dodebil · 4 months
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Is this neccessary for war?
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pyshcic · 2 years
⤳   @mahdinate​​​,    𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴,   asked:     ‹ there is no peace without blood, and so it shall be. ›
historically, the sentiment is sound, but it spurs a strange sensation of dread that originates in a very deep recess of alice's chest, and in a cheap attempt at levity she forces herself to smile. a warm, gentle thing which she presses comfortingly into her knees, arms wrapped tightly to hug her legs in towards her chest. it appears in part as though she embraces herself so as not to let it escape her, as if, frightful, it might run off from her. an itch can be felt just behind her left temple, a growing discomfort: it would do to claw out her own eyes. she considers it a blessing that alia proves a blind spot for her, finding the future eluding her –– though its inability to focus is aided by her own unwillingness to see, a cautious and meticulous effort being put into staving off the itch at her temple, gaze clouding and sharpening in a single moment's time. 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚍. however it does, it cannot end well. no apollonian burden was required to see tragedy etched in the sincerity of alia's countenance.
“ well. ... your resolve makes it sound simple. almost easy. but certainly decided. ” she still wears her smile, a peculiar intermingling of horror and admiration in her expression, awkwardly contrasting and supporting the gentle shakiness in her tone. “ you'd go to war for this ( ˢᵖᵒᵏᵉⁿ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᵠᵘᵉˢᵗᶦᵒⁿ –– ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃⁿᶦᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵃ ᵍᵉⁿᵗˡᵉ ᶠᵘʳʳᵒʷ ᵒᶠ ʰᵉʳ ᵇʳᵒʷ ) –– you will, won't you? ”
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frubeto · 4 months
okay mein österreichisch ist komplett weg, also erst eine folge blind ermittelt weiter gucken und dann die alten fic ideen rauskramen...
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
ik you've already done these but do u have any more curly (+papercut) interactions with the curtis gang
ou konnen m fè,,,m TOUJOU fè,,,pa jwe avè m,,,,
•yknow, they arent the biggest fans of curly, but they do take care of curly when he needs it, 1) bc hes their own, he’s a greaser they gotta stick together but also 2) hes tims younger brother, if tim found out they hurt curly theyd b in deep shit, but also hes a YOUNGER BROTHER, darry and two bit especially know how it feels to be scared for your siblings out there, they got that #maternalinstinct
•tim tells dally to look out for curly and angela when he's away or in jail, which he does, but the gang also helps a lil bit, for example soda makes more breakfast for dally to take them over to their house so they can eat, darry would drive curly, angela and pony to school, etc etc
•curly knows a lil more than he should when it comes to everyone in the curtis gang bc he eavesdrops on dally and tims conos, so sometimes he brings it up to tease them when they s scolding him or something and they hate it SO much, it throws them off guard
•soda and darry do not care that he’s a guest, curly, WILL get wrapped up into doing chores too, he wants to b around here so badly then he can act like it, on the bright side tho, curlys reached the status of “u have ur own toothbrush when u come over”
•this nigga curly eats up damn near all the snacks dude its like hes a vaccum and the gang r simultaneously impressed and annoyed cause how did u eat all that in such little time????
•when pony and curly r just sitting on the porch, they “conveniently” have the curtains open to keep an eye on em
•there r times where they catch pony and curly asleep on the couch and they dont do anything, they let em b, throw a blanket on those bastards and call it a day, for now
•the gang does NOT get pony and curlys indirect kissing they got goin on, like simple things like sharing a cigarette yea ok understandable, but the same fork and drinking from the same spot???? yall r so weird,,,not even bc they dont like them together, its more like a “if ur gonna do allat, just kiss already and stop beating around the bush”
•curly does NOT like dallas, he tries to show off to pony to impress him when hes “standing up” to dallas as he put it, pony usually hits curlys arm and tells him to stop it
•sometimes the catch pony drawing curly with curly staying still and they joke about them being an artist and his muse in the renaissance era, curly throws something at them to get them to leave
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weepingwidar · 1 year
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Didier William (Haitian-American, 1983) - Kenbe m, nenpot jan ou konnen (Hold me, any way you know how) (2020)
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championofapollo · 2 months
Moots help, I need more chaotic multilingual sentences to spice up conversations (aka confuse everyone :)
So far I've got:
Qu'est-ce qu-y'all doing aujourd'hui? (French + English)
Totemo danke, umma; je n'ai pas konnen (Japanese + German + Korean + French + Haitian Creole)
Yappari! Tu es twò sispèk pour ne pas être coupable (Japanese + French + Haitian Creole)
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Blackthorn Ch 5 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff | Angst Word Count: 7.5K Warnings: Mentions of Menstruation | Shifting | Magic | Talks of War | Splinter | Crying  Rating: PG16
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Who Woke Up? - Agust’s appearance puts the Princess into protective mode and everyone is on edge.
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a/n: As always thanks to @sailoryooons for betaing and making the banner. Credit to @colormepurplex2 for making the Namjoon edit.
a/n 2: I have to thank @theharrowing​ and @sailoryooons​ for this update. Without them this chapter would have went in a completely different direction.
Taglist: @thickemadame
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When the Princess woke the next morning, her body refused to move. It was taxing to even open her eyes. The sunlight that seeped into the room was warm, it chased away the icy dread that had settled in the Princess’s veins overnight. Hyejin entered the room with the others behind her and Princess Keena laid in her bed, unmoving. Her heart started to quicken, and she closed her eyes as a wave of sickness twisted painfully in her stomach. The Princess inhaled a shaky breath as Hyejin walked over to the bed.
“Princess, it is time to wake up!” Hyejin pulled back the covers that did little to warm the Princess’ body and gently shook her shoulder. “Princess…”
Princess Keena fought to open her eyes and she swallowed thickly as the morning light blinded her.
“You look unwell,” Hyejin placed the back of her hand on the Princess’s forehead and counted to five silently. “You should rest a little more, Princess. Did you have a fitful sleep?”
Alinafe walked over and frowned. Alinafe grabbed the Princess’ wrist and timed her pulse before she placed the Princess’s hand back at her side. She turned to Hyejin and patted her shoulder lightly.
“It is the start of her cycle. Tea and rest are what’s best for today.”
“Oh!” Hyejin gasped and jumped to her feet. “I will gather everything right away!”
Alinafe laughed and nodded her head. “Talk to Izaso and she will explain everything to you all.”
Princess Keena whimpered as a sharp pain suddenly pierced the center of her forehead, crawled down the back of her skull and squeezed around the base of her neck.
“What?!” Izaso screeched and rushed to the Princess’ side once Hyejin told her the Princess had started her cycle.
“What is the meaning of this Alinafe? It’s too early for her cycle!” Izaso grabbed the Princess’s wrist and timed her pulse before she sighed. Alinafe was correct, the Princess had started her cycle, two weeks early. “Rele pou Aga. Mwen vle konnen ki sa ki te lakòz sa!” Izaso was furious but in the back of her mind, she was thankful to be able to spend this cycle with the Princess before she left her. If anyone knew what caused the Princess to go into an early cycle it would be Aga.
Alinafe hurried away and Izaso took her place beside the Princess. “Even at this age, you are still full of surprises, my sweet girl.” Izaso smiled softly and gently fixed the bonnet on the Princess’s head. "Rete timoun ... rete."
Princess Keena sighed and tried to relax but the pain in her head couldn’t be ignored.
"Li fè mal," the Princess whined and Izaso frowned.
“What hurts?”
“M-My head.”
Izaso shook her head with a small chuckle and cupped the Princess’s check softly. “Open your eyes for me, Princess.”
Princess Keena struggled, it felt like her eyelids were sealed with wax. Izaso’s eyebrows raised in surprise as she watched the Princess struggle, and she stroked her cheek with the thumb.
“Easy, child.”
Carefully, Izaso reached up and parted the Princess’ eyelid with her thumb and index finger. Striking silver, brighter than the moon, stared unfocused and Izaso jumped back from the Princess. Izaso stood up quickly and hurried away from the Princess’ bed. She looked at Yungsun and sighed deeply.
“What is wrong?” Yungsun watched as a frown appeared on Izaso's face.
The other handmaids gathered around and Izaso rubbed her forehead unsure of how any of this had happened.
“The Princess has been forced into an early cycle. Whatever the stressor-” Izaso looked at the women before her and shook her head. “The Impundulu has chosen to take over as protector.”
“Is the spirit any different than the Princess?” Yungsun questioned carefully and Izaso nodded her head.
“Her name is Ceyeh and she will not speak to anyone. She is mute, having lost her voice in her first life. Ceyeh won’t harm you unless she feels threatened. She has been watching from within the Princess, so she knows who you are.” Izaso walked over to the Princess’ wardrobe and dug around for a box buried underneath all the fabric.
Inside the box was a small blackboard with a few pieces of chalk so that Ceyeh would be able to communicate with anyone who might come in contact with her.
“The last time Ceyeh protected the Princess was when she was a little girl. It was a month after the Princess’ tenth birthday and her brothers had decided to play a prank on her,” Izaso explained softly. Byulyi rolled her eyes at the story, she knew from her own firsthand experiences how horrible older brothers could be.
“They left the Princess alone in the forest for hours and when they went to collect her, the Princess was not where they left her. Ceyeh led the Princess to one of our warriors and they brought her back home.”
“What a terrible thing to do to such a young child!” Wheein crossed her arms over her chest and held herself. She didn’t want to imagine the pain and fear the young Princess must have felt at that time.
The others nodded their heads in agreement and Izaso continued, “The Princes were punished by the King and Ceyeh refused to leave until a month later when they were sent away for training.”
“We have not spent a lot of time with Ceyeh.” Fatsani took over with her head held high. “But during that month she made it known that she would protect the Princess.”
Before anyone could speak more, a knock at the door caught their attention and Alinafe entered with Aga behind her. Izaso narrowed her eyes at the large man and sucked her teeth. “Take care of the Princess. Her head hurts, please give her a soothing tea and see to it that she eats a light meal.”
“The Princess is in good hands,” Yungsun smiled softly and waved the others to get started with their day.
“I will inform the tutors that today's lessons are to be canceled…should I tell them another time?” Wheein asked and Chimika nodded.
“I believe Ceyeh will be here until the cycle has passed. Five days at the least…eight at the most.”
“Understood.” Wheein bowed and Yungsun handed her a note before she disappeared out of sight to relay the message to the Princess’s tutors.
Aga stood tall with his hands behind his back and his feet spread shoulder width apart as Izaso rounded on him. His pale yellow eyes were tense and Izaso glared as she reached out and latched onto his bicep.
“We need to talk.”
Aga allowed for Izaso to pull him to the other side of the room where the rest of the handmaids were not. They stood face to face and Aga saw that something was wrong.
“What happened yesterday?”
“Is the Princess okay?”
“Aga,” Izaso sighed and pressed her fingers to her temples. “What happened?”
Aga’s gaze flickered in the direction of the Princess’ room, and he kissed his teeth before he grunted in defeat.
“The young Prince lost control over his spirit yesterday in the garden.”
Izaso’s eyes widened at the news and Aga placed a hand on her shoulder lightly before he continued to speak. “I do not believe that he wanted to harm the Princess but dragons…any spirit is unpredictable.”
“And the Princess?” Izaso dared ask and Aga dropped his hand from her shoulder.
“Focused her time on other things, refused to acknowledge the danger.” Aga spoke lightly and balled his fingers at his sides. “The Empress spoke with her and I believe that helped ease the Princess.”
Izaso rubbed her hands together and bit the tip of her tongue before she spoke up. “The Princess has entered an early cycle from what I now know is the stress of yesterday.”
“I am not surprised-”
“Ceyeh is showing signs of surfacing.”
Aga stared at Izaso. He blinked three times as her words settled in his mind. “C-Ceyeh…but she hasn’t shown herself since the Princess was-”
“Yes, Aga. I was there, I know.”
“Are you worried?” Aga and Izaso shared a look and Aga sighed. “Inform me of any changes. I have other duties for the day. Chan and Jooheon are at the doors. I will have Minho and Mingi circle around the outside.”
Izaso crossed her arms over her chest and bowed, “Zèklè a pral frape.”
Aga copied the action and repeated Izaso, “Zèklè a pral frape.”
Izaso watched as Aga left the room and she turned on her heels to help get things prepared for the coming days. In the bed, Princess Keena laid motionless while the pain in her head slowly started to fade. She felt her body as its weight became lighter, her blood warmer, and more alive. A million tiny bolts of lightning rode the current of her veins and struck her heart with electrifying jolts. It was uncomfortable, the Princess’ skin itched and the markings on her back flared up, hot to the touch. She started to overheat. Beads of sweat built upon her hairline and just when the Princess thought she was going to boil from the inside out, a voice cooler than any sun shower caressed her mind.
Sleep my child. You are safe with me. Sleep…
Byulyi and Wheein were tasked with taking care of the Princess while she laid in bed, and they watched in amazement as her features started to change slightly. The Princess’ nails turned a deep grey, tiny brown and grey feathers appeared at the creases of her eyes and cuff of her ears while the brown of her eyes was replaced by a watery blue silver that called to mind lightning in the darkest of nights.
No longer was the Princess present, Ceyeh was in control, and she watched everyone with slightly hooded eyes. There was no smile on her face, she was a blank canvas that only showed emotion with raised eyebrows and squinted eyes. Those silver orbs glowed and dimmed with many different emotions as Ceyeh started to become accustomed to the Princess’s body once again.
“Would you like some hwajeon?” Byulyi offered Ceyeh a small plate of sweet rice cakes and Ceyeh stared at the treats unblinking.
“Oh! Here.” Wheein placed the blackboard in Ceyeh’s lap and placed a piece of chalk on top.
Ceyeh bowed her head in thanks and started to write slowly on the board. Byulyi and Wheein both watched with bated breath as they waited to see what the Impundulu wanted to eat. When Ceyeh showed them her board they smiled. She requested a bath and a fish dish without any onion or garlic.
“As you wish, Ceyeh.” Wheein bowed and hurried off to tell the others.
In the innermost part of the palace, the Empress sat with the Emperor. They sat beside each other and looked at the King and Queen of Escistan on the large platform before them. The King and Queen weren’t truly in front of them. It was the magic of a sight gem; a murky blush royal cut gem, the size of a lily pad that gave the power to communicate across lands. It was a precious and rare gem that only the rulers of the sky had access to. As the descendants of said rulers, the Min empire was one of the only nations to have access to such forgotten power. As they created their alliance with the Escistan nation, Empress Min gave them a sight gem once both sides agreed on a reasonable union of power.
Empress Eunkyung looked at the note in her hand and cleared her throat as she looked at her foreign friends.
“It is as we had wished. Agust has accepted the Princess.”
Queen Tiali nodded her head and clasped her hands together in her lap. “Have you told the children of their marriage? Is Keena upset?”
“Forgive me, Tiali. We have not spoken to the young ones on the matter.” Emperor Chungho spoke up from beside his wife and folded his hands over his lap. “I thought it best to wait until your envoy left and the Princess got more comfortable with Yoongi.”
“Mmmm, that is a wise decision my friend. Keena is strong willed, I fear that while the Prince is her friend, she might grow to resent him for our choices.” King Baasi scratched at the beard on his chin and sighed. “You say that Agust, the dragon spirit has accepted our daughter?”
“Does he know of Keena’s true spirit?” Queen Tiali worried about her bottom lip and both the Empress and Emperor shook their heads.
“I do not believe so. Agust is drawn to the power that resides inside of the Princess, but I doubt he realized why.” Empress Eunkyung explained with a small laugh. “I do fear that Agust will gain full control of Yoongi once he realizes that Ceyeh, his soulmate, does reside inside of the Princess.”
“Agust will not cause harm to our daughter. Ceyeh is the only one that was able to calm him then and I am sure that she will be the only one to calm him now.” The Queen smiled and laced her fingers together. “What news is so important that it comes to us at this time?”
Empress Eunkyung glanced at her husband and nodded her head. “The Princess has gone into an early cycle and Ceyeh seems to have woken from her slumber.” The Empress explained softly, and the Queen sighed loudly which made everyone laugh.
“I apologize to you, my friends and trusted allies. I had hoped that Ceyeh would hide away until after the wedding.”
“Do not worry, dear Tiali,” Empress Eunkyung laughed. “Spirits coming to turn are a given. It is nothing if not a blessing.”
Princess Keena’s parents smiled and nodded in agreement at the Empresses’ words.
“How are the war preparations coming along, Baasi? Do you foresee needing more of my men?” Emperor Chungho changed the subject suddenly and the mood darkened. It was a topic that couldn’t be ignored any longer.
“The western lands are strong, but I am confident that we will overcome them. The warriors coming home will lead the forefronts and show what has been learned during their time in your care.” King Baasi grinned and raised his fist in the air. “We will not lose this war!”
“I wish you minimal casualties during this war, my friend. Our land is always open if you need anything.”
“Thank you, both of you.” Queen Tiali crossed her arms over her chest and King Baasi did the same before they both bow their heads.
Empress Eunkyung and Emperor Chungho bowed their heads and the image of their friends faded away. The sight gem slowly started to lose its glimmer and Empress Eunkyung stood to her feet.
“Will you check on our son today? I will stop by the Princess’ room and speak to Ceyeh if she will allow it.”
“As you wish, dearheart.” Emperor Chungho stood and grabbed his wife’s hand before he pulled her closed and pecked her lips. “Will you join me later? I am suddenly missing your body's warmth.”
Empress Eunkyung laughed and cupped her husband’s cheek, “Shall I fix that for you my love? Would you accept me in two hours?”
“I would wait eternity for you, dearheart.”
The Empress and Emperor shared one more kiss before they went their separate ways for the day.
A day later the Emperor walked along the sunny halls with his head held high and his arms clasped behind his back. Two guards followed silently behind him as he made his way to Prince Yoongi’s chambers. At the sight of the Emperor, the guards as the door bowed low and opened the doors. Emperor Chungho walked inside the room and paid little attention to Hoseok who was perched by the window with a book in his lap. Upon seeing the Emperor, Hoseok excused himself from the Prince’s bed chamber and situated himself in the sitting area.
The Emperor sat beside his son’s bed and sighed deeply. It was the second day of the crown Prince being unconscious and the Emperor worried that Agust was the reason for the Prince not waking up. His red gonryongpo was the boldest thing in the room compared to the Prince’s white lace up crew neck blouse with bell sleeves and black sleep trousers.
“Come now, Yoongi. There is work that needs to be done and here you are lounging around like a log. What will the Princess think of you?” Emperor Chungho joked sadly, and he took hold of his son’s hand. He looked at the Prince’s hand in his and smiled. “Woah, look at how big your hands are!” Emperor Chungho lined their fingers up and sure enough the Prince’s hand was bigger.
“I remember when your hand fit in mine. You were such a small hatchling; I didn’t think you would make it since you were so tiny. You had the smallest wings when you hatched, we almost thought you were wingless…” Emperor Chungho cleared his throat and scratched his nose with his thumb and index finger as he sniffled.
“Now look at you, my son, the crowned Prince with hands bigger than my own.” The worry in the Emperor’s voice was dense and weighed heavy in his heart. “Wake up son. Don’t let that overgrown lizard win this round.” Emperor Chungho gave Prince Yoongi’s hand a tight squeeze and stood up. He smiled at his son and walked out of the bed chambers, giving Hoseok a nod as he left the Prince’s room.
Hoseok rose from his place on the settee and stretched his arms out at his sides as he walked into the Prince’s bed chamber. He sat in the seat beside the Prince and kicked his feet up on the edge of the bed. He stared at the Prince’s face and rolled his eyes as he pushed his hair away from his face. Since Hoseok’s only duty was to watch the Prince, he allowed for his hair to be down for the time being. “They act like you are dead. You know that, right?” Hoseok spoke out loud as he held out his hand and examined his nails. They were starting to get a little too long for his liking.
“War preparations with the western nation are going well according to what Seokjin has told me. The second and third Prince of Escistan will lead the army with their commander to back them up.” Hoseok kept talking while he pulled a jade tipped nail file from his pocket. “I believe we are sending five hundred soldiers with the envoy back to Escistan. I found out today that Aga will not be going back, he is to stay with the Princess.”
Hoseok finished talking and started to file his nails in silence. He started to hum a tune from his childhood and rocked his foot back and forth.
“What do you think the Princess is doing? I heard there was a big commotion in her chambers the other morning. They are keeping it hush, hush for now as to why…do you think it has anything to do with Agust?” Hoseok glanced at the Prince as he paused in filing his nails. “Seeing how that imbecilic dragon growled at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she went into shock. Can you imagine? A dragon growling at one of the great Impundulu…I’m surprised she didn’t smite you where you stood.”
A knock at the door drew Hoseok’s attention and he kicked his feet off the Prince’s bed before he stood. He walked over to the door and opened it with a blank face. Mingi stood in front of him and Hoseok raised an eyebrow before he stepped aside and let the younger man inside the Prince’s chambers. Hoseok led Mingi to the sitting area and offered the younger man a drink to which Mingi refused. Hoseok sat down across from Mingi and leaned back against the couch; his leg spread wide as he draped his arms over the back of the settee.
He was a picture of leisure in his light blue button down shirt that was tucked into black high waisted trousers with an adjustable double silver buckle on the side. Mingi eyed Hoseok silently and lent back as well. His own outfit was less relaxed as he wore the standard soldier issued uniform of a black and red hanbok with his sword at his hip.
“So?” Hoseok questioned.
“The Princess-”
Hoseok held up his hand and cut Mingi off. “While I have you here. What do you think the Princess smells like?”
“Excuse me?”
“The Princess. What does she smell like?”
Mingi scratched the back of his neck and thought about it. “Mint and honey…why?”
“Humm? Oh, I was just wondering. I overheard a conversation, and it got me thinking.” Hoseok waved off Mingi’s question as he bounced his foot against the floor and grinned. “Anyway, you were saying?”
Mingi cleared his throat and rested his hands on his thighs. “I was unable to report yesterday due to the Princess entering her cycle.”
Hoseok lurched forward and rested his hand against the table between them.
“Her cycle, huh?” Hoseok licked his lips and slapped the table. “I knew it. Agust did stress the poor girl out.”
“What does her cycle have to do with stress?” The confusion was clear on Mingi’s face and Hoseok reminded himself that it wasn’t common knowledge for those under him to know more about the Princess.
“The Princess had her cycle right before she traveled across the sea. Her next cycle is not due for another fortnight. If Agust’s behavior pushed the Princess into an early cycle, I can only imagine what will happen once-”
Mingi jumped to his feet and Hoseok screeched something ungodly as he glared at the younger man as he jolted in his seat.
“Your Highness!” Mingi dropped into a bow and Hoseok’s head whipped around to see that Prince Yoongi was indeed standing in the doorway of the room. His eyes were back to their shiny black and there were no extra scales around his neck or face.
“I put the Princess into an early cycle?” Prince Yoongi had a pout on his lips and Hoseok winced as he stood, he forgot how much the young Prince could look like a child at times. “I-Is she okay? Does she need anything? Want anything?”
“Take me to her!” Prince Yoongi demanded, and Hoseok pursed his lips while Mingi bit his.
“You know you can’t do that right now.” Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side. “You know what you can do?”
Prince Yoongi looked between the two guards and shook his head as his pout deepened.
“You can relax in the bath and wash your royal -”
“Captain!” Mingi choked on his words and Hoseok laughed while Yoongi frowned.
“What? Are you telling me he doesn’t smell like dead leaves?”
Mingi shook his head and bowed low, “Forgive me, your Highness. I must take my leave.” Mingi straightened himself and rushed out of the room. He did not want to catch the Prince’s rage.
“Honestly, Yoongi. Can’t you smell yourself?” Hoseok pinched his nose between his fingers and gagged. “It’s not how a young man of your standing should smell.”
“Silence!” Yoongi grumbled and shuffled towards the bathing room. “I want my table filled with meat by the time I finish!” Yoongi snapped in a huff and a puff of black smoke trailed behind him.
“Right away, your Highness!” Hoseok saluted Yoongi as he disappeared into the bathing room and Hoseok was quick to call for the Prince’s attendants. He sent one to tell the chef to make a meal of honey glazed rabbit, braised venison, beef ribs and egg stir fry. The Prince wanted meat and Hoseok made sure that’s what he got and more.
While the attendants handled the Prince, Hoseok crept out the window and whistled for the black eagle. As the large bird rested on his forearm, he tickled under its chin and spoke, “Inform her Majesty that the Prince has awaken and there are no signs of Agust at the present.”
As the eagle took off, Hoseok noticed Minho as he walked by and waved. Minho bowed and Hoseok called out his name as he waved him over. Minho walked over with his hands behind his back and Hoseok grinned wide as he clapped Minho on his shoulder.
“How is the patrol? You’re a little ways away from the Princess.”
“Aga dismissed me for a break.”
“How kind of him…I have a question for you, Minho.”
Minho watched Hoseok silently, his eyes large and round. “Yes?”
“What does the Princess smell like to you?”
Hoseok giggled as he tightened his hold on Minho’s shoulder and made the older man wince. “Must I repeat myself?”
Minho’s eyes widened and he cleared his throat. “She smells like mint, but I think it’s from her hair…sir.”
“Very good! Wonderful, thank you for answering my question.” Hoseok released Minho’s shoulder and pushed him away. “Back to your post. Break’s over.”
Minho bowed and hurried away from Hoseok’s watchful eyes. Hoseok sighed and shook his head, “I’ll have to keep an eye on that one.” He muttered to himself and jumped through the window back into the Prince’s chambers.
Hoseok plopped himself down on the settee and watched as attendants rushed about to get everything ready for the Prince. His garbs were laid out, hair products situated on top of the vanity and Hoseok sighed. He knew once the Prince emerged from his bath, he would not want to get dressed up only for him to stay within his chamber walls. Rolling his shoulders, Hoseok pulled his jade tipped file from his pocket once again and went about shortening his nails in silence while he waited for the Prince.
A knock at the main door made Hoseok pause and he rose to his feet as an attendant opened the door. Hoseok slipped his nail file back into his pocket and bowed low as the Empress stepped into the room. Her robes were just as bright as the Emperor’s, reds and golds that seemed to reflect every light source in the room.
The Empress’s dark eyes looked around the room and Hoseok stood up right before he answered the silent question.
“His Highness is currently bathing. Would you care to join him for dinner, your Majesty?”
Empress Eunkyung smiled, her eyes creased and burned bright, shiny with unshed tears. She quickly blinked them away and cleared her throat before she walked farther into the room. Hoseok offered the Empress the settee across from him and she refused. Hoseok watched as the Empress frowned at the hanbok that was placed out for the Prince to wear.
“This will not do. The Crown Prince is to wear a kimono, either kinagashi or haori nagashi.”
The words were spoken loud enough for the attendants in the room to hear and they hurried to switch out the Prince’s attire. The Empress’ attention was on Hoseok as the two sat across from each other, the Empress with her back facing the bathing chambers to give the Prince his privacy whenever he emerged from the steaming room.
“Have you called for his meal?”
“Yes, your Majesty. His Highness requested meat-”
“You requested sides as well, correct?”
Hoseok smiled that perfect heart shape that not many were familiar with as he nodded his head. “Seasoned soybeans sprouts, spicy cucumber salad, braised potatoes, tteokbokki, kimchi, green beans and rice.” Hoseok easily rattled off the side dishes of tonight's dinner and the Empress nodded her head, pleased that her son was taking care of.
“Add sundubu-jjigae to that list. Yoongi always craves soft tofu whenever Agust settled down. Be sure to add venison or quail to the soup.”
Hoseok locked eyes with an attendant nearby and nodded his head. The attendant hurried out of the room to relay the message to the kitchen staff.
“I will take my leave once Yoongi is dressed.”
Hoseok didn’t respond to the Empress’ words and glanced towards the bathing chambers. He wondered if Prince Yoongi could feel his mother’s presence or if he was too lost in himself to notice. As the thought crossed his mind, the door to the bathing chamber opened and Hoseok watched as the Prince exited with a thin vapor of steam around him.
“Mother…what do I owe this visit?” Prince Yoongi’s looked tired, dark circles lined his eyes and Hoseok frowned. The bath was meant to relax the young Prince, not cause him more fatigue.
“Dress, my son. Then we can converse.”
The Prince’s cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink as he stood bare as the day he was born in the distance behind his mother.
“Right…excuse me, mother.”
The Prince was followed into his chambers by three attendants and he stood in the middle of the room silently. They moved around him and Prince Yoongi felt like the world was running too fast. He blinked once and a very dark - mostly black - blue and desaturated dark cyan brocaded kimono was wrapped around his body loosely. His chest was visible from the deep v opening that stopped above his navel due to the dark cyan obi tied around his waist. The Prince blinked again and he was seated in front of his vanity, his long blonde hair held in two sets of hands that brushed the strands carefully. When the Prince blinked again, he was sitting in front of Her Majesty, the Empress while his guard, Hoseok stood off to the side.
“How are you feeling?”
Prince Yoongi blinked, his black eyes drank in the light that reflected off his mother’s rose red robes and his lips turned downward. His thoughts floated around his head, muddled and unclear. Prince Yoongi felt unsure of how to answer his mother. Just moments before he had a clear mind and was determined to see the Princess and now…now he just felt lost.
The Empress’ eyes softened as she watched her son. His eyes were glazed and the pout on his lip resembled that of his childhood. She stood from her seat and crossed the short space between them as she sat beside him. Her arms reached out and she pulled the Prince’s head into her chest, wordlessly she started to smooth her hand over his hair and started to purr softly. The rumbling in her chest was like an earthquake, it shifted and moved the Prince’s thoughts. Everything in the Prince’s mind collapsed under the vibrations that echoed against his skull. His eyes closed and he leaned more into his mother’s touch.
When was the last time his mother had held him like this? Prince Yoongi couldn’t answer that question and his eyes stung behind closed lids. The broken down thoughts slowly start to build back up, piece by piece as Prince Yoongi allowed himself to be cuddled by his mother. Empress Min said nothing as she watched the hatchling in her arms come back to his senses. It was rare for Agust to take over but when he did the aftermath was could go two ways. The Prince was unable to control his emotions yet alone form a single proper thought or he would be his normal self, with no signs of Agust’s control. That is why the Empress came to his room once she received the news that he was awake.
Prince Yoongi slowly pulled away from his mother and cleared his throat as he ran a hand through his hair. The Empress stared at him with gentle eyes and when they flashed gold, a sudden chirp ripped from the Prince’s throat before he knew it. Empress Min smiled and cupped the Prince’s face in her hands. Her claws indented against the Prince’s flesh lightly and she kissed his forehead.
“Feel better, my son?”
Prince Yoongi nodded his head, unable to speak properly since his cheeks were smooshed in his mother’s hands. The Empress released the Prince’s face and patted his knee as a knock at the door called for their attention. Hoseok watched as an attendant opened the door and more people came into the room with trays and carts of food.
The Empress rose to her feet and held her head high. “Eat well and enjoy your meal. Rest for now and leave things to your father and I.”
The Prince bowed his head slightly and the Empress smirked. “You are forbidden to see the Princess until her cycle has passed.”
The Empress raised an eyebrow and the Prince bit his tongue.
“You are to seek the aid of Seokjin in your duties. I expect a full and finished report at the end of each day.” The Empress flashed her fangs as she smiled at her son. “Do I make myself clear?”
The Prince nodded his head and resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the smug look in his mother’s eyes. He knew that this was for the Princess’s safety, but it was also a punishment for Agust. The Empress took her leave as everyone bowed before her and the Prince tucked his hair behind his ears. As the table for his meal was set, Prince Yoongi glanced at Hoseok and glared. He knew that the man had something to do with the Empress’s sudden visit to his room.
Hoseok smiled at the Prince and waited until everyone cleared the room before he sat across from his friend. They ate in silence and just stared at each other; Hoseok smirked to himself as the Prince refused to be the first one to speak.
Hoseok swallowed down his bite of kimchi and licked his lips. “I will have Mingi give daily reports on the Princess’ overall health. If it is to your liking, your Highness, maybe we could spend lunch by the koi pond.” Hoseok sipped at his drink before he spoke again. “I will not outright ignore her Majesty's orders. You are not above her.”
Yoongi glared at Hoseok and Hoseok huffed a laugh.
“Yet, my Highness. You are not above her yet,” Hoseok cleared his throat and leaned back in the settee before he spoke. “You will need the sun’s warmth to counteract the aftereffects of being inside for so long.”
“I wasn’t out that long.”
“You didn’t move for two days, almost three.”
Prince Yoongi sighed and looked at the sinking sun, night seemed to be falling fast and he felt at a loss.
“I would like to visit the koi pond before dark.” Prince Yoongi popped a piece of meat into his mouth and chewed as he looked out the window. “Let us visit the seventh garden while we’re out.”
Hoseok said nothing as he continued to eat and the Prince smiled faintly. The Princess’ final welcoming gift would be almost finished and the Prince wanted to see the progress since he was unable to for the last two days.
In the seventh garden, Namjoon stood with a clipboard in his hand as he took inventory of everything that was inside the butterfly house. He wore a hanfu today, a cream cross collared shirt that had a dark brown neckline and tucked into a white skirt with a tan and brown tree design down the center. A thick dark brown belt was wrapped around his waist with a clemati carved into the metal plate. He wore an open cross collared jacket in a lighter shade of brown over top that had dark brown vines and branches stitched along the wide shoulders. The outfit was very simple and relaxed.
Namjoon was surprised, he knew that the butterfly house was vacant, but he did not know that it was vacant long before the Prince ordered for the seventh garden to be built. The butterfly house was a small hanok that housed servants at some point. The land around the hanok was massive and it gave Namjoon more than enough room to build a proper home for the Princess. He may have had only a week to get it done but Namjoon was sure that with the help of a few magic stones and gems he could accomplish this large task in time.
As Namjoon counted the unbroken dishes, he felt the air around him thicken. He looked up from his clipboard and his eyes widened when he saw that a few men were trying and succeeding in ripping out one of the older mongolian oak trees from the ground.
“Stop!” Namjoon shouted as he dropped his clipboard. “Stop it!” Namjoon ran across the field as he shouted at the men. Not that tree, it was gifted to the Min’s a few hundred years ago. As Namjoon got closer to the men, they backed away from the tree and Namjoon watched in horror as the massive tree crashed to the ground. The air around him was too thick, it felt like someone was sucking the oxygen from his lungs; Namjoon felt ill.
Namjoon took clumsy steps forward and crashed to the ground in front of the large oak tree on his knees. The sleeves of his brown robe matched the dirt beneath him as pain spread through his legs fast and sharp and settled deep in his bones. Namjoon reached out and placed his hand on the tree, the bark flaked as thick black tar oozed from every visible cut.
Something inside, deep, deep inside of Namjoon broke as he watched the tree slowly die in front of him. The leaves had started to turn grey and crumble to the ground, small piles of ash littered the space where each leaf fell. Tears welled in Namjoon’s eyes, and he silently dismissed everyone for the rest of the day. Alone, Namjoon rested his other hand on the tree, and he cried. Such beauty, gone in an instant thanks to pure ignorance.
“Forgive me…I was too late. Rest easy, old friend.”
The tree had been a dear friend to Namjoon. It was his very own castle, his pirate ship, shelter from a storm and everything in between. Memories of his childhood spent under the tree and high in its strong branches flooded Namjoon’s mind and he cried harder. He truly loved nature, his father was the royal gardener, and it wasn’t expected of Namjoon to take his place. Namjoon could have had any job, but he chose to take over after his father. The green and colorful world within the palace walls called his name so loud, he heard it in his sleep ever since he was a child.
The flowers sang him lullabies at night long after his parents went to bed and the sargent’s cherry tree outside his window always wished him a good morning when his eyes fluttered open. Namjoon was loved by nature, and he loved it just as strongly in return. A pinprick of a splinter dug into Namjoon’s left ring finger, and he pulled his hands away from the tree with a cry. He looked at his finger, eyes squinted as he tried to find the piece of wood. Namjoon shoved his finger into his mouth and sucked harshly to try and pull the splinter from his finger. He wasn’t sure if it worked or not. As he stood from the ground, Namjoon sighed and pulled an indigo umbessium stone; a burn stone as most called it, from the pouch on his hip. The purplish blue stone was no bigger than a lemon with an emerald cut, its ridges were smoothed down to hold comfortably in his hand.
Namjoon muttered a quiet prayer for the tree in front of him and set the burn stone on the tree. A dim blue light flashed before the tree started to slowly be engulfed in indigo flames. There was no heat as the tree burned to ash and Namjoon picked the gem up before he put it back into his pouch at his hip. His ringer finger throbbed, and he shook it out, he would need to remember to put a balm on it later to keep infection away. Namjoon took a deep breath and wiped at his face before he went back to the butterfly house and picked up his clipboard. He jumped right back into taking inventory and wrote a few notes on what he would like to do with the butterfly house.
As he walked around the open land, he envisioned a small estate that the Princess could call her own and come back to whenever she visited the palace. Namjoon smiled. He had decided the butterfly house would be reconstructed into something worthy to be called the Princess’s home. Namjoon took his leave and searched for the royal builder before it got to be too late. He needed blueprints of the butterfly house and wanted to know just how much land was attached to the name. Namjoon had large plans for the butterfly house, and he would need help. He wondered if he could recruit a few guards for heavy labor.
As Namjoon walked farther into the palace, he was surprised to see the Prince and Hoseok heading his way. Namjoon bowed his head and smiled wide at the Prince as he spoke, “I am glad to see you awake, my Highness.”
Prince Yoongi nodded his head and squinted his eyes at the man in front of him. “Were you crying?”
Hoseok raised an eyebrow at the Prince’s question and he tilted his head as he looked over Namjoon’s dirty robes and red tinted eyes. Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck and heaved a large sigh as he shrugged his shoulders.
“It is nothing to worry about-”
“If it hurt you enough to cry, it is something to worry about Joon.” Hoseok cracked his knuckles and the Prince’s fingernails started to grow in length.
Namjoon shook his head and quickly held up his hands to stop his two friends from overreacting. “I promise you it was nothing physically done to my being.” Namjoon kicked at the ground with the toe of his shoe as his cheeks tinted in embarrassment.
“What happened, Namjoon?” The Prince asked and Namjoon lowered his hand to his sides.
“The old Mongolian oak that we used to play on…the workers uprooted it.”
“Old Monie?!” Hoseok’s eyes widened at the news. That Mongolian oak tree was a gift from generations past.
“I was unable to save it, the damage was too great-”
“There is no shame in crying over that loss,” Prince Yoongi placed a hand Namjoon on his shoulder as he spoke, “Old Monie was with us throughout our childhood. It is only right to grieve such a great memory.”
Namjoon smiled softly at the Prince’s words and cleared his throat. “I was thinking of planting a ginkgo tree or a small patch of snapdragons and rock cress to fill the space.”
“It is the perfect location for another pound, it’s in between the butterfly house and the seventh garden.” Hoseok offered as he shared a look with Namjoon.
“We were on our way to the seventh garden to check on its progress.”
Namjoon fought the urge to glance at Hoseok at the Prince’s words and started to talk with his hand. “W-Well the garden is coming along nicely. I do believe that it will be finished in another day which is perfect since that will give me extra hands to help me with-”
“Oh!” Hoseok quickly interrupted Namjoon and stepped in front of the Prince. “I just remembered, your Highness. Seokjin had requested your presence when you awoke from your slumber. There is something he wishes to speak about with you.”
“Seokjin has requested me?” Prince Yoongi asked, and Hoseok nodded his head.
“I apologize it slipped my mind in light of you waking up and requesting to go outside.”
“I must take my leave, your Highness. I have business to attend to.” Namjoon bowed and hurried off while Hoseok glared at him.
Prince Yoongi looked towards the seventh garden and clicked his tongue. “Well, I suppose we must answer Seokjin if he has asked for me. I have kept our friend waiting long enough.”
“I’m sure Seokjin will appreciate you coming to see him right away.” Hoseok motioned for the Prince to walk ahead and the Prince eyed Hoseok with a raised eyebrow. “I have heard enough of Seokjin’s complaints.”
Prince Yoongi scoffed at Hoseok’s words and turned on his heel. “I would be amazed if Seokjin didn’t have any complaints.”
Together, Hoseok and the Prince headed towards Seokjin’s workroom and Hoseok silently apologized to the older man for pulling him into a lie. It was for the sake of the Princess and the Prince alike. If the Prince would have found out about The Princess being moved into the butterfly house too soon, the Prince could have been pushed into another state where Agust could have taken over.
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royal-confessions · 9 months
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“I found it distasteful that less than two weeks after her brother-in-law's funeral, Sophie of Liechtenstein released an interview saying she was "grateful" for this year and that "things are going well for them". Even if she didn't have a close relationship with Prince Constantin it's so disrespectful towards his wife and children. But apparently she only cares how much her husband's bank makes. https://www.radio.li/p/Fur-so-vieles-konnen-wir-Dankbar-sein-2b0geWe6qg1bKjLVA0S75k” - Submitted by Anonymous
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joj0su · 2 years
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🌊 . . holoblues
PEKORAPEMORAPEKORAPKROROEKAPPEOKE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA PEKOPEKOPEKOPEKO hololive holbidkehakbanawhwnw konlamy desu yukihana lamy! konnene momosuzu nene desu! purupuru ganbari risu~ moon moon moonafic dayo!
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tllgrrl · 1 year
Snitches by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones & @shellyac75 aka Shellyac
Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes | Rated: G
Summary: “I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
* * * * * * * * * *
“Cap, Buck…I mean Sarge. COMM Check. We’re at altitude. Coming up on Jump Point in 60…”
Sam sets the volume on his COMM. “Thanks, Torres. Loud and clear.”
Bucky, following Sam to the door of the plane, grabs a COMM device, puts it in his own ear, and throws a thumbs-up at Torres.
“Look. I’m just saying. You better not jump outta this plane without—and I don’t care if it won’t kill you. I know you’ve done it before, but I’m telling you, Buck! I don’t want to have to hear about it from—”
“You don’t—“
“I mean it, man. Don’t make me do this…”
He pulls something out of a hidden upper mid-chest pocket of his suit.
“I know what I’m doing, Sam. It’s not nearly as far as that time when I—what…what’s that? Waitaminute. Who are you calling?”
Sam looks Bucky dead in his blue-grey eyes and says the last two words Bucky wanted to hear right now:
“Hey, Sarah?”
“Sarah?!? Are you kidding me? You’re telling Sarah on me? How old are you?!?”
“Yeah, Sis. No, no! Everything’s fine. But Bucky—“
“OKAY! Okay! I’ll get a ‘chute, DAD!”
Torres, watches the whole scene, trying to look like he’s keeping an eye on the digital display so Bucky won’t see him laughing. It’s always something between those two. They’re comedy gold. Even more now that Bucky’s dating Sam’s sister.
“Here. See? I’m gonna put it on. Now, hang up the pho—no wait, gimme that—“
[His voice changes, going softer and sweet.]
“Hey, baby? It’s me. Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi?
Thanks, sweetness. I been practicing. Yeah, I miss you too—“
“Man, shut up.”
[Sam grabs the phone and pushes Bucky out of the plane, not even partially buckled into his parachute.]
“Au revoir, cyborg.
Sarah? Hey, guess what Bucky did…”
Later that evening…
“Yeah, Baby. I figured you saw it. Sam got Redwing to…yeah…in 4K.
I know I promised I wouldn't do that anymore, I just forgot at first…
But I did have my parachute! I was about to put it on, then Sam pushed me out of the plane.
I'm really sorry, nandi. It won’t happen again. Hug the boys for me—hey, they didn’t see—? Good. Don’t want them to…yeah, get ideas!
Ok I'll tell him. Ndiyakuthanda, sweetness. Bye.
Hey, Samuel? Sarah said to tell you a’ight bet.”
“I'm a dead man.”
* * *
The next day…
“Hey, Sam, Torres says we’re stopping off in Wakanda before going back to Delacroix. Why?”
“Because I value my life enough to know that I gotta bring back something nice for Sarah so she'll actually be happy to see me. If you were smart you’d do the same.”
“I already got something that’ll make Sarah happy to see me when I get home.”
A few minutes later...
[Bucky opens his eyes and sees Redwing hovering above him, just out of reach.]
“Very funny, Sam. Oh! Hold on…”
“What…what’s that? Who’re you callin’?!”
“Hey, Sarah? Guess what Sam did…”
* * * * * * * * * *
Ou konnen mwen sonje w, wi? (Haitian Creole) You know I miss you, yes?
Ndiyakuthanda (isiXhosa) I love you.
nandi sweet, tasty, delight
* * * * * * * * * *
NOTE: For now, Snitches is also posted HERE on AO3 for members. Hopefully they’ll get their whole AI thing worked out, but for now over there it’s locked unless you’re Registered.
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growninhaiti · 2 years
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Did you know that Cempedak, a lesser-known tropical fruit, can be hand-pollinated to ensure a bountiful harvest? 🌳🤲✨ Hand-pollinating not only increases the odds of success, but it also allows us to be more in tune with nature and its processes. 🍃🐝 The delicate act of transferring pollen from male to female flowers is a labor of love that brings us closer to the heart of this amazing fruit. 💚🌸 . . Èske w te konnen ke Cempedak, yon fwi twopikal ki pa twò popilè, ka polinize alamen pou asire yon rekòt abondan? 🌳🤲✨ Lè ou polinize alamen, ou pa sèlman ogmante chans pou siksè, men li pèmèt nou konekte plis ak lanati e pwosesis li yo. 🍃🐝 Zak delika transfere polèn soti nan flè gason al nan flè fi se yon travay lanmou ki mennen nou pi pre kè fwi sa a. 💚🌸 . . #GrownInHaiti #Cempedak #HandPollination #Haiti #Ayiti #PolineAlamen https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNj2W9uNJb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pumpkinsy0 · 8 months
curly is a haitian american man w mild allergies, i know for a fact the shepards has vapor rub in their house and use it for everything
MWEN KONNEN☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 pony touched curlys chest once and it felt weird and curly was just like “thats the valor rub dw bout that bbg”
at least once theyve kissed and pony felt tingling on his lips and was like “maybe thats the gay senses tingling” naw bbg that was the vapor rub above curlys lips cause he was sneezing sm a few minutes ago
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astarab1aze · 6 months
ღ you know who
attraction meme
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"Mwen panse ke ou konnen egzakteman ki jan mwen santi mwen, bèl."
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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dazeddreamerr · 7 months
Character list as it stands rn.
- Cassandra, Cassie, Cass - main character
- roommate who still doesn’t have a name
- Ezra - roommates best friend
- Konnen Kerl - translation : Might Guy (Iykyk)
- Celeste Becker - librarian
- Mom and dad - do not have names yet
The story is starting to come together now that the characters have names (minus roommate). Naming roommate is definitely the next step but I’m no good at picking out character names. And “Konnen Kerl” is German, well two German words. My partner picked out the name Might Guy, it took me a little bit to fix a translation that sounded like a name. Konnen was formerly known as “Creek Guy” lol. Now that I have main characters names and their personalities fledged out I feel like the story can continue.
I’d like to give another huge shout out to all the people who voted on “the Guy name” poll. You guys not only suggested the name but picked it too and I think it’s so fitting. So thank you again.
Next maybe I should drop some dialogue? I’m not sure yet but I know that being on this platform definitely inspires me.
Thanks for following along. And if you like what you feel follow along w me and the rest of the weirdos or whatever <3 <3
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haitianculture509 · 2 years
Watch "Pwonon pèsonèl yo - Premye leson ke ou dwe konnen pou pale anglè pi rapid / English-Creole" on YouTube
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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"Nan istwa revòlt esklav ann #Ayiti, nou konnen Tousen Louvèti oswa Jean-Jacques Dessalines, men tèlman kèk eroin." Sanite Belair te youn nan yo. Limine lavi antyèman konsakre nan revolisyon. Sanité Belair te pran zam byen bonè kont ekspedisyon bonapartis ki te vin retabli otorite esklavaj Lafrans la. Li te egzekite a laj de 21 an, mwens pase de ane anvan zile a te vin endepandans. "
Chevelin Illustration
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