#lady loki figure
therese-lokidottir · 3 months
Rewatching Agents of Shield "Who You Really Are" Because I hadn't seen it in so long and there was a lot I forgot.
The basic plot is Lady Sif is on earth looking for someone, but she also has amnesia and doesn't remember who she is or what she was looking for just the work Kavas
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First off, hey remember when Asgardians were super strong?
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Sif doesn't remember anything except for "Only basic lessons a child would learn."
This is interesting because it shows a lot about Sif. She is very excited about the idea of being a warrior. Also, Thor's name instantly makes her smile, which is adorable. Loki fans may have a harsh opinion of Sif, but I think this episode shows that she has many inherent noble aspects. She is respectful and thankful to the SHIELD agents, and she trusts and credits them for their bravery.
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So few things about this first of remember, in this scene, Odin is actually Loki in disguise. At the very least, Loki was being pragmatic and watching out for Earth. He could have easily said that The Avengers or Thor could take care of it themselves, but he took the initiative to ensure that Asgard fulfilled its duty as protectors
Second, I really did forget so much about this episode. They know about the Kree, their reputation, and their history. So, there is no reason they shouldn't know about Thanos. Loki has a reason to want to stay away, but what's the reason for Odin's inaction? He's not a secret.
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Even If the Asgardians are more Aliens than Gods in the MCU it's so disappointing to see how they are so lessened over time. They were super advanced; they knew how the technology worked. They saw the universe in a different way.
I wish the Thor lore could have built more on what AOS set up.
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shambelle97 · 2 years
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jennrypan · 1 year
Full stop. Bur I hope sylvie isn't in the first few episodes.
Maybe if she isn't there. Loki can actually be himself and not sidelined cuz marvel thinks making the girl characters absolutely boring and better than everyone makes them a girl boss and interesting.
It's so. Tiring at this point.
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comicchannel · 4 months
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Marvel Legends Series A-Force Heroines Hasbro C1998
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3wyszxT
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3wyExre
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bismuthburnsblue · 1 year
ive started the real sewing on loki!!!!!
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i need to figure out how im pressing the seams obviously but its looking so good!!!! im so happy!!
i still have to figure out like, whats going on with the back before i can sew that up but! ive started, made progress
i should probably figure out the back next but also i kinda wanna, put the cups in, get a real look at the dress!
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Why the hell did I decide to start loki now, when I have absolutely no time to finish it???
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strwbrrybnny · 1 year
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I told myself I would not be buying anymore funky pops but ahhhh, they are so cheap tho😔
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onlymyqueen · 2 years
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frostdayz · 20 days
First meetings
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Loki x reader (f! reader)
genre: Fluff
summary: Loki turns smitten when he first lays his eyes on you.
AN: it took me not kidding like 25 minutes to post this short thing. I had to edit and post a paragraph each minute. Anyway, I got frustrated and deleted the actual summary so enjoy that mess. BTWWWW if anyone has good Logan (Wolverine) fics/ one-shots send them my way, thanks
my stories never really describe the readers gender so unless stated otherwise all my stories are gn!!
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The grand hall of Asgard was a sight to behold—glittering gold, towering columns, and a ceiling so high it felt like the sky itself. I had only heard stories about this place, about the grandeur, the power, the gods who roamed these halls. But none of it compared to standing here, in the heart of it all, among legends.
Thor led me through the grand entrance, his booming laughter echoing in the vast space as he recounted tales of his many adventures. "And then," he chuckled, "I turned to Loki and said, 'You, brother, are as slippery as a snake!'—and he didn’t even deny it!"
I smiled politely, though my attention was elsewhere. There was a figure at the far end of the hall, standing alone by a window, his dark silhouette contrasting against the golden light streaming in. He had an air of mystery about him, his raven hair falling in soft waves to his shoulders, his sharp features etched with an intensity that made my breath catch. It was as if the world had paused momentarily, the air around him thrumming with an energy I couldn’t quite place.
"Ah, and here he is!" Thor called out, nudging me forward with a playful grin. "Loki, brother, come meet our guest!"
The figure turned slowly, and my heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. His gaze was piercing, emerald green, and filled with something unreadable. I could see the flicker of surprise in his expression, though he masked it quickly with a cool, collected demeanor. He stepped closer, his movements graceful and deliberate, and I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away. "Lady Y/N," Thor continued, clearly enjoying himself, "this is my brother, Loki. Loki, this is Lady Y/N. She has come to Asgard as a guest of our realm."
Loki stopped in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine. There was a subtle shift in his expression—something softened, something curious. "Lady Y/N," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "It is… a pleasure."
I managed to nod, feeling the weight of his attention on me like a physical presence. "The pleasure is mine, Prince Loki." Thor, ever the observant one, let out a hearty laugh. "Well, well, would you look at that! I’ve never seen you so taken aback, brother. Normally, you’d have some witty remark ready, but it seems Lady Y/N has rendered you speechless!"
Loki shot his brother a look—half annoyance, half amusement—but I caught the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Do you always announce my thoughts so loudly, Thor?" he asked his tone light but laced with a subtle challenge. Thor clapped Loki on the shoulder with a grin. "Only when it’s so obvious! You should see the look on your face."
I felt a blush creeping up my neck, and I tried to focus on anything other than the fact that Loki’s gaze hadn’t wavered from me. It was as though he was studying me, trying to unravel some puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. It was both unnerving and… thrilling. Loki tilted his head slightly as if considering something. "And what is it, Thor, that you think you see?" Thor chuckled, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "I see a brother who is completely smitten."
Loki raised an eyebrow, but there was no denial in his expression. Instead, he simply looked back at me, a slow, almost imperceptible smile curving his lips.
"Perhaps," he mused, "there are things even gods cannot anticipate."
My heart fluttered at his words, and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the room. The world faded into the background, and all I could focus on was the way Loki’s eyes seemed to see right through me as if he knew me—understood me—on a level I hadn’t even realized was possible.
Thor’s laughter broke the spell, and I blinked, the world snapping back into focus. "Come now, Lady Y/N," Thor said, still grinning, "let us continue our tour. I’m sure Loki will join us once he’s done… collecting himself."
Loki’s gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he stepped back with a slight nod. "Enjoy your tour, Lady Y/N. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon." As I followed Thor through the hall, I couldn’t help but glance back over my shoulder. Loki was still standing there, watching me with that same intense gaze. And in that moment, I knew—whatever this was, whatever had just passed between us—it wasn't the last time I'd see it.
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Spoilers for Deadpool & Wolverine
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Deadpool and Wolverine aproached Cassandra while the others were battling her soldiers. Wolverine was suppressing his rage, Deadpool, on the other hand, was suppressing his words. He was still talking, just not as much as he would normally.
Cassandra Nova was ready for everything. After all, she was here for her whole life. She has seen everything. Even Loki escaping from the void. But now, these two basically immortal beings stood in front of her. One was a bigger paij in the ass than the other.
Deadpool:"Ok, Baldilocks slash wannabe Walter White in your kingdom. We know we had our ups and downs from the moment you killed Johnny, may he rest in peace. We loved him and will never forget him. But I gotta rain on your parade here, and I hope your bald head is not too sensitive for some cold rain drops, because now is the time to let us all go and end this drama show."
Wolverine:"You said you'll be holding back."
Deadpool:"Ohhh, this is holding back. I haven't even started."
Wolverine:"She has the power to kill you with a snap of her fingers, and you still think the best way to stop her is to insult her?"
Cassandra just stood in front of them, speechless.
Deadpool:"I think your X-men spoiled you with all the WE'RE-ALL-IN-THIS-TOGETHER attitude. Well, pal! This is my show, and here, we roast our enemies before we stab them after many unsuccessful attempts, moment of desperation and a collab with Madonna."
Cassandra:"I have no idea what he is on about, but the two of you look like a married couple after twenty years of hating each other's guts. And you know what couple therapists always say to the unfunctional couple?"
Deadpool:"Yep! They say, ‘You either learn to compromise… or one of you learns to hide the body really well.’ So, which one of us is digging tonight, Logan?!"
Cassandra:"I just... How do you put up with him?"
Logan:"I have known him for like 5 hours and killed him several times."
Deadpool:"And so did I! Cute, aren't we?"
Cassandra:"I can't... See each other's perspective and get out of my sight."
The two were now transported via portal back to one of the worlds to empty Xavier mansion.
Deadpool, now in Wolverine's body, stood up and looked down. "Ohhhhh, baby, yesss. Look at these!!!" Wade now popping his new claws. "Snikt! Yeaaaah. Oh, I could get used to this."
Deadpool turned his head to the audience and said:"Hey folks. Not to alarm you. Deadpool is still here, just a slightly broody and hairier version. Only now I got! Claaaaaws!!!" Wade sliced through a nearby painting that immediatelyfell down, destroying a statue on the table. "Whoopsie. Just normal Wolverine collateral damage, am I right?"
Logan:"What the hell is this? Why am I suddenly feeling... chatty? I need to get of this tight red spandex and this horrible mask."
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Deadpool is now doing ridiculous poses in the reflection of a mirror. Screaming and scratching the air. "Look at me, I'm like a Canadian action figure." Wink at the audience.
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Logan:"Stop this Wilson. We need to get Charles."
Deadpool:"Oh I don't know, I got this sudden urge to sing and get a circus. We shouldn't waste time."
They both search the house, but all the X-men are gone.
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Now in the privacy of a small bathroom. Deadpool, stands in front o the mirror, shirtless, flexing. "Ohhhh look at that". He pops out his claws again. "If only I had these babies during my last taco truck robbery .- I mena, purchase."
Deadpool grabs a comb on the sink. "The hair! What an untamed mane. I look like a mix between a badger and a bad scripted shampoo comercial." Then he leans closer to the mirror. "And check out this jawline. Ladies and gents, feast your eyes."
"One, two, three, four, five...six! Finally jackpot. It's really like a washboard for all my dirty clothes. I could do laundry on these bad boys, If I ever did laundry."
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"And what do we have here." Deadpool raises his furry eyebrows, following the hairy trail under, leading to the massive buldge. "Oh Logan, I knew you've been hiding some serious adamantium down here, but damn. No wonder all the X-men want to sleep with you. Pun intended. I mean... If I knew that you had this much heat packed in here, I would have switched with you sooner."
Wade strikes a final pose and blows a kiss to his reflection:"Wolvie, you beautiful, hairy beast, I may never give this body back to you."
Logan enters the bathroom with a scowl, freezing in horror at the sight before him.
Deadpool in Logan's body, completely naked and a little too pleased with his new situation.
"What the hell are you doing, Wade!!!"
"Hey, Wolvie. Just getting acquainted with the goods. Man, you've been holding out for me. Honestly, If there was a claw shooting out of this thing, I wouldn't even be surprised anymore." Wade said with a smile, gripping his hard dick in Logan's face
"Get your filthy hands off my...!" Logan fighting the urge to kill his own body
"Logan, it's your hands, don't forget that. So that means I did nothing wrong. Your body that touched yourself. I haven't touched anything, if you think about it." Towards the audience:"It's like flashbacks from puberty."
"Besides, I only wanted to take your body for a test drive, Logan. You know, making sure that all the gears work before returning the keys. Quality control!"
"If you don't stop now, I'll claw off that smug off your... your real face when we get back" Logan gets closer to his old body, now feeling a strange urge to want him to get closer. Both of the bodies pulling towards each other
Deadpool:"Logan? Did you pay Magneto to get us closer? Cause I feel a strange force pulling me to you and I have to say i don't mind it"
Logan:"I'm not doing anything. I... No way. I'm trying to go away from you"
Deadpool:"Oh yeah, it's happening, baby. My body can't resist this beautiful, hairy pile of muscles, and your body is controlled by one of the most perverted minds alive."
"YOU SICK BASTARD. This is all your twisted head. If you'll be enjoying even a second of this." Logan shouted
Deadpool:"Oh, come on. It's just chemistry. You can't fight it"
Logan:"Gotta get control of this."
Deadpool:"No need for that. Your body's got the hots for me. I'm a walking talking thirst trap now. Give in, big guy. Let's make it weird."
Logan now with his new hands still in spandex, touching his old body. "Wade... When this is over... I'm going to make you regret all of this."
Deadpool:"I'm counting on it. But until then, you're mine"
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Wade pulls of his old mask down from Logan's head:"Ohhh there is that crispy chipsy face I haven't seen for a while". Logan:"Please just shut up"
Their hands our now all over each other. Logan's burly figure standing above Deadpool's figure. Logan's body under Wade's control now pushes his old body towards the wall. Breaking it. They get to Cyclops and Jean's bedroom, now vacant, ready for their action. Dadpool starts making out with his body still on the ground from the collision. Logan wants to fight back, but gives up and makes out with his bearded face. It feels kind of nice, but he can't ever admit that to Wade.
Wade picks up Logan from the ground using his claws, and with their help, he rips of the spandex off of Logan. Scratching him in the process. Logan now moaning in pain, looking deeply into his old eyes. He now understands why many people called him a "beast." He did look like one. But sexy one at that.
Wade threw Logan on the bed. Turning him around. Logan was ready for immediate penetration, but suddenly he felt a moist thing pushing its way between Deadpool's hairy ass. Was he now experiencing rimming? "Wade, no...!"
Deadpool:"Don't worry, sweetpie. I know what my body likes. Just relax, enjoy and don't fart in my face"
Logan has never felt this feeling in such an intimate place. And it wasn't even his body.
Wade now turned Logan to his back. He positioned himself. "Ready? I know you're used to pain, but this might be a bit... unsettling."
Logan:"I can take a bit of pain... AHHHHHHH"
Deadpool."Sorry, boo. Haven't stretched out that thing for quite a while."
He started pushing more and more. At that moment, Logan tried to get up and leave. But something in Logan's body overtook Wade. He took both of his claws and pushed them through Deadpool's body's forearms, securing him in place. Logan screamed in pain. "Why???"
Deadpool:"Don't want you to give up during the best part when it stops hurting"
Sweat was dripping from Logan's body all over Deadpool's. All of Logan's hair were now glistening in sweat.
"Ohhhh moth.... This is so amazing. I feel like a Republican during the Fourth of July" Deadpool screamed out while his claws were still in place.
He picked up the pace, and when he saw that Logan was now moaning in pleasure and not in pain, he took out his claws and just enjoyed the ride.
"Oh Wolvie. I think I'm gonna get you pregnant now."
"Just fuck me!!!"
Now very close to the finish, Deadpool took out his dick and pointed it at his old face, cumming all over his old chest and hitting his body's eye. Logan came too, but on his stomach. He was still mesnerized. How come, through all these years, he never even thought about stimulating his prostate?
Both now watching each other, sweaty, out of breath.
Logan:"You won't tell a soul."
Deadpool looking at the audience, smirking:"Promise"
And at the corner of the room a quiet girly voice spoke out:"Promise". Kitty sunk into the wall leaving embarassed to the next room
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Message from Inbox :)
Yo, i love your writing. And with your last story with Hugh and Ryan....What about their characters?, Wolverine and Deadpool swapping bodies thanks to Cassandra Nova powers that also made them aroused for each other in order to distract them from stopping her. Wade can't help but to give into Logan's body urges to dominate, and Logan just want the voices gone.
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 22 days
Be my Queen
King!Loki x Commoner!reader
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Warnings: Royal AU, Mentions of death, Swearing, 18+ content, blood, violence, mature themes, sexual themes & words, dark themes
Note: I am not an expert with Royal titles, I tried as closely to follow what I know, but there could be some mistakes such as status.
Summary: Loki has taken a liken to you, wanting you to be his queen....his mother has other plans in mind.
"Mother, MOTHER!" you yell out, running towards her. The guards drag her limp body away from you, she leaves a trail of blood behind. "PLEASE MOTHER!" You cry out as they disappear around the corner. You keep running, trying to reach her, but she's gone and you can't seem to keep up. You can't feel your body as tears stream down your face. You continue to run, but you end up back where you started. Blackness surrounds you as you drift off losing consciousness. Your eyes close and you feel yourself falling, hitting the floor with a "thump!".
You wake up in a cold sweat, breathing deeply. This has been the third time you've had this nightmare this week. The recurring dream of your mother haunts you, but you know that it isn't true. It's just a nightmare. She passed away in her sleep due to a disease, your own father told you when you were eight asking, "Where mommy has gone?". So why do you keep having this nightmare you wonder?
You get out of bed and head to the bathroom. You have no time to think about the dream as you have more important things to do today. Loki's ceremony where he will be announced King happens in a few days. As the daughter of the Royal Advisor and executive officer, it is your job to help the servants and ladies-in-waiting with making sure everything is ready when the day comes. The kingdom has been over crowded as of late as the commoners and people of the kingdom are excited to see Loki become king. It is believed that he will be a great ruler as he is kind and compassionate to those of less status. You especially are happy to see Loki become King, he deserves it.
When you get out of the shower, you sit down at your vanity and brush your hair. Looking into the mirror you realize what this means for Loki and you. He will have to take a Queen and you have little to no status. You only reside in the palace because your dad is their right hand man. Queen Frigga has been like a mother figure to you as your family grew up serving the royal family and has provided your family with the honor of residing in her kingdom of Asgard, her saying that it will be easier to call on you if you live in their quarters. When your mother passed, Frigga told you that you would take her place and become her lady-in-waiting as soon as you turned 18, which happens to be the same day as Loki's ceremony.
As you and Loki grew up together, you developed feelings. You have been seeing Loki since you guys were 16. You don't know how you'll be able to see him grow old with someone else, but you know he'll have to. You finish up getting ready when you hear a knock sound on your door. You tighten your robe around yourself, walking towards the noise.
"Yes?" you answer the door looking out to see Emma, a servant.
"Hello m'lady Prince Loki asked me to give these to you" She comes in and hangs 2 dresses on your closets doors. One is green, the other gold, both covered in diamonds each stunningly gorgeous.
"He said to choose which one you like best to wear today as well as the jewelry I laid out on your bed" She points to the Emerald earrings and diamond necklace.
"You can find him in the enchanted garden when you're done and I'll be back later to clean up your room" She walks out closing your door.
You look at the dresses deciding on which one to wear. Loki has been gifting you presents for quite some time. While you enjoy them you also feel like it's too much. You should be helping the servants, instead your playing dress up, living a life that only someone of royal status should.
"Y/n" Loki looks at you with a small smile on his face.
You walk into the garden coming face to face with Loki.
"I see you chose the green my favorite color...You look beautiful in anything you wear my love, but you look breath taken right now" He grabs your hand, pulling you in closer. He wraps his arm over your waist, kissing you passionately.
After a minute, you back away and put your hand on his chest, "Loki, I-I..."
He looks into your eyes with concern, "What is it darling, are you alright?"
"Loki why I appreciate the grand gestures and the big fancy dresses, you can't keep doing this".
"Doing what, I don't understand..do you not like the dress, I can have another made for you my dear" he pushes a strand of your hair out of your face, his arm still holding your waist.
"No its not that...its jus-...its just that your going to be king soon and I'm no one Loki" "Your going to have to take a Queen and I am simply your servant...a commoner at best.. I'm only here because of my father"
"Y/n my love for you is stronger than any title, if being King means that I lose you.. then I shall simply stay a Prince" "However, since I can chose who will be my Queen, when I become King, I chose to take you as mine"
You look at him in shock, "bu-But Loki I'm not a Princess, it's goes against the rules".
"It doesn't matter darling, I will have the highest authority, what I say shall go and if anyone dares to say something I will deal with it myself" "Titles don't mean anything to me, in my eyes you are so much more, you have always been since I first laid my eyes on you back when we were only little beings"
A tear slips from your eyes and he wipes it away. You kiss him deeply and he roughly grabs your hips pulling you in closely. Everyday you crave his touch, you will never get enough of him. He pulls you towards the stone wall in the garden. Your back hits the wall and he hikes your leg up. You wrap it around his hip as you grind against each other.
"God, I can't wait to make you my Queen" he groans out, grabbing your neck and deepening the kiss. He's rough with his movement like he hasn't touched you in days. Your dress prevents you from actually doing anything right now, your corset feeling like its knocking the breath out of you. It is probably a good thing since you are in a public place where anyone could walk by. The garden mostly being inclosed by large glass windows and a few stone walls.
"Fuck" he slams his hand by your head, against the stone. "Shall we go to my bed chambers right now?, I need to take you Y/n.. you are making me a madman" He moves towards your neck, biting and sucking, making you moan out.
"While that sounds like a lovely idea my Lord, we both have duties to attend to and I think we have lost track of time" you giggle out, wrapping your hands around his neck.
"I don't mind losing myself in you" He goes back to your waist, pulling you in closely, meeting your mouth. You kiss him back, both moaning into it.
You hear someone clear their throat. You both quickly back away from each other. Your face reddens as you realize it's his mother that interrupted you.
Loki pulls his shirt down and tugs on his collar, sorting out his suit. He clears his throat, "uh- Mother what seems to be the matter?"
Frigga looks between the both of you. You can't tell, but there seems to be something behind her eyes that doesn't look happy. Even though she smiles and walks further into the garden to meet you, "Son, Princess Amor is here to meet with you, she is in the foyer with Duke William".
Loki goes to complain, but is stoped by Frigga, "It is advise that you see to her, now" She gives her son a warning look. Frigga has been trying to set her son up with a Princess over the last few weeks.
He sighs and looks to you, "I'll be back as soon as I can" he gives you a sympathetic look and kisses the top of your head, walking out the garden.
Frigga watches him leaves and looks to you, "Dear, walk with me will you?"
"Of course Frigga" you give her a small smile and go to start walking.
She stops you, "Its your majesty". You look at her, she's never once made you call her that, it has always been Frigga since you were little, but you nod and she smiles at you.
You guys walk to the end of the palace outside to where the dungeon is kept, she opens the door to the basement and you look at her.
"Why are we going down here?"
"Why my dear, I simply wish to show you a part of the plaace you haven't seen before is all" She smiles, but it doesn't meet her eyes. You can't help but feel that something is wrong, but you follow her down the stairs.
It's cold and dark, the stairs seeming to go on forever. You finally reach the bottom and see a bunch of rooms some with prison bars. You guys walk to the end of the hall. On the way you peep into one of the rooms and see blood smeared on the walls, chains hanging from the ceiling.
You can't help but ask, "What exactly do you use this place for?"
She turns around and motions you to continue following her. You reach the end of the hall and enter the biggest room of the dungeon. Inside is more chains and a large table in the middle that looks like a guillotine.
"To answer your question, this area of the palace is used for anyone that crosses the kingdom, such as traitors or thieves"
"So like a prison, where they serve out their time...pay back their debt?" You ask looking around the room.
"Yes exactly..except they don't serve out their time.. you seen we have other rules around here that we have to enforce in order to keep the peasant in control, an eye for a eye if you will".
You stop your movements and look at her, "You kill them!?"... "But Loki would never dare to do such a thing".
She laughs, "Yes I see my son is a little too weak to carry out these things, which is why I carry out the orders".
"You command the guards to kill...but why Frigga?.. they're still people, people with families and children".
"IT'S QUEEN FRIGGA TO YOU AND YOU WILL ADRESS ME A SUCH!" she yells at you. You jump back in shock. "They should have thought about that before crossing me..GUARDS SEIZE HER!"
You look up and see five men come rushing in, they grab you roughly. You try to get away from them, but their hands dig into your skin, making you cry out, "Wh-What are you doing?" You look to Frigga. Why is she doing this to you?
"You see dear my son is deeply in love with you and I can't have that, it makes him weak, and you are no one..a nobody, he needs to marry someone of royal status... a Princess" "I let you both have your fun, but now he will be crowned King in a few days".
"B-But I don't understand you practically raised me, my family has been apart of yours for so long.. I looked at you like you were my own mother!"
"I know dear and I'm sorry for that, your father has been quite loyal to us and I to have looked at you as my daughter, but the fact is that you aren't.. and I need my son to marry someone that will be an asset to our kingdom.. you are simply not that, its nothing personal dear".
The guards move you towards the table, strapping you to it with ropes. You squirm as you try to get free, but it's no use the ropes burn against your skin. "He'll never forgive you for this..Loki will never look at you the same!" You cry out.
"He won't know it was me.. neither will your father, he will still be serving us as if you never existed" She laughs in your face, "Just like he did with your mom"
"What?" You look at her, "My mom died of disease".
"Is that what he told you?" .. "I had her taken away and killed, she was a pest, my husband couldn't seem to take his eyes off her, so I got rid of her and him".
It wasn't a dream? It was real? The guards really did drag her away and you saw it happen..
More tears stream down your face. Frigga comes up to you and pets your hair, "Shhhh sweetie its okay it will be over soon, I am truly sorry it had to come to this.. I would have had you just marry off to someone else, but you're ruined. I know Loki ruined you and no one wants a whore of a woman who has slept with another man".
"Please, don't do this.. Please Frigga I beg of you!" You cry out in a last attempt to save your life.
"Shh we wasted enough time, soon Loki will come looking for her and we need to get rid of her body, hurry up and pull the lever!" She shouts to the guards.
"Can't we have a little fun with her first, I mean she is just stunning" You hear a guard say.
"You can have fun with her after you kill her, she won't fight you back because she'll be dead, less hard on you." Frigga replies sounding annoyed.
You look at them in disgust, how could this woman you once thought of a mom do this to you?
"Oh but I like the chase, I like when they fight back, screaming out for someone to come to the rescue, but no one hears them" He smirks at you and touches your face. You whimper and flinch away from his touch.
"If you make it quick, then I'll grant you the permission".
The guards smiles at Frigga's response and gets on top of you, he rips the dress, your corset showing, while only a piece of fabric remains on your arms. You try to fight back against him, "STOP, PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP, HELP ME!" You scream out.
He chuckles at your cries, "It's a shame that we have to kill you afterwards, such a waste of a pretty face".
Suddenly a man barges into the room, "MY QUEEN!" he looks to Frigga, frightened.
"What is it!"
The guard gets off of you immediately and while you're thankful he couldn't progress any further, you are also now scared for death faces you.
Frigga decides that the guards are taking too long of a time, as you see her push one out of her way and walk towards the lever. You screams out for help. When your prayers are answered.
"STOP THIS ISNTANT!" Loki opens the door.
Frigga's hand pauses in front of the lever. Tears continue to stream down your face.
"BACK AWAY FROM HER!" Loki rushes to your side and begins undoing the ropes which hold you down. You look at him and see a look that you've never seen before. He is beyond angry.
"Loki I-" Frigga begins.
"DO NOT SPEAK TO ME!" he raises his voice, not even looking at his mother.
He finally gets you free and helps you off the table. Your dress or what's left of it falls off your body due to the rip. Loki looks at you in disbelif. He pulls you to him and holds your sobbing body as you shake with fear. He shushes you, continuing to hold you as you cry. He looks and sees all the bruises that litter your body. He snaps his head to the guards around him and then he finally looks to his mother.
"How could you do this?" he says barely above a whisper. "I will never forgive you for this, you are no mother to me and you are certainly not a Queen".
"Loki, I was only trying to save Asgard's future..Your future" Frigga pleads with him. You look and see tears forming in her eyes. How ironic you think.
Loki looks to the guards ignoring his mother, "Who touched her?". No one replies. "WHO FUCKING TOUCHED HER!" The guards flinch with fear.
"It was him, he tried t-to ra- me" You point to the guard that was on top of you. Loki looks at you and pulls you back into him.
"I want you to get on that table and pull the lever" he looks at the guard.
"What- But- but- I- she" the guard quivers in fear.
"Stay right here darling and close your eyes" Loki kisses the top of your head and lets you go. He walks over to the guard and you hear him punch him.
"Please, it was a mistake, I didn't mean to touch your lady my Lord" you hear him grunt out. Loki grabs the guard by his collar and throws him under the guillotine.. You hear the guard scream out as the blade cuts into his neck. Loki wipes the blood off his face that splattered on him, "Anyone else?" he looks around the room and back to you.
You finally open your eyes meeting his, your eyes fall to the lifeless body on the floor, but Loki moves to block your view. You quietly shake your head.
"Alright then, what shall I do with the use of you" .. "How about we start with you mother" Frigga looks up, scared when she sees the look in her son's eyes.
"Guards lock her away in one of the dungeon rooms, until I figure out what to do with her, maybe I'll let sweet Y/n decide, since it was her life you so blindly casted aside".
"Son-" Loki cuts her pleads off, "GUARDS!"
The guards look between each other not knowing who's orders to follow.
"I AM YOUR KING YOU WILL OBEY ME!" Loki yells out. The guards rush to grab Frigga, dragging her away. The image reminds you of your mother, funny you think, what goes around, comes around.
As soon as they're gone Loki rushes to your side. You see the pain in his eyes as he stares at you. "I am so very deeply sorry my darling, I should have known my mother would go behind my back like this" .. "I promise you I won't let any harm come to you ever again, we will rule together, you will be my Queen, Asgard's Queen, you deserve it more than any Princess, Y/n".
"As long as I am with you Loki, I don't care if I am Queen or a commoner". He holds on to you tightly with the promise of never letting go.
Timeskip: 5 years later
"My Queen what color do you wish for the baby's room?"
"Hmmm I believe a dark shade of green would go nicely" You smile at Emma and rub your growing belly. "It's Loki's favorite Color".
Note: This was a longer one, as always hoped you enjoyed! :)
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your-highnessmarvel · 11 months
My Wife
Requested by Anonymous: Can you do a one with Loki getting very jealous at someone flirting with his s/o and he walks over and drops not-so-slight hints of murder? And the s/o is just laughing her head off next to him. I really love your fluffs, they're fluffier than my grandmother's buns! Please never stop writing; your writing makes me grin...
AN: I'm so happy to be back writing fluff for loki omg
Warnings: Female!reader
*gif not mine
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You threw your head back, laughing.
"I didn't take you for the jester, senator!" you laughed, clinking your glass with the new up-and-coming politician before you.
He was a very young man, one of the youngest to be assisting the king of Vanaheim. Senator York was blonde and tanned, and by what you'd heard around the Asgardian court, he was very good with the ladies.
"Well, beautiful young ladies are prone to make my joking side surface!" he returned, winking.
You smiled politely, but you had a wicked thought of flashing the grotesquely big diamond on your finger. Just so the senator knew that you weren't one of the ladies he could be very good with.
"And what about a Mrs. Senator?" you asked, bringing your champagne glass to your lips and taking a sip.
York chuckled politely. "I have a few years ahead of me before I make president," he answered. "By then, I except the king will have a gorgeous display of choices for me to bride."
Which basically translated to, "I want to fuck until it's socially unacceptable to be unmarried."
You hummed. "Well, I expect presidency soon, senator," you encouraged.
"With such a beautiful sponsor on my arm, I suspect my chances are good," he said, another wink disgracing his features.
You felt a cold, dark wind at your side and something flashed green in your peripheral. "That's the second time in a minute that you've called my wife beautiful."
York's eyes grew wide at the towering figure of Loki, dressed in his royal black, gold, and green attire, short dark strands pulled behind his ears. He gave you a side look, and you could see murder in his green eyes.
"My Lord," York stuttered. "I was only admiring your beautiful - "
"That's three," Loki snarled. He took a dangerous step forward.
You put a hand on his elbow, culling his murderous gaze back down to you. "Easy there, tiger." Then you smiled hesitantly at York. "Excuse me while my husband and I go fetch something to eat?"
York nodded and gulped.
You pulled and dragged Loki by the elbow, away from the senator, towards the darkened corners of the hall.
"Loki, relax," you whispered, pulling him forward, pressing your red-tipped nail against his cheek to drag his gaze from his prey back to you.
He sucked his teeth. "He was definitely flirting with you," he stated dramatically.
"And?" he retorted, dark eyebrows rising. "He's a little man who's been fucking his way up in court. He doesn't deserve your attention."
You huffed. "If I had it your way," you said, "no one in the universe would deserve my attention."
He closed his eyes and sighed, like a child trying to calm himself. "I just..." Then he put his hands on each of your shoulders. "He's just so sneaky and weird and watching him eat you up with eyes made me want to peel that receding hairline off his scalp."
You batted your purse against his chest. "Loki!" you gasped. "How rude!"
He chuckled. "But funny, right?"
You rolled your eyes, chewing on the inside of your cheek. "A little," you muttered.
"Ah ha!" he said with a smile, so delightfully cute and Loki that it made you warm on the side. Heat at your core. "Alright, now let's go converse with someone a little less disgusting," he offered, taking a theatrical step back and offering his hand to you, like a dance.
You rolled your eyes but slid your fingers into his own. He brought your knuckles to his lips and pecked them. "After you, my wife."
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cleo-fox · 4 months
As the Clock Strikes Midnight - Part II
Series Masterlist Chapter Summary: In which you sneak into a masquerade. Chapter Warnings: Loki being an absolutely shameless flirt, some kissing, lots of banter.
Tag List: I don’t have a tag list for this fic, sorry! The best way to hear about updates is to follow me on Tumblr or subscribe to the fic on AO3.
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It’s a strange feeling, walking into the masquerade in your mother’s dress. You’ve thought about this so many times that parts of it feel oddly surreal, like you’ve somehow wandered into a memory you’ve forgotten you had. 
You’re not entirely prepared to feel so visible. Your dress is a shade or two too fine to be owned by a servant, so most people assume that you’re a noble—when a footman calls you “my lady,” you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from correcting him. People smile and incline their heads slightly, whereas before their gazes would simply slide right past you. You find that you have to remind yourself to take slow and deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Just breathe.
You’d caught glimpses of the ballroom before, but it, too, feels different now that you’re actually here as a guest. Garlands of exotic flowers drape from the walls and ceilings along with strands of crystals and colored glass beads that sparkle like diamonds when they catch the light. The remnants of the feast that you helped prepare are a rainbow of colors that seem grander than they had in the kitchens. Even the cakes—the same ones that you’d barely finished icing before Anja shooed you away—even they seem a little extraordinary.
People are dancing, a glittering array of fabrics, sequins, and masks swaying in time to music played by a small orchestra. You keep to the edge of the room, taking in the sights, keeping a weather eye out for Fritjof. You’re content to watch the crowd for a while—you’re too nervous to eat and dancing seems similarly risky. It’s enough just to be here, wearing your mother’s dress and pretending that you’re someone who you used to be. 
You’re not sure when all the noise and color starts to feel a bit too much, just that your focus on your breathing suddenly isn’t doing enough to combat the tightness around your ribs that squeezes at your lungs. It’s been so long since you’ve attended an event like this that you’ve forgotten how claustrophobic it can become. The room is just a degree or two too warm and the mingling smell of the food, sweat, and perfume is starting to feel suffocating. You’re not used to people noticing you and every pair of eyes that lands on you squeezes your ribs just a little more and you can feel beads of sweat beginning to gather at your temples and down the column of your spine. You catch a glimpse of Fritjof far away in the crowd—
Air. You need air.
The ballroom looks out onto the palace gardens and winter lingers enough to discourage most people from venturing outside, so that is where you decide to go. It doesn’t take much effort to slip out the door unnoticed and the moment you step outside, it’s a relief. You can still hear the rumble of voices and the swell of music, but it’s more manageable, especially with the balm of the night air so blessedly cool on your cheeks. The tightness around your ribs loosens and the sweat on your brow and spine cools and suddenly you can breathe without feeling like you’re about to choke.
There’s a circle of benches surrounding a fountain not far down the garden path and you make your way to one of them, sitting down heavily. The chill of the stone beneath you is soothing, anchoring you more firmly in the moment and easing the trembling in your arms and legs until you feel more like yourself. You take a few deep breaths. After a moment, a weak, shaky laugh falls from your lips.
“Norns, this was a terrible idea,” you say. “I never should have come.”
“Come now. It can’t be all that bad.”
Your heart leaps wildly into your throat at the sound of another voice and belatedly, you realize that there is a figure standing just in the shadow of the empty fountain, easy enough to miss if you’re not paying attention—which of course, you haven’t been.
The air leaves your lungs when you realize who it is. He wears a mask, but there is no mistaking that buttery smooth voice, those emerald green eyes, or the sardonic tilt of his lips. 
Your legs feel as steady as overcooked noodles, but you scramble to your feet anyway. “I beg your pardon, your highness,” you say, dipping into a curtsy. “I didn’t realize anyone was out here.”
His lips curl into a catlike smile as he approaches you. “Isn’t the point of a masquerade that you’re not supposed to know who I am?”
The prince is as imposing as he ever is, but there’s something about the protection of the mask, the glamor of your dress, the crispness of the night air, and the wild and giddy relief of being away from all those people that makes you feel like you can be yourself. Besides, it's not like he knows who you are—he’s only seen you in the dim light of the library; surely the moonlit garden will provide him with no further clues.
“Well, either I am very clever or you are very obvious,” you say. “I’ll leave it to you to decide.”
He chuckles quietly and you can’t help but feel rather pleased with yourself. “And tell me, what is a very clever lady doing hiding in the gardens during the biggest event of the year?”
“I should ask the same of you, your highness.”
He grins. “Ah, but I asked first, my lady.”
You tilt your head to the side. “You act as though you are expecting something scandalous of me.”
“You must admit the circumstances suggest that you have a good story,” he says.
You laugh, partly because he has no notion of how ridiculous your circumstances actually are. “There could be any number of unexciting reasons why I’m out here.”
He folds his arms across his chest, smirking. “Name one.”
“Perhaps I don’t know how to dance.”
“Doubtful. Even if you didn’t, I should think there would be a score of gentlemen eager to show you. Try again.”
“Perhaps I don’t know how to dance and I am very shy.”
He chuckles, a low throaty sound that makes your spine tingle. “If you were very shy, I think you would have taken your leave of me almost immediately.”
“Perhaps I am all of those things and unfailingly polite,” you say.
“Unfailingly polite, yet here you are, skulking in the garden, hiding from your hosts.”
“And again, your highness, I am compelled to note that you are out here as well.”
“Perhaps I am looking for stragglers in order to reprimand them.”
Before you can stop yourself, you snort. “I doubt it.”
“Oh?” he says, his voice sounding lightly amused. “You would doubt a prince?”
“You do not seem like a man who concerns himself overly much with the affairs of others.” 
“You are astute, my lady.” He taps a finger against his lips and you’re fairly certain he’s raising an eyebrow underneath his mask. “But you’re trying to distract me from my question.”
You give him a coy smile. “Will you like me as well when my answer is as dull as I promised you?”
“You have my word.”
You lower your voice as though you’re sharing something scandalous. “I needed some air and a moment or two to be myself. Are you terribly disappointed now?”
“Not at all,” he says, giving you a smile that feels like a rather thrilling secret. “We have that in common.”
“Do we?” you say. “I should think you would be used to these events by now.”
“They tend to make for poor conversation,” he says. “Present company excluded.”
“You flatter me, sire.”
“I was hoping that enough flattery might convince you to tell me your name.”
You smile. “Of course not.”
Defying royalty was probably not a smart thing to do (another reason why it was perhaps wise to keep you in the kitchens), but Loki’s lips curl into another smile, like this is all a rather delightful game. “You would deny a prince a simple request?”
“Isn’t the point of a masquerade that you’re not supposed to know who I am?”
You’re using his own words against him and his smile grows even more foxlike. “But you know who I am. It seems only fair that I should know who you are.”
“Well, then, you must be very clever and guess,” you say.
“And how should I know you are telling the truth?”
You allow yourself a coquettish smile. “They call you the god of lies, do they not?”
“I see my reputation precedes me,” he says.
“You are a prince,” you say.
“That I am. And you are…?”
“Not telling you my name.” You raise your eyebrows at him. “I hope you didn’t actually think that would work.”
“Not especially,” he says. “Though I can’t help but wonder why you insist on being so mysterious.”
You grin. “You seem to forget where we are, your highness. Shall I quote you again?”
He laughs and it makes your stomach flip. “If you will not give me your name, then tell me something else about yourself.”
“Hmm.” You pause for a moment. “I am reading a very good book.”
“And what book is that?”
“The Cloistered Heart.”
He makes a face. “That drivel?”
You laugh. “I take it you are not a romantic.”
He scoffs. “I’ll have you know I’m very romantic, I simply prefer more sensible writers.”
“Like who?”
You can’t help the bark of a laugh that falls from your lips. “Auber! Now I am convinced that you are not possessed of a beating heart.”
“You wound me. What fault could you possibly find in Auber?”
“He describes emotion like he is writing a technical manual.”
“His prose is a triumph of language.”
“He’s boring.”
You continue like this for a while, playfully arguing about books. His taste is quite different from yours—his interests tend to skew more toward the philosophical and dryly intellectual, which is the sort of thing that makes you want to claw your own eyes out—but you share some surprising overlap on a few notable titles. The more you talk, the more you find yourself wanting to stay, even though you shouldn't. He’s still imposing in a way that makes your heart beat a little faster, but it’s also easy to talk to him when you’re an anonymous masked noblewoman. You’re perhaps slightly too informal with him—you scoff at his bad opinions and tell him precisely what you think, but he only seems delighted by these barbs.
More concerning, though, is the fact that he is very charming and handsome and the more you talk, the more you are tempted to let this go on a little longer. You find yourself wondering what it might be like to kiss him, to run your hands through his raven dark hair.
“Is something the matter?” he says.
Your stomach drops as you realize you have been staring at him for just a second too long dwelling on the possibility of a kiss. “Forgive me, my mind wandered for a moment.”
“Am I truly that dull?” he says, sighing rather dramatically.
You breathe a quiet laugh. “You’re trying to bait me into complimenting you,” you say, giving him an arch look. “It won’t work.”
“I rather think I’m deserving of a few compliments after so many cruel blows to my ego,” he says.
“If you had better opinions on books, I would not need to strike so many cruel blows.”
“You wound me.” He is smiling as he says this.
“I rather think you enjoy such unfiltered honesty,” you say. “You could have stormed off in a huff or ordered your guards to throw me in the dungeons, yet you are still here.”
“That I am.” He looks at you for a moment and you feel as though something has changed, though you can’t quite put a finger on what. “I confess, I’ve grown rather enamored of your wit, my lady,” he says after a moment.
You swallow. The way his gaze sweeps over you makes you quite glad for the half-dark of the garden and the shield of your mask. “You flatter me, your highness.”
“What, no witty riposte?” he says. “Are you feeling quite well?”
“I often find myself unmoored by compliments,” you say.
“I should hope so,” he says, his voice lowering and taking on a depth that makes your stomach flip. “I’m trying to charm you.”
“Oh? To what end?” You are amazed that your voice remains steady.
He takes your hand and brushes his lips against your knuckles, his eyes never leaving yours. “A kiss, perhaps.”
“How very proper of you.”
The corners of his mouth lift ever so slightly. “I did say perhaps. The garden is dark and my chambers are close should a more intimate setting be agreeable.”
“Are you always so forthright in your pursuits?”
“Only when the lady is enticing.” 
You swallow. “And you find me enticing?”
There is a hunger in his eyes that you can’t help but be thrilled by. “Extremely.”
You raise an eyebrow, hoping that your voice does not betray the fact that you are trembling. “You don’t even know who I am. You could find me quite dull without my mask.”
He laughs quietly and gives you a look that conjures a dull ache between your thighs. “Would you care to make a wager? It’s nearly midnight.”
Panic cuts through your false bravado like a hot knife through butter and you raise your eyes to look at the clock tower. You’ve lost track of time—it’s five minutes to midnight.
Your first instinct is to flee and you try to do that, but Loki is quicker, his hand closing around your wrist.
“Fleeing without a farewell?” he says. “That would be terribly rude, my lady.”
You fight to tamp down the growing panic in your chest. “I’ve my reasons for not wanting to be seen here tonight.”
“Oh?” he says. “Do tell.”
Your heart is pounding. He thinks this all a game, a small obstacle on his path to seducing you. And of course you can’t tell him that the stakes are much higher, that this is a matter of being found out by a man who goes out of his way to make your life miserable, possibly a matter of being thrown in the dungeons for defying orders. Anja would probably be in trouble as well. His grip on your wrist is firm and his smile is teasing and you’re not sure how you’re going to get out of this.
Perhaps you can play along, pretend this is all a game. It’s not certain, but it’s the only plan you have.
“I’ll make you a bargain.” The words fall out of your mouth quickly, albeit with some uncertainty. 
Perhaps it’s the slight quaver in your voice that intrigues him, or maybe it’s the lure of a bargain with a mysterious masked woman that he can’t quite resist. “Go on,” he says and you can tell he’s raising an eyebrow behind his mask.
“You let me go tonight and we let the chase go on a little longer,” you say. “You come and find me in the coming days.”
He chuckles softly and it sends a shiver up your spine. “Now why would I do that when I have you here in my clutches right now?” He pulls you closer, one hand snaking around your waist, his palm pressing lightly on your back so that there is very little space between you.
You wet your lips and try to summon your sultriest look. “Would it not make the conquest all the sweeter?”
He smirks, his voice dropping to a low purr. “And when I find you? What then, little mouse?”
“A kiss, perhaps.”
“A kiss?” he muses softly. His gaze trails over the curve of your lips and it’s all you can do not to shiver.
“A kiss is a rather dangerous proposition, my lady,” he says and he’s so close that you can feel the whisper of his breath against your lips. “A kiss may stoke other...appetites.”
Despite your fear of being found out, there is part of you—a large part of you—that would gladly let him take you right here, right now in the garden if he wanted to. Instead, you summon every ounce of self-control that you have in order to ignore the heat that stretches like a panther low in your hips.
“I might be agreeable to stoking those appetites,” you say, “but you have to find me first.”
His lips twitch into a slight smile. “Your proposition is intriguing, my lady,” he says, “but I would request one small gesture of your good faith.”
He’s staring at your lips as he says this and you know without a doubt that he intends to kiss you before he lets you go. And it’s probably not a good idea, but you are inclined to allow it.
You lick your lips. “What sort of gesture?” 
He smiles and there’s time for you to draw a single, shaky breath before his lips brush ever so softly against yours.
You’ve been kissed before, but not like this. Never like this.
Loki kisses you like the world is ending and the only salvation to be found is on your lips. His movements are lazy and languid, but there’s a hunger that simmers just below the surface, promising you something more than a breathless kiss in a moonlit garden. He tastes your lips and tongue, first as though he’s tasting a fine wine and then like a man dying of thirst. His hand curls around the nape of your neck, his thumb resting in the hollow of your throat. It’s entirely proper, but something about it is so intimate that it feels like it should be scandalous. 
You try to memorize every part of this moment because after tonight, you will return to your life of drudgery. No more stolen kisses in the last days of winter, no more flirting with a prince in the moonlight. And because it has to last you the rest of your life, you give yourself fully to the sensation, kissing him back with the same intensity, your hands winding around his neck, pulling yourself closer, pressing against him in a way that borders on indecent.
You don’t want it to end.
He is the one to break the kiss, to draw back just a little, resting his forehead against yours for just a moment before taking a step back, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He’s probably only thinking of leaving you wanting more, not realizing that your little flirtation will go no further than tonight. The thought pains you just a little, but you stifle the feeling, keeping your expression neutral.
“Until we meet again, my lady,” he says.
You force a small smile. “Until then, your highness.”
With one last look at Loki, you turn and walk away, the feeling of his kiss burning on your lips.
The clock strikes midnight as you exit the garden. You turn back, half expecting to find him chasing after you. Instead, you see him standing there, a pale figure in the moonlight, his eyes still trained on where you disappeared into the darkness.
Next chapter
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comicchannel · 11 months
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Funko Pop Marvel Studios Disney+ Loki Season 2 Sylvie - 1314
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/49dauUE
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hey how are you? I was wondering if you could have some headcanons for Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo and Loki with a goddess of sadness. She is the tallest of all the goddesses there, measuring almost three meters, she always has a melancholic aura and a quite sensitive, solitary and serious personality but she is kind to the most intimate people in her circle. She adores humanity and used to have a human husband before he tragically died. She is one of the strongest goddesses, when she cries she makes her sadness infect others, making them cry too and feel her pain (it is based on blue diamond from Steven Universe but I don't know if you know her. You don't need to add any more her if she is not to your taste). I'm sorry if it was a bit long, in advance please and thank you!
Oooh the pretty lady?? Im a bit familiar with her. I did my research on Google, I hope I didn't get anything wrong 😭 I'm also not sure if this is an "× reader" or not, so I'm very sorry. You may chat me again if it isn't what you asked for♥
°•Apollo+Hermes+Loki+Poseidon W a goddess of sadness!reader•°
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- Loki and you are literally polar opposites. You both are so different, yet you both ended up being close to each other.
- he's very curious as to why you're so gloomy and emotional. But you are the goddess of sadness, you live up to your title. Literally.
- whenever he pulls pranks or Snickers at jokes, he's always looking towards you and pointing a finger at whoever was unlucky enough to be his target— thinking you'd instantly feel better.
- no, you actually got gloomier.
- but I think he'd take a liking to you. Opposites attract pretty well if I do say so myself. Atleast he has someone (not really) willing to listen to him.
- and about your height, I bet he'd use his floating ability to float towards your face, so he could talk to you more , and os that you don't have to bend down a little to hear him. And yes, he will ignore the fact that you are uncomfortable or not.
- he just yaps and talks about anything basically. Even if you are very quiet. you talk sometimes, only when you really feel like it.
- seeing how you can make people cry just because YOU are crying... its probably super amusing to him. Even if he's also there shedding tears.
-i bet he'd try to make you cry near the unbreakable ones like Thor, Poseidon, Odin, and so on. Just for the fun of it. A little experiment to make sure you're really that strong.
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- this guy is the perfect ladies man. He knows how to entertain you, he knows how to stop your thoughts from going elsewhere (or maybe stopping you from thinking about something sad. Or else everyone will get affected with your sadness plague.)
- even with your tall height, he still knows how to take care of you. He will find ways. Like when you visit his place, he will make sure you have enough room in the pool of water. He'd also dismiss the nymphs who are staring at your tall figure.
- if y'all are in a relationship, then he's willing to make you atleast a little bit happy. Seeing you cry for the first time was so heartbreaking to see, until it started happening more often.
- well, he learned to embrace it. And now, whenever you cry, he'll just come up to you with his arms open. (Like the "where my hug at?" Typa pose.) and he'll approach you slowly like--
"darling, darling, no need to cry. Let's look to the bright side!"
-- before he makes a tiny lil ball of light in his hands w his photokinesis. If not, he himself would probably blind someone with his light, just to make his statement clear to you. Lmao 😭
- he actually really likes it when you have to bend down a little so you can hear him better. Gives him a better look at your neck, or your chest. And maybe cus he likes the position you're in. (Perv ass)
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- he's already used to this. But I'm sure he'd find joy in watching your power do its thing to those around you. watching people—especially the most cold blooded gods—cry because of you, is incredible.
- he'd give you praises on your power, and how delightful it was to have such a goddess existing in the realm of divine beings. He'd serve you food and tea, ones that are extra big because of your size and height. Like I can imagine this man carrying a huge ass cup just for you to sip some tea or smth.
- I know you both gossip. He'd be whispering all the stuff he has to know on that day's tea, and you just quietly listen and softly giving your feedback. Y'all would do it in front of the other gods too lmao 😭😭
- your aura combined with his, it's a peculiar combo. But its certainly calming, with his personality and yours, it leaves a weird feeling in the room whenever you two are close.
- you both are pretty chill together tho.
- if you guys were in a relationship, he'd be so understanding and supportive of you. When you enter a battle, he'd probably be behind holding light sticks or something with that small smile he always has.
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- now him. He likes your presence. Cus it reminds him a bit of hades. Not the crying part, but more of the calm demeanor you have. You are very soft spoken and it doesn't annoy him.
- you and hades are his only exceptions. Your aura is comforting in a way that soothes his nerves. He's also seen and even felt the sadness you've carried on your shoulders all those years after you beloved died, as well as the burden of other things.
- so he can quite understand you. It must really be difficult dealing with such feelings he learned that after he felt the pain you buried deep into your body when you cried.
- you both are also a peculiar duo combo. I just know most of the gods there ship you both. Loki was the one making the scenerios and fanfics (he's such an ass)
- Poseidon acts like he doesn't care, or is irritated. But in all reality, he doesn't seem to mind. He likes you a lot.
- he's pretty quick to slice someone who makes you cry. He just uses the excuse that he doesn't want to shed tears and all because showing weakness is weak af. But in reality he actually just doesn't want anyone fuckin w you.
- like imagine him saying that showing such weak emotions as a god is pathetic, before seeing you and quickly saying "unless it's completely necessary".
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Dirty Work 19
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: in the words of Miley, we won't stop.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You stare at the mirror, at the woman you don’t know. The faucet runs as you’re tempted to splash the water over your face and wash away the stranger. As another diner enters, you twist off the tap and shake off the trance. You grab a strip of paper towel and dry your hands, tossing it before you exit.
The interior of the restaurant is just as pleasant as the outside. The back wall has flowers and vines painted across it as all the others stand it bright pure white. The tables are thick wood and edged with matching benches and chairs. You’d almost rather be inside than out.
As you come outside, the sun glares in your outline. You approach the archway that opens onto the patio and stop short as another figure meets you there. The new arrival is only a tall silhouette as the daylight stands at their back.
“Pardon, ladies fir–” The nicety is swallowed down halfway and your name bubbles up in its place. You don’t recall Mr. Laufeyson even saying your name; it was always ‘maid’ or nothing else. “Ah, there you are.”
Silence. The light limning his figure shifts and he comes clearer. His sights narrow as he considers you and he runs a hand down his lapel. His lips part slightly as if he means to say something but his teeth snap shut at second thought. He flutters his fingers, speechless and you wilt. You know you look silly, like a little girl wearing her mother’s pearls.
“Uh, Mr. Laufeyson,” you address him awkwardly and glance around. You can feel him staring as you clutch the seams of the dress and rock on the balls of your feet, “we… we’re just over there.”
You point through the archway then follow the gesture. You step through as he follows, his soles softly touching the boards of the patio. You pull your fingers from around the fabric and ball your hands to fist.
As you near the table, he gets closer. You can feel him looming as a growl grits from his throat; ‘what is he…’ He doesn’t finish the question and instead clears his throat.
“Allow me,” he goes to step forward as your eyes meet Frigga’s glittering green irises and Thor cranes to follow her gaze. He stands as you close in, waving away Laufeyson’s reach as he grips the back of your chair.
“Lady,” Thor bows his head gallantly, “we were worried you got lost, rather you’ve found my brother.”
“I might have this seat,” Loki insists before you can sit, “why don’t you sit with my mother?”
“She’s fine as she is,” Frigga insists, “all her things are there.”
Your barely touched cranberry juice weeps in the tall glass and the shopping bags clutter under that side of the table. You peek at Mr. Laufeyson but only get a glimpse of his throat as it tightens. You quickly put your head down and sidle around to sit in the chair. Thor pushes it in under you.
“Well, sit, we’ve been waiting,” Thor insists as he draws his hand away to clap his brother’s shoulder. You only catch a sliver of Laufeyson shrugging him off before stomping around to the empty seat. “We’re starving.”
“And what is he doing here?” Laufeyson asks his mother as he ignores his brother.
“Loki,” she reaches to touch his sleeve, “please, you two are too old for this.”
“For what? You didn’t tell me he was coming. It’s only decent–”
“Brother, please,” Thor leans forward as he clasps his large hands together, “I’ve come to make amends. I’m not too sure what I’ve done, but whatever happened at father’s, I never meant to drive you out.”
Laufeyson lashes Thor with a venomous look. His jaw ticks and his cheek twitches. He's about to boil over, as if the apology is an insult in itself. He takes a breath and lets it out, unlocking his jaw.
“I apologise for keeping you all waiting,” Laufeyson evades a direct response, his eyes flitting over to you, “I lost track of time.”
Your eyes cling to his as the tension drains from his brow and he tilts his head slightly. Again, he seems as if he means to say something, and unlike himself, he restrains his thoughts. He looks down at the waiting menu and you do the same. You imagine there will be a lecture for overextending his mother’s generosity.
As you peruse the selection, a tense silence invades the table. You all focus on the listings, a necessary distraction. As you keep your eyes on the menu, hiding from the other diners, you feel a tickle along the side of your leg.
Thor’s hand rests on his thigh, knuckles pressing against yours as he sits wide on the seat. You try to ignore the touch, assuming it's unintentional and focus on the menu. He slowly shifts and turns his hand, brushing his fingertips along your skirt. You squirm and bend your leg over the other to elude him.
You settle on a simple dish; caprese on a croissant. You sit up and reach for your drink, Thor’s hand lingering on the edge of your chair. What is he doing?
Your ears are alight and you feel the sweet about to break through on your forehead. You sip and your eyes meet another pair. Laufeyson has a finger pressed to the menu but he’s unbothered by its contents. He’s watching you.
You bite your cheek and put your glass down. There’s a sheen of gloss left on the rim. You take the folded cloth napkin and dab your around mouth, paranoid of a smear. You ring the fabric as you lower it to your lap and glance over at Thor’s tapping fingers, crawling closer yet again.
The table jolts suddenly. Frigga gasps and Thor grunts. He sits up and rescinds his hand, his attention flashing across to his brother. The two glare at each other.
“Apologies,” Laufeyson makes a show of rubbing his thigh, “I had a cramp. Did I get your toe?”
“Eh, it’s fine,” Thor grumbles, his thumb circling against the side of his knuckle.
“You two,” Frigga tuts, “please, you’re making a scene.”
“It was an accident,” Laufeyson insists, “I was in a car for far too long and now my muscles are all knotted.”
“I keep telling you, you need a proper regiment,” Thor intones, a taunt in his tone, “at our age, we need to stay active.”
“I’m active,” the black-haired brother rolls his eyes, “don’t presume you know anything about me or my life.”
“Hm, your house may be big but roving the halls like a ghost isn’t exercise,” the blond chortles.
Laufeyson huffs and shakes his head. He returns his attention to the menu as you stare at the table. You don’t quite understand. You don’t have siblings so you don’t know where this kind of animosity would come from. While your dad isn’t entirely loving, you know why he is the way he is. 
But these two, they have everything anyone could ever want and they only seem bitter. They have a family, they have wealth and all that comes with it. All that and they expect even more.
“You know, Loki, it would do you well to get out more,” Frigga suggests, “it’s a lovely house but so… grim, these days. Perhaps you might consider an update. That might help–”
“I get out,” Laufeyson insists, “please, have I only been invited to be lectured?”
“Well, darling,” Frigga squeezes his elbow, “we didn’t see you for a whole year after the divorce. We worry–”
“Don’t,” he commands, “I’m fine. The divorce is well past done. I’m over it, so why can’t you move on?”
“Ah, but it is hard to get over a lady like Sif–”
“Shut up!” Laufeyson snaps at his brother, “don’t–”
“Loki,” Frigga girds, “please.”
“No, I do not want his opinion on my wife. On my marriage. Can we stop beating this dead horse, already?”
You make yourself as small as you can. You shouldn’t be there. You’re hearing things you have now business knowing. You look around and the image of running out of the restaurant glints through your mind. It’s tempting even if it would be a bit insane. 
“So let’s talk about something else,” Laufeyson sighs, “how was your day, mother? You two seem to have been quite successful.”
“I’d say,” Thor agrees as you feel him look at you.
“Oh, it was wonderful. Eliana took care of us, isn’t her hair lovely?” Frigga preens, “and she’s such a sweet girl, isn’t she? Everything looks so lovely on her. Dear, didn’t you have a good day?”
You gulp and peek up. You pick your nail and nod, “yes. Thank you. It was… very nice of you to include me.”
“Ah, she is so polite,” Thor booms as his hand once more goes to the back of your chair. “How do you put up with him, sweetheart?”
You frown and shake your head, “huh?”
“My brother? How can you do it?”
“She is rather adept at her work,” Laufeyson sneers, “I am the least of her tasks.”
“I wasn’t asking you, was I?” His brother retorts.
“I… I do my job,” you press your palms flat to each other.
“I’d call him hard work, indeed,” Thor guffaws.
“Thor,” Frigga hisses, “be nice.”
“I am,” Thor says defensively, “I kid. Gods, it isn’t my fault he cannot take a joke–”
He grips the chair as he lets his thumb stroke the back of your collar. You sit forward slightly, wiggling to the edge of the chair. You bring your hands to hug your glass. Laufeyson fidgets with the cutlery wrapped in a napkin.
“Jokes are usually funny,” Laufeyson utters and shifts in his seat, “where is the damn waiter?”
No words are exchanged as you approach the car. Mr. Laufeyson is particularly dour as he opens the door for his mother, then you. He sweeps around to claim the driver’s seat and turns the engine so it whirs softly. He steers out into the lull of traffic, twisting his hand on the leather wrapped wheel.
“That was a lovely lunch,” Frigga breaks the frigid sheet of silence, “wasn’t it?”
“Food was good,” Laufeyson agrees.
She exhales as you shrink down, hoping to blend in with the shopping bags.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “I thought you two could make up. After what happened–”
“Mother,” Laufeyson breathes and his eyes glance in the mirror, “we’ll talk about this later.”
“And what about your father?” She prompts.
“I said, later.”
“Mm, yes, sorry, darling,” she apologises again, “why don’t you leave me off at the house and take her home? It’s been a long day.”
“It’s only four-thirty,” he replies.
“Yes, well, we did a lot of running around. I’m certain the darling could use some time. She has her father to worry about.”
“It’s alright, I don’t–”
“No, no, you’re right, mother, it has been a very long day already,” Laufeyson interjects.
You clamp your mouth shut. You’re a marionette being pulled between their strings. It’s not about what you want. You’re not heard. They take you out and put you away like a toy.
“Dear,” Frigga chimes, “thank you so much for today. I had a lovely time.”
You don’t realise at first she means you, not until Laufeyson says your name. Again. Maid. Call me maid, that’s all I am.
“Oh, no, thank you, Frigga,” you say, “it was really nice of you to bring me. I…it’s really too much.”
“Not enough, dear, not enough. I hope the next time I’m in town, we might have another day out,” she trills.
“If you like,” you concede.
The rear view mirror stares back at you. Laufeyson’s snakish gaze makes you squirm as he idles at a light. Have you said the wrong thing? A honk comes from behind him as the light turns green and he quickly presses on the gas.
You sink back into silence, this one airier. You watch out the window as the car rolls through the streets and you take it all in. You’ve lived in this city your whole life and you haven’t seen half of it.
He arrives at his gates and opens the gate with the switch clipped behind the rear view mirror. He drives through and the doors unlock loudly. Frigga gets out and he does the same as he helps her sort through the bags on the other side of the back seat.
You’re startled as Laufeyson bends to peer through, saying your name a third time. You flinch and look at him as he holds a cluster of bags.
“I’ll be only a moment to get mother settled,” he explains, “feel free to move to the front.”
He closes the door and leaves you to mull his unprompted explanations. You could stay as you are but that feels weird. He would be like a chauffeur or taxi driver. That’s awkward and you’re already torturously strange.
You let yourself out of the car and slide into the front seat. Frigga’s perfume clings to the suede as you pull the seat belt down. You watch the leaves of a lush tree rustle as you wait. As the driver’s side opens, you let out a squeak.
Laufeyson swings inside and pulls the door shut. He adjusts himself as he fits his long legs under the wheel and grasps the wheel with one hand. You turn your head straight and stare off at the house’s facade.
“Thank you for driving me, Mr. Laufeyson,” you murmur.
“Mm, it is no issue,” he assures as he slowly shifts into gear, the car lazily following the arc of the driveway back to the gate.
You flick your thumb nervously against your index. Your foot wiggles and your knee jitters. You can’t sit still.
“I hadn’t a chance to mention…” he begins, pausing to consider his words, “you…” he leans forward to look both ways before continuing onto the avenue, “you look very… nice.”
“Oh,” you still yourself and focus on the dash, “thank you, Mr. Laufeyson. You’re mother’s a very kind woman.”
“She is,” he says, “I… I knew she would know best.”
“Um, if it’s too much, erm, you can take the clothes back–”
“Nonsense, keep them. They are for your work,” he rebuffs coolly.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
He doesn’t reply. Only sighs. You carry on without speaking. You wouldn’t want to distract him from driving. You're still waiting for that lecture. You steel yourself for the words; ungrateful, selfish, lazy...
The car grows suffocating. He pulls into your neighbourhood and slows before your house. You swiftly hit the button on the seat belt, ready to run inside. 
“I could help with your bags,” he offers.
“N-no, Mr. Laufeyson, that’s… okay,” you say a bit too quickly. You wouldn’t want him to see more than he already has. Besides, your father was never fond of visitors. “Thanks.”
“Right, yes,” he accepts, “regular hours tomorrow.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Hm,” he hums but does not comment. He sounds almost disappointed.
“Have a good night,” you say as you climb out of the car.
“You too,” he mutters so quietly you’re not even sure he truly spoke.
You open the back door and gather up the remaining bags. It’s awkward as you slide them out with a loud crinkle. It feels unearned.
“You know,” he turns, his hand on the headrest of the passenger’s seat, “I did tell you a dozen times about the clothes.” He looks you up and down, “much better.”
He unhooks his arm from the seat and turns back to face the windshield. You nod, struck dumb and mute, and elbow the door shut. You turn and head down the overgrown walk and climb the creaky steps of your father’s porch. You pause at the top and glance back as the car remains unmoved.
Through the tint, you can see Mr. Laufeyson’s shadow. It looks almost as if he has his head on the steering wheel, gripping it as he hunches forward. The light must be playing tricks on you. You turn and continue on to the front door.
You hesitate to enter as the dingy siding feels you with guilt. Here you are with a handful of shopping and a belly full of gourmet food. Don’t forget where you come from, it’s where you’ll always be. Fancy clothes or not.
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