pressure to him even subconsciously.
"Ummm... Gonta would like to try if everyone else playing. Also!... Gonta trust (Y/N)." His words are shaking, and you decide you'll do the bare minimum, just a warm-up to see if he truly means his words. Him putting his trust in you was melting your heart.
Gently, as if you were approaching a bird that might fly away at any moment, you took a step closer to him and began to unbutton the tight brown suit jacket from his abs and waist.
Kokichi Ouma
Immediately upon being trapped in the closet with this gremlin, he started teasing you, trying to make you crack, or cry, whichever came first. All reactions were good reactions to him.
"Of all people, you got stuck in here with me. Sucks for you, don't it, (Y/N), you prude!" He swirls a finger in the air and presses it firmly into your chest, taunting you.
He spends the next few agonizingly drawn-out moments poking fun at you, at your flustered reactions, at the way your body responds to both his words and small touches.
"Oh, come on, (Y/N), this is baby shit! I barely even touched you! With my title as Supreme Leader, I've had to seduce hundreds of marks into giving up information or giving me what I want, and you can't even handle this? You wouldn't last two minutes in an interrogation by my organization, let alone seven. Pathetic!" He starts laughing, amused by your humiliation so much that his eyes begin to water.
You're sure his claims of seducing and interrogating victims before are lies, but regardless, your heart was beating out of your chest. Why did he have this effect on you? He had you right where he wanted you, and you were falling into his trap. Every time he ran his chilled fingers up your exposed arm or touched your chest and collarbones, you felt a shiver of desire and fright, a shockwave of panic and delight in tandem.
In truth, the others were worried about you. Most of them, the kinder portion of the group, felt bad about sending you in there alone with Kokichi. They didn't think such a kind, unassuming person deserved this kind of treatment.
With an underlying gentleness that almost betrayed his performative vitriol for you, he pushed your shoulders back, like a bully on a playground. He took note of your clumsiness, of the lack of coordination you must have if such a petite young man like him could nearly topple you over. He seemed to be taking into account his lack of time. Seven minutes wasn't much to work with. He'd had his fun, and was ready for the climax.
You stumble back against the wall, and instantly he pounced on you, cornering you in. Before you had time to adjust, to correct yourself to an upright position, he grabbed both sides of your face, pulling you in for a sloppy, deep kiss that lacked any care or gentleness. Your eyelids flew open as the taste of sweet candies and grape sodas flooded your mouth.
Kaito Momota
Kaito stood with his arms crossed defiantly in the middle of the closet. His taller frame and masculine figure took up most of the space as he stood firm, stubbornly biting the inside of his cheek. His brow was furrowed angrily, but not with an anger directed at you. After all, you must've been a victim in this just as much as he.
"Now, I didn't really wanna do this... it's beneath someone who sees fit to call themselves the Luminary of the Stars. I didn't earn this title through kiddy games after all, but..." he looked frustrated, maybe even with himself, "but they tried to say I'm too scared to play! As if!" He paced once in a circle in the tight confines, then huffed. "I'm realizing just now that I probably fell for it and this was their plan all along." He sighed deeply. "I gotta stop letting these assholes get to me." He conceded, his pride hurt. You had to admit, his reaction to the game was disappointing you, as you couldn't think of a better person to get stuck in here with. You smiled sheepishly, letting the uncomfortable silence mellow out in the air. You only had seven minutes, after all. "Man, it's cold and awkward in here..." Ah, yes. Kaito wasn't the type to let things just be silent. You decided it was your turn to speak now.
"So... you don't want to play with me, at all?" You speak shyly, a bit embarrassed at your own words.
"What, you do?" He counters, a single brow raised as you piqued his curiosity,
"Well... I mean, haha," you thought through how to word this so as to not weird him out or scare him off, or really just embarrass yourself in the process, "I felt really lucky to get stuck in here with you, out of everyone. If I may speak openly and honestly, I've been crushing on you for a while..." You felt your blood running hot.
"You have?" He's flushed pink, pulling his jacket in closer for security.
"Yeah, of course! You're handsome, charismatic, and you make me laugh when we are just hanging out casually. I think your determined spirit is admirable... but if you don't feel the same-"
"No!" He cut you off a little too eagerly before he could remind himself he was supposed to be playing it cool. He cleared his throat, calming down his tone a bit, "No, I mean I think you're great, too. And you're beautiful! Out of all these idiots, I'm glad it's you, too." Your heart swells. "Not that... not that I've been dwelling on this thought for too long." Though it feels like your heart is pumping fast enough to warm the entire room, Kaito was right, it was quite drafty in there. Seeing you shiver at the temperature, Kaito removes his large galaxy jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. It smells of him, of hair products and fresh deodorant. Simple and subtle. "We should hang out some more on our own, when we want to, not when these assholes force us into some stupid game with expectations and shit." He shows you a beaming, celebrity-like grin. "I would be an idiot to not want to get to know you more, especially with your talent!"
Shuichi Saihara
Poor Shuichi. The reserved, introverted detective had found himself shoved into this closet against his will. He'd merely come to observe the game from the farthest corner of the room - bored, and too wary of the threat of the killing game to be alone. Being alone was just the worst option right now: either his own thoughts would consume him or a potential killer might.
So now here he was, paying the consequences of wanting to hang out with a group of his peers. They'd put his name into the lottery without his permission, thinking it a cute and funny little prank, and when he was chosen, it only took two or three of them to shove him inside while he attempted to jump and claw his way out. Now he was a sweating, blushing mess, pawing at the door like a cat trapped in a bedroom. The same students that pushed him in snickered and howled in laughter on the other side, leaning their weight into the door so he couldn't escape. After a while, someone as smart as him knows when an effort becomes futile. He sighs, turning to face you with a warm flush of red over his entire body that contrasts wildly with the blues and blacks of his hair and uniform tones.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," he groans, his voice cracking under his nerves. "I told them I didn't wanna play, but..." were you really that bad to be stuck in here with? His reaction seemed... over the top. Your shoulders sank downward, humbled by his response to your existence in the same space as him. He sees your crestfallen expression and panics, guilt overcoming him. "Please, no it's not you! I mean no offense. I didn't wanna come in here with anyone." He takes note of how your mood doesn't pick up in the slightest, and lets his head fall into his hands. "This is so embarrassing. I actually do really like you, this is just so awkward."
"You do?" Your ears perk up at that. Maybe you were mistaken in your earlier judgment.
"Yeah! You've always been kind to me, and you're quite interesting and fun to hang out with in this hellhole. Talking to you... really gets my mind off things..." he admits, clearly self-conscious. "I... well sometimes, I hear you talking about how you think you'll be the first victim of the killing game, talking down about yourself. I don’t think you should count yourself out... we all have our own strengths, though I know I ought to take my own advice sometime." He chuckles in such a gentle, exhausted way that it might as well have been merely an exhale.
Neither of you even noticed that during his little speech of praise toward you, he'd reached out and taken your hands gently in his own. It was a reflexive, instinctive, and intimate move. Rather than pull away, now feeling a bit more stable, and comfortable in sharing his thoughts as you hadn't reacted adversely, he pushes a bit further. He rubs his thumb across the back of your hand, and for seven minutes, that's enough for him.
Kiibo / K1-B0
The almost-human robot is standing across from you, arms flat by his side. He looks far more relaxed than you were, passive and maybe in some kind of rest mode, if he had one.
"Now what?" He asks plainly.
"Nobody told you what to do?" You replied, a bit stunned and wondering why he was even here.
"Vaguely. It sounded like a complete waste of time, though. If it's what humans do, it's certainly not in my programming. Therefore, I might as well learn from this experience as not to be embarrassed later on should the topic come up again." He sounded so practical, so... bored with the current situation.
"Well... I don't know how much you were told but this game is about emotions, feelings... touching and flirting, making the other person nervous and flustered, seeing how far you two are willing to go with each other… in a romantic kind of way. It's uniquely human... it may not be productive for you if you can't comprehend-"
"I have plenty of emotions and feelings! I can understand it perfectly fine!" He retorted, offended and seemingly embarrassed. You didn't know he could get embarrassed. Maybe he could in fact enjoy this game to its fullest. You intended to get something out of this experience. This could be fun. You had to admit, you'd been curious about the extent of Kiibo's understanding of human interactions and emotions for a while now. You wondered how much he could feel, emotionally and physically. If you pulled his hair, would he cry out? If you scratched his thigh, would it bleed simulated blood? There could be a lot of room for exciting discovery that awaited you.
"Well then, I'm curious..." you reach a single, cautious hand outward and stroke his hair. It's stunningly soft. It feels shockingly real, not like some cheap synthetic wig or some type of rubber or metal shaped to mimic hair. Kiibo did something like a vibration or shudder, a chill running down his spine. You wondered if this was a programmed response, all artificial and planned, or if Kiibo's free will really extended that far. How real did his creator intend for him to be? For what purpose was he truly built? What did a scientist stand to gain from making a feeling, loving, human-like young man? You could see a war machine or an endless knowledge bank easily being worth the time, but Kiibo didn't seem to excel in pretty much... anything. "How does that feel?"
"I... I don't know. It's making me... relax? I think that's how you'd describe it. I feel like I am running on low power and sluggish, but in a good way? On purpose..." he speaks softly.
"And this?" You run a hand down his pale cheek, and it's warmer than expected, though below a real human’s body temperature for sure. You're so focused on touching the simulated, soft, supple skin, that you don't even notice Kiibo's eyes blown wide open as if scanning you, entranced and staring almost through you. It was safe to say he might have been touched-starved, unused to the sensation.
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
Hello, dear! (Sorry if you’re uncomfortable with that)
I saw your requests for danganronpa are ‚filled‘ but you said you don mind, right ?
Soo could I request nagito, kokichi and shuichi (separate) with a s/o who loves to give and receive kisses ? Like the s/o melts if they get kisses and love to pamper their boyfriend in kisses !>~<
Feel free to ignore the request if you don’t want to write for this ! Have a great day/afternoon/night and stay healthy !!!
im not uncomfortable dw !! i hope you have / had a lovely day as well nonnie !! <33 this rq is so cute i love it
Nagito, Kokichi and Shuichi x reader
[kiss kiss ~ !]
cws : none !
Nagito Komeada :
Oh you're going to kill him. You wake him from a nap by peppering his cheeks in sweet kisses and he nearly dies. He sees everything flash before his eyes, his heart stopped, and all you do is giggle and offer to kiss him into recovery.
He does not feel he deserves this treatment, he'll worry your dirtying your lips with him, he'll reassure you you don't have to do such things - but the more you do, the less he worries. He never asks, he just sighs happily and lets you pamper him.
But when he discovers just how you melt when he kisses you? Well of course he just has to keep you happy! He can be quite the tease when he wants to be, he'll smile all innocently after he's kisses you and your face is burning up, nothing more then a soft chuckle at your reaction.
"My hope... you're so adorable !" and he's pinching your cheeks softly with the biggest smile on his face.
Kokichi Oma :
Oh my God. You go all melty and flushed when he leans in and hovers his face mere centimetres away from yours? You stammer on your words when he smirks and 'yeah, keep talking.'? You go bright red when he finally kisses you, long and sweet, or thousands of tiny ones?
Yeah, he's using this to his full advantage. He jumps up behind you and tilts your face to surprise kiss you, he kisses you when he's jealous - let's be honest, he'd be doing this anyway, but knowing it gets you all giggily and happy he's just going to double it. He'll cover his honest smile at seeing you so happy by giggling at you and teasing you.
But oh? Oh you're going to kiss him? Please do, he will never let you go that's it, you're stuck with him for the rest of the day, you try leaving and he's whining at you. He's demanding kisses and attention, you haven't even kisses him at all today ! (You kissed him thirty seconds ago, but that's pretty much the same thing, right?)
Shuichi Saihara :
He's so stutter-y every time you kiss him, but not even once will this man complain. He'll go stiff and bright pink, but if you laugh and ask him if he wants any more he'll shyly nod and then - 'ohbutyoudonthavetoonlyifyouwantto-' very very quickly. He goes so silent as well, the second you stop and kiss his cheek goodbye because you have to go do this or that, he's touching his fingers against the areas you just kissed and smiling to himself with a beating heart.
It's like a first kiss every time to him.
He gets bolder the longer you two are together, hesitantly pressing kisses against you and feeling a sense of pride when you get just as flustered as he does - he really can't help the little giggle at your reaction. He's not as vocal about it, but he's very happy you enjoy kissing him and letting him kiss you, he loves it just as much as you do.
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gummy-bearz · 3 months
Can i request Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi Ouma love language HCs?
Byakuya Togami / Nagito Komaeda / Kokichi Ouma Love Languages Headcanons
antagssss!!! we love them
— mod hiyoko
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Byakuya Togami
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- The way how Byakuya expresses his love for you by buying stuff for you. So, giving gifts basically.
- He wouldn’t like expressing his love with anything else. Physical touch and stuff like that is just not for him. unless it’s in private maybe
- Anything you look at, Byakuya’s buying it for you without hesitation. Even if it’s hella expensive.
- He’s literally money himself at this point. He’ll spoil you rotten with ANYTHING.
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Nagito Komaeda
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- Nagito expresses his love with words of affirmation.
- He thinks that his compliments are meaningless and unimpressive, this man thinks he shouldn’t even be near you
- Nagito constantly reminds you of how amazing you are and he admires you.
- He also tries to show his love by not being “bothersome” so nagito compliments you on how you manage to deal with “useless trash” like him.
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Kokichi Ouma
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- This little shit is evil - he expresses his love with quality time ONLY to play pranks on others. Kokichi will even play pranks on you, without hesitation.
- He loves to ESPECIALLY play pranks on you. He thinks it's absolutely hilarious, your reactions makes it even better for him.
- Other than that, i suppose you could say Kokichi is a bit of a mix of everything else.
- He likes physical affection as well, he finds it a great way to mess with your reactions.
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nabateaprodigy · 11 months
I'm so sorry if you actually aren't taking requests I am a little confused as English is not my first language I'm still learning as I go
could I request for kokichi and nagito for a s/o that's emotionally sensitive, cries alot and comes off as clingy and really enjoys simple physical touch like hand holding and pats, stuff like that generally (thank you if you can and so sorry if you closed requests for all)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Kokichi and Nagito.
Genre: Fluff.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: Don't worry! Your English is fine! Honestly English is my first language and sometimes I can't even write or speak it lmao.
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This little...well at first like anyone else he would trick and play pranks on you. When he first played a prank on you he expected you to be confused or annoyed. He well...he didn't think you would end up crying because of the prank.
Because of this, he ended up feeling pretty guilty about it. So pranks were something he wouldn't do to you. Well, he'd still prank Miu, Gonta, Shuichi, and the others.
So instead he'd tease you! Not nearly as bad as a prank so this would be fine right? Well, it seems not you'd also get upset from the teasing as well. What a horrible boyfriend always making you cry smh. 🙄
But over time he'd come to realize this was just how you were and to keep the pranks and teasing to a minimum or stop all altogether if that's what you wanted. However, in his heart he couldn't stop teasing you he just had to see your cute flustered face!
I feel like Kokichi would at first act annoyed by how clingy you are. But in truth, he loves it oh so much. He loves how you feel comfortable and safe to hold hands and hug him.
In truth, it probably also made him a little overprotective of you. But seeing your smile and just the fact you've stuck with him. Means the world to him and he wants nothing more for you to be safe and happy.
"Huh? Why would want to hug trash like me?" This mf I swear it never stops with him 🙄. He knows you're clingy but he still doesn't understand as he puts it to hug. "Trash like me."
(Tbh he should know the answer because he's your boyfriend!) Even though Nagito says things like this he loves how clingy you are with him. Plus in my opinion, he'd be great to cuddle with just look at that hair! It's so soft!
I feel like if you don't see Nagito for a while or if he's with his friends. You can get pretty jealous and even more clingy! If he is talking with someone you'll go up and hug him from behind.
Honestly, if you were to cry or ever feel insecure Nagito wouldn't allow you to feel that way for long. You're his S/O you're amazing and are such a great person! He'll love you no matter what so don't be afraid to tell him anything.
In his eyes, you're an angel and he thanks his luck he was able to be with you. If you ever are feeling down have no fear Nagito is here! He wants you to be happy so if you're feeling down he can be just as clingy!
Of course, he'll get cuddly with you and get you whatever you want! Just ask as long as it's for it's worth it. "You look wonderful today angel. I know trash like me doesn't deserve it but can I have a kiss?"
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
Hello helloooo. I see you’ve opened up your v3 requests 👀 can we get some Kiibo, Kokichi and/or Nagito with an s/o (she or they pronouns) who’s really intimidating and scary at first but a total softie and super flustered when they’re complimented or flirted with?
Kokichi, Kiibo, and Nagito x Intimidating!Soft!Reader
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My first V3 request! I haven't totally gotten through everyone's free time events and I'm not that great at writing Kokichi or Kiibo yet so please bare with me. Love you guys and thanks again for 100 followers!
Commission me on Ko-Fi! Link in pinned post!
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Kokichi Ouma 
♡ Was never all that intimidated by you honestly. Or maybe he was and he was just lying about it. Who knows. Point is, he never let it show. He is the supreme leader of evil, after all. Who would scare him?
♡ That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t pretend to be afraid though. Kokichi would always cry and act like you were bullying him when you told him to stop with his stupid antics.
♡ When he did this you would try to get him to stop crying, making you seem soft and sensitive to him. Then he would probably start teasing you even more. 
♡ “So you weren’t really as intimidating as you pretended. I hate liars!” 
♡ “I wasn’t lying, you annoying little-”
♡ “Huh? Hey, wait!” You shouted at him. 
♡ I guess your ‘friendship’ - if you could even call it that - started from there. It was mostly just Kokichi teasing you and you trying not to beat the shit out of him. 
♡ When you finally got together, the teasing definitely didn’t stop. It even kind of intensified when he saw how flustered you got when he flirted with you. 
♡ He’ll try to come up with the cringiest, gushiest things he can make you feel embarrassed. 
♡ He’ll make everyone think that it’s because he likes embarrassing you but deep down, you’re pretty sure that it’s just because he thinks your blushing face is the cutest thing ever! Who knows though. You can never get a straight answer from him (¬、¬)
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♡ You two are in the same boat. 
♡ To some he might be intimidating, being a robot, but on the inside, he’s a total softie so he gets it!
♡ Even if you were never scared of him, he was always kind of scared of you. He hadn’t been used to such an intimidating human, and somehow the fact that you were around his age made you even scarier to him. 
♡ He wasn’t really used to the feeling so it made you intriguing to him. 
♡ Hehehe I got the thought that he wouldn’t know how to respond to the feeling and since he found it negative he would think you’re somehow being robophobic to him.
♡ But like I was saying, he was intrigued by you! Kiibo would definitely be the one to confess his feelings because of that, finally letting him see your true nature as a major softie. 
♡ Kiibo wants to try and do all the human couple things. It always really embarrassing to you when he asks to do things like that though. 
♡ “Y/N… I um…” Kiibo would begin, trying to stop his stutters.
♡ “What is it, babe?” You told him, in your regular scary tone.
♡ “Would you want to try cuddling… Like… With me?” He asked. Your head shot up, red flashing to your cheeks.
♡ “Um well.. I- Uh…!” You respond incoherently, trying to figure out what to say. 
♡ The two of you tried cuddling, which as you might imagine, wasn’t the most comfortable thing considering your partner’s metal body, but that wasn’t as bad as the butterflies in your stomach. Nothing had ever made you as nervous as that. Kiibo didn’t seem to mind or notice though so everything was good. :D 
♡ He always tries his best to do all of the things a human couple would so he loves holding your hand, kissing you, and basically any other form of physical affection as long as you don’t mind. 
♡ And his mind doesn’t even seem to process how nervous you obviously are so it’s even better!! We all love you, Kiibo buddy!! 
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Nagito Komaeda
♡ Sees your intimidating demeanor as confident and due to that, he finds you inspiring! 
♡ Nagito isn’t the type to show how he’s truly feeling. He doesn’t seem to think that he deserves to show others how he really feels so he never makes it too clear that he’s spooked by you. 
♡ You’d start showing him your true colors when he compliments you. 
♡ “Wow, Y/N! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who matches you in intensity. People like you make trash like me all the more boring.” 
♡ “I- Um… Well… You shouldn’t… Talk about yourself like that.” You told him, trying to pull yourself together. 
♡ You’d probably have to be the one to tell him your feelings because he wouldn’t really feel he deserves to tell you how he feels. Poor baby, we love you. 
♡ When you two get together though, he worships you, making you super blushy all the time!!
♡ His favorite time to fluster you is when you’re scolding him for the stupid junk that he pulls.
♡ “I can’t believe you did that, you jackass! Do you want everyone here to die? Do you want us all to kill eachother?!” You screamed in his face after a particularly tedious class trial. Nagito just stared at you, with a blank expression, red in the face. 
♡ “You’re very pretty, my hope.” He told you, catching you off guard and turning you into a blubbering mess. 
♡ Nagito is frustrating but… We love him anyways. ┐(´ー`)┌
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lxvenderdreamy · 1 year
🩷🌸Freetime With You!🌸🩷 Part 1
[🍓] ~ Danganronpa V3 (except for Ryoma cause idk how to write him really) x Reader🍓
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🩷Shuichi Saihara🩷
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Shuichi was walking around the campus of the academy. He decided he would go and spend time with one of his fellow classmates just to get to know them better.
As he was walking he saw you, he saw you outside in the grassland. He gulped down the lump in his throat. Shuichi had a crush on you every since the very start of the killing game. He caught feelings for you and of course he tried to keep it to himself but it didn’t work due to his fellow classmates catching up with this.
Despite having a crush on you, he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you, thinking that he would embarrass himself and make himself look stupid. But yet he did want to talk to you, he really did.
This is his chance.
He took a deep breath as he started to walk over to your peaceful figure.
“H-Hey, Y/n…” Shuichi said, fighting back the heat trying to rise to his face. You turned to him with a smile. “Oh, hello Shuichi.” You said with a small wave. “Would you like to join me on a nice walk around the outside of the Academy?” You offered. Shuichi, in shock at how quick you offered him to take a walk, he agreed.
You two walked side by side as you talked about random things. Mainly just you. He allowed you to rent about your hobbies as you two walked, he adored the sparkle in your eyes as you talked about things that interest you the most. He felt a smile creep up to his thin lips as well as a small blush. He enjoyed your company, he loved the way you used hand motions to explain certain things, he loved how you spoke, he loved how you would look his way—that way was always greeted with a beautiful, sweethearted smile. You never fail to make his heart melt and get him red in the face.
“Oh! Sorry..was I talking to much?” Your voice took him out of his beloved thoughts and he immediately reassured you. “Oh, no. Please, keep talking.” Shuichi said with a smile. You smiled back at him as you continued to rant on.
After the time with you ended, he felt a bit sad that it ended. It felt like it all ended so quick.
“Thank you for spending time with me, Shuichi.” You said with a smile. “No problem.” Shuichi said. Shuichi smiled at you but then his eyes widened when he felt your soft lips touch his cheek. “Bye, Shuichi!” You said happily before running off. Shuichi was left there, looking like a tomato as he touched the spot where you had kissed him.
🩷🌸Maybe he should spend his freetime with you more often.🌸🩷
🩷Kaede Akamatsu🩷
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Kaede bit her lip as she fiddled with her thumbs. She was nervous. She looked at you from afar, as you were chilling in the dining hall.
Kaede had a big crush on you, she always felt herself stuttering and blushing around you and she really wanted to talk to you. She was always thinking about you to the point where her head starts to hurt.
“Come on, Kaede…you’ve been on stage many times..this—this is no big deal..” Kaede said to herself quietly. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down before turning on her heel and making her way over to you.
“Hey there, Y/n!” Kaede said with a smile. You looked over at her with a smile of your own, waving at her. “Hello Kaede!” You greeted. Kaede blushed when she saw your smile. “Would you like to hangout in my lab? I can show you a few thing or two about Chopin!” Kaede said excitedly. You happily nodded your head as she took your hand in hers and began speed walking to her lab. You weren’t able to see how red Kaede’s face was due to her leading you from behind her. Her mind was going haywire over thr through of being able to hold your hand.
When you two arrived at her lab, she started talking to you and telling you about Chopin, Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 and the three Waltzes, Op. 34–everything! You sat there and you listened with a smile. She even got you to play the piano and taught you a few notes or two. It was great seeing her like this, especially in this killing game. She did this all with a smile on her face and a blush that you didn’t realize she had.
Kaede’s heart was bubbling with excitement. She was so happy that she’s spending this much time with you and being so close to you. It felt nice, it warmed her heart and it made her palms get sweaty, it made her feel all sorts of loving emotions that she got to spend so much time with you.
She didn’t even mind that you guy’s freetime was over. Spending all of her time with you fulfilled.
“That was so much fun Kaede!” You said with a smile. “You really are a good teacher, we’re gonna have to do this again sometime!” Kaede’s original blush deepened. “Y-Yes! O-Of course!” Kaede nodded in agreement.
“You taught me all sorts of things today. Thank you… Thank you so much.” You said before giving her a warm hug. She let out a gasp before she immediately returned it. She couldn’t believe that this was happening. She punched herself on her arm, still in the hugging position.
🩷🌸She was glad this wasn’t a dream. You two then parted ways. Free time with you is something exciting.🌸🩷
🩷Rantaro Amami🩷
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Rantaro had always been..crushing on you. He isn’t so open about it and is really good at hiding it but really his mind is just all about you. He has the strength to you, of course.
…That’s what he thinks at least. When he’s talking to you, he is red in the face a little and he’s avoiding eye contact. He makes himself look like a complete idiot…But, that doesn’t stop him from being able to spend some quality time with you.
When he saw you standing in the hallway alone, he took his chance. “Hey there, Y/n.. How has your day been?” Rantaro asks with a smile. You smile back at him. “It’s been, alright. I’m just bored now..” You said. Great. That was great. Rantaro didn’t want you to be bored so of course he’s gonna immediately ask you if you wanted to hang out with him. Besides, that’s what he’s been wanting. “Eh? Bored? Nonsense… Here, how about you show me your lab? Never been in there before.” Rantaro offered. You nodded with a chuckle of yours.
When you both appeared inside your lab, he couldn’t help bur look around in pure interest. Your Ultimate was very unique, and he loves it. He definitely loves your lab. He listens intriguingly about all the things in your lab, asking questions or making nice statements. He could see that you were very happy with this and that’s what made him also feel happy.
Rantaro may think he looks just fine on the outside and just crazy on the inside but really the inside is just using it’s side effects on the outside, making him a blushing mess.
“Hey…are you okay?” You asked with a worried expression. “What..? Of course i’m okay. Why’d you ask?” Rantaro was confused about what you meant. “Y-Your face! It’s red! And your sweating a little…” Crap. Rantaro chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. “No, No..it’s fine. Really. I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” Rantaro said, hoping that you would move on from this.
“Okay..just tell me when your feeling ill!” You said with a smile before going back and continuing your talking. Rantaro sighed in relief but is also a little bit happy that you care about his health.
Rantaro and Your freetime is about to end sadly, but Rantaro will make the most of it. He told you a little bit about his sisters and the sad story about somehow them getting lost all around the world. You told him how sorry you were because of that happening and you wished him the best of luck on finding them safe and sound.
Rantaro felt himself getting closer to you, he was so happy he got to spend his time with you. He was happy he got to learn more things about you. It made him feel like he accomplished something greatly. Before you guys parted ways, you surprised him with a small peck on the cheek. “Bye, Rantaro. See you later!” You said as you ran into the distance. Rantaro put his hand on the cheek you kissed him on as a blush formed on his face.
🩷🌸Freetime with you is something he is definitely doing more of.🌸🩷
🩷Kokichi Oma🩷
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Kokichi is a liar. We all know that. But there’s you…you. You are able to tell when Kokichi is lying or not and your able to see through his mask. The funny thing is that you never plan to expose him of his lies unless you really need too..
Not only you can read him like a damn book. You wormed yourself into his heart, apparently he does have a heart after all. It doesn’t help that when he’s trying to hide those feelings for you, you figure him out! It makes him so mad but yet it also makes him…happy…it makes him happy that you realize his feelings for you. And he doesn’t know why. You also didn’t get tired of him so quick despite his lies and how annoying he is..you stayed. He tried to scram you away but it never did work. It also added onto his heart.
…He wants to spend time with you. Shuichi was busy, and of course nobody else wanted to deal with him so he wanted you. You fascinated him.
“Hey Y/n~” Kokichi said, skipping over to you. You were chilling in the game room. You looked down (your an inch taller) at Kokichi. “Hi, Kokichi.” You said plainly. Kokichi gave you a sly smile and you raised your brow. “If you want something then say it, Kokichi.” You said. He let out a hum. “Hmmm…what if I dont?” Kokichi said, snickering. “Then okay.” You said. Kokichi furrowed his brows at you. “Your no fun, Y/n!!” Kokichi whined. “You’re booorrrriiiiinggg!!!” You shrugged, not caring. “You want me to spend time with you, don’t you?” You said, putting your hand on your hip. Kokichi was silent as he still looked a bit upset.
“Come on, let’s go.” You said, walking out of the game room. “Wait for me, what the hell!?” Kokichi exclaimed as he ran out behind you.
You and Kokichi did lots of things together. You gave him a piggyback ride as you ran throughout the grasslands on the academy and inside of the academy, it was fun. Kokichi hated to admit it but he was actually blushing really hard during all of this but it was still fun. Both of you were laughing together as Kokichi directed you where to go. But you definitely had to target some people, just to add to the fun.
“Shuichi—! Run!!” Kaede said as she grabbed Shuichi’s hand and started running as you two chased them.
“Y-Y/n..! Is that degenerate male making you do this..!??” Tenko said as she carried a passed out Himiko in her arms.
“I will have you both in court for your robophobic acts..!” Kiibo said as he got chased by the two of you. He had to go through this TWO times!!
After all that chasing. you decided to buy kokichi Panta from the vending machine. “It was nice spending time with you, Kokichi.” You said softly. Kokichi snickered. “I agree! We should do this more often!” Kokichi said. You nodded. “I have to go but kokichi…” You said. Kokichi hummed and his eyes slightly widened when you kissed his head before walking away in the distance. “Bye.” Kokichi was left shocked and flustered.
🩷🌸Your freetime was the time where you proved your feelings.🌸🩷
🩷Tenko Chabishira🩷
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Tenko is very open about her feelings, it ain’t no secret. So that means she’s very open—too open about you.
Tenko loves everything about you, constantly talking about you, always wanting to do stuff with you and always wanting to spend time with you. Tenko is just completely over you!
So today was the right day to spend some time with you! She ran all around the academy, looking for you and hoping that nobody has gotten your attention. When she finds you she immediately clings onto you. “N/n! Im so glad your here!!” Tenko said happily as she hugged you. You smiled at her. “Yeah, what are you up to, Tenko?” You asked her. She blushed as he smiled. “W-W-Well..I-I was wondering..if-if you wanted to..hang out..!” Tenko said, fiddling with her fingers. You happily obliged.
The two of you did everything together. You took walks together around the academy and talked about whatever. You two checked out Tenko’s lab as she talked about Neo-Akidio. She also taught you a little bit of things during that time, training you on how to protect yourself from males.
“H-Hey..Y-Y/n…” Tenko started, fiddling with her fingers as she looked awake from you. You raised a brow at her. “Yes, Tenko?” Tenko gulped nervously. “W-Well…I just..really want to talk to you about..you..” Tenko said. You raised your brows. She wanted to talk to you about..you?
“Okay..what do you have to say about me?”
“Well…I-I always thought you were..I don’t know, amazing..? I always thought that you were just the best person i’ve ever met, really. I-I know I may seem like I act the same with Himiko but really…you have a special place in my heart…!” Tenko said as her face got redder. Your eyes widened.
“Is that really what you think of me, Tenko?” You asked. Tenko nodded her head nervously. You smiled warm-hearted at her and scooted closer to her. “Wanna know how I feel about you?” you asked her. Tenko’s eyes widened and she nodded slowly. She couldn’t help but feel so worried about what you might say about her.
“Tenko, you have to be the most interesting person i’ve seen here. You are very unique and..the way you are so passionate about your master and your talent, the way you try your best at everything you do, it’s all amazing to me. You never give up and that’s what I love about you.” You said softly, with a smile, Tenko hugged you tightly. She started to sob uncontrollably. “T-Tenko..!” You exclaimed worriedly as you rubbed her back. Tenko was so happy you thought of her so positively as she sobbed.
🩷🌸May this time last forever, it’s so beautiful 🌸🩷
🩷Himiko Yumeno🩷
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“But what is they say no…?” Himiko said, looking to the side. Kaede gently patted Himiko on the shoulder. “Oh i’m sure they won’t, just try! I believe in you!” Kaede said with a smile, gently pushing Himiko towards your door before running behind the stairs.
Himiko hesitantly knocked on your door, waiting anxiously for you to answer. When you answered, Himiko’s face get a little red. “H-Hey..Y/n..” Himiko said meekly. You smiled down at her. “Oh, hello Himiko. Is there something you need?” You asked her. “Nyeeh…” Himiko bit her lip slightly. “Would you like to…to..hang out in..in my lab..?” Himiko asked.
“Sure, I would love too.” Himiko nodded and lead the way. While walking down the stairs she could see Kaede giving her a thumbs up and a wink. It was a quiet walk there, but you didn’t mind. But for Himiko, she was a nervous wreck..what if you got bored hanging with her..?
When you two got there, Himiko wanted you to make her a small cup of tea. She also said that you could have a cup of tea as well which you happily took the offer. You guys spent some time drinking some tea together and talking to one another.
Himiko felt like she grew a whole lot closer with you today, it made her happy and feel warm inside that she got to spend time with you and chat.
“Himiko, you look tired.” You said softly. She did look really tired, she felt bad..”N-Nyeeh..i’m not tried..” Himiko tried to deny it, not wanting this to end so quickly. You gave her a small smile as your brows went downward. “Himiko, it’s okay if you want to sleep. I don’t mind. How about we walk back to your dorm?” You offered, standing up and pushing in your chair. Himiko let out a whiny hum before agreeing.
On the way back, Himiko couldn’t help but feel like she ruined the two of you guys hangout. Maybe she should try to convince you to stay inside her dorm with her..? You might say no though…Himiko isn’t really…active..
“We’re here! Hope you have a nice sleep Himiko.” You said, waving. You were about to walk away when Himiko stoops you. “Wait…” She said. You turned and looked over at her. “…W-Will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone..i’m not that comfortable here.” Himiko said, a blush forming on her face. “Of course, here, let’s get you in bed. And i’ll stay in your dorm for as long as you like.” You said with a smile. You two went inside the dorm together and you got Himiko in bed. You made sure she was all tucked in.
“Thank you, Y/n…” Himiko said as she let out a yawn. “Oh, no problem Himiko. It was fun hanging out with you today.” You said softly adding you sat down in a chair next to her bed. “Yeah…thank you for…hanging out with…..me….” Himiko had fallen asleep. You let out a chuckle before leaning down and planting a small kiss on her head.
🩷🌸Himiko slept with very comforting dreams, that day.🌸🩷
🩷Gonta Gokuhara🩷
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Gonta had a funny feeling from the first time he saw you. He asked Kaede about it and described it to the best of his ability and it was confirmed by Kaede that he had a crush on you.
“When you have a crush, it means you love someone very deeply.” Kaede told Gonta a few days ago. Gonta thought long and hard and decided he’d gain the courage to spend some time with you! Like a true gentlemen!
Gonta looked for you over the campus and when he saw you he immediately ran over to you, feeling so happy that he finally found you after all this time. “Mx Y/n!” Gonta called out to you. You jumped at the sudden voice and saw Gonta. You smiled at him. “Yes Gonta?” You said. Gonta started to blush softly with a smile of his very own.
“Well..Gonta was wondering if you want hangout with Gonta!” Gonta said. You smiled brightly and nodded. “Why of course!” You said. This made Gonta very happy that you wanted to hang out with him.
Gonta took you over to his lab, and showed you all the bugs, he taught you stuff about bugs that you never knew about and you listened intriguingly. You asked questions and he answered them to his full capacity. It was really fun. You were also starting to get closer to some of the insects like the butterflies, ladybugs, stick bugs, and beetles. You were so happy and Gonta was happy as well, he was happy he got you to feel the same way, he was proud of himself for acting like a true gentlemen and treating you well!
“Y/n..” Gonta started, catching your attention. “Gonta…Gonta has something to tell you..” Gonta said as he fiddled with his fingers. “Go on ahead, Gonta.” You said with a smile and a nod. Gonta cleared his throat.
“Gonta..just want to say that he thinks Y/n is very kind and …Y/n makes Gonta feel a certain way that Gonta. cant explain. Gonta..Gonta thinks he has crush on Y/n..”
You couldn’t believe what you heard but it made you smile from ear to ear as a blush started to form on your face.
“Aww..Gonta!” You said happily as you hugged him tightly. “That was very sweet..thank you.” You said. Gonta couldn’t believe it. He was so happy as he hugged you back with a smile. “I love you too, Gonta!” Gonta was blushing a lot. “Thank you, Y/n! Gonta promises he will be gentleman!” Gonta said happily. You chuckled at that.
🩷🌸This will be something neither of you will forget.🌸🩷
🩷Angie Yonaga🩷
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Angie has been thinking about you, A LOT. She says that Atua was blessed her with a beloved crush on you! so Atua is telling her that she should hangout with you and paint you a beautiful portrait of you!
Angie went to your dorm immediately and knocked on your door. When you opened it you were greeted with a very happy-looking Angie. “Good Afternoon Y/n!” Angie said with a smile. You smiled back at her meekly. “Good Afternoon..Angie.” You said back. “Would you be devoted to spend time with Angie? Atua lead Angie to you just so that we could spend time together!” Angie said. You blinked and agreed with Angie’s offer.
Within a swift movement Angie grabbed your hand and lead you to her lab. You wondered as to why she-well, Atua. You wondered why Atua had lead Angie over to you so that she could spend some time with you. You were kind of curious to say the least. Angie on the other hand was more than curious, she was excited to spend such time with you! Her beloved!
“Okay…sit perfectly still and don’t move! I’m going to paint you a portrait!” Angie said with a closed eye smile as she sat down with a canvas displayed in front of her. “O-Oh..okay.” You sat down on a chair and stayed perfectly still as Angie did her thing. A part of you wanted to do something else instead of sit there like a statue but a part overcame that, telling you that it’s best to stay and wait. You obliged.
Angie’s mind went off as she painted. She was so happy that she got to spend so much time with you, and being able to paint such a beautiful portrait for her beloved is what makes her so happy. She thanks Atua for giving her this beautiful chance in life. She swiveled her paintbrush around freely, occasionally peeking behind the canvas to look at your face for a few moments before going right back to her painting spree.
Angie hummed a peaceful hum as she did her thing. To be honest, you were quite excited to see the portrait of yourself since Angie was the Ultimate Artist of course. It was nice getting your portrait painted by someone like her.
“Angie is done.” Angie said as she put her items down as she stood up, grabbing the painted on canvas. She walked up close to you. “Y/n, this is a painting that shows how I feel about you.” Angie said. “What..What do you mean?” You asked. Angie gave you a closed eye smile before turning the canvas around. Your eyes widened. It was beautiful…she did an outstanding job. “Wow Angie…this is..beautiful.” You said with a smile. Angie gently put the painting aside and she grabbed your hands and put them in here.
“Y/n.” Angie said, looking at you. “That painting expresses the way about how I feel about you.” Angie said. “Angie, loves Y/n. Atua brought me into the arms of an angel. That angel is you Y/n.” Angie said. Your eyes widened..did she have feelings for you? “A-Angie—I..I never expected you to say that..” You said in disbelief. “Atua has lead me into a path of love, Y/n. You are my beloved. Atua is never wrong in his ways.” Angie said.
“Will you accept Angie’s confession that Atua has brought upon you?” Angie asked. You blinked a few times. You couldn’t believe it. But..you wanted to accept this confession, something was telling you that you should accept such a confession.
“Yes. I accept your confession and Atua’s, Angie.”
🩷🌸A path that was given by no other then a god himself🌸🩷
🩷Miu Iruma🩷
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Miu thought that you were just..amazing. She felt herself getting hot when she saw you or when you looked her way. She wanted to be able to talk to you but it would always backfire even if she tried. She would always humiliate herself..
But this time. This time..she will spend time with you even if her whole life depends on it! She is on a mission. A mission that requires lots of building.
“Hey you! Y/n!” You heard a familiar voice call out. You look over to see no other than Miu. She looked nervous and she was red in the face but you pushed it off. “Yes, Miu?” You asked, raising a brow. “I..I…I..” Miu started shaking as she tried to talk. You were getting so worried in til she shouted. “WILL YOU SPEND TIME WITH ME!?” She shouted. This made you jump. “Uhh..sure, of course.” You said meekly, covering your ears.
Miu decided to show you all of her inventions. She took you to her lab and sat you down and began to talk to you about all of her inventions and what they do and how to work them. But she couldn’t help the blush on her face as she did so.
“Your so talented Miu, your also very smart.” You said with a smile. Miu blushed heavily. “O-Of course I am..! A-A pretty woman like me is always full of talent and smarts!” Miu said as she tried to be all smug about it when really her heart was melting.
Miu and you then decided to move onto having lunch together. You guys talked for some bit before Miu decided to confess something to you. She took a deep breath. “Hey..uhh, Y/n..?” Miu started, looking over at you. You hummed know response as you looked at her. “I..I have to confess something..” Miu started with a sigh. Her face got redder and redder by the second. “Go ahead..” You said.
“Listen,” She started. “Y-You really do excite me Y-Y/n..you—you are just so smart and your just..amazing…you never call me mean names or doubt me…you..believe in me…” Miu said quietly. “Y-You get me hot! All over! You make me feel some sort of way that..that just makes me feel all weird..!” Miu confessed as she stood up, she towered over you from your seat as she put her hands on the table.
“Even in this fucking killing game..you still managed to make me feel like..like…a person..” Miu said. “What..What does this mean Miu-“ “IT MEANS I LIKE YOU, GODDAMNIT!” Miu yelled as her face got red. “I like you! You—Your fucking stupid..! H-How did you not realize it..?!” Miu shouted, pointing a finger at you. You sighed with a smile as you stood up and walked to her side before hugging her. She let out a squeak.
“Miu..you really are something else.” You said with a smile. “I like you too, Miu. Really.” Miu looked at you with shock in her eyes. “R-Really..?” Miu stuttered out.
“Of course.”
🩷🌸Love is a beautiful thing🌸🩷
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meiiuka · 2 months
Hii could I request Kokichi and Shuichi with an s/o that sends them cute animals videos. Also I love your work
thank you anon 💗 kokichi and shuichi with an s/o who sends them cute animal videos:
category: headcanons, x reader, fluff
Kokichi Ouma:
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• this guy reacts to every reel and video you send him with SEVERAL comments. he has something to say about all of it • usually he's commenting things like "lol dumbass" on the ones of cute animals stumbling • after you send him so many animal videos on instagram he starts to get them on his feed too (which he then, spam-sends to you) • you show him one cute animal video and bam... 99+ notifications in the span of one hour, all from kokichi • it's become a love language to exchange these between the two of you. he's very aware of how much you like to send them to him, so he thinks it'll make you happy to reciprocate • "you're too late. i've already seen this video on my page! find me a unique one." • you honestly don't even know how he has the time to send these all to you. you know he's out doing other things and how he has obligations. how does he do it??? • "i like this one. hehehehe ♥" Shuichi Saihara:
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• he has the tendency to not check his phone for long periods of time, but when he finally does, he's attentive to your messages • "hey, that's pretty cute 😄" • he likes cats more than dogs, but no matter what you send him, he still reacts positively • he makes very observational comments about everything in the animal videos you send him. there's a dog in the video and he's busy talking about what's playing on the tv in the background • shuichi doesn't really go out of his way to find animal videos, but it'll remind him of you when he sees one occasionally. and he'll tell you about it • "the other day, i saw this video of a puppy and thought of you. i think those reels you send me are starting to infiltrate my mind." • whenever you two see animals outside together, he points and taps your shoulder, exclaiming "look, look! just like that one video you sent me, isn't it?"
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