#kuroo x readere sfw
infi8ity · 2 years
IMAGINE THE DAY OF YOUR WEDDING, your nerves are through the roof and your bridesmaids are trying their very best to calm them. every suggested method-- immediately shut down by a very frustrated and on-the-verge-of-a-mental-breakdown-bride. no amount of breathing exercises, ice packs, glasses of wine, or whatever the fuck helped. 
how could they when nothing was going as planned? the photographer that you had booked months in advance cancelled last minute, on the way inside the building the wedding cake designers’ assistant tripped and dropped the expensive wedding cake your parents paid for, everyone was bombarding you with questions you didn’t have the answer to, the room was hot as balls and for gods sake you couldn’t-
“breathe, y/n. do the exercises we talked about.” your maid of honor says comfortingly to your reflection in the vanity where you perch.
“you look beautiful. everything will work out. just breathe. in and out. out and in.” she squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. for the fifth time, you obey her advice. 
and for the fifth time, it doesn’t work. of course it doesn’t. you knew what, who, you needed— to calm you down. your bridesmaids did too. 
you could feel a lump crawling its way up your throat and place a shaking hand over your belly. has it always been this hot in here? has this dress always felt this tight? you snatch your phone from the vanity dresser. 
4:30 PM
thirty minutes before you were set to walk down the aisle and all 27 from your mother and mother-in-law combined. you stand, a little too quickly one might add-- and the room begins to spin. Hands reach out to grab you.
you shake them off and stumble your way to the door. your bridesmaids stand in unison. the maid of honor inches towards you wearily. 
“y/n. please, it's bad luck if the groom sees his bride before the wedding.”
“and how much bad luck do you think it’d be if the bride jumped from the goddamn balcony?” you hiss, slamming the door in their aghast faces. 
fuck. that was completely unlike you. you’d have to apologize to them later. but now, you needed to see him. your heart began to beat faster. louder. you could feel tears threatening to spill. his number was saved on speed dial and he picked up on the first ring. 
“y/n?” his husky voice thick with concern was like music to your ears.
you clutched your chest tightly. “i need to see you right now please.”
“meet me at the gazebo.” 
he beat you there, of course, knowing him— he probably ran. the slight heaving of his chest and shoulders was of plenty enough indicator. the clack of your heels alerts him of your presence. when he turns, it seems as if the world slows. you don’t think you’d be able to formulate a sentence without choking up. so you two say nothing.
there you two stand, with nothing else in the world mattering but each other. all you can muster is a smile from ear to ear that he reciprocates and the strength to fight back sobs. for a few beats, he cannot find the words that were nearly applicable enough to describe your beauty in this moment. 
and unsurprisingly, it’s him who cries first. 
you break your intensive stare, exclaiming, “don’t cry! fuck! now i’m gonna-,” its as if the ball in your throat bursts. one second you were fighting to keep your composure and the next, well composure be damned. 
his body slammed into yours as he pulled you in a damn near rib shattering hug filled with nothing but love as you wail into his arms. 
“how can i not?” he starts through sniffles. “i’m marrying the woman i’ve loved for damn near a decade and you look-”
“don’t say beautiful,” you choke out.
“divine. alluring. stunning. lovely. radiant. exquisite. shall i go on?” he drawls, without skipping a beat. 
“don’t let me stop you.” you joke, sharing a laugh. and perhaps its the nerves, or the wine and champagne or the fact that your wedding day was going to shit; you couldn’t help but laugh harder. confused, your fiancee laughs at your state. perhaps contagious, you both double over, shaking with laughter. wheezing, together you collapse on the wooden planks until your laughter dies down. 
“what are we doing?” you say through an exhale of breath as you push yourself up against rails of the gazebo. your fiancé follows suit.
“getting married?” he says, serious.
you lightly punch his arm. “well duh. but why all of… this? this isn’t we wanted. or how we wanted it to go. we always talked about something simple and private.” you say, referring to the wedding guests. 
“you’re right, its what our mothers wanted.”
“i don’t even like half of the people in there.”
“at least your mom didn’t invite your primary school bully.”
“she invited all four of them actually.”
“jesus.” he comments, scoffing. 
a beat.
your groom takes your hand in his, squeezing lightly. “d’you wanna leave?”
you smile. “that’s the best fucking idea i’ve heard all day.” you exclaim. locking eyes with you, you grab his face into your hands and kiss him passionately. a kiss so fervent, you lose your breath. this man before you was your husband. till death do you part. 
“i love you so much.”
“and i love you infinitely.” 
© infi8ity. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.
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xnaiel · 7 months
Greetings, everyone. Here is a request from @pardona I received a week ago, I apologize for my tardiness and the quality of my writing if it is not to your liking.
I hope you will enjoy those Kuroo and Bokuto dating Headcanons. ~
Kuroo and you were already acquainted as not only are you both in the same class, but you also happen to be the class president. Although being in different clubs and having different friend groups, you never really interacted with one another. One day however, the both of you ended up being paired together because of your respective duos being absent that day and, quickly enough, you began getting along really well, learning more about every hobbies and interests you share, a thing led to another and now, you both were completely aware of each other. Everything seemed to stop when one of you would enter the room, stares were getting deeper, small touches would get longer and the soft feeling of his fingers against yours would linger on you skin after he gave you your notes back. Suddenly, before you could even realize it, the two of you were now inseparable.
It was only a matter of time before he declared that he was yours and that you would say that you were his back.
Kuroo Boyfriend HCs :
• Whenever no one is looking, Kuroo links your pinkies together as he loves the feeling of your skin on his.
• While Kuroo might try his best to look tough in front of you, Kenma, being his best friend, has to listen to him talk about you all day long, commenting on every little thing you do, calling you his "angel of a boyfriend". (But of course, Kenma has told you that multiple times already. ^^)
• Study dates would be frequent for the two of you. Whether it is at your of Kuroo's house, the library, or even a café, there is nothing that feels more fulfilling than to enjoy your boyfriend's presence, however it may be.
• Kuroo loves to cuddle you, not matter if you are the small or the big spoon, he wraps his limbs around you and when he falls asleep...it is rather difficult to get him to move.
• His kisses are always when you expect it the least where you expect it the least. His favorite thing to do is to kiss you when there are people around you, knowing none of them are looking. He lives for that surprised face and averting gaze.
• After his club activities, both of you always go home together. While you never revealed your relationship to the team, they seem to have guessed that there is something going on between the two of you, especially when their captain starts to give his all when you just happen to pass by the gym or just by the way he looks at you during the rare times you come talk to him about some class related issue. The only people oblivious to your obvious yearning are Lev and Taketora.
You and Bokuto met in class. You were a new student and were seated next to an owl looking individual who looked at you with a big smile, greeting you with energy but being cut short by the teacher. As the bell rang, he made his way towards you asked you multiple questions, which ended up in him suggesting for you to become their team's manager if you had no idea which club to join yet. Since you were formally obliged to join a club and not being particularly interested in doing something active, you decided to partake in his request. The classmate that made you come here was more than happy to see you and made you feel incredibly welcomed and at ease, allowing you to start bonding with the team almost immediately. Bokuto became really attached to you, taking you anywhere he could, wanting to make sure to show you around without leaving out a single detail. You also grew attached to him, and being his opposite made you gravitate towards one another, which led Bokuto to confess profusely his love to you, which you reciprocated.
Bokuto Boyfriend HCs :
• It did not take a long time for the team to figure out what exactly was happening between the two of you as Bokuto wouldn't shut up about how much he loves his boyfriend and how cool he thinks he is. Akashi seems to be the only one who keeps a record of how many times he speaks about you during the day for some reason.
• Bokuto seeks out for you whenever he is sulking, and a compliment from you would be enough to make him want to take over the moon. A kiss ? Now, he would actually be able to steal the moon for you.
• Bokuto and you are quite the...corny couple and unafraid to show affection in front of the team. (More like he shows plenty of affection whenever he can, and you just reciprocate with the best of your abilities, being flustered but the scene he causes.)
• Every time his team wins, you are greeted by a bone crushing and head spinning hug as he lifts you up and turns you around, almost as if unable to mesure his own strength.
• Everything Bokuto does, he does for you. He gets motivated by the thought of you being proud of him and telling him how cool he is. He even tries to study harder in order to show you what he is capable of. (He made very little progress, but to you, it is a lot, and you couldn't be more proud of him for trying his absolute best.)
• Bokuto uses you as his lucky charm before every single one of their matches. A kiss wherever it may be is always enough for him to be sure to grant his team victory. (Although you wouldn't want to kiss him on the lips before a match... He might explode.)
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rintarousgirl · 1 year
haikyuu boys (and girls) on national gf day ! -- ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
a/n: i had an unneccesary amount of trouble with tsukishima and kiyoko. i gotta get used to writing for them fr </3 also, this was hastily put together for today, so please forgive me if some personalities are weird. hope you enjoy, and happy national gf day to all my sweethearts out there!
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ya9amicide · 6 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating tetsuro kuroo.
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 2 months
your self shipping post looked sooo cute so i thought i would send you an ask!!
— pronouns : she/her
— personality : energetic, loud, and sociable! i love being with my friends, but because of how extroverted i am i get lonely very easily. i’m actually pretty shy around people that i’ve never met before, but once ive been enabled i’ll start yapping like no tomorrow.
— likes : photography, reading, note-taking, and cheesy puns
— dislikes : bugs, asparagus, and tall shelves (i am short)
— crush: kuroo :))
— tropes / scenarios : tall x short (he is 188cm and i’m like 147cm) // teasing x being teased (i’m that type of person to get flustered really easily. i also react….very physically if i ever get flustered. like- i’ll punch and kick. but i try not to punch and kick too hard) // picky eater x human garbage disposal (i’m a little picky) // nerdy loser x nerdy loser (he likes science … and i like bad puns. it’s a match made in heaven)
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Tetsurou Kuroo x Flustered!Reader headcanons
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hii! sorry this took a bit, thank u for ur patience. hope u like these!! u two would be so cute 😭
warnings: none!
credits: gif ; dividers
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when you two first met, he LOVED to tease you and joke around with you, especially bc of how shy you were about it at first. you thought he was this cool edgy guy jokingly flirting with you, and he thought you were cute and shy.
however, as you two got closer, you realized he's actually a loser and he realized you're actually quite extroverted. so, the teasing continued but it turned into something closer to two friends joking around, rather than him trying to flirt with some random cute girl
that doesn't mean you don't get flustered when he calls you petnames or compliments you (and it certainly doesn't mean he likes seeing you blush any less)
most of his flirting comes in the form of jokes that turn more obvious as time goes on.
it starts with him joking that he likes to eat with you because you give him your leftovers, or complimenting you because he says its funny how worked up you get. then, it was him just saying you two should go on a date and act like its your anniversary to see if the restaurant gives you any free food, or saying he wonders if kissing you would make you blush even more
eventually, of course, he blurts out how much you like him and tries to cover it up with a joke– which, of course, you've known him for too long to believe it
your go-to dates are studying together– you're both the perfect balance between being losers who want to actually study and being dumbasses who like joking around.
you also often go out to eat together; he knows all your food preferences and usually tries to pick places that have food you'll like, but he's clearly glad to eat anything you don't. he also cooks you stuff sometimes, and it's cool to be able to just eat it without even asking what it is because you know he'll only make you stuff he knows you like.
you're disgustingly cute when you go out to eat together. you feed each other in restaurants and share street food while walking, hands intertwined and silly cute smiles on both your faces
if anything, being your boyfriend just makes him enjoy making you flustered all that much more. he's actually a bit shy when it comes to romantic affection in public, but he kisses you all over and flirts with you openly because he loves to see you blush and smile when he does.
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dni: pr0-ship, g0re, ed/sh blogs.
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bxxemvgic · 3 months
hello!! can I request kagayema relationship headcanons? please and thank you 🤍
Kageyama Relationship Head-canons!!
a/n: hiiii! yes of course! i don't know if this was what you were looking for but i'm going to try my best! p.s this is my first-time writing head-canons!!! let me know if i did anything wrong!! thank you for your lovely request i enjoyed writing kageyama relationship head-canon’s!
How You Met:
You see him a few times in the hallway, but never acknowledged each other until later.
One day during a math assignment you asked Kageyama because he seem to be struggling with the same question as you. You show him your answer and he show you his, both completely different answers. you and him in sync "How you come up with that answer??" You didn't realize that this was the start of a new bond.
2. How You Asked Him Out/How He Asked You Out:
Kageyama approached you first confessing his feelings for you outside of the gym before his volleyball practice "Y/n we known each other for some time." he was rushing his words out because he knew that you were in a hurry. "Would you make me the happiest king on earth and be my queen?"
You responded with, "Yes of course, I would love to be your queen!" Knowing that you are officially out of the friend zone. You had a crush on Kageyama for a while now, but you were eventually going to confess however you were nervous of being abandoned.
3. Comforting Each Other:
Kageyama is awkward when comforting others, but when he’s with you he feels like he can tell you anything without hesitation. He is concerned about you as he sits down so you can relax your head on his lap as his fingers runs through your hair affectionately, he listens to you keenly.
When he's upset, you calm him, make his favorite food, and let him know that it's okay to vent. You encouraged him to communicate with you.
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itsnotira · 2 months
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My Favorites: ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Asks: ʚ✩ɞ
My Lovecore Playlist My Paradise~ Ask Box Masterlist
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。‧₊˚ ‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡
Almost every 'title of your sex tape' ever w/Kuroo Kuroo Finally Celebrates Yakkun is Tired Part One w/Kurooster🦢 Survival of The Hottest Part One w/Kuroo as Beck Survival of The Hottest Part Two w/Kuroo as Beck
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himbofan · 2 years
kuroo comfort headcanons
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a wonderful request from anon, they requested kuroo comforting his partner after the loss of a loved one. I recently lost some loved ones as well so I send my condolences to all who are grieving ❤️
cw: fluff, gn reader
wc: 200+
characters: kuroo
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- for all the trolling and teasing he does, kuroo tetsuro genuinely is a very kind hearted person
- he’ll do everything he can to make sure you’re okay and safe, bringing over warm blankets and your favorite snacks
- he would clear his schedule to hang out with you as much as he can, putting on a marathon of your comfort show or movie
- kuroo is a great listener if you want to talk about your feelings, but he’s also a great conversationalist if you need a distraction
- he’ll try to make you smile at least once while he’s there, either by doing something stupid or cracking a few jokes (or both)
- he’s ones of the best cuddlers, enveloping you in a warm embrace that grounds you and makes you feel safe
- he doesn’t care if you cry on him and get snot and tears everywhere, he just wants to help you grieve in healthy ways
- if you need some space he’ll respect that too, still checking up on you once in a while to make sure you’re okay
- he’ll send condolences to your family and friends as well with complete sincerity, your parents absolutely adore him ❤️
- overall, 11/10 best living comfort teddy bear ever
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kierewrites · 2 years
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Oh Really?
navi - masterlist
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
Mood Song: boyfriend
Summary: After Kuroo ditched you on the courts in front of the entire team, the last thing you expected the next week was to find him halfway through your second floor window.
Warnings: Kuroo is a little shit, that's it
“Kuroo what the hell are you doing!”
What was once a peaceful moment in your bedroom of you rubbing lotion on your freshly shaved legs was quickly ruined when you heard your window being pulled up.
Your head whipped around to see a pile of messy black hair leaning inside your room, the boy ungracefully trying to enter your room that was on the second floor of your home.
“You should really keep your.. ah shit.. windows locked doll-” Kuroo spoke in between grunts before he fell to your floor with a thud causing you to wince as you quickly closed the door to your bedroom.
Sure enough what you dreaded happening, happened as you heard your parents call your name to ask if you were alright.
“I’m uh.. I’m okay mom! The lotion bottle slipped out of my hands!” You called out, letting out a sigh of relief at the somewhat decent lie you shit out of your mouth.
You simply heard your mom chuckle and warn you to be careful, that’s one problem off your plate. Now you had to deal with the next bigger problem that was sitting on your floor with a lopsided grin.
“Wow what a mess Y/n, you didn’t clean up for me?” Kuroo taunted while lifting up a small fragment of a dust bunny from your carpet.
All you could do was deadpan at him, his use of sarcasm to mock your perfectly neat room not helping the fact that he literally broke into your room.
“Stop avoiding the question you weirdo! Why the hell did you just climb through my window?” You loudly whispered, hands on your hips expectantly awaiting an answer.
Kuroo raised a brow to you, as if confused as to why you were so angry he broke into your house.
“Easy doll, to pick up where we left off.” Kuroo said with his signature grin, he was quick to pick himself off the floor and walk over to you with confidence. 
But unlucky for him, you were quick to shut it down as you placed your hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks.
“Pick up where we left off?” You hissed out with narrowed eyes, “I hope you’re not insinuating when I confessed my feelings for you in front of the entire volleyball team before your tournament and you said ‘not now’ before walking away from me.”
You were amazed at how Kuroo’s expression changed. Had it really not dawned on him that his response was a dick move? Like a child his shoulders hunched down and he began to shuffle his feet.
“That uh.. that wasn’t what I meant Y/n-” Kuroo began but you cut him off by walking past him, your shoulder smacking against the side of his arm as you moved back to your vanity.
“Oh yeah? Then what did you mean?”
Kuroo simply stared at you as you placed your scrunchy in your mouth and began to run your fingers through your hair, how perfect you were.
And how stupid he was.
The entire tournament he was in the best mood of his life, his crush of a year now confessed as if to wish him good luck, what else could he want? All he could think about was how he couldn’t wait to come home to see you waiting for him, ready to hold you in his arms and start the beginning of your new relationship.
And yet when the bus arrived back at school after the long week of games, you were nowhere in sight. In fact you seemed to avoid him in school even. It never even occurred in his mind that you were angry with him.
“It’s just I’ve liked you for so long Y/n!” Kuroo started, his lip jutting out in annoyance when he saw you roll your eyes and huff, “If I had said anything to you then I just would’ve been distracted the entire tournament, I had to keep a level head for my team!”
Raising an eyebrow your mouth dropped in just pure confusion. He really was an idiot.
“So you embarrassed my ass in front of your entire team, just so you wouldn’t lose focus?” You growled, whipping your head back to face him while ignoring the hair that smacked your face, “You had me thinking you weren’t interested at all for an entire week, and you couldn’t even spare me a single text?”
All Kuroo could do was blink. He hated being wrong, but you were right.
But of course he would never admit that.
“Well I was hoping you would be waiting for me after the tournament so we could talk about it but you weren’t even there!” Kuroo shot back with narrowed eyes, the accusation causing you to chuckle dryly.
“So let me get this straight,” You said with a crazed grin as you folded your arms, “You expected me not to be hurt by your dry heartless response, not to be offended that you not once tried to explain yourself over text, and then even after all of that, you wanted me to wait for you at the school when you got back like you were some prince that returned from battle?!”
The boy’s face before you was blank, you were hoping the gears in his head were just spinning so he would answer this correctly. The man had a perfect GPA and was the captain of a freaking team, he couldn’t be this dense.
“Well.. yeah?”
Your eyes squinted as your eyebrows furrowed, the amount of stupidity coming from the boy had you at your limit.
“Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous.. I can’t believe I ever thought this would work.” You hissed while storming up to him pointing an accusing finger towards his chest, “I’ve never met someone as selfish and dense as you! Get out of my room you jerk.”
Kuroo watched your outbreak with annoyed eyes. Okay.. maybe he could’ve handled this better, but he honestly didn’t think you would get this mad. 
In all honesty, you were pretty cute when your cheeks got all red and puffed out from being flustered, but the fact that he was the cause ruined it all.
“Come on Y/n, we both know you don’t mean that.”
You didn’t mean it, but like hell were you going to let this jerk just get what he wanted.
“Oh you better believe I meant every wor-”
The sound of your best friend’s voice caused your eyes to widen. You glanced up to see Kuroo’s golden eyes widen as well.
“Quick get in the closet!” You whispered as you grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the door across from your room.
Kuroo stumbled after your quick pace before stopping at the entrance of your closet, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked down to you.
“I don’t wanna be shoved in your tiny closet, I'm like six feet tall!”
Narrowing your eyes you pressed your hands against your chest and shoved him in, “Too bad!”
You grit your teeth at the sound of him dramatically sighing when you slammed the door in his face, his next words causing your eye to twitch slowly.
“I’m gonna look through all your underwear doll.”
Clenching your fists you banged your hand against the door to shut him up, just as your friend opened the door to your room to see you suspiciously guarding your closet door.
“What’s with that weird stance Y/n?” Your friend said with a raised brow, her eyes glancing across the room before her eyes widened, “Do you have a boy in here?”
Your mouth opened wide, not sure what lie you could even come up with to trick your friend. Curse her for always being able to read you like a book.
Before you could even respond your friend chuckled and shook her head, “I’m sorry I just heard what I said, there’s no way you would have a boy in here after you spent your entire weekend depressed over Kuroo Tetsurō.”
The sound of the boy’s name being said caused Kuroo to perk up from your closet, pressing his ear close to the door to listen in.
Pinching your lips together you forced out a laugh, waving your palm as you tried to cross your arms as nonchalantly as possible.
“Pfft what? I wasn’t depressed?”
Your friend simply laughed at your strange behavior, bouncing on top of the edge of your bed as she pulled her phone out.
“Are you serious? You don’t remember how broken hearted you were this weekend? I have the voice audios to prove it if you don’t remember.”
Your eyes widened as you saw your friend scrolling through the messages of your group chat, quickly you lunged forward and snatched her phone away.
“No need for that I remember!” You said quickly before rolling your eyes, “I just wouldn’t say I was broken hearted, that’s a bit extreme.”
Your friend looked at you with a confused expression, you already knew what was about to come. Why couldn’t the lord just take you out of your misery?
“Um... you cried all weekend,” Your friend exclaimed as she stood up from your bed and started pacing around, “You were all like: he’s rude but he’s hot and he has such beautiful hair and I’ll never find another guy like him!”
Your lips formed into an annoyed pout, as you were sure Kuroo was soaking all of this up like a sponge from inside the closet. Like he needed anything else added to his ego.
Sure enough a loud chuckle was heard from the other side of your closet door, causing you to kick your foot against the door to hopefully startle him and shut him up. 
“I think you’re exaggerating a little bit..” You said through gritted teeth, hoping this would just end the conversation for good.
Your friend simply looked at you with unimpressed eyes as she blinked incredulously at your attitude of denial.
“Honey you photoshopped what your kids would look like...”
That was the final straw, you closed your eyes in pure pain as you watched your dignity float away into an abyss. So much for showing Kuroo no mercy and moving on.
“You’re clearly head over heels for that guy-” Your friend kept going until you opened the door of your closet, your friend seeing a smirking Kuroo Tetsurō inside as he leaned against the door frame with a cocky posture, his arms folded.
“Kuroo?!” Your friend exclaimed in shock as he began to walk out of the closet with a shit eating grin plastered across his stupid lips.
“Our kids huh?.” Kuroo purred as he looked down at your annoyed expression, “Do they have names?”
The sight of that overly confident jerk towering over you with smugness literally radiating off him made your blood boil, and ironically not because he had the upper hand, but because deep down you weren’t even really mad at him.
“For the record, it was only one kid!” You said in a matter-of-fact tone until you realized Kuroo and your friend both shared the same unimpressed face causing you to puff your lip out and sigh, “And I’m now realizing that doesn’t make me seem any less pathetic.”
Kuroo and your friend both nodded in agreement, but she was quick to jump back to the bigger matter on hand.
“Y/n, what is Kuroo doing in your room?”
Running your palm down your face you opened your mouth to explain yourself but the tall boy next to you beat you to it.
“I snuck through her window to apologize for being a dick.” Kuroo said bluntly, your friend’s expression melting as a dragged out “awe” escaped her lips.
“How romantic! Y/n did you hear that? He’s such a sweetheart.”
Your mouth dropped in confusion as you glared up to his smug expression before looking back to him.
“You know what? I’ll leave you two alone! It seems like you have some unfinished business to attend to.” Your friend said with a wink as she quickly darted out of your room.
Your attempt to stop her was cut off by the sound of your door slamming once more, leaving you and Kuroo alone in your room once again.
Folding your arms you let out a sigh before looking up to Kuroo, the situation was just exhausting at this point.
“Look, as much as it didn’t seem like it... I did come here to apologize.”
"Yeah? By trying to make a move on me?” You huffed with a raised eyebrow.
Kuroo’s brow twitched at your cold reply, sometimes you really could be such a brat.
“Well I was hoping if I got you in a good mood it would be easier for you to forgive me.”
Your face simply remained unimpressed, Kuroo mentally facepalmed as his stupid reply.
“You know what, I didn’t need to say that!” Kuroo said quickly before you shut him down again. Letting out a sigh he looked down at you with a rare serious expression, “Y/n, I’m sorry for ditching you in front of everyone and putting my own needs before your feelings. I was selfish and you deserved better.”
For once your hardened expression loosened, your eyes softening as you blinked up to him. 
“And I’m hoping maybe you’ll let me prove I can give you better... by becoming my girlfriend?”
Honestly Kuroo wasn’t a fan of having to seem so vulnerable in front of you, but after the entire line of events that just happened he would be an idiot not to apologize.
As confused as he was at first, he knew he was in the wrong. Captain or not, he had no right to toy with your feelings, especially since he liked you back.
Ever since you decided to be the team manager he’s fallen in love with your charismatic personality, he wasn’t about to give up the girl of his dreams because of his fragile ego.
The sight of the corners of your lips curling into a sly grin had his heart doing a backflip.
“Perhaps if said boyfriend took me out for a nice date tonight, I’ll think about it.”
The only thing Kuroo heard out of that was yes. His eyes widened as he gave you a warm kiss before darting towards your open bedroom window.
“You won’t regret this Y/n! I’ll be back at six to pick you up.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as he once again ungracefully made his way out the window, leaning over the edge you raised a brow down to him.
“You know I have a front door right?”
Kuroo simply grinned up at you as his feet dangled over your patio, “No time, I gotta get ready to pick my girl up pronto.”
His words had your cheeks warming up, you couldn’t even help the smile that flashed across your lips, but lucky for you Kuroo missed it as he fell into the bushes beneath your window.
What were you going to do with this dork?
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Clingy Haikyuu Captain Crew x NB!Reader
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It looks like yall enjoyed the setter squad one so I might as well make a captain one ^^! Enjoy this part too yall
Reposts: Allowed but please give credits <3
Proof read: Pffft what even is that???
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Daichi Sawamura:
“Why is Daichi still yelling at the first years?” you look over at Kiyoko when saying that, “They all started fighting over some food, well Tsukishima didn’t but hes soon gonna yell at the second years” you laugh “Why the hell were they arguing over food???” as soon as you say that Daichi come over and sighs “I think I have idiots for team members.” he shakes his head “Babe? You never knew this” Kiyoko and Yachi both start laughing and Daichi can’t help but chuckle. “That was outta pocket.” Daichi stares at you and holds onto you, Being the amazing partner you are you pat his head. But after 5 minutes he is literally squeezing the air outta you. “B-babe seriously I can’t breathe anymore” you try squirming out his grasp but all he does is losen his grip. “Daichi, Hinata needs your help with something.” Suga shakes his head while saying that. When Daichi gets up you realize he is still holding onto you “SIR! YOU DO REALIZE YOU HAVE TO HELP HINATA! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO THAT IF YOU ARE HOLDING ME?” Daichi just shakes his head “I have my ways, now cmon”
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Tetsurō Kuroo:
You and your boyfriend are walking home, the sun just started setting and you guys are both walking near a beach. “It look so prettyyyyy! Wait a damn minute- wasn’t kenma supposed to come with us..?” Kuroo just shakes his head “Nah I paid him to go to an arcade” you stare at him blankly “But he would literally do that for free- you do realize you got scammed right..?” he just blinks and sighs “Yeah I now realize that..Well if I didn’t have such a smart partner then I would be outta luck” you laugh at him “Yeah you really would be fucked” you guys both continue to walk until a cat comes in your path “Aweeee its so cuteee! It sorta looks like you” he smirks “oh? So your calling me cute???” you just go poker face “No lemme finish! I was GOING to say that its hair is sloppy, kinda like yours rooster :)” his eyes widen at he look offended “Wow- so I’m not cute to you?” you hug him “Awe babe no your more hot then cute” He looks over at the sunset and starts walking to the beach. “BABE- WHERE ARE U GOING???” since you dont wanna just be left you follow him but he plops down in the sand. “Y/N, one day I will propose to you and we will get married right here, this very spot” You shake your head “like we would still stay together by then” he hugs you then pulls you closer to him. 
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Tōru Oikawa:
(I know I already did Oikawa in setter squad but I also gotta put him in Captain crew too)
“BABEEEE IWA-CHAN WAS BEING MEAN TO ME! I DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING TO HIM” you laugh at your boyfriends bratty nature, “Well Iwa-chan has the right to...I mean you are...Oikawa-” you didn’t know how else to explain him but he pouts at what you said “Seeee now Iwa has you going against me! I think I’m deeply offended! But only one thing will make up for this!” You stare at him and cock your head. “What is it?” he smirks “well babe its just that you come over to my place and we cuddle, thats it.” you look at him dumbfondedly “But- don’t you make me do that anytime I come over?” he laughs at that “fine i’ll come over”
~ At His House ~
Oikawa sits on the couch and pats an empty spot next to him. You sat down and as soon as you did that he pulled you down with him. “I wanna stay like this forever babe!” you shake your head “Well I don’t, I’m hungry, so moveee!” He lifts up his phone and you see he opens the doordash app. “Guess you don’t needa move now!”
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Kōtarō Bokuto:
“BABEEEEE CMERE FOR A SECOND!!!” your at your boyfriends house and all hes doings is working out “What?” “can ya hold my legs please” you nod because he looks like hes about to do sit ups but insted he lifts his legs while your holding on “UHM WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING?” as soon as you say that he stops and looks at you, “I gotta make sure my legs are strong toooo” you glare at him “Then just use one of those leg workouts or dance or something! BUT DONT FUCKING DO THAT!” he give you puppy dog eyes “Im sorry babeee” you roll your eyes then walk to the door “Ima go shopping while you work out mkay?” He gets up so fast and come to the door “Well cmon lets go!” you stare at him and laugh “fine cmon lets go”
~At the mall~
“Babe pleaseee lemme buy this lingere pleasee” you glare at him “Since when did you were stuff like that?” He pouts then goes over to a matching pajama set for couples “FINE LETS GET THIS THEN’ you slightly smile then agree.
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Wakatoshi Ushijima:
(ima just make this story as your a captain of another volleyball team mkay!)
“I’m suprised you even skipped practice.” Tendou says “Its my partner of course, I gotta watch them play” tendou laughs at your boyfriend. hes watching your game so intense that you can feel his eyes. But little does he know, him doing that is messing up your game and you get hit right in the face. You ended up having to go to the nurses office but you fell asleep. All you see if Tendou and Ushiwaka hovering over you. “why the hell are yall so close- its creepy” Ushiwaka speaks up and says “You got hit in the face with a volleyball and hadda go to the nurses office” while saying this he rubs your head. You and Tendou both look at him confused “Okay I’m gonna leave because this is getting awfully weird, Good luck Y/N” Ushiwaka looks at you then kisses your forehead. He doesnt really know how to be loving so he just rubs your head and kisses your face.
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Yūji Terushima:
You and your boyfriend are walking around the mall until the idiot suddenly has an idea “lets get matching peircings” you look at him “Boy GOOD bye, hell no I am not doing that” he looks at you “Cmon just imagine how cute of a couple we would be! Just do it cmon please!” you shake your head no until you got a text “Oh shit! My best friends here, sorry babe but besties before testies” you kiss him on the cheek and start walking away. “Heyyyy girlll” you can feel Terushimas eyes on you, “Oh sorry girly this is my brother, Yoshi” even though you were taken you thought he was fine as fuck, so since you wanna mess with him you say “damn yo brother kinda fine ngl” Terushimas eyes widen and he comes over to you “Babe i thought we were gonna go do stuff together!” he grabs your waist and introduces himself to your friends. “Well why dont we hang out because I wanna stay with my Partner right now too!”
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Shinsuke Kita:
Your boyfriend is so quiet but you love the shit outta him, and his grandmother loves you to bits “Kita, you know I can help you out right..?” he shakes his head no but when his grandmother comes in she says “Let the girl cook too!” you both cook the lunch together and set up the table. After we all ate me and Kita sat down outside and enjoyed the sunshine with cold drinks. “Kita imagine me and you getting married!” He smiles at you then hugs you slightly. Hes not one to be all lovey dovey but he does love you a lot, he akwardly has you lean on his shoulder and holds u there until sunset.
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I hope yall enjoyed! If you guys want more people just comment who yall want next! I was planning to do half of the second years!
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averys-place · 2 years
Can I get a kuroo x ftm male reader where kuroo and the reader have been besties since middle school and kuroo has been slowly developing a crush on the reader.
The two of them were at a gas station at the middle of the night, grabbing slushies and snacks, blastjng indie music in his car. They go back to his house and kuroo just can't stand how handsome the reader is. He changed into some short shorts and wow wee kuroo is attracted.
I don't really know how I want kuroo to kiss him but make it sorta hot ( I understand if you don't want that so if not make it wholesome :) )
The reader is just like :0 'i knew it!!
Thank you !
TW: mentions of food and drink, swearing, text in all caps, physical affection
spelling and grammar checked
779 words, estimated 4 minutes reading time
Kuroo Tetsurō x FTM reader
Warm golden light filters through the classroom window, and sleepy calm enveloped the third years of class five like a blanket. 
Kuroo’s hand lazily moved across the page, his script remaining clean and uniform despite his drooping eyelids. English was definitely not his favourite subject, but being with you made it a bit more bearable. His eyes wandered over to you, desk perched in the corner, a little patch of sun bathing you in gold. (Last name) (your name), his best friend. 
While it was easy to say he saw Kenma as his younger brother, up until this point, he couldn’t exactly say he had pinpointed what his feelings were for you. Butterflies bloomed in his stomach as he watched your eyes flutter open, soft, piercing (colour) eyes gazing drowsily into his very soul. 
You lifted your head off of your crossed arms, stretching like a cat. Your shirt lifted slightly, the soft, (colour) skin of your hip coming into view, and smiled at him. Kuroo felt his heart skip a beat, heat creeping quickly up his neck. Quickly composing himself, he sent a slightly flustered smirk your way.
That was a few weeks ago, and Kuroo believes he has finally pinpointed his feelings for you. He was a little embarrassed, because as he reflects on his time with you, he can’t help but feel that it should have been obvious. I mean really, he thought to himself, who looks at their best friend and imagines spending the rest of their life with them-
And waking up to them cuddled up to their chest, still asleep-
“Hello? Earth to Tetsu-sannn…..”
Or slow dancing in the kitchen waiting for the rice cooker to finish-
“Oi Rooster-kun!”
Surely that’s not normal righ-
Kuroo was jolted out of his thoughts by your shout. He could have sworn you used a megaphone, what with his ears ringing the way they were. He looked over at you with feigned offence. You laugh slightly at his expression and he smirks.
“We’re here, dumbass.” Kuroo scoffs at (name)’s singsong tone. He glances up and sure enough the neon gas station sign half blinds him.
“Chibi-chan, I still don’t understand why we have to get drinks and snacks at-“ he checks his watch, “one in the morning.” Kuroo sighs petulantly.
“Come on Tetsu, its Sat- well Sunday- but! I’m starving and you’re sleeping over so you have to come!” (Name) looks so proud of his argument, his triumphant grin melting away any protest he may have had. Granted he didn’t really mind, he just wanted to prod the bear.
Clearly that plan backfired miserably.
You jumped out of your car, giggling at Kuroo as he stumbled. Honestly, the lack of grace he has off court is hilarious!
Kuroo limped after you through the doors of the gas station, pouting and rubbing his backside. He rounded the corner, walking into the (favourite section), and immediately started regretting the decisions that led him to this point when he saw you with your arms full of (favourite snack), seaweed potato chips, pocky and ito en green tea.
“You know the drill, Tetsu! You scored two points less than me in the last English test so you’re paying!”
"Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so
You know I love you so~"
Your singing was never really the best, but Kuroo loved listening to it anyway. Off key and unsteady, you screamed out the lyrics, pouring your heart into every word. The whole neighbourhood could probably hear you, what with your windows rolled down, but he couldn't care less. He was content.
As you pulled into the driveway, he was once again in a daze. You looked so warm, dancing around under the orange glow of the street lights, your micasa volleyball pj shorts swaying with you.
He didn't even realise his feet were moving until it was too late. He grabbed your hand, you turning to face him with confusion shining in your eyes. His hand softly cupped your cheek, and he could swear anyone could se the hearts in his eyes.
"(Name), can I-" he didn't even have the chance to finish when he felt your soft/chapped lips brush his. If this is what love felt like, he was undeniably addicted.
(Name) chuckled breathlessly "Ha, I knew it! You were so obvious, you know that?"
Kenma rolled his eyes, continuing his game of Skyward Sword. He loved his brother, but he didn't know if he would be able to deal with having Kuroo as his brother in law.
Ahhhhhhh thank you for requesting! This is my first request, so I'm really sorry for taking so long! I hope you enjoy and have a lovely day/night <333
-Atlas :D
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infi8ity · 2 years
you could tell as much from the phone call. barely could you make out a sentence through his slurred words and the loud music, but you had picked up on several, i miss you’s and you were my everything’s. 
a small part of you wanted to hang up on him and go back to sleep-- if one could call being wide awake, tossing and turning-- but you were still friends. good friends. it had been a few months but a three year relationship ended through mutual decision didn’t erase a decade’s long friendship. 
and even if the breakup had been messy, you knew that he’d come to you in a heartbeat. 
you found him perched against the wall of the bar, lost in a drunken thought when you drove up. perhaps the thought somewhere along the lines of, why the fuck did i ask my ex to come pick my drunk ass up at 3 in the morning?, was running through his head. because the exact opposite thought was sure running through yours. 
you park the car across the street and can’t help the loud sigh that escapes you. a million different scenarios of how the rest of your night could go, plays through your head and each of them ends with even more heartache on your behalf.
you rest your head against the steering wheel, and mutter to yourself, “grow a pair y/n.” 
exiting the car, you shiver and pull your coat tighter around you, the chilling night’s wind a harsh reminder that he was standing outside shaking like a leaf from his lack of a jacket. it was the middle of winter. how messed up did he get?
you coolly make your way towards him. in utter awe at the sight of you, he leans his head against the brick wall, grinning lazily. that goddamn smile. the lamppost behind you illuminates his features. allowing you to give in to the temptations and admire him once more. his cheeks are dusted pink and his lips are slightly chapped from the cold. his eyes are glossed over and his pupils dilated. 
“hi beautiful,” he says. his voice raspy and hoarse. 
you could say the same to him. but you only narrow your eyes. a silent warning. you knew his tricks and games. “don’t hi beautiful me. It's three in the morning. i have to get up for work in a few hours. you know this.”
he sighs regretfully and slides against the wall to the snow littered concrete. “i do, i know. i’m sorry y/n.” he replies, his head in his hands. 
“and it’s freezing out. where’s your jacket?” 
no response. you lightly toe his shoe with your boot. 
“hey. where’s your jacket? and where are your keys?” 
he looks up at you beneath his lashes and huffs a laugh, void of any humor. “i’ve got no fucking clue y/n. not the slightest. i don’t even know what i’m doing here. i don’t even know why i wasted your time calling you here.” 
“are you okay?” you inquire, voice laced with concern. 
“are you? we haven’t spoken in a while. and i miss you.”
“so you’ve said.” he quirks an eyebrow. “over the phone. among other things.”
“oh,” he groans melodramatically. “how bad?”
“terrible. pretty sure you said something about me having a killer body-,”
you shrug and lean against the wall next to him. “hey, you know you can talk to me if something’s going on.”
he nods, acknowledging you. “i know. i know.” he stands, albeit disjointedly and stepping on your toe in the process. “i’m sorry for waking you. i’ll just walk home.” he says to no one in particular, making his way across the street. 
you smack your teeth and reach out for his arm. stubbornly, he pulls against you and you latch on to his fingers, holding tightly. “jesus you’re freezing,” you whisper, your breath forming in the air. “and you’re going the wrong way genius. you live the other way. you’re so fucked up right now you can’t even tell. i don’t want to argue with you. just get in the car.”
he doesn’t bother to reply, he simply opts to stare into your eyes. searching. hoping. and for a second you forget its cold as hell. for a second, you forget that he’s no longer yours. you feel his thumb brush against the back of your hand and you flinch. there it is. that trap. 
you snatch your hand back. nope.
“y/n...” he groans strangely.
“don’t say another word. just get in the-,”
and the motherfucker retches into the snow and on to your boots. 
the car ride to your apartment was silent. thank god. mostly because he’d fallen asleep sometime during the fifteen minute drive. but still, thank everything holy. the silence gave you time to think about whatever the fuck that was and confront the horrifying fact that he still had a choke hold on you. 
you shudder at the thought, all the way from the car to your front door. the shudder stays even as you slip out of your boots marked with bodily fluid and into your house slippers. you toss his dead weight to the sofa collapsing to the floor, breathless, you nearly fall with him. 
you fix a glass of iced water and grab two pain killers and a stomach soothing pill from the kitchen. when you make your way back to the living room, he’s moved from the sofa to the rug. you kick at his unconscious form, startling him
“sorry. take this. wash it down and drink all of it.” you hand him the pills and water, standing directly over him to watch him carefully as he follows your directions. “i’m going to run the shower for you. okay?”
he mutters something incoherent, pulling a pillow from the sofa and flopping on his side comfortably. 
“and take your goddamn shoes off in my house,” you call over your shoulder. “caveman.”
he grunts a caveman-like response.
you snort and shuffle to your bedroom to rummage through the drawers for some of his clothes that you never thought to return. strangely enough most of his shirts and joggers sat in your laundry basket... as if ... a certain someone had been wearing them to bed or late night trips to the store...
the steam from the hot shower engulfs the room whilst you lay out clothing, body wash, an unopened toothbrush, mouthwash, and-- towels. shoot. you open the closet and fish for towels when he stumbles in. 
“oh hey, i was just about to come get you and ohmygodwhatareyoudoing?”
you lift the towels to your eyes to obstruct the view of him pulling his pants down to take a piss. he’s so fucking out of it. you’re sure he hasn’t even noticed your presence. 
you hurriedly rush out of the bathroom, throwing the towels behind you and running to your room which happened to be void of half naked exes. it was going to be a long night. 
an hour later, you’d nearly drifted back off into sleep when there’s a knock at your door. 
“come in.” you croak, switching on your bedside lamp.
he opens the door, peaking in, fully dressed, hair damp. “you don’t happen to have a blanket or something do you? i was half tempted to use your rug for warmth.” 
you press your palm to your head and curse. “no, i’m sorry, a friend stole my only one because she liked the designs.”
“that’s fine. goodnight y/n. thank you anyways.” he starts to close the door.
“wait,” you’re going to regret this so much. “honestly you’re plenty familiar with this bed.” he clears his throat at the sudden rush of memories. “just sleep in here. i can make a pillow wall or something.”
the room stands so still and silent it almost makes you want to scream. was that weird to offer? did you overstep? 
“are you sure?” he asks, slowly making his way in. 
no! “yeah, pfft i don’t care.”
“cause i was fine with using your dish towel. really.” you giggle at the smart remark.
a familiar sensation one could only describe as nostalgia fills you when you feel the bed dip in as he crawls in beside you. you’d lived through this night routine countless times. some part of you half hoped that he’d lean over to give you a goodnight’s kiss and tell you he loved you. like he used to. like he did hundreds of times before.
but he doesn’t. 
he simply places a pillow in between you two and you turn out the light. you both had more to say to each other. but in your hearts they were best left as words unspoken.
“goodnight y/n.” i still love you.
“goodnight.” i still love you too.
© infi8ity. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.
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malereadermaniac · 8 months
Omega team manager x Random Guys
How Kuroo, Daichi, Bokuto, Atsumu, Ushijima, and Oikawa as alphas would interact with their Omega!manager word count: 3.4k Sfw and Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI
I'm fucking FEEDING u lot with this one it's SO LONGGG Also sorry if some of these guys are OOC I haven't watched Haikyuu in 3 years xoxo
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Kuroo sfw
He wasn't opposed to the idea of having an omega as his team manager, in fact Kuroo was quite keen on the idea
He liked the idea of the team leader being an alpha and their manager being an omega
But he didn't let on that he fucking loved it
Kuroo immediately became protective over you, but in a more detached way
He would hang out with you, scenting your stuff over time to reek of his pheromones
After a few months, the rest of the team, as well as every other alpha in the school had backed off from you
The two of you took forever to even start courting
But it wasn't bad that way, you received the same amount of attention from Kuroo that you would if he was to court you
Kuroo would give you his team jacket to wear when the team was running laps outside, his scent enveloping you
The built alpha would tell you to cheer extra loud for him before a game
Eventually, the alpha mustered up the courage to court you, and the two of you have been together for ages now
Dates every weekend, study dates if you have exams the next week
Sleepovers after dates were mandatory
And you two were insufferable at college, Kuroo loved to rub his relationship in everyone's face - you were a very popular and sought after omega, so Kuroo liked to make sure people knew you were claimed
"I fuckin' love it when you wear my volleyball tank, babe - can't have an omega as handsome as you walk around without even a trace of my scent"
Kuroo nsfw
What escalated your relationship from courting to dating was your heat
The two of you were at Kuroo's house, home alone studying for a quiz the following Monday
You knew your heat was due soon, but soon meant in a week, not THAT day
What set you off were Kuroo's pheromones, the strong smell of musk mixed with woody scents sent you over the edge
The alpha noticed your panting and blushed face immediately
He apologised, kept his distance and told you several times not to do something you two would regret
Fast forward to the two of you dating, Kuroo's rut
His carnal desires took over and you were willing to help
His chiseled body, gleaming with sweat stood naked in front of you, your alpha looking down at you with hazy eyes
Your knees buckled from his pheromones
An hour had gone by and Kuroo was still sloppily eating you out, not even putting a finger in you, his rut keeping his focus only on the addictive taste of your slick leaking ass
Once your alpha had finally had his fill, he moved on to fucking you
Kuroo's rut made him ruthless, fucking you with vigor, panting and grunting into your ear, biting your body and covering you in marks possessively
The room was hot and stuffy with the smell of sweat, alpha pheromones, omega pheromones, cum and slick - but Kuroo and you kept going until his rut finally started to let up
"My Omega- HAHH! FUCK! Go-oood Omega-! Love you- so fuckin' - GAHH- SO FUCKIN MUCH"
Daichi sfw
He knew you before you became Kurasuno's manager
Daichi was practically courting you by the time you became the teams manager - so Nishinoya and Tanaka were quickly put off of you once they smelled Daichi's pheromones all over you
Again, being one of the few male Omega's at your college made you highly sought after
Daichi always told you how lucky he was to have your love
He's the softest Alpha you've ever met, gentle touches juxtapose his rough hands
He likes that the two of you are relatively popular, people watch as the two of you walk together and think that you're the perfect couple
Daichi likes to cuddle you, scent you constantly and to always feel his hands on you or vice versa
The alpha has no clue about PDA, he kisses you in corridors - his Alpha then prolonging the kiss to a make-out session that lasts the whole of lunch - it's up to you to drag him away to a more private area
Daichi is completely head over heels for hid omega
"I'm so glad we're together, I'm so lucky to be with you, (y/n). I love you, darling~"
Daichi nsfw
Daichi is the complete opposite of himself when he's in a rut
He isn't violent, but his grip changes from soft to firm on you, he shows his possessive side a lot more - calling you "Mine" and "My Omega" instead of his usual nicknames for you
He fucks you hard and each of his rounds last ages - Daichi being a manager of a volleyball team being incredibly daunting once his stamina gets applied to sex
Once his ruts ends, Daichi has to care for you for at least 2 days, your lower half not working at all
On the other hand, during your heats Daichi becomes a fat tease
The alpha fucking loves when you get desperate for him, it awakens something carnal within him
He makes out with you for a while as you grind into him, calling you pet names and cooing at you mockingly while you try to get off
Then, Daichi will only finger you for a while until you start literally crying for his knot
Finally when he gives in and fucks you, Daichi goes mental - you'd think he was in a rut
He jerks you off while he fucks hard into your prostate, making you cum over and over again, desperate for his knot
Thank god that you're on contraceptives, because by the end of your heat, you get the best of your alpha at least once or twice, his knot locking him inside of you while your walls tighten and milk his dick
"Fuck baby~ So- tight! 'M sorry baby, cumin- CUMMING! Fu... fuck baby, soo good baby"
Bokuto sfw
This man was ALL over you the moment you became the manager
Bokuto would flirt with you on the daily, and you would flirt back - your confidence and charisma made the owl-haired alpha want you even more
He was always friendly towards you, seeing you as more than an object like most other alphas - he more wanted to be your friend than to mate you
Only once he was in a pre-rut and had to spend a few hours with you did Bokuto fall for you - you were such a caring Omega for him, doting on him and providing him with anything he needs
After that Bokuto was still all over you but now in aims to court you
Which you gladly let the strong, muscular, Alpha captain of your college volleyball team do
So once Bokuto marked you, the two of you became THE college couple
People envied you for dating Bokuto and others envied Bokuto for dating you
He always has an arm around your waist or shoulders, Bokuto has to let people know that he's your alpha
He likes that you're witty for an omega, you're not super soft spoken - you match his vibe, he fucking adores that shit
He tries to be the best alpha he can for you, so he always pays for your meals and other things no matter how much you protest - it inflates his ego (his chest literally puffs up)
He loves spending time with you more than anyone else, Bokuto has never felt the way he does with you with anyone else
"You're mine, cutie~ My fuckin' perfect Omega... You're my everything, (y/n)"
Bokuto nsfw
Bokuto's demeanor in bed depends on if your in heat or if he's in a rut or not - in the best ways possible
If you're in heat and Bokuto is helping you through it, he's caring and careful with you - taking care of each of your needs
He's happy to be a dildo for you to use, a scenting and biting machine that you use to feel better
He rubs your tummy while he fucks you hard, his dick makes your belly bulge slightly - the euphoric feeling making the burn in your stomach from your heat disappear
On the other hand, if Bokuto's in a rut he's an animal
Bokuto loves the sounds you make, they ground him while he pounds you to high heaven, pumping cum into your hole while you squirm and moan under him
He loves the scent you make when you're horny, your sweat and your pheromones keeping the ache in his gut at bay while he drills your hole with his swelling, veiny dick
But unlike most Alphas Bokuto can remain mainly conscious during his ruts
Due to that consciousness, Bokuto makes you blow him at some points, which eventually turns into him mouthfucking you
The alpha marks your whole body when in a rut, grunting and groaning your name into your ear with nothing but lust and love dripping off of his tongue
"Jeusus- fuck- (y/n)- CUMMING! FUCK- Fuck yeah! My fuckin' omega- take my- SHIT- Take my fuckin' pups babe~ I fucking love you- I need you!"
Atsumu sfw
He'd heard of you before you became the team manager
Atsuma had never gotten the hype over Omegas - that was until he had met you
The way you doted on every single team member, made sure they each had water or a towel or anything, the way you cheered him on at the side of the court - it made his inner Alpha jump with joy
Atsumu had never wanted someone as badly as he wanted you - and he was gonna get what he wanted
You noticed him talking to you more, Atsumu would purposefully show-off the height difference between you both while releasing his scent to envelop you
It flustered you at first, but as time went on you embraced the Alpha trying to subtly flirt with you
When the two of you finally started dating, Atsumu had never felt lighter, everything just felt right with you
You took care of him, keeping him in check and fully shouting at him when he gets too high and mighty
The alpha would always buy you gifts, take you out in expensive dates but most of all he liked to have sleepovers with you
You would go to his house and Atsumu would cook for you, really charm you with his looks and skills then cuddle you all night while breathing in your pheromones like air
"I'd give you the world if I could, (Y/n)... Anything for the handsome man who loves me the most"
Atsumu nsfw
Atsumu really understood the hype around Omegas when he first helped you through a heat
The alpha got lost in your scent, the lewd sounds you would make, the way you would beg for him like you needed him to live, and oh god the way you tasted and felt around him
Atsumu felt like he physically couldn't stop fucking you, his hips having a mind of their own as he pounded your loose, slicked up hole
Atsumu is also found that he's a really mean Alpha in bed, something about you brings that out of him
And he found out that you fucking live for his degradation and teasing
He loves the idea of teasing you and laughing at you while your heat is eating at you, your body writhing from the feeling in your stomach as your ass craves for his knot
Atsumu is so mean to you it turns you on so much
He teases your dick, going as far as calling it a pussy as he rubs your dick against his palm while he only just fingers at your prostate
You squirt more and more slick out of your ass until Atsumu finally gives in to your pleas and absolutely ravages your ass
Your walls tighten around your Alphas dick while he fucks up into your prostate with every thrust
Moans and grunts echo in the room, Atsumu's veiny hand wraps around your throat and he squeezes gently while your hands dart to his muscular back and scratch him like a scratching post
By the time you've came for a 3rd time, Atsumu has filled your hole up to the brim
Your alpha is 6 loads in and is still willing to push through till the end of your heat ♡
"You're so cute, Omega~ Such a pathetic excuse of a man, such a cute little dick, look at you squirting sterile cum all over yourself"
Ushijima sfw
Omegas avoided Ushijima like the plague, even for an alpha he was huge and scary
So when you showed none of that when interacting with Ushijima, you had caught his eye straight away
He liked how kind you were, caring and doting like any other Omega but in a natural way - not in an overly exaggerated way like he had seen other Omegas behave around his teammates
The rest of the team noticed how much Ushijima was head over heels doe you - and they supported it so so much
He liked the height difference between you two, Ushijima would focus on how small you were compared to him even for an Omega, your small waist which his veiny hands could easily wrap around were on his mind practically 24/7
Once the team started to push Ushijima to court you, it was funny to see how you, as an Omega, were pulling most of the weight - making all the first moves while Ushijima blushes away
You were his first everything- his first crush, his first courting, his first kiss, and first time - He was like a schoolgirl around you
But once he mustered up the courage to ask you to be his, you were ecstatic - and so was the rest of the team
Dating the massive alpha was incredible, he was rich so of course Ushijima spoiled you
He compliments you so, so much in a nonchalant way - saying shit like "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes on" like it isn't the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you!
And you two go on so many romantic and heartfelt dates, many of which happen at your house
Ushijima absolutely loves it when you cook for him, he sits down at the table and watches you cook away while you talk to him about something random
The whole time your words going in one ear and out the other while your muscular Alpha fantasises about you doing this for him everyday of the rest of his life after marrying you - which he most definitely plans on doing
"(Y/n) Ushijima~ I like the sound of that. Would you like to marry me, my omega? I think we'd make beautiful pups, don't you?"
Ushijima nsfw
Again, you were his first everything - so of course you were the Alpha's first time, too
The first time you helped Ushijima through a rut was insane, the poor virgin Alpha could not stop for his life
His scent was extremely powerful from the pure excitement and lust he was feeling, Ushijima was fucking you at an animalistic pace while he grunted and moaned so loud that the entire Ushijima estate could probably hear
He'd already came 4 times, his hips not stopping once, your dick overstimulated as you moaned and cried - Ushijima apologising between moans, drunk and high off of his rut
He'd never felt such pleasure before, a pure and constant rush if dopamine flooding his brain as he fucks his pups into you, his knot now just pushing in and out of you - the pain and pleasure mixing like the smell of pheromones and sweat in the Alpha's room
By the time Ushijima had regained consciousness and control over his body, he was appalled at himself
His eyes glanced over your body, widening in horror at the state your body was in - bite marks on every little patch of skin, bruises all over your hips and neck and wrists, cum still leaking out of your loose hole and your body covered in dried, sticky cum
After being bombarded with apologise, you calmed Ushijima down and promised that you enjoyed yourself
A part of him also felt really guilty that when he saw your puffed out hole, filled with his cum - a part of him hoped you'd carry his pups, so much so that he'd already gotten a semi from the idea
On the other hand, the way that Ushijima helps you through heats is incredibly sweet
The alpha does his best to soothe your pain, fingering at your prostate until you cum on his fingers while breathing in your mates scent, the burn in your stomach already dissipating
The alpha had laid plenty of attention in health class, so his dick is in you almost instantly after your first orgasm, slow thrust directly against your prostate making you slick up even more, cumming once again from the way Ushijima pressed a hand against the bulge in your belly
By the end of your heat, Ushijima's back is torn to shreds along with some beautiful bite marks from you all over his broad shoulders and neck
Your body on the other hand is perfectly clean - apart from.your mating mark, which Ushijima ensured to make fresh once more
"You're so beautiful, Omega. Feel so good around me, such a good boy for me, all slicked and taking my big dick so deep, all the way - you feel good don't you,(y/n)?"
Oikawa sfw
The idea of having THE campus omega as his team manager made Oikawa's chest puff up
He was all over you immediately - which made you more flustered than uncomfortable
The whole team liked you, you were very attentive to their needs and would always be up to help them with whatever - but Oikawa liked you even more than the others
The Alpha could feel his heart rate jump when you would arrive at practice and could feel his mood perk up when he had a class with you
The whole team knew the captain liked you - even you weren't oblivious to that fact, so it didn't come as a surprise when Oikawa tried to court you
You made no complaints, you were used to Alpha's trying to court you but you had always turned them down - you decided to give your handsome team captain a chance
And holy crap did he quickly make you fall for him
The alpha would scent you every chance he would get, Oikawa would greet you with a hug and a gift and then spend the whole time you two were together following you around like a puppy and chatting to you non-stop
His masculine scent and his charisma made it hard not to fall for him
So once Oikawa had successfully courted you, the two of you started to date
Never had the Alpha's ego been as high as it is now that you two are dating
Everyone at college knows about you two, due to Oikawa's loud mouth and inflated ego
He's constantly touching, you're on his arm every hour of every day bur you have no complaints about it
The Alpha constantly compliments you and wants to spend time with you - his playboy ways being long forgotten since he started courting
Every time you two are together is good, even arguments with your alpha end in hugs and tears
"Gosh (n/n)-chan you're so cute! Ya know, you look so good on my arm, bet everyone's soooo jealous of me right now~"
Oikawa nsfw
A selfish lover is the only way to describe Oikawa during his ruts
Like any other alpha Oikawa can only focus on his needs - but trust me only after Oikawa has came at least 3 times to you cum for the first time
The alpha will be fucking into you, milking his dick empty of his fertile seed for hours on end and you only cum around twice per rut
Oikawa feels bad about this once he comes back around but he can't help himself, you just feel too good around him he can't even focus on you
Your heats are totally different though
Oikawa loves to make you feel as good as possible - almost a little too good
The alpha has you cumming on his tongue within minuets - minuets which turn into hours of your heat craving your alphas dick and him not giving it to you
He fucking loves it when you literally cry for him to fuck you, beg for his veiny dick and his thick knot
Once Oikawa gives in and finally fucks you, he's ruthless, fucking you with so much vigor that you're squirting cum all over yourself constantly
You're moans and your scent are enough to make Oikawa fill you with cum, his knot finally making that burn in your belly calm down
Bathing in the afterglow, Oikawa can't help but stay hard from the way you look
You're like an angel sent by God himself, his perfect omega, your face fucked out and tired, your body covered in cum and marks - and oh fuck your hole clenching on his dick, milking your alpha for his pups
"Aww do you need my dick, baby? Does my poor Omega fucking desperate for my knot - do you want my pups, darling?"
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Hope you guys enjoyed - very long for my kind of writing and I think it sucked in some parts but hope u liked xoxoxoxoxo
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒶𝓊 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑜𝒾𝓇! ౨ৎ
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multicharacter (atsumu, kuroo, sugawara, akaashi, kenma, & suna) x reader. 1.2k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ meet cute scenarios with them ! ! ノ repost from old blog :3
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ᡣ𐭩 you pretend to be ATSUMU’s date so he doesn’t have to face an awkward interaction with his ex. you’re a little surprised when the random man approaches you and practically begs for your help through slightly slurred words. the desperation behind his cocoa-colored eyes and the soft pink hue flushing his cheeks convince you to go along with his deception. your mediocre night at the bar transforms into something much more entertaining as you get to know the blonde stranger. the two of you effortlessly click, bouncing jokes back and forth and breaking out in fits of rowdy laughter. despite the feel of angry eyes burning a hole into the back of your head (which must have meant his plan was working), you enjoy your time with the man you’ve come to learn is miya atsumu, who now holds the title of the most interesting person you’ve encountered at your regular drinking establishment. by the end of the night, the two of you are exchanging numbers and promising to meet again. maybe you’ll upgrade from a pretend partner of convenience to his true significant other.
ᡣ𐭩 KUROO holds the elevator door when he sees you rushing towards it. you’re out of breath by the time you make it into the lift, but you use what little air you have left to thank the man profusely for the polite gesture. he’s a lifesaver, you tell him—you surely would have been late without his kindness. when he asks what floor you plan on getting off at, you laugh, explaining that you’re also stopping at the already-lit floor twelve. the two of you share small talk before getting off, both of you making your way to the receptionist. you ask them to point you to kuroo tetsuro’s office and that’s when the man finally reveals his identity. he’s the one interviewing you for the position to become his personal assistant. your cheeks heat with embarrassment at your lack of punctuality, but kuroo assures you that he understands that life happens—he’s willing to look past it, especially considering the effort you put in to attempt to make it here on time. his reassurance and your conversation with him in the elevator make the process of the interview a lot less nerve-wracking. kuroo is impressed with your resume, your experience, and most of all, you. he hires you on the spot. looks like you’ll both be seeing a lot more of each other.
ᡣ𐭩 you and SUGA help reunite a lost child with their parents. it’s hard not to jump into action when you see a distraught kid on their own. though, as soon as you make it to them, another person is also on the scene—the more help, the better. you share a knowing look with him before he turns his attention to the kid. you can tell he’s a natural when it comes to children. he isn’t bothered by the crying and easily calms the kid down, wiping away their tears with his thumbs, a gentle, comforting smile not once leaving his face. you’re both knelt down in front of them, quietly asking questions to see if they might remember any information that would help you get them back to their guardians. it’s not long before the kid nods and agrees to show you where they wandered off from. they take each of your hands, leading the two of you back to where they had last seen their parents. your hand and suga’s rhythmically swing with the kid’s before they spot a familiar couple and release you both, running into the arms of their mother. after plenty of apologies and many words of gratitude, you compliment suga on his great abilities with children and he says likewise; “the two of us make a great team.”
ᡣ𐭩 AKAASHI catches you after you slip on a patch of ice. his hands cuff your biceps as he steadies you and helps you regain your balance. you thank him, call him a lifesaver, and quickly apologize for the inconvenience. akaashi brushes it off as if it’s nothing, but he insists on accompanying you on the rest of your walk to your destination, you know, to make sure you get there safely. you accept his kind offer, after all, there’s no harm in having a cute guy keeping you company on the way to your stop. he introduces himself and you do the same. he’s soft-spoken but easy to talk to, the kind of guy everyone is comfortable around. he attentively listens to your words and answers each question you throw his way. he’s got a warm, soothing aura that draws you in. distracted by the pleasant discussion, you almost walk straight past the cafe you meant to stop at. turns out that the very coffee shop you were going to was the same one that akaashi frequented each day before work. he’d never run into you before, but he certainly wouldn’t mind seeing you again.
ᡣ𐭩 you text the wrong number and KENMA happens to be the receiver. the paragraph you type out excitedly rambles on about the release of the new game you had been anticipating for months. you don’t even realize you’ve sent the message to the wrong number until you get a reply. the unknown soul on the other end informs you of your blunder, but follows up with a text in response to your initial message in which they mirror your excitement for the upcoming release. it’s easy to ignore your mistake when the person you unintentionally reached out to has such an extensive knowledge on one of the things you find interest in. all the advice you’ve absorbed about not talking to strangers is out the window as you continue your conversation with your mystery companion. despite the amusing result of your slip-up, you have to bid your newfound acquaintance farewell. when you tune in for your favorite streamer’s live gameplay the next night, you’re more than surprised to hear him retell the exact same events you experienced the night before. turns out you were talking to the famous kodzuken.
ᡣ𐭩 SUNA accidentally knocks on your door instead of your neighbor’s. it’s his first time visiting the twins in their new apartment and he can’t be bothered to confirm whether the unit was 32A or 33A, so he trusts his gut and sticks to the former. his knuckles knock against the door and he wonders which twin will answer before he’s met with an unfamiliar figure. you greet the man with a smile despite not knowing who he is or what he’s here for. suna explains the misunderstanding and you laugh, confirming that the place he’s looking for is next door. though, suna’s in no rush to meet the twins and since you aren’t entirely opposed to making a new friend, the two of you stand at the threshold of your doorway and joke about the funny situation. it’s about ten minutes past the time the miyas were expecting him but he hasn’t bothered to check the time—hell, he’s almost forgotten why he’s in the hallway until the door next to yours swings open and atsumu emerges. he’s reminded of his original plans and reluctantly says goodbye, mentally making a note that 32A is the door he wants to knock on in the future.
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thanks for reading! if u enjoyed, please consider reblogging or commenting ❤︎
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noosayog · 7 months
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003 an unexpectedly sweet valentine
❥ warnings/content: kuroo tetsuro x reader, sfw, slight angst if you squint, mostly fluff, jealousy
❥ wc: 3.4k
❥ valentine's masterlist, regular masterlist
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“Good morning, senpai!” 
Your senior of one year turns around as he changes from his outside shoes to his inside shoes. “Huh? Oh, morning.” 
“It’s raining hard today, huh?” 
“Oh, yeah. Sure is.” 
“Did you bring an umbrella?” 
“Nah, forgot it.” 
“Aw, too bad! I remembered mine today!” 
“Good for you.” 
The conversation comes to a lull. Senpai stands there looking at you, as if to ask, anything else?
Somewhat awkward, you wave to him. “Have a good day, then!” 
He nods, turning away to make his way to his first class of the day. 
“Wowwww,” a voice from above you drawls. “That was a painful watch.” 
You swivel around to face Kuroo, your classmate. 
“Shut up, Kuroo,” you growl at him. 
“‘Morning Senpai! Have a good day Senpai!’” He mocks you in a high pitched voice. 
You give him a swift kick in the shins, satisfied when he bends over to cradle the spot. 
Kenma appears from behind him, shaking off the stray droplets clinging to his hair. “You deserved that.” 
“Morning, Kenma,” you snicker.
Kenma returns your greeting, heading off to his own class in the year below yours and Kuroo’s. 
A tap on your shoulder gets your attention. “Sorry about him. He’s just in a bad mood because of the rain.” 
“Kai-kun!” you greet. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize for this idiot.” 
“Hey!” the idiot in question protests. 
Another head pops out from behind Kai. “What’s going on? Talking rooster head trash? That’s a conversation I can contribute to.”  
“Morning, Yakkun.” 
“Can we not talk about me like I’m not here?” Kuroo complains. 
“Shall we head to class?” Kai asks, easily ignoring him. 
“Hello? We’re all in the same class here!” Kuroo wails as he runs after the three of you.
In your homeroom, Kuroo, Yaku, and Kai all head to their seats as you take yours by the window. You greet your friends who sit by you, excited to ramble about your encounter with the cool Senpai from the basketball team whom you’ve recently developed a crush on.
“What do you like about that guy anyway?” your friend asks. 
“What do you mean? There’s so much to like!” 
She gives you a dubious look. “For example…?”
You start counting on your fingers. “Well, he’s captain of the basketball team, so he’s tall-”
“You like him because he’s tall?”
“He’s older, so he’s more mature-”
“Right,” she nods sarcastically. “Being a year older makes him so mature.” 
With two fingers up, you’ve run out of reasons. Your friend rolls her eyes at you. 
“Personally, I prefer the volleyball guys in our class.” 
“Kai-kun?” you nod empathetically. “I can totally see that. He’s kind and smart. Yakkun, too. He’s energetic and outgoing.” 
“Kuroo’s included in that group too, you know.” 
You wrinkle your nose. 
“What’s your beef with him? He’s tall, smart. Lots of people in our grade would say he’s funny too. He’s actually pretty popular.” 
You shake your head, “the most that guy has going for him is his friendship to Kenma. I can totally see someone getting close to him so that he’ll introduce them.” 
Your friend just shrugs patronizingly, like you’re beyond reasoning with. 
“Anyway,” you switch topics. “Senpai forgot his umbrella today, and it’s going to rain all day. I’m going to watch basketball practice afterschool and offer to share my umbrella with Senpai on the way home. Wanna come with?”
You shrug. “Suit yourself.” 
“Did you hear that?” Yaku elbows Kuroo, whispering not very quietly.
Kuroo swipes at the elbow, rubbing his ribs and mumbling for Yaku to keep it down. 
“Damn, what’d you do? She thinks you’re such a loser.” 
“Gee, thanks,” Kuroo grits out. 
Yaku holds his hands up in surrender. “Just pointing out the facts.” 
“Hey, now. Let’s not be too hasty,” Kai cuts in. “It might just be a temporary infatuation with the basketball club guy. There’s still hope!” 
Kuroo groans and slumps forehead first onto his desk. Even when Kai is trying to be nice, it makes him feel so pathetic. 
When the final class of the day ends, Kuroo lingers in the classroom, still racking his brain for an excuse to keep you from going to the basketball club. He trails after you as you get up to leave the classroom. 
You’re taking a drink of water when Kuroo watches your friend shoulder into you a bit too hard, leaving you to stumble backwards, hands flailing to keep your balance. The uncapped water bottle in your hands goes flying into Kuroo, dumping its contents into the bag in his hands, containing the spare jerseys the volleyball team had planned on using for practice matches today. 
Kuroo drops the bag, arms coming up to support your back and keep you upright. 
When you’re stable on your feet, you quickly pick up your water bottle to staunch the flow of water, though it doesn’t matter much anymore given the jerseys are all soaked through. 
“Hey! What did you do that for?” you scold your friend. You turn to Kuroo, “thanks and sorry…” you trail off, not knowing how to remedy the situation. 
When Kuroo catches the wink your friend sends him, he catches on. “Aww man, now what’re we going to do for practice?” 
Yaku cuts in. “Oh, it’s fine. We can just use the spare-” 
Kai slaps a hand over Yaku’s big mouth, dragging him off towards the gym. “We’ll head to practice first. Why don’t you figure out the situation, Kuroo?” 
“Kuroo, I’m so sorry, but this was all her fault. Hey-” You turn to where your friend was standing, but she’s gone.
“We needed these for today’s practice. You’re just gonna have to help me out with the laundry to get these dried before the 3v3 drills then.” 
You pull a very displeased expression, mumbling something Kuroo can’t quite hear but is definitely a curse out of your friend. 
“Can’t I please make it up to you some other way? I have really important plans today.” 
Sure, as if trying to suck up to that basketball captain counts as really important plans. 
“All you have to do is toss these in the dryer and wait until they’re done. It’s the least you can do.” 
You offer a begrudging, “fine,” hauling the wet bag and following behind a triumphant Kuroo. 
As promised, it takes you less than an hour to dry the jerseys, passing the time by watching the volleyball club boys warm up and run drills. As you pull the jerseys out of the machine, Kuroo meets you by the locker room. 
“All done! Now can I-” 
“Man, it took too long to dry them. We had to restructure our drills since it’s too late to start practice matches now.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Look, Kuroo. I’m sorry, but I have no say over how long a dryer cycle is.” 
“I know. It just really put us in a hard spot, especially given that Nationals are around the corner…” he sighs audibly. “But it’s fine, I know it’s not totally your fault.” He sighs again. 
“Ok, ok” you give in. “What can I do to make up for it?” 
It takes all of Kuroo’s willpower to suppress a victorious grin. “Hmmm,” he pretends to deliberate. “Aha!” he exclaims. “You could be our manager until Nationals are over. That’d help the team and Coach Nekomata out a lot.” 
You hesitate. “Manager? Why don’t you just find a permanent one? Everyone says you’re all popular-”
“Everyone?” he smirks. 
“Yeah. Personally, I don’t really get it, but,” you miss the slight dimming of his grin. “I’m sure there’s someone out there who’d be more willing… I mean, more helpful than I would be.” 
“Figures that you’d try to weasel your way out of this.” 
“Weasel my way- wait just a second-” 
“It’s fine,” Kuroo cuts you off, turning around to leave you there. “You’re right, we’ll just find someone who’s more responsible.” 
“Hold on, Kuroo!” you grab the back of his jacket, pulling him back. 
This time, the grin on Kuroo’s face spreads in full force. 
“I’ll do it. I am not irresponsible.” 
“Great, you can start tomorrow.” 
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing indignantly like you’re satisfied that you’ve restored your reputation, your plans to be alone with basketball-senpai completely forgotten. 
Hook, line, sinker. 
Your job as the volleyball club manager is actually enjoyable. Save for the extended time you now need to spend in Kuroo’s company, you make friends with the rest of the team, especially the enthusiastic younger class. 
During lunch time, Kuroo will often request that you join Kai, Yaku, and him on the roof. 
“Why? I deserve freedom from you outside of volleyball club hours.” 
“Interesting that your commitment to taking the position of manager only extends to certain hours.” 
“What? Slander! I’m committed-” 
“We were going to discuss and review our plays from previous games, but I guess we’ll manage without you. Just hand me the notebook and we’ll review without you-” 
You stand abruptly, slamming your palms on your desk. With the notebook in question in hand, you storm past him, making your way to the roof access stairs without another word. 
“Well?” you demand when Kuroo doesn’t follow. “Are we going or what?” 
Kuroo grins. “Coming.” 
In your indignation, you fail to ever catch the grins from Yaku, Kai, and your friends. 
Sometimes, those lunches end up being just you and Kuroo, Yaku and Kai often being called away halfway through. Once all volleyball business is complete, you and Kuroo finish eating in relative peace. Often, he lies down to spend the rest of break napping. You tell yourself it’s too awkward to leave him there without a word, so you sit quietly to keep him company. 
One time, you had awoken to a sound of a camera shutter, realizing belatedly that you had fallen asleep on Kuroo’s shoulder. When you crane your head to face the boy in question, eyes wide and swiping at your lip in case you were drooling, you’re met with the usual smug grin on his lips, but his eyes are warm. Instead of smacking him and throwing a scatching remark, your cheeks heat up and you avert your eyes like an embarrassed schoolgirl.
When February rolls around, the entire student body is buzzing with the excitement of Valentine’s Day. You haven’t had any more development with basketball senpai, with your time mostly preoccupied with volleyball, but you’ve long standing plans to make Senpai chocolate. You’ve done research by asking around to find out that Senpai likes dark chocolate. 
“Have you thought about making the volleyball boys chocolate?” Mari asks you. 
“Yep, I plan to.” 
“And Kuroo?”
You choke on your water. “Why would you single him out? Of course… because he’s a part of the volleyball boys…” you trail off. 
Your friend props her chin on her palm, expression bored but the corner of her lips twitch. “Uh huh,” she says in obvious disbelief. 
Your inner turmoil is exacerbated when Kenma says to you, the day before Valentines, “despite his looks, he likes sweeter chocolate.” 
Kenma just gives you a look, waving as he makes his way home. 
The following day, you show up to school, hands full with all the chocolates you made the night before. Each bag is wrapped in an individual baggie with a white ribbon except for one that is wrapped special, in a small box with red ribbon.
For Senpai, obviously. 
Your first stop of the day is your friend. You hand her a bag and she smiles, quickly opening it and popping it in her mouth right in front of you. 
“What do you think?” you ask. 
“Mmmm,” she closes her eyes, savoring the sweet treat. “So sweet. Milk chocolate? Weren’t you going on about how Senpai likes dark chocolate?” 
“I… made different batches.” you lie. You brandish the box with the red ribbon. “Senpai’s was made special.” 
“Still sticking to giving that boring Senpai chocolate, huh?” 
“He is not boring!” 
“Sure, whatever.” She peeks into your bag to look at the array of all the baggies you plan on giving out today. She looks up at the red ribbon box in your hands then back into your bag. “Just that one box? And it’s for Senpai?” 
“... yup.” 
“What was that pause?” 
“What pause?” 
She just rolls her eyes and turns back to her textbook. 
“Did you hear that? It’s for the basketball guy.” Yaku elbows Kuroo���s ribs. 
“Can you stop elbowing me?” 
“That’s not important right now! She’s still going to give that guy chocolate!” 
“I know, I heard,” Kuroo hisses. 
Kai gives Kuroo a pitiful look that ticks him off. “What are you going to do?” 
“What is there to do?” Kuroo replies, keeping his eyes focused on the homework he has on his desk. “I’m going to grab a drink from the vending machines. Be right back.” 
He gets up to walk to the furthest vending machine in the courtyard. Maybe the walk and the winter air from the garden will help him cool his head. 
When he gets back with a can of tea in his hands, Kuroo sees you standing at his desk, where Kai and Yaku are still loitering around before class starts. He watches you hand each of them a bag tied tastefully with white ribbon. He lingers in the shadow of the doorway, watching Yaku and Kai thank you, then you walking back to your desk without leaving a third bag for Kuroo. 
He feels like he could use another walk right then, but the teacher catches him in the doorway and pushes Kuroo into the classroom to start class for the day. 
He makes eye contact with Kai and Yaku, who shake their heads at him, answering his unasked question. 
At lunch, Kuroo disappears on his own. He thinks to himself that he just needs the time to cool down, in fear that he’d embarrass himself in front of you by asking where his portion of chocolate is. He would feel bad enough if you just handed him giri-chocolate that you have everyone else. He would die, though, if you said you didn’t prepare him any at all. 
As he sits alone in the rarely frequented stairwell of the west wing of campus, he sighs. 
What does that guy have that he doesn’t anyway? Every conversation Kuroo has overheard between you two has been terribly boring. He gives dry, one-worded answers. He’s not funny nor particularly smart. He’s tall but so is Kuroo? Maybe he’s good at his sport, but Kuroo is taking his team to Nationals. He’s obviously not into you, whereas Kuroo himself? You get the picture. 
Anyway, he doesn’t think it very presumptuous to think of himself as a better match for you. The two of you joke and laugh together. You get along with his closest friends. Despite your sharp tongue, you seem to be comfortable enough around him. He reminisces of the one time you fell asleep on his shoulder on the roof. He had been wide awake and frozen solid, scared that even breathing too loudly would shatter the moment. He would never tell anyone that the photo Yaku had snapped of you drooling against his shoulder was saved in a password-protected folder in his phone. 
He sighs again, all the tension leaving his body as he lets himself feel all the feelings he’s been holding back. A heavy arm rests over his eyes, squeezing them tightly when he feels the sting behind his irises threatening to surface. 
Unable to pull himself together enough to face you in class, he ends up at the infirmary for the rest of the day, citing a headache. The nurse offers one of the beds and Kuroo gladly takes it, napping the afternoon away, a temporary escape from thoughts of you. 
The break is short-lived as he wakes up just in time for the last class of the day. Not even the prospect of his favorite subject, science, can improve his mood as he drags his feet to the lab classroom. He makes his way to Yaku and Kai’s table, not meeting your eyes. His teammates give him questioning looks but say nothing when Kuroo shakes his head and immerses himself in the lesson for the day. 
Class goes by even more quickly than normal and before he knows it, the dreaded time of day has arrived. He packs slowly, hating himself for wanting to eavesdrop on your plans for the rest of the afternoon. 
“So, what’s the plan?” he hears your friend ask you. “Volleyball or basketball?” 
“Not sure,” you reply. “Gotta go, see you tomorrow!” 
Kuroo watches as you hastily grab your things and leave the classroom. He ignores your friend’s prying eyes on him as he walks out after you. 
In the hallway, he spots you speeding away towards the shoe lockers. As he contemplates chasing after you, he hears a call of your name. 
Kuroo watches in mild horror when he finds that the voice belonged to the captain of the basketball team. His eyes stay glued to the boy who approaches you, all charming smiles and grinning snake eyes. The two of you are too far for Kuroo to hear your conversation but he can see your expression morphing into one of bashfulness. 
All his emotions spill over as the scene unfolds right in front of him in slow motion. He watches your hands dig into your pocket, making the motions to pull something out and likely hand it to your senpai. It all happens so quickly, but before he knows it, Kuroo’s grabbing your hand and dragging you away. 
Something - wind? His boiling hot jealousy? - roars in his ears, any protests you let out going right over his head. It’s only when the two of you reach the garden behind the gymnasium that he lets go. 
He freezes, back still turned away from yours.
It hits him then. He drops your hand like a hot potato, almost giving into the overwhelming urge to bury his face in his hands, crouch down so low that he’s buried in the ground. 
“Kuroo?” he hears you call tentatively. 
How was he going to get himself out of this one? 
So he does what he does best with you. 
He turns around, putting two hands behind his head to feign nonchalance. He forces out a laugh and in the lightest voice he could possibly muster at a time like this, he sticks his foot in this mouth. 
“You were gonna give your chocolates to that senpai, huh? You better be glad I interrupted and saved you the embarrassment of getting rejected in front of the entire student body.” 
You blink at him. “Excuse me?” 
“I mean, I really saved that guy back there. Knowing your cooking skills, you might as well have poisoned him-” 
A box thrown at his face interrupts him. He catches it before the fall to the ground, staring at the offending hand that launched the item. He then looks to you, thoughtless as your eyes begin to water. 
“They’re for you, asshole. If you don’t want ‘em so badly, go throw them away for all I care.”
As you turn around and storm off, Kuroo sees one of your hands coming up to rub angrily at your face. 
He gives chase once more today. It’s easy to catch up as he gets in front of you, face craning to look at you, to validate that he’s not going crazy and you’re really crying over him. 
You turn away stubbornly until Kuroo grabs your arms, holding them up in the air to trap you. 
“Let go!” you thrash. 
But it’s easy for Kuroo to keep them still, unusually quiet as he looks and looks until he gets his fill and confirms that he’s not dreaming. 
“They’re for me?” he asks. 
“Yes, you idiot. Do you wanna add deaf to your list of defining characteristics? It can be right up there with moronic, insensitive, stupid-” 
He chuckles; he doesn't even know where it came from, really. 
Relaxing, he lowers your arms back down but keeps his hold. “And are they the ones you made for all your friends? Or are they…” he trails off, staring into your eyes to get his meaning across. 
You cringe, neck shrinking to retract your face into your scarf. Averting your eyes, you mutter, “the second one.” 
He suddenly engulfs you in his arms. The squeeze he gives you forces a little squeal from you. 
“Oh my god,” he rubs his cheek against the top of your head like an overgrown cat. “You’re so cute, I could die.” 
Your cheeks feel hot as you repress the urge to smile. 
Instead, you mumble, “die then.” 
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bxxemvgic · 3 months
hii been awhile! but i’m back! i was vacation about a week ago. i plan on creating more scenarios!(or anything you’ll like to see me do. i would love advice, tips, and feedback!!! i want to improve in my writing and differentiate between different types of fan fiction i can write for you guys! by the way i watched ultraman recently :)
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