#langst mcpain
Can you make a langst story where anytime someone says something that would hurt lance emotionally it would show on his skin. The team thinks that most of the words came from them when it turned out that it was mostly from his father. If you write this I will give you my soul.
Of course! Thanks so much for the prompt! (Side Note, im writing this on my phone, so I apologize in advance.) Note, some of Lance’s interactions with the team may be ooc!
Lance had expected to die when the cocoon of purple-white light surrounded him. Of course he knew it was magic, but light was less of a terrifying description of the light. Lance had expected to die, but instead pain spiraled through his entire being for what seemed like ages before dying down into a cold, empty throbbing. “Lance! Are you okay?” Hunk asked, and Lance weakly lifted his hand in a thumbs up. Not really, his brain supplied helpfully, but that wasn’t something he or his team needed. “Then why aren’t you fighting? Lance, we need all hands on deck, not you slacking.” Shiro’s words hurt the same way a scolding from his mama did, but, suddenly, pain ripped down his back and he fought against screaming. Pushing himself up weakly, Lance forced himself to bottle up the pain and instead continue shooting down Galran drones. The pain began to subside when Shirt called through the comma again. “Lance, I need you on my six! Stop wasting time on sentries!” Shiro commanded, and Lance nodded, swinging his gun over to face Shiro, where to Black Paladin was currently cutting Galran soldiers down like a scythe cute through wheat stalks. Pain again ripped up Lance’s spine, and he slipped, his gun discharging right for Shiro. A Galran sentry stepped in front of the blast moments before it collided with the Black Paladin, and Lance exhaled in relief before continuing to shoot down the soldiers. Lance knew his strength was waning from the blast of Haggar’s magic and the blood he could feel oozing down his back, but he couldn’t let Shiro down. Not now. Haggar had already turned tail and run, but it was imperative the Galran base was destroyed. The Kalemat Stretch was a massive canyon that cut through the moon Jamara orbiting a massive gas giant in the far reaches of the quadrant. Twice the size of Jupiter and five times as unstable, which meant the moons circling it were hard to get to and very well protected. The Kalemat Stretch was the Galran base built into the walls of the canyon and, coincidentally, a massive provider of Galran weapons. And Lance was not being the cause of this mission’s failure. Not in a million years. Yet, as the blood oozed down his back, he could feel his strength draining, and he backed away from the fight, his weapon switching to his sniper rifle as he continued to shoot Galran soldiers down. “Lance, what’re you doing? We need you close range!” Pidge shouted, and Lance winced. “I know Pidgeon, but I’m a bit worse for wear than expected.” Lance replied, and Pidge scoffed. “Sure you are, Lance. A bit more lazy- I mean…” Pidge said, and Lance bit back a scream as pain ran down his arm. You’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine!Lance propped his rifle on a barrel and continued taking out soldiers, rescuing Keith from a bad situation, and aiding Pidge to the control panel. “Lance, I need you to hold back the sentries while I deactivate them.” Pidge said over the comms, and Lance affirmed. He could do this. The world slowed as Lance focused on the sentries moving in on Pidge, and he took them out one by one. Suddenly, something grabbed him from behind, and Lance screamed as he was flung backwards, his bayard clattering to the side. A massive Galran soldier stood over him, a large, jagged blade seeming to grow out of his arm, the hand of which has been mangled and hung useless. Lance felt tiny compared to the soldier, and sure, he was lying on his back like a discarded toy, but the soldier was massive, it’s thick fur covered in blood and parted to reveal a wide, scar-covered face. Lance may have been seven feet tall with his sarcasm added on, but he was nothing to the massive height of this soldier. “Guys? I’ve got a problem.” Lance whispered into his comms, and he could hear the sighs of his teammates. “Of course you do, Lance. You’re a problem.” Allura snapped, and the silence from the others filled Lance with pain. It wasn’t until his leg started burning that he was jolted back into reality. “Uhh… No, I mean an eight foot tall very purple very angry Galran warrior that looks like it wants to eat me. Do they? Do they eat people?” Lance added, his voice raising an octave. “I’ll help him guys.” Hunk signed, and the others thanked him as Lance dragged himself further and further away from the soldier with his good arm and leg. The warrior didn’t look like he was in a hurry, rather it looked like he was entertained by the dead that was rampant in Lance’s face. “Can’t believe he can’t even handle a single soldier.” Pidge muttered, and the pain in his bad arm worsened. Whimpering, he tried to pull himself to his feet, but he couldn’t. He just. He couldn’t. “Lance is useless. I’ve said it before.” Shiro muttered, and Lance couldn’t contain the scream as pain ripped across his back. “Lance? Are you okay?” Hunk asked, worry coloring his voice as he sprinted towards the Red Paladin. “He’s probably faking.” Allura whispered, and Lance dropped himself to the ground. It wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t worth saving him. Darkness wrapped around him just as Hunk created the hill Lance had hid on only minutes ago, his eyes wide as he took in the massive Galran soldier and immediately re-evaluated his dismissal of Lance’s fear. But it didn’t matter anyways, because the soldier lifted his blade and plunged it deep into Lance’s gut moments after Hunk screamed his name. - - -Lance woke in the medbay, his eyes tired as he stumbled out of the cryopod. Hunk was asleep in a couch nearby, his head rolled at an angle awkward enough Lance knew his neck would be hurting when he woke up. Why did he bother? It wasn’t like Lance was someone useful. It wasn’t like Hunk cared. Lance lifted his shirt and looked down at the thin scar that wrapped around his stomach. The Galran soldier has almost cleaved him in half, good god. Suddenly, the pain that had torn through his body previously came back, and he walked shakily to a mirror. Lifting the back of his shirt, he shuddered at the burn scar that still marred his back from when he had protected Coran. But there, over it, was the word ‘useless’ carved into his skin. He could still hear him saying it, the scathing tone, the dismissive way he had said it. It was the truth. Nothing Lance could ever do would change that, and the brand on his back was a permanent reminded.
I hope you liked it! Sorry again for taking an extra day!
Buy Me a Coffee - Fic Masterpost 
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whorepheus · 5 years
Hidden in Velvet: iii
Chapter three of my klance regency au is live on ao3! You can start the piece from the beginning here! To read updates early and follow exclusive aus, think about supporting me on patreon!
Similar to life in Varadero, the weeks leading into the ball in Altea were exciting. Lance had relatively few responsibilities around the castle, as he was largely regarded as a guest; but it meant that, when Dayak wasn’t breathing down his neck about ‘proper Altean customs’ and he wasn’t answering to the ridiculous whims of the council, he was free to spend his time as he pleased.
It was late fall, which meant lots of cold rain as Altea started to cool for winter; but there’d been a few satisfying bursts of sun over the past few days. Lance had taken them as opportunities to head out to the stables and take his horse out for a ride. His horse, a dappled, gray filly he called Blue, hated the chill in Altea, but would begrudge him a ride if he brought enough sweet apple slices. He’d taken to bringing some for Keith’s horse as well— a huge,  jet black thoroughbred that scared the poor stable hand.
He and Hunk had just left the palace with a small bag of sliced apples and were walking towards the stables when they were stopped by the captain of the guard.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, brow furrowing as he looked between Hunk and Lance.
“Prince Lance was going to the stables, Captain Griffin,” Hunk explained. Lance looked up at the head of the guard innocently, raising his bag of sweet treats for the horses.
“I figured it’s so nice and sunny and we have so few days like that left heading into the winter—”
“No disrespect, Prince Lance,” Captain Griffin said, stepping towards him,  “but I will have to take you back inside. You’re late for a fitting and Lady Dayak is...perturbed.”
“I don’t have a fitting today,” Lance said, brow furrowing, He turned and looked at Hunk, who nodded at him, confirming. “I don’t have a fitting at all. I’ve brought dress clothes from Varadero.”
“Lady Dayak has arranged for you to have traditional crimsons made for the ball,” Griffin said, an apology hidden in his voice. “May I escort you back into the castle?”
Lance clenched his jaw but nodded, keeping his question at the word crimsons in his mind before thrusting the bag of cut apples towards Hunk.
“Will you still go give Blue these? They’ll brown if they aren’t eaten soon.” Hunk nodded, ignoring what he could feel of his friend’s souring mood. He accepted the bag and gave Lance a slight bow (a formality they usually skipped, but that Hunk made sure to acknowledge with his captain nearby) as he gave Lance over to Captain Griffin to be escorted into the palace.
Finish on ao3!
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Yo what the fuck was that DreamWorks
Send me your thoughts
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Langst idea
Remember how we still don’t really have an answer as to what the Blue lion looks for in her pilot? Well, I have this idea that in the upcoming seasons, Lance either a. does something stupidly self sacrificing and gets himself seriously injured and/or killed or b. openly voices his doubts about being a paladin to Allura or the whole team, and to reassure/ mourn him, Allura tells everyone what the Blue lion looks for in her paladin.
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mega-angry-cloud · 6 years
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i just need soMEONE to hug my son.
click for higher quality please.
also, im thinking of doing speed paint videos. would anyone here watch that?
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the-girly-doctor · 7 years
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He shows off that award-winning smile for others, but once he’s alone, that’s when the tears fall. Aka I was feeling pretty angsty and I decided to try to properly draw again for the first time in over a year and this was the result. (My poor baby had to be the victim in this.) btw this is all completely original besides the character. I didn’t actually use any references when I drew this. I just did the best I could from memory since I didn’t feel like looking anything up. ALSO!!! DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION PLEASE!! Reblogging is fine tho :3
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Okay everybody. You’ll probably notice the right shoulders scales are missing, it’s supposed to be like that. If you saw his back you’d understand. :)
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what-even-is-sleep · 7 years
What If...
Lance and Keith’s Family life was completely different?
-Lance still had his whole family when he was a child, but when Lance was 11 years old, most of his family was killed
-His dad had died the year before from some disease that America has an easy cure for but Cuba didn’t
-Lance only found out about the cure when he got into the Garrison
-His mother was driving some of his siblings to someplace when they got into a car accident and were immediately killed by the impact
-He and his older brother got put into the foster care system bc none of his cousins had enough money to take care of them
-They were split up in the system
-His English was not great for a while bc he never had the chance to learn it that well but then he got better
-Over time his accent slowly disappeared
-A few years later after his family’s death, he got a letter that said his brother had gone missing
-He acted like everything was fine though
-He never got into a real relationship bc everyone he had ever loved had died on him
-So he just flirted with everyone
-One of his foster parents were extremely homophobic but he only found out after he had said their neighbor (who was a boy) was hot
-He learned to keep his sexuality secret
-He covered the bruises up with concealer
-He lived with them for a year before he got moved again
-When he finally got into the Garrison he was bullied because he was Cuban
-He was constantly compared to Keith
-Keith who was born in America
-Keith who still had a family
-Keith who had real friends
-Keith who was a better pilot
-Keith who was (supposedly) straight
(we all know that Keith is gayer than a gay person on Tumblr talking about gayness while posting rainbows)
-When Keith ran away, his family came to the Garrison and and demanded that everyone search for him until he was found
-It turns out he had been trapped in a cave that he had been exploring for a few days
-When Lance went missing, no one cared
-He stayed out in the desert for a year by himself contemplating life
-But whenever he felt like he was in need of a trip to a mental hospital or the void, something, a warm feeling, would stop him (it was Blue)
-One day Keith, Hunk, and Pidge showed up on a stolen hover bike with an unconscious Shiro in front of his house-hut
-Cue the Voltron shtick happening and Lance still being compared to Keith and still feeling worthless and still flirting with everyone and being afraid of falling in love
-But then falling in love with Keith
-Mandatory klance bonding with all around angsty-ness
…and then everyone starts healing together,  the end
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lance au
•Au where Lance loves looking at the stars, only because his family and him would stare up at the sky. •stays up late, wishing his family is missing him as much as he misses them.
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Unreality - Part 1
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Thank you @noisilyannoyingobservation for the prompt! I apologize again for taking ages, I’ve been doing some required service and it’s been taking a long time!
TW: Graphic injury
To be honest, Lance didn’t regret being captured. Still, as he looked down at the gaping hole in his chest, there was a twinge of regret for, you know, walking in front of a bolt of lighting. Now, it wasn’t that simple. Lance hadn’t just walked in front of a bolt of lighting. Rather, he had bolted- Lance chuckled at the pun- in front of Shiro conveniently in time for the deep purple arc of lighting that was emitted from Haggar’s hand like a sith lord to slam directly into his chest.
To be honest, Lance couldn’t actually feel the hole in his chest, which was cauterized by the nearly unbearable heat that had seared his face and the armor around the burn. His brain helpfully supplied that this was because of shock, not that he needed to know that. He had a hole in his chest, the technical term for what was going on inside of his body was completely useless. Hands grabbing at his shoulders desperately ripped Lance back into the present from the strange ringing that had filled his ears and slowed his thinking.
Keith, his Blade mask ripped to the side hastily, stared down at Lance with wide, shock-filled eyes, and Lance gasped, blood spurting from his mouth as the ringing stopped abruptly and suddenly time sped up. Everything was going too fast, and Lance’s eyes went wide as the searing pain from the hole in his chest burned into his mind. Fuck it hurt. Shit shit shit shit shi- Lance pushed himself up to his elbows weakly and his eyes went from the mutilated, burnt flesh of his chest to Keith’s panic-filled eyes.
“Lance- Lance you’re going to be okay, you’re going to be okay, you’re going-” Keith repeated the four words over and over like a mantra that became true after enough repetition. Lance chuckled, and blood oozed out of his mouth again.
He felt lightheaded, and his brain again supplied to him that he was losing too much blood. Which was stupid; the lighting had cauterized his wound, right? Why was he losing blood? Oh, right, he thought, there’s a hole. That would have to be bad for internal organs.
Keith was screaming to Shiro about bringing Lance to safety when Lance lifted his hands to Keith’s cheeks. The Marmoran’s eyes locked on Lance’s own, and Lance took in the panic, fear, and horror in the other boy’s eyes. Lance’s hands were shaking so badly his armor clanked loudly, and the Red paladin gave Keith a small smile.
“You have to go, Keith.” Lance whispered as he brushed some of Keith’s hair from his face. “You have to go now, Keith.”
“No, no, I’m not leaving- I can’t leave you. I’m not leaving you Lance I’m not-” Keith pleaded, his voice cracking in desperation as he grabbed Lance’s arms in a weak plea.
“Yes you can. You are. You have to go or she’ll kill everyone. You have to go Keith.” Lance repeated, and Keith shook his head, tears falling onto Lance’s armor as he whispered ‘no, no, no, no’ over and over and over. Lance smiled as his hands fell from Keith’s face. The Marmoran’s eyes were so lost, so broken, but Lance knew Keith, and he knew he would be okay.
“Look after Red for me, Keith,” Lance whispered, his eyes drooping, “and look after the team.”
Keith stared at Lance’s face for a moment before Shiro’s shouts jolted him back into reality. Hunk and Pidge were being beaten to a pulp by Haggar, and Shiro was desperately fighting against a group of Galran soldiers. They couldn’t waste any more time on Lance. The thought cut through Keith’s conscience as he realized Lance was dead. At the very least beyond- no, he was dead. Dead.
“No, no, no, no, no.” Keith whispered, his voice raising to a grief-stricken scream as he stood, his dagger morphing into its larger form as he threw himself at Haggar. The witch laughed as she tossed him aside with a wave of her hand. Keith grunted as he slammed against a wall and pushed himself up, anger- no, hatred- welling in his chest as he leveled his glare at the witch. He was going to kill her. Slowly.
“Keith, we have to go now!” Shiro shouted, the words too similar to what Lance said as the Black paladin snapped Keith from his rage as Shiro was overwhelmed by a group of Galran soldiers.
“Let’s go!” Keith shouted at the others as he helped Shiro fight off the Galran soldiers. Keith turned back as the others ran from the room, and his eyes fell on Hagger as she smirked at Lance’s body. Swallowing his anger, he turned and bolted down the hallway.
Well. Lance wasn’t exactly dead, was he. Sure the gaping hole in his chest no longer hurt, but the massive amount of bandages covering his chest and, you know, the shackles were a good indicator that he wasn’t in heaven. Yeah Lance wasn’t the best, but he certainly didn’t think he was bound for some torture hell-underworld.
Keeping his back straight and his head facing forwards was a long pole, two leather straps that looped around his stomach and his neck anchoring the pole flush to his skin. It was then, as well, that Lance realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt. The cell itself was rectangular and dark grey, the only light coming from the pale purple ceiling.
Lance assumed another good indicator was the door in front of him sliding open and Haggar walking through the door. She smirked, her lips peeling back as she watched the confusion filter out of his eyes.
“No, you aren’t dead. Yes, you’ll wish you were.” Haggar murmured, her voice low and quiet in a way that raised every hair on Lance’s body. Every instinct in Lance screamed unnatural and run, and, while Lance agreed with both, he wasn’t exactly in the position to be running, seeing as he was, you know, shackled to a table.
Everything about Haggar was unnatural. Her skin, a pale purple, was ancient and wrinkled, yet it looked fake, like a wax statue made so perfectly everything about it looked real and alive, but it was missing something integral to being alive. Her eyes were a very obvious form of unnatural. They glowed yellow and always seemed to be watching, even when Haggar was looking away. Especially when she was looking away.
As she walked around the small cell, her feet made no noise, and she moved so gracefully it was almost like she was floating. Lance wouldn’t be surprised if she was, either. She came to a stop behind Lance, and panic rose in his gut as she remained silent. He couldn't see her. He didn’t know where she was.
“So. What do you want with me anyways?” Lance finally asked, the panic he felt bubbling out onto his shaky voice. He flinched as she chuckled softly in his ear, and Lance desperately tried to pull away from the witch as she laid her hands on his shoulders gently. Dread filled Lance as the weight of her hands on his shoulders disappeared and silence filled the cell.
Lance’s ragged breathing filled the cell as he desperately tried to look for the witch.
“I want to know everything.”
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
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sageorijima · 7 years
Little Reminder
I have a langst blog ( @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain) so please send me asks and prompts
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gEAf6z
by redlight
Lance may or may not be madly and irreparably and possibly unhealthily in love with the other Paladins. It's debatable. Seriously.
Or, Lance is caught in a situation where gravity is the only thing acting upon him, and he's kind of a mess about it.
Words: 1144, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Hunk/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Pidge (Voltron), Lance/Pidge l Katie Holt, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Pining, Crushes, Experimental Style, Pining Lance (Voltron), Polyamorous Character, Angst, Feelings, Langst, welcome to "i have a crush on all my friends and hate myself for it" town, population one langst mcpain, Metaphors, half-hearted attempts at physics analogies, lance is in love with everyone what else is new, Stream of Consciousness, Lovesickness, Friendship
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gEAf6z
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Send me more and more headcanons! Please! They don't have to be angst or fluff just whatever please
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puppibun · 7 years
Did you mean: Lets demonize the rest of the VLD cast just for the sake of Lance McPain
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cosmicpuddles · 7 years
Reading fanfics about Lance Mclain? More like Langst Mcpain. Amiright??
...I’ll show myself out.
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gEAf6z
by redlight
Lance may or may not be madly and irreparably and possibly unhealthily in love with the other Paladins. It's debatable. Seriously.
Or, Lance is caught in a situation where gravity is the only thing acting upon him, and he's kind of a mess about it.
Words: 1144, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Hunk/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Pidge (Voltron), Lance/Pidge l Katie Holt, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Pining, Crushes, Experimental Style, Pining Lance (Voltron), Polyamorous Character, Angst, Feelings, Langst, welcome to "i have a crush on all my friends and hate myself for it" town, population one langst mcpain, Metaphors, half-hearted attempts at physics analogies, lance is in love with everyone what else is new, Stream of Consciousness, Lovesickness, Friendship
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gEAf6z
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