#lathalea ask
aduialel · 7 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
Hello my friend 💖
First, let me apologise for answering this so late. Life has given me lemons lately and I needed to concentrate on my well-being. We always come out stronger, right. If we want to make lemonade, we need lemons too. 😉
As you know, I love reading fics and have loved so many it's pure evil to ask me name just three! So many great stories and writers will be left out!
Still, I managed to choose three, that is quite an accomplishment I can tell you that! These are all multi-chapter fics and from different fandoms.
The Hobbit: Guarding Your Heart by @guardianofrivendell and @laurfilijames Modern!Fili x oc Lucy, bodyguard au.
Hang on tight! Every chapter was a rollercoaster on so many levels for me so enjoy the journey!
Marvel: No Forgiveness by @bolontiku Loki x reader, mafia au. Trigger warnings are mentioned for a reason! Minors DNI.
Darker fics are not my usual reading material but the first chapter got me hooked. Feelings run high and low in its many forms in this multi-chapter fic.
Twilight: Her Three Kings by @thatfanficstuff Volturi Kings Aro, Caius and Marcus x oc Liliana.
The first Twilight fanfic I have ever read and I was hooked from the beginning! Forget the movies and canon. Enjoy the vampire world and the amazing ride this series offers.
While you are at it, check out the writers other fics as well. You won't regret it.
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lathalea · 11 months
Remember that Thorin fanfic?
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Some time ago I wrote The White Raven, a tale about Thorin Oakenshield and his Raveness, about the legend and the truth, love and fate. Do you still remember that story?
I would like to post a new chapter soon and I'm wondering if you are still interested in seeing this story here? It will be posted on AO3 for sure, but some of my readers have moved on from tumblr to other places and I'd like to see how many of you are still around and willing to read my stories on tumblr these days?
What are your thoughts? Let me know! The fate of The White Raven is in your hands 💙
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fizzyxcustard · 2 months
if you get this, answer w/ five random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog! No pressure though! 🌻
1) I’m the youngest of four sisters.
2) I’ve technically written a book but the manuscript is in a box somewhere.
3) I used to train in Wado Ryu karate.
4) One of my favourite pastimes, next to writing, is journaling and collaging.
5) I’ve met Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki from Supernatural.
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xxbyimm · 10 months
Happy Monday! 🌞 If someone told you they could transport you in an instant to a place of your choice, any place, even an imaginary one, but you had to leave right now, would you go? And if yes, where would you go? 🧙‍♂️✨
Happy (late) monday to you too! 😍😊
I have one question: would I be able to go back again? Cause I would miss my s/o and bunnies too much to leave forever, I'm afraid. 🙊
If so: I would go to Erebor, to see how beautiful and majestic the great dwarven city looks now that it's finally rebuilt! Also, I might not only admire the architecture, but also the fine dwarf specimens living there. 🍑😈 This includes Dís, of course. 🥰🥰
In the case Erebor is overcrowded (cause all the fangirlies are going to be there, OF COURSE!), I would leave for Dale and find Bard the bowman (*happy sigh). I'm sure he'll show me the city 😍 ... and maybe. Other stuff. 🙈😂
And maybe if this wizard is not too busy transporting me, they could also send me to Joel Miller? I mean... for obvious reasons 😂
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lotsofthinkythoughts · 3 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.
Awww that's so sweet of you! Thanks dear!
I do my best, and I think that's all any of us can do.
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middleearthpixie · 9 months
Hey! Here are my asks for the writer ask game:
☕️- favorite passage
💬- describe one of your completed works in three words
✏️- favorite part about writing
Ok, I know this took me forever (don't hate me, I'm just terrible with inbox messages once the little notification is gone) but here it is...
Favorite passage - My favorite passage is from the beginning of the first chapter of After the Fire because I tried to capture just the sheer destruction and devastation all around Jasna and I think I managed to do just that.
Describe one of my completed works in three words - Hoo boy... this is tough. I'm going to go with Damaged Goods and say the three words are "Fixed Coben's Mistake." :)
Favorite part of writing - it has to be the feeling when an idea comes and it actually works and takes off and the story feels like it just writes itself. It doesn't happen often, but I love when it does.
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andywinter16 · 9 months
Here are my asks for the writer ask game if you feel like playing:
✏️- favorite part about writing
☕️- favorite passage
⭐️- how do you get your inspiration?
Thanks 😍
Hi there!! @lathalea Thank you very much for your ask, I will gladly join in too :)
✏️ - That I can get lost in the story and "live it" alongside the characters. Like you´re writing it, but there is not the outside world to disturb you. The writing will just consume you. If you read Alice in Wonderland there is the passage when Alice is falling into the rabbit hole. And that´s exactly what writing fells for me. It´s the excitement, the unknown where will the writing take me next.
☕️ - Oh no, that´s a hard one XD Well, maybe this one ...
"I´ve acomplished my mission, sir. The body will be found in the morning. " he said with carefully plastered poker face. His body rigid in army posture.
"Splendid, we will discuss it more at the meeting. The usual time and place. Now both of you, get to your stations." captain said firmly from signing his documents on the table. Luche and Tredd saluted their captain and left him to his work.
"Was it quick?" asked the redhead quietly when they left the office, it was unusual for Tredd to act like this. Luche exhaled softly and looked at him, his eyes were usually cold and calculating but now shards of remorse got to the surface.
"Perhaps too quick." Luche's voice sound dull to his own ears. Tredd nodded his head, dissapointment flashing briefly on his face. Without other words he went on his way when Luche called back to him weakly. "I did offer her to join us."
- Roses on your grave
⭐️ - Usually at work when I have no time to write it down. (which is a shame) But usually when I get into bus or any kind of public transport and get headphones. And I look around. Sometimes it´s bizzare with how the inspiration cames to me. Like the last time I was spacing out and this old gentleman took seat across from mine. And he had really cool cane! *snap* What if the the character had a cane and in it was sword!? It´s that simple with me. (In all honesty I never lacked ideas, like in my head I have planed a epic story that would took 30 books at least. I am just not good at writing it. XD)
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i-did-not-mean-to · 9 months
Mistress! It is me! If you feel like playing the writer ask game today, here are my questions:
💬- describe one of your completed works in three words
✏️- favorite part about writing
☺️- a line that made you feel a fluffy happiness
Thank you!
Hello Mistress!!! QUEEN!!!
Ohhhhhh asks for me…
💬- describe one of your completed works in three words
Who killed Amrod? (X if you want to find out)
✏️- favorite part about writing
Writing. The act of sitting somewhere and just let my fingers go clack clack clack on the keyboard :D
☺️- a line that made you feel a fluffy happiness
“Indeed they are,” Thorin gently cupped her face, marvelling at her delicate features. “Like your name in my heart.” And he poured his whole heart into the tender kiss that followed his words. Carra’s lips tasted like sweet, ripe raspberries gathered at dawn and Thorin allowed himself to cherish her closeness for a few stolen moments longer. When he finally took his leave, her eyes seemed to glow with iridescent light.
Here is one I loved of yours! Please, everyone, read this story!!! IT’S SO GOOD!!!!
Thank you so much for this ask!
Lots of love!
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absentmindeduniverse · 10 months
Happy Monday! 🌞 If someone told you they could transport you in an instant to a place of your choice, any place, even an imaginary one, but you had to leave right now, would you go? And if yes, where would you go? 🧙‍♂️✨
Happy Monday to you toooooooo! 😍
I don't know. If I had a guarantee that I could say goodbye to my Mom and my family, probably yes. If not, frankly I think I would still go, leave a letter or something behind because I'm that kind of reckless sometimes.
As for the place, I would say for a real one UK or Island because I want to go so desperately. For an imaginary one, I would go with Lord of the Rings. I don't care if it's at war or not I want to see the Mountains and the elven cities ok? Also apparently men have better manners than here, so why not? 🤣
What about you? ;)
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estethell · 10 months
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Happy monday to you too @lathalea ❤ I answer here only for a matter of blog convenience, thank you so much for this wonderful ask!!
My very first thought after reading this ask was "HONOLULU" because i remembered Merlin from "The sword in the stone" 🤣
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I found this on Pinterest x'D
But looking back on it, the places I would like to go most of all are obviously The Shire (who wouldn't?) and Japan to visit the country 💞
Thank you for this ask, my askbox is always open for all!!
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nitefise-art · 1 year
Hi! I came here to tell you it’s been 7 years since you’ve created the wonderful Thorin Oakenshield BOFTA pencil drawing and I’m still amazed with your talent and skills. Is it possible to purchase it somewhere as an art print for example?
Hey there! I don't have it as an art print sorry, I think I might run into some intellectual property issues doing that since it's basically just the official Thorin poster - I did it as a coloured pencil exercise only. Thanks for the kind message though, really appreciate it!
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aduialel · 11 months
You have to spend a week stranded on a deserted island and can bring one person (real or fictional) with you. Who are you choosing?
Oh, my awesome friend, this is just pure evil! 😄 How can you ask me this!? Pure torture, I say. Few persons came to mind so let's see who they are and why, but who to choose, that is the big question.
Thranduil, the obvious choice. You know me and my fascination of him. Besides, who in their right mind wouldn't want to spend a WEEK in the presence of The Elvenking who is kind, wise and capable (in sooo many ways 😏), not to mention his awesome style who is hot as hell, the ultimate Daddy™️. The kind and wise debate is based on the movies but his people loved him and let's not forget he was an elected king and son of one too. Sure, he has his bouts of temper, but hey, nobody is perfect, not even The Elvenking himself. The deserted island would be a perfect setting to get to know him and what makes him tick. Our combined forces and culture differences would make interesting conversations but also solutions how to survive on the island - and if Eru is on my side, maybe even a little more action, at least flirting if nothing else. 😉
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Loki. Surprising choice I know, but he is my favourite in Marvel universe. Norse mythology plays a huge part in this. For some reason I have always felt that he is a misunderstood individual in legends. He would be an awesome companion on a deserted island. I love the guy/god. Time would fly by so fast we wouldn't even notice it. Surviving on the island would be easy because of his shapeshifting and magician/trickster abilities - or maybe he is just humouring me. 😄
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Keanu Reeves. I have been his fan since the 90's so this is no brainer. He is The Good Guy, humble, mysterious and charismatic person who has amazing sense of humour and he is a gentleman with capital G. It would be interesting to meet the man and discuss various topics with him. Trying to get off the island would be the last thing on my mind but surviving would depend on our abilities and knowledge. One thing I know for sure, we would have no shortage of ideas how to do it. Neither of us is a quitter. 😊
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But who do I choose!? Do I really have to make a choice or maybe I could be so lucky as to have three separate weeks with each one. Of course in different islands and conditions so it would be fair for all of us. 😊 That option sounds more and more appealing. What do you say?
Thank you so much for this wonderful ask! 💖🫂
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lathalea · 30 days
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Soooorrryyyyy Nonnie, forgive me 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I am a bad bad writer and I should be ashamed of myself!
I can only apologize to you and promise I'll try to do what I can to continue with the Blacksmith. Right now I'm super busy organizing TRSB (and that means more fics and fanart in future! check out @tolkienrsb). In the meantime, how about Entangled to sweeten your waiting?
And if you'd like to read more, I'll be posting another story on Tumblr very soon, I just have to finish it first. It's about Thorin and a minstrel. I know it's not what you've been waiting for but I'll try to do my best and deliver some Blacksmith content to you soon!
Thank you sooo very much for your ask, I love you for writing to me and... I'm sooorrryyyy 😭😭😭
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fizzyxcustard · 7 months
Hi Fizzy!
Thank you for opening your ask box! Can I ask for a request with Thorin? The prompt is: "Because I care for you more then you know."
Fluffy snowy winter hugs 💙❄☺
I am so sorry that this has taken so long to get to. My inbox has been quite full, so I'm going to now work from the oldest to newest. And this one just happens to be nearly 2 years old. I am so, so sorry!
I shall be working on this now, and may write it as a drabble if you don't mind. :)
As always, thank you for requesting.
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sketch-mer-6195 · 1 year
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your mentions, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Thank you, darling!
Fact 1. I was born with blonde hair which naturally turned brunette.
Fact 2. In reality, I'm really a quiet person and keep to myself unlike how I am on here with all my friends online.
Fact 3. I don't like tagging people on tumblr without asking for permission.
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
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Dear Lady Thespiritoflife,
It is a great honour to be able to write to you. I hope my letter finds you in great spirits. After a great deal of thinking, I have prepared a gift for you that you may find to your liking.
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🎁 Since you seem to like to be active, I invite you to visit Rhovanion in the summer. I would be more than happy to be able to take you on an excursion around the Long Lake in search of the best picnic places — with a basket filled with victuals prepared by Bombur himself.
🎁 These two Dwarves that appeared at the doorstep with my letter are my best carpenters and they will build the perfect reading nook for you in your home according to your wishes, including a library. Yes, the crate they brought with them contains several books straight from my library that you may find interesting.
🎁 The box of cookies attached to this letter is also an invitation for a baking weekend in Erebor. Bombur is eager to exchange his best recipes with you and then bake together with you and I am even more eager to eat everything you prepare!
Happy winter days and may the New Year be a merry one!
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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷,
thank you very for writing me this letter. You have no idea how much it made me happy! I appreciate it so much.
That moodboard is so gorgeous, I truly love it.
And I would love to go to Rhovanion! That excursion around Long Lakes sounds really beautiful and exciting.
Reading nook? That's amazing, I can't believe it! You thought of everything!! Thanks so much. I can not wait to see it!
Mmm, box of cookies! They taste really good and yummy! And I am honoured to learn from master himself - Bombur how to bake. I am so excited. Of course, I accept your invitation, all your invitations. Can not wait to see you, Bombur and all these beautiful places. Thank you once again.
Happy winter days and happy New Year 2023 to you too, dear Thorin! I hope it will be good year for you. Don't forget to take care.
With love
𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓸𝓯𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮.
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