#kyung soo fanfic
sooghostwriter · 1 year
Third Name
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Member/Pairing: Do Kyung Soo x OC
Genre/Type: Mature, Romance, Royalty/ Dictatorship AU, Action, Time jumps. Multichapter.
Word count:  5198 words.
Notes: The story takes place in a made up country. We start at one point of the story and then go back in time the moment they met and how their relationship develops. Later, we will go back to the present and see how the story keeps moving. We get to read parts of Kyung Soo’s diary to locate us in time.
Summary: Anna has a plan for her own freedom. Prince Kyung Soo has one for the nation. She thinks she is meeting her enemy, he just wants to meet her. When the revolution begins he will need her help to claim their freedom.
PS: I block empty blogs.
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Anna paced around the room nervously as the doctor examined Kyung Soo. He should have been the doctor treating Kyung Soo from the beginning since he was the man who had been taking care of his health since he was a child, but his uncle didn't allow him to do so. Minseok tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. The doctor was taking his pressure when Chanyeol and Sehun barged into the room. They looked at Kyung Soo, then at her, and then back at Kyung Soo. Chanyeol broke the silence. 
“Anna, how hard you fucked him?” He joked, looking at his sleeping friend with fake shock. 
“Shut up!” She threw a pillow at him cursing. 
"Why do you look so worried? It must be the stress, he can finally rest and recover now, isn't it right doctor?" Chanyeol patted the doctor's back.
"I wouldn't worry too much, he is just sleeping, he needs to rest, let him sleep, when he is ready, he will wake up," He told them to make sure that he is always warm and to have a light meal prepared for when he wakes up. 
Despite everybody's insistence, Anna didn't move from his side. Chanyeol, Sehun, and Minseok took turns taking care of her, feeding her, and taking away her attention from her sleeping boyfriend. 
"Did you try to kiss him?" Chanyeol asked her, trying to do so himself. 
"Stop messing with me you tall idiot" She pushed his head away from Kyung Soo making him fall back, cackling.  She acted mad, but her friend's support was really helpful when dealing with Kyung Soo’s current situation. 
Midnight came by and he was still asleep. The doctor visited him during the afternoon and told her that he finally had time to heal, so he was taking his time. 
“The drugs are finally out of his system, and after so much uncertainty he is finally able to rest surrounded by his loved ones, Let’s give him one more day…and then we will see” Anna tried to absorb some of his calm and left the room for a while. 
Outside, people were dealing with the repercussions of the prince’s kidnapping. Anna had completely forgotten about it. 
The people who worked at the castle told her that they had the order to keep quiet about the prince's disappearance. As they expected, Kyung Soo's uncle was putting on a show about his nephew's disappearance, acting worried and participating in the search. The guards that worked for him told Minseok that they had orders to find him and bring his dead body, even if they found him alive. 
The Order though, was suspiciously quiet. None of the members from the Order that also participated in the Clan received any information regarding what to do with the situation. If they had to help with the search, support his uncle, treat him as a suspect, or search for a responsible. Nothing. 
Some members were worried about how they had already settled to look outside the city, in the forest and buildings surrounding it. Since the decoys sent were already proven as such, they were now searching for the groups of kidnappers that took Kyung Soo out of the castle through the kitchen and killed and injured a bunch of guards with a grenade. Anna's whole body reacted to that. Terrified and guilty. Scared that they were behind their trail. 
“No one followed you, You two got into the truck and arrived here alone, they lost you at the passage, They are looking outside the city, but they don’t know where to start,” Minseok told her as soon as he saw her panic. 
“What if they get to us?” She needed the assurance that only he could give her. 
“If they are close, we will know, We have always lived like this, fearing for the day that they find us, so we are prepared… we live here like rats, we are hard to catch, don’t worry Anna, we take care of each other” Minseok was confident.
“What should I do then?” Minseok’s words made her more anxious since she didn’t have the confidence he had.
“Anna, a long time ago I told you that you were in charge of Kyung Soo, If something happens, you need to take him with you” He held her by the shoulders knowing that she needed the support. 
“Take him where?”
“Your house” Anna stared at him with her mouth wide open.
They made her have dinner and then she dashed to their room to check on Kyung Soo. 
He was still asleep, with Chanyeol and Sehun talking to him. 
“What are you guys doing?” She asked, sitting at the feet of the bed.
“Telling him embarrassing stories about him, checking if he wakes up out of anger,” Sehun told her with a mischievous grin. 
“At this point, I’m craving a good punch from him” Chanyeol commented jokingly, but Anna caught the sadness in his voice. 
“You guys go to rest, I will stay with him for the rest of the night” They agreed and left with heavy feet. 
“Your majesty, you need to hurry up and wake up, If we get attacked, I’m not carrying you on my back, also, everybody misses you…and I’m dead worried, Give me a break Do Kyung Soo” She caressed his head and dropped a kiss on his forehead before taking a shower. 
She went to sleep next to him, patting his chest and resting her head on his shoulder. 
The next morning after the visit from his doctor, Anna took one of his diaries to read, feeling nostalgic. She lay down next to him and began reading about Kyung Soo’s thoughts about meeting her. 
She lay down next to him, holding the diary with one hand and holding his hand with the other. 
“Why are you reading my diary?” His sleepy voice asked. 
“I was missing your thoughts... Kyung Soo!” She shouted, throwing the diary across the room.
“You woke up!” She began examining his face and body clumsily, making him giggle. 
“Anna... I think I'm fine now” He said coughing. 
“You woke up!” She still couldn’t believe her eyes. 
“Yes, and I think… I think my memories are back ... My head feels different and I don't find emptiness when thinking about the past, about me, you, our friends, everything is back, it’s a lot” He turned around hiding his face on the pillow, releasing a tired sigh. 
“What about what happened this last month?” She whispered, hoping that she wouldn’t cause him more discomfort. 
“That is still here… It’s like I fell in love with you twice, and both times are saved in my brain now, very vividly thank god” His face was still hidden, but she saw his red ears. She kept quiet, rubbing his nape and back. 
“I’m thirsty and hungry” He faced her, pouting and still blushing. Anna jumped off the bed and dashed down the hall calling her friends. 
When Minseok, Chanyeol, and Sehun walked into the room, Kyung Soo was out of bed waiting for them, ready to hug them and welcome them back. As they greeted each other and shared some tears, Anna went to prepare a light lunch for her boyfriend. 
Kyung Soo’s time was consumed by his friends and girlfriend. He was genuinely happy to be back, so much so that talking and laughing with his friends made his head hurt less and his body less tired. 
Around midnight, his friends were gone and Anna was helping him get ready for bed, his body still tired and weak. 
It was still strange how he felt. Because as soon as he woke up he thought how much he missed her. But looking back, she was there the whole time. And the memories he had from the previous month, felt more like scenes of a movie he had seen. 
He couldn’t stop smiling by remembering Anna breaking into his room, kissing him in his sleep, and talking to him for hours just so he could understand what was happening. But thinking about her taking him out of the castle, having to do things she never thought she would have to do, made him feel horrible. Kyung Soo waited for her to change into her pajama, which was an old T-shirt of his, and as soon as she got into bed, he apologized. 
“I wish you hadn't had to do that for me, I know how hard it is, and how it never matters who’s the person you are attacking, it always hurts and it makes you doubt everything…I”
“Kyung Soo, I haven’t doubted anything” She interrupted him. 
“It was shocking, and it left a bitter taste in me, but If I had to do it again If I had to do it right now, I wouldn’t think twice, I would do anything to defend you, as I know you would do anything to defend me” Anna was right. And although in the future she could do the same, or something worse, Kyung Soo wasn't going to ask her to do something that he couldn't do. Like staying outside all this. 
"I can't believe you came back " He commented, changing the subject. Anna looked at him pouting with her eyebrows raised in wonder. 
"You came back here, you were leaving, I did everything so you could flee the country" Kyung Soo regretted saying that as soon as he saw Anna's anger, or worse, disappointment. 
"You did everything? What the hell does that mean? What did you do?" Kyung Soo didn't answer immediately and tried to organize his answer to not make everything worse. 
"I asked someone so they could speed the process, I wanted you to leave before all of this happened" He kept it simple. 
"All this made me forget how you kept me out of your plans and sent me away" She gestured angrily with her arms. Kyung Soo could see her anger, but also there was some ironic tone in her voice that showed some playfulness. He didn't relax, but he knew how to match her energy now. 
"To be fair, leaving was your plan, from the beginning…I just… helped… Are you mad?" He also knew when he had to shut up and play the fool. 
"No I'm not mad, I'm resentful because all that was useless, I'm still here, I'm part of the Clan now and I'm not leaving your side, When something is meant to happen it's just going to " He dropped his head, defeated. 
"If I ask you to leave and go to your parents… " She interrupted him again. 
"Don't even try it or you are going to lose your girlfriend but I'm still going to stay here" Kyung Soo lifted his head, offended. 
"Don't say that! You can't break up with me in this situation, I just woke up from a coma! " His fake outrage made her laugh. For both, it felt like ages since they laughed like that.
Anna was less annoyed now. But since they were clearing things out, and he finally had his memory back, it was his time now to bring some old issues to the table. 
"You started spreading copies of the forbidden books around the city" Anna stared at him with irony. 
"It's not a competition for who is hiding more things " She joked avoiding his stare. He sat closer to her and circled her waist with his arm, kissing her shoulder. 
"I'm not competing, just bringing some issues… you have no idea how risky that was" 
"I was very aware" She was still avoiding his stare, but still enjoying his touch. 
"I'm sure… I'm not mad though, I wasn't even that surprised, I still remember what I wrote in my diary that day, although your approach was dangerous and slightly reckless,  you weren't doing something very different from me, Minseok called you a book terrorist, said we were a couple made in heaven, and I agree" Anna finally turned around between his arms, resting her hands on his chest.
"I think he is right, and I like that, book terrorist… I wanted to rattle things up before leaving" Kyung Soo liked how shy she looked, fidgeting with the collar of his T-shirt. 
"You agree that we are a couple made in heaven too?" He whispered in her ear. 
"I do,  despite our different upbringings, we think alike, we behave alike, which gives me more reasons to nag you for not telling me about the Clan earlier" Kyung Soo laughed loudly, pushing her on the bed, straddling her. 
"I'm so very sorry, next time I form a group of rebels and terrorists you are going to be the first to know" 
"Your majesty, I'm hoping that this is the first and last time that you have to go through this " Anna blushed under him, caressing his upper arms. 
"Anna, don't call me that, when you say it it doesn't annoy me, quite the opposite, and the doctor said that I had to take it slow," Kyung Soo said with little resolve, but knowing that he had to be strong. 
"You are right… Then let's go to bed, you had a long day " She cradled him between her arms, pressing him to her chest and kissing his forehead. Kyung Soo released a long sigh, rubbed his face on her chest, and fell asleep. 
Kyung Soo regained all his strength and health after a couple of days of rest.
He was a very obedient patient, although he held a bunch of meetings from the comfort of his bed. Anna didn't even try to stop him. 
Now that he was back to normal, everybody had one less thing to worry about. Every meeting was about what to do now, that with his disappearance the Crown was vulnerable. Everybody agreed that it was time to speed things up. The silence of the Crown and the ineptitude of his uncle made everything more unpredictable. Allowing Kyung Soo's uncle to take the throne was dangerous and it could take them several steps back. In one of the meetings Kyung Soo offered the option of going back to the castle and taking his position, but it was received very badly by his friends. Anna only stared at him from across the room and he knew that doing so would cost him their relationship. 
"Kyung Soo, we have talked about this, Your uncle is currently looking for your body, if you go back alive, he is going to make sure to change that, and becoming the king doesn't assure our success, you are out of the castle, going back now is a risk" Minseok explained patiently. 
"I think we should start forming and arming small groups in the main city and the surroundings. There's armament and more coming from the north… we are ready to start" Chanyeol commented with some doubt but the few heads around him were nodding. 
"I always knew this was the only way to do it, but I always hoped for a non-violent way… We have often spoken about how now is the right time to do it since with my parents ' death and my disappearance the Crown is weak, so we need to start moving… We are going to do as Chanyeol said, form small groups in different neighborhoods, and make sure that it's only people from the Clan, and properly trained to at least hold a gun, We will see who joins us as we move forward, same with the cities surrounding, call the main people involved, we will hold a meeting tomorrow so we can start moving" Everybody around him stood up and left the room except for Anna. 
"Are you hating that you don't have a special duty" He joked, forgetting some of the tension. 
"You are wrong, Minseok gave me one a while ago" Kyung Soo's frown was comical. She walked closer to him, dropping the need to mess with him. He didn't need more stress. 
"He told me that I was in charge of you" He laughed shyly as she played with his ear. 
"Then I'm in good hands" 
"Loving hands" She added, pinching his cheek. 
That night was turning into a sleepless one. Because after making love countless times, taking a bath, and then repeating, they were still wide awake. 
Kyung Soo invited her for a walk. They couldn't leave the building, but it was big enough to walk around and get tired. She accepted, put warm clothes in both of them, and held his hand so he could guide her. 
This was the first time she took the time to walk around their hideouts, it was also the first time she took the time to look at the paintings adorning the walls. 
"We have been collecting them since we formed the Clan, Some of them were locked down like the books, others ready to be burned, Chanyeol and Sehun took great pleasure in stealing some from different houses that I had to visit as the prince and like that on and on, the idea was to protect history and free speech however we could" Just like everybody, Anna thought, these paintings were survivors. 
They climbed a narrow ladder to the upper floor, Kyung Soo wanted to show her some murals that survived the coup more than a hundred years ago. Since it was late it was safer than doing it during the day, and they were still hidden by the state of the building. 
They had to dodge some hazardous door frames and rotten wood floors, but they finally made it to the main hall of the second floor where the mural was. 
Anna was taking in the whole wall when she heard a rather loud whisper behind them. 
"Your majesty" Someone called from the same door they got in a couple of minutes ago. Before she could say anything, Kyung Soo was running to the door, taking a small gun from his back pocket. 
"Get to the floor!" He roared. Anna saw the guy raise his hands and drop to his knees. He was wearing a military uniform but looked younger than them. 
"Don't move" Kyung Soo ordered, walking behind him and pointing the gun at the back of his head. 
"Are you alone?" He asked. 
"Yes, your majesty" The guy looked confused. He didn't resist, but despite the confusion, there was a strange expression in his eyes. She suspected that despite him calling Kyung Soo Your Majesty, he wasn't necessarily on his side. 
"Kyung Soo we should…" Before she could finish her sentence Kyung Soo hit him in the back of the head with his gun and the guy dropped heavily on the floor unconscious. 
"You read my mind," She added. 
"I know, help me carry him downstairs" Kyung Soo lifted him from under his armpits as she held him from his knees. The guy wasn't very heavy, it surprised her how light he was. 
"He must be just a cadet, let's take him down, We need all the information he can give us" He ended with a dark tone. 
"What if he doesn't want to collaborate?" She asked, suspecting what his answer could be. 
"Anna, in this kind of situation, everybody collaborates, even against their will" She didn't comment on it. 
They took the guy to the first empty room they found. It was quite late so no one saw them get in. They didn't want to alarm too many people. Anna ran to Minseok's room and on her way she woke up Sehun and Chanyeol and brought the three to check on the guy they kidnapped. 
Kyung Soo begged Anna to leave the room so they could interrogate the guy. She wanted to be informed, but the desperation in his voice told her that he really didn't want her there. 
"I don't want you to see me doing any of this," He told her, grabbing her face with firm hands. 
“Please Anna, wait in our room, I will be there in an hour” Anna knew way too many stories about how the Crown conducted their interrogations. She suspected the Clan wasn’t different. She didn’t want to see Kyung Soo like that either. She was sure she wasn’t going to hate him, but he would hate himself. 
She grabbed his hands, kissed them both, and walked away. 
Kyung Soo didn’t come back an hour later as he promised. 
She didn’t leave the room as he said, she was scared of what she could hear if she had stood outside the room where they were locked. 
The rumor of them capturing a guard from the Crown had already spread. And since everybody in charge was locked in that room, everybody asked her for information. She shared what she knew. 
“Should we start preparing to evacuate?” One of the members asked her. All eyes were on her. They were expecting her orders. They trusted her orders. So she pondered it for a moment. 
"We will wait for what information they can get, The worst scenario will be that, so let's be ready, we may need to leave this place and we need to be quick" Everyone agreed with her. She gave orders to some of the members to go to the city and prepare a safe place for the people who were currently hiding from the Crown. She also got together with some people so they could arrange a place where the rest could hide. There were currently around 70 people down there who needed a safe place to go. 
Everyone went to do what they were told to and Anna was left alone in the main hall staring at the ceiling. 
“You were made for this” She heard from behind her. 
Kyung Soo was walking towards her, his face covered in sweat and his shirt unbuttoned. His comment sounded satisfied but he looked terrible. He apologized for being late and held her hand. 
“We need to leave, he was sent here to keep an eye on the place, they are going to come and pick him up tomorrow night, we need to empty this place by then,” He told her before she could ask.
“Are you alright?” She asked him since it was the first thing that she cared about. Kyung Soo chuckled before answering. 
“I’m alright, My head hurts and that room was too hot, but we got what we needed” He didn’t look at her as he answered.
“What is going to happen with him?”
“We are not sure yet, the best option is to take him with us, he already saw me and Minseok, we need to protect at least his cover, let’s get everybody together after they are done preparing, hopefully, we will be gone by noon” Anna had to force him to look up at her.
“Kyung Soo, whatever you did there, it was necessary, Now we can all be safe ok?” He nodded.
“Where’s the rest?” She asked.
“Chanyeol stayed with him, Minseok is getting ready to leave and investigate and Sehun is taking a break” There was silence as she caressed his hand. 
“Go get showered, I will prepare our things then” Kyung Soo looked at her with a tense grimace, breathing quickly. 
“They could rid this thing in seconds, At this point there are too many variables, If they send that man here it means that there’s a group at the Crown that at least suspects us, or maybe just my uncle knows and could use this to take over,” His eyes grew wider as he spoke, a slight quivering in his voice. 
“Kyung Soo, listen to me, from now on, we are out of this, Minseok and the rest will take care of this now, the Clan is infiltrated in the Crown and in the citizens, we are more, we have the same chances from before, but now I’m taking you with me, we still need to protect you, and with your uncle searching for your head, you are still at risk” She pulled him with her to their room and he stayed quiet. 
As Kyung Soo went into the shower, Anna began packing a small bag. They didn’t need a lot. A change of clothing and some food. But after looking around the room, she felt the need to pack his diaries and pictures. Kyung Soo came out of the bathroom drying his hair, naked and with puzzled eyes. 
“We don’t need that!” He shouted as he saw her shove the last diary in her backpack. 
“Yes we do, Not only this could give away a lot of information, these are your memories and thoughts and also ours, I will not have them reading them or destroying them” Anna kept ignoring his complaints as she fitted the diary into her backpack. 
“By the way, you must know this but you never brought it up… I read your diaries, not all of them, but the ones where you wrote about me…sorry” Kyung Soo’s face flushed furiously red. He was speechless, which was a very amusing scenery considering his current naked stage. 
“In my defense…I really love you” She said, trying to save herself. 
“Anna… this is so embarrassing, I’m sure I sounded like a damn teenager talking and writing about you, and so cheesy too!” Anna laughed for the first time and what felt like ages. 
“It was adorable and so loving, If I love you so much now it’s in big part for that” Kyung Soo’s face, ears, and neck were still red, but he wasn’t aghast anymore.
“Go get dressed, we need to get together again to give the last info” Kyung Soo nodded, stole a short kiss, and quickly got dressed.
Everybody received the news with little surprise. If they heard and trusted Anna as they did before, when it came to Kyung Soo they look as if god was guiding them. Kyung Soo stayed calm. There wasn’t a lot to say since they were prepared for any eventuality. 
Just when they asked him what was going to happen to him, he noticed that he had no idea. He looked at Anna and she took a step forwards.
“I will take him with me, by night we will be in my hometown, he will stay with me there, hidden” Kyung Soo tried to object. If Anna was planning on taking him to her parents ’ house, he had to stop her right there. But Minseok stopped him. 
“I planned everything, you will be safe there, all eyes around you are from the Clan…except for your parents in law…you will need to deal with them” Before he could argue with his friend, Minseok started talking.
“As from now, we are leaving this place to not come back, stay together as much as you can, remember that we, the people, are the ones who can turn our lives into freedom and beauty, with the democracy that we will gain let us make that life possible, let’s keep fighting to free our country, to tear down barriers, ignore greed, hate, and intolerance, let’s always stay together and in touch, pay attention to everything, see you soon” Kyung Soo forgot about what his friend had just told him and celebrated Minseok’s words with the rest. 
They all exchanged quick See you soon’s and Take care and one by one began evacuating the place through different entrances. 
Minseok took them to a wing of the building that she didn’t know. It had clearly seen better days, but now the wood on the floor was covered in moss and the paint on the walls was falling. From under an old flag, Minseok uncovered a motorcycle. 
“Hope you know how to ride one of these Anna” As any kid raised in the countryside, she learned how to drive as a child. 
“It’s a six-hour drive from here to your parent's house, You can’t use the highway so it’s going to be long” Anna knew this, the map of their route was in her back pocket.
“No one asked my opinion in this matter” Kyung Soo interjected, sulking next to the motorcycle. 
“Not needed, Minseok and I planned this a while ago” That didn’t make him feel better. 
“You understand that this could put your parents at risk right?” He commented dryly. 
“Yes I know, but I also know that’s the safest place because we will be surrounded by people from the Clan” She didn’t try to stay calm. If it was necessary she would carry Kyung Soo on her shoulder.  
“Kyung Soo, you can complain later, let's move” Minseok grabbed his hand and shoved the keys of the motorcycle on it. 
Anna was sure he knew better. Without words, Kyung Soo climbed into the vehicle with his backpack on the front and waited for Anna to arrange her bags. Minseok patted his shoulder and promised that they would meet soon. Kyung Soo brought him in for a hug and as soon as he let go he initiated the engine. 
Every hour that passed felt like an eternity. Every sound was a possible threat. Anna’s hands were numb after driving for three hours, and Kyung Soo wasn’t better. She kept staring at the clouds praying for clear skies and checked the tank every hour. A full tank would be enough to make it, but that didn’t give her calm. The sun was setting as they entered the familiar main street of her town. There were a few people on the street since there were a couple of minutes left until curfew. Maybe she was being paranoid but she felt as if everyone knew it was them. Although she knew none of them presented a menace. Knowing that they were in her town gave her some peace. Her house was ten minutes away, and they could be safe for now. 
She drove the motorcycle into the garden, her heart biting scarily fast. She had to say goodbye to all that once and now she was back under such bizarre circumstances. 
She parked behind the house and hid the vehicle behind some bushes. Kyung Soo spoke after hours of silence. 
“What now?” He asked.
“Now…let’s go meet my parents” She grabbed his cold hand and walked around the house to the entrance. She still had the key to the door but decided to knock. 
She knocked once, using her signature nock. Four quick taps followed by two slower ones. She heard some loud noises inside the house and the wood cracking as someone dashed to the door. 
In a second, her father’s face was there, a breath away from her.
“Anna, what are you doing here?” He spoke first. Thankfully. 
“Dad,  we need to hide” She answered, her voice trembling. She saw how his face distorted as he noticed the man behind her. 
“Is that the prince?” He whispered, she could barely hear him. 
“Yes” She kept it simple. His father looked at her with wide eyes. His tone was the same tone he used when he found her doing something wrong as a child. Amazed by the intricacy of the act but still furious. 
“Anna what did you do?”
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sooinbloom · 16 days
Haven’t Met You Yet
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pairing: kyungsoo x you genre: meet cute, fluff, neighbor AU, actor!soo word count: 3,302 description: Kyungsoo becomes enamored with his neighbor, and one chance encounter becomes the start of something beautiful warnings: language author’s note: hello dear reader! Long time no see! Sorry about that. this is another one shot that i wrote and never published. I came up with it listening to the song, “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Michael Buble. I have a bit of an idea for a second part, let me know if you liked this one shot and I’ll get to work on the second part! Thank you for your likes, reblogs and shares on my other work! It baffles me that these things get read. Please enjoy, this is lighthearted, no warnings… Just cuteness. Dividers by @saradika-graphics , gif is not mine.
- Aria
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Kyungsoo watches his neighbor every day. 
He wasn't sure how it or when it started, he can’t remember anything before seeing her walking down the sidewalk that one autumn morning. Ever since, he was taken by her. He watched her from across the street from his living room window. Their townhouses faced each other, her house number was 111 and his was 112. Kyungsoo liked that, how she was before him in many ways. Out of anything in the world, he wanted her to be the first thing he saw in the morning and was determined to start his day with just a glimpse of her. Her shifts were opposite from his, she worked during the day and his call times were mainly at night for the first half of his project. When Kyungsoo would come home from work, she would be locking her door and leaving for the day.
Today was no exception.
Kyungsoo watched her lock her door as she slowly descended the few steps that gave her access to the sidewalk. He didn’t understand how one woman could look so perfect this early in the morning. Her hair grazed her shoulders in a pretty style he had never seen her wear before. The outfit she wore slowly became the actor’s favorite he’s seen her wear so far. The cream-colored chunky sweater, brown calf-length skirt and sneakers combination she was wearing looked like what holding her in his arms must feel like; cozy and warm. A badge hung from a soft pink lanyard around her neck, and he could never make out what the ID said, but from his best guess she must have worked in an office somewhere.
Kyungsoo couldn't tell what color her eyes were, but their serene gleam made him want to see the soul behind them. The man hoped one day he could muster up enough courage to speak to her and see those eyes up close. Having her at a distance was becoming too much to bear, just watching this beautiful woman he called his neighbor on her daily commute or weekend morning walks was not enough anymore.
 This beautiful stranger had a glow about her that Kyungsoo could not quite put his finger on. At one point, Kyungsoo wondered if the woman was even real or just a fatigued apparition that only appeared when he was too tired to realize she was not real. This theory was proven wrong on several occasions but stayed a theory in the back of his head. He would scold himself every time he would gravitate toward the window to watch her come home after her long days.
This is insane. 
This is creepy. 
You're stalking your neighbor. Your beautiful neighbor. 
The problem remained that Kyungsoo did not know how to approach her. Did she speak the same language? How embarrassing would it be if he opened his mouth, and she did not understand him! Kyungsoo spoke English, yes, but felt more comfortable speaking in his native language, Korean. He could express himself better and not second guess every word that came out of his mouth. Even worse... What if she recognized him? It’s not exactly impossible, but not something the actor would bet on.
Relocating to Los Angeles for his first major international movie role was a huge step in Kyungsoo’s career. He was on the cusp of his entire life changing, and dating was the furthest thing from his mind… Until he saw her. Losing himself in the idea of her became Kyungsoo’s favorite past time, living in a world where she was by his side. He loved the idea of her. She could be the worst thing for him, but he figured he would never know until he took the chance to put himself out there against the advisory of his management. Being alone in a new country was already hard enough on Kyungsoo, the isolation was starting to make him reflect on just how lonely he felt and the yearning to share his life with someone started to overtake him.
He also understood how crazy all of this was. He never even said a greeting to his woman yet he was certain she could be the one he wanted to spend his Sunday mornings with, doing nothing being close to her, holding her as she woke up in his arms. No one made him lose his mind more than her, this woman he never met before. He didn't want to make his neighbor feel uncomfortable around him if they ever met. He made a sincere effort to catch a glimpse of her without her noticing but the more he lingered at the window, the harder it was to be incognito.
He softly rehearsed what he would say to his neighbor if they ever met as he took a hot shower, even giving himself pause to make sure his words made sense. As he readies himself for bed, he runs through his monologue for filming after this mini production break he is on but seems to resort back to practicing his greetings for his neighbor. How could she make him lose his focus to easily?! His head hits the pillow, forcing himself to fall asleep as fast as possible. This way he could be greeted with her presence at 5:30pm sharp, just as he has been doing every single day for the last couple of months.
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Kyungsoo's alarm chimes loudly in his ear, waking him from yet another dream of her. Part of him wanted to stay floating in the fantasy world he created where she belonged to him but he knew if he dawdled a second longer, he would miss her. Stumbling out of bed, the half-asleep man rushes to make coffee and turn the television on so it is not obvious he’s waiting for her.
Don’t be weird. Even though this is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done, Doh Kyungsoo.
He pulls the curtains back ever-so-slightly and waits for her appearance. 
There she is. 
Her arms are full of grocery bags, she looks tired and out of it. More than likely, it must have been a long day for her. He’d been picking up on her physical cues for some time now and her shoulders told him everything he needed to know about her day without hearing a single word. Kyungsoo wondered what her voice sounded like, was it soft like clouds? Sweet like honey? Calm like a summer breeze? He pondered over this over and over, musing over what it would take to make her laugh, what her lips tasted like…
Stop being a creep. Is it creepy that I like her and never met her? I’m not surprised, Kyungsoo thought to himself.
It was clear that she was struggling, her shoelace gets caught under her other shoe, causing her to trip. Her bags spill their contents onto her cement-paved walkway. He watches her land on her lawn, her mouth uttering curses he can’t hear but can definitely make out from how her lips move. Without thinking, Kyungsoo bolts into action and crosses the street. 
"Are you alright?" Kyungsoo asks, nervously getting to her level. The woman looks up at him and the most beautiful eyes meet his. Now he was sure what color they were, and my God was it a beautiful hue. She tilted her head in confusion, and awe of the handsome man in front of her. 
"Sorry?" Her eyes plead with him, "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
Holy shit.
Kyungsoo was not expecting that beautiful of a voice to come from her. Well, to be fair, he didn’t know what to expect but her tone exceeds his expectations. He was hoping for such a harmonious sound and he got it. The man realizes what he had done and blushes in her gaze. He did exactly what he feared he would do: speak in his native language, a language she obviously does not understand. With a gulp, he hangs his head, the burn of embarrassment tingling his ears and neck as words that felt foreign on his tongue left his mouth.
"Sorry, sorry. Are you alright?" Kyungsoo helps her up and she dusts herself off. She mutters a soft thank you and their hands brush gently. Shivers run down Kyungsoo’s spine at her touch, he knew if he lingered, he’d become addicted to the sensation of her fingers touching his.
"Yes, I’m alright. No injuries except for my pride. Have we met before? Do you live nearby?" She replies, picking up a bag or two. He notices the grass stains on her skirt as gathers her groceries in their bags. He sets them neatly in a row and puts his entire focus on her.
"Maybe we crossed paths a time or two. I just moved in. I am from Korea." Kyungsoo admits. 
"Korea... Very nice! I’ve always wanted to go there. If you don't mind me asking, why did you move here? Lately there’s been so many new faces in the community, but I haven’t had a chance to meet half of my new neighbors. You’re the first so far.”
Kyungsoo debates on if he should tell her. Would she know he's an actor? Would it matter? Kyungsoo fought the rapid-fire thoughts in his head the best he could and tried to form an answer that would a) make sense and b) be in the language she understood.
"I'm... I'm here for a work project. I'm an actor." Kyungsoo lowly admits. He becomes surprised when she calmly nods as if he told her he’s an office worker.
"Makes sense. Most people that live here are. Minus myself and a few others. For the last year, the studio nearby leases a few townhomes in the complex until their projects are finished." She notes, grabbing a few grocery bags. "I'm so sorry, if it's not too much can I ask for your help getting these inside?"
"Of course I can help." Kyungsoo beams, proudly taking the rest of her grocery bags and following her. He couldn’t help but take her in from up close. She’s about an inch or two shorter than him, her body has curves that Kyungsoo eagerly travels down with his wonder-filled eyes to commit her to memory. He nervously bumbles behind her and once he passes the threshold… It is exactly how he had imagined it: not too neat, not too messy and very her… Or the idea of her in his head.
"The kitchen is here," the woman says, "Oh, my. I never asked your name."
"Doh Kyungsoo. In America it's Kyungsoo Doh, right?"
"Yes, that’s correct but you don’t need to change how you say it. It’s nice as it is. Doh Kyungsoo... Kyungsoo..." please, keep saying my name... "100 Days My Prince, right?"
Kyungsoo's eyes widen at the confirmation that she does indeed know who he is. He takes a breath and slowly nods. This can go one of two ways. She can just be a normal person or she can be completely unhinged, oh no... What have I done? 
"This is going to sound odd," she chuckles at herself, "I... Kind of knew who you were but didn’t know how to approach you without making it super weird." 
Kyungsoo blushes again, his shyness taking over. She's a fan? "So, you knew who I was?"
The beauty before him blushes this time, looking away from him. "I had a feeling, but I figured I could be wrong. You probably get recognized a lot. Like I said, there is quite a few actors living in this complex for work. I would not want to make you feel uncomfortable. You are truly kind for taking the time to help me. Thank you."
"Tell me your name." Kyungsoo can sense his desperation in his voice as he leans on the counter. He hears her name roll off her tongue, the sound of it echoing in his ears. He repeats it softly, then looks up at her.
"Beautiful," Kyungsoo breathes.
“Thanks.” She smiles again, now all he wants to do is make her smile like that again and again… Possibly make her face contort in other ways if he was to be so lucky.
“So, what is it you do for work? Since we are sharing.” Kyungsoo asks, now even more curious to know every small detail about her.
“I’m screenplay writer for a network… ABC.” She replies. Kyungsoo tilts his head and wonders if it is a fake company, or she does not want to say. She catches on and chuckles softly, “it is an American broadcasting station. Shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Abbott Elementary are on the network.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widen. She seems pretty important. The woman chuckles softly at Kyungsoo’s surprised look and waves her hand.
“Trust me, I am nothing special. I haven’t gotten a chance to work on a big show like those just yet. I have written for other networks, but nothing major like a prime-time show. Right now, I am in between projects, trying to find a home with a writing team. Since you helped me… Forgive me if this is a bit forward but would you like to stay for dinner?”
There was no hesitation as he looked at her with his head already nodding.
“I would love to.”
“Great! I was planning on making steak and pasta, is that okay? No dietary issues or…”
“I have been craving steak for months. I have been on a diet for my role, and I need an excuse to break it, and your offer is the best excuse to go rogue.” Kyungsoo smirks, enjoying how her eyes crinkle when she laughs. She moves swiftly in the kitchen, taking the groceries out of the bags and setting up everything she needs to cook. He watches her for a moment, then realizes he doesn’t want to just spectate. He wants to cook with her and feels this is a great way to brag about his chef experience.
“Would you like some help? I’m… I’m a licensed chef in Korea.” The man stutters, his confidence waning as the seconds stretch to what feels like minutes in his mind.
“A chef? I’m starting to like you even more than I did a few moments ago, Doh Kyungsoo.” Her reply sounds flirtatious. Is it flirtatious? Kyungsoo’s ears warm and he stands beside her, looking over the ingredients laid out on the counter, “I’m not exactly a chef, this is probably one of the only meals I know how to cook. There really isn’t much room for cooking with the schedule I have.”
“Don’t you worry, I can give you a few pointers… If you’ll let me.” Kyungsoo hears his voice drop lower, that adorable crimson spreads across the woman’s cheeks. It is funny how his lack of confidence is making her bashful, and how that reaction alone fills him with pride. She watches him chop and prep the ingredients with ease, he loved every second of her eyes on him.
“You seem to know what you’re doing, I might have to take you up on that offer.” She smirks. “So, tell me more about your cooking experience, what made you want to become a chef?”
“Well… It started when I was in high school…” Kyungsoo began to tell her the story of how his love for culinary arts came to be. He had been helping around the house after his mother had a minor surgery and his older brother had assigned Kyungsoo kitchen duty. He had to search up how to cook basic recipes and followed them to the letter out of anxiety of killing everyone in his family by food poisoning. The anxiety quickly turned to ease as he fell into a rhythm. He enjoyed how the aroma of the dishes made him feel accomplished, calm and the idea of serving his hardworking parents pushed him even further to cook regularly.
Kyungsoo’s mother championed this idea, she wanted her son to be independent and not rely on anyone to do basic survival skills for him. As Kyungsoo relayed the story, the woman beside him rests her elbows on the counter fully immersed in him. He could feel his heart flutter at the attention. Being wonderstruck by how quickly they drew each other in, the conversation continued, each of them sharing little anecdotes as Kyungsoo absentmindedly took over the kitchen. What once was small glances through a window turned into a back-and-forth conversation between two familiar strangers.
The clock wound down the hours and the sun set behind the Los Angeles hills, but the two neighbors became familiar as time went on. Kyungsoo learned that his neighbor wasn’t from Los Angeles, she had moved here a couple years ago for work. She preferred black tea over coffee, her favorite color was mint green, and she was an only child. She spent her summers on her grandparent's farm in the countryside of a place he had never heard of but could picture perfectly as she described the flat land and meadows she would adventure on. The little bits she told Kyungsoo was not enough. He wanted more. He needed more.
Kyungsoo thanked the woman for her hospitality, reluctant to leave her. It was now or never, he had to see her again. What made it difficult was his schedule, it was going to get more demanding after this rare day off he had.
“Thank you again for helping me and giving me company.” She said as she leaned on the wall of the entryway to her house.
“It’s no problem, really. I’m glad that I was available to help.” Kyungsoo softly replies. The words were on the tip of his tongue, he was going to ask her out. But before he could, she took a breath and crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, how long have you been watching me through your living room window?” She giggles. Kyungsoo could feel the color draining from his face at the prospect of her knowing he was watching her like a stalker. Yet, she’s smiling. It did not make any sense; he was caught red handed and she is smiling? “Do you think I dress this nice every day on purpose? I was… Trying to get your attention, for awhile I thought maybe I failed or was delusional at the prospect of you looking at me.”
“No, no. It worked. It definitely worked. I love looking at you.” Kyungsoo blurts, immediately regretting his words. Now I blew it.
“I’m relieved that you do. Is it possible that we can see each other again?” Is she asking me out?
“It’s a possibility,” Kyungsoo replies smoothly, “maybe you can come to my place for dinner next time. If that’s okay. Is that okay?”
Her laugh echoes in Kyungsoo’s mind, he can’t believe this all worked out the way that it did.
“It’s definitely okay. You don’t have to be so nervous, Kyungsoo.” She reaches out and grazes his arm, her gaze warmly meeting his.
“I’ll have to look at my filming schedule and get back to you, but I promise you won’t be waiting long. I want to see you again soon.” Kyungsoo affirms, taking his phone out and offering it to her. “Can I get your number?”
She happily takes his phone and types her number in the contact, playfully setting her contact name as Girl in 111, her house number. She does the same and Kyungsoo sets his contact name as Guy in 112, enjoying this little game they are playing. The short walk home felt like 100 miles to Kyungsoo. He turned and saw her standing in the doorway, waving softly.
It worked out exactly how he imagined, and couldn’t wait to discover more of her.
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23 notes · View notes
exouniverse · 11 months
(My) Home
Pairing: kyungsoo x gn reader
Genre: fluff, established relationship, non-idol au, chef!kyungsoo au
Warnings: although it is very fluffy, there are small conversations regarding some sensible topics such as the mention of a dead parent, and tough moments during enlistment; however, they’re touched from a healing perspective and not explicitly detailed.
Summary: since the moment Kyungsoo met you, he has felt that being by your side is just like finding solace in the warmth of home. With this realization, he has meticulously arranged a surprise to propose the transformation of that comforting sense of home into a tangible reality.
Word count: 8.7K+
A/N: it’s finally here! My heart needed this fluffy fic so I indulged, the characters took me in ways I didn’t see coming so it took me a little bit longer to post (this was supposed to be the first fic I posted here, but inspiration hit with the birthday fics lol.) I didn’t want any angst but still, some happy tears are shared between them.
Some vocabulary insights I think I didn’t get to explain:
Bujubangjang - 부주방장: sous-chef | Dulce de leche: caramelized milk spread, also named arequipe, manjar, or cajeta | Gyeran-mari - 계란말이: rolled omelette | Seoleim - 설레임: Korean ice cream brand | Yeobo - 여보: honey, darling, sweetheart (commonly used between married or engaged couples) | Yeobobangjang: word play term from yeobo (여보) and bujubangjang (부주방장), created for the story’s purpose | Yukgaejang - 육개장: it is a spicy shredded beef soup.
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The memories imprinted on the photo albums never failed to bring a genuine smile to his face and make him reminisce; not even the dust that tickled his nose could ruin these types of moments. He flipped through the well-worn pages, letting memories wash over him. He knows he has changed a lot through the years, but his essence is still palpable somehow; nonetheless, he doesn’t feel the need to alter anything about his personality. He’s loved by the people around him and, for once, he is comfortable and happy with the person—he has come to admit—he has surrendered his heart to.
He smiled, wondering how it would have been if they had met as toddlers, maybe at kindergarten or at school, and gone on beach trips with friends during the summer. His smile would have brightened even more just by seeing you posing beside him, poking his dimples as you are already so used to doing. Kyungsoo just knows deep in his heart that you would love what he’s been planning; he can’t let that little evil voice of doubt and insecurity win this one. You are clueless so far about his plans, but hints from you have also been received and thought through, so that’s what moved him to plan his proposal for moving in together.
“Kyungsoo, son.” He heard his mother’s voice calling from the kitchen, snapping him out of his daydream.
He followed the sound of her voice, appearing quicker than she had expected, causing her to jump in surprise. “Sorry, mom!” he exclaimed, letting out a chuckle as he approached, eager to taste the Yukgaejang, whose enticing aroma had already made his stomach growl.
“Hands off!” his mother scolded him. “I can’t let you get creative with Yukgaejang; your father likes it this way.”
He only continued to chuckle at his mother’s expression as he remembered the last time he tried and failed, earning him a week of an indescribable, odd-tasting soup. Teenager Kyungsoo would have likely tricked you into tasting it as a prank, just to have an excuse to be together in the nurse’s office, but he would have completely regretted his antics the moment he came to realize he liked you.
“Do Kyungsoo, did you hear what I said?”
“Oh, sorry, mom, need any help? Sorry, what did you say?”
Because of his giggles and daydreaming, he could have been doomed at that moment had his mom not been aware of the reason why he was behaving that way, so she only continued to give him the banchan she had served for him to set on the table.
“Have you decided which photos to take with you already?” his mom wondered, noticing the albums on the sofa before she sat down to eat with her youngest son, who was visiting for the day with a peculiar excuse.
“There are a lot. You can tell me which ones you want to keep, and I’ll choose from the rest.”
“It’s okay, you can take as many as you want.” She paused to think. “But do leave me the one from kindergarten where you have that big smile of yours; I don’t get to see it often.”
“Mom, I do smile!” Kyungsoo protested, perplexed at his mother’s bluntness but still amused.
“I know, I know,” she giggled. “It’s only directed to a specific someone nowadays.” And just like that, she delivered her last joke, playfully teasing her son just a bit more.
The way his eyes widened in surprise amused her so much that she couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “I love Y/N! I truly do, but you don’t visit us as frequently as you used to,” she revealed, honestly.
Kyungsoo put a piece of haemul-pajeon on his mother’s rice at the same time that he offered her the smile she missed. “Ok, I’ll try visiting you more.”
Content with her son’s actions, she continued to eat the seafood pancake with a smile on her face. “Bring Y/N with you too; I miss our drama marathons,” she encouraged.
“I’ll sure do, mom.”
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“Oh, they’re here!” You glanced toward the front door, leaving the cookie dough unattended as you rushed to the entrance to let your little guests in.
Kyungsoo chuckled as he witnessed your surprising speed. He went to check on the dough to see if he could help you in any way; he is the one that’s mostly in the kitchen, whether it’s yours or his, but you specifically told him not to do anything since you wanted to share this new recipe with him.
“Uncle Kyungsoo!” your older niece shouted out as soon as she saw him. He waved at her and she ran to embraced him. “Are you making cookies? Can you make them blue like you did last time?”
The shower of questions gave him away, so he tried to plead innocence by giving you an honest smile, which only grew bigger as he saw your two adorable twin nephews next to you. They both happily ran to hug Kyungsoo’s legs.
“I swear I didn’t change or touch anything.”
His ears could have burned to the touch, even when he was telling half the truth, because he indeed didn’t do anything—only thought about it, and got very close to tasting the cookie dough.
“I know those eyes, what are you hiding?” You squinted at him.
“Is it safe to leave my kids with you two?” your sister joked as she closed the door at a dramatically slow pace.
“Ari, he’s hiding something, right?” you kept teasing.
“I’m not.” Kyungsoo couldn’t stop his laugh. It could have given him away, but you know the nuances in his expressions too well. Also, it’s a given that he wouldn’t have had enough time to change anything.
“I’ll give you one chance; you can add one ingredient that you think could make it better.” His smile was like a reward. “He’s been pretending to keep himself busy while I’m making cookies,” you explained the context of the situation before you.
“Kyungsoo-ssi, you’re a chef, and isn’t today your free day?” your sister asked.
He only giggled and proceeded to taste the dough as everyone in the room expected his feedback; even your twin nephews paid attention, probably expecting a taste too.
He surprised himself; it was hard to tell, but there was some kind of ingredient that his palate was enjoying but couldn’t quite figure out because of the sweetness of the sugar and the distinctiveness of the vanilla extract present in the mixture.
“Are these chocolate chips?” he asked once he realized where the new flavor came from. There was a sweet flavor there that just didn’t taste quite like chocolate.
“Nope, they are dulce de leche chips; Ari’s friend makes them.”
Kyungsoo was incredulous but mostly confused. “Uncle, you don’t know what dulce de leche is?” your niece asked even more incredulously than him, making everyone laugh.
At that moment, your nephews started to build up energy and tried to climb up to Kyungsoo’s arms to see what he was eating. It had taken a long time for them to turn hyperactive, but they had been too entertained with his bunny slippers before. Kyungsoo managed to lift both of them to help them grab some chips from the bag that your niece pointed at and let her grab a bunch first.
“Remember the Latin American Festival we went to a couple of weeks ago? We tried dulce de leche with those small crumbly cookies.”
“Oh oh oh, yeah, I remember now. Mhmm, this is good, so good. I’m not doing anything; you even added sea salt, right?”
“Yeah, of course I did!”
“Well, I’m sorry to be a party pooper, but I must leave now,” your sister announced.
“Come kiddos, say goodbye to your mom!” Kyungsoo took them to their mom, but the older one started crying, realizing his mom was leaving. He jumped on his mother as soon as he was close, and it wasn’t long before the little one started crying too.
Your niece approached to try to calm her brothers, but you remembered you had just the thing to distract them so your sister could leave.
“Let’s go play in the camping tent; there are tons of balls to play with,” you told your niece so she could help you convince her brothers since they follow her lead all the time.
“Yes! And can we have ice cream?” She got all of the adults to laugh yet another time, but at least she managed to lessen the crying and desperation so your sister could talk to them and remind them that she needed to go for a while and that she was coming to get them later.
“I’ll go get the ice cream,” Kyungsoo offered. “I can accompany you downstairs.”
“Thank you, Kyungsoo-ssi. You’re so kind.” Your sister accepted his help as she put your nephew on the floor so you could take them to the camping tent you set for them to play in.
Kyungsoo led your sister outside after he took his wallet to go buy ice cream for everyone staying in your apartment.
In the elevator, silence fell, but for the generic music coming from the speakers. Kyungsoo spoke first, "thank you in advance. This means a lot to me."
“You’re so sweet; nobody has ever done anything like this. Y/N loves you like crazy, I can assure you of that, it would totally be the best surprise.” She searched in her bag for an envelope and handed it to him. “This should help with your plans.”
“In exchange, I will take good care of your kids, I promise,” he assured her as he held the envelope and handled it with so much care.
“Of course, you two are a great team. You always do a great job!”
While Kyungsoo went for ice cream, you were doing your best to distract the kids. The twins were like the moon and the sun, so the easier task was to leave your niece to play with the youngest in the tent while you tried to control the middle one, who was throwing the balls and even the toys at your sofa. The space in your living room where you placed the tent expanded to the whole house in about two minutes; all of the toys and balls were all over the place.
Luckily, you had finished the dough and were able to refrigerate it before the baking process, ensuring the mixture remained untouched by the Poké Balls flying about. This allowed you to attend to the children on your own until your boyfriend returned from the store.
You didn’t even need to get your camera to recollect the evidence for your sister because she knew her kids. However, you still took some pictures with your phone to send them to her, as you caught the kids’ enjoyment when they started playing together.
As you were writing to her, your phone rang with a video call from Kyungsoo, and as soon as the kids heard his voice, they all came running to say hi to him. He let out a quick giggle while his cheeks turned red. He hadn’t expected to have so much noise coming from his phone at the convenience store; he even bowed at some people behind the camera, apologizing.
“You can turn it to just a voice call if you feel more comfortable that way,” you suggested once the kids went quiet, expecting to see what their uncle was going to show.
“It’s okay; it’s quick. Just wanted to show these two options I had in mind for the kids.”
“They love the cookies and cream Seoleim—“
“Oh, but I want the banana one,” your niece expressed, creating a double echo from the little ones.
“Uncle, banana,” said the youngest, making Kyungsoo giggle.
“I can bring both, and do you want some vanilla ice cream to eat with the cookies?”
“You’re a genius!” you smiled. “Thank you, jagi.”
Kyungsoo mirrored your smile and waved goodbye. “See ya all soon!”
It didn’t take long for him to come back, so he got to see the chaos you got caught in again when he arrived. He ran to the kitchen before he was trapped by the kids at the entrance, and he gave them their ice cream fast enough for them to run back to you. Kyungsoo quickly hid the envelope in his jacket and put the vanilla ice cream in the fridge to eat later with the cookies. Since it was relay time, it was easier for him to hide the surprise with his belongings when you came to the kitchen to finally start to bake.
Taking care of your niece and nephews was challenging; Kyungsoo couldn’t even lie to himself that it wasn’t, but they were quite adorable and funny. You’ve been doing this for longer than he has, so it seemed to be so easy for you when he first saw you interact with the kids. However, he has worked on it and gotten to improve fast. Such as when your nephew started a tantrum because he wanted to go out to play but Kyungsoo saw it was about to rain. You came into the room to help, but he waved off your help, determined to handle it himself.
With them, he had learned to let loose and have fun, even if he had to act cute or like a clown. Who would have thought he could pull out some moves? Singing was easier, and karaoke rooms were witnesses to that, but he learned to accept that dancing was also fun, and he really wasn’t bad at it. It could be that or the opposite, but your nephew’s laugh was a reward either way.
For you, it was not just the little one’s laugh but Kyungsoo’s enjoyment. His face shone so much when he smiled, and his big eyes turned into little half-moons of joy. You instinctively grabbed your camera and caught as many of those moments as you could. The peace and comfort that he transmitted were priceless. You were happy that it didn’t take too long for you to finish setting the cookie dough to bake because you got to join them just in time, joyful to be able to catch more of Kyungsoo’s dancing and silliness with the kids.
At the end of the day, once you bid farewell to your sister and her children, reality hit you in every cell of your body. The exhaustion from playing all day, cleaning ice cream from the floor and carpet, cooking, and feeding left your muscles aching. You knew you now had to clean up your apartment, but leaving it all for the next day seemed more appealing than tiring yourself more by tidying it up.
While you were going back up to your apartment, Kyungsoo was picking up the toys that the kids left unorganized. Your sister had tried to get them to pick up everything they played with before they left, but you let them go easily since they seemed to be about to fall asleep in seconds.
You contemplated him once you entered your apartment; he was only bringing up smiles from you lately. “I can clean up tomorrow. I’m too exhausted now, aren’t you too?” you asked.
“I am,” he giggled, but he kept picking toys up from the ground. “I wanted to help.”
“You work tomorrow; rest up,” you said gently as you approached him, until you wrapped your arms around him from behind and rested part of your weight on him.
He stopped, feeling your energy drop. “I’m okay; I’m used to being tired from running the restaurant all day.”
“It was your free day today, though. I made you work too much. Kids and food are not the same.”
“Yeah, they’re not,” he recognized and looked back at you from his shoulder.
You smiled at him and managed to grab his hand. “See, just come with me. Let’s just chill for now. Let’s watch some variety shows and rest,” you suggested as you guided him to the couch and then grabbed the remote to turn the TV on.
You found a traveling variety show you hadn’t seen before, and it got you interested. The hosts were indulging in many unfamiliar and mouthwatering dishes, catching Kyungsoo’s attention. It didn’t take long for you both to get lost in the scenery and seemingly delicious food they showcased, and your exhaustion finally kicked in as you started to feel your eyelids getting heavy.
“Come closer; you can rest your head on my shoulder,” Kyungsoo whispered, and you followed his instructions. He was too content and expectant already. His smile, if only you could see it, might have given something away. His eyes, illuminated by the light of the TV, were incredibly expressive. “You did well today; I enjoyed every single minute,” he continued whispering, gently stroking your hair. All the while, he purposefully concealed that smile and look from you.
“I did too.” You gently grabbed his hand, and he squeezed lightly.
“You can sleep,” he giggled softly. “I can feel you drifting away.”
“No, I’m okay. Got to be here with you until you have to go.”
Kyungsoo knew you were tired, but he was sure something in the tone of your voice sounded different, and he couldn’t ignore the sense of urgency it conveyed. Although he had already planned to stay to surprise you, the change in the way you talked made him more determined to be there for you.
“I can stay; take the day off tomorrow and stay with you,” he offered, without giving much away.
“You’re leaving the kitchen unsupervised?”
It seemed you were still trying to keep your humor up and that nostalgia or melancholy unnoticed, so Kyungsoo tried to keep it up too, saying, “yeah, I can. I’m the chef.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He giggled, seemingly more amused than he is used to, and planted a gentle kiss on the top of your head. “Believe me now?” he asked, his voice filled with playful affection.
“Don’t buy me with your sweetness!”
Like a defiant toddler, he didn’t listen and instead shifted his body to cuddle and have you wrapped in his arms. “I just want to cheer you up,” he murmured tenderly.
There was a pause in your reaction, and suddenly, you held onto his hand again. “How…” you began, your voice barely audible as it caught in your throat. The word trembled on your lips, reflecting a mix of curiosity, surprise, and perhaps even a touch of vulnerability.
“You don’t have to say it if you are not ready.”
“Rest. I’ll get you to your room and leave if you fall asleep.”
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That smell was familiar—the pungent, savory scent of kimchi fried rice—paradoxically evoking only good memories with the people you love. You even smiled before you could open your eyes, but curiosity quickly appeared when you realized you were supposed to be alone in your house at this hour in the morning. Your sister couldn’t have possibly come today after the news she got yesterday. It was the low humming accompanying the sizzling sound of the kimchi rice that made you jump out of bed. The bedsheets fell on the ground, almost making you fall, and the door made such a sound when it hit the wall that it made Kyungsoo jump. The mixture of emotions was a tiny bit overwhelming, but your smile gave away the happiness you felt by seeing him in your kitchen making breakfast.
“You’re awake.”
“You’re here!”
His shoulders slightly went up and down as he silently laughed, connecting his gaze with yours in a way only he could. Your feet were smarter than you, taking you to him to yet again hug him from the back, but this time sharing your happy morning energy with him.
“Careful, you can burn your hand,” he cautioned, moving you both away from the heat.
You pressed your head against his back, inhaling the lingering scent of his perfume on his shirt. “I have you here, so I don’t mind.”
“How can you not mind?” He was surprised by your reply. “It’s painful, and I don’t want you to get hurt. You might even get me to burn the rice, so move, please," he insisted.
You looked at him, squinting, because of his unbelievable-expected, hot and cold reply. His teasing was cruel sometimes, but it really only added to his adorableness. He also said please, so he is forgiven.
“So is this the kitchen you’ll run today?” You had your wits too, and you used them wisely.
“My yeobobangjang, help me out, please?”
“Yeobo?” you chuckled. You were amused by his accidental play with the words bujubangjang and yeobo. He can’t just deny his cuteness, and you couldn't help but be charmed by his playful antics.
"Yeah yeah... I did say that," he giggled, realizing that he had let it slip without much thought. He rarely calls you jagi or jagiya, but yeobo is a whole different level of endearment that you still didn’t expect to hear.
With your help, breakfast was ready a lot faster, allowing you both to sit down and eat together peacefully. It was not a special occasion to celebrate anything in particular, but simply having him there in front of you was enough to make you feel grateful and happy. You also knew that he needed an explanation about yesterday. He wouldn’t ask unless you took too long to say anything, but he would subtly check in to see if you were ready to let him know.
"Thank you, Soo," you said, offering a warm smile and a piece of gyeran-mari. "About last night—"
"Y/N, I don't want you to feel pressured into saying anything," he interrupted gently, his voice filled with understanding. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me. Just… just know that I'm here for you."
You shook your head slightly, trying to show him that you still wanted to share. That’s all you wanted to do last night when you went back to your apartment and saw him. “I’m okay. I was feeling just a bit… I don’t know, sad? Nostalgic, perhaps?” you explained, and you noticed how his eyes were focused on you and whatever you needed to say.
"When we were getting the kids into the car, Ari received a call. Jongseung's mom is sick and was taken to the hospital," you explained, pausing briefly. "I wanted to go with her, but she asked me not to. I felt so powerless in that moment. I think..." you trailed off. Sensing your pain, Kyungsoo reached for your hand across the table, offering as much comfort and support as he could.
"I was sad because it reminded me of mom. I hadn't even thought about her in so long," you confessed, as the emotions were building up inside you. "And then, I also thought about how much Ari took care of me after mom died. I always feel like I should repay her for all that she's done. So, I wanted to comfort her and go with her, or at least help her with the kids... but she just told me to go back home. She said she would update me when necessary."
Kyungsoo jumped off his seat to take the one next to you. He brought his bowl and chopsticks and placed them next to yours. As he settled down, he gently turned you to face him, taking hold of both of your hands. With a small smile and caring eyes, he said, “you do more than enough for your sister; she knows that. You are incredible, Y/N. I bet your mom would be so proud of the person you have grown into.”
The light in his eyes—you swear, it could warm you up for days with just one look. Being loved by him feels like peace and comfort; it’s exciting, and there’s fire and playfulness all at the same time. His kindness fills your heart with so much joy. The tears coming out were not just because of sadness but happiness because of having the best boyfriend in the world. You couldn’t even feel the cheesiness of that statement in that very moment, not when he was holding your every sorrow in the warmest embrace.
“Do you want to do anything today?” he whispered once you seemed calmer. “We can stay in, but if you want to go out, I will be more than happy to take you anywhere.”
“Did you really take the day off?”
Your curious question made him giggle. “Why so surprised? I’ve done it before,” he reminded you in his best attempt to hide his nervousness. Not that he is a workaholic or anything, but it was more due to the whole plan for the day and that he already wanted to tell you all about it.
You slowly let go of each other, and you just smiled at him, knowing how much he has done to schedule both of your lives so you can spend the most time together and never miss anything. It has also taken a lot of effort from you because both of your jobs have always been complicated with free time. “Let’s maybe go for something to eat for lunch; we can just cuddle until then,” you suggested while you held his cheeks and poked his dimples.
“What an adventurer, my love,” he joked at the same time that he carefully dried a couple of tears from your cheek, but he was the only one laughing when you playfully punched his arm. “I love it, I love it, I love you.”
“I love you, dumpling,” you exclaimed as you poked the dimple forming on his face.
“What?” His laugh echoed all over your apartment. “I haven’t heard you say that to me in so long!”
“What? Love you? Yeah… it’s been so long!” you said cheekily, but his antics still moved you, and you fought a smile by pouting.
“You dumb head!”
Your eyes widened at the audacity. “What did you just say?”
“You dumpling!” He also poked at your cheek.
“You didn’t sa—“ He cut you off with a kiss. You relaxed into it even when you wanted to just laugh out loud, but that translated into a smile, one that he mirrored while kissing you.
“We were eating,” he casually whispered while taking a small breath.
“We should probably keep doing so,” you whispered back, stopping him from getting any closer.
“Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
“Well, then you can do the dishes when we finish.”
“Yah! Do Kyungsoo!” You crossed your arms, pretending to be mad. “I’m only laughing because you are too. I love seeing you laugh. Also, thank you for cleaning yesterday’s mess, how’d you like to be rewarded?” you asked, teasingly moving closer, noticing your apartment being clean and all in order.
“Ahh stop,” he blushed, holding a giggle. You noticed him clearing his throat. “Let’s finish our breakfast.”
You often find yourself yearning for more mornings like this, with Kyungsoo playfully teasing you and your laughter filling the room. The idea of living together with him has crossed your mind from time to time, but you’re too hesitant sometimes, thinking too much if you’re in the right moment to take that step. You’re also guilty of letting other people own a place in your mind that tells you that it might be too soon, that you should possibly think about marriage first, and that settling down could mean risking your job and whatnot. Those voices really need to be quiet because you don’t see anything wrong with what you two have. Your job couldn’t possibly be jeopardized; two years of relationship is enough for you, and you’ve known him for almost five years already, so you might as well dive right in there and then.
It’s even funny how Kyungsoo is not worried about what to wear to go outside since he has at least five outfits in your apartment, even for someone who is quite simple when it comes to clothing. He even has one of his chef jackets and an apron for his uniform.
All of the getting ready went so smoothly that you could easily picture it all far ahead, but you were easily brought back to the present when you connected the dots of Kyungsoo wearing his faux leather jacket and gloves. You were seconds away from grabbing your camera from your bag and capturing that moment forever. It made sense in a way since you ended up cuddling and doing nothing for so long that you two ended up deciding to go on a picnic in the afternoon, so the jacket would serve well for the cold night, but the combination was surely making your heart flutter.
“What?” He turned around with a smirk on his face after grabbing his helmet. “Got yours too,” he said handing you the other helmet that was next to his.
“For a second, I don’t know why, I forgot you own a bike—a motorcycle type of bike.”
“You make no sense.”
“Never mind, let’s go.” Your thoughts were better kept inside your head, so you just put your helmet on and hopped on the bike. You felt the chuckle in his belly while you were trying to hold on tight. You always enjoy how comfortable he gets, but at the same time, he has made you blush way too much in just one day.
The change from summer to autumn felt more present in the past few days. The ride on the motorcycle exposed you even more to the change, as the weather was feeling nicer and you were not feeling like your head could burn from the heat inside the helmet. You held on even tighter and closer to Kyungsoo as you felt more comfortable along the ride. Somehow, you suddenly had flashbacks to the very first time you hopped on his motorcycle. You were just friends then, but now that you realize it, the feelings were catching up to you, and that was one of the first times that you thought about him differently.
You reached the first stop, which was his house, so he could leave his motorcycle parked. You had nothing really planned for the picnic, but you decided you were having it at Yeouido Hangang Park, so you would take the bus instead of worrying about parking. Kyungsoo had suggested the picnic and going to the Yeouido Bamdokkaebi Night Market, which surprised you a little, but it sounded great since you two hadn’t really had a cute romantic date in a while.
“Could you go pick up Meokmul and Hoochoo at the daycare?” Kyungsoo asked once he took his helmet off. You got lost in his eyes for a second, but then you noticed the ends of his hair were slightly damp and his nose was a little bit sweaty. He looked like his dogs, so you giggled.
“Oh, sure! Yeah, I’ll go.”
He shook his hair, hypnotizing you once more. You were completely lost and hadn’t even thought of fixing your own hair, but his hand found the rebellious lock on your left side and patted it back down. The proximity made you shiver, which made him giggle.
“Wait for me there; I’ll just go for my bus card and some stuff for the picnic.”
He dared to approach and give you a kiss on your forehead. Kyungsoo might have suspected it, but there was no denying that he had you eating from his palm from the moment you realized he had gone all bad-boy-look with his outfit today, just to match his motorcycle, just to tease you, just because—you wouldn’t know, but you’re more than grateful for the blessed view.
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Haeun was at the reception today, so she waved at you with a wide smile on her face.
“Hey, Y/N! How have you been? Are you here to pick Hoochoo and Meokmul?”
You nodded happily, and when you reached the reception desk, you gave her your ID. “Haeun! It’s so nice to see you again. We’re taking them for a walk.”
Haeun’s eyes widened. She really was like a puppy taking care of a lot of other puppies. “Oh, they’ll be so happy! Come with me,” she invited, handing you your ID back after processing the discharge and calling a coworker in to take her place at the reception while you two went to get the dogs.
You trailed behind her as she led you down the hallway to the seating room, where the dogs' belongings were securely stored. "Hoochoo has been asleep for about twenty minutes now," she informed you, searching for the dogs' leashes. "Meokmul has been playing with Toben and Vivi," she added, providing you with an update on the dogs' activities.
“Oh, they’re here too?”
“Yes, she was lucky to have them here to play with. They’re really the best of friends.”
“Did Hoochoo have fun too?”
“Yeah, she played for a while but got sleepy after eating,” she giggled and pointed towards the playroom to let you know she was going in.
It was nice to hear that they were having the greatest time while you kept their dad away for a while. When you met them, there was an instant connection between the three of you. It had only taken a few seconds, and Meokmul was the first one to like you. Hoochoo was initially shy, requiring Kyungsoo’s gentle intervention to help the little puppy open up.
Funny enough, Haeun was the one who had introduced you to Kyungsoo when you coincidentally arrived at the same time to pick up your dogs. The three of them were harmoniously playing since they had already been friends for weeks. It just so happened that the owners hadn’t met yet. The bond that you all created was so strong that the loss of your dog two years ago was truly felt by them, but that only brought you closer to Kyungsoo and his dogs.
Meokmul had possibly smelled you or heard you because the barks in the distance were definitely too familiar. The little one ran towards you, making Haeun struggle a little with the leash, and the special treat you had taken from their bag didn’t help either. You showed it, and she ate it before you picked her up.
“I’ll go get Hoochoo with the carrier in case she’s still asleep.”
“Yes, thank you, Haeun!”
“Meokmul-ie, how are you? Hello, little sunshine!” You heard a chuckle behind you after cutely talking to the hyperactive dog on your lap. It was Kyungsoo, showing his most joyful smile. He was holding a little picnic basket, which made you wonder just how impromptu it would actually end up being. Knowing him, it probably didn’t even reach one percent.
“She woke up; she’s energized now, so—“ Haeun entered and stopped when she caught sight of Kyungsoo. “Oh, Kyungsoo-ssi! The two parents coming for their little girls; how cute!”
The both of you giggled and smiled at each other before bowing your heads to Haeun. “Thank you, Haeun-ah,” you said as you grabbed the double carrier and Kyungsoo took Hoochoo’s leash. “Let’s have a coffee together soon, yeah?”
“Welcome! We definitely should, just text me when you’re free. Have a nice day!”
“Enjoy your day, Haeun-ah!” Kyungsoo waved goodbye before he held your hand and led you outside.
The afternoon skyline was gorgeous, looking like the sunset was beginning soon enough. You contemplated it and squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand, to which he reacted with a chuckle. The reason was not important; just hearing that low, sweet chuckle of his was enough to make you feel all cozy and calm. You strolled along the sidewalk with your two beautiful dogs until you reached the bus stop, where you had to get the pups in the double carrier.
Kyungsoo scratched Meokmul behind her ear as she looked a little anxious. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Promise it won’t be long, little one.” He talked soothingly to calm her down.
He kept scratching her ear on the bus ride so she wouldn’t start barking nervously, and you gave her some treats to entertain her. Hoochoo received some too, but she was at ease in the carrier, all warmed up and happy with the company of Meokmul. The ride was indeed short, but Meokmul calmed down easily thanks to both of your calming attentiveness.
Once at Yeouido Park, you got both of them out of the carrier so they could walk along with you. Kyungsoo smiled at them and then at you. The picnic basket was on the floor next to the carrier, so the two little dogs couldn’t help but inspect it with their noses. “Ready for our date, little ones?” he chuckled.
Meokmul and Hoochoo barked as if they were answering him, waving their tails expectantly. You managed to take a picture of the three of them right in that moment, and when Kyungsoo looked back up, realizing you just took a candid photo, you said, “they know something’s up. What have you got planned, Soo?”
Kyungsoo’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Ah, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. For now, let’s walk; we’ve got some food to gather for our picnic.”
“So there’s nothing in the basket,” you commented suspiciously.
Kyungsoo only laughed, shaking his head as he took the dogs strollers in one hand while the other searched for yours. He squeezed once he held it gently, looking for something in your eyes that made him smile so brightly. You were curious now, but you decided it would be even more entertaining if you waited for whatever he planned for the night.
You set off down the busy lane with one pup each, Kyungsoo not letting go of the picnic basket, and you holding the carrier. The street food market bustled with delicious aromas and a lively atmosphere filled with people’s laughter and small chatter.
You stopped at a tteokbokki stand once the scent translated into flavor in your mind. The draw was so strong thanks to the warm feeling it gave you just thinking about the taste of the soft rice cakes in your mouth. You asked the vendor for a medium serving to take away, and Kyungsoo put it inside the picnic basket. It was hard not to peek, but he was too fast at closing the cover, nervously giggling.
A dumpling stand caught Kyungsoo’s attention; he approached and looked back at you, smiling knowingly. You immediately poked his cheek. “What do you think about these dumplings, Chef Do?”
“They look delicious, right?”
You marveled at his expression, reminiscing on your requested class all those years ago to your newfound friend, who looked at you amused at your concentration with his cheek full of dumpling flour. Kyungsoo’s weakness was food. “I do see one delicious dumpling,” you teased, holding his gaze with fire in your eyes.
The words caught up in his throat, so he swallowed thickly before his voice could come out shaky. His ears heated up, and he tried to look anywhere else. He still giggled, knowing you were taking your chance at teasing him, just like he did earlier when he knew you were staring at him with those dreamy eyes because of his choice of clothing.
Luckily, the woman serving the dumplings caught his wandering gaze and asked for his order; otherwise, he would have melted in front of you. After ordering two servings of dumplings, one steamed and the other fried, he managed to pull off a playful smile at your teasing words once his heart settled. He found your gaze still lingering, your eyes glowing with glee and something deeper; he could only hope it wasn’t just his longing playing tricks on him. All of the surrounding noise drifted away, and he found himself present with only you there in that moment.
He wished to reach for you and confess everything he had planned for the night, but his question still weighed with uncertainty and insecurities, so he needed a moment of complete confidence and the setting he had already pictured. The crowd would make him nervous even when no one paid the minimum attention to them. There were still some more steps to take to reach that longed-for destination.
Kyungsoo was more than reassured when he felt your hand on his arm. You didn’t have to say a word; the slight scrunch of your nose when you smiled and the warmth of your gaze calmed his anxieties. With you, he felt not only seen but understood—a comfort that had been hard to find all those years before you came into his life.
Too soon, the order was ready. With a kind smile and a bow to the sellers, he thanked them and packed away the dumplings. Hand in hand, you continued your wandering stroll along the market, picking whatever snack you desired. Since you found some fried chicken and already had tteokbokki, you two decided to pass by the convenience store and buy some ramyeon for the perfect food setting.
It didn’t take too long to reach the camping and picnic area once you had all of your food. Kyungsoo found a great spot near a tree, where you managed to settle before the last bits of light from the sun touched the sky. He had come prepared, as you had expected.
“Let me rearrange everything; close your eyes,” he asked you as you finished getting the little ones in their carrier since both of them were tired from playing all day and walking along the market with you two.
You were surprised to hear that since you two had already set the blankets on the grass, and he had taken out his wooden house-shaped lamp and put it next to the picnic basket. You still carried on, hopeful for his surprise.
After setting the folding table and carefully displaying the indulgently selected feast with flickering candle lanterns and fresh strawberries he had brought from home, he asked you to open your eyes again.
You swiftly opened your eyes, and they mirrored the light coming out of Kyungsoo’s as you traced over all of the little details and felt your heart warming up. “Soo, jagi, it’s beautiful,” you breathed. “It looks even more appealing now.”
Hoochoo’s head popped out of the carrier, hearing the both of you laugh together. She now looked hungry, so before you started on with your meal, you gave her some of hers. Meokmul was fast asleep, it seemed, but halfway through your dinner, she woke up asking for food.
With full bellies and hearts lighter, conversation turned reminiscent, noticing how many moments you had referenced from your friends to lovers relationship beginnings. Although short and recent, you managed to get enough closeness that led you to develop such strong feelings for one another. Kyungsoo knew it was time now that the momentum was clear with your talk being about you two.
The sweet and careful touch of his hand over your cheek soothed you into a pleasant mood, interrupting your giggles with his gesture. Whatever he needed to say or was thinking about, you lovingly gave him all of your attention.
“Y/N,” he started. “I have a surprise for you,” he smiled.
“Another one?” you genuinely asked, immediately interested in all of the possibilities.
He nodded. “You could say so, yeah.” His hand lingered on your cheek, but with a light stroke on your cheekbone, he shifted towards the picnic basket.
From an outside bottom compartment, Kyungsoo reached for a gift box, carefully handing it to you. He looked expectant as you grabbed it, the corners of his lips forming a slowly growing, hopeful smile. His features were divine, lighted up by the candle lanterns, and you couldn’t wait long to see what he was gifting you.
You looked at the photo on the cover; you captured that moment just a few weeks ago at Kyungsoo’s house. It had been such an ordinary day, but you had matched sweaters on, completely unintentional. Meokmul was on his lap, and you were holding Hoochoo, who licked Kyungsoo’s chin and made you laugh. The view of such a lighthearted moment, as well as your guess at what could be inside the book, brought happy tears to your eyes almost immediately. As you looked back at him, you caught a watery shine in his.
“Why am I crying? This is just the first look at your gift,” you sniffled.
Kyungsoo chuckled, amused at your reaction, but he embraced you to try and soothe your crying. “It’s okay if you cry; just promise it is out of happiness. My intentions were never to make you hurt.”
“It’s happiness; I’m excited to know what’s inside.”
Kyungsoo was already beaming at seeing you so moved by just the cover alone. He dried your tears and planted two kisses on your forehead. “Open it,” he urged softly. “I hope you like it. I tried to do the most I could within my creative possibilities.”
You giggled softly. “You are creative, mostly in the kitchen. You’re a genius chef, and I’m so lucky to have befriended you,” you advocated for him, honestly.
“Befriended,” he simply repeated and chuckled.
You continued to open the photo album, still wrapped in his arms. He wasn’t stopping his surprises, it seemed. The first two pages of the book had photos of both of you as kids; you could see why he chose those pictures, and the caption soothed you and filled you with so much gratitude and love for him.
Were we destined to find each other? Our connection seemed to exist earlier than we could imagine, no matter where we were.
His sweet smile was timeless. You could see yourself meeting Kyungsoo as a kid at that beach, running around and playing on the shore where small waves washed over your feet. It wasn’t the same one, but something in the pictures looked as if they were taken at the same place, day, and time.
“I saw that picture at Ari’s house a couple of months ago. Undeniably so, I knew I had seen something similar before. I had my picture at home, so when I returned that day and searched for it, I could only think about how many more could show such similarities,” Kyungsoo explained, talking near your ear.
You lifted your hand to caress his cheek. “You’ve been crafting this since then?” you asked.
“Not right then, but I had been looking for pictures, and then the idea came. Mom and Ari helped quite a lot,” he chuckled. “Just yesterday, I finally got your childhood pictures so I could add them.”
You kissed his cheek and continued to flip through the pages. Pictures of you two at different schools but with similar smiles, different cities but the same colors in the sky, different dogs but the same pose. Your lives seemed somehow planned and destined to blend; your eyes kept pouring down tears of joy when you reached the page where your early encounters started to appear—all those pictures you took.
A picture of you two at the first New Year’s party with his parents specially moved you. You were still just friends then, but he invited you over since he was also carrying out the first celebration at his new apartment.
You told me about your mom two days before, and I wished with you that she was there with us. But you must be her mirror; I can see her in you from the little details you’ve shared with me.
Kyungsoo held you tighter. He hadn’t anticipated in the planning and crafting of this gift that you could be sensitive about your mom on this day, so he consciously kept you wrapped in his arms. He felt how you squeezed back, embracing the reassurance he was trying to give you.
“Thank you, Soo,” you managed to say, but while it’d be easy for you to find words to express your feelings, this time there were not enough.
“Turn the page,” he said, his voice cracking. You moved to face him, and he smiled through the tears. “I have something to say,” he managed to speak calmly, in spite of his rushing emotions.
You followed through and flipped the page. A carefully crafted collage portrayed the photos you sent him—while you took care of Hoochoo and Meokmul, or just a nice picture of a sunset you saw—along with letters while he was enlisted and some of the ones you took on his day offs.
Kyungsoo took a deep breath, and you carefully held his hand. “I…” he started but stopped when he felt his tears coming down; you cleared them carefully and softly smiled. “That time of my life was hard to get through. I don’t think I thanked you enough for being there and all that you did for me.” He finally found the right words as he brushed his thumb over your hand.
“All those letters, all those pictures, all those moments you shared with me—you gave me the hope I lacked. I told you many times that I had fallen for you slowly and carefully, but it was on my mind every day,” he smiled tenderly. “You have no idea how much I love you. I learned to say whatever is on my mind because of you; if I hadn’t said those words to you, I probably would have lost you.”
You slowly shook your head. “No, I was too head over heels for you already. I wouldn’t have let you lose me.”
He giggled and kissed you softly, taking his time to marvel at this moment with you and trying to release the last of his nerves. “Could you take a look at the last page?” he asked, breaking away for a moment.
Eager to know what that last page offered you, you turned it over and smiled. The last picture, a copy of one of your photography class projects where you captured the concept of “home,” greeted you; it was Kyungsoo’s side profile while cooking in his restaurant’s kitchen. Next to it was a photo he had taken of the two of you when you visited his friends in Busan.
You looked up at him, wondering, searching for the answers in his joyful gaze. Kyungsoo held your hand at the same time that the two little pups woke up. Both of you couldn’t help but giggle, thinking they must have wanted to be a part of your moment, so you grabbed Meokmul, and he put Hoochoo on his lap.
Clearing his throat, he began, “Y/N, I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. Whenever I’m with you, no matter where we are, I feel at home. You are my home and safe place, and I want to have you as close as I can… would you like to start living together?”
He was a mind reader; you couldn’t help but reach to lovingly cup his face. Meokmul wanted her space with the two of you, so she started licking your hands and Kyungsoo’s cheek in the process. The both of you laughed while Hoochoo wagged her tail. “Of course, Soo!” you exclaimed between giggles.
When you could breathe easily and the pups calmed down a bit, you ran your fingers through his hair. “You’re also my home. You’ve loved every part of me, just as I have loved every part of you. Would you believe me if I told you I have also been thinking about it?”
His eyes widened, and a silly laugh escaped him. “I would actually believe it, but how are we so in sync?”
“I don’t want an answer; I just want us to keep working this way,” you admitted.
“You’re so wise,” he kissed your cheek. “Thank you; you’ve made all of my dreams come true just by being you. I can’t wait to wake up each day and see your beautiful eyes and fall asleep staring at them too.”
You pulled him close, softly brushing your lips against his; he placed his hand on your neck, his thumb slightly brushing your earlobe. Your lips met softly and slowly, making you feel at ease, like coming home—him—your home. “Thank you for loving me; it’s the greatest gift I’ve ever known.”
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blueberryjam1201 · 1 year
Genre: drama, comedy
Warning: many facts changed for story development purposes!
This is a fanfic based on Doh KyungSoo(D.O. from EXO) Expectations Highlight Medley. I was fascinated by the story in the video and as a person with a vivid imagination, I started to develop the topic in my head to such an extent that I needed to write it down. Please be aware I am not a professional writer, this was created for fun!
The story is much longer than in the medley so I'll separate it into a few chapters.
I hope you will enjoy the ride! ❤️
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"...we were strong,
The strongest it was ever possible...
We were the mountain in the middle of a dark ocean of the wildest woods,
The enchanted future we expected to spend together...
How did we end up like this...?"
The voice of a young man rumbled with bitterness in his head. He didn't hear anything else. Walking on nighttime empty streets of Seoul's suburbs. This dark street, barely lightened by old lamps, was carrying another memory. Every corner of this town did. KyungSoo, that was his name, the man whose eyes still could see her walking next to him. His world just crumbled apart...
Chapter 1
Under the cut 👇🏻
-... I was thinking of asking you, but that's not a good idea *ha ha ha* - A loud laugh just shattered on the white corridor walls. Doors in also white color were open. Inside the changing room for celebrities, two men were chatting together. Best friends, discussing the latest events. The room's walls were white coffee colors. In the center, there were two sets of white couches and black, wood tables facing each other as in the mirror image, creating a footpath just in between. On the wall, opposite the doors was a long row of wood tables and black chairs scattered around like whoever was using them forgot to slide them back under. Above the tables were mirrors, hung next to each other. On the right side was a long stand with clothes prepared for the next idol's performance.
- You'd make my song too emotional, can't be bothered with that - laughed the tall one sitting on the first chair from right side. His name was Chanyeol, KyungSoo's best friend. Kyungsoo was sitting at the table on the left side of the room. He was smiling but his eyes were telling about irritation.
- Because the lyrics are about the difficult breakup, it should be emotional... Creams are happy with their songs...- said with an unmoved tone.
- Right! They are doing great, I swear! - Chanyeol admitted while pointing his fingers at the door as if this girl group was standing there. - you fitted the songs so well for them -
- Because they're not "fitted", the manager banned me from giving any archive songs, so I had to create new ones, especially for Creams -
- That's bad, I bet you have lots of great songs written, but can't use them - After saying those words Chanyeol's smile disappeared from his face and he continued - are you planning to use them for yourself? - looked at KyungSoo and the silence fell over the room. KyungSoo was gazing at his hands while looking for the best answer:
- No...It's fine, they will be waiting for the next idol...-
- Bollocks!- a friend raised voice while swinging his head forward - You'd be great! but...- then leaned comfortably on the chair - anyways...it's your decision. Do whatever you want - and stopped here, as he knew he'd say too much if he would continue.
KyungSoo without any further discussion stood from his seat and started to walk to the doors, asking: are you going?
Chanyeol then smiled and did the same. When they opened the door, just at this moment the girl group walked by together with two men looking like security. Both are tall, well-built, and equipped with a utility belt and black body armor.
Just behind the 5 young girls, the manager was walking. Middle height, middle age. Wrinkles under his eyes were representing more of his personality than age. He glanced at KyungSoo for a long second and suddenly smirked while turning his head forward. Kyungsoo was just watching him without any visible reaction. Then, both he and Chanyeol stepped outside of the room and followed the group.
*click click click*
the sound echoed in the corridor.
- Chanyeol! Oh God, this is unbelievable! -
a female voice shouted. She suddenly appeared next to the friend's couple, this maybe 25 or 28-year-old girl, and started to take pictures with the camera. Chanyeol was posing while KyungSoo stepped back so he wouldn't be in view. She reacted:
- What are you doing? Come here! - and pointed by her hand on the spot next to his friend.
- I'm not an idol though-
- Sorry, what's your name? -
- Doh KyungSoo- he almost whispered
- It's shocking! I thought you're one of the idols, you look great - she smiles after finishing the sentence.
- I'm going first, can't be late, OK? - said Chanyeol and waved his hand in a "goodbye" manner then walked away.
The photographer needed a longer time to consider what she should do from now on.
- You're not going with them? - asked after long seconds.
- I'm not in a hurry, the performance will be later - and smiled shyly at her, waiting for a reaction.
- I should go because I still have a lot of content to do. See you later! - and she runs forward, slowly disappearing from his view. He was standing in silence for a long second, then decided to move as well.
Later, in the control booth, KyungSoo together with 3 other staff was preparing for the performance which will take place next 20 minutes. KyungSoo standing in the back, looking at the other coworkers, making sure everything is under control.
- Don't...!- he raised his voice but then hesitated - ...Don't use the middle lamp, it will make them dazzle, it's too strong -
- Oh, you're right. Sorry! - answered the one sitting on the left side of the controller and twisted one of the caps. KyungSoo came near and looked at the soundboard.
- That should be ok - said and raised his head to look at the scene behind the wide window. The view was incredible. Hundreds of seats in red colour as well as the carpet. Approximately 10 step stairs led to a stage top, 2 pairs, one on the left, second on the right. The massive curtains that split the stage and hidden the other half were in navy blue colour. Suddenly, the door was opened and the photographer girl from before came in.
- Hi, would you mind if I make a few shots? -
All of them looked at her with many questions in their eyes.
- What for? - finally, the one sitting just at the right end of the controller broke the silence.
She smiled happily and said:
- It's mostly for my portfolio, but we may be using them later, of course with your permission only! - then stuck her camera to her smiling face and pressed the button to make a picture.
KyungSoo wasn't happy. He looked at the girl resentfully, but when he was about to start talking, the doors opened again...
It was the manager, who casually walked in.
Without any word, he stood next to KyungSoo and looked behind the window, then started:
- All prepared? -
- Yes, we just finished. The program is starting next 5 minutes, we are ready -
Then manager looked at KyungSoo out of the corner of his eye.
- Did you imagine?...- he grunted. Surprised KyungSoo asked: Excuse me?
- Did you imagine yourself there? - those words were like a knife straight into KyungSoo's heart. He barely managed to stay calm:
- Why would I do such a thing? -
- We both know this could have been your stage, but with your attitude, we would need a mask or dubler - then smiled like it was the best joke he could ever think of.
- You would be hidden behind the scenes and gi...-
- Can you...!- KyungSoo interrupted him, but backed off the next second, then finished with a low tone voice:
- It's not the best time, leave it manager Kim...-
The smile wasn't coming off the manager's face, but he did do as he was told. KyungSoo suddenly turned around and saw the photographer still standing there with a frightened face.
- Do you need to be here? - asked. She then, without any word opened the door and walked away.
The performance was glamorous. Creams have shown spectacular shows and gathered hundreds of fans cheering for them singing their producer's songs. After the show, the audience started to walk away, and staff rolled up the equipment or cleaned the stage. Two friends, Chanyeol and KyungSoo walked into the theatre by the backstage doors. Suddenly, Chanyeol stopped:
- KyungSoo-yah, sorry! - and fold his hands as if in prayer - I forgot I promised Sue I'll show her some things online and take her back home, you know what I mean - and stick out his tongue flirtatiously
- Sorry, I promise I'll pay you back double for today! - and run back to the backstage leaving KyungSoo alone.
He wasn't upset, he wasn't even sure if he was bothered about it. This was a long, difficult day and the only thing he wished for was going back home and lying in his comfy bed. He turned around and walked towards the main entrance, but then...sudden hunch told him to stop. In the middle row, just on the first seat next to him was the photographer girl, looking at the camera and sliding photos. She wept silently...her right hand was holding her head widely to cover part of her face. KyungSoo looked at her in silence, why the sudden need to speak to her? It's not his business, and they don't know each other...why the hesitation to just walk away?
- What? - she asked, while still covering her face and looking at the camera. KyungSoo was looking for the best question to ask. Then after a couple of seconds, he goes:
- You're not going home? -
It wasn't the best choice of question, but it just flew somehow from his mouth, surprising himself.
- ...are you hungry?- she asked without moving an inch from her last position, making him step back and open his eyes widely out of shock:
- W..well...I didn't plan it, but I can grab a takeaway if...that's OK? - almost whispered, still mesmerized. Suddenly she smiled and looked at him:
- Then let's go, what was your name again? KyungSoo, the producer of Creams? I like it! My name is YiSeul, the photographer in training - she smiled gracefully even though the tears were still lying gently on her cheeks. That made him smile happily for a second. This wasn't in the scenario. Meeting her that day wasn't planned at all, but even if he was tired, this new colleague seemed like the best companion after this long, demanding day.
It's only today! They will never meet again, so why not?
Won't they?
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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Doom at your service - 2021
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queenoftsage · 1 month
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When the story played out the other way...
JongSoo was quietly reading a book, when suddenly someone rang the doorbell. 'I'll get it!' The tiny boy piped cheerily, as he quickly got up to see who was there.
Outside their door stood a very nervous JongIn. Would KyungSoo remember him? Would he need to explain why he had disappeared? Would KyungSoo still recognize him, or even accept him? These thoughts disappeared immediately when he heard noise behind the door.
It[the door] opened slowly... Oh who was this? JongIn's eyes widened when he realized something right on the spot.
The little child looked up with curiosity, and before JongIn could ask him for KyungSoo, said man could be heard behind the door speaking to the child, "JongSoo, let your father in."
The little child's ears perked up at this and he looked even more amused at the man in front of him, "Appa?" He asked quietly.
JongIn was stunned.
[Notes: The story's always been JongSoo[The KaiSoo Lovechild] has always been with JongIn and is always having conversations with his father about the person that will come into their lives. He talks about the dreams he has of this person and how they will be manifesting in their lives. The person, of course being KyungSoo.
Switched up, KyungSoo is always taking care of JongSoo and has been doing so since the child was born. The fun part is that JongIn didn't even know he was a father.
P.S. These thoughts were always scattered Fanfic material, until I turned it into a video. Don't know if I'll ever re-do or re-upload that video on my FailTube ever, but that was the gist of it. KaiSoo are parents in a very crazy chaotic super powered world where anything and everything is possible. Actually there is a re-upload, but given that I didn't explain anything about the video to outsiders looking in it might just look like a random fanvid with strangely related images.
The video I'm talking about actually had a narrative and I was telling a story. I'm not sure if I will re-upload that ever again. That's what I meant. Maybe if I can think of a full story from start to finish.... Maybe we can do a re-upload. Other than that... I was just thinking of this and also wanted to use the gifs again.]
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kawaiixchaotic · 11 months
it's a sapphic enemies to lovers fic based on the Kdrama "Mine" (2021) from TVN. It is also a Netflix original.
it's a chapter I've had sitting around for a while due to lack of motivation but I'm trying to get back to writing regularly and I'm hoping the momentum from this will help motivate me. Pls share, tell me ur thoughts, enjoy!
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benjaminrussell · 2 years
The Eliot Squared Job
Fandom: Leverage, Leverage: Con Artists
Relationship: Hardison/Parker/Eliot (background)
Rating: Gen
WC: 1.8k
Summary: When Eliot, Parker, and Hardison go to South Korea to work with the Leverage crew there, Eliot meets someone who shares his name and teasing ensues.
AKA. Eliot Spencer meets Eliot the dog.
Hardison, Parker, and Eliot were just settling into their seats around the Korean crew’s briefing room table when an authoritative voice snapped, “Eliot! Drop it!”
Eliot, who’d just picked up his cup of coffee, froze, shooting his cup a suspicious look as Parker and Hardison looked around. Na-byul, the young woman who’d showed them in, gave a laugh which she quickly tried to hide behind a cough. The owner of the voice was out of sight, but then there was a clattering of nails on the floor and a ball of fluff in the shape of a small dog ran into view, a single green converse shoe in its mouth.
Read on AO3
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sadlynotthevoid · 11 months
I really need that someone makes a LCF react fic but about "What about the Side Character?" by J_K_Klara.
This fanfic is such a masterpiece. It has art, humor, great characterization, og!Cale as the main character, Choi Meow Soo, team leader og!Cale, great narration, fight in heels, the baffling duality of one Cale!Rok Soo's personality, little niece, caring team 1, glimpses to og!Cale's past life—
It's amazing and I need a react fic with both timelines presents where they watch this. I need young!og!Cale not knowing if stressing because his cover got blew up or getting shy because this thing is revealing how much of a softie he really is. I need KRS!Cale to watch Cale!Rok Soo casually messing with his superiors and accidentally making Park Kyung Ho change opinions over him, and have an anneurysm. I need Lily to know her brother loves her tones. I need tboah!Alberu have a big gay panic because 'oh no, he's hot'. I need Lcf!Alberu to hear Cale!RokSoo's thoughts and wonder if his gibble competences with KRS!Cale are some kind of punishment for that. I need someone to tell og!Cale he's not a bad person.
I just need it.
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The Ocean That Lies Under the Rain por King-Yeom
❝ Kyung Soo estava com seu carro estacionado do lado de fora do Banco Nacional, ajeitando alguns de seus documentos no assento do passageiro quando as primeiras gotas de água se chocaram contra o vidro escurecido do automóvel. Ele imaginava que seria apenas mais um dia chuvoso quando, de repente, um zumbido irritante ecoou em seus ouvidos e deu lugar ao som de uma guitarra que surgiu ao fundo de sua mente momentos mais tarde. Era uma sonoridade inicialmente destoante e fraca, que se confundia à melodia lamuriosa da água; no entanto, à medida que a tempestade do lado de fora tomava forma, o som aumentava ao ponto de enlouquecê-lo.
Ele se encolheu sobre o banco do motorista e se virou ensandecido para todos os cantos ao tentar encontrar a origem da música, na esperança de que viesse de algum restaurante ou pub nas redondezas. Chegou ao ponto de sair do carro na tentativa de identificar a origem da sonância — o frio da água invadiu suas roupas e tornou o tecido mais pesado contra seu corpo magro, retesando os músculos ao ponto do desconforto, porém não havia nada além do som da guitarra e da chuva.
E isso tornava tudo mais estranho.
Não havia qualquer outro som, além da guitarra e da chuva.❞
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Personagens principais: Do Kyungsoo, Kim Minseok, Park Chanyeol [EXO]
Gêneros: Comédia, Drama, Ficção, Universo alternativo, Romance, Gay/Yaoi e mais...
Tema principal: Rainverse
© Todos os direitos reservados à StellarUniverse e King-Yeom
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Whump Fic:
‹Jung Eui Sung gets drugged at the bar›
Leverage Team starts what they think is just nother job, but… the person they're after turns out to be far more dangerous than they expected initially, and Jung Eui Sung learns that far too late.
Tags: one shot, whump, hurt/comfort, non-consesual touching, non-consensual drug use, date rape drug/roofies, attempted kidnapping, implied/referenced rape/non-con, unconsciousness, protective caretaker
Word count: 7,180
A/N: my first attempt of writing an original fanfic that is in canon universe. I hope it makes sense👍 it took me quite a lot of courage to post pls be nice
[Ao3 link]
 “This time,” said the team leader, Lee Tae Joon, looking at each member of his team at the briefing table, “we’re going to be a little more spread out than usual.”
Their new target’s name was Kim Dae Kyung. How the team had found him was a little bit different story than most of their cons.
A few days ago Tae Joon ran into his old classmate, a woman named Hye Soo. He remembered her as a wonderful, kind girl, and as an adult she hadn't changed. But one look at her and he could tell that she was not doing great.
“Let's find somewhere to sit down, and you can tell me everything,” he said. Tae Joon decided then and there he was going to do everything he could to help this woman.
They settled in a random little cafe, and Hye Soo shared her story.
Just a week ago she had everything. She was to marry a nice guy from whom she was having a baby, and just the mention of a baby touched Tae Joon’s heart, since he used to be a parent himself. But it turned out, that guy was only after her money. He stole everything from her, even her home.
“He gave me a week to find a new place to live,” she said, “and it's already up. Now I don't have anywhere to go!”
Tae Joon put a hand on her shoulder, but before he could say anything, she continued:
“But it's only a half of the story. As I was searching for a new house, I found this guy,” and at this point Tae Joon already could piece together the rest of the story, but he still let Hye Soo continue. “He had a small company with a few employees. He said they helped families in crisis. He promised new housing cheap and quick. I should've known it was too good to be true... But I was desperate. And he even showed me the apartment, and the documents, and everything, so I thought it might be safe.”
“He conned you.”
Hye Soo nodded, defeated. “When I went to the new apartment the next day, there were people living there. And they said they hadn't heard anything about it being sold to anyone, and even promised to call the police if I didn't leave.”
She then went quiet, and Tae Joon spoke with confidence.
“It’s settled then. We’re going to help you.”
Tae Joon smirked. “I know a few people…”
Tae Joon graciously offered her to stay at his place while he himself crashed at the headquarters. Not the most ideal solution, but it was only temporarily, until they dealt with the dirtbags accordingly.
After that he introduced Hye Soo to the team, and together they planned out their course of action.
First of all, Soo Kyung and Tae Joon posed as a married couple that were expecting a child in the future and were in desperate need of a new home to get the scammers' attention. They threw the bait and waited until they could meet the agents of this "company".
After that they had to figure out how to get the leader of the company, a man named Kim Dae Kyung. They decided to get more evidence of his crimes and hand him over to the police, which was the least risky and the most effective way of doing away with him. That meant going through his personal belongings and probably blackmail.
But getting the much needed information was so much harder considering their target was a literal hermit. The only times you could catch him outside his house were when he would meet his new clients or unwind in a bar.
Which had brought them to this moment.
“What do you mean spread out?” Eui Sung asked.
“Since it's so hard to catch the right moment, we have to act as quickly as possible. And that means... everyone will have to play their part at the same time, but we'll all be in different locations.”
He then explained that he and Soo Kyung would have a meeting with the agents of the company, allowing the other three to go after the head, Kim Dae Kyung.
“Na Byeol, you will search his house. Find anything and everything that could incriminate him,” he said, and Na Byeol nodded. “Our target only goes out to the bar for a short break, so you’ll have limited time. And that’s where you,” he pointed at Eui Sung, “will play your part. You will have to go in and distract him as long as you can.”
“Me? Wait, what do you want me to do?”
“You’re going to be just another customer who decided to strike up a conversation. Talk to him, stall him, prevent him from going home as long as you can to give Na Byeol time.”
For some reason Eui Sung’s palms started to sweat.
The thought of having to spend one-on-one time with their target, especially after the last time he was forced to be on his own with their targets involuntarily came to mind, of course, didn’t bring him any comfort. His strengths were technology and surveillance, backing his team up from afar, opening all doors for them, only occasionally providing help as minor characters. Not directly interacting with the target, especially when he didn’t have his teammates right behind him.
“W-wait, why me? Why not Roy?” he pointed at the other man. “Surely he fits better. He has more, uhh… natural charisma?”
Roy quirked an eyebrow at that, and Soo Kyung giggled quietly.
“Because you are generally more, you know, amiable looking. Let’s just say I think it would be better if Dae Kyung was approached by someone… less intimidating,” Tae Joon said.
Eui Sung made a confused face, and Na Byeol laughed out loud. He then realized that the insinuation here was that he was just naturally giving off an impression of someone who couldn’t stand up for himself, and he was slightly offended.
“Hey, I can be intimidating!” he pouted.
“The only thing you can intimidate is maybe your breakfast,” Na Byeol smirked and high fived Roy, which has only brought Eui Sung more annoyance at his situation.
“Besides,” Tae Joon continued, not paying their bickering any mind, “Roy will have a different mission. He’ll be the one driving you both to your respected locations and back. Since Dae Kyung’s house is in a very closed off neighborhood, others might get very suspicious of a van waiting around. So instead Roy will wait under the bar and only pick up Na Byeol when she’s ready.”
“So, he’s going to be nearby?” Eui Sung asked, perhaps with a little more enthusiasm than he wished to reveal.
“What are you so worried about, Hacker?” Roy suddenly asked.
“Well, you know… Who knows what could happen…” he thought back to last time, when after he was done with his part and still got got.
“You get to just relax at a bar, what could there possibly be to be scared about?”
Eui Sung didn’t know what to answer. What was he scared about? There was nothing concrete, he just had a bad feeling, but he already had bad feelings most of the time, so he said nothing. He hated to admit it, but he was acting unreasonably in that situation. He really had nothing to complain about.
Roy, on the other hand, was surprised at the lack of a response from Eui Sung. His question was meant as a teasing, but he realized that the other must be genuinely worried, so he decided to lay off for now. Later he would regret his words said in that particular moment. He should’ve listened to his worries, probably should’ve offered to switch places, since he understood very well that the jokes about Eui Sung’s helplessness weren’t particularly unfounded. But at the time it didn’t seem too important, and they were much more concerned with preparing Tae Joon and Soo Kyung for their performance than anything else. So this conversation was long forgotten.
-линия перерыва-
All too quickly came the evening to put their plan into action.
Tae Joon and Soo Kyung had already left, and Roy had already dropped Na Byeol off at the target’s house and was on his way to the bar to leave Eui Sung to do his thing.
He stopped the van in front of the entrance to the bar, and Eui Sung stood up to reluctantly exit.
“You’re going to be outside, right?” he asked Roy.
“Yes, I’m going to be here, at least until Na Byeol finds the safe,” he heard Roy’s firm voice in his left ear. “But the trip there and back only takes fifteen minutes, you will be fine.”
Indeed, they had calculated that the road from the bar to Dae Kyung’s house and back only took about fifteen minutes. But that did not mean absolute security.
Eui Sung really wanted to object that actually so many things could go wrong in fifteen minutes, but then he decided that he should stay silent to save last bits of his dignity in front of Roy. After all, excluding Roy, he got the easiest job of them all, only having to sit and talk for a while, not even playing any particular role.
“Now hurry,” Roy said, “before our target decides to go home.”
Eui Sung nodded resolutely. “Yes, sir.”
He was determined to do his absolute best and not let anyone down. But when he entered the building his confidence instantly faded. He spotted Dae Kyung right away, and at that moment it hit him that he was completely alone. And he would definitely be whining about it if others didn’t absolutely depend on him.
Instead he simply looked around. It was a small establishment with a few tables and a nice atmosphere. It wasn’t too crowded, and Eui Sung could definitely find himself a vacant table if he wanted to. But his destined seat was, of course, next to their target.
Dae Kyung was sitting at the bar counter sipping on a drink. Eui Sung took a deep breath and headed straight to him.
He plopped down on the stool two seats to the left of their target and ordered himself a glass of something light. He had absolutely no desire to get drunk that night. After about two minutes of sitting in silence and figuring out his next move he felt more than noticed the other’s eyes on him.
So Eui Sung got his attention without any effort straight away, great.
“Well, hello there, pretty guy.”
The voice and the words caught him completely off-guard, and made him nearly choke on his drink. He turned to Dae Kyung to make sure the man was talking to him.
He heard Na Byeol snort in his ear. “Who's pretty? Is he talking to you?”
Dae Kyung laughed softly. “I'm sorry, it's probably not an inappropriate getting. I just couldn't help myself.”
“Ah… It's okay,” Eui Sung laughed it off awkwardly even though in reality he was immediately on edge without even realizing it. “Good evening to you too. My name's Park Man Young,” he introduced himself with a prepared name to move on from the awkwardness.
“Kim Dae Kyung.”
So now Eui Sung just had to bust out all the charm of his personality and get this guy into a conversation.
“So… Do you come here often?”
“Do I come here often? You could say that...” Dae Kyung said, and it was about the most cryptic answer Eui Sung ever heard. He didn’t even know what to say after that, but luckily, Dae Kyung continued: “Although tell me something. I've never seen you around.”
“Ah, right... I'm sort of new to this part of the city. I've moved in a few days ago. I just decided I should go out and meet some people.”
“I knew it.”
“I knew I would remember someone as handsome as you,” Dae Kyung laughed again, and Eui Sung's cheeks flushed bright red. “You could sweep anyone off their feet, you know.”
“What the hell? Is he flirting with you or something? I can't listen to this,” he heard Na Byeol's voice.
“Hah! Who would've thought,” Roy chuckled. “You're in luck tonight, Hacker.”
Eui Sung started violently coughing to shut them up. “Stop saying nonsense!” he mumbled quietly so that only his teammates would hear him.
“Eh? Did you say something?”
“Nothing! Nothing. It's very nice to meet you, sir.”
He then thought he noticed something weird flicker in the target's eyes. But it only lasted a second, so Eui Sung wasn't sure he didn't imagine it.
“Hey,” Dae Kyung motioned to the bartender, “let my friend have some more, and put it on my tab.”
“Really? Thank you,” Eui Sung said, and Dae Kyung winked at him, which only made Eui Sung more uncomfortable. But nothing was too intolerable just yet.
In fact, Eui Sung felt pretty good about it so far: he managed to draw the attention of their target pretty effortlessly, and it looked like the man was pretty interested in this conversation, so if he kept this up he was sure he could buy Na Byeol all the time in the world to search his house upside-down. Not that he wanted to, since this guy was giving him the biggest creeps ever.
“Do you like this part of the city?” he asked to continue the conversation.
Dae Kyung hummed, thinking. “No, not particularly,” he said in the end.
“Why staying here, then?”
“I like the people here,” he replied. “They mind their own business, you know? I could be doing anything behind the doors of my home, and they wouldn't even care. They don't ask questions.”
Eui Sung suppressed the urge to ask what questions. He determined that he didn't really want to know the specifics. Surely he just meant his fake real estate company, what else could there be, right?
“What, you're not going to ask me what I mean?” Dae Kyung suddenly asked.
“What? U-um...” Eui Sung laughed nervously. “I figured since I'm gonna live here I'm not going to ask questions and mind my own business as well?” he offered. “Unless you want to tell me yourself, of course.”
Dae Kyung bared his teeth in a weird looking smile which could only be described as a wolfish grin of a predator right before it sunk its teeth into its prey.
“No,” Dae Kyung said, and after a somewhat ominous pause he added: “I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough anyway.”
Eui Sung would lie if he said he didn't feel slight chills run down his spine.
He felt his glass nearly slipping out of his hand because of sweat. He set it down on the table. It was empty already anyway.
Back in the van Roy scrunched his nose in irritation. Now this guy was just trying to intimidate Eui Sung to try and manipulate him in some way. And he could practically see Eui Sung's fluttering eyelashes and slightly open mouth as he loses his train of thought completely. If it was Roy out there, he wouldn't have even bat an eyelid at such a crude attempt to instill fear in someone. But it was Eui Sung they were talking about, and the prolonged silence on the other end of the earpiece was good enough indication.
“Hacker, remember who you're talking to. He's just a scammer, he's not going to do anything. Just ignore whatever he says and stay calm,” he spoke in hopes to calm his teammate down a little bit.
But Roy himself didn't believe his own words. He wasn't particularly worried, but if he had only been listening halfheartedly before, now he was definitely more alert. If he was being honest, this guy didn't sound like just a usual scammer, rather more sinister. And now he wished he did switch places with Eui Sung. But it was too late now, and he didn't want to throw their hacker into panic in fear of compromising their mission.
Hearing Roy's words in his ear both comforted and ticked Eui Sung off even more. He was glad to know Roy was still there and listening, so, in theory, he was safe. But he was annoyed because Roy could only hear, he didn't see Dae Kyung's creepy smile, his predatory eyes, couldn't smell his foul breath or feel the revolting warmth he was radiating that Eui Sung could sense even being one seat apart from him. So how could he tell him to stay calm?
“I see your glass is empty over there, little buddy,” he heard Dae Kyung’s voice. “Please,” the man turned to the barkeep, “a refill for my friend.”
The newly refilled glass landed in front of him, and snapped his attention back to the problem at hand. He briefly glanced at Dae Kyung and saw that the other was watching him, as if waiting for him to take a sip.
Eui Sung brought the glass to his lips, and saw Dae Kyung's smile widen ever so slightly.
“Why don't you tell me about yourself?” Dae Kyung then asked. “For example, what do you do for living?”
Eui Sung barely stopped himself from sighing in relief. Finally, a normal question.
Their further dialogue went pretty smoothly. Eui Sung fed him some wild stories about his made up life, and listened to Dae Kyung lie about his line of business as well.
“I work as a real estate agent,” he said, completely omitting the fact that he sold already occupied apartments and stole his clients' money.
“That's so cool!” Eui Sung replied. “Can you tell me more about it?”
“Of course, sweetheart,” Dae Kyung flashed him a smile, and once again Eui Sung's stomach twisted just the tiniest bit.
Back in the van Roy also found himself frowning. First time it was kind of funny, second time it was already getting old, but at that point this was starting to look more like a pattern, and Roy wasn’t liking it.
The talk went on for about ten more minutes, until something strange happened.
A loud bang and a sound of glass shattering made Eui Sung jump in his seat and turn his head sharply. At the far corner table an angry woman was storming off leaving behind a lost guy who looked just pathetic. She shouted at him so loudly that everyone in the bar could hear. Something about him cheating, and he could only miserably attempt to defend himself. Eui Sung hissed sympathetically. That guy was definitely having a terrible evening... But that wasn’t his problem. He turned back to their mark to find the other man smiling warmly.
“Has anybody ever told you you have pretty eyes?”
Eui Sung almost choked on his drink once more.
“Absolutely gorgeous, I could definitely drown in them...”
Eui Sung's skin crawled. Something about Dae Kyung's voice was different, but he couldn't figure out what, and that last comment made him want to run to the exit and ask Roy to drive away as fast as possible.
Dae Kyung moved just an inch closer to Eui Sung, who simultaneously backed away.
“Seriously, with those pretty eyes I bet you have a gorgeous smile as well. Don't you want to smile for me?”
Eui Sung swallowed thickly.
It seemed even Na Byeol understood there were no place for jokes anymore.
“Is this guy out of his mind? I feel gross even listening to him,” Na Byeol commented. “Is it safe for Eui Sung to be next to him?”
Eui Sung wanted to yell that yes, he was, in fact, feeling very unsafe right now, and let everyone know just what he thinks of this guy next to him. But on the outside he could only flash an awkward smile and do his best to hide his discomfort so as not to blow his cover. After all, everyone depended on him being able to stall as long as possible.
After a few more seconds Dae Kyung suddenly burst out laughing. “You should've seen your face! My little guy, I'm just messing with you, relax.”
“Oh,” Eui Sung breathed out. Suddenly he felt a dull headache forming behind his eyes. Was it the drinks, or the fact that he had been stressing out all evening?
“Eui Sung, just give me a sign, and we can abort this,” Roy said. “Clear your throat if you need help.”
But Eui Sung kept quiet. He wasn't about to ruin the con just because of a few weird comments or some messed up jokes. Even if he was freaking out real bad right now. He turned away from Dae Kyung for a second, and whispered: “I'm fine.”
“Okay. Na Byeol, how much longer?” Roy asked, and you could hear it in his voice he wasn't enjoying any of this either.
“I only have the living room to go through. I bet the safe is in here. I think you can start driving now.”
Eui Sung both sighed with relief internally and freaked out even more. He was alone for real now, but it was just fifteen minutes. He had to endure this creep for just fifteen more minutes, and then he was done.
He asked for the third drink, just to calm his nerves, and prayed to whoever his anxiety didn't show on his face.
But just a few minutes later something else threatened to show on his face, and that was extreme discomfort he was starting to feel in the area of… pretty much his entire body. Not only his migraine had considerably worsened, but now his muscles also began somewhat aching and feeling numb. He blamed it on the exhaustion from tonight’s mission and also maybe his whimsical attempts to exercise earlier that week.
Then he tried to continue a conversation, and… to a certain amount of fear, he felt some difficulty forming his next line.
“How- how about you- you tell me...”
“Do you have any family?” Dae Kyung suddenly interrupted him.
“Like, is there anyone you live with? A girlfriend?”
“Well, no...”
“Really? How interesting...”
“You really should've said you have someone at home,” Roy said.
Eui Sung couldn't understand why.
“...huh?” he accidentally said out loud.
“What?” Dae Kyung asked.
“No, nothing.”
That headache of his was getting noticeably horrible. In addition, it was suddenly getting much harder to verbalize his thoughts correctly. He wanted to tell Dae Kyung that his family was none of his business, but his mouth just wouldn't cooperate.
“It's...The living... none...”
What was happening to him? Why was Dae Kyung suddenly smiling so predatory?
“What are you trying to say there, little guy?”
“How much did you drink?” Roy’s voice could be heard somewhere in the distance. It held almost a worried tone to it. “I’ve told you not to drink too much, damnit.”
Eui Sung really wanted to protest that no, he shouldn’t be drunk at all, he’s only had like three glasses… wait, then what was the case?
Suddenly Dae Kyung hopped from his own seat to the one right next to Eui Sung.
He put his own hand on Eui Sung's, and his heart made a leap. His first instinct was to immediately pull it away, but to his own horror he realized it wouldn't fully obey. He could only make a weak attempt to free his hand, but Dae Kyung grabbed it really tight.
Eui Sung's heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would break his ribs. That was enough, he was done. He had to tell Roy, he needed to... but his mouth just wouldn't listen...
He started to speak, but Dae Kyung quickly placed his hand over his mouth.
“Shh, you don't want to say anything wrong now,” he whispered.
Meanwhile Na Byeol was nearly jumping from joy, as she finally was able to lay her hands on their target's safe. Number combination and a padlock? Pshh, not a problem for her. She was done in under a minute.
But having opened it, she was disappointed to see there were no gold bars. And no money whatsoever in general.
“What a cheapskate,” she huffed. “Didn't even leave any money for me!”
“This is not what we're after. Look for documents,” Roy reminded her.
“Yeah, yeah...”
There was only a folder and a closed shoebox in the safe. She figured the folder must be where their target kept the documents and everything important, so the shoebox was what had really caught her attention.
“There's some weird box, I wonder what's in it,” she said and went to open it.
What she saw inside almost made her drop it.
There were pictures, a lot of pictures. As she flipped through them she wanted to puke more and more, and her eyes widened in horror.
“Roy, turn the car around,” she said, the tone of her voice having completely changed.
“What about you?” he asked.
“Forget me, you need to drive back and get Eui Sung out, now,” without a second thought he complied, turning the van around to drive back where he came from.
“Why? What did you find?” his voice was steady, but his stomach grew an uneasy feeling. Without noticing he pressed on the gas pedal to drive even faster.
“There are pictures of... of... people...”
“I got it.”
Na Byeol didn't need to continue for him to understand that those weren't pictures of cute puppies and butterflies that were kept in their target's safe. Suddenly it made sense why he spent so much time at the bar. It made him sick.
Next thing he realized he hadn't even heard any kind of complaint or protest from Eui Sung about the fact that they decided to pull the plug on his mission. It could be, of course, due to him not being able to speak next to someone, but still Roy couldn't help but feel even more anxious.
“Hacker, can you hear me?” no answer. “Clear your throat if you can hear me,” only silence in response once again. Roy cursed and punched the steering wheel.
“Is his earbud not working?” Na Byeol asked in a weak voice.
“It couldn't have broken on its own. It must've been found by Dae Kyung.”
Not to mention that Eui Sung turning it off voluntarily was out of the question. All of them know not to turn it off under any circumstances.
“Ah, what are we even going to do?” Na Byeol lamented. Panic was evident in her voice, but Roy couldn't have that.
“Na Byeol, focus on your own escape right now. Don't worry about Eui Sung, I'm going to go and get him.”
“Please hurry. He's there all alone now, no doubt scared out of his mind,” she said.
Roy bit his lip. He really couldn't bring himself to tell her that, considering who their target was, Eui Sung getting only scared would be the perfect outcome.
Dae Kyung cupped Eui Sung’s cheek with one hand and reached towards his ear with the other. Eui Sung wanted to scream at him not to touch him there, but his mouth might as well have been full of wool. He blinked, and the next moment he saw his earbud drown in the contents of the glass. Even through the thick fog in his brain he could understand that it was very, very bad. His one chance to call for help was gone.
He could only stare at it blankly, and Dae Kyung snickered, pinching Eui Sung's cheek.
“That's right, I knew about your little toy. I noticed it back when you turned around and exposed your left ear to me. Turns out, some other people have been listening in on our little date all this time. But no matter... Now we are finally truly alone.”
And if Eui Sung's muscles didn't feel completely numb at that moment, he would definitely shudder with his whole body. Suddenly Dae Kyung dropped what little had remained of his nice act, and his face distorted to that of a true maniac.
Next moment Eui Sung felt the last crumbs of strength leave him, a heavy hand landed on his shoulders, and his head dropped on the counter with a dull thud.
“Oh gosh, look at you. That last glass was definitely one too many, eh?” Dae Kyung purred. He then turned to the bartender with a toothy smile. “I apologize, my friend here had a bit too much. I always tell him, he should be more careful, and still...” The oblivious bartender smiled sympathetically, and Dae Kyung continued. “I parked my car at the back, let me take him away.”
Dae Kyung took Eui Sung and half led, half dragged him to the back entrance. Eui Sung wanted to resist, screamed at his body to move even a muscle, but it was all in vain. Nothing was working, and the world around was spinning so quickly that he couldn't even focus on one point. He was completely helpless. Oh Roy, where are you?
He felt the night air hit his skin. The car was close now. With each step they took Eui Sung felt more and more dread. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't even raise a finger to try and fight off. He knew he couldn't fight anyway, but this was on a whole another level. He was completely at the mercy of a sick and twisted pervert.
“There we are, little friend,” Dae Kyung said with a grin in his voice. “Almost there.”
Eui Sung wanted to cry. Please don't open that door, he begged inwardly, anything but this... Somebody help me...
Dae Kyung’s hand fell on the door handle, and Eui Sung's heart sunk… when suddenly he felt incredible lightness. Dae Kyung’s other hand that was supporting him was gone, and next second he found himself sitting on the ground with his back against the car.
Through rapidly blurring vision he only saw two dark silhouettes, and heard vague noises of someone fighting. For a minute he was only hearing rhythmic punches, and wondered what was going on.
After the hitting stopped, the silhouette moved towards him, and Eui Sung's heart picked up the pace again, when a face appeared in front of his eyes, and he could recognize...
The relief hit Eui Sung immediately. Boy was he glad to see him! He could barely see straight, but even like that he was able to see Roy's eyes filled with worry. He felt wetness on his face, and right after that Roy's rough hand through his jacket's sleeve on his cheek. The other man had said something to him, but he couldn't hear. His consciousness was quickly slipping, and very soon the world around him submerged into darkness.
Two minutes earlier…
Roy practically tore the door off when he ran into the bar. He scanned the crowd, but couldn't find neither Dae Kyung nor Eui Sung. He sprinted to the counter and spoke to the man behind it.
“There were two people here. One in his thirties, and the younger one had blond hair and glasses,” he hastily explained. The bartender nodded in understanding.
“You missed them by just a minute. The blond guy got messed up, so his friend had to take him home.”
Roy's hair stood on ends.
“They exited through the back door. Maybe you'll catch them, if...”
But he didn't get to finish the sentence, as Roy was already gone.
Oh please, let me be on time.
In a flash he found himself outside and staring at the horrible scene: their target was dragging Eui Sung who couldn’t even stand upright towards his car ready to take off and do god knows what to him.
Roy saw red.
He ran up to Dae Kyung, and practically tore him off from Eui Sung. The latter then immediately lost his balance, slid down the car’s surface and just sat on the ground.
“Who the hell…” Dae Kyung began, but Roy didn’t let him finish. He punched him and knocked him down on the ground, and then proceeded to punch him again, and again, and again. He stopped only when he realized he was hearing some strange noise. Then he realized that it was Na Byeol’s voice calling his name.
“Roy! Roy! Can you hear me? What’s happening?!”
Dae Kyung was completely unconscious now, and even though Roy’s rage would only completely disappear if he killed the motherfucker, he reminded himself what was more important at that moment.
He rushed to Eui Sung, kneeling in front of him to check him over. Thankfully he didn’t find any injuries. Eui Sung’s glassy eyes stared somewhere through him, but he still saw some semblance of relief on his face. A tear ran down Eui Sung’s cheek, and it broke Roy’s heart. He went to wipe it with the sleeve of his jacket, so as not to get blood on Eui Sung’s face.
“I’m sorry for being so late. You’re safe now. Let’s get you home.”
After that Eui Sung’s eyes rolled back, and he lost consciousness, his head dropping to the side. Roy sighed and went to pick him up from the ground.
“Roy? How is Eui Sung?”
Roy looked at his load.
“I’m assuming he got roofied. He’s unconscious now. I’m taking him back to the van.”
Na Byeol was silent for a minute, likely processing that information.
“Okay… I’ve already texted Tae Joon and Soo Kyung, they’re coming back too.”
“Alright, meet you at the headquarters.”
Eui Sung woke up and immediately wished he hadn’t. He tried to sit up, but then groaned and clutched his head. Somehow that dull headache from yesterday still persisted even today, and was twice, if not three times as bad. Wait, yesterday? What even happened yesterday? A surge of panic went through him, and he attempted to get up again to assess the situation.
“I would advise you to lie back down,” he heard a voice. It was Roy. So Roy was here, huh. It instantly made things better, and he relaxed, feeling much safer.
He looked around the room as much as he could without turning his head too much and realized he was back at the headquarters. His body was covered with a warm blanket. He had no recollection of how he’d gotten here, or what had even happened after he’d gotten into the conversation with their target.
“How are you feeling?” Roy asked him.
A wave of nausea hit him, and he squeezed his eyes shut, a slight moan escaping his lips.
“Like shit,” he managed.
Roy hummed and squatted down next to him. Eui Sung flinched slightly from the sudden movement, but then he saw Roy was only handing him a glass of water.
“Better to stay hydrated,” he said plainly.
“Thanks,” he said, taking the glass. Roy helped him get up a little bit so that he could drink. Even that little movement made his stomach twist with nausea once more, and he nearly gagged. Roy laid him back down, and after waiting a few seconds until his stomach calmed down, he finally asked the question that had been bugging him since he’d woken up.
“What happened?”
“You got drugged and nearly kidnapped, then you passed out and I took you back to the base.”
Memories came flooding back in. Images of events of the previous evening flashed before his eyes: Dae Kyung’s ugly smile, his hands on his face, the bar’s back door, the car…
All of it came back at once, threatening to completely overwhelm him. His heart picked up the pace, and suddenly it was harder and harder to breathe…
“Hacker?” Roy was right at his side instantly. “Hey, Jung Eui Sung. Just breathe, okay? It’s all over, you’re safe now.”
For a few seconds Eui Sung was simply breathing, in and out, until he was back in the present.  
“Sorry…” he swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes shut. “You must think I’m a total loser right now.”
“Not at all,” Roy replied. “You just went through something traumatic, it’s only natural to freak out.”
Eui Sung couldn’t find what to reply. He fully expected Roy to, well, maybe not mock him openly, but he still messed up where Roy would definitely never.
“I made a mistake…” he said. “I ruined the mission. I…”
Roy demonstratively sighed so loud that Eui Sung had to quiet down.
“You did not ruin anything, okay? And also, do you have any idea how that happened? At what point did he spike your drink, I mean.”
Eui Sung had to pause to think about it. He made sure to watch his glass at all times, even though he did not expect something like this, but there was one moment. If he had to guess then it would be…
“When some loud noise distracted me,” he started recalling. “A couple was having an argument, and the woman caused a scene. I turned away from Dae Kyung and from my drink for a moment because I got startled when she broke a glass.”
Roy closed his eyes and frowned. Eui Sung was already anticipating an earful, but instead all Roy said was:
“I see,” then, after a pause he continued. “So it was premeditated after all. He either was originally targeting someone else and switched to you, jumping at the opportunity, or planned for a random attack, and you were simply there at the wrong time. People like him would stop at nothing to get their way, so it would’ve happened no matter what, and it’s not your fault.”
“…Wow, okay. I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel better, or be in even more misery.”
Roy breathed out the faintest laugh.
“It’s your choice, Hacker.”
They heard the metal gate slide to the side and several footsteps go down the stairs to their headquarters.
“Jung Eui Sung!”
“Eui Sung-ah!”
It was Na Byeol together with Tae Joon and Soo Kyung. They saw that he was awake now, and rushed to his side. They wouldn’t have been able to do anything, but they simply had a strong need to make sure their teammate and friend was relatively okay. Obviously, he still felt the aftereffects of the drug, and was shaken to a great extent, but Roy was just in time to prevent something much more horrible from happening.
Their loud voices felt like someone was hitting Eui Sung’s head with a hammer. Against own desire, he flinched and quietly hissed.
Noticing that Roy has brought his finger to his lips, wordlessly telling everyone to mind their volume.
“Oh, sorry, sorry,” Soo Kyung whispered.
“How are you feeling?” Tae Joon asked, voice as soft and gentle as ever.
“Like shit,” he repeated his own words. “Okay, maybe just slightly better than when I’d woken up. My head’s killing me.”
“It’s gonna be like that for some time. I’m afraid you’ll have to get through it,” Roy said.
“How long?” Na Byeol turned to Roy with worried eyes.
“A day. Maybe two.”
Meanwhile Soo Kyung squatted next to Eui Sung and put her hand on his forehead. He leaned into her touch with gratefulness, as her cold hand felt medicinal to his devastating headache.
“What did we tell you, ah?” she murmured. “Be safe. Why didn’t you listen?”
“Sorry…” Eui Sung replied.
“Yeah, what did you do?” Na Byeol started.
“I got distracted, and he used the moment to spike my drink,” Eui Sung admitted to everyone.
“What?! How could you be so careless?”
“Na Byeol…” Tae Joon stopped her.
“It could be any of us,” Roy said. Everyone turned to him in question. “The couple were most likely his accomplices. It’s a classic scheme: some paid actors create a distraction and make the victim look away while the guy uses the moment to mix in the drug,” Eui Sung looked taken aback. He didn’t even consider the possibility that that wasn’t a coincidence. “Even if that didn’t work, no doubt they had a plan B, or even C. I’ve told you it’s not your fault.”
Soo Kyung gasped softly. “What rascals… Unbelievable.”
Eui Sung swallowed hard and then turned his eyes to Tae Joon. “What happened to Dae Kyung?”
“He’s at the police’s hands now. Drugging and kidnapping attempt is a completely different matter,” he said. “I’ve called detective Park right away, they’ve already searched their house. Turns out real estate fraud isn’t the worst of his crimes. They’ve found evidence of serial abduction and sexual assault, all documented with intent to blackmail the victims if they threaten to go to the police later.”
Eui Sung felt his throat close up just the smallest bit. That means if Roy hadn’t been there…
Soo Kyung ran her hand through his hair. “We’re just glad nothing too horrible happened,” she reassured, “and you’re safe now.”
You didn’t have to tell Eui Sung twice. The thought that something similar could happen to him made him physically shudder.
“What, do you need another blanket?” Na Byeol asked. And for the first time Eui Sung didn’t hear any sarcasm in her voice. It felt really weird.
“No…” he replied. “I’m just… a little freaked out I guess.”
“I know you don’t want to think about it right now, but you will need to give a statement to the police later when you’re better,” Tae Joon told Eui Sung Sung. “Would you be okay?”
Eui Sung pondered on it for a second. Right now all he wanted was to go back to sleep to forget about the whole thing and get rid of his horrible migraine. But they also needed to get that scumbag behind bars for as long as possible. So he gathered up his strength and nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Okay, that’s good,” Tae Joon patted him on the shoulder. “Now… I and Soo Kyung have to go for now, but we’ll leave Roy and Na Byeol with you.”
“Rest up, Eui Sung-ah,” Soo Kyung told him and slightly ruffled his hair.
After that they both left.
Eui Sung was already exhausted by this whole interaction. And it was probably very noticeable since both Na Byeol and Roy turned around to leave him alone.
“Don’t go,” he unconsciously called out to them.
“We aren’t going anywhere, we’ll be around the headquarters,” Roy told him. “I just could use a snack.”
“Yeah, Leader would have our heads if we left you.”
“Oh, okay,” at this point Eui Sung’s eyelids were lowering on their own. “Don’t do anything weird to my face while I sleep,” he murmured.
“It would be very funny,” Na Byeol said, “but now we’re just not in the mood.”
But Eui Sung couldn’t hear those words anymore, he had already dozed off. He slept mostly peacefully, knowing that his teammates and best friends would watch over him and would not let anything or anyone get to him.
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sooghostwriter · 2 years
Third Name
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Member/Pairing: Do Kyung Soo x OC
Genre/Type: Mature, Romance, Royalty/ Dictatorship AU, Action, Time jumps. Multichapter.
Word count:  5440 words.
Notes: The story takes place in a made up country. We start at one point of the story and then go back in time the moment they met and how their relationship develops. Later, we will go back to the present and see how the story keeps moving. We get to read parts of Kyung Soo’s diary to locate us in time.
Summary: Anna has a plan for her own freedom. Prince Kyung Soo has one for the nation. She thinks she is meeting her enemy, he just wants to meet her. When the revolution begins he will need her help to claim their freedom.
PS: I block empty blogs.
Chapter 10 
Kyung Soo recognized the dream as soon as he was conscious of it.
It was the same place, the abandoned greenhouse. He was in the exact same position as always, laying on the floor, under a patch of sun. He was resting on his side, eyes closed. In his dream, he was smiling, but on the inside, he felt like he was desperate. It was so frustrating and painful. He felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder, and a voice in the background. The hand on his shoulder moved to his head and began caressing his hair, his ear, and jaw. He shivered in his dream as he felt the touch of that hand. Every time he had that dream, the touch felt so real, so familiar. He knew the person that was touching him, but he had no idea who it was.
He wanted to see the person. If he could just turn around, move his head to the side, or grab the hand that was touching him. 
He tried. He tried so hard to move his eyes, and his neck, but he couldn’t. 
He was paralyzed. 
And he woke up like that. Unable to move for a while with tears falling on his pillow. 
Whenever he woke up, he always searched around the room for someone, a blurry shape hidden in his bedroom. But he didn’t have any luck. It was only him, the nurses, and the guards. And maybe once a week, his uncle. 
But several times, at dawn when he woke up, he found his room filled with that familiar smell. A citric perfume, a hint of sweetness that made him close his eyes and inhale. He also woke up feeling rested. No nightmares or pain. 
Chanyeol and Sehun had to sit down with Anna and have a serious conversation. They noticed how visiting Kyung Soo at night had become an obsession. They understood why, and how her need to see him was stronger than theirs. But it was clearly affecting her health. And there was also the incident when Kyung Sooo woke up. Chanyeol had lost count of how many times he had to bring her back from spiraling into a panic attack. So they reached an agreement and she promised them that she was going to visit him only on Friday and Saturday nights. 
It was actually a relief to have them as the voice of reason. She needed that, otherwise she could lose herself just to see him for a couple of hours. Anna noticed how it was affecting her health, but also not visiting him made her feel guilty. But if someone order her not to do it, it was easier. 
Kyung Soo felt as if the citric sent in his bedroom began to fade, and with it, the peaceful nights. He kept having that dream of the mysterious person that he couldn’t see but he somehow knew. Just when he was about to see her, he woke up in tears. He kept his eyes closed, trying to go back to the dream, just to feel her caresses. 
“Don’t cry, I’m here” He heard. He sighed heavily, glad that the dream was back. But he quickly noticed how it felt different. The voice sounded clearer, and the touch on his cheek was real, he was sure. He didn’t open his eyes, scared that he could scare this presence. He stayed calm to avoid the pain in his head. The hands touching him cleaned his tears and held his face tenderly. They caressed his hair and then held his hands. He didn’t feel scared, he didn’t even feel curious about who it was. He only received those caresses, feeling the peace wash over him.
The next day the same happened. He stayed up waiting for it. He didn’t open his eyes, it was useless anyway. But he paid attention to the sounds around him. He heard something in the bathroom, then soft steps, and then he felt someone seating next to him. The scent was back as the warm hands held his. 
“Did you miss me?” She asked and giggled to herself. 
“You look more peaceful tonight, I hope your day was uneventful Kyung Soo” The way she called his name made his chest vibrate. He expected a sharp pain in his head, as when he was called love by the same voice, and it came, but it wasn’t as painful as before. 
“Chanyeol and Sehun are not letting me come and visit you every night and they are right, but I began to miss you during the week” Me too, he thought. 
“Everybody misses you actually, I’m quite lucky that I get to see you, even if it is like this… and I should probably shut up, keep sleeping love, I will look over you for as long as I can” There it was again, that word. 
Being used like a name, and said with the weight of a caress.
Kyung Soo counted the days until his visitor was back. Waiting was torture. He was curious to know who she was, and how she looked. But also, he just wanted to hear her voice, have his lungs filled with her smell and feel her touch. 
And after his long wait, she came again. At the same time, around an hour after the nurse checked on him for the last time. She did the same. Sit next to him, caress him and speak to him. But this time, she had something to give him. 
“I gave you this for your birthday, the guys were able to save it from your uncle, I hope you find it, it’s yours, it’s a part of me that now it’s yours” He could hear how she very carefully opened the drawer next to his bed and left something inside. She got up from the bed ready to leave, but before doing so, she leaned back and kissed him on his lips. A soft and quick peck. He was able to control his reaction, he didn’t jolt nor opened his eyes in shock. But the heart monitor kept no secrets. She cursed under her breath and he could hear her dash out of his room into the bathroom. 
Kyung Soo was frozen by the shock that her kiss caused him. Finally, and almost involuntarily, he lifted his hand and touched his lips, where her kiss still lingered. The heart monitor began to ring louder again, so he took some deep breaths to calm himself down. Then he turned over, stretching his arm and opening the drawer. He found it easily, a small metal piece, oval and slightly heavy. Kyung Soo grabbed it and brought it closer to his eyes. It was a locket with dried flowers on the inside. His temples began pulsating, not painfully, but uncomfortably. Maybe he was forcing his eyes too much. He held the locket in his hands until the sensation fade away and put it back where she left it.  
The next day, and the day after that, and from then on, he held to that locket every day. Carefully hiding it under his pillow or under his body whenever someone came in. He liked how heavy it felt. Kyung Soo noticed how it took away that feeling of lightness he felt the whole time. As if the gravity around him was finally setting. 
It was hard to keep the track of time, but he knew that her visit was close. He was craving it, but he couldn’t explain why. He still didn’t know who it was, although she felt familiar. He didn’t know why and how she was visiting him. But she was the only person that spoke to him with care and treated him with kindness. She never hurt him, although at the beginning her presence gave him terrible headaches. It always felt as if she appeared from thin air in his bathroom. Kyung Soo was so tempted to wait for her there and see from where she was coming in, but he could scare her, so he kept his curiosity in line and waited for her.  
The moon was picking through his window and he was looking at it in a daze when he heard her walking outside the bathroom. He closed his eyes and waited for her. As always, she sat on the side of the bed and rubbed his cheek with her thumb. She gave him her usual greetings and held one of his hands. He almost held her hand back, but was able to stop himself. Although his fingers twitched, and she felt it but didn’t run away. 
She began talking to him, whispering, but loud enough so he could hear him clearly. She kept naming three names that he didn’t recognize, but for what she said, they were his friends. Minseok, Chanyeol and Sehun. It looked like they kept her entertained and kept her sadness away, although he didn’t know why was she sad. She was telling him between breathy laughs about how this Sehun guy was teaching her how to charge a gun. He dropped the, thankfuly uncharged, gun on his pinky toe, leaving him in bed rest for a couple of days. Her giggles came to a stop and she sighted heavily. 
"Why didn't you show yourself to me? Why protect me when I could have helped you?" She asked him, caressing his head. But she sounded sad. 
Anna decided that it was time to leave. She was growing sad and Kyung Soo didn’t need any of that. 
"I'm going to save you, I’m going to get you out of here, your memory will be back and we will get the country you want" Anna whispered onto their clenched hands. She then kissed his head and got up to leave. But she was stopped by Kyung Soo grasping her wrist. 
"What real self? What country are you talking about?" Anna lost her voice as she saw Kyung Soo awake, kneeling on his bed holding onto her arm with too much strength. He looked angry, although his voice sounded desperate. She was terrified.  This Kyung Soo could turn her in. She couldn´t answer him, she couldn’t even move. Kyung Soo kept quiet too, inspecting her face. 
Suddenly, they heard some noise outside his room, Anna knew it was over. She didn’t even try to run away, and just accepted her fate. But Kyung Soo surprised her. He got out of bed and pushed her inside the bathroom.
“Come here tomorrow, I will be waiting for you” He told her, letting go of her arm. 
“Why are you up?” She asked with a string of voice. Kyung Soo ignored her question, closing the door in her face. 
“Your majesty!” She heard the guards calling his name as Kyung Soo closed the door. 
“Hurry and get to bed your majesty, if the nurse catches you you could get in trouble” Said one of the guards. 
“Let’s get you to bed, we heard some noise, we thought you were having a seizure or something, thank god you were just going to the bathroom” Kyung Soo didn’t answer, or at least she didn’t hear him.
Anna met with Minseok that morning, with the help of the members of the clan around her, she was able to meet him in the bodega of a restaurant. She began shouting as soon as she saw him. She wasn’t mad at him, but she needed to tell someone, release her surprise, doubt and fear but also, she needed for someone to make sense of what happened in that room. 
“Why was he awake?! I visited him several times and he was always asleep, why is he up?” 
“i think…I’m sure it has to do with the drug, could be that he is not taking it, or they are not giving it to him, or he is growing immune to it” Minseok adventured, walking around the room.
“There’s no way they aren’t giving it to him, could it be that the nurses are part of the Clan? Or the people providing the drug?” Minseok closed his eyes in deep thought. 
“We lost track of who belongs to the clan and who doesn’t, we are too many already” Anna was surprised by that.
“Really? How many?” She asked. 
“There’s no way to know Anna, but I already heard about a small group that says we are not radical enough,” Anna gasped. 
“So you are so big that there are people radicalizing against you?” Minseok laughed loudly.
“Not me, I’m organizing and guiding this whole thing, but I’m not the face of it, they think we are weak and they hate the crown like us…but it’s mostly young people, they are not very organized, but they have a lot of energy, we will see, the thing is…maybe someone from the Clan is taking care of him, maybe the drug is not working, the thing is that he wants you there again, we should start planning his escape” Anna noticed she was focusing on details and wasn’t focusing on the goal. 
Get Kyung Soo out of there.
Anna got inside Kyung Soo’s room with trembling hands. She didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t know how he felt or what he wanted from her. She feared that he could be waiting for her just to get her incarcerated.  But the scenario that hurt her the most was meeting his indifference. For him to treat her like a stranger. 
She stood hidden behind the wall, trying to gain some braveness to finally get in. 
“I know you are there” She heard him whisper. She wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotions that dashed to her chest when she heard his voice, calm and directed at her. If he had uttered her name, she would have probably fainted. 
Anna used the rush of emotions to finally take the first step and walk into Kyung Soo’s room. 
He was waiting for her sitting on the bed. His posture was cautious, but his eyes were shining with curiosity. She did what she always did when visiting him and sat at the edge of the bed, but this time she didn’t hold his hand nor kissed his cheek. She now wondered if he was awake when she did all that. 
“Who are you?” He asked.
“I’m Anna” Kyung Soo nodded slowly as if searching for her name. Then he kept quiet, looking at her hands resting on her legs. She just waited for his next question. 
“That’s your name, but who are you? Why did you say the things you said yesterday” He asked after taking a deep breath. She didn’t know how to answer that. She knew who she was for him, but she didn’t want to scare him. 
“I’m Anna, we go to university together… before I go on, tell me, do you know who you are?” Kyung Soo nodded and frowned with confidence. 
“I’m Do Kyung Soo, I’m the prince of this nation” Anna sighed with relief. 
“I remember my parents, I can recognize my uncle who visits me often and says terrible things…I know about the Order…I didn’t know I was a student”
“So you remember some things,” She said. 
“Most things…I don’t remember you, I don’t remember the names you said yesterday, Sehun, Chanyeol, Minseok…although I feel like I know them, or better said, I knew them” He ended with a sad tone. 
 “Do you know what happened to you Kyung Soo?” He jolted when she called his name.
“No, one day I woke up here, in pain and lost… but then I learned that they are drugging me, poisoning me, they keep me unconscious, whatever they inject me feels like mud getting in my veins, so I know what’s happening, I don’t know why and I don’t know why I feel like someone blew a part of my brain off” His voice showed his frustration. 
“The drugs, the poison they are giving you is affecting your memory, that’s why you feel like that, that’s why you don’t remember any of us”  
“I feel like I’m getting better,” Kyung Soo commented with a faded smile. 
“We think the same, you used to sleep the whole day, and sometimes you would wake up screaming” She examined his face, now he looked better than before. 
“How do you know?” He backed out, alarmed by her knowledge. Anna didn’t know if her answer would make things better, but she didn’t have too many options. 
“I’ve been watching you, making sure that they didn’t risk your life, and planning how to help you” 
“You can help me?” He sounded slightly less worried. 
“I can, you trust me?” Anna needed to know.  
“I don't know if I really can, but at least you are not causing me the pain they are giving me” He looked at the door from where the nurses and his uncle always appeared. Then he looked at her.
“Although sometimes my head hurts when I see you or I think about you” There was a spark in Kyung Soo’s eyes when he said that. She didn’t know how to interpret it, but she has seen it before. 
“Is it hurting now?” She asked him.  
“A little bit” He recognized shyly. She extended her left arm and caressed his temple. Kyung Soo allowed it, closing his eyes as soon as she touched him. She only used the tip of her fingers, rubbing circles on the side of his head and staring at him adoringly. Kyung Soo closed his eyes, indicating her to go on. 
“Sometimes I have these dreams when someone does this to me, I can never see her face” She didn’t say anything and kept caressing his face. She was waiting for a specific question, although she still didn’t know how to answer it. But knowing Kyung Soo, she knew that he was going to ask. 
“Who’s Minseok, Sehun and Chanyeol? The more I think about them the more I feel like I know those names” Kyung Soo opened his eyes and Anna moved her left hand from his head to his hand, asking for his permission before she held  it. He allowed it. 
“They are your friends. You have known them for a while now, Sehun and Chanyeol were also your guards and Minseok… worked with you” Kyung Soo closed his eyes, focusing. She gave him some time, but when he opened his eyes, he looked disappointed. 
“Right now I have nothing, but I’m glad I can place them in my life now” They remained in silence for a while, Kyung Soo stared at their joined hands and Anna couldn’t take her eyes away from him. 
“Are you my friend too?” He asked although she could barely hear him. She said yes. 
“Like Chanyeol, Sehun and Minseok?” She shook her head. 
“I think you are the woman that keeps appearing in my dreams,” He said, holding her hand tighter. Anna felt her blood rushing to her neck and ears. 
“I was awake when you came to visit me,” He said, a light chuckle escaping his lips. Anna felt embarrassed all of the sudden. 
“You kissed me the other day” She felt his fingers caressing her hand. She couldn’t look at him out of shame, but by now it was clear that Kyung Soo wasn’t annoyed by her actions. 
“Are you my partner…?” He looked up at her, taking a deep breath. “ Are you my girlfriend?” 
“I am,” She confessed, barely making eye contact. 
“I thought so, I recognized your voice, sort of…I also recognized your scent” Kyung Soo’s voice sounded merrier now, even a bit playful. 
“It was a gift from you, the perfume I mean” He chuckled, scratching the back of his ear. 
“Oh, that’s nice… I saw the gift you gave me!” He let go of her hand and searched for the pendant under her pillow. Anna’s chest warmed up at the sight of Kyung Soo bringing the pendant to his chest as if protecting it even from her. 
“I feel different since you gave it to me, it’s hard to explain, but I know these flowers, I grew them in the greenhouse, and I just know that it's mine, although I don’t remember you giving it to me, but I know it's mine” Anna took a deep breath and told him the story behind the pendant and the flowers. 
“So I took you to the greenhouse?” Was the first thing he commented after she was done with their story. 
“You did, several times, we got there through the passages” He opened his eyes comically wide.
“You know the passages?!” His reaction made her laugh.
“I do, that’s how I got here” Kyung Soo’s face showed how the ends in his brain were connecting. He asked for more explanations. 
“I come from one of the university’s classrooms, I walk for a while, climb some stairs and then I get inside your room through the bathroom vent” Kyung Soo almost jumps out of his bed. 
“So you can get me out of here!” But he was too loud. The guards outside his room knocked at the door, asking if he was alright. Anna stood up without thinking twice and dashed into the bathroom.
She could only share the news with the guys two days later. Her friends received her news with shouts of celebration and tears.
“I’m sure that if he sees me, he is going to remember me, how not to?!” Sehun announced, tapping his chest. 
“We need to speed things up, he is fully conscious now, healthy enough to walk, and if we have him here it will be better for his recovery” They all agree, except for Minseok. 
“We can’t be too rushed… I’m not sure how his uncle could react. The Order thinks that Kyung Soo is sick and trusts that his uncle is taking care of him after his parents died, they don’t suspect him, if Kyung Soo disappears, what is he going to do? He could keep it from the order and search for him, or he could victimize himself and say that the prince was kidnapped and that they need a ruler and he could push the Order into naming him the king” Everybody’s mood deflated, Minseok was right. 
“Give me a couple of days, I’m going to investigate, Anna, just two days ok?” He told her directly, knowing that she was the one to convince.
“Can I still go visit him?” She asked. 
“You can,” He answered after giving it a little thought. 
Kyung Soo recognized the dream as soon as it started. The greenhouse, him lying on the floor, the sun on his face. He didn’t feel sadness as before, the smile on his lips radiated to the rest of his body. He wasn’t frustrated anymore because when he turned around to see who was caressing his face he saw Anna. He wasn’t paralyzed anymore. He was laughing in the dream, holding her hand and kissing it. 
Kyung Soo had fallen asleep waiting for her. This was the third night he was expecting her visit. He was shocked by how hurt he felt when she didn’t come. How much he wanted to see her, and not only because of what she represented, a way of escaping that room. He wanted to talk more with her. About his life and the things he had forgotten. He wanted to know about them, it was clear that a part of his brain remembered her. He recognized her smell, her touch, and he kept dreaming about her. Kyung Soo wanted to push himself to remember, he knew he could. 
Anna walked inside his room ready to apologize for her absence and found Kyung Soo sleeping. Or maybe he was faking it, like he did many times before. She sat next to him and caressed his sleeping face, stirring him up softly. Kyung Soo's smile widened as he noticed whose hand was touching him. It made her chest burn with love. He whispered her name softly, giving her the urgent need of kissing him. And she did, but she settled with kissing his forehead. Kyung Soo reached for her and hugged her, kipping her close to him. 
“Do you recognize me?” She asked excitedly, trying to hug him back. 
“Not yet, but I know you, I've been thinking about you and now you appear here, I felt so happy I had to hug you” He hid his face in her shoulder and didn’t let go of her.
Anna was waiting for him to ask her about the passages and continue their previous conversation but he didn’t. So she brought up the issue.
“I know our story is important, but aren’t you curious about other things? Like the passages and me taking you out of here” Kyung Soo chuckled, letting go of her but holding to her hands.
“I thought that if you wanted to share something you would say it without me asking, also my head hurts if I think too much, so I’m trying to remain calm…how not to? Now that you came I feel more hopeful, one step at a time” Anna sighed relieved. At least he was calm, not like his friends and her. 
“You haven’t changed at all Kyung Soo”  She told him lovingly, making him smile and lower his head looking shy. 
“But you are right, now I can’t tell you anything, I don’t want to give you hollow expectations, but there’s a lot we can talk about” She assured him.
“I’m not afraid of feeling hopeful, just having you here visiting me, knowing that someone worries about me it’s so comforting, I don’t feel lost anymore, even my nightmares turned to dreams now” His eyes showed his tranquility. Anna couldn’t believe things were moving like this. She was expecting the worst. 
“I’m glad I could bring you some peace” 
“Thank you, but Anna, tell me more about something that I’m sure you can share, tell me about us” Anna gasped, feeling very nervous about sharing their story with him. She wished she had Kyung Soo’s diaries with her, so he could learn first hand. But he wanted to hear about them, which meant he trusted her but most importantly he believed her. 
After organizing her ideas and images, she still didn’t know where to start, or how. Because by sharing their love story, she was forced to share her own. And her story related to him was charged by politics and the things that Kyung Soo wasn’t ready to hear. So Kyung Soo took the wise decision of asking specific questions. 
Where did we meet?
How did we meet?
The day I took you to the greenhouse, what did we did?
It was fun to tell their story in that way, although it was still embarrassing. By the time she was done, the mood had turned significantly awkward. 
Clearly Kyung Soo didn’t remember anything, and he looked frustrated by it. But confessed that he wasn’t surprised by the things he said and did. 
“You are brave, authentic and… very beautiful…I can tell why I fell in love with you” He confessed. 
“May I ask you something Anna?” She nodded, forcing herself to look up. 
“The night you came here and I woke up, making that big ruckus, you called me love, and you kept doing it whenever you visited me…it’s just a word, but  it didn’t feel like it, of course back then I didn’t know about our story so I was left clueless by the way it made me feel, is that the way you call me?” Kyung Soo’s eyes were wide and shone brightly awaiting her answer. How not to answer him.
“You asked me to give you a name, everybody called you majesty or Kyung Soo…I settled for love…because… that’s what you are for me” Kyung Soo whispered her name and smiled, taken aback by her answer. His reaction made her feel less awkward. 
“We were really deeply into each other…I’m sorry I can’t be there with you in your memories” Every day since they met again, Anna was shocked by how welcoming Kyung Soo was to this situation. She knew he was vulnerable now, without memories and with a stranger explaining to him who he was and who cared about him. Yet, he believed her, he listened to her and he trusted her. She wondered if he was behaving like this because he felt something, instinctively. Or he was smart enough to know that she was his only way out, away from pain. 
“You don’t need to apologize, I’m just glad you listen to me…and yes, we were very committed to each other, from my side, I had to leave behind some of my upbringings to allow you into my life” Kyung Soo pouted and crocked his head.
“What do you mean?” Anna kept those details for herself when telling their story. The details about her plan of running away from the country, how she was raised to be against the Order. But also, she kept for herself the details about Kyung Soo being the head of the Clan. She believed that Minseok should be the one telling him about their friendship and their mission. 
“I mean… that you used to stand for something that I was against of”
“That clarifies nothing, what do you mean I used to stand for something you were against?” He put emphasis on the word used. 
“Kyung Soo, I wouldn't even know how or where to start since the explanation involves not only me but also people from your past, before we met, it also involves your family and what they represent, I don't think we should discuss that now, with you in this state" He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths, a smile pulling one corner of his mouth. 
“Why do I feel used to this answer? I’m not surprised or frustrated…are you always like this?” They both laughed. 
“If you mean that I speak my mind, yes, I’m always like this…and you liked that” 
“I do like that,” She noticed how he didn’t speak in past tense. 
The mood was lighter for a short while, because after the flirting, Kyung Soo asked something that she was expecting, but felt relieved when he didn’t do it. 
He finally asked about his parents. 
“Are they alive?” He went straight to the point.
“No, they aren’t Kyung Soo” He looked as if he was expecting it. 
“I heard my uncle say something to the nurse …but I was hoping he was bluffing, I was wondering why they didn’t come to help me… what happened to them?” Anna didn’t know for sure. After they died, the Order kept their deaths secret for three weeks. The nation mourned them, and now the Order had taken over, waiting for Kyung Soo to recover, although the image of his uncle had grown stronger as the next king meanwhile Kyung Soo was in a coma. That’s the information that everybody knew, what the Order informed. . But the reasons behind the death of the king and queen were never clarified, as why Kyung Soo was in a coma. 
She explained that to Kyung Soo, and he looked more distraught.
“I hope they didn’t have to go through what I did” His voice broke at the end and Anna pulled him into her arms immediately. Kyung Soo broke into tears and he didn’t stop crying until dawn. He let go of every frustration, sadness and fear he had felt since his uncle locked him there. And Anna was going to take it all. She pulled him as close as she could, making him hide his face on her neck to silence his cries. Kyung Soo hugged her waist, grasping her clothes with such strength that she thought he was going to tear them. Anna could feel Kyung Soo’s pain, and wanted to take it all, but she knew that wouldn’t be enough. 
Kyung Soo wasn’t only dealing with the loss of his parents. He was also holding on to what he could remember now, he didn’t know if he saw them a last time, or what he said to them. She couldn’t even imagine the fears he was dealing with. 
So she did what she could, and held him. 
She held Kyung Soo until he was finally breathing normally. 
Before leaving, Kyung Soo hugged her for the last time then held her hands, and asked her, almost begging “Anna, I need you to take me out of here”.
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iinterludia · 8 months
Fanfic do Dia #3: Bad Boys Club - MiMoon
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Sinopse: Seus olhos têm crescido frios novamente, sua língua afiada escava em mim, eu não aguento mais. Você vem para mim, mas então você desaparece como um sonho. Sem tempo para tocar, eu estou cativado por você. Eu não posso simplesmente deixar você ir assim. Esse jeito que você fala, está me deixando louco. Esse jeito que você ri, faz meu coração bater. E o jeito que você beija... Deve ser o seu sabor. É o modo que eu te sinto contra o meu corpo? É o jeito que você age, tão perverso? É o jeito como você mexe quando seus quadris se movem com a batida? Sempre que eu te vejo, você é alguém desconhecido. Você sempre me faz ficar tão nervoso. Você sussurra em meus ouvidos, perco meu foco por causa do seu feitiço. As coisas são apagadas uma a uma e eu posso apenas ver você. Você me leva aqui e ali, você é como uma montanha-russa, seus lábios são como um aviso. Você é um garoto tão mal. Talvez eu esteja jogando minhas cartas de um jeito muito seguro, eu preciso mudar. Eu não tenho medo de você, eu preciso enfrentar, agora eu não posso mais voltar atrás, eu não consigo parar sozinho agora. Você é como um lindo pesadelo e eu sou só mais uma vitima do Bad Boys Club.
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TÍTULO: Bad Boys Club AUTOR(ES): MiMoon CATEGORIA: EXO COUPLE: Chanyeol x Baekhyun (chanbaek) , Jongin x Kyungsoo (kaisoo), Junmyeon x Yixing (sulay) GÊNERO: Romance, Yaoi TAGS: auternative universe, comédia, ficcção adolescente, amizade ONDE LER: Spirit Fanfic
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Mini Review (Alerta de spoilers⚠️)
Olá meus bombons, como vocês estão?
Depois de duas FDDs só na categoria Harry Potter, dessa vez eu trouxe a categoria que está no meu top 3 de leitura: EXO. 
E o primeiro post não vem só com um casal principal, mas sim três: chanbaek, kaisoo e sulay. Quem já é do fandom sabe o que é  royal couples, ou seja, casais comuns de se ver no fandom. 
Bad Boys Club é clássica e caótica ao mesmo tempo. Chanyeol, Jongin(Kai) e Yixing(Lay) são os populares, já Baekhyun, Kyungsoo(D.O)e Junmyeon(Suho) são os nerds afrontosos. Nesse mar de clichês, você se depara com putaria na aula extra de biologia que o Baek dá para o Chanyeol, também temos referências filosóficas com o Kyung (Se você contar que ele colocou fogo no quarto do Jongin...eu nao irritaria o Soo), lições de moral com o Junmyeon (Sou rica e herdeira, mas sou humilde). 
Essa fanfic fala de amizade e romances adolescentes, e também me lembra umas das fanfic que ainda vou recomendar aqui chamada Damas Grifinórias, no quesito “eu faço justiça com minhas próprias mãos” trazendo uma camada decente de comédia para a fanfic. Conforme a fic vai passando podemos acompanhar o amadurecimento deles, quando a percepção de aceitar ajuda  e aceitar consequências de outras decisões são o clímax desse rolê. 
Por hoje é isso, nos vemos no próximo FDD.
XOXO, Interludia.
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exouniverse · 7 months
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(My) Home - Moodboard • chef!kyungsoo au x gn!reader
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blueberryjam1201 · 11 months
Chapter 5
Genre: drama, comedy
I gave lots of love for this chapter, and even though the view descriptions could be a little boring, but I wanted to give you a full picture of what I see .
Please leave me a comment and heart if you like it❤️
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"The double rainbow we saw that day...
You admired the rainbow, and I admired you...
The colorful pictures were taken that day,
I don't need to print them off...
They are engraved in my memory forever...
The strings, plucked by our fingers...
The strings we created...
The life we expected..."
It was the evening when he came back from a work trip...
Kyungsoo and YiSeul sat at the table.  YiSeul released her hair from the tight top knot and brushed by fingers so they would lie down nicely on her arms. Then a gentle smile appeared on her face:
- How was your trip? -
- I'm more tired than before the trip. To be honest, I could have been sleeping inside the JJ building. Everyday meetings, and organizational projects. I even worked with a live audio engineering team to make sure the stadium equipment was efficient -
The spark in his eyes shined though, those words didn't sound like a complaint.
- Oh, so Baboo has a new skill! - she joked
- I knew it all! I was the one who was teaching them - touched his full of pride chest while declaring that - and you? Except for the accident with your mom, what have you been doing? - She took a sip of wine and brushed he hair to the back:
- Nothing worth mentioning... Oh! We will probably have a job for Marie Claire! - that made her suddenly jump and point finger at a random place on the sealing, for no reason.
- Wow, that's great. I'm sure you will do a great job! - Kyungsoo comforted her. The atmosphere suddenly became lively.
They spend an hour chatting and sharing a great time.
When the time for cleaning came, they collected all the plates and she started washing dishes while he was cleaning the table. When finished, he stood behind her and hugged tightly. Then brushed her hair to the side and comfortably placed his face on their arm. Then gave her a peck on the ear...slowly going down her neck. She stopped washing, turned around, and with wet fingers she slid down his face gently. Down the forehead and nose, then stopped at the lips. She placed her hand on his back and pressed against her. Both lips touched creating a euphoria running down their bodies. Kyungsoo forgot about all the doubts, from a few minutes ago. It was too late to stop it...
The night was intimidating like a starry night on a clear sky...
AUTHOR NOTE: TBC in a special chapter! You can find it here
In the morning Kyungsoo woke up in his bed and groped blindly for YiSeul who was usually sleeping next to him. After still half asleep mind realised she was not there, he opened his eyes to confirm it. There was no one in the room except him. The atmosphere after last night's full swing was still in the air. The grey flat carpet looked like it was part of the gym flooring, if only any gym would use a house carpet. Kyungsoo slowly sat on the bed and moved to the edge. His slippers were nowhere to be found, so he just ignored his barefoot feet and headed to the door.
While walking down the stairs he was focused on listening to any sounds. "Has she gone home?" Thought impatiently and his feet moved faster with every step..."She's here..." he stopped and looked at his girlfriend leaning her back on the kitchen's countertop and scrolling something on her phone. A teethy smile appeared on his face.
- YiSeul, you're up already? -
- Oh, KyungSoo, you woke up? Good - she smiled back when raised her head - I'm going to start work earlier today. Will be sleeping at my mom's tonight. Give me a call later, ok? - and she moved to the door's direction and stopped halfway. Kyungsoo without a second thought jumped down the stairs and walked casually to her side. Hugged gently, staying a little longer in this position than it was needed:
- Eat well and don't forget to wear warm clothes, it's cold outside - he looked into her eyes - Give me a call when you're free OK? -
She gave him a peck on the lips and with a wide smile said: - See you...Baboo - she waved her hand, opened the door, and disappeared behind it in a second.
His mind for some reason went blank, but not because she walked away. He felt like he was carrying a heavy burden on his back for a long time and suddenly it disappeared. He stretched his back without discomfort. What was the reason for this burden? He couldn't understand himself, but it doesn't matter now. He is full of joy and feels like his body is about to float in the air any minute. Nothing will change his mood today. Time to go to work...
KyungSoo's contract states that his work pattern is from Monday to Friday, with office hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In reality, when it's busy he comes earlier to have everything prepared perfectly. Finish time also depends on his own work goals. When it's quiet he can finish earlier and work from home if needed. When it's busy, he is staying till he finishes his job. A job that is usually set up by himself. Even the receptionists are joking that they will apply for creating a living room in this building, especially for him. Because it's a busy period, Kyungsoo arrived at work at 7 a.m
JJ Entertainment was built in JungGu, Seuls Jung district which is in Seuls center and just the northern side of the famous Han River. This district is also famous for its history and reminding historical buildings, these days however mixed with also the modern ones.
The company's large grounds were placed 10 min from the main road, embracing one small street area. The main building's shape was oval from the bottom to approximately the 4th floor, then the shape changed to a regular rectangular office building created from glass walls, just in the center of its round bottom. From the street to the main entrance was a large space filled with nicely shaped bushes on the sides and a few branches placed one after another in rows. The parking lot was placed on the left side. JJE smaller buildings were placed behind the main one, with a substantial park in the middle. It was probably not created for employers to enjoy their break time, but for outsiders and other companies, as well as stockholders, to make an outstanding impression.
Kyungsoo parked his car after approximately 30 minutes of travel. He headed to the main entrance ignoring anyone who just passed by. There's no need to smile at strangers even if they knew who he was. KyungSoo's personality is honest, he can't lie and wear a smiling mask even in this business world full of puppets and those with power. If he meets someone he knows, then he will definitely greet this person. For example, ladies from reception...
- Good morning. Early start today? - one of them just grabbed his attention. They are always doing that, not only to KyungSoo. A smiling young lady with a nicely tied bun and wearing a two-piece skirt suit set in silver color waved to him from the reception desk. Two more ladies were wearing the same style and makeup which was nicely done eyebrows, long lashes, and red lips.
- Good morning, any news? - Kyungsoo stopped to have a chat.
- Nothing much today - then she opened her notebook and double-checked her words - Tempo is coming at 9 am, later new solo artist is looking for advice. The visit was authorized by Kim. The meeting was at 11:30, so we were crossing fingers for the solo artist...- then she raised her crossed fingers and gazed at Kyungsoo with a teethy smile which was giving him the android doll vibe programmed to cheer for buyers, so he ignored it waiting for the rest of today's plan...- around 15:30 Creams will arrive and discuss their new album details -
- Am I fully dealing with them again? - KyungSoo interrupted her because this unpleasant feeling of not knowing what his real tasks were was disturbing. What was the purpose of taking away Creams from him and then sending them from time to time for a consultation or whatever it is? He still hasn’t forgotten what Kim has done at the meeting...
- Apologies sir, I have no details in this matter...- she was upset, but not because of him. She was upset that as a receptionist she should be a better support.
- It's fine, I'll ask them by myself - he shook his hand to calm her down - Thanks, see you later - slightly bowed down and headed to the gates on the right side of the reception.
The gates looked like the airport, just "the doors" were square glass plates that could be opened only by swapping an employee's card. Straight after the gates was a corridor with 2 lifts on the right and left, also further down another path leading to corridors hidden behind the walls. He used the first lift on the left. Then after riding alone, he stopped at the 7th floor. Then, headed to the studio at the very end of this long corridor, doors on the right.
He opened the black, solid doors which were heavy like his garden fence when he just moved in, before applying oil.
The studio consists of two rooms. First, after entering the main door was the control booth. Doors were under the left side wall. Just further down was the lounge area. A black leather couch under the wall and two armchairs standing parallel, forming a U shape with a coffee table just in the center. On their right side was a long control desk with hundreds of recording controls, and a main computer in the middle. Two large screens were placed at the window just above the desk, a keyboard on placed on it and small space for a computer mouse on its right side. The office chair was nicely placed under. The window was as wide as the control desk. At the end of this room on the right side was a bar chair and a high table with a microwave, then under the wall 3 vending machines, each with different products. Sandwiches and noodle soups, cold drinks and hot drinks. Except for them, on this wall, two pairs of doors were seen, probably for machine rooms.
Kyungsoo came near the high table at the end, took out a laptop from his backpack, and placed it in the middle. Then he took out the blue file and black notebook and headed to the chair in the middle of the control booth. When sat down, he lowered under to press the PC power button, and then he sat comfortably and looked behind the window.
The second room was a vocal booth. This was the place for real fun for musicians as after entering by the door from the control booth's right side, there was all kind of different instruments standing and waiting to be used!
Right wall - metal desk with violin and flute case, then large black piano. The back wall was filled with all kinds of guitars and bass guitars hung on the rack like coats in the anteroom. On the left side was a drum set and three hand drums of a different size. Then finally, in the middle was a vocal station with a high chair, microphone, and isolation shield.
Kyungsoo started working on the computer, took out from his pocket a pen-drive, and inserted it into the PC. Time was passing fast when he was working, writing in the notebook, and creating new beats in production software. "A piece of cake," he thought, and after that he opened his eyes and a sudden spark appeared in his gaze. He took a pen, played one of the beats, and went:
"A piece of cake...
Inscribed in significance
I wrote it as I wished
As the author of the novel"
the melody was coming along with the words. He suddenly stood up and started singing:
"Before it gets more difficult
With the words I said
The day... that felt like a dream" then stopped
- no, "an answer" sounds better...- and typed it down. The whispers from the door site woke him up from a trance and he rushed to see who is it. It was four Tempo members secretly watching him from a slightly opened door and giggling with each other. He calmed down:
- You're here? Did I leave the doors open? -
Boys walked in with amused faces and one of them answered " Yes, sorry for eavesdropping" and he folded his hands as if in prayer.
He was quite tall, around 180 cm, with medium-length wavy hair, and a round face.
The member on his right was maybe 173cm tall, with short hair with red colored gelled bangs up. Kyungsoo guessed it was some kind of trend that he was not following, but it would pass soon anyway so no point in thinking about it.
Next, the tallest of them, maybe a 188cm guy with blue hair color, cut in a mushroom hairstyle. Again, for Kyungsoo probably the color was a bigger question than the cut, but he ignored it.
The fourth one was max 170cm and his hair was blond dreadlocks.
- Guys, sorry, I have seen your names but still don't know who is who. Can you enlighten me? - he pressed his hand against his chest - I'm Doh KyungSoo as you probably already know -
- I'm Di! - the one with wavy hair said
- I'm TJ - the one with gelled bangs
- I'm Luke - the tallest said and Kyungsoo commented: "Oh, going by English name?"
- My name is Nakatsu, and I'm Japanese - he made a peace sign and pressed it to his face with a teethy smile.
- Nice to meet you guys - KyungSoo was calm, but it seemed he couldn't wait to start. He prepared many tasks before they started the real thing.
- Sit on a couch, I would like to speak and get to know you - he pointed to the lobby and then headed to his producer's chair under the control desk.
After a while, when they finished talking about themself he went:
- Who is rapping and who is singing, also what kind of vocal range are you? -
They shouted together while raising their hands high like at school. - Sorry, what did you say? Soprano? - he asked Di.
- I can go very high! - shouted with pride, but Kyungsoo, even without changing his impassive facial expression he smirked. Soprano is the highest female range, we will see if he is telling the truth.
- And you? - asked Nakatsu
- I'm on the lower range but I can do runs and adlips! - said that to make Kyungsoo curious about his abilities. Then the producer asked:
- So you both are rapping? For a rap... guys, please do not mumble rap, I will appreciate any effort to be as creative as it is possible, OK? -
- We're not mumble rapping, no worries! - The blue-haired Luke laughed out loud.
- I'm glad to hear that because what I have for you will need a specific style and flexibility to make it perfect. Let's check your vocals range first, so I'll know where we are standing -
And the KyungSoo's mini-casting started. Apparently, the vocals were slightly different than what was stated by the members. Also, Kyungsoo helped them to explore their vocal capabilities. This studio suddenly became an amusement park. The laugh and excitement were heard even in the corridor...Where Kim was standing and listening, as the doors were not closed fully.
- Manager Kim...-
He jumped on site after hearing a gentle voice talking from the back. With eyes wide open he tried to catch a breath.
- Director Choi, what brings you to the 7th floor? - asked one question but it seems he had more of them in his head.
- I'm just checking on our new boy group. How are they? -
The person standing there was a middle-aged tall woman with black long hair tied nicely in a twisted low bun. Minimal makeup, just long lashes and mat lipstick in a dark burgundy color. She was wearing a black office suit set with a grey shirt under. She casually came under the door and listened to any sounds coming from the gap.
- Considering Kyungsoo will train and lead them, we can expect something new and satisfying... - he answered a question from a few seconds ago, but his tone sounded like he was not admitting it easily.
Then Choi opened the heavy door without any warning, walked inside, and closed it behind leaving Kim alone in the corridor...
When she entered, the silence fell in the studio. Kyungsoo rose and bowed his back:
- Director Choi -
The rest of the boys did the same. She casually moved to KyungSoo's site and turned to the Tempo members.
- Are you enjoying your time here? Do you find this session helpful? -
"YES!" They shouted together at once while raising clenched fists like they were ready for a battle.
- Good - Director smiled and turned to Kyungsoo - how do you see this? -
For some reason, they both started slowly moving to the vocal booth, without a word like they were sharing the same mind. - Doh Kyungsoo - saying his full name intended to speed up his answer. He smiled gently and while walking inside the vocal booth he started:
- They have talent but no technique. It will take a while, I'm not a vocal couch. Will practice with them the songs and explore their abilities to sound the best as it's possible on recordings, but they should start training now. They don't even know the vocal range...- and stopped because he realized Choi is laughing amused by his words - ...OK? -
- I apologize, it's just I'm still impressed even after many years. You grown tall Kyungsoo-yah - she looked at him in a way mother would look at her son and that made him speechless - I'm glad that I made you stay that day. You are the most irreplaceable person in this building. Come to think about it, do you still have this...trauma?.. - stopped. Is this the best word? Can she ask it directly? A few years ago saying the word "trauma" was like playing with fire. He looked into her eyes with disbelief. Then, calmed down as if this question never happened, looked at the microphone and the chair in the middle and almost whispered:
- I have no idea, to be honest... a lot is going on in my life and I somehow forgot about the past. But I like how I live now, thank you, again, for giving me a chance back then - he then gratefully smiled and bowed slightly.
- I will never forget when I found you on that floor backstage... also, I will never forget when you were the only candidate on casting who came with a Pen-drive, printed off lyrics and sang your own song. I knew I couldn't lose you back then...-
This silent second was long like an hour. Was the sliding in his lower eyelid tear a manifestation of joy or the terrific memories?
- If you ever wish to try again, please let me know. I won't be lying, as a director I wish to use all your capabilities for business purposes, but...as a friend... I just want you to be happy and not limited because of your fears. I'll help you, whenever you feel you are ready - her caring smile gave Kyungsoo comfort. "Thanks" he nodded head.
When she was about to open the door, she stopped and raised her hand:
- I remember! This is something I have learned today *ha ha ha*- laughed suddenly before even revealing the reason - Staff is calling you producer K.O. - and covered her laughing face by hand. Confused KyungSoo wasn't sure if he should laugh too:
- What does that mean? -
- I didn't know either, but apparently, K.O. in games means the final blow, and employees are saying you are always giving the final blow to every work - she still laughed like it's the best joke ever. This was surprising but not unpleasant. Kyungsoo felt like laughing too and they both came back to the control room in a good mood.
The next day, and the day after, and the day after, all were looking the same. Producer K.O. comes to work at 7 a.m. and finishes around 8 p.m. Eating, reading, or watching movies then sleeping and waking up again. On Thursday there was no difference.
This day was long. Kyungsoo had to train Tempo as apparently, no vocal couch was available at that moment because they were in different cities and different branches. JJE was big enough so they could afford to employ additional staff, but it seems the recruitment and planning team missed this one job role in their plans and now they are blaming the low budget for short-staffing.
After this long day, at 5 p.m., Kyungsoo was still in the studio. He was working on the song he came up with 3 days ago, recording his voice, but not in the vocal booth, just sitting comfortably in his chair in the control room.
The doors opened, he didn't even have time to turn around when he heard:
- Kyungsoo-yah! - it was Chanyeol, waving his hand and smiling like a baby.
- How's it going? - at the same time slapped friends back. Then, Kyungsoo swung his elbow just in the center of Chanyeol's belly, but just touched to scare him, and it worked, his friend jumped back and started laughing.
- How are things? All good?-
- Yeah, I think so. Been buckling down for the last 4 days - raised his hands and stretched his back as much as he could.
- What about you? -
- Umm...nothing really, SeoJung and WSS are a pain in my butt, but we're fine with May now, so nothing will destroy my great mood. What about YiSeul? -
Kyungsoo just realized he didn't have any contact with her for 3 days. He was so knackered after work that he was managing only to send a Goodnight message...has she replied at all? He grabbed his mobile phone and started searching. She didn't...then he looked at Chanyeol who was standing with folded hands and gazing at his friend with disbelief.
- That's not good, is it? Instead of sitting here pointlessly, you should call her. Maybe she's mad, I would definitely be...- Kyungsoo grabbed the phone and ran to the corridor while pressing CALL.
- Finally, huh? - she answered...
He was in such a shock that couldn't construct the sentences. He didn't believed she answered... And why he didn't think about her in those 3 days? How selfish is he? She's angry, definitely angry...
- Y..YiSeul...apologies, I had loads of work to do...- "It's fine, I knew" she interrupted...
But what is this feeling of disappointment? Why is she not upset? Why is she supportive? He has done wrong! He is the worst boyfriend and yet, she is not angry.
Something seems off.
He knew it but didn't want to let this thought disturb his mind now.
- Are you happy to spend time with me tomorrow? I mean...I will work only 5 hours, most of the job is done. Do you want to go on a trip to an amusement park? -
- Why not? Sure! - she almost shouted into the phone and this made him satisfied. Then he came back to the studio where Chanyeol was waiting impatiently to joke around about this situation.
What a joyful day is waiting for you Kyungsoo-yah...
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fightoh · 1 year
Sorry to everyone who follows this blog and my Kyung Soo/fanfic side blog @sooghostwriter because I started rebloging his pictures in both blogs.
I'm not really sorry but hey! I tried.
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