#land sailing
SailGP’s athletes go sailing on land!
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assiraphales · 1 month
I think they need to invent a brand new word for that drop kick to the stomach realization when it sinks in that frodo is leaving for the undying lands
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tathrin · 4 months
The next story I am Definitely Not Writing: a fic where Legolas and Gimli make it all the way to the Undying Lands before they realize that in addition to loving each other more than anything else in all of Arda, they are also in love with one another (this is less a realization on their part and more an assumption that just about everyone else in Aman makes on sight, and eventually they hear about it and go oh...dang...maybe...? and Legolas's mom facepalms forever) and hey what if they got married, then...?
Only the thing is, while an elvish marriage is very simple and requires literally nothing but the folks involved deciding to do it (and no, Thranduil is not allowed to demand that Gimli fetch some priceless jewel from the Fëanorian section of Tirion in order to prove himself worthy of Legolas's hand, although he tried very very hard to convince everyone that it was a great idea) a dwarven marriage is an elaborate ceremony, requiring the participation of both a dwarven officiant and several members of one's kin to perform the various elements of the ceremony.
...all of which are in short supply in this land of elves and valar.
Except. well. there aren't any other dwarves in Aman...but what there is, is the guy who made the dwarves. And he is VERY fond of Gimli. So when he learns that Gimli is kind of moping about the fact that he can't marry Legolas in dwarven-fashion, Aulë ENTHUSIASTICALLY volunteers to be the officiant and to set everything up and arrange just the BEST DWARVEN WEDDING EVER...
Because, you know. he's never actually been to one?
Gimli is stricken with horrified shock to realize just how much his own Maker has missed out on interactions with his beloved dwarves over the years, and immediately agrees to this plan (even though he knows it won't be a real dwarven wedding without his family there; but he'll swim back to Middle-earth before he says one word about that anywhere that Mahal can hear! he is going to do everything in his power to make this the best wedding ever for the sake of his Maker, dammit!).
So he gets to work crafting all the necessary accoutrements (with enthusiastic help from Celebrimbor and all his other elf-smith friends that Gimli has acquired since coming to these shores which is, let's be honest, quite a few) and carefully teaching Legolas all the necessary Khuzdul phrases and ceremonial steps that they can do to mimic as much of a proper wedding as they can without anyone else to help...
And when the big day comes, Aulë is vibrating so hard he's on the verge of setting off seventeen different earthquakes across the island, and not even Yavanna can get him to relax. Gimli and Legolas arrive to the appointed place, and find that they aren't alone: Aulë has invited Celebrimbor, too, seeing as he's the only elf in Aman who has actually participated in a dwarven wedding before with makes him the local expert as well as the closest thing to "kin" that Gimli is going to find on these shores...except.
Well, Mandos might be in charge of elvish souls, but dwarves? They belong to their Maker. And if Mahal decides he wants to...well, who is going to stop him from waking some of them up early, before the breaking of the world? Especially if he doesn't ask permission first. So when Gimli and Legolas hesitantly walk into this foreboding stone chamber, eerily close to the Halls of Mandos, wondering wtf is going on and have they offended the valar somehow and are they in trouble and if so how bad is it...?
Well, turns out Gimli will have kin at his wedding after all.
Mahal can't bring any of them back to life, not without the intervention and permission of Eru and probably Mandos too; but as long as they're in his halls, he can wake anybody he wants. So soon there is a great crowd of bewildered but enthusiastic dwarves gathered around Gimli, as he tries to explain what the heck is going on to a whole passel of relatives and friends, some of whom died even before the Lonely Mountain was reclaimed and don't even know how the Battle of Five Armies ended, let alone the whole thing with the Ring and the Fellowship...
And Legolas and Celebrimbor are standing near the entrance watching fondly, Legolas weeping around a great big smile and Celebrimbor torn between joy for Gimli and his own ever-bitter sorrows and then...
"Khelebrrimbor?" calls a deep dwarven voice, in a thick Khuzdul accent, and Celebrimbor stiffens like he's just been shot.
Suddenly there's a ruckus as a very burly dwarf is shouldering through the crowd, and Celebrimbor stumbles forward and throws himself at Narvi with a wail, and it's at least ten minutes before anyone can get a coherent word out of either of them (although it takes considerably less time to catch the gist of Narvi's lecture about how dare you and lucky he's already dead, or I'd have a gift for him he wouldn't forget in a hurry and what were you thinking???).
Legolas gives Aulë a very pointed raise of his eyebrows, and Aulë shrugs around an unabashed grin. "Who in all the ages of the world is more of an expert on marriages between elves and dwarves than the two of them? I am a craftsman, Greenleaf; of course I would want to make use of their skills and experience in this endeavor. Nothing more to it than that."
Legolas hums noncommittally, but his eyes are dancing.
Mahal ignores him and steps forward to start the wedding. It takes even him three tries before he can shout loud enough to be heard over the tumult and get everyone's attention, but eventually he gets them all to quiet down enough for the ceremony to begin. Not everyone in attendance is entirely thrilled by the prospect of Gimli marrying an elf (that elf) but no one is so cross that they walk back into their dreams of stone to avoid it, which Gimli chalks up as a victory.
(Legolas's terrible Khuzdul pronunciation doesn't help, but the very enthusiastic way he praises Gimli when the ceremony reaches that point makes up for a lot. By the time he finally runs out of words, a few of the more recalcitrant attendees have changed their tune about him. The fact that he's so good at weaving the required braids doesn't hurt, either.)
There aren't nearly enough refreshments for a crowd that size afterwards, of course, since Gimli and Legolas weren't expecting anyone but themselves and Aulë to be there; but that doesn't much matter, because 90% of those in attendance don't have the sort of corporealness that would allow them to eat the dwarven delicacies that Gimli spent all morning fussing over anyway. (That doesn't stop some of his more elderly relatives from scolding him for not following their recipes better.) They're solid enough that you can hug them or kiss them, in the case of a certain former smithlord of Eregion or get half-knocked off your feet by their congratulatory backslaps, but they aren't alive. They're still the dreaming dead...it's just that for the moment, they're dreaming in a bit more wakefulness than usual.
In the end it's not what one would call an orthodox dwarven wedding, no; but it's a lot closer than Gimli thought he would get, and since he's hardly an orthodox dwarf, the small tweaks and oddities of their strange situation don't bother him in the slightest.
As for Aulë, he's never been happier.
And if it takes a long, long time for Celebrimbor to finally leave (and if he tries to devise a way to prop the door open on his way out)...well, Aulë is enjoying himself far too much to do anything but pretend not to notice. Even when Námo clears his throat at him very pointedly.
And then again. And again.
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A Favor for Rook’s Rest
(Study, God Speed
1900, Edmund Blair Leighton)
In my fic she gives him one of Prince Jaehaerys’s baby blankets 💚
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teehee-vibes · 2 months
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ryuichifoxe · 7 months
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I made a timeline piece like this back in 2019 and wanted to update it after Retribution's release but never got around to it. Anyway, we're getting short haired, scruffy Emery going into Revelations and I'm excited to see how much he changes by the end.
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
Replaying phantom hourglass and I really don’t think it’s fair to characterize Linebeck as a coward. Like yeah he doesn’t want to go into the dungeons or the temple of the ocean king, but the temple of the ocean king sucks the life out of you, you see skeletons and spirits of people who died in there. He actually did go in there by himself and got trapped. Another thing to keep in mind is that he’s a normal person, he doesn’t fight and he prefers the laid back lifestyle. Now he does want treasure and that gets him motivated, but that treasure is also in a life threatening ghost ship that takes victims here and there. It makes sense that he’s nervous about that.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you do fight monsters and bosses in the sea, he’s not scared at all. He tells you that there’s an enemy, he cheers you on, and even when you die he just kinda accepts his fate. He’s a competent and capable man on the sea, and you know that he knows what he’s doing. Also, as soon as you see the ghost ship after you get the second sea chart, he tells you to go straight ahead, to chase it down. Again, he’s motivated by Treasure, but he doesn’t hesitate to chase after the ghost ship.
Maybe as an adult he should go and help Link who is just a kid, but keep in mind that this is a video game and you don’t want your hand to be held the entire time playing. His role only seems to be sailing you around anyways, not traveling by your side like Ciela (I’d imagine it’d be different for a full grown man to be following you around, cuz most Zelda companions hide away while you’re playing)
Anyways, Linebeck is cowardly at times, but I wouldn’t characterize him as a coward. A greedy pathetic scoundrel, yeah, but not really a coward.
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sofusenpai · 3 months
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*drops a little pirate bun while we wait for dawntrail maintenance to be over*
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cookiwi-octonauts · 2 years
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Known for his adventurous and daredevil behaviour Kwazii "The Untamed" is recognised as fiercest pirate in the seven seas 🌊
But he is still silly lovely and helps the creatures in danger obviously
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mycatmoo · 13 days
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So I had this image of siffrin sleeping with a furret cuddles up around his head and a jirachi on him had to draw it
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vinceaddams · 9 months
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My former roommate has these horrible top heavy water glasses that I kept knocking over - I think I spilled water all over my sewing table or nightstand at least 5 or 6 times a year while living there. I didn't have any water glasses of my own, so when I moved out I had a think and got a couple of thick bottomed glass beer mugs from the thrift store. Much harder to knock over! It's only been a few weeks, but hopefully I can go a whole year without any such disasters.
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sadclowncentral · 6 months
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sunset over the railing east of bornholm
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peachnewt · 4 months
I believe someone threatened to draw fluffy times between Will and Louis for every chapter of Spilling Guts that came out with hurty-feels.
*looks at next chapter so far*
Get your pencils ready.
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Ships landing, probably at Portsmouth, by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)
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tathrin · 1 year
Hey. Hey, do you ever think about the fact that if Legolas hadn't been stricken by the Sea-Longing, if he had still had "peace under beech [and] elm," he would almost surely not have gone to the Undying Lands until many, many years later, long after all his mortal friends were dead?
Do you ever think about the fact that if he hadn't heard those gulls, if he hadn't spent the whole length of Aragorn's reign plagued by the ache in his heart ever pulling him West, he wouldn't have gone until long after Gimli was dead, too? And Gimli would have surely never even thought about asking to go with him, if Legolas's heart wasn't being ever drawn away by that call; it simply wouldn't have been a thing that would have ever occurred to either of them, without the weight of the Sea-Longing hanging over them both for so many years.
Do you ever think about how the only reason they get to have their forever-ever-after happy ending on the other side of the Sundering Sea is because of the wound that the cry of those gulls lanced through his heart?
Because I do.
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amazingmsme · 6 months
Y’all be harking on the jump from 10 to 12 years in Epic, as if the passage of time doesn’t exist. As if it doesn’t take a long ass time to sail across the ocean & hit every obstacle in your path
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