#last dancing set
edelblau · 27 days
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crazy how time flies (ko-fi)
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hyperdrama · 1 month
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love4hobi · 2 months
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J-HOPE & BOOGALOO KIN Hope on the Street (2024)
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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swanpit · 1 year
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From the recent..um.. certain tiktok video
And a bonus
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Vincent Price dancing to The Monster Mash
The Monster Club (1981)
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hella1975 · 3 months
born to write fanfiction forced to go to pilates
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tswwwit · 4 months
hiii im rlly high rn and just realized that if bill loves physical sensations, he'd absolutely be into alcohol and drugs. even tho he's way too powerful to have an actual addiction. he just does it bc the high is fun to experience. anyways love love loooove your writing!!!! i get super absorbed when i read your stories!!! thank youuu wish you all the best!!!!!!
He sure does! Bill's a guy who likes to party, and that involves more than just some music.
Unfortunately Dipper hates it when he smokes, so Bill has to sneak around if he wants a cigarette and throw in an extra shower.
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alangdorf · 4 months
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Listened to Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!! one too many times (and then like a hundred more times afterwards for good measure) and dropped everything to go draw this. Also tried out a new shading process which kinda did what I wanted it to but I’ll keep experimenting
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yume-fanfare · 21 days
whatever im inspired tonight so doodle dump do not look at any of these too closely
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We really only saw scraps of the wedding and reception so like, obviously I can’t help but think of other little things that couldve happened over the course of the night.
Things like idk, Guillermo giving a best man speech, where he gently teases Nandor in ways he wouldn’t have been allowed in years past and Nandor pouts but he loves it and most of the vampire wedding guests are confused as to why the human can speak to him like that but the polycule are rolling with laughter, the Sire’s snickering and the Baron’s doing his little lilting ‘ha, ha, ha!’. And Guillermo caps off the teasing with something so soft and sentimental that Laszlo and Nadja gag and Nandor gazes at him with that fucking smitten expression of his and someone hastily starts the fucking music for dancing because the atmosphere just got too charged in here.
Things like Marwa, after smothering Guillermo’s face with kisses, asking him to dance and them twirling and giggling and being adorable. And Nandor asking if he can cut in, and Guillermo saying of course and putting Marwa’s hand in Nandor’s, and Nandor having no idea how to say that that’s not what he meant; and Marwa having no idea how to say she’s about as disappointed as he is.
Things like Nandor worrying about leaving Guillermo asleep and vulnerable in a lobby full of departing vampires, telling his actual fucking bride that he’ll see her back at the house, and carefully scooping up his little best man and flying him home in his arms to tuck him into bed.
Things like Nandor and Marwa finally getting home, getting into a room alone, fidgeting awkwardly because it’s the wedding night and y’know what that means, Nadja and Laszlo just sang a whole fucking song about it, but instead mutually agreeing that they’re a bit tired and just. Going to sleep. And not talking about the very uncomfortable fact that they’re currently both wishing they could be saying their goodnights to the same person who isn’t in this room right now.
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panncakes · 5 months
every single bl is made better by a dance scene im so serious about this
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maxwell-grant · 5 months
Was kinda interesting watching Aquaman 2 do that thing Hollywood movies do where a villain barks orders in an non-English language to signal to the American audience that they're foreign and scary, except this time the actress doing it was speaking portuguese so I actually understood everything she was saying and it was just weird and abrupt. I guess they just told her to translate and say the lines in her own language but didn't direct her how to adapt the dialogue accordingly, so she ends up just telling the henchmen to pick up a guy in a very stilted formal factual manner while everything's exploding around them, that was kinda funny.
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valdrift · 10 months
mildly infuriating tht any criticisms i have of the barbie movie gets immediately overrun with "u just missed the point" and "ur just sexist" 🤨 have u considered tht maybe the movie is just not very good and seeing any criticism of feminist media as misogyny is counterproductive
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softgrungeprophet · 2 months
my kaine playlist is 2 and a half hours long...
okay well actually it's more like—
there's my primary Kaine playlist which is 2 and a half hours long and kind of doubles as a partial Janine playlist (still mostly Kaine but there's bound to be some overlap, all things considered):
and maybe it has some questionable song choices
There's my Spider-Man (well, really it's just Peter) playlist which is also 2 and a half hours long and has perhaps what some might call "too much" Blink-182 and pop punk on it:
There's a mixtape from Annabelle to Kaine which probably isn't done yet but is 40 minutes long:
There's a response from Kaine that he makes after leaving which is 44 minutes long and also probably technically not done yet:
There's also a playlist for the "worst year of peter's life" fic-in-progress which is 55 minutes long, probably complete, and which is sort of about Kaine but is also about Peter and in general about the entire situation that they've all been subjected to (including like, Flash's interactions with not-Peter (Ben)) and also a little bit about the past:
I don't have a playlist for Ben lol
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