#language mastery
willowcrowned · 3 years
one benefit of vader figuring out that Leia is his daughter before ANH is him buying and reading a ridiculous amount of space parenting books and carrying them with him everywhere so he’ll know what to do if his ten year old child *checks notes* won’t go down for her nap
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missmolsa · 2 years
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still thinking about that ask I got in my sideblog abt the detective kids quoting vines....
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cordofcommunion · 3 years
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‘The Haunting Idea’: Female Gothic Metaphors and Feminist Theory by Diana Wallace 
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thatwitchrevan · 7 years
Canonwise I like the low grade of powers, but going full Legends I like Revan being damn good at Force influencing/reading people without them noticing, due to Revan's natural charisma enhanced by the Force
tbh I would’ve said that was a Canon Revan Ability at least in the first two games. For one thing, I was assuming that that black hole of influence thing the Exile’s got going on was supposed to be one of those things they had in common with Revan (although I’d argue in my verse that Revan’s is stronger.) 
At the very least, there’s a fuckton of evidence for it. I mean look at Carth. The poor thing. Revan gets everything out of him just by like. Being there. They don’t even know they’re Revan!
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wingodex · 3 years
your analysis of the main character's speech patterns in tog was really interesting and while i’m not that good at analyzing speech, nile's way of speaking felt very authentically black to me! stuff like her tongue clicks (while i think that's more of an african thing), the "this is some bullshit" comment, "i thought you were the brains of this outfit", etc. she doesn't speak aave but she clearly talks like a black person and i loved it!
i'm not gonna pretend i have any authority or knowledge about aave or even the speech patterns of black people, so i can't really say whether it was authentic or not, however i also really loved the way nile spoke. some of that is obviously kiki layne's fantastic delivery and performance, but she also just has the most distinctive speech patterns out of everyone. that post was kind of a "best of" for everyone but i could have made a whole post just about nile, i have so many notes about the way she talks. her specific word choices feel a lot more deliberate than some of the other characters, and you can really tell that thought and care was put into what she says. i'm saving most of that for a more comprehensive overview that im working on, but if i had to pick my absolute favourite thing about the way nile speaks, it's the way that she very intelligently uses both casual and formal language to express specific emotions and thoughts. i mentioned it in the post, but nile picks and chooses when she uses things like grammatical conventions to convey certain ideas and to do certain things, the two obvious examples being when she way trying to take control of the plane and when she was dealing with copley. she's incredibly clever in the way that she talks to people, and it's part of why she's so funny.
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simplyghosting · 2 years
My dad was talking about his favorite books last night and it was like “Oh, this one is so well-written. Terribly bleak, though. Ah! This one is a masterpiece! It ripped my heart out, so sad. Now this! This is masterful! But take your antidepressants before you read it.” and suddenly I understood where my sister gets her tastes from.
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moonscratched · 2 years
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Simple Gestures and Mannerisms Have Deeper Meanings Behind It.
Have You Ever Wondered How People Really Feel? Well, we'll know for sure if we can read their body language - The only thing that doesn't lie.
Keep a simple tipbook in your pocket for reference! It may come in handy when you least expect it. ;)
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amadryades · 3 years
a language-related question to my mutuals who come from places other than “the West”: have you ever experienced the condescension of your linguistic and/or academic capabilities in a certain bon pour l´Orient way? like you´re eastern european/middle eastern/latinx etc. so the bar is naturally set lower for you?
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mastery-japanese · 3 years
Message from the Webmaster
Last week the 'Mastery Japanese' Tumblr page reached more than 150 followers. Thanks to all the people who started following my blog! Although I haven’t posted for more than 5 weeks, soon I will start a 'Total Beginner Course Japanese' for free on this Tumblr page. So stay tuned!
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queenlua · 3 years
tfw an academic you really admire dropped a new book but it’s only in French... rip
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winderrific-moved · 4 years
if my english is weird no its not <3
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it’s 5:30 am and today has already been an emotional rollercoaster
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One thing i wasn't expecting from the tog fandom was that they would manage to make me feel bad about my accent and having bags under my eyes
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not100bees · 4 years
i’m not mad at this person, they’re just blowing off some steam. i remember what it was like to be in first grade and have trouble with verb tenses 
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coquelicoq · 4 years
quarantine asks, 22 and 26! :D
22. What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
oh my god, i uh, i don’t…i don’t know? i was really into home depot for several years for some reason, does that count?? but it wasn’t like i knew a lot about home depot or anything, i just liked going there and i REALLY wanted an orange apron. priorities.
also, uh…polly pockets? star wars?? latin noun declensions????
26. You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? 
tomato!! i would not even be sad about it tbh. other juices can’t hold a candle to tomato juice. other juices wish they had what tomato juice has. as if, other juices. in your dreams, other juices!!
there’s one question on here that i cannot believe no one has asked me yet. i mean, i don’t have an answer, but i was expecting someone to make me come up with one. which one do you think it is?? come guess!
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It’s one thing for someone to be acting weird around them at work. Because work is supposed to only lasts a few hours. But...they share a house with everyone from their home world, which makes the fact there’s something wrong very obvious. 
And Klavier...Klavier’s been acting weird for certain. He’s been...what was the phrase? On edge? Around them? Or perhaps it was as if he was attempting to...not crack their eggs?
Conversation between them has been normal enough, and while the cases at work were piling up with only three prosecutors, it didn’t really seem to be work related. Because Nahyuta was currently sitting in their usual meditation position, yet on the sofa in the living room as they played a game (because for some reason Prosecutor Edgeworth seemed to think they were under too much pressure and needed to relax), they feel someone staring at them. And it’s not Wright. Nahyuta confirms their suspicions by turning around, Klavier quickly moving his gaze from the back of their head to the television. 
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“Klavier, it is not my intention to pry but...you have been staring at me far more often than usual. I would offer to play Animal Xing with you, but I feel that is not your true desire.”
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