#late Sunday morning
elijones94 · 2 years
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🇵🇷 An abandoned plane in Aguadilla 🛩
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grace-kami · 3 months
You guys!!! Look who's here!!!😭❤️
Sorry for the shit pictures. I was excited.
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Now, I have A LOT of collectors editions. Seriously, I have a problem.
But I have to say this one is probably one of the nicest ones of all of them. Even the box is beautiful. I'm so glad I have this. Unfortunately the steelbook wasn't wrapped in plastic but no worries, man. That's why I have hard plastic sleeves specifically for steelbooks.
I love this SO MUCH! Now I have to move crap around and make a proper shrine for my babe. Maybe even display my art with it too.
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wikiangela · 3 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @diazsdimples 💖
I'm still jumping between wips so here's another snippet of the cheating fic, this time a bit of Buck and Taylor arguing - I can't explain how much fun I'm having with this fic, this is so not my usual thing but it's just so fun haha
prev snippet
“Can we do this tomorrow?” he asks, bringing his hand to squeeze the bridge of his nose. He’s getting a headache.
“No, we’re doing this now. Tell me what’s up.” she says, pulling at the covers when he tries to cover himself and turn away again. 
“Jesus, Taylor, let it go. I’m fine. And it’s none of your business.” he snaps, pulling at the duvet a little harder.
“Fine.” he hears rustling, then the bed shifting. She got up. The light on her nightstand is still on. “I thought since we’re together, and live together, we’re pretty serious, and now you’re weird around me, and you don’t even touch me, so I thought it was my business, but clearly I was wrong.” she talks as she walks up to his- their closet and starts getting dressed. Now Buck looks at her, leaning up on his elbows.
“What are you doing?” he asks with a sigh, watching as she takes off her nightshirt and starts putting on jeans. “Where are you going?”
“None of your business.” she replies, her tone feeling like a slap in the face. Buck deserves the real thing, actually.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @sunshinediaz @giddyupbuck @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @honestlydarkprincess @theotherbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @daffi-990
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siriussunday · 3 months
siriussunday this is very serious why have you missed sirius sunday!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
BE NICE TO ME on this 3 days late
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up late thinking about him… because what else… do you ever think about what izzy’s mundane specific favorite things are?
like is his favorite fruit an orange because it’s good on vitamins and accessible in the atlantic tropics so it’s just so pragmatic? or is it something like dragonfruit that he had one time at a port with edward and they didn’t even really know what they were stealing at the time but when they split it open it was the most magical looking fruit they’d ever seen and it was juicy and tasted like something from a different world and it’s been his favorite since?
is his favorite color black because it looks the most intimidating and it’s not too bright on the eyes? is it the same shade of green on the ring around his cravat, because of said ring around his cravat? is it dark grey blue like the shade of the deepest points of the ocean? is it the same shade of brown as edward’s eyes?
is his favorite drink black coffee because it’s caffeinated and gets the job well and done without sugar or cream or anything frivolous? or is it something like this one rum edward stole on a raid once and it was really strong and not great as far as anything goes but great as far as rum goes and that night izzy got more drunk than he’d been in years but it was so special to be so close and open and uninhibited with ed?
is his favorite animal a cat because they mind their business and catch rodents and they can be cuddly but mostly they’re low maintenance? is it a snake because he saw one once when he was a child in his garden and he watched it eat a rat live and then when he once told edward that he likes snakes it was only a month before ed’s next tattoo, a huge snake down his arm that only solidified izzy’s preference? is it something like a seagull because they typically can’t get as far from land as something like an albatross, so they’re better for navigation and telling where you are in relation to land? or is it the albatross, something that was only ever mildly interesting to him as far as animals go, hardly worth noticing, but one time edward saw one and said “oh, look, mate— an albatross!” and izzy said “so?” and ed shrugged and said “i dunno. they’re pretty cool. got the biggest wingspan of any bird, y’know? that one there could get around the whole world in, like, 50 days” and izzy said “50? you think so?” and ed said “those fuckers are big and fast, mate” very conclusively because he personally thinks they’re so neat and then from that day forward the seagull lived in the albatross’ huge shadow in izzy’s mind?
yeah. does he value the aesthetic and pragmatism of things vs the relationship with edward in others? i’m sure he does. these are my late night thoughts. feel free to share your own i’d love to hear them
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khaotunq · 11 months
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I heard someone wanted to join the debate club. ⇢ Aou Thanaboon as Jeng (Hidden Agenda, 2023)
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spaghett-onaplate · 9 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag Milo @cozy-fish-crow !!
From my Tarlos roommates and realistic fantasy AU:
TK wakes up an indeterminable amount of time later, overheated, mouth dry and limbs heavy. One of his shoes is still on, the other somehow on top of the dresser opposite the edge of his bed. He’s star-fished horizontally over his bed, his pillow clutched beneath one arm.
The all-day throbbing of his head and full-body tired ache has receded though, so he counts that as a win and lies still for a while longer, swallowing thickly and blinking groggily. His curtains are still wide open, and the sky outside is dark, well into the night. From the kitchen comes sizzling noises, and the tap of a spoon against a pot.
TK frowns and drags himself to his feet, finally taking off his shoe.
Tagging (no pressure!): @iworshipsappho @carlos-in-glasses @stygianirondiangelo
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blondeaxolotl · 2 months
me when I tell my friend I'll go to bed soon but I blinked and suddenly it's 3:15 in the morning
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
regarding the last poll:
you can only vote 1 but the top 3 will be what i focus on for the month. also spelled kaname and kanata's names in the ships just to make sure we're on the same page but its tatsukana and kaokana xoxo
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evansbby · 6 months
Sorry if this is weird but I'm 100% sure you are amazing at sexting (bc of your writing) so that guy is having the time of his life
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elijones94 · 2 years
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🍪A perfect stop after going to church! 🍩
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humblemooncat · 11 months
Mistakes were made and I am now running on 4 hours of sleep and pure spite...
Send help.
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good morning!! <3
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mimbotomy · 8 months
I'm sorry to hear that planning has been stressful, but best wishes this Saturday!!! I'm so excited for you and your wedding and your marriage and wish you every happiness 💕.
Thank you! I am very excited too! Mostly because I get to marry the love of my life 🩷🩷🩷 but also because there are only four days left and judging from my track record this last month that means I will probably have to deal with🤞🏼only🤞🏼four more things going wrong! 🎉 And then I’ll be married to my favorite person and the stress will probably be gone! ✨
(Please send good vibes my way it’s been a very weird hectic month 😂)
#if anyone’s interested in all the stuff that’s gone wrong#I’ve had to deal with my venue#my caterer#and my photographer all cancelling last minute#I still might not have a photographer bc I need the venue to sign off on his insurance and he still hasn’t sent it#my fiance asked me to wear a Pakistani dress and the one I ordered came late and was terrible#like who uses BLUE MARKER to mark out where the embroidery is going on PAPER THIN WHITE SILK????#I got a new dress tho and the tailor should be done by Friday morning#our guest list just keeps growing bc his family doesn’t seem to understand the idea of an RSVP#my fiancé’s family also doesn’t seem to like the idea of specifics 😬#or understand that we are trying to keep things small#aka his mom invited five more people last week and told me about them today after I already submitted a final guest count#communication has just kinda been terrible all around tbh#my phone keeps trying to commit suicide#we were informed of a serious allergy like two days ago#so now the menu has to change and our caterer is super unhappy about that#my fiance asked me yesterday if I was wearing a veil and then asked me to wear one so now I have to find a veil#I realized on Sunday that I never actually asked my cousins to be my bridesmaids#which isn’t so bad since no bridesmaid dresses but it was embarrassing#and my anxiety caught up with me yesterday and I spent the night stress puking!#it’s been great 👍🏼#but I’m going to marry the love of my life on Saturday and that’s what matters#even tho it kinda feels like the universe is trying to tell me otherwise
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da-proti-toku-grem · 3 months
having a week off and having to spend it in a little village where i don't know anyone but my grandma and i have no wifi and almost no signal........
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kfedup · 1 year
another Sunday, another seven
1. I was supposed to be in Boston this weekend, but I waited too long to buy my ticket and the price doubled, so I had to postpone. So disappointing, but so it goes. What the hell is up with airline tickets right now? Such greed. Sure would be nice to live in a place that has high-speed rail. Best developed country in the world, my ass. 
2. I applied for a director of marketing and communications position in VT last week. It was such a great exercise shaping my resume to suit the position. I’ve never been this excited about the possibility of an interview before. I’m feeling so burnt out on B2B/B2C copywriting and miss using my talents and skills to drive a mission-focused organization. When I saw the listing, just an hour after they posted it, my entire being shouted YES and I got to work on the resume immediately. Hell, I didn’t even realize I was open to a full-time job, but I sure am. Continuing to work strictly from home in the long term is not going to be sustainable for my mental health. Lort, it feels so good to admit that. 
3. My latest therapy journey is more productive than any I’ve had before and I think it’s because I entered it in a space of calm readiness, looking for help moving forward. We touch on the past because that’s where the patterns originate, but I’m not sobbing my way through each session and have had one major breakthrough nearly every week. It’s helped me come unstuck and open myself to possibilities, and it sure feels as if the universe recognizes that I’m ready for change. A plan B emerged yesterday that feels true and viable if the VT org doesn’t feel I’m the right fit. 
4. I noticed that with the plan B idea forming, my mind immediately tried to tell me to focus solely on that because VT is never going to happen. I spent some time talking with that voice in my head, reminding her that we don’t need to catastrophize and we can continue prepping for the interview so we put our best self forward. It’s such a relief to have words to sooth that part of me that wants to protect me from being hurt by avoiding putting myself out there. I thank her for her service all these years and let her know that I’ve got her, go ahead and sit in the back of the bus and relax and enjoy the ride. 
5. During all of this, I’ve had 4 Rolfing sessions in 3 weeks and my body is changing radically. I was finally ready to take the connective tissue healing to the next level and I noticed while sitting meditation this morning that I can breathe more deeply. It feels like there’s room inside my body in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever felt before. The education I receive in these sessions is finally starting to sink in and exhibit in my daily movement. I’m so aware of how my scoliosis has been this driving force in my body for most of my life and I only last year began to address it. I am aware of my body in space, the spacious dimensionality of it, the way joy and pain exist together because I am in a body. I’m so interested to see the bones of my sternum relaxing so there isn’t such a pronounced bump at the top of my chest anymore. And now I feel it acutely when surfaces I’m interacting with are uneven - chairs, tables, floors. My body was so twisted before that I didn’t even feel it. 
6. I’m writing a book about how having scoliosis that was never treated - in fact was diagnosed and summarily forgotten by everyone in my family - has shaped my life. And how beginning the healing and acceptance process 43 years later is changing the shape of both my body and my life. My spine will always be shaped like a question mark, but now I am rising to the questions it poses and exploring the possible answers. 
7. All juju, vibes, mojo, good thoughts, prayers, and hire Kelly energy accepted with deep appreciation. Let’s do this thing. 
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