#if only we could we a Squad without the S
revvethasmythh · 1 year
Absolutely LOSING it. everyone in the camp spent the whole party raking me over the coals for having plans with Gale later tonight, Lae'zel graphically explained to me that I'd have a better night with her (and then said it was fine, actually, because she'd just show Wyll what she was talking about) and then Gale ??? was surprised ?? at the suggestion of romance ?? EVERYONE in the camp knew but him, which tracks and also is one of the funniest things I've experienced in my life
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Part 6 of SpecGru (former 141) reader; Simon’s perspective again.
Content: brief implication/mention of reader having idle suicidal ideation. In the way of “I don’t care if something happens to me” kind of way. Happens during a phone call between Price and reader’s new captain.
Please be careful and safe. If someone needs this part summarized, let me know. I love you all very much <3
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Here’s the truth of it: Simon never meant for you to leave.
You were too close, that was true. He did everything short of actually hurting you to drive you away. Treated you like a plaything, took your kindness and patience and feelings for him for granted. Left you cold and alone in a hospital bed — unable to see you pale and half-dead all because you were so goddamn headstrong…
That had put it all in vicious perspective. That he couldn’t keep you safe; knowing him, following him, would surely end with you on a metal table rather than a clean hospital bed.
In hindsight, he knows it was as much for his own sake as yours, trying to force that emotional distance between you two. But he just… he can’t do it. Not again. Not you. You’d break him.
But he never meant for you to leave. Not really.
Maybe take an extended solo mission. Or just break off the romance of it all. Maybe you’d stay away for a while, give him time to sort out his feelings and shove the useless ones back into the pit they belong in.
He didn’t expect you to be gone as soon as you could stand.
“You said yourself, Simon, she’s too young and reckless. The 141 can’t afford to babysit her,” Price explained.
“She nearly got you killed, LT,” Soap pointed out. That was before he found out that you were gone for good, not just on disciplinary leave.
And when he did…
“No. No, she dinnae…” he wiped a hand down his face, eyes going a bit glassy. “Why? Why would she… didn’t we mean anythin’ to her? I know we were all a bit on the rocks but ‘s just cos she gave us a scare…”
Gaz took it the hardest, showing up most morning with red-rimmed, puffy eyes. He tried texting you a hundred times; they never went through.
He and Soap begged Price to reconsider, saying that he had no right to kick you out without consulting the rest of the squad.
“I just told her that she should consider transfer,” Price corrected, steely.
“Same fuckin’ thing, ain’t it?” Soap raged. “What else ‘s she gonna do when it’s her captain sayin’ it?”
And Price had finally crumbled, his stubbornness giving way to a clearer head and regret in the aftermath. Simon knew how he felt; had been haunted with the same gut-wrenching feeling for two weeks by that point.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have…” he wiped a hand down his face. “I’ll call Laswell, see if she can put us through.”
As it turned out, your new team had deployed you almost immediately. You were gone, relying on teammates you barely knew, and there was no guarantee when (or even if) you’d be reachable again.
When Laswell put Price through to your new captain instead, he scoffed down the line.
“That how the great John Price sends off his own?” He gruffed.
“I take care of my own,” Price replied, narrow-eyed.
“That’s explains it then, doesn’t it?” A shifting on the other end. “Well, she’s one of mine now, at least; better off that way I think.”
He was on speaker phone with the SpecGru captain. Shouldn’t have been, but it wasn’t a confidential call. So the rest of the 141 was there, vibrating with the effort to stay quiet.
Simon balled his hands into fists, arms crossed. He didn’t trust anyone with one of theirs. No, you belonged right there with the rest of the 141. They could keep you safe, keep you alive.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Price growled.
“Let me just ask you this, Price. And only because I need to know how to take care of her.” A pause, shuffling of papers. Something heavy and almost… hesitant in the silence before- “Did she always have this DNR order?”
Price’s office turned to ice. Simon’s entire shuddered, cored out. The arm of the chair Soap was occupying cracked. Gaz’s hand was covering his mouth, blood draining from his face.
“No,” Price answered, voice little more than rust.
A grunt on the other end.
“Thanks for the insight,” your new captain replied, sounding nonplussed. “At least you were good for something.”
The line droned, dead.
You’re standing with the rest of SpecGru, beaming like each and every one of them hung a star just for you. They orbit like you’re the sun, even Nikto, holding you in his arms, letting you lean back against him.
(You used to look at Simon like that. Used to let him hug you like that on the occasion he was weak and gave into the temptation to hold you.)
Every time he looks at you, it’s like a stranger with your face all over again.
You hold your shoulders differently. Tilt your head different. Have a certain control over your facial features better than any mask Simon’s donned.
Today you’re dressed down from your tac uniform. Specifically, your long-sleeve thermal has been replaced by a sleeveless gym shirt. It reveals that tattoo he caught only a glimpse of before — a big, intricate thing from your shoulder down your wrist.
(He and Johnny were going to go with you for your first tattoo. You asked them for all sort of recommendations. Enjoyed tracing Simon’s sleeve when he let you.)
There are more scars too. Burns, bullet grazes, jagged knife marks and patches from bad scrapes.
Nova is finishing up the wrapping on your hand, the other already done. You’re listening to something Russ is spouting off about, whatever it is making you laugh loud enough to be heard where Simon is lurking.
“C’mon,” Johnny says, bumping shoulders with Simon. “Know we fucked up yesterday, but we can try again. Maybe letting her beat the shite out of us will help clear the air, aye?”
Simon forces himself to look away. He already knows you won’t be glancing over.
“Yeah,” he replies. “Maybe.”
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mononijikayu · 1 month
delicate — geto suguru.
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Suguru glared at Gojo. “I’m not concerned, I just—” “Uh–uhuh, keep talking.” “I’m just some friend—acquaintance. Worried.” Suguru narrowed his eyes. “Seriously, Satoru. I don’t know what you’re going on about. If I'm in love with them, shoot me.” Without missing a beat, Gojo grinned, “Bang.” He made a playful gun gesture with his hand and gave Suguru a wide grin. “Cupid’s bullets confirm!”
GENRE: Alternate Universe - Modern AU!;
WARNING/s: Fluff, Romance,, Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Light-Hearted, Slice of Life, Friendship, Confessions, Humor, Getting Together, Mutual Affection, Love, Pining, Kissing, Profanity, Mention of Fighting, Mention of Bruising, Outcast! Geto Suguru, Popular Cheerleader!Reader;
WORDS: 6.9k words.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i made this while thinking about what dynamic i wanted to see between cute couples. and here we are. this was supposed to be shorter too, but it ended up way way longer than 4k words. but im satisfied with this. i hope you enjoy!!! i love you all <3
ADDENDUM: i just found out gege akutami said jjk ends in five chapters and i just want to say that this is going to be hard for me since ive been a fan since 2019.
but i will say ill continue to write as much as i can for this story, enjoy the anime with you for years to come. im sad of course, but im thankful. im grateful for gege akutami for letting me meet his lovely story and his bountiful characters.
and of course because of him, i met all of you. i am very grateful. from beginning to end. i am crying but i am happy too. i love jjk a lot you guys. hugs and kisses to manga fans everywhere. lets hope for a happy end to the story we have loved 🥹🫶
main masterlist
kayu's playlist - side 900;
if you want to, tip! <3
YOU WEREN’T LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. You were the it-girl, so sought after. The shining star. You were the girl everyone wanted to be—effortlessly beautiful, charming, and the center of attention at Jujutsu College. As a cheerleader, you had it all: the admiration of your peers, the envy of others, and the kind of popularity that opened every door.
Everywhere you went, eyes followed. Whispers trailed in your wake, a symphony of awe and envy that only fueled your rise to the top. You were untouchable, your smile a weapon, your presence a force. Parties, events, and the campus buzzed with your name. Everyone wanted to be near you, to bask in the glow of your effortless charisma. But all of that came crashing down when you chose to stand up for what you believed was right.
The whispers got worse the moment they took to the locker room. One of the newer cheerleaders, a girl named Emi, was their target—shy, awkward, and an easy mark for their cruelty. You watched it unfold for days, biting your tongue, hoping it would stop. They were the same, the seniors who already graduated. You let them do it then, because you hoped they’d stop like the seniors did. But they did not. Instead, it went too far.
You looked at them for a moment, trying not to be obvious. This was going too far. The girl was about to cry, maybe she’d even get even more hurt. This is enough. You cannot stay and just stay silent anymore. Maybe it was the memory of your own first days on the squad, when you weren’t yet the queen bee, when you still had something to prove. Or maybe it was just a sense of fairness that you couldn’t ignore. But you knew that this had to stop. This has to end.
"God, Emi, you can’t even get a basic cheer right. Why are you even here?" one of the girls sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.
Emi stood frozen, her eyes welling up with tears. The other cheerleaders laughed, egging each other on, pushing her closer to the edge. You bit your lip, closing your locker with a loud bang, causing everyone to look at you. You could feel Emi’s eyes on you too, shaking with fear as tears fell from her cheeks. 
“Leave her alone, you freaks!” you said, your voice sharp as you stepped forward. “That is enough. She doesn’t deserve this. You’ve gone too far, even more than our seniors!”
They turned to you, surprise flickering across their faces before it morphed into mockery. You moved forward to the captain, eyes narrowed as you glared at her. You shook your head at her. “Just leave her alone. She’s a freshman. She doesn’t need your shit.”
“What, are you her knight in shining armor now?” one of the lackeys taunted, crossing her arms. “You’re supposed to be on our side, aren’t you? This is a tradition for us seniors.”
“I’m on the side that’s not full of bullies.” you shot back, your anger boiling over. “Being bullied doesn’t mean you should be one!”
“What’s your problem?” another girl snapped, stepping closer, her tone threatening. “She’s dead weight, and you know it.”
You clenched your fists, trying to keep your temper in check. “My problem is that you’re all acting like a bunch of jerks. If you can’t see that, then maybe you’re the dead weight.”
The tension in the room exploded like a storm that had been brewing for too long. You could feel it in the way the air seemed to thicken, in the way eyes narrowed and lips curled into sneers. It started with a harsh word—one of those sly, cutting remarks that slid under the skin like a blade. But this time, you couldn’t let it slide. Not when it was aimed at Emi, the quiet girl who had been on the receiving end of too many of those slights.
You were on your feet before you even realized it, the words spilling out of you in a rush of anger and defiance. “What’s your problem? Why do you always have to pick on someone who’s done nothing to you?”
Your voice cut through the chatter, silencing the room. The others stared at you, shocked that you—of all people—would dare to break ranks. The lead cheerleader, the queen bee, glared at you, her eyes narrowed into slits. “What, are you her bodyguard now? Don’t act like you’re better than us.”
It was the spark that lit the fire. The room erupted into chaos as insults were hurled back and forth. You didn’t back down, not when they turned their barbs on you, not when they sneered at Emi. It all escalated so fast—too fast. Suddenly, hands were shoving, nails were scratching, and before you knew it, you were in the middle of a full-blown fight.
You could barely make sense of it all. The adrenaline surged through you, drowning out the pain as someone’s fist connected with your cheek, leaving a nasty bruise that would bloom later. All you could think about was protecting Emi, keeping her out of the fray, even as the world around you descended into chaos.
The chaos only ended when the coaches rushed in, their voices booming as they waded into the mess of tangled limbs and flaring tempers. They pulled you all apart, demanding to know what had happened, their faces a mix of shock and anger.
But it was too late—the damage was done. You could see it in their eyes, the way they looked at you now, like you were the problem. The principal was called in, and you found yourself standing in his office, staring at the floor as he lectured you about school spirit and the responsibilities that came with your position.
Your words fell on deaf ears. They didn’t want to hear about the bullying, about how you were just trying to protect Emi. All they saw was the fight, the disruption, and the girl who had gone from golden to tarnished in a matter of minutes.
When you returned to the locker room, it was like a slap in the face. Your things had been removed from your team locker, stuffed unceremoniously into a bag and left on the floor. You were no longer welcome. The cheerleaders, the same girls who had once been your closest friends, looked at you with cold eyes and turned their backs.
You had wanted to protect Emi, and now you were left with a throbbing bruise, a reprimand from the principal, and a cold emptiness where your friends used to be. But even as you walked out of that locker room, head held high despite everything, you knew you’d do it all over again. Because some things were worth fighting for, even if it meant losing everything else.
The next day, you found yourself officially kicked off the squad. Well, Emi was also kicked out too, but you were glad that she wasn’t at all hurt. That was what mattered. The news spread like wildfire, and the people who once idolized you now whispered behind your back. Your world felt like it was crumbling, and you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d made the biggest mistake of your life.
Later that afternoon, you found yourself sitting alone outside, trying to process everything that had happened. Emi had repeatedly apologized to you today, but you kept waving her off and told her to stay safe around school. It wasn’t really her fault. Maybe if you had acted much earlier, maybe Emi wouldn’t have had to go through the worst. Perhaps this was your punishment. This was what happened because of your inaction. And you feel like you deserve this. You deserve to be punished like this. You could only sigh.
That’s when you heard someone approaching.
“You know, I always thought cheerleaders were supposed to be a tight-knit group.” a voice drawled. 
You looked up to see Gojo Satoru standing there, hands in his pockets, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “Guess I was wrong, huh?”
“Guess so.” you muttered, feeling the sting of his words even though they weren’t meant to hurt. “I’m sorry, have I met you before?”
“I don’t think so.” He says, removing his round sunglasses. “Have we met before too?”
“Don’t think so.” You admitted also, face scrunching in confusion. “I don’t meddle around with unpopular kids.”
“Hey, hey, I’m not unpopular.”
“Then why have I never heard of your name before?” You raised your brow.
“I don’t know, maybe you were too focused on being a cheerleader and me being a Digimon stan?” 
“Oh, so you’re a nerd!” You clapped your hands together. “That makes sense why I haven’t heard about you.”
He sighed. “You cheerleaders are cut throats, aren’t you?”
“I’m an ex–cheerleader now. Not really much of a cheerleader anymore.” You snickered. “Those pom pom waving mean girls, goodbye them!”
He plopped down next to you, stretching out his long legs. “So, what’s the plan now? Are you gonna go all lone wolf, or are you open to a new company?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Why do you care?”
Gojo shrugged, his smile widening. “Because I’m curious about the girl who went from queen bee to outcast in one day. That takes guts.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, though it came out a little bitter. “Or stupidity.”
“Or both, you know?” he agreed easily. “But I like guts. So does Shoko. And Suguru. And Kento and Haibara. You’d fit right in with us.”
“Fit in?” you echoed, not sure if he was being serious. Your face reminded Satoru of how Kento reacted to him asking to be his friend. 
“Yeah.” he said, leaning back on his hands, looking up at the sky. “We’re not exactly the most popular kids on campus, but we’re fun. And we don’t care about that petty stuff.”
Before you could respond, Shoko Ieiri appeared, hands stuffed in her lab coat pockets, a cigarette dangling from her lips. “You’re not bothering her, are you, Gojo?”
“Me? Bother someone? Never, Sho.” Gojo said, feigning innocence. “Just making a new friend.”
Shoko rolled her eyes and looked at you. “He’s right, though. You’re welcome to hang with us if you want.”
You hesitated, glancing between them. “I don’t know…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Shoko said with a lazy grin. “We don’t bite. Well, maybe Gojo does, but only if you ask nicely.”
You laughed again, this time more genuinely. “Okay… I guess I’ll give it a shot.”
As the days passed, you found yourself drifting away from the cheerleaders and into a new circle. It started subtly at first, with Gojo casually inviting you to sit with him and Shoko during lunch. Gojo’s easygoing nature made it hard to say no, and Shoko’s dry humor quickly drew you in. 
They didn’t seem to care about the drama that had turned your life upside down. Gojo’s bright grin and carefree attitude were a stark contrast to the cold shoulders you’d been getting from your former friends. Shoko, with her sharp wit and laid-back demeanor, offered a kind of friendship that felt refreshing, real in a way that the cheerleading squad never had.
Soon, Geto Suguru and Nanami Kento joined in. Suguru had a quiet confidence about him, a steady presence that was both comforting and intriguing. He didn’t ask about the fight or why you weren’t with the cheerleaders anymore. Instead, he offered a warm smile and an understanding nod, as if he knew without needing to be told.
Nanami, on the other hand, was more reserved. He didn’t speak much at first, but his presence was reassuring. There was a steadiness to him, a sense of reliability that you hadn’t realized you craved. He welcomed you into their group with a subtle nod, a small but genuine gesture that told you he saw you for who you were now, not who you had been before.
Each of them, in their own way, made room for you. They didn’t treat you like the fallen star or the girl with the tarnished reputation. With them, you didn’t have to pretend. You could be yourself—no masks, no expectations.And slowly, you began to feel something you hadn’t felt in a long time: belonging.
That afternoon, all of you were sitting together under a tree on campus, watching the world go by. Geto Suguru was in the middle of explaining something, his voice calm and soothing, while Nanami listened quietly, offering his thoughts every now and then. Yu was more excited trying to make friends with you than before. You think it's interesting, how this ball of sunshine saw you as some sort of superhero for what you did, even if you didn’t.
Yu Haibara, ever the sunshine in human form, plopped down beside you with a grin. “Hey, I heard about what happened with the cheer squad. Pretty badass, if you ask me.”
You smiled, feeling the warmth of genuine friendship for the first time in what felt like forever. “Thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing, but…”
“It was! You’re so cool, you know?” Haibara said firmly. “Standing up for someone who needed it? That’s always the right thing.”
“Besides, it’s just what it is, you know?” Geto added, looking over at you. He was smoking his cigarette roll, one he made himself. “You don’t have to be what you aren’t.”
“Yeah.” Nanami agreed, his voice steady and reassuring. “You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not with us.”
You looked around at them—this group of people who had taken you in without hesitation, who saw you for who you really were, not just the image you had projected for so long. And for the first time in a while, you felt like you were exactly where you were meant to be.
As the weeks went by, you found a surprising sense of belonging with Gojo, Shoko, Suguru, Nanami, and Yu. They had become your new circle of friends, and their acceptance gave you a fresh start that you didn’t know you needed. They were a new sort of fun, a different kind of excitement that was worlds apart from the polished, high-pressure life you’d known as the it-girl.
With them, your days became filled with spontaneous adventures. Gojo was always dragging everyone to the arcade, where his competitive streak made every game feel like a high-stakes challenge. Shoko would roll her eyes at his antics but still join in, her laughter adding to the cacophony of beeping machines and cheerful music. Suguru, ever the cool-headed one, had a knack for choosing the perfect music stores to visit, introducing you to tracks that soon became the soundtrack to this new chapter of your life.
Nanami and Suguru were more reserved, especially at first. You could tell they were still feeling you out, trying to figure out if you really fit into their group. But even in their uncertainty, they made an effort. Nanami, despite his serious demeanor, would show up at the burger joints Gojo loved, quietly indulging in the greasy food and ridiculous banter. Suguru, with his calm presence, would often give you a slight smile or a nod, a small but significant sign that you were being welcomed, even if it was cautiously.
Yu was the glue that held it all together, his infectious energy and boundless enthusiasm pulling everyone along. Satoru was as enthusiastic as he was, but unlike him — Yu was someone that tried to keep everyone in good peace together. And he was good. He had a way of making you feel included, whether it was by handing you a spare controller at the arcade or making sure you got the best seat at the burger joint.
That’s just how it was with them. You didn’t have to worry about the petty dramas or the constant pressure to be perfect. With this group, it was all about the moment—the thrill of a high score, the taste of a greasy burger, the discovery of a new song. And you liked it. You liked who you were becoming with them.
Gojo leaned back in his chair, tossing a sugar packet from one hand to the other. “You know, you fit in with us better than you did with that cheer squad.”
You shot him a playful glare. “Are you saying I was too good for them?”
Shoko rolled her eyes. “Stop teasing, Gojo. You’re ruining the vibe.”
“Hey, I’m not!” Gojo argues as  his grin spreads, “Just that our new friend here is way cooler than they ever gave them credit for.”
You looked at Shoko, who was sipping her coffee with a look of amused tolerance, added, “He’s right. They were just too busy with their drama to see how awesome you are.”
Suguru, sitting across from you, offered a more thoughtful observation. He bit into his fries. “Sometimes, it takes getting knocked down to realize where you truly belong. You were always meant to be with people who appreciate you for who you are.”
Nanami, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. “You’re a good blend with us, I think. We’ve had a lot of fun since you joined us.”
Yu Haibara, always the optimist, leaned in with a grin. “Yeah, and you’ve made things a lot more interesting around here. It’s not every day we get someone with your… spirit.”
You smiled, feeling a warm flush of gratitude. “Thanks, guys. I wasn’t sure where I’d fit in after everything that happened, but I really appreciate how welcoming you’ve all been.”
The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and you found yourself laughing more than you had in a long time. It was a refreshing change from the pressure and pretense of your previous life. 
As the night wore on, Gojo suddenly stood up and stretched. “Hey, who’s up for a late-night walk? I heard there’s a new food truck downtown.”
Shoko raised an eyebrow. “You just want an excuse to get more snacks.”
“Guilty as charged.” Gojo admitted with a wink. “But you’re all welcome to join if you’re up for it.”
“Sounds good to me.” Suguru said, standing up and grabbing his coat. 
You looked around at your friends, feeling a genuine sense of contentment. “I’m in.”
“You feeling cold?” Suguru asked as he saw you stand from the booth. 
“A little—” He threw you his jacket, which you were barely able to catch.
“Put it on.”
“O–oh, okay.”
As you all walked together through the city streets, the cool night air filled with laughter and conversation, you realized how different this life felt from the one you had left behind. There were no superficial judgments, no hidden agendas—just a group of people who valued each other’s company and had each other’s backs.
Later, as you shared food and stories under the streetlights, you found yourself in a moment of quiet reflection. You had come so far from the popular girl who had been kicked out of the cheer squad. You were no longer defined by your past status or the mistakes you’d made. Instead, you were part of a new chapter, one where you were valued for who you truly were.
Gojo’s laughter broke through your thoughts as he tossed a piece of popcorn into the air, catching it with a grin. “See? This is what life’s about—good friends, good food, and not taking things too seriously.”
You laughed, feeling the weight of the past lift off your shoulders. “I couldn’t agree more.”
In that moment, you knew that despite everything you had been through, you had found something real and genuine. And as you walked beside your new friends, you felt a renewed sense of hope for the future, knowing that wherever life took you next, you would face it with people who truly cared about you.
But in that moment, Geto Suguru looked at you and thought to himself for a moment, just for that moment — how good happiness looks on you.
IF HE WAS BEING HONEST, HE’S NOT ONE TO TRUST PEOPLE EASILY. But coming from a rough place in life, it was something that can’t be helped. So, in the beginning, Geto Suguru had his reservations about you. He’d heard the rumors about the cheerleader who had once been the queen of Jujutsu College, and he wasn’t impressed. To him, you seemed like just another snob who was used to getting their way and couldn’t be bothered with anyone outside her circle.
When Gojo tried to blend you into the group, Suguru’s attitude was guarded, and for a good reason. So, he kept his distance and even interacted with you, he tried to be casual, trying to not get too deep into it.
He remembers what he said then — “I’m not really into the whole ‘cheerleader’ thing,” he’d said with a shrug. “Not my style. So they're still not my style either.”
You had sensed his cold demeanor but tried not to let it bother you. Instead, you focused on being yourself—friendly, outgoing, and always ready to lend a hand. You wanted to prove that you weren’t just the image people had of you. Even though you could still be rough in the edges with your personality, it didn’t stop people from enjoying your company. 
And over time, Geto Suguru began to see a different side of you. You didn’t just laugh at his jokes or offer superficial compliments, nor were you as stuck up as people make you out to be; you were genuinely kind and considerate. You had a really good way of making others feel comfortable, and it wasn’t long before he found himself intrigued by the real you, the one who went out of their way to help others despite their own struggles.
One evening, as the group hung out at a quiet park, you were sitting on the grass, talking animatedly about a new project you were excited about. If he was being honest, excitement was a beautiful color on you. And he thinks that he wants to see more of that in you. He could only sigh as he thought about how much you’ve occupied his mind. He shakes his head. Suguru looks above the sky, trying to distract himself while Satoru spoke to everyone about his new date. 
“You know, Suguru.” you said, glancing over at him, snapping him back to reality. “I really appreciate how you’ve been around lately. And how not awkward it is between us now. It means a lot to me.”
Suguru raised an eyebrow. “I’m just here because Gojo dragged me along. Don’t get any ideas.”
You laughed, unfazed. “Yeah, yeah. But seriously, you’re not as bad as I thought you’d be. I guess we’re not so different after all.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Maybe. But don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not here to make friends. I’m here because I have to be.”
Despite his words, you noticed subtle changes in his behavior. He was more engaged in conversations around you, his smiles more frequent, and he’d even started teasing you back. You found yourself drawn to him more and more, your feelings shifting from admiration to something deeper. The way he would look at you, even with his usual aloofness, made your heart race. 
After a particularly lively conversation about your favorite books, Suguru caught you off guard with a rare moment of vulnerability. He looked at you with an intensity that made your breath hitch. 
“You’re really persistent, you know that?” he said, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but you’ve managed to get under my skin.”
You grinned, feeling a rush of hope. “Is that a good thing?”
Suguru looked away, his expression turning more serious. “I’m not sure. I told myself I’d just tolerate you, but… the more I hang around, the harder it is to keep my distance.”
He was fighting it, trying to convince himself that his growing feelings for you were nothing more than an annoyance. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do.” he continued, frustration evident in his voice. “But I’m not someone who easily changes his mind. So don’t expect too much.”
Despite his words, there was a softness in his eyes when he looked at you, a clear sign that he was fighting a losing battle. The more you interacted, the more he found himself charmed by your genuine warmth and infectious enthusiasm. And he didn’t know what to feel about that. He doesn’t know how to react to you.
You were infatuated with him, and it became clear that you wanted his attention—more than just casual conversation, more than friendly banter. You wanted to be the one who made him smile, the one he thought about when he was alone.
And though Suguru tried to keep his distance, you could see the cracks in his resolve. His stoic exterior was melting away, little by little, with every shared laugh, every meaningful conversation. He couldn’t deny the way he felt any longer, no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise.
In moments of quiet, when it was just the two of you, Geto Suguru’s demeanor softened. He would catch himself gazing at you with an expression that betrayed his irritation with his own feelings. He was torn between his desire to remain aloof and the undeniable pull he felt towards you. As you continued to be your bubbly, charming self, Suguru found himself drawn to you more and more, fighting a battle he wasn’t sure he wanted to win.
The house party was in full swing by the time you and your friends arrived. The sorority house was buzzing with energy, and the crowd was a mix of familiar faces and new ones. You were excited to be there, especially because you had a date with you—Mark, a guy you had been seeing for a few weeks. 
Suguru Geto, always the reserved observer, was there too, though he seemed more detached from the festivities. He had taken a spot near the snack table, his gaze scanning the room. When he noticed you with Mark, he gave a curt nod but didn’t say much.
As the night progressed, Suguru found himself cornered by Mark, who was chatting animatedly with a group of people. You had gone off to mingle with others, leaving Mark to his own devices. Suguru, being the stand-up guy he was, decided to introduce himself.
“Hey, I’m Suguru.” he said, offering a polite smile. “So, what’s your story, bro?”
Mark took a swig of his drink and grinned. “Oh, I’m just here to have a good time, mess around, party hard. You know how it is.”
Suguru nodded, trying to make conversation. “Yeah, I get it. So, how long have you and my friend been seeing each other?”
Mark’s smile faltered slightly. “A few weeks. But, honestly, they're kind of a handful.”
Suguru’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his tone neutral. “Oh? How so?”
Mark shrugged, looking around to make sure no one else was listening. “They’re always so cheerful and in-your-face. It gets old pretty fast. And don’t get me started on their mood swings. Sometimes they’re all sunshine and other times, they’re just… exhausting.”
Suguru’s smile faltered, and he could feel a simmering anger rising. “I wouldn’t say that. They’re actually really kind and caring. Maybe they’re just passionate around you.”
Mark snorted. “Passionate? More like over–dramatic. You must be used to it, though, considering you hang out with them.”
Suguru’s jaw tightened. “I think you should stop talking about them like that.”
Mark raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the reaction he was getting. “Why? It’s the truth. You know, they could be a lot better if they just… toned it down a bit.”
Suguru’s eyes darkened as he took a deep breath. “Seriously, stop it.”
Mark continued, oblivious to Suguru’s mounting frustration. “They’re always making everything about themselves, always trying to be the center of attention. I don’t get why you’d even bother with them. They’re literally like….a bitch..”
Without warning, Suguru’s hand tightened around his beer bottle. He took a step forward, his voice low and dangerous. “I said, stop.”
The tension in the room was thick, a simmering undercurrent that everyone felt but no one acknowledged—until Mark pushed too far. He had been needling Suguru all night, his criticisms growing more pointed, more personal with each passing minute. The rest of you tried to steer the conversation away, but Mark wouldn’t let it go, his words becoming sharper, crueler.
Suguru had been holding back, his calm facade cracking only slightly as he tried to keep his temper in check. But when Mark ignored him and continued with his relentless criticisms, something inside Suguru snapped.
In an instant, he moved. With a swift, fluid motion, Suguru swung his beer bottle, the action so smooth it was almost graceful. The bottle connected with Mark’s face with a sharp crack. The impact was immediate and satisfying, sending Mark stumbling backward as beer splashed across the floor, the bottle shattering in Suguru’s hand.
The room fell into stunned silence.
“Goddamn it, Suguru!” Shoko’s voice was the first to break the quiet, a mix of shock and exasperation. She stepped forward, ready to pull Suguru back if needed, though there was a slight smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. “Couldn’t you have at least waited until he finished his drink?”
Nanami, who had been lounging in the corner, raised an eyebrow but didn’t move from his spot. “Well, that escalated quickly.”
Shoko sighed deeply, looking around. “I’ll call someone to clean this up. And maybe get some ice for Mark.”
Mark, clutching his face where Suguru had punched him, looked up in stunned disbelief. “What the hell, man? You’re crazy!”
Suguru’s eyes were cold as he glared down at him. “No. I’m done listening to your crap. You should’ve known when to shut up.”
“You all are a bunch of crazy freaks! Especially that bitch!”
“You don’t get to talk about them like that!” Suguru said, his voice steady but filled with a cold edge. “Not on my watch.”
Mark looked up at him, a mix of pain and surprise in his eyes. He didn’t say anything, just backed away slowly, still holding his nose. Yu came between them. “Hey, hey. Let’s all calm down, okay?”
Suguru turned on his heel and walked away, heading outside to cool down. He needed some fresh air and space to collect his thoughts. You, having witnessed the altercation from a distance, rushed over to Suguru, concern etched on your face.
You spotted Suguru standing alone in the hallway, his gaze distant as he tried to calm down from the confrontation. Determined to get some answers, you made a beeline for him, your concern and curiosity palpable.
“Suguru, what happened back there?” you asked, trying to piece together the events of the night. “Why did you hit Mark?”
Suguru glanced at you, his expression a mix of embarrassment and frustration. “It was nothing. He just… he crossed a line.”
“No,” you said, putting the pieces together with a sudden burst of realization. “He called me a bitch, didn’t he? That’s why you hit him. You hit him for me!”
Suguru looked away, his cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. “No, that’s not—”
“Yes, it is!” you interrupted, your excitement and relief bubbling over. “I know I can be a lot sometimes, and I am a bitch! But you actually care about me. You love me, don’t you?”
Suguru’s face turned a deeper shade of red, and he mumbled, “No…I didn’t…”
Suguru’s thoughts were still a whirlwind, his mind racing to process the events of the night and the emotions that came with them. He needed to clear his head, and talking to Gojo seemed like the quickest way to do that. He excused himself and quickly went back inside. As he entered the kitchen, the room was a stark contrast to the chaos outside—bright, warm, and filled with the comforting aroma of Gojo Satoru’s sandwich-making.
Gojo stood by the counter, casually assembling a towering sandwich with practiced ease. His movements were relaxed and carefree, a stark contrast to the tension that Suguru was radiating. He glanced up, taking in the scene with a curious, slightly amused expression.
“What’s going on, man?” Gojo asked, his tone light as he continued to layer on the ingredients. “I heard there was a bit of a commotion.”
Suguru tried to compose himself, but the frustration was evident in his voice. “Mark was being a complete jerk. He was bad-mouthing them, and I… I lost my temper.”
Gojo raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “He was talking about them? What did he say?”
Suguru’s jaw clenched as he recounted the encounter. “He kept going on about how they are a handful and how they’re exhausting. He was just being really disrespectful. Even called them a bitch, mind you!”
Gojo’s eyebrows knitted together in surprise. “And you punched him for it?”
Suguru nodded, his gaze intense. “Yeah, I did. He wouldn’t stop, and I just couldn’t let him keep talking like that.”
Gojo’s expression shifted from amusement to genuine concern. “Are they okay?”
Suguru’s frustration softened a bit as he considered your well-being. “They’re fine. I mean, they did seem surprised, maybe in some way upset, I don’t know. But they’re okay. It’s just… I don’t like seeing them being talked about like that.”
Gojo’s eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and understanding. “So, you’re defending them, huh?”
Suguru’s face flushed slightly, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s not just about defending them. It’s just—”
Gojo looked up from his sandwich-making with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, but is your lover okay?”
Suguru froze, caught off guard. “They are not my lover, Gojo.” he snapped, defensively. “They are just—”
Gojo’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh? Then why’d you hit him? Seems like you’re more concerned than you’re letting on.”
Suguru glared at Gojo. “I’m not concerned, I just—”
“Uh–uhuh, keep talking.”
“I’m just some friend—acquaintance. Worried.” Suguru narrowed his eyes. “Seriously, Satoru. I don’t know what you’re going on about. If I'm in love with them, shoot me.”
Without missing a beat, Gojo grinned, “Bang.” He made a playful gun gesture with his hand and gave Suguru a wide grin. “Cupid’s bullets confirm!”
Suguru stared at him, dumbfounded. “Are you serious? This is not—”
Gojo laughed, clearly enjoying the confusion. “Just kidding, Suguru. You know I’m just messing with you.”
Suguru sighed heavily, his frustration giving way to a reluctant chuckle. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
Gojo shrugged, still grinning. “Just having a bit of fun. But seriously, if you need to talk or if something’s going on, I’m here. Just don’t let things like this get you too worked up.”
Suguru nodded, a mix of relief and embarrassment on his face. “Thanks, Gojo. I guess I needed that.”
With a final, reassuring pat on Suguru’s shoulder, Gojo returned to his sandwich-making. He took a deep breath and went back outside. You were talking with Shoko when you noticed Suguru come back outside towards your way. You were about to speak when Suguru turned back to you. There was a softer, more earnest look in his eyes as he met your gaze.
He looked at you with a determination, his voice steady but kind. “Take your coat, doll.” he said, offering it to you. “We’re getting out of here.”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden decision but relieved by the prospect of escaping the party. Without protest, you slipped on your coat and followed him out into the cool night air. The contrast between the cold outside and the warmth of the party was a welcome change, the crisp air a refreshing balm against your senses.
As you walked to the parking lot, Suguru’s silence was a comforting presence. His demeanor was calm and purposeful, a stark contrast to the turbulence of the evening. He led you to his car, and you both got in, the engine’s hum a soothing sound against the backdrop of the night.
Soon enough, you found yourselves parked in the lot of a nearby fast-food chain. The neon lights of the restaurant flickered against the dark sky, casting an almost surreal glow over the scene. It felt like a world away from the party, a simple, unpretentious refuge.
Suguru ordered a handful of burgers and fries, his movements deliberate and focused. You followed suit, choosing your favorites with a sense of familiarity. As you both settled on the hood of the car, the comfort of the fast food and the tranquility of the night began to ease the tension.
You took a bite of your burger, the flavors surprisingly comforting. Despite the simplicity of the setting, there was something deeply satisfying about the moment. “This is the best date ever.” you said with a grin, the warmth of the food and Suguru’s presence making the night feel a little brighter.
Suguru looked at you, a bemused expression on his face. “We haven’t talked in half an hour.”
“That doesn’t matter,” you said, shaking your head. “It’s nice just being with you, even if this doesn’t seem like much.”
Suguru looked away, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “It’s not as bad as going bowling.”
You blinked, puzzled. “Bowling? I didn’t know you liked bowling.”
He shrugged, leaning back against the car. “I do. It’s something I enjoy, and being with you is kind of like that—enjoyable and relaxing, even if it’s not always fancy.”
You tilted your head, contemplating his words. Then, feeling bold, you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. Suguru’s eyes widened slightly, but he responded, kissing you back with a tenderness that melted away any remaining tension.
When you finally parted, you looked up at him, a soft smile on your lips. “Not too bad?”
Suguru’s gaze softened as he met your eyes, a genuine smile spreading across his face. “Not too bad.” he agreed, his voice warm.
You both shared a comfortable silence, the world outside the fast-food restaurant feeling a million miles away. As you finished your burgers and settled back into a peaceful quiet, you knew that despite everything, moments like these were what mattered most.
You and Suguru remained on the car hood, finishing off the last of your burgers. The night was crisp and clear, the occasional hum of passing cars providing a steady backdrop to your conversation.
“So, what’s your favorite part about bowling?” you asked, genuinely curious and trying to keep the mood light.
Suguru chuckled, a soft sound that warmed the chilly air. “It’s the combination of skill and luck, I guess. Plus, it’s fun to just throw the ball and watch it knock down the pins. It’s simple, but satisfying.”
You smiled, enjoying his enthusiasm. “Maybe we should go bowling sometime. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun.”
Suguru’s eyes twinkled as he looked at you. “I’d like that. I think you’d be pretty good at it. You’ve got a good arm from throwing those frisbees around at the park.”
You laughed, leaning into him. “You think so? I’ll hold you to that.”
Suguru wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer. “It’s a promise.”
The warmth of his embrace was comforting, and you snuggled closer, resting your head on his shoulder. The night was quiet, and for a while, you just enjoyed the peacefulness of the moment.
Suguru glanced at you, his expression softening even further. “You know, despite everything that happened tonight, I’m really glad we ended up here. I like these moments with you. They remind me of why I care so much.”
You tilted your head up to look at him, your eyes reflecting the soft glow of the streetlights. “Me too, Suguru. It’s the simple things, like eating burgers and talking about bowling, that make me realize how much I enjoy being with you.”
Suguru gave a small, affectionate smile, his fingers gently brushing against your cheek. “Sometimes, it’s the simple things that mean the most.”
You sighed contentedly, feeling a deep sense of connection. “I guess that’s true. And, even though tonight didn’t go as planned, it ended up being pretty perfect in its own way.”
Suguru chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on you. “Yeah, it did.”
You both sat there for a while longer, sharing soft kisses and quiet laughter, savoring the simplicity of the moment. The night air was cool, but the warmth between you made it feel like the coziest place in the world.
Eventually, Suguru shifted slightly, pulling you closer as he gave you a tender kiss on the forehead. “Let’s head back. I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night.”
You nodded, standing up and stretching as Suguru helped you off the car hood. “Sounds good. But we definitely need to plan that bowling trip soon.”
Suguru laughed, offering you his hand. “It’s a date.”
As you walked back to the car, hand in hand, the night seemed a little brighter, and the world a little warmer. The small, spontaneous moments were what made your time together truly special, and you both knew that, no matter what, you’d always find a way to cherish them.
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Wearing pink [S. R.]
Spencer Reid x bimbo!reader
word count: 2.7k
request: Hear me out... Spencer introducing bimbo f!reader to the squad! 😭🩷
A/N: Honestly, I had never written anything like this and I hope it is the correct idea of a bimbo. I based her on some TV characters, so (if you're a fan of this type of reader) I hope you like it!
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“Baby, you're so nervous,” Spencer giggled, listening to the click of your heels from one side of the apartment to the other to check that everything was in order.
“I'm not nervous, I just want everything to look nice” you complained. Your gaze went to your boyfriend, who was wearing an elegant suit that you had bought for him last month, and you noticed that his tie was a little crooked. You immediately went in front of him and your hands acted on their own to accommodate it, as they had done so many times.
It was the first time Spencer's unit mates would see you and you wanted to make the best impression of all. You kept asking if the dishes looked good, if your skirt was smooth, if your hair was combed, if your makeup looked good. And each time he just smiled and nodded, recording how precious you were.
Honestly, the fact that the team found out about your existence was mere coincidence, the result of an unfortunate event that ended up unmasking Spencer. He had spent the night with you, since the cases had kept him too busy the last few weeks, and when he left the room, he only gave you a kiss on the forehead so as not to disturb your sleep. Although he wasn't very hungry, his body was in desperate need of coffee, so he opened your cupboard for something to take back to the office. Everything in your kitchen, which you hardly ever used, was pink, lilac, or any pastel variation of a few others, so it was a relief for him to find a single black thermos. Without paying much attention, he took it, poured the hot liquid, and then walked out.
There was no case, yet, so he sat down at his desk after waving to Morgan and Emily. He felt his phone vibrate and he thought it was a message from JJ, but he found that it was you who was contacting him.
Hey, are you leaving without saying goodbye? 
He smiled inadvertently and apologized saying that you looked so pretty that he hadn't wanted to disturb your calm. I could almost imagine you blushing from your soft bed.
Okay then. Good luck today, handsome. 
Love u xx
"No way! Are you a plastic girl?" Garcia yelled, from his partner's side. Spencer jumped a little when he heard her and it seemed she had caught everyone's attention.
“A what?”
"Your cup" the woman stretched out her hand to pick up said object and showed it to the rest: it had a bright pink print, with some images of a blonde girl and various objects, including a text written with something like newspaper clippings. which enunciated Burn Book.
"Where did you get that, Reid?"
"Who is she?"
“It's Regina George, from the movie Mean Girls. You don’t know her?" Prentiss muttered and at first, he immediately denied it.
“On Wednesdays we wear pink,” Garcia quoted, hoping he would have a clue, and again he showed he didn't know what they were talking about. But after taking a closer look at it, he suddenly remembered that he had looked at a poster with her somewhere in your room and it all made sense.
“When I took it, it was black”
"It's probably one of those magical cups that reveal the image with heat"
"I guess that's the scientific term"
"So where did you get it from? Did it just show up at your house by chance?"
"No, it was at my girlfriend's house"
At that, Emily's eyes widened, Garcia gasped loudly, and Morgan, who inconveniently just took a gulp of his coffee, almost choked on the hot liquid.
Penelope almost took the doctor by the neck to ask him why he had omitted such important information and he only shrugged his shoulders and replied that he had never commented on it because they had never asked.
It didn't take long for Garcia to yell at the missing team members what they had just found out and pretty soon JJ and Rossi were also gathered around the man to find out what was going on. To everyone's dismay, Hotch interrupted almost immediately, and they didn't manage to ask Spencer any questions. And he said it would be better if they were that curious to ask her themselves.
“Reid, I swear you don't even introduce us to that girl I'll never talk to you again” Garcia had threatened him, clearly exaggerating just to convince him.
When Spencer saw you again, he filled you in on the whole situation and asked if you were okay with hosting a unit dinner, to which you happily agreed.
"Everything looks immaculate, you don't have to worry," he assured you, taking both of your hands and leaning in to kiss you.
"But what if they don't like me?"
"What reason would they have for that, huh?" he insisted, holding your face in his hands. He really liked your lip gloss, it always tasted delicious and made your lips look flawless. 
"Because they're like mega-cool detectives and I... well, I won't even know what to tell them."
"Let them ask the questions, I assure you they will be dying to know everything about you" he smiled at you, quite confident that the evening would go perfectly. It was the first time Spencer had introduced the team to a couple, so they would behave prudently. Or at least so he hoped.
The sound of the doorbell caught your attention and you practically jumped towards the door to open it for whoever was there, but not before asking your boyfriend for the thousandth time to make sure you looked good. When you opened it, you saw a blonde woman and a bald man who, from Spencer's stories, you assumed were Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan. They asked your name and you agreed, finishing verifying that it was the place with the presence of your friend behind you.
"Hello! We thought we had the wrong house” she sighed, completely nervous, and Morgan didn't even say hello because he had been stunned to see you.
You were very pretty, generally speaking, you were wearing a white skirt, a tight top, and a light baby pink sweater, plus huge heels that made you almost level with your boyfriend. You were like a model and it's not that he didn't trust his friend's flirting skills, but that you had simply exceeded his expectations of him.
You received them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, while they secretly observed the place. Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ soon arrived, in exactly that order, and when they were all assembled, they took seats at the table. Spencer helped you serve dinner, which you had ordered from your favorite restaurant, and pretty soon all of you were eating and drinking the wine that David Rossi had brought as a gift.
Although the conversation had been pleasant during the first few minutes, it was obvious that everyone wanted to ask you questions, quite surprised to see the type of girl you were and how they never imagined that their friend would fit in with someone like that.
"So since when are you guys dating?" Emily murmured, trying to be nice, but also dying of curiosity.
"What will they be now, love? About six months?” you said, reaching out to hold his hand on the table.
“Six months, fourteen days, and seventeen hours”
"He's the mathematician here, so you can listen to him" you joked and the others laughed. The courtship time somewhat dismayed the team, because, although they didn’t blame him, they wished they had known sooner.
"And how did you two meet?"
“Oh, for my dad. Spencer went to give a conference to his police officers in New York a while ago and he asked him for a private consultation on a case that had been giving everyone a headache. When he helped him figure it out, Dad was so grateful that he invited him to dinner so he could meet our family. My parents loved him so I thought of it as a sign and we kept in touch after that."
"Now I understand why he kept looking at his phone and smiling in his spare time," Morgan muttered to embarrass him, like an older brother would, and the team laughed at the memory.
"And who is your father?" Rossi asked. Reid had never mentioned what had happened, but still you seemed familiar to the man, as if he had seen you somewhere before.
“He worked for a few years as a police chief here in Virginia, but now last year he got promoted to the commissioner or something; his name is Joseph Sanders”
You probably had no idea how important that position was to police officers, but they all exchanged glances as if you had just told them that you were the daughter of the President of the United States himself. Rossi immediately snapped his fingers as he winced, telling you that of course he knew your father and that he had seen you when you were a girl of maybe ten years old. The others only weighed in on the fact that Reid was now the commissioner's son-in-law.
“Hey and, no offense, but how did you fall in love with our boy wonder? He's always been a bit shy”
Now it was your boyfriend who was worried that they might make him uncomfortable or point out the clear difference between the two of you, but your carefree giggles put him at ease every time.
"It is enough to see that face to do it, don't you think?" you responded affectionately and the girls smiled at your response.
"Actually, she called me to invite me to have coffee after dinner with her father and although at first I thought it was hopeless I realized that she liked spending time with me and that's why I kept asking her out”
“He was so sweet. Flowers, chocolates, dinners. The whole package"
“Yes, well, it's that I did a little research on the best courtship methods and found common factors like that in most of them. It was only necessary to combine it with the right environment and make some modifications to them so that they were pleasant in front of you. Did you know that in the 19th century it was well seen that men…?”
"Reid," Derek interrupted, as a signal for him to stop rambling, and his friends smiled at the doctor's soft apology.
“Half the time I don't understand what he's saying, but I love hearing him talk,” you said sincerely. He had never taken that as an offense, because, although many people didn't understand his talks about him either, at least you always paid attention to him "I honestly don't know how a person can have a brain of that size"
“In fact, brains don’t vary in size but rather in areas of development, so it is incorrect to say that one person has a bigger brain than another. In such a case, one person has a more developed brain than the other”
The group looked at him accusingly again and he was about to feel guilty, but your lips crashing a kiss on his cheek considerably improved his mood.
After many more questions, everyone was able to realize that you and Spencer couldn't be more than complete opposites. You loved everything that Reid didn't know and he knew a lot of things that didn't matter to you. There were no books in your house, if glossy magazines counted for anything, and Spencer didn't even have a modern cell phone. Your house vibrated with pink and expensive things, while he only cared that there would be a bed to sleep in when he got home. But even with everything you looked really in love and the team wondered how that was possible.
Although you tremendously admired the man's capabilities that wasn’t the most important thing to you, but his wonderful beauty of him. He was someone who drew attention with his eccentricity, that every time he walked into a room he left a mark and someone many women wished they had, which he didn't even notice. And by becoming your boyfriend, without any explicit sense of ownership or anything, he had become all yours.
You liked holding his hand in the streets, you liked that he came to work and the clients were surprised when he kissed you, that everyone said how lucky you were to have found a man like that. Besides, he had passed one of the most important tests: he had your parents' approval, which was usually not an easy thing to come by.
And right now, it seemed that you were winning the sympathy of your boyfriend's family too, because the fact of seeing him so happy by your side was reason enough for them to like you and, therefore, also approve of you.
When it was time to eat dessert, the girls invited you to go shopping with them one day and all the compliments from the men were related to your last name, even astonished that Spencer now belonged to the spheres of high police society. They told you many things about themselves and you, with some effort, tried to take it all in.
"It was a great pleasure meeting you, you can come back here any day you like," you said to say goodbye, once the night was already quite advanced and they decided that the best thing (for the comfort of both the hosts and the guests) would be to leave. 
“The pleasure was ours, Y/N”
Just like at the beginning, they kissed your cheek, and one by one they left, giving you kind words of thanks, until only you and Spencer were left.
"How was I?" you immediately asked your boyfriend, who was already looking at you out of the corner of his eye with a smile.
"You think so?"
"I know it" he assured you, moving closer to you to hold you by the waist and causing your skirt to ride a little higher to the height of your butt "They loved you"
“But can you believe your friend Emily was wearing flats with that dress? It's not right and I didn't mean to be rude by mentioning it, but I died when I saw it” you started to babble, still under Spencer's grasp “And your friend Penelope has such a…quirky style. She wears colors that shouldn't mix, but somehow it looks good on her. And your boss, Aaron, shouldn't wear a suit jacket with a casual shirt. The others were relatively good, but the next time I see Jennifer I'll be sure to treat her to a moisturizer for her skin”
"And leaving that aside, did they at least make a good impression on you?" he laughed. He wasn't upset with you, it was inevitable that you would notice that kind of 'signs of bad taste' as you called them.
“Oh, they are adorable. You can tell that they love you very much, everyone speaks with admiration of you. Even your friend Derek, even though he tried to annoy you every so often."
“Yeah, I'll make him pay” he muttered under his breath, making you smile.
Carefully you reached up to reach his lips with a kiss and he sighed pathetically into your mouth as you clung to his body. Your skin was so smooth wherever he touched, as if you were a delicate piece of porcelain in his big hands.
“I hope you had a good time”
“Of course I did, sweetie. I already told you, you were perfect"
Perfect. You loved that he described you that way.
"Do you have to go home?"
"Probably. Why?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I just thought maybe we could go to my room. I bought something new that I think you'll like” you said innocently, while you held him by the tie that you had arranged so carefully at the beginning of the evening. Upon hearing this, he wasted no time and carried you in a bridal pose, taking you there while you laughed out loud.
No one questioned Spencer when he arrived later than usual the next morning, smelling of cherry shampoo and with a suspicious purplish mark, knowing that the only one to blame for that would have to be you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14
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megalony · 1 year
My Squad- Part 2
I have decided to make this a dad! Evan Buckley series, my first series for 911! Thank you all for the lovely feedback, I hope you like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@butlegendsneverdie@langdonzvoid@jennyggggrrr@rogmeddows@radiob-l-a-hblah@rogertaylorsbitontheside@chlobo6@rogertaylors-lipgloss@sj-thefanthefan@omgitsearly@luckytrashgooprebel@scarsout@deaky-with-a-c@killer-queen-ofrhye@bluutac@vousmemanqueez-blog@jonesyaddiction@milanosaurus@httpfandxms@saint-hardy@7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls@mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway
Series Taglist: @paramedicnerd004 @embersflame @allmybattleships
911 Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: Evan hasn't been with the team long and has kept his family a secret, but now he is ready for the team to meet his daughters. All of them.
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"We can't hide in here forever, you know," (Y/n) mumbled each word breathlessly between delicate pecks against Evan's jaw. She could feel his laugh vibrate against his sweaty chest that her fingertips were grazing over, although her fingers mostly stayed around the tattoo over the left side of his chest.
Angelica was written in black cursive ink near the lower part of his ribcage and a pair of wings were hovering just above the very fancy A of her name. Just beneath that, Eleanor was written with a rose at the end and there at the bottom, Coraline was written with a shooting star flying beneath her name. Evan had all his girls' names right beneath his heart where they belonged and in the outline of a heart over his left wrist, he had (Y/n)'s name etched into his skin.
He had her name tattooed the moment Angel had been born. They were married and had a family together, despite what people always said about getting significant other's names done in ink, Evan knew this was different. He wasn't about to leave (Y/n) and if anything were ever to happen between them, she was the mother of his children. Nothing would change that.
"What're you doing?" His voice was barely above a whisper as he tilted his head down to look at his wife while his hands dug into her hips.
Evan was stood between her legs that were bound around his lower back, her heels digging into his hips ready to pull him closer if he dared move away. The forming outline of her stomach was pressed into his abdomen and his knees were resting against the counter. He had carried her from the shower- which got even steamier than he first anticipated when he went in alone and found his wife joining him a minute later- and placed her on the counter next to the sink. He wasn't planning on letting her go just yet.
"Wondering what name will come up next. What if we actually get a boy this time, where will his name go?" (Y/n) let her fingertip trace the cursive letters that she had seen countless times over the years. Each name appeared only a week after each girl had been born.
It surprised (Y/n) that Evan managed to go as long as he did at the station without anyone knowing about his family. Clearly no one had seen him getting changed to stripping down. They would find it rather strange if they saw three different girl names tattooed onto his skin.
"I've got it planned out, if we've somehow got a boy in there," He shifted his hands round from her hips to smooth over her stomach, not truly believing they had a boy this time. "His name and footprint will go somewhere round here," Evan briefly moved his hand to the right side of his chest for an indication before he went back to holding her stomach.
Evan just knew Angel would be a girl, it had been like intuition, he was telling everyone he had a daughter before she was born and they never found out beforehand. With Ella, they both thought they would have a boy, that the chance would be one of each. Then (Y/n) had been sure Cora would be a boy, the chances of three girls in a row seemed a bit far fetched. Evan, however, was comitted to the thought that he was having a tribe of girls, that he was just meant to be a girl dad and he was smug when Cora came along.
This time he couldn't see things being any different, his girls were his world and he was betting with Maddie that it would be a fourth girl to add to his squad.
"Sounds great," (Y/n) moved her hands up to cup Evan's face and bring him closer, drowning in his bright smile that made his ruby red lips spread thin. And those deep blue eyes that creased and twinkled when he smiled at her like that.
When his hands moved to her bum and he pulled her to the edge of the counter and bumped her into his hips, (Y/n) hooked her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. She breathed a small 'what are you up to' against his lips although she knew perfectly well what he was thinking when his hands slipped round to squeeze the underside of her thighs that he lifted higher onto his hips.
"You know I can't get more pregnant, right?" (Y/n) could barely find the breath or the will to speak but she loved the feeling of him laughing into her neck where he was sucking and biting another bruise she would have to cover up from the girls.
"They're getting up," Evan kissed a trail down her throat but it didn't matter how close he got to her, how needily he grabbed her flesh or rutted against her. It wasn't going to change the fact that he could hear the girls starting to wake up.
"You'd better be quick then, Buckley."
"Woah, babygirl, why're you hanging in doorways?" Evan stumbled back into the doorframe as he secured his left arm around (Y/n) and moved his right hand to briefly rub his eye for a moment. He looked down at Ella who was stood smack bang in the centre of the bathroom doorway when he opened the door.
He was glad he had put his pants on and that (Y/n) was wearing one of his shirts so they were covered and not exposed with their little menace lurking around corners like this.
Ella didn't answer. Instead, she tilted her head to the right and frowned. Her little hands reached out in a grabbing motion and she pointed at her mum before jumping up and down, trying to hint that Evan was carrying the wrong person around. That was where Ella should be, not her mum.
Evan leaned down to the side when (Y/n) slowly unravelled her legs from his waist and slid down until she was stood beside him with her head tucked into his chest to hide her smile from their pouting daughter.
"I'm gonna get Cora up," Reaching up on her toes, (Y/n) pressed a lasting kiss to Evan's jaw and with her hand that was already around his waist, she lopped her fingers into the elastic of his boxers and snapped them against his hip. She jumped out of his arms when he gasped and jolted forward and she hurried into the nursery before he could think twice about chasing after her.
"Me." Ella lifted her arms again and pouted until Evan swooped down to pick her up.
"Come on, I need to get dressed then we can have breakfast."
He settled Ella down in the middle of his and (Y/n)'s bed so he could get dressed, narrowing his eyes and sticking his tongue out at her to make her smile and giggle. Evan tightened his belt loop and shrugged on his shirt before he sat down on the edge of the bed to button it up and grab a pair of socks.
When he leaned over to put on his socks, Ella moved forward and leaned up on his back with her arms wrapped around his neck and her face nuzzled into his shoulder.
"Hungry?" He questioned as he stood up and looped an arm behind him to keep her stable on his back.
"Hm, only maybe?"
A smile lit up Evan's face when he headed downstairs and his sights set on his eldest girl walking just ahead of him towards the kitchen. Evan tilted his head towards Ella who was leaning over his shoulder and brought a finger to his lips before he creeped over towards Angel. When she was past the doorway to the kitchen, Evan swooped his left arm out and lifted Angel off her feet and spun round with one girl in each arm.
He could feel Ella squealing into his shoulder and Angel gripped his forearm and screamed happily as her feet left the ground and she felt her dad kissing the side of her head.
"Daddy!" Angel tilted her head back on his shoulder and kicked her legs out as he carried her through the kitchen towards the fridge.
When he reached the fridge, Evan turned around and pushed his back up to the counter until Ella could let go of him and sit down on the counter and he could hold Angel with both arms and turn her around so she was facing him. She looped her arms lazily around his neck and brushed her nose against his causing him to grin and squint at her.
"Morning sweetie," Evan kissed her cheek before he set her back down to her feet and he moved his hands out in front of him. "What's for breakfast?" He bent each finger except for his index and middle fingers on both hands and pressed his right fingers against his left wrist to sign 'breakfast'.
Evan liked the routine he had gotten into with the girls recently. When he was on shift in the morning, he would get up, have his breakfast with the girls and drop them at school on the way to the station. His shifts were falling into the twenty four hour category right now which Evan didn't mind because then he got a few days off in a row to be with the girls. It was easier than coming home late at night to only see them for bedtime or working nights and sleeping through the day until they came home from school.
He didn't like night shifts unless it was for a twenty four hour shift, he wasn't good at sleeping during the day, it warped his body clock.
"Scrambled eggs,"
"Grab me the eggs then, Ella, you want an omlette with me baby?"
Evan bypassed Angel and moved towards the fridge, reaching up towards the top shelf for the small carton of milk they had hidden up there. He couldn't have a coffee without milk but with Ella, it meant any milk they had needed to be kept away from everything else in the fridge and if some spilled in the kitchen, it had to be mopped up straight away.
There was also a rule that Angel couldn't use or get the milk out without one of her parents watching. They couldn't risk any spillages around Ella. And since Angel and (Y/n) both hated the vegan cheese that didn't use milk, they hid all the dairy products on the top shelf of the fridge.
He waited for Angel to crack some eggs into a jug and he leaned over her shoulder to pour a drop of milk in for her so she could put it in the microwave. Evan knew he didn't have to tell her by now that when she was finished with the jug and all her dishes, they went straight in the sink and didn't mingle with any of Ella's plastic plates or forks and such. Nothing of Ella's touched anything of theirs when dairy was concerned.
"Here you go baby," Evan handed Ella two eggs and a small tub of mushrooms and he got a pan out on the cooker. She was surprisingly good at not getting any shell in the pan.
He watched her closely, arching his back out and planting his hands down on either side of Ella on the counter while she threw a big handful of mushrooms into the pan. A grin pulled at Evan's lips when he leaned his forehead down onto Ella's shoulder and she started to shake her fingers through his hair like she was petting him.
They all worked like clockwork, a routine that had taken a lot of time to perfect and usually ended up with Evan almost being late to work until now.
Angel got the plates out and a plastic bowl for Cora to have some scrambled egg and Evan dished it all up just as (Y/n) walked into the kitchen with Cora in her arms.
"Do you want an omelette mummy?" Ella trotted with her plate towards the table and (Y/n) smiled at the girls but shook her head.
"No thank you baby."
Food wasn't agreeing with her lately, this was the first pregnancy that was actually giving (Y/n) a problem with morning sickness. She had been fussy about food when they were expecting Cora but lately, most smells were off-putting and when she tried to eat she was gagging and coughing before she even finished one bite of food. Breakfast was usually missed most days now and sometimes lunch was given a miss too.
"Here, have one of these," Evan scouted through the cabinet until he found the protein shakes he had hidden up there, just in case either of the girls saw them and thought they would snatch one.
He had bought a pack of protein bottles and a box of powder sachets to add to drinks so if (Y/n) wasn't eating, she was at least having something. Needless to say, Evan wasn't best pleased and turned very concerned when the midwife told them at their last scan that (Y/n) wasn't really putting much weight on during this pregnancy and he realised how little she was actually eating.
He made himself a quick coffee in his flask and left it on the side along with his keys, ready to drink after he dropped the girls off. Usually he used to need his coffee before he had breakfast, before he even got dressed to try and wake himself up. But if he did that, then he couldn't give Ella a morning kiss because he had milk in his coffee and even the transferance of milk like that would set off her allergy.
(Y/n) took the shake from him with a smile and let him take Cora from her so he could feed her at the table. Her eyes followed him fondly as he sat at the table with Cora perched on his lap, trying to take the watch off his wrist. Their youngest was like a magpie, anything shiny that she saw, she wanted.
Cora had inherited Evan's blue eyes that were so transfixed on his watch that she didn't bother to put up a fuss when he fed her like she normally did in the morning.
Her fists bashed against his wrist and her fingers got stuck under the strap on his left wrist that was around her middle. And Evan used the distraction to spoon a mouthful of scrambled eggs up and get her to eat.
Arching her back out, (Y/n) leaned her elbows on the counter in front of her and tried to drink the protein shake that tasted just like a very thick strawberry milkshake. In their house, they were used to calling them 'shakes' because when Ella heard the word milk, she panicked. To her, shakes were fruit smoothies and to Angel they meant either a smoothie or an actual milkshake.
(Y/n) couldn't sit at the table, not when she could smell the strong scent of eggs and the toast Angel had made. It made her stomach churn just thinking about it and the protein shake was already setting heavy in her stomach and making her throat tense with each gulp she took.
"Good girl," Evan praised when Cora ate most of her breakfast before she started to kick her legs out and bash her hands on his arm. Her sign that she wanted to go mooch about rather than sit here with them at the table.
Cora was only one and she could crawl and stand up if she had something to lean on, but she couldn't walk yet. Evan was desperate not to miss that moment. When Angel and Ella started to walk Evan was in odd jobs such as working at a bar during the nights, so he didn't miss their first words or steps. Now he was a firefighter, it was the only job he could ever see himself doing, but he knew it was going to mess with a few things with the family.
He didn't want to miss Cora's milestones or their next baby's milestones but he wasn't guaranteed to see them either. The only thing he was guaranteed was to be there at the birth when their next one was born.
Evan had cut the cords for all of their girls and he was determined to do it again this time around.
Standing up, Evan headed through to the living room and placed Cora down in the play cot beneath the bay window so she could scramble around with her toys and make as much noise and disruption as she pleased.
On his way back through to the kitchen, Evan grabbed a pink bobble lying unused on the side table and wrapped it around his wrist before he headed over to Angel. If he didn't do her hair now she would only grab him when they were heading out the door and demand he did her hair before they left. Evan would admit he wasn't the best at styling the girls hair, but he did alright and Angel had a thing for him platting or trying to mess with her hair.
He was sure it was somehow sensory for her, she would sit still for an hour and let him tangle his hands in her hair and mess with it and do all sorts of random styles and she didn't care. She didn't fidget like Ella did.
He stood behind Angel's chair and slowly started to drag his fingers through her hair, scraping it up so he could put it in a high ponytail. Just as he got the bobble wrapped once around her long sandy hair, his head snapped to the right and he looked across at (Y/n).
"You didn't just throw that up, did you?" Evan moved his hands down to rest on Angel's shoulders but his eyes stayed focused on his wife.
He could see the way she was hunched over the sink with one hand tightly gripping the edge of the sink and her other arm tightly bound around her middle. A sigh passed through his lips when (Y/n) didn't respond or turn around to face him; that gave him his answer.
"Alright you two, shoes on, go get ready." Evan arched his back and leaned over Angel until she tilted her head back to look up at him sweetly. He held his left hand out and curved his right hand over his left, moving his hand back and forth to sign for her to get her shoes on. They needed to get ready so he could drop them both off at school.
As soon as the pair of them left the table, Evan walked through the kitchen until he was stood behind (Y/n) with his hands on her hips and his lips smothering the back of her head. He didn't like going to work and leaving her when she felt like this. She had Cora to feed which wouldn't help her if she felt sick and then she had to go and pick up the girls this afternoon and make tea for them. And since he was on a double shift, she had to do the bath and bedtime routine for all three of them on her own.
"Are you gonna be okay if I go? I won't be back til tomorrow afternoon," Evan wouldn't finish or even leave the station until around lunchtime tomorrow and then he said he would pop and see Maddie and check how she was settling into her new apartment before he came home. He didn't want to go to work wondering if (Y/n) was going to be alright on her own.
"I'll be alright, I'll feel better by the time I have to get the girls from school, I promise." (Y/n) rubbed at her eyes before she turned around in Evan's arms and reached her hands up to caress his neck and jaw.
"If you don't feel well you have to ring me, I can always ask Maddie to pop round,"
Having his sister close by had never felt like such a blessing. Evan knew it had been hard on Maddie when she was with Doug, living so far away from him and the girls. She had been there when he got married and when she argued with Doug once and tried to leave, she had stayed with (Y/n) and Evan and had been around for Angel's birth. Then when Ella and Cora were born she travelled down to stay a week with them, but she always missed them when she couldn't come down to visit.
And Evan knew he didn't make things easier for her when he wouldn't let Doug come down.
He told Maddie she was always welcome in his home and he wanted her around more, but he refused point blank to entertain Doug. He wouldn't have that man around his daughters. But now she had left him and was staying in LA and so nearby, Evan felt complete. He had all his girls, his sister included, right by him where he wanted and needed them.
If he rang his sister and asked if she would stop by and check in on (Y/n), she never minded.
"I'll be fine, baby."
"You'd better be," He pressed his finger beneath her chin to tilt her head up towards him while a soft smile spread across his face. "I love you both, and I'll see you tomorrow,"
Holding the door open, Evan leaned back and let Maddie walk in front of him into the house before he followed swiftly after her and shut the door. He had helped put a few new pictures up on the walls at her place but he couldn't refuse his big sister when she asked to come back with him and see the girls.
"Angel's in there," Evan pointed towards the living room while he kicked off his boots and Maddie hung up her coat on the rack. Her head ticked to the side and she looked at him quizically.
"How do you know that?" He had only just walked in the door along with her, how could he possibly know which girl was sitting in the living room?
"I saw the tv when I pulled in the drive, subtitles are on." He had caught a glimpse of the tv through the bay window when they got here and he could see Cinderella on tv with subtitles at the bottom. That and the fact that he could barely hear the tv in the hallway meant it was Angel in the living room. If it was Ella, she would have been blasting out the lyrics and (Y/n) always turned the tv up loud. Angel was the only one who had the subtitles on.
Evan followed Maddie into the front room and a fond smile overtook his features as he watched her go up to the sofa and lean over the back. She stood on her tiptoes to curve over the back of the sofa and wrap her arms around Angel who squealed loudly before babbling 'Auntie Maddie' a few times.
She was only ever comfortable talking around close family such as her parents or Maddie. The school were having a difficult time getting her to speak in class, even though she was in a select class specifically for hearing impaired children.
But Evan loved it when she spoke, even though just like him and (Y/n), she would use sign language at the same time out of habit. Her voice may be a little quiet or high at times and her words were slurred and drawled, but he loved her voice all the same.
Angel sat up on her knees and turned around to properly hug Maddie and her eyes shone and she waved when she saw Evan walking into the room.
"Hi baby," He walked over and kissed the top of her head, brushing his thumb across her cheek while Maddie moved towards the cot beneath the window, grinning and cooing at Cora who was starting to wake up. "How was school?" He wrapped one arm around her waist when Angel clung to his neck and he lifted her effortlessly up over the sofa so he could give her a bear hug.
"Good, we can go swimming tomorrow,"
"That's cool, we all need to go swimming, get Cora learning," Evan pressed another kiss to the top of her head. He remembered seeing the letter stuck on the fridge last week saying that Angel's class were going to do weekly swim sessions. He had signed the form but the letter was still on the fridge so none of them forgot she had to pack her costume into her school bag.
Evan leaned down and set Angel back on her feet but his head snapped towards the kitchen when he heard Ella's unmistakeable high-pitched scream followed by a very worrying cry.
He locked eyes with Maddie who paused her little dance with Cora as Evan gently nudged Angel towards her aunt before he took off towards the kitchen. He had heard something clatter, most likely Ella had dropped something and scared herself or thought she was going to get into trouble.
"Sweetheart you're fine- just come here-" (Y/n) dragged her hand through her hair before she tried to reach out for Ella but she screamed again sending a shudder through (Y/n)'s system.
Her eyes widened when she looked over and saw Evan stood in the doorway to the kitchen, trying to see what was going on.
(Y/n) had only been making up a bottle of milk for Cora because she knew the toddler would be waking up from her nap right around now. She didn't hear or see Ella toddle up behind her and when she turned around, she tripped over Ella. The bottle in her hand went flying and when it collided with the floor, milk sprayed out, splattering up the fridge, puddling across the floor and lathering Ella's legs.
Another horrid scream left Ella's lips which made (Y/n)'s head rattle and she closed her eyes, fighting off the headache as she slowly went down on her knees to grab the bottle and try to nudge Ella away from the mess. The five year old had just frozen in panic.
"Baby girl, come here." Evan moved over and grabbed Ella under the arms and lifted her up to move her away from the puddle on the floor.
He carefully stood her up on the table so she was level with him but when a burning cry left her lips, Evan cupped her face in his hands and leaned close until their temples were touching. The contact made her take a deep breath and the trace of a smile on his otherwise concerned yet stern face caught her full attention.
"Ella, if you can scream, then you're not going to go into shock. Look at me, you're fine, it didn't touch your skin, you didn't swallow any milk."
Evan kissed her nose before he reached over and grabbed the tea towel and started to swipe the remnants from her tiny leggings and make sure it didn't go anywhere else or actually touch her skin, just to be safe. She was using all her breath to scream, that was enough of a sign for her parents that she wasn't about to go into anaphylactic shock or it would have happened immediately.
A small whimper left her lips until Evan picked her back up and settled her on his hip, letting her burrow into his neck and curl her arms up against his chest like she was trying to disappear. He did his best to dodge round the puddle on the floor so he could reach (Y/n). He crouched down beside her and hooked his free arm under (Y/n)'s and lifted her up with him.
"Go sit down, I'll get Ella changed and clean this up. Maddie's here, she's snatched Cora so she won't need a bottle yet." He had to change Ella, just to be on the safe side, she would just scratch her legs and panic if not. But he would deal with the slight puddle of milk if (Y/n) went to sit down for five minutes with the girls.
Maddie had stolen Cora who would be happy and entertained for the time being. It was what she always did, came in, attached to the girls and entertained them and played with them. (Y/n) didn't have to do everything on her own, Evan was home now.
"Thank you," (Y/n) brought her hands up to rest on his chest before she pushed up to kiss him. She could feel his hand winding down from her waist to caress her bum when she sank her teeth down into his lower lip.
But a gasp left Evan's lips and his eyes shot open when Ella whined a grumpy 'daddy' before she grabbed his face and turned his head back towards her in a huff of jealously. He could taste the specks of blood on his lower lip from being roughly pulled away from (Y/n) and he darted his tongue out over his lip while his brows rose in shock.
"That wasn't very nice. You're needy, you know that?" He pouted down at his middle daughter but the only response he got was Ella patting his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss.
"I wonder who she gets it from,"
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astrophileous · 11 months
Happy birth month to you, Zara!! 🎉
I'd like to request a Derek Morgan x BAU!reader fic (angst, maybe leading to smut) where they are on a bombing case and as usual Derek, being our ever loving and stubborn explosives expert, stays with a target who activated the bomb trigger. Maybe reader is as stubborn as Derek and stays with him and it becomes a thing and all that pent up adrenaline and tension just 🤌🏼🫴🏼 😅
maybe some fluff after too 🥹
Thank you so much love!! Thanks for requesting as well ❤️ I hope you like how this turned out 💕
Warning(s): fem!reader, explosives, profanities, verbal altercation, 18+ nsfw content minors dni, handjob, angry sex (starts out that way at least), unprotected sex (p in v), creampie, lmk if I missed anything
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Derek was beginning to think that the universe was out to get him. It was the only logical explanation he could come up with for the situation he found himself stuck in: standing next to a minivan with an activated bomb underneath its driver's seat. The owner of the car, a woman by the name Pansy, was gripping his hand like a vice, cutting off circulation to it completely, but he couldn't care less about that. Getting blood into his hand was the least of Derek's worries right now.
"How's my baby?" Pansy suddenly asked amidst her tears.
Derek glanced at you, who had been trying to unbuckle the infant from his car seat for the past couple of minutes. One wrong move and the car would explode in the blink of an eye, obliterating everything in its immediate vicinity. This knowledge loomed at the back of your head as you languidly lifted the baby into your arms.
"Got him," you breathed out. You dashed away to take Pansy's son to safety, and despite her not being out of harm's way yet, Derek could feel the tightness of her grip around his hand loosening even if just for the tiniest bit.
Not three minutes later, you came back with a box of tools in your hand. Derek didn't like the grim expression on your face as your gaze flitted his way.
"The bomb squad isn't coming," you muttered.
"What?" Pansy exlclaimed. Even quiet as you were, there was no way you could say anything to Derek without Pansy hearing about it. The woman panicked as her eyes scampered repeatedly between you and Derek. "What are you talking about?"
"Pansy." Derek's voice came with a reassuring squeeze, a silent request for her to calm down. He turned to you again immediately, "What do you mean, they're not coming?"
"Land access is out since the bridge collapsed during the last bombing. They're sending in aerial support, but with everything that's been going on, it'll take at least 30 minutes, which is a time we don't have," you lamented, extending your hand to present the toolbox to Derek's face. "Hotch gave you the go-ahead."
With a curse under his breath, Derek accepted the box with his free hand. You slid in next to him so you could peek into the car.
"Pansy?" Frightened blue eyes scuttered towards your face. Despite the current predicament, you managed to offer her a somewhat genuine smile. "Hey, how are we holding up there? My name's Agent (Y/L/N), I work with Agent Morgan in the FBI. I wanted to let you know that your son is safe. He's with the rest of our team right now."
Pansy hiccuped around a sob. "He's safe?"
"One hundred percent." You nodded. "Listen, Agent Morgan here used to work with the bomb squad. He's gonna defuse the bomb so all of us can get out of here safely. But in order to do that, you need to let go of his hand, okay? Here, you can hold mine instead."
Your last statement caused Derek to turn his head around so fast, you were sure he would have gotten a whiplash. The incredulity was thick in his voice as he asked, "Sweet girl, what are you doing?"
You didn't look at him once. In fact, your eyes were still glued to Pansy's face when you said, "I'm not leaving you."
But Derek knew better.
You weren't saying that sentence to Pansy.
You were saying it to him.
In any other situation, Derek would have admonished you for your stupid decision. But right in that moment, in front of Pansy who was this close to spiraling, and with time completely against his side, Derek couldn't do anything else but relent. Reluctantly, he let go of Pansy's hand and allowed you to take his place. With another deep breath, Derek kneeled next to the car and began to work.
11 minutes and 16 seconds; that was how long it took for Derek to carefully disarm the explosive. Pansy sank into your embrace as soon as Derek removed the device from her seat, bringing it as far away from the crowd as possible as you took the young mother to see her infant son.
After neutralizing the threat, you received word from the rest of your team about the identity of the UnSub. Following a strenuous chase, you eventually closed the day with an arrest, ending the nightmare of the case once and for all. You marked it as a win in your book.
Back at the hotel, everyone scurried to their respective rooms in no time, eager to wash away the residual horror of the case with a cold shower and slept the exhaustion off before the team had to catch an early flight back to Virginia the next morning. You, too, had been dreaming about the plush mattress waiting for your arrival back at your room. But before you could reach the familiar door to your hotel room, your steps halted when warm fingers suddenly encircled your wrist.
"We need to talk," Derek said sharply. He didn't give you a chance to say anything before leading you towards his hotel room.
"What's this about, Derek?" you questioned once the door shut behind Derek's back.
"I can't believe you'd do something reckless like that, (Y/N)."
You frowned at him in confusion. "What? What do you mean?"
"You know what I'm talking about. You stayed back knowing there was a bomb! You knew what could've happened. You didn't have to be there, but you stayed anyway. What the fuck, (Y/N)?!"
"That's what this is about?" You scoffed incredulously. "You're mad at me because I did my job?"
"That wasn't part of the job and you know it, sweetheart. You could've been killed."
"I know that! God, you don't think I know that?!"
"You knew? Oh, good! So you knew about the chances of you getting killed in that situation, but you still went ahead and did it anyway. What the fuck were you thinking?!"
"I don't need to fucking explain myself to you, Derek." You stepped further into the room, trying to draw as much distance from the man whom you considered your best friend for the past two years of you working with the BAU. His hostility was foreign. You mourned the absence of his usual warmth as you wrapped your arms defensively around your torso. "What about you, anyway?"
"You act as if I was the only one putting themselves in danger, but you were there, too. You could've been killed as well. A little bit hypocritical, isn't it?!"
"That's different."
You rolled your eyes. "Of course it is. Why? Because your hero complex wouldn't allow you to share the stage with anyone else?"
"Or is it your trust issues that force you to do anything on your own?"
"Stop it—"
"Oh, I get it! Maybe you're no different than those other alpha males out there! Is that it? You want me to leave all the dangerous and scary jobs to the big, strong men—"
"I said, stop it."
A gasp stumbled past your lips when you suddenly found your back connecting with the wall, trapped between the concrete surface and Derek's muscular chest. There was no way to run. Derek's stare was sweltering as it pierced right through your soul.
"Have you always been this insufferable?" Derek growled.
"I don't know. Have you always been this chauvinistic?"
"You never know when to shut the hell up, do you?"
"Well—" you puffed your chest out, leveling your own stare with his unyielding one, "—why don't you make me?"
The atmosphere thickened inside the room.
Before you could process what was happening, Derek had suddenly lunged forward, claiming your lips in a kiss so heated unlike any other you had ever known.
Derek domineered every single one of your senses. Your body only knew his touch as his palms roamed your curves and edges. The kiss was a battle of desperation, a mess of tongue and heaving breaths that span your world off its axis.
When Derek's mouth strayed to your neck, nipping around the spot right below your ear, you swore your bones melted into liquid inside of your body.
"So goddamn aggravating," Derek griped against your ear. "You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?"
"You're just gonna keep talking? Or are you finally gonna put that mouth to a good use?"
The smirk on your lips was wiped away instantly when Derek kissed you again. He maneuvered the two of you towards the bed, where Derek laid you down with a gentleness that contradicted the spite he had shown so far. Clothes were being shed at an inhumane speed, and before long, you found yourself sprawled naked underneath Derek's impressive frame.
Your hand wandered southward as Derek peppered kisses across your chest. The moment your fingers wrapped around his length, Derek's whole body shivered in response.
"Fuck. What are you doing to me?" he muttered.
You continued to pump his shaft, enjoying the melodic sounds Derek was making as your pace grew faster with each second. Mere moments later, however, your movement was halted when Derek's fingers tugged at your wrist.
"Slow down, pretty girl. I wanna be inside of you when I cum."
His declaration was sealed with a kiss.
Using an unbelievable display of strength, Derek then manhandled you to your front, forcing you to rest on all fours as he settled on his knees right behind the sensual curves of your ass.
"Shit. Look at this pussy," Derek remarked crudely. You moaned into the bedsheets when his fingers rubbed up and down your slit, collecting the wetness without ever grazing the number one spot where you needed him the most. "Beautiful, sweetheart. You're so fucking gorgeous."
"You can tell me about how gorgeous you think I am later, Derek. Just shut up and fuck me already."
"Impatient girl." Derek chuckled.
You yelped when his palm landed a harsh slap to each one of your ass cheeks. The sting was chased away instantly by the feeling of Derek's cock prodding around your entrance. The two of you moaned in unison once his length went in, filling every inch of your channel until he was sheathed to the hilt.
As Derek started to move, the lump of arousal in the pit of your stomach increased in size. The drag of his cock felt delicious against your throbbing walls. Derek moved inside of you at a sedulous pace. The grip he had on either side of your hips felt like a promise of fresh bruises that you couldn't wait to wake up to once morning arrived.
With a particularly harsh thrust into your soaking pussy, Derek sent your brain gyrating into the stars.
"Derek, please—ohhh. Feels so good."
"I know, pretty girl. Fuck. Gripping my cock so well, sweetheart. You hear that? Hear how wet you sound?"
You nodded wordlessly, your ears assaulted by the squelching sound of your combined arousal as you pressed your face against the mattress. Derek drove into you even faster, hitting the same spot every single time that had you blabbering incoherently into the sheets.
"D-Derek? I'm—mmpphhh, I'm so close. S-So close... oh fuck."
"Yeah? You're close, sweet girl?"
Derek's arm went around your torso, then, holding you up beneath your breast without ever relenting his movement. His breath tickled your ear in this new position, and you held onto the muscular arm holding you up in fear of collapsing from the continuous strike of pleasure.
"Do you wanna cum, sweetheart? Wanna cum for me?"
"Y-Yes! Please, please, please, Derek. Please, wanna cum so bad."
"Okay." Derek's other hand slid down your abdomen, all the way past your navel, until the rough pad of his fingers found your swolen clit. He began to rub it aggressively, earning a loud cry as you writhed in rapture. "Go on, then, pretty girl. Cum for me. Just let it go, sweetheart."
Your whole body convulsed as you slammed head first into your climax. Derek held you close through it all, stroking your damp skin and whispering sweet nothings as you came down from your high. Not long afterward, his own release caught up to him, pushing Derek to empty everything he had into the warmth of your tender hole.
Once minutes had passed, Derek carefully pulled out from you before gently laying you down on the bed. You were lost too deeply in the post-orgasmic bliss to notice that Derek had disappeared into the bathroom. The fog in your brain only started lifting when Derek returned and spread your thighs apart, using a damp wash cloth to clean up the mess that the two of you made on your upper thighs.
"How are you feeling?" Derek asked after he tossed away the cloth, squeezing your thigh affectionately.
"Tired. But good," you answered with a smile. "So... we should probably talk about what just happened, huh?"
Your question caused Derek's shoulders to tense, but he relaxed them again when your fingers reached out for his hand.
"Sorry I yelled at you," he offered sincerely. "You don't know this, pretty girl, but I made a vow to myself a long time ago to protect you. You're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, I know that. But as long as there's air in my lungs, I will spend every day of my life trying to keep you safe. Do you understand?"
You nodded meekly as your heart constricted in its cage. Derek left a kiss to your knuckles before settling down to lie beside you.
"You're not the only one who made such a vow, Derek," you revealed quietly. "I also made one to myself that I would never drop your hand in the face of danger. I would never abandon you like that. I'd rather give my life than live in a world where you no longer exist."
"Don't say that. You don't mean it."
"But I do. I mean it with all my heart." You stroked Derek's cheek with the tip of your fingers, admiring his handsome face as his eyes stared at you intensely. "Wherever you go, I go, Derek."
"Wherever you go, I go as well," Derek promised, tightening the sanctity of the words with a kiss. "What you did was still stupid, though, so you better never do that again in the future."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we please pause this conversation 'till morning? I'm literally about to pass out right now."
Derek grinned upon hearing your statement. "I fucked you real good, didn't I?"
You punched him on the shoulder. "Asshole."
Derek laughed wholeheartedly before pecking your pouting lips. "Only for you, pretty girl."
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
CW: Referenced/implied abuse, past abuse, thoughts of worthlessness, unconventional self harm. AgeRe content.
Simon who gets tense around people who don't hurt him. Throughout his whole life, even when he was safe bouncing around squads in the military, people roughed him up. Insults, punches, mocks. No matter his size, attitude or status. So when the 141 doesn't do it, he waits. He waits thinking they will eventually, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The most they do with him is spar or tease him about things that don't hurt. They don't go for his soft spots. He doesn't understand why they don't want to hurt him, he doesn't get that it's because they care.
So he tries first. Why won't they fight back with more than a snort and a pat on the shoulder? Why don't they argue?
Price doesn't show more than a slight sadness about Simon's attempts to get someone to hurt him. He pulls out the only thing he thinks will do anything. The mama voice. He can't fight with Simon, not when he can see that Simon feels soft. Breakable.
Why is Price so gentle when he sits him down? Called him in there with his title anyways. This was it, right? They'll fight, like he's been wanting. To prove what? That he doesn't deserve softness? That he's bad like Roba and his father instilled in him?
But Price doesn't yell. He sits in front of Simon on his desk and talks to him. How can he feel safe and threatened at the same time? Was it Price's gaze or his stance? Was it how he was so obviously the weaker of the two, or the hands that would pick him back up that made him feel that way? Price couldn't get angry and hurt him, but he doesn't. He's slow, patient and kind. Something Simon is hardly used to. His heart squeezes in his chest.
The mama voice is what makes Simon tear up. He's not being scolded, but it still feels so firm. Not mean, but with an edge to it. He looked down at his hands. Bad. Unworthy. Rude.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." His mother and father would say. But Price softens as he looks at Simon.
"We don't have to talk now, Ghost." Ever so gentle with how he handles Simon. Respecting his wishes to not say his name but Simon ached to hear it out of his Captain's mouth. To hear his name softly said, without anger or malice. Especially without the slur of alcohol consumption.
"Are you going to get rid of me, Sir?" Simon's voice breaks. When Price pauses, his shoulders tense. Is this it? Is he done with him?
"Simon..." There it is. His name a soft sound on Price's lips. Warm, coated in concern. Don't leave. Don't leave. Please don't go.
"We're a team. No one gets left behind." Words Simon would later repeat to Johnny in the los vaqueros safe house.
"Why?" Simon questions. He hears the slight pained sound Price makes as he asks. I'm sorry. Don't go.
"We don't want to leave you... You're stuck with us." Price tries to be light-hearted, but stops when Simon frowns behind the mask. So expressive, usually when he doesn't want to be.
"I'm sorry." Sorry for what? Being argumentative? Being distressed?
"Hey," Price crouches down next to him, following the way Simon's eyes dart to look anywhere but him, "You didn't do anything wrong." Gentle, guiding him like a child.
He felt like a child. Small. Weak. Breakable.
He hasn't heard anyone say it was okay before. No one comforted him like that. Not as a kid. Not as a teen. Not with his superiors. Because it hadn't been okay. Because he did do bad things.
And now he wasn't bad, it was okay. His mind didn't know how to deal with that.
Simon flinches as Price's hand rests on his knee.
"Simon, you're okay here. What can I do?"
Simon shakes his head. What could Price possibly do? Hold him? Tell him it was okay until it felt like it was? Let him cry it out like a kid? God he felt like a kid. Smaller and smaller the more Price talked.
He'd seen Johnny and Kyle small around him, but never let himself break. He always left as soon as he could. Now he wonders if it hurt them when he left so fast.
"'m sorry." The words come out faster, broken in the syllables. Forced and rushed. Will the other shoe drop?
"I know, Si, I know..." Price murmurs, looking up at him from his crouched position. It can't be comfortable, but neither comment.
Simon wants to fall forward into his arms the longer he looks at him so sweetly. Like Simon wasn't damaged goods. Like he was just as small as Kyle and Johnny. He feels smaller.
"Help..." He weakly mutters. He says it on the off chance that this won't hurt. That he'll be okay.
And Price doesn't leave, he promises to stay and help. Never pushing further than Simon wanted to go. He waited till he was okay to hold hands, then waited till he was okay being picked up. Then until he let himself cry. Price didn't have to work hard to notice just how small Simon made himself, how easy he could break. Simon, not Ghost. Price vowed to protect him once the sobs died down and Simon fell asleep on his chest. There in his office, on the couch in an uncomfortable position. Like he was a cat, Price didn't go anywhere.
Price gains another little that day, but he didn't bring it up until Simon came to him. Until Simon needed his help again. It's all on his time, Price doesn't push. He's the most giddy he ever had been when Simon crawls into bed with him and falls asleep safely. Cooing in his sleep. Price hadn't felt that happy before about being needed. Simon came to him for comfort. For safety. He holds it to the highest honour.
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rayssion · 11 months
I'm torn because in a sense I'm tired of reading pjo, don't get me wrong like it's about time these kids had some rest, found some peace and lived their lives without the constant danger, I'm feeling tired for them feeling tense all the time, only waiting for worst to happen and it keeps on happening. I want it to stop, I want all of this to stop, these demigods to live, to just lead a normal life.
But on the other hand I'm not ready to leave them yet, I want Rick to write more so I can read more, so I can know more about them, so I can live with them. I want more books and I want more series.
At this point honestly, if Rick just wrote a whole series of the demigods just living their lives normally without anything ever happening to them, a boring life were you just follow a routine, I will fucking dig it up.
Why can't we just read about them without them being in constant danger?? Don't you guys feel bad for Percy? Boy spent years going on quests and doing missions, he deserves a real rest.
So this dilemma lead me to the idea of next generation/s, I'd like to read about something in the future of the same timeline/universe setup of pjo hoo toa, it could be their kids or their grandchildren, just imagine how lovely would it be?
It's like watching the legend of Korra after watching the last airbender lol, you'll see Katara and hear all of them talking about Aang and all of that, and you'll feel the nostalgia because you've been their, you lived with them.
Imagine percabeth's great grandchildren going to camps to train and learn and they hear all these stories about their ancestors and how they saved the world, imagine them accidentally stumbling across solangelo's great grandchildren and they befriend each other without knowing that their families go way back.
And then these kids will have their own adventures (they'll suffer now that they're our new squad lol) and how fun it'll be for us as readers if let's say, one time they go on a quest to retrieve something we're familiar with, like Riptide maybe? Idk.
And a huge bonus!! That they'll at some point seek the huntres and I know they'll spend the long nights hearing stories about the great demigods from Thalia and Reyna. They'll tell them every big and small story, even the time Percy arranged with Hermes for his and Annabeth's anniversary in exchange for looking for his staff. They'll tell them about the cocoa puffs and how Nico always slept with them, and I just know one of them will be determined to descend to the underworld to meet them (because Nico is now dead and in the underworld with Hades and his cocoa puffs and possibly Will).
And at some point they'll have to cross Boston for some reason and oh my god they'll meet Magnus and Alex and they'll stay at the Chase house for a while also hearing some stories from Magnus and shopping from Blitzen.
Rick this's my petition to have mercy on Percy and our lovely demigods and let them live in peace but please don't quit writing, I breath your books more than oxygen at this point<3
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Crosshair x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Crosshair get stuck in a relentless snowstorm. A cave provides you shelter, but you’ll have to get close to survive.
Warnings: smut, LITERAL cock warming, (kinda) sub soft crosshair, fluffy
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: Y’all seen twilight eclipse? Yeah it’s like that…and Jacob’s lil comment about how he could warm her quicker if they took their clothes off. Also the logic may be nonsensical, so, forgive me.
Request for @crosshairs-wife 💕
Gif cred: @azertyrobaz
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The piercing sting of cold upon your skin was almost fading away as you grew numb. Crosshair was only feet in front of you, but you were losing sight of him in the relentless blizzard. You’d gotten separated from the other guys, but they’d already signaled you on your comms that they had made it back safely.
“We can’t come for you yet. It’s too dangerous. Try and find shelter until the storm passes” Hunter’s voice cut through the weak comms signal in your ear. He was so worried, but knew you both were capable of survival.
It was an unpredictable planet with weather patterns unlike any other system. You hadn’t planned for a winter storm, so you weren’t dressed for the freezing temperatures, only making the situation more dire.
“T-there’s…a cave” Crosshair breathed heavily, shivering through his words. You couldn’t muster a response, and he could only assume you were following behind him. The cave was deep inside the base of the mountain, perfect for shielding you both from the brutal winds and freezing temperatures. It was only just barely visible to either of you, and you were thankful he saw it.
Throwing down your backpack, you both collapsed onto the dry ground of the covered fortress. There wasn’t much room, but you found yourselves huddled in opposite corners, still hanging onto your social norm of not touching one another, even in a state of uncertainty.
“We s-should get c-c-closer” You mumbled, but not without struggle. You had never bonded with Crosshair beyond being in the same squad, and you really didn’t think he even liked you. But that didn’t matter right now.
He nodded, as the desperation for warmth drew him into you, curling up against each other's bodies. His arm stretched over your body as if he tried to shield you from the conditions. It was uncharacteristic of him, but human instinct overcame you both, knowing it was crucial for survival.
“You’re freezing” You mumble with your shaking voice. He was arguably worse off than you were, but he wouldn't show it. Crosshair had been out in the cold a little longer than you.
“So are you” He rebutted. Sure, but you needed to make sure he found warmth soon.
“You need to take your armor off, it’ll only make you colder” You told him, knowing the metal would only trap the coldness against his body, and your body couldn’t feel the warmth of his own with the hard metal creating a barrier between your clothes and his.
Crosshair moved slowly to pull the armor from his body, and you watched as the shape of his form come to view.
“Your clothes are soaked from the snow, you-” He began, realizing that soon the moisture would freeze, trapping your body within it, “you’ll die”.
“I don’t have anything else to wear, Crosshair” You groaned in response, realizing your only other option was to strip down to nothing and cuddle up against him.
“I know that” He scoffed through the grit of his chattering teeth.
“Gods, you’re right. Just, try not to stare, please” You begged; feeling self-conscious already, but there was no time for that now.
He noticeably swallowed hard, anticipating the view that was to come. He’d never admit to you that you turned him on, but really, you drove him wild. It was always a skill of his to not show a single bit of that emotion when he was near you, but it was something he had to train himself to do, or else he’d blow his cover.
“I need help” You shamefully requested, the numbness of your fingers lacking the grip to pull your jacket and shirt from your body.
He hesitated, whether that was because he was nervous or because he was trying to process the words coming out of your mouth, it didn’t go unnoticed. His hands gently grab the bottom hem of your shirt and helped you maneuver out of it. Your bare breasts were exposed then to the frigid chill but somehow felt warmer now that you were out of the dampness of your material.
Through all the discomfort of the storm and the hell you'd been through, you still felt a tingle of tension between the two of you as you laid back to remove your pants. It was such a strange sensation to be warmer in your bare form, but this would help you from freezing to death.
Crosshair couldn’t take his eyes off of you, despite your plea to not be stared at. You had to admit you sort of liked it, though. The attention helped you feel less self-conscious, because surely he wouldn’t stare if he didn’t like the view, right?
You remembered something about survival that was going to be hard to suggest, but someone had to, “Skin to skin is the fastest way to warm each other” You shivered, “Please, Crosshair. I’m sorry to ask I j-” You begged helplessly.
“I’ll do it” He interrupted you. Crosshair wasn’t angry, he was eager. This shocked you, but you welcomed his eager attitude.
Quickly, he removed his clothing, keeping only his underwear, same as you. You were enamored with him, loving every inch of his body, and not attempting to hide your staring at all.
“Come here” He demanded, laying down next to you and wrapping his arm around your shaking body. The immediate encasing of his shielding body on you felt as close to a warm blanket as you could get right now.
“Oh maker…I don’t know how you feel warm but it’s helping”
“You feel warm too” He noted.
Your eyes met his as you looked up to him and something so unfamiliar came over you, an urge that made itself known so suddenly, but you leaned up, pressing your barely tingling lips against his.
He pulled away.
Oh no.
“What are you doing?” He snapped.
“I-” You choked on your own words, mortified and confused.
His eyes scanned your face and wandered your expression to try and read you. Crosshair wasn’t rejecting you, but he was rejecting the idea that you wanted him. It was simply too hard for him to believe. Things were always distant and tense between you two, but right now, stars...right now he wanted to fall apart for you.
Finally, after what felt like forever of nothing but the roaring of storms, he kissed you back. The passion that you felt through the motions of his lips sent a flash of heat through your veins, something you so desperately needed. As if by natural instinct, you reached to palm the growing bulge between his legs.
“I know how else we can get warm” You whispered against his lips.
He held your gaze, unbroken, and let his fingers float down between your legs, feeling the arousal pooled inside your panties. With only small rhythms of motions pressed to your clit, you whimpered. Crosshair couldn’t wait any longer, though, as his body begged for warmth. Something so primal in him did this because he knew he needed it to live, but something more intimate in him told him he just needed you.
Swiftly, you pulled his cock from his undergarments, and swung your leg over his hip, straddling him. His needing eyes scanned your face, looking for any uncertainty, but found none. He recognized that you were doing him an act of such deep kindness, but was so eager he pulled you fiercely into place. You knew he’d probably benefit from this more than you in terms of survival, but stars, you know you’d enjoy every second of him fucking you anyways.
No words could’ve described how euphoric he felt sinking into the warmth you provided him. It was more intense of a high than any spice the galaxy could offer. He groaned so loudly, equally satisfied with the feeling of any part of his body being wrapped in warm velvet, subsiding the numbness, and finally having you like this.
You winced, feeling the contrast of cold inside of you as you fully lowered yourself onto his cock. Trembling forceful fingers dug into your hips pressing you in place and refusing to let you move.
“Please, just, stay like this. For a moment” He begged, a desperate look replacing his usual scowled expression. He shuddered, eyes falling closed as he savored every second that passed.
You did as he asked, and wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled his face into the crevice of your breasts. He groaned again, and a breathless whimper fell from your own lips as the fullness you felt overwhelmed you. It felt so good to do this with him, and it felt better to know how much relief you brought to him.
Even though he could’ve stayed buried inside you like this forever, you needed to move, needed to have that movement. Slowly, you sat up again, and curled your hips up and down, adding friction against your walls.
“Oh, Y/N” Crosshair whimpered so softly. This was a side of him you’d never expected to see, especially in this intimate situation. But then again, he never let you get close enough to him to even know. His desperation for relief transformed him, and it melted you.
“It feels so good, Crosshair” You praised, losing yourself as you fucked him faster. He seemed to be losing him as well, struggling to hold back any expression of his pleasure.
“So good for me, helping me like this” He breathed, looking up at you while you bounce your ass up and down on him. The motion was warming your body, working up your blood flow. The relief of warmth began flowing through the deepest part of your being, extending out to your skin, until all you cared about was being here with him at this moment.
“Stop" He mumbled suddenly, and you did just that.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, please, just stay still again" He begged. You sat deep into his lap, covering his entire length, "I want to feel you just like this. I want to see you"
Your ears couldn't believe what they were hearing. Never would you have guessed that he was so soft when he needed to be. His hands traced the shape of your body, traveling down the side of your waist. Then his grip moved to your breasts, taking one into his palm as he massaged your nipple. You threw your head back as the sensation sent a strange chill down your spine.
"Crosshair, Y/N, come in" The comms hummed in your ear, startling you out of the trance he had you in. It was Tech's voice, "Are you two alright"
"Better than alright" You responded, keeping your eyes on him beneath you. Crosshair smirked at you.
"I doubt that, considering you're trapped in a blizzard, but alright then" Tech responded, but accepted your response as a sign that you were alive, at least.
Without warning, and fueled by the strength you'd provided for him, Crosshair picked you up and laid you down. As he hovered above you, his cock still resting inside your cunt, he held the back of your head as he rested in on the rock floor of the cave.
He thrusted slow at first but picked up his momentum with a few motions.
"I'm going to come soon, but I want you to come on my cock first, darling" He asked, bringing his fingers to rub your clit again as he continued to fuck you.
"Fuck, right there" You cried, feeling your climax creep up so suddenly.
"Yeah?" He asked, knowing you were so close as you clenched around him, "Let go, it'll feel so good, Y/N"
Just then it burst open like an ignited flame, the fire spreading throughout your entire body. You cried out his name as your orgasm took over your movements and thoughts, helping your body reach an ultimate high. You'd never been fucked like this while coming at the same time, and it was almost too much for you to handle.
As you felt yourself come down from your high, he faltered in his movements, curses flying softly through his thrusts. The warm spill of his cum coated the inside of your walls, and he held himself there for a few more moments, taking every second that he could before he finally had to remove himself.
It was then that the blizzard began to break apart and subside, the outside of the cave becoming more visible. You situated yourself propped against the wall of the cave, and Crosshair did the same, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, huddling together through the very end of the storm that put you here.
"We're going to have to help each other back into these clothes when the boys pick us up" You broke the silence that you both savored after your releases, "that might be a hard one to explain"
"Only I should see you like this" He snapped, sudden jealousy taking over his tone as he imagined any of the others enjoying this sight of you like he has. That was the Crosshair you expected.
You smirked, omitting a response as you leaned into his body, trying to enjoy every last second you had with him before things likely went back to normal.
You hoped that they wouldn't.
A/N: feedback and comments are always so encouraging and appreciated. If you enjoyed this, please let me know❤️
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
Okay, sorry if this was asked before but I'm curious and I'd really like to learn more. You've mentioned in a couple of posts now that Itachi wasn't retconned. Could you please elaborate further?
Hey! No, this wasn't asked before. I was thinking of making a separate post for this, but procrastination is evil. So, I am one of the 'Itachi was meant to be a good guy/was not evil/had more to him than he let on' people. Watching the anime, it was the feeling that there was more to him. His reveal was along the lines of devastation and shocking for me than surprise. Detailed post is below the cut.
First thing first.
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This was Itachi's first look that Kishimoto had planned.
Itachi was originally conceived as the leader of Konoha's Special Assassination and Tactical Squad called the "Anbu", dubbed the Itachi Squad (イタチ隊, Itachi-tai), which would have been a 70-man group divided into four teams, specializing in assassination and other illicit operations. However, this idea was scrapped in favour of the current Itachi working for the Akatsuki.
The above paragraph is from Itachi's wikipedia that cites a couple of interviews as sources. People can't be too blind in their delusion to think the author who wrote the story had no idea what he was writing.
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Next is the Naruto Databook that has some fishy things if we look closely. In the first glance it's not very obvious, but after learning the truth it seems very much obvious.
It says, "the ones who know the reason of its downfall are very small". Go back to Obito's words about only four people being aware of the reason of the clan's downfall.
Additionally, Itachi carried out 134 B-Rank missions. Zero A Rank. And one S-Rank. The S rank mission being the Uchiha massacre. It's very fishy that he was given one s rank mission without any A tank mission. Suspicious? We know later on why.
It's also interesting because the first databook was published in 2002 and Itachi first appeared in 2003. If his twist wasn't planned from the beginning this databook is very telling.
Since I mentioned how he looked, here's him in Sasuke's flashbacks for the first time.
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He looks far from evil or sadistic. You want to know who enjoys killing for fun? Hidan. Itachi, on the other hand, on the day of the massacre itself, looks miserable and lost.
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In chapter 7, he in a haze-like manner he talks about crying. In many English translations it's translated as 'he made me cry' and in many it's this. It's very, very vague, but his statement is complimented by Sakura's question, to which he still responds in the similar way 'My..' Maybe he was trying to say 'My brother', but he instead finishes his speech with 'my goal is to take revenge' etc., Since it's still very early so it might not be the strongest evidence, but a few chapters later in chapter 27, during their fight against Haku, when Sasuke awakens his Sharingan, he has two tomoe in his right eye.
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Yes, he might have awakened it this way, but it also suggests that maybe already had his Sharingan and that's why this is 'asymmetrical' awakening? In the later chapters we find out he actually did have his Sharingan he awakened after the massacre.
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This flashbacks in chapter 127 most firmly establishes Itachi's twist. The tilted head-protector. Sasuke remembers it vaguely, but he has no recollection of Itachi crying that night, because his mind is still hazy from the "truth" Itachi wanted him to believe. We know later on the significance of this scene.
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There are three moments before Itachi was even introduced that give away what we see right after his truth reveal and connect to the chapter 403.
The 'Itachi was retconned' camp also uses 'Itachi was meant to be older (than 13) but Kishi made him younger later on' as an excuse to justify their retcon bullshit.
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Kakashi, in chapter 142, states Itachi was 13 when he was made the Anbu captain.
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Itachi graduated when he was just seven. Sasuke is the same age as Itachi was when he graduated from the Academy. Itachi is 17 at the time of his first appearance and Sasuke is 12. It is enough to tell lies were spread about Itachi. We, obviously, learn later on why.
Some more obvious hints were his interaction with Asuma, Kurenai, and Kakashi.
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The criminal infamous for annihilating one of the strongest clans refuses to indulge in fight?
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He also asks Kisame to keep things low key and not get too much attention. That's an excuse. He's not here to wage war. Yes, later on he does ask Kisame to go ahead. But that's because he's a spy. He cannot let Danzo know he dropped his guard. One single mistake from his side that could unearth the truth of the massacre and Danzo would lay hands on Sasuke. Plus, while he's strong, his opponents aren't just fragile saplings who couldn't stand any blow he or Kisame cast. He knew reinforcements would be on the way.
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Kakashi also wonders why Itachi didn't just kill him. Again, yes, the torture was brutal, but they're ninja who are meant to do and endure cruel things. Itachi had to look like he was a menacing criminal reputed to have killed the Uchiha singlehandedly.
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So, he completely avoids fighting Asuma and Kuernai, takes on only Kakashi because he's strong and can take it, also has Sharingan. But he completely refuses to go against Jiraiya. Jiraiya may or may not be stronger than him. Maybe they were equal. However, recalling Obito's words again: Itachi devoted himself to fighting Sasuke to death.
Two conclusions come from this:
He didn't want to fight Jiraiya because it would result in a massive bloodbath and killing a leaf Shinobi is out of question for him. He's not a coward. He just doesn't want to fight him.
As we know from later on, he wanted to fight and die at Sasuke's hands only. Killing a Konoha Shinobi or dying at the hands of someone that isn't Sasuke isn't a part of his plan.
This can also be tracked further when Kisame captures the Four Tails.
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Kisame most likely knew about Itachi's illness, knew Itachi wanted to die at Sasuke's hands. The reason Itachi didn't fight Jiraiya and Rōshi was most likely the same.
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Kisame comments on Itachi's 'lingering affection' towards the village. The Akatsuki pairings' dynamics are quite opposite. Deidara and Sasori love art but have differing opinions on eternal vs explosive. Hidan and Kakuzu represent religion vs materialism (money). And Itachi and Kisame represent treachery vs loyalty. Itachi isn't loyal to Akatsuki, Kisame is.
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They also wonder why is Itachi taking the matter of kidnapping Naruto so lightly. He could have done it very easily. We know now that that wasn't his intent and his objective to visit the village was something else.
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As popular as 'Itachi knocked on the door before kidnapping Naruto' meme is, the truth is, he wasn't there to kidnap him at all. Replace Itachi with Kisame alone for a moment. Knock on the door? No, sir. Naruto would be half-dead. Or replace him with Hidan and Kakuzu. They're sadistic bastards and would have damaged Naruto in the worst possible way.
Furthermore, when you think of it, he revealed 'Akatsuki are after jinchuriki' years prior to the Akatsuki even began collecting the tailed beasts. It was a message he left because it was important. His job in the Akatsuki wasn't to "pass on the info to the village." It was to keep tabs on them so they don't attack Konoha.
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After the massacre, Sasuke's unwavering faith in Itachi despite being put in Tsukuyomi. At first it doesn't seem too much, but we later discover that Itachi used to be a kind and gentle boy. So this bit isn't just Sasuke is blind, but also that Itachi was a kind child before the tragedy happened.
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Sasuke's flashbacks in chapter 220 also hint towards Itachi being trapped in the politics of the village/clan. Fugaku is speaking to his own son but the discussion is so intense that he has to activate his Sharingan to convey the message to Itachi.
These are the flashbacks from the chapter #221 that further shed light on Itachi being a spy.
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He's the "pipeline between the clan and the village" - a spy. Later Obito says Itachi was callously used for his devotion towards the village, this is an example of his clan doing this to him.
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This is Itachi right after being accused of Shisui's murder. He looks in grief, while also processing the news. Once the narrative delves deep into Itachi's story (through Sasuke's eyes) in VOTE1, he continues to look miserable, lost, in pain, and in dire need of help. And once we begin to see more of him before his death, he is quite human. But again, Kishimoto had his whole story figured out by that time, knew what he was to do with Itachi's arc and Sasuke's future there.
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In the chapter 224 (during the battle between Sasuke and Naruto), the flashback goes to this moment: Itachi tells Sasuke that he'd be one of the three people to awaken Mangekyo.
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This connects to the chapter 385 when Sasuke vs Itachi happens. Sasuke asks him about the third person who had the MS.
Kishimoto isn't a terrible writer because some people choose to ignore what's written right there or cannot accept happened. Usually the deniers of this are those who question his morality. His morality is never the subject of the debate because Itachi isn't exonerated for his crimes. He's a part of a world that's cruel and violent and his actions align with it very much. The ones who "praise" him have their own bias, and that gives him nothing in return. Characters in fiction always, I mean, always respond to the information based on their morality. When Hashirama praises Itachi, it's because he grew up in the warring era and lost all his family. He learns there's this kid who chose a path with the least damage but at the cost of his life, he's a good Shinobi. Hiruzen also has his bias as well as his guilt. Naruto's praise for Itachi is not only because of stopping a war, but also for loving Sasuke. No one other than Sasuke sees him as a person whether anyone likes him or hates him. He's praised by other Shinobi for doing things that are expected from a Shinobi.
Either way, at the end of the day, Itachi himself doesn't see himself who is worth forgiving, worth loving, worth being remembered. That's his whole arc.
Some things above in the post I took from this thread. Some information I ommited from it, so feel free to go through it, please.
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
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A/N :
I am speeding because I will have to leave for a few days after this. But inspiration is flowing without a doubt... i need help-- its too early for the romance to ensue, but i headcanon that jingyuan is hella flirty when he wants to be, especially if its someone he knows. so have some fluff before the upcoming dread-- comments to improve are really appreciated ! requests are opened too ! we're gonna get through the xianzhou plot one by one, so bare with me !
"Haha ! That couldn't possibly be true !" a white haired woman laughed as she shared drinks with another.
"I'm serious !" (Y/n) heard her own voice say.
Who...is this woman...? This...beautiful and slender woman, who had strength of a thousand soldiers. Who had lovely moon-gazed hair. And bright red eyes that felt as if they could pierce the heart with a mere glance.
But those eyes were warm and inviting, as the figure sat before her, a small cup filled with clear liquid between her dainty fingers. Her eyes shone brightly, in contrast to the moon that shone soothingly above their heads.
"Jingliu, I'm serious ! Stop laughing !" she heard her past self, (Dan Jia, was it ?) say.
She saw her own fist slam against the table, rocking more laughter from the woman in front of her. The Vidyadhara woman looking frustrated.
"Baiheng ! Help me out here !" She said, looking to her right where there was a purple Foxian lady sitting, leaning against the table with a cup in her hands too.
"Jingliu...it's not nice to torture this poor soul who couldn't even confess her feelings for a man we all know too well..." the Foxian, Baiheng said, tutting like a mother.
Then the two women howled in laughter, loving the redness that spread on (Y/n)'s face. She groaned in return, putting a hand to her blazing cheek.
"That...you're not helping at all." she sighed, feeling her cheeks get red and hot. Then they heard footsteps from afar, and all of them turned to look.
"Having fun I see ? And without invitation ?" A white haired man with warm golden eyes said, nearing the three women. Jing Yuan, she recognized.
And he wasn't alone, as there were another two men by his side.
One side, was a beautiful man with the brightest teal eyes anyone would see, and matching horns perched on his head. Dan Feng, as she recalled from her past memories. And another...was...the master swordsmith.
A man with vibrant red eyes and long straight white hair held up with a hair stick. He looked ever beautiful, with that gracious smile on his lips as he quietly approached the drinking women.
"Psst ! Dan Jia ! Cover your cheeks !" Jingliu whispered and earned a slap on her back by past (Y/n).
"Is something the matter ? You are awfully red, Dan Jia..." the elegant man said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind (Y/n)'s ear, noticing a glass hairpin that held up her hair.
"Oh ! You're wearing the glass hairpin I made for you. It looks great on you."
(Y/n) felt herself stiffen, and her face heated up even more. Then she heard a man cough into his hand. "Yingxing, keep your hands to yourself, please." Dan Feng said, looking quite unpleased with the way...Yingxing was touching past (Y/n).
"Protective, huh ?" Baiheng said with a soft laugh. "Don't worry, your baby sister isn't going anywhere anytime soon, High-Elder~"
"The healer for the High-Cloud Quintet...no squad can fully function without a healer like her..." Jing Yuan said, plopping himself down between (Y/n) and Jingliu, taking a cup for himself.
Jingliu protested, shouting at him and the rest of them laughed.
"If only we were still together at present day..." a haunting voice said, before everything went dark.
"(Y/n)...? (Y/n), we're here..." a soft and deep voice called out, shaking her shoulder.
(Y/n) opened her (e/c) eyes as she sat up straight. It seemed that she had fallen asleep on Jing Yuan's shoulder in the starskiff on the way to the alchemy commission. Ah, how embarrassing !
"You slept for centuries, yet here you are, still napping away." Jing Yuan chuckled as he looked at (Y/n) who rubbed her eyes with red cheeks. "I understand. It must've been hard for you to suddenly be up and moving."
As (Y/n) got out of the ship, holding onto Jing Yuan's hand, she looked at the bustling area before her. "This...isn't the alchemy commission, isn't it...?" she asked.
It was way too lively with people and looked like a place for socials. There were even buildings and apartments looming in the area, stalls and shops as far as the eye can see. But as far as she remembered, even all those centuries ago, the alchemy commission had a large crucible.
"No no, this isn't the alchemy commission. I changed destinations. This is the Central Starskiff Haven." Jing Yuan told her, holding her hand as they walked.
"When you were asleep I received a call from the Helm Master, Madam Yukong. I need to head to the Seat of Divine Foresight. I'll also need to see the Master Diviner, Fu Xuan." Jing Yuan said, shaking his head. He put his hand to his head, chuckling softly.
His shaggy bangs moved as he shook his head, something she found very...cute for some reason. She just...wanted to touch his hair a little. Would it be a crime...? To do so...?
(Y/n)...couldn't help it. She was just so entranced by this man. She couldn't help it, he was so...beautiful for a man. Even in her dreams, he was still the same man.
He was indeed tall, perhaps towering over 180cm. And she thought she was already tall with the heels beneath her feet.
But she got closer to him and he noticed, stopping in his tracks. She reached out her hand, and tucked a strand of white hair behind his ear. And as she did, she took the opportunity to brush away his silver locks away from his eyes, gazing into those beautiful honey colored eyes, gasping softly at the beautiful sight before her.
And the surprising part was when he leaned into her touch, a small smirk on his lips. He seemed to enjoy the attention she was giving him. A light sound rumbled in his throat, as he gazed at her with those alluring eyes of his.
Was that purring...?!
"So, how is my hair, princess~? Soft ?" he purred delightedly, bringing a hand to touch the hand that held his face tenderly.
(Y/n) snapped out of it and pulled her hand back, her face beaming into a bright red. Then only she realized the eyes peering around them, all of them, men and women alike, blushing as they watched the affectionate interaction between the general of the Luofu and a Vidyadhara woman in public.
"It's...it's very soft. Like a kitten's fur..." (Y/n) muttered softly before Jing Yuan laughed heartily, taking her hand once more, turning as they continued to walk down the alley.
"Would you like to follow me to the Seat of Divine Foresight ? You could try jog your memory there with all the documents. You could also read anything you'd like in there." Jing Yuan said, bringing the smaller woman with him.
(Y/n) nodded, sounding quite pleased with the idea of reading articles to try remember who she once was. Since she hadn't died and still had access to some of her memories, perhaps that she could know and regain more there.
And perhaps...she could learn more about herself. The information she so desperately needed. Maybe she could trigger her memories ?
"Jing Yuan...who was I back then ?" (Y/n) asked, recalling that he called her the younger sister of the High Elder of the Vidyadhara. She didn't want to overexcite herself, but was she someone important ?
"In fact, you were quite important back in the day. Before your sentence, you were the Head Healer of the alchemy commission. You were...the main healer of the knights who were constantly at war, fighting the mara-struck abominations." Jing Yuan said as they walked towards the jetty that would lead them to the Seat of Divine Foresight.
"Unlike the High Elder who was actively on the battlefields, you stayed back to heal the wounded. You were...more of the support type, never one to fight unless the other party was down on the ground needing your help. But that doesn't mean you couldn't hit someone if you really wanted to." he chuckled and she chuckled lightly at that too.
She was slowly regaining her former memories. Everything that Jing Yuan told her, felt right and in place. So she knew he wasn't lying. Well, there wasn't anything he wanted to lie about anyway. It seemed that...while her body didn't die, her mind did, granting her...another person with the same body and memories.
"What was I...sentenced for...?" (Y/n) asked softly as she saw Jing Yuan tense up slightly. Then he looked at her with a smile.
"There's no need for you to worry about that, princess. That was the sins past you had to suffer. No need to dwell on it now."
As much as he wanted her to remember, as much as he wanted her to recall those lost memories, he couldn't. He couldn't let her bear the weight of what her past self did. Not when she was reborn anew.
And he would do all he could to protect the only person he had from all those times back. Protect her to ensure she wouldn't leave. So she wouldn't leave him like all the others.
The two didn't say anything anymore. It seemed that her question really caught him off guard since he was deep in thought after answering her. And it seemed that it wasn't a good ending too from the way he squeezed her hand.
"Hey...I'm sorry." (Y/n) said, squeezing his hand a little as they arrived at the port, waiting for a starskiff to escort them. She looked really guilty, feeling as if she had ruined the whole mood.
But Jing Yuan looked at her with a warm smile on his lips. He raised his free hand to ruffle her lovely (h/c) hair with a laugh rumbling down his throat. "No need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. It's by nature to want to know, right ?"
"So why are we heading to the Seat of Divine Foresight ? Something about the Helm Master." (Y/n) asked as a starskiff arrived, the guard on post bowing to Jing Yuan and stared at the beautiful woman he brought with her.
"We have some...unexpected guests on the Luofu. And a Stellaron hunter on the loose." Jing Yuan said, before looking at (Y/n), a serious gaze in his eyes.
"He goes by the name....Blade."
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
Hi hello! Good morning!
Could I interest you in my Seventeen/Fives agenda and #32? 💜
Good morning, you may indeed! I had a lot of fun writing this one ;3
32 - A kiss while someone watches
Fives can’t get his fucking head on straight.
Your head has never been on straight, Fives, the little voice that sounds like Echo’s teases. Fives mentally flips him the bird. He’s having a difficult fucking time right now, alright? His brain is swimming in whatever drugs they’ve put in him, his head is still pounding from fucking brain surgery, and all of Kamino is on high alert looking for him. This is the only time he’s regretted tattooing his number on his forehead. It’s easy to blend into a crowd of people who share your face until you have a marker to set you apart.
He sends a silent apology to the Shiny he’s shoved into a storage closet and slips out, clad in stolen armor. It’s lighter than what he’s used to, missing all of the extra weight that comes with his ARC kit, but it’ll help him blend in, and right now that’s the most important thing.
There’s chips in their heads. Godsdamned mind control chips in every single vod’s head. Gods, Fives feels like he’s gonna be sick.
Keep it together, Fives. You’re a fucking ARC Trooper, act like it.
Easier said — or thought — than done.
Fives forces himself to take slow, even breaths as he marches down the hall in perfect form. It’s difficult, with his foggy head and racing heart, but he manages. Squads of troopers run past him, unaware how close their prey is, and Fives prays to the little gods that they stay unaware.
“Everyone’s looking for you, verd’ika.”
Fives freezes. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Alpha-17.
He should have kept walking. Gods, why did he freeze? He could have played it off, now he’s given himself away-
“The hell did you do to cause such a scurry, huh?”
“Please,” is the first word out of Fives’ mouth. “I’ve- I’ve found something, something important, they’re gonna reconn me, sir, please, you can’t-”
“Easy, verd’ika.” Alpha-17’s large hand cups the back of Fives’ neck. On instinct, the tension bleeds away from Fives’ limbs, leaving him pliant in 17’s hold. He looks up, terrified, and meets eyes that look softer than Fives has ever seen before. “C’mon, let’s get you outta here.”
17’s hand leaves his neck and Fives is left scampering after him as he stalks off. He feels like he’s back in ARC training, trailing behind 17, desperate to prove himself worthy of Rex’s recommendation. “Off-planet? You- You’re helping me?”
17 looks back at him, eyebrow raised. “Did you forget I trained you? You’re a smart one, verd’ika, even if you don’t look it. I knew something was up when they wouldn’t tell us why we were after you. But you’re a long talker, and we don’t have time for that, so I’m just gonna have to trust that you’ve got a good reason.”
“I do!” Fives assures, struggling to keep up with 17’s long strides. Normally, he wouldn’t have any issue, but the drugs have made his thoughts slow and his limbs heavy. Alpha-17 puts a hand to the small of his back and pushes him faster. Fives stumbles, but manages to keep up without falling. He realizes the way they’re positioned is deliberate- Fives is between 17 and the wall, and 17’s bulk hides most of him from view. Not to mention that Fives looks a lot less suspicious walking with him than by himself.
“Here.” 17 drags him into what Fives recognizes as a private hangar. He immediately clocks someone else — General Ti — and straightens, hoping beyond hope that she won’t recognize him, already knowing she does.
“Good, you’re here. I’ve prepared the ship for takeoff, you need to leave right now.”
“Wh- What?”
Alpha-17 rolls his eyes and nudges him forward. “She’s helping, too. Got one of those weird Force feelings or whatever.”
General Ti nods, offering a soft smile. “Yes. The Force wants you to escape. So you must leave, now. 17 and I will stall them.”
“Oh.” Fives swallows around the ball in his throat. “Thank you.”
Alpha-17 snorts. “No thanking, verd’ika.”
He takes Fives’ helmet and lifts it away. Fives doesn’t get a chance to wonder why he’s done that, because suddenly there’s a large hand cupping the back of his neck and lips pressed to his. He’s still trying to process that when 17 pulls away, smirking, and squeezes his neck. “Go on, get going. Don’t get yourself killed, and there might be more of that later, verd’ika.”
“Y-Yes sir,” Fives stammers out, reeling. He’s got so much emotional whiplash right now, and no idea how to handle it.
“Fives.” Oh shit, right, General Ti is still here. And saw that. Shit. “There is enough supplies to last you a week on the ship. Go, now, and hurry.”
“Right.” Fives nods quickly, and with one last look at Alpha-17, scrambles aboard the ship and prepares to take off.
Kiss ask game
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Drunken Confessions
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Requested : I was thinking about yn, they are bucky's sibling, they are a super soldier too, and they were very serious, doesn't smile and that thing, so when there was a party, Thor decided to give them some of his famous licour wanting to have some emotions from them. When they drink some, they noticed they were feeling different, without problems and everything, so the avengers decided to watch them to see what will happen. Yn wanted to dance with (Nat or Wanda, don't care, you can choose) but they were dancing, yn didn't know they were dancing with their crush. And they told her about it. When they finished, they decided to sleep and when they woke up next morning, they didn't remember anything about last night so they were confused when their friends were laughing when they asked yn about what happened at night.
Wanda Maximoff x GN! Barnes Reader
Warnings : Alcohol use. Thor's famous spirit ;) Fluff
Y/N Barnes, James Buchanan Barnes twin was also taken by Hydra on a mission during WW2. Of course Bucky only found out during his own battle alongside Steve. Neither of them were able to find them, not until years later. The sixth cryo chamber in Siberia, hidden beneath the death squad that Hydra had created and Zemo had killed.
"Come on Y/N, this will be fun." Bucky patted their back as they walked through the halls of the compound.
"I miss being a ruthless killer sometimes." They mumbled as Bucky laughed. "I hate these kinds of things. I always have. You know this." They pointed their finger at him as he just smirked.
"Besides, Wanda will be there." He teased them as they mumbled a quick shut up before they disappeared to the bar. Getting a glass on old Glennfiddich, their fathers favourite whiskey, one they used to steal on multiple occasions.
"Why are they over there?" Thor questioned as everyone gathered around to watch as Y/N ordered shot after shot.
"They have never been a party person, even before the war." Bucky admitted.
"I have an idea." Thor beamed as he waved his flask.
"This could be fun." Tony smirked as the others nodded as Thor headed over to Y/N, taking a seat beside them.
"How are you settling in Y/N?" He questioned as Y/N nodded.
"Good I guess, although it has been a few months since I have been here." They replied as Thor nodded
"Well I have been off world quite a lot." He told them. "I did bring back some 1000 year old ale with me. Much stronger than that of your mortals."
"Well, give me some." They held their empty glass out to him, watching him as he poured a small amount. "Come on now, more." Thor nodded as he almost filled the glass, smirking as Y/N downed it in one.
"How was it?" He asked them as they hissed.
"Good. Definitely has a bite to it." They told him as their eyes landed on Wanda talking with the girls.
"You like her." Thor stated as Y/N looked at him confused. "You look at her the way I look at Jane."
"Yeah, but she wouldn't ever go for me." Y/N shrugged, turning back and asking the bartender for a refill.
"You won't know unless you try." He nudged them as they finished their drink. Starting to feel the affects of the Asgardian Ale. "Ask her to dance."
"I don't know how to dance to this music." Y/N told him. "I am from the 40's after all."
"Just ask her." With that, Thor left to whisper something in Bucky's ear. As soon as The Mills Brothers came through the speakers, Y/N stood up smiling as they decided to approach Wanda. Dragging her away as the girls laughed.
"What are we doing?" Wanda laughed as Y/N started to dance with her.
"Dancing. I wanted to dance and you seem like a good dance partner." They told her as they moved to the beat.
"I can't dance Y/N." Wanda laughed as they dipped her.
"I just need to make her jealous." They whispered in her ear as Wanda smirked, smelling the ale on their breath.
"Who?" She questioned as Y/N looked at her.
"Wanda." They told her, Wanda held back a blush as they danced. "I think she got the message."
"What?" Wanda questioned as Y/N looked around.
"She's gone." They slurred as they turned to face her. Their eyes widening as they realised in their drunken stupor. "Did I tell you?" They questioned as Wanda nodded with a smirk.
"You wanted to make me jealous by dancing with me." She summed up as they stumbled back.
"I uh. I need to." They ran out of the room as everyone laughed. Bucky recording the whole thing.
The next morning rolled around with Y/N groaning as they entered the kitchen to a bunch of smirking Avengers.
"I am going to kill Thor." They mumbled when they approached the coffee. "There's no coffee. Why is the coffee always the first to go." They murmured as everyone watched them with amusing smirks. "What happened last night?" Y/N asked as they had finally made a fresh pot.
"You do realise that is a bowl?" Nat teased them.
"Yes Natasha. I do." They told her. "A single cup just isn't big enough for me right now. Be thankful it isn't the pan that Wanda cooks her favourite Paprikash in."
"You wanted to make me jealous by dancing with me." They heard Wanda's voice through a speaker.
"Please tell me that was a dream." They placed their head down on the cool surface of the counter. "I thought it was a dream."
"Nope. It was very entertaining." Bucky teased them as Wanda approached them, lifting their head up.
"It could have worked if their was another me." She kissed their cheek before she walked away. Leaving Y/N a blushing mess.
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
Smoker starred as the kid with the strawhat smiled, so easily accepting his death. He had seen hardened criminals sob and beg and plead for their lives before death. Did he smile because he knew he would be saved? No that couldn't be there was no way he would have known that lightning would strike at the right moment and spot. That could only mean that his life would come to an end and he had simply accepted it.
“Captain Smoker! Shouldn't we…”
“Hey…have you ever seen a pirate who smiled during his execution?” Smoker asked.
“S smile? I'm sure that even the most wicked pirate would turn pale and cower at the moment of his death,” he shrugged off with a chuckle.
“But that's what he did! The boy in the starwhat, Monkey D. Luffy, he smiled…” Just like Him, Smoker would never forget that day. “He smiled that same damn smile as the pirate king! Twenty-two years ago on that exact same spot!” Smoker was pissed off he couldn't believe that history is repeating itself! He headed out the door to stop the pirates from leaving. “Where did they run off two?” Smoker cared not for rain that stuck to his skin and clothes.
“They headed for the western harbor,” A fellow Marine, one his subordinates informed him, pointing in the right direction.
“One of our squads should be there by now,” Smoker spoke, knowing it was only a matter of time before they were stopped.
“Well, that's the thing,” The other marine started, Smoker turned to glare at him. “Ummm well the sudden rain has rendered their gunpowder useless. So they headed back to the station to resupply.”
“So the harbor is completely clear!?” Smoker yelled. He glanced up towards the sky, the rain hitting his face as he observed the storm clouds overhead. “The winds are blowing west…so if they were to set sail they would catch the tailwind.” What the hell kinda luck did this kid have?! “Is this all purely coincidence?! It's as if the heavens themselves want that boy to live!” Smoker wouldn't stand for this, she would have his head one way or another. “On the pride of a Captain of the Marines I Smoker the white hunter, vow to not allow that boy to escape this island!”
“Jeez these guys are so persistent. Should we just stop and fight them off?” Luffy asked as they ran through the streets of that damn town.
“Don't, there will be no end to them. More importantly, Nami wants us to return to the ship as soon as possible. As possible. We don't want to risk the Merry being swept away without us, we may be strong but the marina has more man power and weapons. Not to mention the weird clown guy,” Sanji informed their captain.
“Curls has a point Luffy,“ Zoro hated to run from a fight but now was not the time. He hated to admit it but they might not make it out if they stop fighting.
“Ah! Who's that pretty lady waiting for us?” Sanji asked, Zoro turned towards where Sanji was looking.
“Roronoa Zoro!” There stood a very angry Tashigi, looking like she found out who he was. “To think you were Roronoa Zoro the whole time! A bounty hunter turned pirate! You were just toying with me the entire time!”
“Mosshead what fuck did you do to her!?” Sanji unhelpfully yelled at him. “Just because we went on a date doesn't mean I'll let you get away with hurting women! She's very clearly upset at what you did to her!”
“I will take back Wado Ichimonji and the other two while I'm at it!” She screamed at him. “I don't care if it belonged to your dojo master’s daughter, you're a disgrace! A criminal!”
“I'd like to see you try,” he sneered as his hold on Wado tightened, he was not appreciating what this Kunia-clone Tashigi chick was insinuating. Wado was not just a sword, it was a promise to his first friend and rival. In that breath, Tashigi clashed Shigure against Wado. Without turning his sights away from the swordswoman, Zoro tilted towards where he thought the pier was, “Go ahead Cap, Curls, I’ll catch up.”
“Ok,” Luffy grabbed Sanji's arm and dragged him away. This was one area in which they would never agree. Maybe one day they could discuss it but today was not that day.
After a brief clash of blades, Zoro had released hers’ far from her hands. She had potential but needed to work much harder and longer to reach his skill set. He had pines to the wall. He was close enough to see the rage and a bit of fear but resignation in her eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to cut her, call it whatever you wanted and he wouldn’t give a damn. He couldn’t cut down his dead best friend’s doppelganger.
“I can't hand this sword over to anyone ever! This is more than just a sword, it's a promise,” Zoro replaced his swords, softly backing away in the continuing rainfall. “I'll be on my way then.”
“Why didn't you cut me down!?” Tashgi screamed at him. Zoro stopped and looked back at her, her hair was sticking to her wet face. Her eyes filled with rage and contemptment. “Is it because I'm a woman?! Because I'm not worth your time!? Only to be pitied due to my gender!?” Zoro couldn't stop picturing Kuina and her fears on the same subject. “You're lucky to be a boy Zoro…” He didn't want to relive that night. “You dare to go easy on me?! I'm serious dude!!! Just because women aren't as physically strong as men?!” Tashigi continued on. “How shameful! Of course I shouldn't expect someone like you to ever understand what wishing to be born a man would feel like! To hate your gender for the sole reason that you're not taken seriously! I knew what I was doing when I chose this path dammit! I didn't pick up my sword for fun! I work so hard to improve myself just to be taken as a joke!”
“Don't, don't say that while wearing her face!” Kunia was haunting him from beyond her grave. “I can't cut you down. You look like her,” His hands shook violently, his hand taking Wados' hilt to try and ground himself. “I don't give a damn that you're a woman! What between your legs matters not to me! It's your face! Sprouting the same things as she did before her death! We promised each other and then she died on me! Stop copying her, just stop it!” Zoro couldn't shut up. Couldn't stop talking. “For fucks’ sake, stop haunting me!”
“Wha!? I've never heard anything so childish in my entire life! I've always loved being me and only me for my entire life! You don't get to put your issues on me! I'm not your dead friend so don't treat me like her! It's insulting to both of us!” Tashgi yelled at him.
“Shut up you don't know anything!” Shut up Zoro shut up! He needed to keep his mouth shut!
“Fight me properly, you damn crowded!”
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shizukateal · 1 year
In honor of Across The Spiderverse going digital, here's the Beyond the Spiderverse Prediction Bingo!!!!
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Explanations below the readmore:
Spider Ham's Chekov Hammer: simple enough to guess, I'm just really waiting for that to pay off, preferably over Miguel's head.
Spider Noir and Hobie get along: just some good ole' fanservice.
Miles G. is actually a dork (he's just better at hiding it. mildly): Wow, great introduction Miles G.! Very suspenseful and intimidating!! Let's see how long you can carry that demeanor without breaking.
Margo / Miles (Miles G.?) / Gwen Love Triangle (Pavitr is annoying about it): Pass the popcorn everyone. How resentful will be Miles when he meets Gwen again? Is getting the spider-band together enough for him or is it just the first step into making amends? Maybe he feels more grateful towards Margo (and Hobie) and will give Gwen (and Peter B.) the cold shoulder for a while. Will Miles G. also enter the ring? Maybe this one really cute comic by @bubblypinkfreak will become true.
Jess Drew Subplot (baby is born?): REAL interested in finding out why Jess would ever follow an asshole like Miguel. Also she deserves more plot relevance. And fanart. Aaaaaand I kinda want to see her husband too.
The Spot Collapses in on himself: Gonna be honest with you, people, I have no idea how they'll fight him, this just seems like the cleanest solution.
Miguel's actually just as much of an anomaly as Miles: My own personal theory, not really based on anything concrete beyond some flags I get from Miguel and some stuff I'll explain later. Basically, I think Miguel's projecting on Miles, and that's part of why his beef towards him is so intense. The only explanation I can think of is that he destroyed his original dimension, not just the one with his daughter in it, and the serum we see him take is what keeps him "stable" and "belonging" to Nueva York. Or you know, maybe just the watch, but the serum is more sus to me.
Gwen Stacy Fall Subversion: Either Gwen completes her character arc by saving Miles from falling to his death or she saves herself, thus breaking her karmic cycle of getting fridged.
Meows Morales cameo?? Pretty Please???: C'mooooon he became instantly popular and he's adorable!!!!! <3 <3 <3 bonus points if multiple miles help out to fight against Miguel's squad later.
We spend some time on Hobie's dimension: No idea how the plot would get there, but the concept art of Hobie's dimension is fire and I want to learn more about him <3 <3 <3 tell us why you almost gave up the mask, darling, and did you kill a cop in your dimension? <3 why would you feel bad about it? <3 <3 <3 <3
Gwiles Morales (he hates that name): Apparently this is how some of the staff called him. Poor guy.
The Spider-Band fights Earth 42's Sinister Six: For those who don't know, they control Earth 42, as confirmed by the art book. Nothing better to sweeten Miles G. to our heroes' side than taking care of them. Bonus points if one of them is explicitly a fascist and Hobie and Noir punch him together.
Miguel Bites Someone: bonus points if it's hot as fuck. Sorry but it's true.
Lyla's the real bad guy (beyonder): I'm gonna let moviebob do the heavylifting here. Could tie to that personal theory I explained above.
Peter B. vs Miguel fight redemption: ok this one I'm biased for because I personally find Peter B. more morally culpable than Gwen in their whole drama with Miles seeing as he's the adult with a kid. But also yeah, good chance for him to redeem himself in Miles eyes (or not! maybe Miles wants more from him that just standing up to a bully) and take Miguel down a peg. Bonus points if he looses a leg, because apparently that's something that happens in Spidergirl's comic.
Prowler!Hobie somehow: Not saying our Hobie will turn into the prowler, just that the connection will be addressed somehow. Idk man, it just feels like positioning Hobie as another mentor for Miles is very deliberate.
Miles feels guilty about Earth 42: Juicy source of drama between him and Miles G. as well as a free character arc about how responsibility is more than just cause and effect.
Miguel tries to redeem himself by dying but Miles won't allow him to: Miguel O'hara has several problems, and I speculate they all come from his self-obsession. Everything about the spider society is about him erecting structures dedicated to his pain to turn himself into the martyr holding reality together. So if he's finally proven wrong, it seems pretty in character to me that his idea of making amends would be to do the same thing one last time for "the right cause", being the diva he is and how he thinks you can sacrifice one person to save everyone else and all. I don't think Miles will allow that, though. Bonus if the scene parallels the one in into the spiderverse when Miles returns Peter B. home.
That one @cheezthatboiii comic / Mileswitch: because what's the point of having a twin if you can't fool people about it?
Gonzalo/Gonza Morales: The correct alternative to Gwiles if anyone during production has braincells or is latine.
Margo Subplot (family issues): confirmed in the artbook that she ended up having more plot relevance than originally planned, and even if that wasn't the case she deserves it. And more fanart.
The Spot is defeated with kindness: Ok. Before I said that I don't know how the Spot could be defeated with violence, but maybe that's not needed? He is clearly a foil to Miles after all, and I think it would do him (Miles) a lot of good to practice some radical empathy, even on someone who kinda doesn't "deserve" it. This isn't so much about him being ""redeemable"" (fandom has ruined that whole concept) so much as how much empathy the narrative is willing to grant him.
Jeff meets Gonza before Miles reveals to him that he's Spiderman. He's confused by having 2 sons: this just feels to me like the most probably sequence of events given the franchise's usual use of bathos and subversion of expectations.
Spider Support Network Finale: No more spider society authority "correcting" the multiverse, every spider-person gets a watch so their friends can come over and lend a hand and prevent as many deaths as possible.
Aaron 42 gets severely injured/dies: I don't want this to happen, it just seems like a way of trimming some fat in the cast and getting some more drama from Gonza.
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sunny-mercya · 3 months
James Maguire x Male Reader
Fandom -> Derry Girls
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James didn't thought much about it, when Michelle—his one and only beloved Cousine from Northern Irlands Derry—said to him, that he wouldn't be the only lad in their school and Squad.
James thought, it could be much worse—like being in all Boys school, where they probably gonna torment him, like a football, because of his english upbringing—than being in Michelle's girls squad—or actually, that's what his Aunt said, because James thought he could handle himself just fine in a all boy school—but Aunts, like mothers, like to worry over their children.
When stepping out of the bus and onto the grounds of Our Lady Immaculate College—a mouthful of a name—James did his best to look like a toughen up boy, acting chilling cool, like the lads from the 60's—because they had some style, but with his school uniform it doesn't really brought out what he intended to look like—still, James hold his chin high.
The girls just all giggled at him, pointing their fingers—and James felt silly now, just a little, but he doesn't stop in his act.
»Ya really look stupid, ya know that asshat? Stop with yer acting of being some lad. Yer an embarrassment for me.« Michelle scolds, slapping him good on the arm and a scornful expression adorns her makeup'd face.
James wouldn't tell a soul—because Michelle would kill him—but Michelle without makeup looks like a different person.
»Well, I'm the only boy here, in a herd full of girls, what am I supposed to do then?«
»No yer ain't. I told ya, yer won't be the only lad. I told ya about [Name], didn't I? So, would ya stop with yer nonsense fucking whining.«
»I thought you meant that as a sort of joke, with that [Name] person....«
James flinched when Michelle turned to him in a flash—anger radiating off her like a heater and her grimace of a expression, was unsettling.
Erin and Clare stared at him, brows raised and looking rather offended—and Orla? Orla stepped a good foot away from him, as if he just had said something unpleasant.
»I'm sorry?« James didn't know why he apologised, but he felt as he should—only because he doesn't want to be Michelle's punching bag for the rest of the day.
»Yer better be asshat! Don't dare say such mean things about [Name] again! He's a precious friend and we ain't gonna hesitate to punch anyone who talks shit about him. This includes you as well.« Erin ranted, Orla just nodding along with her candy.
James rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly—great, he thought.
The girls turned away from James, Michelle squatting down like a sports player—ready to catch whomever just shouted this.
James looked over Orla's shoulder, seeing a boy—this must be this [Name] lad, Michelle was talking about, James concluded—sprinting over to them and right into Michelle's arms, who she hugged tightly and spins him around like a rag-doll.
Once Michelle had sat [Name] down—squishing his cheeks in a greeting, before releasing him completely from her clutches—he turned to James.
[Name] had been all excited this whole morning, to finally meet Michelle Cousin and now, when the time has come—[Name] couldn't help himself but to grin brighter than ever and pulling the other boy into a welcoming hug.
»Welcome to Derry and Our Lady'a College! It'a nice to finally meet ya James!«
And James thought, this [Name] lad was rather weird—and God forbid, the girls hear his offending thoughts.
It's summer now—temperatures have risen, weather mostly pleasant, suns brighter and longer out—the long holidays had started and James didn't believed he would survive a whole year in Derry—but he did and he's ready to, excited even, for his next upcoming years in Derry.
What James also didn't believed—and thinking back to this year schools beginning, it truly seemed unlikely to happen—that [Name] and him would befriend one another, but they did.
Although, if James being honest—but he never would dare to tell either the girls and especially not [Name]—he was a bit reluctant to even talk with [Name] at all, after all his way of speaking and how he is—his little habits and other personality traits aspects—were just a tiny bit off putting for James.
»I'mma ella looking forward to our small summer trip! Dad brought me'a this'a ella cool sand scooping and bucket set. James, Orla we're gonna build some Sandcastles, don'tcha we?« [Name] rambles in excitement, finishing of Michelles hairstyling—which were just two buns and some hairclips, Michelle could've done this with ease, but always letting [Name] doing it, because she knows how much her friend loves to do it—and plopping down next to James on the bed.
Normally they would've meet up at Erin's house, but Mary was doing some grand cleaning and shooed them away instantly once she saw them—so now, they're all at [Name]'s, scooped up in his room, which James had been in many times.
Orla agrees in a heartbeat to [Name]'s sandcastle idea, starting to ramble excitingly about decorations and when Michelle looks at James expectantly, he just shrugs his shoulders.
»It's alright to do, I suppose.« he says, letting [Name] do what he was about to do—putting some real girly, all coloured in pink and purple and blue with stars and other ornaments on it, hairclips into his curly hair.
»Ya don't wanna build with us Sandcastles? But Dad even brought a second scooper, in green, becausa I'mma told him to do, becausa yer like green and I'mma ella wanna build little tiny castle of sandy sand with ya and like—«
»Yes! Yes I love to build Sandcastles with you and Orla! I promise you [Nickname] I really do and I even will bring some tiny flags, okay? Yeah, alright.« James cuts his friend off, arm going around his shoulder and pulling [Name] in for a hug—the (hair.c) laid his head down onto James shoulder, hands reaching for James and playing with his fingers.
James had once asked, during dinner, his Aunt—she's a nurse, she probably knows better than Michelle or Erin, who would punch him blue and purple if he dared to utter his questions, especially such sensitive personal ones, about [Name]—if there might be something, medical wise, wrong with [Name]—because his friend had a weird way of speaking and overall just not really being “normal”.
Michelle was close that night to scream more than just profanities at James, but her mother hold her off and explained calmly to James—that yes, mental wise, there is something wrong with [Name].
And when James asked for an elaboration—he wanted to know, otherwise how he should know how to help [Name] in whatever dry situation may occur, if he doesn't know what's wrong—his Aunt, thankfully, had given him the short story—and reprimanded Michelle not to get always so protective angry over [Name], when someones being curious about him.
It took a bit of time to figure out [Name]'s speech pattern and what he was trying to say at all, but James manages quite good—and could proudly disclaims himself as [Name]'s Translator.
»You do James? You really do?« Michelle crossed her arms, questionable raising her eyebrows at James—not believing him in the slightest, because her dear english cousin did actually once forget a promise to [Name] and boy of the lord, was her friend heartbroken about it.
»Yes, Michelle. I do. Here by I, James, declare my promise to [Name] and Orla, that I will bring tiny flags and build a great sandcastle.«
»My knightly knight James!« [Name] moved, albeit a bit harshly, away from James hold—giving a big smooch on the cheek—before jumping from his bed and taking Orla by hand and shouting down the stairs to his dad if the cake is ready for devouring.
James lips quirked into a smile, he really wouldn't mind another kiss from his prince.
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