#laurant the broken
mystarlessskies · 1 year
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reinemichele · 7 months
Translation here
The meaning of birth. The meaning of death. The Present in which you are now living: The 11-lettered 《message》 of a fantasy roman (story), 『The 5th Horizon』 The Windmill of the Sun. The Cradle of the Moon. The Roman (story) of a wandering 《light》 (flame). The broken dolls. The corpse of a man. The Roman (story) of a deceptive 《darkness》 (fantasy). Ah... go around on my behalf… Into that world to find... Is there a roman (story) leading to my birth? Swaying in the winds of reminiscence, We are but wandering 《moulin à vent》 (windmills). Upon whichever horizon we circle about, We shall bring light to your song... My story― A departure before morning; My Roman (story) Hiver’s Roman (story) Laurant Ah... even if we are fated to never meet again, Living in the Present is a 《roman》 (longing) That I will continue to express → That we will continue to search for → So you may never lose your way... With death in the right hand... and life in the left... The Scales of Winter... Never tilt... "Who is lying...?"
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destinygoldenstar · 8 months
Another Prom + The End Of A Relationship
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It’s Prom again. Laurant, Rubys boyfriend, is her date. Kian is going to prom as friends with him.
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Kian, once again, is vibing and playing guitar at Prom. Laurant and Ruby danced (for the last time. We saw some of our friends, Jillian and Sara, who both look good. Sara even had a date.
And of course, Laurant hanged out with people who were not Ruby.
So Ruby confronted him.
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(Kian was in the bathroom and heard everything)
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"Alright Laurant. What's your problem?! You ditch me on a date, you take me out to a storm TWICE, you go in the water and not hang out with me on a date! You tell jokes instead of take your career seriouslv! Is there something in your going on that I need to know?!"
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He basically said:
"I can't just be myself around you?! You need me to be some perfect business man?! What if I don't want that?!"
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“YES. You can’t confirm to that?!?”
He said NO
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“Then you are not the guy for me. I just can’t do this anymore. We’re done.”
And thus, Ruby and Laurant have broken up.
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Laurant cried, but it didn’t seem like it took it horribly. He actually gave Ruby a positive sentiment. So maybe they can still be friends.
And of course Kian heard it from in the bathroom, walks out to Laurant upset.
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Kian is going to comfort his crush.
"Hey man. You didn't do anything wrong. And my sister isn't saying it to spite you. It's good for you both. Trust me."
“You’re awesome. Keep doing what you’re doing.”
"Did you know my sister wears glasses? She got so mad when I tried to say it to her friend Catherine that she smothered me"
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Ruby won Prom Royalty AGAIN
It’s the exact same people.
It’s sad though because theyre broken up now.
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But at least Kian and Laurant danced 😂
You know what? They’re goofballs. Its fine.
Ruby spent the New Years Eve crying herself to sleep over the break up. While Kian daydreamed about his crush on Laurant.
Now that they’re broken up, Kian can have a try.
Kian is dating his sisters ex…
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skygazer0516 · 2 years
Titanic: A New Life pt. 3
Claire knew that she was in trouble because he only used the full name when he was drunk and mad; and that was a situation that happened way too often. She jumped up and ran to the kitchen door.
“Claire Laurant you useless good for nothing woman. Where the hell is my dinner?” Bradley loudly proclaimed. “I told you to have dinner on the table when I got home at five.”
He was now standing just before the kitchen door inches away from her face. His eyes which were normally a deep hazel color were now dark and almost black. A signature trait to tell how mad and gone he was. With each word he spoke Claire could smell the whiskey and pickled eggs he had downed at the bar.
“Welcome home honey. Dinner is ready and waiting in the dinning room.” She knew she had to remain calm and not show how scared she was. “Tonight, it’s roasted Cornish Game Hens, rice, and steamed vegetables. You’re favorite.” Please work, please work. “I also opened a new bottle of your favorite wine so it would be ready by the time you got home.”
“Shut up woman! I don’t need a run down! Just serve me!” Bradley had turned away to walk to the dinning room. It was a wonder he made it home by the way he was swaying back and forth. He stumbled but caught himself by throwing his body onto the wall knocking down the family pictures. “Pick those up!” He said as he finally made it to the dining room.
“He is completely sloshed! But I made his favorite dinner so maybe he will just eat and pass out.” Claire thought as she picked the fallen pictures off the floor. Preoccupied by her wishful desperate thinking she didn’t notice the broken glass in their wedding photo frame. The sharp sudden pain to her hand brought her back to reality. She looked down to see her hand bleeding onto the broken glass. The blood landed on the photo but just enough to cover the image of her in her wedding dress. Leaving the image of Bradley untouched. “Perfect. If that didn’t just scream irony.” She thought to herself. As she quickly made her way back to the kitchen to wash off her hand and see what the damage was.
She set the damaged photo on the counter then turned to face the sink. She turned the hot water spicket on first and then the cold. The cold water stung her hand but washed the blood away enough to show that is a minor cut, not too deep. She placed the stopper in the sink so it would fill with warm water. Grabbing the bar of soap from its holder and she began to wash the cut out. The soap sent slicing sensations through her whole hand; and the warm water just intensified the pain. She let her hand sit in the water while she turned off the spickets and grabbed a towel. She removed the stopper and let the sink pull the light pink water away around her hand till it was all gone. It looked worse than it was, with one swipe of the towel she saw that bleeding had slowed down to a little continuous trickle. Claire placed the towel on her hand and made her way to the bandage drawer. Wrapping the white strip around her hand was tricky but holding the first end with her fingers she managed to wrap her and tucked each end enough to stay in place.
“Claire… CLAIRE!!!” She heard him scream from the dining room. “Please be happy about the food. Please let him be happy about the food. Please……”
“Come here now!” An electrifying sensation ran over her whole body when she it hit her that he was not happy about the food.
Claire ran into the dining room as fast as she could slowing down to a walk right before she came to the dark stained swinging door that connected the dining room to the kitchen. “What can I do for you honey?” She asked her husband as she walked through the door.
“You think this is funny? What did you do cook as soon as I left? THIS FOOD IS ICE COLD AND THE WINE IS SITTING IN JUST A BUCKET OF WATER! USELESS! A COMPLETE WASTE OF SPACE!”
Claire was completely speechless. Her mouth opened and quivered as she tried to speak but couldn’t get anything out to save her life. Which, in this situation, it would.
Bradley stood up so fast that it made the chair fall over and slide a little way away from him. As he made his way around the back side of the table Claire took her opportunity to run across the front side to the arched entry way down the hall and back into the living room stopping just beside their couch. Only to turn and see that Bradley was not but a few feet away from her.
Sticking up her arm in what she knew was a useless defense measure. “Now Bradley, sweetheart just calm down.” She begged with her weak shaking voice. Bradley grabbed her hand and pulled her in and grabbed her by the arms.
“CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WITH YOU SERVING ME COLD FOOD! THIS ISN’T THAT HARD! JUST MAKE ME MY DAMN FOOD AND MAKE SURE IT’S. STILL. HOT CLAIRE!” He was thrashing her around to which ever way his arms could swing her. Tears strolling down her face Claire didn’t fight back or resist because even in her scared state she knew she could do nothing to stop what was happening.
Still screaming Bradley lost his grip throwing Claire onto the mahogany coffee table and what followed seemed to happen in slow motion for her. As her body made its way to the coffee table, she extended her non cut hand to catch herself. Unfortunately, instead of hitting the coffee table, her hand knocked over the antique crystal vase sending the last piece of his mother flying. The vase slowly hit the floor before her eyes. She saw it shatter. She saw where every piece flew around the point of contact.
Suddenly everything came back to time and Claire turned over to see Bradley with a raised fist and gnarling teeth coming at her. Then it was lights out.
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bookbornexiv · 5 years
7. Forgiven
Under a greying tent, a tiny old woman slumped unbreathing in her chair; a tall, pale man held a green chicken; and a mousy wraith of a miqo’te peered in from the entrance, eyebrows raised.
“I didn’t do it,” the man said firmly. "I literally just walked in."
The miqo’te plucked a letter from her satchel and checked it, squinting as if at fine print. “You didn’t,” she agreed. “It’s heart failure. Will be. Was. She did mention you’d be back. It’s not a curse. Don’t bother asking me to lift it.” She went over to the old woman and gently closed her unblinking eyes.
“What-- who-- well, I need it undone.” His tone became cautious. “If she says it’s no curse, it isn’t. But you’re like her, aren’t you? You could undo this. Whatever the old biddy’s done to me.”
“No,” the miqo’te said. She waved the letter at him. “She wrote me. You were broken. She fixed you. After you tried to rob and kill her. You didn’t even thank her then. Nor apologize. Shame on you. What’s with the chicken?”
The man began to growl; to his surprise, so did the miqo’te. The chicken squawked in his arms, warning. “You wanted to be carried,” he grumbled at it. He’d lost the battle, broken eye contact; he backed away, the chicken clucking as if in relief. “Think she’d hear me if I said I was sorry now?”
"I’ll hear you.”
“Well. ’m sorry.”
“That’s good. Because she said she’s forgiven you.” The miqo’te looked up from the letter and smiled at him. “And she said you or the priest can keep the chicken. Just don’t eat it.”
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
Show Character Masterlist
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Alfred Debling
To Miss Laurant...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Benedict Bridgerton
Through The Eyes Of A Painter
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Damon Werth
Part 1 Part 2
Roy Sanders
Part 1
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To Have A Home
Reacher never thought the white fence dream could ever happen to him, but you proved him wrong in more ways than possible.
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Victor Tan
Got Me Smiling More
Tan hasn't felt alive since his divorce, and a light switches when he bumps into an old flame.
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The Animal From Within
One look at you, Boorman instantly surrenders
A Treasure I Can't Afford To Lose
As you're badly injured, Boorman takes it upon himself to nurse you back to help, and soon realizes that you're more than just a friend.
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Creatures Like Me Don’t Have Happy Endings
Geralt may look like he can take down the most vicious beasts without fear, but he is most frightened of the aspect of being a father to your unborn baby.
The Worth Of A Flower
When the Witcher visits a kingdom, he stumbles upon a mysterious villager. He soon finds out you're not so ordinary as you appear to be.
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The God Who Found His Gold
Before your due date arrives, you begin to worry that your happy ending with the mad god may not be definite.
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Wake Up
You get word that Tommy got shot at a deal gone wrong, and you stay at his bedside.
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Meeting… Again
Two Hearts, Broken
My Sister and My Best Friend?!
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miscellaneouslover · 5 years
Twilight, Rewritten
Bella is the new girl in Forks, but she’s gay. Like mega, mega gay. She’s in the cafeteria and she can’t stop looking at Rosalie Hale and Jessica is like “i know right theyre all hot” bc Jessica may prefer the dick, but if Rosalie told her to run away with her she wouldn’t hesitate
Edward is also really, really gay. Him and Bella become like the best of pals in Biology. Edward still wants to eat her, but he fights it off and instead talks to her and they become inseperable. The entire school assumes they’re a couple, but nah. They just besties.
The first book/movie consists of them bonding and Bella figuring it out early on what he and his family is and she promises not to tell. And it’s good. He invites her to play baseball and she immediately accepts. James, Laurant, and Victoria come along and James still sets his eyes on Bella.
Eventually he bites her and she turns before Edward could save her so New Moon is basically him training her to be a good vamp. Bella convinces them to not ‘kill’ her because it’d destroy Charlie. She tells them she’ll stay in Forks until graduation and then do it.
The Uley pack becomes aware that Bella was turned and it starts a war. Simultaneously, Victoria is out for blood for the murder of her mate. That’s the story for New Moon. Anyway, at this time, Jacob comes to warn Bella because he’s still her best friend and he wants her to be safe, even under these circumstances. Because, you know, he’s New Moon!Jacob and not an asshole just yet.
This is where he imprints on Edward and that just brings up another problem. For the first time in history, a werewolf imprints on a vampire. Now Jacob has to decide what to fight for. His brothers or who he is meant to die for and protect.
During this time, Jacob becomes attached to Edward and the two come together rather quickly. Bella is v supportive but she doesn’t have the heart to tell them both she think Jacob smells like shit. Like during the whole book/movie her thoughts consist of how cute they are but Jacob smells bad
Sam becomes aware they can no longer hurt the Cullens under these new circumstances and, instead, they turn their heads to the common enemy that is Victoria. New Moon ends with a meeting between Sam and Carlisle. It’s very tension-y
Eclipse is where we see the pack and Cullens come closer as allies. Don’t mistake it for companionship. At this point, Bella has complete control over her abilities and she’s now one of the strongest assets her new family has, other than Emmett. Jacob and Edward are going strong with little issues other than Edward’s brooding ass and Jacob worrying about Victoria.
Carlisle and Sam are constantly away trying to discuss what is needed to do, especially with newborns appearing now and having to deal with two problems at once, unbeknownst that it’s all Victoria’s doing.
This is where Bella and Leah finally meet. Leah is spiteful and angry still, but she imprints on Bella when the Cullens go to meet the pack at the border. Bella just considers her attractive, but she’s wondering why Leah is glaring at her so badly and wonders why she seems to hate her. Jacob catches on right away.
Now Leah is over more often as discussions over what to do with the newborns commences. Bella is still unaware the imprint happened because she’s a dumbass. Her mind is also overwhelmed with all of her issues: Victoria, the newborns, having to ready herself to ‘die’ for Charlie to grieve, and the looming battle with the Volturi, who she has yet to meet.
In Eclipse, the Volturi is talked of constantly in a bad light. Edward explains they are deadly and corrupt, Aro being extremely dangerous. He’s afraid he won’t be too happy about the Cullens mingling with werewolves, which is why he and the others are so determined to stop the newborns from coming to Forks before Aro comes down and see what has happened.
Eclipse ends with the battle, Bella gaining the ability to fight for the first time after long training sessions with Jasper. She’s a natural. She was frozen in shock when she saw the vampire nearly kill Leah just before Jacob came to her rescue. That is when she finally realizes that Leah imprinted on her. Unfortunately, the two aren’t able to discuss their feelings because Jacob is writhing in pain with broken ribs.
A new treaty is created after Carlisle saved Jacob. Edward had to be comforted by Bella and Alice as he waited to see his mate. Jasper had to try to calm him with his ability, but Edward was forcing himself to hear Jacob’s thoughts, trying to feel the pain in a way that they both could be hurting because Edward was so warped with guilt.
The Cullens and the pack were officially allies after Victoria’s demise and Jacob’s aid. Edward runs in to comfort his mate, leaving Bella to talk with Leah about what was going on because keeping those feelings bottled up was not good for either of them.
Leah admits she has feelings for Bella, but she’s been trying to resent them because Bella was a vampire. Bella doesn’t take offense, saying they could take it slow.
Eclipse ends with Alice having a vision that the Volturi would discover their big secret. And they were coming.
Breaking Dawn starts out happy and fluffy. Jacob and Edward prepare for a wedding and Leah and Bella are finally going strong, happily revealing their relationship to their loved ones. Everything seems to be falling into place but Carlisle explains it’s time to tell Charlie the truth, which meant they would need to leave soon, bringing Leah and Jacob with, of course. Also, they needed to leave to avoid the Volturi since the vision was still fresh on their minds.
In an attempt to keep his son in Forks, Billy tells Charlie about the pack and the truth. He tells Charlie Bella is different as well. Not a werewolf, but she was something. Jacob was furious, but he understood why he did it. Charlie still loves Bella nonetheless, but Edward says he’s constantly trying to guess what she and the Cullens were.
Just as things are beginning to settle down, Alice has another vision. Laurant has gone to the Volturi, and he told them everything. They were on their way. They needed to be ready to fight.
Breaking Dawn consists of the preparation of a war, Edward and Jacob having to put their wedding on hold so they could be ready.
When Aro finally arrives, Bella is in awe at the turn out because he brought all of his followers. He is engulfed with rage upon seeing them and the wolves. He swears to wipe them out. But Bella knows, now after Edward explained to them, he is truly after him and Alice. He wants their gifts, and he will do anything to have it.
The war is bloody and deadly. They lose people on both sides(y’all can decide who dies), but eventually, the Volturi falls. And the field they fought in is engulfed in flames as they put the vampires to rest. It’s not exactly the picture perfect ending, but they won.
Breaking Dawn ends with Edward and Jacob’s wedding. It’s small, only involving close relatives and friends. In the end, Leah and Bella declare they don’t want a wedding. They’d just prefer to stay together forever.
In the end Bella returns to the field that they fought for the war and she has a few last thoughts to herself. She is happy she decided to befriend Edward Cullen. She is happy she decided to be content with her changing. She is happy she fell in love with Leah. If she would’ve gone back, she would’ve done the same.
Twilight Rewritten . . .
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feuglace · 3 years
@ritterblood | Not So Surprising Starter
  Wind howled, snow acting as small frozen blades as it whipped to and fro throughout Coerthas.
  A small, shrouded figure pulled himself up onto the wall of the fort, deep red eyes glowing in the white of fog and snow. He trotted along the icy wall, his presence swiftly disappearing in a shroud of black and red aether when an armour-clad knight wandered near enough, reappearing as soon as he left their field of vision. He hopped down behind a large building, breathing a soft and relieved sigh and lowering himself in the snow.
  “For such bad weather these knights are sure determined t’ prove a nuisance,” he muttered to himself, glancing upward and over his shoulder. A hand lifted to grip at his throat, brows furrowing as a wave of discomfort and nausea washed over him once again. He had woken within this new.. realm... some few days ago and already he was suffering the thirst. He stood up, brushing snow from boots that covered much of his legs; if not for the desperation to avoid starvation he wouldn’t be there. Why did those within this realm insist upon forts and lengthy bridges? His nose wrinkled and he crept his way to the corner of the building, peering out into the expanse of white. Thankfully the snow would prove plenty cover for the small elf...
  Again he disappeared in a puff of smoke, slipping around the building and keeping close to frozen stone. Laurant halted at the door, pressing himself up against stone and hovering a moment. As soon as another knight stepped outside, Laurant took advantage to slip inside before the door closed.
  He stepped to the side, appearing once more as magic faded away. Eyes scanned the dark of the room; it looked empty but his vision had yet to fully adjust to the dark. He took a step forward, the warmth of the room sinking even into the cold skin of one barely even alive. So distracted by the sensation, he failed to register the sound of footsteps drawing near nor the creak of a door until it was too late. He turned, taking a single step back and freezing in place with a gasp.
  “What d’ y’ wan’?” he demanded, as if it wasn’t he himself who had broken into the place. Smart.
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cuppalevi · 4 years
Blue Guitar | Chapter 3: Twilight Time
Series Summary: Leone Abbacchio’s trying his best to get his shit together for Narancia. But when Narancia ends up inviting him to a concert he’s playing for, Leone ends up under the sheets of the popstar, Bruno Buccellati. It turns out dating a popstar has complications. Especially when a certain someone named Diavolo has tricks up his sleeves.
Chapter 3 Summary: Leone's dinner (date?) with Bruno goes well, maybe too well. But sometimes rushing things result to a mountain of problems.
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Buccellati
AO3 |  Previously | Masterlist
Leone leans into the palm of Bruno’s hand from where it cups his cheek, savoring the touch of the other. His eyes that were shut, opened to stare at Bruno. His heart races, feeling small under the other’s intense gaze on him.
The events of the night slowly drifted away from his mind, solely focused on what’s in front of him right now. It’s funny, really, how dinner at the restaurant and a peaceful walk at the beach would lead to this.
“This is so not fair!” Narancia groaned agonizingly on the couch, eyeing where his game console used to be at the television stand. The television stand was dusty, marking the game console’s clean spot on where it used to be. Narancia’s close to crying his heart out over his lost console. There were times Leone had threatened to take away his console if Narancia did anything stupid. Usually, he would get away with the punishment because of his childish charm and compromisation. But tonight, Leone wasn’t having any of it.
“Abbacchio!” He wailed, drawing out the last syllable of Leone’s name, crossing his arms as he looked over to where the tall adult was. His legs uselessly flailed from where it hung off the armrest of the sofa. Leone was sitting on the ottoman, hunched down as he slipped on his shoes.
In a few minutes, Bruno Buccellati would be arriving at the front door to pick up Leone for their dinner tonight. Two hours ago- hastily, Leone had rummaged through his closet, in hopes to find something decent to wear. His bedroom was a mess, but he couldn't bother to clean it up until he got home. Different articles of clothing tossed around the room, and his dresser looks like Moody Blues had pawed and played through his cosmetics- but really it was just Leone frantically rummaging and looking at various bottles and palettes, trying to pull a good make-up look that went along with his outfit.
He's decided to tie his hair up in a ponytail that danced across his back, with bangs let loose in front that framed the shape of his face. The dark purple button-down that adorned his torso had a couple of buttons undone along the top- showing a peek of his muscled chest. It was tucked in some black, high-waisted bottoms and a belt with a round, gold buckle that had a letter A.
“You act like such a child sometimes, I swear to god,” Leone huffs, sitting back up straight. His feet clad in suede, black Yves Saint Laurant boots completed his attire. He looked back at the pouting teenager with an unfazed face and a raised eyebrow. “You’ll get it back soon.”
Another groan came from Narancia, “It wasn’t my fault anyway, why am I getting punished for something I didn’t do?!”
“You broke a fucking table,” Leone sighed, pulling himself to stand up, “And not to mention, you got hurt.”
Narancia squinted his eyes, a huff escaping his lips as he sat up. The teen rubbed delicately at the sore spot on his lower back. A nasty bruise decorated his tanned skin from the impact of his fall earlier on. Narancia wholly blames Mista. If it wasn’t for Mista losing his balance on the sofa and dragging Narancia down along with him (And breaking the coffee table in the process), then he wouldn’t have gotten hurt and wouldn’t have gotten his console taken away.
“Don’t, Narancia. You aren’t getting it back. At least not now. It’s not like you’re gonna die from not playing F-Mega or something,” He rolled his eyes, walking over to the kitchen where a pad of yellow post-it notes laid. With a pen, he wrote a note for Narancia to see later.
“Ugh, if I do die from boredom, I will haunt you in your sleep and thrash this apartment.” Scowled Narancia.
“Not if I die first, kid.”
The telltale ding of the doorbell was hard to miss as it caused Leone’s heart to race from the anticipation. With every footstep he makes to the door, it’s like gravity is pulling his weight down- making his steps feel heavier. Was it anxiety he was feeling? Maybe. Leone doesn’t get invited to dinner like this, especially by a well-known singer. He fears that at some point in the night, he may most likely mess things up. It’s like a curse, weighing down his shoulders and making his heart carry the heavy burden it bestowed upon him. It seems that at some point in his life, he tends to screw things up. The incident of his partner when he was in the police force was clear evidence.
So he hopes, by some miracle, that the night would go well.
Maybe he should have gotten Narancia open the door for Bruno instead. Because as soon as he whips the door open, he has his breath taken away. Bruno Buccellati, in all his glory, stands before him handsomely dolled up for tonight.
“ Buonasera , Leone,” Bruno flashes a dazzling smile at Leone, looking back past the man to shoot a wave to Narancia who called his name. “You ready to go?”
Leone nods, patting down his pockets to make sure that he hasn’t forgotten anything important. Before he walks past the threshold, he turns his head to look back at Narancia. “Don’t wait up. I’ve got my keys with me and there’s money on the dining table. Go buy yourself a pizza or something for dinner.”
Narancia still wears a frown on his face, but it beams when he hears Leone mention pizza. “Okay, okay, I got it. Just- go already, Abba. Wouldn’t want to keep your date waiting.” The teenager replied with a snicker.
“H-hey!” Leone stutters, about to tell the teen off but Bruno rests a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Let it go, bello ,” Bruno chuckles, nodding his head towards the elevator. “ Arrivederci , Narancia!” The singer bids the teen a farewell with his hands mocking a salute- Narancia replying with an enthusiastic “ Addio , Buccellati!”
“Shall we, bello?” Bruno smirks at Leone, beckoning him towards the elevator to start their night together.
“It’s peaceful, isn’t it?” Bruno says to Leone as he looks out the horizon.
It’s dark at the beach, the only source of light they have is the bright moonlight above them and the twinkling stars. There is a soft breeze wafting in the air, making their hair dance with it. It’s quiet, save for the waves crashing along the shore.
The dinner (date?) seemed to fly by fast. Once they have arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted with a cheery waiter who led them to their tables. Theirs was outside on the patio, overlooking the beach. The sun was still setting then, coloring the sky with an orange hue. As they passed, a couple of people have greeted Bruno- praising him for his recent album release. Of course, Bruno thanked them back with a grateful smile. As soon as they were seated, they were both given menus.
“These all look and sound delicious,” Leone had commented as he read every type of meal on the menu. His mouth watered when pictures of the said meal were on display, his stomach had grumbled- a reminder that he was indeed hungry.
Bruno had nodded at him, “Yes, they do. But that’s not what you’re here for, aren’t you?” He quirked a playful brow at the man across him.
Squinting his eyes, Leone tilted his head, curious as to what Bruno was implying. It was then when Bruno had shown him a page full of various selections of Italian wine, which made Leone chuckle in realization- remembering that he had agreed to this dinner if the restaurant had good wine.
During the course of dinner, Leone had learned a number of things about Bruno, and his band. One of those things- which he found hilarious- was Mista’s fear of the number four. Bruno had told him that time when Mista freaked out when he was brought a strawberry cake with four slices- demanding that they should be brought another one. Another was he found out from Bruno that Narancia and Fugo both attended the same school, which is how Narancia learned that Bruno was looking for a new guitarist from Fugo.
He felt as though walls have been broken down and he has gotten the chance to learn more about the singer he’s eating with. But during the meal, he noticed that Bruno was flirtatious with his words and actions. At one point during dinner, Bruno “casually” slithered the tip of his shoe up Leone’s leg, resulting in Leone choking on the wine he was drinking. Of course, the other plays it off that he was just trying to cross his legs underneath the table, but Leone knew better.
They both found themselves at the beach when they finished up the meal. Bruno didn’t want the night to end just yet, so he suggested to Leone that they should take a walk on the beach.
Leone turns to look at Bruno, staring at his side profile. A relaxed look is on Bruno’s face, and his eyes are shut- just savoring his surroundings. He wishes he could be this relaxed like him. If only his haunting past doesn’t thread over the crevices of his mind, then maybe he could be at peace. The peace he wanted.
“It is,” Leone agreed, tilting his head up to look at the heavens, “If only life was as peaceful like this.”
Bruno hummed- opening his eyes, a wave of memories crashing within him. He remembers when his father would teach him how to fish while his mother would be at the house, whipping up one of her special, delicious meals. The sand sticks to his toes, but he’s used to it. It almost feels nostalgic. Leone refused to get rid of his shoes, complaining that the sand would be a pain to wash off, but Bruno- with his impeccable charm- was able to persuade the man.
The singer sets his gaze on Leone, who’s in a daze looking at the stars to hardly notice Bruno’s stare at him. He sees the slight frown on the other’s face and furrowed brows, which makes him wonder as to what Leone’s thinking. Oh, Leone. Leone Abbacchio. Bruno almost laughs at himself for how easily he’s taken a liking to Leone, especially since his wounds from his ex-boyfriend were still open- waiting for a remedy. Bruno misses the affection, the intimacy. It’s something that kept him down to earth when he’s overwhelmed by his career. He thought that the comfort he found with his ex-boyfriend was something he could never have again.
But he deems himself wrong. The very comfort he’s been yearning for again is here. Right here , with Leone.
“Leone,” He speaks softly, taking a step closer to the tall man.
“Yes?” Leone asks but he doesn’t turn to look at Bruno, still concentrated on the shining, bright stars above him. He clicks his tongue as he’s suddenly flashed by images of a person- falling to the ground and a gunshot ringing in his ear. “Dammit,” He hisses, shaking his head and squeezed his eyes shut- as if to stop himself from seeing the memory over and over.
Bruno lifts a hand slowly and rests it on Leone’s shoulder. The other doesn’t make a move to shove his hand away. “Can you look at me?”
Leone hesitates, inhaling sharply at the request. The stress from remembering the memories he underwent was still simmering in his bones. He shakes his head, scrunching his face up in torment. He doesn’t want Bruno to see him like this. He doesn’t want Bruno to see what a mess he is and what mess he could stir up.
“Please,” Bruno pleaded, the concern is etched on his face. He feels as if he needs to remedy Leone of his fleeting agony. This time, Bruno moves his hands to cup the other’s cheek. Thankfully, Leone doesn’t pull away, he just lets Bruno. But still, he refuses to look at him.
“You know,” Bruno starts, “What’s important isn’t the end result.” With his thumbs, he caresses Leone’s cheeks.
Leone gulps down a lump on his throat, finding himself leaning to the touch of Bruno’s hands. He feels vulnerable. It’s dangerous how quick he can fall into the spiral of darkness, reminding him of his cowardly mistake. He doesn’t know how he manages to keep his composure, he wants to cry- sob his misery- but it looks as though Bruno, alone, is keeping him grounded.
“It’s how you get there,” Said Bruno, looking over the features of Leone’s face, occasionally drifting to his lips- colored with black lipstick that contrasted beautifully against his fair skin.
“How do you get over it? The pain?” Leone asks hoarsely, bowing his head down still with closed eyes.
“The pain’s always there. No matter what we do. As much as it hurts, it’s become a part of us. The way we cope and handle it is what makes us stronger.”
The wind is suddenly knocked out of Bruno when Leone suddenly pulls his close- embracing him. Bruno hugs him back, rubbing his back. After a few moments, Leone- reluctantly- lifts his had from where it rested on Bruno’s shoulder and finally looked back at him. He’s clueless as to what compels him to lean forward and rest his forehead on Bruno’s. It’s like his body is moving on its own accord, without Leone on its reins.
“What the fuck are you doing to me, Bruno?” He asks breathily, gazing at the pools of blue in front of him.
Licking his lips, Bruno inclined forward- inching his mouth closer to Leone’s that he feels his breath span across his lips. “Hopefully something good.”
The pad of Bruno’s thumb gently runs over Leone’s bottom lip, careless of the stain it’s painting on his skin.
“We- we shouldn’t…”
Bruno knows Leone is right. They just met today, and here they are inches apart with the need to kiss the life out of each other. He knows that when Giorno finds out, he’ll be scolded of his recklessness. But god does he want this. Bruno wants to hold Leone close and do more than kissing. He’s too pent up from his last relationship that at this point, Giorno be damned. He wants this, needs this. And it seems that Leone needs it too. The only thing he fears at this moment is the prying eyes of paparazzi watching the two of them.
Bruno tests the waters first (Briefly scanning their surroundings for any other presence but he sees nobody), slowly pressing his lips against Leone’s awaiting ones before Leone could even withdraw from the depths of his mind. A soft moan rips out from Leone’s throat but it comes out muffled when their lips touched. He wants to stay in this bubble they’ve created. Bruno pulls away a bit too quickly much to Leone’s dismay.
However, the brief moment they pulled away from each other, it’s like a magnet drew them back together. This time, their movements are frantic. Their lips are devouring each other, like two blushing pilgrims, intensely molding as one. At his lips’ touch, the other blossomed like a flower and the incarnation was complete. Bruno’s hands fist the fabric of Leone’s shirt, tilting his head sideways to get a deeper angle. Leone’s brows are furrowed, throwing his all into the kiss. He feels his knees pathetically buckle, threatening to surrender him to the pull of gravity beneath his toes.  His grip on Bruno’s hips is tight, tugging him closer that their bodies are pressed together securely.
Bruno’s insisting mouth was parting Leone’s shaking lips, slipping the warmth of his tongue to explore the other. Tremors arise from the action, making Leone having to exhale through his nose. The crashing waves are nothing but white noise. Though the sea breeze is still present, it makes them shudder from the cold, finding warmth in each other’s lips.  
“Bruno-” Leone speaks against the other’s lips, his lungs burning for a breath of air.
“ Lascia che mi prenda cura di te, Leone,” Whispered Bruno, indulging Leone to come up from the surface and heave a deep breath. ( Let me take care of you)
It’s a blur of events. One moment they’re at the beach making out like teenagers, the next their walking through the doors of Bruno’s house. Hands grabbing at each other with heated kisses, nulling their senses and all they could feel is nothing but each other. They end up bumping into furniture as they venture towards Bruno’s bedroom, breaking kisses to share giggles at their ministrations.
Finally, they enter the space of Bruno’s bedroom. The back of Leone’s knees hit the edge of the bed from how Bruno’s consistently leaning against him. Moaning, Leone sits down at the plush bed, pulling Bruno over to straddle him.
Leone leans into the palm of Bruno’s hand from where it cups his cheek, savoring the touch of the other. His eyes that were shut, opened to stare at Bruno. His heart races, feeling small under the other’s intense gaze on him. He feels an exhilarating heat from the pit of his stomach and travels down to the apex of his legs. The way Bruno’s staring at him is salacious, it’s like opening his soul. Seeing, tasting and savoring every feeling. Bruno’s eyes gleamed from the rays of the moonlight peeking through the gaps of his curtains.
It’s dark in Bruno’s bedroom. Save for the natural light coming outside to illuminate the darkness. The moonlight cascades perfectly on the shape of Bruno’s face. It brightens the shine of his blue eyes, descending towards the plump of his lips- begging for a touch. A lump forms in Leone’s throat as he’s taken refuge in the lustful gaze of Bruno. Once Bruno’s hand starts to pull away from his cheek, Leone whines for a short moment- not wanting the caress of Bruno’s hand from his cheek to disappear. Bruno hushes Leone softly, his hand traveling up to Leone’s hair.
“Can I take it out?” He asks gently, tugging the elastic band that held Leone’s hair in place.
Leone nods, hands finding purchase in gripping Bruno’s hips. Bruno is leaning toward him, knees perched among the mattress as he straddles Leone. Slowly, he starts to pull the hair tie from Leone’s hair. Carefully doing so to avoid any strikes of pain from his tugging. The tie comes out smoothly, releasing the lengths of Leone’s hair against his back. Bruno is enamored by the way Leone’s hair falls against his face, Bruno’s hand brush brushes the strands between his fingers. Reveling in the way it slides and feels like silk.
“You’re so beautiful, Leone,” Bruno hums softly, using both hands to cup Leone’s blushing cheeks.
Leone’s mouth doesn’t have enough strength to form the words he wanted to say. Bruno completely rendered him speechless. He eyes the man in front of him, truly beguiled by the singer’s beauty. Slowly, both of them start to lean in. Their breaths fanning against each other’s skin as their heads get nearer. Bruno glances at Leone’s lips then back at his eyes- purple-golden irises like rings because of how dilated his pupils were, silently asking for permission. Leone nods, mouthing a “Please” at Bruno. Their lips brush against each other’s before Bruno leans inward and kisses him earnestly. They’re both hazy, lost in the small bubble that consists of each other. As their lips lock, Leone pulls Bruno closer to him by the hips, relishing in the heat that radiates from Bruno’s body. Their chests are pressed together, skin tingling from the contact.
Briefly, Bruno pulls away to take a short breath. Leone rushes back to chase after his lips but Bruno is faster. His lips kissing Leone’s deeper and more passionate. Leone feels the brush of Bruno’s tongue against his and it makes his insides swirl.
“ Bruno, ” Leone sighs wistfully as their lips pull away with a wet smack.
“What is it, bello ?” Bruno tilts his head in question, subtly grinding against Leone’s growing erection which earns him a soft moan from the other. Leone’s lipstick smeared against the tan of Bruno’s skin and Leone thought that Bruno looked so pretty with it.
Leone’s lips begin to move to utter a word but as Bruno begins to smother his neck with kisses and nips, his mind goes blank. His head leans backward and eyes shutting in bliss, granting Bruno access. “Tell me, bello, what do you want?”
His breath hitches when Bruno latches on to a patch of skin and sucks, marking his territory. “I-” Leone starts, but it’s cut off when Bruno’s kisses trail down his collarbone. Leone feels like he could lose his balance from sitting up and end up falling on the bedsheets. Damn Bruno for making him so dazed that he can’t even spit out a word from his mouth.
Bruno grinned at the lack of words from Leone, pride filling his chest because he’s got Leone wrapped around his finger, totally under his mercy.
The goth suddenly lets out a growl, “I fucking want you, Bruno,” Satisfaction floods through his body. He wraps his arms around Bruno’s torso and grinds up against him to emphasize his need.
Moaning happily, Bruno lifts Leone’s chin with his index finger and kisses him again. His hands work the buttons of Leone’s top- tempted to just rip it open but he decides against it. Arousal surges through both of them, their moves become frantic and their kisses are heated and desperate. When Bruno gets Leone’s shirt open, his hands caress the muscles pectorals gracing Leone’s body. A muffled moan comes from the long-haired man when Bruno rubs his thumbs against his peaked nipples.
It’s been too long since Leone’s been this intimate with someone. He wants Bruno, badly . He wants Bruno to fill him up to the brim and bring him to ecstasy. He’s also aware of the pace their night was going. Really he should be back home with a whining Narancia and Moody Blues right now but he finds himself completely submitting to Bruno’s will instead.
Desperately, Leone pulls at Bruno’s top- telling him in a silent voice to get rid of the offending garment. Bruno pulls his lips from Leone with a devious smirk on his lips. Before Leone is able to question him about his intentions, the singer stands before him. Tilting his head playfully, Bruno pulls the zip of his top down at an excruciatingly slow pace, teasing Leone. Leone almost wants to laugh at his antics but he snickers instead, leaning back on the bed on his forearms to watch. He bits his lip, hands itching to palm his aching cock but Bruno gives him a look as if to say “Don’t you dare,” so he doesn’t.  
When Bruno bares his torso, Leone’s throat tightens at the black lace lingerie that looks sinfully elegant on Bruno’s tanned body. There’s a lustful look on Bruno’s face that sends a wave of want through Leone’s veins. The singer’s fingers fiddle with the waistline of his bottoms, shooting Leone an amorous smirk.
“What do you think, Leone?” His hands run down his body, presenting himself in front of Leone.
A pant comes out of Leone’s mouth, his eyes hungrily admiring this alluring man in front of him. “You look ravishing, mio caro. ”
Bruno hums, satisfied with Leone’s answer. He turns around, briefly looking back at Leone before he shimmies his bottoms down his legs. Leone puffs a breath when the round of Bruno’s ass comes to his view. The singer chuckles, moving to walk toward Leone- excitement bursting through the other’s veins- but instead of returning to his lap, he falls to his knees between Leone’s legs.
“Bruno-” Leone starts but Bruno just shushes him.
“Let me,” Bruno looked up at Leone with big blue doe eyes, slithering his hand up the fabric of Leone’s pants. The other shudders at the contact and gulps as Bruno’s hand steers closer to the apex of his legs. Leone can’t help but raise a hand and brush it through the bob of Bruno’s hair, cherishing the way it smoothly passed through his fingers.
When Bruno reaches the zip of Leone’s pants, he looks at Leone for a short moment- marveling at the deep blush coating Leone’s cheeks- before pulling the zipper down. A puff of breath exits Leone’s mouth, feeling relieved that his cock was released from its tight constriction. Bruno puckers his lips and kisses at the head of Leone’s cock that is bulging from the underwear he’s wearing. Leone’s forearms shake at the sensation, threatening to lose his balance. Bruno hooks his fingers at both of Leone’s pants and underwear. Leone lifts his hips to aid the other in getting rid of the garment. Once Bruno has discarded the clothing, strewed in the bedroom.
Leone’s cock twitches from the cold breeze that hits his member, goosebumps rising on his skin as he anticipates Bruno’s next action.
“Can I?” Asked Bruno, tentatively inching a hand closer to Leone’s shaft.
“ God yes ,” The goth replied, which earned a grin from Bruno.
Bruno wraps his hand on Leone’s length, feeling its girth on the palm of his hand. Leone hisses, eyes rolling back and his hips arched towards the touch. The warmth of Bruno’s hand doesn’t compare to his when he jacks off, no. It’s a completely different and foreign feeling, one he’s about to get addicted to. The singer starts at a slow pace, twisting his hand with every pump. Leone groans, fingers clenching the sheets beneath him. A bead of precome leaks out of Leone’s head which Bruno swipes with his thumb, spreading the slick around his length.
“ Your cock is so hard, mio caro, ” Bruno sighs blissfully.
Leone moans, “Bruno…” falling back against the bed as his hands cradled Bruno’s head.
Poking his tongue out, Bruno licks the slick head of Leone’s cock. The salty taste of precome dribbles on his tongue, making him enthralled by the way the other male tastes. His eyes flicker to see Leone’s reaction- neck stretched out with eyes shut in the sheer pleasure, and his cock twitches in Bruno’s hold. It was truly a sight to behold, and it urges Bruno’s primal needs. He takes Leone’s cock in his mouth, salivating the organ, making it slicker than it was. Bruno licks the underside of it, dragging his tongue upwards toward the peak of its head. Consequently, Leone whines- a sound that the man didn’t even expect to come out from himself.
“Bruno…!” Gasped Leone, lifting his head to look at the man between his knees- only to fall back on the bed when Bruno looks back at him with a lustful gaze.
What Bruno’s mouth doesn’t reach, he pumps it with his hand, all the while bobbing his head on Leone’s cock. Leone feels out of this world as if his soul has left his body and brought him to a world full of immense euphoria only brought by Bruno Buccellati. Narancia would definitely nag his ear off when he comes back home, if he comes back home tonight, that is.
“You close, mio caro ?” Bruno’s mouth pulls away from the other’s cock, for a moment to speak.
Leone doesn’t trust himself to speak with words, afraid that even if he tries to open his mouth to utter, no word would come out of it. So he nods his head, frantically. A heat bubbling up in his stomach that begins to arise.
With new profound fervor, Bruno’s pace begins to increase. An exhilarating need for Leone to fill his mouth up. Going deeper, he takes the length of Leone’s cock- feeling him hit the back of his throat. Using one hand to brace himself on Leone’s hip, and the other to toy with the globes of his testicles, bringing Leone closer to the edge.
Leone writhes against the sheets, hips thrusting towards Bruno’s mouth. Sweat forms on his forehead, heat radiating around the room from the actions of the two males. When he feels Bruno’s throat encase his cock, mixed with the prodding fingers at his perineum, he feels shudders wracking up his whole body, reaching his high. Hot, white ropes paint Bruno’s tongue, filling up his mouth. His eyes shut pleasantly and he swallows, flushing the load that Leone spurted in his mouth. Pulling off his mouth with a pop, he climbs towards Leone, hovering over him as he stares at the other’s fucked out bliss.
“Good?” Bruno asks with a rasp.
Leone’s eyes remain shut, heart beating rapidly from the result of his high and chest heaving in pants. “Yes,” He breathes, gulping. “You’re amazing.”
Bruno chuckles, dropping his head down to plant a kiss on Leone’s cheek. “There’s more where that came from, mio caro ,”
< To Be Continued I \ I |
4 notes · View notes
lapinbunwrites · 6 years
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Major Character Death
Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening
Characters: Chrom, Lissa, Robin, Virion, Sumia, Lon’qu, Lucina, Cynthia, Owain, Morgan, Nah, Gerome, Laurent, Inigo, Brady, Yarne
Words: 3,964
Ao3 Link
The air was filled with sparks of fire and ash. The land desolate with the shops, buildings, plains, hills, everything burned down to the ground. There wasn't many people left in this world, this timeline. Lucina, with all her power, did everything in her power to stop Grima, but nothing worked. She nearly died a few times trying, facing the dragon head on, only to have Gerome, Laurent, or Severa to come save her. She wanted to save her land, her world, her timeline, and everyone with it. If she were to perish, all would be lost. Lucina had become desperate to save her timeline; she was given one last option, to travel through time before everything was destroyed.
Lucina walked around, asking for all who wanted to come. Everyone said no, at first. After a long thought, everyone decided it was a good idea that they should take the chance and travel back in time. Mostly everyone was back at the castle, aside from a select few. Morgan, Nah, and Gerome. They were still fighting near South Town. They were retreating, but Wyvern Riders circled around them, trapping them. They fought and fought, tiring themselves out. Morgan had one last move that he used. He used a very powerful fire magic attack, killing all of their enemies, all but one. He was left open and was struck down with a swing of an ax.
As he fell to the ground, Nah rushed to rescue him, and Gerome rushed in to kill the last remaining Wyvern Rider. Nah transformed back into her human form, looking for the injury, but by the time she found it, he breathed his last. Gerome caught up with the two. He saw that Nah was hysterically crying. She had lost the person she loved the most. Gerome's lips started to quiver. He slowly, and discretely, started to push down his tears. He had been through so much, he knew this was a war, he knew he was going to lose people he cared about, but it still didn't matter. Even though he was was great at not showing his emotions, he took off his mask, wiping off the tears. He hid his face again, not wanting to show Nah his emotions.
Gerome placed her hand on Nah's shoulder to signal that they have to leave right away. There was no time left to mourn. She argued with him as much as she could, but in the end, he won the fight. He took Morgan's dead body and placed it on Minvera. He sat atop Minerva, giving a sullen look towards her. She looked at him with sorrow-filled eyes before transforming into a Manakete. The two traveled back to the castle, letting Morgan's body lay on the ground in the throne room. Everyone looked in shock and horror. Some of the children cried while the others hid their tears in their hearts. As much as they wanted to cry, the couldn't. Lucina instructed them to gather some wood and pile it the courtyard. Gerome carried his body, placing it on the wood.
Owain grabbed Morgan's mother's old strategy book and Levin Sword; he placed it in Morgan's hand curled his fingers around the book and weapon to look like he was holding onto them. Everyone stepped away from Morgan's body and the woodpile as Laurant set them on fire. They watched as Morgan's ashes filled the air. They watched his ashes fly away as the wind carried them away. Lucina held the Falchion close to her face. Her tears fell onto the sword as finally started to break down. She couldn't take it anymore; how was she going to be able to fight another war in a different timeline if she couldn't deal with it anymore? She didn't have much of a choice.
It wasn't long before they stood in front of the portal Naga had created for them. She had warned them she wasn't entirely sure what would happen after the war in the past. She didn't know what would happen to this timeline. Lucina took a deep breath and releasing it. She counted to three before her, and everyone jumping into the portal. The bright lights and flashes appeared before them. As they kept running, the floor beneath them started to dissolve beneath them. First, it was Brady, then Yarne, then Inigo, then one after another. Lucina looked behind her, she was all alone. She held back her tears and pressed on.
Lucina saw her father and aunt fight a Risen as she ran through the portal. She jumped out, stopping the monster before it killed her. She called for help before she and her father took down the Risen. As the two were distracted, she quickly left. She stood close by and watched as her family fought the battle, and what happened afterward. She could believe how happy her family, and their friends, were. Everything here was different, but the air felt the same. The one difference she could feel is the heavyweight of the world wasn't crashing down, not just yet anyway.
She took off her mask, covering her face with her hand, and started to cry. She hadn't seen her father, let alone his smile, in so long. It was too much for her to bear. She traveled across the country, trying to find her sister and her friends. No luck. She didn't find any of her friends until after she joined up with her father and the army. The first person that came was Nah, then after she came, Laurent, Kjelle, Severa, Noire, Yarne, Inigo, Owain, Cynthia, Gerome, and lastly Brady, joined the army. Everyone was finally here. The army headed out to some ruins; it was filled with Risen. Lucina looked into the distance; she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was Morgan. How could he still be alive? He died before they had arrived here.
"Hey guys," Morgan said, approaching the twelve children. He gave a happy-go-lucky smile at them. "How are all of you?"
It was silent; no one let out a single word. Morgan felt the tension in all of them, but he just ignored it. After they all settled in, Morgan went around, trying to talk to some of them. They could barely say a word to him. With each friend he talked to, his heart became heavier and heavier. He went to his parents and cried to them that his friends wouldn't talk to him. Even his longtime friends, Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain couldn't say anything to him. He remembered Lucina crying, Owain completely avoiding him, and Cynthia breaking done when he would say anything about their past.
"Don't cry sweet child of mine!" Virion said. "It's going to be all right! All you need to do is make a statement and people will start talking to you again!"
"B-B-But what if it doesn't work," Morgan cried.
"It's going to be okay Morgan," Robin reassured him. "They are all tense from the war."
"M-Mother, I-I d-don't think it's that," he cried some more.
"Than what is it?"
"I don't know."
Robin sighed and held her son close to her. Virion joined in the hug. They did their best to calm their son. Every chance Morgan got, and taking his father's advice, he tried to make a statement in hopes of his friends talking to him. He has tried dancing, collecting firewood, doing whatever the Justice Cabal used to do, anything. None of it worked. Every last of his friends were avoiding him, especially Nah and Gerome. The two people who witnessed his death. During one battle, he saw that Nah had injured herself. He walked up to her with a healing potion.
He grabbed onto her sleeve. "Hey Nah," he said, "please use this medicine. It's the one you made for me ages ago. Remember?"
Nah turned around and started to cry. "You aren't the real Morgan!" She snapped.
"What...What do you mean? Of course, I'm the real Morgan! I remember we baked croissants together when were younger. Remember the flour fight that we had?" Morgan felt his heart sinking in his chest. Tears start to swell up. "We made this medicine a few days before we jumped through the portal. Don't you remember, Nah?"
"That never happened! You aren't Morgan!" She yelled. "You're dead, you're a ghost! I think I'm going mad!"
Tears started to trail down Morgan's face; his heart completely broken. "N-Nah?"
"Yarne! Yarne!" Nah screamed.
In the far distance, Yarne was being scolded by Laurent for not wanting to fight. His ears started to perk up. He could hear screaming. He could hear Nah screaming. He abruptly left, searching for her. He could hear Laurent yelling him to come back. He would rather get scolded twice then let a friend in pain be hurt. As he arrived, Morgan and Nah were crying. He held Nah close to him as she cried. He gritted his teeth when he looked over to Morgan. He became scared. He rushed into the woods, crying, screaming that no one would talk to him. Inigo watched as Morgan ran past him. He sighed in relief when he wasn't paying attention to his dancing. Inigo started up a dance but became tense when he realized his friend was crying.
He rushed after him, finding him near a lake. Inigo reluctantly walked up to him, placing his hand on his shoulder. Morgan looked at the dance with tears still rolling down his face. The dancer bottled his own pain and put on a smile. He could tell that it wasn't helping much. He sighed as he walked into the lake. He prepared himself for what was about to happen. Inigo started to dance in the lake. He was splashing water everywhere. He kept a close eye on Morgan; his expression wasn't changing. After a few more steps, Inigo accidentally tripped over his own feet, falling into the lake, and getting wet from the water. He smiled as the dancer heard his friend softly chuckle. Inigo got up and sat right next to him.
"Feeling better," Inigo asked.
"A little," Morgan replied.
It became silent again. It was like that for a while.
"Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me?" Morgan spoke.
Inigo gritted his teeth. He didn't know how to tell him the truth. He couldn't tell him the truth.
"Nah kept telling me I'm not the real Morgan! But I am! I remember all the things we have done together!"
"Like what?" Inigo asked, letting out a big sigh. He knew he shouldn't have asked that question.
"I remember playing in the courtyard with Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain, I remember you trying to teach me to dance, I remember Gerome teaching me how to wield an ax and to make medicine, a whole lot of things."
Inigo doesn't remember trying to teach him to dance. He was already too shy to show anyone that he could dance, but his own memory could be a little fuzzy at this point. He tried to remember one day that they all spent together.
"Do you remember a few days before we jumped into the portal leading back in time? Where we all found a beach that hadn't been destroyed. We all found it surprising that it hadn't."
Morgan couldn't recall that day.
"Gerome, Lucina, and Laurent watching out for everyone who decided to play. They are always on high alert. Cynthia was bugging Severa to go swimming with her, but she wouldn't because Severa did not want to get her clothes wet. In the end, the two had a competition of some sort," Inigo explained more. "You, Nah and Yarne were building sand castles, Owain and Brady were off doing something I can't remember. I just remember that Kjelle was scolding the two for something. I was trying to convince Lucina, Gerome, and Laurent to come have fun." Inigo smiled softly. He loved and cherished that day.
"I bet the three of them had the most fun."
"They did. Do you remember when Gerome, whom we all thought wasn't a romantic, promising his heart to Lucina after the war?" Inigo asked, looking at him.
Morgan shook his head.
Inigo sighed and his heart sank. He knew it was true, especially now that Morgan couldn't recall that day. His friend was truly dead.
"Is everything alright?" Morgan asked.
"No," Inigo replied. He let his tears finally seep out of his eyes. "No. I'm sorry."
Morgan consoled his friend the best he could. He knew something was wrong; it was him. He would constantly try to talk to them, but nothing worked. Every time he would try to play Justice Cabal with Cynthia and Owain, Cynthia would break down and cry. Her crying would get worse if he asked about flower fortunes. And Owain, he would do everything he possibly could to avoid him. It hurt him greatly. Every adult, his parents included, didn't know why any of his friends wouldn't talk to him very much. Chrom, Sumia, Robin, Virion, Lissa, Lon'qu, Lucina, Cynthia, and Owain were sitting in the council tent in the army base. Morgan walked up to the tent and listened into the conversation.
"Why can't any of you guys talk to my precious, sweet boy?" Virion asked.
"It's not nice!" Lissa said.
"It's not only you three, but it's every child here. Why is that?" Lon'qu asked.
"You don't understand," Lucina said.
"We are trying to sweetie," Sumia said. "Please tell us."
"Please, my son doesn't feel like he belongs here," Robin said.
"It's because he doesn't!" Owain blurted out. He suddenly realized what he said. He started to feel a pit in his stomach. He instantly regretted his words. "I...I didn't mean to say that."
Robin, Virion, and Morgan felt their hearts sink. Morgan ran away crying before he heard the rest of the story. Virion became distraught; how could anyone say such a thing about his child. Robin became angered by his words.
"Owain!" Lissa, Lon'qu, and Chrom yelled out his name.
Lucina looked at him like he was an idiot. Sumia took a look at her other daughter, Cynthia, who was fidgeting with her hands.
"Cynthia, sweetheart?" Sumia asked.
She was trying to silence everyone in her mind. She tried to silence Robin yelling about how inconsiderate Owain was being, Lissa yelling about his manners, her sister trying to calm her cousin, Chrom and Lon'qu trying to defuse the situation, everything. It was coming close to the point where Cynthia couldn't take it anymore. Her mother walked over to her, wanting to figure out what was going on with her.
"Cynthia," Sumia called out.
"It's because Morgan is dead!" She broke down. She began crying hysterically. It scared Sumia and everyone else. "It's because he's dead!" She cried some more.
Everyone turned to Lucina, the only one who wasn't crying.
"Lucina," Chrom said.
"In our timeline, Morgan died. Gerome had told me that he was left open during a fight and a Wyvern Rider had slain him," Lucina explained.
"We collected firewood and placed in the pile! Gerome placed his body on the pile of wood while I got Robin's old strategy book and Levin Sword and placed it in his hands!" Owain cried.
"We burned his body and watched his ashes float in the wind!" Cynthia cried hysterically.
The parents looked at each other with concern. Robin felt her heart sink. She couldn't believe that her son had died fighting a battle that they couldn't win. It must have been hard on them dealing with his death and coming to this time only to see him alive again. It must have been painful.
"He doesn't know anything about it," Lucina said.
"We all can tell," Robin said.
"None of us want to get attached to him knowing that when we arrive back in our own time that he is not there."
"That doesn't mean you can act rude to him."
"I...I know. I am sorry."
When Morgan stopped crying, he walked around camp to see his other 'friends.' He hid behind a tree and watched Nah. She and Yarne were talking to each other and having a good time. Yarne felt a bad presence near him and became defensive. He let out a little growl and Nah held her dragon stone close to her body. Morgan ran away from them. He found himself in town. He placed his hood up and walked around. Everyone here was friendly to him; it was a nice change of pace from dealing with everyone else. He softly smiled and walked around, buying a few items that piqued his interest.
Morgan ran into Severa and his smile faded. He held his stuff close to his body. He didn't know what she was going to do. All she did was looked down on him with an icy stare and scoffed at him before walking away. She was pushing him away the only way she could, scolding him and looking him down on him. He scurried out of the town and into the woods to read his books. He heard Kjelle training. Anytime he tried to talk to her, she avoids him by saying that she had some training to do. They would never talk. As he was reading, he could hear Inigo singing.
Morgan followed his voice and watched him dance. When he was done dancing, he started to clap for him. It threw him off his balance and he fell into the lake. Morgan laughed as heard Inigo told him not to. He held out his hand towards the dancer, but he pulled him into the water. The two started to laugh. Even though Inigo was still wary of Morgan, but he was still willing to try to make him happy. The two got up and Inigo started to teach Morgan how to dance until the night ended. Morgan only wished this could be every day.
Even though the war was dragging on, things got better for Morgan. Lucina remembered her discussion with her family and started to talk to him more. It was slow, but it was getting somewhere. Lucina would talk to him about books and try to have at least a short conversation. It ended up being a lot longer than anticipated. Inigo would still talk to him and taught him how to dance. Cynthia and Owain still wouldn't talk to him, but at least they acknowledged him existing. Nah and Yarne wouldn't. It hurt him, but at least a few people were starting to talk to him.
Sometimes he would talk to some friends that he hardly talked to, like Laurent and Gerome. Though, it didn't work. Laurent couldn't bear to talk to him knowing that he was the one that set him on fire. Gerome couldn't even look him in the eye. He saw the tactician's son die in front of him and he couldn't let out a single tear when he died. What kind of friend was he? He didn't even try with Severa or Kjelle. Neither one of them wanted to be around him. He was very scared of Noire, so she was out. The last person was Brady. The two would talk and they enjoyed their time together.
Brady would teach him how to heal minor injuries and in turn, Morgan would teach him easy battle tactics. Even though the healer knew that Morgan was long gone in his time, and he would never admit that he was to him, it was nice to see his spritely, cheery self again. Brady softly smiled whenever he saw the tactician-in-training talked to him about battle tactics. His face always lit up. The healer regretted never talking to him to the depths of Hell. If he couldn't be friends with him before his death, he could at least be friends now.
"See?" Morgan said.
"Yer out yer damn mind!" Brady said. "Yer going to lose half 'em!"
"Actually no. If you do this," he said as he shifted some of the pieces around the board, "you will save much more people!"
Brady was at a loss.
"I guess."
Morgan started to chuckle.
Brady softly smiled. "Ya know what, let's go again. I'm goin' to beat ye this time!"
"Not going to happen!"
The two played for hours on end. It wasn't until Maribelle that told him to stop playing and go to sleep. The two set up another day where Brady could attempt to beat Morgan at the stupid game. Neither of the two realized that was going to be the last day that they would interact with each other.
The war was finally coming to a close and they had reached the battle before Grima. Nah, Gerome and Morgan were surrounded by Wyvern Riders once more. They fended off as much as they could. Morgan came up with a strategy that would allow them to press forward. He set off a big firey explosion, much like the one the other Morgan had done and left himself open. A Wyvern Rider cut him, injuring him badly, but not enough to kill him; he slowly fell to the ground. Gerome was able to catch in time before he hit the ground. He held the tactician-in-training close to him as he safely landed; Morgan could feel him tremble.
Lucina ran up to the two, concerned for Morgan's well being. "Morgan! Are you all right?"
"I-I'll be fine," he replied, coving the wound on his side.
Lucina was able to spot it. "Gerome take him to the infirmary. He is in no condition to fight. When you are done, meet up with us."
Gerome grunted and did as instructed. It wasn't long after that fight that everyone went to fight Grima. It was a long, grueling battle; most of the people that fought didn't survive. In the end, Lucina knew it was a sacrifice that she had to take to make her timeline better. In the end, all of the children did a few things before leaving this world. Naga opened a portal for them to go back to their timeline. Lucina took one deep breath in and exhaled before everyone jumped into the portal. Morgan was the last one to jump in.
As he was running, everyone was starting to disappear. He was all alone again. He kept on running until he was able to reach his own timeline. He could see everyone, Lucina, Cynthia, Owain, Gerome, Brady, Inigo, everyone. Morgan was greeted with a warm, caring smile when he arrived. They had been waiting days on end for him to arrive. Everyone huddled around him and gave him one big group hug.
"Welcome home," they said to him.
"You guys had me worried there!" Morgan said.
"You had us worried!" Lucina said. "You didn't come home right away!"
"It's all right. You are home now."
It wasn't long until the Lucina others had finally reached their home. It was saved, sort of. They still had no parents and the land was still barren. They couldn't really tell if they actually saved it or not. They all looked at each other, looking to see who didn't make it. Everyone was there, everyone but Morgan. He truly wasn't from their timeline. Lucina took a sword that was given to her by the other Morgan. She, along with the others, walked to a cliff and planted the sword into the ground.
"It's over now Morgan. Be at peace while you sleep for the rest of eternity. Grima will no longer plague this land," Lucina said.
As she walked away, the wind picked up; the wind picked up the ashes and carried them passed Morgan's sword.
Ahhhh, this took me so long to write. @trcelyneart gave me an angsty idea to write. She was telling me that Awakening was hinting at Morgan not being from the same timeline Lucina and everyone else was and I instantly wanted to write it. I hope it's not a mess or bad. I know a lot of the wording and how I write is bad, but I hope I was able to make it angsty.
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relentlessdremer · 7 years
six characters that aren’t mine.
modified rp meme | accepting
Rhys/August Harper @dysfunctionaljoy - Okay, so Rhys and August are impossible to pick between because they’re both such amazing characters. They’re both so well written and so interesting. Who they are, their likes and dislikes, their fears, their personalities, it all comes across so clearly in the way Jay writes them. 
Jasper Collins @wingsandahalo - Jasper is…he’s so him. His voice comes across so easily in the way he’s written. He’s a human being. He has flaws and that’s obvious. But those flaws are just part of who he is, they don’t define him. And I think sometimes it’s hard to strike that balance, but Ariel does an amazing job of doing so. 
Adain DiFiore @monachopsicalwhimsy - Adain is motherly and vulnerable and sweet. She knows who she is, but she’s still young and a bit lost and I feel like Chae makes that obvious in the way she writes her. In the way her story has been crafted. 
Luna - @glitchworthremembering - Luna is a mess. She hides it well, but she’s kinda a mess. But she’s also caring and loving and helpful. She’s supportive. She’s so many things and they all come across in the way that Jay writes her. 
Liana Laurant @beautifxllybrxken - Li. She’s broken and she’s been through hell, but that hasn’t stopped her. Hasn’t dimmed her star. And I think that’s amazing. I think it’s wonderful that her brokenness manages to come across, but so does her strength. 
Clover - Okay, so I played opposite Clove (Eily Browning fc) for about a year a couple of years ago. Clove is strong and scared and broken and searching for independence and her worth. Clove is and will remain one of my favorite opposites. Even though it sucks so much that I don’t get to write opposite her anymore.
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zombiemaids · 7 years
hc that Vic actually loves going shopping with his s/o. They never have much money so they only window shop but it's more than enough fun to just try on everything from Saint Laurant to discount dollar store mess pieces and both appreciate and laugh about the looks that come out of it
i am l i v i n g you have nO IDEA how happy this makes me omGvic can wear like… lime green satin pants with striped doc martens and a silver shiny vest with a big neon orange fur coat and accessorise with like 3 chokers and 16 necklaces and twelve rings and still look ridiculously cool. he buys a very very discounted pair of broken sunglasses from the sistine chapel that is the kurt geiger store and feels like a rockstar.
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jeelchristine-blog · 4 years
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Currently streaming on Netflix, "I Lost My Body" (2019) is a film adaptation of Guillaune Laurant's novel "Happy Hand," with screenplay and direction by Jérémy Clapin. The film takes you to the animated world of a severed hand coming to life from a medical laboratory, scurries the streets and roofs of Paris in the hopes of reconnecting with its lost body. Meanwhile, parralel flashbacks come into the screen showing the early life of Naoufel, a young orphan delivery boy who sucks at his job and falls in love with a girl named Gabrielle. Willpower takes him to Gabrielle's uncle's workshop, builds a wooden igloo to impress the girl only to get a broken heart. Accidently, he cuts of his left hand with a wood cutter machine in the attempt to catch a fly, which represents the human person's will to control fate but without success. This, however does not stop Naoufel from countering fate as he makes the jump to uncertainty. Although melancholic in its rhythm and melody, the film beautifully symbolizes personal agency, and changing the path of destiny by doing something "unpredictable and irrational," something one should not be doing but was done without regret. This is a must-watch film, definitely philosophical and poetic. One of the best animated films of 2019... #ilostmybody #animation https://www.instagram.com/p/B_L3KkEgOuz/?igshid=imnyrczz0m2t
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whateverhq-blog · 5 years
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accepted! thank you for joining us at whateverhq, taylor. please send in your account within twenty-four hours and make sure to take a look at our checklist. we can’t wait to start writing with you!
{ matthew daddario / 29 / cisfemale / he/him } I know Atlas City is a big place, but have you seen campbell laurant around here. Gossip says they can be mercurial, but they’re redeemable because they’re also adept. When ever I hear their name I think of the ever present scent of motor oil, shards of broken liquor bottles littering the floor an apartment floor, unsent letters stashed beneath a bed . If you asked them one thing they couldn’t live without they’d probably say item his old pickup truck. If you hear g.o.m.d (sickick remix ) by j. cole you know cam is near by. { penned by - Taylor, 23, CST, she/her }
{ kj apa / 22 / cismale / he/him } I know Atlas City is a big place, but have you seen calvin mikaels around here. Gossip says they can be facetious, but they’re redeemable because they’re also convivial. When ever I hear their name I think of locks the color of a newly lit flame, grass stained soccer shorts & scuffed up cleats. If you asked them one thing they couldn’t live without they’d probably say his puppy, lola. If you hear fear by neffex blasting you know cal is near by. { penned by - Taylor, 23, CST, she/her }
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bookbornexiv · 5 years
2. The Bargain
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(Painting by Ivan Bilibin, sketch for the opera 'The Golden Cockerel')
A confrontation under a full moon and looming cliff-tops, hidden from even the night sky by a gaudy tent-top. In flickering lamplight, a long pale brute of a man groaned, laid flat and unmoving on his back. An old woman peered down at him.
"Now, now, I know you didn't really mean me ill," the old woman said. "Well, no, likely you did. But what good will ending you do, hmm?"
"Not a whit of good, mum," the pale man agreed fervently. “You want to do a deal, mum? I’ll get you anything you want, if you’ll let me off...”
The old woman looked into the man's yellow eyes; he made his best, toothy attempt at a winning smile.
"Oh, all right, you're a cute one," the old woman said, patting his gaunt cheeks. "I’ll let you off. Nothing I need... But! You take this with you."
She snapped her fingers. The pale man wheezed, as if a great weight had been lifted off his chest. "Take what with me, mum?" he asked, wary. "A warning?"
"A conscience. You lost yours a long time ago. Likely you never even noticed. And no one’s cared enough to point it out, have they?"
The pale man boggled at her from where he still lay, speechless, in the dirt.
"Well go on, get going. There’s a very annoying priest hereabouts who likes to stop and preach at me, and I can see him walking up the path from the river right now. Never buys a single fortune.” The old woman sighed. “Makes me want to turn both of you into frogs."
"I'll get him to buy a fortune from you, mum," the pale man said, scrambling for his spear and getting to his feet. "I'll go get him right away."
"No, you'll snatch his purse and push him into the river," the old woman said to empty air after the man had run away. “Be interesting to see what you do after that, though...”
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nolitimerefearnot · 7 years
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CHAPTER TWO: Our characters start experiencing each other’s memories and are affected by them in the present
We open this chapter at a party. Teenagers, some of them of the BMX crowd we met before, have broken into an outdoor pool and are drinking alcohol. Marie-Elise is among them. Suddenly, she sees a moment repeat. A déjà vu? Later when she drunkenly walks home with her friends, she tells them about this. They think she was simply intoxicated and hallucinating, but she is sure it was something else. She could feel everyone around her viscerally. It was unlike anything she ever experienced before. They kick cans and get rowdy by the building and ignore Leroy, who tries to get them to be quiet. When his warnings fall on deaf ears, Leroy calls the cops. Just as they arrive, Mathieu shows up and warns the teens, who run inside with him and hide in his apartment. He feeds them and they watch TV. The kids quiz Mathieu about his lifestyle and religion. He tells them to get lost before he is up in the morning. While they go to sleep, Marie- Elise stays to chat with him, as if looking for someone trustworthy to open up. She asks him about the fringes of his religious garment and Mathieu tells her that once they were blue, but the special dye used to make them no longer exists because the sea creature it was extracted from is extinct.
In the morning, Marie-Elise is ambushed by her mother Sylvie, who is intent on sending her off to a boarding school in Switzerland. Marie-Elise does not want to go and hopes her father will be an ally in this. But to her surprise, he agrees with Sylvie. Hurt, Marie-Elise leaves. In the hallway, she passes by Shada. And from being in Shada’s proximity, Marie-Elise’s mind enters Shada’s past:
We are in Algiers, Algeria, 1993. This sequence has elements of blue in it, to indicate that we have entered a sort of memory or flashback. A group of students and their leader, a university professor, are printing pamphlets about the need to embrace uncertainty. Among the students, we see Marie-Elise (as Shada). She is not wearing a hijab and her clothes are modern and colorful.
Her father, Tahar informs the group that they have run out of the special blue ink they have been using and must switch to something else. Marie-Elise jumps on the back of a motorbike to help distribute the newest pamphlets. But they are intercepted by members of the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria. The pamphlets are destroyed and Marie-Elise is cut up on the stomach by one of them. Injured, crawling, she gets a message – do not come home. When she arrives at her father’s studio, she finds everything turned upside down and her father murdered – his throat slit, with blood everywhere. Marie-Elise screams and hugs her dead father.
We are back to black and white. In her boyfriend’s apartment, Marie-Elise is crying in her sleep. The boyfriend wakes her up, trying to shake her out of a nightmare, but she tells him it was not a dream. She has to go home now. She finds her father alone in the kitchen. She sits with him and reminisces about her childhood, about an injured dog they once found together and nursed back to health. She tells her father she does not want to go to the boarding school. “I’m sorry,” is all he has to say in response.
Upset, Marie-Elise goes into her room and begins packing. She pauses and looks at her reflection in the mirror. Inside her iris, she sees a baby as if suspended in the womb. The color blue returns for a moment.
A floating leaf takes us up to Cecile’s apartment. Shada is cleaning the floors. We move into her iris and come to the same image as we last saw in Cecile’s eyes – a skeleton with billowing hair. But the hair is deep red now. We move right into the iris and into a new world, where Shada is a carefree Parisian woman with deep red hair, riding in an open car in 1950’s Paris. In this strange state, she is having a flashback to Cecile’s past as herself.
This sequence has shades of red in it to indicate a flashback induced by the mysterious organism. We are at a women’s only dance hall, where Shada (as Cecile) is dancing with a beautiful young woman. They run into another ballroom, where they jokingly play with a sword, then drive in an open car to a rural creek. Here, Shada confesses her love to the woman, who rebuffs her, telling Sada that she is still and will forever be in love with her husband who died in the war.
We come back to the black and white world and find Shada, paused on the floor, enraptured by the strange memory of someone else she just experienced. At home, she has a mundane dinner conversation with her husband, discussing olive suppliers and future plans for their stall. When they retire for the night, they make love. But when the husband touches Shada’s scar on her belly, she becomes cold and pulls away. The husband becomes angry and tells her that making love to her is pointless. It is a sin. Shada closes her eyes. After a moment, through the blackness, she witnesses a birth from the point of view of the baby.
Marie-Elise and her boyfriend are watching a right-wing protest march by on the street. Marie- Elise tells him that she wants to have a baby. The boyfriend becomes excited and happy. They have sex in a bathroom stall and as they touch each other, the boyfriend begins to caress her belly, on the same spot where Shada’s scar is. Hints of the color blue appear and with it, we find ourselves in Constantine, in 1996. Hints of the color blue all over this sequence. Marie-Elise is now a woman in a hijab, making love to Shada’s younger-looking husband. He asks her about the scar on her belly but Marie-Elise (as Shada) refuses to tell him anything about it. She does not want to remember, and she feels safe with him. The husband becomes angry. He threatens that he could find out if he wanted to. He tells her that he should have never married her, but she bewitched him. Marie-Elsie (as Shada) goes down on him and he leaves his anger behind.
Marie-Elise (as Shada) walks the streets of Constantine. She comes to a window display and looks at the baby carriages exhibited behind it. In the same reflection, she notices a child running towards her. We come back to present day Paris, back to the black and white world and find Shada standing by a playground, in the exact same position Marie-Elise was in just a panel ago, as the same child who was in the reflection is now seen running to his mother. The mom scoops him up and cuddles him. Shada walks away, sad.
Marie-Elise and her boyfriend visit her family doctor and inquire about getting pregnant. They want to know what she must eat, how she must kick the drugs and what is the best position to get pregnant. The aging, bald doctor warns her that she is too young to be a mother. But Marie-Elise disagrees. She thinks her youth will be an advantage for the child.
We come to Mathieu and find him having beers with a female friend at the hero building’s café. While the friend is talking incessantly, Mathieu is distracted, watching Laurant at a nearby table, talking on the phone and looking concerned. He is mostly listening. Seems he is being told something unpleasant. As we come closer to him, we overhear him thanking the doctor for letting him know. Laurant feels dry in the throat. He reaches for a bottle of water but his hands shake and it falls to the ground, breaking in the process.
We enter into a world with hints of yellow in it, to indicate a form of a flashback. A rainy day in Paris. 1983. A young Sylvie is trying to fix her stalled car while her dapper boyfriend is snoozing in the back. Mathieu (as Laurant) passes by on his bike and offers assistance. The two of them fix the car and have great chemistry. When done, the boyfriend wakes up and invites the roadside mechanic to go out with them at night. They go on a double date, with Mathieu (as Laurant) bringing a female friend along. But he has no interest in her. The entire evening, Sylvie and Mathieu (as Laurant) exchange longing glances. Finally, they sneak off and make out in an alleyway.
The yellow sequence continues and we find Mathieu (as Laurant) in the doctor’s office. He is the same doctor as Marie-Elise was seeing, but much younger here. He tells Laurant that the family is prepared to pay him to abdicate his paternity, but Mathieu (as Laurant) refuses. The doctor warns him that Sylvie’s family is very powerful and his life will not be easy if he choses this path.
A car passes by and reveals Mathieu in the present, in a black and white reality, having just experienced a flashback of Laurant. His female friend is upset with hi for not listening to her. We also notice that a few of the passer bye are grabbing at their throats, thirsty.
A young woman is spread out on the couch of Cecile’s apartment. She is having dinner, watching TV and talking on her cell all at the same time. She gossips about Cecile, whom she was hired to take care of and informs the person on the other side that this is a really easy job because the old lady is in a coma. As she yammers on, she becomes thirsty and guzzles water.
We come to Cecile, lying motionless in her bed. Her eyes are open and she is experiencing visions. They belong to Alou. In her mind, she is playing as a child.
We come to Alou and see him playing in the same way as Cecile was experiencing – with a little red car. He drives the little car on various surfaces in his room and when he comes to the mirror, he stops and watches his own reflection. It is a full color, composite image of Shada, Mathieu, Marie-Elise and Cecile.
Back to black and white and back to the baby about to be born. It passes through darkness and extends its tiny hands towards the light. It is born into a blurry word. We see the new father raptured in joy - but it is a composite face of Mathieu and Laurant. From the baby’s point of view, we see a breast. He is being drawn closer to it and beyond it, the baby sees the blurred image of a face. the shape of a mother drawing it closer. Her face becomes sharper. It is a composite face of Shada and Marie-Elise, smiling at us. Finally, we see the baby’s face. It is a composite of Cecile and Alou. Over this final image, we see patterns on the mysterious organism, patterns of Noli Timere, the bacteria.
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