#lady beneviento x lord heisenberg
wallflowerimagines · 1 year
Howdy dowdy, Partner. It's me, ya boi, Skinny Penis.
How would the Lords react to a selectively mute S/O? Especially their reaction to them talking to them for the first time.
I have this mental image of Heisenberg's S/O saying something really casually (while they're relaxing or something), and he just whips around to look at them and he just shouts "hoLY FUCK!"
Saw the first line of this ask and then it was followed by a cute prompt????---
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Warnings: swearing, my typical brand of silly
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's so used to your quiet demeanor it's to the point where she COMPLETELY forgot that your silence is a choice.
Alcina quite honestly never expected you to speak to her, and she was mentally planning for the rest of your relationship to be this way -- all of the servants are learning to sign, just in case, and she has pens and paper in every room if you prefer to write as your form of communication.
When you do finally speak up, she's frozen. What.
Oh. You can. You...can speak?
It's one of the times you've ever seen Alcina baffled, because honestly? She has no idea what to do.
However, you can bet she IMMEDIATELY analyses the situation in order to make sure she can get you to keep talking to her. Whatever made this happen needs to be repeated as much as possible -- Now that she knows you can be made comfortable enough to speak, she needs to hear you speak again.
(It might not have been your intention, but you hit her right in the superiority complex. Her partner spoke to HER. JUST her. Exclusively. Alcina is going to be riding this high for decades)
The Lady Dimitrescu is a big believer in positive reinforcement with her loved ones, so you better believe that every time you speak she is extra affectionate, because she does like to hear your voice!💞
Essentially, you have prompted constant affection DO NOT RESIST---
Donna Beneviento
I mentioned this in my other Donna x Mute reader post, but Donna is able to relate to a mute s/o a lot.
She's pretty nonverbal herself, so often you two have moments of quiet peace, where the two of you are doing your own thing together in the same room, taking breaks only to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other sweetly.
Truly dreamy💕💕💕
The first time you speak to her though, she's sewing a new outfit for one of her dolls, while you're reading in the setee beside her.
You peak over her shoulder, clear your throat and say: "You're really talented, Donna".
She drops a stitch.
Her face is burning underneath her veil. The first thing you say to her is a complement??? About a skill she is actually proud of??? That's already enough to get her heart stuttering, but you said her name.
It feels like such a small thing, but it sends Donna into a tizzy. Your lips formed the syllables of her name, and she can't get over it. You said a compliment and her name in the same sentence.
She's swooning. Smitten. Overcome.
Expect some flustered giggling and a compliment in return.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has no chill whatsoever.
He literally drops everything and scuttles across the room to stand in front of you, flitting his hands around you in excitement, not quite touching you but close.
He's! So! Excited!
He didn't process what you even said-- you SPOKE TO HIM!!!! Fireworks are going off in his brain, Kool and the Gang are celebrating the good times, life is beautiful and love is in the air....
Moreau is delighted by this development. You feel safe enough around him a monster to vocalize your thoughts. You trust him. He already knew you did, but this is confirmation he didn't even know he wanted. Moreau almost starts crying he's so relieved.
Meanwhile you're repeatedly trying to warn him about the disaster occurring on the stove.
"... Salvatore, honey, the pancakes are burning."
Honey???? HONEY??? Are you TRYING to kill him????
Salvatore staggers on his feet, unintentionally the most dramatic you've ever seen him.
Sighing, you hide a smile behind your palm and give him a little smooch on the cheek before you go rescue your breakfast.
Moreau flatlines. Better give him some mouth to mouth 💗.
Karl Heisenberg
Absolutely shocked the first time you speak.
He's working on a soldat, fully used to the silence as he solders body parts together to make a deadly monster worthy of murdering Mother Miranda.
"You missed a spot--"
Very softly, you speak up again. "At the shoulder. It's not... It's not fully connected."
Heisenberg whips around to just...stare??? At you for a bit?? His face is totally expressionless, but make no mistake his brain is reeling.
What is he supposed to do here? You feel comfortable enough to talk with him--this is a big deal, right? Is he supposed to comfort you? Praise you?
Still, it's not in Heisenberg's nature to make a big deal of things, and he doesn't want to spook you.
Eventually he nods, grunts in acknowledgement, and gets back to work.
Still, your words ring in his ears. Your voice fits you so well? He never really thought about what you sounded like before, but honestly now it's all he can think about.
Much later, when you almost forget about the whole thing, he'll offhandedly say he's proud of you for finally speaking up for yourself.
It's kinda condescending? But you know Heisenberg pretty well, and the fact he refuses to meet your eyes let's you know he's just being his normal, socially stunted self.
Thank him for the "compliment" and you'll get a pleased grin back, as well as a teasing hair ruffle. He's...happy you're comfortable with him.
It just makes your relationship feel even more right. ❤️
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Aka 10 thousand years ago because damn that bitch old
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yoursweetdenial · 2 years
Miranda and the 4 Lords: *greet Y/N and tell her their names*
Y/N: I'm not good with names. *addressing Alcina* Uhmm... Can I call you mine?)))
Donna to Miranda: That was smooth
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crow-cards · 2 years
re8 hug headcanons
for the four lords, the dimitrescu daughters, and ethan winters
if u like these, send me some requests!!! I will love u forever
Alcina Dimitrescu
since she's so Large, the best hug you could give her is a hug on the leg, in which she'd reciprocate by placing a gentle hand on your back
though if she feels like putting more effort into it, she'll pick you up and hold you properly, a gentle lean against you with her head and a hand on your back with a light pat before setting you back down
maybe she'll give you a parting head pat too
she'll only hug you if she likes you though. otherwise she Will kick you and call you filthy
Dimitrescu Daughters
they all give you a big group hug that knocks you over immediately because they just throw themselves at you
if you DON'T fall though, they're all jumping and excited and squeezing the air outta you
if they're less energetic though, they're more gentle, still holding you tight but they lean their heads against you and get as close as they can
Donna & Angie
not too keen on touch so she's not very likely to hug anyone (other than angie of course) but if she especially likes you, she'll give you a very gentle hug, chin resting on your shoulder and arms wrapped loosely around your back. it doesn't last too long either, but it means a lot so you better appreciate it
don't hold her too tightly either, return her carefulness, and slowly settle into more tight hugs as she gets used to the affection, something she doesn't receive a lot
angie on the other hand will LATCH onto you, arms around your neck and dancing excitedly
she'll often join your and donna's hugs too, helps makes the both of you more relaxed in it
Salvatore Moreau
he's too nervous to ever initiate a hug himself, but the moment you give him one, he pauses for a moment and then gets all excited and hugs you so tightly, stomping happily and nuzzling close
he then gives you hugs more frequently, still very happy but not as overexcited as he was the first time
after a while he'll start thinking that maybe he's being a little annoying and backs off for a bit until you give him some reassurance, then he's happily clinging to you again
Karl Heisenberg
would never initiate a hug first, and the moment that you hug him he just. freezes. hesitantly returns it and is Very confused on why you'd do this. it'd be an awkward, one arm hovering over your back and the other giving an awkward pat kind of hug
if he's not close to you or isn't fond of you, he'll just shove you away aggressively, this man does not care for your wellbeing or if you go flying into a pile of scrap afterwards
but besides that, the more frequent the hugs become, the less awkward and tense it'll be. second time is a more proper arms-around-you hug, but still a bit tense. the hugs after that slowly evolve into proper ones, and after it clicks that you do it because you care and want to, he melts into them. arms wrapped tight around you, face buried in your shoulder/neck, and some weight put into you. he stays there for a moment, don't interrupt the silence, just let him relax for once
hugs after that are still meaningful but less emotional, he'll give tight side and proper hugs, squeezing you then ruffling your hair after you pull away. then there's still the ones where you just sit there a moment and enjoy the embrace
Ethan Winters
gives tight, arms fully wrapped around you, face buried in your shoulder types of hugs. lingers for a couple seconds more, too
not tight enough that he's squeezing the air outta you, but a comforting tight. gives squeezes sometimes too
also gives playful side hugs while ruffling your hair, but he'll fix it for you afterwards if you complain about it
god I don't want ethan's to be the shortest portion bc I love him a lot but there's rlly not much else to say here 😭
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wyrm-with-a-why · 8 months
Thinking about the other Tfa characters also resident evil 8 ones so here’s what I’m thinking:
Megatron - Mother Miranda(I said already)
Star.scream - Heisenberg
Shockwave - Lady Dimitrescu
Blitzwing - each face will be one of Dimitrescus daughters separately
Lugnut - Moreau
Soundwave - Donna Beneviento
Yeah I only have ideas for the cons right now and no set ideas for ethan(maybe OP or Isaac cuz Rose is Sari ofc)
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Heisenberg: Sometimes I wonder if you can get a heart attack, living with Benevientos.
Y/N, all messy and a bit bloody after playing with Angie: Don’t underestimate my family! It’s not about “if” it’s more about “when”.
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azne09 · 9 months
Satul Umbrelor
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Author’s note : This text is an alternative version of the village of shadow’s fairytale from the prologue and epilogue of the game. This version is centered on the original characters of a fan fiction I’m working on. Please feel free to remark any spelling mistakes and typos ! English isn’t my first language.
   Once upon a time, there was a brother and a sister who lived in a very small house with their sick mother. The little brother was brave and dauntless, with innocent eyes blue as clear as the summer sky. But he never listened to his sister’s commands and always did as he pleased.
      The older sister was kind and patient, with beautiful red hair as bright as the oven fire. But she always scolded her brother and was sure that she was always right about everything.
      One day, the little brother decided to go into the woods with his friends to search for berries. Before he left the house, his sister warned him :
     “Listen to me and be careful ! Do not wander too close to the dark forest ! Or else, you will get lost, and the Enchantress of the Village of Shadows will eat you !”
     The brother didn’t care to listen, and went into the woods happily chanting. After searching and searching through the bushes, his friends rejoiced with their baskets full. But the little boy’s basket, however, was empty.
     After his friends went back home to show their mothers the fruits of their picking, the little boy was left all alone in the woods, upset. Sitting on a tree trunk, he threw rocks on the ground while cursing the bushes for not giving him any berries.
     Suddenly, a black raven flew over his head and landed on a branch.
     “Croaak croaak !” says the raven. “Come to the Village of Shadows, little boy ! You will find loads of berries in every bush ! The most delicious ones you will ever find !”
     Ignoring his sister’s warning, the little boy jumped back on his feet and followed the raven down to the dark forest’s entrance.
     Meanwhile, at home, the older sister waited for her brother to come back. The clock was ticking fast, and soon the night would fall outside. So, the sister decided to search for him herself, and went into the woods.
     After calling his name in vain, a snake hissed at her to come closer.
     “Psssss psssss !” says the snake. “Be quick, be quick dear girl ! Your brother hassssssss gone to the dark foressssssst ! You must hurry to ssssssave him, else the Enchantressssssss will eat him ! Be quick, be quick !”
     Horrified, the sister thanked the snake and hurried into the dark forest. As she walked through a path of crooked trees and twisted thorns, the girl continued to call for her brother. She called his name again and again, until her throat went dry.
     She stopped by an arch of trees, and opened her water bottle. But at that moment, three little bats crawled from the branches of the trees and pleaded :
     “Oh please, generous girl, let us drink with you ! We are so thirsty, we do not even have the strength to fly anymore !”
     So, the young girl poured the water in her hands, and allowed the three bats to drink until the last drop. Their little stomachs full again, the bats flew around in joy.
     Suddenly, a voice called out to the girl, and the King of Bats appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding on your forest sir,” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him.” the King said “But I shall reward your generosity with a gift. Come, dear girl, quench your thirst.”
     The three bats gave her a silver cup, and the King of Bats bit his right wing to pour some of his blood. The girl smiled, drank the sweet blood from the cup, and thanked the King and his subjects.
     After leaving the forest, she ended up roaming around an abandoned cemetery, covered by a freezing fog. As she walked across the tombs, shaking in her poorly stitched dress, she heard the sound of snobs. Frightened at first, the girl continued to walk until she found a garden of weeping flowers.
     “Oh please, compassionate girl, pick us up and put us on those poor soul’s tombs ! We wish to keep them company until our last petals drop, so they do not feel lonely anymore !”
     So, the young girl picked up the flowers one by one, mixing them together to create colorful bouquets, and carefully laid them down on top of every grave. 
     Suddenly, the wind began to blow, and a Dark Weaver appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding your graveyard sir” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him.” the Weaver said “But I shall reward your compassion with a gift. Come, dear girl, warm yourself up.”
     In a blink of an eye, the Dark Weaver turned the fog into a beautiful gown, embellished with colorful flowers. The girl smiled, twirled around joyfully, and thanked the Dark Weaver and the flowers.
     Still looking for her brother, the girl embarked on a little boat to cross a perilous lake. Her stomach growled as she watched the fishes jumping across the waves, before a shark appeared on the surface. The girl screamed at first, before noticing that the shark's fin was bleeding.
     “Oh please, merciful girl, heal my wound ! It is so painful, I barely even have the strength to swim anymore !”
     The girl waved at the shark to come closer, and tore a piece of her precious dress apart to wrap it around the wound as a bandage. Feeling much better, the shark swam around, joyfully splashing some water on the girl who laughed along.
     Suddenly, the waves began to rise higher and higher, and the Fish King appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding on your lake sir.” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him” says the King. “But I shall reward your mercy with a gift. Come, dear girl, fill up your stomach.”
     The King gave her two of his scales, one warm and salty, one fresh and sweet. The girl smiled, satisfied her hunger, and thanked the Fish King and the shark.
     Once she reached the shore, the girl ended up in a kingdom made of steel. Two wolves soldiers were guarding the entrance in their armors, but they both were asleep. 
     And as the girl advanced, she found out that the entire kingdom was asleep and that every gear was still, covered in dust and webs, rusting and rotting.
     A little wolf cub howled at her, and took her to the kingdom’s castle. Inside, the wolf cub guided the girl until they stopped in front of a rusty statue in the shape of a horse.
     “Oh please, gracious girl, lift the curse of our kingdom ! Since its heart has stopped, time has stopped as well !”
     “But how does one lift such a curse ? How can I make its heart beat ?” The girl asked herself out loud.
     With only one idea in mind, she placed a gentle kiss on top of the statue’s head, and all the rust and dust vanished away. 
     The mechanical heart started beating again, the gears began to turn, and the wolves howled in joy as they awakened from their slumber. The kingdom regained its shining golden colors, and the people celebrated their freedom.
     Suddenly, the statue turned into an Iron Steed, adorned with gold, and spoke to the girl :
     “Thank you, dear girl. Only a kiss can make one’s heart beat. The curse is broken, and I shall reward your graciousness with a gift.”
     The Iron Steed bowed its head before her, allowing her to take the golden crown on its head. The girl smiled, put the crown on her head, and thanked the Steed and the wolves. Then yet again, she asked her question : 
     “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “I know where you can find him” The Steed told her. “I will take you to the waterfall behind which the Enchantress lives, but I will not go any further.”
     Overjoyed, the young girl hugged the Steed, climbed on its back, and galloped away to the Enchantress’s domain. Soon they reached a waterfall of night sky, with stars falling down from the sky. 
     The young girl got off the Iron Steed’s back, thanked it once again, and passed through the black waterfall under the mocking sneers of ravens. She walked and walked into the unknown, crying out her brother’s name.
     Suddenly, a light appeared, and the darkness swirled around it like a storm. In a magical cloud of stars, The Enchantress appeared before the young girl’s eyes, maleficent, yet magnificent.
     “Oh please, lady of shadows,” pleaded the young girl “set my brother free ! He is just a boy and he is so little, he doesn’t know any better !”
    The Enchantress spoke with a cruel voice.
     “The more you get, the more you crave. If you have nothing to offer me then I have nothing to give you back !”
     The girl offered her the golden crown that the Iron Steed had given her. But the Enchantress only laughed.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! All the crowns and the jewels, let it be made of gold, silver, or bronze, are already mine !”
     So instead, the girl offered her a piece of the fresh and sweet scale that the Fish King had given her. But the Enchantress simply laughed again.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! All the fishes of the lake, whether big or small, from their bones to their scales, are already mine !”
     With a gulp, the girl offered her the flowers of the dress that the Dark Weaver had given her. But yet again, the Enchantress mocked her.
    “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! Every flower of the land, blooming or not, from their stem to their petals, are already mine !”
    Desesprate, the girl offered her the few drops of blood left from the cup the King of Bats had given her. And all she received was, once again, the Enchantress’s vicious laugh.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! My subjects, from their hair to their blood, and their souls, are already mine !”
     Appalled by her wickedness, the young girl begged the Enchantress in the name of everything good in the world. But her heart was as black as the starless night, and made of nothing but coldness but evilness.
     So, with tears in her eyes, the young girl offered her all she had left. With a sharp raven’s feather, she cut off her beautiful red hair, and gave it to the Enchantress. 
     Surprised by her determination, the Enchantress did not laugh. She observed the gorgeous red hair carefully, before breaking the silence with her words :
     “Very well, foolish girl. I shall reward your perseverance with a gift : I will set your brother free, and you shall take him back home with you. However, if you dare take one single glance behind before reaching the exit, then his soul will remain in my village forever !”
     The girl nodded her head, and the darkness twirled around the star once more like a storm. The Enchantress vanished, and the little brother appeared frightening the ravens away with a wooden sword. He ran into his sister’s arms, crying tears of joy, as she held him tight against her heart.
     “Oh dear sister, please forgive me !” he cried out “I promise that I will always listen to you, and that I will always be very careful ! I love you more than anything in the world !”
     “I love you too, sweet brother. Let us go back home to mother ! But whatever you do, do not look behind you !”
    Hand in hand, the brother and the sister passed through the dark waterfall, and began their journey back to their home. As they walked through the Kingdom made of steel, the Iron Steed and the wolves howled :
     “Be quick, be quick, gracious girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Then, they embarked on the boat to cross the perilous lake. And as they navigated, the Fish King and the sharks rose the surface to say :
     “Be quick, be quick, merciful girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Once they reached the shore, the sister took her brother’s hand and led him across the cold graveyard. And as they walked through the fog, the Dark Weaver and the flowers whispered :
     “Be quick, be quick compassionate girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Finally, they reached the dark forest and began running towards the sunrise’s light ahead of them. As they ran through the crooked trees, the King of Bats and his subjects chanted :
     “Be quick, be quick generous girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     But suddenly, the young girl tripped and fell over a thorn. And her little brother, who loved her more than anything in the world, looked behind to help his sister back up.
     Disaster ! Suddenly an immense flock of ravens flew across the trees, and the voice of the Enchantress filled the entire forest like a piercing thunder :
     “Reckless boy who nevers listens ! Now, your soul belongs to me ! You will never leave this village, never !”
     Taking one last chance to save him, the young girl pushed her brother into the light, sacrificing her soul, as a wave of black feather swallowed her whole. 
     The boy cried out his sister’s name, but it was already too late. The crooked trees of the forest fell down, blocking the entrance to the village, forever.
     Realizing only now what he had done, the poor boy fell to his knees and cried. The snake appeared once again, and rested its head against him as it hissed :
    “Unfortunate boy. It isssss because you loved your sister sssso much, and because she too loved you more than anything in the world, that you have lossssst her forever.”
     So, the little boy went back home alone, with an empty basket and an empty heart. And as he grew up into a tall strong man, he taught his children and his grandchildren to be generous, compassionate, merciful and gracious. 
     But also to always listen to their parents and their elder brothers and sisters. And to never ever wander close to the dark forest. Or else the evil Enchantress will eat them.
     And in the Village of Shadows their soul will forever remain.
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alxndryngs · 2 years
Literally wondering if you can make a cursed chaotic fic where Alcina drinks her wine and apparently there is a potion in there that turns you into a baby mentally. Surprise, she is a baby now in a grown woman's body and has to be taken care of for 24 hours until tomorrow when she turns back to normal again. She even doesn't know how to talk and walk anymore and Heisenberg stole the potion then put in inside her wine as a prank...
Literally imagine babysitting a grown ass 9'6 woman whose brain has been turned back into a baby.
Also you can ignore this ask if you want, I'm really just asking for fun. 😊
Xoxo Milkie
Absolutely 😂 Oh I had a blast writing this. Thanks for the request!
Lady CeeCee
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"Your lycans have intruded Donnas land multiple times now, Heisenberg. Do not make me handle them for you, do you understand?"
You could tell your Lady was out of her mind bored as she listened to Mother Miranda talk to her son across the dinner table.
It was their monthly family dinner, this time at Castle Dimitrescu. Every month the location would change from Miranda, to Alcina, then Karl, Donna and lastly Salvatore before the whole thing repeated itself.
Lady Dimitrescu sat leaned back in her chair, eyebrows raised as she released a big sigh. Her head turned to face you, standing against the wall and offering a small smile which you returned. The lady tapped her glass gently and gave a small nod, letting you know shed like some wine.
Carrying over the bottle you were holding, you stood next to her as you opened it. The seal felt like it has been opened before, but you didn't pay too much of a thought to it as you poured her her glass before returning back to your spot.
You couldn't help but notice how shifty Lady Dimitrescu began to get after what must've been her third glass. Heisenberg on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear, which all of you thought was caused by the girls small commotion with Angie.
Even though you knew you weren't allowed to leave your spot during times like these, you sneaked over to her. As soon as she noticed, her head turned to face you before she gave you a soft smile.
"My Lady, are you quite well?"
You whispered, her eyebrows furrowing for a moment while she remained silent for a few seconds.
Silence fell over the room faster than someone could from the tower of worship, Miranda turning her head to her eldest daughter, the look of surprise on her face not to miss.
"Alcina, I'm not sure if I ever had you refer to me that way-"
She, however, was cut short by Alcina turning her head to her and blowing raspberries once across the whole table. Miranda, who had gotten some spit droplets in her face, closed her eyes while desperately feeling around the table for a napkin.
"H-Here mother.."
Miranda muttered silent latin curses while taking the napkin Salvatore had handed her.
"How dare you Alcina!"
She on the other hand payed no mind to the funny looking bird woman while turning her attention back to you, holding out her arms.
You looked up at her in pure shock. Not only had she just spit in Mother Mirandas face, but she had also called you Mama. Your cheeks burned scarlet as you turned to face the table, all eyes on you and your Lady.
Once Alcina repeated herself, even going as far as making grabby hands, Heisenberg lost it.
He began laughing tears while watching the scene unfold before him, beginning to curl and hold his stomach.
"I dont think the lady is quite well. If you'd excuse us, I think its best if she laid DOWN!!"
You yelled and next thing you knew was that your Lady had taken you to the ground. The over 300 pound woman was now laying ontop of you and you feared this might've been the end. What a way to go, squished by your lady. Serving in.. whatever this was.
In no time the daughters were by your side. Daniela was trying to pull you out from underneath her mother, Cassandra was trying to get her to stand up and Bela tried to talk to her, asking if she was alright.
"Heisenberg! What have you done to her this time!"
Miranda bellowed, sick of her sons games. This wasnt the first time he had 'pranked' his big sister and their mother was beginning to tire of it.
"OUT!" She yelled, taking him by the ear and dragging him out of the dining room. Salvatore, as always followed his mother. Donna on the other hand, took a look at her sister before making haste at getting out of the uncomfortable situation herself.
"Come on little human! She cant lay on you for that long or we'll have human paste to spread on bread!" Daniela said while tugging on your arm, desperately trying to get you out from underneath her mother.
"I'm trying my best Lady Daniela" You wheezed, grasping onto the redheads arm for the life of you.
It had taken a while, but after getting you out of underneath the tall woman, the girls had managed to drag her through the castle and towards her bedchambers. You followed behind quickly, as her handmaiden not sure what your role in this specific scenario was supposed to be.
As soon as they rounded the corner, dragging their mother, she began screaming out for.. you?
Then again.
Lifting up your gown over your feet, you trotted the few feet left for you to round the corner. As soon as you saw her, you could see she was just getting ready to call for you another time. When her eyes met yours, her mouth closed and her lips stretched into a smile.
Your head tilts to the side, was that supposed to be a hello? You went along with it anyway, not wanting her to scream again.
You gave her a small wave, Lady Dimitrescu giggled while leaning her head back and looking at her daughters dragging her by the arms into her bedchambers and with all their power, pushing their mother onto the bed.
They wished you farewell once they saw their mother babbling into the pillow, dissolving into a swarm of flies and flying out under the crack beneath the door.
So there you were, your lady on the bed and seemingly acting like an infant according to the babbling she gave off. Now that you were alone, you were finally allowed to call her by her first name. Slowly, while approaching, you called her name.
Her body turned over, nearly tipping off the edge of the bed in the process as she looked at you. The smile you loved beamed at you. You couldnt help but smile back as you stood beside the bed.
"Alcina whats going on? What's happening to you?"
At first she only babbled, you thought she was making a fool out of you now. After all, you hadnt seen anything like this happen before.
"No. Alcina- god I feel like a mother teaching an infant how to speak" At this point you were more talking to yourself than her, but she didnt care. She just kept looking at you with her big orange eyes, looking like the happiest woman in the world. Well, until she began to pout while trying to say her name.
"Sure. Whatever you want, my lady"
You said, raising your hands to surrender. She, on the other hand, had other plans for your surrendering gesture. With her left hand, she reached and smacked her own into yours. The impact of her power send you to the ground with a small scream. Alcina, who seemed to understand nothing anymore, rolled over.
Before you could answer her, she had fallen ontop of you once again. This time, full force. You let out a yell as you felt her squish your tiny body, feeling the force of her body slamming into yours breaking at least one rib.
She completely ignored the muffled scream you let out into her chest, instead she was babbling happily while laying on her new chosen mama.
"No! Don't colour on the carpet, damn it! You'll kill me for that later" You whined, quickly retrieving a rag with some soap to try and clean out the crayon stain.
Now, you were used to removing blood out of literally every material, including her carpets, but oil crayons?
Almost an entire day had passed since Karls prank on Alcina. You didnt dare to take your eye off of her for even one minute under these circumstances, hence as to why you haven't seen the castle nurse for your broken ribs yet. It hurt to breathe most of the time, but if you took slow short(er) breaths, it was bearable..
"Oh calm down, she'll be back to normal in a day!" Karl said on the other side of the phone which was grasped tightly in your hand. The other was holding your hurting ribs which, without doubt, were either fractured or broken.
Taking a deep breath, eyes focused on Alcina as she played with a stuffed animal you got for her from your room, you began to whisper yell down the phone.
"Listen here, you son of a bitch! Alcina is acting like a full grown infant and im taking care of her alone! If you ever pull something like this again, I swear to miranda I will cut every single head of your lycans off. She will die of embarrassment when she's back to normal!"
Karl laughed on the other side of the phone, humming and pretending to think for a moment.
"I'm taking that you don't like breastfeeding?"
And with that, you slammed the phone back down on its holder.
You hissed loudly while getting back up from the ground, tightly grasping the chair she had in her room. Another thing that hurt like a bitch doing, was leaning down.
Alcina turned her head to look at you, turning her head away from her paper on the ground that she was trying to draw a blue dragon on.
When your eyes met hers, you saw how her lip wobbled and eyes filled with tears.
"Oh no," You deadpanned, slowly sitting in her chair while shaking your head "No no no, I'm okay"
Watching as she crawled over, you began to hold out your arms to her. Alcina laid her head into your lap as she sniffled. You gently ran your fingers through her hair, looking down at her while at the same time trying to not lean over or back and hurt your ribs even more.
Alcina was still holding the stuffed animal of yours as her head laid in your lap, a few minutes passing like this before she cleared her throat. You payed no mind at first, she had cleared her throat a couple times today already. You made a mental note to give her another drink soon.
However, all that washed away when you heard your ladys voice.
Slowly, you turned your head and looked down at your ladys head in your lap. Now it was your turn to clear your throat.
"My Lady.."
"We will never speak a word of this, understood?"
"Absolutely. Whatever you want."
"... I'm keeping this stuffed animal, if that's alright. I've grown quite attached to it."
Word count: 1,806
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donnas-dollface · 2 years
Y/N: *looks at Donna*
Y/N: Baby girl. Baby. Sweet little thing.
Y/N: *looks at Heisenberg, avoiding eye contact*
Y/N: Evil.
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milkiedimitrescu · 10 months
So I'm just going to put this here that I am now staff/mod/roleplayer in an resident evil discord roleplay server! im just gonna put this as a lil blog ad on here just for people who are interested in joining lol.
The server is called Resident evil; REvival and it is home to a great community and much more stuff! It mainly focuses on resident evil and mostly from resident evil movies, games, show's and more! You can create character's OC's here too and also be a canon character here.
to put it into more detail, its basically all resident evil games you can roleplay in here and many alternate timelines in the same universe.
It's a pretty active server so no need to worry about it being dead because it's really not lol.
The other staff, people, and overall community is great!
I'll give you tips on how to get started on roleplaying when first joining the server.
You join the server and first read the Rules of course!
If you want to grab some roles, you may have to go into the #role channel in the "community board" section. React with the emojis you choose and you are good to go!
This step is optional, but if you want to put an introduction of yourself, you can put it in the #introduction channel! Once again, you don't have to if you don't want to btw. I didn't lol.
This is another one that is optional, but if you want to change the color of your username like for example, my user was red at one point like "Milkie" You can go into the #color-roles channel and react with the color you want to be.
But YEAHH!!! Anyways, that is all. Now I will just simply send an invite for people who are interested in joining this fun roleplay server!
there we goo anywaysssss bye 🏃‍♀️💨
Also, most character's are open in the canon character channel, so y'all are lucky
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Series Candidate #2: Resident Evil Village fandom
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A Sheep In Wolves Clothes
Heisenberg/OC (Amelia) pairing. About 16 chapters planned (can change). It'll have smut, lots of gore and violence, enemies to lovers, smut, angst and so on. The story will start before the events of the game but eventually catch up. The ending will not align with the canon events.
He was fuming as he stormed across the bridge where he knew Duke would be selling his overpriced shit to the gullible little sheep in the village. The whole walk he'd been smashing everything that got in his way. Why the fuck can't shit just go smoothly for once?! He thought angrily, thinking back to the project that had quite literally exploded a few minutes ago in his factory. The wasted parts. The clean up. Such bullshit. He needed new parts, quickly, and that meant he had to drag himself out of the factory and into the village again.
Usually he'd wait for the Duke's scheduled deliveries, they were fairly consistent around every two weeks, but lately he'd been burning through his parts and damaging his machines beyond what he could fix with scrap. Part of it was his rush to finish or to be at least prepared and the other was his temper. He'd always had a short fuse, but lately he'd been absolutely explosive at the drop of a hat. If that tall bitch and Miranda would just keep their shit to themselves I'd have more time! 
Flicking his fingers the gate slammed open, stone grating against metal echoing in the small courtyard. The Duke sat in his usual spot and thankfully the area was empty. This perked his mood up just a bit, the last thing he wanted was to play buddy with the dumb ass villagers. He approached the wagon with haste. The Duke looked pleased to see him, more so than usual. "Why, Lord Heisenberg! It is an honor to have you visit! But I'm afraid I won't have your usual delivery until next week."
"Didn't come for my usual. I need these parts, if you got them," he said, handing the large man the paper with his needs scribbled hastily on it.
"I see," the Duke said. "Give me one moment, I'll see what I have in stock."
He pulled a cigar from his pocket. "Whatever, just try to be quick. Don't want any of these village wackos seeing me."
Just as he was about to pull out his lighter he heard a second voice. Softer, feminine. Without a word to Duke he stepped around the wagon and found something he hadn't expected. A girl, short with long red hair that looked like rusted metal and soft looking freckled skin. She spoke in hushed whispers as she brushed through the hair of the Dukes horse with a gentleness that caused something to burn in his chest. 
Who the fuck was this? She wasn't a villager, at least he didn't think she was. He hadn't been around the people in a while, but he was certain he'd have noticed her if she were one of them. An outsider maybe? But that also didn't add up, all outsiders were sold out to Mother Miranda as soon as they set foot in the village. She'd be dead by now if she didn't somehow start here.
Lost in thought he didn't notice her turn until he felt her run straight into his chest, her weight was no more than a gentle push. Her scent swirled around him, sweet and earthy. She staggered back, basket dropping to the ground and her almost ending up on her ass. Once she found her footing she looked up at him, eyes burning with rage. Anyone else would have recognized him and spiraled into pathetic apologies, but her glare stayed firm and the rage seemed to grow as she stepped around him.
"Excuse me." The venom in her voice brought a surprised smile to his lips. Definitely not just another village sheep.
On the ground in front of him the basket lay abandoned. He stuffed his unlit cigar between his lips and grabbed it, stepping back out into the open space and whistling loudly. He resisted the urge to laugh when she jumped and whirled around. Her angry eyes instantly went to the basket he now held out to her. "You dropped your basket."
For a moment she hesitated and Heisenberg wished he could hear her thoughts as he watched her steel herself into walking forward and snatching it out of his loose grip. "Thanks."
He chuckled and watched her walk away, haphazardly pulling her hood up. Turning to the Duke, who watched the interaction with a smirk, he pulled the lighter from his pocket and lit his cigar, taking in a long deep drag before exhaling the smoke. "Who was that?"
"You know my business operates on a system of mutual trust and ambiguity, Lord Heisenberg. If I simply handed out all my customers' information I'd be out of business, run out of town even!"
"Spare me the theatrics," he replied, letting the rest of his lei float up into the air between them. The Duke's eyes glistened. "Just want her name."
The sky had just begun to fill with the orange hue of the setting sun when I'd gotten home. The smoke from the chimney told me that Boian had finished his work and started dinner inside and the sight of twenty potted plants, a newly built raised garden bed and new pile of firewood confirmed it. I rolled my eyes and shut the gate as I made my way toward the house, Stubborn old man. By the way his coughing echoed through the door I knew he'd exhausted himself more than he'd meant to.
The cabin was warm against my slightly chilled skin as I entered, discarding the basket onto the table and taking my shawl off. Boian sifted through the basket quietly and put things away. "How was the walk?"
"Refreshing," I replied, kicking my shoes off by the door.
"And the villagers?"
"The same."
He groaned and glanced back at me. "No one mysteriously trip and fall?"
"No, I told you I wasn't gonna push anyone!" I laughed moving beside him to wash my hands.
"I thought you'd change your mind once they started with their bullshit."
"What's cooking old man?"
"The last of our venison and a modest amount of the potatoes," he answered, stirring the pot. "Soup."
I nodded, wiping my hands off and getting the bowls and silverware from the cupboard. I set the bowls down beside him and moved the silverware to the table. "You got a lot done while I was gone."
"Of course I did, you weren't hovering over me every ten seconds!" He teased me.
Rolling my eyes I sat down in my chair and watched him add the final spices to the pot. "I wasn't there to hover and you overdid it, again. You're not as invincible as you used to be old man… You gotta start slowing down a little."
He sighed, laddeling the soup into the bowls and handing them to me to set down as he got situated. "I know, I know. It's hard for me to sit still, Fetita but I will try to take things easier… For your sake."
I smiled. "Thanks, I kinda wanna keep you around for a while."
"You're not gonna get rid of me anytime soon. Now eat, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow if you're gonna be taking the reins."
We ate mostly in silence, but it was never uncomfortable. We just knew each other well enough I guess. After we cleaned our bowls and locked everything up for the night I retired to my room, lounging on the bed reading when Boian knocked on the door. "Come in."
He emerged slowly, a little wooden box in his hand, and sat down beside me on the bed. "I've been thinking."
"That's dangerous," I teased.
"You're right about me getting older," he continued. "I ain't gonna be around forever to keep you safe. So, I think it's time you had this."
He set the box in my hands and watched with a small frown as I opened it. Inside was Boians hunting knife, his favorite one with the short blade,  brass knuckles welded into the hilt and the tiny carving, Clara, on the bottom. I looked up at him, the realization of what this meant hitting me. "I'll take good care of it."
"I know you will, my hope is it'll take good care of you too." He placed his hand over mine. "I've told you hundreds of times that finding you saved me. My daughter, Clara, was no older than you were when you came here when the villagers and Mother Miranda took her. I'd been away on a hunt, and when I came back she was gone. Tore that damn village apart to find her, but I was too late… Don't know what they did to her, still don't really care, all I knew was that she was gone and I had nothing left."
"That was when you built the cabin, wasn't it?" I asked softly as I squeezed his hand.
"Yeah, left that village as fast as I could, but not before telling them all to go to hell. Built this place and then not long after I was out in the woods on another hunting trip when I stumbled across you, walking barefoot in the snow all cut up and freezing. Took you in, raised you, and hopefully I taught you enough that you'll be the one to get outta here." He looked at me and smiled sadly. "You are as much my daughter as Clara was, I hope you know that Amelia."
"I do." I answered by wiping away a stray tear. "And you're as much my dad as the one I had before."
He kissed my hand and quickly stood, clearing his throat. "I love you, Fetita."
"I love you too, old man."
"Get some sleep." He said in the doorway. "I ain't gonna go easy on ya from now on."
"Of course you won't," I grumbled sarcastically. "Goodnight Boian."
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I don't have any vids today so here's this thing 🥲
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uwuowotf2waslife · 1 year
Heyoo Peeps, its been a hot second since I updated yall but i am considering starting commisions.
(For now its written ones because i am not so sure about drawn commisions)
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stellahaze135 · 2 years
I’ve been having this brain worm eat at my thoughts all day today so y’all get to hear it!
So what about an au of sorts where the BSAA are able to bring back the Lords via using the crystals they left behind. So what if instead of imprisonment and experimentation Chris offers them (specifically Karl here) the chance to instead work for them in taking care of other catastrophes like the Village.
As a matter of fact they’ve already started to set up a department of bio weapons designated to take out other bio weapon threats. Well they’ve got one natural born mutant, my OC Shade (Codename NightShade) who has Umbrakinesis or control over shadows, and a couple of agents, including Chris.
All the Lords except Moreau, at first, said fuck off they’d rather be in prison then do that bullshit. But when Karl started to succumb to stir craziness he was like ‘fuck this shit let’s go huntin.’, and so reluctantly becomes a lapdog to BSAA but at least he’s not a caged animal anymore, and eventually when the pure culture shock subsides he’s allowed to go out and enjoy the modern world during down time.
The fact that he’s the only one of the Lords that’s allowed to leave the BSAA facility is not lost on him or the others at all, and you best believe he hangs it over Alcina’s and his ‘nieces’ heads whenever he can!
So basically he becomes the Hellboy for BSAA! Instead of a big ass stone right hand you get a big ass hammer n magneto powers!
Oh and in my head him n Shade may or may not get together after a while. At first they drive each other nuts, but then ya know the slow burn hits, and the next thing they all know, the two of them are throwing flirts at each other left n right on and off the battle field!
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Resident Evil Village characters with a chubby fem s/o
Dating Headcanons (+ Some bonus drabbles for a few)
Including Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau and Mother Miranda
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(Reader is somewhat coquette? Princesscore? Just the dainty feminine type)
Credits to dividers used are on this post.
Rules for requests
If you don't want to send requests through Tumblr, my Instagram is always an option.
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Please interact with this post as much as possible, it helps a lot. Thank you <3
A/n: Hi lovelies, Lia here. I'm back after a long time. I hope you enjoy this post and I'll be setting up my schedule soon, I'll be posting once or twice every 1-2 week/s. If you can't tell, purple has always been my theme. I'll add more to these and edit it if I think of more to add. Any mistakes will be corrected upon checking.
This is just me but I love the concept of like a girl who is so sweet and her style just looks so fem and she's just surrounded by all the creepy things that are resident evil.
I'll be checking and if this post does well I will write more.
Warnings/Disclaimers: English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Blood, gore?, violence, typical resident evil stuff and mentions of insecurity. Slight suggestive content if you squint.
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Alcina Dimitrescu
First of all despite your plush stature, she still treats you like a porcelain doll.
She just adores you so much (I mean she herself is tall and plus size).
Motherly nature and all, she has three daughters and honestly if she ever sees you interact with them. It would just warm her cadou infested heart.
Insecure about stretch marks? She'll kiss that shit away right then and there. She'll even show you hers because let's be honest here stretch marks are beautiful, you just don't like them on yourself.
Anyone insults or talks shit about you? She'll get rid of them, in any way possible depending on what they said. She'll pick a suitable punishment for them, ranges from "you're fired" to "I'm going to skin you alive and tear your heart out".
Alcina is a confident and dominant figure, she isn't swayed by something so small as beauty standards. Especially in herself, therefore I think she'd even help you build your confidence up.
Gifts galore with this woman, she love to spoil you with her riches. Loves to see you adorned with luxurious items that she give you.
Love dressing up with you, seeing you all dolled up for her. Has custom made clothes for you, sometimes opts for an outfit that matches or contrasts yours perfectly.
Knows what compliments your features best since she loves to bring them out.
Her hosting soirees and balls with you as her special guest, having you wear elegant dresses that she bought for you.
I see her as this almost touchy type. She'll love having you curl up on her lap while she gets paperwork done.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
You called Alcina's attention wanting to see her reaction to the new dress you bought, Alcina's eyes lit up at your elegance and charm. She smiled warmly, taking your hand in hers. "You look enchanting, my darling," she purred, proud to have you by her side.
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Karl Heisenberg
Stinky metal dilf here actually loves that you're so soft in contrast to his gruff and abrasive nature.
He hasn't had physical affection in a long time so having someone soft and warm to hold is new to him.
Karl is naturally protective over you, especially because he thinks you're fragile. I mean compared to whatever's in the village, the rest of the lords and Mother Miranda.
I bet you this man has tore down someone for you, he chopped them off limb by limb for insulting you.
I can't get enough of the dynamic you'd have. It's like the grumpy x sunshine trope, this man has a sharp tongue. Especially when you hear him insult Lady Dimitrescu.
This man has a soft spot for you, I'm pretty sure you're the only one who can make him take a bath after being all sweaty from working with machinery all day.
I feel like he has scars all of his body, especially his very toned back.
Doesn't mind you leaving scratches when you're in the bedroom
Alcina sometimes tries to piss him off by commenting at the fact that you are soft and dainty while Karl is just the opposite and offers you an opportunity to be with "Someone refined" (She ain't wrong).
It really is just to get to Karl's nerves.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Karl smirked, trying to play it cool, but you could see the admiration in his eyes. "Not bad, princess," he teased, pulling you into a hug. He whispered softly, "You're somethin' special, ya know?"
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Donna Beneviento
You know Donna understands what it's like being insecure about looks but to her you're just perfect in every single way.
Donna just doesn't give a shit in a good way, she doesn't judge people based on their appearance. It's dumb and shallow.
Donna would absolutely adore making clothes for you or altering your current ones. It's a skill she's proud of and seeing you appreciate it makes her all the more in love with you.
Angie has made a few comments resulting in her getting kicked off into space but once Donna warms her about that and how you don't like it, she'll stop in respect towards you. Which is rare considering how Angie is.
Donna's personal style definitely helps contrast yours, though it's the opposite from your soft light colors.
Thinks you're so pretty, she's smitten. Even though yours are different from you, she still makes use of her skills to fit your clothing tastes.
I can just imagine her staring at you in awe as you spin around and show her how the dress she made fits you. I like to think she has your measurements memorized from head to toe.
She take one look at something and already know how it would fit on you or if she needs to alter.
You once asked her to make a doll that looks like the both of you (and Angie but like a smaller version that fits the doll's arms).
Donna entered your shared bedroom to find you but noticed something on the shelves. It was the dolls she made sitting against the book. She noticed how you positioned them. Holding hand while the tiny Angie replica was on the doll version of her's lap. Donna swore at that moment she was gonna melt.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Donna's expression softened as she saw you in the vintage lace dress. She held your hand, wordlessly conveying her affection and admiration.
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Salvatore Moreau
God so help him, he was flabbergasted when he first heard about your insecurity. Literally why? Like you are just the most beautiful thing that walked the planet in his eyes.
He just worships the ground you walk on, he isn't as wealthy as the other lords but still, he give you his best efforts by carving you small trinkets out of wood.
Gifts you natural things he finds like crystals and whatnot.
Best of efforts when he comforts you. Sometimes he's too scared to physically touch you because he thinks he'll hurt you.
You're relationship is filled mostly by nature, despite the wasteland that surrounds your living area. It's hauntingly beautiful in it's own way. (Some of it I suppose)
Feels more at ease around you, think about how much he wanted to just make Mother Miranda proud of him, he's that with you but 10x more the effort.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Salvatore couldn't contain his delight at seeing you in the dress. "You're my beautiful water nymph princess!" he exclaimed, spinning you around with excitement.
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Mother Miranda
You peeked her interest when she first saw you, I mean you're her complete opposite. She finds beauty in dark items and almost gothic stuff, so her taking an interest to you just made her even more curious.
She works a lot so gifts and trinkets to remind you of her are an occasional thing. I can just imagine you taming crows and she's just in awe.
Loyalty of crows means they leave you shiny trinkets and sometimes Miranda takes them for herself when she likes whatever they bring.
Again she's one to think you're fragile because of your style, you just look so cute and soft.
Nobody dares insult you, I mean if you really won the heart of Mother Miranda they are fucked if they even speak a little out of line.
Likes to keep you by her side despite working a lot. So you'd often be by her side during her meetings with the four lords and honestly you are such an eye candy.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Mother Miranda's composure remained regal, but her eyes showed approval. "You look exquisite" she acknowledged, holding your hand with reverence. To her, you were a jewel among mortals, deserving of admiration.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 18 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Things at the meeting get out of hand and Alcina loses control.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI. Canon violence, blood
Tags: angst, hurt, some comfort, the tiniest dash of fluff
Notes: Part 18! Shit gets real!
Click here for the rest of the series
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A soft click echoes through the dilapidated chapel when the door closes behind you. Alcina strides forward into the center of the room and you follow behind her right hand side.
"Donna, how have you been?" Alcina asks Donna who is sitting in a chair to the left of the small stage in the back of the room.
"Very well, and yourself, Lady Dimitrescu?"
"Excellent. I've been well. You remember my new handmaiden, yes?"
"Of course. Good morning." Angie's mouth moves but Donna's voice is what comes through.
"Good morning Lady Beneviento." You say with a bow.
"Hey! What about me?!" Angie says in her own voice.
Alcina rolls her eyes at the doll and waves her off.
"Yes, good morning to you too Angie." Alcina mumbles.
"That's what I like to hear! Your new bloodbag is cute, wonder how long she'll last!" Angie says before cackling loudly.
The doll hops off of Donna's lap and walks right up to you and looks up as she circles you.
"Hm, I guess she's okay. Probably won't last too long." She says before shooting you a wink and climbing back into Donna's lap.
"Good morning Miss Angie." You say with a bow.
"And she has manners! Who would've thought?!"
Alcina rolls her eyes again and turns towards the other side of the church. As you look around you notice that the chapel is in worse shape than the hallway that led the two of you here. The back of the room is being help up by what looks like makeshift scaffolding and there's a gaping hole in the ceiling.
"Ah, Salvatore, good morning." Alcina says.
As you look up you see a hunched over man with a rather large hump on his back. He's wearing a black leather jacket that looks more like a cloak draped over him with a crown of, are those bones? Fastened to the hood. Strands of black scraggily hair dangle just below the multiple tumor-like lumps on his neck and face.
Moreau looks up at Alcina and waves with a purple-grey webbed hand.
"Good morning Lady." He gurgles.
"Salvatore, I would like you to meet my new handmaiden." Alcina says, gesturing to you.
"Good morning Lord Moreau." You say with a bow.
The man lets out a noise that almost sounds like a sob. When you look up you see a mouth full of rotted and crooked teeth, most of which are nearly pointing outwards towards you. It's then you realize that he's laughing. A feeling of uneasiness washes over you and you look up at Alcina to find her narrowing her eyes at the man.
"Oh this must be the one mother was speaking of!" He says as he excitedly claps his hands together. "Mother said she has many fun things planned for you!"
"Has she now?" Alcina says as her stare intensifies.
Moreau looks up at Alcina and the glee in his eyes quickly fades. He begins to stutter and she cuts him off.
"Well I certainly hope mothers plans on playing nice. We all know that I take pride in keeping what is mine in pristine condition and that I don't like when my property is damaged." She says through her teeth.
You watch as the ice laced in her voice causes Salvatore to shrink back into himself. He begins to tremble under her stare and just when you think the man before you is going to fall down to his knees and beg for her forgiveness, the back doors swing open with a loud "BANG."
Everyone turns and looks towards the direction the noise came from to find Heisenberg strutting through the doors with his hammer slung over his shoulder.
"Heisenberg. Do you have any manners?" Alcina hisses as she walks towards him.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like this dump could get any worse."
"You're late."
"So is the bird bitch but I bet I won't see you saying shit to her about it." Alcina glares at him and his gaze shifts to you. "Hey kid, gotcha something."
He tosses something at you and you're able to catch it even though you were caught off guard. Alcina eyes what's in your hand as you unravel it and you realize it's a dagger in a leg holster. You slide the dagger out of its holster to take a look at it. Right away you notice the Dimitrescu coat of arms engraved into both sides of the hilt. The dagger is lightweight but razor-sharp, it's beautiful.
"Thank you very much, Lord Heisenberg. It's wonderful, your craftsmanship is excellent." You say with a bow.
"Don't thank me yet. You can thank me when you know it works." He shoots you a wink and Alcina's glare towards him intensifies. "Go ahead, slap that baby on!"
You look up at Alcina to see that her eyes are still aimed at Karl. Her gazes drops down to you and she sighs and gives you a nod. Stepping aside, you turn away from everyone and strap the dagger to your thigh so you can easily grab it with your dominant hand. After making sure it's secure and easily accessible, you smooth out your dress over it and turn back to the two of them and give them a nod.
Karl gives you a nod and Alcina places her hand on your back and begins to guide you towards her large chair. Karl sits in the pew opposite of her and you stand to her right just a touch behind her.
"Sal, Donna, china doll." Karl says, nodding to each person.
"HEY! I'm not china doll!" Angie screeches.
"Might as well be, Frankenstein." He drawls.
"Listen you! Keep it up and you're gonna regret it!"
"What are you gonna do? Give me a splinter?"
Donna has to restrain Angie in her lap so she doesn't jump out and run over to Karl.
"I'll show you what I can do!"
Alcina pinches the bridge of her nose, trying to keep her temper from getting away from her.
Just as Karl is about to retort and Alcina's patience nearly runs out there's a burst of black feathers in the center of the stage. Mother Miranda steps out from the black cloud in her usual garb. Alcina releases the breath she was holding and Angie and Karl's bickering immediately stops.
"My children, good morning."
"Good morning Mother Miranda." You all say in unison.
"I hope this morning finds you all well." She says, looking at each person in the chapel. Her eyes wander from Karl, to Sal, to Donna and Angie, to Alcina and finally land on you. You watched as each person, Angie included, met her gaze and bowed their head so you do the same when she catches your eyes. "Ah, y/n. So wonderful to have you with us today."
"The pleasure is all mine, Mother Miranda." You say.
"You will be taking today's notes, is that correct?"
"Yes Mother Miranda."
"Excellent." She walks over to you and places a book and a pen into your hands. "I look forward to reading your recordings. Please, pull up a chair." She says, gesturing to a knocked over chair behind you.
Looking at Alcina, she gives you a nod and you move to pick up the chair, placing it in the exact spot you were standing; on Alcina's right side just a little behind her. Mother Miranda watches your every move until you're seated and have the book open in your lap. After looking you over once more she makes her way back to the center of the stage.
"It has come to my attention that there have been hunters in the vicinity of the castle, is that correct Heisenberg?"
"Yes, my lycans have encountered nearly 20 of them in the span of just a few days. They seem organized and heavily armored. Two were also spotted a few miles south of Potter's Field as well as two more south of the reservoir. My lycans went out to find more and to follow them back to their base but they haven't seen any more since the last encounter."
"And did you meet with Alcina like I had asked of you?"
"Yes, we met the other day to discuss a plan. I am increasing the amount of lycans I have patrolling the castle grounds. I am also sending out extra lycans to both Potter's Field and the reservoir to patrol."
"And I plan on patrolling the castle grounds myself this week to see what I can find." Alcina adds.
"Excellent. Were there any prisoners taken?" Miranda asks.
"My lycans were able to get one after the last fight, but the prisoner put a bullet in his own head before they were able to get anything useful out of him."
"Well, that's certainly interesting, isn't it?"
"Can't say it's happened before."
"And when the base is located, what is the plan?"
"We plan on taking some time to quietly scout it out. Get a rough layout, a headcount of the amount of hunters that are there, what kind of weapons they have and if we can get wind of their plans. Once the information is gathered we will act accordingly."
Mother Miranda, Karl and Alcina discuss the hunters more as you continue to take as detailed notes as possible. Donna and Salvatore chime in every so often with questions and suggestions. Donna said that if the hunters do end up entering the field she will use her cadou powers to get rid of them. Moreau seemed more worried and mentioned that he doesn't have as much control over his mutations as his siblings, leaving him more vulnerable. Karl and Alcina reassured him that they will take extra precautions to ensure his safety.
"Does anyone have any more questions or concerns?" Mother Miranda asks. When no one says anything, her eyes shift over to you. "Well then, it seems as though this portion of the meeting is finished. Y/n, if you could be so kind, could you please bring me your notes?"
You feel your body tense and your eyes shift towards Alcina. Alcina's eyes are narrowed towards Mother Miranda. Miranda returns Alcina's look and Alcina turns her head towards you and gives you a nod. There's a worry in her eyes you can tell she's trying to hide. Maybe no one else can see it, but you can. Perhaps because you're trying to hide the same look from your eyes.
"Well, well, Alcina. Do you have this one well trained." Miranda says as she watches you move towards her.
The short walk towards Miranda felt like it was a mile long. As hard as you tried to keep your nerves at bay you could feel your heartbeat increase with each step towards her. You truly felt like you were walking into the lions den. Miranda extends her hand and you give her the book. She flips through it, skimming through the notes you've taken. After a minute she closes the book and holds it down. Angie jumps out of Donna's lap and grabs the book from Miranda and returns to Donna. Miranda takes a step towards you and you feel your breath freeze in your lungs. You do your best to keep your face neutral but your heartbeat is so loud it's drowning out the sound of everything else around you.
"Excellent job. Your penmanship is quite exquisite."
"Thank you, Mother Miranda." You say as you bow your head.
Just before you're about to pick your head back up you feel cold metal against your skin. Opening your eyes you realize Miranda has placed one of her talon-clad knuckles under your chin and lifts your gaze up to meet hers.
"So, you are Alcina's new handmaiden?"
"Yes Mother Miranda."
"What else?"
"I'm sorry, I don't understand?"
"What else do you do for her?" She hisses.
"I do anything my Mistress asks of me, Mother Miranda." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
"Anything, you say?"
"Yes Mother Miranda." You say before you swallow hard.
"What about you is so special? Why would she chose you, purchase you, a poor orphan? A useless wretch?"
You can hear Alcina shift uncomfortably in her chair and Miranda's eyes snap towards her. They slide back to you and an evil grin creeps across her lips.
Before you know it, the finger that was under your chin snaps down and she grabs you by the neck and lifts you up.
Instinctively, your hands grab at her wrist and your feet dangle just above the ground. Mother Miranda slowly presses the base of her palm against the front of your throat and she begins choking you. You start to sputter and your feet start to flail.
"Mother Miranda that is enough!" Alcina roars as she stands to her full height.
Miranda holds out a finger towards Alcina, signaling for her to wait.
"What is it about her that makes you want to protect her so, my daughter?" She asks while she examines you. "What about her is so special? So special in fact that you are unwilling to allow me to use her in my experiments?"
"Mother Miranda let her go!"
Miranda's grasp around your neck only tightens as she cuts off the rest of your airflow. Her sharp talons dig into your skin and you feel blood begin to trickle down your neck.
"Just how much are you willing to sacrifice, Alcina? I had to teach Karl a similar lesson all those years ago. I never thought you would be in need of one as well but perhaps I was wrong about you all along."
"Mother Miranda, please! She is not a distraction, I am still working diligently towards your goal, please just let her go!"
As you're struggling in her grasp you see Donna and Angie in your peripheral vision as your eyes dart around the room. Donna is as stiff as a mannequin but Angie has a look of horror on her face. You hear movement to your right and you look over to see Moreau staring at Miranda with a look of excitement on his face and Karl next to him with his hammer in his hand. You feel something move on your leg and you realize it's Karl wiggling the dagger, reminding you it's there. Your vision begins to blur as you gasp and the world around you begins to spin.
"Are you sure I don't need to teach you a lesson Alcina?"
"Yes Mother, please!"
An evil chuckle emerges from her lips. With her free hand, Mother Miranda digs her talon into your clavicle and pulls down as blood begins to pour down your chest. Her talon in your skin feels like a hot knife and you can't do anything but scream out in pain before she throws you to the ground.
You feel the impact of the hard stone but it doesn't register right away. The first thing you do is gasp for air as your hands go to your neck and chest.
Alcina begins to step towards you and you hear Miranda tsk at her.
"My, my, Alcina. I've never seen you care for such a disposable maiden before. Maybe you do need to learn a lesson after all."
"Mother no!" You hear Alcina shout before the ground next to you splits in two and a black vine shoots up towards the sky. Pieces of stone are sent flying across the room and the vine dives down towards you.
Mother Miranda cackles as the vine wraps around your neck again and lifts you into the air. You hear Alcina scream and when you look over towards her, her legs and arms are being bound by more vines.
The vines begin to choke you as they dangle you in front of Alcina, just outside of her reach. There is fear in her eyes, you can see the terror as she watches the vine around your neck tighten its grip. Alcina roars and rips her arm out of one of the vines when you reach out towards her. The vine holding you pulls you further away. A new vine tries to grab Alcina's free hand but her claws come out and she shreds it when it tries to grapple her.
Remembering the dagger strapped to your leg, you reach down and grab it. Even something as simple as grabbing the dagger that's strapped to you is harder than it should be. Your vision starts to get spotty and you put all of your focus into reaching for the blade. Your bloodied fingers are able to find the grooved hilt, they graze over the coat of arms engraving and you're able to grab it. With one quick swipe you manage to cut through the vine. When you're released from it's grasp you plummet to the floor and hit the ground. The noise of metal against stone rings in your ears as the dagger bounces away. Air once again floods your lungs and after a moment you're able to breathe.
Before you can catch your breath, another vine lunges towards you and you dodge it. The dagger isn't far from your grasp so you crawl across the dirt coated stone floor and grab it. Another vine comes at you and you roll away. When you're finally able to get back to your feet another, thicker vine shoots towards you and you parry it, slicing it with the sharp blade. More vines come at you and you're able to evade most of the attacks. Each time one wraps around one of your limbs you're able to cut it off and escape. Looking over at Alcina, thicker, stronger vines try to hold her back but her focus stays on you. She has both fear and rage in her eyes. You notice them widen when you make eye contact with her and she yells out "draga!"
By the time you see the vine coming towards you it's too late. It wraps itself around the hand your dagger is in and crawls up your forearm. In one hark flick the vine throws you across the room, the dagger flying out of your grasp.
You're thrown into debris and broken pews and Alcina screams. When you open your eyes everything is blurry and spinning. As your vision stabilizes and clears you see her shred through the vines holding her in place. She claws at every vine that comes her way as she runs towards you before she falls to her knees and scoops you into her arms.
Everything around you spins again and all you see are more vines coming towards you. Instinctively, you close your eyes and wait for the vines to wrap around you once more. Alcina's body violently twitches and she lets out a pained cry. A horrific tearing sound and the cracking of bones fill your ears as she cries out and holds you tighter. With one last twitch Alcina's shoulders slump forward, all of the noise fades and you notice that the light has dimmed through your closed eyelids. When you open them up again, you're met with Alcina's golden eyes. Looking around you see massive white, veiny wings surrounding you both. Alcina brushes the hair out of your face and you meet her gaze once more.
"I have you, draga mea. I have you." She whispers with a trembling voice.
You bring your hand to her face and stroke her cheek with your thumb. Alcina closes her eyes and leans into your touch. A slow clap pulls the two of you away from your moment and Alcina pulls her wings back allowing the light in. She turns with you in her arms and Mother Miranda is standing at the edge of the stage slowly clapping her hands.
"Well, well. That was quite a show. Your little handmaid is more dexterous than I would have thought. And you, Alcina, care more deeply for her than I ever would have imagined. You defy me, for her?" She says, her voice growing cold.
You can feel the rapid rise and fall of Alcina's chest against your body, you can practically feel the anger radiating off of her.
"I have told you before, Mother, she is mine. She is my property. You said you understood and that you would leave her be."
"You care for her?"
"You need her?"
"Then prove it."
Alcina's grip around you tightens and you look up at her and back to Mother Miranda. Miranda has a sinister smirk on her face and it's worse than unsettling. It's downright terrifying.
"Prove it, Alcina. Prove to me that you care for her, that you need her. Feed from her."
Terror flashes before Alcina's eyes and by the time you blink it's gone. She's nearly trembling as she stares at Miranda. It's mostly out of anger but there's something about her that makes you feel her fear. Whether or not Miranda can feel it too is something you're unsure of. For whatever reason, Alcina is worried about feeding from you and you don't know why. She's done it plenty of times before and there's never been any issues. There's something about this that's different, but you don't know what.
"If you do, I give you my word, I will leave her alone. For good." She says, her sinister smile curling upwards even more.
Alcina's wings flare at Miranda's statement and she looks down at you. Looking up to meet her gaze, you see how scared she is, but you also see something else, something you've never seen before. It's almost animalistic, feral even. The both of you know this is your only chance, but deep down you know that if Mother Miranda knew this would be easy she never would have suggested it. It worries you but you're much more afraid of Miranda than you are of Alcina, even if the look in her eyes is completely feral. This was your one shot, you had to take it.
You raise your hand to Alcina's cheek and stroke it with your thumb.
"It's okay, I trust you." You whisper.
Miranda chuckles and Alcina looks up and glares at her. She looks back down at you and you smile at her, nodding your head. Her grip on you relaxes and when it does you notice her golden eyes begin to cloud with white. Alcina lifts you towards her mouth and she leans down.
She inhales deeply through her nose into your neck and you can feel and hear a deep growl come from inside her chest. You've heard her growl before but this was stronger, more primal than you've ever heard before. Alcina begins to suck and lick the perfect spot on your neck. Each movement becoming more frenzied than the last. Whenever Alcina fed from you previously she was always gentle, she made sure it was as painless as possible every time. This time you can feel her control slipping and a bolt of fear shoots through you.
The moment you felt that fear it was like Alcina was able to smell it. Because the moment after it hit you she bit down into your neck harder than she ever has before. You clench your jaw to keep the yelp in but you still grunt in pain. After biting through your flesh Alcina takes deep gulps from your neck, her grip on you tightening once more.
This is the worst pain you've ever felt in your life and she isn't making it any better. Previously, Alcina would barely move as she fed from you, but today her head and neck are bobbing with each gulp. Every time she sucks down more blood you can feel her teeth sinking further and further into your body. You can hear them tearing through muscles and tendons, the noises make your stomach churn. Every time she bites through something else inside of you you can feel every inch of her teeth against parts of you body that should never be exposed.
Alcina has never taken this much blood from you and you realize that she's completely out of control. She doesn't realize how much she's hurting you, and right now, she doesn't care. This is why Miranda wanted her to do this. She knew she wouldn't be in control of herself. Miranda wanted Alcina to be the one that kills you.
Another bolt of fear shoots through you and Alcina becomes more ravenous.
"Alcina!" You say, trying to push her off of you. "Alcina! Stop!"
She grabs your wrist and pulls it away from her face, as if you're getting in her way. You start to thrash in her grasp as panic sets in. She's going to kill you. The harder you fight the tighter her grip on you becomes and the more she drinks.
"Alcina please! Stop! You're hurting me!" You cry.
You were trying to keep your tears from falling but now you've lost all control of them. As you continue to try, and fail, to fight her off you start to feel weak. Soon you physically can't fight back anymore. Tears stream down your face and you cry out to her.
"Alcina, please! Please stop! That's enough, please!"
Your begs fall on deaf ears. This isn't Alcina, you don't know who - or what - has possessed her but this isn't the woman you love right now. That woman is far gone and has been replaced with a bloodthirsty creature you've never seen before. The more she drinks, the more lightheaded you feel. You can feel her teeth scraping against the artery in your neck and the fear gets stronger. If she punctures it, that's it. You'll be dead in minutes. There has to be something you can do to save yourself, isn't there? You don't want to die, not like this.
Alcina, the woman you love, is going to be the death of you. She's going to be the one who kills you. It breaks your heart knowing how devastated she's going to be when she realizes what she's done. If you were going to die, you're glad it would be by her hand at least. You would chose being killed by Alcina as opposed to Mother Miranda any day of the week, but still, you don't want to die.
The world around you begins to blur and you think back to your training with Cassandra, desperately trying to remember if you learned anything that could help you right now. The entire time you were training was to help you defend yourself against Miranda, you never thought you would have to defend yourself against Alcina.
As the thoughts flood your mind you remember something Cassandra had said at dinner after your first day of training. You were too exhausted to really participate in the conversation but you remember she said something about how prey tastes better when it's afraid. The fear sweetens the blood.
A lightbulb goes off in your head. The room begins to spin faster and your vision gets blurrier but you do your best to completely relax in her arms. You stop fighting against the hand she has around your wrist and after a few moments she loosens her grip enough for you to slide out of it. Bringing it to her face, you begin to caress her cheek and whisper to her.
"Alcina, my love, please. That's enough. That's enough."
You know you can't handle much more, if she doesn't stop, that's it. As you continue to caress her cheek with the little strength you have left you realize there's a very good chance you won't be able to stop her. One nick to that artery and you're done. More tears fall down your cheeks as you make peace with the fact that this is how you're going to die.
"I love you, Alcina. I love you. Let me go, that's enough."
Just as you feel like you're about to lose consciousness, just as you feel her starting to bite down harder into that artery, she eases up. Mustering up the tiny amount of energy and lifeforce you have left, you continue to caress her cheek and whisper to her.
"That's enough my love, that's enough."
Alcina pulls away from your neck and you feel the blood pour down your shoulder and back. It takes a lot of energy but you manage to open your eyes. When you look up you expect to be met with Alcina's golden irises but instead you're met with completely white eyes. As if the gold was never there to begin with. Her impassive eyes stare down at you as you bleed in her arms from your neck and chest wounds. Alcina's face is covered in your blood, coating her chin down to her neck and chest. She looks like a predator that just had its way with its prey.
Her grip around you tightens and her breathing starts to increase and her eyes widen as if she's afraid.
"Shh, I'm okay." You whisper as you stroke her face again. "I'm okay."
She leans down and you close your eyes. You feel her nose against your cheek as she gently nudges you, like a mother animal nuzzling her baby. A whimper escapes from her and you open your eyes once more.
"I'm okay," you say as you struggle to stay conscious. "I'm okay."
Alcina's eyes dart up as Mother Miranda takes a step forward. A deep warning growl rumbles in her chest towards Miranda. Miranda takes another step forward and Alcina takes one large step backwards, baring her teeth and snarling at her, holding you in a protective position in her arms. Mother Miranda doesn't take another step forward and Alcina takes one more step backwards before kneeling to the ground and covering the both of you with her wings again. Your eyes open when you feel her nudge you again with her nose and after you make eye contact with her she nuzzles you.
Alcina leans in towards the wound and you try to lift your hand but you're too weak.
"No more Alcina, please."
She pulls back and nudges you again. A loud purr erupts from her chest and you can feel the vibration throughout your body. She leans in towards the wound again. You realize that she isn't going to feed anymore so you don't stop her. Alcina licks over the open wound, cleaning away the blood. It's still bleeding profusely but the more Alcina tends to it, the less it bleeds. The purring in her chest echoes throughout the chapel as she continues to clean you. When she's finished she places a soft kiss to the wound and pulls away, you open your eyes to see the white in her eyes slowly fading back into gold.
Alcina blinks a few times and a few tears roll down her cheeks. She puts her forehead to yours and holds you tight.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry draga." She whispers.
Her arms begin to tremble and she pulls away, wiping the tears from her eyes. Standing back up, her wings fold against her back, opening you up to the rest of the chapel once more.
Glaring at Mother Miranda, Alcina doesn't wait for her to speak.
"Are we finished here?" She says through bloody, gritted teeth.
Mother Miranda tilts her head as she observes the two of you for a moment.
"Very well. I suppose so. Meeting adjourned."
In a burst of black feathers, Miranda is gone. Alcina wastes no time opening up her wings and begins to beat them. After a few seconds her feet are off the ground and she's flying through the air and out of the hole in the chapels ceiling with you in her arms.
If you were more conscious you would be either terrified or amazed as she flies you over the castle grounds. Since you can barely keep your eyes open you focus on the feeling of the wind in your face and try to stay awake.
Alcina lands on the balcony of her chambers. The blood she took from you is starting to take its effect and she can finally let her wings disintegrate. It's uncomfortable but not nearly as painful as it is when they rip themselves out of her back when they form. She dusts off her dress and ducks into the room.
She lays you on the bed and cuts your uniform off of you and removes the now empty leg holster. After taking off her gloves - her hat had fallen off and was forgotten about during the fight - she grabs medical supplies from the bathroom and returns to your bedside.
Truthfully, you feel half dead, you probably looked it too. The blood loss you've suffered is making you a little delusional. You think you're in Alcina's room but you're not quite sure since the room is spinning and your vision is blurry and black spots are fading in and out of it.
The wound on your neck opened up again and continues to bleed. Luckily she never hit your artery but you're still bleeding too much. Alcina takes out gauze and places it over the bite mark, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. The feeling of pressure on your wound sends a lightening rod of pain through your body and you cry out as you try and move out of her grasp.
"Shh, I know it hurts draga, I know. I have to apply pressure to it, we have to get the bleeding under control." She pleads with you as you start to thrash under her grip. "Draga please!"
The more she tries to restrain you the more you scream and cry. You don't understand that she's trying to help, all you know is that you're in pain and you need it to stop.
The door to Alcina's room swings open and the three girls swarm inside.
"What's going on?!" Bela asks.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Daniela screams when she sees you, a bloodied mess, on her mothers bed.
"Hold her down!" Alcina yells at the girls. The three of them remain frozen in place. "Now, damnit!"
Bela flies to the other side of the bed and holds your arms down, Daniela and Cassandra each hold down one of your legs. Alcina continues to apply pressure to the wound and you shake your head back and fourth trying to get her off. A large hand cups your face and holds you still. Opening your eyes you see Alcina's golden eyes filled with tears.
"I know it hurts draga, I know. I have to stop the bleeding. Please, please relax."
Your body is still in fight or flight mode but your brain begins to register that she's trying to help. Staring into her eyes, you stop flailing and start to cry.
"It hurts." You say through tears.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, just hold still, it'll all be over soon. I promise."
"Mama, was this you?" Daniela asks as her wide eyes stare at the blood soaked gauze at your neck.
Alcina can't bear to look her daughter in the eye. She turns her head as the tears she's desperately holding back threaten to fall.
"What happened?" Cassandra says through her teeth. Alcina keeps her head turned and Cassandras tone becomes ice cold. "Mother, what did you do?"
Looking down at Cassandra, you feel her grip on your calf tighten and you see the anger in her eyes directed towards her mother. As the panic in you fades, you realize just how angry she is at Alcina. For all she knows Alcina lost control and almost killed you on her own.
"Cassandra, please." Alcina whispers.
"You almost killed her!" She yells.
"It's not her fault." You say with a rasped whisper.
From Mother Miranda's hand and vines around your neck, your throat is in pain and you can barely speak. Cassandra's gaze shifts from her mother to you. Her eyes are just as intense but have less rage directed your way.
"It was Miranda's fault. She made her."
Speaking just that much was enough to properly exhaust you. You close your eyes and Cassandra looks back at her mother.
"Cassandra I didn't have a choice-"
"I told you she was evil!" Cassandra yells. "We've been telling you for years that Mother Miranda is horrible and you wouldn't listen to us! Now look what happened! You almost killed her! This never would have happened if you told that bitch to fuck off!"
"Cassandra Dimitrescu-"
"No! I don't care! I don't care if Miranda made you, this is your fault! Look at what you've done to her!" She yells, gesturing to your bloodied and bruised body. "Look at what you did!"
Alcina stares at Cassandra with her mouth open in shock. Out of the three girls Cassandra was always the one that talked back the most but she's never screamed at Alcina like this before. The room is so silent you can hear a pin drop. Looking at her daughter, Alcina reaches out to put her hand on her arm.
Cassandra's arm turns to flies and Alcina's hand goes straight through it.
"No, I don't want to hear it. I don't care. I'm so sick of this bullshit!" She shouts before swarming out of the room.
Alcina's hand covers her mouth as she sits there in shock. She begins to tremble as she tries with all of her strength to keep herself from breaking down in front of you and her daughters. No matter how hard she squeezes her eyes shut the tears begin to pour down her cheeks.
Bela and Daniela sit on the bed frozen. Cassandra was always the most like Alcina, their tempers practically mirroring one another, but this was the only time they've ever seen her scream at someone like that that wasn't a maid. They never thought they would ever see her flip out on either one of them like that, no less their mother.
Shaking her head trying to rid herself of the tears, Alcina grabs more gauze from the medical kit and replaces it with the blood-soaked gauze on your neck. She's trying to busy herself so she doesn't break down but her hands are trembling with every movement and her eyebrows are knit so closely they've practically become one.
"Bela," Alcina says with a shaking voice. "Do you think her chest wound will require stitches?"
Bela looks at her mother with confusion and worry for a moment before examining the cut Miranda gave you.
"No, I don't think so. It doesn't look deep. If it's taken care of properly it shouldn't scar too badly."
"Good. Bandage it up please."
"Bela, please. Do it now." Alcina says as she barely holds on to her composure.
Bela makes quick work of the cut, applying an ointment to prevent infection - that stung like a bitch - and bandaging it up. As she tends to your wound Alcina is focused on your neck. She continues to check to see if the bleeding has stopped and it hasn't, although it has slowed. The longer Alcina looks at the wound she gave you, the harder it is for her to hold back.
"Okay, it's done."
"Thank you. That is all girls," she says as her voice shakes. "you may go."
Tears begin to roll down her cheeks and her breath trembles as she inhales.
"But mom-" Daniela says.
"No, go." The girls say nothing but don't move. The thin rope Alcina was clinging to snaps and a sob breaks out. "Just go!" She shouts as she waves them off.
With one hand still applying pressure to your neck, her other hand rests on your chest. Alcina folds forward, her head laying on top of her hand and the dam breaks. Her shoulders shake as she cries into you, Bela and Daniela exchange looks and they both move off of the bed. Both of them give their mothers arm a loving squeeze before they leave the room, shutting the door behind them.
Your hand finds the back of Alcina's head and you run your fingers through her hair as you try and comfort her.
"It's not your fault Alci, it's not your fault."
"Yes it is. I'm a monster."
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