#larrie anon
anticonspiracist · 2 years
an ask from the larrie anon
[in reference to this ask and response]
Thank you for answering my questions in a serious way. I would like to continue this dialogue for a bit, but I will stay on anon… feels more safe to me.
Due to the length of your ask, I’ve decided to publish it here in pieces to respond more coherently. There’s also a bit at the end that you asked me not to mention so I have edited that bit of your post and noted where the edit is.
A little background info, so you can understand who you’re talking to. I’m a 40 year old woman from the Netherlands. I’m quite fluent in English, but there might be some mistakes here and there, so don’t see those as a lack of intelligence. I’m a mom [edited] and I work in marketing. I have a bachelor’s degree in English literature with minors in sociology, psychology and journalism; I consider myself as intelligent, emphatic, and openminded, but I understand this might mean nothing to you as anyone could say that about themselves.
Some more background info about myself, so you can better understand where I come from: I’m a mid-30s, single, bisexual woman. My college degree is in political science and classical studies – Latin was my concentration. I’m currently enrolled in a graduate program in political psychology. My interest is in the conspiracy mindset and its role in American politics. I have read a couple of studies that investigated the conspiracy mindset overseas, including in Germany. From this limited dataset, it doesn’t appear that the conspiracy mindset in America differs greatly from those in other countries, but until there’s more robust investigation we can’t say that conclusively. Oh also, in my day job I teach emergent bilingual students. My students range from very little English to near-native speakers.
 I became a Larrie during one of the first lockdowns in my country (no conspiracist ideas about the pandemic btw😉 ) a lot of free time drove me to TikTok (which I’ve left since then)
During lockdown for me, I started watching a few different series on streaming platforms and turned to an old hobby, crocheting. Since March 2020 I’ve made like 10 blankets. Now I’ve moved onto quilting! Also now that highly effective N95s are widely available and I have the means to purchase them, I am active in local politics. 
 and I came across videos of Harry. I thought him funny. Knowing TikToks algorithm, I came across more and more Harry videos, which led to 1d, which led to Larry. And that’s basically how it started. I searched through all kinds of info, from larries and anti’s. I think it’s important to mention that ‘I don’t want to believe this is true.’ Although a lot of Larries describe this as the biggest love story on earth, to me it is a story of hardship and oppression of teenage boys. 
I understand that TikTok can be a disorienting experience due to the absence of a clock and that videos placed in front of you have no timestamp, so I’m going to take a moment to remind you that Louis will be 31 years old in December, and Harry will be 29 in February. They are not teenage boys. They’re millennials, just like you and I. 
I’d much rather they didn’t have to go through all that (although I do believe Harry and Louis love each other very much). From what I’ve gathered, I just believe that sadly they did have to endure all that.
Your writing later on directly contradicts this statement, that you’d rather they didn’t have to go through all of what you imagine. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that they did not go through what larries claim they did and do suffer. Larries so easily dismiss all of this because it doesn’t make them feel good like the imagined oppression does. By viewing these men as needing your help, it gives you a purpose. During the initial lockdowns, so many people throughout the world turned to the comforting thought of a conspiracy theory which had all the answers. You aren’t alone in this phenomenon and it is a well-documented one. 
Now, I am not one of those “ooh, blue and green” larries. To me it’s about a combination of these things:
1. Do I believe the music industry is capable of doing this? Yes, absolutely. While the article added by your friend shows it has been possible for nsync to win against their label, that does not suffice for me to believe 1d would also be able to do so. For one, Nsync’s case was ten years before 1d even existed. Plenty of time for labels to adjust their contracts to prevent this from happening again. Secondly, there is so much evidence from ex-Xfactor contestants pointing to their contracts being unfair, harsh and just impossible to get out of (Rebecca Ferguson, just stated that contracts go on for 20 years for instance. Rebecca Fergusson, Cher Loyd, Jedward and others have all spoken up about the unfairness… are those people all to be ignored? Liam has talked about their treatment, Harry himself has recently talked about impropriety clauses and how it affected him. So yes, I believe something was very wrong during 1d and I think their label and management is to blame.
Louis and Harry have been out of One Direction for longer than the band existed, at this point. Like I mentioned previously, both of them have hired their own management teams. Both of them are in charge of their careers. Both of them are white multimillionaires. When Harry mentioned that clause, please don’t forget the context:
Styles said he often spent interviews terrified about saying the wrong thing until he stopped to question what abhorrent belief or bizarre opinion he was scared he'd accidentally reveal and realized he couldn't think of anything. He thought about how, when good things happened—say, a No. 1 album—he wouldn't feel happy, just relieved. And he thought about the cleanliness clauses in the contracts he used to sign, which would dictate that they would be null and void if he did anything supposedly unsavory, and about how terrified that used to make him. And about when he signed his solo contract and learned that the ability to make music would not be affected by personal transgressions, he burst into tears, a reaction he still seemed shocked by, retelling it to me now, years later. "I felt free," he explained. https://www.bhg.com/better-homes-and-garden-magazine/harry-styles/
The music industry is fucked! That’s not in dispute. But is it so fucked that Harry Styles at the age of 28 is still being treated the same as he was at age 16? By the same people? He’s not bound by the same contract, even. Regardless of what Rebecca Ferguson has said about her dealings with X-Factor, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are not in her shoes. Rebecca deserves people to care about her situation and want to help her because she has gone through it, not because they believe Harry and Louis are in the same situation today. They are demonstrably not.
2. Do I think Harry and Louis are queer? Well, I’m a Larrie… so obviously I think they are. I don’t know whether they are gay, bisexual or anything else on the queer spectrum, but that also doesn’t matter imo. Even if you take Larry out of the equation, I would still believe they are queer. For Harry, what convinced me are his slip-ups. During 1d interviews he would often answer with ‘they, a person who’ when asked about romantic interests, but he would sometimes slip up with ‘he’. Could that be deliberate? Sure, it just didn’t look deliberate to me and I trust my own judgement in that. For Louis, I see no real chemistry between him and the women he was with. I also see him sing a song like “Only the Brave” and it only makes sense to me if he were queer. The way he encourages fans bringing rainbow flags. Could he just be an ally or queerbaiting? I think he would be hugely overshooting the cause if that were the case. Every show he’s looking at a huge portion of his fandom not wondering if he’s gay, but actually believing he’s gay. I believe he is a kind man and would not play with fandom’s feelings that much, nor would he allow the feelings of his loved ones be hurt over and over again (and there would be things he could do to make me think otherwise).
What you didn’t address from my initial response was that if what you believe were to be true, your behavior as a larrie is harmful to Harry and Louis. Your open speculation about their sexualities is harmful. Would you do this to a friend? I had a student about five years ago who was openly gay in my classroom. He came to class one day heated. I asked him what was wrong and he said, “ugh, freshman.” He then related how he’d been walking down the hallway and heard these freshmen girls behind him wondering out loud if he was gay, clearly not intending him to hear, but he did. “I turned around and said, ‘Yes! But you could just ask me, not whisper behind my back!’” That is just what you do when you speculate about people’s sexualities, especially when they have told you in no uncertain terms that they don’t appreciate that speculation. You say you aren’t a “blue green” larrie, but you do prioritize the “signals” that larries claim these men send over the words they actually say. You claim to be able to tell “chemistry” by viewing photos of two people, but that is absurd. To condemn a relationship as false because you see only what you want to see in a limited selection of photographs (larries do not, as a rule, view all photos in a paparazzi series) is, frankly, absurd. As I mentioned before, Louis has said he’s straight. He has spoken often about his love for his girlfriend, and his love for his son. Until and unless he says something else, it is harmful to deny his words. Not because Louis is going to see your blog, but because you have other people viewing your blog and seeing how you ignore what he says, so why would you listen to them? As a teacher, it’s important for me to create a classroom space where students like the one I mentioned can feel safe coming out to me. Part of that is accepting whatever it is that they tell me about themselves. Their perception of their sexuality or gender identity can change drastically over the time period I know them, and if a student comes out to me as gay, it’s possible in two years they come out to me as trans. Ignoring their words is simply not acceptable. When you do that as a so-called fan, you are merely telling your followers that people’s words and truths don’t matter as much as how you feel about the matter. 
3. Do I think Larry have been/are together? Yes. I read your comment about being a teacher and having seen a lot of boys act this way. I have three younger brothers, have always had more guy-friends than girl-friends and, although I recognize there can be a certain playfulness/closeness between especially teens, I have never seen boys caress each other as tenderly as Louis and Harry have been seen doing in moments they didn’t think others would see. It’s the closeness of lovers to me, not of best friends. But,.. up to how you interpret things I guess. I tend to lean towards them being together since the beginning, because I’ve seen no evidence of things having changed.. but, I always try to leave room for the universe being a dick, so I’d say I’m about 90 percent sure they still are together now.
You haven’t seen boys caress each other like you think you’ve seen Harry and Louis do so? Cool. I have! So, what’s the truth?? Regardless, consider how much of the “evidence” that you’ve seen is in gifs, which are always divorced of context and in many cases, are slowed down and/or reversed. Plenty of people who were larries and who have decided that had erred recount feeling duped when they realized just how much of the evidence they’d been shown had been manipulated.
Furthermore, Louis has a long-time girlfriend and a six-year-old son and Harry has a long-term girlfriend and has spoken about how happy he is. That is evidence that what you believe to be true is actually not. You cannot just dismiss out of hand everything that these men say because it doesn’t fit with the conclusion you began with.
Feel free to ask me stuff by the way, happy to have my believes tested.
I am aware of confirmation bias and that is one of the reasons of me contacting you. To really discover the truth you have to consider the opposite as well. I do wonder however if you are aware of your own confirmation bias. You stated that you were already interested in conspiracy theories before entering fandom and the article that lured you in had the exact term ‘conspiracy’ to trigger you in it’s title. Is it possible you too only see things confirming your believes? Have you actually gone through all the information Larries provide? Have you tried seeing the other side as I am now?
I have, actually, gone through every bit of so-called evidence that larries have provided. Every scrap of it has been debunked. My first 20 days in fandom I had a larrie trying to recruit me. She was unsuccessful.
What you’ve named a confirmation bias in my regard is actually not that at all – it’s a bias toward reality, and what can be proven. You and other larries claim that somehow, Harry and Louis are contracted to do these things against their will, but have no evidence of that, cannot name who else is party to these contracts, and also cannot explain how, if Harry and Louis don’t want to be in this situation, they can’t just … breach the contract and wait to be sued by … whoever. It’s at this point in the conversation that the larrie without fail said I’m ignorant, homophobic, et cetera.
You say closeting doesn’t happen the way we think, with paid beards. How do you know though? It’s possible there are many other examples we just don’t know about. What specifically lead me to believe it is possible, is Louis Theroux’s doc “When Louis Theroux met… Max Clifford”. Specifically the part where Louis asks Max what he would do if someone were gay. The answer being that he would create a long relationship. Create… does not seem like he would ask a friend of the gay person to act as a beard to me. Max Clifford being closely connected to Simon Cowell and having worked with 1d in the beginning cements this for me. I absolutely think they would employ someone to beard. I don’t think Holivia is that way though. Harry and Olivia both gain from this arrangement in other ways.
How do I know? How do you know there are bearding contracts? What I do know is that every example that larries bring up of bearding does not coincide with their beliefs about how Harry and Louis are allegedly closeted. Larrie evidence for their existence is simply because you want it to exist because it explains why both of these men have women in their lives, look happy, and speak about them. Whatever you think is real doesn’t matter. You say it is happening with no evidence whatsoever except for your feelings. You have the burden of proof here, and you haven’t proven anything.
One last thing I want to address is your evidence of how closeted people in bands behaved. How they were mostly scared to come out and never told anyone even. I understand your point. I also understand how unfair it has been to Lance Bass. I personally never bring up Lance Bass, I try to look at situations as a part of a whole, but also separate from everything else. I think though that Harry and Louis’s situation differs from those others because there were two of them in the same band. Had it only been one of them, maybe they would’ve also stayed silent., but being a pair changes the dynamic. They were stronger as a pair, they were together so much and if the person you love is right in front of you.. you don’t just stay silent.
Cool. Louis had a girlfriend during X-Factor, Hannah, and then after Hannah began dating Eleanor. Louis is a serial monogamist. What you’re writing about is fan fiction. And I’ve got nothing against fic! I love fic. However, don’t conflate fictional stories on the internet with reality.
I don’t think I fit the mould of a conspiracy theorist, but which ct does? The way I see myself considering this situation is: I saw something wrong in 1d/Larry. I am very concerned for those men. I admire them a lot. Would it break my heart if it were not real, no. Do I think it is real, yes.
What you saw were TikTok videos about a band that broke up in December 2015 created by conspiracy theorists. When the pandemic began, I mentioned to @back-to-louis that we were going to see a surge in conspiracy theorists of all kinds due to the mass trauma being felt across the world. There was a surge of larries just like there was a surge of anti-vaxxers and QAnon believers. No one is naturally immune from falling down the rabbit hole, but some people are more susceptible to it than others. I was already extremely online prior to March 2020 and am able to suss out good sources from bad. I also had healthy hobbies to fill the extra time I found on my hands. Though I live alone, because so many of my friends were actually internet friends, I wasn’t missing out on in-person social activities like others were. And outside of these considerations, through being a teacher and informal research on the subject, I had already inoculated myself against conspiratorial thinking. I can recognize the hallmarks of a CT easily and I don’t fool myself into thinking that any of them are harmless.
Not sure if I covered everything, but I am out of time right now. Looking forward to having you and your friends dissect me 😉… 
You haven’t covered everything. You completely ignored the antisemitism present in your conspiratorial beliefs and have nothing to say about who could possibly be forcing all of this oppression on these white multimillionaires.
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arttsuka · 13 days
have Jedidiah and Octavius watch brokeback mountain on Larry’s phone
Sorry anon, but my headcanon is that Jedediah watches it alone for some reason (maybe Octavius was busy that night with something else) and he starts questioning his whole existence.
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Internalized homophobia am I right? (Also Jed is definitely the kind of person who thinks like 'this isn't all that bad except from when I'm doing it, then it's the worst thing ever). Anyway, I think it's way more difficult to actually think about your feelings than just have them. It can be scary too, putting a proper name on a situation.
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Then he just kinda dissappears for a few weeks, no one knows where he is. He doesn't say anything to anyone but even when he gets back he kinda avoids everyone.
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He vents to Larry without giving him any context.
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Octavius just blames Larry. It was something on the phone that made Jedediah upset, so naturally it must be Larry's fault.
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They make up in the end but I don't know if they talk about what actually happened. Maybe Octavius watches brokeback mountain too and he understands idk
A little sequel to this here
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louisisalarrie · 28 days
HELLO!!! i usually don't send messages but i just received word of a 2014 larry moment and you are my favorite blog so i immediately ran over here! so basically i just met my brother's girlfriend and i was talking to her about harry (as i do) and she said that she is also a fan and went to live and love on tour. she then mentioned casually how she MET him back in 2014 because she worked for sugarscape. THE. ICONIC. SUGARSCAPE. being the larrie i am, i asked if she saw anything between harry and louis ... i told her to tell me everything in detail (your welcome), but it was a very short moment. based off of how she described what harry was wearing, i can conclude that it was the day of those interviews he did with liam playing those games (this is a link if you don't remember: https://youtu.be/wOoMYCPiFgo?si=I16RtV7BNuPX-DSA) ... she said that it was only harry, liam, and the 1d team in the room during the interviews. however, after they finished and everyone was cleaning up/about to leave, louis came in but kind of just waited in the corner of the room not wanting to disturb - she said that harry was shaking everyone's hand INCLUDING HER'S. After harry finished thanking and chatting with everyone louis gave harry a small bag (she said that it looked like a bakery type bag that would be holding a small food). when louis gave it to him he said "here babes" and as they were leaving she said that louis had his hand around harry's waist but A LITTLE IN HIS JEANS. LIKE FINGERTIPS IN HIS JEANS. she told me that harry was the nicest out of everyone and was very pretty. she said when he noticed louis standing in the back of the room he rushed over smiling. was it because of the food, or was it because of louis haha ... so yeah. that is it. i have never in a million years thought i would be able to share something like this. she has a photo with them (liam and harry) from that day but i am not going to share it because because she is in it.
it is all so crazy because those interviews are like my favorite 1d interviews because harry is just so himself and funny - so now knowing more about that day, my life is fulfilled!!!!
I adore this it’s just such a small cute moment and like interesting that she remembered it but obviously it would be burned in my brain too ahhahaha.
Thank you so much for sharing and thank you for being so sweet about my blog!!! Love that you’re here cutie xx
Are you able to share the pic but just black out her figure at all? If you’re not confident on that that’s fine but just thought I’d ask!
this is the interview referenced in the receipt.
Thanks again, Anon!
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hl-obsessed · 1 month
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✨ husbands in Rome ✨
[click for better quality]
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popfizzles · 6 months
Family 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Bowsella because we stan our big koopa queen
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They just love being mean!!!!!
[from this prompt list]
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llovelymoonn · 2 months
can you recommend some good poems about icarus?
lucas jorgensen non-cento from the bureau of the library of alexandria
gottfried benn icarus
jack gilbert refusing heaven: poems: "failing and flying"
marcia carlson a masque for icarus
larry eigner three poems: "the feet of icarus..."
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howicked · 1 year
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My marriage was arranged. I was 14, she was 12. Noble families, both. Model couple, really, for the time. We had a title and a big house and the lands, riches. Didn't love each other. She didn't even like me. Didn't laugh at my jokes. Didn't really understand each other. She was French, so... Might have been nice if we could have chosen who we married.
Chloé Delanney & Larry Rickard as Sophie & Humphrey Bone in BBC GHOSTS (2019-) | 3.01 (The Bone Plot)
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xviiint · 4 months
day 1 of me asking you to stop being a sallarry shipper
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I hear and obey, master 🙏🙏🙏
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savebylou · 18 days
Hi, could you recommend me some larries accounts to follow?
Hi anon, yes althought I will probably forget so many people. Basically everyone I reblog I recommend but here are some:
@awesomefringey @daisiesonafield-blog @skepticalarrie @twopoppies they have a very organized blog with a lot of things about the fandom's history, I learn a lot of the fandom with their blogs and they also shared a lot of great content, fanart, interesting and funny things. I love following them.
@dreamings-free @sunshineandlyrics besides the organized blog that I love, they share updates on the band or other people related with Louis, articles etc. They also share funny things as well.
Now my mutuals and people that I follow. They share so many great content: fanfics, manips, gifs, analysys, discussions, fanart, edits, photos, reactions, memes, articles etc. I love following all of them:
@thechavier @hl-obsessed @srldesigns6277 @justthinkingaboutlouis @louisisalarrie
@louisarmpits @omglarryrabbit @rachelchinouriris @wendersfive @enchantedlandcoffee
@redpantslouis @shinylights @goldcrumble @statementlou @rainbowbeanstyles
@delicatepointofview @whatifai @tobethemselves @medicinelarrie @harryisthelilspoon
@nauticallyrics @nouies @punkpillowprincess @moonstrucklouis @tangerinequeen19
@sunflowervoltwentyeight @sunkissedlouis @ocean-sailor @louisgayvodka @lets-laughagain
@captainrayzizuniverse @defences-down @defencelesslt @bidamonalbarn
@braverytattoos @voxina @polarighost @starrysaturdays @nunchailou
@calordelverano @curly94 @thebus1boys @theeliampayne @theydopissmeoffavocados
The order is how i remember the url, I love their blogs the same and I'm sorry to miss so many.
Sorry for anyone that I couldn't mention, tumblr only let me tag 50 but I will do a part 2 and maybe 3 the next few days.
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onestepbackwards · 3 months
Self Aware ScarVi, my man Larry has no idea what's gonna hit him. I'm adopting the twins/MC, Arven and marrying Larry. Man gets home from work and suddenly he's married with 3 kids. 🤌
Larry walks to work and sees you and three very familiar kids on the way. The two MCs go up to greet him, and you almost laugh how he looks like he needs a coffee, yet still pleasantly greets them. Even if he looks a bit exhausted.
All while one of the kids drags him over to see you, and he is hit with the realization that oh.
You are the one that could control the kid, and change the way the world behaved whenever you did so. He recognizes your voice.
How you were always the one to happily see him, and claim he needed a raise. And a break. All for working so hard.
He doesn’t even know what hit him, next thing he knows is you are happily walking him to work, and these three teens are now your kids. Somehow. All who eagerly follow you as they talk about everything pokemon related-
And you are then handing him some of his favorite food before heading out as he arrives at his first job of the day.
He blinks as he walks into work, readying himself for the first battle in a daze.
…Did that all just really happen? Did he drink enough coffee?
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anyway here's The pic we have of it, ty @theirloveisgross for finding it for me and ty forces of nature for working with us for this one <3
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arttsuka · 2 days
Larry but with one of those ultra specific algorithm generated T-shirts
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Took me around 2 hours to come up with this text go easy on me
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killemwithkawaii · 4 months
It’s 10 am, I haven’t slept, and I can’t stop thinking about what Sal and Larry’s favorite pizza would be. I think my obsession with this game has gone too far lmao
>sdlfjka welcome to the club anon! The obsession is Real but we like it that way UwU 👌👌👌
>I hc that Sal is one of those people that is capable of eating just about any food that he's served (strong stomach, high pain/discomfort tolerance, lived off hospital food for years, will inconvenience himself and lie through however many teeth he's got to spare the feelings of others), but he prefers mild flavors and soft textures. He'll eat whatever pizza you get (as long as it appears edible), but is a basic 'pepperoni/ plain cheese' bitch at heart.
>Larry, on the other hand, canonically has a weak stomach and grew up eating his moms home-cooked meals. So, I think he's a little picky with his toppings, but won't shy away from some complex combos if they appeal to him. I could see him demolishing a large meat-lovers with extra cheese by himself (especially if he's been taking bong rips between slices), but he'll audibly gag and refuse to touch the entire pie if he finds one(1) olive on there. (The 'contaminated' pizza would then be pawned off on Sal or Chug, because Lisa would kill him if she ever found out he wasted that much food.)
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hl-obsessed · 1 month
Manips for anon! Couldn't decide so here are two:
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Trouble in paradise? 👀✨
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Lou and the grumpy baby that's his husband 🤪✨
[click for better quality]
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slinkyarts · 1 year
What would the koopalings look like in your style?
now theres a question, have a doodle of em all, when im no longer sick i shall finish it yea 8D
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they were all super fun to doodle, had the most fun with iggy and roy i would have to say
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kitmarlowe · 2 years
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2x03 / 4x03
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