#lady kiseki au
kari-go · 2 years
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lunareel · 10 months
The name of the song that plays during the credits of pokémon X & Y, Kiseki, means "miracles", but depending how it's combined with other words in Japanese, it can mean "miraculous". Now I can't help but imagine AZ as the miraculous guardian of an AU. Also, I kinda have a thought about some pokémon characters being sentimonsters: N, Silver, Lillie and Mewtwo. All of them have "parent" issues, missing good parental figures,
Initially reading the part with AZ all I can think about is:
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@plushie-sentai thank you for translating!
The credit song is a fun coincidence. I admit I have no plans or thoughts for a miraculous guardian (personally if there was to be one I would choose either Red or Cynthia). The miraculous jewelry of legendary pokemon was never intended to match up 1 to 1 with the lore of the show or how the miraculous function in the show. I hope that makes sense.
It was more of if you had this jewelry piece you would be backed by that legendary and receive a portion of their powers as a gift. (For reference think of the boons you receive by the Gods in Hades Supergiant game.)
Of course by all means feel free to keep thinking about these ideas and play around with them! I just didn't want to cause any confusion if people ended up asking me more questions about the jewelry.
I think I get the basis of sentimonsters, but most of my knowledge has come by osmosis and they confuse me quite a bit. Please do not send me messages explaining what sentimonsters are. I think I get the general gist of it though, and out of the list, I would say if there had to be sentimonsters in this setup it would only be N.
For context, I stopped watching ML early season 2 because I didn't really like where the story and character writing was going. No hate to those who have been enjoying the show or have liked where the show has gone, I hope you are enjoying it! I wanted to like it, but it just ended up not being my cup of tea.
Quick side note, I have been following along to @zoe-oneesama Scarlet Lady comic. I would highly recommend it is an absolute banger both in writing and in art. How she writes the characters for the story is just *chef kiss.* It's what I wanted out of the ML show and it's been such a good read.
I don't know if that comic is going to cover sentimonsters, but if it does I guess I will learn more about them anyway. If not, I will continue to live in blissful ignorance. (Apologies if they have already answered this and I just missed the info.)
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Nobility AU - Arezu
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art's Pokerus AU and @jade-nargacuga's Pokerus: Ghosts. Song included is KISEKI, the ending theme of Pokemon X/Y. Lyrics are here, video of English performance is here.]
“So… what do you want me here for?” the graying Warden asked, looking up at the tall form of her Lady.
“Lil.” A small push, encouraging Arezu to the center of Brava Arena. The sun was high in the sky, its rays warming both Warden and Noble.
“That…doesn’t answer my question?”
“Lil. Lil-i!” The Lilligant did a small pirouette, twirling around their red-haired keeper.
“Oh, you want me to dance with you?” 
A cheerful “Li!” and a nod was the only reply. She should’ve known - Lady Lilligant was quite a fan of song and dance, and oftentimes would have her Warden follow along. Truthfully, every Warden of the Lady of the Ridge would dance with their charge some - it was the best way to learn for the Rite of the Sun, after all.
Given that Arezu was verging on becoming a quadrupedal Purugly (or Glameow… it wasn’t easy to tell yet), it was safe to assume that her Lady wanted one last dance before any paws started forming or the like. “Well, alright. Shall we?”
As the Warden went to the center of the Arena, Lady Lilligant made to join her - before stopping, heading over to a spot off to the side. “M’Lady?”
The Diamond Clan warden could only stare as the Lilligant brought out a…small rectangular block, connected via a strange string to a strange mesh-fronted thing. A small tap on the smaller thing, and music - music Arezu had never heard the likes of before - began to play. Another tap, and it stopped. “Did that come from the rift?”
“Gan.” Nod. “Ga-lil.”
“...well, if you’re sure it’s safe.” Some more nodding before the Lady tapped the small box a couple more times. Once done, she scurried into position with Arezu. The pair shared a look and a smiling nod before the music began…
And as the sounds of a piano emerged from the ether, the steps just came to mind. One, two, step. Two, three, step. One, two, step. Two, three, four, step.
You and I were born  Slowly walk around the Arena,
right here in the same world. Two, three, four.
For this one brief life,  Continue the circle,
we're beneath the same sky. Hands joined, eyes locked.
The great flow of time... Step apart...
The wide expanse of space. And bow.
We are lucky enough to  Rise up,
share this lifetime we get. Looking each other in the eye.
We can gain more if we give. Advance.
By taking, we only lose. Join hands.
Let us make this a new age, Step left, two-three-four.
where we show our gratitude. Step right, two-three-four.
There's a fragile bud of hope, Shift hands and step back,
blooming in each of our hearts. And glide along the diagonal.
Don't you take that away. Back and glide again,
Our dreams are meant to be shared. Continuing the waltz.
Let it grow. Let it live. One-two-step (Wait, was it her...),
Let us see what it will bring. Two-three-step (or did the Lady seem shorter?)
When we share in our love, Three-four-step,
we make a beautiful world. Four-five-bow.
Search it out, and find the way: Come together once more,
the point where we can all meet. And the Lady let her Warden twirl.
The point where we're all the same. Lock eyes (when were they at the same eye level?),
There it lies: the future we seek. Bow once more (How odd...).
Start from there, and then we'll forge Together again,
a world where all can be free. And Warden let Lady twirl.
Free to dream, and free to smile. Once again, eyes locked (was Arezu the taller one now?)
Free to be who we will be. One more bow.
Let's make sure we create... Let go of each other...
A world of our hopes and dreams. And each to one side.
In our brief lives, Jump in the air and pirouette,
we've managed to meet. (She felt so light!)
Treasure this gift, Land squarely on her feet,
this precious time that we have. One-two-step.
In our brief lives, Jump in the air and pirouette,
we've managed to meet. (So swift!)
Treasure this gift, Land on the tips of her toes,
this precious time that we have. And go into one last twirl.
As the music continued, Arezu spun and spun, feeling so light and swift and amazing. She couldn’t help herself - she leaped out of the spin into a flying leap, arms behind her. Land, two-three-four-step, and fly forth once more, arms spread with one leg ahead, one behind. Touch down once more, one-two-a small leap and then a twirl, arms out and a leg in the air, looking down as the song came to a close. 
And to end the performance, Arezu gave a small curtsy and flourish with her skirt. Odd, it felt a bit funny... 
Before she could work out what was wrong with her skirt, she heard the sound of a Petilil clapping - something she’d grown used to after seeing the Lady’s past performances in front of her children. And indeed, there was a small Bulb Pokémon on the other side of the arena.
“Bravo! Bravo! Encore! En-oh, whoops!” Arezu fell out of her dancing posture, staring as the tiny lady (the voice didn’t sound quite like a girl’s, even if it was young) jumped over to where La...La...Lilligant had placed the odd thin brick-thing. Jumping up, a small face-tap was all it took to cease the next song’s opening notes. “Phew...sorry about that.”
“You...you talked?” Ah yes. That was the...Copperajah in the room, according to those Galaxy Team folk. Pointing one finger at the Grass-type in shock, Arez-That was a leaf. That was a leaf she was pointing with.
That was a leaf, not a finger thatwasaleafnotafingerthatwasaleaf-
“Arezu! Please! C-calm down!” Oh...she’d been saying that out loud, hadn’t she? Still, between hearing a Pokémon talk and suddenly having a leaf instead of an arm, the “Warden” (huh??) felt like her freak-out was at least somewhat justified.
Wait, that leaf... she’d seen it before. It...wasn’t that her la-ergh. Wasn’t that a Lilligant’s arm?
And come to think of it, that last move she did - it was the same way Victory Dance ended... No. It couldn’t be.
...could it?
Best to ask the possible witness ~~(and hopefully not participant)~~. “Erm... miss Petilil?” Oh, this felt weird.
“Oh! What’s wrong, Lady Arezu?”
“Did I just participate in the-” And that’s when the words sunk in. Well, one of them - “Lady”.
The ex-Warden’s mind felt like a collision had just taken place. Two carts named “reality” and “logic” had met head-on, sending wood and metal and various carried goods this way and that.
“...Ohhhh. You were asking if that was the Dance of the Sun, weren’tcha? Wellll...
it was!” The little thing was so peppy and joyful that it almost cleared Arezu’s blocked mindscape with just the one answer.
As it was, the “apparently-a” Lady asked the most poignant question she could right now:
“Yep! See, that...Glameow or Purugly thing you were dealing with... it was gonna get bad. Reaaal bad. And I didn’t want to see you go through that! So I had to pass my Title to you.” 
*thunk* Yeah. Sit down. Good idea. “Are...are you saying I’m actually Lady Lilligant now?”
“Preeeety much.” A nod before the youngling hopped over, getting in the former Warden’s lap.
“And...you were originally my Lady?”
“Uh-huh. Don’t worry, I remember everything despite bein’ all younger now. So I can help you Lady and Noble and all that.”
The Lilligant absent-mindedly patted the Petilil’s head with a leaf. This...alright. This was a thing. And a whole lot more responsibility. Not to mention a rather young-acting trainer. “Well...alright. Any other world-changing news?”
��Yep!” What? “Both you Clans are wrong about Sinnoh!” What? “You’re really worshiping his son and daughter!”
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sendryl · 4 years
WIP Sampler Basket
A meme for a people with a lot of WIPs!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by @vandrell
Y'all ready for this? I somehow have sixty-one wips. T-T Most of them are Naruto, but near the end there are a bunch of BNHA and a Hobbit and a Witcher and an Avatar wip! T-T T-T T-T T-T (also I really love song lyric titles, don't judge me)
In order from the oldest to newest because I am asking for pain apparently XD
1. Kodama
2. Murmuring
3. Hey, Uchiha! (feat. Here's My Apology & Omake: The Floor is Lava & Be Thou Brave)
4. Until Dawn Naruto AU
5. Sandpaper Love
6. Toka/Izuna Political Marriage AU
7. Hallucinogenic
8. I Know You Can Hear Me!
9. I Can Do Anything (Better Than You)
10. Smol precious lady who can collapse you with a touch and beat shark boi
11. Lilac and Strength
12. Hira - The Stem Cell Hero
13. It Takes a While; At Least, You're Here
14. Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop
15. A Trash Man and his Plant Husband
16. Anastasia AU
17. Tsugumi
18. The Healing Breath/Healer the Miracle Hero
19. From the Light Within Your Eyes
20. Obito Isn't Sure What's Happening, Exactly
21. Siren Song
22. Colors Seem to Fade
23. There's a sound that comes from the woods
24. Sit Down, I'll Get it for You
25. What do you mean, "The boat's gone?"
26. Mist & Shadow
27. Adopt Naruto AU
28. Waypoint
29. Thunder Scars the Weary Soul
30. Get A Glimpse
31. Head Over Heels
32. You Mean Everything to Me
33. No, No It's My Treat
34. Remember Me?
35. Police Sketch Artist quirk
36. Sleep Soundly and Know
37. (Find a) Fresh Start
38. The Importance of Knowing
39. When You Chase All the Dreams Inside Your Head smut
40. Noyomi How Bout I Do Anyway
41. Echoes BNHA
42. Akatsuki Family and Friends AU
43. Hideaway quirk
44. Nondescript quirk
45. And I Miss My Lover
46. Forgotten
47. datus interruptus
48. Kiseki (Miracle Hero)
49. Head Above Water
50. Firefly
51. There's Never Been a Moment You Were Forgotten
52. Freshmen and Fresh Meat
53. Broken head, broken heart
54. Broken Pieces, Floating By
55. Ensorcelled Jaskier
56. Akatsuki Resort AU
57. Shinsou & Toshinori Coffee & Tea
58. ShinDeku Soulmates AU
59. Working nine to five
60. Sing to Me of Life
61. Infiltration gone wrong
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kimonobeat · 7 years
English translation and romanization below.
What if you’re not around tomorrow and I run all by myself? What if tomorrow I’m not able to see anything I believe in anymore?
You've had plenty of courage and love To go around for a while now, right? Oh Yeah You wanna keep running towards the future, don’tcha? You’ve been trying your hardest to live life without hurting anyone else, haven’t ya?
I liked you, I really did You can be selfish at times, and you get scared when you step off the path But all in all, you’re really sweet
I’ve watched you for years and years I’ve seen who knows how many miracles
Can’t even measure how long the final stretch will be I’m not sure where I’m getting all this power from So much is gonna happen in the last decade of this century How are you gonna tell the future about it all?
I like you, I really do Sometimes I just wasn't satisfied, and I nitpicked, and I really annoyed you But it turns out, that’s because I was dreaming
Every time you close your eyes when you go to sleep Can see ya eyes Like a knife in ya soul Open up, open up the door to your heart in between all the tears I sit by the window and gaze out at the flow of time Fly into space with an open heart And then come back by the time dawn comes around
All right!! Hey ladies and gentlemen Boy meets girl I’m KOO in the house you don’t stop Me now!! You are the one You are the one check it up! I’d really love to keep my eyes on the moment we crossed paths Love and peace! Love and Kool! Forever I’m gonna sing your favorite song forever, without forgetting what it was like to look into your eyes So reality! Hey! Brand new tomorrow
YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE Things can be so ridiculous at times that I feel like throwing in the towel But all in all, I don’t really hate existing
YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE Sometimes I scream because I’m so unsatisfied But in the end, I’m still chasing after my dreams
I liked you, I really did You can be selfish at times, and you get scared when you step off the path But all in all, you’re really sweet
If I could just talk a little bit about the future with you around daybreak That’d help me start picturing love and dreams more easily tomorrow
ashita moshi kimi ga inakute hitorikiri moshi hashiru no nara ashita mo shinjiru koto ga nanimokamo mienaku nattara
totteoki no ikashita yuuki to aijou omae wa tokku ni mi ni tsuite iru hazu darou? Oh Yeah kore kara mirai ni mukatte hashitte ikitai ‘n darou? hito wo kizutsukezu ganbatte ikite’ru ‘n darou?
kimi ga suki datta yappari suki datta toki ni wa wagamama dattari michi wo hazushite kowai kedo kekkyoku sugoku yasashikute
nannen mo kimi wo mite kita dore hodo no kiseki wo mite kita
rasuto supa-to wa totemo hakari-shirenai pawa- ga doko kara ka umarete kuru ‘n da ne seikimatsu no juu-nen iroiro aru yo ne kimi wa mirai e to dou tsutaete iku ‘n darou?
kimi ga suki dakara yappari suki dakara toki ni wa mitasarezu atarichirashite meiwaku kaketa ne kekkyoku sugoku yume mite ita kara
nemuri ni tsuku toki hitomi tojiru tabi Can see ya eyes Like a knife in ya soul namida ni kurenagara kokoro no tobira akete goran akete goran madobe ni suwatte toki no nagare nagamete sunao na kimochi de uchuu ni tonde itte yoake-goro modotte kuru
All right!! Hey ladies and gentlemen Boy meets girl I’m KOO in the house you don’t stop Me now!! You are the one You are the one check it up! meguriaeta kono shunkan wo taisetsu ni mitsumete itai Love and peace! Love and Kool! Forever mitsume-au hitomi wo wasurezu ni koushite kimi no daisuki na uta wo itsumademo utau So reality! Hey! Brand new tomorrow
YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE toki ni wa mechakucha attari de nagedashitai kedo kekkyoku nikumenai sonzai
YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE YOU ARE THE ONE toki ni wa mitasarezu sakenda koto mo atta ne demo kekkyoku yume wo oikakete’ru
kimi ga suki datta yappari suki datta toki ni wa wagamama dattari michi wo hazushite kowai kedo kekkyoku sugoku yasashikute
yoake-goro mirai no koto wo sukoshi demo kimi to hanasetara ashita kara motto jiyuu ni ai ya yume egaite kureru ne
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Dance with Devils AU with KNB please? If you haven't watch it, Lindo is half-human and half-vampire. The rest of the lead males are devils. The heroine is the actual grimoire, like her body is made of out it haha.
Oh, I watched that! I just recently finished it… like last year, I suppose? So, I’m not sure whether I still remember their names. But let’s try with GOM, okay? 
Akashi Seijuro as Rem Arlond/Kaginuki Rem: 
Akashi as Rem. 
You obviously can see the resemblance lol 
Akashi is a oujidere… as well as Rem, though. 
Fun fact: oujidere means they want others to treat them like a prince. 
Rem has father issues, right? It reminds me of Akashi, so it’s a perfect fit. 
Rem is also the leader of them. That makes it a perfect match to Akashi. 
They do have a lot in common, as far as I can see. 
Rem’s hobby is playing shogi. Same with Akashi. 
Rem is the leader among the other devils as he is the son of Mikukier Arlond, the King of Devils. 
Akashi was the captain back in Teikou. He is quite well-known as the leader of GOM, though. 
Akashi might be using others like how Rem uses others. Like their favorite game: shogi. 
Akashi is part of the student council in Rakuzan. 
Now guess what… Rem is the student council president in their school. 
Aomine Daiki as Nanashiro Mage: 
Aomine as Mage. 
One major reason: BICEPS. 
Mage is quite a muscle man, and I can clearly see Aomine as like that. 
They are prone to be tsundere— you know, Aomine is a tsundere too lol — yet they release such powerful aura. 
If only I had that game, I would go to Mage’s route on the bat… even though my favorite is Rem
Mage uses force to get the heroine, but I don’t see Aomine doing that at all. That’s one thing that differentiate these two.
I can see Aomine as gentle as possible though. 
Remember that photo whereas Aomine’s school had this festival? And the basketball club was doing a track and field portion? 
Kagami Taiga as Tachibana Lindo: 
Hold up… before you can say anything about this, read this… RED HAIRED. 
I did not — maybe I did — based their hair just to match them, you know. 
Lindo is very talented on housework, as Ritsuka — Lindo’s supposedly younger sister — said in episode 2 or 3. 
Lindo loves cooking and very protective over Ritsuka. 
Kagami is like that, isn’t he? 
Kuroko and Himuro are the people he deeply cares. 
Kagami cooks as well. 
Both wear aprons as well. It’s canon in both parties, so don’t worry lol 
Kagami doesn’t want Kuroko to be near the GOM… well, that was in my imagination but still! 
Kagami declared a war on Aomine. STILL MY IMAGINATION lol
… Basically the Lindo in the sport AU lol 
Kise Ryouta as Sogami Urie: 
I don’t have any ideas why I partnered Kise to him. He’s my least favorite, if you asked me. 
Although, he still one of my favorites. Just the last one. 
And you guys know me, I love Kise so much. 
Okay, anyway. Kise is a lady killer. He can handle ladies way better than the rest. So basically, he isn’t a lady killer yet he can handle them ladies. 
Urie has a beautiful face. As well as Kise. 
Urie is in the tennis club… Kise can copy other’s skills at any sports he wishes, right? 
Similarities between these two is hard to compromise. 
If ever, I can see Urie doing what Kise is doing to the heroine, to be honest. 
Midorima Shintaro as Roen: 
Pfft… Midorima as a Pomeranian though!
Not only I had a hard time on Kise, I also did with Midorima. 
But I remembered something: Midorima and Murasakibara aren’t getting along. They even fought before! 
You’ll see why once you read Murasakibara’s. 
Roen is a faithful dog to Lord Maksis. Midorima is also faithful to Oha Asa — Akashi too — and I believe Midorima’s quote is like this: Let the GOD decides. 
Roen can be heard speaking formality. Midorima is also very formal, but he can be blunt he is wants to — which is all the time — and it doesn’t make sense now lol 
Also, Roen was Rem’s dog before he betrayed them. 
Midorima was Akashi’s right hand. But after they graduate, they weren’t that close anymore. 
But at the end, everyone fought the King of Vampire, Lord Nesta. 
Midorima joined the others to defeat the jabberwock. 
That’s the only similarities I found between them. 
Murasakibara Atsushi as Natsumezaka Shiki: 
Except Shiki’s sadistic and masochist attitude, I can see Murasakibara as Shiki. 
First of all, Shiki is a fallen angel. Or, he wished to be address like that. 
Murasakibara is a fairy in my eyes. He’s like the most innocent among them. 
Shiki likes to torture Roen, Rem’s dog. Murasakibara had once fought with Midorima, but they grew closer as I can see. 
But still, Shiki sometimes sulks because of them. 
Murasakibara pouting is also very tempting to see. 
Also, Murasakibara is the tallest, right? 
Shiki is the smallest. So, it’s perfect! 
Kuroko Tetsuya as Tachibana Ritsuki/Heroine: 
WHY NOT. Don’t we all ship Kuroko to the Kiseki and Kagami. 
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wolf08 · 8 years
Also read An Inch of Gold...It's superb!!!I highly recommend it!!Can u recommend any good fic?We all need some...
Hey there! I actually just powered through the entire An Inch of Gold story (by @kuriquinn ) and loved it. To anyone who hasn’t read it: it’s a very unique, action-packed and well-written fic full of Genin SasuSaku feels! I highly recommend it!
Hm, a few classics that come to mind are anything by JinnySkeans (who writes fantastic SasuSaku AUs), “The Valley of the End” and “Providence” by SouthSideStory, “KISEKI” by 01Trycia-chan01, “Daimyo’s Daughter” by Sakura’s Unicorn, “Perfect Illusion” by Lady Callista, and “Ripples” by Yellow Mask. It has been while since I’ve read a lot of these, but I do remember loving them! Hope that helps. 
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kari-go · 2 years
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Lady Dragon and Lady Kiseki
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