#krem x OC
The Haunting of Skyhold
Chapter 1: Trials and Troubles
“You have your life.”  It was simultaneously better and worse than hanging.  “You are free to atone as the man you are, not one you were, and not the Warden you pretended to be.  Take your post, Thom Rainier.” 
With his hands still chained, he made a couple steps toward Lyn on her throne, as if to say something, but the Inquisitor put a hand out, silencing him.  “I know how you love your speeches and grand gestures, but save it.  We both have work to do.  
She turned him loose.  
She stood bolt upright, like the chapel’s statues of Andraste, and looked at the small crowd that assembled, silent and staring.  “Nothing left to see here, everyone.  I suggest we all just… um… move along.”  
The crowd may have taken a long time to disperse but Lyn didn’t stay to watch.  Within the hour she was back in her regular clothes and pacing the battlements, daring anyone to come within a country mile of her.  The steady thunk of wood being chopped echoed across the courtyard, but she worked hard not to hear it.  Instead, she stared out across the mountains and heaved a deep sigh.  She would have cried if she could remember how.  
On that Saturday morning, Cremisius Aclassi considered himself the luckiest man in Orlais.  He had survived a killer of a week, and for once, had an easy duty schedule for the day. It was his turn to show the new recruits around as they turned up.  Sometimes the job was crap, like when an entire band of Orlesian merchants arrived at once and immediately began complaining about the state of their lodgings.  (The lodgings were just fine, of course, and even better once you considered that they had been nothing but rubble and pigeon shit a week prior.)  That morning, though, promised to be slow.  Word was still just barely getting out about Adamant, after which, naturally, recruitment would pick back up.  As it was, he had the time to sit on a bench by the gate, feel the nip in the autumn air, and watch the steam rise off of the strongest, hottest tea the kitchens were able to brew.  Between that and a hearty breakfast (burnt bacon aside), the fuzz in his brain was starting to clear.  
Up in the main hall there was a small but intense din.  It was audible even where Krem sat, and he silently thanked the Maker he was spared from it.  From the amount of racket being kicked up, it was probably about Maker-Damned-Thom-Rainier.  At this point, Krem was ready to execute the man himself.  Not just for his crimes, but so that people would finally shut up about it already.  It was a good story for gossip but not that good.  
The door to the main hall opened and shut.  Elsewhere, higher up, a door slammed.  Krem leaned over for a better look.  Rainier was walking out.  Alive.  Alone.  Unbound.  The slamming door was probably the Inquisitor then.  
“Huh,” Krem said.  He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.  He didn’t quite have time to figure it out, though. 
“This the Inquisition?” 
Krem nearly startled right out of his boots.  The visitor was taller than him, broader than him, and carried a wood-cutting axe over one shoulder.  Beside her, a brawny black Mabari sat patiently with a quizzical look in his eye.  
“S-s-sorry, um, yes. Yes.  It is,” stammered Krem.  “What can we do for you?”  
“I’m signing up,” she said.  It wasn’t a question.  “And so is Pig Iron.”  Here, she gestured at the dog.  
“Okay then,” Krem said, trying to push his voice a little deeper.  The newcomer was intimidating.  And pretty.  But mostly intimidating.  “You got a name?”
“Yeah.  Valerie.”  She was like a stone wall.  Solid.  Impenetrable.  Inscrutable.  
“Valerie, and the dog’s named Pig Iron?” 
“Yep, because he’s about that stubborn.” She half-smiled.  It was enough to unleash a full smile from Krem.  
“Where are you from?” he asked.
“Riel,” Valerie replied.  “Or what’s left of it, anyway. I guess I’m not from anywhere.”
“The war?”
“Believe it or not, no.  The war killed my mother, but the demons burned the village.  So now I’m here.  No better place to be right now.”
Krem let out a low whistle.  “And so you just walked here?  Just you and the dog?” 
“Yep.” They were walking towards the barracks.  
“So what is it that you do?” Krem asked.
“Depends on what you need.  I can hunt. I can build.  I can garden.  I’m pretty handy with this chopping axe.”  To demonstrate,she rolled the haft off her shoulders and spun it around her wrist expertly.  “It’s pretty good for fighting, actually.  Snapped a shade clean in half back over by Emprise du Lion.”  
“I think you’re going to fit in just fine around here.  Now, normally, I’d introduce you around, but this isn’t really a great time for that.” Krem’s eye caught the Inquisitor on the battlements, pacing and glowering.  “We can probably try that tomorrow. You want to come spar with the Chargers though?  I’m interested to see what else that axe can do.”
Valerie’s eyebrow popped up.  “The Chargers?”
“We’re a mercenary group. Got in at the beginning for the paid gig, but at this point I think a lot of us would stay for free.”
“Yeah okay.  Do you have a spare kit of armor that’ll fit a big one like me?”
“Um, you could borrow one of mine if that’s fine with you.”
“That’s just fine with me,” she said, half-smiling again.  “Pig Iron can come too?”
“Are you kidding? Of course! The guys would love it! I don’t think some of them have even seen a Mabari in person.” They were at the barracks door now.  “So come meet me behind the Herald’s Rest when you’re ready for practice.  Look for a bigass Qunari with equally bigass horns.  He’s the chief.  He’s also easiest to find.  I’ll let you get settled in.  Just pick out a bed that looks empty and make yourself at home.  Let me know if there’s anything you need.” 
“Thanks,” said Valerie.  “Just one question though?”
“Is it the real deal? The Inquisition, I mean.  Is it really gonna fix things?”
“ As real as anything gets these days.”  
“Good.” Valerie turned and left Krem at the door.
As he turned and left for the practice ground, he shook his head.  “See what else that axe can do.  Andraste’s tits, Krem Fraiche, you’re hopeless.” 
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merrybandofmurderers · 4 months
some MORE
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Lazarus Adaar x Iron Bull x Dorian Pavus
Vhyrlas x Josephine Montilyet
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Wren x Cremisius Aclassi
Gwythren x Iron Bull
Wyeth (Trevelyan) x Dorian Pavus
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Faolan Sky-Breaker & Grandin
Giordan Trevelyan x Cassandra Pentaghast
Oryth Istimaethoriel x Iron Bull
@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @spainkitty, @midnightbluejay
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platoniccereal · 2 years
on the "i was born into this, but i was never supposed to belong here" train of thought, everytime i think allaros would make a pretty decent qunari while having him dating the iron bull, it irreversibly alters my brain chemistry.
bull had to leave because he tried to fit in so much to the best of his abilities, but even with his endless loyalty something was always off. bull sees allaros, and there's this devotion to the role and to people that goes before anything personal, the strict order of things and restraint in smallest details. it's about bas like him, and cassandra, and madame de fer, they've achieved that outside the qun even though the qun promised it's impossible.
bull says, hey, vivienne, hey, cassandra, you would make a pretty decent qunari, hey, are you sure you're not, maybe, just a little bit tamassran, ma'am? bull sees allaros and thinks, hey, maybe the south isn't going just straight to crap with that hole in the sky as fast as i thought. he thinks, maybe i can respect that, exactly because allaros can be judged by the qun's standards.
the iron bull sees allaros, and they're different.
allaros is the reminder of what bull let himself overlook in himself to create a convincing mask. bull starts to respect him, but this is why allaros is the reminder of that if bull doesn't clearly separate what his role is and who he actually is, it would show how far away he's strayed. so bull has to remember that pleasures he found in the south aren't his to enjoy, that he isn't the iron bull.
allaros is the reminder that he is hissrad.
and if bas could be like that without the qun, what does it say about the qun. and if bas could be like that without the qun, what did bull fail to do.
and if bas like the inquisitor or madame de fer have ended up under the qun, he knows the simple truth about the invasion he learned years ago. that the qun is the good idea, but it would shed blood of so many he doesn't want to see that. they would be great qunari, but they would have to show it by taking stitches and serving their arvaad. there's no real place for them under the qun, and in this conclusion bull strayed so, so far away.
and then this very person gives an order a good qunari would disobey, and bull simply does not, and he's declared tal-vashoth. this very reminder in a form of an elf thinks it was a good decision, even though he has no reason to, because these men aren't even his to care about. his reminder puts a few before the duty and alliances, and so does bull.
his reminder of what the good qunari leader looks like is suddenly very bas. it's always been that way, lavellan has never stopped being bas in bas society.
bull is a qunari in the alien land of bas, and it's always has been that way. suddenly, it's much more lonely because in a similarity lies an understanding, but that bas would ever be able to understand him is just another illusion he let himself be amused by.
earlier that would serve to get him in line, now it gnaws on the empty space in his chest.
allaros now is a reminder of an unmeasurable gap between bull and home that understands him, but the one he will never be able to reach again.
then, bull finds out that allaros also always was doomed to not belong. neither to his clan, as much as they care for each other, there's nothing but damage and guilt, nor to his homeland because he loathes orlais. and he would never be a good qunari.
for both of them, their home had no place for them to fit in.
and then, there's understanding.
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queercontrarian · 10 months
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welcome to my blog. if you don't like it here, leave :)
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AO3: MaladaptiveDaywriting
Azris Week 2023 Day 3: Put it all on me
Azris Week 2023 Day 6: A Soft Place to Land (18+)
Rhys Week 2023 Day 4: Court of Dreams
SJM Romance Week 2024 Day 4: The Little Things (Tamsand)
Agegap Azris
Chapter 1
Secret Santa 2023: To Dust Or To Gold (Neris)
The Bargain
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Azriel (Femme)
Gianna of Montesere for secret-third-thing
Gwyn Berdara
Lucien I
Lucien II
Lucien III (but in lingerie this time)
Rhys in a skirt
Rhysand's Unnamed Sister
Rhysand's Unnamed Sister II
The Lady of Autumn
The Lady of Autumn II
Tsering of Lausan, Captain of the Royal Guard (Thesan's husband)
Multi + Ships
Army Dreamers (balthazar, emerie, zhila)
Cresseida x Emerie
Elucien + Daughter for fieldofdaisiies
Family Portrait: Feyre - Rhys - Nyx
Viviane and Kallias
Female High Lords Series
Rhys + Sapphic Feysand
Event Weeks
Cassian Week 2024 Day 5: Scars
SJM Romance Week 2024 Day 7: Elucien
Elucien Week 2024 Day 1: Fated - In the Hands of Fate
Eris Week 2024 OC Art Project
Rhys Week 2024: Armand!Rhys
Tamlin Week 2023: Tamsand Sketch
Tamlin Week 2024 Day 2: Poet/Warrior Tamlin
Alis Sketch
Azris Sketch
Summer Court Trio Sketch
The Vanserras
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Tarquin by mossytrashcan
Cresseida by mossytrashcan
Varian by mossytrashcan
Azriel in Summer by krem-does-stuff
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A Tamsand Playlist
Briar x Catrin Berdara Moodboard
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 years
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two month story wrap up and shout out part 2: canon/fanon ships
I haven't read many stories in the past months, but I managed to catch up with some. so were we go, a little shout out to amazing creators and my absolute favourite stories I have read lately.
Remember, We're Madly in Love - by @velidewrites; Feysand AU; as all her work incredibly well-written and very exciting to read, one warning: you won't be able to stop, so save some time to read it, it is so worth it. not only are the characters were well developed but the whole scenery is so beautifully described in so much detail and with so much love
You and I are going to change the world - by @velidewrites; Shadow&Bone AU; there is only one chapter out so far, but from that you already know that this is going to be another amazing story by this incredibly talented author.
The Valkyrie's Wolf - by @headcanonheadcase; such a cute idea to write about Gwyn and Ithan; I loved the idea and loved the little stories for SJM romance week even more. also if you like Gwynriel you definitely have to check out her other works, such a talented writer.
Cowboy Like Me - by @separatist-apologist; Nessian AU; the idea...god, I loved it. save a horse ride a cowboy, you know? now serious, just like all her other stories so incredibly well written, loved it so much.
The Death of Peace of Mind - by @separatist-apologist; Eris x OC, and when Eris Vanserra meets a bad omen's song I know immediately it is good and it was...so damn good.
I've Got a Hundred Thrown Out Speeches I Almost Said to You - by @the-lonelybarricade; you want angsty Elucien, you shall receive. I loved this so much and felt the pain and all sorts of emotions, so so well written.
You Look Like Bad News - by @the-lonelybarricade; Elucien; this is most definitely the fic I have read the most on this platform, I cannot even count the times of how often I went back to this fic just to read it again. this is just sooooo good, so you all have to read it, this is an order!!
Forget Me Not - by @moononastring; Elucien; this is the first Elucien story and I have no idea how many times I have re-read it, probably as many times as the you look like bad news story. I still love the story just as much as the first time reading it, it is simply amazing.
fics I am looking forward to reading (because they look soooo good)
Prythians Fantasia - by @vulpes-fennec; an acotar circus au that looks more than promising and I am literally counting the days until it comes out
Ex Luna Scientia - @kingofsummer93; acotar x hogwarts AU; like you already caught my attention when choosing a latin titel, because that is what I did with all my big stories. I cannot wait to finally start reading this, because everything about it sounds so amazing.
Trust in My Hate - by @ofduskanddreams; Azris owns my heart and I know for sure this story will too. looking so forward to reading it.
You Can Be the Beauty and I Can Be the Monster - by @isterofimias; Tamlin x Briar you say? I cannot believe I haven't read that yet and now that I discovered it I cannot wait to finally read it.
art shoutout:
@krem-does-stuff and all her art works. she is an incredibly talented artist and does such beautiful art it always draws small tears to my eyes. she deserves to have her art seen by everyone, it is truly incredibly.
general shout out to
@sunshinebingo @autumndreaming7 @acourtofthought @lady-rieldyriel @iambutmortal @octobers-veryown @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @queercontrarian I couldn't decide for a specific story of yours or you don't even write and just contribute to the fandom in other ways, so here my little shout out to you for being so vital in this fandom and all of you adding so much positivity. you are amazing.
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aclassitag · 7 months
This blog was first made shortly after the release of DA:I, when the fandom was godawful to the only trans character we had. Hence the name aclassitag, a tag where we only have the classy Krem content. Nowadays it's not as bad anymore, so herein comes the Kremnaissance
full tag list nsfw (includes fanfic & fanart) fanart — fanfic — cosplay
character tags
inquisitor iron bull bull's chargers
shipping tags
(*full list of ships on full tag page, below have the most content)
shipping (includes all ships) krem x oc krem x inquisitor krem x iron bull krem x cole krem x cullen krem x dorian krem x scout harding
messages, mod post, #kremweek2024 (fills), krem week prompts
Regarding spoilers: I will not be reblogging any until December 2024
transparency: one single mod now operates this blog, the original creator. i occasionally do rb my own krem stuff onto this blog
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ryosei-hime · 1 year
I got tagged by @ernmark​
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(yeah I’m not doing that. I don’t even know that many people on tumblr. see it, feel free to consider yourself tagged.)
Strap yourselves in. I have so many wips because I keep starting things and not finishing them because of writer’s block. All Helluva Boss unless stated otherwise. 
Fics I stopped after their last chapters first then individual documents.
Love and Loathing - Fizz learns self love through a Robo Fizz (Fizz x Ozzie x Robo Fizz)
Raising Hell - Loona x Sallie May
Murder of Mirth - a Stolitz AU I did a lot of research for to set it in the 1700s-ish but then never followed up on.
Stolitz AU - Hellhound Discussion - a short bit from Murder of Mirth
Crim x Reader - Pretty self explanatory.
Epilogue Chapter 13 - The second to last chapter to my longfic Sex and Therapy. I don’t tend to name them til they’re done.
Body Language of Abuse - A script for a video I had intended to make on the last episode but got too scared to post because I’m not a youtuber lol.
Epilogue Scraps - scraps from or for various chapters in Sex and Therapy. I actually have four or five of these, numbered appropriately.
Wedding Episode Scraps - bits and pieces of the final chapter of Sex and Therapy not yet put into a cohesive whole.
Road Trip - Lannah and Cog’s road trip to Greed to get a replacement part for Fizz in Sex and Therapy.
Robo Fizz x Everyone - a list of ships and synopses for a one shot project I’d like to do where I ship Robo Fizz with everyone.
Robo x Woobly - the first in that series.
Striker x Robo Fizz - the second in that series
Robo Fizz vs Wally Wackford - a fun idea for a pitch that didn’t end up happening when working on One Helluva Zine
Blitz and Loona Anniversary - Blitz trying too hard to celebrate the anniversary of adopting Loona
Untitled - started after episode 7, Loona finding Blitz when she comes home from her party at Tex’s
Striker x Stella: Cleans Up Good - Stella needs Striker to act as a body guard at a fancy event
Prompts - Angel x Blitz - a request from twitter that I started but didn’t finish.
Prompts - Lilith x Stella - Same
Fitzo Purring - posted what I had during Fitzo week but never finished it
Real or Not, People Love Me - was supposed to be a look at Robo Fizz and real Fizz experiencing what it’s like to be fake in two very different ways
Fizz Dating Sim - A Robo Fizz dating sim I started writing a million years ago that I’ve been thinking of going back to and adding a real Fizz option for.
Fizzarolli x Reader x Robo Fizz - this one’s been sitting undone a loooong time
Stage Sex - another Fizz x Reader that I started and never finished.
Biggest Fan - A degradation smut piece involving Fizz’s creepy fan from episode 7 that I had legitimately forgotten about
Fizzmodeus: Robo Fizz Origins - an idea I had for a fizzmodeus fic set during the time the Robo Fizzes were being conceived and built.
Fizzmodeus Museum Date - Fizz takes Ozzie to a children’s interactive science museum for a date, shenanigans ensue.
Baking - Fizz bakes Ozzie a Valentine’s surprise but it gets ruined
Fizz x Ozzie - Beauty and the Beast - An AU I started working on but stopped, inspired by art by pyronormal on twitter.
Krem - Fizzarozzie - Something I was writing for @/kremlin_art on twitter :P
Laugh, Laugh, Cry Chapter 3 - Continuation of a short chapter fic I had planned with Robo Fizz x Angel Dust
Unhealthy Obsession Chapter 12 - My Robo Fizz OC Ransom spending some time infiltrating Ozzie’s and Fizz’s
Ozzie and DumDum - a very short late birthday present for @/the_ratbus on twitter featuring DumDum (a robo fizz oc) being genuinely nice to Ozzie when he’s usually a rat bastard.
Mansplaining - Ransom asking Mammon lots of questions that he totally knows the answers to
Ransom vs Robo Con - Ransom is a guest speaker at a Robo Fizz convention. It all goes terribly wrong.
Greed - Angsty look at Mammon in Unhealthy Obsession, set soon after Fizz breaks up with him.
Hickies - Ransom learns what hickies are and wants them despite it being impossible for him to get them.
Dancing Lessons - Mammon teaches Ransom to dance
Kisses Experiment 2 - Ransom x Mammon. Ransom getting kisses all over
First Time - Ransom x Mammon. Not the first time they have sex but the first time Ransom has a certain reaction during lol.
Stolen Kiss - Ransom steals a kiss and Mammon “punishes” him for such impudence.
Sword and Shield Scraps - bits and pieces of writing ahead with my Hazbin OC story.
Scavenger and Val - A specific encounter between Valentino and my OC Scavenger in Sword and Shield.
Jo vs Scavenger - a fun fight scene I needed to practice because of some interesting mechanics between these two OCs.
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ell-vellan · 1 year
about me
Hi! Call me Ell or Autumn (she/her). I'm a writer by hobby and profession. This blog is mostly Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate 3, but also a little bit of The Witcher Netflix, Shadow & Bone, Mass Effect, writing, and just generally media I enjoy. Probably going to include more Sleep Token in the future. Sometimes science. Rarely, my own meta and fanfic writing.
My DA Meta Posts
My Writing
My OCs
I'm an adult and I write adult things, so follow at your own discretion. I don't knowingly follow back or privately chat with minors - nothing personal!
I try to curate a positive space here as much as possible for my mental health. I don't tend to post anti stuff, and I utilize the block function pretty readily.
I'm inconsistent at best with tagging, though I do make an effort to tag for common triggers. The only one you might see regularly is a cw for blood (in fanart, not real blood). If you need something tagged, you are free to ask, but I can't guarantee I'll never forget to include it.
I'm always happy to chat about any of our shared interests, be tagged in things, or get asks about my writing, characters, or media. But I'm not here to argue, and I don't engage with negativity.
My Canon Dragon Age Worldstates for fic purposes:
(List not exhaustive - major highlights only.)
"Happily Ever After":
DAO: female warrior Cousland x King Alistair, ruled together, dark ritual with Morrigan, killed Loghain
DA2: male warrior Hawke x Anders, templar Carver, sided with mages
DAI: undecided!
DAO: Male rogue Mahariel x Zevran, King Alistair rules alone, killed Loghain, dark ritual with Morrigan.
DA2: Male mage Hawke x Fenris, spared Anders, circle mage Bethany survived, sided with mages
DAI: female mage Lavellan x Iron Bull (though my hc is Solas is an almost-maybe ex), allied with mages and Grey Wardens, Divine Leliana (softened)
Favorite DA Characters: (aka the ones you'll see most of my rbs about)
Zevran, Alistair, Fenris, The Iron Bull, Krem, Morrigan
Favorite pairings:
Zevran/Warden, Cousland/Alistair, Hawke/Anders/Fenris, Hawke/Fenris, Hawke/Anders, Bull/Dorian, Bull/Inquisitor
Not an exhaustive list by any means.
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demawrites · 1 year
Dragon Age Writing Prompts
For @dadrunkwriting​ <3
You can specify a character or a ship or neither, and I am also down for poems and song lyrics not mentioned here (in fact, I love to be introduced to your favs, so don’t be shy!)
I have edited to include some general tone notes for ships/characters, to help those of you unfamiliar with my stable of creatures. 
My OCs: - Alethea Trevelyan (Mage inquisitor, a bit posh, ANGST) - Niva Lavellan (Rogue inquisitor, rather elfy, humor and some angst) - Morgon Trevelyan (Assassin inquisitor, villain?/antihero, humor, danger) Romantic (canon) Pairings: - Alethea/Cullen (fraught, lots of baggage to work through) - Niva/Cullen (fluffy and fraught) - Niva/Solas (relationship ended like in canon, she moved on to Cullen) - Morgon/Cassandra (enemies to lovers, like, foreal) - Morgon/Flissa (it’s sweet and spicy. Too sweet to last lol)
Romantic (non-canon but plausible) Pairings: - Alethea/Duke Gaspard  - Alethea/Blackwall - Niva/Krem - Niva/Blackwall - Morgon/Dorian (okay this is a bit canon) - Morgon/Josephine - Morgon/Morrigan - Morgon/Hawke (any gender)
Romantic (crackship) Pairings: - Alethea/Solas - Niva/Briala - Morgon/Viv - ....anyone/Viv, really. God I love Viv. I should make her an LI. - Morgon/Leliana - Morgon/Cullen - Morgon/Celene - Morgon/anyone really, gimme your best shot 
I’m also open to pretty much any Platonic Pairings!
Current Prompt List
Bad Omens Lyric Prompts
Sleep Token Lyric Prompts
Even more Sleep Token (from Take Me Back to Eden)
The Weeknd Mixtape Lyric Prompts (many of these are naughty, just fyi)
Florence and the Machine Lyric Prompts
Twenty-four Touches
Assassin x Target Prompts (for Morgon mostly)
The Intimacy of Hands
Slow-burn Prompts
102 Types of Kisses
Sexual Tension Prompts
Sexual Tension Turned up to 11
Sex Tropes/pwp Prompts
Movie Quotes Prompts (Non-romantic)
Quotes from Black Sails (a wide range)
Whump Wheel
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – Love and Heartache
Fiona Apple Lyric Prompts – States of Mind (coming soon)
Poetry Prompts (coming soon)
Many thanks to everyone making prompt lists! You are appreciated. And, as always, feel free to steal mine <3
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heylavellan · 1 month
prompt me!!
Things I Write
Highlighted/colored ships are particularly inspiring right now!
Fave Ships: Zevran x Warden, Dorian x Inquisitor, Cullen x Inquisitor, Alistair x Warden, Alistair x Cullen, Dorian x Cullen, Sera x Dagna, Sera x Inquisitor, Ser Gilmore x Cousland, Duncan x Cailan, Lanaya x Warden, Leliana x Warden, Maric x Loghain, Krem x Cullen, Josephine x Inquisitor, Finn x Arianne
Fave platonic ships: Alistair & Zevran, Lavellan & Zevran, Shale & Wynne, Ferelden circle besties (Jowan, Anders, Finn, and mage!Warden), Cousland & Ser Gilmore, Vivienne & Dorian, Dorian & Solas, Sera & Cole
Fave Characters/NPCs: Ser Gilmore, Zevran, Alistair, Sten, Oghren, Wynne, Arl Eamon, Anora, Loghain, Duncan, Jowan, Warden's Mabari, Bann Teagan, Irving, Lanaya, Riordan, Lace Harding, Sera, Dorian, The Iron Bull, Cassandra, Varric, Cullen, Leliana, Krem, Nathaniel Howe
Meet my OCs: Rhiannon Amell (they/she), Ramsay Cousland (any), Elwyn Lavellan (he/they), Shokra Adaar (he/him), Ariadne Trevelyan (she/they)
Prompt Help
anything goes, but no idea what to send? try some of the below!!
magical prompts
injury prompts
angry confessions prompts
battle partner prompts
argument prompts
mcpick two!!
in love prompts
What to Expect
A little bit fruity
As a big ol' fruit, I'm most likely to write my ships as gay or in some other way queer. So if you want something cishet (or want to explore a specific identity), you'll need to specify.
Low spice
I like smut, but by default most prompts won't go beyond T rating. If you want something more, don't be afraid to ask.
No DA2 :(
My laptop is happy to run most games, but the EA launcher believes I am using a virtual machine when I try to play DA2. So no DA2 until I play it, even if I love fenhawke and handers
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pancakesprince · 6 months
doodle prompts!
*im not guaranteed to fill them, but here are the characters i'm most likely to draw for (i may accept others but not as likely)
dragon age:
my ocs: william hawke, sulevin, arvel mahariel solo: krem, dorian, fenris, merrill, maevaris, solas, isabela, morrigan, zevran couples: krem/dorian, krem/bull, krem x almost anyone really, fenhawke, zev/warden, kirkwall polycule* *e.g. not likely to draw fenders unless i insert hawke in between them
tav: sulevin (yes.. i just transport him in different aus) solo: main companions couples: tadpolycule (my tav polycule), bladeweave (wyll x gale)
other ocs: saffron (tes), maomi kucing (ff14)
if you're a friend with an oc x oc ship with me, feel free to prompt that!
send it through my ask :)
was inspired by my dadwc writing friends, so i wanted to open askbox for prompting
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jannymorningstar · 7 months
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My latest project, a Skyrim x Dragon Age Inquisition crossover fanfic featuring my Dragonborn OC as the Herald of Andraste/Inquisitor
(Featuring appearances & mentions of my canon characters from previous games: Varian Surana the Hero of Ferelden, and Elsie Hawke the Champion of Kirkwall)
Iron Bull x OC as well! (Hints of Serana x Krem & Josephine x OC as well)
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merrybandofmurderers · 4 months
I love all the different ships you have! There's no limits, anyone in the lore is game! 🤩 I've seen OC x OC on your dash before, especially on wip wednesdays, and I've read a few~ Now, though... I kinda wanna know more! Are you just making them up as you go? Do they all have some (wip?) stories to go along with them?
(the Iron Bull x Sable x Fenris and Briala x Zenith are especially interesting to me... 🫣)
so i've actually like, played-played very few of my ocs. i've made all of them--and thus played the first quest--in game at least once (altho some have appearances i need to update), but long-term playtime is more sparse. i do tend to figure out my oc's personalities BY playing, so as a result, some ocs are more fleshed out than others
i've slowed down on the oc-making, but when i first started playing in,, 2018? 2019?? i just kept getting more and more ideas the more i played, and then i'd have to start over to make the next, and then the next
see, i only started playing dragon age FOR the ocs. becuz i LOVE making ocs! even for original writing, it's always been my favorite part of story-telling. and by far the best part of dragon age--and the thing that keeps me here tbqh--is the fandom aspect of sharing ocs and talking about ocs and doing oc memes and getting commissions of your ocs and making your ocs kiss your friends' ocs. ahem
anyway. i STILL haven't played dao and da2 (altho i WILL, if for no other reason than i have so many oc ideas for them), but inquisition was enough to spawn LOTS of oc concepts. um, i just counted and it looks like i've plateaued at 64 lmao (not counting kids cuz there's only a few that i'm completely decided on)
i do plan to write SOMETHING for every oc. not as involved as the pavellan or tranquil oc fics, but something. i've got a handful already in the works and several more in the planning stages
so i did start with the canon origins and canon romances but,, that obviously did not keep me satisfied lmao. i have certain characters selected as inquistors with others being strictly companions (atp most of my ocs are "companion ocs")
i'm not really sure how to explain this, but basically all of my ocs exist in thedas at once, with different handfuls all being part of individual worldstates. in each worldstate there is a designated inquisitor with others being companions, and that is those characters' story. but regardless of which worldstate is at the fore, the rest are still in thedas doing their thing, either related to their origin or working for the inquisition more distantly (i really need to make a spreadsheet for this)
there are some ocs though that are designated "inquisition agents" that are technically present in every worldstate even if they don't feature in the individual story. sable and zenith are two of those. they are part of a vigilante squad that travels thedas helping alienages. the other two members are jude and wren. in every iteration they end up joining the inquisition as agents
the four of them originate from the starkhaven alienage. sable (ze/they) is from another alienage that was purged and ze settled in starkhaven with wren's family. zenith (ze/zir) is the child of a ben-hassrath who gave birth in the alienage while on the run and gave zir up to an elven couple. jude (they/them) is a half-elf/half-dwarf mage, their mother being an alienage elf and their father a carta dwarf. wren (he/him) is the most normal of the lot, being your average city elf
sable is a two-handed warrior, and ze develops a romance with bull; after the inquisitor [unspecified] leaves hawke in the fade, fenris shows up, and in the process of mourning and healing, partners with the pair of them. zenith, a dual-wield rogue, first develops a romance with sera, then gets close with briala during WEWH and begins a romance with her too. jude, the group's mage, romances harding; wren, a sword and shield warrior, romances krem
so. that's a run-down on the oc situation and the ocs you asked about. as established, i LOVE talking about ocs, so you're welcome to ask about any that pique your interest in particular!
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smutnug · 5 years
Day 8: Patching Up
Kremissius Aclassi x Caroline Gault (non-Inquisitor OC)
It was the worst pain he'd ever felt. Worse even than pain: the red shard buried in his side thrummed with wrongness, a corrupt force leaching into his system.
Krem lay on the lush grass of the Arbor Wilds and watched birds fly overhead, a riot of noise and colour. He wondered if he was dying.
"Stitches!" he heard somebody scream. "Get Stitches!"
Hadn't he been with them? There'd been the river, and they'd beaten the Warden forces back over the bank and into some overgrown ruins…and then the Templar monsters, horrors of red crystal and twisted flesh. But they were winning. They were winning, and then -
He winced as he craned his neck to see the damage. Such a small thing, really. It felt the width of a man's arm but it was little more than the size of an arrow. Shrapnel from an exploding behemoth, it had punched through his armour before he'd even registered the danger.
"Where the fuck is Stitches?"
"Skinner is getting him. Hold on Krem, you tough bastard."
"Someone's coming!"
"Just scouts."
There was only one scout he wanted to see. Would he die here, now, when they'd barely held hands?
He must be hallucinating already because there she was leaning over him, dark eyes wide in a pale face.
"Is it the Fade?" he rasped. "Am I dead? Where did you come from?"
"From the river, vous sotte. What have you done to yourself?" The shine in her eyes and the tremble of her hands belied her smile. "You're getting blood all over me."
"Can you heal?" Dalish asked, and she laughed bitterly."
"I can't heal a flea bite. You?"
"Same." Dalish didn't even pretend she wasn't a mage; it must be serious.
"Get it out," he rasped.
"We can't do that," Caro said, "it might be the only thing stopping you from bleeding out."
He tried to keep the rising panic from his voice. "It's killing me. I can feel it - please, just get it out of me."
"Skinner, what the fuck? Where's Stitches?"
"Elbow-deep in guts," the elf said with characteristic bluntness. "He'll be as quick as he can."
Caro chewed her lip. "I might be able to cauterise the wound. But I've never tried it. I might just burn you to death."
A spike of red-rotten pain lanced through his side. "I'll take those odds."
"You're a fool."
"Humour me." He blinked as a drop fell on his face. Rain? The skies were blue.
"Help me loosen these straps," Caro was saying. "We'll need to take the plate off at the same time to staunch the wound."
By his side, Grim grunted in affirmation. He'd patched up his share of wounds. But not like this. Not for anyone who'd pulled through, that was. They began to work at his buckles.
"Wait." He batted her hands away as she reached for his breastplate. Breathing heavily, he crossed his hands over his chest. "Just wait."
"It will hurt," she said. "If we had some elfroot -"
"It's not that."
"Let her work, idiot."
He turned to Grim in disbelief - it was the longest speech he'd ever heard from the man.
"You want to die?" he continued. "Get out of the fucking way. Nobody cares."
Caro was looking between them with a frown. "We can wait, Krem. Wait for your medic." Still, she unwrapped the scarf from around her neck ready for use as a compress.
"No." It burned; it crawled. "Take it out."
Still he clutched at his breastplate.
She misunderstood. "I've seen scars before, if that's what you're afraid of."
"That's not it."
"Then what?" There was an edge of frustration to her voice.
This wasn't how it was supposed to go. With an effort he moved his shaking hands to his sides. "Do it."
Caro handed Grim the scarf. "Be ready to press this to the wound. We need to pull the shard first, then the armour. Unless it won't come out. Then we have to pull it all at once. Let's hope that's not how it goes." She hesitated in reaching for the shard. "Maker, that feels wrong."
Grim grunted. Without a word he grabbed the base of the shard and yanked; it slid out as easily as it had gone in, and he tossed it aside with a scowl.
"Now." As a team they pulled the breastplate free, sticky with blood. Caro pulled up his undertunic and Grim pressed the scarf to the wound. It hurt like a bastard, but the wrong feeling had lessened.
"It's clean, as far as I can see." Caro joined Grim in pressing on the scarf; her little weight was a token addition at best. "No viscera poking out. That's good, no?" She shook her head. "I think we can wait. I don't want to make it worse."
Krem searched her face. His bindings were exposed, there could be no doubt. "I wanted to tell you. I would have."
"Tell me?" Her eyes met his, concern mingling with relief. "Oh." Fingers brushed the edge of his blood-soaked bindings. "Is this what you were so worried about?"
"It's not nothing."
"But it is." She cupped his cheek and pressed her forehead to his, and his heart skipped erratically. "I don't care about that, you silly boy." Soft lips pressed to his, and he couldn't be quite sure he was still conscious. The pain was still there, certainly - but it seemed so, so unimportant.
"Stitches is here. Get out of the way." Skinner, hopelessly unromantic.
"I'll be right here." Caro kissed him again. "Right by your side."
"Promise?" he whispered, and she grinned, or was it sunshine breaking through the forest canopy?
"This, I promise."
Then Stitches was there, with potions and poultices and a needle and thread, and Krem fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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Sharp and Glorious
(Credit to this post)
Krem x OC companion
“You’re up late.”
Krem started, jumping out of his stance at the voice behind him. He carefully lowered his maul as he turned, seeing Skyhold’s best healer leaning against the tavern wall behind him. “Lyris!” His face filled with color that he hoped she couldn’t see in the moonlight.
She smiled at him. walking forward. She was wearing a simple brown vest over a white tunic and dark trousers, the gear she always wore while working in the clinic while she wasn’t tramping around with the Inquisitor. There was a blood stain on one of the sleeves she had pushed up to her elbows, and her auburn curls were slipping out of their bun to brush her pointed ears. She looked exhausted. She looked beautiful.
“I could say the same to you.” He said, instead of the thoughts running through his mind. He had a thousand things he wanted to say to her, every day, every time he laid eyes on her, but he didn’t. They were friends. She was beautiful, kind, brave, compassionate, clever, and they were friends. Just.
“Serah Jerald’s frost-cough flared back up again. I had to stay late and mix up some more tonic to give him so he could fall asleep, the poor thing. The others finally shooed me out but I’m way too awake to sleep.” She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms. He could see the bags under her eyes and had to bite back the urge to tell her to lay down and try to sleep; she had frequent sleeping problems. He knew, as a friend, that telling her to sleep would only irritate her.
He jokingly held up the maul. “Want to run through some moves?”
She laughed, and it embarrassed him to think that her laugh made the moons shine just a bit brighter. “There’s no way in Thedas I could even lift that thing, much less swing it around the way you do.”
He blushed scarlet at her innuendo and wasn’t sure if she meant to do it or not. He held up a finger at her and walked over to the sparring equipment some soldiers must have left outside. He traded his maul for a wooden practice sword, sharpened and weighted to mimic a real one, before walking back and holding it up for her inspection.
She shook her head at him, smiling still. “You do know I’m a mage, right? I have no idea what to do with that.”
“All the more reason to learn.” Daring, he reached out to grab her hand, placing the sword in her palm and curling her hand around it in the correct grip. “One day you might be out of magic, or someone could smite you, and then what would you do?” He noticed the grim look pass over her face and hurried on. “I mean...it’s better to be prepared, right? Just in case?”
She pursed her lips, glancing down at the practice blade and back up at him. “Alright.” She took it from him. “Show me how.”
The next half hour was filled with him adjusting her stance, careful not to let his hands linger no matter how much he wanted to, and showing her simple moves, how to block and lunge and parry. Her face grew redder and redder as they practiced, but he chalked it up to the exhaustion and the exertion of doing something her body wasn’t used to.
Lyris groaned in frustration as she failed to do the lunge he showed her again. “What am I doing wrong?” She dropped her stance, turning to him with a bit of a pout. He had to bite his lip to keep from smiling at how adorable it was. “It’s just...your feet...Just let me show you. Take the stance again.” She did as he instructed, facing a little too forward and knees a little too far apart.
He inhaled deeply, nearly holding his breath as he stepped behind her. Using his foot, he gently knocked her legs closer together, and hesitantly placed his hands on her hips. She gasped, quietly, as he turned her body so it was side face, the movement pressing her back to his front. His nose was suddenly overwhelmed with the scent of elfroot, bandages, and something deeper, spicier. He found he couldn’t pull away, no matter how improper it was, staying rooted to the spot with his nose pressed to the top of her head.
She took a deep breath, and he could feel the inhale and exhale through his chest. It was careful, controlled. Almost everything about her was carefully controlled. He supposed as a mage, and a healer as well, control was paramount to everything about her. She had the kind of control he wished he had right now because he was barely resisting the urge to spin her around and kiss.
“Is that better?” She whispered. Her stance was right but her body was impossibly stiff now.
“Yeah, but-” He cut himself off as she dropped the wooden sword, suddenly, and turned in his grip. Now they were face to face, his hands still on her hips and hers now rested on his chest. Even through his tunic and binder, he could feel the heat of them. Their faces were barely a breath apart, and he could see the stars reflected through her green eyes. He decided if he never saw the stars directly again, he would be perfectly happy finding the night sky in her eyes, infinitely more beautiful.
She was breathing heavily, even though they stopped moving what felt like ages ago. “Kiss me.” She demanded, voice hoarse and eyes shining. Even if he had a desire too, he couldn’t have refused her. He brushed loose curls off of her face, cupped her cheek, and connected their lips like it was the most natural thing in the world.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Hey!!! For the ask game: 8, 26, 40 <3
oh thank you so much for asking💛
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
I prefer the beginning of a story - I love how you can set the scenery, what people are feeling, what is going on, background info
I like middle as well, as this is where everything happens and you can do a lot of build up until you reach the climax of the story and I like this
I don't really like the ending of fics, or rather I struggle with them and I am often not happy with how one shots end, because I sometimes don't know where to stop and how to do it, it is something I really want to improve in my writing
Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think it is my Azriel x OC story (only posted on wattpad), I wrote it during lockdown and it had 94 chapters and I came up with a whole new storyline etc.
I had a lot more time back then, as there was only online uni and you couldn't do much due to lockdown, hence why I had a lot of time to plan and everything
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
well, this actually already happened
I commissioned art from @krem-does-stuff for a scene of my Gwynthazar fic and I honestly could still cry when I look at it
it is exactly how I imagined it and turned out more beautiful than I could have ever hoped for
it is a scene where Gwyn and Balthazar talk about her Invoking Stone
ask game
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