#last piece of the scream trilogy!!
unspecifiedfigure · 11 months
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we prefer the term psychotic 😉🔪
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novaksupremacy · 3 months
Staking A Claim - Casey Novak x Alex Cabot
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hello lovelies, something about leaving these smutty little snippets as a Two-Parter just didn't sit right with me so I decided to give you a little more and give it a third leg and round off the trilogy❤️ I hope you enjoy your Sunday morning smut, and I will see you on the other side of my linear algebra with the next chapter of TVOA
just pure unadulterated, can't control themselves, smut
Word Count: 2389
by PKJ @novaksupremacy
Casey was internally screaming; her body was burning. Yes, they had had sex before they left for work this morning and probably would again before they even sat down for dinner when they got home but she couldn’t breathe. She and Alex had agreed after getting caught by Donnelly twice yesterday they needed to be more careful at the office. Neither of them could really afford to be written up for their indiscretions and Liz rarely bluffed.  The redhead was trying her best to concentrate but she was uncomfortable. She sat at her desk, crossing and uncrossing her legs, trying to find a position where she wasn’t throbbing for Alex. “Focus, Novak.” She muttered to herself, trying to write up all her case notes for tomorrow’s court sessions. The ADA lasted about ten minutes before she threw her pen down on the desk and stood up, she paused for a second.
“Fuck it,” she shook her head, “it can’t hurt to just go see Alex, she may need help, she may have something else to keep my mind off wanting to screw her against every piece of furniture in the building.” At this rate the prosecutor was so aroused that her suit pants were damp. She stormed down the hallway determined as she reached Alex’s door, leaning against the frame.
“Casey?” the blonde looked up from her paperwork, “You okay my darling?” she furrowed her brow, she could tell there was an air of concern on Casey’s face.
“I was just wondering if you had anything for me to do. Busy work?” She pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders.
“Casey,” the Bureau Chief giggled, “don’t you have briefs you should be working on?”
The redhead stepped inside and closed the door, “Oh I’m working on my briefs.” She grumbled as she walked up to the desk, “My boxer briefs. Alex, I can’t do this. Being told I can’t touch you has made it so much worse.” She sighed in frustration. “I feel like I am dying.”
“It cannot be quite that serious.” Alex’s blue eyes stared into Casey’s over the top of her glasses.
“Baby, it is that serious.” She walked around and sat on the edge of her girlfriend’s desk, practically pouting.
The blonde swiveled her chair to the side to face Casey and looked at her sternly. “We’re going to get fired. You can not possibly need it that badly.” She placed her hands on her lover’s knees in an attempt to comfort her.
The minute Alex’s hands touched her body, the redhead let out a tiny moan.
The chief’s eyebrow went up, as did her libido, “Fuck,” she sighed hanging her head. “Did you at least make sure that the door was locked?” She accepted defeat.
“The second I walked in,” she pulled Alex up to her by her cardigan, flush against her, wrapping her legs around the blonde’s waist. She moaned again the second their bodies came into contact. “You don’t understand baby,” she whispered in her girlfriend’s ear, “my body aches for you.” She made sure to elongate on the word “aches” and then nibbled on Alex’s neck.
“I bet it does,” Alex whispered, she grabbed Casey by the hips and pulled her even tighter to her body, “Who else is going to make you make all those gorgeous sounds as you fall apart, hmm?” she ran her finger over the outside of the redhead’s pants, applying just the slightest bit of pressure. Casey quivered at her touch, a shudder running up her spine. “Who else is going to turn Daddy into a shivering, dripping wet mess of her own making, begging to do anything I say? Hmm?” She ran the backside of her long, slender fingers down the ADA’s cheek.
The redhead couldn’t even form a complete word, let alone a strung together a sentence. Her mouth fell open to speak but all she could manage were little gasps and sighs. She let out a sultry giggle, her hand tangled in the blonde’s hair. She tightened her grip and pulled Alex’s lips to hers, her tongue taking plight on her lover’s. She wasn’t kidding when she said her body ached, it was almost as if it was physically painful not to be in contact with Alex. She had never felt this connected to another person, she couldn’t explain it but she could feel it.
As they continued to kiss, Casey finally regained a little control over her senses, slid her hand up under the blonde’s skirt, “I think you may have forgotten who’s in charge in this power dynamic.” She grinned, kissing her girlfriend again, running her fingers softly up and down, teasing as she reached the top of her inner thigh, “I guess Daddy needs to remind you who’s good girl you are.” She whispered in a soft growl causing Alex’s eyes to grow dark and her breath to hitch. “You are still my good girl, right?”
The blonde nodded, her jaw fell slack and she pressed the side of her face up against Casey’s, “Daddy,” she whispered against the redhead’s cheek, “We can’t, we’re going to get suspended. We could lose our jobs.” Alex was trying so hard to resist but she already knew, she knew she would go to jail before she would be able to resist Casey. She sighed, “You sure the door is locked?”  The redhead nodded, her breath shaky, as she carefully hiked up the blonde’s skirt. She stood up, repositioned herself in Alex’s chair lightly grasping at her thighs and pulled the beautiful woman down on to her lap.
Alex’s skirt was hoisted up around her hips, “Then take what’s yours,” she whimpered quietly. She placed her hands on the younger ADA’s cheeks and kissed her gently but firmly, “Remind me who I belong to.” She moaned quietly against her lips.
Casey slid her hand down to the blonde’s thighs, sliding red lace to the side and running two fingers through her lover’s more than apparent arousal. “Mmmm,” she moaned softly, “Hail to the Chief.” A lustful smile danced across her face. She slid two fingers into Alex’s wet heat, deciding quickly this wasn’t enough and stretched her out with one more.
 This elicited a strangled cry of satisfaction as her girlfriend’s blue eyes grew wide, she needed this feeling to last. The blonde took Casey’s freehand and brought it to her throat as she began to grind against the redhead’s other hand. She kept letting go of the back of the chair, placing her hand over Casey’s and getting her to tighten her grip who would oblige for a few seconds and then loosen it again causing Alex to get more forceful.
“Baby I’m going to hurt you.” The ADA tilted her head and cooed, she was trying to comply with her girlfriend’s needs but she also was afraid to take their escapades too far.
“Then hurt me,” Alex groaned, “I trust you.” She clamped down on the redhead’s hand as she bounced up and down against her fingers.
Casey nodded and squeezed tighter. She gave just enough leeway that Alex could still get air and she sped up her thrusts as her thumb pressed against her clit, “That’s it baby, just like that beautiful.”
This made the blonde absolutely feral, the confidence that exuded from her lover when she actually got a little rough had her soaked. She was already dripping and she wasn’t even there yet. The hand she was using to tighten the redhead’s grip was now sliding down into suit pants to a very, very soaked Casey. She made it a point tease her slowly first, pulling her lover’s slick up and around her swollen clit, which caused the redhead to squeeze down harder on Alex’s neck. She felt herself getting closer and penetrated Casey trying to match pace.
The redhead’s body went hot, her moans getting louder, her hand tight to her lover’s throat. “Alexandra,” she whimpered, she knew how crazy it made her when she used her full name, “I need you to come for me.” She pulled the blonde down closer by her throat and bit down in the little spot between her neck and her jaw, never letting go, never losing pace.   
Alex could feel her orgasm building, her perky breasts bouncing in the confines of her shirt, barely getting any air—just the way she wanted it. Casey was absolutely ravaging her, she was right on the edge when she heard it, a familiar voice coming down the hall. “Fuck,” she said almost angrily, “Baby don’t stop.” Might as well go for broke she figured, her mewls getting louder as she could hear Liz Donnelly getting closer to her office door. “That’s it Daddy, right there, just like that. Almost there. Fuck, Casey.”
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Liz stopped in her tracks as she got closer to the office, “this is insanity.”
“Mmm, that’s it Casey, right there.” Alex continued whimpering, the redhead’s hand still tight around her throat, her fingers starting to leave a mark. She was trying so hard to concentrate, almost at the end of her undoing, but she could still hear the chatter in the hallway. “And I swear to G-d Liz, if you touch that damn fucking door handle before I finish, I’m going to lose it!” she shouted as she slammed her hand down on the desk and pointed at the door.
The judge who was just about to try to barge in despite the locked door, guns blazing, stopped before her hand hit the handle.
The redhead who didn’t realize until that moment that Donnelly was outside the office almost halted her ministrations but managed to compose herself and fuck her Bureau Chief into an orgasm, shocked but turned on by how Alex basically told Liz to go to hell in order to make sure she didn’t stop.
The blonde took a second after unravelling to compose herself and then gently dismounted the hazel-eyed woman’s lap, giving her a passionate kiss before adjusting her skirt and walking towards the door.
“Ahh,” Casey tried to raise an objection, as Alex had her very large handprint across her throat, but the blonde waved her off.
She swung the door open, trying not to let on that she was still shaking from aftershocks, “What?! What do you need Liz? And before you say a word let me remind you that you’re not actually my boss anymore. I do not answer to you and this office has my name on it, not to mention you don’t have an appointment.” Liz opened her mouth to speak but Alex held up her finger and silenced her, “What are you going to do Liz? Run and tell Jack McCoy I perform cunnilingus on a hot redhead in my office from time to time? I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. So, if there’s no actual pressing matter, I’m going to close this door now.”
Liz looked over Alex’s shoulder to see a very out of breath Casey in the Bureau Chiefs chair, disheveled and panting, “Just passing by, thought I’d say hello.” Liz scowled.
“I’ll see you later Liz,” Alex rolled her eyes and went to close the door, seeing a very dumbfounded Olivia holding a large stack of DD-5s and backing up back towards the bullpen.
“Goodnight, Counselors.” Donnelly cleared her throat and turned to walk away.
As she continued down the hallway Don Cragen was walking towards her, hands in his pockets. “Evening Liz.”
“One day, Donald, one fucking day, that’s all I want. ONE!” She fumed as she continued passed him.
“O-ok,” he said confused, pulling his hands out of his pockets, holding his palms out, and watched as she continued for the door. “Goodnight Liz.” He called after her and shook his head.
Back in her office, Alex walked back over to Casey and got down on her knees, pulling the redhead’s slacks down. “Now, where were we.”
“Mmm,” the ADA quirked her brow, her green eyes glistening, “I believe I heard you say something about cunnilingus?” she bit down on her lip.
“I did,” the blonde breathed quietly, she leaned up for second to get next to the redhead’s ear, “Do you still ache for me?” she smirked, mocking the way Casey whined earlier and then sank back down to her knees.
Casey went weak, her excitement was already spilling everywhere, “Mhmm,” she nodded, “Yes.” She whispered.
Alex dove face first into her lover’s center without hesitation. Her tongue making slow, languid circles over her clit, pushing down with near constant pressure. She went back and forth between smaller and larger circles as the redhead sighed and gasped, letting out all of the little noises Alex loved. She looked up at her, watching, delighted in the redhead’s responses. Her eyes were glossy, full of desire, locked on to her girlfriend’s.
“Mmm, you know,” Casey ran her hand through her girlfriend’s hair, keeping her gaze, “You look so fucking gorgeous with my hand around your throat, but you look even better with your head between my thighs.”
It didn’t take the blue eyed adonis very long to send Casey unravelling with her skillful tongue and resilient jaw. Lapping up everything she pulled from her lover, whimpering into her heat. She added two fingers, pumping fast and hard, curling her hand as her fingers stroked against Casey’s g-spot. She stifled the redhead’s shouts with well-timed kisses. Swallowing all of her wanton moans.
The ADA took a few minutes to come down but after some deep breaths and a satisfied hum, got up and put herself back together.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Alex grabbed her wrist, pulling her back into a tender but burning kiss. “I can breathe now, and I have briefs to write.” The redhead smiled into her kiss and then stepped back. “What you did was a real service to the American people, I now can continue to fight for justice with a clear head. You’re my hero Bureau Chief Alexandra Cabot.” Casey chuckled, fixing the lapels of Alex’s jacket. “Meet you back here at seven for dinner?” She winked, lingering for a minute to drink in everything that was Alex Cabot, and then headed back towards her office.
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snow-acotar · 3 months
Through the despair, I see love
"His paintings show a Peeta who Katniss couldn’t reach even when he stood before her"
A short one-shot of Katniss and Peeta post-canon, fluffy and hopeful.
(Spoilers for the trilogy)
Peeta loves painting a lot more than speaking. 
So much has always been expected of him, so many words have been put in his mouth. Even now, he doubts his words because they’ve hurt the people he loves. His words and actions have hurt Katniss in ways he’ll never forgive himself for. But his art hasn’t. 
His art is a part of him that’s never been touched by Snow and his poison. The images on his canvases are the purest expression of himself. Untampered by the capitol's lies and deception. 
Katniss loves his paintings. She sees in them the man who comes running at the sound of her screams in the night. She sees the boy with soft eyes, the boy with the bread. The man who painted sweet Rue on the floor of the training center. Peeta who held the woman who sacrificed herself for him; as she died he showed her a sky that Katniss now sees before her on a canvas. 
His paintings remind her of the man she’s grown to love despite the death that has surrounded her. But she also sees the man who she failed to protect. 
Those paintings have harsher lines, razor-sharp edges, and striking colors. 
In them, Katniss sees pain and death. In those blood-colored lines sits a man full of despair. He is faced with having to kill the woman he loves. She then sees him alive, standing by her side, but she does not want him in the way he wishes she did. Katniss sees a man willing to die for her—the man who walked into a forcefield and lived. Crying, Katniss stares as Peeta is lifted into a Capitol hovercraft. 
His paintings show a Peeta who Katniss couldn’t reach even when he stood before her. 
They show white cells, Snow's extravagant mansion, roses that reek of perfume, Joanna, Annie; and many more unimaginable things that Katniss cannot face.
She falls to her knees, seeing Peeta sitting inside that suffocating room in District 13. Surrounded by white walls, faced with people he loves, but his mind tells him they don’t love him back. Just like Katniss never loved him back. She sees Peeta try to push her into the oil. Peeta sitting on the ground, a look of horror on his face as he asks to be handcuffed. Peeta saving her from the mutts, them and himself were both trained to kill her. Yet he didn’t. He cries on the floor, scared of himself, begging to be left behind. 
But past all the trauma and agony, Katniss sees flowers. 
Primroses. Peeta plants them in a garden that sits between their houses. She sees trust beginning to grow, both smiles and flowers blooming. Beginning to smile, she takes in freshly baked bread and the morning sun. She sees herself, smiling back, and she sees hope in her eyes. The last painting is the most beautiful, in it lays- “Katniss?”
Turning she sees Peeta, standing in the doorway with their children. Her beautiful daughter comes running up to her and latches onto Katniss’s dress. Smiling, Peeta walks over and kisses his wife. Both of them gaze at their son who rests in his swaddle.  
In their children’s faces, she sees innocence, hope, warmth, joy, and youth, as well as something else. 
She recognizes it in Peeta as well, the man standing before her is much different from the boy she met in the rain all those years ago. 
Turning back to the painting, she sees the same thing. On what used to be a white piece of fabric, sits a green meadow full of freshly bloomed flowers. Amid the sparkingly grass sits Katniss, holding her son in her arms. Her gaze is directed at the man she loves, he plays with their daughter who reminds Katniss so much of Prim. 
In their children, in Peeta, in his paintings, Katniss sees love.
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bluedillylee · 1 year
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My heart is like a haunted house There's things in there that scream and shout They make their music in the night Wish I could find a way to let them out
-Florence and the Machine
Geralt post-mountain thoughts below
this piece is part of a possible trilogy with this Jaskier one being the first. I want to do a Yennefer focused one as well, tho right now I’m still fighting with the concept piece. 😤
Geralt’s state of mind once Yennefer has found out about his last wish and he has pushed Jaskier away has got to be pretty bad. Overwhelmed with guilt and heartbreak I think he basically shuts down and it is only once he realizes Ciri is in danger that he finds a purpose to drive him forward.
From there he pours all his focus into Ciri’s well-being (tho still not communicating very well with her) and represses everything else. I've probably said before that I found Geralt to rather static S2. Trying to interpret that in a character driven way I like to think Geralt still hasn't dealt with the emotional fallout from Yennefer breaking up with him and being shaken in his belief that their relationship was real. He’s repressing his feelings and only allowing himself to focus on protecting Ciri. Breakups can be very tough and I think Geralt simply hasn’t dealt with any of those feelings.
Now understandably Yennefer thought the wish must have either manufactured their feelings or somehow made what they tried to build together fake. I think Geralt never once suspected that his wish had done that and was shaken by idea that it might've all been because of his wish. He promptly repressed that shit because he didn't know how to deal with it leading to him being kinda emotionally frozen in S2.
Anyways just trying to dig into Geralt’s headspace a bit
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 months
The Experiments
Warnings: mention and threat of torture, shock collar, restraints, magic
Shadow, my favorite OC of my in-progress fantasy trilogy, is one of a near-extinct species of creature that look like humans, but with wings and fangs... and magic. She has ice powers, and she is in Jackal captivity, an organization that wishes to find a way to weaponize her gifts and power. Let the experimentation begin!
Shadow quietly fumed while she was led by guards into a bulletproof room full of targets and metal cutouts of people. She wore metal cuffs on her wrists with rows of inward-facing spikes that prevented her from using her ice powers. If she did, the metal would contract with the cold, sinking its sharp teeth into her hands. Her powers were useless with them on, and that was exactly the point: to have her like a cat with its claws removed. Less dangerous. And even if she did somehow find a way out of the cuffs, she still had the shock collar to worry about.
She reluctantly let her guards shepherd her into the room, watching as they backed out and shut the door, leaving her alone.
"Hello again, my favorite subject," Sebastian's venomous voice purred from a speaker mounted in the corner.
Shadow glanced to the side where he and a few other Jackals were sitting in an observing room, safe behind several layers of bulletproof glass.
"Pfff, cowards," she grumbled under her breath. "Wouldn't stand a chance in the same room with me without these cursed restraints." She cast them all a cold glare that could wilt the petals off of roses. "And what would you have me do today, oh smart mouth?" She sniped.
Sebastian chuckled, and she watched him hold up a black remote where she could clearly see it through the thick glass. Her hands instinctively tried to twitch up and grab the shock collar encircling her neck out of habit, knowing how painful it would be, but she forced herself not to flinch, refusing to give him the satisfaction as he pressed a button... and no shock came.
Instead, the spikes on her wrists cuffs retracted, followed by the cuffs themselves unlocking and falling to the floor with a clunk. Surprising. Shadow couldn't help rubbing the chaffed, raw skin where they'd rested with a wince.
"Here's your task," Sebastian's voice crackled in the speaker, "you are to stand on the strip of black tape you see on the floor, and strike every target in the room. If you refuse, you get zapped. You know the drill."
Shadow scowled viciously, but grudgingly shuffled over to where the tape was. She hated giving in, her mind screamed at her to keep resisting, to fight back more... but she'd figured out a long time ago that all it did was make things worse for her in the end. She needed time to save her strength for an escape attempt, not waste it on petty shows of defiance. So she swallowed her snarky remarks and took up a defensive stance, shaking out her hands and narrowing her eyes. This day she was extra mad.
With a low growl, she flung a hand out at the nearest metal target with a fierce, focused intensity, packing all her anger and pain behind it. The frustration of being kept in captivity for so long. The resulting icy blast was so powerful it ripped the target clean off its stand, sending it smashing into the wall behind with such force it left a noticeable dent before it shattered like glass as it hit the floor, covered in ice. The cold made it brittle and weak.
Then she lashed out at all the other targets in rapid-fire sequence, her hands a blur of motion, striking every last one with deadly accuracy until they were all reduced to pieces of shattered metal on the floor. She breathed hard, feeling the overwhelming wave of nausea and exhaustion catch up to her that always came from using too much magic at once, but she took pride in the terrified looks of those observing her behind the safety glass window.
That's what kind of true power I possess, she thought angrily. The kind that you'll never be able to control.
There was a long moment of stunned silence, and Shadow wondered what the Jackals' reaction would be.
"All right, that's enough for today. Put the cuffs back on." Sebastian's obnoxious, polished voice finally sounded through the speaker, wobbling slightly. Shadow hesitated, staring down at the spike-lined cuffs still laying on the floor.
"Don't make this more difficult for yourself. Put. Them on. Now."
She felt the metal shock band on her neck start to buzz in warning, and wasn't in the mood to deal with the consequences of being rebellious. Now was not the right time for it. She leaned down and picked up the cuffs, locking them back onto her own wrists with an irritated eye roll, grimacing as they settled uncomfortably against her skin. As soon as they were in place, three guards came streaming in, approaching her cautiously and guiding her out of the room and back to her cell, giving her a wide berth the entire way, which she relished.
They're afraid of me. And they should be, she thought triumphantly. Word must have gotten out about the guard she had attacked, as well as the many others that had narrowly escaped her vengeful wrath. They all knew better by now than to tease or taunt her, even indirectly when talking to other soldiers within earshot.
Masterlist #2
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump @otterfrost @sausages-things
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I love the rapid digestion stories that have been going around a lot but that gosha trilogy (especially the second one) you wrote was my faaaavorite. multiple day digestion, live digestion, multiple prey, family dynamics, belching and bones are all my major buttons being pushed <3 do you think you could write some more stories like that? maybe about an older brother digesting his little brothers over a weekend when their dad’s not in town? or a jock eating a chess club or a dad digesting his sons? something along those lines… honestly you could just write a 4th gosha story and i’d love it but i haven’t even seen that anime LOL
Oh trust me, it’s pushing a lot of my buttons, too. These are all really interesting ideas…but I think I’ll pick the chess one! Haven't done something with that idea yet.
"W-Wait, please!" the club member screams, trying to squirm around. He sinks deeper with each gulp, a hand holding onto the back of his shirt to keep him somewhat still as he slides downward. "Stop! Stop, please! I don't wanna die! Please stop! Plea--" Jaws snap down over his face and a final gulp sends him slithering down the hatch.
The jock lets out a sigh and leans back in his chair. His gut is stuffed full, having knocked over the chess table in front of him about three nerds ago. The pieces are scattered around on the floor, and even if he did bother to pick them up, he wouldn't remember where they go on the board anyway. He never figured out chess, but he didn't need to anyway. He's the quarterback, that's where the focus goes. And being the quarterback means sacrifices have to be made.
A thick belch rumbles out of the jock, a pair of glasses flying out of his jaws. He slurps over his lips lazily and pats his gut a few times with a pleased groan. "Fuck me...is that the last of you chess club dweebs? Dunno how these clubs all get so big...but at least it's lots of bulking protein." He gives the side of his gut a smack and lets loose another thick belch.
This was the quarterback's "secret" to his mass and quick bulking. He goes after clubs of 'nerds' and packs them all away. He's been doing this since he was a freshman--the math club went missing the same day, by total and complete coincidence. Since then, he's packed away at least one of these clubs a month. Last month had been the book club, the one before that was the film club, and before that was the art club...but this month was the chess club.
The jock's gut groans loudly, the bulges of the club stretching out hs gut in a mass of human shapes packed together. There'd been about eight of them, none even close to the jock's size, so he had no problem packing them away like sardines. His guts must be hell with them all packed in so tight, fighting for space while bubbling acids rise around them and his strong abs crush in closer and closer. He wasn't very sympathetic to their plight, though. If killing off a bunch of nerds made him bigger, then honestly, they were giving up their lives for a way better cause. No one even cares about chess! Who's gonna miss them?
The jock belches again, the sound getting harsher as he lets out bigger ones. It makes his gut shrink just a bit and one of those nerds starts screaming loud. It's still hard to make out over all of the other panicking voices and the thick gurgling of his tank. The club clearly didn't expect to get packed away like this. They'd been training for the upcoming competition when the jock came in and starts packing them down the hatch, one after another. He didn't greet them, didn't mock them, never even gave a reason. He just yanked them out of their chairs, one after another, and packed them away into his boiling tank.
Just like usual, the nerds start falling apart like the meat they are. It took ten minutes since the last of them was packed away before the first croaked, melting down into a thick sludge while packed under his club members. The jock can tell when it happened because the rest of them started panicking more. It made him belch, and a skull flies out of his jaws thanks to it. He snorts and pats his gut a few times. "Man, you nerds freak out so much but then you just melt like nothing! If you didn't wanna help me bulk, maybe you shouldn't die so fast."
The jock's gut works hard and loud, slowly starting to shrink back as it works. Several more members melt down into the churning meat slurry starting to fill the jock's gut. He belches up a shoe, another skull, and a chess piece he accidentally swallowed. Once his gut is about half the size it had been, he gets up, rubbing it as it sloshes around. "Got a couple of you still kicking in there, huh? That's too bad, I gotta start working out. Just try to die before then, yeah? Gotta make sure your meat gets put to use." He flexes his stomach. Something snaps inside and he grins to himself. He can't help himself...a big guy like him was made to mulch nerds. He just uses the clubs for bulking. But he eats nerds like the snacks they are, every day of the week. It feels good.
The chess club would be snuffed out halfway through the quarterback's workout. The mess left behind would be found that night by a janitor, and by then, the jock would be snoring away in bed, his belly pumping away whatever was left of yet another club.
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filthforfriends · 11 months
They just posted the lyrics to Valentine………brb I need to go sob in the corner. It’s the break up song/heartbreak song I was scared of (in a good way) “dream of the day you were eating for two” 💔 “I’m so scared to give you up” 💔 “I cover myself in tattos of us” 💔 “I’m so much better with you” 💔 “Baby it’s harder to breathe when you’re gone”
It feels like the sad ending to the trilogy of Coraline, If not for you and The Loneliest (also I feel like there are references to those songs - lost the fruit of her womb, you’re still the oxygen I breathe)
This is such a good song already and I haven’t even heard the whole thing yet ❤️‍🩹
"Valentine, my decline was so much better with you" kills me.
Dating Valentine didn't cause the decline. Loosing Valentine didn't prompt the decline. Even though she's the subject of the song and was Damiano's S/O, she is just as powerless to stop him declining as we are. She had to watch as he resigned himself to it and it makes me understand why Valentine left. Its especially heartbreaking because the way he sings those last lines reveals how deep and intense their love was. He's almost screaming. Valentine must have been torn to pieces loving someone who was self-destructing. Even Valentine leaving didn't prompt Damiano to stop resigning himself to this decline. He just reflects back on how Valentine made the misery more bearable.
"I cover myself in tattoos of us and dream of the day we embrace and combust"
that lyrics reveals just how self-destructive Damiano is. He doesn't want a life with Valentine. He wants to touch her one more time before they cease to exist entirely. His ideal final act of devotion to each other is essentially dying together. Its beautiful and poetic but it's also dark. Damiano has been happier recently, thank god, but when he wrote this he was in a really dark headspace.
It also reminds me of Icarus, who Damiano has always related to worryingly. It's like if Icarus saw the wax on his wings melting and knew he would drown, accepted it. Maybe Icarus got too close to the sun on purpose because he figured this was inevitable.
Personally I see the trilogy of Marlena, Coraline, and Valentine. Marlena is the joy, frivolity, and occasional turbulence of youth. Coraline is the devotion to love someone through the realities of suffering. Valentine is the delirium when the indestructible and permanent crumble like shale.
*this is just my interpretation*
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colossal-niamh · 4 months
Just a big list of some stuff I think is neat
I haven't been super active on here in a minute so I'm just gonna lighting round a bunch of stuff I've been watching/reading X-Men '97- Fucking incredible. This is probably my favorite piece of non comic superhero media since Spectacular Spider-Man. The animation, the melodrama, the narrative showcasing the struggles of building a better tomorrow and existing in a world where your existence is perceived as a threat. Can't wait for season 2 The Crow (1994)- Wanted to get to this before the remake comes out. This is very much a situation where I procrastinated on watching something I knew I'd like and when I finally got around to it I went "Yeah I was right I liked it a lot!" The Crow is equal parts mournful as it is hopeful for a better tomorrow, a balancing act between the grief of loss and celebration of life. A damn shame we lost Brandon Lee so young because he was enthralling the entire film, an irreplaceable talent. The Venture Bros- I was making my way through the series on my own for a good while now. Showing it to some irl friends gave me the excuse to rewatch it all before I see the final season because I LOVE Venture Bros. it has firmly cemented itself as one of my favorite shows ever. I can't even get into it here or this will just become a Venture Bros gush fest. X-Terminators (2022)- Literally just read this today, what a delightful little book. it's a bit weird dropping in here as the book's smack dab in the middle of the nearly finished Krakoa era of the X-Men books. Luckily this needs little to no context as it's 4 of most fun women in the X-Men cast cracking jokes and kicking Dazzler's shitty ex in the dick. Also said ex is a literal blood sucking vampire Shin Ultraman- The last of Hideaki Anno's Shin trilogy I needed to see. Ultraman is admittedly the one I'm least familiar with out of the tokusatsu big 3, but this film made me far more interested in it than I was before. a great action flick about keeping the flame of hope lit even in dire situations. I liked all of the Shin movies but here's how I'd rank them; 1. Shin Godzilla 2. Shin Ultraman 3. Shin Kamen Rider Steven Universe- Soooo, I was one of those kids that listened to shitty criticism of SU back when it was airing and it ruined my perception of the show for years. It took until recently to realize the critics I listened to were not only bad at media analysis (and just a bad person in general) but also outright lying about the contents of the show. to rectify this mistake I've been rewatching SU and man, I was so wrong about this show. It's exceptional stylistically and narratively, and teaches some genuinely well thought out life lessons to it's target age demographic. It's not garbage, it's great! RRR- Admittedly I watched this further back than anything else on this list but that doesn't matter because YOU NEED TO SEE RRR! This movie is 3 hours of distilling the power of friendship and anti-colonial sentiment into the most Dudes Rock movie ever put to film. by the end I was screaming my head off like a crazy person for 20 minutes straight. what are you even doing here reading this? GO WATCH RRR!
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
TURNABOUTS FAIR PLAY what are your top five horror movies??
Aaahhh, I've been uno reversed~. Touché, darling!
The last three are in no particular order and they're all trilogies I'm counting as a set. Second place is usually subject to change at any given point in time, it just fluctuates depending on my mood.
1: Candyman (1992) - Not just my favorite horror movie, but my favorite movie of all time, period. Taking the mythology from "The Forbidden" and turning it into the story that they did? The shots, the symbolism, the casting, the sheer power of how seductive the relationship is between Helen and Candyman, the tragedy. Truly a movie for all disaster bi's out there. Helen's story and the way it's handled! This movie gave me such a triumph out of tragedy, and it's so beautiful. It holds up brilliantly, it's high art, it's everything. The 2021 sequel was also excellent.
2: Malignant (2021) - Absolutely bonkers in the fucking yonkers. This movie was made for fun and that one specific fight sequence in the police station. It's wild, it's not taking itself seriously, and yet it's fascinating to analyze and comb through. Periodically I just get hit with the need to reassess and think about elements of this movie. Maybe one day I'll get back to that fic trilogy I had planned for it. An excuse to pour my analysis into a written narrative? Perhaps...
3: Hellraiser original trilogy (1987-1992) - Is that the religious trauma talking? Maybe a little. These movies grabbed me by the throat. The first was a near-perfect adaptation of "The Hellbound Heart" and an interesting look at Clive Barker doing directorial work. I actually adore the second one to pieces. It dives beautifully into its own mythology, into revenge, into the horror of medical malpractice as well as the body horror and sexuality. Kirsty Cotton is, imo, perhaps the Final Girl of all time. I also appreciate Tiffany, she's a very good example of a positive neurodivergent deuteragonist in that movie. The third one is...WOOF~. In all seriousness though, I'd always been curious about the films since childhood (the posters and box art of the Hell Priest and the other Cenobites used to grab my attention whenever we went to the video store, Mom used to have to come find me and pull me away from "my staredowns with Pinhead") but I'd been anxious for so long to try them because I hadn't had much exposure to body horror in films. Finally gave them a shot, went "oh, huh, this isn't that bad," and then got sucked in by the movies' approach to the topics they tackle.
4: Scream original trilogy (1996-2000) - My gateway to horror, as I saw the first one when I was seven. My uncles were babysitting me and they never really worried about whatever I saw them watching. They've stuck with me my entire life and honestly they're just so damn fun. The writing is solid and while 2 and 3 have their flaws, I'll defend them to the death, they're still fun and they still work well. Sidney Prescott was my first Final Girl and she'll always hold a special place in my heart.
5: The Shining 3-part TV film (1997) - it's the superior adaptation. Full stop. Kubrick's adaptation has some gorgeous camera work, a few memorable tracks in its score and some iconic lines but it's so lacking. It misses the true heart and strength and point of the story because Kubrick went and did his own thing. The 90s made-for-tv adaptation is brilliant. It has its weak points and there's a few things that visually aged in a clunky way, but the heart is there. The catharsis and the hope is there. It moved me to tears and it gave me everything I could have asked for and more.
Fear Street trilogy (2021) - They were fun, a lot of fun, and for someone who's never been a fan of R.L. Stine, these were still easy to enjoy. I heard about the trilogy being released and it felt like the kind of thing I remembered from childhood as far as gimmicky releases went, so each weekend, I dove onto the couch and watched them drop on Netflix one by one. I still have a lot of issues and complaints with them, dgmw, but they're a solid summer watch, they really played around with popular subgenres and I think Janiak and her cast and crew did well. One day I'll get back to my fics for this trilogy too. Justice for my girl Ruby Lane.
Us (2019) - ngl this one sat in my brain for weeks afterwards. I need to rewatch it, it's such a good psychological horror.
Urban Legend (1998) - I have a fuckoff weird relationship with this movie. Like, that deserves its own post, probably. But because I have such a weird relationship with it, I felt the need to give it an honorable mention.
Halloween (2018) - I'm here for senior citizen final girl Grandma Laurie Strode kicking ass, I love seeing a survivor reach that age and still be willing to do what it takes to survive and protect those she loves.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) - this is a weird one because I wouldn't say I enjoy watching it like most other movies. But it's a really interesting study piece, especially the more I read nonfiction books that go into depth and detail about the film and the time period it's contemporary to. I don't watch this movie for fun, I watch it to study, to analyze, to self-inform and to then improve my ability to apply those skills to other horror movies I watch.
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This has absolutely been discussed many times but I am once again losing it over the fact that "Rogue One" as a name is making sound out of silence.
It's formed as a last minute, emergency name for the shuttle, for the people aboard, for the mission when Bodhi says it; it has no precedent, nothing that came before it for that name to be used. But when Bodhi says it, it exists.
It both takes advantage of and retcons the Rogue Squadron we've seen before in the original trilogy, where there was no Rogue One. But there is now, because Bodhi said it.
Jyn's name, Cassian's name, K's name, Chirrut's name, Baze's name, Bodhi's name, every one of the rebels that are on the shuttle... none of them come up again in the things that temporally follow. Yes, those pieces of media were created before this film, but in the world of the story, they come after, and it becomes a remarkable silence.
Rogue One as the team that took Scarif and stole the Death Star plans exists as Rogue One because Bodhi pulls that name out of silence, out of nothing that preceded it. "Rogue One?! There is no Rogue One!" "Well, there is now." And after Scarif, there is no Rogue One again. It existed only for what it accomplished.
On a meta level, that's exactly what the film does as well-- it tells a story that was only a handful of vague lines before, draws it out of the lacunae and places itself where it belonged to tell a story that was restrained by the shape of the narrative that came before it and was unavoidably wrapped around it. It's the quintessential "doomed by the narrative."
There's also the fact that Jyn's theme is built around dies irae and reflexively creates a reference to her in parts of A New Hope and also makes the score tell you that she's doomed by the narrative to die but I've screamed enough already.
#I will lose my cool entirely if I go off about the soundtrack okay#the achingly beautiful string motifs#the way he pushes the brass into a register that *hurts*#the fact that he takes advantage of Williams' over the top punchy incidental style and constrasts it with the absolute#stunning orchestral style he's so good at with the low strings and brass and the juxtaposition of lyrical sections with tight rhythms UGH#permanently yelling about Giacchino okay#like he took all the good bits of Williams and made them 70x better sorry Williams fans#there's more Super 8 in this score than I ever really thought about before but it's raw in a way a lot of his work hasn't been#I would like him to write more gut wrenching shit like this please I'm begging#like Giacchino absolutely pop off with his writing okay#he punched us in the throat with Up too but that was different#either that or let Chris Tilton do it I'd be fine with that also#anyway I digress this movie makes me foam at the mouth gnaw a table leg feral okay#the Jyn Erso and Hope Suite is probably Giacchino's crowning achievement imo#you have to sit silently and stare at a wall after it#like you have to take a recovery minute#also he WENT. THE. FUCK. OFF. with the Darth Vader motif#congratulations to this movie for making Darth Vader genuinely terrifying for the first time ever#idk you guys I'm just permanently obsessed with this movie#the rest of star wars just exists around this movie okay#they all wish they had what this movie has#I will not be taking criticism at this time
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fearandhatred · 6 months
welcome back to leanne's dream blog because i have never had a normal dream in my life <3 today's nightmare edition is inspired by the fear street trilogy (cw for gore and violence and murder lol)
okay so a little bit of background on fear street: it's about this town called shadyside which has a history of killers, some of whom have distinctive features. for example one of them has a bag over his head and kills people with an axe. another is a young boy who wears a mask and uses a bat etc.
i'm with a group of friends in a kind of dorm building (actually my church layout but it wasn't my church in the dream) and we come across a room in a long hallway that is just beds and beds full of cute little kittens and puppies. so we go in to look at them. then i decide to take a photo of a baby in a cradle (idk why there's a baby. the room became a nursey i guess) and the lights are off and the baby's face looks fucked up as hell. holes where the eyes should be and the mouth is way too wide and the lips are stitched together.
when i look at the photo the backdrop is not the cradle but a forest with a tree behind the baby. and when i zoom in to look at the face again and zoom back out the baby is now hanging from that tree
so i'm obviously freaked out and i leave the room for a while to just go sit further down the hallway but my friends stay there. idk how much time passes but i go back to the room and now there's just a couple (two other people i know) there and my friends are gone. so i ask them where they are and the guy passes me one of my friend's phone and wallet, saying that they all left their phones here.
but he follows me out to search for them and in the bathroom next to this nursery there's a foot sticking out of the closed door. in fact the door is pretty closed so there's no way the foot is still completely attached to whatever body it comes from
anyway he opens the door and screams because it's my friend and he is Dead. then like a movie (because my dreams are always like i'm both watching a movie and inside it) the camera pans to the right where the hallway ends and leads into a bigger space, and all the lights turn on. and around that space all my friends have been brutally murdered. one of them lies in a bathtub hacked to pieces.
so because this is a movie now the plot was that this was season 2 of a show. in season 1 the group of friends had all escaped the shadyside killers and thought they were free but surprise! they weren't. so each of them were killed by a different killer. and at this point i, as the last surviving main character, was like Oh. well i guess this is inescapable and death will probably be quick anyway. so i just stand there and let the last killer take me lol
also in my mind this show is what we do in the shadows. which i have only watched like 2 episodes of. anyway the next episode/season? plays and it's all the vampires and shit having a huge ball, and all the killed characters come back as new characters so they can live on or something
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amyisherenowitsokay · 2 years
Ooh, another one came to me when I sent the technology one.
In going back and reviewing the original MHNY trilogy plot, story, everything built between characters etc, what did you do? What did you decide to scrap, to keep, or to repurpose? You said you're aiming to branch away from 2 and 3 with something different, and disliked how you kept yourself to following the plot beats of the original first, right?
What does that clean slate look like? What pieces in Re:1 act as the catalyst to those further down in Re:2&3? The largest ones are obvious, (obviously) the big glaring plot changes. Are there more subtle ones? (don't have to say if you want to keep em a secret.)
Or, just, what things thru all three stories made you die inside and scream why did you write that? (I feel like you have a list.)
I'm gonna answer with spoilers because I'm having a good time answering these. These are HEAVY spoilers for the direction of the fic. As Re:MHNY2 is currently aiming at a Spring release date, I feel more lax about it's secrets, but still. If you don't want to know, don't look.
CW// Mentions of sexual themes, explicit themes, the briefest of mentions of non-con as a theme
This is a really fun question in particular, because it was really something I wrestled with just in the conception of this fic series so many months ago, going back and forth with "do I want to do a rewrite? and if I do, knowing I had a second chance, what would I fix?"
I'll fully admit there are people who remember my fics better than I do (I am looking respectfully at @rllybritrlly whenever literally anything about From Your Memory gets brought up). That meant I really needed to reread my original fics to even remember all the details, what I wrote about them, read my cringe tween A/N's, etc. As Re:1 was the baby that started it all, I really wanted to pay as much homage as possible to it. Also, even so many years later, I still liked the overall plot, even if I felt the details could've been better executed, and I could've done without the various problematic themes. I think I've given the lengthy answer before, somewhere, but the short of it is mostly these major points:
I didn't like the weird sexually exploitative relationship between Zim/Gaz with the kissing/touching. Additionally, I knew I could make the inevitable ZAGR kiss way more dramatic if it was roped into the climax instead of just randomly thrown in the mix in problematic ways from the mid-arc. I LOVED writing the kiss in the rewrite, and it was actually one of the first scenes I rewrote, even before officially announcing/confirming the rewrite.
I didn't like Gaz and Dib's relationship. I love cruel, troubled Gaz, but I don't think it benefited the story to make her so constantly dismissive of Dib, to the point where he was sometimes written like an afterthought. I think IZ as a whole benefits from the complex relationships the characters have with one another, and the Re:MHNY series could benefit from developing those changing relationships rather than stagnating on them.
I had no idea when writing the original MHNY that I was ever going to do a sequel, or the direction of the finale. It was originally a one-and-done until I think the second-to-last chapter, when I decided I had more to write, and liked my readership too much to give it all up with a one-hit-wonder. Now that I know where the finale goes, I really wanted the opportunity to drop more lore, hints, and foreshadowing. The biggest example is Tak, whose name I basically borrowed as recognizable since I was too lazy to make a one-off OC, and only after-the-fact found a way to reweave her back into the third installment. Tak's fate is not going to be the same as it was in the original, and also, in the first rewritten fic, we got more insight into her personality. Not a lot, granted, but enough where the reader would be able to notice changes later on.
Discerning readers may have noticed that I kept the same amount of chapters in the rewrite as I did the original. If you compare chapters 1:1, a lot of the bigger themes parallel one another. Gaz is still ensnared by alien parasitic technology in chapter 1 of the rewrite as she was in the original, albeit in much bloodier circumstances. Zim's motorcycle/car chase in the original in chapter 6 is paralleled by the chase in chapter 6's rewrite, even though the circumstances are vastly different. Zim feigning a long-term, committed relationship in chapter 17 of the rewrite is a big nod to the original, in which Zim bartered for Gaz's life on the premise that they were more together than they really were, even with the kissing/touching premise they had with one another. Additionally, the theme of 'Zim hacks the Valkian ship' stays, even if it's once again executed under different circumstances. The details change, yes, but ultimately the Valkians are still slaughtered. That dedication I made towards keeping Re:MHNY1 as 1:1 as possible was a fun challenge in its way, but it's not going to happen in the sequels.
Regarding Re:mhny2 and Re:mhny3, I will only be borrowing the most basic of premises. As announced earlier this year, Iggins is still in the next fic. However, his differences are major, and a closely guarded secret I have only really shared with I think my internet bestie and my boyfriend. Again, anyone not looking for spoilers may want to skip this ask.
Some sneaky secrets are how I left whether or not Gaz went back to finish the tournament ambiguous. Additionally, that unlike the finale of the original MHNY, Gaz and Dib do not ever have another 'on-screen' discussion after she's rescued. Zim and Dib do, yes, but Gaz and Dib do not. There's a joke in Ch 20 about Zim showing up in his living room with cocoa, but the nature of any sibling conversations, if any even occurred, are also left deliberately absent and/or ambiguous. It's noted that they spent the majority of the aftermath resting, and really not a lot else. The most screen time Dib gets is being thrown out of the operating room in the flashback.
Unlike the original, where Tak was originally just used as a throwaway name-drop when I was too lazy to make an Irken OC or find another way to justify why someone might call to warn Zim about the Valkians, or even know who he was, I currently know Tak's fate in the rewrite, and I knew it when I wrote it, too, which means I got to sneak in that little ominous line of the Tallest when hearing her report in Ch 20.
“Now,” he said, doing his best to shrug off the strain of morning. “Go get that she-Irk again.”
A discerning reader might also have noticed Professor Membrane is not brought home, and never told what actually happened. Aside from some angsty pining from the Membrane siblings, his personal involvement ends when Dib abandons him at his conference and comes home for Gaz. That being said, there's also an interesting few paragraphs that have been brought up and pointed out to me individually before on Discord, and that other readers may have picked up on as well from Ch 18 that are going to be important to the sequels.
She hated this. She hated hiding herself behind veils of cynical wit and aloofness just to survive—to barely endure while she festered inside. She hated her father, drilling into her how uncomfortable people could be around her. That scaring people was wrong. That friends and admiration from peers were so very important. Don’t be angry, Gazlene. Be motivated! Don’t be frightened of change! Embrace it!
Zim had never demanded change. Zim had only ever ripped out the honesty, the worst parts of Gaz that she had buried under years of practiced apathy, and embraced them with open fascination. Sick. Accepting. Conniving.
You killed an Elite, his voice whispered, a caress on trembling limbs.
She had. She remembered every vivid detail like a flash bomb. The fear. The rage. The burning resentment. The same theme over and over. That she never should’ve been there. She never should’ve been here . That something had tried to take her life over nothing . That she had every right to fear for her life. 
The flashbacks that left her breathless. The fear, genuine, and yet underlied with something she dared not admit to even herself. Years of her fathers conditioning cushioning the awful truth of his daughter. She was just a teenage girl—once a child—who should never have been formed this way.
His son had inherited his father’s bravery and passion to learn, and twisted it into a dangerous recklessness. A need for pursuit and answers at all costs.
His daughter had inherited her father’s calculating practicality, and it had mutated into a vicious willingness to do the very worst thing for the necessary reason.
You killed an Elite, she heard once more. 
But this time, a loathsome truth followed. 
And you want to do it again.
As trademark as Gaz's viciousness is throughout the IZ series in general, and in this fic, her strict restraint being pinned on her father's discipline may seem out of place with only this fic to go off of. While it can definitely be read as a standalone, it does (deliberately) give the reader pause. Professor Membrane praises Gaz in the series for being his favorite child, not for being a menace to society as a whole, so where's this coming from? Why are Zim and Professor Membrane playing devil-and-angel-on-her-shoulder in her (concussed) brain? And notably, if that's their assigned role, where Membrane is the voice of restraint, and Zim the voice of rationality, then it should be noted that Zim's voice won. This should leave you asking why that is, and if that's always going to be the case.
A funner teaser is some foreshadowing I dropped throughout the story about what mating is going to look like in this fic. I wrote a lot of what I wrote about sex, love, and marriage under a heavy veil of religious indoctrination, which distorted and I think damaged the potential creativity of my writing. Virginity-cultural stigma somehow shoe-horned its way into my fic, and I don't really want that to happen again, which means there's going to be a lot more lewd scenes leading up to a sexual relationship. We're not just gonna have our characters go from making out to full penetrative sex. That's skipping quite a few bases. I've expanded behind the scenes a lot more information about Irken culture/mating, and while penetrative sex has been established as off-limits until such a time as our two heroes may deign to bind themselves to one another for eternity, I am not going to leave you hanging in the meantime. Some hints however about what mating looks like in the rewrite have been dropped, such as this nibble in Ch 9.
As he'd briefly gone over with the human girl, irken rituals of courtship were far different than any found on Earth. There was no religious entity or documentation, and the ceremony required complete isolation for at least three days.
He could never have that with Gaz. For one thing, she had no PAK. Well, she did, but it didn't actually count. Any attempt to encode the PAK was pointless, and furthermore, the PAK wasn't integrated to her brain the way it was to Zim's, or any other Irken's. It held no influence, and no significance to her decisions. While Zim's PAK may bind him for eternity, the human wouldn't be bound by anything other than the whims of her fleeting, mortal affection.
I outright name the ceremony in Re:mhny2, and also plan on further establishing teasers here and there about what's in store.
Skoodge is also a big teaser in himself! Skoodge is a competent invader and a traitor to the Empire, whom Zim has explicitly expressed allyship towards. He is definitely going to be important later on.
Regarding what a clean slate looks like for the sequels, I'll go ahead and name some big ones off the bat. Again, spoilers.
In Re:mhny2, Iggins is ultimately the antagonist, but whether or not he's the or even a villain is going to be something I look forward to watching readers debate about. That's what I mean by clean slate. Iggins was inarguably the bad guy and a major shithead in the original sequel. In the rewrite, Iggins may be a shithead, but what I really disliked about the original was how one-dimensional he was. Additionally, I think it's a more interesting story not for the protagonists to overcome the antagonist in a linear journey, but for the antagonist to grab the protag's by the neck and drag them into the mud with them. What if the hero's journey isn't upward, but one where simply keeping afloat equates success? What if not drowning is the victory? Metaphorically speaking, Re:mhny2 is going to start with fearless characters and end with characters who never look at the ocean the same way again, and are wizened for it.
Whereas the original was just kind of 'watch these characters be badass and mercilessly inflict pain on a bad guy' Re:mhny2 is basically going to be a lot of character self-reflection. I love the IZ characters for their flaws, but we're not going to get real, raw growth out of them if they're not forced to take on their own misdeeds and mistakes by metaphorical knifepoint. Re:mhny2 is going to be about them and the knife. And by them, I mean all 3 of the main cast, plus Iggins.
Re:mhny3 is similar. I'm excited to write about Iggins, but I am ecstatic to get another shot about a Zim-pocalypse. Enter the Florpus gave me so much new source material about what Zim successfully taking over the Earth, even for a short while, would look like, and I'm grateful for its contributions to the finale's development. Zim is still going to take over the Earth. Why, how, and under what circumstances is drastically different, and since its release is much farther out than the sequel, I will restrain myself to only give you this single, but eye-opening question when I talk about major, complete deviations from the plot. I have always regretted my impatience with MHNY3 for many things, but mostly one:
Wouldn't it have been a much more interesting story if Gaz really didn't know what was going on?
I'll just leave that thereeeeee.
For your last question, and one that makes me laugh to even look at, I do have a mental list. I'm pretty sure this'll be the first time I've ever written it down though.
Here are my top ten cringe moments from the original series as a whole, from cringiest to least:
The entirety of every sex scene I ever wrote
Ever writing the phrase "And they hadn't even done anything yet!" during a sex scene -- this is so ingrained in my cringe that I can, even now, tell you exactly where it is in the fic, the context, and wrote it without even needing to reference the phrasing
Implying Iggins would SA Gaz while she was under his thrall, and incapable of consenting (for concerned readers, non-con is not going to pop up in my stories again, and I apologize in hindsight for any discomfort caused)
Zim and Gaz's sexually transactional relationship, especially while Gaz was 14
Gaz getting married when she was only 18 (Gaz is already going to be 18 in the sequel, and will probably be in here early-to-mid twenties in the finale)
Dib being used as a punching bag for Zim and Gaz to be cruel to for cheap gags
Making the Tallests simps for Zim for really no reason other than that I was a simp for Zim and wanted to give him nice things lmao
Tak just sort of popping up out of nowhere as a maid, and blatantly borrowing the themes of servants being 'furniture' from the anime When Seagulls Cry/Umineko
That fucking weird ass segment where I had Gaz have prophetic nightmares (?) in the third one, and wander around a castle like some sort of haunted Victorian child. Really the whole castle scenes themselves were cringe. Get rid of the castle. Wipe it from your minds.
Making Gaz and Zim essentially infallible, unbeatable, and just boring in how completely dominant they inevitably were to any problem that arose. It just sucked the tension out of every situation because I got too bored or impatient with scenes that otherwise could've been much more interesting than they were.
This ended up a lot longer than I anticipated, but I hope I answered everything sufficiently!
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csmelody · 2 years
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Happy Women’s Day to all the beautiful queens out there. Which makes me think I should have done a lady-focused piece today… Oops? This was never meant to become a sort-of-bartnat collection, but you’re always asking me for more from them, and I’ve been evil with TLA, so. This turned out super tiny, but I have a feeling tomorrow's will make up for it.
Read on AO3.
fandom: Bartimaeus Trilogy
rating: teen
pairing: bartnat if you feel so inclined
day 1 - day 2 - day 4 - day 5 - day 6 - day 7
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Day 3 — fright
It didn’t happen often.
That is, often enough for him to learn a lesson and drop his high and mighty attitude. Of all the times Mandrake had nearly lost his life, I’d been there to witness and intervene, often throwing him over a gargoyle shoulder and scoffing as he screamed bloody murder. After all, the alternative was bloody murder, which I was all too happy to remind him of. Throughout the years, Mandrake’s greatest hits included:
“Tell me that isn’t a giant oyster coming our way. Bartimaeus, do something—!”
“Don’t open the trunk, it’s too susp—I said do not open—Why is there an army of mummies—”
“Did you learn nothing from opening what you shouldn’t? Put down the envelope this instant, you fool! And it’s on fire. Of course it’s on fire.”
The last one may hint at an overall acceptance of his fate, a bit of mettle, an ability to roll with the punches, as you lot like to say. Perhaps the signs had been there all along, because these soon evolved. And it turned out that Mandrake has nothing on Nathaniel when it comes to being a proper obstinate nuisance.
“Tell me the truth for once.”
“What do you think, Bartimaeus? Do we go for it?”
“Best thing is to dismiss you.”
It happened too often.
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phoenixlionme · 10 months
Pieces of Media that prove the whole "Go Woke, Go Broke" slogan and those with that belief is utter bullshit
NOTE: No ranking involved.
A Different World
Aliens franchise - specifically the first two
All of Us Are Dead - Korean zombie TV series
Atomic Blonde
Avatar The Last Airbender
Avatar the Legend of Korra
Bad Boys franchise
Barbie 2023
Beef 2023
black-ish franchise
Blade trilogy
Blue Eye Samurai
Bones TV show
Brooklyn 99
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cagney and Lacey
Candyman 2022
Captain Planet
Carmen Sandiego franchise
Charlie's Angels - not the most recent one
Cinderella 1997
Craig of the Creek
Crazy Rich Asians
Creed franchise - sequel movies to the Rocky franchise
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
DCAU's Justice League
DCAU's Static Shock
DCEU's Aquaman
DCEU's Wonder Woman
Disney's Aladdin
Disney's Amphibia
Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Disney's Big Hero 6
Disney's Elena of Avalor
Disney's Fairies franchise
Disney's Filmore
Disney's Frozen franchise
Disney's Gargoyles
Disney's Kim Possible
Disney's Lilo and Stitch
Disney's Moana
Disney's Mulan
Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 1937
Disney's Tangled
Disney's That's so Raven
Disney's The Emperor's New Groove
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Disney's The Litte Mermaid
Disney's The Owl House
Disney's The Princess and the Frog
Disney's W.I.T.C.H.
Dora the Explorer franchise
Dreamworks' Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Dreamworks' She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Dreamworks' Trolls franchise
Eve's Bayou
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Fresh Off the Boat
Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood version
Get Out
Girls Trip
Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim
Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth
Hair Love short
Hairspray film
Halloween franchise
Harley Quinn 2019 TV series
Hidden Figures
Insecure TV series
Invincible 2021
I Love Lucy
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken
Kill Bil Vol 1 and 2
Kill La Kill
Kim's Convenience
Laika Studios' Coraline
Little Women 2019
Living Single
Love Simon
Mad Max Furious Road
Matilda - the one with Danny Devito
Maya and the Three
Moonlight 2016
MCU's Black Panther
MCU's Black Panther II
MCU's Captain Marvel
MCU's Daredevil
MCU's Jessica Jones
MCU's Luke Cage
MCU's Shang Chi
Molly of Denali
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Never Have I Ever
Nimona 2023
Paper Girls
Pixar's Brave
Pixar's Coco
Pixar's Inside Out
Pixar's Turning Red
Pose TV series
Powerpuff Girls
Prey 2022
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Rent - musical movie
Reservation Dogs
RRR - Indian film
Sailor Moon
Scream franchise
Searching/Missing movies
Sex and the City
Silence of the Lambs - first one
Sony's Spiderverse franchise- ITSV and ATSV
Spawn - Todd MacFarlane TV series
Spy Kids
Squid Games
Star Trek - mainly the OG one
Steven Universe
Studio Ghibli in general
Teen Titans animated series
The Book of Life
The Casagrandes - sequel to The Loud House
The Dragon Prince
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (only the OG one)
The George Lopez Show
The Golden Girls
The Last Of Us
The Legend of Vox Machina
The Legend of Zorro
The Loud House
The Nanny
The Old Guard
Thelma and Louise
To All The Boy I've Loved franchise
Totally Spies
Winx Club
X-Men 1990s animated TV show
Yellowjackets TV series
Yuri on Ice
Please feel free to add but be respectful.
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midnightbasilisk99 · 2 years
Headcanon Time- CL Characters and 3 pieces of IRL pop culture I can see them as fans of
Jérémie/Jeremy: Star Wars (grew up on the Original Trilogy), Stranger Things (his and Aelita’s favorite show to binge together), Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy (despite addressing the scientific discrepancies he heavily relates to Tobey Maguire’s take on the character)
Aelita: when not binging Stranger Things with Jeremie her go to shows/movies are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Sailor Moon
Ulrich: is a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender (cried during the Tale of Iroh but won’t admit it), Attack on Titan (gets annoyed whenever Odd or William call him Eren Jaeger), and Halo (enjoys playing online with William)
Odd: big MCU fanboy (favorite characters are Thor, Spider-Man, and Starlord), Michael Bay’s Transformers, and Shrek (for the memes)
Yumi: given the Totoro plushy in her room she’s a big Studio Ghibli fan but she also reads/watches Hunger Games & How to Train Your Dragon (got into it after having to take Hiroki to watch it)
William: loves the Fast & Furious movies, enjoys the MCU (he and Odd always go together when the others are too busy or uninterested), the Scream movies
Sissi: watches The OC almost religiously (Summer is her favorite character along with Seth), also got into MTV’s Teen Wolf when it first broadcast, and Twilight (rooted for Team Edward)
Hope y’all like it and feel free to share any thoughts and opinions either in the comments or repost.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
This might be a bit of a broad question, but what do you think makes a piece a media Timeless?
Is the sum of its parts or do you think its something in particular
So this is a subject that is both really simple and the answer sounds obvious but also is one of those things that can get lost in being pedantic. Worse yet, I feel like you might be asking this with the mindset of how most people talk about timeless works in that they're also commonly considered classics.
These two are not synonymous. The sum of somethings parts usually being greater than the whole while every individual piece is great is what commonly makes something a classic. Spiderverse, the first one and potentially the whole trilogy if it sticks its landing, will be considered classics because those movies are great in each part but combined together they're absolutely incredible.
This also makes what is a classic or not up for debate. If you don't like Shakespeare, you won't consider Romeo and Juliet a classic. You'll see it as over dramatic pedophilia potentially. (Not my opinion but I've seen more than one person like to do the modern 'criticism' angle towards Romeo and Juliet because of the ages of the two leads, not taking into account that that was probably pretty common back then.)
They're timeless however because of one thing: Audience resonance. Or, in other words, themes, and commonly how universal they are. This makes them much less up for debate.
After all, there are fantasy works that are timeless. That shouldn't be possible, right? I mean, they're set in medieval times for many works so the technology, social structure and even priorities of those characters shouldn't function for a modern society, right? Or hell, for something less bluntly absurd, just look at It's a Wonderful Life. The main character in that movie runs a successful business, has a wife and two kids and a full group of friends and allies and he's considered as just doing alright. To a modern millennial, that is an INSANE amount of wealth and could make the main character much less likable.
But to most, he truly is the good every man. Not just in that he does good things but in the doubting. In the jealousy. Mr. Bailey is by no means a perfect soul, but his soul does indeed shine bright. It's so easy to compare ourselves to others though. To always think we're not doing enough or not see the good we're putting into the world. The idea that all we make is mistakes and even if we're not literally worth more dead, we would do less harm if we were dead.
To any empathetic soul, this makes It's a Wonderful Life easily a timeless movie. It doesn't matter if what George Bailey faces is different from our modern context, what matters is that he is going through life, just like we all are.
This is actually something that a lot of bigots close a blind eye to. "How am I supposed to relate to this if the character is gay/black/a jew, trans, etc.? I'm not any of those things so it must be impossible for me to connect to this work!" They believe that racial background is everything. That you must have lived those experiences in order to connect with them.
We are all human though. No amount of time will ever change that what beats in our very beings is the same. How that manifests in personality, skin, gender, religion, etc. like that doesn't matter. We all face fear, anxiety, anger, joy, passion, etc. A common laborer with no ambitions can still connect to a mad scientist on the screen because the same feeling that scientist feels when he screams "IT'S ALIVE!" is the same joy of success and passion that that office worker gets when he puts down the last piece of a ten thousand piece jigsaw puzzle.
And while I say whether something is or isn't timeless isn't really up for debate, what is is whether it connects to you. I have two relatives who don't like It's a Wonderful Life. They are some of the most financially motivated and petty people I know, at least that are close to me. And neither are my brother shockingly enough, who loves the movie too.
I won't say that just because I try to have a universal outlook on things that I could connect to a story that is strictly that of an African American. I didn't have to live through the prejudice many of them face because of the color of my own skin. I can try my best to empathize though. That when they tell their stories and let their anger and frustration be known, I can try to connect with those emotions so I can better attempt to see the world through their eyes, if even briefly.
This is much of why while I write a lot of sapphic fiction, I root a lot of those elements in emotions like love, anxiety, fear, shame, etc. because I understand those emotions. I lack the specifics to make it resonate 100% with a sapphic reader, which is why I do recommend people check out proper sapphic writers if that's what they're wanting most of my works, but I can try to make it emotionally honest enough that they can see some part of themselves in the work.
Honestly, to me, what makes a work timeless actually makes anything that's emotionally earnest, and at least a 6 or7/10, hard NOT to be timeless. It also makes it damn near impossible for a work to have NO ONE who considers it timeless.
It just needs to be able to resonate and if you're worth anything as a writer, that resonance should simply be a part of your process. After all, your work should at least resonate with one person: You. Because if you don't enjoy it, why are you writing it?
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