#lakewood: recap
news247planet · 1 year
#Featured #MOTOCROSS #Planted #Weege #Sports Weege Present: Planted Seeds Now Blossoming https://news247planet.com/?p=439674
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thisislakewoodnews · 6 years
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This is a generalized recap from major parts of the roleplay for things that have occurred.
For plots individual to players, we ask players all submit those they want known or mentioned (completely voluntary upon players wishes), as to keep others in tune with the goings of each character. The admins will post them to the ‘thisislakewoodnews’ page, with the tag ‘recap’.
The following bits may mention some trigger subjects, such as murder.
‘A very Rinaldi Christmas’ recap:
Mayor Ted Campbell’s murder within the Rinaldi Mansion at the annual Christmas Party ended with his dead body seen on the main foyer floor with his eyes gouged out and taken somewhere unknown to others (except for those within the Reyes cartel, the murder done at the hands of Logan Legend).
With the departure of Ted Campbell as Mayor of Lakewood, Ariadna Campbell took his position and won the race to take over the town as Mayor.
In between events:
Silence took over Lakewood until the events of the Black Rabbit.
The Black Rabbit:
Raphael Stone murdered Piper Sinclair and Jacob Anton after members of the Stone Cartel tried to ambush him with an attack. Piper’s body was disposed lazily upon the side of the road after fingerprints were scrubbed clean of her skin.
Raphael Stone secured the Black Rabbit as one of the main trafficking source for arms and drugs (prior to the incident).
Roman Guerra was seen visibly arrested, and released on bail, having been sitting in jail and tending to legal issues before his recent return.
Jeronimo Reyes was killed by poison and mulitation at the hand of Ravenna Rinaldi and Elisabeth Rinaldi.
Marlinda Reyes was killed by Roman Guerra.
Leo Trivelli (bodyguard for the Rinaldi Cartel) was killed by Pietro Rinaldi, as well as an unnamed Rinaldi bodyguard.
There was a mass chaos with the shattering of glass, injuring very many people, forcing the crowd outside.
Further chaos ensued, and within the crowd, Pietro Rinaldi stabbed Camila Diaz (this is unknown as to how she was stabbed except to those directly informed).
After the Black Rabbit….
The Black Rabbit lays in ruins as construction workers rebuild the premise from the ground up.
Suspicious activity has been seen in and around the warehouses on the outskirts of town, now that the ban upon use has been lifted, but no one is aware of the doings.
Police are looking into the death of Emilia Krol, after her body was left and her head missing
These acts and more have prompted the appearance of the Federal Bureau Investigation to appear within Lakewood.
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thisislakewood · 6 years
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                      Heavy lies the head that wears a crown.
What an odd thing that Ariadna Campbell shared with four very similar people who felt the importance, weight and power of that same line. Her late husband was the same. But he never knew how to harness, control and work with the powers within Lakewood. He didn’t understand them. Maybe she didn’t either.
                                       But she wasn’t about to get killed at their hands.
                That’s not how reigning Queen’s relinquished thrones, not in corners like these.
With the impending Inauguration, it is her job to rally far and wide within Lakewood, bringing together all walks of life within one room, in celebration of her.
               And no one was going to screw up this night.
                  Please see under the cut for the latest information on the upcoming event.
It’s about that time, players of thisislakewood! Don’t let the fear of the Black Rabbit events lead you astray! Your fearless leader, Ariadna Campbell is here to ensure all Lakewood civilians this is a safe, nurturing and thriving part of Texas, one that can see through any hardship. Silhouettes can be seen near and far, as City Hall is transformed, created and adjusted into a gratuitous MASQUERADE ball room in celebration of the newly (and now officially) minted Mayor.
The event is a black tie affair, so dust off those dancing shoes, pull out your ball gowns, find an intricate mask to disguise yourself for the night, because this is sure to be an event to remember.
Dates: In real time, the event will commence at noon on March 31st, 2019, and end on April 6th, 2019 at midnight EST.
In play, the event will have taken place April 6th at 8 pm, and ended at 3 am, so events can be considered ‘recent’ when the event ends.
For this event, we ask all players to take event-related posts ‘lakewood: inauguration’.
We do still have some players on hiatus, if you cannot participate, feel free to plot that they were there or that they could’ve been out of town, attending to business, etc.. (up to player, but if you need ideas, please message the admins!)
This event is a free for all in lieu of plots, we ask all players to submit any major events they plan to plot out prior to seeing them through on the dash, as the admins like to keep a running idea of all for recap purposes. 
For this event, we ask that no murders, critical injuries, or major arrests take place. Minor arrests (public intoxication, for example, are allowed). We ask this for future roleplay-based plots that do include everyone.
For threads started before the event, you are welcome to continue them through if you so please. You also have the option of holding off on them until the event is over.
If you choose to post them during the event, please tag those posts “pre-event” so they are labelled separate from the current event. 
             Players, please do not post any non-event related starters during this time.
Any further questions in relation to the event, please shoot the admins a message, and we will happily help. 
                    Most importantly, be sure to have fun!!
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love-takes-work · 7 years
Steven Selects: Episode 8 Recap
Steven Universe podcast “Steven Selects: Episode 8: Off Colors,” hosted by McKenzie Atwood, is the eighth of an eight-part series of spotlights on fan favorite episodes. The guests are Matt Burnett, Ben Levin, Ian Jones-Quartey, and Rebecca Sugar. The official description:
"Off Colors" is the Steven Universe episode that introduced fan-favorite Padparadscha, provided a more detailed look at Homeworld, and focused on Steven and Lars' relationship! And those are just a few of the things that writers Ben Levin and Matt Burnett discuss in this episode of the pod! Steven Universe Creator Rebecca Sugar also returns to answer some fan Q&A including a question about Lars' character development and initial ideas! Plus, former Steven Universe Executive Producer, Ian Jones-Quartey, tackles a few questions involving the "Rule Of Cool" and fun facts about Opal!
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McKenzie opens as usual with a question about how the episode changed from conception to completion. The first point they discussed was how they decided when the episode would end (before going into “Lars’ Head”). Since you have a significant character death and revival, you have to figure out where to place that in a storyline for the most satisfying storytelling. Sad cliffhangers are difficult, so they decided he needed to be resurrected before the end.
Another big point was that originally there were two more Off Colors! Their names were Flint and Chert, and they were Quartzes who'd had a moral objection to fighting. Then they decided that might just be too many characters, and also the Off Colors were supposed to have been rejected by Homeworld for who they were, not what they believed. So they decided to scrap the idea of these extra Quartzes.
McKenzie asks if, while coming up with the group as a group all at the same time, how is that different from coming up with individual characters? Matt and Ben discuss how they intended to show a snapshot of the kinds of Gems who get rejected from Homeworld, with the Rutile Twins coming out wrong, Rhodonite being a cross-class Fusion, Fluorite being a polyamorous Fusion, and Padparadscha functions differently--they're all not normal by Homeworld's standards.
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Next, they discuss Padparadscha and how she became an instant fan favorite--how do they make her one joke so adorable throughout even though it's sort of repetitive? The writers say they had to make them memorable, so each had to have a special way of talking that distinguished them. The Rutiles rephrase what each other said, Fluorite is "consulting with many different Gems" so she speaks very slowly, Rhodonite is like a "reverse Garnet" so the Pearl side is always showing her freakouts, and then Padparadscha has future speech for things that already happened. People love her because she's so earnest and trying to help, she thinks her friends don't know the information she's offering and she just wants to be useful.
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Regarding being on Homeworld, the writers said they haven't shown much of the world by this point but you do get that glimpse of the skyline as they break out of the trial room and then you get to see the core of the planet all eroded from the Kindergartens. Initially they had this idea that the palanquin would land in a populated area and the drones that came after them would poof some bystanders! But Matt says they wanted to focus on what really matters about the episode. The street level of Homeworld is like the lowest of the low, and having it so empty helps make it scary and hopeless. They're holding onto showing off populated areas of Homeworld for . . . another time.
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McKenzie asks about tackling the Lars arc. They've had plans to kill Lars for a long time, but they thought it would happen earlier and less significantly--maybe even as early as when Steven first learns about his healing powers in the first place. They felt like waiting longer helped them "earn" a big significant character change for Lars. There's also the question of whether Steven always had the healing tears, but it's a little unclear; he wasn't able to heal Amethyst with his tears, but later he cried on Lars (without intent) and it brought him back to life. The differences of course were that Steven's powers have evolved since then, and also that this was the first time he's tried it on someone who needed to be reanimated. It's nice for Steven to have grown in his abilities so you didn't go into, like, episode 2 thinking Steven can bring people back from the dead.
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McKenzie also brings up what might happen if Lars went in Lion's mane. They have no idea what would happen. They joke that if he went into Lion and came out his own head, it'd be like Inception, and he'd just have to continuously crawl out of levels of himself until he came out of Lion again.
Fan Questions (answered by Ian Jones-Quartey):
Question: How do you think TV animation is changing, or how did it change over the course of your time on SU?
Answer: Ian says TV animation hasn't changed too much. Cartoon Network is basically built on top of Hanna Barbera, and they pitch shows and episodes the same way they did. There's been a trend toward more creator-driven shows, but that's been going on since the 1990s. But because things can be more specific these days, they can do deeper stories sometimes, but the process is about the same. There's also the multi-platform thing, but the stuff Ian liked as a kid had toy lines and video games too. The characters and stories are new, and the process is similar.
Question: How do you find a decent balance between keeping fusion special and giving fans what they love to see? (In general, how do you balance timing reveals?)
Answer: Ian says they had so many ideas, but at the end of the day they'd decide what's the COOLEST way to unveil an idea. They aren't necessarily going for surprising--they just want it to feel good.
Question: Any fun facts about Opal?
Answer: Most of the facts about Opal are known. But she's based on two people with different personalities when they feel like they're on the same wavelength. Opal is designed to be temporary. Because she's made only for a specific use at a specific time, between two Gems who only get along sometimes, she would focus on a singular task. Opal is a little forgetful or distracted.
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Question: When a character is introduced, how do you set them up in their first few episodes?
Answer: Every character needs their main gimmick that they're all about. You have to find what animates them to do that. Where do they get that from? For instance, Onion is kinda creepy, he does weird stuff, and then it's because his dad is gone all the time so he's always getting in trouble and doing weird things because no one tells him no. In later episodes, they'd lean on that idea whenever they have Onion around. As long as you as the creator know it, there'll be an internal consistency to the character.
Question: On Stewood Plaven Turbiverse?
Answer: Rebecca and Ian came up with the idea of a crossover episode between Steven Universe and Lakewood Plaza Turbo (the original title of OK KO), as a fun dream from when they were both coming up with their shows' pilots. Instead of a crossover exactly, they thought they would blend the shows together, resulting in K-Ven, Penid, Radethyst and Mr. Garnet. They'd go on an adventure. An idea like that, says Ian, is impossible--the best thing about crossovers is that you can reuse stuff, while a blending would be impractical. Never say never, but there'd be a lot of labor.
Fan Questions (answered by Rebecca Sugar):
Question: What is the process for coming up with plot devices and characters that will forward the development of challenging characters specifically?
Answer: The plot and the characters are not entirely separate--plots evolve from who the characters are and why they need each other, so it's all interconnected as to what ends up challenging them. For instance, the way that Pearl idolizes Garnet helps them function as a team but also is a problem for her as a character, and the reason she's like that is associated with her past. Amethyst is always covering up insecurities, etc. Once you understand who they are, you know why they are pulled together or apart--it always comes from the CHARACTERS.
Question: What are your favorite tropes?
Answer: Rebecca loves silly old cartoon tropes. One-dimensional, wacky tropes. She loves the idea of adding realism and complexity to these silly old clichés. Rebecca always wanted to make something completely original, but Ian encouraged her to use the groundwork that already exists that people will recognize, and build on those, since people already recognize them and you can do so much with them. She just likes classic, corny things.
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Question: Was Lars's character arc always planned or more recent?
Answer: Steven resurrecting Lars was one of the oldest ideas in the show--always planned. Rebecca's first ten episode outlines originally included an arc for Lars that's similar to what eventually happened with him. Steven and Lars have always been counters; Lars can't accept help and Steven wants to help everyone; Lars is always putting on a façade and Steven can't do that to save his life. So they're always bouncing off each other in interesting ways. And of course, as mentioned in other places, Lars was an even older character from Rebecca's college comics; his relationship with Sadie was based on Rebecca and people she knew, kind of an amalgam, and the characters were also college students at the time. She wanted a mundane comic strip where very everyday stuff happens--she mentions having one about Sadie just sitting down and eating boxed mac and cheese, with no punch line. Very much about a college experience. Rebecca brought Lars and Sadie in from those comics because they represented the "real world," and that was part of the SU concept--the magical meeting the mundane. So she borrowed her own characters for that.
"Steven Selects" is now over, but new special episodes of the podcast start on December 19th, 2017.
[Archive of Steven Universe Podcast Summaries]
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aegisguns · 6 years
Public Recap👌🏿 I’m Not Upset I’m Disappointed 😂 What Do Y’all Think About Publix Position 🤷🏿‍♂️ Either Way They Lose 😐 Oh Well Merica 🇺🇸 Let’s Still Support Local🙏🏿 Comment Below 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 https://aegisguns.com Aegis Tactical firearms training facility and gun shop located in Lakewood Ranch Florida.
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gallery0022 · 4 years
Cleveland Locavore
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - Update 
Cleveland Locavore Domain Name, free to a good home...
Monday, February 17, 2014
Urban Organics / SweetPeet
Hello All,
I found this lively thread that Maurice started in November, 2010.
I have fond memories of meaningful conversations with all of you about sustainability and local food from local farmers.
Since November, 2010 I made several changes in my life, as I am sure many of us have. Annette and I sold Morgan Farm Stay, my relationship with Urban Organics was paused.
Although both were tremendous success stories on many levels, the good fight is often made more challenging by a different form of sustainability, economic sustainability. It was Robert Kennedy Jr. who made it clear to me, at an annual EcoWatch event, environmental and economic sustainability MUST go hand in hand.
My whole life has been about selling a service, photography. Of course I have certainly had my challenges continuing to keep this profession "sustainable" due to the changes in the industry. If you don't believe me just ask Karl Skalak, or George Remmington.
The past three years I have focussed on getting my Photography house in order.
Just last week, Mark Bishop, the founder of Urban Organics, contacted me to see if I could help him again with his social networking and PR needs.
Well I have to say, I can't help myself, I am happy to be back, I never really left of course...
I am proud of what I have done for Urban Organics, writing and designing the web site...
Urban Organics hopes to sell more of its flagship product, Sweet Peet, in bulk and bags. There are many newcomers to the organic mulch market, but nothing beats Sweet Peet! Sweet Peet is a great way to charge up any community garden, school garden, corporate garden, rooftop garden etc...
I am hoping to write a few stories based on testimonials from happy customers, which there are many. If anyone can help me with media contact information, at Cleveland Magazine, Edible Cleveland, or similar local media contacts, I would appreciate it.
Also please put me on your E-Blast lists, I want to know what you are up to!
All The Best,
Dan Morgan
10:54 am est
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Cleveland Plain Dealer Article Published...
Dan Morgan on Vermicomposting
5:09 pm edt
Friday, May 10, 2013
Vermicomposting Story For The Plain Dealer
Hi Judy,   (Judy Stringer -PD's rental section of the Sunday paper)
Vermicomposting is a great way to create a soil amendment that is 10 times better for the garden than traditional back yard composting without red wiggler worms. A backyard compost pile that has to be turned regularly, while a vermicomposting bin, a "worm farm" does not. The worms do all the hard work.
Why best for renters?
Clean, compact, self contained and what is the best advantage for renters, LOW MAINTENANCE. The bin can be left undisturbed for weeks at a time, or can be "fed" every day. General maintenance can vary widely if you just follow a few simple rules, very important rules.
The right worms are the key! Red wigglers or the formal name Eisenia Fetida, are a very specific type of worm needed. The worms are expensive, and widely available for sale on the internet. The best way to start a worm farm, is look for a local sustainable gardening blog community,   https://www.facebook.com/localfoodcleveland   is a good one on Facebook.  Ask around, and you will find someone who wants to share their worms, and you will suddenly have someone to help you get started as well. Vermicomposters LOVE to share ideas and even recipes.
The simplest way to make your worm farm is to find 2 identical plastic bins. drill holes in the bottom of one of them, the one that will go inside the other. The holes are for drainage when the soil gets too moist. Proper drainage and soil moisture is CRITICAL for the whole process to work without becoming a horrible experience. The other most important factor to make a renter's worm farm a clean success, DO NOT PUT FRUIT SCRAPS in the bin. Most vermicomposting web sites will encourage all organic material including fruit and veggies but believe me, not a good idea!
Two things that will ruin the experience,
1) Soil that is kept too moist,resulting in a stinky bin!  These anaerobic conditions can also kill the worms (by drowning)
2) Fruit will attract / breed fruit flies, something nobody wants in their apartment (especially a landlord)
The finished product, after separating the worms from it, can be added to indoor plants or outdoor gardens. The best thing to too with the final product is to make a "teabag" from an old t shirt and bunch the t-shirt around a garden hose to make compost tea, right into a watering can. This tea can be sprinkled right on top of gardens, acting as both a fertilizer and insecticide, NATURALLY. There is no reason to use synthetic fertilizers or insecticides in any garden, or lawn for that matter.
Got unsightly weeds in your garden? PULL THEM.
My wife Annette and I are apartment renters in Lakewood (the Carlyle) and we have an Adopt A Spot garden at the entrance to Lakewood Park, part of Keep Lakewood Beautiful's Adopt A Spot program, with over 40 volunteer maintained gardens on publicly owned property around Lakewood.
Let me know anything else you need.
10:41 am edt
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Morgan Farm Stay Sale...???
Hello Friends, and Family,
Here is an update of our day to day efforts to sell our farm to some, while continuing to make it a "once in a lifetime" vacation experience for others.
Since early May we have had some great guests this season. Sophie Brun came to the United States from France a few years ago. She and her family settled into a posh northern suburb of Detroit, Royal Oak. Spotting our vacation rental property listing on HomeAway.com, she was reminded of the farm stays she visited in Europe.
Sophie and her family had a great Easter dinner at our farm, feasting on Buckeye Chicken eggs, Berkshire grass fed ham, and cookies baked in a wood burning stove across the street by Edna, our Amish neighbor.
In late May we had guests staying at the farm who made reservations over a year ago. They have a daughter who is graduated from Oberlin College and wanted a very special family get together at this important time.
The rest of the summer has been mostly filled in with various guests, as usual. July, which always fully books, had grandparents coming from Germany to meet a new grandchild at the farm.
On a regular basis we have had a varied crew of family, friends and neighbors working together to clean up the gardens and plant some new flowers, veggies and herbs. The grass, well it kept on growing, and growing, and growing.
We have several educational components in place form the past few years. The Blue Orchard Mason Bee Box has almost half it's holes housing eggs ready to burst out and begin the process joining an army of beneficial mason bees, pollinating nearby flower, veggie and herb gardens. Amy Roskilly, with the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District, hooked us up last year with a rain garden kit, containing several types of beautiful plants that thrive in a wet spot while filtering storm water runoff before reaching the stream nearby.
Our composting, both vermicomposting and traditional "back yard" composting operations are thriving and our rain barrels are very useful in areas our garden hose does not reach, particularly our companion garden, way out away from the main house. This year the companion garden will contain a few new plants. Comfrey is a great new addition, if I can manage to keep it from taking over the entire garden. Also this year I am cutting back on the heirloom tomatoes and adding some nice herbs.
In May we had a great deal of interest from a few interested buyers, one young man from California wants to take over the entire business, turnkey, keeping our furnishings, decor, web site and photos to promote. The only problem is, he is having some trouble getting financing. Sure the rates are great right now but banks are hesitant to lend. At the end of June we took our first nice vacation since moving back to Ohio in 2005. We of course worried about the Farm Stay rentals we had booked, but friends and family again came to our rescue.
On our second day in Europe, in Montpellier France, we got word from our realtor Teresa. She had an interested buyer making an offer. We spent a few hours on the iPad countering and the sale price was agreed on. After several anxious weeks awaiting financing approval for our buyers, it looks like the end of an era.
We have a closing date scheduled for this upcoming week. Our fingers are still crossed, because ya never know...
This has indeed been a great journey for Annette and I.
Au revoir for now, Thanks for all of your help and support over the past 7 years!
Dan and Annette Morgan
Dan Morgan
Straight Shooter
10:22 pm edt
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Here is an update of our day to day efforts to sell our farm to some, while continuing to make it a "once in a lifetime" vacation experience for others.
We have had a great deal of interest from a few interested buyers, one young man from California wants to take over the entire business, turnkey, keeping our furnishings, decor, web site and photos to promote. The only problem is, he is having some trouble getting financing. Sure the rates are great right now but banks are hesitant to lend.
And so we keep on going, and going and going, while the grass keeps growing and growing and growing! This has indeed been a great journey for Annette and I. This summer we have made arrangements to visit the south France region and Spain, a nice little rest from all the political rhetoric and bickering here in the states.
Au revoir for now!
Dan and Annette Morgan
8:07 am edt
Thursday, April 26, 2012
2012 Season at Morgan Farm Stay
Check out our revamped web page with more about the farm, area attractions and recent stories "In The News"
Click Here, www.MorganFarmStay.com
3:11 pm edt
Sunday, February 27, 2011
 Thank You Chris Hodgson -Dim and Den Sum for your support  Now booking 2011spring summer fall season!
Our Farm Stay...
Find Your Perfect Farm Vacation at www.FarmStayUS.com
11:05 pm est
Saturday, November 20, 2010
New Logo
Been a long time since I posted here. Now that the holidays and winter are coming I have decided to get back on my Cleveland Locavore horse. Check out the logo.
I am designing a great reusable bag that will help get this brand rolling. Cleveland local food advicates in many product and service areas are welcome to participate in this unique program. Come and have a seat at the table!
7:40 am est
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Local Farm Superstars
E4S held a great event Last Night
Click Here
Eight NEO Farmers told thier stories, pretty great. Common thread...Hard work that NEEDS to be supported by more and more of us at summer and winter farmers markets and CSAs
Hello, I have found myself increasingly interested by how our food is produced since 2005. Annette, my wife, and I retuned to Ohio from NY and bought a farm in Ashland County. It did not take long to notice the backwards attitudes of most of today's farmers, urban planners, educators and politicians. During the Nixon administration, Earl Butz, Ray Crock and others had a seemingly harmless, goal in mind, produce and distribute the most amount of food for the least amount of money.
It has taken us a complete generation to figure out that this model just does not work, for so many reasons. The broken farming system effects everyone in profound ways, all connected. From healthcare to the economy, the way we produce and distribute food must change, and change dramaticly, NOW. Small scale farmers and farmers markets are the tip of the melting iceburg that will save the planet!
From Wikipedia...
The locavore movement is a movement in the United States and elsewhere that spawned as interest in sustainability and eco-consciousness become more prevalent.[1] Those who are interested in eating food that is locally produced, not moved long distances to market, are called "locavores." The word "locavore" was the word of the year for 2007 in the Oxford American Dictionary.[2] This word was the creation of Jessica Prentice of the San Francisco Bay Area at the time of World Environment Day, 2005.[3] It is rendered "localvore" by some, depending on regional differences, usually.[4][5] The food may be grown in home gardens or grown by local commercial groups interested in keeping the environment as clean as possible and selling food close to where it is grown. Some people consider food grown within a 100-mile radius of their location local, while others have other definitions. In general the local food is thought by those in the movement to taste better than food that is shipped long distances.[1]
Farmers' markets play a role in efforts to eat what is local.[6] Preserving food for those seasons when it is not available fresh from a local source is one approach some locavores include in their strategies. Living in a mild climate can make eating locally grown products very different from living where the winter is severe or where no rain falls during certain parts of the year.[7] Those in the movement generally seek to keep use of fossil fuels to a minimum, thereby releasing less carbon dioxide into the air and preventing greater global warming. Keeping energy use down and using food grown in heated greenhouses locally would be in conflict with each other, so there are decisions to be made by those seeking to follow this lifestyle. Many approaches can be developed, and they vary by locale.[8] Such foods as spices, chocolate, or coffee pose a challenge for some, so there are a variety of ways of adhering to the locavore ethic.[9]
Join me in promoting this just cause, starting right here in Northeast Ohio!, where we have already been recognized internationally for our efforts! Click here for Sustain Lane ranking
 Dan  Morgan, Cleveland Locavore [email protected]
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arthur-recaps · 7 years
ARTHUR: Binky Goes Nuts
ARTHUR: Binky Goes Nuts
First off, I am very sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I had Labor Day off and decided to crank out a recap and then I realized I haven’t posted here in a month. I have been writing at the Agony Booth (those articles will be posted later) but you’re here for Arthur so Arthur I shall deliver! An orange butterfly flies over an idyllic day at the Lakewood Elementary playground. Muffy gets annoyed…
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geekwatchone · 5 years
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This past weekend was Con on the Cob, the annual celebration of all things freaky, geeky and awesome! We’re joined by some of the con guests and attendees to share a bit of the craziness that went on over the four days. So, of course, the conversation goes off in all directions. Plus there’s a bit of geek news to share, including a couple new trailers, big budgets for Marvel tv shows, Terminator problems and dogs doing sound effects. Listen now!
Con on the Cob recap – so much fun to be had at the drag and burlesque shows, shout out to the great entertainers, Juice Lee and Alpha Riff experience Bar Fleet for the first time, Knightmage is an enabler, Knights of the Bourbon Barrel raised money for charity, Alpha’s choose your own adventure performance, props to the fantastic panelists
Oddmall: Hallowondrous is coming up on October 19-20 in Lakewood, Ohio
Shout out to Stray Dog for catering the burlesque show at Con on the Cob!
News – a bit of news from New York Comicon including a couple of trailers, Bass Reeves series in the works, Marvel Studios swallowing live action Marvel Television, Marvel Disney+ shows getting movie budgets, Fiege heading to Star Wars, Terminator intellectual property rights issues, pug hired for Halo sound effects
Castle Rock review – Miss Dawn gives us a quick download of season one of the Stephen King series
Knights of the Bourbon Barrel
Oddmall: Hallowondrous
Stray Dog Cafe
Halo introduces Gyoza The Pug
Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest news, shoot us an email at [email protected] with thoughts on the show and check out our blogs on geekwatchone.com!
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thisislakewood · 6 years
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Players, please note:
The Admin Team has implemented a new page to further your roleplay experience here! thisislakewoodnews is going to be your leading place for major plot drops, ‘broadcasts’ completed within roleplay setting, recaps of major timeline events, as well as a place for players to submit personal recaps of things having gone on with their character.
This page will be a tool we can all use to keep in tune with the goings of other characters as well as our own. All major events will still be posted from the main page.
Please follow the link below to keep up to date with the comings and goings of Lakewood:
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2019 Year Review
So, we come to the end of another calendar year, wow, thank you for all the support and listening to us each week as we look at topics we feel deserve more attention. Now this episode we are doing a year in review and discuss what some of our favourites were, what we felt were some of the highlights and what was just downright funny. So strap in as we look back on a year full of robots, space travel, recycling, and the energetic joy of Katie Bouman, and that is just the start. We also go for a ride looking at the movies and tv series that have made us laugh, cry, scream, and sit in awe throughout the year. We discuss the controversy of crazy violence and insanity in movies such as Rambo – Last Blood. Yep some one has claimed it is… Nope you will need to listen in to know what is happening. Also we look at the year in games and take stock of what has happened. We laugh at some of it, get annoyed at some, and shake our heads in bewilderment at others. We recap what has been some of the most exciting and stand out moments for us this year in terms of topics. We also include some special shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events for the end of the year. So as the year draws to a close and the dawn of a new one creeps over the horizon we once more ask you to take care of yourselves, look out for each other, and stay hydrated.
2019 in Science - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_in_science
2019 in Movies, TV & Anime
- https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/biggest-movie-news-2019/
- https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/best-movies-2019/
- https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/best-tv-2019/
2019 in Gaming - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_in_video_gaming
Other topics discussed
Kirigami Robots
- https://www.inverse.com/article/61662-self-folding-kirigami-robots
Boston Dynamics
- https://www.bostondynamics.com/
New Horizons (interplanetary space probe that was launched as a part of NASA's New Frontiers program.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Horizons
SpaceX Dragon (reusable cargo spacecraft developed by SpaceX, an American private space transportation company.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_Dragon
Making breathable Oxygen using comets
- https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/comet-inspires-chemistry-making-breathable-oxygen-mars
E-Scooters are not green enough
- https://phys.org/news/2019-08-e-scooters-green-options.html
Textile Recycling
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-06-15/textile-recycling-fashion-old-clothes-waste/11197904
Black Hole image makes history
- https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/news/black-hole-image-makes-history
- https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47873592
Katie Bouman: American computer scientist working in the field of computer imagery. She led the development of an algorithm for imaging black holes and was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope team that captured the first image of a black hole
- https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47891902
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Bouman
Nobel prize in Chemistry 2019: Lithium Ion Battery
- https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/oct/09/nobel-prize-in-chemistry-awarded-for-work-on-lithium-ion-batteries
Game of Thrones (American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_Thrones
Infinity Saga (The Infinity Saga is a saga of films made up of the first twenty three films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, encompassing Phase One, Phase Two and Phase Three. The saga began with Iron Man and concluded with Spider-Man: Far From Home.)
- https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Infinity_Saga
Steven Universe (American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Universe
Mr. Robot (American drama thriller television series created by Sam Esmail for USA Network.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Robot
The Boys (American superhero web television series based on the comic book of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boys_(2019_TV_series)
Watchmen (American superhero drama television series that continues the 1987 DC Comics series Watchmen, created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen_(TV_series)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (internationally known as Ghostbusters: Legacy) is an upcoming American fantasy comedy film directed by Jason Reitman and written by Reitman and Gil Kenan.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostbusters:_Afterlife
Charlie’s Angels (2019 American action comedy film written and directed by Elizabeth Banks from a story by Evan Spiliotopoulos and David Auburn.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie%27s_Angels_(2019_film)
Joker (2019 American psychological thriller film directed and produced by Todd Phillips, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Silver.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joker_(2019_film)
Rambo: Last Blood (2019 American action film directed by Adrian Grunberg.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rambo:_Last_Blood
Controversy surrounding Rambo: Last Blood
- https://www.thedailybeast.com/sylvester-stallones-rambo-last-blood-is-a-trumpian-anti-mexican-nightmare
Terry Gilliam and his take on Marvel movies
- https://www.indiewire.com/2019/12/terry-gilliam-marvel-movies-don-quixote-interview-1202197447/
Disney CEO Bob Iger and Martin Scorsese to meet over Marvel comments
- https://www.thewrap.com/bob-iger-martin-scorsese-marvel-meet/
Martin Scorsese: Superhero movies are the same
-  https://comicbook.com/marvel/2019/11/30/the-irishman-martin-scorsese-seen-enough-marvel-superhero-movies-same-thing-over-and-over/
James Dean now in CGI
- https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/afm-james-dean-reborn-cgi-vietnam-war-action-drama-1252703
Mad Max (1979 Australian dystopian action thriller film directed by George Miller, produced by Byron Kennedy, and starring Mel Gibson as "Mad" Max Rockatansky, Joanne Samuel,Hugh Keays-Byrne, Steve Bisley, Tim Burns, and Roger Ward.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Max
Razorback (1984 Australian natural horror film written by Everett De Roche, based on Peter Brennan's novel, and directed by Russell Mulcahy.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razorback_(film)
Star Citizen raised $250 USD millions
- https://www.pcgamer.com/au/star-citizen-has-raised-over-dollar250-million/
Blizzard vs Blitzchung
- https://time.com/5702971/blizzard-esports-hearthstone-hong-kong-protests-backlash-blitzchung/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_Entertainment#Hearthstone_ban_and_Hong_Kong_protests
EA : Loot boxes are surprise mechanisms
- https://www.kotaku.com.au/2019/06/ea-our-loot-boxes-are-actually-surprise-mechanics-that-are-quite-ethical/
Xbox Series X (codenamed Project Scarlett) is an upcoming home video game console developed by Microsoft, scheduled for release in late 2020.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Series_X
iPhone X (smartphone designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_X
G2A scandal
- https://www.pcgamer.com/how-does-the-games-industry-get-rid-of-g2a-eliminate-game-keys-altogether/
Epic Games Store
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_Games_Store
Studio Ghibli Theme Park Is Coming In 2022
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgekoutsakis/2018/04/25/studio-ghibli-theme-park-is-coming/#7517eeb620c8
24 Dec 2019 - Alta Sherral "Allee" Willis passed away, She was famous for her collaboration with Earth, Wind & Fire, for whom she co-wrote hit songs such as "September", "Boogie Wonderland", and "In the Stone". She co-composed singles for other artists that became hits include "Neutron Dance" by the Pointer Sisters, "What Have I Done to Deserve This?" by Pet Shop Boys featuring Dusty Springfield, and "I'll Be There for You" by The Rembrandts. "I'll Be There for You" was used as the theme song of the sitcom Friends, and went on to become one of the biggest television theme songs of all time. Willis jokingly referred to this song as "the whitest song I ever wrote”. In 1995 Willis was Emmy-nominated for "I'll Be There for You". She also co-wrote the Tony-nominated and Grammy-winning Broadway musical The Color Purple. As of 2018, a major motion picture based on the musical is in the early stages of development, being produced by Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey,Quincy Jones, and Scott Sanders. She died from cardiac arrest at the age of 72 in Los Angeles, California. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allee_Willis
26 Dec 2019 – Shoutout to the firefighters - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/dec/25/australias-east-coast-faces-extreme-heat-as-bushfire-threat-looms-again
In memoriam for the people passed away 2019 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_in_2019
Famous Birthdays
26 Dec 1937 - John Horton Conway, English mathematician, known for Conway's Game of Life. He is  active in the theory of finite groups,knot theory,number theory,combinatorial game theory and coding theory. He has also made contributions to many branches of recreational mathematics, most notably the invention of the cellular automaton called the Game of Life. He was born in Liverpool - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Horton_Conway
26 Dec 1959 – Kōji Morimoto, Japanese animator and director. Some of his works include being an animator in the Akira film; shorts in Robot Carnival, Short Peace, and The Animatrix; and key animation in anime such as Kiki's Delivery Service, City Hunter, and Fist of the North Star. He is the co-founder of Studio 4°C. He was born in Wakayama - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dji_Morimoto
26 Dec 1995 - Zach Mills, American actor. Mills has appeared in multiple film and television productions.In 2011, Zach played "Preston" in J.J. Abrams's Super 8 , as well as "Lucas Morganstern" in the Hub miniseries Clue. He was born Lakewood, Ohio - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zach_Mills
Event of interest
26 Dec 1610 - Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Báthory's crimes and serial murders are uncovered, Count Gyorgy Thurzo makes an investigative visit to Csejthe Castle in Hungary on orders from King Matthias and discovers Countess Elizabeth Bathory directing a torture session of young girls. Bathory was already infamous in the area for her torture and murder of servants and peasants, but her title and high-ranking relatives had, until this point, made her untouchable. Her bloodthirsty activities have led many to cite her as one of the first vampires in history. - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/bathorys-torturous-escapades-are-exposed
26 Dec 1846 – The Donner Party is forced to face Cannibalism in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The first corpse had been turned into a meal. It would be three weeks before any of the Donner Party were found — some of the “Forlorn Hope” walking through the snow had managed to find a Miwok tribe. Those at Truckee Lake would have to wait until early February to be found. Levinah Murphy, living in one of the cabins, heard the calls of the rescue team and answered, “Are you men from California, or do you come from heaven?” - https://www.mapsofworld.com/on-this-day/december-26-1846-the-donner-party-is-forced-to-face-cannibalism-in-the-sierra-nevada-mountains/
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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- Page - https://www.facebook.com/NerdsAmalgamated/
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Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nerds_amalgamated/
General Enquiries
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nethanpaul · 5 years
PGA Tour Q-School: Inside the numbers
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PGA Tour Q-School's second stage wrapped up across six venues Saturday, with seven players, who have a some sort of a connection to Manatee County, advancing to the final stage at Orange County National's Crooked Cat and Panther courses Dec. 1-6. Today's recap takes a magnifying glass approach to see just how they continued the quest for a PGA Tour card. There's also a glimpse into how a couple other players' dreams vanished when they flamed out in the final round of their qualifying site. (Note: all have played at least one West Florida Golf Tour event except Tyler Leon, Ty Tryon, David Lutterus and Jason Kokrak) Redstone Golf Club in Humble, Texas (19 players and ties advanced; cut: 2-over, 290) Former Saint Stephen's standout Tyler Leon shot 5-under over his last 54 holes, including birdies on his last two holes, to tie for 11th and secure a final stage berth. Redstone's 73.19 scoring average plagued most of the field, but Leon grinded through with 13 birdies to offset eight bogeys and two doubles. TPC Craig Ranch in McKinney, Texas (20 players and ties advanced; cut: 6-under, 282) Two West Florida Golf Tour players advanced from the other Texas venue. Former Lakewood Ranch standout Seath Lauer shot a final-round 71, while former U.S. Open qualifier Travis Hampshire carded a 69 on the last day to advance. Lauer was buoyed by a strong final nine that included birdies on Nos. 10, 11 and 18. Hampshire finished off the tournament with his second sub-70 round. All four of his rounds were under par. Meanwhile, Australian David Lutterus, who is listed from Bradenton, finished in a tie for second. Lutterus stormed out to the 36-hole lead after posting 68-64. He followed that up with 70-71 to earn entry into the next phase.
Read More: https://thegolfcoast.blogspot.com/2010/11/pga-tour-q-school-inside-numbers.html?showComment=1571227542507#c6672498317941239022
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weownthenitenyc · 5 years
Prior to taking to the pavement from NYC, we knew we were in for a memorable weekend in the woods with some of the Northeast’s most eclectic and expressive individuals.
What we didn’t anticipate was being welcomed into a whirlwind of wellness, fantastic beats, and even more fantastic beasts. The powers behind Elements Music & Arts Festival brought their A-game to Lakewood, PA.
Elements Music & Arts Festival 2019 (Day 1)
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Though the logistics behind getting into the actual campground left much to be desired (waiting for a cheese bus for a near hour to make a pickup round for us to then haul ALL our belongings for 3 days), once there, we didn’t want to leave.
A true blend of music and art, Elements brought together power players and niche knockers alike. Throughout the weekend, ears were blessed with the likes of acts like Disclosure, Big Gigantic, Monolink, Seth Troxler, and Justin Martin. For those attending stage acts outside the primetime, we found fun and funk in Damian Lazarus, Gab Rhome, David Paglia, Akki, and the silent heroes behind the Pickleback cabin (seriously, you kept us awake in our tent for hours, but we weren’t even mad about it).
Elements Music & Arts Festival 2019 (Day 2)
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Powered by the likes House of Yes and other heavy hitters in the game, the stages and scenes throughout the campground were feats of art, performance, and expression that were truly well done. Despite rain and oodles, and we mean OODLES of mud, performers kept their fantastic energy at play and programming close to their hearts. 
Despite weather setbacks and the natural chaos that comes with the territory at a camping festival, hats off to the production team that kept programming and performances fire, literally. Also, shout out to Rawb Lane for giving us our daily dose of weird, one unbelievably large spoonful at a time.
The Wellnest was well-did indeed. For those seeking respite from daily raging, activities were more than available for people from all walks in the festival. Yoga, drink and draw, meditation, HIIT and a Parkour workshop were among the fun available to attendees. We’d be lying if we didn’t wish we could have been in two places at once for more of these.
Elements Music & Arts Festival 2019 (Day 3)
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All in all, our hats are off for the team and attendees behind Elements Music and Arts Festival. A job well did. We’re still reeling over a week later. For anyone who was on the fence this year: add this one to your must attend in 2020!
Keep Up with Elements: Website |  Facebook | Instagram
*Post in collaboration with Andrew Siconolfi*
RECAP: Elements Music & Arts Festival 2019 (Lakewood, PA) | Summer's off to a great start, thanks to @ElementsFestNYC #elementsfest #elementslakewood Prior to taking to the pavement from NYC, we knew we were in for a memorable weekend in the woods with some of the Northeast’s most eclectic and expressive individuals.
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michaelfallcon · 6 years
Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 63: Live From US Coffee Champs Denver, Part Two
On the second-part of a very special edition of the Coffee Sprudgecast, we take you live to the event floor at the 2019 US Coffee Champs Qualifying Event in Denver, Colorado! There we join multimedia director Elizabeth Chai, who—in addition to helming our must-follow Instagram coverage of the event—taped a series of original interviews for this week’s episode of the podcast.
Check out The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes or download the episode here. The Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored by  Oxo, Urnex Brands, Hario, and Swiss Water Decaf. 
In this episode, Chai talks to Julia Peixoto of Peixoto Coffee Roasters in Chandler, Arizona. Peixoto competed in the 2019 US Brewers Cup Qualifiers using coffee grown on their family farm in Brazil.
Chai also chats with Miguel Vicuña and Rita Kaminsky of Sweet Bloom Coffee in Lakewood, Colorado and Snowdrift Coffee in Roscoe, Illinois, respectively. Along with judging USBC and WCE events for a decade, Vicuña is the current Chair of the USCC (United States Coffee Championship) Working Group. Kaminsky is the U.S. Coffee Champ committee chair for the Coffee in Good Spirits.
Sign up now as a subscriber to the Coffee Sprudgecast and never miss an episode. 
Listen, subscribe and review The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes.
Download the episode here.
Sprudge Media Network’s coverage of the 2019 US Coffee Champs is made possible by Joe Glo and Mahlkönig. All of SprudgeLive’s 2019 competition coverage is made possible by Acaia, Baratza, Faema, Cafe Imports, and Wilbur Curtis.
Sprudge is an official media partner of US Coffee Championships.
Follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter and never miss a moment from the shows, and cruise over to SprudgeLive.com to read routine recaps, enjoy dynamic full-color photos, and check in on all the advancing competitors from Denver.
2019 Sprudge Live coverage is produced by Zac Cadwalader. Our lead photographer is Charlie Burt. Multimedia direction by Elizabeth Chai.
See y’all in Nashville!
The post Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 63: Live From US Coffee Champs Denver, Part Two appeared first on Sprudge.
Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 63: Live From US Coffee Champs Denver, Part Two published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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epchapman89 · 6 years
Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 63: Live From US Coffee Champs Denver, Part Two
On the second-part of a very special edition of the Coffee Sprudgecast, we take you live to the event floor at the 2019 US Coffee Champs Qualifying Event in Denver, Colorado! There we join multimedia director Elizabeth Chai, who—in addition to helming our must-follow Instagram coverage of the event—taped a series of original interviews for this week’s episode of the podcast.
Check out The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes or download the episode here. The Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored by  Oxo, Urnex Brands, Hario, and Swiss Water Decaf. 
In this episode, Chai talks to Julia Peixoto of Peixoto Coffee Roasters in Chandler, Arizona. Peixoto competed in the 2019 US Brewers Cup Qualifiers using coffee grown on their family farm in Brazil.
Chai also chats with Miguel Vicuña and Rita Kaminsky of Sweet Bloom Coffee in Lakewood, Colorado and Snowdrift Coffee in Roscoe, Illinois, respectively. Along with judging USBC and WCE events for a decade, Vicuña is the current Chair of the USCC (United States Coffee Championship) Working Group. Kaminsky is the U.S. Coffee Champ committee chair for the Coffee in Good Spirits.
Sign up now as a subscriber to the Coffee Sprudgecast and never miss an episode. 
Listen, subscribe and review The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes.
Download the episode here.
Sprudge Media Network’s coverage of the 2019 US Coffee Champs is made possible by Joe Glo and Mahlkönig. All of SprudgeLive’s 2019 competition coverage is made possible by Acaia, Baratza, Faema, Cafe Imports, and Wilbur Curtis.
Sprudge is an official media partner of US Coffee Championships.
Follow @SprudgeLive on Twitter and never miss a moment from the shows, and cruise over to SprudgeLive.com to read routine recaps, enjoy dynamic full-color photos, and check in on all the advancing competitors from Denver.
2019 Sprudge Live coverage is produced by Zac Cadwalader. Our lead photographer is Charlie Burt. Multimedia direction by Elizabeth Chai.
See y’all in Nashville!
The post Coffee Sprudgecast Episode 63: Live From US Coffee Champs Denver, Part Two appeared first on Sprudge.
seen 1st on http://sprudge.com
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ashleydpalmerusa · 6 years
Deloitte Gobbled Up the Most New SEC Audit Clients in Q2; EY and KPMG Threw Up a Bunch of Clients
After two Utah-based firms you might not have ever heard of picked up the most new Securities and Exchange Commission audit clients in the first quarter of 2018, Deloitte was the big winner in the second quarter, snagging 15 new engagements, with a net of 13, according to Accounting Today.
BDO USA was the runner-up with eight new clients (net of two), followed by Grant Thornton with seven (net of three).
The data, which was provided to AT by research firm Audit Analytics, shows that the Green Dots’ 13 net engagements was nearly three times as many as its nearest competitor—that being M&K CPAs, which netted five new clients in Q2.
AT goes on to say:
Deloitte’s strong performance helped it lead the league tables for new large accelerated filer clients and new accelerated filer clients, but no clear leader emerged among those bringing on new non-accelerated filer clients. For new smaller reporting company engagements, New York-based RBSM and Lakewood, Colorado-based BF Borgers CPA topped the list, netting five and four, respectively.
But let’s sneak away from AT’s article for a moment and go to the blog Audit Analytics posted today about the Q2 results to see who the big losers were. Deloitte’s Q2 is humblebrag-worthy compared to the other Big 4 firms, which gained a combined nine new audit clients but lost a combined 30 clients (EY net -10, KPMG net -9, and PwC net -2).
The Accounting News Roundup newsletter is back! Every Friday you’ll get a recap of recent content posted on Going Concern, On This Date in Going Concern History, list of hot remote and hybrid accounting jobs, and more. Sign up here today.
Image: iStock/AZemdega
The post Deloitte Gobbled Up the Most New SEC Audit Clients in Q2; EY and KPMG Threw Up a Bunch of Clients appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News https://goingconcern.com/deloitte-snags-most-new-audit-clients-q2/
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mxsxpodcast · 6 years
Ep 76 Thunder Valley MX 2018 450 Recap
On Episode 76 of the Mx Sx Podcast Adam and Claudio recap the round 3 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross 450 races at Thunder Valley in Lakewood Colorado.
Motocross Supercross Podcast
Follow us @MxSxPodcast
Check out the new episode!
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