#koushiro reactions
koushirouizumi · 6 months
Me: Today is Making Fun of Yamato{+Takeru} hours M E: Who am I kidding, EVERY DAY is Making Fun of Yamato (& Takeru) Hours
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year
Me, when I realize the person who likely harassed me on A.O.3 comments (and was determined by A.O.3 mods to be targeting me with said harassment to the point multiple other accounts they had got banned) is likely back harassing another Taishirou writer without them knowing it: ... I am going to flip (and Not in the Good Way)
#taichixkoushiro posts#taichixkoushiro personal#taichixkoushiro vents#dgmn stan issues#advs stan issues#(If someone comments with a random word and numbers username with no info on it {bonus if they made acct this year})#(And tries to ~praise~ your Taishiro stories but more specifically lavish you in a ~youre an amazing Taishiro writer!!1!~ way)#({in combination of} while not so subtle 'politely suggeting' {demanding} smut from you??)#(BLOCK THEM)#(They're a troll)#(AND they tried to turn on me and shame me when I ~denied~ them their 'request')#(AND THEY F*CKING INSULTED A CULTURAL HOLIDAY MY FAM HAS OBSERVED AND I WAS *Trying* tO Observe UNTIL THEY PULLED THAT)#(That commenter is NOT GENUINE and they WILL spam your comments for half a year+ only to aggressively turn on & harass you)#(And I highly HIGHLY bet they're not even a KouxTai stan)#(They're just a harasser)#(They also claimed I '~~betrayed!!1!1!~~' the TaixKou fan base by writing a platonic one shot involving Koushiro and Daisuke)#({which Im very definite was also a very fake reaction from them because I bet they dont actually give 2 sh*ts about such platonic duos})#(I'm hesitating bringing it up to where I saw their comment since it wasn't my story but GODDAMN I WANT To)#(At least here a handful or two more KouxTai fans follow and might notice this P.S.A)#(Anyway THATS also what I've been so angry about as of early 2021~2022 *and* it happened not long after Kizuna dropping)#(which brought a LOT of Particular fans back into the fan base and I'm almost CERTAIN the troll is one of them)#(Namely because this person clearly isn't someone I'm actively acquainted with and is very much an outsider to KouxTai fan base)#({and I recognize other fans who have interacted on my posts} and they're clearly not any of them either)#(They also spammed me with emojis at one point and *clearly* never actually read the stories I posted)#(And kept asking me random questions only to ignore me when I very clearly answered them so YEAH Theyre a Troll)#(DONT let them start doing that to you just because you'd like comments its Not Worth It BLOCK THEM)#*This was a PERSONAL post and NOT meant to be reblogged so Please Do NOT rb my personal posts talking abt MY being harrassed Thanks
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Espimon, Wistfully: ..I want to "evolve" too... mE, BANGING FISTS DOWN: I WANT YOU TO, TOO!!!!
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hikari-m · 1 year
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{I forgot to show this... Way back in 2k21, when the Digi-Partners site was asking about "Favorite"{s}... I left a Koushiro-positive comment (about enjoying Koushiro's {full} character + story) And I logged in again today And apparently they saw and "Like"'d it} :')
(Even if it may have been automatic, it makes me happy.)
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cebwrites · 3 months
Hii, regarding the last ask I sent, that's completely ok! :) are you willing to do Zoro for the same scenario?
a/n: absolutely, i'd love to write more trans zoro!! >:D
T4T (Zoro)
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transmasc zoro and reader word count: 0.8k
Zoro's always been sure he was a man, even when he was an insufferable little pipsqueak with dreams too big for his tiny noodle arms to carry. He insisted on his masculinity when he arrived at Koushiro's dojo, a scrappy little thing with a bound chest, no home nor parents to speak of.
He held it with pride as he fought and lost every battle to Kuina and Zoro carried the shame of it at her funeral, unable to do anything to stop her death.
Zoro's relationship with his gender has been fraught with heartache and peril, the way he believes a man should live. Though as he grows up and meets other people, witnesses softer but equally as powerful displays of masculinity, he starts to change.
By the time he joins the Strawhats and presumably meets you, he still carries the weight of unshed burdens - Zoro sees it as his duty as first mate to protect his nakama, to make sure nothing stands in the way of Luffy's dreams. He's unsure of how to interact with you at first, only knowing the gender binary - it's stilted and awkward, and he definitely slips up a few times but you take it in stride and he's grateful for that.
The way you bounce off each other is why you work so well as a couple, Zoro knows you'll check him whenever he messes up and vice versa. You're patient with one another, Zoro's proud to call you his partner (even if he messed up along the way).
Despite the trust that you have in each other, it's the progress that Zoro's made that's part of why you're hesitant to tell him about the conclusions that you've come to about yourself.
He's worked so hard to understand you up until this point, wouldn't coming out again throw that all away?
You worry your lip and confide in Robin one night as she catches you pacing the crow's nest during watch, though she has to gently prod you for an answer, you spill your concerns pretty quickly with just a little more pressure.
You're scared - happy where things are with Zoro, you're his perfect half, his partner, and more than anything you don't want any of that to change just because of one small thing you could probably do without anyway. Robin comforts you the best she can, she knows it's a tough situation and does her best to assuage your worries.
In the morning, Sanji's the first to see the two of you come down, tear stains down your cheeks and a weary look in your eyes. He doesn't question it, just puts on his best smile and pours all his love into making your favorite for breakfast like he always does.
After the chaos that is the Strawhat's first meal of the day, you tell Robin quietly a little later that you plan to talk to Zoro about it tonight, she squeezes your hand in reassurance as the Sunny drops anchor at Sabaody Archipelago.
You don't see Zoro for another two years.
You spend more time apart than you've been together but your heart aches for his company, to see him just one more time. You have faith in your captain but more than anything you yearn to tell Zoro the truth, it's eating you up like nothing else.
Wherever you end up, no matter how you try to quiet your mind with training or other activities, your thoughts always drift back to what his reaction would be. Would he leave you? Would he be angry at being "lied" to?
...Would he be happy to have a "normal" boyfriend now, relieved that you aren't something in-between?
You get your answer when you find Zoro napping in a giant clam on Sabaody when the Strawhats were scheduled to meet again. Belongings and bags still strapped to you like they'd be blown away by the unforgiving sea breeze, you launch yourself at Zoro, winding your poor one-eyed boyfriend. Of course, you fuss over that too.
He's the first to arrive and you're not long after, so for the first couple of days you just spend time together, catching up on long-overdue affection even though neither of you were that huge on PDA before, now you're Sabaody's No. 1 lovey dovey couple.
It's in the privacy of a bubble hotel where you share a meal with Zoro that your truth comes to light, avoiding eye contact with him in lieu of staring into the supposed soul of your soggy potato pancakes instead. His response is a simple, "ok."
When you look up to gawk at him, searching his face for answers, all Zoro does is cock his head to one side and ask if you're alright. When you ask if he's really okay with this, he asks why wouldn't he be in return and wipes his mouth off on his sleeve so he can kiss your cheek.
You want to scream, you might just cry, you want to shake him for being such a good boyfriend and making you worry for nothing. Two years without you and this man accepts what you've felt is a world-ending change with what amounted to a verbal thumbs up.
You settle for taking a nap together out on the grass instead.
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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One Eighth Plan Day countdown.
Digimon Day (08.01) Special: Lui ⨉ Chosen Children 1999 gen.
The idea of Rui meeting the 02 children's elders is appealing, and I wanted to do it from day one. I think they're also essential to the lore, so I like to imagine how they would interact with the supposed First Chosen.
Rui's impressions of them are not bad, don't let some of his reactions fool you! He pretty much thinks they are all cool and oh my god why are all these people turning into some important famous people?!
Rui feels like when you know someone who knows someone famous, or when you witness your friends going BIG later in life.
This kid is easily impressed (headcanon? based on his first impression on the Ukkomon scene?), so of course they are all so cool in his opinion. And he's still sorry for giving Taichi and Koushiro a headache with the Eggcalypse.
They're not perfect, and I'm pretty sure Daisuke and the 02 group are using themselves and their senpai team as proof that digimon partnerships are supposed to be messy and mutual, not perfect bonds.
I love this universe and these kids. Oh my god, I want to write more headcanons and fanfics about them interacting with Rui-kun now... 😔
(And, maybe... some for... others too... You know... them, him and her... and oh some sad person who's possibly Rui's antithesis lol)
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Word Count: 536 Prompt: & Mimi A/N: Writing this one wasn't hard, per se. I do find Taichi and Mimi similar in their own ways, but I think in some ways I don't have as good a sense of Mimi in Kizuna era as I do some of the others. I tried my best with this whole "warehouse" idea, but I apologize, just in case. @taichiyagamiweek
"You weren't kidding." Taichi could hear his neck cracking as he tilted his head up to take in the warehouse's height. "Business is booming."
"Of course I wasn't, silly, this is my baby." Mimi giggled as she surveyed the warehouse full of goods for her business. "It took some time to get here, but I'm proud of the work I put in."
"As you should be." Taichi glanced over at his friend, smiling at just how happy she seemed to be. While he and Yamato had struggled to figure out what exactly they were doing with themselves and their careers, Mimi had always been more put together. She and Koushiro were both a year younger than him, but they seemed to be better at this "adulting" thing. It made him proud to be their friend. "You put in a lot of work here."
Mimi nodded and led the way further into the warehouse. "You said you wanted to find something for Hikari's birthday, right?"
"That's right. Figured you were the best person to call. Yamato isn't exactly gifted in shopping for sisters." Taichi and Mimi exchanged a grin as they surely both thought of what Yamato's reaction to such a statement would be. It probably would mean a bruise on Taichi's shoulder if he ever found out. Good thing Mimi was discreet.
"Naturally, you came to the right businesswoman. I might have just the thing." Mimi tapped her chin with her finger and led the way down the vast rows and rows of goods. Taichi got lost the further they went in, but he trusted his friend to lead him down the right path. And to eventually get him out of here.
"Found it!" she eventually called, waving him over. In front of her was an assortment of plushies, including a white cat that vaguely looked like Tailmon. "Isn't it just the cutest thing?"
"It really is." Taichi picked it up and inspected it from every angle. While Tailmon was sure to be embarrassed by the comparison, he knew Hikari would love it. Tailmon was her entire world, after all. (Besides him, that is.) "Thanks, Mimi. How much do I owe you?"
She waved him away. "Nonsense, you're my friend. In fact, I have one for you, too." Plucking a plushie delicately from the pile, she held it out. "Here."
He accepted the stuffed toy, gasping when he realized why she'd given it to him. The plushie looked like an orange dinosaur, though instead of the green eyes that Agumon had, its eyes were red. Still, Taichi smiled and cradled it, looking over at Mimi with misty eyes. "Thanks, Mimi."
"Of course." She was holding yet another plushie that vaguely resembled Palmon, petting its flowery head gently. "I figured… it's less painful if we still have them around in some way, isn't it?"
Taichi reached out and wrapped an arm around her in an awkward side hug. "They're perfect, Mimi. Thank you."
Smiling up at him, she shook her head. "No, thank you."
"For what?"
"For giving us the hope that we'll see them again. It's worth more than you could ever know."
Taichi held onto those words up until the day he saw Agumon again.
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
Life Update
Chatting about life beneath the cut.
TW: medical talk/mentions of cancer/mentions of animal injury
It's been so crazy lately, I'm not even sure where to start or how to capture everything. Ig I'll go for broad strokes?
It's been so busy. Bit annoyed because I took over an important project for someone for two weeks while they were on vacation, and it's been a little intense. But it's been going well, so I'm glad for that. I am a little... Hm. No one has ever done my work while I'm away, lol! But mostly I like contributing and I like my teammates, so I'm just grousing.
I'm working on the next chapter of Infinite Possibilities for Odaiba Day. In it, Koushiro tells Eimi what happened during Tri, specifically so he can explain why the Chosen/Bureau relationship is where it is now (it's not in the best place). It turns out that condensing the events of six movies into a few thousand words is really hard, especially with all the different factions! So I MADE A CHART, I think you will love it, lol! That's where I am in my fanfiction career, chart making (she says, as if she hasn't already made several).
It's been going... Fine. Not great, not bad. I haven't had as much time/mental space lately.
Holy crap man. A family member has cancer, and I don't want to get into details bc... You know, it's their situation, not mine. But they removed the cancerous organ, only to find that it spread to a non-removable organ. So... Well, they will learn their options before long. We are hoping for a non-chemo option.
My first reaction is wanting to do something myself, wanting to help or make it better. You certainly can help a person with cancer in terms of practical and emotional support, but you can't... You know... Medically help. I keep googling how to help and what to say and not to say to a cancer patient. That's so human, you know? How do I help? Tell me how to help. It's sweet. Humans are sweet.
I'm feeling a lot of feelings, and I can't imagine how my family member feels.
It's jarring to talk about my own little stuff after something so much worse, but...
My energy has been just awful lately. I've been dragging my butt through life for what feels like... Idk, three months or so? I just haven't been feeling well, although I'm not, like, sick. I'm not sure what to do, if I'm honest. Very recently, we have been trying to eat better, and I did a not successful exercise today, lmao! I just hope I can physically perk up.
I had a small emergency last week. I was trying to groom a clump out of my (absurdly beloved) cat's fur, and I cut his skin. I can't even describe it- the skin just, like, unzipped in front of my eyes. I basically just froze and shut down, my husband called vets. We lost a lot of local vets over the pandemic, and the local ER was closed for renovation that day, so it was nerve wracking, but we got him seen. Meanwhile, I had a hugely busy workday- I had to keep that important project going. But we went to the ER and they said it only needed staples, not suturing. I feel so guilty. The vet said that she's done it herself to a dog, you try to help them and they wiggle, it's common. Luckily, Darcy isn't scared of me and acts the same (in fact, he's sitting with me now). It's healing nicely and we will remove the staples later this week or next week. The vet said Darcy was a good boy, and the only problem was that he purred too loud for them to hear his heartrate. I worked pretty late that day.
There's been a lot of stuff at that level (sort of like... a mild emergency) going on lately. I don't have the wherewithal to list everything, but that's how life has been lately.
That's all for now, I hope you are healthy and doing well. Love you, big hug!
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There are too many parts of Yamato and Sora in the official novel. I never knew where to start, so after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to continue to publish it according to the plot. In Tokyo, the parts of Yamato and Sora have increased. This part is the same as that in TV version. There are some differences, so I will post them for comparison.
There are still some small easter eggs in the adventure in the early novels. After I update all the main plots, I will talk about the small easter eggs that only belong to Sorato.
the first part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/in-fact-according-to-the-booklet-of-the-unsigned/81qlm4djfnre
the second part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/digimon-adventure-official-novel/i5ctg94gtlny
the third part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/i-will-then-post-the-official-novel-section-sora/su4ut9ay9hca
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In TV version, Sora was arrested because he participated in extracurricular football activities, and then escaped from the place with the help of his mother and Mimi, and then met Taichi and said where Yamato and Hikari were,and then Sora Just meet Yamato.
“Sora, I need to talk to you.” She wasn’t expecting her mother to be home already. “Please don’t think that I’m saying something stupid, but… Could you tell me where you were this afternoon?” She saw Birdramon. Her mother’s tone of voice wasn’t accusatory. She spoke hesitantly, as though she was unsure and confused. That only made it harder for her to find a more ideal moment to talk to her mother about Piyomon. If I knew this was going to happen, then maybe I should have brought her in with me instead of telling her to come through the window. What would be the best way for her to tell her Mom what was going on without giving her too much of a shock? Sora thought about it, but immediately got overwhelmed. She got the sense that it would be best if she told her mother everything from the top, and then had Piyomon come in at the end to meet her. “Mom… It’s kind of a long story, but will you hear me out?” Piyomon was left spending more time waiting outside the window.
The Bakemon atta cked them just when Sora had more or less described how they had gone to the Digital World, their adventures, and then had invited Piyomon to come into her room through the window. “Is this… Piyo-san?” “Pleased to meet you. I’m Piyomon.” Sora’s mother Yoshiko timidly stretched out her hand just as the door flew open behind her and Bakemon swarmed in. At first, Piyomon’s “Magical Fire” drove them back. But gradually, the number of Bakemon surging in was too great. Piyomon flew out of the window and evolved. “Piyomon, evolve! Birdramon!” The Bakemon closed in around them even as she evolved. Yoshiko pushed Sora towards the windows, then turned to face the Bakemon herself, pushing for time. “Run, Sora!” Sora clung to Birdramon’s legs, and when she turned around to look, Yoshiko was already surrounded by the Bakemon. There was no way to retrieve her from outside the window. “Mom! I’ll come back to save you, I promise!” As Yoshiko was dragged away, Sora thought that she saw her mother smile.
Hikari hid herself in its dark belly. Yamato, Gabumon, Yamato’s father Hiroaki, Sora, Piyomon, and Koushiro were also with her.
Koushiro eluded the Bakemon wandering aimlessly around the area, and followed the reactions on his digivice to reach the construction site. In turn, Taichi left Big Sight. Tentomon went alone to check their surroundings. Piyomon and Gabumon needed to rest and recover the energy that was spent on their evolutions, so he was the only one capable of moving at the moment.
When Tentomon returned, he made his report. “I didn’t see anything that looked like an exit anywhere. The fog is so thick that no one can get through. However…” Tentomon pointed directly above him. “The fog up above is thin and I could see stars. It’s pretty high up, but we might be able to get through if I evolve to AtlurKabuterimon.” But it was also highly likely that Vamdemon would spot them along the way. “Satellite communication!” Yamato’s father, Hiroaki, murmured. “We might not be able to send regular radiowaves, but if we use satellite communication, it’s possible that we can communicate with the outside.” Naturally, Fuji TV had a facility for that. The possibility of it was low, but it was worth a try. Tentomon could evolve to Perfect level and force their way out after if they had to. Hiroaki, Koushiro, and Tentomon left the construction site and snuck into Fuji TV station.
The only ones left were Hikari, Sora, Piyomon, Yamato, and Gabumon. Somewhere in the background was the sound of water dripping. A wind gently lifted up one end of the cloths covering the building under construction. Without anyone noticing, two streaks of red lightning extended through that gap. They hit Gabumon and Piyomon directly. The wind rose into a gust, blowing the cloths wide open to reveal Vamdemon waiting for them outside.
Because Zudomon was now evolved to Perfect level, Jou’s digivice unlocked the ability to detect his friends’ digivices and thus their locations. “If only I had this earlier, then I wouldn’t have had to make Takeru-kun and you two wait so much.” Jou laughed, but it didn’t work at relaxing everyone’s nerves. The digivice showed that three of their friends were in one spot, while the other three were off at a distance. “But this direction looks a little different from where we live…” Jou tilted his head in thought. The three closest dots didn’t look like they were at the condominiums, as he was expecting, but closer to Fuji TV station. Zudomon headed that way. As he did so, the three dots that were further away looked to be heading their way. One of the dots from the three closest to them broke off from the group. Jou didn’t know that the three dots at a distance were Taichi and Mimi, with Taichi holding Hikari’s digivice, while the one dot that separated was Koushiro. From the ocean, they saw a building in front of Fuji TV station that was under construction. They could see a dark, caped shape ascending from inside. “It’s Vamdemon,” Patamon said in a low voice. Luckily, Vamdemon had his back turned to them. Vamdemon disappeared at the top of Fuji TV station at the same time that Zudomon reached the shore. They also heard sounds of destruction inside the construction site. After Zudomon let Jou and the others off his back, he hurled off the cloths covering the building with one flick of his hammer. Yamato and Sora were inside. They were each holding Gabumon and Piyomon close to them. With them were a giant praying mantis, Snimon, and a dinosaur with two giant horns like those of a bull protruding out from its shoulders, Tuskmon. Snimon’s scythes easily cut through steel beams, and the power from Tuskmon’s charges could easily bulldoze Digimon of the same level. What’s more, Vamdemon’s earlier attack prevented Piyomon and Gabumon from moving, so they had no way of defending themselves. But for a Perfect level like Zudomon, they were no threat. “Hammer Spark!” Zudomon struck the Thor Hammer in his right hand at the closest steel beam. Sparks flew. The real power of Zudomon’s attack was neither from the hammer nor the destructive force that came from his arm strength. With one focused swing, the sparks that were created when both the Chrome Digizoid and his force of will combined could destroy the data composition of Digimon itself. The steel beams of the building stood in lines so close that Zudomon couldn’t slip through them, but the sparks became a dazzling striation that flew and hit Snimon and Tuskmon directly. The two of them were paralyzed, breaking down into particles in the next moment.
Yamato and Sora turned around slowly. Next to a large Digimon that they’ve never seen before was Jou, running towards them waving one arm. Takeru, Patamon, and Natsuko were there too. “Mom…” Yamato was dumbstruck. “Thank goodness we made it!” Jou said, beaming. It was Sora who recovered first. “Vamdemon has taken Hikari-chan!” Jou learned that he hadn’t made it.
In the novel version, Sora's mother was arrested at home from the very beginning, Sora fled directly at home and joined Yamato directly.
Mimi became a person fighting and facing all these things, and then Taichi came and rescued Mimi. Then it was the same plot, all protecting Hikari, but it failed. So this part is different.
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reliablejoukido · 10 months
Friend who watched the movie in Japan told their reaction to the big Ukkomon being indeed named BigUkkomon, and then we just decided the name was given by Daisuke when the seven reported stuff to Koushiro and Taichi.
And no one had any objections. Also Rui found it funny.
Daisuke's argument was that pink-creepy Ukkomon was hella big. Rui agreed with it.
I love this! BigUkkomon headcanon accepted
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 39
Okay, this episode was really high quality, both the animation and the pacing. I guess they wanted to start the new arc off with a bang. I like where this is going, it'll be exciting to leave Japan for once. Just hope there aren't any offensive cultural stereotypes incoming lol.
Digimon introduced: Triceramon, Imperialdramon
-Oh boy, here comes Gennai. Hate that guy. Okay, hate's a little strong, but I've never liked him. Why is he ripping off Anakin Skywalker's look now? (rat tail and all). At least he did something useful this time.
-So Gennai is back to his younger form because....reasons? I know he's not human so anything goes, but I wonder if we'll get an explanation.
-Oh boy yet ANOTHER MacGuffin (a "digicore"). How many doohickeys does this franchise expect me to keep track of? Apparently there's 12 of these things and they kinda just power digimon up...how convenient.
-Not sure if Koushiro's Mom is badass or negligent for supporting her son charging into danger...
-So is the dude with no eyebrows Archnemon and Mummymon's boss now? It seems like the vast majority of mysteries in this series are just "Ooo~ who is this sinister character? What are they after?" I like his design tho. He looks like he could come from the Batman animated series.
-Why is the solution to everything "hold up your digivice to this thing" now? I feel like it's all a ploy to sell digivice toys to the kids at home. (I mean...I kinda want one, so fair play).
-I loved Daisuke's reaction to Paildramon's evolution to Imperialdramon lol
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(It was so sudden that this was basically my reaction too).
-Imperialdramon is undeniably badass. Not really my favorite design, but definitely better than Paildramon. His fast travel powers are pretty nice too.
-I couldn't focus during the scenes in Koushiro's room because..."Balloon"
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-Looking forward to this arc and to the fact that we get to see some higher-powered evolutions again! It's the little things in these long series that keep me going :)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure 2020 ~ Ep. 67 + Final Scene {2020!Koushiro + Living the Dream} + C.E.O!2020!Mimi of "Mimi-chan Kingdom & Co."
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Ikki and George: *holding a baby together*
Vice: Sooo...
Ikki and George: We ask for Random's help on this matter.
Vice: Was it painful, Ikki? I mean, this is the longest we've been separated.
Ikki: Yes, Vice. Very painful. And I get to have this ability for as long as I need it.
George: All he did was tap our heads 3x and then swipe gently. Then make us choose 3 options. Old-fashioned, machine and pick, or instantaneously.
Kagerou: This feels weird... where does... nevermind. I visited his place while I was separated from Daiji. I'm not going to say anything.
Then, from the front doors.
Hikaru: Hey. Guess we're not the only ones who ask him.
Tamaki: *holding a baby*
Me: Don't blame me... They came to me first and were kind of jealous of their AU selves. Though only a "little bit"...
The rest of ReviceCast reactions?
Well... as long as the Baby Acquisition doesn't involve unethical shenanigans, I don't think that the Igarashi family would terribly mind having some new members. Granted, this means little Koushiro is an uncle at less than two years of age, but stranger things have happened.
Also I can see an Igarashi Gayji moment ensuing when Daiji sees Hiromi as a Daddy XD (I mean, they have Rumi, but still, the image of Hiromi with a baby in his arms may just do Daiji in lol)
Hana's gonna keep a sharp eye on Hikaru though... if he takes one misstep with Go and the baby she'll murder him in his sleep.
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izzyizumi · 5 months
If you re-post my edits on photosets of dead animals or people, especially if you block me after I inform you to PLEASE REMOVE MY GIFS, I don't care what excuse you have, I'm hardblocking you permanently and you will never be able to use my gifs with Permission ever again
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Analytical screentime of each character in the opening credits of Digimon Adventure, Butter-Fly. Time is shown in seconds and decimals.
I wanted to do this for some time but I always prioritized doing the episodes themselves. I guess it’s never too late, lol.
With my so far analysis of the episodes, it’s only Takeru’s place in fourth place (for the kids) that surprises me, and accordingly, Koushiro’s at the last place.
I don’t think it says something; Takeru got a little more because of his relevance to Patamon. Patamon is the Digimon with the least screentime in the opening, but near the end there’s focus on Takeru’s reaction to Angemon, so that adds to Takeru’s time more than Koushiro riding on Kabuterimon does for Koushiro’s time.
I might do the same for the closing credits, but at some other time.
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blondeandconfused · 5 years
Kizuna Countdown: Headcanon/Theory That I Hope Are True
I don’t really have any headcanons, but after “Dear Sora”, I came across this post by @adventure-hearts and after seeing all the responses, I decided this had got to be true.
Taichi having his own GIFs? The 02 kids having their own chat? The girls having a chat to just complain about the guys? I’m down for it. This needs to be canon.
Silly, I know, but I don’t have many theories either. I’m intrigued by the new evolutions they’re hinting at. Honestly if it’s some kind of biomerge as an ode to frontier, I’d be down for that, but I’m trying to go in as blind as possible so I can appreciate whatever route they take.
Let’s be honest, I theorize enough in the Kingdom Hearts fandom..
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