#lae'zel telling me what she'd do to me? moment of my life
revvethasmythh · 1 year
Absolutely LOSING it. everyone in the camp spent the whole party raking me over the coals for having plans with Gale later tonight, Lae'zel graphically explained to me that I'd have a better night with her (and then said it was fine, actually, because she'd just show Wyll what she was talking about) and then Gale ??? was surprised ?? at the suggestion of romance ?? EVERYONE in the camp knew but him, which tracks and also is one of the funniest things I've experienced in my life
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merilaurecus · 2 months
Companions reactions to Modern!Tav from Earth coming back to Faerûn to visit
Gale (Blackstaff Academy Professor ending)
He was the one to help you get back (with a bit of help from Elminster I suppose)
More than happy to see you (and that his magic worked!)
Will do his best to stay quiet about your little comeback (Tara will do her best to keep him quiet too)
Will offer magic lessons since you're back in the world where The Weave™️ exists (this dude loves magic, won't let an opportunity like that slip, especially when he becomes ✨Professor Dekarios✨)
Will tell you everything that happened in your absence, much like the others
Genuinely happy to have you back, even if it's for a moment
Will cook something, you can prepare an extra pack for faerûnian food from him
Tara demands pets. Just not on the belly.
You're free to spend a while in the Academy, even join some lesson as a guest or a guest teacher
Astarion (vampire spawn in Baldur's Gate ending)
He finds you in the dead of the night, thinking you're one of the bad guys
When he pins you to the ground with a dagger it just feels like the old days
Immediately loosens his grip when he recognizes you
"What in the hells? What are you doi- How did you even do it?!"
Happy to see you as well and does not even need to hide it as he'd usually do
Together you hunt someone that night, for the sake of the old times
You both recall what you've been up to
If you let him drink your blood again he'll be elated
But careful as a babe. This time he'll be good to his words
Surely has some news from the spawn family (if he didn't join them in the Underdark). Reads you some letters from Gur and other spawn. Takes breaks while reading the one from Sebastian. You hug him understandingly
You end up watching the sunrise before the sun is too high and you leave to seek other companions
Wyll & Karlach (yeet into the Avernus ending)
You kind of didn't expect to see them
They went to Avernus after all
They're the ones to spot you
"SOLDIER?! IS THAT YOU?!" are the only words you hear before you're pulled into Mama K's tight hug, unable to let go
Anyway you're not willing to let go. I mean who would want to?
Wyll's surprised too, they're both excited and curious how did you do it.
They were just about to meet his father (obviously), last thing they expected was to see their friend from another world.
You just jump in and go with them, asking how things are going with Karlach's engine, both excited and worried
Finally hearing good news (about the forge) makes you talk about heart surgery again ( @tavshortfortavern thanks for the idea!; also special thanks for inspiring me to write my own headcanons, love Yours!)
You spend the rest of the day meeting with Ulder, training, talking and having a drink in the Blushing Mermaid in the evening with Astarion who 'accidentally' found you
You all almost get too drunk but you don't care, because it's a memorable night
You toast for Gale who pulled it off and thought about it in the first place
Lae'zel (Freeing Githyanki edition)
Also kinda unexpected and brief meeting
You can see she's pleased with meeting you again (even if she's reluctant to show it)
She tries to keep her cool, she's leading a rebellion and most likely has an important meeting here
'Never thought I'd see you. Did you get lost in the realms again?'
After finding out how did you do it she nods in acknowledgement. Probably doesn't want to compliment the wizard
You quickly recall your current state of life and say goodbye, but for longer than usual (a little bit of slavic way of saying goodbye for an hour)
You're sure you spied a smile on her face, but she'd rather die than admit it (if she's with her fellow githyanki warriors)
Shadowheart (both good endings)
Parents freed & alive
She visited Gate for some groceries and maybe running into friends
And exactly both thing happens
She's not sure if she saw who she saw, has to blink and make sure
'You... you're back? How'd you do that?'
'Then it's a fine wine bottle for Gale then. What you've been up to? I was sure I'll never see you again!'
Also turns into a hug mode, girl does not take prisoners
After hearing from you she tells you about her cozy life with her parents
It's pretty much calm, nothing changed much (which is good considering her mother's state)
Can't stop looking at you like you're something magical or just a dream
You grab the groceries and head back to her house where you surprise her parents too
Her mom does not recognise you, but you understand. Her father still shoots out best jokes in this part of galaxy
Coziest evening in a while
Parents freed & gone
Pretty much all of the above but she might have someone on her tail and gets scared you may get hurt (just like in Waterdeep, when you romance Gale she tells you she's been there with someone on her tail exactly)
Gets you under her protection and if you run into any of your companions you're under their protection as well
If not, you'll just happily walk around the city and have some dinner and recall your life after you left Faerûn
But you could easily tell she still misses her parents, which makes you turn into a hug mode too
You may even spend an evening drinking somewhere secluded (beach maybe?)
Jaheira, Minsc & Boo
'The cub has found its way back. Though 'how?' still remains a question'
You explain and she admires how far the wizard has come to get you back for a visit
Minsc does not understand it, but is glad to have otherwordly friend back
Same with Boo, he's vicious but not towards Tav who occasionally fed him with extra snacks
Yes, hugs are mandatory even if none of them will show it (little hug for Boo as well!)
Jaheira is still busy with Harpers network rebuilding, might have to order few of them around as you speak
Takes you to her home where the kids also get a fucking aneurysm because they were sure you coming back was not possible
When you tell her your last life events she looks proud
But, like, tough auntie proud
'Seems like that world of yours is in the good hands'
You try your best not to go with explaining how it isn't so easy back there
Generally a day with the Busy Mom™️, the Madman and his Rodent
After you made your little tour at the Gate & Waterdeep it was time for the *trip*
You did your best not to show on the road, just for the sake of surprise
Though you were nervous about the animals you've met
Not because they could eat you, but you remember the wildshape
No bears though, you feel safe
When you reach Moonrise you use every little stealth skill Astarion has taught you
Though your knees protest against that
You spot him somewhere near The Waning Moon, fixing something
Your sneak behind him would make Astarion proud as fuck
Daddy Bear doesn't notice a thing (or so you hope)
With only few seconds to act you just tap his shoulder
He turns back expecting a kid perhaps, but instead his eyes widen upon seeing his old (young?) friend
The one he was sadly sure never to see again
He's not quite sure what to say for a few seconds so you just pull him into a hug
He hugs back with his and probably Silvanus' might
He's just so excited, but fortunately doesn't wildshape (iykyk)
He's also impressed in Gale's skill (even if it involves Elminster)
Eager to show you around, proud of his work, but don't you dare bring it up yourself! (unless you want him to turn into a mouse or just threaten you to do so, even as a joke)
You almost don't recognise the place without the curse
Thaniel & Oliver take you by surprise in turn, but it's also a lovely reunion. Without the curse they're flourishing and thriving, just like the nature around
Whole. Fucking. Ton. Of. Kids.
And stray people willing to start a new life here
But they're all happy and taken care of. It's loud, it's messy, it's chaotic, but it's lovely.
You can easily see Halsin put his heart into that and truly found his place in the world
'My friend. Would you like to stay?' his voice radiates with hope, and if you say yes, he's even more happy. If you can not, he understands
He's surprised you remember about the old druid. You ensure him you never forgot
You help around with the kids & the place, maybe even tell them a story or two to let Halsin rest (even if he's sleeping behind you in his bear form)
You may also get back with druidic magic here, even if you won't use it in your world, Halsin would gladly spend time teaching you and recalling your latest life events
You also visit Art's Grave if he passed away (which could occur)
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kirain · 6 months
I know you've said you're not into shipping, but if you HAD to ship bg3 companions (you do, I'm saying you have to😝) which npcs would you ship them with?
Well, since you're forcing me. 😅
...This was actually harder than I thought it would be, since I don't usually consider ships. But I think I'm happy with my choices.
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In my opinion, Lae'zel and Varsh Ko'kuu would make a fantastic couple. Personally, I prefer the ending where Lae'zel returns to the Astral Plane to usher in a new age for the githyanki, hopefully turning them from their violent and conquerous ways. To do that she'll need support, hence her call for rebellion. I like to think Ko'kuu would be one of the first to join her, as the Narrator tells us he's grown "tired"; likely of his people's brutal and callous ways. He's clearly diplomatic and maternal, as well as open-minded enough to trust an outsider with his young, so he'd be a perfect ally. As he becomes Lae'zel's righthand man during the civil war, they would naturally form a bond that blooms from respect and admiration to romantic. He would also make an excellent father to Xan.
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This ship I don't think I even need to explain. Karlach and Dammon are absolutely perfect for each other. They respect each other, they like each other, they understand each other's struggles, and they're both kind, caring, optimistic people. Karlach not only fantasizes about Dammon in her origin run, but they also have an adorable handholding scene once he upgrades her engine. So in relation to her somewhat disappointing ending, I like to think Dammon discovers a cure for her condition and follows her to Avernus, where they break into Zariel's forge, construct a permanent upgrade that negates the deadly heat inside her, and then escape back to the material plane. After that, the two would become inseparable. They would start a new life in Baldur's Gate, with Dammon continuing his work as a respected blacksmith and Karlach becoming an avid defender of the city.
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This ship was actually my friend's idea, and I believe she's planning on exploring it further on her own blog. As we discussed it, we both agreed Sebastian would probably hate Astarion and want blood, even knowing he had no choice but to follow Cazador's demands; over a century of misery and torment leaves little room for forgiveness. After his release, I think he'd track Astarion down and try to kill him in a blind act of revenge, but hesitate, failing the task. Still a sweet and delicate soul, he'd fall to his knees in tears, lamenting everything he's lost. Plagued with guilt upon seeing his broken state, Astarion would comfort Sebastian, knowing what it's like to feel nothing but fear and hatred. Things would be rocky at first, slow, messy—but eventually Sebastian would forgive Astarion, falling in love with him all over again. And with that closure, Astarion would finally be able to forgive himself.
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To me, this ship makes the most sense (and may also be the sweetest), as Shadowheart and Nocturne already have a shared history and they've both suffered under Shar. When we meet Nocturne, she implies she's grown wary of following the dark goddess and her cult, but she's too afraid to leave. So after defeating the Absolute, I like to imagine Shadowheart rekindles her relationship with Nocturne, eventually turning her away from Shar and convincing her to leave the sanctum. With her once best friend's guidance, Nocturne would adjust well to the world outside, growing close to Shadowheart once again and rebuilding her lost memories, as well as making new ones. Together they would travel the world, forever wrapped in each other's loving embrace.
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I fell in love with Exxvikyap the moment I met her, and I think she'd be perfect for Wyll. He needs someone who can match his excitable, charismatic energy—and she definitely would. Whether Wyll follows in his father's footsteps or follows Karlach to Avernus, at some point I like to think he'd return to Baldur's Gate. Once he does, he'd find himself visiting the Rivington General for a new weapon. As she helps him find a sword best suited to his fighting style, they'd strike up a conversation. Wyll would find her warm and bubbly personality both infectious and endearing, which would lead to him visiting the shop again. And again. And again. And again. Slowly, he would begin courting the sweet dragonborn woman, and she would happily accept his advances. Eventually she would quit, joining Wyll on his many adventures and defending the Sword Coast from any who would threaten to harm it.
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This ship I waffled on for a while, because personally I didn't see it; especially since I think Gale needs someone who's compassionate and affectionate. But then I realised Rolan is both of those things. At least by Act 2. He's sassy and snappy and self-important, but he loves his siblings—to the point that he was willing to risk his career to stick by them at the Grove, and enough to risk his life by searching for them in the Shadowlands. He also saved the orphans, even though he whinged about it. He wants to be independent, but he later learns to accept help, which leads me to Gale. At some point, I like to think Gale visits Ramazith's Tower, looking for a book. He bumps into Rolan, who's struggling to cast an advanced spell that summons a hoard of angry mephits. Chaos ensues, causing Gale and Rolan to team up and reverse the damage. Rolan would beat himself up over the incident, but Gale would encourage him, teaching him the proper way to cast the spell. From that point on, their relationship would blossom in ways neither of them expected. Together they would find a perfect balance, propping each other up while also keeping each other humble.
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astarionfreak · 5 months
10 w shart and astarion. Uncommon pairing but it could be interesting??????
Immediately yes. Big yes. Thank you !! This was supposed to be way shorter and way smuttier but it spiraled out of control. Oops. 🖤🩸
10. "You don't have to stay the night. Just fuck me."
Snippet for the smut ask game. | Other answers here
One foolish move in the heat of battle and everyone knew the truth. That Astarion was a vampire.
They took it . . . surprisingly well, actually. Gale warned him not to bite (as if), Lae'zel threatened his life -- but Shadowheart, well. The cleric had been kind -- or stupid -- enough to offer her blood. What kind of vampire would Astarion be if he turned down a free meal?
Besides, even though her attacks seemed to miss more often than not, her healing spells had proven to be quite the asset. If she'd allow him a taste from her delicate veins, perhaps she would also be willing to remain at his side when he faced Cazador. This little exchange could be well worth his time. If he played his cards right.
Astarion waited until the others were asleep before he made his way through camp to Shadowheart's tent. He had been so sure of himself just moments ago, but now he hesitated as he reached for the flap. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
There was still time to turn around -- hunting in these woods was miserable, but he usually had some level of success. He'd eaten worse things than boar. He'd been hungrier for longer too.
Astarion shuffled his feet as he started to turn around, making more noise than intended. Shadowheart must have heard him. Her heartbeat quickened. Astarion's mouth began to water at theb mere thought of the promise she'd made.
Shit. He really was going to do this wasn't he? He put on his best smile and ducked into her tent.
Shadowheart sat up on her forearms. Perfect body laid out in front of him. For him.
His eyes went to her neck, the gentle movement of her pulse just beneath her tender flesh. Then his gaze dragged along her body, slowly drinking her in. Her camp clothes hugged her figure in all the right places.
"I was beginning to think you'd found a better offer," Shadowheart whispered.
"Ah. No." Astarion laughed quietly as he gracefully dropped to his knees in front of her. "Lae'zel already threatened my life twice today. I don't fancy my chances with Karlach at her current . . . temperature. And there is something distinctly wrong with Gale's blood. I got an unpleasant whiff during that fight with the spiders."
"Wyll, then?" Shadowheart sat up completely and pressed closer to Astarion. She smelled faintly of incense.
Astarion swallowed thickly. Trying to ignore the desire to forgo niceties and just sink his teeth into her throat. "As charming as I'm sure he finds me, I do believe I would be wasting my time trying to convince the Blade of Frontiers to offer himself up to a vampire."
"And here I was, believing I was special when all the while I was merely a last resort," Shadowheart said.
Astarion found it difficult to tell how much of what she said was her searching for the truth and how much was just meant to tease.
"Darling," he purred. "You are anything but a last resort. Surely you're well aware of your allure." Astarion placed a hand on her shoulder, when she didn't flinch or pull away, he pushed her onto her back and settled himself on top of her.
Shadowheart's heart was positively racing. Her eyes blew wide with desire. Her breath caught in her throat when she spoke. "I'm only joking, Astarion. You don't need to use that voice on me."
"What voice?" Astarion asked playfully, slotting a leg between her thighs. This was almost too easy, really. For a woman with so many secrets, she'd truly given herself away to him.
"You know precisely which voice I'm talking about." Shadowheart licked her lips, eyes searching his face.
Astarion pouted, staring down at her with a sly smile. "I can't say I do," he purred. "This is the only voice I have."
"Then just shut up and feed." Shadowheart rolled her eyes.
Astarion nestled his face in the curve he her neck, lips brushing over her throat as he spoke. "Are you comfortable? This may . . . hurt a little."
"I can handle pain. Do it, Astarion."
Astarion wasted no more time. His teeth sank into her neck with a faint pop. Blood rushed into his mouth.
He hardly had time to register the sound of her moan before the rest of the world faded away. Only her blood, her breath, her life remained. And she had chosen to share it with him. A precious gift.
Astarion had never tasted anything as perfect as this. As her. He drank in desperate, needy gulps. His hand instinctively cradeling her head as she writhed beneath him. Even through his blood-drunk gaze Astarion could taste her arousal.
Shadowheart grabbed his arm, fingers digging into his skin as he drank. Her hips jerked up, seeking contact with his thigh. He allowed her that much, let her rut against his body like a bitch in heat as he drank.
"Astarion." Shadowheart's grip on his arm tightened. She was struggling to catch her breath. "Astarion, that's enough."
Her words managed to reach him despite his euphoria. "Shit -- sorry, I -- I got carried away," Astarion said.
"Shut up and kiss me." Shadowheart grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down into a bruising kiss.
The blood on his lips and chin smeared on her face. Astarion only broke the kiss to lick at the mess on her lips.
"That was . . . unexpected," Astarion whispered, nipping at her lower lip.
"You're not really surprised, are you?" Shadowheart asked.
"I suppose not completely surprised. Though this isn't exactly what I pictured when you offered your blood." Astarion leaned back to study her face.
Is this what she wanted? Clearly. Is this what he wanted? Why not?
"How unfortunate. Your imagination must be severely lacking," Shadowheart teased.
"I promise I can be quite imaginative when it counts." Astarion ground his hips down, pressing his half-hard length against her thigh.
"Prove it," Shadowheart said.
They kissed again. Another bruising, needy kiss shared between two people who knew their futures were uncertain.
"And if the others wake to find me in your tent? I'm sure they'd have a lot to say on the topic," Astarion whispered against her lips.
Shadowheart huffed out an annoyed sigh. "You don't have to stay the night. It's best for both of us if you just fuck me and leave."
"Ah, when you put it like that it does sound like a rather good offer," Astarion purred. "Do try not to keep it down though. Let's give them something to gossip about tomorrow."
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thechaoticdruid · 8 months
[The Monster Hunter]
Plot: Another draft from my abandoned long fic. It takes place right before [The Bite Scene]. Basically, it's the encounter between Astarion and Gandrel rewritten to feature my Tav, Winnie. Just thought I'd share it.
C/w: Death, dead animal, Astarion being a bigot, Astarion being a manipulative little shit, dialogue straight outta the game. A wee bit of blood.
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Truth be told it was hard to remember how any of this happened. One moment Winnie was on the streets of Baldur's Gate searching for her friend Arva after she and the other members of their gang had gone missing and the next  the human was kidnapped by tentacle faced freaks, and infected with a brain worm before crashing from the sky in an alien spaceship. It's been a complete and utter nightmare and the only saving grace would be the fact that She'd been able to make some allies in the process.  
"Dead pig. Yep that pig is dead." Winnie called out, her fuchsia colored eyes scanning over an oddly well intact corpse of a boar.  "Weird….I don't see any wounds." Cautiously she poked it with her foot.
"Well, do you expect it to come back to life if you poke it enough?" Winnie’s elven companion Astarion, rolled his eyes, "just leave it. You're wasting our time prodding at a carcass." 
The human female sighed, but just as she was about to walk off two small puncture wounds in the boar's neck caught her attention. The first rational assumption that came to mind was that perhaps a snake had bitten into the pig and poisoned it. But surely there would have been a trace of blood left by bite, wouldn't there? 
"Darling, let's go. The brain worms aren't going to wait patiently for you to gawk at every corpse we pass." The elf huffed. 
Deciding it was probably just best to move on, Winnie nodded and followed. Whatever happened to this pig was probably not important for them to worry about, surely. Continuing on, Winnie and her companions wandered off into a nearby forest as they searched for the creche that their gith friend Lae'zel kept insisting they find.  
Winnie trudges through the mud, blowing brown curls out of her eyes before suddenly feeling a sharp sting in the side of her face. 
"Ah! Godsdamn mosquitoes!" She cursed, slapping her cheek before swatting around, frantically. "Why the hells do they keep biting me!?" 
"Looks like they have a taste for you, Winnie." Shadowheart teased. 
"Why me? There are plenty of other people here to bite!"
"And here I thought druids were friends of nature." Gale chimed in.
"I'm friends with nature….Until it starts biting me in the ass." Winnie muttered. 
"You must be quite the delicacy, given the swarm you're attracting…" Astarion smirked slightly, his eyes lingered upon the druid longer than he normally did. Winnie assumed he was enjoying her suffering. (The sadistic little shit.) Though she completely missed the hungry look in his eyes and just groaned in response, unable to resist scratching the irritated skin. Before anything else could be said there was a shouting off in the distance. 
"Tell us where she is!" The voice of a man was heard.
"I told you both already I haven't laid eyes on your sister!" Winnie’s eyes blinked as she'd heard a familiar voice. It was an old woman they'd met in the Druid's Grove. She'd told Astarion and Winnie that she might be able to help with their tadpole problem.  Winnie wasn't exactly sure if the old gal would actually be able to help them or if she was just demented like Astarion said. They hadn't promised anything when she invited the adventurers to visit her home, but Winnie did say they might stop by if given the chance.  However, now things may be a little difficult.
The old woman appeared to be cornered down the hill. Two men had a pitchfork and torch and appeared to be harassing her. As quickly as she could the druid intercepted the scene.
"What's going on here?" Winnie asked in a stern tone, preparing to grab her staff if need be.  
"Thank goodness you came sweetie! I have no idea what's come over these boys!" 
"Shut it hag! We know you were the last to see Mayrina! Now where is she!?" One of the men growled. 
"I already told ya, I haven't laid eyes on your poor sister. I will gladly help you look for her though." Ethel insisted.  
"Enough! Tell us where she is right now!" The older of the two brothers raised his weapon up.
"Okay let's not do anything we'll regret. Leave the lady alone." Winnie stepped in, shooting a glare at the two men. She put her hand on her staff, gripping it tight.
“Sweetie be careful!” Auntie Ethel shouted.
“She's with the hag! Get her!” Without another word the two men attacked. Winnie quickly used her staff to block an incoming pitchfork, knocking it out of the way and then quickly smacking both of the brothers in the head. The two dropped to the ground, unconscious.
“Oh dear, I never meant for this to happen.” Ethel exclaimed looking over at the brothers.
“Can you please explain what is going on?”Winnie asked, eyes scanning the woman up and down. Something was off about her.  Despite her seeming to show guilt and concern for the two men there was something in her tone that sounded off, insincere. 
“It's their sister Mayrina, she's staying with me and she made me promise not to breathe a word about it to anyone. Oh, I do hope the poor boys will be alright…” Auntie Ethel said.
“I'm sure they'll be fine…Well….They probably won't die.” Winnie said with a nervous little cough as she looked at the two boys. Gods, she hoped she didn't accidentally kill them. Sure, they had acted like idiots, but it was clear that it was out of concern for their sister. 
“Well, I can't dally around any longer, I best be going, but please stop by my house. I'd like to thank you proper.” Ethel had an all too sickeningly sweet smile before suddenly vanishing into a puff of smoke.  A look of shock covered the young druid’s face as she began to think that perhaps Ethel wasn't the sweet innocent old woman she had claimed to be.
“Shit…” She cursed.
“I haven't spent much time around helpless old ladies, but was that normal?” Astarion asked, stepping beside Winnie.
“Ah….Well…My grandmother was able to turn into an owlbear at will…but I feel like this may be something else entirely.” Winnie replied, scratching the back of her head.
“Hag was the word the brothers used to describe her. If they're right, then we may have a very dangerous foe on our hands.” Gale added.
“Usually l’d say we shouldn't jump to conclusions, but this was very suspicious.” Winnie said before looking off towards the wetlands below the hill.
She began to walk down, the others slowly following, Her leather boots sank into the mud as she surveyed the area, spying a few sheep roaming around nearby.  It looked pleasant enough, but something just wasn't right. There was this gut feeling that it was some kind of illusion at work. After a moment Winnie attempted to use some magic to dispel it. 
Within seconds the beautiful wetlands turned into a disgusting and dreary looking bog. 
“Oh…Well this is just wonderful…”Astarion murmured. Winnie huffed as the group walked off through the bog, ankle deep in mud and gods know what else. Gale kept his robes hiked up and Astarion seemed to be muttering something about his boots. Shadowheart rolled her eyes at the two of them. Venturing further on Winnie  began to notice the sheep from before had vanished and were now replaced by angry looking redcaps. Many of them apparently making…..sheep noises.
“Baaa!” One said as they noticed Winnie starring.
“Uh…..Baaa?” She mimicked it, eliciting a chuckle from both Astarion and Shadowheart. The redcap glared at Winnie before waddling away.
The adventurers kept wandering through the bog, searching around for any sign of Ethel before eventually stumbling upon a disgustingly sweet smell and a man standing up ahead. He had long brown hair, a beard and a scar under one of his eyes. On his back appeared to be a crossbow and a very nice looking one at that. 
“Ah stranger, forgive the aroma!” The man says as the sickening odor causes Winnie to grimace slightly.
“It's powdered ironvine. It'll make any monsters think twice before trying to make a meal of me.”
Winnie was about to introduce herself before suddenly Astarion cut in.
“You're a monster hunter? I'm surprised. I thought all Gur were vagrant cutthroats.” 
“Don't be rude.” The druid scolded him then glanced back at the hunter apologetically, “forgive him. The elf doesn't know when to stop talking.” 
“You should listen to your companion. Next he'll warn you that my people can curse your cow to give only sour milk or seduce your daughter to a life of roaming. I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess. Alas I am a simple wanderer.  A simple wanderer and monster hunter. But I'm no witch doctor or cutthroat.” 
“And what monster are you hunting exactly?” Winnie inquired.
“Something terrifying no doubt. Dragon? Cyclops? Kobold?” Astarion said, in a mocking tone.
“Nothing so dramatic. I'm hunting a vampire spawn.” The hunter replied.
“A vampire!?” The brunette haired druid’s eyes lit up at the statement. Her lips curled up into a giddy grin. “This sounds exciting! I've never had the opportunity to encounter one before!”
“I’d exercise caution friend, these creatures are not something you'd want to encounter unprepared. Nor are they as charming as the stories make them out to be.”
“Oh, I know they’re dangerous. I'm just very fascinated with monsters is all…” Winnie gave a shy chuckle. She seemed absolutely thrilled at the prospect of meeting a creature of the night. Her elven companion however immediately tensed. 
“So, why are you hunting this vampire spawn?” He asked, his voice was laced with curiosity, but his eyes had a look of distress in them.
“You’re asking a monster hunter why he's hunting a monster?” Shadowheart spoke up.
“Why not? All vampires can’t be bad? Can they?” Winnie hummed, her mouth forming a disappointed pout.
“I'm afraid they are. Vampires are godless parasites. There is no reason not to destroy them. But in this case it is a sacred mission from the head of my tribe. My orders are to capture the beast and return it to her.” 
“Capture? And bring it where, exactly?” Astarion asked, his eyes seemed trained on the hunter. 
“Baldur's Gate. My people wait for me there.” The gur explained.  It was then Winnie noticed Astarion’s tension. His hand inched for the dagger sheathed at his side. A fake smile spread across his face.
“You're asking a lot of questions.” She said, turning her head to look at the elf. 
“There's a lot to know.” Astarion giggled, feigning innocence before then approaching the hunter, leaving little room between the two. “I've crossed paths with your people before you know.” Astarion suddenly drew his dagger and before Winnie could even speak he jammed it straight through the monster hunter’s eye. “It wasn't a good experience.” He growled
“Astarion, what the hells!?” Shadowheart shouted.
“Was that really necessary!?” Gale called from behind them.
“Please tell me you had a good reason for that.” Winnie asked, looking at Astarion cautiously as he plucked his dagger from the corpse.
“He was spinning a tale and you were falling for it. Vampires? Sacred missions? Pft. Honestly.” Astarion huffed before turning back at me, the hunter’s blood had splattered across his face and was now dripping down the side of his cheek. “He would have followed us to camp and slit our throats in the night. Trust me I did us a favor.”
Winnie glared at him, crossing her arms. This was conflicting. Astarion could be all too stab happy at times, but he had watched her back in several fights since they'd joined up. 
“Now if we're done here we have more important things to get on to.”  Astarion said as he began to walk off.  Winnie turned back to the corpse, deciding she may as well make use of his belongings. Not like he'd be using them anymore anyway.  She took his crossbow and some magic arrows he had before following after the others. Gale and Shadowheart appeared to be whispering about whether or not it was wise to keep Astarion in the group after this little incident.
After a while Winnie spoke up, stepping between Astarion and the others.
“You dispatched the monster hunter rather quickly.”  
“I know. Wasn't it impressive?” Astarion smirked his eyes looking Winnie over.
“Doesn’t explain why.”
“Don't you worry your pretty little head about why. The gur are duplicitous reprobates. Didn't you see the look he gave you when you mentioned wanting to see a vampire? He was probably going to run you through for it. Claim you were some vampire fanatic. Luckily, you have me to look out for you, you sweet little thing.~” He purred the last few words. Winnie’s cheeks flushed and she mentally cursed. Damn him.  Ever since they'd started traveling she'd found herself very attracted to him. Unfortunately he was able to pick up on it quite easily, and take advantage of the soft spot she had for him.  “He won't bother us anymore. Now I've made sure of it.” 
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 5 months
4, 16 and 21 for the tav questions!
Thank you, omg, somehow I did not anticipate one of these 😅. Also I'm doing this for both my Tavs because I love Mardora & Guemarir equally
4: What would your Tav's romance scenes look like? How many would they have?
For Mardora, I think she'd have 4 if you picking her to spend time with at the Tiefling party counts? The first one/tiefling party would be pretty lowkey & sweet. Drinking together to celebrate & having a quick little kiss before Mardora sends Tav/Durge to bed because "we should make this choice with clearer heads;" the second one (also in Act 1) would be a "we have clear heads now" followup. Third scene is after you've unlocked some quest progression you can only do in Act 2/learned her backtory & Tav/Durge gets the option to be like "Mardora, you don't have to take care of me, let me take care of you this time" (save her from being a people pleaser, please). And then finally, in Act 3, there'd be a really sweet star gazing scene where she talks to Tav/Durge about dwarf stuff & reveals she's been calling them the sappiest, most intimate-&-reserved-for-life-partners pet-name in existence ever since hitting "excellent" opinion/reaching Act 3 (depending on when you hit scenes/vs approval)
Guemarir feels a little tougher to figure out because you are definitely, 100% able to flirt with him from moment 1. You meet that man & you are immediately able to tell him how pretty he is & how much you want to hit (because believe me bestie, he's doing the same). I think he'd have more than Mardora just by virtue of his own sluttery. Maybe 5? I do not know what is a normal amount of romance scenes because I've only finished Lae'zel's & I'm maybe only halfway done with Astarion's? This ain't about them though.
So I think Guemarir's tiefling party night would be him promising to stop being a tease & finally give Tav/Durge that dick after the party's died down & he's not entertaining people with his ✨️dulcet tones✨️ anymore. The second scene is about Guemarir having tiefling angst & daddy issues because by this point the refugees are on the way to Baldur's Gate & you've definitely encountered his dad, so he's having a rare moment of depth; Tav/Durge has the option to comfort him & give him a lil smooch, mayhaps cuddle by the fire at camp. Scene 3 is at the beginning of Act 2, & Guemarir apologizes for his moment of vulnerability "won't happen again, silly manwhore hours only from here on out," & Tav/Durge can talk him through not having to put on a persona with them because of sincere feelings. Guemarir is taken aback, but jazzed because this is new territory for him. Scene 4 is Guemarir trying very, very hard to take Tav/Durge on a "date" at camp; he made dinner, there's a tablecloth on a stump, he lit candles, he plays a love song on his lyre. It's very precious & he is doing his best to do sincere romance instead of "wham, bam, thank you ma'am/man." Last scene is in Act 3, Guemarir invites Tav/Durge to hang out with him & he has a really sweet talk with them about being grateful for them giving him the opportunity to have a romantic relationship instead of just a bunch of random hookups, Guemarir & Tav/Durge can fuck at the end of this scene, though.
16: What do they do for fun when not adventuring? What are their hobbies?
Mardora is a huge book worm, she reads a lot when not adventuring. Maybe not as much reading as Gale, but enough to discuss books with everyone's favorite magic item eating wizard to a pretty satisfying capacity on his end. She also keeps a very meticulous journal, & she knows how to make jewelry. She's not good at it, but she can do it, & being able to do something even kinda rudimentary with metal is a source of pride for her because Dwarf.
Guemarir's whole thing is being a wandering bard (and slut), so he's mostly just playing music. I feel like he's dabbled in poetry & writing his own compositions, but never in any kind of serious way he likes showing to people. He also knows a lot about tea & is a pretty decent cook!
21: Describe a defining moment from their past which makes them who they are today!
When Mardora was the dwarf equivalent to, like, 10, she got separated from her mom while they were out-and-about, & it was a priest of Moradin who calmed little Mardora down & helped her. That plus getting the virtues of the dwarffather & of helping others in a personal, one-on-one way while looking for her mom left a big impression & very much laid the foundations for a lot of later events that turned her into the Mom Friend Ultimate Good Guy she is by the start of the game.
13-year-old Guemarir was forever altered when he met his dad for the first time & found out he's the son of his mom's patron. Until then he just kind of...had not questioned why a half-elf's kids were tieflings? He probably had some theories about a tiefling baby daddy, but learning him & his 2 siblings are fully a demon's kids & that he's got boocoo half siblings left an impression. Especially since his dad is just, like, really invested in having a lot of (his own) kids at his disposal "if he needs them." That whole thing just really made him...kinda judgemental & gave him some very, very hard stances on making deals with devils.
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rhysintherain · 4 months
I can't remember if I've specifically seen you post about your Tav and/or Durge? But a great way for me to get to know them! 35, 37, and 39 for a Tav/Durge of your choosing. c: (And heck, also for Rikka the Bhaalspawn you told me about, if she was a companion. :D )
Thank you! The only Tav I've put a ton of effort into lately (the one I occasionally write about) is Skye: druid, non-binary disaster, dating Shadowheart canonically. Guild artisan background. A bit more chaotic than most druids would like. Has a lot of history with the legacy companions, since they're Jaheira's protege.
Greeting a player character at different approval levels:
Low: don't you have something to be doing? ANYTHING to be doing, besides this conversation? Because I sure do.
Usually I don't bite, but I'll make an exception for you.
Neutral: need something? I have *sorts through pockets for stray stuff* an empty bottle... Some string... Where did all these gremisha tails come from? Oh, I have cheese! Let me know if any of that sounds useful.
If you're hoping I'll say something druidic and wise I'll give it a go, but it'll probably just sound sarcastic.
High: need a giant feral cat to smack someone for you? Please tell me it's Lae'zel.
You know what my favorite thing about the city is? The conspicuous lack of ankhegs.
Romance: here, I made you something *hands player some little thing made out of odds and ends collected on their travels*
You know, I used to doubt leaving Cloakwood, but with you here I'm sure it was the right choice.
If a player asks them "tell me about yourself":
Born and raised in the Gate, which was... Interesting when I learned to wild shape into a coyote as a kid. Fortunately Jaheira took pity on me and taught me some shapes that get fewer rocks thrown at them.
Spent some time at the Cloakwood circle - the REAL Cloakwood circle, mind you, shadow druids don't count - but there's only so much bug control and giving directions to lost city folks you can do before you'd rather be anywhere else.
Not much more to say, honestly? You already know I can turn into an assortment of creatures and can't stand Ashaba Dusk.
(spoiler alert: there's plenty more to say. Like the last name they refuse to use. And the fact that they learned most of what they know from a handful of legendary heroes. But they're not going to say any of that until The Plot forces them to)
When a player character asks for a kiss: have I ever said no before? Actually, if I ever do just assume I've been dopplegangered.
Of course, I wasn't working on anything important at the moment *que the sound of something falling over/a hiss of a potion eating through the workbench/the growl of a possibly dangerous animal off camera* well, not more important than this...
And for Rikka, the half-orc shaman Bhaalspawn from BG1 and 2. Neutral good, insufferable ray of sunshine, romanced Rasaad.
Greeting a player at different approval levels:
Low: Can I help you? *Under her breath* I mean, can anyone, really?
Oh hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about your questionable decisions lately.
Neutral: whatever you need, I'm on it like ugly on an orc! (This was actually one of the in-game dialogues in BG1 for the voice I chose for her. Didn't know that when I picked the voice, but it was very in character that she'd think it was funny)
We shouldn't linger here, the ghosts of this land are restless... Gods, you should see the look on your face! Admit it, I had you going, didn't I?
High: Minsc just asked me if he'd hurt that tree's feelings... I swear, I've known that man for over a century and he still manages to surprise me.
Need a summoning? An exorcism? I'm pretty sure I know a couple dead dragons who owe me favors, just say the word.
Romance: if it isn't my favorite person, wading through the mud and blood of the adventuring life to come see me.
You know I'd walk straight into the hells for you, right? And I'm not just saying that because I've done it so many times I could justify buying a summer home there, either!
If a player asks them "tell me about yourself":
Oh you know, I'm pretty normal. Daughter of a murder god, raised in the finest library in the realms - which I made much better use of than my sister, for the record - got my soul stolen by an evil wizard, but then who hasn't? They offered me my father's throne at one point, but the family business just sounded like an awful lot of work, you know? I have 15 - no wait, I think it's 16 now - beautiful grandchildren. Okay, maybe my life hasn't been the textbook definition of normal, but I'm surprisingly normal about it!
When a player character asks for a kiss: pretty please?
Oh, my day is getting better already!
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Met Aradin on the road. He and Rakha mostly glared daggers at each other and Rakha almost punched him again just for fun; instead she took his contract to find the Nightsong, purely because she wants to find it when he couldn't. (She doesn't really care about it otherwise; say what you will about Rakha, but she doesn't seem to care much about gold one way or the other at least.)
On into the Blighted Village. Rakha, who has been champing at the bit to fight more of the goblins ever since she learned they needed clearing out, attacks instantly as soon as one of the ones on the village roofs tries to talk to her.
Very good fight. Rakha misty-stepped up onto the roof and fried everyone with Burning Hands. The cloak of invisibility-on-successful-kill is REALLY good. Gobbos never stood a chance.
"Is she going to do that on every battle, do you think?" Wyll says, peering up at the top of the nearby building where Rakha is finishing off the final goblin with manic eyes and a burst of lighting from her fingertips. "She doesn't even wear armor..."
Gale snorts. "She certainly doesn't seem to be much inclined to putting caution to the forefront, and I don't anticipate that changing any time soon. All I can say is, better her than me. A wizard at close range is a wizard soon for the cookpot, or at least so sayeth every guidebook of magical combat I ever encountered."
"She has madness in her. To hear her tell it, a beast that claws at her brain," Lae'zel says gruffly. "Like a steam pipe, I think - the pressure builds and must be vented. Better on these goblins than on us."
"Don't tell me you approve of her strategy," Wyll says, raising an eyebrow.
"It is no strategy. It is anarchy. But I see no way of stopping her, so I will adapt. Tak'san zer'a vlaak. 'One adapts or one perishes.'"(*)
Gale hunches his shoulders, rubbing at a sudden burst of pain in his chest. "In Waterdeep, we say, 'If you can't beat them, join them.' Similar concept, I should think.'"
(*) I've progressed to making up my own githyanki phrases now. It's all downhill from here. XD
Gale wants to talk when the fight is done; time to start dropping his Lore on Rakha:
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"Spare me a moment, if you please. I've something important to discuss with you. We've been traveling together for a while now and it's just about time that I shared something with you. It's a rather personal matter that I'd have preferred to keep quiet, but needs must when the devil drives. I have no choice but to speak."
(A/N: LOL. With Hector and my other playthroughs so far, Gale always pops this a lot earlier because we've done enough nice things that he decides he trusts us. Clearly he does not feel this way about Rakha yet and I don't blame him. XD )
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Rakha, coming down from the blood-fever of killing the goblins, just stares at him expectantly, wondering what the hells this could be about.
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"You see," Gale says carefully, "I have this... condition. Very different from the parasite we share, but just as deadly."
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Me too, thinks Rakha dryly.
(A/N: The fact that I gave Rakha her super short clipped speech pattern occasionally makes me a little sad because it means some of the Dark Urge lines don't sound like something she'd actually say. Like this one: "You also feel disgusted by how life, miserable as it is, insists on persisting in this wretched world?" She might think it but I don't think she'd say it that way. XD)
"What kind of condition?" she asks, narrowing her eyes at him.
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"The specifics are rather personal," Gale says uneasily. "But suffice it to say that it is a malady I have learned to live with - though not without some effort. What it comes down to is this - every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the Weave inside."
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Rakha blinks rapidly several times. Most of what she knows about magic is instinct, not knowledge, but she has heard Gale speak of the Weave, and knows that it corresponds on some level to that tapestry of prismatic color that she can see under the surface of the world. And Gale needs to consume bits of it, directly?
She doesn't know enough to even begin to guess at the implications.
"What happens if you don't consume these artifacts?" she asks cautiously.
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"I'll spare you the finer details," Gale says, "but it begins with a simple biological deterioration. Muscle spasms, disorientation, a slight ringing in the ears. And if left for too long..." He trails off; his eyes narrow, as he considers the right words.
"Catastrophe," he finally says. "It's been days since I last consumed an artifact - since before we were abducted. It is time. And by that I mean it's imperative that I find and consume strands of Weave at the earliest possible juncture."
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Rakha frowns thoughtfully. Gale, she suspects, does not like her much - especially in the wake of the business with Alfira. But she does not think he's lying to her at this moment.
He is clearly holding back details. But the word he chose - catastrophe. It is a word with significant weight given the magnitude of problems they are already facing. A catastrophe worth the term by comparison must be... significant.
"Where do you suggest we find the artifacts you need?" she asks crisply.
In the end, she gives him the amulet she pulled from the Selunite altar in the owlbear cave, and she watches with fascination as he "processes" it.
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The Weave spasms around him. She can see the whole fabric twist and shiver as the power is swallowed into his chest at the point where the tattooed mark glows suddenly bright. He lets out a harsh noise of pain, staggers backwards a step, then stabilizes.
"Thank you..." he mutters unsteadily. "That hit the spot."
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He straightens, rubbing absently at the mark where the magic was swallowed. "I can feel it work," he murmurs. "The magic is like a lullaby that sings to sleep the demon inside." A pause, and then he adds rapidly, "A metaphorical demon, I haste to point out. But no less dangerous - and no less bound to wake up again to continue its ravages."
A long pause. He looks at Rakha thoughtfully for a long moment. "Such is the nature of all monsters..."
Rakha is sure that the same thought is going through his head that is in hers - in this we are alike, after all. A beast sleeps in my head and in your chest, and we are neither of us certain to be able to hold them back. Perhaps now you understand the control I lost when Alfira died. Perhaps we are deeper allies after all.
Could there be any connection between his monstrous tenant and hers? Unlikely, perhaps... but the possibility feels oddly reassuring anyway.
"Perhaps now you'll tell me what this is all in aid of?" she asks, just the slightest bit dryly.
He shakes his head. "Grateful as I am, the course of our camaraderie is much better served by not taking that particular detour. Not just yet."
Rakha quirks an eyebrow. If its course was not already diverted by my blade in Alfira's chest, I doubt very much your secret could do it, she thinks, but doesn't press the issue - for now.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 8 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 3,097
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31. ⬇
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Chapter 31: Orin the Red
As they descended to the belly of the sewers and followed the path she'd seen through the Bhaalspawn's memories, they remained mostly silent. Lae'zel and Karlach obviously made the most noise, but Tav didn't care, as long as they reached their destination.
"I wanted to ask", Shadowheart's quiet voice reached Tav's ears as they walked down a way too dark path, "does Gortash know we're doing this?"
Tav swallowed. Gods, if he learned of this... she wondered for a moment what he'd do. Especially because she lied to him. Now, that she thought of it, she should've left at least a note, and that made her feel awful. Not like she had a choice; she was sure he would've said no if she told him of her plans for that day.
"No. He doesn't."
Her quiet reply made Astarion tut softly.
"Lying to the love of your life? Naughty, naughty girl."
His jab made Tav furious in an instant.
"I have my reasons", she half turned to stare up in his perfect face, "I don't expect you to understand."
"I know of your reasons", Astarion purred with a smile that sent chills down her spine. Unpleasant ones. "I know you very well. More than you'd like to admit to any of us."
"Bah, you're all words as always!" Tav huffed, turning her back on him.
"Do you think your scent hasn't changed?" The Ascendant remarked, making Tav stop in her tracks again, mortified. She never thought her scent would change - she couldn't know that it could, and that it'd be obvious to a bloodsucker like him. But of course; she was silly for not thinking of it earlier. She half turned again to stare at the Ascendant. "And do you think I can't hear that there are-"
"Astarion!" Tav gasped, stopping and turning to face the Ascendant who was smiling back at her sickeningly fondly.
"-three heartbeats beating in your body?"
Not two.
Tav started to feel sick again. Her hand almost automatically slipped on her stomach. She had to rely on the wall with her other hand nearby, as she felt like she'd faint.
"What?" Tav could hear Karlach stopped dead in her tracks, as well as Shadowheart. "Soldier? He is implying what I think he is implying?"
"Three?" Shadowheart's voice was sharp. "Are you certain?"
"My ears never fail me", Astarion purred behind Tav. "Definitely. Two little hearts. Quiet and fast, but distinguishable."
"I don't believe you", Tav paled, the colour of her face rivaling Astarion's.
"You needn't, my sweet", he replied softly, "but I speak the truth. Why would I lie? You've been feeling extremely sick and fatigued lately, isn't that right? Twins often cause worse symptoms."
Twins. Tav's eyes filled with tears.
She turned away from the others, doubled over and threw up whatever she ate in Gortash's chambers. That little energy her body could consume was all she had for the battle she was about to fight.
"Ah, there we go, proving my point, thank you", Astarion smirked, looking back at the three women. "Fascinating, isn't it? It's almost… curious how she keeps lying to us all, all the time. Makes one wonder what other secrets she has."
"If it's really true", Karlach shifted closer to Tav, "why didn't you tell us?"
"Fucking hells", Tav used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. "I didn't want you to worry."
"Worry?" Karlach echoed. "Worry?! What the fuck, soldier?! I thought we didn't have secrets around each other! Especially not such a huge fucking secret!"
"My difficulties are my difficulties!" Tav snapped, straightening herself. "There are battles I must fight, no matter what condition I'm in! I have to get Orin's Netherstone so we can control the Brain or we're all dead! We all know that! I won't have any kind of future if I don't do this! Only I can get into the temple where she hides, because only I've seen it in someone's memories, and I need you all to help me. I just didn't want you to fuss over me, we have more important things to do!"
"Does Gortash at least know about", Karlach motioned at Tav's lower stomach, "this?" Karlach fumed, motioning at Tav.
"Of course he does", Tav rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"And you sneaked off to fight a shape shifter without telling him?!"
"It's better for all of us if he doesn't know, okay?! We've established already that only we can get rid of her, so why would it be good for him to spend the entire day in stress?! He has enough to worry about. I didn't want to add to it. It's better for both of us this way."
"And what about Orpheus?" Lae'zel asked quietly.
"We'll free Orpheus", Tav waved at the githyanki tiredly, "I promised you we would. But we must deal with Orin first. I'm tired of her threats, and more importantly – we must save Gale! So can we please just move on?!" She turned to look at the smugly grinning Astarion. "And if you say one more fucking word I'm going to smite you."
"I've just made it clear to everyone present that you must be kept unharmed", Astarion put it simply. "None of us would want you to suffer losses today."
"I'm fine, Astarion", Tav was seething, "quit your fake worrying."
"All I've ever wanted was you to be safe." Tav couldn't help but notice that the mask of his superiority slipped away. "Everything I've done, I did for your own good."
Tempers rose in Tav's guts, her unstoppable fury almost palpable.
"You've broken three ribs of mine, trying to prove that point to me!" She shouted at him.
"It was an accident! I was getting used to my amplified powers, you know I'd never hurt you!"
Astarion stepped closer to her, but Tav stepped away instantly, fear clearly written on her face. Seeing this, both Karlach and Lae'zel shifted between them; both of them facing the vampire. Shadowheart readied a radiant spell in her right hand.
"Come on, Astarion. I dare you to come closer to her", she threatened.
"Okay, let's calm down a bit", Karlach told Astarion. "Let it go, Fangs. Alright? Let's get down to business, then you'll be on your own."
"Perhaps I don't want to be on my own", Astarion argued.
"Chk! You will be", Lae'zel's voice was downright threatening, "if I'd known any of this earlier…"
"I swear it was an accident. I wanted to explain what I wanted, but she wanted to leave, and I grabbed her- a bit too tightly, I think…"
They all remembered that night. Tav had been quietly arguing with Astarion, sure, but the sound of her sudden scream had the entire camp rush over there to her tent, finding that Astarion had already left, leaving her sitting on the ground, clothes torn, nearly drowning in her tears. She never told them what he'd done to her, only that they fought each other and he'd never come back. Perhaps she was still trying to keep him safe from their wrath; certainly, some of them would've hunted him down if they had a chance. Tav knew them better than they did, it seemed.
"This is the last time you come with us, Astarion", Tav whispered, her voice shaking, "then I don't want to see you again. I'll allow you to be near me, not because I still love you, but because you could be useful here. But that is all. I'm not forgiving you for what you've done to me, and I don't want you to be near me anymore. And if Karlach or Lae'zel wants to cut you in two if you still decide to show up – I'll let them."
"I'd be glad to do that", Lae'zel commented, "to be the one who ends the one and only Vampire Ascendant. Not ghaik, of course, but would be an honourable deed indeed."
Astarion stared at Tav for a few long seconds, before he nodded. Solemnly.
"Understood", he said quietly.
"Good." Tav straightened up once again. "Now that this is out of the way, let's go. I want to be finished with this before lunchtime."
"Hah", Karlach smirked as she shifted on Tav's side. "I imagine you must be hungry, eating for three, now. Oh my gods soldier, can I be their cool Aunt Karlach?? Not literally cool, of course-"
"Karlach", Tav laughed quietly, shaking her head. "We need to focus. Please, let's talk about this when we're finished… if we survive it."
The first group of enemies before the main chamber were formidable, but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. Shadowheart constantly cast Sanctuary over Tav, making it impossible for the enemies to attack her, which was very effective, as she could use ranged attacks against the Bhaalists. The fight went down surprisingly well; Astarion summoned his ghouls and he proved to be quite the asset as an Ascendant, too. He could misty step wherever he wanted, and took down enemies with his deadly Ascendant bites. And of course, Karlach and Lae'zel did what they did best: cutting through whatever was in their way, visibly enjoying themselves.
Tav needed to sit down when they were finished, choosing a rock to almost collapse on it, to hold her head in her shaking hands. She felt exhausted, drained; she really wasn't fit for the job ahead. Even with Shadowheart's help, she felt like she wouldn't be able to face Orin.
"You should stay here", Shadowheart crouched in front of her, and Tav groaned.
"I'll be fine." She said that to the others to reassure them but also to herself to push on. Her stomach rebelled against everything she encountered; it felt like as if her nose was enhanced, and all the blood and gore that surrounded them didn't help at all. "I just… need to catch my breath."
Shadowheart offered her a bottle of water, and she smiled at her gratefully before she drank from it.
"When we're fighting Orin and you need to throw up", Astarion smirked down at her, "please aim at her face."
"Good idea", Tav smiled at that, "that certainly would surprise her." She sipped from the cool water again. "I'm afraid I don't really have anything left in my stomach by now."
A little more time, then they resumed their journey, down to the belly of Baldur's Gate. Finding an ancient sigil which could transport them to the surface was a wonderful thing; Tav was tempted to walk over and get herself back to Wyrm's Rock. But instead, she turned away from the sigil and faced the door, using the amulet of the fallen Bhaalspawn to enter the main chamber.
Orin, of course, was waiting for her and her group of friends in the vast hall. Tav felt immense relief when she saw that Gale looked unharmed, even if he was unconscious, on the altar.
"Hush hush, I hear footsteps trip-trapping on the Murder Lord's stones. It refused the Murder Lord's command, and comes crawling into his sanctum with the tyrant unpulped."
Tav swallowed, and prayed to whatever gods that listened that she looked as tough as possible when Orin eyed her.
"But that's fine. That's alright. The blades can offer salvation."
She sheathed her curved sword and brought it close to Gale's neck. Tav's heart jumped up in her throat as she saw that. She furrowed her brows, looking every bit of fierce.
"You said Bhaal wanted us to fight", she pointed it out in a deadpan, almost disappointed tone. "He will reject this offering."
Orin paused, then pulled the blade away from Gale's neck and climbed up the altar.
"You do not lie, underling. It is your blood I am destined to spill. Your death spit will stain these walls, little lamb." She stopped directly in front of Tav. "Your murder should have been exquisite. A crypt-born effigy to greet Bhaal's bleeding dawn. And now it will be nothing!" As she spread her arms and the crimson runes started to glow beneath their feet, Tav realised that Orin had an advantage, too: her other form. The form they've never seen before. "Come to me, Father! Set my flesh to your unholy purpose!"
As the Slayer form exploded from Orin's body, both Karlach and Lae'zel charged in. Orin swept them away to the left and right with her tail, almost pushing Lae'zel off the stone and into the darkness. They got back to their feet in no time.
"I'll handle her!" Tav yelled to them, "kill the others!"
Astarion's ghouls immediately obeyed her command.
"On it!" Karlach agreed, raising her blade high up, making a Bhaalist's eyes open up wide before he literally lost his head.
"Htak'a!" Lae'zel yelled in response, too, and charged at the other Bhaalists instead, leaving the Slayer to Tav, Astarion and Shadowheart.
Shadowheart cast Sanctuary the moment she saw that Orin was coming way too near Tav. The monstrosity stopped just a few inches away from her face, and Tav gripped the Blood of Lathander hard and yelled her searing smite spell to charge her weapon. In the last moment though, Orin pulled away.
"Finally, some fun", Astarion whispred beside her before he shape shifted into his bat form and started to attack the monster.
Tav saw that Orin had been taken by surprise at the Ascendant's sudden bat form attack; Astarion was trying to go for the monster's eyes, and judging by the screeching and the blood oozing from her face, Tav suspected that the vampire was close to succeed.
She waited on the ground, Shadowheart's Sanctuary spell shielding her from the other attackers who were preoccupied with Karlach and Lae'zel and Astarion's ghouls. Tav stepped closer to the monstrosity, and when Orin ducked her huge head towards her, she charged the Blood of Lathander with a smite spell again and smashed the morningstar right in Orin's defenseless face. She didn't even see what hit her. Orin stumbled, screeched, flailed with her four long arms to defend her face. Tav snarled as she moved after her, and despite she felt one of Orin's clawed hands hit her in her side, she charged the Blood of Lathander with another smite spell, aiming for Orin's head again. She could feel pain run right up to her shoulder from the impact. A second later she spoke a word, and the Blood of Lathander grew hot in her hold as it exploded with a deadly sunbeam, blinding Orin.
The monster swept her off her feet. They fell to the ground. Tav hit herself hard; crying out from the sudden pain had the attention of the rest of her companions. She dropped the Blood of Lathander; it rolled across the fighting field, stopping at the altar's feet. As Tav scrambled back on her feet, the pale bat flapped his wings closer to the monster to get Orin's attention, who, at this point, blindly flailed before she collapsed. It seemed that the morningstar's sunbeam was too much for her. With guttural noises, she crawled towards Tav who took several steps back.
That was when a Bhaalist in the distance spotted her, and threw a dagger, aiming right at her face.
Astarion noticed that in the last moment, and shifted back to his humanoid form to shield Tav from the blade. She could feel Astarion shoving her away, just when she saw that Orin's body melted away, leaving a bloody skeleton behind. Then, she hit the ground again.
The first thing she saw was the dagger - buried in Astarion's back.
"No!" Tav screamed. "No, Astarion?!"
Even though they had their disagreements and she was harsh with him for what he'd done in the past, seeing the weapon buried in his back had her panicking. He collapsed on her with his full weight, and didn't move. Tav frantically grabbed at his posh clothes, trying to move him to see his face.
"Astarion!" She called out to him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "No, no... Astarion!"
As Lae'zel and Karlach finished the last of the Bhaalists, Shadowheart rushed over to Tav and Astarion to help.
"Is he dead??"
"Technically, he's been dead for two hundred years", Shadowheart raised a brow.
"You know what I mean!!" Tav sobbed by the time the Cleric inspected the wound. She had Astarion half lying in her lap, facing her, his eyes closed. "He- he got in the way to- to protect me..."
"Uggh", he groaned, still with closed eyes. "Let us not do this again..."
"Are you okay??"
"Of course I'm okay. Did you think a dagger would kill me? Hah!" He glanced up at her, smirking his stupid handsome smirk, eyes glowing red in the dark. Tav couldn't even depict what she was feeling. Relief? Anger? Fury? All of it?? "Be a good girl, Shadowheart, and pull that blade out."
"With pleasure", Shadowheart smirked, then grabbed the hilt of the dagger and yanked it out of him, making him yelp.
"Gently!" Astarion rolled on his back and glanced at the Cleric angrily.
"You should've said that before I pulled it out", Shadowheart visibly enjoyed herself, tossing the dagger on the ground.
Tav pushed Astarion off of her lap. The Ascendant pursed his lips at that.
"Don't do this, ever again", Tav snapped at him angrily.
"Shall I just watch as you catch a dagger with your face, then?" Astarion teased, following her as she inspected what was left of Orin.
She didn't listen to him, though, just stared at the remains of the Chosen of Bhaal with a disgusted look on her face. Then, she stared at the skull in the wall. She could feel the God of Murder seething; just as she could feel Myrkul's fury when she'd slaughtered Ketheric.
"Is this the best you had?!" Tav screamed at the carved stone. "Is this your Chosen?! Pathetic!"
"Do you think it's wise to say such a thing to someone like Bhaal?" Astarion leaned down to whisper to Shadowheart, who pursed her lips but said nothing.
Tav leaned down to grab Orin's weapons first. She removed the Netherstone from the curved blade and put it away. Then, she picked up the Blood of Lathander and took a look at Gale, who opened his eyes in that moment.
"Hey", Tav smiled at him, stopping beside him and touching his shoulder. "You've missed all the fun, sleepy head."
"What happened?" The wizard looked around. "Where are we?"
"Well, I think I'll have a lot of explaining to do on the way out", Tav laughed.
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euryalex · 1 year
Fluff 23. “has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?” for Tara and Wyll?
OOOO thank you!!! Changed it a tiny bit to make it fit :3
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For some reason, she couldn't sleep. It didn't matter how tired she was, how much her eyes hurt from being open, how every bone in her body begged for her to sleep - she just couldn't. Then again, maybe she did know.
So she sat at the edge of camp, having told Lae'Zel an hour ago she could go to sleep and that she'd keep watch.
Gods, she'd be exhausted in the morning, she knew that, but it wouldn't be the first time she ran on fumes.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
Tara turned, seeing Wyll approach her. She couldn't help but smile.
"Shouldn't you?" she hit back.
He sat down next to her on the fallen down tree. "C'mon," he bumped his shoulder against hers, "Why are you still up?"
A hand around her throat - all she can see is a cunning sneer directed at her. She tried to escape again. Why did she try? She knew better than that.
"Couldn't sleep," she shrugged, bumping her knee against his, "What about you?"
Wyll looked away shyly and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, "Saw your bedroll was empty."
Tara chuckled, although she couldn't stop her cheeks from growing red, "Worried about me, huh?"
He looked at her. Usually, Tara felt uncomfortable when others looked at her - but Wyll didn't have that effect on her. Never did. Something about his gaze was different, and filled her with butterflies.
"Has anyone told you that your eyes look beautiful, glowing in the moonlight?" he suddenly commented, and she turned her attention to him immediately.
"I... No, thank you." she gulped, "I have my mother's eyes."
"Mhm. My dad would tell her she had the most beautiful eyes in all of Faerûn."
"He sounds like a wise man," Wyll added, and Tara laughed, "I should hope so. He left his work and life behind in the city to live with her clan."
"Will you be going back, when all this is over?" he asked and Tara's face fell.
"No, sadly," she frowned, "They... I've got no home to return to."
Briefly, all was silent. Unlike any other moment she'd shared with Wyll, this one felt tense and uncomfortable.
"You know, we do make a great team," he eventually cut through the silence, "If you have nothing to do after the tadpole is removed, I'm always in the market for a partner."
"You and me do make a great team," Tara chuckled, "I..."
I'll think about it, she thought.
Instead, she smiled at him and said: "I'd like that."
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