#kunigiri angst
alyorlexi · 1 year
Chigiri: You changed..Kunigami, I didn't know you turned out like this, just before I was facing a "Never give up" energy and now..
Chigiri is facing an emotionless, numb person he used to love, Kunigami Rensuke is never the same as before, a hero has changed since the "Wild Card" event took place..he is a just a stain from the old memories
Kunigami: Cut it out, Sheltered Princess don't even think that I am the same person you used to play with before.
Chigiri can only fake a smirk
Chigiri: Keep talking, welcome back..Hero.
Kunigami  can only look at his eyes, and without hesitation he left
Chigiri: I miss the old you.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
The Elephant In The Room (Blue Lock)
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Heyo! You know who's been on my mind alot lately? Reo. I don't write enough of him- and given what went down in this past season I figured he'd need some good ol tickles so that's what I did :D This got a fair bit angsty at times but like- Second Selection Reo is angsty. It kinda fits. I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13
CW: Swearing, Angst, Blue Lock Spoilers (Second Selection)
Summary: It's about time they addressed the whole "Nagi situation". Reo's resistant and Kunigami's worried. Interestingly enough it's Chigiri who finds an effective solution.
“You don’t smile a lot, do you?”
Reo’s already existing scowl deepened, violet eyes glaring daggers into crimson as he curled up further in his bed. “What’s it to you, anyway? Not like you care whether I smile or not.”
“Ooo, moody.” Chigiri leaned into his hands, unfazed. It wasn’t the first night they were all staying together, but it was the first time any of them addressed the elephant in the room. “And here I thought I was bad.”
“You are.” Kunigami pointed out with a small grin, earning an eye roll and a less than kind gesture sent his way. “Really though- I don’t think you’re the person to really point that out, Princess. If I recall correctly, you barely smiled once when the team was first coming together.”
“Had a lot going on.” Chigiri shrugged, though his voice softened when addressing the hero. Turning back to Reo, he tried again. “Kay so- are we just gonna pretend the Nagi thing didn’t happen.”
“Yes.” Reo began just as Kunigami said. “Nope.”
Now he was glaring at the ginger, extra irritated. “Drop it will you? It’s got nothing to do with either of you.”
“Sure, but you’re our teammate. Not to mention our roommate. Can’t deny it gets a little tense when you’re glowering over there.” Kunigami shrugged, trying for a smile. “Besides- we’re in the same boat with Isagi-”
“It’s not the same.” Reo cut off, voice sharp. Chigiri raised brows as they shared a look.
“Okay- my bad. Just trying to feel it out.” Kunigami held up a hand in apology, not sure whether to push or let it be. Ideally if they were to make it to the end, they’d have to start getting along. They were fine on the field, but this uncomfortable eggshell dynamic was starting to wear on him. Maybe it was the altruist in him, but he wanted to show Reo that they were there for him.
“Lover’s quarrel?” Chigiri on the other hand seemed to want to antagonize the other. He flopped forward on the lower bunk and tucked his chin against his arms, feet kicking behind him like he was a girl at a slumber party. “That explains a lot- were you two dating before Blue Lock or…?”
“Chigiri..” Kunigami began, but he was cut off when Reo sat up, eyes scary.
“Drop it. Now.” He growled.
“Or what?” Chigiri asked back, boldy hopping out of his bed and flopping into Reo’s. “You’re gonna sulk more?” He reached out, poking Reo’s side. “You know- whenever the hero over there and I fight, it’s super dramatic. Lots of yelling and drama- one time I set his sweatpants on fire.”
“When’d you do that?” Kunigami blinked. Reo’s mouth was twitching, though the ginger suspected it was more from the relentless pokes Chigiri was giving in directly into his side.
“He forgot already. Don’t you know that’s what we fight about the most?” Chigiri kept poking, starting to grin when Reo’s lips wobbled, leaning away from the touch. “He’s got the memory of a goldfish. I bet you he’d already forgotten our anniversary.”
“I don’t ca-are! Ugh, go aw-way!” Reo leaned further from the pokes. Interestingly enough, he wasn’t climbing off the bed. Kunigami started to smile too.
“Oi, you said you loved my goldfish memory.” He got up and kneeled beside the bed, poking Reo’s other side. “You said I was the nicest fish you’ve ever won at the fair. Crazy one, this guy. He kissed me, and boom! I turned into a human! It was like a budget version of the Princess and the Frog.”
“Oi, who are you calling the budget version?” Chigiri raised a brow, still poking Reo. “I like to think I’m rather expensive.”
“Yep, a whole 2000 yen worth.”
“Gohohohd, you two are annohohoohying!” Reo blurted out, unable to keep the giggles out of his throat. He doubled over, trying to block out the hands poking and prodding his sides and waist. At some point Chigiri shifted from pokes to grabbing, squeezing his side with gentle pressure while Kunigami increased the amount of fingers poking his ribs. “Goohohoohoho awhahahhay, I waahhahahant to brhohoohohhoohohod!”
“Nah, you’ve been brooding enough. We’re running out of toothbrushes.” Chigiri pointed out, bringing another hand in so he could squeeze Reo’s hip. That got a reaction- the purple haired striker doubled over with a cackle, rich sounding laughter exploding from his lips. “It’s bad enough you destroyed your own, but you even snapped mine in half! I had to get a new one from Ego-sensei!”
“Yeah- plus we don’t like seeing you so down.” Kunigami bailed on tickling his ribs to grab his other hip, squeezing and massaging it like Chigiri and increasing Reo’s laughing fits. “We want to help, Reo! Or at the very least- we want to be there for you. Talk to us!”
“GHEHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA!” The purple haired teen let out a loud squeal, slapping at their hands as he squirmed, torn between guarding and elbowing them. His face was flushed red, and his eyes were squeezed shut with mirth- tears brimming the corners as he wheezed. “FIHHIHIHINE FIHIHIHIIHNE I’LL TAHAHAHHALK! NOW STAHAHHAHAHAHAP!”
“Hmm..should we, hero?” Chigiri asked, raising a brow at Kunigami. The ginger looked between him and Reo, considering.
“Yeah, let’s let him breathe, princess.” They released him, watching Reo fall back as he gasped for air. His bangs fell in his eyes, hiding them as he sucked in heavy breaths, legs twitching from remaining sensation. Chigiri hummed happily as he got comfortable, stealing Reo’s pillow and tucking it under his chin. Kunigami readjusted so he was sitting on his knees, arms folded against the bed as they waited for Reo to talk.
“Fihihirst….fuuhck you.” He grumped, earning a snort from Chigiri and a grin from Kunigami. Reo pushed his hair away, voice tired. “You two suck.” When they didn’t respond, he crossed his arms over his chest, closing his eyes. For a moment, it seemed like he was falling asleep.
“It’s not the same. You two- you found each other and that was that. Sure, you might be mad at Isagi for going on ahead, but at least you have one another.” Reo sounded so sad that moment, knuckles whitening as he shook with- what, tears? Anger? “You didn’t have to watch the person you care about abandon you after everything you’ve done for them. Nagi just- he didn’t even hesitate! He left me to join up with them and didn’t look back at all. It was like I didn’t exist…” He blinked rapidly, shaking his head so he wouldn’t cry. “Call it what you want- lover’s quarrel, my pet abandoning me, me being dramatic- I don’t care! It just really fucking hurt what he did.” A tear escaped. He refused to let the rest fall. “It really, really fucking hurts.”
The pair were quiet, letting Reo’s words fall over them as he struggled to wipe away the tears in his eyes. After a moment, Chigiri poked his arm, voice soft.
“Hey…sorry. About the pet comment.” He sounded like he meant it. “And about Nagi.”
“Don’t- I don’t care about him.” A lie and they all knew it.
“It’s okay to care. I’d be hurt too if Princess did that to me and vice versa.” Kunigami reached out, taking one of Reo’s hands, squeezing gently. “You don’t have to pretend you don’t care about him.”
“I d-don’t-” Reo sniffed, but he didn’t pull his hand away.
“Good. In that case let’s run him over.” Chigiri decided. That shocked a laugh out of Reo, startling him out of his tears.
“Where the hell are you gonna get a car? And besides- you can’t drive.” Kunigami blinked, shaking his head with a grin.
“Neither do half the people in the K-drama’s my sister watches but they still find a way.” Chigiri shrugged, giggling when Reo let out a snort, covering his face. “Fine- we’ll hit him with a shopping cart. Or maybe with a shoe. Covered in-”
“Ew stop!” Reo shoved Chigiri over, nearly sending him off the bed. He was smiling though- the first real one they’ve seen since they teamed up. “Ugh, you’re awful!”
“You knew that already.” Chigiri smiled cherublike, making Reo laugh more as he shoved his discarded pillow at him.
“I’ll take care of Nagi. It’s…fine.” Reo sighed, though this time it lacked its usual heaviness. “I’ll kick his ass in our next match against him, and that will be it. But erm…” He averted his gaze, neck reddening. “Thanks for eh…helping I guess.”
“Of course.” Kunigami nodded, standing up. “That’s what hero’s do.”
“And Princesses I suppose. Gotta help the little folk out every one and a while.” Chigiri rolled off the bed, making his way towards the bottom bunk across the way before face planting into it. “Man, I’m tired. Wake me up when the next match begins.”
Kunigami snorted as he pulled the discarded blanket over Chigiri, climbing up and into his own bed. Reo wiggled into his own just as the lights went out- bedtime across the entire stadium. His heart still hurt- a pain he knew wouldn’t go away until he and Nagi had words, but it didn’t hurt as bad now. He didn’t feel so…bottled up.
Maybe opening up to people wasn’t so bad. With people like Kunigami and Chigiri- he could see himself doing it more.
Thanks for reading!
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ash-the-pancake · 1 month
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whenever I realize people have saved my ship playlists I start to giggle and kick my feet
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headhedgehog · 8 months
Part 2 here
CW: Assault, described after the fact.
“Dad,” Keiko said, her tone cautious. “I was thinking about going out on Friday, would that be okay?”
Kunigami looked up from his laptop, peered at his daughter over his glasses. “I guess? Where’re you going? And with who?”
“A guy from my class asked if I wanted to see a movie.”
“Is this a date?”
“Keiko, you’re 16, you don’t need to be shy about going on dates.” Kunigami closed his laptop and pretended to clean his glasses so he didn’t have to look her in the eye. “Who’s the guy?”
Keiko muttered something. Kunigami sighed.
“One more time, and audible, please.”
“Isagi Haru.”
“As in Isagi Yoichi’s son?”
“Did you ask Daddy?” 
“Dad, c’mon, he’s even weirder about Isagi Yoichi than you are.”
“He can’t be trusted!!”
“You were in high school! It was literally decades ago!”
Kunigami pinched the bridge of his nose. “What about Baro Shoei’s kid? Isn’t he also in your class?”
“Dad, he makes everyone use hand sanitizer before he’ll accept any papers the teacher passes out.”
“Your popcorn would be sanitary!”
Kunigami sighed. “You really like this Isagi kid?”
Keiko sat next to him on the couch. “He’s really sweet, Dad. I’ve been trying to get him to ask me out all year and he finally noticed. Please?”
Kunigami looked at his daughter, the one person in the whole world he would do literally anything for. She used to call him Papa, when she was little. When did she stop calling him Papa? 
Maybe he could blame it on the Isagi kid if this lasted for very long.
“Okay. But you have to tell Daddy.”
She beamed at him, practically bounced off the couch. “Thank you!!” 
She ran off to her room, leaving Kunigami to stew in how not-little his little girl had become.
Friday evening found Kunigami and Chigiri making dinner for themselves as Keiko ran around the house to get ready for her date. Kunigami could see his husband’s ears perk up every time their daughter went between rooms, his jaw set.
“You know Isagi’s son isn’t necessarily like Isagi, right?” Kunigami asked, bumping Chigiri with his hip. “There’s no reason to be so upset.”
“I’m not upset! I just…we haven’t met the kid, makes me nervous.”
“We have met him. Many times, at games and team events. He’s in Keiko’s class, he’s not a stranger.”
“We haven’t met him as a romantic interest for our daughter. Asking him about his third-grade teacher is pretty different from trusting him to be decent alone with Keiko.”
“Hyoma, they’re going to a movie, they aren’t going to be alone.”
“They SAID they’re going to a movie…”
“What, you don’t trust Keiko now?”
“I do! But he’s a teenage boy, and she likes him, so who knows.”
“I think we must’ve had very different high school experiences.”
“I didn’t do anything weird! I just spent a lot of time in locker rooms with guys who did!”
Kunigami shook his head as if to dispel the memories of gross teenage boy conversations he’d overheard in his youth. 
“Hey, when did Keiko stop calling me Papa?”
“She calls me Dad now. When did she start doing that?”
“I dunno, it’s been a while I guess. She’s older, it sounds more grown up I guess.”
“She still calls you Daddy!”
Before Chigiri could answer, Keiko practically bounced into the kitchen, ready for her date.
“Look at you!” Chigiri cooed at her. “You look beautiful, Lovebug.” 
“Thanks Daddy.” She kissed Chigiri on the cheek. “He’s here, I’ll be home around midnight!”
“I didn’t hear the doorbell,” Kunigami said, eyebrow raised.
“He texted me. Like five minutes ago, I really need to leave. Love you!”
Kunigami watched her leave, only a little hurt he didn’t get a kiss, too. 
“Who’s upset now?” Chigiri teased, turning back to the stove. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That vein on your forehead does.”
“What kind of degenerate doesn’t come to the door to pick up their date?!”
“I dunno, Ren. They must’ve stopped training boys in chivalry sometime in the last twenty years.”
“I mean it, Hyoma, what, is he avoiding us?”
“Probably. He’s met us, remember?”
“We’re not scary!”
“I’m not. You, my dear, are a giant and he’s taking your daughter on a date.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Chigiri giggled and kissed him. 
Just after 10:30, Kunigami dozed on the couch with Chigiri’s head in his lap. He lazily carded his fingers through Chigiri’s long pink hair, enjoying the quiet. 
Until his phone rang. Almost on instinct, he answered without looking at the caller i.d.
“Papa?” Keiko’s voice came through the speaker, scared and shaking. He sat up, suddenly fully awake.
“Keiko? What’s wrong?”
Chigiri was now upright too, very still despite the clear panic in his eyes as he waited for information.
“Papa, can you come get me? Please?”
“Of course, are you still at the movie theater?”
“Be there in five minutes. Stay where people can see you, okay?”
Kunigami was off the couch and halfway to the front door before he heard Chigiri running behind him.
“Ren! What’s going on? Is she okay?”
“I dunno, she was crying and she wants me to come get her.”
“I’m coming with you.” 
They were out the door and down the road before they realized they were still in their slippers.
Keiko was standing under a streetlight in front of the movie theater, arms wrapped tightly around herself. When she saw the car she practically threw herself into the back seat. 
“I’m cold,” she sniffed, curling up around herself as Kunigami steered the car back onto the road. Chigiri turned up the heat. 
“What happened, Lovebug?” Chigiri asked when the girl stopped shivering. Keiko just shook her head. “I’m gonna need at least an idea, sweetheart. Are we taking you home, do you need a doctor…?”
“I wanna go home.” Keiko moved to wipe her face with the heel of her hand, revealing bloody knuckles.
“Your hand is bleeding! Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Kunigami nearly swerved onto the sidewalk. “What did he do to you?” he asked calmly, his voice several tones lower than usual. 
Keiko burst into tears again. “I’m sorry, Papa.”
Kunigami and Chigiri shared a pained glance before Chigiri turned back to their daughter. “Shh, Lovebug. Whatever it is, it’s going to be alright. Let’s just get you home, okay?”
Keiko nodded, still crying and curled in on herself. Kunigami forced himself to watch the road, a horrible mixture of heartbreak and cold fury in his chest.
Keiko let Kunigami carry her into the house, kept her face buried in his chest. He felt like crying, looking at her with her makeup smudged and her injured hand. 
I’m going to murder that Isagi kid, he thought as he sat Keiko on the edge of the bathtub. Chigiri came in with the first aid kit and handed it to Kunigami before settling next to Keiko on the tub. She put her head on his shoulder and watched Kunigami settle himself on the floor in front of her and gently take her bloodied hand.
“Well, you didn’t break anything,” he said after a moment of carefully bending and flexing her fingers. “Doesn’t seem like your cuts are very deep, either.”
“Good deal,” Chigiri said. He ran a hand over Keiko’s hair, kissed her temple. 
“I’m gonna clean the cuts now, okay? It’ll probably sting a little.”
Keiko nodded and turned to hide her face in the crook of Chigiri’s neck. She whimpered when Kunigami swiped an alcohol pad over her knuckles, again when he dabbed them with antibiotic cream. Chigiri held her tight, the look in his eyes echoing Kunigami’s fear back to him. 
“Okay, all set.” Kunigami sat back and packed up the kit. Chigiri got her to stand up and go to her room to change into pajamas and wipe off her makeup. When she was dressed, she joined them in the living room and curled up on the couch. Chigiri sat on the floor next to her head and reached out to smooth her hair.
“You ready to talk about it, Keiko?” Chigiri asked, his tone far more gentle than Kunigami could’ve managed. Keiko sniffed, wouldn’t look at them.  
“Isagi Haru was acting kind of weird when he picked me up,” she said finally, still looking away. “And when we got to the theater and were waiting in line, I told him I was happy that he’d asked me out. And he got this weird look on his face and said it was a dare from one of his friends.”
“Oh, Keiko,” Chigiri murmured. Kunigami stood and made himself look out the window in an attempt to hide his anger.
“So I told him I would just go home, he could still say he won, whatever. But he said he still wanted to spend time with me, so we bought tickets and went inside. Everything was fine – well, sort of, I mean c’mon – but then he put his arm around me. I didn’t really want him to after everything, so I tried to shrug him off.”
Kunigami felt his heart rate spike, tried to breathe slowly.
“And he said ‘don’t be like that, Keiko, I know you wanted to go out with me,’ and then he kissed me,” Keiko’s breath had become shaky again. Chigiri squeezed her shoulder, looked at Kunigami with a furrowed brow. “And he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I pulled away and said I didn’t want to kiss him, he’d basically admitted he didn’t even want to be there, and he said I was being ridiculous. And he grabbed me by the back of the neck and kissed me again, and he got his hand in my shirt and grabbed my boob. And then I managed to kind of get away and I punched him in the nose. Then I ran away and called Dad.”
“You hit him hard enough to break the skin on your knuckles?” Kunigami asked, voice tinged with pride.
“Yeah. Well, I think I caught his glasses a bit, maybe that’s why.”
Chigiri guided her to sit up and handed her a box of tissues. “I’m so sorry that happened, Keiko. How are you feeling now?”
“Pretty bad. Not excited to see him at school.”
“It’s a scary thing. You know it’s not your fault, right?”
Keiko nodded, but her lip was trembling again. 
“Do you want to keep talking about it? Or can we get you anything?”
“I think I want to go to bed.”
“Okay, Lovebug. We’re here if you need anything, okay?”
Keiko stood and started toward her room, but turned around after a few steps. “Papa, can you come sit with me for a little while? Just til I fall asleep?”
“Of course I can.”
Keiko had been asleep for over an hour, but Kunigami was still sitting next to her, back against the wall and feet under the edge of her duvet. He was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to sleep, anyway. 
Judging by the texts still coming to his phone, Chigiri was equally awake.
“Do you think Isagi would know it was us if we kidnapped the little fucker and threw him into the sea?” read the most recent message. Kunigami stifled a laugh.
“We’d probably be pretty high on the list of suspects,” he typed back.
Bzzt. “Should we call Isagi? I mean I’d wanna know if my kid was a sex pest. So I could throw him into the sea.”
“You’re really stuck on the sea thing.”
Bzzt. “It’s a satisfying thought. And cleaner than my first instinct, which was to stomp him into the sidewalk with my cleats.”
“You’re a menace.”
Bzzt. “So is this Haru kid! So are we calling his dad or not.”
“It’s up to Keiko, don’t you think? I don’t want to take her agency away from her. Again.”
Bzzt. “I hate it when you’re right.”
Bzzt. “But what are we gonna say when we see Isagi and he wants to know why his demon came home from a movie date with a broken nose?”
“I don’t think we have to lie. I just don’t want to make decisions about how to handle her assault without her.”
Kunigami swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as he typed the words ‘her assault’ about his daughter. He looked at her sleeping form, her face mercifully a bit more relaxed now. In the car, he’d have set the city on fire if it would mean Keiko felt safe. Now it was all he could do to keep from crying about how helpless he felt. He really couldn’t protect her forever. Not even from some punk teenager he could crush with one hand.
Bzzt. “She still sleeping?”
“Yeah. She seems okay for now.”
Bzzt. “You coming to bed?”
Kunigami watched Keiko’s shoulder rise and fall with her breath. He couldn’t fix what happened, but she was safe now. He thought about her waking up and being alone when she remembered why her knuckles were bandaged. 
“Nah, I think I’m gonna camp out here.”
Bzzt. “Figured. Let me know if you wanna swap at some point. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
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bueris · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chigiri Hyouma/Kunigami Rensuke Characters: Chigiri Hyouma Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Dreams, guess whos sad and gay and having strange dreams about it, this guy right here, Not Beta Read Series: Part 2 of bllk snippets Summary:
Rest comes easy for tired athletes, but the rest itself isn't always easy. At the same time, rest can be a little too comfy and leave you wishing you hadn't woken up.
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ezrajavaid · 1 year
under the starlight.
as i lay upon the desolate meadow, the boundary between day and night began to blur. the first glimmers of stars peered down upon me, their radiance illuminating the surrounding landscape. the breeze whispered a gentle melody in my ears, as though it was trying to soothe my very being.
intoxicated beneath the nocturnal canopy, i reclined beneath the stellar brilliance as the gusts of wind bellowed through the arboreal enclave. i believed there was naught to be procured within this place.
you entered my presence without any inkling of my identity or our past.
as i lie in the desolate field, your gaze fell upon me with a sense of recognition etched upon your countenance. it was palpable that we shared a mutual understanding of our presence in this isolated place, beneath the twinkling night sky. we met on this very ground, and the same celestial bodies shone down upon us once more.
my being is consumed by your presence with each fleeting moment, as i strive to grasp the magnificence of our harmony. it is a wonder how two entities could coexist as a singular entity, with hearts that conjoined like puzzle pieces. the celestial bodies themselves seem to have recognized our kindred spirits, and thus grant us solace beneath their watchful gaze.
as we huddled closer for warmth, an unspoken agreement was silently exchanged between us. our gaze fixed upon the brilliant constellations above, we implored the stars to guide us forward, illuminating our way ahead. our paths would diverge once more after this fleeting moment, while we remained hidden away beneath the vast night sky.
the absence of your warm embrace left a gaping void within me, rensuke.
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todomaggie · 1 year
Hello! I have a fanfiction account on another social but the situation there is awful so I will start posting link for my fics here as well, starting with this. KUNIGIRI nsfw fic. Chapter one is on, i'll update on tuesday ♡
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I kid you not, this is under the EpiNagi Vol.3 dust Jacket.
In the Volume filled with pure angst, where Nagi made her young master cried not once, but twice, and shattered Reo’s self-esteem for Kunigiri to put the pieces back together.
This woman pulled out a literal war machine, smoking her cigar in a room with a deer’s head (which was shot point blank with sniper precision) mounted to the wall and said.
��What? It’s just a hobby.’
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licyo · 8 months
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Kunigiri x Angels Like You
I did this instead of sleeping, but I had to draw something after all the angst that chapter 248 put me through (I'm still recovering)
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kae-karo · 2 months
(this is the part where you find out who you are) - blue lock fic - COMPLETED!
(this is the part where you find out who you are) - E
ch 29/29 - rin (homecoming, part 2) - 3.5k
endgame ships: ryusae, rin&sae, hiorin, kurobachisagi, kuro&shidou, kaisagi, kunigiri
tags: no bllk au, they all work at the mall, getting together, polyamory, eventual smut, consensual underage sex, light angst, happy ending
Every Friday during the summer, a group of mall employees gather around the Auntie Anne’s for what they’ve dubbed ‘pretzel Fridays’.
In Rin’s eyes, Sae broke them when he decided that he’d be abandoning Rin at the end of the summer - there’s no going back from a betrayal like that, no matter how much he wishes otherwise. Sure, the summer promises some distraction in the shape of one Hiori You, but that doesn’t mean Rin isn’t still dreading the rapid approach of autumn. Shidou’s been crushing on Sae since he first laid eyes on him. He loves that Sae doesn’t make it easy, even if it means playing the long game. No way he’s letting a catch like Sae get away. Isagi’s had this job for, what, a few weeks now? And for some fucking reason, Michael Kaiser has made it his life’s mission to ensure Isagi suffers. Even Bachira - and everyone they both take to bed - can’t quite take his mind off that asshole of a coworker. Chigiri’s been a part of Bachira’s orbit for a while now, but it’s never quite enough. He wants Bachira for himself, but that’s a far-fetched dream he would never force on Bachira. When he meets Kunigami, though, he might start to reconsider.
[read new ch | read from beginning]
mall au part 2 is in the works!!
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galaxynajma · 6 months
I'm so curious- what are your thoughts on Rinsagi, Kunigiri and Kaisagi?
Well I’ve made multiple posts about those ships so it’s obvious that I like them lol
Kunigiri was one of the first Blue Lock ships I really liked! They’re so adorable together!
And with the whole wildcard mess there’s some angst in there
Omg I love the idea of Chigiri trying to win back post Wildcard Kunigami during the NEL
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As for Rinsagi.. I think I started to see the potential of them after chapter 85
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There was moments of them before this ( Isagi saying shit like " I want him " or something) but this was the starting point
Though the U20 arc was definitely their highlight
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The PXG vs BM match has some pretty great moments so far lol
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With Kaisagi I remember I saw a post a while back somewhere about how popular each Isagi ship was on AO3 and Kaisagi and Rinsagi were tied with Bachisagi being a very close second and I was just wondering why Kaisagi was so popular ( this was before I up to date with the manga )
And then I read chapter 157 ..
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"OH" was my first thought when seeing this .. everything made sense now
And it just kept getting gayer and gayer
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And now Kiis shippers actually exist in blue lock how beautiful
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Honestly didn’t expect for me to like kiis as much as I do lol it’s one of my most favorite bllk ships ( which is saying a lot )
Anyways hope that answers your question Anon!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Returning The Favor (Blue Lock)
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Hi hello welcome to Squiggily's Self Indulgent Time- in which I had a severe craving for Kunigiri and decided to write it. These two make me so freaking soft and I just- words can't form for how much I love them, you know? I hope you like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
CW: Swearing, {Part 3: medical-based nightmares, panic and anxiety attacks}, mild angst
@cupcake-spice13, @myreygn
Summary: 4 times Kunigami tickled Chigiri and the one time he managed to return the favor.
Lights flicked on overhead like a window being drawn open- a chorus of tired groans and curses followed soon after. Kunigami yawned as he sat up-running a hand through his orange bed head as he watched Team Z around him begin to wake.
It was always so interesting to him watching people wake up. You had your early risers who were up well before the lights- Kuon was gently rousing a wrinkle faced Naruhaya awake with the promise of breakfast while Isagi stood, stretching his arms out and making his back pop in a series of satisfying cracks.
Then you had those who hated mornings with a passion. Raichi was cursing up a storm, face pressed in his pillow as he struggled to wake up. Gagamaru looked positively dead, a curtain of hair blocking his violent expression as he scratched at his buttcheek.
Then there were the ones who needed help waking up. A LOT of it.
“Oi, Princess; rise and shine.” Kunigami turned to the mound of blankets beside him, red hair poking out the top like his sister’s Troll dolls. For someone so graceful when he was awake, sleeping Chigiri was a disaster. Soft snores could be heard beneath the sheets, the mound raising and falling slowly with each breath he took. It was almost hilarious how heavy Chigiri slept; the world could be ending and he’d simply turn over and keep snoring. Sometimes the guys joke about him “Only waking up after true love’s kiss”.
While Kunigami rather liked that idea, he had an even better plan of attack.
“Princess…” Kunigami crawled over, gently prying the blanket off his boyfriend.The other made a noise of quiet scorn, frowning in his sleep as he curled up further against the morning chill. “It’s time for breakfast. Hurry before there’s nothing left.”
In response, Chigiri turned over, snuggling on his back with a sleepy sigh. The ginger shook his head, unable to fight down a smile.
“Alright- you asked for it.” He grinned, eyes landing on the sliver of skin between Chigiri’s sweats. He shimmied beneath the futon.
A second or two passed. Then-
“GAH!” Chigiri let out a shocked squeal, flailing beneath the blankets at the sudden raspberry being blown against his bare skin. Immediately after he was laughing hysterically, swatting and slapping at Kunigami’s back as he struggled to escape. “STAHHAHAP! SHTHAHHAHP! I’M UP! GHEHAHAHA I’M UHUUHHUP!”
“Are you sure?” Kunigami asked against his hip, grinning when the blankets got yanked off, allowing him to see the redhead’s hot glare. “Good morning, Chi. Sleep well?”
“I was- but then a big ugly ogre showed up in my dream and tried to eat me!” Chigiri tugged at Kunigami’s sweatshirt, unsuccessful in pulling him off. “He was tall with big muscles and orange fur and smelled bad.”
“Oh, that is IT!” Kunigami mock gasped before going right back to his tickles, making the redhead squeal and fall over. “Screw the cafeteria, I’m having raspberries for breakfast!”
“How’s your knee?” Kunigami asked, brows furrowing when Chigiri made a soft noise, rubbing at the joint. They’d been running all morning- something about “90 minute endurance” that left a lot of the guys exhausted. Chigiri naturally outpaced them all- his speed was amazing even when he wasn’t going all out.
“It’s fine..just a little sore.” Chigiri tried to smile, but he looked so tired it came off as a grimace. “I’ll do my leg care in a bit. I doubt I could make it back to the locker rooms right now even if I tried.”
“Hm.” Kunigami kept looking at him, amber eyes flicking from his expression to his knee to the main rooms. Then he stood up suddenly, squatting before the redhead.
“What are you-Whoa!” Chigiri yelped when arms tucked under his legs and back, sweeping him off his feet. “K-Kunigami, put me down!” He grabbed on to him like a startled cat, cheeks getting warm when he heard a few of the guys whistle and croon at them. “I can walk back myself!”
“Sorry- can’t let you do that.” Kunigami told him simply, ignoring the others as he began to walk back to the main rooms. “Besides, what happens if you hurt yourself on the way in?”
“I’m not a porcelain doll! I won’t break. Chigiri snapped, pissed.
“Didn’t mean it like that.” Kunigami winced, expression falling. “Sorry.”
Chigiri grew quiet as they passed the sliding doors, the sound of the AC above them the only noise. Then: “No, I’m sorry. I’m not…used to getting help.” Chigiri’s expression softened to one of remorse as he squeezed Kunigami’s shoulder. “Thank you for helping me.”
“Hey, that’s what heroes do.” The ginger smiled as he leaned in, kissing Chigiri’s cheek. “I don’t like how down you look. Come on- smile for me.”
“Screw you- I don’t smile when people tell me to.” Chigiri rolled his eyes, flattening his mouth. No success- the corners of his lips were twitching.
“Not even for your knight in shining armor?” Kunigami teased, the hand under Chigiri’s knee curled, fingers wiggling beneath it. “After I’ve saved you from that dastardly ogre this morning?”
“Ehehhehehehe! Nohooho, dohoohn’t you dahhah-HERO!” Chigiri squeaked, nearly falling out of Kunigami’s arms when he felt his balance shift. “Don’t I’ll fall!” 
“I’ll never let that happen.” Kunigami reassured him, effortlessly readjusting his grip. “I’ll catch you always.”
“Wow, I’m swooning.” Chigiri deadpanned, even as his cheeks warmed and he snuggled closer, resting his head against the crook of Kunigami’s neck. “Get the smelling salts, I just might faint.”
“I’ll go get Gagamaru’s gym socks.” Kunigami offered, laughing when Chigiri pinched him, disgusted.
“Hey, look at me.” Kunigami’s voice was soft and hushed, as if Chigiri would shatter at anything louder. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
Chigiri would have snarked something in reply had he been able to breathe. The nightmare still played through his head over and over- a tall grotesque figure with a massive circular saw looming over him, going to cut off his leg. He could still hear the sound of that terrible machine in his ears, the gleam of it as it got closer and closer until-
“Hyoma.” The sound of his name snapped him back to reality, and he looked up with panicked eyes at Kunigami. “We’re gonna breathe together, okay? Follow my lead. Ready?” Kunigami set a pace- slow and deep. Chigiri struggled to keep up, his breathing shaky and hitching with each inhale. His vision was so blurry- was he crying or sweating? Was he even awake or was this dream Kunigami putting him under before the big chop?
“That’s it…nice and slow…” Kunigami’s hands found his. They were so warm, hot almost in Chigiri’s clammy ones. They felt so real and thick and human. Calloused and rough yet so incredibly gentle. “There we go. Just like that.”
His lungs weren’t on fire anymore. The tightness in his throat was starting to loosen. When he breathed in again, it wasn’t so hard. “H-hero?” He stammered out, barely over a whisper.
“I’ve gotcha, Princess.” There it was- the one thing that reminded him where he was. No longer in a doctor’s office wheeling to surgery- no longer in the warped hospital of his nightmare. He was in Blue Lock, the aluminum floors cold against his bare feet, the wall against his back prodding into his spine uncomfortably. He didn’t care- discomfort was reality to him. His hands weren’t trembling anymore. “There we are. Just like that.”
He didn’t know how much time passed. He honestly couldn’t remember leaving the main room. He probably fell asleep out here- or maybe he woke everyone up. It didn’t matter- Kunigami was beside him now, an arm sliding across his back and pressing him into a broad chest. He could hear Kunigami’s heartbeat racing. “I scared you..”
“No, I’m not scared.” He reassured him, the hand on his back sliding up and under his sweatshirt, pressing into bare skin. The touch was incredibly comforting. “Just worried.”
“Sorry…” Chigiri mumbled, blinking as tears slid down his cheeks. He didn’t know if they were fresh or lingering.
“Don’t.” Kunigami sounded so gentle yet firm. The hand on his back ran across his spine, fingers curling as they dragged along his skin. Any other spot Chigiri probably would have squirmed away, too ticklish for his own good. Maybe he was too drained to react, but he rather liked the feeling. “Rest. I got you.”
Chigiri hummed, closing his eyes, the feeling of Kunigami’s nails scratching his skin combined with the sound of his heartbeat was like a lullaby to him. “Thanks…Rensuke.”
If Kunigami replied, he didn’t hear it. He was already asleep.
“Say it.” Kunigami was staring at him- a new intensity in his expression. “I wanna hear it.”
“Hmm….no.” Chigiri decided, fighting down the urge to smile as he carried on blow drying his hair. “I don’t like being told what to do.”
Kunigami puffed, the frown he was trying to force on his face coming off more like a pout. The effect was rather adorable- Chigiri almost gave in just for that face alone.
This was more fun, he decided.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Chi!” Kunigami scooted closer when the appliance turned off, Chigiri putting it aside as he gathered up his hair tie. "My kryptonite- the one who takes down superman!”
“I thought you liked All Might.” Chigiri hummed as he began braiding the side of his head, working the soft strands down slowly. “Does that mean I’m whatever his name is? The dry bones looking guy?”
“Oh no- you’re far too pretty to be Shigaraki.” Kunigami’s fingers came over his, taking over the task. Chigiri almost swatted him away but decided against it, letting his hands fall to his lap with a small sigh of content. “Though if I had to compare you two in personality…”
Chigiri tch’d,  reaching back and pinching Kunigami’s thigh. The ginger yelped, spasming some and accidentally tugging the redhead’s hair. Chigiri hissed in pain, his glare softening to a grumpy cat look after the hero pressed a soft kiss against his crown in apology. “I’m still not saying it.”
“What? After this beautiful job I did with your hair?” Kunigami finished the braid, tying it off and tucking it away. “What’s left of it anyway.”
Chigiri snorted, his hand running over the plait. “I’ll be thinking of it all day- really; my head still hurts.”
“Sorry- though you’re the one who decided to tickle me while I’m holding your hair.”  Kunigami pointed out, a small grin pulling at his lips at the word. “You know, now that I think about it…”
“Kunigami.” Chigiri knew that voice all too well. He went to run, but hands were already at his sides, pulling him back into a broad chest. “Don’t you dahahhahre!”
“Say it and I’ll stop.” Kunigami teased, fingers pressing into his ribs like a piano, bringing out a wide range of giggles and snorts from the redhead. “Give in, Princess~”
“Noohoohohooho wahahahahhay! I’m noohohohohohot sahhhahaying shiiihiihihihihihit!” Chigiri declared, even as he sank further, grabbing at the ginger’s wrists. “Kuhuuhuhuuhnigahahhhami, plehahahahhahse!”
“Please what?”
“Yohhoohoohu know whahahahhat!”
“Do I? What am I doing?”
“Tihiiihihihickling mehehhe-No whahahhhahahhait! Whahaaihiihiihihihit!” Chigiri squealed when a hand slid to his belly, clawing at the center while the other carried on prodding his ribs. “Nohooohoho doohoohohohohon’t!”
“Which is it? First you’re asking me to wait, and then you’re asking me to please keep tickling you!” Kunigami mock argued, giving Chigiri’s knees a friendly squeeze and earning a whole array of cackling laughter. “Such a demanding princess- make up your mind!”
“AHEHAHHAHAHA!” Chigiri squeaked out a whine, face hidden in his hands as he tried to curl up and away. His ears were as red as his hair, cheeks hurting from how much he was smiling. “KUUUHUHUHUHUNIGAHAHHAAMIHIHIHIHI!”
“You know what I want to hear.” Kunigami smirked.
“FIHIHIHIHNE, FIHIIHIHNE! AHEHAHHAHAHA- RENSUHUHUUHKE!” He cried, gasping for breath when the tickling finally came to an end. Kunigami looked pleased, his face warmed and lightly flushed. “Ahehehe…hehhehehe….hahahappy now?”
“With you? Always.” Kunigami grinned, deeping Chigiri’s own blush significantly. “Hey.” He reached out, brushing his hair out of his face gently. “I love you, Hyoma.”
“Ugh, you’re tehherible!” Chigiri covered his face, suddenly shy. Eventually, he moved his hands, sitting up some so he could properly face the other. “I love you too…Rensuke.”
Kunigami’s heart swelled three times its size.
“Ugh, my back…” Kunigami groaned as he stretched, wincing when the muscles along his spine screamed at him. “I’m too young to have these problems- what the hell?”
“Pfft- old man.” Chigiri teased, squeaking when Kunigami’s sweatshirt hit him dead on. “Ew, hero sweat.”
“Drink it, it’ll give you superpowers.” The ginger grinned, cackling when Chigiri practically flung the garment away, grimacing. “What, don’t wanna be my Mrs. Incredible?”
“Watch yourself.” Chigiri rolled his eyes, his teasing smirk dropping some when Kunigami flinched. “You okay?”
“Yeah- my lower back is just being loud.” Kunigami sighed, rubbing it with one hand. He knew he shouldn’t have overdone it working out- he could feel the beginnings of strain settling in halfway through his routine. Reo even told him to rest, but he was so confident he could handle it.
“Lay down on your stomach.” Chigiri ordered, earning a raised brow.
“Lay down on your stomach.” He said again, gesturing to the single bed. “I’ll give you a massage.”
Kunigami’s brows raised, a twinge of both eagerness and reluctance swirling in his chest. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.” Chigiri shrugged, flapping his hand at the bed impatiently. “You’ve always helped me out when I needed it- I want to do the same for you.”
Kunigami looked at the bed and back at the redhead. Then he laughed, reaching out and pulling Chigiri in his arms, squeezing him gently. “You always help me too. Thanks, Chi. I appreciate it.”
“I haven’t done anything yet.” Chigiri mumbled against his chest, his arms coming around to hug him back. “Now-get in the bed before I change my mind.”
“Pfft- alright, I’m going. So demanding…” Kunigami laughed, doing just so. He heard Chigiri shuffle behind him as he got comfortable, the weight of his boyfriend soon following as he straddled his legs. “Ever massaged someone before?”
“Nope- but I’ve watched enough youtube videos on it- surely I can figure it out.” He cracked his knuckles, flushing some at the raised eyebrow Kunigami gave him over his shoulder. “Shush.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Your eyebrow is as loud as your back.”
“Were they shirtless guys?”
“Ugh, nevermind. Suffer.” Chigiri huffed, starting to get off. Kunigami laughed, reaching out and catching his hand, making him pause.
“Wait, wahahait- okay for real. I’ll be quiet.” He promised, kissing Chigiri’s knuckles.
The redhead rolled his eyes, face still flushed. Then he sat back against Kunigami’s thighs, tapping his hands against his back. “Let me know if I’m hurting you.” Then the hands tapping began to knead, pushing deep and slow.
At first it hurt like absolute hell. Then the relief followed, spreading with the pain across the nerve endings of his back and making the ginger groan.
“Feels good?” Chigiri sounded highly amused.
“Don’t stop- please.” Kunigami sighed. He could feel Chigiri swell with pride above him, the hands pressing into his back growing more confident. He felt himself start to fade out from just how relaxed it made him feel.
Until those little hands strayed close to the back of his ribs.
“Hmm! Careful now.” Kunigami twitched, spasming some. Chigiri paused, then those hands did it again, this time the touch even lighter. Giggles climbed up the hero’s throat, pressing against the back of his teeth. “C-Chi!”
“Ticklish, hero?” Oh that tone- he should have known this was bound to happen. Chigiri’s fingers curled even more, his nails skittering over the bare skin along his ribs. That did it- Kunigami arched with a cackle, feet kicking up behind him as he squirmed. “Good. After all the tickling you do to me, it’s about time I return the favor.”
“Chihihihiihi! Ahehahahhahahaha! Chiihihihigihihihihiri, plehahhahahahashe!” Kunigami tittered, fists clutching the sheets of the bed as he struggled not to flail. Those devious nails- they skittered and traced from the edges of his bottom ribs to the center of his armpits, pressing in occasionally just to get a snort. Sometimes they’d skitter up to his neck, making Kunigami scrunch and giggle. “Stahhahahahp, whahahhhat aboohoohout my mahhahhahahahsahahahhage?”
“This is the massage- a tickle massage.” Chigiri giggled, dropping one hand so he could prod at his belly, earning a loud squeal. “Oo, bad spot? Good to know.”
“HEHEHHEHEHHEYOHOHOHOHOMA!” Kunigami cackled, unable to hold still when Chigiri brought both hands to his belly, dancing his nails along the softer parts of his abs. “PLAHAHAHAHSE IT TIHIIHIIHICKLES TOOHOHOHOHOH MUCH!”
“Good. That’s the point, Rensuke.” The redhead rested his head against Kunigami’s back, giggling along within him. “You know- I was reading this new manga. Apparently the big source of energy for the characters is riiiiiiiiight here.” He wiggled his fingers right along the center of Kunigami’s belly, poking at his belly button. “Tao or something, you know?”
Kunigami didn’t know- for at that moment he let out a loud unadulterated squeal before finally having enough. Using all his strength, he flipped. Chigiri yelped as he went flying, nearly falling off the bed before Kunigami caught him, pulling him into his chest. Hands grabbed his wrists, keeping them up and away from his belly. “Thehehehre! Thehrehehehere…no more tihihihkckling.”
Chigiri looked a little dazed, recentering himself. Then he was grinning, and then he was laughing, face against Kunigami’s chest as the reaction settled between them. “Pfft-Geahhahahahaha! What kind of noise was thahahahhaht?”
Kunigami tried to be mad, but it wasn’t long before he was laughing just as much, supporting Chigiri’s neck as he pulled him closer, rolling them so they were lying side by side. “Shush- you squeal louder than me. That was just eh…defense mechanism.”
Chigiri howled at that, his voice nearly breaking from how hard he laughed. By the time they settled down, his eyes were misty, snorts breaking up his huffs of mirth. Kunigami doubted he looked much better- his belly held that comfortable ache from laughing too much, his heart pounding a mile a minute. “Oh god…oh my god, I fucking love you.”
“Heh, I love you too.” Kunigami smiled, reaching out as he brushed Chigiri’s hair out of his face. His eyes flicked to his lips, a silent request. Chigiri smiled before leaning up, taking his lips within his own.
“Want me to finish your massage?” Chigiri asked a tad breathlessly as they pulled away. 
“Nah. I like this more.” Kunigami grinned, taking his boyfriend’s chin in hand before kissing again and again.
Thanks for reading! :D
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boinin · 11 months
Yo, Taylor nagireo fans, I’m really happy sad? for you, I’mma let you finish grieve your OTP's angst
But Beyoncé Kunigiri had one of the best videos their best panels of all time! One of the best videos panels of all time!
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remy-roll-writes · 1 year
For the ship asks! Kunigiri, Reonagi and uhhhh I'm curious to hear about your favorite ship for either AOT/SNK or Dr Stone 💌
My first bllk ship <3 by now theyre not my favorite anymore but they still have a very special place in my heart. I love them <3
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so much angst potential, !'m in love. But I rarely actively look up content for them cuz I prefere making up my own scenarios with them
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Aot/Snk / Jeanmarco:
My babies. My sweethearts. So much angst and so much fluff in one. Have been one of my biggest comfort ships for a long time
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Dr. Stone / Sengen
Thems!! I hc them being in a qpr, theyre both on the aroace spec. I love their relationship in basically any way tho, platonic, romantic, sexual, etc.
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bueris · 4 months
.˚⋆✶⋆.˚ navigation.ᐟ˙⋆✶⋆。.
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blue lock:
✮。˚ bllk snippets ˚ 。✮
skinless (kainess, angst, 2.5k)
sweet to dream (kunigiri, angst, 1.7k)
not going home club (hiori yo, angst, 2k)
schnecke (kainess, hurt/comfort, family themed, 31k)
honkai: star rail:
felidae (aventurine, angst, 2.1k)
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things I'm involved in:
girlfriend fc
tag navigation:
bue waffling, girlfriend fc (gf fc), bue with the twin, asks
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second account: @aquari-nei
side blog: @cartharite
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9 notes · View notes
amorelray · 6 months
⚽A Friend He Never Knew⚽
Fandom: Blue Lock ⚽One-Shot ⚽Rating: T ⚽WC: 1,612 Kunigiri, manga spoilers, light angst, self-indulgent, character study
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