#kotlc headcanon? Ig
sadsilmarilsoup · 2 months
fingon and marella would be besties
They would be braiding buddies! And talk about drama and trauma! Like how Marella's mom fell of the balcony and Fingon's dad was smashed by Satan's giant hammer! We're not gonna talk about how quickly that escalated.... And sometimes Fingon brings Maedhros and they all talk about arson!!!😃
Marella is slightly concerned by this information but thinks it's awesome, nevertheless.
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i think keefe listens to girl in red? just because ig
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Sokeefitz cuddling headcanons pretty please?
thank you, random citizen! or villain. or hero. or vigilante. or outcast. who knows ;) but anyway. apologies for taking a while to answer this one (i had a hectic week), but. hopefully the amount of headcanons i am giving you in return makes up for it. also got a liiiiiittle bit carried away and strayed from strictly cuddling headcanons, depending on who you ask. but it's primarily sokeefitz cuddles :))
they switch up positions all the time based on who needs comfort the most
sophie had a nightmare and woke up screaming in tears? her boys scoot her into the middle and murmur sweet nothings to her, her head resting on one of their chests and the other listening to her heart beat (didn't specify who does what because, again, they switch back and forth)
keefe had a rough conversation w/ his dad or thought about his mom a lil too hard? it's keefe sandwich time, and he's wedged between his partners and either told sweet things or silly things to get his mind off things, depending on what he needs that day. and if neither of those work, sophie pins him down so he can't escape fitz's tickle attacks
(keefe screams about cognates being annoyingly good at working together, sophie laughs and presses a kiss to his forehead to get him to melt and let his guard down so fitz can get one of the particularly ticklish spots keefe had practically been guarding w/ his life. keefe proceeds to scream about cognates being not just annoyingly good at working together, but also generally annoying as fuck. fitz sing-songs but you love us anyways, and keefe has no response to that)
fitz's toxic academic perfectionism is pushing him to overwork himself a little too much for even sophie's super desensitized comfort levels? keefe pries him away from his desk by baiting him with, hey, there's this recipe i saw, and it reminded me of you, but i have noooooo idea how to hash out the instructions. could you help me out? pretty please? and sophie hides his homework while he's out of the room so he can't get it back without asking her. and sometimes, while the three of them are waiting for things to cook, fitz finds himself with his hand entwined in sophie's and her head on his shoulder, and keefe sprawled out on their laps like a housecat. other times, fitz finds himself spread out on his back and with a partner resting in the crook of each (numb) arm at a late hour w/ a batch a baked goods sitting on a nightstand too far away to reach. a lot of the time, both of those scenarios happen the same night
if everyone is somehow not stressed out, though, sophie's the big spoon, keefe's the middle spoon, and fitz is the little spoon
the started out in reverse order and then sophie and fitz slowly came to realize over the course of their relationship that they liked each other's positions better than their own positions. even if their heights made it a lil difficult to do that
a game the boys like to play w/ sophie whenever she's the big spoon is laying flat on their backs, shoulder to shoulder, and watching her struggle to wrap all the way around them w/o climbing on top of keefe
(because climbing on top of anyone would be cheating. though, to be fair, keefe told her to do it once just to see if she could even wrap around them from the middle. the answer is barely)
it started as an impromptu joke that made keefe laugh his ass off on a rough night, and now it's just an ongoing thing they do every now and then and reference just to see sophie get (lightheartedly) worked up
also i would like it to be known that whenever fitz cuddles w/ his partners they always make sure that his left knee (his bad knee, for those of us that forgot which leg it was in canon) isn't trapped underneath someone
(that started when sophie was the big spoon w/ fitz for the first time and he made a casually amazed comment about how being the little spoon hurt his knee way less. and sophie was like 'have you been in pain every time we cuddled and not said anything?' and fitz was dead silent. [she couldn't see it but he was making the ohhhhhh shit i was not supposed to say that face]
(so the next time she saw keefe she was like 'new rule: make sure fitz's knee is never trapped underneath someone or crushed against the mattress, unless he specifically requests otherwise' and keefe adopted it immediately
(this leads to fitz almost always being the on the right side, since if he rolls onto his side it keeps his left leg on top)
there was this one time when keefe went over to havenfield to find fitz curled up to sophie like a koala while she read a human book on the living room couch and he instantly was like ':O you guys didn't tell me we were doing storytime! i would've come home sooner!' and fitz explained that they'd gotten books from sophie's childhood and her reading to him was on accident
meanwhile, sophie was absolutely melting for two reasons:
a) keefe tried making the whole storytime comment sound teasing, but it definitely had a genuine undertone. and the idea of having both her boys snuggled up to her while she read books that no one had ever shared interest w/ as a kid was a literal dream
b) keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield home keefe called havenfield hom-
keefe makes reason a come true by asking her to catch him up on what they'd read so far, and ultimately ends up sprawled out across her and fitz's laps w/ his propped up knees acting as an accidental bookstand and fitz's hand running through his hair. the two of them make comments every now and then - keefe asking more questions in the beginning, and then it slowly turning into all quips; fitz just noticing how little details connect and accidentally figuring out the plot twists ten chapters before they happen
(sophie tries to not let it show that he's right, but her poker face sucks and they can tell immediately how accurate fitz's guesses are)
the whole storytime thing ends up becoming routine, but they migrate the books up to sophie's room instead of bags and bags around havenfield's couch and cuddle on her bed instead
(edaline walked in to give them some muffins she made but noticed them reading and just watched for a while before setting the plate down wordlessly and stepping back out. gushed about it to della, and they both teased their kids respectively a little later on. + keefe because he is not safe from motherly affection, no matter how embarrassing it is sometimes)
keefe likes coming up behind either of his partners when they're doing homework (or paperwork sometimes, in sophie's case) and just hugs them. presses a lil kiss to their neck or ear or shoulder. doesn't say anything, just delightedly watches their composure fall apart
example: when he does this to fitz, fitz goes from writing fluidly to writing only a few words at a time and often having to erase them because it ends up being his thoughts instead, not the subject matter. like that time he was writing a sentence that started with Flareadons have evolved to have fire-resistant exteriors because and ended with, after a solid minute-long pause in writing, oh my god my boyfriend is driving me insane. keefe, who was reading over fitz's shoulder the whole time, broke away and fell apart into hysterical laughter
(keefe makes jokes about the flareadon sentence to this day)
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crescentpaws · 10 months
hellooo all
little introduction post:
- i’m max 🔥
- i’ve been obsessed with kotlc for years now unfortunately (no casual interests we hyperfixate like men). have only really been involved with the fandom on instagram until now though
- my favorite kotlc character is fintan. if you follow me on ig you already know this because he is literally all i talk about. kotlc instagram’s #1 fintan stan. so yeah you will definitely be seeing him a lot. i’m so mentally ill about this fictional asshole. i have more headcanons than shannon messenger does.
- also just gonna get this out there i think keefe is overrated. so don’t expect me to draw him often (sorry </3)
- second fav character is marella! we love our pyrokinetics
- i’m mostly a digital artist (though i do my sketches on paper usually), but i do traditional art occasionally too!
- i’m gonna be posting just my kotlc art on here! if you’re interested in seeing other art that’s not just exclusively kotlc, follow my instagram! > crescentpaws :3 i’m also more active on there
(ps the “paws” in my username is because i used to only draw animal art on my instagram account back in the day whgshsh. but i’m not changing it bc i’m attached to it)
- pls don’t trace or repost any of my art! (reblogs are fine ofc) you can use my stuff for pfps, edits, etc but make sure you give credit!
- you’re welcome to send in drawing requests, but there’s no guarantee that i’ll get to it
- spam liking/reblogging is totally chill
pokémon side blog: @sunsteel-strike
little nightmares side blog: @tiny-flickers
ao3: here
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(^^ by @sunflowers-and-scales and @the-way-astray)
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Keefe and Sophie decorating a Christmas tree and Keefe almost tips the tree over?
"Are you done yet?"
Keefe draped himself over the couch, watching his girlfriend put sparkling balls on the tree. She pressed lights onto the branches, and the dripping, glittery string dangled in gentle loops.
Stupid human trees, for stupid human holidays, Keefe decided, watching snowflakes fall outside the window. Froster day was over a week ago, and Keefe was sick and tired of holidays. Especially ones he didn't understand or care about. And that were stupid, and did stupid things. Like keeping his girlfriend from him. They could be doing something, anything, else.
Although, he did decide, looking at her, her eyes focused and her lips pursed, she did look pretty.
Very pretty.
Maybe he'd help her. Enjoy her company.
After all, this was important to her. Really important to her.
He didn't know why. He'd never asked. Didn't know if there was a reason.
That was a lie.
He knew there was a reason. Everything Sophie did had a reason attached to it. It was one of the things he liked about her. She thought things through. All the way, all the time.
So there was a reason for this.
There had to be. Sophie was doing it.
And it was important to her.
And he loved her. So there. He'd decorate a tree for her. He'd have walked through burning coals, but the coals of tomorrow can be the living room pine trees of today.
He stood up, and walked over to her side, staring at the box of sparkling orbs in her hands.
She turned to look at him, A snarky smile lifted her lips. "Finally wanting to help?"
He nudged her, and she laughed. "Come on," she said, "It's funner than it looks."
Keefe chose to believe her, but huffed once, pulling out a glowing star from the box, and he grumbled a bit. He wanted to be outside, it was snowing, and the air was crisp. He had good memories associated with snow, and he wanted to be out and in them.
But he put the star on the tree.
It glittered, in the light, and it made his chest feel lighter.
"Oh," He said, "Hey."
Sophie shot him a grin, and passed him a box.
More ornaments.
He could not help the smile that touched his lips.
He set a tiny sparkling leaf into the pine bristles of the tree. It shimmered, and something about it gave him courage. "Why does this matter so much to you?" Keefe asked, finally.
Sophie kept moving as she spoke. "It keeps me feeling alive."
"What do you mean?"
She bit her lip. "When I came here," she said, "I left every part of me behind. Every last piece. I left behind clothes, I left behind books, I left behind my family."
Keefe put another glass blown bauble on the tree.
"I wasn't allowed to keep anything, like I was Marie Antoinette, pulled out of my own country and thrust into a new one, able to take nothing but myself with me."
The pine needles pricked his fingers. He glanced at Sophie. A soft, sad sort of look had fastened itself into her far-away eyes.
"And this place, this world, this family was just so different from the one I had. People used to make fun of me, you know? All the time."
He blinked, staring at her. "They didn't know how to deal with someone who just didn't understand the world they lived in. Because I didn't. They took me to a brand new place, full of brand new rules, brand new systems, and just. Left me there."
She laughed, almost bitterly. "I had two tribunals within my first year just because I wanted to do the right thing, and didn't know what the laws were. I didn't know the customs. I was a kid. All I knew was that this wasn't home. It felt wrong, like everything was off and bad and I honestly just wanted it to stop, sometimes. I wanted to give up everything, and go back to the way it was beforehand."
Sophie sighed, heavily. "I used to look up at the sky, towards the end of the war, and imagined where I'd have been if I'd never come here. If the stars had missed me, skipped me over, passed me by. I wished I'd had a choice about my own life," she said, "I wished that when Fitz had found me I'd run away and never come back."
And Keefe felt something sticky in his throat. It burned a bit. He swallowed.
"But I didn't," Sophie said, quietly. "I said yes. The stars focused their lights on me."
Keefe watched her put the last ornament on the tree. She set down the books, and brushed her hands against her sweat pants.
"I guess this," she said, slowly, "Just reminds me of where I come from," she smiled. "If I have stupid things like Christmas trees and ornaments and lights and even just December 25th, when my parents would drag me to church and I'd sit in the pew and stare at the cross and wonder why we couldn't just go home and play with my toys and eat the candy and when we did do that why it couldn't be Christmas all the time," her voice cracked a little, "If I have stupid things like this, I feel like I'm completely real. I'm alive. I'm whole. There's no part of me that's missing. There's nothing that's been erased. I'm still the girl who grew up with humans, but that's just a part of me. I'm me."
She shot him a smile, awkward and a little halting.
"This tree means a lot to me," she said, quietly. "It means that I'm still Sophie Elizabeth Foster, and I'm still here."
Fifteen minutes later, Sophie switched off the lights in the room, and the two of them sat in front of the glowing tree, looking up at it.
"It looks nice," she said, softly, leaning against his shoulder.
Keefe squinted at it. "It looks off."
"What do you mean?"
"It's off center. The string of lights needs to be shifted." He stood, and walked over to the tree. Inspected it for a moment, and then grabbed the string of lights, and yanked on it.
The tree rattled and shook, and Keefe yelped, loudly, and Sophie was on the other side of the tree and she pulled it back upright.
"Keefe!" She half-shrieked.
"What! I didn't know it would tip over! It's a tree!"
"It's a cut tree!!!"
Keefe stared at it, in a bit of shock.
Then he blinked.
"Oh," he said, "Right. That makes sense."
Sophie started laughing, her eyes crinkling into a happy look, and Keefe laughed too.
If they'd been outside, the laughter would have echoed in the soft, fluttery silence of ice flakes gently falling to the ground in drifts, and the soft December wind claiming it's own.
But they weren't outside.
They were inside, surrounded by warmth and safety, in front of Sophie Foster's Christmas Tree.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
thank you so much for giving us a chance to talk to the tumblr fandom! Hello! I used to use this tumblr account but haven’t used it in a while. I was active in the Instagram fandom though, and because it seems like the issue of racism was brought up with a LOT of misunderstandings here I thought I could give you a quick rundown of what went on so you understand where the attitude over there came from. (I’ll try not to make it too long)  So as someone else said, @keeperofthelostgrimms is this white girl who made racist TikToks where she mouthed slurs, including the n word, said some racist things about a fan who was black, and said she felt excluded from the kotlc Instagram fandom because she was white and straight. She left her account and made a new one @laurens.booknook . People began calling out the racist experiences they’d had in the fandom— and not just on Instagram. There’s been occurrences in the wiki, on tumblr, pinterest, Reddit, etc. livvysonden, indigoobers on Instagram along with other poc users I saw made a point of telling people that they should feel safe talking about their experiences so they could be talked about. Evidence got out but some users began to anonymously attack Instagram users who are poc, especially artists like nlmarte, furiouslyclicking, (especially those who made fanart of poc headcanons like black Vackers, black Sophie, Latino Keefe) and other poc like indigoobers and livvysonden (calling them rude for intimidating white users and believe it or not, gingers). This was a huge mess but the confessions account handled it by making it so that they wouldn’t post a confession about someone without asking them for permission first. A lot of Instagram users defended the poc while others continue to say they’re scared of being called out as racist or homophobic because they’re white (yes, they’re dumb). All in all, the event caused a conversation of the way white people in the fandom were ignorant towards certain issues. Especially those who defended the racist statement keeperofthelostgrimms made, or who began attacking the poc in the Instagram fandom and telling them to shut up about racism. Some of confessions you may see there are all about that situation! If you’re interested in seeing some that summarize it I’d check confession 1114, 1047, 1040, 974. Pretty much within that range is where the thing happened. So this is why the topic of racism has been prevalent in the Instagram fandom! It has nothing to do with tumblr but more of the experiences people have had. Thank you and I hope this explains something to tumblr users! We think you guys are cool overall and we don’t want any drama! 
Thank you for explaining all this history of the IG fandom! Some peole may know about this, but I think as a whole this is a situation the Tumblr fandom is entirely disconnected from and has no knowledge about.
For anyone who wants to look at those confessions without scrolling through the blog, here are links: 1114, 1047, 1040, 974. And for Tumblr people's reference, the oldest of these posts is only from 11 weeks ago. The most recent is only from 8 weeks ago, so a lot of the IG conversation was recent.
That definitely does give clarity to where the IG fandom would've been/is coming from. At least on the confessions account, you had a much much more recent encounter with discourse than we did, which may have been where those "this stuff always happens" (paraphrased) comments came from that confused us. Because for you it was just a whole other situation right after another, but for us this was the first significant discourse in a long time.
I haven't been in the kotlc tumblr fandom since it's beginning, but I have consistently been here for the past four years straight, and issues like what these confessions talk about aren't something you really see here. That's not to say we're all perfect, but what you're showing is definitely not something we'd be familiar with.
Discussions of racism focus more on (from what I've seen) the series itself and on the asian representation, and occasionally there will be a PSA from someone talking about that and addressing the fandom and appropriate behavior, which everyone is usually very receptive to. That way people can correct themselves if needed before things go too far and a problem arises.
So that's where we're coming from when it comes to the topic of racism. From what I've seen from the entire community, it's got a pretty good track record here so I appreciate you sharing how IG would approach it differently. I want to be very clear here that I'm not saying we're better because we don't have those problems, I'm trying to objectively share the Tumblr side of things so we can better understand where each platform was coming from.
Again, thank you for sharing this! I know I certainly didn't have this background when interacting with everyone, so I'm sure it's the same for some of my mutuals as well. Hopefully some of what I've said can also give a glimpse into our mindset and thoughts, though I don't speak for everyone.
Instagram seems to have a lot of great people as well, so we don't want any drama either :)
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when-wax-wings-melt · 3 years
hey! Im new in the fandom and i dont really know which kotlc blogs to follow. Is there any you would recommend, and can you please specify what do they post? Thank you so much 🥰
I sometimes forget which of the people I follow post kotlc, and also it might be hard to remember what each of them post so this won't be THAT many, but I'd suggest:
@eating-mooncakes: uhhh idk, sophitz stuff, writing, random kotlc takes and stuff.
@fintan-pyren: posts amazing art, funny fintan stuff, kotlc hot takes, random kotlc ideas
@cadence-talle: writing, other kotlc stuff ig??? i'm not sure anything specific-
@incorrect-kotlc-councillors: incorrect kotlc councillor quotes! The sideblog of @stardustanddaffodils, who will occasionally post kotlc stuff too :)
@thecatdemon: occasionally posts art (and I forget if you write?), reblogs and posts kotlc stuff
@gay-otlc: does a lot of headcanon and writing for Jewish!kotlc and lgbtq!kotlc, as well as some headcanon requests for things like ocd and disabilities (I think?)
@sophockets: pretty sure there's incorrect quotes and random kotlc stuff on there
@queersofthelostcities: art, hot takes sometimes, just some random kotlc stuff
@sunset-telepath: probably fitz/sophitz stuff, writing occasionally, reblogs kotlc stuff sometimes
@callas-starkflower-stew: a kotlc blog that just... posts kotlc stuff. pretty sure it's everything in there
@confuzzilinh: writes, headcanons, random kotlc stuff
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Keefe pit fighting after a couple of years in the human world
This is a weird one that i had to look up and i got concerned so we're just gonna go with underground illegal boxing clubs that take in tons of money because i can see it and i vibe with the idea of black eyes and bloody lips so y'know what let's goooo
Sophie doesn't think it's him. After years, years, literal years of looking for him. This can't be him. The Keefe she knew wouldn't have blood on his teeth. The Keefe she knew wouldn't have cracked knuckles, wouldn't have heavy, dark bruises on his wrists. The Keefe she knew wouldn't have such messy, sweaty hair. The Keefe she knew wouldn't have scars on his mouth or on his arms.
And Keefe wouldn't look like he's going to kill someone.
He wouldn't do this.
But, she thinks, does she want this not to be him?
His eyes are dark and his stance is perfect. He moves like he's been here for years, hits like he's trying to break bone. He's not holding back, he's not trying to do anything gently.
His opponent is a tall man, who spits curses at him with every other breath.
Sophie watches and winces, watching him get up, over and over, kick the guy in the gut, slam into him with extra force. He moved like a warrior, like a war-seasoned, war-ruined man. His eyes were nearly unseeing, chasing after pain and rage and anger like there was no point to his existence.
The people around them were screaming cheers and obscenities, and the smell of sweat and blood hung heavy underneath the basement cieling. Someone screamed that "the kid should just give up! He can't win this!"
The probably Keefe person got cracked in the face with the taller man's elbow. The person who was probably Keefe cussed like someone could hear him.
Eventually, after gaining a split lip that started leaking blood down his chin, and a black eye, he managed to knock the guy over and hold him down. Sophie swallowed, the headlock and the guy slamming his fist's against Keefe making Sophie want to puke.
Someone shouted that "Lord Hunkyhair" had won the match, and Sophie's stomach dropped.
Yes, that was definitely Keefe.
And he was a whirl of violence and terror.
He spat a mouthful of bloody spit onto the dirty floor of the basement, and stepped out of the ring, wiping his face off with a ragged towel.
She watched him like he was the first drink of water she'd had in months.
Her hands shook, and she took a step towards him. A man brushed in front of him and handed him a stack of cash. "Get out of here, Kid. I don't wanna know where you learned to fight like that."
Keefe grinned, his eyes still dead, and his lip still bloody. "Thanks," he said. "I'll be back next week. Make you about thirty k? That sound about reasonable? I'll be sure to act super timid."
"Get out of here," snapped the older man. "This isn't a place for someone like you."
Keefe snorted. "And yet I wind up here."
Sophie followed him, quietly, up out of the basement. He glanced over his shoulder, and she kept her eyes on the ground.
His eyes narrowed.
She kept following him.
Three seconds later, she was pinned against the brick wall of a building near an alley. "I'm gonna give you ten seconds to tell me who the hell you are and what the hell you want." Keefe snarled, his voice entirely danger and violence.
"Keefe?" she whispered, softly.
"How do you know that name," he spat. His lip was still bloody.
"It's your name, isn't it? You're Keefe Sencen. My Keefe Sencen."
His eyes widened, and he pulled back away from her, his hands starting to shake.
Curse words fell out of his mouth like he couldn't control them, and he started backing away from her. "Foster," he said, his entire body shaking. "You gotta get out of here. Mom will find you, she--"
"She's dead, Keefe," Sophie said. "And I wouldn't care about her."
Keefe took another step back. "Why not?"
"Because I care about you," She said. "You're the person who always protected me, and I felt like crap not being able to protect you."
Keefe looked at her like she'd grown a third head. "Tell me," he said, slowly, "What I said to you the first day I met you."
Sophie blinked, her mind sorting through her memories. "You must be lost," she answered, after a moment.
"Project the memory into my brain," He said, like it was the most casual think in the world.
Sophie did.
And when she pulled out of his head, he was crying.
"Are you okay?"
Keefe shook his head.
"Keefe," Sophie asked, softly. "What happened to you?"
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imho, Sterling Gables
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
Ophelia! Hello! You're not upsetting me, you're okay. I'm not overly stressed about the discourse as much as I have been in the past (like when it first started) so I'm okay listening to you! My anxieties were more a sudden irrational worry that people were upset with me, but it's mostly passed :). I'm answering your ask under the cut for space!
Entirely fair to not want to get involved! In the past that's also pretty much how I approached discourse (unless it directly affected a friend, which happened once or twice), I'm just getting more involved this time because as one of the bigger tumblr blogs I feel a sort of responsibility to among other things, but that's unrelated
I think your frustration/confusion is entirely fair! "White humor" can mean a lot of things and is a wide generalization. I think (may be wrong here) that it was more of an offhanded comment than a serious, analytic observation of tumblr that then spiraled out of control. I don't think the person who said that ever intended for it to even get any attention. You make an excellent point about hypocrisy in understanding humor. If the sites have different humors it seems almost expected that different understandings would lead to confusion like this.
What you're feeling right now is entirely valid and okay. You're not wrong for having a reaction. It's possible that part of what's creating that situation where they felt cruel and then acted like they weren't is because we don't know who is saying what on IG. Some people identify themselves, but otherwise it's a bunch of anons. So while one is saying one thing, another says something different and maybe that muddles it a little because we can't keep track of them the way you can keep track of us.
I think it makes sense that your brain made the connection between your own experiences. I don't think it's 100% the same, but I can 100% see the similarities and don't think you're making it up or anything. I'm sorry about your sibling and the things they've said/done to you; I know it's got nothing to do with me but I'm trying to express compassion over the situation. It doesn't make you a bad sibling to avoid them for your sake; they're being a bad sibling by treating you that way. I know this wasn't the point of your ask but I wanted to mention it
As for the tumblr fandom, if this is too stressful and you need to take a break or leave, that's entirely okay. I can say though, as someone whose been around for a while (four years), that I have complete confidence that this is all temporary. The fandom has been through some rough discourse in the past and it has always gotten itself back together and calmed down afterward--I mean, you finding it calm is proof of that! that calm was after discourse had happened. This isn't the first discourse there's been and it won't be the last, but it won't last forever.
We'll still go on making headcanons, making art, writing fics, hosting events, making shitposts, and everything we've done before. All that being said, if leaving is what's right for you then I 100% support you and just hope you'll keep in touch from time to time as I happen to like you and talking to you. But if not I understand; I am pretty wrapped up in kotlc.
That's a long way of saying that your feelings and stress about the situation are entirely understandable and valid. I know I've definitely had my own sets of frustrations as well. It's not a fun situation, and if you need a break I wish you the best!
Emotionally, I am tossing goldfish crackers and a glass of water into your emotional black hole so that you can have some sustenance <3
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