#latte's thoughts
yoonlattesworld · 1 year
🌸About me~🌸
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Soooo I'm not the same person I was when I made the first about me.
So I figured I should make a new one because new me, new about me.
And it's also because my old one got lost heh
Welp I'm 19 and my birthdate is still 24th November and I'm still Indian.
I'm an Aries
But I'm not obsessed with Paxtan hall yoshida anymore (it was just a phase)
Instead I am now obsessed with books and book boyfriends
I've been single since birth because I prefer 2d men over 3d men
I mean no man in real life will be as good as a fictional man. And I've discovered a new hobby.
I now read books and novels. Romance and dark romance of course.
And although the plan of being a professor still exists, I'm also gonna start writing a book. I want to be an author.
I still love horror.
I'm in dire need of a fictional boyfriend who's willing to burn the world for me.
I also read mangas and webtoons. Again,no man is better than a fictional man.
so if anyone knows a good 6'5 ex navy man rhys larsen then kindly introduce him to me.
I would still love to talk with y'all so feel free to text me.
My back lab Oreo is about to be 2 years old and my eyes are still brown.
I'm still studying very hard to get rich and have a room full of books and BTS albums.
So that's the same ol' boring me.
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🌸All my works~🌸
🌸Main masterlist🌸
🌸Yoongi masterlist🌸
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chocolattefeverdreams · 7 months
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Ugh I'm feeling like giving up on the entire IB diploma entirely recently, I have a business management ia to finish, ess ia, math ia, the EE, the TOK essay, Economics ia check, and so many tests at the same time.
I feel like I don't even care if I just pass the diploma anymore. I'm just so, so tired. I always feel like I'm not deserving of any rest or sleep if I have not done anything that is related to school. I'm so tired of hearing these thoughts go over and over in my brain. I just want to rot somewhere more often now.
I sometimes even wonder if I actually even like my school anymore. I feel constantly lightheaded in school, like everything is a fever dream, especially in certain classrooms. I have to stim a lot and I have to leave the classroom often just to go somewhere and breathe in natural air instead of AC. I also get hungry in school often, I usually eat lunch at 1 or 1:30 pm but when it's school I come back at 3:30 pm so I'm very hungry and tired by the time I come back.
It sets the energy for the whole day, I don't even feel like taking my laptop out of my bag when I get home. And what would be the point in doing something anyway? It's going to take hours and if I can't even finish it off by that time then there's no point to it for me. I literally took a day off today just so that I could start my business management IA.
And I don't even have close friends or a friend group to belong to at school. My closest friend at school battles mental health problems and I rarely see him there. And I KNOW that it's okay to be alone or enjoy things by yourself, but when you've always sucked at making friends in school it kinda gets to you later on. I feel envy when I see groups of friends and I always wonder if I will actually belong to a group like that someday. Sometimes when some classmates talk to me I always get the feeling it's for a joke which I'm the butt of. Maybe it's bc I have a monotonous way of speaking irl most of the time??
I wish that some of this stuff and all the IAs we do now was actually in DP year 1 BC it would save a lot of stress for a lot of people. Like the business ia could be done in January when I was in year 1 or something. The ess ia too. Instead of it all being crammed later on in 12th grade.
Ok but today, I'm going to make myself the cup of herbal tea I've been avoiding for weeks because in the end, I know I deserve sleep.
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dustbar · 3 months
"so a barista walks into a bar and says to the bartender.... uh, heya, what d'you recommend?" --ccino (could be latte, up to you)
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was actually torn between this one and a lavender honey cream BUT it felt appropriate since ash doesnt know his preferences (yet,,,,)
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ak1ji · 3 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
Credit - me!
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peaceishim · 23 days
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(via twitter)
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silverystardustt · 4 months
there's something so finalizing about finishing an impromptu poem in the notes app just as you get to the coffee shop's door
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
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Star Wars and text posts except it's just Asajj Ventress-centric ones. very specifically chosen to me but probably don't mean a lot otherwise
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sir-fluffbutts · 2 months
how cone twins appeared in latte's apartment? why would he sell a room in his house to some teenages? why would he even sell a room in his house at that point? was it to feel a little less lonely or is there another matter?
- its not like he rented out a room from his own house, but latte lives in a 5 story apartment building that he owns (something like this)
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he only uses the top floor as his own so the rest is up for grabs (so directly speaking, he's a landlord)
- the twins (all of them) were signed up as a sort of support system from lotl.corp, and since lattes apartment (at the time, only 4th story available) was open for those types of support systems, it was selected as one of the housing options from the system
they just picked this place cause unlike the rest of the twins, they posess a strong special ability(fire) and was pretty confident they can live in a more shady parts of the city without accident
so in short, he didn't directly sold the place to them, he just had it open for a housing support system (cause its not like he need the space or the money) and it got randomly selected as a option
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besaya-glantaya · 8 months
Caffeine is life, Taylor
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webdiggerxxx · 7 months
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yoonlattesworld · 1 year
So this has to be fate because umm I was thinking of writing something about horror genre with yoongi and these photos just give that ancient kind of vibe and the photo where he's staring right at our soul looking all hot just fits right into that category 😳 I'm excited y'all
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
frequent questions i keep getting on the bigeneration au(s):
-why don't ten (point five) and eleven tear each other apart/beat each other to death with hammers/eat each other
eleventh hour starts like normal, since they can't exactly leave while the tardis is redecorating, and then rory's like but how can they be here?? how can the raggedy doctors be real?? they were a game?? you made me dress up like the funny one all the time?? and ten's like sorry what. the funny one? and rory's like yeah uh [points at eleven] the funny one and the uh. um. [looks at ten] the uh. hot one. and That's How It Starts. every single interaction is an opportunity to show eleven up. does he want to beat eleven to death after they've spent longer than an hour together yes of course but good god the spite of it all. the DRAMA. the whole of leadworth knows him as The Hot Doctor. the ponds and clara ADORE ten. they love him so much. like sure he's a massive dick but compared to eleven he's the nicest guy in the world. he's incredibly suave and incredibly smooth and is capable of dressing like a normal person and literally everyone keeps commenting on it. sometimes he goes off on his own just bc the ponds throw him a party when he comes back. eleven keeps trying to get him killed and he just keeps slipping out of danger and it drives eleven up the fucking wall
-why does twelve allow eleven to travel with them
he simply does not notice him. just constant white noise. he's not clara and therefore he's insignificant. the three of them keep going on trips and then clara and twelve leave before he gets back to the tardis and it's not even on purpose they just literally forgot he was there. one time they accidentally leave him in victorian london while visiting the paternoster gang and he gets a boat to new york and ends up spending ~50 years with the ponds and when he finally gets to modern day london a century later clara's like huh you look different did you change your coat. and then hell bent happens and twelve finally throws eleven out (eleven didn't get wiped and twelve isn't gonna live with that reminder) and eleven retaliates by showing up to every single one of his lectures. the only reason he isn't dead is because missy would definitely find out about it and twelve can't deal with how incredibly smug she'd be
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cori-randomstuff · 1 year
There's no way someone can read though the entire oshi no ko manga and come to the conclusion that Aqua's some sort of master class manipulator with no compassion.
Like, yes Aqua can be manipulative and downright scummy. But he isn't as bad as he thinks he is, not by a long shot. He cares way too much of the people around him, in fact, most of his more questionable and manipulative actions are done for his loved ones. He pushes people away to protect them. Even after Akane declared that she would follow him to hell and that she doesn't mind being used by him, he would rather take on everything himself. Such a large part of the story is spent telling this information to us, how do you miss it?
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jamespottersmixtape · 7 months
ok but how likely are rosekiller to have a screaming match love confession?? that potentially turns semi-violent with unwanted tears?? like ofc not always in every story but I'm really thinking...🧐
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ultimateinferno · 6 months
Watching the Siobhan behind the scenes reminded me that for a good fucking while after watching Sophomore Year I thought a cortado had lemon. I knew it had milk and coffee, but for some fucking reasons that bit convinced me lemon was involved as well. Only embarrassingly recently did I actually learn that they're literally just 1:1 espresso to milk.
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grntaire · 9 months
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sapphic-ass boots…….
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