#landscape of cybersecurity
reallytoosublime · 8 months
In today's interconnected world, where virtually every facet of our lives is intertwined with technology, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As the digital landscape continues to expand, so do the opportunities for both beneficial innovation and malicious exploitation. The ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity represents a constant battle between those seeking to safeguard sensitive information, systems, and infrastructure and those looking to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or even geopolitical motives. This intricate dance of innovation and threat mitigation shapes the complex field of cybersecurity.
The rapid pace of technological advancement, commonly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has ushered in an era of unparalleled connectivity and digitization. From smart homes and self-driving cars to cloud computing and the Internet of Things, our lives are intertwined with digital devices and online platforms. While this digital transformation has brought unprecedented convenience and efficiency, it has also exposed individuals, organizations, and nations to a plethora of cyber threats.
The threat landscape in cybersecurity is in a constant state of flux. Hackers and cybercriminals are continuously adapting and refining their tactics, techniques, and procedures to exploit vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and human behavior. Traditional threats like viruses, worms, and Trojans have evolved into sophisticated malware strains capable of evading detection and spreading across networks. Additionally, ransomware attacks have become more targeted and damaging, causing disruptions to critical infrastructure, healthcare institutions, and businesses.
Looking ahead, the cybersecurity landscape is poised for further evolution. Quantum computing, with its potential to break current encryption standards, presents both opportunities and challenges. As organizations embrace edge computing and 5G networks, new attack vectors may emerge, necessitating innovative security solutions tailored to these environments. The proliferation of smart devices and sensors in the IoT landscape introduces a vast attack surface that requires careful consideration of security-by-design principles.
The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity | LimitLess Tech
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youtubemarketing1234 · 8 months
In today's interconnected world, where virtually every facet of our lives is intertwined with technology, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As the digital landscape continues to expand, so do the opportunities for both beneficial innovation and malicious exploitation. The ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity represents a constant battle between those seeking to safeguard sensitive information, systems, and infrastructure and those looking to exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain or even geopolitical motives. This intricate dance of innovation and threat mitigation shapes the complex field of cybersecurity.
The rapid pace of technological advancement, commonly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has ushered in an era of unparalleled connectivity and digitization. From smart homes and self-driving cars to cloud computing and the Internet of Things, our lives are intertwined with digital devices and online platforms. While this digital transformation has brought unprecedented convenience and efficiency, it has also exposed individuals, organizations, and nations to a plethora of cyber threats.
The threat landscape in cybersecurity is in a constant state of flux. Hackers and cybercriminals are continuously adapting and refining their tactics, techniques, and procedures to exploit vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and human behavior. Traditional threats like viruses, worms, and Trojans have evolved into sophisticated malware strains capable of evading detection and spreading across networks. Additionally, ransomware attacks have become more targeted and damaging, causing disruptions to critical infrastructure, healthcare institutions, and businesses.
Looking ahead, the cybersecurity landscape is poised for further evolution. Quantum computing, with its potential to break current encryption standards, presents both opportunities and challenges. As organizations embrace edge computing and 5G networks, new attack vectors may emerge, necessitating innovative security solutions tailored to these environments. The proliferation of smart devices and sensors in the IoT landscape introduces a vast attack surface that requires careful consideration of security-by-design principles.
The ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity reflects the perpetual struggle between innovation and exploitation. As technology continues to reshape our world, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. The collective efforts of individuals, organizations, governments, and international collaborations will be pivotal in safeguarding the digital frontiers and ensuring a secure and resilient digital future. Through ongoing adaptation, collaboration, and vigilance, society can navigate the complex terrain of cybersecurity and harness the benefits of the digital age while minimizing its inherent risks.
The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity | LimitLess Tech
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noisyneonart · 8 months
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godyna · 9 months
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jobsbuster · 2 months
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cacmsinsitute · 3 months
Cybersecurity Education: Your Path to Becoming a Digital Guardian in an Ever-Changing Landscape
In an era dominated by digital technologies, the importance of cybersecurity has never been greater. As cyber dangers and attacks proliferate, the requirement for qualified professionals capable of protecting against them grows. In this article, we look at how cybersecurity education can help individuals become digital guardians in an ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.
The Growing Importance of Cybersecurity:
With the fast proliferation of digital infrastructure and the increasing interconnection of systems, potential vulnerabilities and dangers have grown dramatically. Organizations in all industries confront ongoing risks to their digital assets, ranging from large-scale data breaches to sophisticated ransomware assaults. As a result, there is an urgent demand for skilled cybersecurity specialists who can predict, detect, and successfully neutralize these risks.
Cybersecurity Education: Laying the Groundwork:
Cybersecurity education sets the framework for individuals to obtain the skills and knowledge required to address the wide range of difficulties provided by cyber attacks. Students learn about basic concepts like network security, cryptography, threat analysis, and incident response through comprehensive training programmes. Furthermore, they learn about emerging technologies and dynamic attack vectors, which prepares them to respond to changing threat landscapes.
Practical Experience and Hands-on Learning:
One of the distinguishing features of cybersecurity education is the emphasis on practical experience and hands-on learning. Students can use their theoretical understanding in real-world circumstances by modeling cyber attacks and defense techniques in controlled conditions. By participating in practical exercises including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and forensic analysis, students gain vital skills that may be applied directly to industry.
Specialization and certification:
Cybersecurity education provides a wide number of specialization options, allowing students to personalize their learning experience to their specific interests and professional aspirations. Whether they specialize in network security, cloud security, ethical hacking, or digital forensics, students can pursue certificates and qualifications that confirm their cybersecurity skills. These qualifications not only boost credibility, but they also strengthen employment prospects in a competitive labor environment.
Addressing the skill gap:
Despite the increasing demand for cybersecurity workers, there is a major skills gap in the business. Individuals who invest in cybersecurity education not only position themselves for profitable career prospects, but they also help to close the essential skills gap. Cybersecurity experts play an important role in boosting organizations' overall security posture and protecting digital assets from changing threats by engaging in continuous learning and professional development.
In conclusion, cybersecurity education is the foundation for those seeking to become digital guardians in an ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. Students who get the necessary information, skills, and certifications can pursue rewarding jobs in cybersecurity, where they play an important role in defending against malicious actors and protecting the integrity of digital systems. As technology advances, the demand for qualified cybersecurity experts will grow, making cybersecurity education more important than ever.
Join the CACMS Institute for comprehensive cybersecurity education today. Receive hands-on practical instruction and guidance from our seasoned experts. Take the first step towards becoming a digital guardian in the ever-changing world of cyber threats.
For further information and to enroll, please call +91 8288040281 or visit CACMS!
Secure your future in cybersecurity with CACMS Institute.
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kesarijournal · 6 months
Unveiling the Secret World of Privacy Breaches and Espionage Among Allies
**Introduction:**In a world where the lines between ally and adversary blur, the recent revelations of Google’s $5 billion settlement for infringing on user privacy and the intricate web of espionage among friendly nations have ignited a global conversation. This article delves into the clandestine world of privacy breaches and espionage, unearthing the uncomfortable truths that define our modern…
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debajitadhikary · 7 months
10 Most important Technologies that IT Advisors use to Navigating the Future of Information Technology
Introduction as IT Advisors In the dynamic realm of Information Technology (IT), staying ahead requires a powerful arsenal of cutting-edge technologies. IT advisors, the guiding force behind digital transformations, leverage a spectrum of tools to optimize operations, enhance security, and propel their clients into the future. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the tech landscape that…
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digitalcreationsllc · 7 months
Royal Ransomware Rebrands as BlackSuit - Warn FBI and CISA
The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving, with threat actors often changing tactics and branding to evade detection and expand their operations. A recent development in this arena involves the Royal ransomware gang. According to a joint advisory from the CISA and the FBI, this group has rebranded itself to BlackSuit. Diving into details The rebranding of cybercriminal groups indicates…
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tntra · 9 months
Discover how AI and ML are transforming the landscape of cybersecurity in Tntra's insightful blog. Explore the innovative ways these technologies are enhancing threat detection, response, and prevention in an ever-evolving digital world. Gain valuable insights into the future of cybersecurity and the crucial role AI and ML play in safeguarding digital assets.
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dealnewstoday-blog · 10 months
Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity Best Practices: Safeguarding Digital Frontiers
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blockchainnewsme · 1 year
2023 Gcc Cybersecurity Landscape: Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats With These Insights
2023 Gcc Cybersecurity Landscape: Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats With These Insights: Cybersecurity continues to evolve, and so does the 2023 GCC cybersecurity landscape. With the growing number of cyber threats and the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, it’s more critical than ever to stay ahead of the game. The prevalence of cyberattacks has elevated cybersecurity to the top of the…
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cyberpunkonline · 7 months
Cyberspace Sentinels: Tracing the Evolution and Eccentricities of ICE
As we hark back to the embryonic stages of cyber defense in the late 1990s, we find ourselves in a digital petri dish where the first firewalls and antivirus programs are mere amoebas against a sea of threats. The digital defenses of yore, much like the drawbridges and moats of medieval castles, have transformed into a labyrinth of algorithms and machine learning guards in today's complex cybersecurity ecosystem. The sophistication of these systems isn't just technical; it's theatrical.
The drama unfolds spectacularly in the cyberpunk genre, where Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE) are the dramatis personae. Let's peruse the virtual halls of cyberpunk media to encounter the most deadly, and delightfully weird, iterations of ICE, juxtaposing these fictional behemoths against their real-world counterparts.
We commence our odyssey with William Gibson’s "Neuromancer," where ICE is not only a barrier but a perilous landscape that can zap a hacker's consciousness into oblivion. Gibson gives us Black ICE, a lethal barrier to data larceny that kills the intruding hacker, a grim forerunner to what cybersecurity could become in an age where the stakes are life itself.
CD Projekt Red’s "Cyberpunk 2077" gives us Daemons, digital Cerberuses that gnash and claw at Netrunners with malevolent intent. They symbolize a cyber-Orwellian universe where every keystroke could be a pact with a digital devil.
The chromatic haze of "Ghost in the Shell" offers ICE that intertwines with human cognition, reflecting a reality where software not only defends data but the very sanctity of the human mind.
In Neal Stephenson’s "Snow Crash," the Metaverse is patrolled by ICE that manifests as avatars capable of digital murder. Stephenson's vision is a reminder that in the realm of bytes and bits, the avatar can be as powerful as the sword.
"Matrix" trilogy, portrays ICE as Sentinels — merciless machines tasked with hunting down and eliminating threats, a silicon-carbon ballet of predator and prey.
On the small screen, "Mr. Robot" presents a more realistic tableau — a world where cybersecurity forms the battleground for societal control, with defense systems mirroring modern malware detection and intrusion prevention technologies.
"Ready Player One," both the novel and Spielberg's visual feast, portrays IOI’s Oology Division as a form of corporate ICE, relentless in its pursuit of control over the Oasis, guarding against external threats with a militaristic zeal that mirrors today's corporate cybersecurity brigades.
And let’s not overlook the anarchic "Watch Dogs" game series, where ICE stands as a silent sentinel against a protagonist who uses the city’s own connected infrastructure to bypass and dismantle such defenses.
Now, let us tether these fictional marvels to our reality. Today’s cybersecurity does not slumber; it's embodied in the form of next-gen firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and advanced endpoint security solutions. They may not be as visceral as the ICE of cyberpunk, but they are no less sophisticated. Consider the deep packet inspection and AI-based behavioral analytics that cast an invisible, ever-watchful eye over our digital comings and goings.
Nevertheless, the reality is less bloodthirsty. Real-world cyber defense systems, as advanced as they may be, do not threaten the physical well-being of attackers. Instead, they stealthily snare and quarantine threats, perhaps leaving cybercriminals pining for the days of simple antivirus skirmishes.
But as the cyberverse stretches its tendrils further into the tangible world, the divide between the fantastical ICE of cyberpunk and the silicon-hardened guardians of our networks grows thin. With the Internet of Things (IoT) binding the digital to the physical, the kinetic potential of cybersecurity threats — and therefore the need for increasingly aggressive countermeasures — becomes apparent.
Could the ICE of tomorrow cross the Rubicon, protecting not just data, but physical well-being, through force if necessary? It is conceivable. As cyberpunk media illustrates, ICE could morph from passive digital barricades into active defenders, perhaps not with the murderous flair of its fictional counterparts but with a potency that dissuades through fear of tangible repercussions.
In the taut narrative of cybersecurity’s evolution, ICE remains the enigmatic, omnipresent sentinel, an avatar of our collective desire for safety amidst the binary storm. And while our reality may not yet feature the neon-drenched drama of cyberpunk's lethal ICE, the premise lingers on the periphery of possibility — a silent admonition that as our digital and physical realms converge, so too might our defenses need to wield a fiercer bite. Will the cyberpunk dream of ICE as a dire protector manifest in our world? Time, the grand weaver of fate, shall unfurl the tapestry for us to see.
- Raz
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
Over the past year, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released several reports detailing how the government is a) harassing and intimidating citizens to shut down undesirable viewpoints b) using misinformation and propaganda to drive false narratives and c) censoring protected speech using third parties
November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee held another hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified and shared evidence about the existence of a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are censoring Americans and using sophisticated psychological operations against us
The CTIL was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services FOR FREE to multibillion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S.
CTIL also offers physical security and “cognitive” security, which are volunteered by U.S. and British military contractors
The CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape also includes using debanking as financial leverage, pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations,” and more
The video above features the November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.1
Over the past year, the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has released several reports detailing how the government is a) harassing and intimidating citizens to shut down undesirable viewpoints, b) using misinformation and propaganda to drive false narratives and c) censoring protected speech using third parties. Here’s a list of those reports that you can peruse at your convenience.
“The Weaponization of the Federal Trade Commission: An Agency’s Overreach to Harass Elon Musk’s Twitter,” March 7, 2023
Interim Report on AG Garland’s Anti-Parent Memo, March 21, 2021
“The Hunter Biden Statement: How Senior Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters,” May 10, 2023
“Report on FBI Whistleblower Testimony Highlights Government Abuse, Misallocation of Resources, and Retaliation,” May 18, 2023
“The Weaponization of CISA: How a ‘Cybersecurity’ Agency Colluded with Big Tech and ‘Disinformation’ Partners to Censor Americans,” June 26, 2023
“The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech,” July 10, 2023
“Fighting the Weaponization of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): The End of Abusive Unannounced Field Visits,” October 27, 2023
“The Weaponization of 'Disinformation' Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats: How the Federal Government Partnered with Universities to Censor Americans' Free Speech,” November 6, 2023
Jira Ticket Data, which prove government was mass censoring vaccine information
“The FBI's Breach of Religious Freedom: The Weaponization of Law Enforcement Against Catholic Americans,” December 4, 2023
“The Justice Department's Deviations from Standard Processes in its Investigation of Hunter Biden,” December 5, 2023
The Subcommittee also filed an amicus brief on Missouri v. Biden in early August 2023.
Rep. Thomas Massie Censored
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Around the one-hour mark in the featured video, Rep. Thomas Massie questions Olivia Troye — a former intelligence official at the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama and a national security and counterterrorism adviser to vice president Mike Pence — about the U.S. government’s use of third party organizations to censor protected speech.
The relevant clip is included above. In her opening statement, Troye accused the Committee of “indulging in fantasy detached from reality.” “Members of this committee and their witnesses make grand and vague accusations about government censorship,” she said. She also claimed the members were “spreading conspiracy theories about government censorship.”
Massie went on to point to a tweet he posted May 19, 2021, under his official congressional account, in which he had linked to a peer-reviewed study that found the effectiveness of natural immunity was identical to that of the Pfizer COVID shot.
“Here’s a comprehensive study that tracked reinfections and COVID complications for 187,549 people with prior SARS-CoV2 infection,” he wrote in his tweet. “Conclusion: Effectiveness of immunity due to prior infection is the same as for the Pfizer vaccine.”
This tweet was censored by Twitter after the Stanford Internet Observatory’s Virality Project flagged it as “misinformation.” As detailed in previous articles, the Virality Project is partnered with CISA and funded by the U.S. government to perform censorship activities the government cannot legally perform.
When asked if she thought there was a reason to flag Massey’s tweet, Troye answered, “Depends on whether you’re spreading inaccurate information.” But who determines its “accuracy”?
It was a peer-reviewed, published study, which means several scientists who were not part of the study reviewed it. Is the Virality Project qualified to judge the accuracy of published research? This is a very dangerous slippery slope. If we cannot share peer-reviewed science, which is the epitome of “reputable source,” then what, exactly, is acceptable to share?
“Are you going to sit here and maintain that it is a conspiracy theory that this occurred?” Massey asked Troye. “We have the documents ... that showed this [censorship] occurred.”
“Well, then it [Massey’s tweet] must have been flagged for a reason,” Troye replied.
“What reason?” said Massey. “Is there ever a good reason to censor a member of Congress? ... I bring this up, No. 1 to show that your testimony is false. But No. 2, if they can do this to a member of Congress’ official account, they can do it to anybody.”
Whistleblower Reveals Military Contractors’ Secret Plan for Censorship
Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified at this meeting for the second time. Nine months ago, he testified and shared evidence with the Subcommittee about the existence of a “Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and Big Tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views.”2
All of that was wild enough, but there’s more. At the November 30 hearing, Shellenberger exposed a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are not only censoring Americans, but also using sophisticated psychological operations against us.
According to Shellenberger, the CTIL was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services FOR FREE to multi-billion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S.
CTIL also offers physical security and “cognitive” security, i.e., protection against misinformation, and these services are volunteered by U.S. and British military contractors. According to a whistleblower who shared internal CTIL documents with Shellenberger, a number of CTIL “volunteers” are currently in government employ.
The CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape includes using debanking as financial leverage, pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of ‘terms of service violations,’ and more.
They also used formal government letter head (FBI, CISA, U.S. Navy and so on) when communicating with each other. As noted by Massey, that “makes it hard for folks to claim that these weren’t agents of the government or acting in coordination with the government ...”
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CTIL Files Show Censorship Plot Is Bigger Than Imagined
Now, the CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape goes further than those of CISA, the Virality Project and other government-led censorship activities. CTIL’s plan also includes using debanking as financial leverage to shut people up, and pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations” — and more.
In a December 4, 2023, Substack article, Shellenberger’s colleague, Alex Gutentag wrote about this new cache of documents, referred to as the CTIL Files:3
“During last Thursday’s [November 30, 2023] Congressional hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Democratic members of Congress insisted4 that censorship efforts of groups like the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL),5 the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP),6 and the Virality Project (VP)7 were benign and not a violation of the First Amendment.
‘It's not the First Amendment!’ said Rep. Dan Goldman, ‘It's the [social media platforms’] Terms of Service ... And they are flagging it for the social media companies to make their own decisions. That is not the First Amendment. That is the Terms of Service.’
But the CTIL Files, a trove of documents that a whistleblower provided to Public and Racket, reveal that US and UK military contractors developed and used advanced tactics — including demanding that social media platforms change their Terms of Service — to shape public opinion about Covid-19, and that getting content removed was just one strategy used by the Censorship Industrial Complex.”
Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques
As explained by Gutentag,8 the CTIL partnered with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to implement a framework called “AMITT,” which stands for “Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques.”
The predecessor to this program was the DISARM framework — described as an “open-source, community-led9 ... master framework for fighting disinformation through sharing data and analysis, and coordinating effective action10” — created by the DISARM Foundation in 2017.
According to the DISARM Foundation, AMITT was launched with the financial support of the Craig Newmark Philanthropies in 2019.11,12 The AMITT framework includes a variety of “offensive actions,” including:13
Influencing government policy
Discrediting alternative media
Using bots and sock puppets to manipulate and direct public discussion
More specific AMITT strategies include but are not limited to:
Creating policy that forces social media to police mis- and disinformation
Creating “strong dialogue” between the federal government and private sector to improve reporting
Marginalizing and discrediting “extremists”
Naming and shaming “influencers” who share unsanctioned information
Simulating misinformation and disinformation campaigns, and responses to them, beforehand
Debanking offenders and cutting off their access to financial services14
“Inoculating” populations against “misinformation” using “media literacy training”
A Full-Fledged Military-Led Influence Operation
Gutentag continues:15
“Far from simply protecting the public from falsehoods, both government and non-profit actors within Censorship Industrial Complex have followed CTIL’s exact playbook and have waged a full-fledged influence operation against Americans.
This influence operation has deep ties to security and intelligence agencies, as is evidenced through many examples of collaboration. In one instance of such collaboration, supposedly independent “disinformation researchers” like Renée DiResta coordinated16 a 2020 election tabletop exercise with military officials.
Defense and intelligence funding supports much of the Censorship Industrial Complex. For instance, Graphika, which was involved in both EIP and VP, receives grants from the Department of Defense, DARPA, and the Navy.
Pentagon-affiliated entities are heavily involved in ‘anti-disinformation’ work. Mitre, a major defense contractor, received funding to tackle ‘disinformation’ about elections and COVID.
The US government paid Mitre, an organization staffed by former intelligence and military personnel, to monitor and report17 what Americans said about the virus online, and to develop vaccine confidence messaging.18
This government-backed military research group, Public discovered, was present in the EIP and VP misinformation reporting system, and in election disinformation report emails to CISA ...
Why are agencies that are supposed to combat foreign threats using military-grade psychological tools to wage influence operations against the domestic population?”
Anti-Democratic Ideology Is Driving the Censorship
As noted by Gutentag, these efforts appear to be partly driven by the need to manufacture perceived threats to justify the existence of the counter-terror bureaucracy.” But there are also clear ideological factors at play. He writes:19
“Both [federal law enforcement and the intelligence community] now essentially treat Americans as an enemy population, with enormous support from the Democratic party and the legacy media.
The result has been large-scale information warfare against US citizens, with sophisticated tactics being employed to develop propaganda narratives about Trump, COVID, and the 2020 election in the name of combatting ‘disinformation.’ We are now uncovering the clear evidence that military contractors appear to have been at the forefront of this effort ...
What was once considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ that military and intelligence forces were manipulating public opinion through inorganic interventions, has now been confirmed.
Our study of the Censorship Industrial Complex has exposed a far-reaching plan to subvert the democratic process and engage in activities that have a basis in military techniques and which are tantamount to attempts at thought or mind control.”
The Plan to Get Censorship Back on Twitter
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The short clip above features Alex Stamos, head of the Stanford Internet Observatory, which runs the government’s censorship apparatus via its Virality Project.
In it, he’s taunting Elon Musk, saying he “bought himself into a hellish existence” by making moderating Twitter his personal responsibility. In so doing, Musk is placing his net worth, most of which is invested in Tesla, as well as all other Tesla shareholders, “in jeopardy.”
The reason? Four words: The Digital Services Act.20 This European Union law, which took effect August 25, 2023, requires online companies to actively police their platforms for “illegal” content or face huge fines — up to 6% of their global revenue. Repeated refusal to comply with rules or requests for action can result in suspension of the platform within the EU altogether.
What Stamos appears to be insinuating is that by Musk insisting on keeping X a free speech platform, he risks losing it all, and this kind of financial extortion leverage is precisely what the CTIL plan calls for.
Another Surveillance Program Revealed
In related news, Wired magazine recently reported21 on leaked documents that verify the existence of a “secretive government program” that allows law enforcement to access trillions of phone records of Americans without a warrant.
In a recent letter to the Department of Justice, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden challenged the legality of the program, which has been up and running for more than a decade. According to Wired:22
“... a surveillance program now known as Data Analytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime, including victims.
Using a technique known as chain analysis, the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with a criminal suspect but anyone with whom those individuals have been in contact as well.”
DAS started out as a program called Hemisphere, run by the White House in coordination with AT&T. It was renamed DAS in 2013. It captures phone calls made using the AT&T infrastructure on behalf of U.S. law enforcement agencies, including local police, sheriffs’ departments, U.S. customs and postal inspectors.
DAS is managed under an anti-drug trafficking program called HIDTA, which stands for “high-intensity drug trafficking area,” but leaked files from the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) shows the system is also being used in cases that are unrelated to drug trafficking. According to Wired, the DAS data does not include recordings of conversations.
The data do, however, include identifying information such as the names of the caller and recipient, their phone numbers, dates and times of calls, spanning at least 10 years or more into the past. Together, these data can be used to determine the exact locations of people, “a practice deemed unconstitutional without a warrant in 2018,” Wired notes.
According to Wyden, “The scale of the data available to and routinely searched for the benefit of law enforcement under the Hemisphere Project is stunning in its scope.” Moreover, it’s not under congressional oversight, and because it’s run out of the White House, it’s exempt from privacy impact assessment rules and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Protections afforded by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act are also circumvented because AT&T’s call record collection occurs along a telecommunications “backbone.”
In early November 2023, Wyden and other lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced the Government Surveillance Reform Act of 2023,23 which aims to patch the loopholes DAS is currently exploiting.
If passed, the DAS program would become explicitly illegal and would likely be forced to shut down. So, I encourage you to contact your representatives and ask them to support this legislation.
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kochivamarketing · 3 months
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What is Zero Trust Architecture?
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Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a security model that operates on the principle "never trust, always verify." Unlike traditional security models that assume everything within a network is trustworthy, ZTA requires verification for every access request, regardless of whether it originates inside or outside the network.  
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