#last legacy m4
6okuto · 2 years
do u still do LL stuff :(
easy answer is sadly no :') smth smth not inspired + wrong characterization smth... gonna try to do a little post bc that update post was Something. but if anyone is here solely for LL don't feel like u need to keep following 😭😭!! u can unf and tell me u'd like to be tagged if i write anything !
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evanox · 1 year
On a scale from king/queen of the party to shy awkward wallflower, where would you personally place a good match for each of the M4 of Last Legacy when it comes to a partner? Or what kind of traits do you think, a suitable partner might need?
{HELLO sorry I never responded to your requests I kinda completely gave up on LL BUT I was trying to find something and saw this was already fully written and it was a shame to leave it rotting here}
ooo that's a fun q thank you!! I hope I understood it right!!
Felix himself has always been a wallflower at parties. Sure, as a toddler, he'd eat up the praises of nobles as his fathers showed off the gifted kid they were so proud of, but he tired out quickly so Florian would rush him to bed before little Fe got too cranky and his magic started going haywire.
He still doesn't enjoy the balls—the nobility's massive egos far too stifling, only rivaled by the clothes his father made him wear.
Even in a modern setting, he wouldn't enjoy parties that are too loud and crowded. Felix might just hide in the kitchen to read a book or find the host's cat, only emerging from the shadows when it's time for truth or dare (he always picks dare, and it's beginning to get scary for others because there's almost nothing he'd say no to).
Felix finds himself more drawn to other wallflowers; even if you don't talk, you can at least look at each other with understanding before moving on.
It's great to have a partner who understands when Felix needs out. Hell, he might actually enjoy the party better with an introverted/awkward partner—it's the perfect excuse to grill any stuck-up nobles if they so much as dare to tease you if you stumble over your words or forget the nobility's strict codes of etiquette; only Felix gets to tease you (as long as you can take it), and only because he finds you cute.
Then you can both grab a snack or a drink and quietly slip out of the crowded ballroom to tour the gardens together. If the music is loud enough that you can still hear it faintly outside, he might just ask you for a dance amongst the roses with the moon as your lone witness.
"How un-noble of you, Felix!" you would tease when Felix leads you off the paved path and towards the arching willow where you'll be perfectly hidden from any other stragglers, then Felix would laugh softly before he presses you against the tree and kisses you until you're ready to be portalled into bed (for sleep or for other purposes, none of my business).
However, I wouldn't say Felix can't appreciate a life-of-the-party partner! After all, it is only a matter of time before an extrovert comes to claim their introvert, thus maintaining balance in this world.
Your joy might even become so contagious that Felix can't help but join, especially if it's too unorthodox for the nobility, leaving a string of offended gasps and/or disapproving scowls behind you—it's all the more reason to love you. You can swing and sway all over the ballroom and cause all sorts of mischief and pranks together, as long as you can respect when he needs to just go home.
Attending balls is a minor part of her job, whether she's escorting a VIP or standing guard. From a work perspective, a more extroverted partner might be more convenient for making connections and entertaining guests. Anisa, however, doesn't really have a preference.
An extroverted partner is fun in the way that, when Anisa is standing stiffly in the ballroom by the buffet or the grand staircase, trying to keep up appearances (or even in a modern setting, fussing after everyone in the party), you can help her slowly but surely relax and break out of her shell.
Once Anisa picks up the vibe, she does a 180 and lets out the party animal (though this one's nowhere near as wild as Sage); you can see it in the way her movements are much more relaxed, how she throws her head back and laughs so loudly at the dumbest of jokes, and how she spares a dance for whoever asks—that is until she finds you amongst the crowds and pulls you in to dance the rest of the night away.
Just promise you won't let her overindulge in the wine or the punch (that Sage might've dabbled in) lest she starts acting too inappropriately on the job. You know she can't part too long from the buffet.
An introverted partner is great, too! Anisa won't force you into attending parties with her because it's work after all, but if you still want to come along, she'll take care of you throughout the event, continuously checking over you.
Oh, to have Anisa hold your hand and press a tender kiss to your knuckles as she softly asks, "Are you okay, love?"
I guess you would activate that loophole where it's like, she might not usually go out of her way to have fun at events, but seeing you wilting by the corner will push Anisa to encourage you to have some fun with her, as long as you're up for it; she'd love to pull you in for a dance, your hand held high in hers, and proudly show you off as her lover to everyone.
And if you don't want to dance, well, there's always the buffet! There are so many foods you can try, and Anisa can't wait to hand/spoonfeed them to you.
He's drawn to the life of the party like a moth to a flame. Sage might be quite the tease, but he still loves being kept on his toes; having someone who can match his pace might even help him burn out all that extra energy.
The loud, crammed taverns are where he thrives, and a partner who enjoys them too adds to the fun. He'll pull you for a dance once the bard picks up a jolly tune, sweeping you off your feet and hopping from table to table as people watch in awe how he swings you with such ease.
Hell, you could sweep him off his feet; he definitely won't complain.
That is not to say Sage would push away the wallflower! He'd try to pull you from where you cling to the wall—wouldn't you rather have fun than look so awfully glum?
Once you explain that you're not necessarily miserable, but the chaos of the dance floor just isn't your scene, he nods in understanding. With a wink and a swish of his tail, he asks you to keep your eyes on him as he blends in with the dancing crowds. You can join in whenever you wish, but until then, you're more than welcome to enjoy the view.
Your discomfort immediately triggers his protective streak, and he'll keep an arm up so people won't keep bumping into you as he escorts you out of the crowded tavern once you call it a night.
If you're attending a party at Fathom or whatever fancy palace for whatever fancy reason, Sage would gladly pull you away from the crowds and the noise to explore all the secret passages and chambers. Hey, you could even find an empty room or a closet for seven minutes of heaven ;)
Like Anisa, I don't think Rime has a preference. I'd say he might have been partial to a life-of-the-party sort of character—repressed choir boy craving an outlet that he is—but Rime did date Felix, who isn't particularly social. That is not to say that Felix and Rime didn't know how to have fun! I just think Felix's way of 'letting go' is more so through mischief and less through partying or socializing.
So in conclusion, Rime doesn't care how extroverted or introverted you are as long as you know how to have a good time.
If you'd known Rime before as the Starsworn Captain, you might've taken him for a reserved prude, but unlike Anisa, he doesn't really need you coaxing him into being more 'out-there'; he'll compete with you over it. Want to ask him for a dance? He's already eyeing you up and down, looking like he could almost eat you up.
Even on the dancefloor, he'd be looking for ways to fluster you.
Recall how if you choose to remain silent during the first confrontation in the Felix route, Rime would wonder why Felix would choose someone so boring over him? I think, if you're more of a wallflower, Rime might tease you a bit especially if he's interested in you but doesn't know you all that well—not to tear you down but it's his... unconventional way of trying to coax you into coming out of your shell.
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pugwitharug · 10 months
Hello! I really want to make a last legacy request, my LL OC is chubby/fat but I'm not real good to explain how the m4 would react to MC being self conscious/uncomfortable in their body.
(ignore the fact that I've had this in my inbox since literally Christmas--)
(by god I will pull myself out of my writing burnout if it's the last thing I ever do--)
Don't you worry my sweet anon, I got you covered
Content Warning: Mentions of negative body image, no specifics on what their body actually looks like
GN Reader, oof this may be really out of character but we're gonna do it anyways, some hurt and lot of comfort, the one thing all the LIs know how to do is give you love
Felix Iskandar Escellun
Felix isn't one for vanity, but he is one for the gothic aesthetic, so you bet he has one of those huge standing mirrors with the most ornate gold-leafed steel frame next to his wardrobe
It's one of the many gorgeous things in his room (not including him heheheheheheh) and it's something you find yourself staring at a lot
You normally do your best to not look at the actual mirror part, but today, your eyes seem drawn towards your body. You're not wearing anything revealing, your fashion style is more conservative by Earth's standards, but you focus a lot on the parts of your body you hate
Your own eyes feel like claws, rending bleeding wounds through your skin. Voices crawl into the back of your head. Ugly. Disgusting. Unlovable. They're hard to block out
You wrap your arms around your stomach, tears stinging the back of your eyes, and you find yourself unable to tear away from the mirror. As gorgeous as the mirror is, in this moment, you want to smash it into pieces
It's now when Felix walks in and sees you shaking in front of the mirror, the tears now starting to roll down your cheeks. He rushes over to you and pulls his cloak off, throwing it over the mirror and pulling you out of your stupor
Once he's sure the mirror is fully covered, he hugs you tightly, rubbing small circles on your back. He whispers comforting words in your ear, refuting everything the voices in your head are saying as if he can hear them himself
It's sort of true, for him. There were times where he felt disgusted by his body, feeling like he's an imposter in a dead person's body. He knows what you're feeling, and he hates that you feel that way about yourself
If he could take all those feelings out, he would. But for now, he's here to help and tell you how much he loves you
Anisa Anka
Being with Anisa has taught you that she can be strong with her opinions about you. Specifically, all the good opinions she has about you
She knows about your self-image issues, and she doesn't blame you for having them!
.....okay, that sounds a little wrong. She doesn't think that you're being dumb or irrational for having those thoughts. Your feelings are valid, and she's here to help you with that
Case in point: the two of you are doing some shopping through the town. Anisa has a free day, and the two of you just wanted to walk around town and see if anything catches your eye
You walk past a fancy dress shop and stop at the window to gawk at the newest dress. It's a gorgeous baby blue color, with white trim and pleating. It's a dress that you would die to have
As you're imagining yourself wearing the dress, your eyes flick over to your reflection in the mirror, and your dreams slowly begin to shatter. Compared to the beauty that is Anisa and the gorgeous dress, how dare you stand next to them. How dare you think you belong in the same space as them
You look away from the window and start to walk away, heart heavy with regret. Anisa notices and gently grabs your wrist, asking what's wrong
There's nothing wrong, you say. You're just ready to move on
Of course, Anisa knows you better than that. She grabs both of your hands and squeezes them comfortingly, reassuring you that those thoughts in your head? Garbage. And you know where they belong? In the trash, out of your fantastic brain and gorgeous body
And by the gods, she's gonna see you in that dress, and she's gonna see you smile
Sage Lesath
Sage never really had body image issues, to be honest. All of the negative feelings he's had about himself are about his actual self, not about his physical body. That being said, he absolutely understand having those negative thoughts about yourself
One of the main ways those negative thoughts materialize in real life is that you always wear pajamas to go to sleep. Full pants and mostly long-sleeve shirts, only wearing short-sleeves if it's really hot. It's in large contrast to Sage's underwear-only sleep style
He's asked a couple times if you ever wanted to try something like a nightgown or wearing shorts, but you've always turned them down. Since it was clear you weren't comfortable with those ideas, he's left you and your sleepwear choices be
One night, you're both getting ready to sleep. He's taking off his clothes, you're putting yours on--or, at least, you're trying to. For some reason, you can't find your last clean pair of pajamas
Did you accidentally put it in the dirty laundry? You rifle through the dirty clothes, scrunching up your nose a little, but you can't find them
Were they shoved into the back of the closet? You get on your tiptoes and feel all against the wooden back, but you can't feel them
At this point, you start to get a little frantic. You need those pajamas. You can't just sleep without them. If you don't, you'll feel your body, Sage will feel your body. Your actual body, your actual skin. Oh, how disgusted he will be
Sage asks you what's wrong, and you try to collect yourself and explain that you can't find your pajamas, but you can't stop the tears from coming and your voice from breaking. Your arms instinctively wrap around yourself, trying to hide from his worried view
He reaches out and pulls you up against him, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. His soft hair tickles your nose as he whispers reassurances in your ear
He doesn't entirely understand how you can hate such a gorgeous and divine body like yours, but he's here for you nonetheless. Whatever you want him to do to make you comfortable, he will do it, and he will show you his love in his own way
Mainly through worship. He's a worshipper. We all know this
Rime Solano Varela
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think he really cares about your body like that. He cares about you, of course, but he doesn't give that much thought into what you look like. He's more interested in who you are as a person
Even so, he does understand wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin. He wears what he does because it gives the small sensation of being comfortable, and so he wants that for you too
One day, you're doing some spring cleaning around the house and are clearing out your shared closet. You're pulling out your clothes that you don't wear anymore to put in a donate pile to give it to people less fortunate than you
You're separating your Astraea-bought clothes from your Earth-bought clothes, not entirely sure if you can give away your Earth clothes, when your eyes catch one of the tags on your shirt. There's at least three letters on there, and most of them are X's
You look at all of your Earth shirts. All of them say the same thing. All of them have those damn X's and L's. No M's or S's in sight
Compared to Rime's clothes, which better fit his smaller body, yours look...grotesque. They clearly don't belong here. You clearly don't belong here
You grab all your clothes and throw them as far as you can in a fit of rage that fizzles out into sadness. You stand there, shaking, eyes welling up with tears, stuck where you are with the voices in the back of your head
Hearing the commotion, Rime comes in to check on you. Seeing the clothes strewn about, you standing still in the middle of the room, and knowing your struggles with your body image, it isn't hard for him to piece together what happened
He says your name as he walks over to you, and you don't even get to look over at him before he claps both his hands on your cheeks. As you're trying to recover from the shock, he starts talking
He really doesn't give a shit about what you look like, or what clothes you wear. They're insignificant. Literally just pieces of fabric. The only thing he cares about is you, and you need to start doing that too
His normally icy expression softens as he takes a deep breath, trying to switch gears a little. He just wants you to be comfortable in your own body, and he knows it's easier said than done, but he wants to help you
So let's not focus on what you have and go get something you like, okay? He doesn't know how much longer he can stand seeing you look at yourself like that
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insane-ohwhyfandoms · 3 months
WIP game
thank you @emryses and @queerofthedagger for the tags!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I also have too many WIPs to list so I'll list the ones I currently consider active <3 (minus three exchange fics bc that would defeat the point of their anonymity lol)
[bnha] a melody at dawn [bennu]
[bnha] all that's left is ash [ash]
[bnha] for one last memory [last]
[bnha] springtime sonata (requiem in G Major) [sonata]
[bnha] αίμα (bloodsport) [aima]
[mdzs] until our final breath [final]
[merlin] a bullet with your name on it [mafia]
[merlin] a far sweeter death [death]
[merlin] a hollow legacy [m4]
[merlin] fylair hot superhero mess [lair]
[merlin] merlin's guide to accidentally summoning a demon and destroying a cult [guide]
[merlin] ninety-three million miles [exes]
[merlin] reversed trope mini challenge [reverse]
[merlin] the immortal war [war]
[multi] July Break Bingo [jbb]
[tgcf] omega xie lian week [courtship]
[voltron] when titans fall [titans]
wowwwww that was so many more than I thought 😭😭😭 i really need to finish some fics 😭😭😭
Tagging (but no pressure!!): @lair-of-the-dragon @idyllic-idioms @shana-rosee @pearlll09 and @caethes
if anyone wants to jump in on this game, consider yourself tagged <333
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Ahh shiz the brainworms got out again-
* worm delivers request to you*
Ahem anyways, can I request a last legacy fic with the main 3 or 4 (specifically knight wife anisa) and a s/o that somehow gets transformed into a Ilephta (probably because of Felix's spells) for like a day and how their li reacts to their s/o purring and doing the doggy foot thump (I'd be fun if s/o is like a mix between cat and dog ilephta) all while their li is torn between making felix fix their s/o and maybe they should stay this way...
Well anyway thanks for listening to my rambling but I've gotta get these brainworms back before they cause any damage!
Ps. Steve the brainworm like you and your writing!
Thank you Steve! An excellent delivery. 12/10 little FedEx dude
I do have a couple MC!Ilephta posts that I'll link here too because I should be allowed to shill my own shit sometimes for your convenience
What Ilephta Best Fits the M4
Felix With A Cat Ilephta!MC
Sage and Ilephta!MC
More Sage and Ilephta!MC
Sage Petting Cat Ilephta!MC
^also Disney Anon I was going through my asks and I saw you asked about Sage with a cat ilephta!MC a little while ago so you can check out this one!
GN!Reader, I'm not specifying which animal you are but you have both dog and cat characteristics that switch depending on the moment so do with that as you will, very minor catnip joke, The Starsworn Share A Braincell
You have got to stop offering to help Felix test his spells.
It's a perfectly average day when Anisa and Sage return to Fathom. They'd spent the whole afternoon out chasing a bounty together, and it's been a very good reminder of Why Sage Could Never Be In The Sunstone Knights and Why Anisa Could Never Be A Griefer! They're friends but they are [] this close to killing each other. So You and Felix totally need to get in there and diffuse the situation a little bit.
And it's as they're coming in through the main entrance that they see you, laying on your back, snoozing in a sunbeam. You, their usually-human friend/partner, with fluffy ears and a fluffy tail. And when you yawn, you have fangs. Maybe you even have marks on your cheeks.
They also see Felix, crouched over you and scribbling in a notebook with a quill.
And Stella, who is batting your tail around.
When Felix does finally acknowledge everyone (which doesn't happen until Sage literally picks him up by the scruff of his neck like a kitten), he explains that he was testing a spell to improve agility and you'd offered to be his subject! And it had. Well. Unintended side effects.
It's about then that you stretch out and wake up with a yawn, fangs glinting in the sunlight and sliver-pupils widening and contracting. Your tail wags in excitement when you see your partner.
Felix Escellun
Yes, Felix is aware that he massively screwed up. But he's also aware that you're adorable and this is probably the best he's ever screwed up, ever. So.
You two are in his study, you curled up in a sunbeam to nap and Stella curled up against your side. Cats sleep 12-16 hours a day and dogs sleep 12-14 hours a day so you nap a lot! Felix, with his perpetually terrible sleep-schedule and night owl tendencies, is more than happy to nap with you.
He wakes you up by petting you,, soft,,,
Once you're awake, it's play time! He pulls out your trusty laser pointer and starts pointing it around. You know what he's doing but your instincts refuse to let you ignore it.
(If you're in a poly with Rime then he breaks out the rest of the cat toys, and the boys team up to bully play with you.)
Felix decides that with your new superior sense of smell, you should help him hunt for ingredients for a potion he wants to try making! Also it'll take a potion to reverse this spell so like. Two-fer.
So you guys go out to the forest. He's got some samples of what you need, and he holds them out to you wrapped up in a handkerchief.
"Felix, I'm not a bloodhound! I can't" *pauses* *starts sniffing the air*
"Pardon, love, a what hound?"
*grabs his arm and pulls him along* "This way!"
"Darling, what in the world is a bloodhound!? Is it some demented sort of hellhound that goes after all the living instead of solely the damned?"
You continue yanking him along, your brain totally hyperfocused on the scent you've picked up.
You two pick your way through the forest. On the bright side his spell partially worked!! You now have cat-like agility and dog-like speed, so you're running circles around him. You have to help him across a tree-trunk bridge (you have heightened balance and we'll assume a little bit of extra strength since all the ilephta characters seem to be physically very strong) and he's clinging to you while complaining that He Could Have Just Portal-ed You Across!
Felix walking around,, trying not to trip on roots,, nose buried in his book,,, you keep zipping around him,,,, you're not used to this level of speed so you run face-first into a tree more than once,,,, he fusses over you every time (nearly dropping his book more than once) but is also trying not to laugh a bit.
He's not used to walking around so much so you'll have to stop and take multiple breaks throughout the day. If you start getting restless then he pets you and that's enough to calm you down.
Middle of hunting,, you just plop down in a sunbeam and be like 'okai nap time :3' and now Felix is dying because The Forest Is Not A Place To Sleep Because There Are Dangerous Creatures Afoot!! But Also You Are Very Cute And He Is hesitant to wake you up.
If this is after Nyacromancy then like. Like. He gets it.
Anisa Anka
Anisa has hair poofs when she's startled... you get hair/fur poofs now and suddenly she understands why you're always teasing her. It's adorable.
Firstly she's checking on you, making sure you feel okay and everything. Then she's lecturing Felix. Then she finally gets a chance to properly fawn over you. Totally gives you a treat. And kisses. And constantly strokes your hair/fur. Just generally dotes. If you're a cat ilephta then some of her grooming instincts might come out? She's a half-ilephta so I'm not. entirely. sure how strong her instincts are.
You had made plans to help her out with patrol the next day. Initially she assumes you'll not want to go, and makes plans to call in sick so she can keep an eye on you, but hey! You're up and raring to go as soon as the birds start chirping (because you tried to pounce on them). You promise her you'll try your best to reel in your instincts but Boy oh Boy you just are not prepared
The day starts out relatively normal! You both head to the castle so Anisa can clock in and give out routes to the other kni- aaand you're biting the arm of a training dummy and thrashing it around a little bit. Like an attack dog. Okay then.
Then you start batting at a butterfly. Like a kitten. Okay then x2.
The other knights are trying so hard to avoid laughing, both because they respect Anisa immensely and also because she will not be happy if they make fun of you. Annie herself is trying really hard to ignore it but is also covering her mouth to not make it obvious shes laughing.
If you're helping with patrol then I guess you should probably be wearing a Sunstone uniform? Anisa had to help you pull it on and you kept biting at the strap and tugging on it and loosening it. Poor Annie. She cups your cheeks and sternly tells you to stop and then you do a little whine because 🥺 Oh No GF Mad 🥺 and she scritches behind your ears to calm you down.
Once everyone has been given their assignments and sent off, you two can finally head out. Anisa gave you a route through the marketplace so you'll have lots of stuff to do while you're all exciteable.
Both dogs and cats have way fewer taste buds than humans do. So Anisa buys you a ton of snacks (food is her love language) and you just,, can't taste,,, most of them. Or rather they're very dull. She makes sure not to feed you chocolate or grapes or anything else that could potentially be hazardous.
Anisa is a pretty popular public figure, and by extension, so are you. So you get more than one question about what's with the sudden ears and tail. Little kids try to get you to join in their games by throwing balls and Frisbees and stuff. More than one person offers you a treat.
You guys run into Ayanna,,, she thinks it's hilarious. Teaches you some little tips and tricks about how to navigate being an ilephta.
C...ca....catnip?? You and Ayanna smoking catnip??? Anisa coming to check on you and you're both high and Anisa is lecturing her mother but Ayanna is not listening even a little
Once your shift is over, you guys go back to the apartment for dinner and to unwind. Anisa even picked up groceries so you can cook together! How considerate :) and as she's pulling groceries out of the bag she happens to put a cucumbe-
You Get The Zoomies And Freak The Fuck Out and Promptly Tear Up The Kitchen. Then Run Away To The Living Room. Then Tear That Up. Then Hide Under The Overturned Couch.
Meanwhile Anisa is standing there, hair-puffed, holding the cucmber to her chest because What In Talos' Name Just Happened
You're incredibly embarrassed, but Anisa is sweet about it. She gives you lots of headpats, scratches, and kisses until you calm down. Then you guys can clean up together and make something that doesn't involve cucumbers.
Later on, you guys are laying in bed,, Anisa jokingly rubs your tummy and your leg starts kicking,,, she thinks it's the cutest thing ever. And if you purr? She's Dead.
Takes her hair ribbon out and kinda dances it around in the air for you,, you immediately start batting at it. Which turns into biting at it. Which turns into her trying to keep you from accidentally swallowing it.
You spot a mouse and immediately pounce after it,, promptly destroy the entire apartment again,,, you didn't even catch it, it escaped out the open window,,, Anisa drags you off to bed and decides you guys will just clean it up tomorrow instead.
Sage Lesath
Okay I'm gonna get it out of the way now all the new sounds and smells are very overstimulating and you're kinda running around a lot and Sage has to keep chasing after you and one time he's holding you from behind so you can calm down and he grins and flashes his fangs and says if you don't settle down, well, he'll have no choice but to put you on a leash-
No but Sage is fucking enamoured and he's genuinely considering begging Felix to say there's no way to reverse it so you'll just stay like this permanently.
I mean not. Like. Literally because he wouldn't just do that. But if you did decide to remain an ilephta I think he would never stop smiling.
You guys head out to the tavern to start your day and pick a bounty and all, and the entire time Sage calling you his Puppy/Kitty. Emphasis on his. Now that you're an ilephta, you're able to smell exactly how much Sage has been scent-marking you. And whenever someone compliments you/is a little too flirty, Sage slyly rubs up against your back just to give you that little extra mark.
Possessive Kitty Possessive Kitty Possessive Kitty
Side note with how much I love doing jealous/possessive Sage,, like I really should just do a yandere thing at some point. It's sort of an x reader hallmark. I don't have much of an idea though so we'll see how it goes
In the tavern,, you have a drink (either alcohol or water or whatever you want) and you kinda lap at it like a dog would,, Sage thinks it's adorable
Yes he makes a joke about what else your tongue can do ;3
Okay okay okay hear me out,,, Ilephta!MC experiencing a heat,,,, ehehehehe,,,,,
Anyways, you guys have a bounty to go after! So once you've got some food, you head out into town and get to tracking. With your super-senses working together, you two are able to track the criminal down pretty easy. Now you just gotta catch up to the- oh you're already running
Sage watches in a mixture of awe and amusement as you go sprinting off like an arrow. Normally he'd be concerned about you taking down a bounty yourself, but your prey is so surprised by the sudden exciteable cat/dog/fluffy person suddenly pouncing on them and pinning them down. Your tail is wagging with pride at your catch and you look up at Sage with the cutest expression and You Deserve A Treat!! Sage promises he'll get you something after you bring the bounty in.
You spend the entire walk back staring at Sage's tail,, randomly batting at it,,, biting it once or twice,,,, Initially Sage is amused but he's gradually getting more and more flustered. He tells you that if you don't knock it off you guys are gonna have to take a detour ;)
As you hand over the bounty, the guard starts flirting with Sage. So you promptly wrap your arms around him from behind and start rubbing your face against his back to scent mark him. He's both a little turned on and also incredibly flustered about it because It Makes Him Happy To Know He's Yours.
Love bites,,, You'll be zoned out and then suddenly start nomming on him,,, tail curling around his wrist,,,,
You're sitting on his lap,, he's petting you all over,,, you start kneading biscuts against the floor/table/whatever and Sage is internally squealing,, Is this why you constantly tease him for being a cat? Suddenly He Gets It.
He brushes your fur,, You keep growling and biting the brush,, he's as soft as he can be but snags are inevitable. When you stop growling/biting, he makes sure to kiss the top of your head and praise you for being so good. Once he's done you fall back against him,, reclined against his lower stomach,,, smiling,,, and doing that slow blink things cats do when they're content,, your tail is wagging,,,,
He's so in love with you he feels like he needs to cough up a hairball.
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cringeanator · 2 years
new last legacy head canon
none of the m4 can smoke bc they get scared
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lastleggysee · 1 year
Leggy's Masterlist
Last Legacy
Key - Rime & Reader
Last Legacy M3 Western AU
Beach Day with the LL M3
Getting Matching Tattoos with the LL M4
The 5 Types of Canon Sage Lesath
Corruption - Sage Lesath x Reader
Substitute Lovers - Sage Lesath x Reader + FWB!Felix (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt. 5)
The Arcana
Arcana M6 in Ikea
Bridges - Asra Alnazar x Reader
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sfc-paulchambers · 1 year
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END OF THE VIETNAM WAR 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION – M16A1 RIFLE By far the most iconic infantry weapon associated with the Vietnam War, the M16 was a revolutionary firearm introduced to the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War which dramatically enhanced the lethality of soldiers in the hard-fought small-unit engagements which characterized that conflict. First employed by U.S. Special Forces early in the war with great success, the M16 far outstripped the then-standard M14 battle rifle, distinguishing itself through its lightweight construction, excellent accuracy, and superior volume of fire. The M16 famously faced reliability issues in the early period of widespread use. Early M16’s degraded quickly and jammed often, issues which were rectified with the adoption of an improved variant, the M16A1, in 1967 as the standard U.S. Army infantry rifle. The superior M16A1 quickly gained the approval of soldiers and marines in Vietnam and served through the remainder of the Vietnam War and beyond. In the early 1980’s, the M16A2 was adopted and the variant M4 carbine was rolled out; these two weapons remain the primary U.S. Army infantry firearms to this day, representing the lasting legacy of the Vietnam War’s most iconic weapon. Share your memories of the M16 in the comments! #Armyhistory #USArmy #TRADOC #M16 #VietnamWar #VietnamWarHistory #VietnamVeterans #MilitaryHistory #thisdayinarmyhistory Posted @withregram • @armyhistory (at Spring Hill, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaZpOqORX3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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computingpostcom · 2 years
How do I install Development Tools on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8?. RHEL based distributions are designed for enterprise and running mission-critical applications. It is the most stable and secure Server Operating System. For security reasons and performance, they often ship with fewer packages pre-installed. If you want to do Development or build open source applications on RHEL / CentOS 8, you need to install Development tools which include the following tools. autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ bison flex binutils gdb glibc-devel libtool make pkgconf pkgconf-m4 pkgconf–pkg-config redhat-rpm-config rpm-build rpm-sign strace List package groups on a CentOS / RHEL 8 Type the following dnf command to list package groups available on your CentOS / RHEL 8. $ dnf group list .... Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Tue 07 Jun 2022 03:36:40 PM UTC. Available Environment Groups: Server with GUI Server Minimal Install Workstation Virtualization Host Custom Operating System Available Groups: Container Management .NET Core Development RPM Development Tools Development Tools Graphical Administration Tools Headless Management Legacy UNIX Compatibility Network Servers Scientific Support Security Tools Smart Card Support System Tools You can pass the summary option to view the number of installed groups, available groups, available environment groups, and both installed and available language groups: $ sudo dnf groups summary Updating Subscription Management repositories. Updating Subscription Management repositories. Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:33 ago on Sun 17 Mar 2019 09:28:36 AM EAT. Installed Groups: 2 Available Groups: 10 Install GCC and Development Tools on a CentOS / RHEL 8 server The following command is used to install GCC and Development Tools on a CentOS / RHEL 8 server. sudo dnf group install "Development Tools" Or with the command below: sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" You can view information on the Development Tools package group. sudo dnf group info "Development Tools" Verify installation by checking tools binary locations. $ whereis bison gcc flex bison: /usr/bin/bison /usr/share/bison /usr/share/man/man1/bison.1.gz /usr/share/info/bison.info.gz gcc: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/libexec/gcc /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz /usr/share/info/gcc.info.gz flex: /usr/bin/flex /usr/share/man/man1/flex.1.gz /usr/share/info/flex.info-1.gz /usr/share/info/flex.info-2.gz /usr/share/info/flex.info.gz Check installed GCC version. $ gcc --version gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-10) Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $ make --version GNU Make 4.2.1 Built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu Copyright (C) 1988-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Uninstalling GCC and Development Tools on a CentOS / RHEL 8 server Below is the command used to remove a Package Group on CentOS / RHEL 8. sudo dnf group remove "Development Tools" Be keen on dependency tree to avoid breaking other system packages. Test GCC Compiler Let’s create a Hello World program to see if it compiles properly. $ vim hello.c #include int main() printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; Compile the code with GCC. gcc hello.c -o helloworld Run the program to see if it prints Hello, world!. $ ./helloworld Hello, world! Thank you for installing GCC and Development Tools on RHEL / CentOS 8 using our guide.
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felixscorset · 3 years
Last Legacy/ M4 When the MC Touches the butt
pls this is just a joke 😩
* Poor Felix is just really into his uh- “academic” novel, he was so into it. He hadn’t put the book down in hours.
* You managed to walk in when he was standing, stretching from sitting so long.
* Your gaze travels to ✨the butt✨
* Gaze locked- Action loaded- you make your way over quietly trying so hard to not expose yourself with your mischief ~
* Felix arches his back, stretching his arms over head on his tippy toes,
* The meatballs are in the sauce!
* Felix jumps and yelps; when he whips his head around to face you his face is beet red
* “mc?! What in the hells-“ He is so flustered he can’t even manage words??
* “I saw an opportunity and i took it.”
* Felix has become one with the soil; he is gone- on spot- GONE- im sorry😩
* He doesn’t know how to react to the touching of the butt. Frankly he’s terrified to return the action.
* Let’s be honest he’s just standing there, arms crossed
* You see the tush 👁
* Curious of his reaction you just go for it
* This man whips around so fast, please duck-
* Gotta little close to that tail there mate 😏
* “Didn’t think you were into that kind of thing, mc~” *insert his hot ass smirk*
* Somehow has teased you into a corner and left you a blushing mess instead of well; vice versa
* He loved it though, and will do it back
* If you manage to touch his tail heheh- *cough COUGH* ahem. Good Luck. ;)
* Compliment his buttocks and he will be caught off guard completely: catch him in his own game
* This is all confidential so/ sshhhhhh i didn’t tell you anything
* If he’s not already standing there ass cheeks out already then
* He will be there with that cheeky grin, tail swaying
* You take it upon yourself to indulge him in a surprise
* Grab the buttocks
* He looks at you - choosing violence
* *insert nemo scene* YoU gUyS mAdE mE iNK/ But make it Sage - i don’t make the rules 🧑‍🦯
* Flip the switch on; he’s a horny catman
* Good luck getting away; he will also make this a back and forth habit between you two
* She’s just got done talking to someone and you want to proceed with the element of surprise
* She jumps out of skin with a gasp
* “Mc! What- How- How very bold of you” She’s flustered, madly flustered.
* Once she’s composed herself she will condone to teasing whether its you teasing her or her tease you
* She will do it back i have no doubt in my mind there.
* SHE- She will do it at the oddest times- catching you OFF GUARD✋
* Anisa is honestly just tempting to put you on edge if its revenge 😏🤭
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6okuto · 2 years
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i am no longer writing for last legacy; any new posts will be very rare.
— multi character
M3 helping a reader with long hair
M3 with an s/o who has bad headaches and period pains
MC who asks the M4 to teach them how to kiss
M4 when MC wants to return to earth
MC asking to borrow the M3's clothes
M4 with a flexible MC who's good at martial arts
M4 comforting MC
M4 with a model!MC
M4 with a popstar!mc
M4 with an mc with a resting pouty face
M4 with an mc who smokes
M4 hearing MC sing explicit songs
M4 with a lingerie model!MC
M4 with an MC from the hunger games
M3 with a pregnant reader
M4 as ghibli moments
rime and MC comforting felix after a nightmare
felix x MC x rime get together
felix x MC x rime hcs
felix x MC x rime protective hcs
felix x MC x rime when mc feels insecure
felix and sage waking up from a nightmare
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— felix
felix relationship hcs
general felix hcs
felix as a dad (part 2?)
felix with a multilingual MC
felix with an MC similar to him
felix after MC injures themself
felix and MC between chapters 11 and 12
felix pre-chapter 12 breakdown hcs
felix with a shorter MC
felix with a tall MC
felix with abandonment issues/unhealthy relationship behaviors
felix taking MC out on a date
MC taking felix out and saying i love you
catboy felix fluff hcs
protective felix with a chaotic MC
young felix hcs
felix comforting a sad MC
felix accidentally cutting his hair too short
letting felix info dump
rime and felix with an MC into j-fashion
felix watching MC fall in love with rime
felix with an oblivious MC
when MC gets along with felix's parents (ft. rime)
felix when MC doesn't want to return to earth
felix seeing MC's nightmares
felix overhears MC talk about first loves (comfort)
modern author!felix and barista!mc
felix with an MC with adhd
felix helping MC shave their head
when MC gets along with stella
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— rime
general rime hcs (part 2)
rime as a dadrime fluff hcs (part 2)
rime accidentally hurting MC
rime angst hcs
MC offering to 'fix' rime
MC offering to help rime be better
rime fluff alphabet
rime still loves felix scenario
rime with a short MC
euphoria inspired rime hcs
MC seeing rime's tail for the first time
MC who always messes with rime
rime enemies to lovers scenes
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— sage
sage with a nerdy s/o
sage the night of chapter 12
fluffy sage post-chapter 12 hcs
sage with a baby face MC
sage general hcs
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— anisa ( + tulsi)
anisa and tulsi fluff hcs
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evanox · 2 years
Writing Masterlist
Last Updated: 25/8
Request Rules . Taglist
Last Legacy Theories
Origin of relics
Time difference between Astraea and Earth
Last Legacy Main 4 and Extras
M4 and Music Tastes
M4 Comforting Crying MC
M3 General Barista HCs
M4 as Types of IDV Players
M4 and an MC with Gargoyle Features
M4 and MC's Pollen Allergies
PJO AU Part 1 2
Random Griefers Headcanons
Sneaky Elowen
Rime x Sage
More Crack Ships
Felix Iskandar Escellun
Protector of His Friends' Legacy
Professor Felix
Barista Felix falls in love with Astraean MC
Anisa Anka
Anisa and food as a love language
Anisa and Mommy (Daddy?) Issues
Sage Lesath
Biker Sage (ft the Griefers gang)
Cooking hc (ft the Griefers, again)
Reader who was a parental figure to Sage and Tulsi
Sage's Nightmares
What we should’ve had in chapter 13
Epilogue Headcanons: Settling Down
Epilogue Headcanons: First Dates
Hand kisses (short but i love it too much)
Flowers in his hair
Rime x Sage
Last Legacy MC: Maehwa
Sage Lesath (Maehwa's Version): sage x mae route rewrite
Coat for the Winter (sage x mae)
M4 and extrovert/introvert partner
Dancing with the M4
M4 as types of genshin players
Taking the M4 to a cat cafe
Watching SYTTD with the M4
M4 and pregnancy/adoption/childcare, the whole package
PJO au pt 3 (felix does an oopsie)
Lucan x Rime (don’t ask)
Even more crackships
Sage and Weddings
Timeline of events before Sage's route
Corruption theories
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humanmostlikely · 2 years
Last Legacy M4 modern outfits-
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(Shirt optional)
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Bonus, Faraday (my MC):
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Last Legacy Mickey/Minnie ears
Arcana modern outfits
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Smooches :(
I'm going to assume this is a request about the Last Legacy M4 since that's what I write the most of. Mayhaps this is your way of saying you want a smooch, in which case I say 'same'. But I'm not actually sure. So while I appreciate you thinking I'm smart enough to get this, I am actually Very Very Stupid and taking a swing in the dark here. Hope you enjoy!
GN!reader, fluffy fluff
I think Felix is a very big fan of casual smooches. He's been studying or working on experiments for nine hours straight and you just swoop in out of nowhere to kiss his cheek. Instant Dopamine Boost. Instant energy.
In as much as I like to joke about Felix being Easily Flustered, he's also the only Starswon (Rime notwithstanding) that's been in a canon long-term relationship. He's definitely get a lil embarrassed hehe blushy blushy man but he keeps his composure fairly well. Sometimes makes a little noise, sometimes shrinks up a little bit, the tips of his ears turn pink. But he'll look at you and pout and ask if That's All He's Getting™
If you sit with him while he's reading, I think he smooches you a lot. Doesn't even pull his eyes away from the page, just kinda leans over and kisses your cheek, your jaw, your neck, whatever's close enough. He's Focused™ but he still wants to worship you a lil
When he's not distracted by studies, he's a bit more flustered but he still gives you a lot of little kisses and smooches and pecks
I think especially when something reminds him of Rime. I feel like we don't talk enough about Protective!Felix being afraid of losing MC. So anyways when something makes him think of Rime, it kinda automatically makes him think about how Rime died, and that stresses him. Even if it was Unavoidable, he still worries about that happening to you. So he'll randomly pepper your cheeks and lips with little kisses and hold your hand. Kisses the back of your hand too.
I feel like all of Felix is very soft,, includes his lips,,,, do with that info what you will,,,,,,
He do Big Spell. Head Hurty. When he tries to sleep, smooch his temple. Makes him feel better.
Heheh...ehehehe.....cat wife kisses
Gods i miss her
I feel like she loves all types of smooches, but especially sneaky ones! She's spent such a long time following the rules and being The Model Citizen™ that she likes the thrill of it. She's also incredibly proud to be your Knight In Shining Armor!! And as long as you guys aren't doing anything too dirty she doesn't care who sees a bit of PDA.
I think she'd like being kissed on her hands/wrists, tip of her nose, and collarbone. If you wanna be cute and kiss her chest where your heart is, she'll be super flustered but like it (as long as you guys aren't in public at that point).
Her favorite places to smooch you would probably be,,, your forehead (she uses her hands to smoosh your cheeks a lil whenever she kisses your forehead) and the spot below your ear. Maybe nips at your earlobe a little bit when she's feeling flirty but probably not in public
I feel like she hugs you from behind a lot!! Possibly sneaks up on you to give you surprise kisses.
She comes home after a long day of work,, she's so tired,,, help her pull her armor off,,,, give her a lil kiss on the shoulder,,,,,, she melts,,,,,,,,, and when she has nights when the memories are too much for her to deal with and she can't sleep, cuddle her. In between stories and jokes and dreams you two shares, smooch her hand/wrist. Makes her very calm.
I think if you guys are laying around and just kinda relaxing and you suddenly start kissing her, she would purr a little. I don't even know if half-ilephtas can purr, but damnit, she does.
I was gonna say that I hc that the only source of wholesome smooches Sage ever had before you was probably like, when he and Tulsi were younger and say she was afraid of a thunder storm he would probably kiss the top of her head or whatever (which is something my older sister still does to me a lot when I'm upset) but after That Post from the Insta I feel like that'd be inappropriate,,, which is really shitty because siblings should be allowed to show affection for each other without people being freaks about it,,,,,
But anyways
I think Sage is used to making out and whatever, but soft lil smooches??? Foreign concept.
The first time you smooch his cheek out of nowhere he just bluescreens. He's dead. Gone. Vanished. Slain. He tries to be flirty to hide his embarrassment but you give him this wholesome little smile and he just puts his head down because he needs a second
He's a bit of an attention whore so once you start he doesn't want you to stop. If you're busy studying he 10,000% does the lil headbutt thing.
Definitely likes kissing your hands and nibbling on your fingers a lil but also your forehead, the top of your head, and the crook of your neck because he's trying to hide his face a lil cause he's blushing
Ooh big strong cat man blushing like a tomato because he's being sweet on his loving partner
I also think Biting Is A Love Language! You will get nibbled on often!! Obviously when he's flirty he's messing with you that way but even when he's just being a blushing dork, he gives you a lil love bite. Though I have a thing for marking so porhaps I'm projecting but I'm sure you don't mind
Loves it when you kiss his head/ears, his cheeks, probably his chest too. And if you kiss his scars? Especially while mumbling a bit of praise about how big and strong he is? He simply Ceases To Exist.
Purrs a lot. Is grumpy about it. If you tell him you like his purring then he isn't grumbly but he's still flustered. And going from intense making out to soft little smooches? He's putty in your hands.
The least visibly affected but probably the most internally screaming. During/after his redemption he feels a lot of guilt for the stuff he's done and, therefore, like he doesn't deserve anything so soft and sweet and loving. In fact the first time you lean in to smooch him he probably jumps a lil cause he wasn't expecting it.
But when you do manage to plant one on him? He does this slow blink and then smirks at you. Makes a catty comment about, gee MC, if you want him so bad you can just say so. But his ears give this little flick and he can't quite look you in the eye and You Know You Got Him
Did you guys knows that deers tails swish around when they're content? You nuzzle up against him and smooch the side of his neck and his tail does a little dance.
Yes I know that horns are keratin and therefore not really sensitive but I think if you kiss at the base of his horns he'll get flustered. Mostly because it's an intimate spot. You might have to gently hold him in place so he doesn't accidentally whack you with his horns or whatever. Otherwise he likes when you smooch his palms or nose.
For some reason I feel like he'd kiss your chest a lot, like where your heart is. Maybe as a lil apology for trying to kill you several times. Always very soft and delicate about it, like he's not entirely sure if he's allowed to do it. Encourage him and he'll calm down, but it takes time.
He has ice magic so I feel like his skin is always cold. Offer to heat him up and he rolls his eyes but his cheeks do get warm. So you've already kinda made progress. Yay you!
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cringeanator · 3 years
(all smut free)
The Arcana
Spending Valentines Day with Nadia
Going roller skating with the M6
The M6 with a socially anxious MC
The M6 when MC has a Chihuahua familiar
Julian x Muriel One Shot/Head Canons
The M6 when MC has freckles
The M6 with a Transgender(FTM) MC
Coming soon
Miscellaneous Muriel headcanons
Last Legacy
Going rollerskating with the M4
Going to a hardcore show with the M4
The M4 with a Trans(MTF) MC
The M4 with a Trans(FTM) MC
The M4 in a high school AU
Coming soon
The M4 with a Nonbinary MC
Relationship with Saaros One Shot
The M4 with a shy MC
M4 in Earth Fashion
Felix with an MC who says "I love you" a lot
Sage being MC's wingman headcanons
Rime and MC's relationship headcanons
Down to Earth: Felix x MC Fan Fiction
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lastleggysee · 2 years
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Starsworn workout gear
Based on https://www.tumblr.com/midnineties/637757234911248384/im-just-going-insane
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