#lambert deserved better
koroart · 2 years
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Been in a Faerghus dilf mood ~ ( I’ll refine these eventually )
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caught-in-a-landslide · 5 months
“Must check on Henri…Wish he would wake…My prayers remain unanswered.”
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I wanted to make a comic on Henri and Augustin during the whole thing where my boy was in a coma, so I’ve drawn one. Enjoy the angst with these two.
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Detroit: Become Human -> Favorite Character -> Simon
“You’re lost.. Just like the rest of us.. We didn’t ask for this. All we can do now is deal with it.”
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finalgirlsidney · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo — [4/4] lgbtq+ people in music → adam lambert
Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love.
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
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oh my GOD this thing is long. everybody go read my season 2 kaer morhen rewrite <3 we are bringing horror atmosphere and emotional catharsis and eskel content and there's more to come! it's a party bring all your friends
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kayforpay · 2 years
loving all these community OCs for this movie business btw very entertaining and thank god these ones aren’t being shoehorned into existing media like fucking aiden
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Prompt 63
After The Mountain™, Jaskier is desperate to prove himself a Worthy Travel Companion™ to Geralt, so he decides to take up alchemy. Perhaps if he gets very good at brewing Geralt's potions, Geralt will find him worthy of keeping around. When Geralt takes Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, he can't help but notice that Jaskier is suddenly spending every possible second with Lambert. LAMBERT. I mean, he loves his brother, don't get him wrong! But Lambert? Geralt's words were cruel, and he was still working out the full apology he wanted to give Jaskier (He deserved better than just an "I'm sorry") but he's worried that he's already lost his chance, as Jaskier is seemingly finding himself a new witcher.
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: How has being openly queer changed your life for the better?
Hello beautiful people! Happy Friday and Happy Pride Month! As part of this month’s Pride Month series, I am going to continue on with the topic with this new PAC. I don’t want to waste too much time so please select your pile. 🙏🏽
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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pile one: i feel like you may be transgender or went through a massive glow up as you came into your identity. being openly queer has allowed you to acquire more knowledge through life. life’s experiences have beaten you down but you used those experiences to your advantage. you became older, wiser, more poised. your chart could be saturn ruled (capricorn/aquarius/heavily aspected by saturn). the scars of yesterday strengthen you. i feel like people compliment your physique a lot. it’s taken you a lot to feel comfortable with that. and lastly, being openly queer has welcomed you into some strange/taboo places where you feel open! you could go to anime conventions or underground clubs a lot because of this. you did not lose anything, pile one. you only gained more life experience.
cards used: king of swords, five of cups, six of wands, the moon, three of cups, three of swords, six of cups, king of pentacles.
pile two: i am channeling the energy of damon from pose. you could be a dancer or just have the energy that makes people feel loose. i don’t think you could ever turn your queerness off. people could always point that out in you. this made you a target but that never stopped you from being you. you make people feel inspired. you would be really good at being a mentor for the queer youth. you have this unshakable confidence that could make you do anything. you also have the gift of gab. i am channeling the energy of rolling ray lmaoooo. the things that you’ve gone through have made you take life so unserious. it’s the constant celebration of life that makes your queerness so unique.
cards used: judgment, six of wands, king of wands, seven of pentacles, page of cups, the hierophant, three of cups.
pile three: you exude this devil-may-care energy that is so addictive. it’s so sexy! you literally don’t care! this has made you take pride in your identity. it comes off as annoyingly rebellious to some folks but your people know that’s really you. everyone is not used to your energy. it’s blunt and it’s rich. it reminds me of rihanna and elektra evangelista. your queer identity is intimidating to some people. but you take ownership of it & carry it so well. this is why so many people have a crush on you. i feel like i’m talking to a lesbian but if not you could just present ultra-feminine. you know exactly how to spice up the family dinners and you give off a motherly energy. you use it wisely though because everyone can’t have access to you.
cards used: ace of pentacles, ace of swords, queen of cups, queen of pentacles, eight of cups, the devil, six of pentacles, nine of cups, the emperor.
pile four: you have this introspective nature that makes people think. you remind me of a james baldwin kind of person. your thoughts regarding queer theory and queer rights need to be shared with the world. being openly queer has quite literally taught you. you are living the practice out. it may have taken you some time to come into your current identity. but once you came out, you had this come to jesus moment as many others do. being openly queer has taught you about how to love yourself and others properly, the importance of compassion and leadership. you could be an active leader in your community. if not, you need to be! your voice deserves to be heard without a doubt. you could be the voice of reason, pile four.
cards used: two of cups, eight of cups, king of cups, the emperor, the sun, the magician, page of cups, the hierophant, wheel of fortune.
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 months
The Price of Christmas Connections
Day 8 of 12 Days of Ficmas
Pairing: Dalton Lambert x reader
Summary: You knock on Dalton's door and offer him some Christmas cookies, and when he offers to pay, you gladly accept.
Warnings: so much fluff; I think I forgot how to write for Dalton.
Word Count: 0.9k+ words (sorry it's short, I liked the idea but couldn't figure out how to make it longer then got too busy to try)
A/N: Like I said in the warnings, I need to watch The Red Door again bc I feel like I'm not writing Dalton as well as I used to, but I have finals this week so this is the best I can do for now. I may revisit this next week and rewrite it if anyone is interested, but for now enjoy some fluff (which Dalton very much deserves after the semester he's had)!
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The best part of JPU, in your opinion, is that your last class of the week is across from the art building. Better, is that you get to see the guy you wish you knew. You know his name because his friend yells it whenever she is around. But that is all you know about Dalton. Though you want to know more.
Dalton watches for you when he leaves Professor Armagan’s class, wondering what it would be like if he dared to introduce himself. You’ve waved at Dalton a few times, and he’s awkwardly returned it or pretended not to see you. Every time Dalton walks back to his dorm, feeling disappointed, ashamed, and prepared to get yelled at by Chris.
When December begins, you can’t help but imagine how different the holiday season would be if you could talk to Dalton, get to know him… fall in love with him. The last idea hits you out of nowhere, but you mean it. The rest of the students at JPU seem disinterested in the time of year, with no sign of the Christmas spirit anywhere to be seen. Deciding that something needs to be done, you pull on an invisible Santa hat and set out to bring the spirit of Christmas to JPU until everyone goes home for Christmas.
You pile all of the homemade decorated cookies (and some undecorated, in case someone doesn’t like icing) onto a Christmas platter you picked up from the nearby grocery store. After dressing up with a Mrs. Claus dress pulled over your warmest leggings and a long-sleeve thermal shirt, you leave your apartment and walk to the nearest dorm building. Nearly everyone on the first floor accepts at least one cookie. By the time you reach the third floor, you’re preparing to return to your apartment to refill the platter. As you knock on a door, you count the cookies and decide to offer the last three to whoever is in the dorm. The door opens, and you smile, hoping to spread a little light. You see Dalton on the other side of the door, and your smile grows.
“Hi,” you greet. “I’m handing out Christmas cookies, could I interest you in one? Or three?”
Dalton’s jaw drops nearly imperceptibly as he looks between you and the platter.
“I’ve been watching you, I wanted to meet,” he blurts out. His eyes widen as he rushes to correct, “I mean- not like stalker-watching you, I just know when you have class and I wait until I see you when you leave. No, that’s not better, um-”
You laugh, shifting the platter so you can lay a hand on his arm. “It’s okay. I’ve been wanting to meet you too,” you admit.
Dalton nods, unmoving because you’re at his dorm and touching him. His mind races, forming plenty of things to say, but nothing comes out.
“So, do you want a cookie?” you repeat.
“Oh, yes, please. You- you can come in, if you want, since you said you wanted to meet me.” Dalton cringes as he finishes, whispering an apology.
“Sure,” you agree, entering his dorm.
You set the cookies on a clear corner of his desk, walking to the edge of his bed to inspect the art on his wall. Each piece tells a different story and you feel like you know Dalton more after each picture.
“Are you selling the cookies, or? I mean, I’ll pay for them if you are,” Dalton says, watching you look at his pictures.
He notices your eyes light up as you turn to him and say, “No, I’m not selling them, just handing them out. I’ll accept payment anyway, though.”
Dalton’s brows furrow as his arms drop. You realize you confused him with the conflicting information, so you decide to show him instead. Grabbing his sweatshirt, you pull him to you, kissing him as payment for the cookies, for allowing you to come in and get to know each other, and most importantly, and the opportunity to fall in love with him.
When you pull away from him, breaking the kiss, his eyes remain closed as he mumbles, “That works.”
“I’m glad we finally met,” you tell him.
“Me too.”
“There’s still cookies over there.”
Dalton rolls his eyes and smiles before leaning in to kiss you again.
After turning in your last test, marking the official beginning of Christmas break, you run to the art building and wait for Dalton to finish his final presentation for Professor Armagan’s class. When the door opens, you perk up, standing on your toes to watch for Dalton.
“Dalton!” you yell, waving at him when he appears.
He smiles, rushing down the stairs and pulling you into his arms as he asks how your final went. 
“Cookie girl!” several people yell, hooting and pointing at you. “Be my Mrs. Claus!” one of them requests.
“My cookie girl,” Dalton says shyly, looking into your eyes as his arms tighten around you.
“Your cookie girl,” you agree, boldly kissing him in front of all the students.
The previously interested guys boo playfully as they continue walking, and you hear Dalton’s friend yell his name in surprise. You pull back, turning into Dalton’s shoulder before facing her.
“This is Chris,” Dalton introduces you. “Chris, this is my cookie girl.”
You roll your eyes at Dalton as you shake Chris’s hand.
“Oh my gosh, my roommate saved me one of your cookies; they were so good!” she gushes.
“Best priced cookies I’ve ever gotten,” Dalton says as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against him.
Because of a few cookies, you went from staring longingly across campus to see each other to running into his arms. They’re the best-priced cookies you’ve ever had, too.
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isan0rt · 1 year
Jumping off this post, I feel like I see a lot of posts espousing their love for Dedue in general terms but I very rarely see content on Tumblr that actually engages with the complexities of his character (Pixiv is better about this tbh). And don't get me wrong, I love seeing Dedue content of all types. But often I see him relegated to ‘He’s a cinnamon roll who doesn’t deserve to have to be involved in this so I put him in a nice coffeeshop or bakery AU where he can be happy in a mundane way.” And like. I get how that can be a big wish fulfillment thing for some fans, and am not unilaterally knocking it.
But I also…feel like sometimes doing this is about removing Dedue from the narrative in a way that means fans don’t have to sit with the discomfort of actually engaging with the themes he brings to the table.
It’s easy to just say “oh he’s too good for this narrative, too pure” and put him on a bus that looks like a twee little flower shop, because it means that you don’t have to engage with the fact that he is also just as emotionally damaged as the other Lions. You don’t have to engage with the ways in which he is gentle and kind by nature but choosing, of his own volition, to be part of the violence of the war effort because it means something to him. You don’t have to engage with the fact that he is subjected to constant racism in the academy phase by his own teammates, and that he grits his teeth and bears it because he is trying to accomplish something. That he is intentionally making himself the face of Duscur and choosing not to retaliate even though he would be WELL within his rights, because he is on an uphill PR campaign and Felix and Ingrid are the people he has to bring around, because they are the people the king he’s backing needs in his corner to restore Duscur without just getting immediately overthrown by his own lords. The Western lords have done it before! Without the Eastern lords’ backing, Dimitri will barely get to warm the throne before his head is rolling in the mud like his father’s.
If Dedue quits and just goes and opens a cute little restaurant somewhere, you don’t have to grapple with the fact that he loves Dimitri personally, but the political situation means he cannot just be his friend. Dimitri doesn’t get it. Dimitri wants to get it. Dimitri wants to snap his fingers and make Faerghus respect Dedue like he does, recognize Duscur’s innocence like he does. Dedue understands it will never work that way. He understands that the closer he appears to Dimitri, the more biased Dimitri will appear to the people who are determined to hate Dedue and everyone like him, and the easier it will be to dismiss him. Dedue knows that the prejudice of the people of Faerghus can’t just be wiped away so easily; he knows that it’s not rational, that there’s not any basis for it, and so declaring their innocence is not going to work like Dimitri expects.
But at the same time, Dedue knows Dimitri is the only fucking person in Faerghus with any kind of political power who gives the slightest fuck about reparations to Duscur, and if he dies, Dedue’s people will never see justice. Rufus will simply make it all go away, whatever way is the most convenient. The exact same way he made Lambert and his reforms and his peace treaty go away; with murder and scapegoating. Dedue sees this, even when Dimitri isn’t willing to.
And at the same time, he wants to keep Dimitri safe because keeping Dimitri alive in the hell that was the Tragedy of Duscur is the only fucking thing of value that came out of a nightmare that was otherwise an unbearable loss. He also has nowhere else to turn, and nowhere left to go, and no one else left alive who loves him and cares if he lives or dies. If he leaves Dimitri’s protection, he will never be safe himself. It’s only a matter of time until he’s used as a political football by Cornelia if no one else. If he’s out of the way playing nice little barista, you don’t have to grapple with the fact that Dedue can’t just walk away and expect to be left alone.
You also don’t have to grapple with the fact that he doesn’t want to. To grapple with the fact that being helpless to stop the Tragedy changed him fundamentally, so he can never go back to being innocent the way he was before. The fact that he has a fundamental need to effect change himself, the fact that he came back after five years and the first thing he asked was to be allowed to witness the new, better world himself, with his own eyes, on the front lines. That he needs to make the Tragedy worth something in his own soul in order to live with it.
To grapple with the fact that Dedue is the only retainer to both outlive the Lord of his route on other routes, and to decide to personally finish the mission himself, anyway. Hubert doesn’t; his allegiance is to Edelgard personally, and not to her ideals beyond the fact that they’re hers; he dies in every non-Crimson Flower route well before you reach Edelgard. Hilda certainly doesn’t; you can recruit her away as long as you’re not backing Edelgard, and Deirdru is the last place she appears if you don’t recruit her. Dedue cannot be recruited, and yet, no matter what route, he personally faces Edelgard himself, even if Dimitri is dead. Even if the odds are against him in every possible way. He can’t die in Silver Snow or Verdant Wind! He is the only retainer who cannot die except in Crimson Flower!
Unless you, the player, betray him. Unless you, the player, decide that what matters to him doesn’t matter to you. Unless you, the player, decide to let his people die, when it is the only thing he asks of you, to give him the power to save them. If you don’t live up to his expectations, if you choose to not allow Dimitri to be the leader who cares about Duscur that he believed Dimitri to be, that is the only circumstance in which it’s even possible for Dedue to die outside of Crimson Flower.
And that’s uncomfortable. Dedue’s themes and narrative weight are uncomfortable. He challenges the player, like he challenges the other Faerghus characters, to look him in the face and understand his humanity. He demands that the player sit with discomfort and the injustice of his circumstance. He demands the player care about what he cares about if they want to retain him. He demands that, and refuses to be sidelined, refuses to go away, refuses to stop doing the hard thing even though it doesn’t have to be him that does it, because he is the only one with the power to do what he does for Duscur. The only one who can advocate for them the way he does. He wants to be on the front lines in that fight.
But in a happy little bakery, he’s harmless, isn’t he. Then you just don’t have to think about it anymore.
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
So how;s adam and eve reunion gotta be ? it's must be full with drama
"So this is what youve been up to all these centuries?" Adam remarked, taking note of Eve's outfit. 
Gone were the elegant blue, pink and white robes that denoted her as his Other. Now she wore overalls and a plain gray shirt. A leather ultility belt hung around her hips. Her hair, once a luscious river of brown, was cut shorter and braided. 
"If youre here to take back there the answer is no," replied the brunette.
Hm. it seems looks werent the only thing that changed about Eve.
"I'm not here to take you back, Im just wanted to know how youve been," said Adam. Hs lips formed a sly grin. 
"Though if you want to, I can convince Sera to-"
"You will convince nobody, Im through with that place."  Eve's voice sharpened some more. 
Adam was taken aback. The audacity of this woman he grumbled internally. He didnt know what to think! He was so used to her soft, demure mannerisms. She never raised her voice at anyine not when the kids were acting up, and definitely not at him. 
What changed? 
Adam glanced over at his sweet wittle Abel, who only stood awkwardly at the unexpected family reunion.
Of course, if he played his cards right then Eve would be back by his side by the night's end. She would do anything for their real kids!
But then he remembered Kané. He had told her to hide, that he would not reveal her until he could persuade Eve to hear him out. 
Charlie felt it wasnt her place to interrupt. She didnt know what to say. But she did know Adam had a trick of his sleeve. So she sent him a warning glare, daring him to mess up.
"Ooh this is better than a soap opera," Angel Dust whispered excitedly as he cradeled Phat Nuggets. He was enjoying the mayhem unfolding.
"Normally I wouldnt care about Adam but I'm bored," Veggie replied with equal interest. Even back in her exterminator days it was no secret how Adam treated Eve. He never defended her when other angels scorned & looked down at her, so when news of her disappearance reached her ears, Veggie was not surprised. 
Besides, he had this coming a LONG while. She was glad to have a front row seat at the day of reckoning. 
Husk simply took out his flask. This was going to be a long night. 
All the while Kané stood in her hiding spot behind the cacti. She could see the resemeblance between her mama and Eve, even with obvious differences there was no doubt the First Woman Ever was their grandmother. The way she presented herself caused a wave of comfort for the girl, as if she could trust her with her deepest, darkest secrets. 
Adam was not moved. He didnt expect his wife, his soulmate to reject him like that.
"Now look after everything we've been through, you dont want to be in paradise? We worked hard for it, Evie! You deserve to stay here."
Eve crossed her arms. Adam began to sweat. He really wished he had his mask. 
"I mean, not here in this shitstain or Earth, but up there", he pointed up at the ceiling. "Please Evie, come back to us. We miss you, the rest of the brood miss you."
That part was genuine. He really did miss her. He hated that the one chance at being together again was slipping through his fingers. Lilith was probably cheering somewhere at this update.
Eve shuddered at the pet name. She loathed him for pulling that out, and loathed herself for nearly buying that. Centuries apart and he still managed to makr her weak in the knees.
But she had to keep going! Evelyn Lambert worked too far and too hard to succumb back to that demure helpless trophy everyone expected her to be.
"No. You dont get to call me that! You knew how they treated me and did nothing to stop it! All they did was insult and belittle me, you were my husband and supposed to protect me!" She pointed an accusatory finger at him. 
"Well what did you expect me to do punch every angel who ever looked at us funny? That's not exactly holy behavior," chided Adam. 
"Oh you are a real piece of work my love," Eve snipped. "Like we're all supoosed to ignore that you went off on a mad crusade because you were too spineless to admit all of us are capable of sin? You didnt even think twice that doing so would cause a war!"
Adam winced. He hadn't thought of that. But no matter! There was no war and a mere instance of hell figthing back didn't erase countless years of victories his extermination squad achieved.
"Hey a war wouldn't be possible anyways because look at them! We are much more stronger, they just got lucky," boasted the First Man. 
"And they cheated! That fucking thing stabbed me in the back!" He pointed at Nifty, who could only reply with a satisfied grin. 
"An unnarmed man! And left his kids without both parents!" Adam continued, hoping his put-on was enough to soothe his beloved' heart. 
Abel cupped his face and sighed. Even during a serious moment his fayher loved being a drama king. It was such a common put-on Abel could smell it a mile away. 
Unknown to him, Kané shared the same sentiment. She pinched her nose, wasn't Adam's arrogance the reason why he was in hell in the first place? Why is he regressing all of a sudden? She held her tongue.
Eve gritted her teeth. God, she was so done with her ex's mind games!
As if somebody left the window opened a cold wind blasted through the room. Everyone tensed, Vaggie and Angel ready to move in case things got uglier.
"Talk about hell hath no fury," muttered Kané shrinking hwrself further away. Whisps of curls flew about Eve's face, her eyes glowing even more purple with a protective fury.
Charlie tugged her jacket tightly, her drealocks blowing around her face.  She watched as Eve posed herself straighter. She swore she could see the faint outlines of butterfly wings on the woman.
Before Adam could say anything else (preferably HIDE), Abel finally stepped in and placed comforting hands on his mom's shoulders. He spoke to her in a language Kané couldnt ubdertand. It seemed to calm her down as the wind stopped blowing and the room temp returned to normal. 
"Come on, Let's all sit down and discuss this like real adults." Abel directed that last part at his dad.
"I believe this matter also concerns you Your Highness," he addressed Charlie. 
"Hopefully we can get all this sorted out peacefully," the hell princess spoke. She was ready to intervened one she felt that wind. She wouldnt let anyone get hurt, especially at Adam's hand. 
Shrugging, Adam went over to the table, as Eve Abel and Charlie sat down. The older brunette took a place on the opposite end but still kept her violet eyes on Adam. She had a good mind to throw a wrench at his stupid smexy face. 
Kané still watched as her family began to convers, interspersed with bits of Angel Dust's disappointment at the lackluster resolution. 
For some reason she couldnt muster the courage to step out. Was it fear? Eve would probably hate her if she found out she was Cain's grandkid. 
Suddenly she felt something tugging at the bottom of her jacket. She turned to see a little purple lamb nibbling at her. 
"Hey hey hey shoo shoo!" She spoke as loudly as she could to not give away her position. The lamb was too entranced by the flavor of unwashed polyester. Kané tried to pushed it away but some how she tripped.
"Gah! Fuck!" 
The poor girl fell forward, causing everyone to turn her away. The mischievous scampered off with its prize, a piece of green cloth. 
The four royals got up to see the irritated girl laying on the floor. Eve and Abel could only gape as Charlie rushed over the help her.
Adam froze.
The jig was up.
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bambirex · 1 year
Sunshine For The Sunshine
Pairing: Geraskier, Yennskier, Radskier
Characters: Jaskier/Dandelion, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Radovid, Cirilla of Cintra, Lambert, Eskel, Coen, Vesemir
Additional tags: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, soft Jaskier, soft Geralt of Rivia, soft Yennefer of Vengerberg, snippets, poly Jaskier, everyone loves Jaskier, found family, past injury, handfeeding, Jaskier getting spoiled the way he deserves, no actual plot
Word count: 2,127
Chapters: 5/5
Summary: Jaskier being loved, spoiled and taken care of by everyone the way he deserves.
Author's notes: There's no plot here, these are just short fluffy chapters that are not connected at all. The new season is treating Jaskier a lot better already with people finally caring for him more, but it's still not enough for me so here we go, have some snippets of Jaskier being coddled like a kitten.
Read on Ao3
All Jaskier did was sneeze about two times before a giant mug of steaming cocoa was pushed into his hands.
He shot a questioning look up at Geralt, who was standing above him with several blankets in hand, looking deeply concerned.
“Okay, I am not that sick,” Jaskier chuckled. His voice was a little raspy as his throat itched. It was the beginning of an annoying cold, which sucked, but Geralt acted as if he suffered from some horrible, incurable disease. The witcher has been fussing around him like a mother hen in the past few days, from the moment Jaskier sniffled for the first time.
“You need to warm up,” Geralt told him softly. He draped the blankets over Jaskier, gently rubbing his shoulders to warm him. “I don’t want your condition to get worse.”
“My condition,” Jaskier snorted, “I just have a sore throat.”
“I just want you to be okay, Jask,” Geralt sat next to him on the bed. He pressed a kiss to the side of Jaskier’s head. Jaskier hid his smile in his mug.
Geralt continued to hold him as Jaskier took the first sip of his warm beverage, his arms wrapped around him protectively, shielding him from any discomfort. Jaskier let out a small sound of bliss, allowing himself to burrow deeper into Geralt’s hug.
“This is really nice,” Jaskier smiled as he rested his head against Geralt’s chest. He felt his eyes becoming droopy, both from the sickness and from how content and loved he felt. Geralt kissed the top of his head this time, nuzzling him like a large and very affectionate cat.
“I can get you some medicine from the town,” Geralt said. He pressed the back of his hand against Jaskier’s forehead to check his temperature. “You may not have a fever now, but I’m worried you will. How’s your head? Does it hurt? Your stomach?”
“I am getting overwhelmed with all this care,” Jaskier mused. He couldn’t wipe the satisfied grin off his face. “When did you become so gentle?”
Geralt hummed, pulling Jaskier closer until he sat halfway on the witcher’s lap. Geralt supported Jaskier’s hand that held the cup with his own, making sure he wouldn’t spill the sweet cocoa. With his other hand, he gently tilted Jaskier’s head towards him with his fingers hooked under his chin. Jaskier’s heart fluttered at the genuine kindness in Geralt’s eyes.
“I’ve met someone who changed me,” Geralt replied, and suddenly Jaskier’s throat didn’t ache because of the impending illness, but because of the way his whole heart leapt into it.
For the first time in his life, he found himself unable to say anything, so instead, he cocooned himself in Geralt’s embrace, his body and soul healing slowly.
Jaskier’s hand was okay now, but sometimes he felt those tiny phantom pains, like needles piercing his skin. It made him want to scratch and rub at his tingling palms, made him want to pull off dead skin and poke at the now healed, but forever deeply marred flesh.
It was hard to control his hand when a sensation like this flared up in his hands. His fingers trembled, refusing to cooperate when he tried to frame his eyes with kohl. Jaskier swore under his breath, frustrated tears welling up in his eyes.
He yelped when suddenly he felt a touch on his back. He whipped around to see Yennefer standing behind him.
“Gods above, witch,” Jaskier huffed, “you’ll kill me one day.”
“Maybe,” Yennefer shrugged. Her eyes fell on Jaskier’s hands, and a small smile twitched at her lips. It wasn’t a look of pity on her face, but one of genuine care – a kindness that Jaskier used to think did not exist in her. “Let me help you, first.”
“I’m good,” Jaskier waved a dismissive hand, which still shook treatorously. “I can do it myself.”
“I know you can,” Yennefer replied softly. She reached out her hand, waiting patiently, not crossing any boundaries, instead letting Jaskier decide for himself. “Just not now. Please, allow me, Jaskier.”
Jaskier bit his lip. He hated feeling so useless, but that was not what Yennefer implied; Jaskier could see it in her eyes, could hear it in her voice. She offered Jaskier a choice, wanting to take care of him genuinely but also respecting his autonomy at the same time.
With a sigh, Jaskier handed Yennefer the kohl. Yennefer gave him a small smile before she seated herself on his lap, gently tilting Jaskier’s face upwards with her hand. Jaskier felt his cheeks go warm under her ministrations as she so carefully brushed the eyeliner over his skin. She was careful not to poke him in the eye, working on his face with such precision as if Jaskier was one of her secret magic elixirs that required a lot of focus.
His lashes fluttered as Yennefer fixed a small smudge, wiping it off with her thumb gently before she went on to fill in the gap with the tip of the kohl.
Jaskier swallowed thickly as Yennefer pulled back, caressing his cheek gently.
“Pretty,” she said with genuine awe, before she leaned in to kiss him on the lips sweetly.
“No utensils? Thought this was a civilized place.”
Radovid chuckled as he lifted the tiny bite of whatever-it-was off Jaskier’s plate. He held it up close to his face, making Jaskier frown in confusion.
“Open up,” Radovid told him, his voice both sweet and commanding, and Jaskier, though hesitantly, did it, still not very sure of what was going on. The food was slipped between his lips gently, and he couldn’t help but let out a small gasp when the taste exploded on his tongue- savory, and just a little spicy.
“This is good,” he admitted. He barely had time to swallow before he was offered another bite. Jaskier’s cheeks flushed at the smirk that Radovid gave him.
“I can feed myself, you know.”
“I don’t want you to,” Radovid replied simply. He gave Jaskier his typical eyebrow raise that implied there was no place for an argument. “I am planning on spoiling you rotten, my sweet thing.”
Now, Jaskier was used to praises and seductive words, but somehow, the way Radovid said it- playful, but still sincere, flirty but with so much care, like he was truly intent on handfeeding Jaskier an entire course, made his stomach tingle with warmth. He bashfully opened his mouth for another bite, feeling a pleasant shiver run down his spine when Radovid wiped a bit of sauce off his chin with his thumb.
A cup of wine was held to his lips next, making Jaskier laugh.
“I can’t even drink alone?”
“What did I say about spoiling you?”
“Right,” Jaskier gave in with a sigh, but his lips curled into a pleased grin anyway. He let himself relax as Radovid held the rim of the cup against his lips, making him drink the sweet wine gently. It warmed Jaskier’s throat and stomach pleasantly.
He was offered tiny desserts next, and he had to admit, slipping into this feeling was easier than he thought. He was used to taking care of other people: lovers, friends, family, and now he was receiving the same care, being fed like a hungry little baby bird and showered with the affection he always craved.
Occasionally, between bites, Radovid caressed his cheek and whispered something sweet to him that made Jaskier nearly choke on his food, too overwhelmed all of a sudden. He closed his eyes in bliss, letting the taste of a strawberry fill his mouth, while love and gratitude filled his heart.
No one has ever insisted so aggressively that Jaskier shouldn’t lift a finger. He was usually nagged about making himself useful at last, and the change was very surprising.
He genuinely wanted to help out: Kaer Morhen was huge. There was a lot to clean up, and a lot of hungry mouths to feed, but he actually wasn’t allowed to do anything. He made an offended noise at the back of his throat when Lambert all but tore the mop out of his hand.
“Nuh-uh,” he grumbled, “no need.”
“You think I can’t use a mop?” Jaskier huffed. “I am not such a spoiled brat.”
“That’s not why,” Lambert chuckled, gently patting Jaskier on the head. “You should rest, songbird.”
“It’s already too generous you’re letting me winter here, I should help you out, at least!”
“We’re not letting you stay because we want to make you play maiden,” Eskel told him with a smile. He, much like the rest of the Kaer Morhen wolves, kept insisting he should rest, and rest, and then rest some more. It was actually him, that practically shoved Jaskier out of the kitchen because he dared try and help with cutting up the vegetables.
“We’re letting you stay, because you mean a lot to Geralt. And us.”
“Alright, but…” Jaskier trailed off, not very sure how to process what he’s just heard. Him? Meaning a lot to a horde of supernatural warriors?
“Well, at least let me organize the books in the library…”
“Already done,” Coen grinned at him. “I did it last night.”
“But… but I said I would…”
“Yeah, well, now you don’t have to,” Coen gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “The only thing you should focus on is getting some rest and composing some lovely songs. And keeping on making us happy with your presence.”
Now Jaskier was sure he was actually just imagining things, because there was no way Coen just implied that his mere presence brought such joy to the witchers – but when he looked at them, he saw Lambert grinning, and that sincere spark in Eskel’s eyes. Jaskier walked out of the kitchen in disbelief.
He tried getting himself some tasks in the stalls, where Vesemir flat out told him that if he didn’t go back inside from the freezing cold, he would ask Geralt to kick his ass.
“Why does no one want me to help?” Jaskier groaned. Vesemir chuckled softly.
“You already help, Jaskier,” he said, his voice warmer than what Jaskier has ever heard from him. “You already help an awful lot.”
Jaskier didn’t even try to ask what he meant. He stumbled back inside the keep, his heart swelling with so many emotions inside his chest.
The last note rang out, and the crowd erupted into cheers. The clapping was so loud, it was almost deafening. Jaskier grinned widely before he took a bow, the ecstasy of a well-done performance strumming in his veins.
“That’s my uncle!” Ciri yelled, her cheeks pink with excitement. She stood on top of a table, ignoring Yennefer’s pleas to get off. “He belongs to us!”
Jaskier laughed in disbelief. A couple decades ago, he played in this exact tavern. He was met with disdain then, was pelted with bread and tomatoes, and no one has wanted anything to do with him. And now, the crowd was going wild, singing him praises and practically bowing before him as he made his way over to the table in the corner. At that table, sat the three most important people in his life, people who weren’t always the nicest to him, but who loved him with all their hearts now. People who were proud to declare him a part of their family.
“That was incredible, Jaskier,” Geralt said with a smile. No more fillingless pie, just incredible. Jaskier sighed happily, gladly taking the gentle shoulder squeeze from Geralt.
“Our bard,” Yennefer said with a grin, gently bopping Jaskier on the nose. Jaskier stuck his tongue out at her playfully, but the loud beating of his heart exposed him. Ciri all but jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms tight around his neck as she hugged him tight.
“You have to teach me to play, one day,” she said excitedly, still squeezing Jaskier. “How are you so talented?”
“Well, having such a lovely audience always helps,” Jaskier replied earnestly. He gently ruffled Ciri’s hair. “Besides, you’re already too powerful. What would happen if we also trained you to be a bard?”
“She would be like you,” Yennefer said softly. She gently brushed a sweaty lock out of Jaskier’s face. “And that’s not even such a bad thing.”
“Not at all,” Geralt chimed in. He gently stroked Jaskier’s back, making him melt into his touch. “So, where do you want to go celebrate?”
“Wherever you go,” Jaskier replied, his grin nearly splitting his face, the same way his heart nearly burst through his chest. “I wanna celebrate with my family.”
“Sounds lovely,” Yennefer grinned. “Our favorite poet is choosing us!”
Ciri hugged him again, and Jaskier blinked against the happy tears in his eyes.
Favorite. Incredible. Loved.
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caught-in-a-landslide · 7 months
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ultramanginger · 23 days
Alien vs Predator rewatch thoughts...
Since Romulus was coming out, I rewatched every Alien and Predator film in order and I offer a thought for each movie:
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Alien (1979)
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It's a classic that has some incredible ideas that are still scary and fascinating to this day, but...
Watching it in HD, it's hard to miss some really cringey moments, like the Alien jazz hands and the way that Lambert and Brett's death scenes are so similar that they use some of the footage shot for one for the other.
Not to mention, the more you read about the making of the film, the more you realise it being good was luck rather than skill, as so much of it was the way it was to keep costs down. A lot of what Scott would have done with more budget and freedom would have been just awful.
Still great, still a classic, but not even the best of the franchise, let alone reason to consider Scott the one to make Alien great again...
4 stars
Aliens (1986)
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Perfect movie. No notes.
5 stars
Predator (1987)
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Exceptional action movie and an exceptional scifi horror at the same time. Like Alien, it would have been terrible if not for blind luck. None of the pieces should have worked together, but somehow the whole ascended above the sum of the parts.
5 stars
Predator 2 (1990)
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Much maligned and it is VERY 90s, not to mention it meanders around a lot of filler. Focus on the good parts, however, and there are great ideas and some great scenes. A worthy classic.
4 stars
Alien3 (1992)
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The making of this movie is absolutely a better story than the plot. Taking a script about the devil on a wooden space station and turning it into a popcorn horror flick was impossible, even for Fincher, who still deserves credit for making something so incredibly fucking bleak. The effects don't hold up, the edit is a mess, but it's still watchable.
3.5 stars
Alien: Resurrection (1997)
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Fuck Joss Whedon, but Resurrection is basically an early Firefly pilot and that works. Lots of people don't like the movie as they hate the characters, but they're no less deplorable than any of the other Alien crews.
Is it perfect? no, but this bizarre mix of Alien lore expanded in a crazy direction, Firefly, and French arthouse direction is a hell of a mash-up. Not only does it have some great ideas, but I genuinely enjoy it.
4 stars
Alien Vs Predator (2004)
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Cheesy, slightly vacuous, unlikely to win cinematic plaudits, but completely terrible? Not at all.
Event Horizon showed that Anderson can do worthy movies (at least one), and this is not him at his best, but it's still very watchable.
3 stars
Alien Vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
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It's obviously not defensible. This movie is trash, but it's probably not as bad as you remember. There are some fun ideas executed passably. There are also some terrible ideas executed poorly. The attempt to do Alien and Predator as a teen horror movie is actually kinda interesting, even if there was no way it would ever work.
2.5 stars
Predators (2010)
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Such casual misogyny. Like... so much...
Aside from that, this is pretty good. It still has that classic Alien and Predator luck that salvaged some garbage script ideas (drunk predator motorbike gang?), but overall it does feel more like a fun non-canon EU novel rather than an actual part of the franchise.
Prometheus (2012)
3.5 stars
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I went on a journey with Prometheus over the years:
It's a fucking terrible Alien move
Actually, it's not a bad cheesy scifi horror if you pretend it's not an Alien movie
Actually, no, it's still a shit scifi horror, it's just a better scifi horror than it is an Alien movie
Please, someone take Alien away from Scott and send him home?
2.5 stars
Alien: Covenant (2017)
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So, Scott started off like:
"No-one cares about the Alien! Let's give them a movie about mental pseudo-archeology that pretends to be an Alien movie!"
With this movie, he was like:
"Sulk. Fine, I guess people like Alien, but lets put Aliens in my mental pseudo-archeology movie so I don't have to admit it sucked!"
It still sucks and this weird hybrid mess is even worse than his straight mental pseudo-archeology movie.
Not to mention, why did they finally let him do Alien sex, even if it was just watching? Please keep him away from these movies!
2 stars
The Predator (2018)
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Woof. I thought Predators was offensive.
How a man with Tourettes can make a character with Tourettes feel inauthentic and offensive, I don't know, but Black managed it.
This had so much potential with Shane Black writing and the cast and the budget, but it's just total crap. Yes, they completely reshot the ending, but even the original ending sounds bad.
2.5 stars
Prey (2022)
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Just a complete joy. This is all I want from a Predator movie and movies in general. That this not getting a cinematic release put people off is ridiculous. Go watch it.
5 stars
Alien: Romulus (2024)
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Attempting to connect Alien with Prometheus in the final act was stupid enough to put people off a movie they admit was otherwise perfect. This shows just how bad Prometheus was and why Scott needs to go.
Yes, the final threat is not ideal and no-one wanted a reference to Prometheus other than Scott, but this movie is otherwise so good that you HAVE to forgive that, particularly if it spawns a new franchise of good Alien movies without Scott.
5 stars
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beansforwhat · 5 months
I Deserve To Bleed | Sushi Soucy
Feel Better | Penelope Scott
World's Smallest Violin | AJR
What's Wrong With Me? | Mean Girls
House Of Gold | Twenty One Pilots
ocean eyes | Billie Eilish
Let Me Down Slowly | Alec Benjamin
High School Sweethearts | Melanie Martinez
Lavender | Penelope Scott
I Love Play Rehearsal | Be More Chill
Secrets | Mary Lambert
Bruno Is Orange | Hop Along
Never Acting At All | Melina KB
Brutus | The Buttress
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anyanpre · 2 years
Geraskier ideas #2, pain edition:
What if instead of wishing for "peace and quiet", Geralt fucks it up with the djinn even more and goes "I wish we've never met" on Jaskier and accidentally retcons Jaskier out of his life.
And he either wastes his other two wishes before realizing what really happened, or doesn't have the wishes anymore due to timey-wimey shenanigans.
So Geralt is stuck, miserable and alone and without Jaskier.
He does think about finding Jaskier, but decides against it -- without him Jaskier is safe and happy and Geralt never deserved him anyway.
He can't stay in taverns when there's a bard, because it hurts too much. He barely cares about his wounds, because no one yells at him for getting too reckless. He's alone, as he should be.
He's fine, except he isn't.
And then the winter comes. And when Geralt gets to Kaer Morhen, Jaskier is there, with one of Geralt's brothers. Because of fucking course he is.
And, worst if all, Jaskier perfectly happy.
Geralt always knew that out of all of the wolves he was the worst one for Jaskier to get stuck with. He's an asshole and not the fun kind like Lambert. He isn't as nice and kind and fucking perfect like Eskel. And there is a proof of this right in front of him.
Jaskier is better off without him.
And it hurts.
He's a stranger to Jaskier, and it hurts so fucking much when Jaskier is right there.
And Geralt knows he can't undo his stupid wish, because he can't destroy this, even if he had the means to.
Everybody got what they deserved and Geralt truly believes in that moment that he deserves to be alone, that he never deserved Jaskier in the first place. That this is right, even if it hurts.
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