#l 3-20
midnightpillsnacking · 8 months
[Loulou*di S3V4 L 3-20] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:DEJA VU Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
(Rui knocks on the door.)
Rui: Toki-bou. Is it alright if I come in?
(Rui enters the room.)
Rui: (draws the curtain) You’re awake.
Toki: …
Rui: (rifling through a wardrobe) Shall we go with these clothes for today? Or would you rather these? No, let’s just go with the set that’s hanging over there. Once, Ageha praised you when you wore it, and you seemed pleased by that.
(Rui walks over to Toki’s bed.)
Rui: Toki-bou. Can you sit up?
Toki: …
Rui: Allow me. (lifts Toki) … You’ve gotten a little lighter. I’ll propose to the medical team to revise your nutrition management. But before that, let’s get you changed. … Ah, we can’t forget about this–your stuffed bear. It’s something important to you, isn’t it? I’ll leave it by your hand.
(The door opens from behind.)
Ageha: How disgusting.
Rui: Ageha. Were you watching again?
Ageha: Are you saying that I have a sick hobby? That’s rich coming from a man who plays with dolls.
Rui: You told me to look after Toki-bou. I’ll stop doing it if you tell me to do so.
Ageha: … Do whatever you want.
(Ageha leaves.)
Rui: …Toki-bou, you dropped this. … Right now, you may not be that much different from me. (to himself) My true wish, huh…?
Toki: … hm…
Rui: Toki-bou. Toki-bou, are you alright?
Toki: … Rui-san?
Rui: Good morning, Toki-bou.
Toki: Why are you… in my room? And these clothes…
Rui: It may be our off day, but it’s not healthy to lay in bed all the time. And I came here to help you get changed.
Toki: Our off day… is when we don’t have work. Rui-san, was I a burden?
Rui: Nothing of the sort. With the Music Awards coming up, our schedules have been adjusted to accommodate some time for rest.
Toki: How about Ageha-san…?
Rui: If you’re asking where he is, he should be in the living room. He mentioned that he needed to do some final touches to prepare for the performance.
Toki: Then… What should I do?
Rui: You… should do as you like.
Toki: What I like…?
Rui: … The weather’s pleasant today. It would be nice to step out for a walk.
(Rui and Toki enter a shop)
Rui: We visited this patisserie before.
Toki: Hm? No, I’ve never been here before.
Rui: I see. The company finances this establishment. There’s nobody else in this shop except for us. Go ahead and pick whatever desserts you like.
Toki: Desserts I… like?
Rui: … It says here that their recommendation is the seasonal fruit tart.
Toki: Should we pick that?
Rui: No, we don’t have to make a decision right now. Let’s take a look at the rest. They have other kinds of desserts aside from tarts.
Toki: There’s too many to choose from.
Rui: Which seems good to you?
Toki: What about you, Rui-san?
Rui: Hm?
Toki: Which is your favorite out of everything here?
Rui: … The sachertorte from here… was something Ageha once took a liking to.
Toki: Ageha-san did? … What are these over here?
Rui: That’s an opera cake.
Toki: Both seem to suit Ageha-san.
Rui: The shortcake over here seems to be something that you would like the look of. It might appear simplistic, but the soft white stands out in a vibrant showcase.
Toki: … You’re right.
Rui: Let’s go with that for our first pick. 
Toki: But… Why are we buying it? Today’s our off day, so it’s not like we would need it for a shoot.
Rui: The purpose is for us to take it back to the dorm to eat. 
Toki: Eh?
Rui: But… If you’re asking why we’re buying cake, or even for a more basic explanation, then I myself don’t really understand.
Toki: You don’t understand, but you still purposely come all the way here?
Rui: Yes. Just that… When I was still living with my family, I often did this kind of thing with my younger brothers. At the time, I didn’t understand what my brothers were excited about, but the look on their faces is something that I suddenly recalled.
Toki: Really… 
Rui: If… you want a goal that you can accomplish as part of Loulou*di, after we buy the cakes, shall we invite Ageha to have tea with us to talk about it?
Toki: That sounds like a good idea.
Rui: Great. Then, let’s choose the next cake. I’ll let Ageha know that you were the one who picked it out for him.
Toki: Got it. 
Rui: We’re back.
Ageha: Rui. Where the hell were you?
Rui: The patisserie the company is partnered with. 
Ageha: And you took him with you?
Toki: …
Rui: There was no one but us in the shop. The risk was at the minimum, so there’s nothing to worry about. 
Ageha: Wouldn’t it be nice if that were the case.
Rui: We bought some cakes. Do you want to have tea?
Ageha: Tea…? You must be joking. You’re asking me to have a tea party at such a busy time like this? The two of you can do whatever you like with just yourselves.
Rui: Toki-bou chose a cake for you.
Ageha: Toki did…? 
Rui: Yes. 
Ageha: … (sighs) 30 minutes. After that, I’m gone.
Rui: Alright. I’ll prepare the tea. Toki-bou, lay out the dishes and the cakes.
Toki: Yes, understood.
Rui: Something like this happened before. Toki-bou also picked out a dessert for you and the three of us ate together. Do you remember?
Ageha: Me, doing something like that? Rui, could you keep your sick fantasies to yourself?
Rui: Did you forget, Ageha?
Ageha: What?
Rui: I’m asking if you forgot.
Ageha: … Shut up and eat.
Rui: Sure.
(The three of them eat quietly.)
Rui: Toki-bou, how is it?
Toki: Yes, it’s delicious.
Rui: That’s good. Is the tea enough for you?
Toki: Yes, it’s enough.
Ageha: You can drop the diligent butler act now. Do you genuinely want to play house with dolls that much? 
Rui: You told me to look after Toki-bou. I’m simply following your instructions.
Ageha: …tch.
Rui: …
Ageha: … You look like you have something to say.
Rui: No, it’s nothing. You’re always in the right.
Ageha: In the right…? Are you the one that decides whether what I do is right or wrong?
Rui: That wasn’t what I meant. 
Ageha: I wonder. Are you trying to judge me for putting you in charge of Toki?
Rui: Ageha, calm down. Don’t exert yourself. It’s not good for you.
Ageha: … What’s good for me…? What the hell do you even know about me?
Rui: Ageha, I–
Ageha: Are you trying to say you understand me? Bastard who doesn’t even know the meaning of righteous… What do you think you’re trying to pull?!
(Ageha shoves some crockery off the table and breaks them.)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: … Do you doubt the Loulou*di I aim for? 
Rui: I wouldn’t dream of it.
Ageha: Are you unhappy that Toki turned out like this?! 
Rui: Do you intend to kill me… with those hands of yours?
Ageha: (starts to strangle Rui) Are you testing me? I’m not reversing a single criterion for grabbing you by the neck.
Rui: It seems like you wouldn’t… There’s not a drop of strength in your fingers.
Ageha: Strength…? I’ll show you, dammit…! (strangles Rui further) Putting on a poker face and agreeing to everything I say, when deep down you’re laughing at me, right? You’re thinking that the path I aspire towards is nothing but a mistake!
Rui: The thought has never once crossed my mind. 
(Rui grabs Ageha.)
Ageha: Let me go!
Rui: You’re not mistaken.
Ageha: Ah, you’re right, I’m not mistaken! For me… For Toki… In this world, those that fall from the stage lose, no matter the reason. Even Toki knows that! That’s why he chose this. He reveres the path I chose for him!
Rui: Calm down, Ageha. You’re agitating your body.
Ageha: I told you I don’t need your concern! If you wish to see me suffer so badly, then wipe that look off your face!
Rui: ‘Wish’...?
Ageha: Agitating my body? So what? No matter what happens, I will never fall from the stage. I’ll scale to the same peak Chihiro did, I’ll surpass him, I’ll prove to the world the human that I am!
Rui: Ageha, you–
Ageha: Move! 
(Ageha shoves Rui and grabs Toki.)
Toki: …
Ageha: Toki. Toki!
Rui: Ageha, stop. Toki-bou is–!
Ageha: Listen up, Toki! I couldn’t care less if you’re a doll or anything else, but I’m sick of having our activities halted. Just why do you even want to be an idol, huh? Forget all you want, but don’t you ever forget the scum who made you like this. Do not forget your hatred! If you forget your hatred, then you would never know of happiness. Your happiness is with Loulou*di. No matter what happens, don’t you ever forget that!
Toki: Yes, Ageha-san.
Ageha: Don’t let yourself be taken over. I won’t forgive you if you die. You came so far and chose to be with Loulou*di. That will of yours… is what I will acknowledge. 
Toki: Yes, Ageha-san.
Ageha: Don’t yield to anything or anyone else but me. Whatever your reason to live, wherever you want to set your sights on, I will never abandon you. Whatever I told you that day, make sure to etch them onto your heart.
Toki: Yes, Ageha-san.
Ageha: You’re not a vessel to be unjustly oppressed and trampled on. You’re an irreplaceable member who will never become a failure and who chose to fight. You were placed in a unit suited to you, as a human suited for Loulou*di. Not just anyone… but I, myself, will acknowledge that. 
Toki: …
Ageha: What do you think? Who… are you?
Toki: I am… Sakurai Toki… of Loulou*di.
Ageha: Ah, I see. That’s good. Then, everything…
Toki: … (collapses)
Rui: (rushes over) Toki-bou, are you alright?
Toki: Rui-san, why are you asking something like that? I’m happy. Ageha-san acknowledges me. Rui-san is holding my hand. I’m needed, I’m loved by the people I treasure… By the both of you, by the fans. If I can be an existence befitting of Loulou*di, then I’ll always, always, forever…
Rui: That’s… Is that what you truly wish for? …Ageha.
Ageha: Rui. Follow me until the very end.
Rui: The very end… Ageha, I…
Ageha: Will you take my hand? Or will you reject it? What will you do?
Rui: I didn’t have a choice to reject your hand to begin with. There was never such a choice.
Ageha: (laughs) Rui. Toki. Listen carefully. We will never let the world of Loulou*di be tainted, nor expose its hideous state. I will never forgive anything that betrays the fans. We’re professional idols. We have always been, and we will always be. We’ll continue to wager our lives upon this stage. We will never let ourselves be swallowed by the will of the flowers. We’ll come out on top and stand proud and perfect on the stage until the very end. The time has come. Finally, the Music Awards…!
Rui: The words ‘to wager our lives’... in an era where there are plenty of expressions to mean the same thing, the words Ageha said didn’t lose their gravity, and were not things to speak of lightly. Just what is an ‘idol’? Why do we sing? Why do we talk about dreams? Like an imperfect human to take one step closer to becoming a perfect god, the flowers free us from our distortions and our abnormalities. But even as we carry on with our lives as we rightfully should, if we can become normal humans, then will we be able to see through all the deception…? Will I finally be able to know my true wish…?
(End of Hana-Doll Think of Me:DEJA VU (Season 3, Volume 4 of Loulou*di))
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cosmonova · 1 year
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Hello residents of the City it's that time of year again
(Transparent logos)
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ssruis · 2 months
Lethal tenmas induced mental illness attack. At some point I need to write up a long post on their relationship but for now take these lines with minimal commentary. attempt to figure out the points and connections I’m making in my head if you’d like.
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(Doll Festival at the Tenmas)
> Difference in how they describe Tsukasa bringing saki the dolls (saki focusing on him bringing them to her even though he got hurt, tsukasa focusing on how he failed and got the dolls dirty)
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(Saki’s Live with Memories card story)
> “w/out you I wouldn’t have been able to deal w all the treatment” what if I died
> tsukasa trying to see from the brother’s side, saki does the opposite. I don’t think Tsukasa would do what the brother did in LwM but I think he can see where he’s coming from.
> there’s a point I could make about the brother pulling back to encourage the sister to bond w her dad’s new family (wrt saki & L/N and tsukasa) but it’s more of a “it could be looked at an extreme version of what could happen/could have happened” situation & I don’t trust tsukasa fans not to misread it and villainize saki. Bc the brother was in the wrong here but we all know how tsukasa fans treat the main story. Anyways.
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(Toya’s Doll Festival card story)
> most evil moment in the entire game I hate the writers.
> Sense of responsibility for her wellbeing happiness vs saki seeing that and trying to hide any sadness to prevent him (& her parents) from worrying.
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(Tsukasa’s Doll Festival card story)
> saki guilt complex
> “then it’ll be dark and I’ll be alone” said by tsukasa as a kid in a flashback (saki is well aware that he is also struggling) (hence the guilt complex) (evil!)
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(Tsukasa’s Dazzling Lights card story)
> autotuned baby crying.
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(Tsukasa’s Twilight Musical Parade card story)
> no one wants to talk about saki & the guilt she feels about people doing things for her esp wrt tsukasa like. Look. Tsukasa does it happily. He would saw off his arm if she asked.
> But saki doesn’t ask for that and that level of dedication to her happiness is something she feels she needs to repay (on some level). But he won’t let her because he doesn’t think it needs to be repayed. Stalemate.
> all that to say I think “was it all for me” is such an insane line that goes so under recognized because nobody wants to analyze saki. Can you imagine how scary it would be to worry that the path a loved one is taking is entirely for you. You can’t repay that. It’s too much. I’m tired but the point I’m making is I think Saki wanted to know that he wasn’t doing it all for her.
> Cut out tsukasa’s answer but I think “I was but that was only the beginning & now I am an insane freak about theatre it’s my life” was a perfect answer. Turns it from a weight saki would feel into a gift saki gave him. You know.
Saki: I always kept how I really felt a secret to make sure you wouldn’t worry about me.
Saki: I couldn’t say what I really meant. I just smiled and nodded. It’s no wonder that you didn’t understand how I really felt, Tsukasa.
(Doll Festival at the Tenmas)
> as I said.
Tsukasa: However, Saki doesn’t want anyone to worry about her. Not even her own family.
Tsukasa: So she tries to keep quiet about feeling unwell from anyone else…
(Rui’s Twlight Musical Parade card story) (**EDIT I’m a fraud it’s tsukasa’s not Rui’s)
> as I said (p2)
Saki: Tsukasa…
Saki: (He took a day off from his part time job to stay home with me.)
Saki: (That’s one more person I’ve inconvenienced.)
(First Star After the Rain)
> saki guilt complex again. Foundational quote wrt her relationship w tsukasa.
> “the complications of my illness are a burden on my loved ones that I can never pay back” would love for colopale to challenge this (grabbing the writers by the neck and shaking them like a dog with a chew toy)
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(Valentine’s Day Alliance)
She’s talking abt not relying on her friends here but this is p clearly a mindset that carries over to her relationship with her family.
Toya: Also, you’d never turn away a sick animal. There’s no way you could ever do anything cruel to someone with an illness.
(On the Stage of Dazzling Lights)
> said while saki is like 2 ft away. What this was my final straw colopale.
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(On the Stage of Dazzling Lights)
> haha he’s like a dog (mocking so I don’t feel sad)
> as I’ve talked abt before on other posts: her happiness is his happiness. His middle school sad era is because saki was suffering. People who make content abt this and make the angst way higher than it canonically is while literally ignoring saki is so insane to me. I feel like the joker.
Tsukasa: … You did well, Hiro. You’re officially the coolest big bro in the world right now.
Tsukasa: That’s why, even for just a little while, you should keep those tears on hold.
Tsukasa: Your friend and sister are watching.
Hiro: ….sniff…. Okay!
Tsukasa: Alright! Now go out there with your head held high!
Tsukasa: (“Weird face”, huh?)
Tsukasa: (Maybe Meg has never seen that kind of face before since she’s his little sister.)
(Tsukasa’s fragment sekai card story - TL Tsukasa’s #3 Fan)
> they could never make me hate this card peak tsukasa peak tsukasa peak tsukasa. It’s peak.
> “maybe she’s never seen it before because she’s his little sister” I’m going to kill him with my own two hands.
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kazuichikazuichi · 2 years
literally no idea what they're saying again lol but behind the scenes gundham + kaz (+ fuyu) !!! I love all of them so much
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
my five surviving braincells when something remotely good happens:
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#in other news… wORK IS OVER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#man. i’m s o tired. i can’t believe i survived almost 2 whole years at this job…#huh. come to think of it… i started tling idol sengen before i even got this job lol. and i’m only 3/5 of the way through it…#can’t believe the idol sengen grind->hiatus->grind(?) outlives my time at [withheld] company…#i did end up spending a cool 20 mins cleaning out my work locker though. i found so many treasures i didn’t even know i had in there#like. there was an unopened 3-pack of wet tissues a n d an unopened box of pens that i don’t recall buying#and ofc the 3 random sponges i ‘liberated’ from the lab. don’t tell my boss lmao#w a i t now that i think about it i should’ve taken at least 1 vial of (allegedly) carcinogenic sand for the memories. dammit.#oh well. what’s done is done i suppose. i did receive way more chocolate than i could ever eat though…#y. yeah. i guess i’ll miss my coworkers (a little). they were fun to annoy every day. except for the new guy bc i don’t like him at all lol#i have never met someone who lacked as much common sense as he. i think he’s gonna get canned before he’s able to resign on his own terms#dude could be spoonfed through every single step of the testing process and *still* mess up somewhere smh#but no. this isn’t about him. even though he is the final straw that led to my decision to resign#hm. looking back on it now. i think i was pretty good at my job for the most part when it came to the things i could do#or maybe i was too good at it. like. to the point where even more experienced analysts were coming to me in search of help#prolly gonna miss being one of the very best (out of like a grand total of 10 people at the lab) at doing ftir-related tests#ehehehehehehe i wonder if that workstation will continue to stay as organised as it is now that i’m gone#a n d i wonder what my coworkers will do now that they can’t ask me for ms excel help for the smallest of things lol#sometimes i just wanna tell them to g o g o o g l e i t ! ! ! when they call me over for it. but alas.#can’t believe these guys know how to use c h a t g p t and not ms excel (despite having it on their resume) smh#omg wow this got long and incoherent sorry guys i think i need some sleep lol. idol sengen next week..#…maybe…? no promises though!!!!!
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hballegro · 9 days
having a great time playing Cult of the Lamb in my cult that i named MASH 4077 for the Bit before it crashes on me and i get frustrated enough to pick up the 5 pages i wrote last night and duplicate them
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verytendou · 3 months
Haciendo todo esto y todavia diciendo a los de latam que ellos tienen la problema 💀
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#WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRR idec#i prommy this is theblast one but i hope every gringo on this site trying to pretend like they care abt anything other than the fact the us#lost hard (lol!) and being weird to latam [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]#as a gringo im allowed to say that 🙏#acutando como que los importan es el deporte y no que ellos se creen mejor de esta copa 💀#‘ive never seen anything like this 😣’ entonces nunca has visto esta copa 💀#rip to you but ive been watching since i was born for the hashtag patria (i know) and what IVE never seen before is the AUDACITY DE ESTES GR#[GUNSHOT NOISE] hahah anyways. im calm.#but like whatever its not like this is OUR tournament that YOU asked to be part of and YOU asked to host and YOU provided shit set up for#and YOU put players in over 100 degree heat for and YOU continue to be weird about and YOU continue to try and make stupid claims during and#[GUNSHOT NOISE 2] haha. calm. thats me.#solo creo que es chisto que- [GUNSHOT NOISE 3] okay that one was a prank fr i promise. anyways turning off rbs#anyways rip to ppl that dont normally watch this tournament but this is the only one i DO watch so maybe be strong or smth. babies fr :|#ni puedo decir el classico jugamos como nunca y perdimos como siempre de PER bc WTF WAS THATTTTTT#and i personally am being such a brave little boy abt. what do you even know abt that. nothing.#eeuu jugaron como siempre Y PERDIERON COMO SIEMPRE WE ARE NOT THE SAME#ENFOCATE EN TU PAIS#anyways this is one of the leas egregious examples of how horrible these fans have been this tournament but didnt feel like dropping the#actually nasty shit bc we are all aware lmfao.#anyways i didnt spend 20+ years watching my parents have to explain what sudaca is to ppl (including other l*tines!) for this 🙄#anyways whatever once again idec and i have to go pray for ven to win it all (delusional) since per has beef with like wveryone 😭#HERES HOW WE CAN STILL WIN- (<- insane)#v.txt#also abt the spanish. before you say anything… i am aware alright 😭 my parents never corrected my spelling im begging u to let me be 😔#wait last one ‘porque solo estan usando sus arbitros 😣’ ES NUESTRA COPA GRI[GUNSHOT NOISE FINALLLLLL]#ni quiero imaginar que estaban diciendo en el comm ingles 💀
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cryptidcalling · 3 months
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roseband · 4 months
im sauuuuur sad cause i found nearly the entire kate spade juniper line items in my size in various lot less stores in the city EXCEPT the jackets and i want completion (and suits) but to buy either jacket on poshmark/ebay it'll run me like 2 hundo and i cannot justify that on a jacket, especially when the other pieces i got for under 25 :/
discount stores only having bits and pieces of sets, why do you torture me so ;~; iun wanna have two dresses and the skirt w/o the matching JACKET!!!!!!
(also damn i def don't have a spending problem when it comes to clothing, but gosh, i think i have a shopping/storage problem that's enabled by my walk in closet =_=)
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tecchan · 5 months
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He's so babygirl
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bittwitchy · 5 months
cw anti st*ggy and st*cky joke:
its funny how much i hate st*ggy considering i also dont like st*cky romantically
#but funnily enough i AM a steve/sam and b*cky/sam girl#but thats the one poly i wont approve of#for me u do u friends#how many tags do i have to do before it no longer shows up in tags brw#bc the fandoms for both of those ships are vile#esp when u admit to preferring sam w both of them they just get plain r*cist sometimes#i know its 20 to stay out of the tags but#will 20 also stop the flaggings from picking it up bc i dont wanna do that either#i wanna make sure your tag blocks work yknow#wtf even is sam and b/uckys pairing name#like im a b/uckyn/at aka w/interwi/dow girlie as well and they have both#is it like… w/interfa/lcon????#why is b/uckys name first it should be sams#honestly that fandom is wild if you talk abt ships nnur ships arent the popular ones like#i woll dully admit i ship wild stuff too#not rly wild if m*rv*l cared enough to actually build the rels peoperly but like#as a comic reader im a st*ron fan and im forever mad at how they#royally fucked up sh/arons story just bc they wanted to fuck w h/ayley a/twell a known woman hater posing as a f/eminist#i do like st*ny but only when done right bc lbr… they couldnt even do theirn#friendship right enough to make cw actually impactful#and i dont understand why ‘literally was earning almost a billion per movie at the time even before they all were’ m*rv*l#chose to fuck w what cap 3 was to ‘compete w b/atman v s/uperman’ like#they had zero to worry abt ppl wont even pay attention to zacks films and pick apart anything to hate they can#ppl hate subtle storytelling which is how he storytells he hates shoving the plot in your face he wants you to overthink it#and they were launching the universe then like it was NEVER going to be a competition they just freaked tf out for no reason#losers#ima tag them now hopefully i dont end up int he tags if u have those antis blacklisted lmk if it works#anti steggy#anti stucky
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Muse to play 'Origin Of Symmetry' in full at Reading And Leeds Festivals 
Matt Bellamy tweets the news about 2001 album
March 29, 2011
Muse are planning to play their 'Origin Of Symmetry' album in full at the Reading And Leeds Festivals this summer, according to Matt Bellamy.
The frontman had already stated that the band's headline sets would draw heavily from their 2001 album. He also said that the shows would be the last time some of those songs were played live.
Now he has tweeted that the Devon trio will be playing the 2001 album, their second, from start to finish.
He wrote from Twitter.com/bellamy_matt: "So we'll probably play 'Origin...' in its entirety (as well other songs) at Reading/Leeds as it will be 10 years since it came out."
The Reading And Leeds Festivals take place on August 26–28. Muse headline the Friday night (26) at Leeds and the Sunday night (28) at Reading.
My Chemical Romance, The Strokes and Pulp will also play headline slots.
Muse to play 'Origin...' songs for the 'last time' at Reading And Leeds Festivals
Matt Bellamy and co. talk to NME about headline slots
March 22, 2011
Muse have said they are likely to play some songs from their 'Origin Of Symmetry' album for the "last time" at this year's Reading And Leeds Festivals.
The band were speaking in the new issue of NME (March 23) or available digitally. They are joining My Chemical Romance in headlining the August events, while The Strokes and Pulp will play co-headline slots.
Frontman Matt Bellamy said that the band want to mark the 10-year anniversary of 'Origin Of Symmetry''s release in some way at the shows.
"It's probably the last time some of these songs will ever be played live again," he said of the 2001 album. He explained that the shows would see the band "drawing a line under one phase of our career".
He added: "It was on the second album ['Origin...'] that things really started happening for the band, and when we focused on the live side of things much more. So it'll be like coming full circle: we've gone off on one a little bit, and now it feels like the right time to pull it back and remind ourselves of what we were doing 10 years ago."
The Reading And Leeds Festivals take place on August 26–28. Muse headline the Friday night (26) at Leeds and the Sunday night (28) at Reading.
#muse#muse band#muse interviews#muse news#muse history#2011#Reading and Leeds#Muse live#Resistance era#archived#music festivals#NME#Ah the good old days of early Muse social media. bellamy_matt; MattB; all the other 'rubbish' names that preceded MattBellamy#also Muse were *really* early to social media given that after 3 tries at a public high profile account Matt could still get MattBellamy#and Muse are just @Muse like Tumblr was the only one where they didn't get that (tipping my hat to tumblr user @muse)#MCR Pulp The Strokes and Muse can you imagine#(if I was feeling cranky I'd say remember when we used to have festivals dedicated to one genre?#Reading was a rock festival and that was fine otherwise it's no different from Glastonbury (it's now no different from Glastonbury)#and in trying to become a Glastonbury copycat I feel R+L has lost something that made it unique :/ Like both 2022 and 2023 I have enjoyed#Glasto more. I think Glasto 2022 was their bets bill in like. 20 years. 2022 Reading did not compare#because obviously they can't book the exact same lineup and so Glasto gets all the good bands first. And then the heavier acts that used to#differentiate Reading from Glastonbury Reading doesn't care about them anymore it's now busy booking popstars to make up the sales#and it's like. GUYS!! You will never uncover the next generation of rock giants if you don't GIVE! Them! A fucking! Chance!!#Put Nova Twins on the Main Stage headline and watch rock fans come to the rock festival.#Don't get me wrong — I think Billie Eilish is insanely talented and should definitely be headlining festivals (she's headlining Osheaga thi#weekend!) But I don't see why Reading needs to become Coachella. Download is a metal festival right? It's okay for festivals to have genres#those are the pathways for new musicians. If only pop musicians get coverage anywhere and everywhere it's over for everyone else#oh fuck it; this is a different post. Not really the point for a muse historical article. Enjoy this post
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
unnecessary comparison of the day!
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volume 5’s release of one of asuna’s chapters changed the subject of her stan twt cancellation posts from mona to miyu (of frusu)!
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scottstiles · 1 year
does anyone know if the gif dimensions still matter when posting with this ridiculous new format?
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cescalr · 11 months
ah. time to start adding 'secret' by the pierces (original and 2020 remake) to all my trafficverse playlists. Except Rendog. Not here this time. Joining the ranks of skipping a season.
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^ If anyone was wondering (you weren't, probably. Still; posterity).
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dudeshusband · 1 year
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that's all that needs to be said about that's my boy
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