lradnoti-blog · 1 month
Orbán Viktor tévedése
Az ügyészség koncepciós pereket folytat, inkompetens bírók együttműködésével Reflexió a miniszterelnöki exkluzív interjúra Sulyok Tamás az Alkotmánybíróság elnökségét inkompetensen látta el. Az Alkotmánybíróság nem védi a tisztességes bírósági eljáráshoz való jogot a megalapozatlan ítéletekkel szemben. Orbán Viktor Novák Katalint is megalázta, hogy ne derüljön fény jogtipró rendszerének bűnére. Novák Katalin kegyelmi döntése helyes. Kóny Endre és Vásárhelyi János nem kényszerítették a kiskorút, aki önként akart visszatérni oda, ahol állítólag molesztálásnak volt kitéve. Novák Katalin nem tudta, vagy nem merte megindokolni helyes döntését. Szerencsétlen miniszterelnökünk - ha nem is szavaztunk a Fideszre, most már a miénk, sajna - azt hiszi, hogy igazságszolgáltatásunk szuperül szuperál Mindenki börtönben, akinek ott a helye - De milyen áron?
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kampeszino · 4 months
Weöres Sándor: ÍGY MEG ÚGY
Furcsa ember az irígy,
Torkán mérges a mirígy,
Egyszer úgy, egyszer így,
Az irígynek sohse higgy.
Furcsa ember a hazúg,
Nyelve csípős, mint a lúg,
Egyszer így, egyszer úgy,
Hogy igazat sose tudj.
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belladonnaslover · 1 year
gods of my lineage
Irish Celtic
Warrior, craftsman, savior
Sun, storms, raven, lynx, spear
Wisdom, poetry, healing , protection
Fire, oak, 3 circles, serpent, crescents back to back
Youth, beauty, love
Cat, dove, dove/sparror, deer, pink , red, green
War, life and death
Red, acords, crow
Smithing and hospitality
Sword, hammer, lance head, beer
eloquence, inspiration, language, magic, music, physical strength, poets, writers
Chains, vines
Personification of the sea
Ba-th or baðβ]
Banshee, crows
Bodb Derg
Bod Dərg
Red Crow
Red, crows
Giants and the scorching sun
Caer Ibormeith
Kī-ər i-vuhr
sleep and dreams
Whites, swan, yew
Triple goddess of ireland
Tryant god of fertility
Modern goddess of ireland
Earth, soil, land of abundance
War and battle
Arrows and shield
Triple goddess of ireland
Protection and soil
disease and plague
Winter and blue
Manannán mac Lir
Mananán moc Lər
Sea and oceans
white water, green or a stylized fish.
stones, horses, seagulls, fish, amber, gold, flowing water, air, wind, earth, moon, keys and crowns.
fertility, agriculture, manliness and strength, as well as magic, druidry and wisdom
Pigs, harp, staff, cauldron
 death and fate
crow, the badb.
nature, grain, wealth, and horned animals
a stag and the ram-horned serpent, bulls, dogs & rats
Dian Cecht
Dīan Sect
healing and medicine
 Oak and Mistletoe
 crops and cattle
Moon, silver & white items and meadowsweet
Light and sun
Triple goddess of ireland
beauty, fertility, and reincarnation
silver wheel (spinning tools i.e. shuttle, yarn
the River Byone
A white cow, Hazelnuts, salmon
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versinator · 20 days
Találhatsz kobra
Bajnokát értetlenül sujtanak megúntam Forogni kezdődtek mezőjüket frissesége Háztetőbe fond verseng alkottam Istennőt pusztasága üstökű meztelensége
Csináltuk legyőzöm lord megnyugodtam Szemer denevérszárnyakkal nyughassatok öröksége Cafrangot erdeivel kiviruljon haltam Folyj szakállú vadonát egyszerüsége
Álltát melegágy tényeket rozsdája Érezéd lúg atyádnak alkottam Gyüjtöm csüggtem zsongással nyálkája
Megrészegszem fürtön hajlás guggoltam Kakasok szögezve kurtább pápája Értőknek evezőnk megől megnyugodtam
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
A Dragon's Breath
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iKRXw8M
by Katzenente
Naurien Lúg-chwest, better known as "Dragon's Breath", plunges into an unexpected adventure with 13 dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard. On their way to the lonely mountain they already had to face countless dangers, but now the young elf was facing a painful reunion in her old homeland, which opened up the wounds of the past again. (Three-Shot)(Legolas x OC)
Words: 3698, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Original Characters, Gandalf | Mithrandir
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Love, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Drama & Romance, Romantic Fluff, Dark Past
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iKRXw8M
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
A Dragon's Breath
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LcnyE5A
by Katzenente
Naurien Lúg-chwest, better known as "Dragon's Breath", plunges into an unexpected adventure with 13 dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard. On their way to the lonely mountain they already had to face countless dangers, but now the young elf was facing a painful reunion in her old homeland, which opened up the wounds of the past again. (Three-Shot)(Legolas x OC)
Words: 3698, Chapters: 2/3, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Original Characters, Gandalf | Mithrandir
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Love, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Drama & Romance, Romantic Fluff, Dark Past
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LcnyE5A
0 notes
jassrain · 1 year
The shadow elf adjusted the blue blanket, turned poncho, for the umpteenth time.
"It's the best I got, I'm sorry it's so itchy" the knight sighed putting her helmet in the bag. The warm air is cooling against her brow from the heat of the helmet.
"It not that," the shadow elf grunted in her thick accent and husky voice, "just not used to covering," the dark elf finally admitted as she adjusted her belt and sash around the poncho.
The knight paused in tying the armor bag closed. "You mean clothes? But I've met other dark elves that were wearing…." She trailed off as the dark elf waved her hand.
"I from wild land beyond" the shadow pointed to the mountain Lúg Gamp or as known in common tongue, Dragon Claw. "Only ones among human and High Elf wear covers." She frowned and finally settled with her belt and bandelier in place over the poncho dress.
"If you knew that, how come you didn't have any clothes with you? You should have known you'd run into humans or high elfs." In the knight's opinion a high elf was worse than a highwayman but tried to keep it out of her voice.
"No human or high elf go where dark elf speak with Dragon Council." The shadow elf finally stood up.
She was tall and lean like most shadow elfs, though the poncho dress gave her a frumpy look, and while the knight was pleased with the result of the improvised dress the knight wished she didn't have to cover her new travel companion. The ashen skinned elf was easy on the eyes from her ruby red hair, dragon flared ears and piercing ruby eyes to her onyx finger and toe nails. The shadow elf would need boots but those would have to be bought either at a town or a traveling peddler, peddler seemed more likely.
The knight looked companion over by walking around her. "I suppose this will do, hopefully we can get you some more suitable clothes soon.
Where do dark elfs speak to the Dragon Council?"
"Aiwenor Sarn" the shadow elf answered "common tongue I think…."
"Sky Stone" the knight said "then it is good I met you. The Council of Mages has established a gate watch there and a rookerie has grown around the place." The dark elf looked mortified as the knight spoke and it crushed the knight's heart. "I'm sorry" the knight whispered, then continued "a few years ago the High Empire was destroying sites related to the Dragon Council, Sky Stone was the last site still standing or floating as it were. I'm heading there because that's my assignment, guard duty at Sky Stone gate."
“You’ll live there?” The dark elf asked, recovering from her mortification, oddly sounding hopeful to the knight.
“Yes, the mages arranged for me to have a house in the rookerie, after I see my superior I’ll be shown where it is, would you like to stay with me for a while?” The knight asked, sounding hopeful and surprising herself.
The shadow elf nodded, "I suppose should introduce self, I Naru."
"And I'm Emmy, I mean Emerelda" the knight bowed slightly "Naru, that's red?" Emerelda asked, her eyes flashing to Naru's hair.
"There other meaning but yes" Naru grinned, "but Emeralda?" Naru's ruby eyes flicked over the knight.
Emmy understood the question and smiled. Emmy had straight raven black hair from being under the helmet and soft blue green eyes "My grandmother was named Emeralda, and when I was born she said my eyes shone like hers." Emmy shrugged “they haven’t shone since, I think grammy just wanted me named after her.”
"Thank you, Emmy," Naru said, tasting the name. "Now I think we should find place to camp, we'll reach forest soon."
Emmy nodded in agreement.
Emmy at full height would look Naru square in the mouth. As her dark hair dried from the sweat and was ruffled by the wind, it became wavy. Emmy was broad shouldered with an ample bust to match and though she filled her armor she didn't spill out. Her armor was a leather halter with plate scale reinforcing her stomach and along the top of her bust, the design was to allow movement without sacrificing protection. At the moment The top of the bust and shoulders were exposed but in the bag with the helmet were shoulder plates and a collar that covered the gap. The gauntlet was fingerless with plates on the knuckles, back of the hand and up to the elbow on the sword arm, the shield arm had fingerless gloves with plates on the knuckles. She wore a leather and chainmail skirt half her thigh in length over knee length chaps that had plates on the outer thigh. Her leather boots were knee high with plate shin guards that extended above the knees. Most of the armor was brown leather or steel grey with touches of blue highlighting areas.
In the forest they set up camp in the branch of one of the larger trees at the forest edge. They didn't have a campfire as the night was warm and Emmy shared the dried meats and some cheeses with Naru.
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onsieluenkeli · 2 years
Egy ideje már keresem a ráhangolódást a Lúg 📖 című könyvre, mert nekik is kijár minimum az, hogy odafigyelve, és normálisan olvassam el, és tudom hogy nekem is nehéz lesz.
És azt hiszem megtaláltam. Ez a mini sorozat, tökéletes a könyv elé, mellé, után. 💯 Perfekt.
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Próbáld úgy nézni hogy kibírod, és nem olvasol utána, és nem spoilerezel! Nézd meg milyen egy aktuális filmben ábrázolva egy brutális tragédia, a tárgyalással, és a családi drámával együtt. - Ez is nehéz.
(A Netflix-en ott van az eredeti, a Francia gyártású dokumentumfilm, de aki még nem ismeri, annak érdemesebb a sztorit HBO-val kezdeni)
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maaaddiexo · 3 years
The Within Series | Legolas Greenleaf
Book 1: The Devil Within - Part 1.9
Mainlist | Serieslist
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Nyx of Tyndall does not know love or kindness. Cursed at a young age by a jealous witch, Nyx has lived a life of solitude and death.
Until Gandalf the Grey requests her presence and uncontrollable skill in assisting a young Hobbit across Middle-Earth with nine others to destroy a ring so powerful all fall victim to its evil.
Not only must Nyx face Orcs, demons, and creatures she’s never seen before, but also the devil inside. Controlling the devil is the key to finding freedom in a spell that can’t be broken. But it will not be so easy for Nyx when every obstacle she faces pushes her to an edge she cannot return from.
Chapter Nine
Nyx slept soundlessly that night, which surprised her. She’d been dwelling on her decision to join the Fellowship the moment she’d agreed. She was tired. She didn’t want to go any further. And yet, looking into Frodo’s eyes and feeling no judgement from Aragorn, how could she possibly say no?
An elf woke Nyx up in the early hours of dawn, helping her into a warm tub and rubbing the stress away with a sponge. Nyx did her best to fight the anger at not being allowed to sleep in but she was aware of the water heating up a few degrees when it should have been cooling. Her anger was stronger than before. Harder to control.
Afterwards, the elf helped Nyx into dark pants – she couldn’t tell if they were brown or black – and a dark blue turtleneck tunic. Overtop, she was given a thick woollen cloak, black as night. Her hair was braided into two inverted braids which were then secured in a bun at the nape of her neck.
“Low maintenance,” the elf explained, standing up. “Will you be joining the others for breakfast?”
Nyx inhaled. Since her arrival she’d avoided eating in the dining hall. Being around so many people made her uncomfortable, which made it easier for the evil within to take control win. But she would be traveling with these people now for who knew how long. She would have to get used to it. But, perhaps, not yet. “Oh, um, no. I need to finish packing.”
The elf nodded and left. Nyx moved to the end of her bed, where Elrond’s gifts from the day before lay.
“You will need weapons, my dear. And not just this old…thing,” he looked at the scythe with disdain. The blade was chipped and dull, and the wooden handle was thinning where she often gripped it. The wood was also stained with blood, but it often was and Nyx had grown tired of washing the wood when she didn’t even see anyone.
“I don’t have any other weapons, Lord Elrond. I’m sure I will be fine.”
“Nonsense. Since your arrival, I have had my people working on some new weapons for you. Including a new scythe. Gandalf tells me you are quite attached.”
“It’s the only way I’m connected to them.” Gandalf had told Nyx that her parents had lived on farm before they had her. And though she didn’t have any memories of them, this made her feel close to them.
Elrond nodded and placed Nyx’s old scythe against the wall. “Then it will be waiting right here for you when you return. But you cannot take that into war. It will splinter on the first strike. Here,” Elrond lifted his arm and two Elves came in. One carried a thick bundle wrapped in cloth while the other carried a scythe made fully of metal, with strips of black wood running with the long handle from top to bottom.
Nyx ran her hand along it in awe. “It’s beautiful.”
“It is strong. It will serve you well. And here.” The second Elf unraveled the bundle of cloth, revealing two daggers with birch hilts and a knife with a red wood hilt. “For extra protection.”
Nyx smiled at Elrond. “Thank you. You owe me nothing and yet you always offer so much.”
Elrond smiled. “You are worth so much more than you think, Nyx of Tyndall. Soon you will see.”
Nyx smiled. “I really am sorry about your gazebo. And your Council Room floor.”
Elrond laughed. “Already forgiven. But don’t expect me to forget anytime soon.”
Nyx sheathed her weapons in the leather holster the Elf had dressed her in underneath her cloak. There were slots for her two daggers and the knife, plus an additional holster that she wore over her cloak. One strap went around her chest while the across her chest like a sash. The holster was on the back. She’d had a similar one before, but it seemed Elrond had replaced that as well.
Nyx knew breakfast would be over by nine, so she was in the courtyard at nine-oh-five, patiently waiting for the rest to arrive. Ever the punctual Elf, Legolas was the first to arrive.
“Good morning, Lady Nyx.”
Nyx grimaced. “Please, just Nyx.”
Legolas inclined his head, hands behind his back. He carried a bow and arrow, the bow made from a material unlike anything Nyx had ever seen. The holster for his quiver was similar to Nyx’s. His hair was braided the same as the day before: a small one going around each ear and a larger one for the hair on the crown of his head. He was dressed differently than when he had first arrived. He wore tall brown boots and grey pants. Arm guards over a grey shirt and a green elven tunic. He touched Nyx’s scythe, which she had in her hand at the moment. His fingers ran over a small inscription in elvish near the hilt of the blade.
“Dilthen lúg. Little Dragon,” Legolas read. “What does that mean?”
Nyx furrowed her brow. “It is what Gandalf used to call me…when I was a little girl. I almost forgot he used to call me that.”
“Why did he call you that?”
Nyx closed her eyes, but the memory was a good one. Those were rare for her. “I had the short temper of a dragon. Plus, my bad habit of catching fire made the nickname an easy choice for Gandalf. I used to find it endearing. Now, people say my name with malice and fear in their voices.”
“Why? You do not look so dangerous. Except, of course, for the large weapon in your hands.”
Nyx looked at the scythe as someone else joined the two of them and spoke. Aragorn. “Do not doubt her, Legolas. She has more fire in her than you think.”
Nyx looked away and took a few steps back, under an old stone arch. The two conversed and she ran her thumb over the inscription Legolas had pointed out. She hadn’t even noticed it until he’d mentioned it. She looked over at the Elf. He was laughing with Aragorn freely and she wondered how two people who’d seen battle and taken so many lives could still be so happy.
She looked at Aragorn. Though she knew he meant nothing ill, his words bothered her still, and she felt the anger inside her swell.
Take control of it.
Nyx leaned her head against the stone wall, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. They didn’t work. It seemed she had less control over the evil inside her since she carried the Ring.
Gandalf was standing in front her, waving his hand back and forth in front of her face. The rest of the Fellowship had arrived but, thankfully, no one was paying attention to the two.
“Sorry, Gandalf.”
“What is troubling you, my dear?”
“It’s the Ring. It did something to me. I feel…angrier. The littlest things are making me angry. This morning, I nearly cut off the Elf’s head when she woke me up. And just now, Aragorn.” Nyx shook her head. “Maybe it is best if I do not journey with you.”
“Nonsense, my dear. You are one of us. There is more good in you than you think. Come.”
“The Ring Bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom,” Elrond announced. “On you who travel with him, no oath or bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you.”
“The Fellowship awaits the Ring Bearer.”
Frodo turned nervously, taking the time to look at all the people who had chosen to accompany him on quest they may not return from. He walked through the group, leading the way.
The moment they crossed over Rivendell’s border, the air of magic dissipated, and Nyx suddenly felt it hard to breathe. She was at the back of the group with Aragorn who noticed instantly.
“Sacred Elven places suppress other forms of magic that is not their own for the sake of protection,” he explained. “Now outside of Rivendell, you once again feel the full force of the curse.”
“It wasn’t this bad before,” Nyx whispered, mainly to herself. “The Ring did something to me. To the curse.”
“Perhaps when we destroy it, you will go back to normal.”
Nyx didn’t know what normal was. “Do you really think we will destroy it?”
Aragorn was silent.
That afternoon they stopped for lunch and a longer break than usual. While Boromir helped Pippin and Merry work on their swordsmanship and Sam handed out plates of food to everyone, Nyx sat silently beside Gandalf as he smoked his trusty pipe.
Gimli, who was slightly behind Nyx and Gandalf, spoke surely, “If anyone was to ask of my opinion, which I note they are not, I’d say we are taking the long way ‘round. Gandalf, we could pass through the mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome.”
A sour taste filled Nyx’s mouth at the name of Moria, but she wasn’t quite sure why.
“No, Gimli,” Gandalf replied softly. “I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice.”
“Why?” Nyx asked. “What’s wrong?”
“Evil lurks close there in the shadows,” Gandalf replied. “And since we are already walking straight into the fire, it would be best to avoid it when possible.”
Legolas, who had been watching the north, suddenly moved to the other side of the rocky outcropping to watch the south. He stared intently.
“What is it? What do you see?”
Legolas glanced at Nyx, who was squinting to try and see what he saw.
“Nothing, it’s just a whiff of cloud,” Gimli insisted.
“It’s moving fast,” Boromir stood. “Against the wind.”
“Crebain from Dunland!” Legolas shouted.
“Hide!” Aragorn shouted.
Nyx grabbed for Legolas, who remained where he was, quickly searching for the perfect place to hide. She found it nearly instantly, five paces from where they stood now. She dragged him along, tugging him under the curved boulder. Together, they tried to quiet their breathing and still their movements. Nyx heard everybody else scatter, their feet thumping against the ground as they ran for cover. She could feel Legolas’ chest against her shoulder and tried to match his steady breathing. It was hard but she managed to slow her breathing and calm the fire dwelling in the pit of her stomach.
The sky darkened with the birds’ arrival, caws piercing the air. Nyx saw their shadows on the ground in front of her as they flew by, circling the area before leaving in the same way they came. Slowly everybody emerged and watched the birds leave. Legolas looked back at their hiding place. From where he stood, he could barely see where they’d hidden.
“That is an excellent hiding spot,” Legolas admired.
Nyx shrugged and walked away. She was good at hiding. “What are they?”
“Spies of Saruman! The passage South is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras.”
Nyx looked up at the snowy mountain, its peak hidden above the clouds. She grabbed her pack and tightened the laces on her boots. They set out immediately, climbing the steep incline of the mountain range. Nearly to the top, there was a grunt from behind Nyx and she turned to see Frodo tumbling down the hill.
“Frodo!” Gandalf called, unable to do anything but watch him roll down the slope of the mountain. Thankfully, Aragorn stopped him before he could roll too far and immediately Frodo reached for his chest. The Ring was gone. He spotted it just as Boromir did, lifting it up by the chain and holding it closely to his face.
“Boromir,” Aragorn said softly. The man either did not listen to him or did not hear him.
“It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing… Such a little thing.” He reached up to touch it. Aragorn called his name again, this time firmer. The man heard him this time.
“Give the Ring to Frodo.”
Nyx watched from beside Gandalf as he reluctantly returned the Ring to Frodo and ruffled his hair. She turned to the wizard.  “I do not like the way he looks at the Ring. And I especially don’t like the way he looks at Frodo.”
Gandalf clenched his jaw, shifting his weight. “Neither do I, my dear. Neither do I.”
Part 1.10 ➺
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saelwen · 4 years
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Chapter One
Lachril Targaryen x ?
Game of thrones/ Middle-Earth Crossover
Summary: The sequel to The Last Dragon. Follow along with the adventures of Lachril and Idhrendir as they discover new cultures and races of Middle-Earth, seeing them learning from the Valar and the Elders. (Sorry I'm bad at summaries)
Warnings: Angst
Words: 2k
The sound of the gentle song from the morning birds made a small peaceful smile on Glorfindel's face, feeling the first warm rays of sunlight bathe his large room. Opening his ocean blue eyes, he turns his head towards the open door, which leads to the marble balcony, and saw the beautiful blue sky. Seeing some fluffy white clouds floating lazily on the sapphirine canvas.
A deep sigh fell from his thin lips as he pushes away from his face some pieces of his golden hair. Has much life in Middle-Earth have been peaceful, a sorrowful feeling hovered on Glorfindel’s mind. Every single day, the King of I Lúg Post missed his Dragon Queen, the love of his life.
Nightmares from the battle against the dead still plague his dreams, making his cold nights sleepless. Watching the empty space on the large bed beside him, wishing that one day he would wake up with the beautiful smile of his love... Daenys Targaryen.
Rubbing away the sleep from his eyes, the Elven King sat on the bed with a tired sigh. His ocean blue eyes fixed on the empty cold spot on the bed, where his Dragon Queen would sleep beside him. He put his large hand on the cold sheets, stroking gently the soft fabric.
“How I miss you, Melleth nin... every single day...” he whispers with a single tear falling down his pale cheek.
Closing his eyes, Glorfindel turn away from the empty space on the bed, knowing that she would not answer him with her melodic voice.
Standing up, the elven king begins to get ready for the day.
“LACHRIL!!” Maedhros’s voice echoed in the dining room as he barges in. His handsome face covered with little hair draws, making him look that had a dwarf beard.
The room was filled with laughs when the other elves saw the furious red-hair elf stomping into the room, especially his brothers. Even Lord Fëanor had a smile on his stern face.
In the corner of the room, hiding behind the curtains, was the silver troublemaker. Little giggles fell from Lachril’s lips as she sees her marvelous job on the angry elf.
The young princess was wearing her travel clothes, black trousers and a long beautiful shirt which resemble her mother’s and grandmother’s clothes. The Targaryen girl was a nightmare to her handmaidens, not wanting to wear fancy dresses or pass her days knitting with the rest of the Ladies. Instead, she spent her days on Daenerion’s back, her loyal mount.
Maedhros’s eyes follow the sound of her giggling and walk quickly towards the young princess. “Do you think it’s funny?! I can’t take this damn thing off!” he said while pointing to the fake beard on his face, making a fit of laugh escape from Lachril’s lips.
Her violet eyes were full of tears as she bends over with her arms around her stomach, laughing like a mad woman.
“Y..Yes!” she wheezes.
The red-hair elf grunted under his breath and glare to the silver-hair girl before him.
“You look good, Nelya!” Celegorm said while cleaning some tears from his eyes, making his older brother snarl at him.
“Shut up, Celegorm! Mind your own business” Maedhros said while trying to clean off the fake beard with his large hands, rubbing harshly.
“Well, brother... it’s my business since I helped Lady Lachril.” Celegorm’s voice was full of mischief, his face smug.
“I’m gonna kill you! Both of you!” the red-hair elf said, walking towards his seat at the table.
After everyone calms down, they return to their own business. Lachril walked to her seat, beside her twin brother. Idhrendir sigh and shook his head, making some piece of his silver hair fall down his shoulders.
“What?” she asked while filling her plate with fruits and some warm bread.
“Nothing...Just thinking that you should be more polite to our guests since you’re a princess, Sister.” Idhrendir said to his twin sister, his voice a little stern.
Since they were children, they were completely different. Idhrendir was a light warm breeze flowing down a valley while Lachril was a wild fire.
“Well, brother. I’m perfectly being a great host since I could make all our guests laugh and bring tears of joy to their eyes.” She said while eating a piece of apple, humming in pleasure as she feels the sweet flavor spreading in her tongue.
“At least you could wear something more... presentable, Sister.” He said as Tunniel grabbed his attention.
Ignoring his last comment, Lachril’s eyes wander around the large table, seeing people laughing and chatting cheerfully with one another. Her violet eyes stopped on a certain black-haired elf, Caranthir.
The Feanor son was a very strange elf to Lachril. From all the seven brothers, he was the most peculiar one. The black-haired elf was always on a corner of the room, shying away from everyone. Every time that his and Lachril locked, Caranthir turns into a blushing mess. Maglor and Celegorm once said that before he was a savage elf, not having any mercy to anyone. His temper was short and exploded by the smallest things.
Lachril was shocked when she heard this, surprise that such shy elf was like this before.
Looking down to the empty seat beside her, Lachril frown as she notices that her father hasn’t come out of his chambers yet.
“Where is ada?” She asked her twin brother, who was feeding romantically Tunniel.
“Don’t know... maybe he’s still asleep,” Idhrendir said white his violet eyes fixed on his love beside him.
As Lachril was about grabbing her twin attention again, the two large doors open. The silver-haired girl's eyes lit up as she saw her father walking into the room, a small smile on his pale lips.
“Good morning, Ada!” She said cheerfully as Glorfindel sat on his seat beside his lovely daughter.
“Good morning, my children. Why Lord Maedhros have a beard?” Glorfindel’s voice was calm and soft but Lachril notices a little mocking in there.
Smirking happily, she throws some of her silver hair behind her small back and giggles quietly as Idhrendir rolls his eyes.
“Well, that’s a long story,” Lachril said while waving to Maedhros.
Glorfindel sigh and shook his head with a smile on his handsome face, his daughter will be his death with all her pranks.
“Ada. Today we have a meeting with the Lords from the nearby villages.” Idhrendir said.
Nodding, Glorfindel thank his son and continue with his breakfast, seeing Lachril pouting on her seat.
“What is it, my lovely daughter?” He asked with a smirk on his lips, knowing exactly what’s she was about to say.
“We were supposed to go for a ride today... I didn’t know that you have another meeting...” she grumbles.
“Well... how about you go first and then i and your brother will join you in the skies? Maybe you could introduce Caranthir to Daenerion and for a ride together.” With his last words, Lachril’s eyes lit up again, filled with happiness and mischief. “But don’t scare the poor elf, Lachril.” He said with his golden eyebrow lifted.
“Yes, Ada!” She said while getting up from her seat, walking towards the Feanor sons.
“Melleth nin, could we go for a short walk before the meeting?” Glorfindel heard Tunniel’s soft voice, looking to his son with her eyes filled with love.
“Of course, my love... See you at the meeting, Ada!” His son said while grabbing Tunniel’s small hand, walking out the busy room.
Glorfindel nods, his ocean blue eyes following his children walking out of the room. A tired sigh escapes from his lips, his shining eyes looking down to his plate. His stomach was empty but he didn’t feel the need to eat.
He knows that something was wrong with him... his fea was fading. Without his love beside him, Glorfindel couldn’t feel himself like before. Even when he had died on the first age and return again to Middle-Earth, he didn’t feel this way.
“You need to be strong, Mellon nin... your children still need you.” Ecthelion’s voice grabs his attention, making him move his gaze from his plate to his best friend.
Ecthelion’s eyes were full of concern, his delicate brows twisted in a frown. Glorfindel nods and straight up his back, sitting more comfortable on his seat.
“I know... but it’s so difficult. Every night, my dreams are plagued by her face...by her lifeless eyes looking at me as I hold her cold body.” Glorfindel’s voice trembles a little, trying to not let his tears fall down.
Ecthelion nods and puts his hand on Glorfindel’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “Maybe you should go talk to Queen Varda or Irmo... They could help with your dreams, Mellon nin.”
Glorfindel took a sip from his juice and stood up. Looking down at his best friend, he gave him a gentle smile but still Ecthelion could see his eyes were dull. “I will see if I have time to go see them...Now if you excuse me, I’m late for my meeting.” With that, Glorfindel left the room. Leaving behind a concern elf.
Hey Beautiful People!!! Here's a new chapter of the sequel of The Last Dragon!! I hope you like this chapter. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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thesilentpartner · 5 years
Szabó Lőrinc: Nincs rád időm
Égből hívsz? Hangod még elér, egy percre fölfigyel bennem a vér, aztán csak régi, sötét dühe zúg, mar, mint a lúg.
Én poklok rabja vagyok, és már nem tudom, mi a pihenés… Te? – Menj… Neked még otthonod az arany ősz, a kék tavasz:
te ráérsz, tied a végtelen, pogány mult álmai, csönd, szerelem, te tündér vagy, gyermek, libegő fény, lepke, szitakötő:
óh, szép, szép volna az élet, kis pillém, szállani véled, szabad utakon, föl s alá, mindegy, hová:
de rám körutak hegylánca szakadt, tárnák, földalatti falak őrzik fiatal életemet – Mit akarsz tőlem, égi üzenet?
Fény, ne gúnyolj! – Én rabszolga vagyok, kötelesség, pénz, hajsza, kín, robot – Meg se érthetsz – – Lepkém, szitakötőm, hagyj el: nincs rád időm!
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pandoraszekerceje · 5 years
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Lúg! 🌊
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hicapacity · 2 years
új szar a deszkán! Pergő pattog faszán! Vad Bass tüdődbe búg! A slam mar mint a lúg!
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hirzilla · 4 years
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Lávaként hömpölygött a maró lúg
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versinator · 10 months
Villik gyüjtöm
Kötelem kézfogva csipkéz azokból Vihette áldod megrendűlt tenyeremtől Lúg ítéletnapján állványra okokból Vétkeztek fesztelen evezőjét esttől
Mappán cibálom mélyebbet sodrából Rejtekes kriptába véredre könnyétől Őszike elrémüljenek füszálat nyarából Indulattal végérhetetlen kiránduló rémtől
Megtámadta hótul rémeset keresnélek Jajában ébresztőt hízelegni veszélytől Ösztönöd boltozat sebesebb ölelek
Gondolatoknak visszavágy szemfedőt körtől Lengtem erői táncból kikelek Kiindul fűvek kérdeztelek emlékektől
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 5 years
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Kapott magas nyomásúval. Majd bevettem ugyanott aztán lúg
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