tribelifecoaching · 4 months
Finding Strength and Identity Through God’s Unchanging Word
In a world that often feels devoid of true value, I’ve discovered a place where one can find their own identity and the strength to overcome life’s obstacles. It all begins with the desire to see through God’s perspective, found in His unchanging Word. While human emotions and perspectives fluctuate, God’s Word remains constant. As believers, we must let God’s Word elevate our thinking and…
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fire-fist-ann · 2 years
haunted house
this is for my server trade for @dusk-bun i really hope you like it love <3  The plan was simple, just some harmless fun right? It was  Halloween after all. Doflamingo had been so busy doing his warlord duties after all, so what was wrong with spending some time with his boyfriend? All the better that the plan involved visiting a supposedly haunted house with said boyfriend. He honestly didn't believe that the place was really haunted, just a place people went to for some good fun and innocent scares. However it would be worth going just to see how fast it would take for his cute boyfriend to cling to him  and beg for his protection.  llya stopped in front of the big black house; the paint peeling badly on the outside while certain spots had what looked like mold damage, one side if the roof sagged looking like it could collapse at any moment. The windows were all broken or sealed up with plywood nailed across the frames, big red letters spray-painted on them to not enter. As if they hadn't passed several signs just walking up saying the same thing. The front door was completely boarded up as well with a few nails sticking out of it with even more paint on it telling them to leave. They apparently really weren't wanted here. Ilya glanced around, jeez even all the plants around the house were dead. It felt like everything that set foot on this property was asking for trouble. llya turned to Doflamingo, slowly looking hesitant and nervous at the same time. “Uh..maybe we should just leave?” they finally said, staring up at the taller man. Doflamingo raised a blonde eyebrow as he put an arm around there shoulder a playful grin crossed his face, “you know babe this house is actually a popular spot. Used for tests of courage…don’t tell me your scared of a few measly ghosts?” he teased, seeing how his boyfriend paused at the tone.  “N-no i'm not!” They insisted. "Then you have no problem going in, right? We'll be in and out real quick. If you get scared you can always hold onto me like the scared kitten you are.” Doflamingo added, his teasing tone never leaving. llya's eyebrow twitched, “I'll do just fine. Let's just get in there then” they huffed.Dofamingo lips curled up; what Ilya didn't need to know was that he may have hired one of his warlord friends to come pay a visit. Just some harmless fun.He put his hand on the large door, the plywood looked like it had been picked at, honestly resembling decoration more than a blockade, so with a good push it opened with a awfully loud squeaky noise that rang through the house ahead of them and made Illya shiver. “Well then, boys with thick asses get to go first."llya’s whole face turned red shooting the tall blonde a look as they all but marched inside with Doflamingo walking in after them laughing relaxed- only for the door to slam shut suddenly. llya turned to him immediately, jumping at the loud sound of it slamming shut, “was that you???" He exclaimed looking nervous all over again. "Huh? No," Doflamingo shook his head then continued with an amused smirk, "scared already?" he asked. llya shoved their hands deep into their pockets, shoulders hunched, huffing at the remark not wanting to admit to it so they stayed silent. The two of them started making their way down the long corridor, passing by a big old clock that showed the time with crooked hands, around 7 pm. The corridor seemed to only be getting longer as they walked further into the darkness. Thankfully there was a tiny bits of light from what looked like…lit candles? Leading the way. That was kind of creepy…who left the candles out and lit? Before they could comment on it llya jumped feeling something cold touch their neck. Ilya turned their head quickly to sew if they could see what it was- but it was to quick and nothing was there so they looked ahead once again. Ilya's eyes started adjusting to the dark thankfully. They could swear they something up ahead, squinting their eyes they looked hard before their eyes went wide seeing these….kind of? Cute little hollowed out ghosts floating around the hallway. "Please tell me you see that” they basically begged- who cared if they looked kind of cute this was terrifying! "See what?" Doflamingo looked ahead then down at them shrugging his broad shoulders, "honestly Ilya you read too many horror books, you're seeing things now," he commented flicking llya's forehead. "I do not-” they began to protest when they were interrupted hearing loud laughter ring throughout the creepy haunted house. Doflamingo looked down the ways, the laugh only put a smirk on his face; he had been wondering where Moira was, that answered that. "W-what was that?” llya squeaked out, gripping onto his arm for dear life. "What was what? I don't hear anything” He replied, an innocent looking smile on his face. The both of them continued walking, mostly led by Doffy who had an air of incomprehensible calm. The hairs on Ilya's neck were standing straight up by the time they got to the end of the hallway where a bright red door was staring them down. It looked completely out of place which only scared Ilya more, “...do we have to go through that door?” they asked quietly dreading Doflamingo's answer just knowing it would be an affirmative. “Oh, so you don't want to prove you have courage?” That was somehow worse then if he was just to say yes. They hung their head in utter defeat, he had said that this was a courage test spot. Doflamingo reached forward slowly opening the door as if to play with Ilya's fear. Peering inside the room ahead felt dark and heavy…..like they both were being watched. walking through the room it wasn't too bad honestly…but there was another freaky door, fantastic.  It was Ilya's turn to open it, with trembling hands they twisted the doorknob and stared into the new room seeing…some very realistic looking zombies?! Ilya only stared as the zombies walked around the room aimlessly grunting, that was until one looked over at the two, rotting hands lifted up and removed his head.llya all but jump into Doflamingo’s arms a yell of shock leaving them- somehow grabbing ahold of the doorknob and slamming it shut even up in his arms. “If you wanted me to carry you all you had to say so babe” Doflamingo teased."How are you not freaked out?! Those were zombies!!!" Ilya protested- yea sure Doflamingo was a powerful warlord but there was no way he was unflappable in the face of such horrors right?! After being set down Illya grabbed his arm once again and all but dragged him out of the creepy dark room and back to the hallway hightailing it to the entrance so they could leave, they were so done with this place. Turning a corner the both of them walked past a bright red door once again, Doflamingo noticed it immediately and raised a brow in vague surprise, “Huh. I could have sworn we were just here.” llya whipped their head around, "dont say stuff like that!!” they cried out in almost tears they literally hated this whole damn house.   He could handle people and ghosts and creepy houses but possessed dolls? That was a big hell no. “Don't be such a baby,” he said, leaning down kissing their lips. Poor thing was scared out of their mind, besides there was probably multiple red doors. Both stopped, suddenly hearing quiet laughter coming from behind them. Now. Doflamingo was a proud man, he wasn't one to get scared, but he had to be honest that childish quiet laugh kind of creeped him out. He turned slowly, at the same time as Ilya, both seeing floating dolls giggling and singing. Ah. no wonder llya looked ready to pass out at a drop of a hat. They did look kinda scary given the circumstances. “I don't recall paying for that," he commented staring at them.llya's head jerked, “paid for what?!” they shrieked- had all of this been a prank?! “Don't worry about it. Besides I think we're almost done the exits up ahead” Doflamingo said waving off Ilya's scaring look walling them to the entrance.As he pushed it open they stopped, another hallway? They both looked at each other, "go turned around I guess?" Doflamingo offered. Ilya had a death grip on his arm as they walked down and went though the door at the end of that hallway, then another door.Then another. And another. What? Why did it seem endless? They hadn't gone THAT far into the house, plus they kept passing the big old clock that was ticking away loudly. Doflamingo's eyebrow twitched, annoyance growing when they opened this door and it led to a steep damn staircase- how on earth did moria stuff all this shit together in one place in the span of a day?? It was almost impressive he thought as they descended down the stairs thinking to himself before he turned his head spotting movement- actually seeing all the ghosts floating around the walls. They opened the door- the same entrance door that was by the ticking clock that only seemed to get louder the more they walked through- when the new room lit up in a green glow similar to the goo they had just stepped in. It highlighted a giant overgrown plant that pulsated in the cracked flooring growing up from the earth, green vines wrapping around the room digging into the walls as if trying to take the house and drag it back into the earth itself. Doflamingo actually almost jumped when the vines suddenly shifted and starting moving toward Ah. no wonder llya looked ready to pass out at a drop of a hat. They did look kinda scary given the circumstances. llya dug their nails in to his arm, “I am so mad at you.” they grit out. "Awe but you look so cute when you're angry. Makes me want to eat you up. "Can you not say that when we're in a possessed demon house please.""Hmm i could but no, you're just too cute when you're scared” He teased as they kept trying to navigate their way out of this shit hole. llya opened their mouth to respond but ended up making a face when their foot touched something squishy. They were almost too scared to look down, tearing up as they lifted their foot seeing green goo dripping off. Right. So there was ghosts, zombies, a crazy endless hallway and now green goo.Fantastic. They opened the door- the same entrance door that was by the ticking clock that only seemed to get louder the more they walked through- when the new room lit up in a green glow similar to the goo they had just stepped in. It highlighted a giant overgrown plant that pulsated in the cracked flooring growing up from the earth, green vines wrapping around the room digging into the walls as if trying to take the house and drag it back into the earth itself. Doflamingo actually almost jumped when the vines suddenly shifted and starting moving toward them writhing about. One got too close so he raised his foot and stomped on it. Okay he was also beginning to be done with all of this'll-lets get out of here" Illya said pulling his arm the vines now moving more. What were they going to do? Go all the way back through all those doors again and hope it led a way out? Yes. Yes it did.  Ilya all but dragged Doflamingo back through the hall and away from the big plant and its protruding vines to the door they had just gone through. Then dragged him through another and another, for all they knew they were just going deeper into the house. Ilya was basically running at this point well Doflamingo was walking quickly, all he really had to do to keep up with them. Right as Ilya felt themselves panicking over all of this chaos and confusing layout the clock struck, Ilya had grabbed the door handle and as they quickly opened it the clock let out a loud chiming sound that filled up the whole house. The floors vibrated at the loud sound. They both found themselves outside. Standing there for a confused slightly disoriented moment they looked behind them only to find the house was no longer there.  "......." Okay. That was bizarre. Doflamingo was frowning; how had Moira managed that??? Ilya let out a loud breath and leaned into Doflamingo, "I thought we were going to be stuck in there forever," they lamented. Ruffling their own hair in relief, their watch caught their eye and they looked at it in confusion. Huh? It had only been a few, maybe 30 minutes since entering…so why did the watch say 12 am? Five hours had passed if that was the case. Ilya showed Doflamingo who peered at it silently, alright then was pretty creepy and weird. He looked down at them and seeing the scared look let out a laugh before bringing llya to his chest, “how about next year we go to the fair?"
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sunnysaystuff · 23 days
guys where did big alpha daddy james even come from??? canonically he was lanky as hell, looked a lot like harry frame-wise
can we please go back to awkwardly charming lankyboy james potter? please? give him a bit more depth than sunshine daddy?? please!!
(esp to jegulus shippers. if anyone was the alpha daddy it would be regulus)
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cheesedoggo · 2 years
It's the dead of night so you know what that means! Time to go to Tumblr and type my unfiltered thoughts into this hellsite.
I never wanted to write, I don't think I'm good at it or care for it too much, except one genre.
Horror nonono TERROR
I want to write little short horror stories like the ones you see on reddit that are obvious lies but still scary.
So while I think of horror shorts to badly write I'll share some weird real experiences that I can't explain.
I don't believe and never have believed in the paranormal but one time While I was wide awake, not half asleep or something, Hecc! There was even light in the corridor from my parents room!
There was this tall, lanky, shadow creature standing on the opposite side of the room in the corner right where the light was strongest.
So I just kinda looked at it and it didn't do anything.
Here what I thought and did and what lanky boi did:
Me: "huh, guess I'm more asleep then I think, imagining stuff" *closes eyes for around a second so it will go away*
Lankyboi: *moves abit closer*
Me: "nice job brain" *closes eyes again*
Lankyboi: *moves to almost foot of my bed*
Me: "okayyyy what the heck" *closes eyes again*
At this point I'm pretty scared. I thought it was my imagination but even after calling my brain out on it it's still there. But about half a second after I closed my eyes for the third time I was terrified.
Because I could feel it's breath on my face
I opened my eyes. It was hunched over me and it's dark gray non existent face was covered in black bandages. It lifted it's arm up slightly and I saw that it was like a suction squid arm thing.
I closed my eyes and pulled blanket over me. After around a minute I got out of the blanket to my normal. Lankyless room.
To this day I can't explain it. It felt so real
Anyways goodnight 💤
Wait I badly sketched it
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bernadette101 · 4 years
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I've been watching My Hero Academia lately and Allmight is a freaking BOSS! Totally my favorite character and all best dad figure ever 😍. I don't care if he's a crusty old fart, he's completely plus ultra material 👌👌👌 #myheroacademia #cartooncrush #allmight #plusultra #bokonoheroacademia #allmightfanart #anime #sketches #animesketches #fanart #fangirling #fangirlingsohard #wishhewasreal #cartoonartstyle #animefanart #iminlovewiththisshow #inowdonthavealife #lankyboi #fanarttrash #fangirltrash https://www.instagram.com/p/CAoiPsoBrI4/?igshid=19lyrhjzx38l1
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kennyhoemega · 4 years
brady pierce is lorge. he makes daddy dust look small and daddy dust is a big boy 👀
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eijiroukiriot · 5 years
(dif anon) hands down aoyama is a twink, but sero is At Least a twunk. it has to take some real strength to haul himself thru the air like spiderman himself
i think all the kids probably have a fair amount of strength (or at least will as they keep training) but for now sero’s tall and gangly and funny-looking! lankyboy rights!
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punpunctual · 6 years
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When you miss your tall person even tho they always make you be big spoon
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tribelifecoaching · 2 years
They Might Not Have It To Give
They Might Not Have It To Give
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screenzealots · 4 years
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Peanut butter and jelly. Needle and thread. Spaghetti and meatballs. Coming-of-age stories and road trip movies. These are the things that go together to make the perfect pairing.
“Summerland,” a micro-budget film from directors Kurtis David Harder and Noah Kentis (a duo billed as Lankyboy), sticks to a tried-and-true format to tell its sweet, honest narrative about finding yourself and…
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freckleslikestars · 3 years
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The Adventures of Shoulderpads and Lankyboy
Starring Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, in the style of Edward Gorey
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monstriiss · 3 years
every time i remember drath started as a slenderman oc and was lesser than the lankyboy himself i shrivel up and die because draths character growth has left her like "i'll snap that twink like a twig" and she would
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letsgetrippy · 5 years
this fucking song tho 👀🔥 peep it 🤤
you just see i don't need you, it got you pissed off. The fuckin person you turned into got me switched off. But i guess it's for the better, yeah i'm better off 🔥🔥
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valethe · 6 years
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Hi I got a type and it’s weird lankybois
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X6yYKh
by SIPcupPY
Keith hires Lance.
Words: 185, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt, Curtis (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam & Curtis & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: rollingonthefloorlaughing, authorisnotsorry, writtenat2am, godieinurmomsuterus, klance, SHEITH - Freeform, 69 (Sex Position), Summer, warmair, humidair, fridgidaire, pools, poolsex, poocomesoutofyourmom, urmomgay, urgrannyatranny, hiccup - Freeform, lankyboi, petnames, littlespace, Harry is a Little Shit, harry - Freeform, camy - Freeform, celinedion, Idina Menzel - Freeform, Ari - Freeform, GOAWAY, Tori - Freeform, Beck - Freeform
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2X6yYKh
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You know, this could just be me, but I’m torn between seeing Wheatley as an awkward lankyboi with black hair, or seeing him as a blond. Like. It kills me to not be able to pick
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